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VOLUME'1. NUMBER 10. LIFE. PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 17, 1883. MUSIC AND DRAMA. What Going on In the Mimic World -Footltght AT HO'JfE. Event* anil Happening* in the ioeul Theatri cal World. The OUisHtnut ptwet Opera House will re- main closed until June 28th and 29th, when Messrs. Klwuierman and Xixon have, ar- ranged for the appearance of the famous ContitiontaHrnards of New Orleans, who will present»novel entertainment consisting of mystic drill", tabloux, etc. Miss Lillie Hiu- ton and Mr. William N. Uriflith will remain atth« Illjoii duringtho supplementary season. --Messrs. Mixon and Ziinniftrniau coi.tom- pl»tD giving a summer season of light; opera at, the Ob'Jslniit'Streel, Theatre. Tim New York liloal Opera Company, which is a very titrong combination, has been engaged. Thu Chestnut Street Opera House will open next Knasoi), on Sept. 17th, with Da-ly'R 7 20 8, and' then will follovv^ in succession Modjcuka, tile Union Hiinaro Dramatic Company, the McL'aull Opera Company, Mrs. Langtry, Ai- mm'and lust French Opera JJouftb Troupe, Henry Irving anil the entire fxJndon Lyrfinm Company and scenery,tho Knnna Abbott Opera Company.John ilcCullough.lleuryK.Abbey's (irandltaiiauOporaCoinpitiiy with Nils: Canipauini, Thompson and Issonand lllll'H Boston indflr tho combination system it mad* inoney n Philadelphia and Boston. The combina- tion company possesses great elements of suc- cess. The manager selects his play and afterwards selects his company to tit, the play. The stock company manager selects his company and than his plays for which, perhaps, his people are ill tilted. The traveling manager rehearses and gets his company perfect, and as they go 1 from place to place each new peiTornisMieo, improves. The resident manager is obliged change his pieces and run a risk again and again of misfits. Besides, the playiife at different theatres and amid differing.natural, or metropolitan, or social scenes, constantly gives new zest to the performance nud to the. Iterformurs notwithstanding Ihe fatigues of the "road." No. The callow critics aro wrong. The combination system wa*> never so strong or so popular as now, oibhor in England or in thia aoaatrr. - j Thcatru Company., in a good spectacular drama, the lloston Ideal Opera Company, Lyttou Solhcrn in his father's characters, Janauinhok, J. K. Kmmett, N.vtOoixlwinaml Cdinpany and various other attractions. The Walnut has not yet. announced i^« attraction* for next season, but the manager claims that they will.be unusually strong. A glance at $ho treasurer's balance sheet shows as that we were mistaken in stating that the theatre hail made hut little money Uin past season. fl!).540.42 have been cloarod, exclusive oi' the ^ >,l>00 paid Mrs. (iondwin. The opening of Umber1 * Garden was a great success. Fred Wal/. lias taken the direction of (he enter- tainment, and the music is of the best. MiiHsi'H. Murphy and Donnelly have not as yet decided upon their policy for noxl, season at the Lyceum. The. Arch Street Theatre will re-open early in tlm full with ii strong attraction, and will remain under the leadership ol' Mrs. John ]Jro\V, who has controlled its destinies for the past, > twenty-one years. Tlio Chestnut Street opens ne.xt season with the ".Silver King" from Wallack's, Mine. Khea, I,awrenoe Itar- rett, "Monte XOristo," "Romany Rye," a, grand spectacle from Ituropc by UI-COKH and Uixini, Minnie Palmer, Dcumau Thompson, Minnie Madderii, IloucicauU, Itioe Kiirprlse I'arty, Joseph Jefferson, several Madison .Sniiaro (Vmipany attractions, etc. Mark llassler Is directing the oirhr.-ilijl at, Kl.rMk berry Mansion in the Kit*!. I'ai-k. During th Summer the front woodwork of the Arch Strijol. will all bo most, handsome!y.dyne In mahogany, the prevailing i':wliliiii.J>lo color, ui'.w and improveil oJectric lights placixl in front, additional new carpets laid, curtains rt'-hiiuj;, private boxes re-decorati.xl and the entire auditorium retouched and gono over wherever iimxlcd by thn season's wear. (!. W. DoMarcst has retired from the (Hub Theatre ami Mr. IMckinson Is now sole man- ager. The house Is closed for a few wccl.s. Turrell Tultle hiui been rc-cugaged as book- keeper at tho Walnut. Mr. 'Puttie is un oeU>- genarian in years and a most amiable genlle- uiaii. The Amateur Drawing Itnom is lo bo torn down. It is u regular little band-box of ' a theatre, handsomely decorated and having a seating capacity of about 300. It was originally a church. U gained considerable social eminence during the war. THKAT1UCAI. CUANK1NKSS. Women Who Ciui't be Tanijlit that SneceM l>o«ft not Come in u Day. i!'.."« Mary Anderson's succc-ss has done considerable harm in making young women believe that, like her. they can leap to fame and fortune at a single bound. Popularity as a variety actress, or an excellent performance in u single character, tills them with ambi- tions which will never be gratified, but en- t-itil loss of time, inoney, courage and end in bitterness. Many young women, having elicited applause In drawing rooms, schoool exhibitions and elocutionary perform- ances, «ml boon stimulated by praise of Indulgent frionds, have drcami-d Such splendid dreams of the future that they have immediately putthemsplvosln the hands of Instructors who, unless the applicant is o,uite hopeless, arc not likely to drive away :i good customer by wounding her vanity and the pride of her fond parents. They will not blast her hopes of attaining a lame like thai of Charlotte Cushman and aura Hernbardt. by- telling her that niuoty times in n hundred success is to be won only by a long upprvn liceship on the stage. She Is resolved on making her tlrst. appearance in tho great roles which only genius dares to make It.* own. She is by im-tinct n "Lady Miicbeth' or "Rosalind" and above all a "Cuniillo' "from Ihe word go." One unfortunate, rashly importunate, "made her debut" as the "charming young artiste" in New York the other night. She, of course, choso one of (he most ilithcult ol all modern dramas, that of "Krou Krou." Her failure was so miserable that it may bo a blessing iu disguise and persuade her llrst learn, if not the alphalx.'!, at least, the "easy- words" of the dramatic art. Costly apparel People an: accustomed (o laugh at, tlm tim- idity -women exhibit at thunder, but the doc- tors know better. No more painful illusr (ration of this fact, has ever linen givi;ii than ttiat which was aft'onlpd last Wednesday in the deplorable accident which h;is plunged the family of McKce Rankin in sorrow. Ivfrs. Kankin, who was approaching confinement, and was extremely weak, nervously and physically, was so affected by a phenomenally violent thunclor-elap that she was prema- turely prostrated, and has been dangerously ill ever since. At one time her life was des- paired of, and-It is only thanks to constant care and surgical skill that the elements which murdered Ihe unborn babe did not olalin the mother loo. Mr. RanlUn has boon reduced to the verge of a, Herious ilinmti hlui- stlf by the shocking calamity. ' r<>otlight nickering*. M. 1!. Cur Us has made $1(0,000 ou '-Satu'lof 1'oteu." << ' »*. W. Oilehrlst mid Chirlc« M. SohiulU, IIUTO boon re-eleotod munlcul directors of the Festival of I'. T. llarniini lost n, $9.000 tent bv Uro In < 'hicairo and secured $10,000 north of advertising. How for- tune docs favor this man ! . I Speaking of Camtllim an DiixliMi urltie flayK that M|HB Helen Harry IN clnidiuutlnc, ]\lmo. Alodjonka alfcotedaml Mum. Horiilmrdt anlHtlo. Oeorj;e Frcilerlckii. the turlety theatre manager, I who wan shot at Kansas City by Stein of tho Kur/r- imj S(ai-, died lust WednoHihiy evening. Maud UnuiKM- will star next suartnn In "Her Sceond JLuvu," John A.,Sloven's lia\l»K paid W. W. Kelly stVHIO for the latter',' uontrael with hoi. Si|r*or ltrl|i;noll has oompiMod a march and a proiociuole. The former has boon dedicated, by jicrmliuilon, to tho ManiuUor l.orno and 1,1m latter to tho rriiiuosH I.oulie. Manager of KNIGHT, Athlotic B. B. C. Tbo popular plnytfSithoso excellent likeness In looking right >vt IhjMMer. Is the general innniufcr ol tho leiitlll)* AlWVlKtIi'li clll'.l. II por-ltloil for which hi* Intellijioiic n UN.: \arled uxperlunei; In hami bull alUIrs poimllirit n;- him. Ho mis horn uthls city und IH gMMI :! » year.-' old. lie In n graduate ufiilrurd QiVige, und lir,<t ployed ball with thut Institution. In with Un) i-Wtli conn< Ih.'iau.l 1\73 he Hlilbu und MitrllnKtotti Has taken fium t! thu dnj alter Ihe ('oi)llh lll.H c-,1, ho club. Ills Inn- plt'ehil win a n.itablu vl/ttoi * each with Ihe 1 elubti. Ho in one proK'w-lon, n nil. this, to date he hnn lul.Hi that uiulMid throw Hn IK alfo a good bal icni'i'd hi? career with Hie iluh." :i- pitcher. Iu IN7G ho I) by th* AthlellCH, :it by llu.-lun, arid, with :ted ili{aln«t that utroiitr cniiHeu the Athletics to k' ncxi pluyed two KeiiHund Wen-enter and Detroit lxvt.rlsr.hl. lleldani In the IWK excelllul llllllH-ll'. Up but one bull, and even on out, at .soeoud biipo. <l riiuner. , again suffered defeat at the hands of the New York. Tho score: Cleveland..............o o o 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 Now York.............. 6 00000000 5 Base hits Cleveland. 6, New York 7. Krrora Cleveland 7, New York C. I'ltchers Dally ami O'Neill. t Iniplro Bnrnhaoi. At Boston the Chicago C'-lub suffered a ter- rible defeat, and with ('orcoran's pitching too. Following is the score: Boston.................. iiooo:: 80 0 12 Chicago................ o oooooool i Base-hits Boston IK: Oliiniign 4. Errors Boston 4; Chicago is. Pltobora Wliltuov and Corooran. Umpire Furlong. At Providence the Yankees still further in- creased their lead by easily whipping Ue- Iroit. The score: Detroit................ 0 o (i 1 o n 0 1 1 3 Providence............ 14101802 x l'J Huso hits Detroit {,, 1'rovldence-Jll. Pltchon Woldmini and Sweeny. Krrors Detroit 10, Provi- dence 10. nnplrc Lune. ATHLKT1C VM. KOSK. Tlie Itoss dull Kahlly Heal on l>v tbe Ath lotlc Cluli. The Athletic Club look a trip ro (.'hest^r yesterday, prior to their \Vcstern trip, and indulged in a contest with the noted Koss Club of that place. The latter was evidently ovcrmat.cluxl, as the blue le^'s had no tnuilde in winning. Two thousand people witnessed the game. Uyan's catching was the feature of the contest. Crowly excelled at the bat. Captain Slovey did nut play, Crowly and Kuijjht taking turns about at lirst base. The score was: HOWS. II. II. I'.O. A .K.I ATHLKTtC. U. II. V.O. A Tlio l.'hiladclphia came H|M,II I be Held and generous friends do not make an actress. I Mr. IHon Hoiicleaiilt, the younu; man, wiled fo It is eiiriuus lhat while aooreutieeshin in Kn Kliiii.lie other Juv on the l-fcypt Mr. loi ii-ia Kobmu. dauirhter of Stuart Uolwou, was miir-i U,d to a w<.-uUh\ lliwton nuin and pallet! t<> )-:»ropc on her bridal tour lust wtmk. Mr. ILIU) MfH. Hol^on aciiolnpaitltul Ihe liuppy onuplii. Anni'ii'iixii uituiod (luxslu Do Furrunt luuiiu hvr okilm to dlxtliii'tlon upon Ilir I'.u't that tlm Ridd till In^a In her tuuth eont over a thousand dollars. Thl* IlM't will bu runlmiibuntd In tuo pniKramiun unxt .... tbe Count M,,/..»i.i i,-,,i, 'Mit his fltwc i4tl.Uk^liAftbjon iwovi.H 11 ., ' ., j lafl w'ek. He IH .10 eluu-iui'tl will. Xun-iir,, MM,! tho Anicrlc.!!!! people Um(. nothing, ho aiiyu, would induce hiui to I'oturn to Kuropu. Mary Audio-Sou has rel'UHOd a plnv by Uncur Wilde. If Mr Wild" had more he.id uiid less hair ho would ollher write b,iliur plnyH, or would nt<»p wrltliiK iiltoKethor, and got hiiUHclt' a nloo, oun genial pimt iu the utroot oloaiilug dopartuioiit. London Truth: '-In Aniorloa every actroSH an- plring to any Hue beyond niedlotirity ajtplreM to Co- mUli'. It IH tho Huituult. of her uinbiilon. 11. Is to the HtaK'u-Htniok Ainerleanlady what. Julia In with UH. Here they all untke for Ju/ic/; there they go for Canillt:" Mlcm Lillian lius«cll, In oloplnicwlth the Semitic lildler, Mr. Soloniou, deiooiiHlraiivi that, she on- [erstiindK tho true arl, of the uouike opera sinner-- IrHt fei-uro iioU>rtol>. When the air), fairy Lillian return- to this coiinlr;- the inn lingers will be ablelo ,|pc the prlee of Meats In the front rowti. No oue will boKrud^c the MUIOCHH of Ihe Aelorr*' Fund. Aolors aro liuprovldenl fellows, but they Are generouH. They have helped a Ki'ttut many .' Iu other prolosjdoiiM out of rcnipo-s, wo every- f>odV outfht to bo «l*il to know thut Uii'y ftl'v BUU- occdhig in ralBliiK » fund to help tlu-iusclvcs when bad luck overtukes them. That tho crui.« foraetUm anioiiK the "upper Km" of London sooloty IH pretty slronn, the followluii; note from ene mauairef loauother nppoars to prove ".Aly IHiar H- -;1 am In Inimcdliit" wanto|-tievei-al Kuosls' for my romliiK" revival. 1 should ho much obliged t" you, thei-el'ore, if you would kindly neud me two or three earls lit your eiirllc.>i convenience."' Mr. I'alriok Kooney i-eporled the other day thut le had bi'on knocked down by Hvo or nix riithlaiiM nil robbed of a very considerable sum of tnoiinv. 1 had just eoiue from tho riteon," said Mr. Koonny, 'and wii* perfectly sober." No wonder they knocked ;ilin down. To joe Air. Kooney In such ail unaccus- tomed condition would stimulate almost any form of attack, Mo<l|C»ku, In nil Illinois town, playliiK "''« nulle," had a temporary \irkrltr, who hud u 11 in Ited wardrobe and no weddliiM; dress Iu which t* end thn niece with dear Hutluee. "You may be ed to marrv at the iiotury In your walking costume, if you please, my dear," sntd the ('<: f'ir>ii/.'i. "for though (i mlKtit not boa la moi/c Iu 1'arls, yet here In Illinois unlrriuKo Is for so short a time the wedding dress matters, not." Thrre was once a theatre mnimncr,wh,i, It Is said, havluK a wonderfully realistic moon umouir, hla weulo c.tiurlvauees, ordered a pla\ from u. drama- tint with no further specification than thut It should have one miMjullt socne. A t'lili-A^o iiiamiKer hati Koue furihor by heudtii|( models ol tlio elaboraU) Hecnery i,ran unsuccesittui dr:iuiu ti> a French play- wright, with Instructions tn utilUu it iu a ue'w pleou. The work, thus hauipored, has naturally proved a lullurc. Al one >)f the reei'tit performances of "Henry V'lll." iu IMrls, In irhleh Hie auior who plays the partor'thc Kiitij appears ucariiiK the (inier of the (tnrti r, :i provluehil lady was heard to remark: - Kcnlly, one miiiflit oxpi-et the mniiaK-i'rs of the Grand (^pcnt U) be moro particular nliout. Lite get- up oT i he players. Iu Cleruiout-Torraud whore I came from. If an actor took the liberty, as M. l^i- millo doc«, to appear in the chunicliT of a Kitty, wearing only one vtirter he would be hissed oft tliu stage, and nerve him rlnht. too." Mr. Uioii Hoiicleaiilt, tho young man, sailed fov ynsterday short-hanwd, Iliirbidui- being sick and Trfiwis sullering flftun a very had hand. At first it was intended to play Ward at second-base, but dually Kcrguson concluded lopluy himself, audit was will he did, asllie scxMiml hnsu-man hno^n git-al disil of hard work to do, which uoplie could li.'ive done as well as Ihe "old mitn*' did it. Kvcn with it WM ixtil* thnl the ueakctied team would I . I ,.I.IM,II, lii;i The llitll'alo White and errors. It is eurioiiK that while apprenticeship in dress-making, millinery, teaching, drawing, painting and kindred occupations is conctxlett :<s absolutely nocenwary, ouu ol'th-- rarest and most ilillirp.it of all arts is considered achiev- able by anyone who fancies or flutters her- self I hat she haa taste and talent. And the numerous wrecks and failures do not seem to tench the obvious lesson. COMBINATION COMPANIKS. The System not Likely to Hrnnk Down for Some Time ut Least. Some callow critics un; -saying that the combination company business is losing in popularity, ao<l that rosidenl stock compa- nies are. again coming to the fore. What in- dications of these things are there ? 'Many of the combinations have failed, it is true. Yet count how many have succeeded. Have not managers also failed with stock companies? For instanon, Angui-tiu Paly had a bad sea- sou in his own New York Theatre. But he takes to the "road" with much profir. The New York Union Square season was not dis- astrous, and yet it could not be called suc- cessful. Whoa the company resolved itself Hannutu, If. 1 0 Tuylor, »s.. 0 0 Carroll, r... I) 0 .lohinjou, el'. 0 1 Snyder.iv.'b. o 0 Shoots, rf... 0 0 Uun'll,ll>,3b. 1 '2 l.uttoll,^b,p. 1 hittf, , ton.^b.p. l i>, 'Jb.lb. 1 u 1 Hlrehnll, If.. :i 2 -i » •i o<:rw'y,lb,rf. a 4 a i .'KnlKht,rrib n 1 11 u 1 Moynhn, »r>. -J :i l 7 1 O'Hrlen, ah. Ilia liillradley. ,1b. a a V 3 :t Corov, p..... i o o a 2 0 0 0 a (i o l , ..... , Strloker, ef. 0000 Hyan,o..... 1 1 7 B Total..... 4 7 34 11 0 Total.... 12 14 87 lit 8 HIHS.......... ......... 0 00000400 4 Athletic............... 01380011 x 12 Karnod rniiK KOKK 1, Athletle 0. Tivo-lmse hltM-- HlrehMl, Cnxrler, Knight. Moynahan, llradliy. I,nil on barton lions ti, AthleUo :|. Double play Tuylor,Snydcr, KIWs; Kyiiu ami Knight. HUMIK on bitllK Alhlellu I. I'.msed ballM Canoll 4, Ityan'J. Tluie--l:4. rp. l,r mplrv--John New. -— •- - •• •• VOIIIIK Amerleii vii. Itlvvrton. The \'oung ^meric.-i Club yesterday again ilMt'culcd the Kivcrton Club at l.'i'vertini. This is Ihe secixul \'ictory of the Young America over the Hi\crtouiuus, 'flic Yi>ung Amcricus were oulhalted, lint their beatilifiil llelding enabled them to wiiLal'K-i- all. The score was: KIVKKTOX. II. II. T.O. \, H|V. AMKKICIA, II. II, I'.O. , Moore, ill... 1 Dell. IU.....2 llovoy, ft.rt... 1 Km ap, HI).... 2 l'')iinai;an,l!'. 1 ('ook, p..... 1 I'fcllnr, c..... 0 Molt. e.f...... 0 .Sehanib'u, r(H' ii 4 1 11 i :. 1 2 I j.Kiirtx, :iil b. i 01 II 2|lHnilo, of, p. 2 1 2 Davls, on.... II Drake, p, e.f 3 -' o 0 V'n H'n.ii-.lli 0 0 U oi TV right, n... 1 'DM'villo'K.irit u •: 0 0 2 \Vllllalil.s.rf. I ii tiui. the old man, haa been no^otiallnK wlth Mr. H. P. SurKi>aiit, the JIUKI- mini, with a view to sending Mr. Dh.u Honeicault. the young man, out on a starring tour next yeason. If the ni'Kotlalions KO through, that w«lk(ui: match will dlllor from others with which wo aro Atmlllar only Iu the fact that It will be H easo of eomo bnek-as- you-oun Instead of go-us-you-ploase. Pretty, prattlliiK Mine. Tljoo saw stnni|£«i sixhtf in Aioerlca, and what «lie s-ald of them to a (.ou/oi* reporter Is faithfully chronicled by our Paris .-ur reeiKindoul. Americans, f'lo maintalivs. are Mr. They have other i|unlitle3 besides. They have what Its called iu the noua "le uhK: et, le cheque." Their admlnitlou takes the form of bouquet.-ami hank not"^. Ono of them. lr« merei'iiary than the resi. followed tho diva across the eontinetit. and. fMlinp: U, obtain her Iftvor, murriud, her maid. This KU- prcme proof of devotion seems lo have tonolied Mine. Theo, for sho announces Hiat i-he Intends to return to a laud where hearts are true, and where theblrd-lllcn gtaflex ol' the popular llttlo singor have uapnvatfd, we trust, o eoiitliiout. The ManiaohasotU State As«>el:ttlon. The H jlyoke Club hasdccided to remain in the Massachusetts Slate Association. This association is somposod of night clubs as fol- lows: Hudson, Newton, Iteverly, Ho'.yi.kc, Anderson, Webster and I.owoll. The ru.ee for the pennant is getting to be decidedly in- teresting. The clubs, with the exception of th« little Lowells, are all bunched. the -l.tHHi ,M» ''<:>• its very hi .->!. K-"in "! I IK: a single error marring tho play. also pluyed extremely well, i having the most, dam: Colrliian anil Uulvin each pitched ell'eelively, as the small number id' base hits altcsls. dross was put, behi*d the bill to Coleiiuiu's delivery for the llrsl time, and played with- out an error or a passed ball. 1'iirrar, as usual, played without au error, and several ol'hts pickups were dillicult. The out Udders took care of everything that, (tame their way, John Manning's only catch being ditlieiilt. The hulk ol'liilleld work was accomplished by l''ergiison, McClolhin nml Ringo, the I'ornieV making a niagnitlcenl stop of big llrouthers' line hit in the Kecoml Inning. "Kittle Mae" scorned to be everywhere, and several balls ho got would, with ordinary Holders, have been base hits. Uingo's throwing to llrsl was very accurate. Coleiuau led at the hat with a Mingle and a triple bagger, the latter at a critical point. In Its Hr-.rt inning the "Phillles" went, out In om>-twi>-threo order, but in tho second Colcman gol In n hit, followed by Karrar with a double bugger, on which Colcmuu was put out :il third bv slow running. In the fourlli inning they broke the Ice, getting the llrsl run. After two men were out dross hit a long lly lo I.illie, which thai lielder mulled. A hciiuflt'ul three-bagger by Coleiuau then drove him in. The latter player overran third base and was pill out by White, Hhatt'er and Kielmrdson llelding the ball Mhurply. In the sixth Inning the home team assumed :i commanding lead. Kerguson and Pin-cell li-il oil' with hits, and Force's fun,hie ol' .Manning's groumler llllcd the buses. Mc- Clelliui then sent a long lly to Mllie, on which Kcrguson sconil. (iross 1 lly to Sluill'cr then advanced Ihe other runners t third and si-eond rrspVclively. Colcman then drove a Imundiug ball to White, which Ihe jjreat Jim lei go between his legs, and two more runs came in. King" settled the iu niug by Hying out to Richardson. Aflei this the home team fulled to add lo their score, the strikers going out in une-two-thw order the balance of tin- gain*. The visitors, although they got men on Imses in the third and fourth innings, did not score until the sixth inning, (lalvin and Richardson l<xl ulYfciili hits,but the latter was fonvil at second, tinlvin working to third O'Kourke's hit tolcU fu'ld let him score an enrned run. In the seventh inning, White led off willl a liner for two biucs, and got t- third and houu'on Row,-ami l.illies' out al first base. In the last imiiiig.afterSlmncr hail been retired at tirst with Riugo's assistance, JJrouthers hit an easy om- to l-'ergiison, whirl slipped through his hands, I his being the only error on the "PhilHes" side. White then hit a long Hv to left Held, on which llrotilhers started for second. I'urecll captured Ihe lly neatly and threw to l-'ergiison, who cut otf Brouthors' return to llrsl, eH'ectiiig a double play-; The umpiring of Mr. I locker v\ as cor- rect in every particular, although once or twice the crowd howled at him. The full score it,: 1 P.O. A. It I IUirKAI.0. ». II. P.O. A. K 1 t II 0|Klctul.1li -.'!». 0 11" 0 1 U U O'Koluk.l.f. 0 0 2 !' oShuetfer, ab. 0 0 1 2 0;r-routli'r,lb. 0 i 0 4 ajWbltc, 8h....'. OOf, IjKowc,c..... 0 1 w 0 0|Lll!le, e.f.... a 020 OiForoe, s. a.... 0 1 T 4 ijllalvlu, p.... 1 . iiiso on halts UtyoTton I, Voting iVmerlea, . 'Irst l>:i»o on enor.-i Itlvnrtou 1, Vounic A acrlen Strnek out Illverton 2, YOUIIK Aincrloa r Kimied runs Voting Arnorloa 1. Two-biirte hlt*~- . Thi'oe.haso hits- D'lnvllllers. l-'lrst ts UtyoTton I, Youn;v Am u enors If I \-erton I, \ounu; mt Hlvertnii 'J, YIIIIIIK Am iK>uble plityrt Kurl/,and \ Fiiu Uonsrelear. ialls t'fullor .'.. Wild pltiibes Cook :>, Onike 1, 11,1 n,In I. Time 'J lionr- Ji mluutus. liniplre I ohn l-'.HKllsh. An P.taveit Iniiinu (•»!!)«'. tVboiit one thousand people witnessed the ^amc lietwecii the llartvillle and August. I'lower Cluli l'«ir the l''jistern AssiK'iallon Cliam])iousliip, at tin- llartvllle's ground. The following is Ihe wore: ( iiAiirvn i.u. n. H. louley. r I'.. 1 I M'T'm'uy.cf 1 .1. Orocn. If 0 Stevens, 21). 1 Sehiirmun,e. 1 l^ffik, 1 b.... 1 Hotiord, SB. I Hyniin, p..,.. o ilroou, 3b., 1 .o. A.K A ii.ri.ow K. it. n. r.o. .v. 0 0 llolbird, e.. -i o u 4 0 0 Smith, 11)... o 0 U I) 0 o foulkrod,:U> 1 1 -i It 1 JilllxliliiM,-l> 1 1 (i u u o Ksierdii ,ss .1 o a a 0 I l)'Kht'rly,of. 1010 6 a liovluii). if. oloo t o linker, 1.1'... 1000 1 '.' Murphy, pi 1 o 12 PBII.ADA. ii.» I'uniell, l.f.. 1 Manu'K. r. f. 1 MoClel'n.ss. 0 liross, e..... 1 Coluuian, p. 0 Klnsjo, 3b... 0 0 .. Na>Klo, e. f. 0 Fergiie'ii.ai. 1 1 1 :\ l o la o 14!) 030 120 106 ! 0 i Total... "*627» Total...... S 47 16 4 J'hi!«dclpblii..............O 0 0 1 0 a ii o 0-4 Hultalo .............. ...0 0000110 it-2 Uinw oarned-Hiifialo 2. I'H-st on errors- -Phila- delphia 3; lliillalo t. I.cft on ba.»c.«-l'hlla,lolphm a-liullalo'A Struck out Force 1.!. Two-base h'tf - RlU"o White. Three-base hlta- (loleman. Totft! base hits Philadelphia »: }'.u«iao7. I'ltchers' an- Blets Ualvin 3, Coleujan 2. Ikmble play I'uroell | nud Forij-iison. Time of game 1:36. Umpire Dwkcr. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. LATE NEWS. Matters blithered by For Our Readers. The Itaces V.^terJay—The Cumniln Race--N«wH From All 1'artn. FKMAI.E RUNNKR*. Fleet-Footed I>aiii««ls <;uttln s D«vt» (.>,« Record In lOO-Vuril Dashes. TKKN-TON. June Hi. The Dramatic Club ol the Social Turnverein, of this city, held a picnic Friday afternoon. Karly in the even- ing there were a number of races between girls. One of the races was for a distance of one hundred yards. The entries were Kate Winter, Sophie Winter, Mrs. Jacob Opper- I'lan and Mrs. Thomas Toapp. When the signal to start was given all four hroke away eagerly. AM the girls were young anil pretty, and all vvero dressed in white, with light slip|Mirs. One of them gave out about llfty yards from the starting point, but theothi rconlestantseonti lined to the goal,.Miss K.'iiie Winter lending the way, and winning by several yards. She mode the hiiiulm'l yarils in 10;;i seconds. If the Hunt wan cor- rectly taken Miss Winters can justly claim the tide of the champion I'cmnlo sprinter. Will there is no doubt that either the timing was wrung or the course very much short of 100 yards. Tho only authentic record for a HlO-yard race by a girl is that, by Miss Kate Durl'.v, ii, sister of Ihe celebrated e'x-i-hampion three-mile runner, at some games given u,t Washington Heights in 1X7M. Her time was 12',., seconds. Miss Winters' friends, glorying in her sne- cess, then wagered (hat a barbar, who has local fame as a runner, could not give )nr ten yurdx in a hundred, lie attempted K, <Lo it, but Miss Winter defeated hiui badly. TIIF. TU«F. I.ntonlH Jockey Clnb'n Knee-.. 'Hie races vicr.i concluded at Coviugton yesterday. Oood Melds and good attendance \v(is the order of the day. Summaries bnlow: l-'iiwr HACK. ';; mile. Mohnr oolt, IDS, 1. t)or dolla eolt, lu.'i, •>. Hannibal, 10), i). Four ran. Time, I'M 1 ,,. S>roNi> flAi'K. 1^ mile. Hillanl, 100,1. Uit- liimili, 110, 2. Aiwllo, IU, 8. Six runnorK. Time, •AH}.;. TIIIBII HAOK. JJ/i miles. Muttle Kapturo, 100,). Metvop"lls, HI, a. linoKene, VI, 3. TivuKo ran. Time, \-A~\A. I'oi KTII' UACK. Vmlle heiitd. I.ir./.le S., 1111, t. U leaner, 114. 2. Sl-<ran. Hest lime, !:!«?,. I-'IITII HACK. P.iJ mile hurdlo nice.. Iviitic c-ei I Ho, houbSnoivhok, U2. KIlKr.l'MIK.AI) IIAV ItACKM. Tin- niciiiK yesterday was <ixixillenl, tlm altc.nd:inee large, ami the truck good. Thn folhm ing arc the " ^ ^.^ too. -J. ing :irc the summaries: \i\< K.---1 inllo. I'lmriv, 111, I. Eiu|>r . l:4i Total.... 7 8 IS » ""ital.... K 431181 lliu-lvllle......... 1000 !l 00040 0-7 AuiCiist Flower.... 1 1 t 1 a 0 0 I) I 0 1-S Tn-o.base hlts--Murphy. 1'a.ssed liutls -llof- ford '.', Sehurinan la. Husos on balls Aiurusl l-'low- er:l. I.etX on buses--AllKUsl Flower 7, Haruille:!. Struck out August Flower 1, Hurtville II. I-m- plre Mr. Flerx. Time ah. MlKC«llunooiis (iliuuMi Ycolel-iluy. TheWernt/., ol' West Philadelphia, "ere utterly dcmorali/.cd by tho Ilillsilale, of Kails ol' Seliuvlklll, yesterday afternoon at Pastime Park, by the IblloA-ing sioiti: Weriilt............ .....0 1 1 0 I U 0 (I 0-ft HHIsdttlo................! 2844004 x-17 At the close of the tlrit Inning, P. Marllu, the Ilillsdalr's llrsl-l):isc mull, was preseutiil with a beautiful lH>iup.u-l midsl a hurst ol' cheers. Alxuit two hundred people witnessed the game bet ween the five-Twenty and (i Irani clubs of the Amateur Association al Oakilale Park yesterday at'tcrnooii. The following is the score: Five-Twenty............ 4 00110100 7 uinira.................. i o t o i i o i o 6 Umpire Workman. Time of ituiuo 1:4A. At Stenlon ycs(crduy the Young America second ulue del'ealcd tins (iirnrd tlollegi- niiiu by a score of 2fl to 11! as follows: (Hriird College........ 7 0 I 0 0 1 12 0--12 Yuniifr Amerleii....... i> u 0 0 1 (I 'J In x--'.'.', At Washington, National ft, Cincinnati 1. At Altoona, Altoona 9, Johnstown U. Fiiithlusx Ciillrglunx. Jones and llnbhard, the hattcry of the Yllln I'ollege (Mill), were engaged li\ Manager 1-Vr- gusoii to play with the Philadelphia Club (he b.ilancc ol ihc season. While negotiating with r'orguson they were :il Ihe same lime dickuriug with Pet'roit. Tinally, they con- cluded to go with Philadelphia for thealleged .sum of ffitHI per month c.ich. t'erguwin agreed to Ihi-M- term- ;iml left Xew Haven with their promise to play here. Yesterday Mr. Iteaeli reei'iviil .' dlspnti-h from them refusing (o come here ail of which shows that tlcco'iege 1'liiyv can huckster his ser- vices ;;rd b-ouk his promises as aptly as any thorougiibr<?il professional. Allierl l!uri:x. Managur Chapm.n;, of the Detroit Old), in- forms us that he has not released tturns, the pitcher, :is yet, although h - has not given sat- isfaction, his Molding bung bad nud hn also lacks spix-d, w'.ich he do.'S not appear to have near as much as l:vstye;ir. The last game hf pitched live men were given bases on bails He is w be givrr inother trial wl'i'ti (he club gets home, and if hi- dots weil he will be pusheil to the front. Cnniiiic!. inc. :t. lilovi-n run. Tln,i . l.i. mile. Tl.iicl.cry, I I i ,t5 nillllr't--.. TlllH . i i i, ,, i; . j , mile*. 1'iMisj. »7. i. . 84, -t, < ,11111111, KI,-.1. FlverauT Time. l:-'i,'3» KAI-U-.-." ; iinlt-1. Kolo I,(leu. Sim. , 2, M,n,U.ii-:i. 'I'liue, 4:04. l-'lirrii H.icn l-f H miles. Kleu, u't, 1. (>om|»eu lion, 104. 2. IJiiko Muntiilliiin, 114, 3. Sl.\ run. SL\T)I K.\cK-"Si,eeploeh»ne. J. Mellowim. H'0,1. Spider, 1"2. 2. KaiiKci-, KIT. :i. Time, IJ:;)u. Uo llo\Tan and Spider 1:111 u dead hi-at. im\i)Koiti) Tiio'iTiNit MV:KTINO. Thn ilradfi'i-d trolling me.itlui; eonoliidedyotiter' dav with a fair diiy's sp.>it. Kll Sanlord won the 2:37 eliini; Tempest sc.-oiiu, Winnie Wlok (hint. Best time. 2:32i L . The freo-for-ull clnsn wan woo by Kate JKCull, Kdwlu A second. Host time, 2:2s. ST. I.OVIS. The St. r^oul» races wore postimned yeatenUy on aeeouut of heavy ruin. CUMMINGH-STKKI.i:. Tbe (Jrrul Five-mile Itaoe Won by CiuniiilotK, The llve-iiilt. run betwi-eu W. Cuiu- mlngs, champion of Kngland, and Wil- liam S(cclc, champion of Pennsylvania, resulted in the defeat ' of Steele. At the start th« men ran evenly, but on the twelfth lap the pace proved loo fast for Steele, «nil he left the track un easily beaten man. Cummings llulshed iu iiii minutes, ;u% seconds. ___ Hloycle Kacltiff at I.HIIOHHUU-. KANOASTKK. Juno Hi A hiryelr lonrna- iiient look phicn iii Mcdrann'n I'urk Friday iin>triioon, with a very large altciidant). Wheelmen and others were pri-sent from York, UHrrisburg, iNdiimhla, Marietta ami otho, places. The |>ri/.es were all gold medals am' there were four raees, won us follows: Olio mile, won by John O. (iconic, of Lancaster; time, !):'JH : ». Two miles, won by W. II. Yoiingmii.li, of l.ancaster; time, 7:Ltl. Fivtt miles won by Jacob U. Shirk, of Lancaster: time, 17:!«>}{ Three miles, won by J. O (jwirge; time; ll;27. founded ITutll Ulll-oilocilMIK. NF.W-HAVKN, Cmui., .Hiii" Hi. A hotly contested glove-tight took phu-e Iu au uufti)- Isheil lions" at Il.imdeii Krniiiy night bclwi-tm Wllliiim ICee'.er and Ch.irlet c.illi.iifly, em- ploye's of the Wilichoster Arms Company. The men have been practicing for ft year. Nine rounds were fought. Heeler pounded (lilhooly so thai he fain tod mid remained in un unconscious condition for 2<> minutes Au Vuiuiml Visitor In Lovkport. LtHiKl-ORV, N. V., Jlltle Hi. Ou June 12 »gur-H-<li two feet long w is taken in l.ako Ontario, about !."> miles from i.ockpor:. with a gill net, and is now oil exhibition hew. This fish is chiefly found in tropical waters, und li"ing un unusual vwiter io the North is reganUil :wi something ol'i At e Cmncs \'etrt«r<laj. York yestenlay, the Cleveland Ufaiiayunfc Oaiuos. Ashlaml d; Manayunk 0. United 11; Seln> ileld 7. Active 6; Moliucaux 5. Sliootllic Mltte'.i. The ninteh, last Tuesday, of tin South- end (inn Club, wi'h oliiv pigeons, re.mlted us follows: William Kelly shot'.> out of 10; II. Stuart go' > : out of. 10; Mortou M out of 1<>; J. O'HvU'ii !t out of Hi; Lowary S out of 10; Grant 8 out. of 10; ,ioun Kelly 7 out. of 10: John M:»nha!l S out of 10: Joe I'eynoUls H out of 111. ..... ^ ^^ ^ . . A Ihterlo OHIIICH At l!at«ti CoUeice. i.rwiaWN-, Me., *nu' Hi. Th.'lUKo Col. lege ivthl- tic sanies took plm-ti 1'Vday, and wen.- »el: coutesicd. Of 1C' c-vcuts the Seniors won 10 i.nd tin i Sophomores (i. Th. lawu- teuuis tourney was wnn by the Seniors. The «ir*»t "SporMiiB Life" Puppy SweciwtBke. A the racetii'i- on Wednesday * veiling last -at Artiiur Chambers' uvcry thiug was con- sldered vospocting the Sl'OUTlKG LlI'B Puppy 8we spstakc, and »nnnlnate*l satts- fautoiily. Tt-e full pi rtieular* aiid conrtl- li! be v ubl i-'hl<d in ollr 11 ' -xt »>> <»' 4 I*''



MUSIC AND DRAMA.What 1« Going on In the Mimic World



Event* anil Happening* in the ioeul Theatri­ cal World.

The OUisHtnut ptwet Opera House will re­ main closed until June 28th and 29th, when Messrs. Klwuierman and Xixon have, ar­ ranged for the appearance of the famous ContitiontaHrnards of New Orleans, who will present»novel entertainment consisting of mystic drill", tabloux, etc. Miss Lillie Hiu- ton and Mr. William N. Uriflith will remain atth« Illjoii duringtho supplementary season. --Messrs. Mixon and Ziinniftrniau coi.tom- pl»tD giving a summer season of light; opera at, the Ob'Jslniit'Streel, Theatre. Tim New York liloal Opera Company, which is a very titrong combination, has been engaged. Thu Chestnut Street Opera House will open next Knasoi), on Sept. 17th, with Da-ly'R 7 20 8, and' then will follovv^ in succession Modjcuka, tile Union Hiinaro Dramatic Company, the McL'aull Opera Company, Mrs. Langtry, Ai- mm'and lust French Opera JJouftb Troupe, Henry Irving anil the entire fxJndon Lyrfinm Company and scenery,tho Knnna Abbott Opera Company.John ilcCullough.lleuryK.Abbey's (irandltaiiauOporaCoinpitiiy with Nils:Canipauini, Thompson and

Issonand lllll'H Boston

indflr tho combination system it mad* inoney n Philadelphia and Boston. The combina­

tion company possesses great elements of suc­ cess. The manager selects his play and afterwards selects his company to tit, the play. The stock company manager selects his company and than his plays for which, perhaps, his people are ill tilted. The traveling manager rehearses and gets his company perfect, and as they go 1 from place to place each new peiTornisMieo, improves. The resident manager is obliged

change his pieces and run a risk again and again of misfits. Besides, the playiife at different theatres and amid differing.natural, or metropolitan, or social scenes, constantly gives new zest to the performance nud to the. Iterformurs notwithstanding Ihe fatigues of the "road." No. The callow critics aro wrong. The combination system wa*> never so strong or so popular as now, oibhor in England or in thia aoaatrr.

- j

Thcatru Company., in a good spectacular drama, the lloston Ideal Opera Company, Lyttou Solhcrn in his father's characters, Janauinhok, J. K. Kmmett, N.vtOoixlwinaml Cdinpany and various other attractions. The Walnut has not yet. announced i^« attraction* for next season, but the manager claims that they will.be unusually strong. A glance at

$ho treasurer's balance sheet shows as that we were mistaken in stating that the theatre hail made hut little money Uin past season. fl!).540.42 have been cloarod, exclusive oi' the ^ >,l>00 paid Mrs. (iondwin. The opening of Umber1 * Garden was a great success. Fred Wal/. lias taken the direction of (he enter­ tainment, and the music is of the best. MiiHsi'H. Murphy and Donnelly have not as yet decided upon their policy for noxl, season at the Lyceum. The. Arch Street Theatre will re-open early in tlm full with ii strong attraction, and will remain under the leadership ol' Mrs. John ]Jro\V, who has controlled its destinies for the past,

> twenty-one years. Tlio Chestnut Street opens ne.xt season with the ".Silver King" from Wallack's, Mine. Khea, I,awrenoe Itar- rett, "Monte XOristo," "Romany Rye," a, grand spectacle from Ituropc by UI-COKH and Uixini, Minnie Palmer, Dcumau Thompson, Minnie Madderii, IloucicauU, Itioe Kiirprlse I'arty, Joseph Jefferson, several Madison .Sniiaro (Vmipany attractions, etc. Mark llassler Is directing the oirhr.-ilijl at, Kl.rMk berry Mansion in the Kit*!. I'ai-k. During th Summer the front woodwork of the Arch Strijol. will all bo most, handsome!y.dyne In mahogany, the prevailing i':wliliiii.J>lo color, ui'.w and improveil oJectric lights placixl in front, additional new carpets laid, curtains rt'-hiiuj;, private boxes re-decorati.xl and the entire auditorium retouched and gono over wherever iimxlcd by thn season's wear. (!. W. DoMarcst has retired from the (Hub Theatre ami Mr. IMckinson Is now sole man­ ager. The house Is closed for a few wccl.s. Turrell Tultle hiui been rc-cugaged as book­ keeper at tho Walnut. Mr. 'Puttie is un oeU>- genarian in years and a most amiable genlle- uiaii. The Amateur Drawing Itnom is lo bo torn down. It is u regular little band-box of ' a theatre, handsomely decorated and having a seating capacity of about 300. It was originally a church. U gained considerable social eminence during the war.


Women Who Ciui't be Tanijlit that SneceMl>o«ft not Come in u Day.

i!'.."« Mary Anderson's succc-ss has done considerable harm in making young women believe that, like her. they can leap to fame and fortune at a single bound. Popularity as a variety actress, or an excellent performance in u single character, tills them with ambi­ tions which will never be gratified, but en- t-itil loss of time, inoney, courage and end in bitterness. Many young women, having elicited applause In drawing rooms, schoool exhibitions and elocutionary perform­ ances, «ml boon stimulated by praise of Indulgent frionds, have drcami-d Such splendid dreams of the future that they have immediately putthemsplvosln the hands of Instructors who, unless the applicant is o,uite hopeless, arc not likely to drive away :i good customer by wounding her vanity and the pride of her fond parents. They will not blast her hopes of attaining a lame like thai of Charlotte Cushman and aura Hernbardt. by- telling her that niuoty times in n hundred success is to be won only by a long upprvn liceship on the stage. She Is resolved on making her tlrst. appearance in tho great roles which only genius dares to make It.* own. She is by im-tinct n "Lady Miicbeth' or "Rosalind" and above all a "Cuniillo' "from Ihe word go."

One unfortunate, rashly importunate, "made her debut" as the "charming young artiste" in New York the other night. She, of course, choso one of (he most ilithcult ol all modern dramas, that of "Krou Krou." Her failure was so miserable that it may bo a blessing iu disguise and persuade her llrst learn, if not the alphalx.'!, at least, the "easy- words" of the dramatic art. Costly apparel

People an: accustomed (o laugh at, tlm tim­ idity -women exhibit at thunder, but the doc­ tors know better. No more painful illusr (ration of this fact, has ever linen givi;ii than ttiat which was aft'onlpd last Wednesday in the deplorable accident which h;is plunged the family of McKce Rankin in sorrow. Ivfrs. Kankin, who was approaching confinement, and was extremely weak, nervously and physically, was so affected by a phenomenally violent thunclor-elap that she was prema­ turely prostrated, and has been dangerously ill ever since. At one time her life was des­ paired of, and-It is only thanks to constant care and surgical skill that the elements which murdered Ihe unborn babe did not olalin the mother loo. Mr. RanlUn has boon reduced to the verge of a, Herious ilinmti hlui- stlf by the shocking calamity. '

r<>otlight nickering*.M. 1!. Cur Us has made $1(0,000 ou '-Satu'lof 1'oteu." << '»*. W. Oilehrlst mid Chirlc« M. SohiulU, IIUTO

boon re-eleotod munlcul directors of the Festival of

I'. T. llarniini lost n, $9.000 tent bv Uro In < 'hicairo and secured $10,000 north of advertising. How for­ tune docs favor this man ! . I

Speaking of Camtllim an DiixliMi urltie flayK that M|HB Helen Harry IN clnidiuutlnc, ]\lmo. Alodjonka alfcotedaml Mum. Horiilmrdt anlHtlo.

Oeorj;e Frcilerlckii. the turlety theatre manager, I who wan shot at Kansas City by Stein of tho Kur/r- imj S(ai-, died lust WednoHihiy evening.

Maud UnuiKM- will star next suartnn In "Her Sceond JLuvu," John A.,Sloven's lia\l»K paid W. W. Kelly stVHIO for the latter',' uontrael with hoi.

Si|r*or ltrl|i;noll has oompiMod a march and a proiociuole. The former has boon dedicated, by jicrmliuilon, to tho ManiuUor l.orno and 1,1m latter to tho rriiiuosH I.oulie.

Manager ofKNIGHT,

Athlotic B. B. C.Tbo popular plnytfSithoso excellent likeness In

looking right >vt IhjMMer. Is the general innniufcrol tho leiitlll)* AlWVlKtIi'li clll'.l. II por-ltloil forwhich hi* Intellijioiic n UN.: \arled uxperlunei; In hami bull alUIrs poimllirit n;- him. Ho mis horn uthls city und IH gMMI :! » year.-' old. lie In n

graduate ufiilrurd QiVige, und lir,<t ployed ball with thut Institution. Inwith Un) i-Wtli conn<

Ih.'iau.l 1\73 he Hlilbu und MitrllnKtotti Has taken fium t! thu dnj alter Ihe ('oi)llh lll.H c-,1, ho club. Ills Inn- plt'ehil win a n.itablu vl/ttoi * each with Ihe 1 elubti. Ho in one proK'w-lon, n nil. this, to date he hnn lul.Hi that uiulMid throw Hn IK alfo a good bal

icni'i'd hi? career with Hie iluh." :i- pitcher. Iu IN7G ho

I) by th* AthlellCH, :it by llu.-lun, arid, with :ted ili{aln«t that utroiitr

cniiHeu the Athletics to k' ncxi pluyed two KeiiHund Wen-enter and Detroit lxvt.rlsr.hl. lleldani In the

IWK excelllul llllllH-ll'. Up but one bull, and even on

out, at .soeoud biipo. <l riiuner. ,

again suffered defeat at the hands of the NewYork. Tho score:Cleveland..............o o o 0 1 0 0 1 0 2Now York.............. 6 00000000 5

Base hits Cleveland. 6, New York 7. Krrora Cleveland 7, New York C. I'ltchers Dally ami O'Neill. t Iniplro Bnrnhaoi.

At Boston the Chicago C'-lub suffered a ter­ rible defeat, and with ('orcoran's pitching too. Following is the score: Boston.................. iiooo:: 80 0 12Chicago................ o oooooool i

Base-hits Boston IK: Oliiniign 4. Errors Boston 4; Chicago is. Pltobora Wliltuov and Corooran. Umpire Furlong.

At Providence the Yankees still further in­ creased their lead by easily whipping Ue- Iroit. The score: Detroit................ 0 o (i 1 o n 0 1 1 3Providence............ 14101802 x l'J

Huso hits Detroit {,, 1'rovldence-Jll. Pltchon Woldmini and Sweeny. Krrors Detroit 10, Provi­ dence 10. nnplrc Lune.


Tlie Itoss dull Kahlly Heal on l>v tbe Ath lotlc Cluli.

The Athletic Club look a trip ro (.'hest^r yesterday, prior to their \Vcstern trip, and indulged in a contest with the noted Koss Club of that place. The latter was evidently ovcrmat.cluxl, as the blue le^'s had no tnuilde in winning. Two thousand people witnessed the game. Uyan's catching was the feature of the contest. Crowly excelled at the bat. Captain Slovey did nut play, Crowly and Kuijjht taking turns about at lirst base. The score was:


Tlio l.'hiladclphia came H|M,II I be Held

and generous friends do not make an actress. I Mr. IHon Hoiicleaiilt, the younu; man, wiled fo It is eiiriuus lhat while aooreutieeshin in Kn Kliiii.lie other Juv on the l-fcypt Mr. loi

ii-ia Kobmu. dauirhter of Stuart Uolwou, was miir-i U,d to a w<.-uUh\ lliwton nuin and pallet! t<> )-:»ropc on her bridal tour lust wtmk. Mr. ILIU) MfH. Hol^on aciiolnpaitltul Ihe liuppy onuplii.

Anni'ii'iixii uituiod (luxslu Do Furrunt luuiiu hvr okilm to dlxtliii'tlon upon Ilir I'.u't that tlm Ridd till In^a In her tuuth eont over a thousand dollars. Thl* IlM't will bu runlmiibuntd In tuo pniKramiun unxt

.... tbe Count M,,/..»i.i i,-,,i, 'Mit his fltwc i4tl.Uk^liAftbjon iwovi.H 11 ., ' ., j lafl w'ek. He IH .10 eluu-iui'tl will. Xun-iir,, MM,! tho Anicrlc.!!!! people Um(. nothing, ho aiiyu, would induce hiui to I'oturn to Kuropu.

Mary Audio-Sou has rel'UHOd a plnv by Uncur Wilde. If Mr Wild" had more he.id uiid less hair ho would ollher write b,iliur plnyH, or would nt<»p wrltliiK iiltoKethor, and got hiiUHclt' a nloo, oun genial pimt iu the utroot oloaiilug dopartuioiit.

London Truth:— '-In Aniorloa every actroSH an- plring to any Hue beyond niedlotirity ajtplreM to Co- mUli'. It IH tho Huituult. of her uinbiilon. 11. Is to the HtaK'u-Htniok Ainerleanlady what. Julia In with UH. Here they all untke for Ju/ic/; there they go for Canillt:"

Mlcm Lillian lius«cll, In oloplnicwlth the Semitic lildler, Mr. Soloniou, deiooiiHlraiivi that, she on- [erstiindK tho true arl, of the uouike opera sinner-- IrHt fei-uro iioU>rtol>. When the air), fairy Lillian return- to this coiinlr;- the inn lingers will be ablelo

,|pc the prlee of Meats In the front rowti. No oue will boKrud^c the MUIOCHH of Ihe Aelorr*'

Fund. Aolors aro liuprovldenl fellows, but they Are generouH. They have helped a Ki'ttut many

.' Iu other prolosjdoiiM out of rcnipo-s, wo every- f>odV outfht to bo «l*il to know thut Uii'y ftl'v BUU- occdhig in ralBliiK » fund to help tlu-iusclvcs when bad luck overtukes them.

That tho crui.« foraetUm anioiiK the "upper Km" of London sooloty IH pretty slronn, the followluii; note from ene mauairef loauother nppoars to prove ".Aly IHiar H- -;1 am In Inimcdliit" wanto|-tievei-al Kuosls' for my romliiK" revival. 1 should ho much

obliged t" you, thei-el'ore, if you would kindly neud me two or three earls lit your eiirllc.>i convenience."'

Mr. I'alriok Kooney i-eporled the other day thut le had bi'on knocked down by Hvo or nix riithlaiiM nil robbed of a very considerable sum of tnoiinv. 1 had just eoiue from tho riteon," said Mr. Koonny, 'and wii* perfectly sober." No wonder they knocked ;ilin down. To joe Air. Kooney In such ail unaccus­ tomed condition would stimulate almost any form of attack,

Mo<l|C»ku, In nil Illinois town, playliiK "''« nulle," had a temporary \irkrltr, who hud u 11 in Ited wardrobe and no weddliiM; dress Iu which t* end thn niece with dear Hutluee. "You may be

ed to marrv at the iiotury In your walking costume, if you please, my dear," sntd the ('<: f'ir>ii/.'i. "for though (i mlKtit not boa la moi/c Iu 1'arls, yet here In Illinois unlrriuKo Is for so short a time the wedding dress matters, not."

Thrre was once a theatre mnimncr,wh,i, It Is said, havluK a wonderfully realistic moon umouir, hla weulo c.tiurlvauees, ordered a pla\ from u. drama- tint with no further specification than thut It should have one miMjullt socne. A t'lili-A^o iiiamiKer hati Koue furihor by heudtii|( models ol tlio elaboraU) Hecnery i,ran unsuccesittui dr:iuiu ti> a French play­ wright, with Instructions tn utilUu it iu a ue'w pleou. The work, thus hauipored, has naturally proved a lullurc.

Al one >)f the reei'tit performances of "Henry V'lll." iu IMrls, In irhleh Hie auior who plays the partor'thc Kiitij appears ucariiiK the (inier of the (tnrti r, :i provluehil lady was heard to remark: - Kcnlly, one miiiflit oxpi-et the mniiaK-i'rs of the Grand (^pcnt U) be moro particular nliout. Lite get- up oT i he players. Iu Cleruiout-Torraud whore I came from. If an actor took the liberty, as M. l^i- millo doc«, to appear in the chunicliT of a Kitty, wearing only one vtirter he would be hissed oft tliu stage, and nerve him rlnht. too."

Mr. Uioii Hoiicleaiilt, tho young man, sailed fov

ynsterday short-hanwd, Iliirbidui- being sick and Trfiwis sullering flftun a very had hand. At first it was intended to play Ward at second-base, but dually Kcrguson concluded lopluy himself, audit was will he did, asllie scxMiml hnsu-man hno^n git-al disil of hard work to do, which uoplie could li.'ive done as well as Ihe "old mitn*' did it. Kvcn with

it WM ixtil* thnl the ueakctiedteam would I . I

,.I.IM,II, lii;i The llitll'alo White and


It is eurioiiK that while apprenticeship in dress-making, millinery, teaching, drawing, painting and kindred occupations is conctxlett :<s absolutely nocenwary, ouu ol'th-- rarest and most ilillirp.it of all arts is considered achiev­ able by anyone who fancies or flutters her­ self I hat she haa taste and talent. And the numerous wrecks and failures do not seem to tench the obvious lesson.


The System not Likely to Hrnnk Down for Some Time ut Least.

Some callow critics un; -saying that the combination company business is losing in popularity, ao<l that rosidenl stock compa­ nies are. again coming to the fore. What in­ dications of these things are there ? 'Many of the combinations have failed, it is true. Yet count how many have succeeded. Have not managers also failed with stock companies? For instanon, Angui-tiu Paly had a bad sea- sou in his own New York Theatre. But he takes to the "road" with much profir. The New York Union Square season was not dis­ astrous, and yet it could not be called suc­ cessful. Whoa the company resolved itself

Hannutu, If. 1 0 Tuylor, »s.. 0 0 Carroll, r... I) 0 .lohinjou, el'. 0 1 Snyder.iv.'b. o 0 Shoots, rf... 0 0 Uun'll,ll>,3b. 1 '2 l.uttoll,^b,p. 1 hittf,

,ton.^b.p. l i>, 'Jb.lb. 1

u 1 Hlrehnll, If.. :i 2 -i »•i o<:rw'y,lb,rf. a 4 a i .'KnlKht,rrib n 1 11 u1 Moynhn, »r>. -J :i l 7 1 O'Hrlen, ah. Ilialiillradley. ,1b. a a V 3:t Corov, p..... i o o a


00a (i o l

, ..... , Strloker, ef. 0000 Hyan,o..... 1 1 7 B

Total..... 4 7 34 11 0 Total.... 12 14 87 lit 8HIHS.......... ......... 0 00000400 4Athletic............... 01380011 x 12

Karnod rniiK KOKK 1, Athletle 0. Tivo-lmse hltM-- HlrehMl, Cnxrler, Knight. Moynahan, llradliy. I,nil on barton lions ti, AthleUo :|. Double play Tuylor,Snydcr, KIWs; Kyiiu ami Knight. HUMIK on bitllK Alhlellu I. I'.msed ballM Canoll 4, Ityan'J. Tluie--l:4.rp. l,r mplrv--John New.

— -— •- - •• •• VOIIIIK Amerleii vii. Itlvvrton.

The \'oung ^meric.-i Club yesterday again ilMt'culcd the Kivcrton Club at l.'i'vertini. This is Ihe secixul \'ictory of the Young America over the Hi\crtouiuus, 'flic Yi>ung Amcricus were oulhalted, lint their beatilifiil llelding enabled them to wiiLal'K-i- all. Thescore was:KIVKKTOX. II. II. T.O. \, H|V. AMKKICIA, II. II, I'.O. ,Moore, ill... 1 Dell. IU.....2llovoy, ft.rt... 1 Km ap, HI).... 2l'')iinai;an,l!'. 1 ('ook, p..... 1I'fcllnr, c..... 0Molt. e.f...... 0.Sehanib'u, r(H'

ii 4 1 11

i :.1 2

I j.Kiirtx, :iil b. i 01II 2|lHnilo, of, p. 2 1 2

Davls, on.... II Drake, p, e.f 3

-' o 0 V'n H'n.ii-.lli 0 0 U oi TV right, n... 1

'DM'villo'K.iritu •:0 02

\Vllllalil.s.rf. I

iitiui. the old man, haa been no^otiallnK

wlth Mr. H. P. SurKi>aiit, the JIUKI- mini, with a view to sending Mr. Dh.u Honeicault. the young man, out on a starring tour next yeason. If the ni'Kotlalions KO through, that w«lk(ui: match will dlllor from others with which wo aro Atmlllar only Iu the fact that It will be H easo of eomo bnek-as- you-oun Instead of go-us-you-ploase.

Pretty, prattlliiK Mine. Tljoo saw stnni|£«i sixhtf in Aioerlca, and what «lie s-ald of them to a (.ou/oi* reporter Is faithfully chronicled by our Paris .-ur reeiKindoul. Americans, f'lo maintalivs. are Mr. They have other i|unlitle3 besides. They have what Its called iu the noua "le uhK: et, le cheque." Their admlnitlou takes the form of bouquet.-ami hank not"^. Ono of them. lr« merei'iiary than the resi. followed tho diva across the eontinetit. and. fMlinp: U, obtain her Iftvor, murriud, her maid. This KU- prcme proof of devotion seems lo have tonolied Mine. Theo, for sho announces Hiat i-he Intends to return to a laud where hearts are true, and where theblrd-lllcn gtaflex ol' the popular llttlo singor have uapnvatfd, we trust, o eoiitliiout.

The ManiaohasotU State As«>el:ttlon.The H jlyoke Club hasdccided to remain in

the Massachusetts Slate Association. This association is somposod of night clubs as fol­ lows: Hudson, Newton, Iteverly, Ho'.yi.kc, Anderson, Webster and I.owoll. The ru.ee for the pennant is getting to be decidedly in­ teresting. The clubs, with the exception of th« little Lowells, are all bunched.

the -l.tHHi ,M» ''<:>• its very hi .->!. K-"in "! I IK: a single error marring tho play. also pluyed extremely well,

i having the most, dam: Colrliian anil Uulvin each pitched ell'eelively, as the small number id' base hits altcsls. dross was put, behi*d the bill to Coleiiuiu's delivery for the llrsl time, and played with­ out an error or a passed ball. 1'iirrar, as usual, played without au error, and several ol'hts pickups were dillicult. The out Udders took care of everything that, (tame their way, John Manning's only catch being ditlieiilt. The hulk ol'liilleld work was accomplished by l''ergiison, McClolhin nml Ringo, the I'ornieV making a niagnitlcenl stop of big llrouthers' line hit in the Kecoml Inning. "Kittle Mae" scorned to be everywhere, and several balls ho got would, with ordinary Holders, have been base hits. Uingo's throwing to llrsl was very accurate. Coleiuau led at the hat with a Mingle and a triple bagger, the latter at a critical point.

In Its Hr-.rt inning the "Phillles" went, out In om>-twi>-threo order, but in tho second Colcman gol In n hit, followed by Karrar with a double bugger, on which Colcmuu was put out :il third bv slow running. In the fourlli inning they broke the Ice, getting the llrsl run. After two men were out dross hit a long lly lo I.illie, which thai lielder mulled. A hciiuflt'ul three-bagger by Coleiuau then drove him in. The latter player overran third base and was pill out by White, Hhatt'er and Kielmrdson llelding the ball Mhurply. In the sixth Inning the home team assumed :i commanding lead. Kerguson and Pin-cell li-il oil' with hits, and Force's fun,hie ol' .Manning's groumler llllcd the buses. Mc- Clelliui then sent a long lly to Mllie, on which Kcrguson sconil. (iross 1 lly to Sluill'cr then advanced Ihe other runners t third and si-eond rrspVclively. Colcman then drove a Imundiug ball to White, which Ihe jjreat Jim lei go between his legs, and two more runs came in. King" settled the iu niug by Hying out to Richardson. Aflei this the home team fulled to add lo their score, the strikers going out in une-two-thw order the balance of tin- gain*.

The visitors, although they got men on Imses in the third and fourth innings, did not score until the sixth inning, (lalvin and Richardson l<xl ulYfciili hits,but the latter was fonvil at second, tinlvin working to third O'Kourke's hit tolcU fu'ld let him score an enrned run. In the seventh inning, White led off willl a liner for two biucs, and got t- third and houu'on Row,-ami l.illies' out al first base. In the last imiiiig.afterSlmncr hail been retired at tirst with Riugo's assistance, JJrouthers hit an easy om- to l-'ergiison, whirl slipped through his hands, I his being the only error on the "PhilHes" side. White then hit a long Hv to left Held, on which llrotilhers started for second. I'urecll captured Ihe lly neatly and threw to l-'ergiison, who cut otf Brouthors' return to llrsl, eH'ectiiig a double play-; The umpiring of Mr. I locker v\ as cor­ rect in every particular, although once or twice the crowd howled at him. The full score it,:

1 P.O. A. It I IUirKAI.0. ». II. P.O. A. K1 t II 0|Klctul.1li -.'!». 0 11"0 1 U U O'Koluk.l.f. 00 2 !' oShuetfer, ab. 00 1 2 0;r-routli'r,lb. 0i 0 4 ajWbltc, 8h....'.OOf, IjKowc,c..... 01 w 0 0|Lll!le, e.f.... a020 OiForoe, s. a.... 01 T 4 ijllalvlu, p.... 1

.iiiso on halts UtyoTton I, Voting iVmerlea, . 'Irst l>:i»o on enor.-i Itlvnrtou 1, Vounic A acrlen

Strnek out Illverton 2, YOUIIK Aincrloa r

Kimied runs Voting Arnorloa 1. Two-biirte hlt*~- . Thi'oe.haso hits- D'lnvllllers. l-'lrst ts UtyoTton I, Youn;v Am

u enors If I \-erton I, \ounu; mt Hlvertnii 'J, YIIIIIIK Am

iK>uble plityrt Kurl/,and \Fiiu Uonsrelear.ialls t'fullor .'.. Wild pltiibes Cook :>, Onike 1,

11,1 n,In I. Time 'J lionr- Ji mluutus. liniplre I ohn l-'.HKllsh.

An P.taveit Iniiinu (•»!!)«'.tVboiit one thousand people witnessed the

^amc lietwecii the llartvillle and August. I'lower Cluli l'«ir the l''jistern AssiK'iallon Cliam])iousliip, at tin- llartvllle's ground. The following is Ihe wore:

( iiAiirvn i.u. n. H. louley. r I'.. 1 I

M'T'm'uy.cf 1 .1. Orocn. If 0 Stevens, 21). 1 Sehiirmun,e. 1 l^ffik, 1 b.... 1 Hotiord, SB. I Hyniin, p..,.. o ilroou, 3b., 1

.o. A.K A ii.ri.ow K. it. n. r.o. .v.0 0 llolbird, e.. -i o u 40 0 Smith, 11)... o 0 U I)0 o foulkrod,:U> 1 1 -i It1 JilllxliliiM,-l> 1 1 (i uu o Ksierdii ,ss .1 o a a0 I l)'Kht'rly,of. 10106 a liovluii). if. oloot o linker, 1.1'... 10001 '.' Murphy, pi 1 o 12

PBII.ADA. ii.» I'uniell, l.f.. 1 Manu'K. r. f. 1 MoClel'n.ss. 0 liross, e..... 1 Coluuian, p. 0 Klnsjo, 3b... 0


..Na>Klo, e. f. 0 Fergiie'ii.ai. 1

11 :\ l o la o14!)030120106! 0 i

Total... "*627» Total...... S 47 16 4J'hi!«dclpblii..............O 0 0 1 0 a ii o 0-4Hultalo .............. ...0 0000110 it-2

Uinw oarned-Hiifialo 2. I'H-st on errors- -Phila­ delphia 3; lliillalo t. I.cft on ba.»c.«-l'hlla,lolphm a-liullalo'A Struck out Force 1.!. Two-base h'tf - RlU"o White. Three-base hlta- (loleman. Totft! base hits Philadelphia »: }'.u«iao7. I'ltchers' an- Blets Ualvin 3, Coleujan 2. Ikmble play I'uroell | nud Forij-iison. Time of game 1:36. Umpire Dwkcr.


LATE NEWS.Matters blithered by

For Our Readers.

The Itaces V.^terJay—The Cumniln Race--N«wH From All 1'artn.


Fleet-Footed I>aiii««ls <;uttlns D«vt» (.>,« Record In lOO-Vuril Dashes.

TKKN-TON. June Hi. The Dramatic Club ol the Social Turnverein, of this city, held a picnic Friday afternoon. Karly in the even­ ing there were a number of races between girls. One of the races was for a distance of one hundred yards. The entries were Kate Winter, Sophie Winter, Mrs. Jacob Opper- I'lan and Mrs. Thomas Toapp. When the signal to start was given all four hroke away eagerly. AM the girls were young anil pretty, and all vvero dressed in white, with light slip|Mirs. One of them gave out about llfty yards from the starting point, but theothi rconlestantseonti lined to the goal,.Miss K.'iiie Winter lending the way, and winning by several yards. She mode the hiiiulm'l yarils in 10;;i seconds. If the Hunt wan cor­ rectly taken Miss Winters can justly claim the tide of the champion I'cmnlo sprinter. Will there is no doubt that either the timing was wrung or the course very much short of 100 yards. Tho only authentic record for a HlO-yard race by a girl is that, by Miss Kate Durl'.v, ii, sister of Ihe celebrated e'x-i-hampion three-mile runner, at some games given u,t Washington Heights in 1X7M. Her time was 12',., seconds.

Miss Winters' friends, glorying in her sne- cess, then wagered (hat a barbar, who has local fame as a runner, could not give )nr ten yurdx in a hundred, lie attempted K, <Lo it, but Miss Winter defeated hiui badly.


I.ntonlH Jockey Clnb'n Knee-..'Hie races vicr.i concluded at Coviugton

yesterday. Oood Melds and good attendance \v(is the order of the day. Summaries bnlow:

l-'iiwr HACK. ';; mile. Mohnr oolt, IDS, 1. t)or dolla eolt, lu.'i, •>. Hannibal, 10), i). Four ran. Time, I'M 1 ,,.

S>roNi> flAi'K. 1^ mile. Hillanl, 100,1. Uit- liimili, 110, 2. Aiwllo, IU, 8. Six runnorK. Time,•AH}.;.

TIIIBII HAOK. JJ/i miles. Muttle Kapturo, 100,). Metvop"lls, HI, a. linoKene, VI, 3. TivuKo ran. Time, \-A~\A.

I'oi KTII' UACK. Vmlle heiitd. I.ir./.le S., 1111, t. U leaner, 114. 2. Sl-<ran. Hest lime, !:!«?,.

I-'IITII HACK. P.iJ mile hurdlo nice.. Iviitic c-ei I Ho, houbSnoivhok, U2.

KIlKr.l'MIK.AI) IIAV ItACKM. Tin- niciiiK yesterday was <ixixillenl, tlm

altc.nd:inee large, ami the truck good. Thnfolhm ing arc the " ^

^.^too. -J.

ing :irc the summaries: \i\< K.---1 inllo. I'lmriv, 111, I. Eiu|>r

. l:4i

Total.... 7 8 l« IS » ""ital.... K 431181lliu-lvllle......... 1000 !l 00040 0-7AuiCiist Flower.... 1 1 t 1 a 0 0 I) I 0 1-S

Tn-o.base hlts--Murphy. 1'a.ssed liutls -llof- ford '.', Sehurinan la. Husos on balls Aiurusl l-'low- er:l. I.etX on buses--AllKUsl Flower 7, Haruille:!. Struck out August Flower 1, Hurtville II. I-m- plre Mr. Flerx. Time ah.

MlKC«llunooiis (iliuuMi Ycolel-iluy.

TheWernt/., ol' West Philadelphia, "ere utterly dcmorali/.cd by tho Ilillsilale, of Kails ol' Seliuvlklll, yesterday afternoon at Pastime Park, by the IblloA-ing sioiti: Weriilt............ .....0 1 1 0 I U 0 (I 0-ftHHIsdttlo................! 2844004 x-17

At the close of the tlrit Inning, P. Marllu, the Ilillsdalr's llrsl-l):isc mull, was preseutiil with a beautiful lH>iup.u-l midsl a hurst ol' cheers.

Alxuit two hundred people witnessed the game bet ween the five-Twenty and (i Irani clubs of the Amateur Association al Oakilale Park yesterday at'tcrnooii. The following is the score: Five-Twenty............ 4 00110100 7uinira.................. i o t o i i o i o 6

Umpire Workman. Time of ituiuo 1:4A.At Stenlon ycs(crduy the Young America

second ulue del'ealcd tins (iirnrd tlollegi- niiiu by a score of 2fl to 11! as follows: (Hriird College........ 7 0 I 0 0 1 12 0--12Yuniifr Amerleii....... i> u 0 0 1 (I 'J In x--'.'.',At Washington, National ft, Cincinnati 1. At Altoona, Altoona 9, Johnstown U.

Fiiithlusx Ciillrglunx.Jones and llnbhard, the hattcry of the Yllln

I'ollege (Mill), were engaged li\ Manager 1-Vr- gusoii to play with the Philadelphia Club (he b.ilancc ol ihc season. While negotiating with r'orguson they were :il Ihe same lime dickuriug with Pet'roit. Tinally, they con­ cluded to go with Philadelphia for thealleged .sum of ffitHI per month c.ich. t'erguwin agreed to Ihi-M- term- ;iml left Xew Haven with their promise to play here. Yesterday Mr. Iteaeli reei'iviil .' dlspnti-h from them refusing (o come here ail of which shows that tlcco'iege 1'liiyv can huckster his ser­ vices ;;rd b-ouk his promises as aptly as any thorougiibr<?il professional.

Allierl l!uri:x.Managur Chapm.n;, of the Detroit Old), in­

forms us that he has not released tturns, the pitcher, :is yet, although h - has not given sat­ isfaction, his Molding bung bad nud hn also lacks spix-d, w'.ich he do.'S not appear to have near as much as l:vstye;ir. The last game hf pitched live men were given bases on bails He is w be givrr inother trial wl'i'ti (he club gets home, and if hi- dots weil he will be pusheil to the front.

Cnniiiic!. inc. :t. lilovi-n run. Tln,i . l.i. mile. Tl.iicl.cry, I

I i ,t5 nillllr't--.. TlllH . i i i, ,, i; . j , mile*. 1'iMisj. »7. i. .

84, -t, < ,11111111, KI,-.1. FlverauT Time. l:-'i,'3»KAI-U-.-." ; iinlt-1. Kolo I,(leu. Sim. ,

2, M,n,U.ii-:i. 'I'liue, 4:04.l-'lirrii H.icn l-f H miles. Kleu, u't, 1. (>om|»eu

lion, 104. 2. IJiiko Muntiilliiin, 114, 3. Sl.\ run.

SL\T)I K.\cK-"Si,eeploeh»ne. J. Mellowim. H'0,1. Spider, 1"2. 2. KaiiKci-, KIT. :i. Time, IJ:;)u. Uo llo\Tan and Spider 1:111 u dead hi-at.

im\i)Koiti) Tiio'iTiNit MV:KTINO.Thn ilradfi'i-d trolling me.itlui; eonoliidedyotiter'

dav with a fair diiy's sp.>it. Kll Sanlord won the 2:37 eliini; Tempest sc.-oiiu, Winnie Wlok (hint. Best time. 2:32i L . The freo-for-ull clnsn wan woo by Kate JKCull, Kdwlu A second. Host time, 2:2s.

ST. I.OVIS.The St. r^oul» races wore postimned yeatenUy on

aeeouut of heavy ruin.


Tbe (Jrrul Five-mile Itaoe Won by CiuniiilotK, The llve-iiilt. run betwi-eu W. Cuiu-

mlngs, champion of Kngland, and Wil­ liam S(cclc, champion of Pennsylvania, resulted in the defeat ' of Steele. At the start th« men ran evenly, but on the twelfth lap the pace proved loo fast for Steele, «nil he left the track un easily beaten man. Cummings llulshed iu iiii minutes, ;u% seconds. ___

Hloycle Kacltiff at I.HIIOHHUU-.KANOASTKK. Juno Hi A hiryelr lonrna-

iiient look phicn iii Mcdrann'n I'urk Friday iin>triioon, with a very large altciidant). Wheelmen and others were pri-sent from York, UHrrisburg, iNdiimhla, Marietta ami otho, places. The |>ri/.es were all gold medals am' there were four raees, won us follows: Olio mile, won by John O. (iconic, of Lancaster; time, !):'JH : ». Two miles, won by W. II. Yoiingmii.li, of l.ancaster; time, 7:Ltl. Fivtt miles won by Jacob U. Shirk, of Lancaster: time, 17:!«>}{ Three miles, won by J. O (jwirge; time; ll;27.

founded ITutll Ulll-oilocilMIK.NF.W-HAVKN, Cmui., .Hiii" Hi. A hotly

contested glove-tight took phu-e Iu au uufti)- Isheil lions" at Il.imdeii Krniiiy night bclwi-tm Wllliiim ICee'.er and Ch.irlet c.illi.iifly, em­ ploye's of the Wilichoster Arms Company. The men have been practicing for ft year. Nine rounds were fought. Heeler pounded (lilhooly so thai he fain tod mid remained in un unconscious condition for 2<> minutes

Au Vuiuiml Visitor In Lovkport.LtHiKl-ORV, N. V., Jlltle Hi. Ou June 12

»gur-H-<li two feet long w is taken in l.ako Ontario, about !."> miles from i.ockpor:. with a gill net, and is now oil exhibition hew. This fish is chiefly found in tropical waters, und li"ing un unusual vwiter io the North is reganUil :wi something ol'i


e Cmncs \'etrt«r<laj. York yestenlay, the Cleveland

Ufaiiayunfc Oaiuos.Ashlaml d; Manayunk 0. United 11; Seln>

ileld 7. Active 6; Moliucaux 5.

Sliootllic Mltte'.i.The ninteh, last Tuesday, of tin South-

end (inn Club, wi'h oliiv pigeons, re.mlted us follows: William Kelly shot'.> out of 10; II. Stuart go' > : out of. 10; Mortou M out of 1<>; J. O'HvU'ii !t out of Hi; Lowary S out of 10; Grant 8 out. of 10; ,ioun Kelly 7 out. of 10: John M:»nha!l S out of 10: Joe I'eynoUls H out of 111.

..... ^ ^^ ^ . .A Ihterlo OHIIICH At l!at«ti CoUeice.

i.rwiaWN-, Me., *nu' Hi. Th.'lUKo Col. lege ivthl- tic sanies took plm-ti 1'Vday, and wen.- »el: coutesicd. Of 1C' c-vcuts the Seniors won 10 i.nd tin i Sophomores (i. Th. lawu- teuuis tourney was wnn by the Seniors.

The «ir*»t "SporMiiB Life" Puppy SweciwtBke.A the racetii'i- on Wednesday * veiling last

-at Artiiur Chambers' uvcry thiug was con- sldered vospocting the Sl'OUTlKG LlI'B Puppy 8we spstakc, and »nnnlnate*l satts- fautoiily. Tt-e full pi rtieular* aiid conrtl-

li! be vubli-'hl<d in ollr 11 ' -xt »>> <»'

4 I*''
