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Lighted Way Ministries · Web viewShauna Manfredine will be sharing a seven-part series on the...

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In ancient times, a city’s greatest defense was its wall. Thus, an invading army had one initial purpose – to destroy the wall. Once the wall was breached, the city was quickly laid waste. In the Scriptures we find that there is a vital spiritual wall which is needed in the life of every man, woman and child. In Proverbs 25:28 we read: “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.” How are we to “rule our own spirits?” Paul talked about this kind of ruling. He called it keeping his body under subjection. “But I keep under my body, and bring it Double Wall of Protection – Or None into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway” 1 Corinthians 9:27. There is only one standard which YHWH has given to govern our spirits. There is only one rule which is to govern the members of our bodies. It is the holy Law of YHWH. This is our wall of protection, without which the city of our heart is easily laid waste by the enemy of souls. In reference to the vital importance of walking in obedience to God’s holy Law, Ellen White wrote: “Where shall we find laws more noble, pure, and just, than are exhibited on the statute books wherein is recorded the instruction given to Moses for the children of I NSIDE T HIS I SSUE 1 Double Wall of Protection… 3 A Sneak Peak at the Coming Spring Retreat 4 Sharing the Light! 4 Our Current Ministry Schedule 4 An Urgent Ministry Need Also Enclosed... Spring Retreat Sign- Up Form January - February, 2008 Newsletter A Reason to “Rebuild” The Wall Lighted Way Ministries, P.O. Box 742, Canyonville, OR 97417, www.lightedway.org, (541) 672-1514 The Lighted Way “Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105 “…The law is a wall of protection to those who are obedient to God's precepts.” (Fundamentals of Christian Education, p.394) The devil has been attacking this holy wall. He knows that if there is no wall of protection around the “city” of our hearts, we are without defense against his attacks.
In ancient times, a city’s greatest defense was its wall. Thus, an invading army had one initial purpose – to destroy the wall. Once the wall was breached, the city was quickly laid waste.
In the Scriptures we find that there is a vital spiritual wall which is needed in the life of every man, woman and child. In Proverbs 25:28 we read: “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.”
How are we to “rule our own spirits?” Paul talked about this kind of ruling. He called it keeping his body under subjection. “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway” 1 Corinthians 9:27.
There is only one standard which YHWH has given to govern our spirits. There is only one rule which is to govern the members of our bodies. It is the holy Law of YHWH. This is our wall of protection, without which the city of our heart is easily laid waste by the enemy of souls.
In reference to the vital importance of walking in obedience to God’s holy Law, Ellen White wrote: “Where shall we find laws more noble, pure, and just, than are exhibited on the statute books wherein is recorded the instruction given to Moses for the children of Israel? Through all time these laws are to be perpetuated, that the character of God's people may be formed after the divine similitude. The law is a wall of protection to those who are obedient to God's precepts” (Fundamentals of Christian Education, p 394).
But, as the Law of YHWH is ONE law, what is meant by the idea of the “double wall” as the title of this article proclaims?
Continued on page 2
A great deal of prayer and planning has been going into the preparations for the upcoming Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat. As a result, we have many timely and spirit-filled topics, workshops, speakers and activities to look forward to.
Pastor Mark Maccarone, who shared the Prescription for Victory series with us last fall, will be joining us again for the upcoming Spring retreat. This time Pastor Maccarone will be sharing with us an eight-part series about how to prepare for the last days. There will be timely information about the Vatican, coming out of Babylon, and getting ready to meet our soon-coming Saviour.
Pastor Stephen Wallace, a Seventh-day Adventist minister who is known for the powerful “From Glory to Glory” series on Christian character development will be sharing with us a timely ten-part series on sanctification and having a Christ-like character.
Shauna Manfredine will be sharing a seven-part series on the three layers of fulfillment in Daniel’s 70 week prophecy. The well-known fulfillment of this Daniel 9 prophecy which happened from 457 B.C. to 34 A.D. is only the first layer. In this series, we will be delving into the future application this important prophecy has for us as a people. Titles in this series include: “Future Value to Daniel’s 70 Week Prophecy,” “From Water to Fire,” “Exposing the False Messiah,” “Messiah’s Authenticity From Daniel,” “Three Layers of Fulfillment,” and more…
Mark Manfredine will be sharing a series about the annual Sabbaths and why we keep them. His series will be addressing some of the recent arguments against “feast-keeping” raised by our brothers and sisters in the S.D.A. church.
Danette Davis, author of the book Statutes for the Remnant, will be returning to share with us a powerful Alpha and Omega Apostasy series. Titles in this series include: “The Warning,” “Into the New World Language,” “The Omega is Here,” “The Whole World Followed,” and “Infiltration Complete.”
Gerald Latal, professional massage therapy instructor and expert in essential oils from Redding, California; will join us to share a valuable Essential Oils workshop. The entire workshop will encompass 8 hours.
Cindy Hernandez, an excellent vegan cook (who will be preparing our retreat meals this time), will be teaching a free vegan cooking school. This cooking school will not only include demonstrations and education into healthy eating, but also will include delicious recipes to take home to bless the whole family.
In addition, there will be several speakers who will share an individual sermon with us. These include: Lou Davis, Kaytie Hernandez, Trevor Hernandez and Christopher Manfredine.
We anticipate also having a wonderful VBS-style program for children ages 3-10; a ministry-oriented, point-style program for pre-teens and teens; a couple of nature trips; music; food; and a rich time together with like-minded believers. We hope to see you there!
Continued on page 4
Lighted Way Passover – Unleavened Bread Retreat: April 20-28, 08
Inside This Issue
3 A Sneak Peak at the Coming Spring Retreat
4 Sharing the Light!
Also Enclosed...
The Lighted Way
“Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
The double wall is a reference to the parts of the Law. In Psalms 19, David proclaimed that the “law of the Lord is perfect.” The word “Law” as listed here, and throughout the Old Testament is translated from the Hebrew word torah. Torah is the commandments and statutes as found throughout the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible).
The commandments AND statutes comprise the safeguarding heavenly double wall. In addition, the law contains testimonies and the judgments. The judgments are the “blessings” and “cursings” which are poured out upon those who are obedient or disobedient the Torah, respectively. The testimonies are the edifying stories of our spiritual forefathers, found in Torah and throughout the Bible. While all of these four parts comprise the Law, it is the commandments and statutes which specifically tell us what YHWH would have us think and do.
These two parts comprise our double wall of protection. As it says in Deuteronomy 30:10, “…Hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this book of the law…”
Many Sabbath-keeping Christians believe in keeping the Ten Commandments, yet they largely ignore the statutes. They are deceived into believing that they safely reside within the law-wall and are safe, while only heeding the Ten Commandments.
Thus, in a way, they only believe in a single wall of protection. Yet the Law of YHWH doesn’t work like that. We either have the DOUBLE wall of both the commandments AND the statutes in our lives, or we have no walls at all! For the sacred double wall of God’s Law stands or falls together. We cannot keep it while breaking even the smallest part of it. As it says in James 2:10, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”
The reason the inner wall of the commandments cannot stand without the outer wall of the statutes is that the Ten Commandments are like the chapter headings and the statutes are like the content of the chapters. In other words, the statutes are the fineprint that help us understand how to keep the ten areas of God’s Law listed in the commandments.
This is why Christ said, “Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” Matthew 5:28. This concept is from the statutes. In Leviticus chapter 18, there are several statutes commanding God’s people to not “uncover” or behold the “nakedness” of others. This statute is an outer wall of protection which keeps us from the pornographic temptations that easily result in committing adultery or fornication. This is the same relationship that all the statutes have with the commandments.
If we would be God’s people, and would stand strong against the devil’s onslaught, we must safely stand within the whole circle of the double wall of YHWH’s commandments and statutes. Believing that we stand within the safety of God’s Law, while only believing the commandments is yet another demonic lie issued by the one who wishes to lay waste our hearts and homes. Let us rebuild the double wall through Christ-empowered obedience, without delay!
Through the power of Christ, the life of the follower of God is to be in harmony with His holy Law. The commandments and statutes form a double wall of protection around YHWH’s people. Together, they protect us from the onslaught of the enemy.
Spring Retreat Schedule
Monday, April 21 – U.B. Sabbath 1
8-9 AM – Sermon Meetings
11:30-3:30 – Sermon Meetings
4:30-7:30 – Sermon Meetings
Tuesday, April 22
11:30-3:30 PM – Great Cats World Park tour and wildcat show
Wednesday, April 23
11:30-3:30 PM – Vegan Cooking School
4:30-7:30 – Evening Meetings
Thursday, April 24
11:30-3:30 PM – Wildlife Safari park tour (tour bus and walkthrough)
4:30-7:30 – Evening Meetings
Friday, April 25
11:30-3:30 PM – Free Time
8-9 AM – Sermon Meetings
11:30-3:30 – Sermon Meetings
4:30-7:30 – Sermon Meetings
8-9 AM – Sermon Meetings
11:30-3:30 – Sermon Meetings
4:30-7:30 – Sermon Meetings
Monday, April 28
Take down/clean up (help appreciated)
Note: a more detailed retreat schedule will be provided in the March-April newsletter.
Wednesday, January 9 -   New Moon meeting – 6-8 PM in our Roseburg, Oregon home. A light, vegan supper was followed by a study on the prophecies found in Song of Solomon.
Sabbath, January 12 – Cave Juction, OR We shared the first three messages in the Sabbath More Fully series.
Sabbath, January 19 – Cave Juction, OR We shared the next three messages in the Sabbath More Fully series.
Sabbath, February 9 – Cave Juction, OR We plan to share the final four messages in the Sabbath More Fully series.
February, 2008 – Idaho Trip - We have been invited to go to Idaho, following our ministry engagement in Cave Junction. We will be sharing several talks with a group there. For more information, contact us directly.
March 15-22, 2008 – Canada Trip - We have been invited to give a week-long retreat in the area of British Columbia, Canada. For more information, contact us directly.
An Urgent Ministry Need – The Manfredine family are so thankful to have had the use of a lovely home in Roseburg since last Spring’s retreat (’07). This has truly been an answer to prayer. However, our time in this home is coming to an end. The dear friends who own the house we have been living in need to sell it. In fact, there is already a “For Sale” sign in the yard.
We know the heavenly Father will have a plan for what He wants us to do and where Lighted Way Ministries should be based. And we ask for your prayers as we earnestly seek the Father’s will regarding where we should live and minister from.
We need your prayers regarding where we should locate, but we also ask for your prayers regarding the funding. The heavenly Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. We know we are asking for nothing short of a miracle; as we are praying for not only direction, but also for the funds to accomplish it. Thank you for keeping this matter in your prayers also.
On Sabbath, January 12, it was our great joy and privilege to be asked to share the Sabbath More Fully with a group of about 20 people.
We shared the first three talks in this series, which are: “What is the Sabbath More Fully?” “The Cross, the Covenant and Colossians 2,” and “Israel Through the Ages.” Many attending the meetings were not feast-keepers. Several came having a pre-conceived bias against keeping the annual Sabbaths. However, in answer to a great deal of prayer, these barriers were broken down in many hearts. They received the Word with interest and joy and are eagerly anticipating the next installment of talks (Sabbath, January 19).
On January 19, we returned to share “Days of the Dragon,” “Three Angels and a Fourth,” and “1888 and the Righteousness by Faith Smokescreen.”
We plan to complete the series with this Cave Junction group on Sabbath, February 9.
Please keep this precious group and these studies in your prayers. Truth can never be shared or understood without the power of the Holy Spirit. And we are thrilled to see what YHWH is up to in the lives and hearts of these new friends.
After we finish sharing all 10 hours of the Sabbath More Fully series in Cave Junction, we have been asked to share in Idaho. From there, plan to do a week-long series in Canada. Again, we seek your prayers!
Want to schedule a Lighted Way speaking engagement in your area? – Contact us at (541) 672-1514.
Lighted Way Ministries, P.O. Box 742, Canyonville, OR 97417, www.lightedway.org, (541) 672-1514
“…The law is a wall of protection to those who are obedient to God's precepts.” (Fundamentals of Christian Education, p.394) The devil has been attacking this holy wall. He knows that if there is no wall of protection around the “city” of our hearts, we are without defense against his attacks.
Our Current Ministry Schedule
Double Wall of Protection… - continued from page 1
“Christ gave to Moses religious precepts which were to govern the everyday life. These statutes were explicitly given to
guard the ten commandments. They were not shadowy types to pass away with the death of Christ. They were to be binding upon man in every age as long as time should last. These commands were enforced by the power of the moral law, and they clearly and definitely explained
that law.” Review and Herald, May 6, 1875 par. 10
January-February (full 2008 calendar online)
A Reason to “Rebuild” The Wall
A Sneak Peak at the Coming Spring Retreat
Meetings in Oregon, Idaho and Beyond
Lighted Way Ministries
