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Lii-- i 'A ETC patll pit · egK&Mfcrttcain engines, sugar mills, boil crs, oooiers; iron, brass and...

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ETC r',n,smW0' ,ifc. Vol. XIV. 2(599. HONOLULU, I., SATURDAY EVENING, 1890. OENT8 SUOSOmPTION MONTH &. & IU ,s i'S pay . I- fc' l ! 3 m . ' m :t vvtv Ff l,yi-- f s. " Lii-- i 'A ? ; m . J&U v ; 2V ,: - w .' YNV. Nc . II. 1, 60 PER jf W. y$i . THE DAILY BTOLBTIH . lu ..nnljt.t nml nilhllutiml ut tln nrHm. ' i"""-- " " I " - -- ( tjuecn Street, Honolulu, H. 1., every liftornoou fSuuilnys excepted). "Subscription, - 50 cents pat Month Addross all UiilninuiitOHlltm D.n.v UUMiKTIN. Advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be hiuiiloil lu hufore pnu o'clock I. M DAILY BULLETIN PUBLISHING COMPANY, aimitcd.) ' ARTHUR JOHNSTONE.... Editor & Manager. Uullotiu Stoam Printing Oilico. Newspaper, Hook mid .lob Printing of all kind doue on the most ftivomblu mrina. W-- ' Hell Telephone No. 2Cli tfe M utiiikl Telephone No. and .' . THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting mid comprehensive publication, contains" 33 rolumua of 'loading matter ou local topics, and u complete resume of Honolulu .md Island News. It is the best paper oubllshed ii. tlie Kiugdoni to 'send to friend broad. NllllrllU'iptlllll : Island : : : 4 00 year roreigu : : : ' 00 " Coininiutnon Meronants. T. WATBBHOUBK, JOHN Importer iud Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen St., IJouolulu 1 Si OO, WILD12R Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every klud, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athorlou-- U. 1'. Clastic & OOOJiB, (lASTLHI Skipping and UominiBsion Merchants. Importers aud Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st Uouolmu. 1 .Luwors, F. J. lrtwrey o. M. Uooko. St OOOJiB, LKWER8 to Luwers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Luuibpr and all sindB ol Building Materials, D'ort street, Honolulu ? HONObULU IKON WOBKS, egK&Mfcrttcain engines, sugar mills, boil crs, oooiers; iron, brass and lead east ing's; macliiuery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to. ship's black smithing. Job work oxo cuted at short notice I3UC!11,-- 1 --to Oo'.. ii. General Commission Agents. Honolulu Cr. W. MAC-,ALA- N & Co. 1MPOUTKHB AND COMMISSION MEKCHANTB, Queen Hlreet, Honolulu. U. 1 1048 CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants Denver Block. Honolulu. BHlfiW-- H 5 COMPANY, o. (Limited) I U UNGUAL MBUCANTILB AMD Commission Aountk ubt op orKHiitua: V. O. Joiibh, J(. . . .President & Manager 1,1). Oaut-- H . . ..Treasurer & Secretary diuuctoub: Hon. U. It. Bibuoi-- . B. 0. AM.KN. II. 33B ly CJustavA.. Schuman Carriage Trimmer. No. 79 & 81 : : King Stroet. At W. Wright & tiou'8. Having icceived a full assortment of Carriage primming Materials from the Kaat, I ma propured to execute all orders with uuulii-.- v aiyl desputcli at very rea. sonablu atUs. O. A. BUHUMAN. apr IMMy Pioneer Shin Factory 104 Fort St., Upstairs, The iindurHlimuil bo to Inform Hid .iihU of Hit"") IxlttuiU Hud iu k iimkinK Hllll'M ,V ! WIIMIIHH. ? )Hiilinii fur Hiilf'iiiiHibiiri'iiiwiil will liu hIvuii mi Hi)llimt)'ii' WtitdrU.OverslilrlMNInlJtOyWiiii 4 hi uimruniuu ,y iimldnu u nihid ilibJilW ftfjjgllf -- Hull Ttllphwp ! ay Aj Mi biuiWA Hil patll Thoroughbred -'.- - iluniniig So 'DUKE SPENCER," Will stand for n short thno at the Greenfield Stablos, Kapiolani Park. Dukk Si'KNCicn Is n dark bay, ! years old; stands IftJ-s- bauds high; kind mid gentle disposition. FEDIGREIt! : By Duko of Norfolk. 1st dam Lou Spencer by Norfolk 2nd dam Ballerina... by imp Balrownle 3rd dam Ilcunie Furrow by imp. Shamrock 4th dam Ida by imp. Ualshuzzar Ctb dam Mad inn Bosloy (Gamma's Dam) by Mr Kielinrd Ctb dam Nunoy Nichol.. .by imp. Eagle 7th dam Bet. Boslcy by Wilkes' Wonder Stb dam by Chanticleer !lth dam by imp. Sterling 10th dam by Olodlus nth dam by Imp. Silvereyo 12th dam by imp. Jolly Roger 13th dam by imp. Partner 14th dam by imp. Monkey 15th dam Imp. mare from the stud of Harrison, of Brandon TERMS $50. tW Best of earn taken with animals. In case of accident no responsibility will be assumed. W. H. RICKARD, 022 tf Honokaa, Hawaii. fcil.IRTO&CO, (1,131 ITKIM Wm. G. Irwin. . President & Manager Glaus Spreckels Vice-Preside- nt Walter M. Glffard Secretary & Treasurer Tueo. C. Porter Auditor SUGAR FACTORS ANU Commission Agents. AGKNT3 OF THK Oceanic steamstiiD Gomr'y, Or Han FranrlHco, Cnl. HAIMESSITH & FIELD. 50 bFm j gb i tUl tr Our New Artotype Illustratcti Uatulogue sent free on application. UK HUTTKIt HT., Hon Vranc.lHco, : : CJalirorula. may rON13E5K, STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND JJA-JClDlt- F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry CooU and Baker. 71 Hotel St. mtQr Telephone THOS. LINDSAY, fl'vlr Jto WulimU KUKUI JEWELRY fl SPECIALTY. Kln:Htn)ol,ll(mnlulu, II, I, Gr I'iiriliuiliir iitlmilliili )i;li lo nil klniUof iitmlrn, Jini.lti'Kil A, G BILVA, fift V lih llulxl Hliuul, IMI'lHITIfll W I'M, ..W rFKi J. HOPP & GO. 74 King St. J 74 King St. Importers of Rattan and Reed Furniture. Pianos and Furniture Moved With Care. Matting and Carpets Laid. DORMICE POLES Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Specialty. OHAIRMTO I12NrJl npr-10-8- 8 BEAVER & SALOON Tho Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at Hours The Finest Brands of Aprs, JttEL Totao Always on llitnd. II. J, NOITK, Proprietor. v ,a Tjriaa S i Metropolitan 1jAm Meat Company- - 81 KINO STHEKT, , G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Batchers . NAVY CONTRACTOR S. 1717 ly WALKER & EEDWARD, Contruntoro & ICiilllor. Brink, Stoue and Wooden Buildings; estimates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phone- 2. P.O. Box 423. ap-5-- ly NTERPftl PLANING MILL, Alukcu, nur uccn St. I TAlnphoue No. 55. I GEORGE LUCAS, Contractor -j- ! ssSk & Builder. I Honolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Espla- - naue, uuiiuiuiii. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, (rackets, Window Frames, Ulinds, Sashes, Dooi-s- , aud all kinds of wood- work finish Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Planing, Morticing and Tenanting. C6T Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tbe other Islands solicited. TAI WO CHAN, Manufacturer of Ladles' & Gentlemen's French Kid, Calf & Kangaroo SKIN SHOES MAI1K TO OUDKIl. IVirir'l or Mh weil. 'AIno. MmlillcH. 38 Nuuaiiu St., : : : l. O. Box SOU. ap 7 00-l- y WENNER & CO. AluuufacturliiK JewetlorH. no. )3 iroii'-- r H'x'iijsia'i''. Constantly on hand a largo UKSortment of every description of Jewelry. Watches Gold mid Sliver I lated Ware, tfco. 05B ly WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY. Fort Street, next Lucai' Mill. rt.l Carriage Builders, Slilp'i RlAcktmllhing, Druyi, Gtrtt.b Wayon llulldlng bi iueplilly, Kvury dixtiilou of win I.' Id IIi iilmvn llmm iiiiiiii(H'i In iiilmt-i'- l llllllllll'l' IIIMl I'XI'l'llllill Hi kliml llllljn'. If? WV.ulMn.w .uiljur uw MM W lU till) Ull Hill' ulii iuiiuuimri ij JnUJlU mm ,,..! fii..i;,i,rt.,T,,. UU1 HUH l IIUU am vim This Space FOR - - 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. This NO. 77 FORT . in at 10 cents lOy for 75 cents. I All Silk, and J All wool for 50 and 75 cents 175. P. O. pit is POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, Space Reserved 3D G A T & G TK3ST Special Bargains in All Department at B. F. EHLERS & CO.'S. White Dress Goods, striped, yard. Victoria Lawn, pieco, colors Moiree $1.25 $1.50, formerly $2.50 yard. Plaids, reduced yard. THE is Reserved STREET. . Embroideries, dress lengths, only $5 and $7 piece. , Black Laces & Flouncings, at own prices. All styles of CnrtuhiB & Drapery, greatly reduced. Gents' White Shirts, Sock, Etc., Etc. -- Cor. Edinburg & Queen Sts. -- Telophone No. 92. -- 1'. O. Box 21)7. IOIQ t&J SOLD AT AND BELOW COST PRICE ! 0 Dressmaking under tho management of Mirh CLARK. relephonee, No. UNION FEED CO. OFFER AT BED ROCK PRICES o CALIFORNIA HAY, OATS, BRAN,, OIL CAKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED GROUND . WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FLOUR Golden Gate & FLOUR Box 145.- - H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. Goods received by ovory packet from Eastern States anil Europe, Fresh California Produce by ovory Steamor. All orders faithfully attended to and Goods delivered to any part of tho city free of charge. Island orders Solicited, Satisfaction nov Telephone 240.. FOR II, I & in & JWr- - ON your Underweai, BARLEY, MIDDLING BARLEY, STAlta, Salinas-te- a Now guaranteed. LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, Importers, Wholesale Retail Dealers Groceries Provisions, lly imi'li s(iin)itr of I ho 0, H. H. Oo, (nun tialifornlii fri'Mi Onluforiiiit Holl Jliiltur, I'nwt'ii OyoloM ami I'Vi'nIi Uullfornla I'mlu, I'InIi, Uihihi, Viwtol'H ill)., tilii, A iioiiiiiii llim of Uinou A. Illitnkwpir V J, T Murlou'n Uiiiinml V llolilml ( It w til n iilwnyN on liuinl, AUo, Jiid mmiiviul u (rnli lint) of (luriiiiui 'iiIdmhiiI I'olli'il Mi iii iiimI HoiiN I'rwrvcil huiiD, MvltiV I'd.' Miilitwi IjiiimI HhhuiI'ihhI IIiiiiivhiiiI llui'uii, Now llnmMnl I'l'inoN, I'luuni Dul 'lu lit) Din Himmi Wliwij Nultuiii Hliiilx linimnu mill i'lillfuinlu lilvuiiiilu )iuunui DritHiiJi lluiliuiiLi I'tiUtUiuy, I5ln., IJlu.i IJU'. , & Jv Jl & OTMBEJK GONSALVES MANiJrwqrumNa Union, Firo & Murine Insurance Co., L'd, Ot Now SRonlnnd. Capital $10,000,000 Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Stores, Storehouses and Contents. Also, Sugar and Iticu Mills, Machinery, Etc., Ltc. Blnrluo IuMurauoc n Hulln, Cargoes and FrclghU. Lo9 paid here. J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian islauds. jan.0.90 CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo & Marine Insurance Agents I AGENTS FOB: Hew England Mutual Life Ins. Co., OK H08TON. tna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. ONION Insurance Company, FIi-- Jt Slurlnc. OF HAN PilANCIBCO, CAL1POIINIA. Jan-SiK- ) NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : 8105,003,600.90 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every age, on every premium table, and in overy year, tho AC- TUAL KESULTS of Tontine Policies of tho Now York Life Insurance Co. have been LARGElt than those OF A'NY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policies. 8JS For particulars apply to . O. UJBKUKIt, Uen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. 283 tf FIRE, LIFE, "u J MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. AM8U, $6,288,00(j Anglo-Nevad- a Auuranco Corporation (Fire and Marino) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co (Limited) Assets. $6,124 057 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $105,063,0011.96 C.O.BEKGEE HONOLULU. General Agent. Ilnw'u IhIuikU. 1053 U CASTLE & COOKE, 1911'OIlTKltM, Hardware, Shipping Commission Merchants. UEAI.K11S IN General Merchandise I Plantation AgeuU, Life, Fire & Marine Insurance AgeuU, hm.HI HONDI.ULII H I I1HKC VOLCANO STABLES, (Walaiiiiuiiiiu Ktivut.) Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice, AIno HimIiIio iih'min, QurrUijei, Hugglet, (lr-uki- orOurU, H,V iiMMT WlliHON MMOHi, 1m ijiii iuoi llllu. I uuaii. I uj Jt..l.... ..Air,nSi7.TTTrHrnJttriT?..w.t 1 (W UilUUUOIOJJ) ir fTJl JM. Attorney MONSABUAT. at Law Notary Public II" Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf J ALFRED MAGOON. Attorney at Law & Notary Public 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly Bin Locomotives Tho undersigned having been appointed solo agents for thu Hawaiian Islands For tho Celebrated Baldwin Locomotives I'rom the works of Burharn, Parry, Williams & Co., I'lillailelpliln. I'cnn., Arc now prepared to give estimates and recelvo orders for these engines, of any size aud style. The IIauwin Locomotivk Woiiks are now manufacturing a style of Loco- motive particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes,' A Inuinber of which have recently been received at these Islands, and we will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents and managers with particulars of same. The superiority of these Locomotives' over all other makes Is not only known here but Is acknowledged throughout the United States. Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., L'd, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 402 24 w-- ly feci Hardware Co:, L'd; B. F. Dillingham, President; J. G. Spencer, Manager; F. L. Win- ter, Treasurer. THE VEBY LATEST IN Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps, llrn.ry Lamps, i Hall Lamps & Chandoliois Just Received from the, Factory. A New Line of Refrigerators, A Full Line of the Favorite ddy's Refrigerators & Ice, Chests, Disston's Saws & Files; New Lines of Locks, Sliolt-Hardwar- e, Etc., Planet, Jr., Cultivators. Pictnres Frames & Mouldings. Pacific Hardware Co., L'd. SCO tf Fort & Merchant sts. CHANGE of RESIDENCE. Dr. OlilVKK Has removed from Fort street to Ko- - hullo Lane, Palaiua. Oi'i'ici: Houits: 0 a. m. to 12 u. and 8 p. m. to 0 1'. M. Mutual 475 1IC tf A. H. RASEMANN, Book-bind- er, Faper-rul- et & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant street, Up stairs. ly G. MULLER & Co., PRACTICAL GUN & L0CK8MITH8 Bethel Streot, "Damon's Block," Corner store. Surgical & Musical Instruments neatly repaired at reasonable rates. owing Machines and repairing of all kinds a specialty. All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired. Household Sewing Machines for sale. E. B. THOMAS, Contractor & Builder. KiitliimttM (ilven on Hilek, Iron, Slouo & Wooden Buildings, .lubhliig Attended to, KKKP8 FOR BALK Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster of Paris, Mm hlu Diikl, Wli'i Lath, California Norlli lleuoli & Sand Orujt Sand, ()iiiiiryTllu llxO ii'il, wliliu unit iiiiii Milium, I'liuili mill Kiiiviiitilu Tiloj lu yijiluiunitii!iii, nil MihU id UritliJi'K" Willi). , WUi;HW-MMUll- lll CIVUIir AJij, mm -- mMmm tisri4'a!0m mtmktA- - m :m '4 'r i 'M iyt n .': I , I -- mtt ,j? i M m 'm 'VX .M m "7i 1 s -- 48 1
Page 1: Lii-- i 'A ETC patll pit · egK&Mfcrttcain engines, sugar mills, boil crs, oooiers; iron, brass and lead east ing's; macliiuery of every description made to order. Particular attention



,ifc.Vol. XIV. 2(599. HONOLULU, I., SATURDAY EVENING, 1890. OENT8





pay .







vvtv Ff l,yi-- f

s. "Lii-- i 'A ? ;

m .

J&U v ;

2V ,: - w.'


Nc . II. 1, 60 PER





. lu ..nnljt.t nml nilhllutiml ut tln nrHm.' i"""-- " " I " - -- (

tjuecn Street, Honolulu, H. 1., every

liftornoou fSuuilnys excepted).

"Subscription, - 50 cents pat Month

Addross all UiilninuiitOHlltm D.n.vUUMiKTIN.

Advertisements, to ensure insertion,should be hiuiiloil lu hufore pnu o'clockI. M


aimitcd.)' ARTHUR JOHNSTONE.... Editor & Manager.

Uullotiu Stoam Printing Oilico.

Newspaper, Hook mid .lob Printing of

all kind doue on the most ftivomblumrina.

W--' Hell Telephone No. 2Cli


M utiiikl Telephone No. and

.' .


Weekly Summary.

An interesting mid comprehensivepublication, contains" 33 rolumua of

'loading matter ou local topics, and u

complete resume of Honolulu .md IslandNews. It is the best paper oubllshedii. tlie Kiugdoni to 'send to friend

broad.NllllrllU'iptlllll :

Island : : : 4 00 yearroreigu : : : ' 00 "

Coininiutnon Meronants.

T. WATBBHOUBK,JOHN Importer iud Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen St., IJouolulu 1

Si OO,WILD12R Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every klud, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athorlou-- U. 1'. Clastic

& OOOJiB,(lASTLHI Skipping and UominiBsionMerchants. Importers aud Dealers in

General Merchandise, No. 80 King stUouolmu. 1

.Luwors, F. J. lrtwrey o. M. Uooko.

St OOOJiB,LKWER8 to Luwers & Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Luuibpr and allsindB ol Building Materials, D'ort street,Honolulu

? HONObULU IKON WOBKS,egK&Mfcrttcain engines, sugar mills, boilcrs, oooiers; iron, brass and lead easting's; macliiuery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto. ship's black smithing. Job work oxocuted at short notice

I3UC!11,-- 1 --to Oo'..ii.General Commission Agents.


Cr. W. MAC-,ALA-N & Co.


Queen Hlreet, Honolulu. U. 1



Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

Denver Block. Honolulu.

BHlfiW-- H 5 COMPANY,o. (Limited) I


Commission Aountk

ubt op orKHiitua:

V. O. Joiibh, J(. . . .President & Manager1,1). Oaut-- H . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

diuuctoub:Hon. U. It. Bibuoi-- . B. 0. AM.KN.

II.33B ly

CJustavA.. SchumanCarriage Trimmer.

No. 79 & 81 : : King Stroet.

At W. Wright & tiou'8.

Having icceived a full assortment ofCarriage primming Materials from theKaat, I ma propured to execute all orderswith uuulii-.- v aiyl desputcli at very rea.sonablu atUs.


Pioneer Shin Factory104 Fort St., Upstairs,

The iindurHlimuil bo to Inform Hid

.iihU of Hit"") IxlttuiU Hud iu k iimkinK

Hllll'M ,V ! WIIMIIHH. ?

)Hiilinii fur Hiilf'iiiiHibiiri'iiiwiil willliu hIvuii mi Hi)llimt)'ii'


4 hi uimruniuu ,y iimldnu u nihid

ilibJilW ftfjjgllf -- Hull Ttllphwp !

ay Aj Mi biuiWA Hil

patllThoroughbred -'.- - iluniniig


Will stand for n short thno atthe

Greenfield Stablos, Kapiolani Park.

Dukk Si'KNCicn Is n dark bay, ! yearsold; stands IftJ-s- bauds high; kind midgentle disposition.


By Duko of Norfolk.

1st dam Lou Spencer by Norfolk2nd dam Ballerina... by imp Balrownle3rd dam Ilcunie Furrow

by imp. Shamrock4th dam Ida by imp. UalshuzzarCtb dam Mad inn Bosloy (Gamma's

Dam) by Mr KielinrdCtb dam Nunoy Nichol.. .by imp. Eagle7th dam Bet. Boslcy

by Wilkes' WonderStb dam by Chanticleer!lth dam by imp. Sterling10th dam by Olodlusnth dam by Imp. Silvereyo12th dam by imp. Jolly Roger13th dam by imp. Partner14th dam by imp. Monkey15th dam Imp. mare from the stud of

Harrison, of Brandon

TERMS $50.tW Best of earn taken with animals.

In case of accident no responsibilitywill be assumed.

W. H. RICKARD,022 tf Honokaa, Hawaii.

fcil.IRTO&CO,(1,131 ITKIM

Wm. G. Irwin. . President & ManagerGlaus Spreckels Vice-Preside- nt

Walter M. GlffardSecretary & Treasurer

Tueo. C. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AGKNT3 OF THK

Oceanic steamstiiD Gomr'y,Or Han FranrlHco, Cnl.


50 bFm j gb

i tUl

tr Our New Artotype IllustratctiUatulogue sent free on application.


Hon Vranc.lHco, : : CJalirorula.may




F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry CooU and Baker.

71 Hotel St. mtQr Telephone



Kln:Htn)ol,ll(mnlulu, II, I,

Gr I'iiriliuiliir iitlmilliili )i;li lo nilklniUof iitmlrn, Jini.lti'Kil

A, G BILVA,fift V lih llulxl Hliuul,





74 King St.J 74 King St.

Importers of

Rattan and Reed Furniture.

Pianos and FurnitureMoved With Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

DORMICE POLESFine Upholstering & Bedding

A Specialty.

OHAIRMTO I12NrJlnpr-10-8- 8


Tho Bost Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at HoursThe Finest Brands of

Aprs, JttEL TotaoAlways on llitnd.

II. J, NOITK, Proprietor.v ,a Tjriaa

S i

Metropolitan 1jAm

Meat Company--


G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Retail Batchers .



Contruntoro & ICiilllor.Brink, Stoue and Wooden Buildings;estimates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phone-

2. P.O. Box 423. ap-5-- ly


Alukcu, nur uccn St. I

TAlnphoue No. 55. I

GEORGE LUCAS,Contractor -j- !ssSk & Builder.

I Honolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Espla- -naue, uuiiuiuiii.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,(rackets, Window Frames, Ulinds,

Sashes, Dooi-s- , aud all kinds of wood-work finish Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing andPlaning, Morticing and Tenanting.C6T Orders promptly attended to and

work guaranteed. Orders from tbeother Islands solicited.


Manufacturer of Ladles' & Gentlemen's

French Kid, Calf & KangarooSKIN SHOES MAI1K TO OUDKIl.

IVirir'l or Mhweil. 'AIno. MmlillcH.38 Nuuaiiu St., : : : l. O. Box SOU.

ap 7 00-l- y

WENNER & CO.AluuufacturliiK JewetlorH.

no. )3 iroii'--r H'x'iijsia'i''.Constantly on hand a largo UKSortment

of every description of Jewelry. WatchesGold mid Sliver I lated Ware, tfco.

05B ly


Fort Street, next Lucai' Mill.


Carriage Builders,Slilp'i RlAcktmllhing, Druyi, Gtrtt.b

Wayon llulldlng bi iueplilly,

Kvury dixtiilou of win I.' Id IIiiilmvn llmm iiiiiiii(H'i In iiilmt-i'- l

llllllllll'l' IIIMl I'XI'l'llllill Hi kliml llllljn'.

If? WV.ulMn.w .uiljur uwMM W lU till) Ull Hill'

ulii iuiiuuimri ijJnUJlU mm,,..! fii..i;,i,rt.,T,,.UU1 HUH l IIUU am vim

This Space


- -104 Fort Street, Honolulu.



. in at10 cents

lOy for 75cents.

I All Silk, and

J All wool for 50 and75 cents


P. O.







Special Bargains in All Department at

B. F. EHLERS & CO.'S.White Dress Goods, striped,

yard.Victoria Lawn, pieco,

colors Moiree $1.25$1.50, formerly $2.50 yard.

Plaids, reducedyard.


is Reserved


. Embroideries, dress lengths, only$5 and $7 piece.

, Black Laces & Flouncings, atown prices.

All styles of CnrtuhiB & Drapery,greatly reduced.

Gents' White Shirts,Sock, Etc., Etc.

-- Cor. Edinburg & Queen Sts.

--Telophone No. 92.

-- 1'. O. Box 21)7.



0 Dressmaking under tho management of Mirh CLARK.

relephonee, No.







FLOUR Golden Gate & FLOUR

Box 145.- -


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

Goods received by ovory packet from Eastern States anil Europe,Fresh California Produce by ovory Steamor. All orders faithfully attendedto and Goods delivered to any part of tho city free of charge. Island ordersSolicited, Satisfaction nov

Telephone 240..



& in &

JWr- - ON




STAlta, Salinas-te- a



LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU,

Importers, Wholesale Retail Dealers Groceries Provisions,

lly imi'li s(iin)itr of I ho 0, H. H. Oo, (nun tialifornlii fri'Mi Onluforiiiit HollJliiltur, I'nwt'ii OyoloM ami I'Vi'nIi Uullfornla I'mlu, I'InIi, Uihihi, Viwtol'Hill)., tilii, A iioiiiiiii llim of Uinou A. Illitnkwpir V J, T Murlou'n UiiiinmlV llolilml ( It w til n iilwnyN on liuinl, AUo, Jiid mmiiviul u (rnli lint) of (luriiiiui'iiIdmhiiI I'olli'il Mi iii iiimI HoiiN I'rwrvcil huiiD, MvltiV I'd.' MiilitwiIjiiimI HhhuiI'ihhI IIiiiiivhiiiI llui'uii, Now llnmMnl I'l'inoN, I'luuni Dul'lu lit) Din Himmi Wliwij Nultuiii Hliiilx linimnu mill i'lillfuinlu lilvuiiiilu)iuunui DritHiiJi lluiliuiiLi I'tiUtUiuy, I5ln., IJlu.i IJU'.

, & Jv Jl &




Union, Firo & Murine

Insurance Co., L'd,Ot Now SRonlnnd.

Capital $10,000,000

Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Stores,Storehouses and Contents. Also, Sugarand Iticu Mills, Machinery, Etc., Ltc.

Blnrluo IuMurauocn Hulln, Cargoes and FrclghU. Lo9

paid here.J. S. WALKER,

Agent for Hawaiian islauds.jan.0.90


Life, Firo & Marine

Insurance Agents I


Hew England Mutual Life Ins. Co.,


tna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.

ONIONInsurance Company,


Jan-SiK- )


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : 8105,003,600.90

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every age, on every premiumtable, and in overy year, tho AC-

TUAL KESULTS of Tontine Policiesof tho Now York Life Insurance Co.have been LARGElt than those OFA'NY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

8JS For particulars apply to

. O. UJBKUKIt,Uen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

283 tf




Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

AM8U, $6,288,00(jAnglo-Nevad- a Auuranco Corporation

(Fire and Marino)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co


Assets. $6,124 057New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $105,063,0011.96


General Agent. Ilnw'u IhIuikU.

1053 U


Hardware, Shipping

Commission Merchants.UEAI.K11S IN

General Merchandise I

Plantation AgeuU,Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance AgeuU,hm.HI HONDI.ULII H I I1HKC

VOLCANO STABLES,(Walaiiiiuiiiiu Ktivut.)

Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice,

AIno HimIiIio iih'min,QurrUijei, Hugglet, (lr-uki- orOurU,


1m ijiiiiuoi llllu. I uuaii.I uj Jt..l.... ..Air,nSi7.TTTrHrnJttriT?..w.t1 (W UilUUUOIOJJ)



at Law Notary Public

II" Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

J ALFRED MAGOON.Attorney at Law & Notary Public

173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

Bin Locomotives

Tho undersigned having been appointedsolo agents for thu Hawaiian


For tho Celebrated

Baldwin Locomotives

I'rom the works of

Burharn, Parry, Williams & Co.,

I'lillailelpliln. I'cnn.,Arc now prepared to give estimates andrecelvo orders for these engines, of anysize aud style.

The IIauwin Locomotivk Woiiksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,'

A Inuinber of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents and managers with particularsof same.

The superiority of these Locomotives'over all other makes Is not only knownhere but Is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., L'd,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

402 24 w-- ly

feci Hardware Co:, L'd;

B. F. Dillingham, President; J. G.Spencer, Manager; F. L. Win-

ter, Treasurer.


Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps,

llrn.ry Lamps,i

Hall Lamps & ChandolioisJust Received from the, Factory.

A New Line of Refrigerators,

A Full Line of the Favorite

ddy's Refrigerators & Ice, Chests,

Disston's Saws & Files; New Linesof Locks,

Sliolt-Hardwar- e, Etc.,Planet, Jr., Cultivators.

Pictnres Frames & Mouldings.

Pacific Hardware Co., L'd.SCO tf Fort & Merchant sts.


Has removed from Fort street to Ko--hullo Lane, Palaiua.

Oi'i'ici: Houits: 0 a. m. to 12 u. and 8p. m. to 0 1'. M.

Mutual 4751IC tf

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-bind- er, Faper-rul- et & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street, Up stairs.ly


Bethel Streot, "Damon's Block,"Corner store.

Surgical & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired at reasonable rates. owingMachines and repairing of all kinds aspecialty. All kinds of Safes & Scalesrepaired. Household Sewing Machinesfor sale.

E. B. THOMAS,Contractor & Builder.

KiitliimttM (ilven on Hilek, Iron, Slouo& Wooden Buildings, .lubhliig

Attended to,


Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster of Paris,

Mm hlu Diikl, Wli'i Lath,

California Norlli lleuoli & SandOrujt Sand,

()iiiiiryTllu llxO ii'il, wliliu unit iiiiiiMilium, I'liuili mill Kiiiviiitilu Tiloj luyijiluiunitii!iii, nil MihU id UritliJi'K"Willi).

, WUi;HW-MMUll- lll CIVUIir AJij,

mm -- mMmm

tisri4'a!0m mtmktA- - m

:m'4'r i




.': I



-- mtt

,j? iM




"7i 1


-- 481

Page 2: Lii-- i 'A ETC patll pit · egK&Mfcrttcain engines, sugar mills, boil crs, oooiers; iron, brass and lead east ing's; macliiuery of every description made to order. Particular attention





Board ol Health Notice.of

Tho nttcntion of Keepers of Lodg-ing nnd Tenement Houses is calledto the following law :

Sec. 1. Licenses to keep lodgingor tenement houses in the District of

Konix, Island of Gahu, may be issuedby tho Minister of the Interior, tonny person applying for the biuuo inwriting, and producing a certificatefrom an Officer, or AGENT OF THEBOARD OF HEALTH that tho pre-

mises intended to be used under thelicense are in good sanitary condi-

tion.Sec. 2. The sum, of two dollars

shall bo paid to tho Minister of theInterior for such license, which shallbo for one year. Shall describe withsufficient accuracy the premises tobe used thereunder, and shall bo heldsubject to the following conditionswhich shall bo set out in the license:That the licensee shall not keep anoisy or disordeily li6ube; that noprostitutes shall be suffered to entertherein ; that the premises will bekept in good sanitary condition, sub-

ject to tho approval of the Board of

Health and in accordance with nil

the terms of Chapter III. of theLaws of 1880, entitled "An Act toprovide for the sanitary condition ofDwelling Houses" that any Officer of

the Police or Board of Health, shallhave free access to the same and thatupon any breach of the conditionsthe license shall be revoked.

Sec. 3. Every person who shallkeep a lodging or tenement house orshall admit lodgers to his or herdwelling within the said Districtwithout first securing from the Min-

ister of the Interior, such a license,shall on conviction pay a fine notexceeding fifty dollars or be imprison-ed at hard labor not exceeding thirtydays or both.

Sec. 4. This Act shall take effectand become law from and after thedate of its approval.

Approved this 1st day of October,A. D. 1890. 699 3t

By virtue of the authority in mevested by the Constitution and the'Statutes of this Kingdom and deem-ing it essential to the promotion ofjustice, I do hereby order that theRegular Term of the Third JudicialCircuit to be held at Waiohinu, Kau,Hawaii, on the first Thursday .ofSeptember, 1890, and by mo post-poned until Monday, tho 15th Sep-

tember, be and the same is herebyfurther postponed until MONDAY,the 17th day of November, 1890, at 9

o'clock A. M.

s Witness my hand andC ) the seal of tho Supreme

L. S. Court at Honolulu, thisC ) 1st day of September,


A. F. JUDD,Chief Justice Supreme Court.

Attest :

Henry Smith, Clerk.647 22t

Department of Interior, )

Honolulu, Oct. 27, 1890. j

SUNDAY, the 16th of November,being the anniversary of the birth of

His Majesty the King, Saturday, thelfith, will be observed as a NationalHoliday, and all Governmeut Offices

throughout the Kingdom will beclosed on that day.

C. N. SFENCER,Minister of the Interior.

FRIDAY, November 28, being theanniversary of the recognition of Ha-

waiian Independence by the Govorn-int'iil- H

of Great Britain and France,will he obberved as a National Holi-

day, and ull Government Offices

throughout tho Kingdom will beclosed on that day.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

097 4t

Irrigation Notice.

Honolulu, 11. 1., Aug. 9, 1890.

Holders of Wator Privileges orthose paying Wator Rates, are herebynotified that the hours for usingwater for irrigating purposes arc from6 to 8 o'clock a. m., and 4 to 6 o'clock

Oijah. B. WILSON,,8upt, Jlono, Wutar Works,

Appjovcd;O, N, Sl'KNOKK,

' Minister of the Interior,027 tf,

'fax I'uymri in ilil, OMiiui DM

luuttljy uulillwl llml Dm Tumi ui

im WlWM yiiuj' will lnujiiuujuJ jmyiilllfi il tiw Qm ul ill" Ta AmmMiw lii 111 Kii'Mto DuJliJ'

ing, on tho 1st day of November, A.D. 1890.

Tho Office is open from 0 a. m. to4 p. m. daily (Sundays excepted) andon Saturdays until 12 o'clock noon.

All amounts over $10 must be paidin U. S. Gold Coin or Hawaiian Cer-

tificates of Deposit.Taxes not paid before the 15th dayDecember noxt will bo liable to

suit with 10 per cent, costs added.T. A. LLOYD,

Deputy Assessor and Collector of

Taxes District of Kona, Island of

Oahu.Approved :


Minister of Finance.690 3w

'V 11 XJ

Dailu fJulTttftiiSATURDAY, NOV. 1, 1890.

Coal has been discovered in Mex-

ico of such a good quality that it issaid to develop as much heat as thefamous Mexican pepper.

Who would have thought it! OurSupreme Court have become rnofi-cie- nt

in chess. They have latelyadded a new play to the royal gameand established the rule that a movemay be made out of check, by tak-

ing a "bishop" with a "mandamus."It isn't according to Hoylc, but it is

just as effective as a checkmate.The new piece is a goose-qui- ll couch-a- nt

upon a paper weight, which isplaced in the middle of the chess

board between the contending forces.Even a King cannot remove the newpiece, although its capturing powerstops as well at the King or Queen.With this exception it can grab any-

thing else coming within reach, froma castle to a pawn.

The Labor question will probablycome up for consideration in theHouse by next Tuesday or Wednes-

day, or as soon as the Election Billis disposed of ; the former being, ifpossible, of more national import-

ance than the latter. The Laborquestion is of such keen and imme-

diate interest to the toiling publicthat it will be likely to attract alarge amount of interest and a greateror less number of spectators duringdiscussion in the House. For thisreason, if no other, we hope thisimportant question will be calmlyand thoroughly discussed in theLegislature for the best interests ofthe Kingdom at large, but withoutparty feeling or personal bickering.

The discussion of the Election Billwill be resumed next Monday. Itis to be hoped that the presentLegislature will give the country asecret ballot, so greatly needed heicunder our peculiar social and poli-

tical conditions. It will be remem-

bered by many that the "secretballot" clause of the original billwas defeated in caucus the night be-

fore the bill came up for third read-

ing in the Legislature of 1888. Thereason for defeating the "secretbollot" provision at that time was tofulfill a political necessity, whichpractically demanded the control oflabor votes in certain quarters wherefinancial and other interests provedmore potent than the alleged princi-

ples of the Reform party.


Editor Bulletin:The cool presumption of the Ad-

vertiser with regard to the laborquestion is to say the least extremelyirritating to those who elected themajority of the present Legislature,which was put there byjin enormousmajority of the voters.

The Advertiser cannot deny thatthis anti-ABiat- ic question was thebeam which upheld the platforms ofboth parties, that of the Reform aswell as of the National ReformParty. It was used by both partiesto bait voters and anyone who readthe campaign issues of their leadingpapers must confess that they madeout of this question what theycould. And now? Bah! the fish iscooked, no need for tho bait, thiowit away)

The Advertiser's leader of the28th suggests it to he high timethat this whole community shouldarouso itself and look the questionin the fucu. I venture to proposeto you, Mr. Editor of tho I. O, A.,that this appeal Is unnecessary;aroused we, the majority, arc, infuct, wo aro not oven drowsy ; woaro merely wuitlng to see how fartliu attempt to cleooivu us will hoearrJeil,

Tlio fact you wish to Iguoro isthat wii, tlio Majority of votersand tlioipforo Win country, tlio ma.Jorlty ynu yourself prtuni muvtriiloilumaiiil, n tlio platformmmw it. "Jmmuiliiita him) ttilii'

((Dill mwunrin "Kiiiiitfi Uinimlion!i'i wliluli inny hmim Din

mmTyt UiIvJuk fiplHU PfJiJJUUIm ms vm sBjijilwui ujjiJ Hij u

W iM Vft"


This is the essence of that plat-form which was endorsed by thopeople, and for this and this onlythe people went to the polls and de-

feated there by personal work allthe wealth and machinery tho plant-ers could bring out to gain thevictory.

But now that we have the victory,can we hold it? We intend to holdit if we can.

We demand "Constitutional"guarantees that the Chinamen canbe controlled while here and can bodeported when their labor contractsare ended. Further we demandgood guarantee that no Chinamancan enter into competition withskilled and other labor hereafter,and can be compelled to confinehimself to agricultural pursuits only.If this cannot be done we say NoChinese!

A few rich men cannot make aChinese colony out of the Paradiseof the Pacific. You few wealthymen claim to bo the country. Youpretend that your sugar industry,which tends to make each island onelarge estate, is the life and benefitof this kingdom, when at anotherminute you protest that this verysame industry cannot exist withoutthe bonus of millions of dollars thatUncle Sam "generously gave youevery year?"

For goodness sake, if the indus-try has to go begging abroad forsupport and cannot exist here with-

out human misery and degradation,then for the sake of common senseand Christian humanity give it up.Sell the land, parcel it out as home-steads and make the five million ormore people whom it could supporthappy. What benefit is an industryto any country which has to be sup-

ported by slavery and cannot livewithout the support and alms of aforeign nation?

1 deny the assertion of the Adver-tiser's leader that the extension ofplantations (the wharves and thedcepmg of the harbor has nothingto do with cheap labor) has cicatedwork for skilled labor. The plant-ers have trained Asiatics for allwork in which they had to employformerly white men (with few ex-

ceptions where they found it impos-sible), as with sugar-boiler- s, lunas,carpenters, brick-layer- s, engineers,wheelwrights, teamsters, black-smiths, watchmen, etc. liven phy-

sicians in a few instances are Asia-tics. Consequently salaries andwages for all kinds of work wentdown, from the salary of the book-

keeper and luna to the pay of thestableman, and this during the limewhen the planters grew enormouslyrich. Is all this for the benefit ofthe country, gentlemen? Yes, if it isconceded that a few rich planters arcthe country I must agree as the pro-

fits so to them only. But then howabout Art. 7 of the platform of theNational Reform Paity which de-

clares that the wealth of a nation isbuilt ,on the partition "of the soilinto numerous small farms ratherthan larger estates?"

These gentlemen of wealth as-

sert that the consumption the tradecreated by these large enterprisesis the benefit. Perhaps so if itwere not that the greed of mostplanters does object to even that thiscrumb should fall to anyone. Therewas on a certain plantation an inde-pendent blacksmith shop. This manhad a family, but as he could notcompete with the plantation shop,he had to go away (all hands had togo to the plantation shop, or !)The man is in California now, anddoes well. There are small mer-chants who try to make a decentliving for themselves and their folks.But how difficult is it now? as mostplanters not satisfied with their enor-mous hundred-thousand-doll- ar div-

idends begrudge them their fewdollars, difficulty earned, and runplantation stores in competition.Suppose the store-keep- er still keepsopen? In one or two instances theplantation bought the land underthe man's house and made him moveaway from his trade, but in most casestho laborers are "forced" to buyat the plantation store and at plan-tation 'store prices or ! or what?There aro a thpusand ways to kill' adog and to force a serf. Are thesenot facts? If they aro, where is the"benefit of the country'""'

Is it a benefit to any country tohave it divided up into estates tenmiles square devoted to an industrythat sucks it out like a leech andhas to bo fed into the bargain by aforeign power? On this estate therearc perhaps fourteen civilized whitepeople and fifteen hundred slaves,who are changed every three or liveyears and let loose into the jownswith the result which we know .andagainst which we protest to thogroat astomfshment of these gentle-men who kindheartedy want to giveus more of it although they aiowthat the importation of more sorfgwould ho detrimental to their Christ-ian whlto hreUireii whom they aicsupposed to lovo,

Now as to tho last point, Wo ex.port about fifteen millions; we Im-

port only about seven millionsWhere goes tho differences of eightmillions? Homo of it doubtless goesfor freight and liisiimuco (the latterIs mostly paid hero), hut not eightmillions, Whuru does It go? Tlnmiigentlemen Invent it abroad (fur Urn

Mmnt'llt of Urn country," I pruHmiiu)

Jul Iniiigiiiii tliu amount of wealthllml Iihi fall tlio country durinu tliuimt piiMiiui) pur, and In tliu imm or

till llil IllWWmv llllll IIHUI illlllill( ftliilkll ll)fillllll l)f llil) lPUJlUami oluiui llllll UlUJI UuiJ I iuli"y urn)fjtfuuii I ujiijw w uifltaw at m Uwmm

J'iLLV'Jlji! '1L jlyyyiyj,yi" mmiihummmm

Auction Sales by Jamos F. Morgan.


Household FurnitureOn WEDNESDAY, Nov. 5,

AT lO O'CLOCK A. .11..

At the residence of Mus. DUUOIT,Nuuanu Avenue, 1 will sell at PublicAuction,

The Entire Househ'ld Furniture,Comprising

1 Westermeyer Upright Piano,A line Instrument;

Center Jb Sofa Hugo,Chandeliers, Hanging Lam pi,15. W. Alarblotop Center Tables,

Viomm Chairs, Easy Chairs,Largo Dressing Mirror & Mantel,Wimlrobuti,Upholstered Lounges,

Asli Marbletop Bedroom Set,

.Madrases, Mosquito Nets,Table it Bed Linen,15. V. Dining-roo- m Chubs,

B, W. Extension Dining Table,Crockery .V Glassware,Silver I'latetlwnie, Outlerv,1 Remington Hewing Machine,

Improved Undo Sam Range & Utensils,Refrigerator, Meat Safe,Etc., Etc., Etc . Etc.

JAS. F MORGAN,C!)S 4t Auctioneer.


PropBriyatPearl City

15y oiiler of the OA11TJ RAILWAY A;LAND CO. I will pell at Public

Auction at Pearl City,

On SATURDAY, November 29th,

AT O'CliOCU l J..A limited muiiuer of those lcsh able

BiiMii Lois at Pearl Gil?The Company have expended L'0,000

to procure an ample .supply of pinemountain water, 1 cult tug in' the com-pletion of two lurjre Kcseivohs withstorage of neatly 2,0110.000 gallons.

From a distributing Reservoir with acapacity of 700,000 gallons, at an eleva-tion of 100 feet above ea lrvel, waterbus been laid along Lelma Avenue tothe Pearl City Depot In a eh Castlion Pipe, from which water will beHtippllcd by tliu Company at Govern-ment rates.

The Company will bind itself In theDeeds to carry purchubcis and theirfamilies and servants by lail between

Honolulu & Pearl CityAt I Cent Per Mile. 2d Class


I -2 Cents Per Mile, 1st Class,

During a teim of 0 years from the dateof purchase

Tliee special Kates of Fare will botransfeiable with the property duringthe term named in the Original Deed.Trains will always be run for reasonableaccommodation of resident-- , at PearlCity. Trains will reach Honolulu at0: 15 and 8 or 8.45 and 11:50 a in, leaveHonolulu for Pearl ity and way Sta-tions at 8 :lfi a. m and 1 anil 4 to4:110 and r:15 to 5:30 p. in. subjeethow-eve- r

to such changes as may be fiointime to time found nccc-sai- for theconvenience of the public or businessinterests of tlio i ompauy. EveningTrains will also be run whenever theieIs a lcasonable demand,


Those desiring lots where the mostcharming view can bo had from theveranda of cottage or mansion, canobtain lots f looting on Lehua, Malta orWoodlawn Avenues; this is a mustcharming location for lesidcnces, as nilagree who have t ken the trouble towalk up Lehua Avenue above the EwaCourt House. As a health, resort, abetter situation cannot be found. Toassist settlers, tliu following easy termsaie offered :

One-Thir- d in Cash,One-Thir- d in 3 years,

One-i.hir- d in 5 years,With Interest at 7 Per Cent.

Thus making it possible (or the mostlimited in means, to procure a tinehealthy lesldenue, Distance is anni-hilated by lallway communication, sothat people living at Pearl City willleach Honolulu In lci-- s time than ittakes to come from Walkiki by theoidlnarv mc.ins of travel, whilo the ex-pense for a person will not be mmethan live cents per day gi eater than thepresent cost of navel to Walkiki byTramway.

Now is your timo to procure

Homestead & Business Lots at

PEARL CITYAt Pi Ices lower than they can over ho

bought in tliu future.

Don't Let Your Opportunity SlipIf yoi do ynu will live to nuoto the

"IliiitJ fight" sayings wii mi ofleii hearfioin people who hail a chance to buythe wlioli) of Kiilnokiiliua Plains fur aoiUf, hilt they iliiln'll A woi to titwo UHiieunt,

C$r.Mupb of Ilui Lots oaii Im seen nltint olllirs of tint hiulllii Illll'ilWUlU Co,,Hawaiian New Co,, and T,t,Tluiim',uinl n my Hiiliisrooiii, Honolulu, wluuonil (iiillier ludu million euii lie obtained,.

,TAH, F, MORGAN,OB llllll Alicllmiimr,

Honolulu Atliltlic Association,i ii i i

I Nwmfni Hilly uiili A i n of Urn fiiii'I il Million, ii ini'uilii nl Hid uliiivnVMmiuiluii will hv liiilff ui ilm null'


OVlMBER J, 181)0.


Cash Assets, :

- For full particulars apply to

Dcc-24-8- 9







KcrHcii Oil'SCOTCH,



fllcCUltlW. PrcHiilcnt.












Guano, Olilendorf's .Special fane Manure.LONDON Effectual Cotton & i Worms KteSCRUB Destroys NoxiousBAGS : Supir, Paddy. Ooal. TWINE, CANVAS, OAKUM.

PRESS CLOTHS BAGS: latest mateilal and texture.AYnter Pipes Iron, Fence

-- -! ,,,


ok3iiT- - m.

oiders foreart:ip:e pi oiuptly attendedto. Particular attention

paid to

&Of good in to other Islands.

Also. Black White SanaIn to suit at lowest priees.

8S Okkioi:: Next door to .(as. F.Morgan's auction room.

Mutual Roll 414, oetG-18!)0-- ly


"WHITE,3ff "frMImported by lion. S Parker, will stand

a .short time at


to- - TKKMK k:. etf

In building, Love'sllakory, you pio- -

eure choicestBeef, Mutton, Venl,

loultry. JOto.SAUSAGE

1 Fork Sausage, Biuoked Tc ugues,Beef Bansago, Bmoked Mutton Haini,Bologna Sausage, Bpiced Beef,German Bausage, Corned Fork & Beef.

tW Your patronage- is respectfullysolicited and satisfaction guaranteed Inevery paitieular.


Bell Tclo. 3G9-- ltr Mutual Tele. 302"82 ffl

UI1 hi., i Honolulu..1. Ii. FISH Kit, Piop.

tkumh;Ilnni d ami Lodging, per week,

conlliig to location of iooiiih,.., 910 00 to $1:2 (HI

Traiiliuit, per day ,.,,...... '2 00llimnl, per week ,.,, 7 00

Hlngln Meals, . .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fill

lay VUllnr will llml IhU niiunf IluiIIHUI i'lllllllll llllllO llllll I'llllVI'llll'lll liuiimiHIn I Im oily, die room mun, llglilmill nil)'. Ilm uinl nilil uiilur IiuiIih,



l iiii'iiiiH'jl lo tin

am ii iuuujiu uiuyLuffiji

miw 11. llllll Au

-- SS

f jsfM 'Vijptfi $




No. 110.- - -




General Acnt for tho Hawaiian









Groceries, Feed Stuffs, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery & Glassware.JAIPVTVIWIE GOODS,

FERTILIZERS- :- Ohlcmlorf's Dissolved Peruviandeitroyer of l'otato,

EXTERMINATOR: all WoedA-Sciiibs- .

NAVYFILTER & the liiipiovenients in

Galvanized Wire, Pipe FittingsGOODS E""'"-""-

" Z17-1- )0


Roll erts onHitcliG ct,



Storing Shipping- -




Thoroughbred Percheron







tho now adjoiningcan






(ae- -




Guaranteed Bonds









llnviiiK loaded Ihe Mo.es in tho building known ns the- -

Lincoln Uloek, ne.uly opposite the. old stand, and having disposed- -

f that pm turn of my damaged by the lute tire, andin leoeipt of New per l.ihi itcnmer, and more on tho wav !..... jiciiuieu 10 mi an oniera asii... in i .. i..u ...... .,iwuiiiiBb an nip tlio past seven 1

by pioinpt attention to all to a of the-sam- e.

At the new shall :.e pleased to my old eusu.im-ih- , iiiiii as new ones asi:an. juiiiiiu ouieis boiieilecl and

can find the



Chas. J. Fishel.



whii vli kurtllM nil



S. 33Islands.



Clmir Cutters & Knives.


SUSljSr -- V. O. Box 372.

PURPLE: 'anker

nice, HEMPEmbraehijr

Etc JKfc





ustace, King Street.


mock beingGoods

oraimvra mr yearshope orders merit continuance

stand see allmany


Ladies', Misses'




belore. Thanking llin public

may find to their advantage to.faithfully executed.


Styles of


illiriery s HouseFort & Hotel Sts.

BAKING POWDERWithout Rival in Price & Quality !

One-thir- d the Price of the Royal !

Every Housekeeper Should Use It&T A Saving of U3 Per Cent in Cost and Quality tho Very Bck jgff:


fifil Cm& CO.,

Exclusive for Hawaiian


Having our SODA WORKS to more connwidloii ttirrre afe.

IVo. 29 TORT STR.HJJE'a?(Noar the Custom House)

Wo aro now prepared to furnish at short notice, and of an-o- f

tho following High Class Aerated

CINCER ALE,Plain, Snot Lemon, Strawberry or Cream Sei'a,

Sarsaparilla & Iron Wator, aud CrabApple OiJer.


rjl TELEPHONE8fc3g71


HPIII'J Kiiploliml Mutmiilly Hume Im1 hvo in ui'i'iimiiiniliilc payingllltllIH, Ullim llf llllllll'llllll llll'IIIIX

In il lioilH' li'HHiii.UllhiiIHIi, hufuiu iiml iliiilnu ilm ilnnillf llliill'l)lllli'l), Wlii'l n ilm lnul nltyW uJljiiMlyiiriiiiiiiiiliiu iimlMl Mj I (ui rtiN,Mi ihmui tiniil)'

UHllii Will) lu Mi,







. "'" fc '--






HENRY DAVISAgents the Islands.








I IIOmtlQliKH fif Kiiiiii, Maul, Imv.ft i lug llliiiln mi nlgiiiiuiii of hisi0ii;iiy in Ilm iiiiihWKUi'tl fur Ilui.

Iii'liulll (if III I'M'illiiii'., iiiulen U iit.hyKlVIUI llllll II lnllUlIK IlKulll.l llllll jhiiAho iHi'ii'iilPil In Ilm iiiiieiumn withinlilt'i; iiiiuilli. 1 miii ilm,., Hiiiriil)

lniiiiU it iili .1, lliMliiiiiiiw'uiH isiliiujlt'i lumultii lliiimi nl;; inviiii)J lu


V :



Page 3: Lii-- i 'A ETC patll pit · egK&Mfcrttcain engines, sugar mills, boil crs, oooiers; iron, brass and lead east ing's; macliiuery of every description made to order. Particular attention



I t




3b. .

r ix 13

UaiTu guTlqfinSATURDAY, NOV. 1, 1890.

- -



To Titlu' i:itci't Ortnlii'i'.tt.l, 1NU0.

TRAIN- -tA.M. A.M. lM. l'.M.

Loavo Honolulu.. (!:ir 8:15 1 :I5 4 ::0fArrive llonoullull. 7:'2C :4! i!:4!l BtJlfifLoavo llonoullull. 7:U0 10:fll 0:51 " : lofArrivo Honolulu.. 8:115 11:55 4:55 O:G0f

Sundays excepted,t Satin days only.



Slim- - MoUolil fiom MolokutStnir hvHlmil from llaui.ikita :iml Lahu- -

innStmr ICiiulnfinm KauaiSlmrKtlaiica lion fiom ITaumMiaStinr .1 A UummliiH from WiilmiinalnIiktuo Mmy Wliikoliiimi, N Mtoon, 22

day froinSiiu Kiaiiclero


Sehr nary E Foster for Kntml


Ilk Bilker, Liujhthody, for Poit Town- -MMlll

Stnir.T Cummins for Wahuaiialo at11 :i m

Stntr Jus Makee for ICup.ia at 1 p intttuir Mokolll for Molokai nt 5 p inHktne S G Wilder, Giilllths, for San


CARGOES FROM ISLAND PORTS.Stmr V G Hull 278 bags awn, 35 bags

coffee, 23 liund cattle, 17 pkgb bidesand 134 smidiy p.ick.tes.

Stmr Uvalanl -1- 7(15 bugs sng.ir mid 40sundry package".

Stmr Mokolil lfilie.ul cattle, 110 sheep,10 calves, 40 b.ig-- i lnullons, and 12pigs

PASSENGERS.Fiom Ilawii and Maui per stmr W G

Hall, Oct 31 Mix N C Haley, .lssrimk, Mlsslliilunulo, A K Kidiitt, MissKckiiiknabale, VS Sinilb. Mis Jmgcn-.e- n

and child, Master Kal.duaa, .1 AJohnson, R btuiiich, J F Howler.Acbow, Mis Neal, Miss Stuiter, J RMyers. W 11 Johnson afid 72 deck.

Fiom Ham.ikiia, per stmr Iwalani,Nov 133 deck passengeis.

Fiom Molokai per stmr Mokolii. NovlMrs V Meyers, G M Roupo and 10deck.

SHIPfiui; MiircSThe depailurc o'f the baik Bilker was

postponed till Monday. She was moor-ed out at the Can buoy y

The buikcntine Alary Winkehiian,Captain N Nison, artived to-d- fiomSan Francisco with a full caigo of gen-ei- al

meiclMudise valued at $32,770, In-

cluding 85i bbls Hour, C5sks beans, 1077ctls b'liley, 2029 sks bran, 58 ctls corn,300 bbls lime, 3000 sks meal, (!25 sksmiddlings, 297 ctls oit, 1C0 kegs pow-der, 9G.15S His rolled bailey, 100 skssalt, 29,548 lbs sii-ia- 200M shingle,2108 gals wine, 107 ctls w heat and 59head live stock, also 100 lbs cement.


Ckickkt match next Wednesday.

The Typographical Union will holdtheir monthly meeting thih eveningat Harmony Hall at 7 o'clock.

Tiik annual meeting of the Wai-kap- u

Sugar Co. will be held nextMonday nioiiiiiig, at the ollice ofWin. G. Irwin cfc Co., at 9:30 o'clock.

Tin: baikcntiiio S. G. Wilder, Giif-fit-

master, will sail for San Fran-cisco next Monday, Nov. .'id. Forpassage apply to Messis. F. A.Selnicfer & Co.

' Evnuv member of "Uniform Rank"is ordered by the Sir Knight Captain,commanding, to appear at the Hullof Mystic Lodgo No. 2,morning at 10 o'clock.

A mketino of First Division of theLiliuokaluni Educational Society willlie held at Wa-liingl- Place onMonday at 3 o'clock p.m. Alt nieni-Iwr- o

ure expected to bo present.

Seuvices were held in St. An-drew's Cathedra! by the SecondCongregation, Rev. Alex. Mackin-tosh, pastor, this morning at 11

o'clock in commemoration of "AllSaints Da'."

The Honolulu Libiary Associationwill hold their annual meeting thisovening at 7 :30 o'clock at the Library,for the purpose of electing trustecband oiliccrs for the ensuing year, uswell us for tlio transaction of othergeueial business.

Tin: Bui.i,i;tin is requested to statothat II. B. M. S. Amphion will beopen to public inspection from 11 u.m, Sunday until sunset; on Monday,M, fiom 10 a. in. until sunset; onTuebday, 4th, fiom 1 p. in. until sun-fe- t;

on Wednesday, 5th, from 10 a.m, until Hiiiihct.

It is un noil need that the woll midpopularly known "Honolulu Arion"is to lie reorganized under tint oldiiamo. Some of the pioneers of theinstitution have taken thu mutter inhand and it has been imaiigod so(hut u meeting for organization andthe election of oIUciuh will he heldUiIh evening lit Imlf.puHt seveno'clock, at the White llout.e,nii Nun-i)i- i


Tin; Indies who Imvu piopuitiiiillitlim fur Hie fnlr fin Urn KiiIIuik'HoillH iim rijiie.leil In Hind Ilium intin ii.ii ly nti Tni'Hliiy iifiuiiiuun, (

iiiiMllili'i In Miri. Mm lhitii, IImih-luni- ii

lii'i'l, mi Unit III" I'liiniiiiiinniJjU)' MlIWi limn Hi llMllh llll'lll. IItiiu (Omilly iiiMil Hit' Miiuiuilltii) il

lujn if piuiwj mi uuyn uiirII' llllJiP liiV IWJUMtlwJ, U

nwmm uwf


118th DAY.

Saturday, Nov. 1.

The House began business at10:l.r o'clock.


The House proucctled with thesecond iciuling of tho Election Bill.

Sees. 41 and 42 passed.Rep. lJaeliaole, on See. 43 being

read, said that Sees. 43 to 08 inclu-sive were the same as the old law,anil he thought it a waste of time toread them.

Noble Widcmann said there wereslight alterations.

The section passed, also Sees. 4 1

to 4G.Noble Widemann moved an am-

end ini'iit to Sec. 47, "of candidates,"as submitted by committee.

Noble RIarsden moved to makethe fee for a candidate for Nobletwenty-fiv- e dollars instead of llfty.l(e understood it was made doublethat of Representative candidateslast session for a joke. It was timeto undo that joke, :h the expense tothe Government was the same inone ease us the other.

Rep. Kauhi moved the fee beseventi'-llv- o dollars.

Rep. l'aehaole supported the lastamendment. Some of the Nobleswere elected for six, and others fouryears, therefore it was only fair thatthey should pay more than a Repre-sentative.

Noble Marsden said the Noblehad to pay the expenses of attend-ing the Legislature all those yearswithout compensation, while theRepresentative was paid an in-

demnity of 8250 a session.Rep. Rickard rather favored the

seventy-fiv- e dollar amendment, as itwas woilh the extra twenty-liv- e

dollars to hac a front seat like thelion. Noble fiom Ilj?Jiakua. (Laugh- -

Noble Marsden would withdrawhis amendment, and make it onebundled audljifty dollars. His ob-

ject had not been to save plantersor other wealthy persons the money,but to make it easier for natives andpoor men to run for Nobles. NobleCornwell and himself could affordto pay a hundred and fifty dollars.

Rep. Kinidsen thought there wasno country in the world that made aman pay to run an election. It wasa puise-piou- d idea. He moved tostrike out the fees altogether.

Noble Widemann's amendmentcarried, the others weieall rejected,and the section passed as amended.

Sees. 48-7i- O passed, also See. 51,as amended by committee.

Sees. 53 and 54, "of opening andclosing the polls," passed.

Minister Peterson moved anamendment to Sec. 55, "of ballots,"providing for the party designationof candidates on the. ballots. Car-ried, and the section passed asamended.

Minister Peterson moved to addto Sec. 5(5, "Specimen ballots shallbe of led or gieen paper." Carried,and the section passed as amended.

Sees. 57-- 60 passed with amend-ments recommended by committee.

Sec. 01 (as amended by commit-tee) "For the puiposc of votingthe Chairman shall fold the ballottwice, first across the middle so asto form a rectangle, and again in thesame manner and in the same direc-tion, and in such manner as to con-ceal the contents thereof, and thusfolded shall hand it to the voter"caused a desultory discussion.

Rep. Kauhi supported the amend-ment, requiring the Chairman to dothe folding.

Noble Cornwell asked what if thevoter could not read or wiite.

Rep. Kauhi said that would bethe voter's lookout. (Laughter.)

Rep. Paehaole thought it wouldnot hurl to stiike the section out.

Rep. White held that the proposedamendment would pi event votersfrom identifying their ballots totheir employers by method of fold-ing.

The section passed as above.Sections weie passed with com-

mittee's amendments til) the sectionwas reached which says, "Any voterwho declares to the Chun man ofInspcclojfl that by blindness or otherphysical disability ho is unable tomark his ballot, shall upon lequestreceive the assistance of one of tiieInspectors of election in the mark-ing thereof."- Minister Peterson moved to insert

the words, "or illiteracy" after "dis-ability."

Rep. Kauhi was strongly againstthe amendment. It would open thedoor to fiaud.

Rep. Hrown considered the nmeudrincut necessary in order to complywith the Constitution. He was sor-ry bo many illiterate people had thofranchise, but it would he unconsti-tutional to make a law that wouldprevent any of these people fromvoting.

Noble Wideiimuu held that al-

though tlin Constitution gave a manthe right to vole, it did not compelanother iimii to carry him to thepoll.

Minister Peterson regarded theiniieiidiDuiit us necessary,

Nnlilit Aliiufiirlunu dlil not thinkthorn (vnillil li nil ill" trouble unilulpuled In viillng, All III') nuiniiinoulil hi) nil out) Imllnl, with tliouutil tmuli niriy i nulling rniiminullwlyul nun mill, ii niijiminil in Mm

iiinuiiilninnl it lining vnlivnrivu n(I lm ulijt'in ill Him hill,

Hun. lUuhiiiil uuiihji)ml tlio illiillMuj I il mm! limy ui'IDuUdijjiUJmiiJilO tKIMliJM. UJMJi iiiJi)

Ul' U1WW UMi! IW!

DAlLy BULJUiflyjB ; JJUKUL.tTjLU, Ai. 1, NOVEMBER 1, iW.out and the bill bo Indefinitely post-poned. (Ruled out of order, as thequestion was only pending on adoubted vote.)

The amendment was lost and thesection passed.

Tho House adjourned at 12:05.


Roman Catholio Cathedral, con-firmation, at 3.

Baseball at Makikl, at 3:30.Rand concert at Thomas Square,

at 4 :30.Meeting Typographical Union No.

30, at Harmony hall, at 7.Honolulu Libiary Association,

7:30 o'clock.


The Hawaiian Banti will give apublic concert at Thomas Squarethis afternoon at 4 :30 o'clock, ren-dering the following programme:March -- Crown Prince KrnlOverture-Strug- gle for Koitune..Stippo1 luiile Qlurniiienti SauellliMedlcy Keeiie uoverHal nil Morning IJeethoven

all. Hliie Lake MllloekerHawaii I'oiuil

the catholic cathedral.November 2d, an Eng-

lish sermon will be delivmed nt the7 n. m. mass.

Next Monday, November 3d, willbo "All Souls Day," a day of devo-tion, appointed by tho church fortheliving to offer piayer and suffragesfor the souls of the faithful departed.

Low masses for tho dead at 0 anil7 a. in. High pontifical mass at I)

n. in.

st. andrYw-sTathedral- .

Twenty-secoil- d Sunday after Ti in-it-

Cathedral services:Holy Communion G:30 a. in.Litany, 9:30 a. in.Morning prayer and sermon, 10

a. in.Hawaiian Evensong and Sermon,

3:30 p. m.Evening prayer and Sermon, C

P in.


The services of the Second Con-gregation of St. Andrew's Cathe-dral on Sunday, November 2d, willboas follows: 11:15 a. m., HolyCommunion, with sermon. Themusical service will be Tours in FMiioughout. Hymns 427, 314. 7:30p. m., evening prayer, with sermon.Magnificat and NuncDimittis.Ehdonin U; Anthem, "Let every soul besubject," by Stabler. Hymns 43G,27. Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, pastor.All are invited to these services.

The belief is general on the con-tinent that nothing short of war willagain place Bulgaria in Russia'shands. The recent elections devel-oped this.

It is said that J. M. Longyear, ofMarquette, Mich., made his millionsby studying ecology until he couldtrace an iron vein by the dip andstrike equal to the best miner.

Cranlciry picking has become somuch an established industry amongthe Cape Cod children that it is pro-posed to arrange the school terms sothat there will be no session duringthe cranberry season.

Every window in Mrs. George W.Child's Long Branch cottage is saidto be filled with a bright scarlet boxsthickly planted with palms ferns,hanging vines and flowering plants.The contrast of the scarlet and greenis most striking and very beautiful.- -

The few Digger Indians of Cali-fornia who are left are becomingquite civilized and well-to-d- o llnandally. They own ranches, withhorses, cattle, wagons, machinery,carriages, etc., and many of themwork for the white farmers duringthe harvest time, doing good workin this line.

An official stenographer of theGerman Imperial Parliament whohas calculated the rapidity of speechof several celebrated German states-men, credits Count Herbert Bis-marck with 144 words a minute;Rickett with 153 ; Singer, the social-ists, 121; Bamberger, 129; andStuinm, 148.

Tho postal savings banks in Jap-an, which for several years receivedbut 'little attention from the people,have become a gieat success. Theyweie established in 1875, but at thecud of the year had only 815,320on deposit. In 1882, however, itamounted to 81,058,000. and in 1889to 820,450,000.

EXCELLENT Mlneo Pics fieshthe Elite lee (Jreain

Purlois. 01)7 lit


EVEKY member of tlio abovo isordeied to appear at the

Hall of Mystic Lodge No. "A on SUN-DAY, at 10 o'clock A. m. No iiMlfnrm,

o. j. McCarthy,Sir Knight Captain Commanding.

(jUO It


'IMIK annual meeting of the stoekhnlil1 eiMf I lie vvaikupii Sugar Co. will

take place at thu ollice of Win (J. livvluiV C mi MONDAY, November ttul. atDiilO o'clock a, m.

W. .M.nil'FAItl),WW -'t Heeinliiiy,


IJ, H, Cun!.aii:(Ji;ni;iiai.,llimnlnln, II. I.,Oi:i,J8, isno,

All puinm having elulin iikiIiiI Urniitliiln nf Wiillhglini Kniiilull, ilrrrii.nl,mill nil nuiKiiim Inilnnli'il in lln- - hiiiiuinn lii'iehv mil I hti In iniinnl I lie r h Unun iinj .o in)) iiii'iii ullli hi il) iIidh, millnil

.I m iiiiii. liimnw itiiinmlv urn n lm

T. il " r "-- - 11 - ':iiwu imj in id iiuj i wji imp mm iiuu itm in j muwujj Wii

liDliiiUtii UUtiiU "KB

For San Francisco,Tho Fnv'orlto Fast Sallhur Barkontlho

"S. C. WILDER'(mil't'lTII. MnMciv

Will sail for the above poitOn MONDAY, Nov. 3rd,

C3?" For passage apply toF. A. SCHAEFER & Co.,

CMlt Agents.


Purchasers of Lots at Pearl City willPloaso Take Noilco,

THE Oolin Railway & Lnnd Co. h nvemade arrangements to deliver

lumber and all kinds of Building inii.te-ll- al

at tho Peail Oily Stutioii at theregular Honolulu pi lees.Those desiring to build at IVarl Cityupon liiiul sold by tlio Company please

call at the Company's ollice for furtherparticulars.. F. DILLINGHAM.

General Manager O. It. & L. Co.CDS tf


A WOMAN to take care of childrenlltld to do uu.unlinrivnrk. Atmli'

at HUM.KTIN Ollice. c!i7 un

wantedB a Sober, Honest Portuguese Man,

just from California, wheie he haslived for IB jears, a situation to takecaie of hotses, tows or gulden. Annlvat thli ollice. 097 lw

WANTEDMAKKIED Couple, the wife to do

tile ermklfur Mtirl llmiam,..,!. ft...husband to attend to outside work,noises, iowi8, miikim;. Addiess 'Ha-waiian Faun," Kaploliinl Park;Mutual Telephone 32."i. car, tf


4 NICE Cottage with sixrV rooms and bath. An- -ply at "No 18U Niiimnti Ave-C- 08

nue. :it


LARGE Airy Room,unfurnished, lately

oecunied liv Howard IlirHi.eoek Inquire at Anderson & f.undy'sDental Ollice. 091 lw

FOR SALEVNE House and Lot onJ Beietania Rlrptf. ji f(u'

llonrH Ulml till. .rmnitrFor paiticulurs Inqiihe within.

01)7 2w


AVERY Convenient andOtitmr.. rim

'2Bacl nisheil or iinfiiniUlinil nomine old imseu Hi gioiiuu at Makikl Ap-ply at GUMOK'S AGENCY,070 tf 38 Merchant sheet.


ASITITE of Three NicelyRooms, two

bedrooms iinil tinrlnr nnPunchbowl street near Palace Walk;siiiuiuic mr two single gentlemen.Applv toCG4 tf H. F. HEBBARD.


'"pWO Stoics on King street1 recently occupied by

ins. linsrncn. tn lot nrreasonable rental. Premises liave beenthoroughly renovated Possession atuucu. Apiny io

J. ROTHWELL,C72 lm Interior Olliec.

FOR RENTA DESlRvBLEFive-Roon- ir Cottage with pantile.-.-,

rietnelieri fnnlv-lifin- nml aii-- -

vants rooms, large stable, etc., oiiNuu-an- u

Avemie, near School stieet. Lai govaid with fruit treehiind choice (lowers.Rent rcusoiiable. Apply to089 tf Mits. U. AFONQ.


A COW and 2 Heifers,1 and 2 venrs nlil- -

will bo sold singly or alto-geth-

Apply toTHOH. U1IK1STI.KY,

Fort street, below School stiect.09.1 lw


BROWN Leghornsa.e. Kiiaranteed

thniotighbred. Address "Ha-waiian OBtrleh Farm," nl

Park) Mutual Tole- -'phone 32ft, UU.I u


AT t0 annipil meeting of the stock-holder of to pala Plantation

held tiy day, tie following iniinedollleern weie elected to seivo for Hieeiibiiiug year:

II. P. Baldwin ...Pieslileut,W, O. AtWHler......VIee-Piesldeii- t,

.1. B Athertoii ..TreaHiuer,T. W. Unburn., Secietiry,W, A Boweu Aiulitor,

'ii. , u'... itititimv..W....W.,,Societal y.

Honolulu, Oct, '.'8, 1890, li'JU lw


ATllie iiiIJoiiiiiihI mniinil inmiihignfHiilml.i Migiir (in, held nt v n

nllli'iinf Ciulln A Ciiiiku, l)u, Willi, Uiurnllnvliigiiniii VH'lu itniiiu fur ill"'"IMlllUfKUI'l

ri, (. .lllmi.. ...!. mi tl'ienliliinl,1lmi.il. M HnillliiMVkiiPiiu)i)i'iii,MiiJliW.N. IVlIn iM.TiiiiijUluri

i AiJiw inn . m . t . . , . .flipH'jji) i

ICL ?:



Mngnlfylng Glasses.Tlieimomctcrs.Pocket Compasses,

lltl'OlIKO Vsisos, St 11 tu OB, El.Plioln Albums, new styles;Flue; Fans of every descilptlou.Ladles' Satchels, Reveial Games,

rl?ixi ToyNAnd Other Christmas Goods,


1W. kC98 3t

tar given out -- a

Slniulny afternoon, October 27th, thefollowing drew their watches:

Cluii 1 Member No. 17.Cldii 2 Member No. 1 1.Cluii 3 Member No. II.Cluii 4 Member No. 33.Cluii 0 Member No. 00.

tQT Remember wo arc giving you aSolid 14 Karat Gold Oii'-- o with linefull Jeweled Waltliain Movement Inour clubs for

$1.00 Per Week.

11. F. Wlcl.1. A. LUCKKrr,

0)0 lm Manager.

wn m R I


Ladies' Tailor,or Han FrnnplHco,

(Proprietor of the Reilfern House, Mar-ket Street, under Palace Hotel),

Intends to remain in Honolulu for thenext three or four months for the benelltof his health, dm big which time hu hasconcluded to open a

l ItST-C- L, A.8H

Ladies' Tailoring & Dressmaking

J3fc'jr,A.BrIHII RI33MT.Ladies wishing to have their Fall andWinter Costuini s made will do well tocall at once to secure their oiders.

Riding Habits, Genulno Tailor-mad- eCostumes, Traveling Ulsteis, Jackets,all theLiitest Designs hi

Promonade and Evening Costumes.RT" His universal reputation as a

Fitter ami Diessmaker is too well-kno-

to need any fin thcr reeonimand-atio- n.

He will guarantee perfect satis-tlo- u.

Cor. Fort & Hotel Ste.(Over Temple of Fashion.)

C!)2 3m

Gate City Stone Filter.

These Filters are easily cleansed,and NEVKR become CRACKED orCRAZED by change of teinperatuie ofthe water.

The Flltei Medium is a NATURALHTONK, mined from the earth. It Isunlike any other stone.

It Doom Not Almorb umlBecome Foul I

IMPURITIUS neer PENFTRATEIt, hnj lie on t tt hid face, and Internallythe Htonn remains ax puiu mid whiteafter yeiiihiif use as when taken fiomthe mine.

The Gate City Sloim Filler Is aIt Is the only nml lllter I

have ever heeu, I would not he withoutnun for any rninddeiailou. It ennveilHour hike wninr Into Ihn bn.t ill Inkingwater III Ihn world.

i:niu M I.UUN. M. I) ,AIM Weill AiIiiiim HI.. Clllriign.

Biir- - Fur Hide hy


Oiiinllii Hiui'iieU A I'o.'m llmilt.lm I'nil IH'mI, llimuliiln,

I I 4M ItiWumJ lu hit UVi) UTM) on


The Equitable Life AssuranceSociety of the United States,

Arc now selling their Honda, and upon easy terms. The additional fe'alure of Insurance goes with every Hond.

The following are a few of the many attractive forms offered by thisoriginal and progressive Company:




The Company is equitable, its payments prompt and certain, and itspopularity unbounded.

(From the New York Sun, April Ath, 1890.)Tho Largest Business Ever Transacted by a Life Assur-

ance Company.The now business of the Equitable Life Assuranec Soeiety of New

York for tho first quarter of the present year is reported to exceed FikttMillion Dollaks. This is at the rate of two hundred millions of assur-anceor the year, and is unprecedented in the annals of life assurance.--Information cheerfully furnished to any who will write to or call

upon the undersigned at his ollice.

ALEX. J. OARTWRIGHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance Society

of the U. S. Jan-1-9- 0

New Goods ! New Goods !




Famous Grand Active & Golden Anvil

Wrought Steel Cooking RangesOF AUU


-- 4

- .

hr "o c

o s



Gnsumiiig One-thi- rd Less Fuel, either wood or coal, thanany other Stove in existance.

No Brick Work About It !

Whose Baking Qualities are UnsurpassedIViang-ula-v Oi-ate- s !


Hawaiian Hardware Co.,Fort street, oppo. Spreckcln; Bank, Honolulu, H. I.oct 31-9- 0



Tir JP T

5Z O

& S

- 3

a Clean Cut Stove I

: Manager.Sijpkiiintknii:nt.



& Iron0ffice"& Works, : Esplanade, Honolulu.

ivrA.TVujA.ca'uiiiaiiH ofSiiRiir MaehiiKsry, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines,

Steam Boilem, Juice Tanks, Cooler Moluenes Tnnks, Sugar Cam.Cane Curs, Elovatorn, OonveyoiH, Furnace FiliingH,

Wrought it Cast Iron Work for Hohmi Builders,Water Wheels & Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc., Etc,

Diffusion Machinery in all its Brandies.






Engineers Founders,


Tfi XMb.a m. iajf SaiJSS.iJL.vw" uutMTf M4r "rV 11 1 ill II II III I 111 V

Mule .liii'HlN Ihiuulliiii InIhmiIn I mc Hid


if.-gi j 444W 4

k J


Page 4: Lii-- i 'A ETC patll pit · egK&Mfcrttcain engines, sugar mills, boil crs, oooiers; iron, brass and lead east ing's; macliiuery of every description made to order. Particular attention




..8. EHllLIGH.







S. EHRLIGH & CO.,Corner Hotel & Fort Strewts.

We Desire to Gall


For Lubricating the Valves and

mfln-- m rfov,AJ'" uir7inftanrtw




of Steam


VALVOLINE is an earth oil specially prepared under the highest steamneat and from which all volatile and earthy matter has been expelled by aprocess which leaves a pure and he.ny oil, which prevents the eating awayof bolts and keeps the cylinder and piston packing perfectly clean. Thiswas the first Mineral Oil introduced for steam cylinders and has been in con-

stant use over eighteen years.gjBTWe also Supeiior Machine and Spindle Oils for all

classes of machinery.Ac Ellis,

IRON WORKS CO., Sole Agents. coi 3m

Uloclf," Nos OS & 97 Kiiifr Hiroct.

Granite, lion




Your Attention To


and Tin Ware




JOHN NOTT,(".Dtmond

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPfEB AND993 Sheet Iron Work.


Shipping & Commission Merchants,


Ssi.mm Builders and General,


ICItiiliuii Pulnta,



Hardware, Agricultural Implements

IMjA.N'r.A.riON HUXMU-iIldH- ,

Ottrnimtora'i Blacksmiths',






MnoliinUUi' & Plumbum' Tools,

OIIb, VuniUhi, Lump (InmU uml

1KUH JVtti ftigpji Wh'i MWliiWw I IMi HiHlm Mm jjiii

j)JiP I MB M UMll

DAOi BULLIflTINtMMWwapcaw iwwirtrTMBg


117tii DAY. ted


Tho Ilmisu resumed at 1 andproceeded with the second reading

isof the Election Bill.Sec. 24 passed. inHep. Rickard moved an amend-

ment to Sec. 25, "of disqualifica-tions," to substitute "any" for "the of

llrst deuree" of manslaughter.Noble WIdemann said tho mover's

Idea was good, but a person mightbo convicted of manslaughter in aminor degree when ho had not beenproved guilty of malicious Intent.

Rep. Pachaole thought the amend-

ment disagiecd with "the Constitu-tion.

The amendment was lost.Sees. 2G and 27 passed.Noble Widcmann explained that

Sec. 28, "of registration." was aninnovation. The section reads:"There shall be appointed by theMinister of the Interior, by andwith the consent of the Cabinet, anElectoral Registrar, who shall beand act as a gencial registrar for allthe electoral d'stricts of the king-

dom, and who shall, make and keeprecords of all persons entitled tovote at any election, which shall beknown as the 'Register of Voters.'and the ofllcc shall be in Honoluluunder the direction of the Ministerof the Interior. The 'Register' pre-

pared and used under the electionlaw of 1888. Chanter 7G. may beused as the 'Register of Voters'herein named as far as practicable."

Rep. Pachaole thought the sec-

tion should be struck out. Thework would bo done more satisfac-torily by tho Inspectors of Election,who were men well acquainted withthe residents of their respective dis-

tricts. This new olllcer would causea doubling up of the work. Thepresent law worked satisfactorily inthis particular, and the change wouldcause extra expense.

Rep. Kauhi considered the sec-

tion intended to make a billet forsome person, whose duty would hechiefly to copy names from the oldresistor. He honed the introducerwould consent to have the sectioneliminated.

Noble Widemann said the bill waspicpared originally by eight mem-

bers of the House, and a committeehad submitted certain amendmentsto it.

Rep. Brown did not think the sec-

tion should be struck out. The ideawas to have the Registrar go over allthe lists to revise them, accordingtc provisions in other parts of thebill. When his work was completedit would be the "Great Register ofthe Kingdom," in which voters forNobles and for Representativeswould be separate, and which wouldbe available for reference as to thenumber of voters in eacli district.The section would not increase theexpense, and he thought it a verysensible amendment to the law.

Minister Peterson said that underthe present law a person had to dothis kind of work in a central olliccin Honolulu, and there was there-fore no increase of expense involved.

Rep. Pachaole insisted that thesection was intended to make a newollice. The registering was piovidedin other sections tojfie done by In-spectors. What e6qld the Registj nrin Honolulu know about the correct-ness of the lists from such a distiictas Ililo for instance? The workshould be done by the cleiks in theInterior Ofllee, whoso salaries hadbeen raised by this House.

Noble Widemann believed that ifhe had an hour to explain the sec-

tion to the hon. member he wouldsupport it. 1 he section was new tohim. It was the work that the Re-

gistrar could not do which was leftto the Inspectors, the object beingto reduce the labors of tho latter.The Registrar's work was absolutelynecessary in present circumstancesof the pountry. If the proposed me-

thod did post moro the increasedexpense would be amply repaid byimproved work. He could not lieaccused of want of regard for (iconomy, having often been voteddown when his economical ideaswere deemed unreasonable

Rep. Knudsen agreed with thestatements of the hon. Noble, butdid not quite understand the section.He thought it would be better ifeach district had its own register,in charge of tho chairman of Inspect-ors, who could get information fromtho School Agent, who had a list ofthe taxpayers. (Noble Widemanninterrupted tho speaker in an under-tone.) ff it was tho hon. Noblowho was Bpeaking lio would say,"Shut up," hut tho epcukor woulcj

not say so to him. Tho method hoBiiggested would bo more effectiveas well as simpler. Moreover, innearly every district tho SchoolAgent wus tho chairman of Inspec-tors.

Noble Muller thought the amend,muni would ho iiioin economical, tin

tlm liiHpuotors charged a day for anhour or two'tj woik,

'i'lin Hfiitloii umM,Rhus, ill), 110, uml ill (msui'd,Noliju Vii!imiiin movitil Id ihiidihI

Hu, Utf vorlwlly In uwiiiliu iiliiirliiltiil iiiiiuiiiliiiuiiu viiluultUul.Dim lwl. mill Him wiiilun Mwl m

UlPJiilwil',fcuiw. M to u limlusJyy utiul

bIUuuji umimiliuuul.Uiu, ljlvk i uiuvwJ U) wUiluiv

"itiimfM' lu Uu wiwli"mmu MijjWr ii uf

HONOliULtJ, k' 1., SrOVBMSfiSft 1, 18H0.

lioards of Inspectors of plcctlon,Lost.

Minister Peterson moved to am-


by adding the scntouco submit forby ('011111111100 in printing, as fol-

lows: "Two Inspectors over andnbovo those provided for above shall

the same manner bo appointed foreach polling place or precinct tonerve on tho election day only. (This

renuired on account of the pro- -

vision1 for secret voting elsewherethe hill.)Rep. Brown believed in the theory

scciet votimr. but doubted itspracticability in tills country. Heopposed the amendment on thisground.

Nolile Muller spoke in favor ofthe provisions of the bill in this re-

gard.Hop. White favoicd secret voting

and suggested having pictures ofthe candidates posted up with theiriiamc'l in the polling places for thobcnofU of those who could not rend.

Rep. Paehaolo opposed adding tothe number of three Inspectors ateach voting place.

No'ole Widemann said he wouldhe sorry if the bill slipped up on aside ihsue. Perhaps the number ofInsptictois in the originnl bill wouldbe sullli'ient. Referring to a remarkof ihc previous speaker, he said hethought that at least nine-tent- ofthe Hawaiian voters could read andwrite.

Noble Macfarlano was sorry thatthe Hawaiian members were inclinedto oppose this measure which design-ed to give us fair elections.This bill provided for absolutesecrecv of voting, and, in hundreds of places where the systemhad been tested in America, theresult was puiityof elections. Inevery city where "Boss Rule" heldsway the secret ballot was bitterlyopposed. Without the secret ballotamendments the Election law wouldbe a failure and he uiged that anyand all arguments that would bebrought up against it was throwingdust in the eyes of those who shouldbe fully alive to the importance ofthis question.

Rep. Kanealii believed that theInspectors being appointed by theMinister of the Interior would bepartisan.

Rep. Nawalu objected to piling upolllcials. If the franchise was madean educational one, all this troublewould he avoided.

Noble AVideinann again spoke inbehalf of fair treatment of the bill.Under present circumstances thesafeguards in question were neces-sary.

The amendment carried and thesection passed as amended.

Minister Peterson moved to amendSec. 40, "of the duties of the In-

spectors of Election," in severalparticulars. Carried, and the sec-

tion passed as amended.Noble Marsdon moved the House

adjoin n till 10 o'clock Mondaymorning.

Noble J. M. Horner moved theHouse adjourn.

Noble Macfarlane would like toknow the hon. Noble's reasons foradjourning over a working day.

Noble Marsden said he had pro-mised to make the motion in orderto give the judiciary committee aday for the opium investigation.

Minister Peterson We have hadall the opium we want.

The House adjourned at :i:50.


Seven mountain peaks of theBlue Ridge range in jjoitli Carolina,east of Ashevillo, have been omit-ting smoke for several weeks, forthe third time since tho Charlestonearthquake.

John. D. Rockefeller has justgiven 81,000,000 more to the Chica-go Baptist University in addition tothcSCOo.OOO contributed previously.He will pay the money in sevenyears, beginning on October 1, 1800.

Bears an,d deers are very plenti-ful in the Dismal Swamp, in Vir-ginia, and old residents say they aremoio numerous than for man'years. It is said to bo no unusualthing to see deer drinking from thecanal.

Mrs. Mary E. Beaseloy, of Phila-delphia, has invented and patenteda barrel-hoopin- g machine whieligivos her an income of 820,000 ayear; her machine, it is claimed,being capable of hooping 1200 bar-rels a day.

In an orchard near Visalia, Cal.,1102 pounds of prunes were recentlygathered from one trco, whieli is sixyears old. The product of one acrehas brought St 900. A few yearsago the land was considered to bevalueless.

Professor Orton, while urging theimperative necessity of taking actionto restrict tho wasteful use of na-

tural gas, admits that even iho strict-est regi)IutioiB cannot prevent theextinction or Ilia supply In u fewyears,

Tho theoiy tliut whisky is necos-snr- y

in thu treatment of pneumoniahas received u blow from Dr. Bull,of Now Voile citv, wIhXIUoovomthat In thu Nuw York hospitals (Jo

per emit, of tlm pnmiiiionlii patientillu wllh ulcolinliu treatment, wliiluIn London, nt tlm Object l.uabonToiiH.'iiiijcu Hospital, only ft purpent, illu,

OIiiiiIiih l.orliiK Jlitni wIiiiriillitlltll In fiwIlM'llllllll l iiiiikmiikumI,vim tar fuiiy yniirn ci)iiliiiii)iit iih hinlwlumiiy ijinuiig lliu iiiuii' I In

utw ijju fuuinlur uf ilm UjIIiIidji'iU) kuwuly ttliliili )t! itttJJUiu) tliwj-wu- )

uf ymitijf lhf Amu ihv AmW9 y u gJ wl wiy yjj mnu4 hi

Tho MInino Judlaiw find ooiisldcrable dlllloulty in procuring birches

sulllciont size to furnish matcilnlbuilding their bnrk canoes, and

are substituting canvas, which costsless and will bear rougher handling.

Sir A. McGiegor, the adminis-trator of New Guinea, has taken adecided stand on the drink question.He has enacted that any one foundgiving intoxicating liquors to a nativeshall be liable to a penalty of 20.

While a broken ocean "cable wasbeing repaired 970 miles from port,tho City of New York steamed by.The men on thercpair steamer at-

tached an instrument and tele-graphed the fact to tho Inman Lineagents in New York.

Mile. Louise Gauticr, a youngwoman who was born deaf anddump, but taught by the Grosseliusystem, was able to go through suc-

cessfully all the examination bothwritten and oral of the NationalScuool of Fine Arts, at Puns, hasbeen appointed teacher of design inthat institution.

A paragraph going the rounds ofthe papeis says: A minister fromAfrica, Rev. Leonidas Tourkclscn,is lecturing to colored people inGeorgia on the advantages whichAfrica holds out to them and urgingtheir emigration. He has arrangedfor an expedition for Africa Nov. 15,and expects to carry about 2000colored Americans witli him.

Herr Peter Lcchner is known asthe "most lonely man" in Euiope.He is in the weather bureau serviceon one of the highest peaks of thoAlps. Three times a day he takesobservations and telegraphs them toVienna. It is the custom of thevillagers on Christmas Day to cuttheir way up to his eyrie nestthrough tho snow-cla- d valley andmountain and take him presents.Throughout the year, it is the onlytime ho sees a human face.

Miss Katie Marsden, a philanthropic young English woman, withher friend Mrs. Deanc, lias gone ona tour of inspection of the leperhospitals and settlements in Scandi-navia, Italy, Russia, the Ciimea,Palestine, Egypt and Robben Island.When they have learned the bestmethods of dealing with leprosythey will return to England whereit is said Mrs. Deanc intends tobuild a hospital for cases of leprosj'which shall mitigate to "the utter-most the woes of the victims of thisterrible malady.

The "Jewish Messenger" quotesMr. George W. Childs, in regard tohis experience with women as journ-alists. Mr. Childs says: "Some ofthe best writers on my paper arethe women editors of it and there isnot one of them who is not paid forher work exactly as though she werea man. I believe fully in this. Itis true that women have, in manyquaiteis, been underpaid for theirlabors; but lam convinced, fromevidences I have seen, that this stateof tilings is gradually becoming less.Let women be given a fair chance inbusiness."


II. Lightbody, of the baik"Bilker," will not be lespoitaihlc

for any debts contracted by his ciewwithout his written order, 077 tf


Dn. I. M. WHiTNKY is happy toannouiiup to his nations and

friends in Honolulu and thatheucefoith he will be assisted in hisdental lonuib by Dr A E NICHOLS, grad-uate of the St. LouiR Dental College,nml for ravuial yours u successful prac-ttou- cr

in 1ir:u1l'iiu, California. Uflieuboms as befoie fiom S:IIU a. M. to A :'Mv. si. 004 Pn


From and aftci this date wewill not be ifsponslble for anyfi eight after same has beenlauded. l'.uties to whomfi eight is consigned inut lie itthe landing to, ruce(v( theirfi eight..

WllJl Klt'S S. S. Co.Honolulu, Sept. C, 181)0. G30 tf


U.S. COXSUI.ATK Qknkuai,. 1

Honolulu, II. I., Out. 'J8, 1800.All pei suns having claims ugtilnst the

estate of Molhigtou Kendall, deceased,and all persons Indebted to the sameare liurcby notlllcd to p'esent their billsand make payment within :iu days, andall piwous htivlng piopoity aie alsouolllled to lepoit the sumo and leave itat this Consulate.

II. W. SEVKKANCE,COO lw U. S. CoiibUlutc-Gcncru- l.


FROM nml after tills ilatu wo noticxpoiislblo for any fioif;lit after

iiiinii liitK biieiHlellveit'd at any htiitliin.I'm ties to uliom fieiglit Is eoiHlcnuiliniifct lie at tliu blatioii to lucelvu theirflf'lL'llt.

Nofiel,'lit will lm htoIvoiI for ship-imii- it

between tho liouiri of 8;:i() anil 11

o'eloiiK a, in , ami between liilO ami --

o'elouN p in.'J'rnliiN v III not lio iliiliilucil for hlilp-niei- it

of (it'lh'lit without ifpeeliil uiiiineimiiit,

f Xo finlf,lil will Ihi iceelveil altertills 1I11I11 niileoK I'limueK tun iiicpiilil,

OAIII'HVILWAT iVUNIH'O.,W, U, Aclilny, Hiiiiiirlnlninluiil,

lloiiuliilii, Oul.il, IhW, 1171 1(

(J(iiiii'Iikm'hIiIi Nol I(ki,

rilllj Illu HldlHIII'll Iiiivm iii lrI lUlilll'l, II, l'llUJlljlllliJl HI)

m iiwiijiw iu ujU.juttuili;jii.fiuM


Tho hereditary Wood nnlsnn ofscrofula develops in tho dcllonto tissuesor tiio brain, menial weaknesses andinilrimtics. Hllocv nml insnnitv. It en.largos tho frlanils of tho th oat, impairs!ino Bcnso 01 amen aim iusiq, or breaksinto consuming ulcu s on tho neck. Itdestroys the lungs, r fills them withtuberculous sorrel loni It eats awaytho coating of tho stomach, enlargestho liver, clogs tho kidneys, createsconstipation and induces piles. Nomnrmn agency can so speedily, per-manently and economically clcanso theblood of scrofulous unison, plnur thocomplexion ami akin, scalp nnt Mood,as iccutcr'H )i'ii No. 2, thogreat uioou purimr.

Renter's Healing Soap

Uf e it always if you wish for a fair.clear skin, a noft, supplo skin. Givesa natural tint, imparts freshness, removes blotches, prevents eruptions.

HOLUSTER & CO.,G90 Distributing Agents. lm

Lovejoy&Co.,15 tiuuanu St., Honolulu, H. I.

Solo Agents In the Hawaiian Islands for

'Old Magnolia" & "0. P. T."Fino Bourbon Whiskies.

Lachman & Jacobi'sCelebrated California Wints.

Also, always in stock, a "H lino of tho choicest--' or



We have for sale a supeiior aiticleof

Sarajarillii & Iron Water,

Manufactured by Schmidt & Co.,Stockton, C.ilu. It is the mostwholesome and delicious tonic andbeverage of the age.

Oideis fiom the other Islandspromptly attciuli-- to and goods c.ue-ful- ly

packed for shipment. C3'2 ;im



Tho complete story of Stanley's recent thrill tiffadventures and tho dlnclosuro of hid Importantdiasuvorlts will ami ar for tho first II mo U thework written by liimftrlf, entitled "In DarboafcAfrica " D nut lio decwive I Ijy any f ilio

"Stanley books' uw bci olftrud us' uutbtntic ' Ta no ono of Uiuhj has

ouinivy cuiuniiiivcii mniMTliercl a uu qucu'on urxiut tws statement lwlueonnuotlutvery tmrLIcular 'WoBUttraiitoolt, mid

win in ve nanfculam on nimlicatioii

CAUTION Jn omit not to 0 misled, bcothat the book Uars tho Inu

V IntofCHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONSAnd that tho canvassing a;o)it currks a cortltlcatoof atjLucy from us


SAN FRANCISCO. .General Agents for the Pacific Coast.

J. W. Chamberlin,Sole Agent for Hawaiian Kingdom.

671 tf


I make a specialty of lepnlrlng flue

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc,

Ami uniaulee Hrst-ela- ss woik atmoderate pi lees.

A.J.SCHREIBER,Hotel st., under tho "Arlington."

'(17!) 1 111

JE3TNAIA NATURAL Mineral Wnter. For

salo only byW. S. LUCE,

Solo Agent &, Impoiter for the Ha-waiian Islands. r23 tl

California Lands I


A. HOIUWV,188 If IQMeu'lmiilHt,, Uoiiohilu,


ll)Nt)l,l,l, If, I,

Olllriimoi'llNiiipVIUiil,, (Mil

DAVID DAYTON1111 II iiiuvllu' li) llii' luiii' ' uuij uf 1)111

aus UilJUHMIIUillJ wmjwj.mm, mm us mmiUWilliJ'

Oceanic stushii Goip'y.


From San Francisco.

Leave Duo at' H.F. Honolulu

Zealanduv Nov 10 Nov 22Alameda )(;U 13 dmc 20

For San Franoisco.

Leave Due atHydnoy Honolulu

Alameda Oct 2! Nov 15iMiiripoa Nov 2(i....Dec 13Zeulandin. Dec 21 Jan 10

Intermediate S. S Australia.

Leave S. F. Leave Honolulu.Friday. . .Nov Friday... Nov 21Friday. . .Dec Friday. ..Deo 18

Australian leu Semce

Wlt SAN FltANOlNf.'O.Tho new aud line Al mumI strunulup

tt Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Sttumshlproinimuy, niM

be due at Honolulu from SydnV;uti'' Auckland on m about

Nov. 15, 1890.And will leave for the above port wiUiiniitlu and .assengers on or aliout Hint.il'UC..,tVSwfA?,B,Ji or PHSsaKe, having MJ.I'EMOU ACCOM All) DATIONB, untdyto

WM Q. IEWIN & CO., Atom.

For Sydney and Auckland.

I'ho new and tine Al steel stcMimhir)t Zealandia

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, willbe due al Honolulu from Sun

Fmnoisroon or ubout

IMov. 22, I 890.And will b.we prompt disputed wfm,mails aud pii'.sengers tor tbeuliovK-part- a

for treiglit or passage, liavisg 8UI'EHIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, applj.

7 WM. Q. IEWIN' & CO.. Agent.

fa G. kin & Company.))





Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes,.





High Grade Ckraical Cane Manure..



Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.



Steal Jot Prini

This ofllco having nddeil a large vailotyof tho latest styles of

Elegant Type !

To Its Job Printing Room

Ik belter prepared tlmnmw to executeall ordeiA iu that line, eomprlfciug;

Books, Pamphlets,Hill ileuilH,

HuHliieHH CaidH,Law HIiiiiKh,

Letter llendK,(Mii'iiIiiih, Invitation,,

i'lmitnlloii HIiiiiKh,llmiMng ronns.

WudilliiuUuulH,t'ullliig gr.U,

Posters, Handbills, Dodgers,

I'roanHimiMi Elu,, Elo

- A,( ,S'' LOW HA'I'lJHi -









iBUiLUw. vj lmj&f$j tiimh

;&w Sf 01 c &it-iiiiliiiii- m k.

t fc -- mmmOfr: rtf- - if - .htsrt ' m Bfcfi A trt J, n, nee- -

