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.Liiiiiii^ S:'PA.LLS LY Nl

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’[.Ihe ) voL i. iro. 30t - . ^ mm LiEHN |iSTlGINIIl Tie-up of Coaf Industry is Corn- I' '■'■■■piBted.Tlirouoliout Country —Raiiway B^tlierliooiiS to , Discuss Situation jat Large ^ (By AsaoeUtod Preu) Soip^oD Of voik In tbe uilos eotl mlnw of tho couatry Tlitaally • w u complet« tod*y, leoortlng to Uport# T«*lT#d from union »nrc«i op to niK^ And cUlffls were suda ^ thftt the silnen’ oaoM hid been j . ftnmflthsned hy valkouts la-iome I . . nonmilba ’ dia&lct«. ' i . Preiident Lewis of tbo iniQors told the 'houBQ labor, co&nlttee icauraplion . of wcrk depended entirely on o|iurjilor*, I whoBo rufusol te eonfcr, ho add, pro- voked tho suipenalon; Miners claimed complete tieup in New Elver fields of W ert Virginia, ' nosnnlon texrltoryrhotetftfora. ^ Scranton anthracite mininf; diatriet reported mponsion 100'per, ccnt of- foctlve.^wlth 70,000 men and boys idle. ' *'Mtnen* officials aaserted. 4C00 men.hU Joined the walkout In the ' P«nh»dl# district of Wert Vir- . ■"“ ■■glnli, htrt offidais reprwaatla® t tho operators said vof7 little prog- . reis. towwd nupeasion had been . . ' made In aoy Wett Tirginla non- onion floldSi ■j- . , Oeoloffieal survey,announced .bitufti- 1 Inous produetloQ o f.ll 1-2 million tona fl Ifl week ended ^Uaroh 25, confiraiinf; ^ tho surrey's forecMt of 03,000,000 tons in eoaiuiners| hands.April l! T K*'ds« oporatora.aode: no ,effort to t i r f f * . oj^n’mines pending sepm to mcetinRa ’J " of miners and oporalor# In Kansns C ity''' L today to idluun Industdal court ordor . i** for tbirty-day continuaneo of old ' working arran;;emblDU. Meeting-in ChlenRO of rail union ftronpi today was cxpected to discuM rolatloDS of railroad workers, to the miners’ auapenslon of work. ' Prcaidents of threo nnthrocito ' dis’ triets traveled to Now York to resume wage ncRotiations with opori\ljirt^ aub- < ' committee. I ‘l* RAILWAT MEN IDLE. 1 } ■ WILKESDARBE, Pn., (<!P)-Sovcrnl ‘C * I thoimnnd rsilromi emptoycn~mcmben ‘ i) of coal crnwi—found them*olvcs out f, of cmpliiyment today oa a result of the eoni mino auopcnslon. In the W|l- kcallonc dlntrlct nlone, SOOO railroad mon were idle. Lonf; trains of loaded fors hnvo licen movinj; out of tho rlnfs- ification ynrd« aince the tieup bccnu - nnd.it ia cxpettcd the* rcRion will W ■ cicancd up by tonight. The coal is ho- [ int; stori’il on itidinKS nearer tho l.nreo ] cities. ^ I Offleialn of oome of tho local unions today were Invcsti(jntluK, the Murco of *“ I • circulam which hnvo mndo their ap- !■ poarnnco amonf; tbo minors critieizinf' / their leaden and advoeatinR "nne bip J j I union.” '■ ' f .1 Tho m^i were urRcd,to diarcRard the ^ ]'.;/ j clrenlnM nnd to ro-awcar alloRlaneo to Iij- tbo lea-lurfhlp of tho Unltod Mine f / j Workers. Radicals, it was utotod, wore " [I / takinf; ndvnnta^ of tho suspension to W I spread their propaRonda in tho anthra- ' F I ■ cite fields. ‘J y - mikbes hunt jobs I* ' fiCBANTON, Po., yp) — Thouaonds [j I , of mlno worVors In tho Scranton dU- f ' trict, whero approximately 70,000 men „ [ i T and boy* aro idle as a result of the y .f. mine suspension, wero out today In r \ search of mploymeot in other indus- Ilr tries. Uuildini; contractors in manr soetloDS of thU city wero hlrlnft min er«., = , INDIANA riELD CLOSED.' ^ TBRRK nAUTB, Ind., (^P) - Min- era in Indiana aro about 100 per’ .ecnt atrong, wcordinR to wports recclve<l today nt headquarters of district N'o. - 11 in this city. LEWIS IB PtBABED... ..WASnrNQTON, D, 0., (;P>-John L. Uwis, Intornational proiidoot. of. tho mino' workera, who is in WashinRton todayjM^i'd ho was f[uito well satisfied ; . ^w.ith the prop-cas of thp ntrlkc. . . ' _ NOlf.UNTON MEN QUIT. | .. nEKKLY-,"Wi'Tli.',';W,~ Virtually "^rcm'plcte, tleup of* th)’ New River cool ' fields and pnrtW closing in the''Wind- . • lag Qulf fields wero claimed liy John J . Sprouse,'preiident of District No. 29, ' Uniled Mine Worken of America, to- day. Seven locali fiavo been organized - in'the'W ii.illn'g,Gulf field, non-union territory liiretofore, Mr. flprouic said. Ia. thfl Now River fisid, formoriy (OoAtlo«i OB Psjp Ura) ' TBEOmr^SS(H S:'PA T5) .. I New Livmtoek Loans ; Include m m for Use of Idaho Growers I .w/sniNflioN, n'. 0, m-Af provai of lOOO advsaccs for agri- cultural and livestoek purpoirs ag- grcgntlfg ♦2,504,000-was made I day by th r war finauee corpora- tion. ' . The diatributlon of loans in- cludwl: C^ifornia, |20,000; Colorado, $410,001); Idaho, »43,000; Iowa, t62,00i)^ Montana, t3R,000; N'e- braska, $W,000; South Dakota,, W7,000; ■Ti'xns. «27)1,000| Utah, y «70,00ili Washington, |78;000, and Wyoming, ♦00,000. ^ Airplanes Clash in ®. Midair; Two Killed IIOUBTON, Texas, (/P).-r Two airplani's from Kllington field rrashed nenr South Ilouiton this morning imd enme. down in flames. Both pilot* were' killed.- -Mlijor Slmmotcs,'pilot of ono plane, wns burned to lU'Oth and Lieutenant PlUpalriek,-pllot of tho otbcr nm- chine, died a few minutoi after the ‘ accldcit. ‘ ' d , Free Seed Item Cut ’■ from Appropriations WASnlNOTOX, D. C., « > )-« » agrieulUirnI appropriation hill, rdi’- ryinji $: .•1,808,000. but without tbe , ~ :t item nf «nnO',liOO for freo secils, was f- roported today to tho senate. A* turned over to the senate Ihe mensuro-ls $110,^00 Inrger than os it pasted tho house. I Cause Daddy’s Arrest | - To Give.Him Thrills, CniC.AGO, III., (/P) - Wnlter flurarh lirnKued before,his fnmlly *■ 'Snlunlny thnt ho,ha«1 never been '* nrrerited. Tudny ho stood bofori; K n Chicngo judge charged w'ilh dls’ Rl '• orderly conduct. Officers later nr- rrsl^d him nft^r his 11-year-oId 0 dau(:hter. toid them “ father is - :> bentlng mother.i*- , - y - 1 - i i v ' o l l n joke,^* the-llttle g ir i ......... ir .told. Ihp juilge. ; “ I didn’t waut d papa tn uiImi nny thrlllK an I .rtdlm! the police.” ' ' n ' dui = GIMPHIC;! ' 'Stiipping Men of Coast Watch;, ■ 3 - 'Ifjif J First Contest of Speed Be- I; tween Fast Craft tta ‘‘ --------- due 1 SAN ri'AXClSCO. (/P) - Rhli.iii.ig,"'" JJ men of Ihe I'li/Ific conrt arc hoMIngj J, their watche/i, figurntivcl.v, on two iu-|’'"i teresting Mcnn rni'es whieh got UHder"''''' p wny In the last throe days. O ne.is.n'l”‘l trans-Pni-iflr speed cnnte.it hetwccn' g two eravtt liners. - The other is more f nearly unlfinc. It is betweea two{ occan tugs with unusually henvy tows. i _ The Cnnndian Pnclfle liner Kmpress „ of Asia m.il tho Admiral line sleam?r w I’inc 'Tree Stnte sailed from Yoknhnmii J for Viclnf|,i, n. C.,'Saturdn.v. It is tho j Q first teiil test of spceil between ships , of eonipctjng lines in the Irniis-Pacific e " tot ^ Rival (l.f' companies of Sou Pran- eisco landed contracts for towing the fin t two sections of the huge pontoons .g, for the drydoek of tlio Routhwestern Shipbuilding company from Han I'rnn- eiseo to ’Los Angeles, The tugs w^th * thoir tows got away Saturday' to oa. evott start at ,3:-l0 4i-m ,' They aro tho ne ”• Red Stick tug Sca^Ionoreh nnd- the at- ® Ulack Stuck tug Storm King, is " --------- ---------thl '' IDAHO 'WEASHBB . tne ^ Tonight and:Tuesday •rain! it Governon Small As 5 Be Tried Befoi A waukeoan . III., (/P) - nov- ernor hen Small today demanded thnt w)men sit on tho'jury whieh is lo try him on ehorges'of eon- J irpirae/ fo cmbetzln- state .funds, n Thro'inh hls nltiirneys he ehnl- d lenge-l tho entire jury list, of ^T^nite '" Continuous U Shi I Links Josefa 'i " . CHIOAflO,jyp).—,,The “ einmcisV.'.- ' twins” 'Josefa and Ro'<a Rlatek, ,i , who'dii'd. l|vst week 'J,fter.;.,{M-.• ,;i JJ weeks illneu, nt n hti«liitnl here', ' , wero jollied at tho spine, and sever-. ing them would have leen fatal, I accordli-g to X-ray photographs imAi!Bbpmsmw8 .LLS . TWra tKOA rotBo. Ml , fJEW CIVIL Wi 3 . . .u . .L l ... . ATTEE 7S0 '7EABS of ftghtiag for tm for tho Irish to ce&ie hostUltl' ealag Limerick, where ^m e cainiol mored cars ore bftlsg used t« patro: • battlfc Here is the flrrt picture ol erick to be received in thli count ^ entrance to a hotel where they an car also Is shown. 11 ,ffi,HOIS' iii[ m i; ICMllH Record Output is Nladain Prep- raration for Big Strii<e, Says ttie Geoiogiai Survey in Its ''■Repol1~ WASIIINOTO.V, I). C..I/FJ-A j.to. duftion of 11,4.17,000 tons—tho high- est record sinre a week in December, 1P20—wiiK. reocficd in Ihn l)itumIiiou< conl in-hntry during the week ended jMnrcJi i'r. heeoriling lo ri'porta com- I piled Iiy f)ie genlociral survey. “ Final inctivity in anlicipation of the strike,” I wan said lo Irsve been Inrgely rospoiisi- Y ’lo for (ho heavy output. t 1Will Increase Eeserrea. !• . “ This eonflrtits the Survey's foro *i •Irnst thnt stoeks In lho hnnds of eon- siimer* woold roaeh.{1.1,000,000 tons by April 1,” the stntement suid, nddlng ? th a t a t lea-st .3,000,0011 Ions of the pr,i- iluetlon of tho Inst rcnorted week ^ would be nddod to reser^'es. Ij (,'ontMry Io ueuiil prncMce In Iho in- Ijdiiatry, prnduetlon inerensed ns the ^ r|weck progreiscd, renchlng Ihe hich out- , ipiit for iiiiy one day' with .10.I)D2 cars , ,• loaded nt tlie re)>or(lng mines on Fri- Jday, Mnrch 24. >1 Loading Are Heavy. 1 '• I’rcliml.iary teleirrnphle returns, tho 'I J siirve.v, fanl, . iniliente that ou both ' ' Monday t.nd Tuesdny of last week, ' Iriadlngs 'eirredfd 37,000 cars. Rciwrts from the .nnthraclto Indus- J try indieiilcd a slmllnr condition, tho ' production'tho week ended Mareh 25,, totalling L’,005,000 tons ngainst 1,007,- ; 000 in the previous week end 1,504,000 J tons in ihi; corresponding week of ‘ 1021. I , j BKPEOT NEW OOTTEE. 1 . WABHINOiTOnVD.'c., (/P) — Tho 3 new eoast guard cutter Modoc, built ; at-OjJdnn-1. Cal., at ^c6sj of ;$7.'i0.00n, Is expected'to arrive'in Wuhington this wwk for’inipeJtlon boforo assign- ment to tho North All&iitJfi.-ieo' patrol, it was said today at tho treasury. 1;:^ ^ ^ = = = = = = :^ — = L _ ~ = = : * isks That He | ^ore Women Jurors ‘ county becaaee only men had been I callcd. -1 Attorney Wcmercflehroedor read* i aa affidavit, charging, uo womon \ had been Cnlled for ..the juir, • f “ thcrjh;’ depriving “ sa‘d *• womctl. } , voter^^.of theif inherent rights” fo'licrve on the jury. i -------- ---- -------------- ----------------------------- } haped Spine j t'iind Rosa Bldzek The'.pieturea, it was ,.declared, ' showed- n. continuous U-shaped ' 'j in common. The ilcnths wero'duo . to' intestinal obstruetioo, accord- ing to i}^orge W. Drady, radlogni- < . pher, who made the pictures. UONSA.'T. APBIL s. 1022. < WAR NOWTHREATENS LIMERICI - - .. ........... ..-.f' :or freedom It appareatly la a hard ma) Utles. A cow civil tnr has beea Uireai- nialtles already hava beea reported. Ar- trol the rtreeta In tho eveat^f a pitchsfl of the Irish Bepublicaa Amy at Llm- ontry. The widlen are stoadin^^ at the are Quartered. A closeup of an armored Grabs $5,000 In Currency , Stranger iViakes Boid Attempt at Robtiery wiien New Bank ' Swings Open its Doors in - Washington . | > .WABHINQTON, (/P)—The M«r- chanta Bank and Tmst'company. > a new lastl^oo,'opened lt« doon -today.wlthla-ft block (i the-UnlU . edfltaU4i ' t n a^ aad W ted,the^ puhUc t o . i ^ Q ,u Inspeetlon of ita.'- qoartert.' F w hoars after the ' doors swTuig open aa unldeatlfled aaa ea.te»d, Jolaed th« other [ guests, but unllko the others I grabbed a package of bills coatala- lag $GOOO as ^0 passed the paying I teller's wladowl' ToUfit-Purtues Baadlt 1 The paying teller leaped from behind tho countcr and with a platol pursued the holdup man up Fiftceuth slreot, sliootlog in the air na ho wcnl. Hun- dreds of government clerk, out for the j noon hour, pursued Iho. fleeing bandit and n pedostrinn walking cnsunlly along n ' heard tho tumult, saw tho running man ^ ’ eoming nnd grabbed him. Ilo held j) him until tho teller and'police arrived. ], Ttie JliOOO was.reeovered iind the unin- vited guest nt the bank's opening wns: sent to pollco hcadquarlcrs, j Tho prisoner told the police he was',, ' I-Idward Dnyton, 28, of New York, ]| C I I I [ B U K : SiRli PDST ; : , ■■ ■— J >Japan Decides to Quickly With- < draw Military Forces to Pre- j vent Clash with Sovlets ____ t J . , n ( TOKIO, (/p)—Immediate eracoa'. , tlon of Siberia was dedded upon at t the last meeting of the Japaaese ^ cabinet, according to the -Tokfo' p newspapers today. - f Tho Asahi Shimbun, io publishing ( , tho report, attributes tho decision to j, activity of the' reds la tho maritimQ c province, which, it says, places tho Jap- r aneso forces in a posltion'oi,having to r » fight tho soviet troops or mnko peace, k Bed Forces. Advance . I Reports from Vladivostok today said ■the red forees of ^ 0 Chita govern- T ment, advancing southward, along tbo ^ Usurl jailway in pursuit of Vlodlvostok ° government troops, had reached Spass- ^ koyo. ' Tho 'Vladivostok troops as fast as ' they nro forced tOTetiro inlo territory . . guardcd by tho Jap-meBO, aro being dis- | armed by. tho' Jnpanese • forces, dis- .. patches aaid.. Some thous.mds of the red. troops nro said to, have ^invaded I* Japancso neulral luritory, tho Japan- ese hesitating to. opon hoatililies in , vl^w. of tho negotiations thtot.'^havo ^ bech;'pending some time at Dalfen'bo- ; ,tween uio Jnpanese government' and , ;i :Ihb-’CMtajwri«.repablIc;- v , j Bo|wrts from Dairen'said Jdpaoeso ) rcprc»Mfttlv.ci. there hnd warned the \ Chita govemment ngninit invasloii of , Japaneae guarded territory. « [USCOUNTY ^ LY Nl 1ICK, IRELAND . . ( m- od mimm [ CilMTE. : OFfflFiK; ______ a Is Gr.eeted-with Cheers When r He Appears to. Ask Approval c of Government — Talks of t. World’Pr6tjlenii;7 ’ ' ' " * LonoON, (JP) — Filmo Ulolstor .1 Lloyd Oeorge ap,peared In the house d of' commons todoy fdr the' firtt ' p tlmo sLiro February 26 to aslc from at ,,the bpuso, pin expression of confi- dence In the policy of'tho govern- w I ment loward the Oenoa economic n cocfercQce. He was greeted with A id cheers from the' govemmenf fl rd benchci. Jtr , Is Up to House. Mr. Ll.i>d Oenr«e snid his reaolution [;ave lho liotise an nppurlunity of ap . |irii'ving nr di«a]iproviug tbe objoets of ’K ili(. denoi roufcrenee nnd the make- ” np of the (lenon delegnlinn, nnd that ■‘1 if lhe'r.-snUitioii were defentod il would '' ‘I- be efiul-.Mleiit to a vote of nn confi- “• dence in the government. " The prime minister snid the official ^ joppositino nniendment ehnn'god not Ihi- nbject but Ihe scope of the conference. Hu dU not believe surh a' body aa tbe H (lenon eoiifeci-nee eould jnnperly cou « slder th>‘ revision uf existing treaties, ii even in the event.this was desirable. ri Something to Bepair. ' ' ''' _ The IrcjuMe ln'Uiirope Ind been at- ' tributed In.'pely lo tbo rcparntions cx- acted by .the treaties, .'said Mr. Lloyd . Oeorge, lul the IrmlleH did "not crcate lho reparations. Their' creation was duo to tho fact, thaf thoro waa some ' ■\. thing to .iepair. If the trealy of Ver- sailles ^M-ri3 nltored, he dedarcd, Jl _ . would only Irnnsfer the burden from ^ flcrmnny lo Krance. Mr. Lloyd Oeorge snid there were two eoiisideralions dealing .witK tho problem* iif re|Wrtilions. The first, was fhnt if Ihr payments woro Insisted' upon be,vonii the power of the war- • exhausted eountry, a crisis would be ' '. preeipltatcd whieh'Would not bo con- \ fined to Oennnn.v. ^Tho socond wns J DR thnt Qetm.my’s uilim'ale' capacity to | to |,ay must not be judged l»T her prcsont . no capaollv. when in eommon with tho ' tp- rest of i:urope she was struggling to to recover f.-om the exhaustion of the “ :o. war. , Treaty Is Elartlc. ja Neither of these eoniiderotlon* could ^ proper\y be Judged at Genoa. Tliey ^ bo ought to be. judged by tbo mnchlnery ol( of the treat.v, which,wos very elaatie. , Franee. he foreenst, rould not forego ^ lho rlghl to have adjudication iri ae* cordanco with tho treaty’s conditions. . Defendiug the idea-of the conference the . prime minister sfiid. he had hccn I ' told Ihrtt the ennlitlon wr\« dylng^- •. , !*■ ‘ ■l-erJi.i|-.H'-{ m ny ha v e l h e , p » I ’irci£fl. ' of. a, dying minister to give my las*. ' wnrd of irivlce,” he remnrked. ^ “ I.do not know whn will succeed um. but .I w.inld like to utter ii word fcf kindlv warning: Whoever aucceedi .Sis ’ I’O' will find it im|iossible in thn.present stit'o of . Europe lo go on without con- . . ferchcc". .'Thi,. world is so battered, ’ bj^Ised aiid''crushed tbat the cure will '*>0 btf. a slow one and will i-ecd many of eoniuUntlens of its leading physl- ___________________ ________ .L iiiiiii^ 1 ^ 1 . PEIOB n V B CBNTIj lilii mmm FORCU Armed Troops Take New Oath of Allegiance to De Valera’s Government; Collins Meeting is Broken Up . , DUBLIN, (flV-Offlclal ftgniM glvea ont today show that 3^20 mea left tho five Dahlia battalions of the Irish repubUcoa army yes- terday afternooa, marching to..- Bnlt)iiflo!d, wher<t they tooic aa oath crf aUeglaace to tho repab- Uc, freeing Uujnsolves from any , further responsibility to the DaU Blreaaji. MULLINOAE, Oonnty W ert . Moath, Itelaad, {/p)-Aa Inddeat ftom which seasatltmal' dev^p-...^- meats u e expected here occorred •today when 100 free sttte troope ; march<jd '.to the gates of the bar*___ _ racl^ 0R':uided by Irish republican army adherents of Bamoa de '7v lera aad were refused sdmlssloa. STOr COLLIKB MEETTNO . lUnililN, (fl^-pTho meoting address- ed hy Mu-hael Collins at Castlcl^ar. County Mnyo,' Inst night was stopped , • by memboTs of tho Fourih Weatern di- vision of tho Irish republican army'af-' - - ter storiiiy sreni<s in which a woman ■ wos wounded bj* a bullet, aeeordlog to ” accounts iraching Dublin this moraing.- ' ‘Tho ehli'f of tho provisional govern-, n mont and his party returned to' their holfll, nnd the officer who had pro- U claimdl tll- meeting nt an end followed . dcclarin^' thot iione-would be allowed )| to leave imtll Mr. Collins and hls ., Irienrls .had .surrendered,their anas,... Mea Are Disarmed Till*-iie.comits-rrceived hero-do-not stato whether, tlip Colllos party-, wns disarmed, merely saying'that. ‘‘somo pcople ^.'ho left tho, hotel were aeardied. • ‘Tlie telegraph wires oround Castlebrr were cut nnd wheu tho iicwspopor co'r- res;ion>l’ .'nts there boarded n train for Allilone '.hny were ordered by-two of- ficers to go to tho bnrracks. Tho now'spaperuien wero convoyed to tho liarracks iu automobilo*,' where ^ they fonii-L A. McCabe, a member of , the Dnil Kireann, wllh Commandant . f Kllroy nna his staff. Tho command- .• nut dtaled tbat Mr.'lIcCalMj lind ail- \ mitted he ^■ns tho first to draw n rc . • J volver at thp meeling. . Mr. McCnbe |. theu, in the presence of tho correspon- dents, iold ho tiellovcd ho was tho first to ilniw, tho dispatches said. '•* U Befused Bedding >. A Dublin nmn, snid. to bo Charles . 0 Uryne, u uwinber of tho Collins'party, 1 wns iirrested nnd accused of tho shoot- I, ing. Mr. Collina subsciiucntly told the repre.seutntlvo of the Iriah Independ- ent, .Dublin ncw8p.iper, that ho Rnd , visi.led Mr. Uryne in the bnrracks and found him in a cell with only a plank for a bed nnd no bedding. He said ho ' hnd naked Commandont Kilroy to pa- ® rolo Mr. Drync. Mr. Collins to bo re- ' ’ sponsible, but that the request was re- fused. Wrs. Fogarty, proprietress of the. OimmcTcW Castlcbnr, ) waa . ” wounded iii the shoulder, presiimablv by llie ballet fired at tho meeUsg. ° Tho rorreapondcnt of the' London “ Evening Nowa says all tho roads to- - '] Castlebar were • blocked by troes and. that nulom^bilrs moving toward the ’ town were stopped by armed men, who. even rlpiicd ujr the railway, track .to ^ prevent thr. arrival of the ipccial train* .. from the surrounding‘lowna.'The meet- j Inp was consequently delayrf'^ntil - 0 r-'"- 'The crowd numbered 2000 persons, nmong them many hostllo to-Collins.' Collins wn» frequently interrupted and tliea an attempt was made to rush' tho , lorries, -which supported his pUtform, '' snj-s the account,'and. iv sapporlcr of y Collins drew a revolver. Others pro- duccd ro.-olve>s-iJso,'Upon'which-th-. crowd st.impc(led,- wDmoa feinting and se\'ci‘.-d, pet|flk.s were trampled upon. 1 • OALm> TO DOOtt Ain) SHOT •® '.BElj'AST, (>P>-Johti Malion, o n -.. ” swering a knock nt tho door 'of his: ' liomo .Tn .HkcpoJ^sl-avo^. Jait night, ^ OT. carr«r,i\i--rs.sf3-”“ ^ '" '- *■ a.sked If hi» son was In tho house.,Upon ! repl.ving iir.'tVe icf^tiw , Mallon waa • shot dead. . ..A bomb thrown-into a bOdroom In-" ■*f tho bou..« of John Blmpton i^. Ailing* “ ton street,wounded two children; ajed:' J .laildO.-' ill sa IDBES SEOUEB ASMS. ' ' IJ LONDO:;, (JPi - The & iiuh ,«a-; . tm i^ r7 :.:, .
Page 1: .Liiiiiii^ S:'PA.LLS LY Nl

’[.Ih e) ’ voL i. iro. 30t - . ^

m mLiEHN

|iSTlGINIIlTie-up of Coaf Industry is Corn-

I ' '■'■■■piBted.Tlirouoliout Country —Raiiway B^tlierliooiiS to

, Discuss Situation jat Large ^

(By AsaoeUtod P re u )S o i p ^ o D Of v o ik In tb e u i lo s

eotl m lnw o f tho couatry T litaa lly • w u complet« tod*y, leo o rtln g to •

U port# T«*lT#d from union » n rc « i op to n iK ^ And cUlffls w ere s u d a

^ thftt th e s iln e n ’ oaoM h id beenj . ftnm flthsned hy v a lkou ts la -iom e I . . nonmilba ’ dia&lct«. ' i

. P re iiden t Lewis of tbo iniQors told th e 'houBQ labor, co& nlttee icauraplion . o f wcrk depended entirely on o|iurjilor*, I whoBo rufusol te eonfcr, ho a d d , pro­voked tho suipenalon;

M iners claimed complete tieup in N ew E lve r fields of W ert V irginia,

' nosnnlon texrltoryrhotetftfora.^ Scranton anthracite mininf; diatriet

reported m ponsion 100 'p e r, ccn t of- foctlve.^wlth 70,000 men and boys idle.

' * 'M tnen* officials aaserted. 4C00 m e n .h U Joined the w alkout In th e ' P«nh»dl# d istric t o f W ert V ir- .

■"“ ■■glnli, h tr t o f fid a is reprw aatla® t tho operators said vof7 lit t le prog- .

■ re is . tow w d nupeasion had been . . ' made In aoy W ett T irg in la non-

onion floldSi ■ j- . , Oeoloffieal survey,announced .bitufti- 1 Inous produetloQ o f . l l 1-2 million tonafl Ifl week ended ^Uaroh 25, confiraiinf;^ tho su rre y 's forecM t of 03,000,000 tons

in eoaiuiners| hands.A pril l!T ■ K*'ds« oporatora .aode: no ,e ffo rt tot i r f f * . o j^ n ’ mines pending s e p m to mcetinRa ’J " o f miners and oporalor# In Kansns C i ty '' ' L today to id lu u n Industdal court ordor .i** fo r tbirty-day continuaneo of old

' working arran;;emblDU.M eeting-in ChlenRO of rail union

ftronpi today was cxpected to discuM rolatloDS of railroad workers, to the m iners’ auapenslon of work.' Prcaidents of threo nnthrocito ' dis’

tr ie ts traveled to Now Y ork to resume wage ncRotiations w ith opori\ljirt^ aub-

< ' committee.

I ‘l* RAILW AT M EN IDLE.1 } ■ W ILKESDARBE, Pn., (<!P)-Sovcrnl ‘C* I thoimnnd rsilromi emptoycn~mcm ben ‘ i) o f coal crnwi—found them*olvcs out

f, o f cmpliiyment today oa a result ofthe eoni mino auopcnslon. In the W|l- kcallonc dlntrlct nlone, SOOO railroad mon were idle. Lonf; tra in s o f loaded fo rs hnvo licen movinj; out o f tho rlnfs- ification ynrd« aince the tieup bccnu

- n n d . i t ia cxpettcd the* rcRion will W ■ cicancd up by tonight. The coal is ho- [ int; stori’il on itidinKS nearer tho l.nreo

] c ities. ^I Offleialn o f oome of tho local unions

■ today were Invcsti(jntluK, th e Murco of *“ I • circulam which hnvo mndo the ir ap-

!■ poarnnco amonf; tbo minors critieizinf'• / ■ the ir leaden and advoeatinR " n n e bipJ j I union.” '■' f .1 ■ Tho m ^i were urRcd,to diarcRard the ^] '. ; / j clrenlnM nnd to ro-awcar alloRlaneo toI i j - tbo lea-lurfhlp o f tho Unltod Minef / j W orkers. Radicals, i t was utotod, wore "[ I / takinf; n d v n n ta ^ o f tho suspension toW I ■ spread their propaRonda in tho anthra- 'F I ■ c ite fields. ‘ J

y - m i k b e s h u n t j o b s

I * ' fiCBANTON, Po., yp) — Thouaonds [j I , o f mlno worVors In tho Scranton dU- f ' tr ic t, whero approximately 70,000 men „ [ i T and boy* aro idle as a resu lt o f the y . f . m ine suspension, wero ou t today In r \ ■ search of m ploym eot in other indus- I l r tries. Uuildini; contractors in m anr

soetloDS of thU c ity wero hlrlnft min er«., =

, INDIA NA r iE L D CLOSED.' ^ TBRRK nA U TB, Ind., (^P) - Min-

era in Indiana aro about 100 p e r ’.ecnt atrong, wcordinR to w ports recclve<l today n t headquarters of d istric t N'o. - 11 in this city.

LEW IS IB P tB A B E D .. . ..W ASnrNQTON, D, 0 ., ( ;P> -John L.

U w is, Intornational proiidoot. of. tho mino' workera, who is in WashinRton todayjM^i'd ho was f[uito well satisfied

; . ^w.ith the prop-cas of thp ntrlkc. . . ' _

NOlf.UNTON M EN QUIT. |. . nE K K L Y -,"W i'T li.',';W ,~ V irtually

"^rcm 'plcte, tleup of* th)’ New R iver cool ' fields and pnrtW closing in the''W ind-

. • la g Qulf fields wero claimed liy John J . Sprouse ,'p reiiden t of D istric t No. 29,‘ ' Uniled Mine W orken of America, to ­

day. Seven locali fiavo been organized - in 'th e 'W ii.illn 'g ,G u lf field , non-union te rrito ry liiretofore, Mr. flprouic said.

I a . thfl Now R iver f is id , formoriy

(O oA tlo« i OB P s jp U ra ) '

TBE O m r ^ S S ( H

S:'PAT5) . .

I New Livmtoek Loans ; Include m m for

Use of Idaho Growers

I .w /sn iN flio N , n'. 0 , m - A fprovai of lOOO advsaccs for agri­cultural and livestoek purpoirs ag- grcgntlfg ♦2,504,000-was made

I day by t h r war finauee corpora­tion. ' .

The diatributlon of loans in- cludwl:

C^iforn ia, |20,000; Colorado, $410,001); Idaho, »43,000; Iowa, t62,00i)^ M ontana, t3R,000; N'e-

■ braska, $W,000; South Dakota,, W7,000; ■ Ti'xns. «27)1,000| Utah,

y«70,00ili W ashington, |78;000, and Wyoming, ♦00,000. ^

Airplanes Clash in ® . Midair; Two Killed

IIOUBTON, Texas, ( /P ) .- r Two airplani's from Kllington field rrashed nenr South Ilouiton this morning imd enme. down in flames.Both pilot* w ere ' killed.- -Mlijor Slmmotcs,'pilot of ono plane, wns burned to lU'Oth and Lieutenant P lU palriek,-pllot of tho otbcr nm- chine, died a few m inutoi a fte r the

‘ accldcit. ‘ 'd ,

Free Seed Item Cut ’■ from Appropriations

W ASnlNOTOX, D. C., « > ) - « » agrieulUirnI appropriation hill, rdi’- ryinji $: .•1,808,000. bu t w ithout tbe , ~

:t item nf «nnO',liOO fo r freo secils, was f- roported today to tho senate. A*

turned over to the senate Ihe mensuro-ls $110,^00 Inrger than os it pasted tho house. I

Cause Daddy’s Arrest | - To Give.Him Thrills,

CniC.AGO, III., (/P) - W nlter flurarh lirnKued before,h is fnmlly

*■ 'S n lun lny thnt ho,ha«1 never been •'* nrrerited. Tudny ho stood bofori;K n Chicngo judge charged w'ilh d ls’ Rl '• orderly conduct. O fficers la ter nr-

rrsl^d him n ft^r his 11-year-oId0 dau(:hter. toid them “ father is - :> bentlng mother.i*- , - •y - 1 - i i v ' o l l n joke,^* the -llttle g i r i .........ir .to ld . Ihp juilge. ; “ I didn’t w aut d papa tn uiImi nny thrlllK an I .rtdlm!

the police.” ' 'n ' dui

= GIMPHIC;!' 'Stiipping Men of Coast Watch;, ■3 - 'IfjifJ First Contest of Speed Be- I; tween Fast Craft tta‘‘ --------- • due

1 SAN ri'A X ClSCO . (/P) - Rhli.iii.ig,"'" JJ men of Ihe I'li/Ific conrt arc hoMIngj • J, their watche/i, figurntivcl.v, on two iu - |’'" i

teresting Mcnn rni'es whieh got UHder"''''' p wny In the last throe days. O n e .i s .n 'l” ‘l

trans-Pni-iflr speed cnnte.it hetw ccn' g two eravtt liners. - The other is more f nearly unlfinc. I t is betweea two{

occan tugs with unusually henvy tows. i _ The Cnnndian Pnclfle liner Kmpress „ of Asia m.il tho Admiral line sleam ?r w

I’inc 'Tree Stnte sailed from Yoknhnmii J for Viclnf|,i, n . C.,'Saturdn.v. I t is tho j Q first teiil test of spceil between ships , of eonipctjng lines in the Irniis-Pacific ‘

e " tot^ Rival (l.f' companies of Sou Pran-

eisco landed contracts for towing the f i n t two sections of the huge pontoons .g , for the drydoek of tlio Routhwestern Shipbuilding company from Han I'rnn- eiseo to ’Los Angeles, The tugs w^th

* thoir tows go t aw ay Saturday' to oa. evott s ta r t a t ,3:-l0 4i- m , ' They aro tho ne

”• Red S tick tug S ca^ Io n o reh nnd- the at-® Ulack Stuck tug Storm King, is" --------- — ---------— thl'' IDAHO 'W EASHBB . tne^ Tonight and :T uesday •rain! it

Governon Small As 5 Be Tried BefoiA • •

„ w a u k e o a n . III., (/P) - nov-ernor hen Small today demanded thnt w)men s it on th o 'ju ry whieh is lo try him on e horges'o f eon-

J irpirae/ fo cmbetzln- state .funds, n Thro'inh hls nltiirneys he ehnl- d lenge-l tho entire ju ry list, o f T nite '"

• Continuous U Shi I Links Josefa 'i" . CHIOAflO,jyp).—,,The “ e inm cisV .'.- ' tw ins” 'J o se fa and Ro'<a Rlatek,

,i , w ho 'd ii'd . l|vst week 'J ,fte r.;.,{M -.• ,; i JJ weeks illneu , n t n hti«liitnl here', ', wero jollied a t tho spine, and sever-.

ing them would have le e n fatal,I accordli-g to X-ray photographs

taken nfler the ir death.

i m A i ! B b p m s m w 8

.LLS. T W ra t K O A r o tB o . Ml

, fJE W C IV IL W i

3 . . . u . . L l . . . .

A T TEE 7S0 '7EABS of f tgh tiag fo r

tm fo r tho Irish to ce&ie hostUltl'

ealag Limerick, where ^ m e cainiol

mored cars ore bftlsg used t« patro:

• battlfc Here is the f l r r t picture o l

erick to be received in th li count

entrance to a hotel where they an

car also Is shown.

11,ffi,HOIS'i i i [ m i ;I C M llH

R e c o r d O u tp u t is N la d a in P r e p -

r a r a t i o n f o r B ig S t r i i< e , S a y s

t t i e G e o io g ia i S u r v e y in I t s

' ' ■ R e p o l 1 ~

WASIIINOTO.V, I). C..I/FJ-A j.to . duftion of 11,4.17,000 tons—tho high­est record sinre a week in December, 1P20—wiiK. reocficd in Ihn l)itumIiiou< conl in-hntry during the week ended

jMnrcJi i 'r . heeoriling lo ri'porta com- I piled Iiy f)ie genlociral survey. “ Final inc tiv ity in anlicipation of the s tr ike ,”

I wan said lo Irsve been Inrgely rospoiisi- Y ’lo fo r (ho heavy output. ’ t

1 • W ill Increase Eeserrea. ‘!• . “ This eonflrtits the Survey's foro *i • Irn st thnt stoeks In lho hnnds of eon-

siimer* woold roaeh.{1.1,000,000 tons by April 1 ,” the stntement suid, nddlng ? th a t a t lea-st .3,000,0011 Ions of the pr,i- iluetlon of tho Inst rcnorted week “

would be nddod to reser^'es.Ij (,'ontMry Io ueuiil prncMce In Iho in- Ijdiiatry , prnduetlon inerensed ns the r |w eck progreiscd, renchlng Ihe hich out- , ipiit fo r iiiiy one day' with .10.I)D2 cars , ,• loaded n t tlie re)>or(lng mines on Fri- J d a y , Mnrch 24.

>1 Loading Are Heavy. 1'• I’rcliml.iary teleirrnphle returns, tho 'I J siirve.v, fanl, . iniliente tha t ou both ' ' Monday t.nd Tuesdny of last week,' Iriadlngs 'e irred fd 37,000 cars.■ Rciw rts from the .nnthraclto Indus- J try indieiilcd a slmllnr condition, tho' p roduction 'tho week ended M areh 25,,

totalling L’,005,000 tons ngainst 1,007,- ; 000 in the previous week end 1,504,000 J■ tons in ihi; corresponding week of ‘ 1021.I ,


1. W ABHINOiTOnVD.'c., (/P) — Tho 3 new eoast guard cutter Modoc, bu ilt ; at-OjJdnn-1. Cal., a t ^ c 6 s j o f ;$7.'i0.00n,

Is e x p ec ted 'to a rr iv e 'in W uhington th is w w k for’inipeJtlon boforo assign­m ent to tho North All&iitJfi.-ieo' patrol, it w as said today a t tho treasury.

1; : ^ ^ ^ = = = = = = : ^ — = L _ ~ = = : *

isks That He | ore Women Jurors ‘

county becaaee only men had been I callcd. - 1

A ttorney Wcmercflehroedor read* i a a affidav it, charging, uo womon \ had been Cnlled for ..th e ju i r , • f “ th c rjh ;’ depriving “ sa‘d *• womctl. }

, voter^^.of the if inherent r ig h ts” fo'licrve on the jury. i

-------- ---- -------------- ----------------------------- }

haped Spine j t'iind Rosa Bldzek •

The'.pieturea, it was ,.declared,' show ed- n. continuous U-shaped '

• 'j in common. The ilcnths w ero 'duo

. to' in testinal obstruetioo, accord­ing to i}^orge W. Drady, radlogni- <

. pher, who made the pictures. ■

UONSA.'T. A PB IL s . 1022. <


- - .. ........... . . - . f ' •

:or freedom I t appareatly la a h a rd ma)

Utles. A cow civil t n r h as beea Uireai-

nialtles already hava beea reported. Ar-

tro l th e rtree ta In tho e v e a t^ f a pitchsfl

o f th e Irish Bepublicaa A m y a t Llm-

ontry. The w id le n are stoadin^^ a t the

are Quartered. A closeup of an armored

Grabs $5,000 In Currency

, Stranger iViakes Boid Attempt at Robtiery wiien New Bank

' Swings Open its Doors in - Washington . |

> .W ABHINQTON, (/P)—The M«r- chanta B ank and T m st'com pany.

> a new la s t l^ o o , 'o p e n e d lt« doon -to d ay .w lth la -ft block ( i the-U nlU .

edfltaU 4i ' t n a ^ aad W te d , th e ^ puhUc t o . i ^ Q , u Inspeetlon o f ita .'- qoa rte rt.' F w hoars a fte r the

' doors swTuig open a a unldeatlfled a a a ea.te»d, Jo la ed th« other

[ guests, b u t unllko the others I grabbed a package o f bills coatala-

la g $GOOO as ^0 passed th e paying I te ller's wladowl'

ToUfit-Purtues B aad lt 1 The paying te ller leaped from behind

tho countcr and w ith a platol pursued the holdup man up Fiftceu th slreot, sliootlog in the a ir na ho wcnl. H un­dreds o f government clerk, out fo r the

j noon hour, pursued Iho. fleeing bandit and n pedostrinn w alking cnsunlly along n

' heard tho tum ult, saw tho running man ^’ eoming nnd grabbed him. Ilo held j)

him until tho teller and 'police arrived. ], Ttie JliOOO was.reeovered iind the unin- vited guest nt the ban k 's opening wns: sent to pollco hcadquarlcrs, j

Tho prisoner told the police he w as',,' I-Idward Dnyton, 28, of New York, ]|

■ C

I I I [ B U K

: SiRli PDST;: , ■■ ■— ■ J> Japan Decides to Quickly With- <’

draw Military Forces to Pre- jvent Clash with Sovlets

____ tJ . , ■ • n( TOKIO, (/p)—Im m ediate e raco a '., tlon of S iberia was dedded upon a t t th e la st meeting of th e Japaaese

cabinet, according to the -Tokfo' p newspapers today. - fTho Asahi Shimbun, io publishing (

, tho report, a ttr ibu te s tho decision to j, activ ity of the ' reds la tho maritimQ c province, which, i t says, places tho Jap - r aneso forces in a posltion 'o i,hav ing to r

» figh t tho soviet troops or mnko peace, k Be d Forces. Advance .

I Reports from V ladivostok today said ■ the red forees of ^ 0 Chita govern- T m ent, advancing southw ard, along tbo Usurl ja ilw ay in pursuit o f Vlodlvostok ° government troops, had reached Spass- koyo. ‘' Tho 'V ladivostok troops as fa s t as ' they nro forced tO Tetiro inlo te rrito ry .

. guardcd by tho Jap-meBO, aro being dis- | armed by. tho' Jnpanese • forces, dis-

.. patches aa id .. Some thous.mds of the red . troops nro said to, have ^invaded

I* Japancso neulra l lu r ito ry , tho Jap an ­ese hesitating to. opon hoatililies in , vl^w. of tho negotiations thtot.'^havo bech;'pending some time a t D alfen 'bo- ; ,tween uio Jnpanese government' and ,

;i :Ihb-’C M tajw ri« .repab lIc ;- v , jBo|w rts from D a ire n 'sa id Jdpaoeso )

rcprc»M fttlv.ci. there hnd w arned the \ C hita govemment ngninit invasloii of , Japaneae guarded territo ry . «


LY Nl1 IC K , IR E L A N D . . (



mimm[ CilMTE. : OFfflFiK;

______ a

I s G r .e e t e d - w i th C h e e r s W h e nr

H e A p p e a r s t o . A s k A p p r o v a l c

o f G o v e r n m e n t — T a l k s o f t.

W o r ld ’ P r 6 t j l e n i i ; 7 ’ ' ' " *

L o n o O N , (JP) — F ilm o U lo lsto r .1 Lloyd Oeorge ap,peared In th e house d o f ' commons todoy fd r th e ' f i r t t ' p tlmo sLiro F ebruary 26 to aslc from at

,,th e bpuso, pin expression o f confi­dence In the policy o f 'th o govern- w

I ment low ard the Oenoa economic n cocfercQce. H e was greeted w ith A

id cheers from t h e ' g o v e m m e n f fl rd benchci.Jtr , Is Up to House. •

Mr. Ll.i>d Oenr«e snid his reaolution [;ave lho liotise an nppurlunity o f ap . |irii'ving nr di«a]iproviug tbe objoets of

’K ili(. d e n o i roufcrenee nnd the make- ” np of the (lenon delegnlinn, nnd tha t

■‘1 if lhe'r.-snUitioii were defentod il would '' ‘I- be efiul-.Mleiit to a vote o f nn confi- “ • dence in the government. "

The prime minister snid the official joppositino nniendment ehnn'god no t Ihi- nbject bu t Ihe scope of the conference.Hu dU not believe surh a' body aa tbe H (lenon eoiifeci-nee eould jnnperly cou « slder th>‘ revision u f existing treaties, ii even in the even t.th is was desirable. ri

Something to Bepair. ' ' ''' _ The IrcjuMe ln 'U iirope Ind been a t- '

tribu ted In.'pely lo tbo rcparntions cx- acted by .the treaties, .'said Mr. Lloyd . Oeorge, lu l the IrmlleH did "not crcate lho reparations. T heir' c reation was duo to tho fact, th a f thoro waa some '

■\. th ing to .iepair. I f the trea ly o f Ver­sailles ^M-ri3 nltored, he dedarcd , J l _

. would only Irnnsfer the burden from ^ flcrmnny lo Krance.

Mr. Lloyd Oeorge snid there were two eoiisideralions dealing .witK tho problem* iif re|W rtilions. The first, was

• fhnt i f Ihr payments woro Insisted' upon be,vonii the power o f the war- • exhausted eountry, a crisis would be '

'. preeipltatcd w hieh'W ould no t bo con- \ fined to Oennnn.v. ^Tho socond wns J DR thn t Qetm.my’s u ilim 'a le ' capacity to | to |,ay must not be judged l»T her prcsont . no capaollv. when in eommon w ith tho ' tp- rest o f i:urope she was struggling to to recover f.-om the exhaustion o f the “ :o. war. • ,

T reaty I s E lartlc. ‘j a N either o f these eoniiderotlon* could ^

proper\y be Judged a t Genoa. Tliey ^ bo ought to be. judged by tbo mnchlnery ol( of the treat.v, w hich,w os very elaatie., Franee. he foreenst, rould not forego

lho rlghl to have ad judication iri ae* cordanco with tho tr e a ty ’s conditions.. Defendiug the idea-of the conference the . prime minister sfiid. he had hccn

I ' told Ihrtt the ennlitlon wr\« dylng^- •. , !*■ ‘■l-erJi.i|-.H'-{ mny have lh e ,p » I ’irci£fl. '

of. a , dying minister to give my las*.' wnrd of iriv lce,” he remnrked.

“ I .d o not know whn will succeed um. bu t .I w.inld like to u tte r ii word fcf k in d lv warning: W hoever aucceedi .Sis ’

I’O' will find it im|iossible in thn .p resen t stit'o o f . Europe lo go on w ithout con-

. . ferchcc". .'Thi,. world is so battered, ’ bj^Ised aiid''crushed tb a t th e cure will

'*>0 btf. a slow one and will i-ecd many of eoniuUntlens o f its leading physl-

___________________ ________

.L i i i i i i i ^1 ^ 1


l i l i immmFORCUA r m e d T r o o p s T a k e N e w O a t h

o f A l le g ia n c e t o D e V a l e r a ’s

G o v e r n m e n t ; C o l l in s M e e tin g

• is B r o k e n U p

. , D UBLIN, (flV -O fflclal ftgniM glvea on t today show th a t 3^20 m ea le ft tho five D ahlia battalions of th e I rish repubUcoa arm y yes­terday afternooa, marching to . . - Bnlt)iiflo!d, wher<t they tooic aa oath crf aUeglaace to tho repab- Uc, freeing Uujnsolves from any

, fu rther responsibility to the DaU Blreaaji.

M ULLINOAE, Oonnty W ert . Moath, I telaad , { /p )-A a In d d ea t ftom which seasatltm al' d e v ^ p - ...^ - m eats u e expected here occorred

•today when 100 free s t t te troope; march<jd '.to th e gates o f the bar*___ _

rac l^ 0R':uided by Irish republican arm y adherents o f Bamoa de '7 v lera aad w ere refused sdmlssloa.

S T O r COLLIKB MEETTNO . lU n ililN , (fl^-pTho meoting address­ed hy Mu-hael Collins a t Castlcl^ar. County Mnyo,' Inst n ight was stopped ,

• by memboTs of tho Fourih Weatern d i­vision of tho Irish republican a rm y 'af- ' - - te r storiiiy sreni<s in which a woman

■ wos wounded bj* a bullet, aeeordlog to ” accounts irach ing Dublin this moraing.- ' ‘ Tho ehli'f of tho provisional govern-,

n mont and his p a rty returned to ' the ir holfll, nnd the officer who had pro- •

U c laim dl tll- meeting n t an end followed . dcclarin^' tho t iione-would be allowed

)| to leave im tll Mr. Collins and hls . , Irienrls .had .surrendered ,their a n as ,...

M ea A re Disarmed• T ill*-iie.com its-rrceived h e ro -d o -n o t

stato whether, tlip Colllos p a rty -, wns disarmed, merely s a y in g 'th a t. ‘ ‘somo pcople ^.'ho le ft th o , hotel were aeardied. •

‘Tlie telegraph wires oround C astlebrr were cut nnd wheu tho iicwspopor co'r- res;ion>l’.'nts there boarded n tra in for Allilone '.hny were ordered by-tw o of­ficers to go to tho bnrracks.

Tho now'spaperuien wero convoyed to tho liarracks iu automobilo*,' where

^ they fonii-L A. McCabe, a member of , the Dnil Kireann, w llh Commandant . f K llroy nna his s ta ff. Tho command- .•

nu t dtaled tb a t Mr.'lIcCalMj lind ail- \ m itted he ^■ns tho firs t to draw n r c . • J volver a t th p meeling. . Mr. McCnbe |. theu, in the presence of tho correspon­

dents, iold ho tiellovcd ho was tho first to ilniw, tho dispatches said. '•*

U Befused Bedding >. A Dublin nmn, snid. to bo Charles .0 Uryne, u uwinber o f tho C ollins'party,1 wns iirrested nnd accused of tho shoot- I, ing. Mr. Collina subsciiucntly told the

repre.seutntlvo of the Iriah Independ­ent, .Dublin ncw8p.iper, th a t ho Rnd

, visi.led Mr. Uryne in the bnrracks and found him in a cell with only a plank for a bed nnd no bedding. He said ho

' hnd naked Commandont Kilroy to pa- ® rolo Mr. D rync. Mr. Collins to bo re- '’ sponsible, bu t th a t the request was re­

fused.Wrs. F ogarty , proprietress of t h e .

OimmcTcW Castlcbnr, ) waa .” wounded iii the shoulder, presiimablv

by llie ba llet fired a t tho meeUsg.° Tho rorreapondcnt of th e ' London “ Evening Nowa says all tho roads to - - '] Castlebar were • blocked b y troes a n d .

th a t nulom^bilrs moving tow ard the ’ town were stopped by armed men, who.

even rlpiicd ujr th e railway, track .to ^ prevent thr. a rrival of the ipccial train* . .

from the surrounding‘lowna.'The meet- j Inp was consequently d e la y r f '^ n t i l -

0 ’ r - '" -'The crowd numbered 2000 persons,

nmong them many hostllo to-Collins.' Collins wn» frequently interrupted and tliea an a ttem p t was made to rush' tho

, lorries, -which supported his pU tform ,'' snj-s the account,'and . iv sapporlcr of y Collins drew a revolver. Others pro-

duccd ro.-olve>s-iJso,'U pon'w hich-th-. crowd st.impc(led,- wDmoa fein ting and se\'ci‘.-d, pet|flk.s were tram pled upon.

1 • O A L m > TO DOOtt A in ) SHOT•® '.B E lj'A S T , (>P>-Johti M alion, o n - ..” swering a knock n t tho door 'o f his:' liomo .Tn .H k cp o J^ sl-av o ^ . J a i t n ight,

^ OT. c a r r « r , i \ i - - r s . s f 3 - ” “ ^ ' " ' -*■ a.sked If hi» son was In tho house.,Upon ! repl.ving iir.'tVe ic f^ t iw , Mallon waa• shot dead.. ..A bomb th row n-in to a bOdroom In-"

■*f tho bou..« of John Blmpton i^ . Ailing*“ ton street,w ounded two children; a je d : 'J .la ild O .- '

ill s a ID B E S SEOUEB A SM S. ' 'IJ LONDO:;, (JPi - The & i i u h ,« a -;

. tm i ^ f « r 7 : . : , .

Page 2: .Liiiiiii^ S:'PA.LLS LY Nl

K B 1 1 “ jiiP iN R m !

BIG Hi!R|Reclamation Association Dir'ec-

tor Tells of Present Status of American Fails Project— Petition Near Completion

--------- iUIiPOCATELLO, Idoho (8 p « l# l)—Tbo thci

rp ;^ la r inrMlnf^ of tho Pocatello Chaoi* non bcr o f CoiiimpMO wn* ifivcn over to tho o f j Amorirfln FViIIb proji-cl w ilh th o 'l i fg o t ftUwiJ&nre in month*. .,1

Ouy Plt'nner, manaRinif director- of , tho MnHo Rcdnmotlon ostoeintion, ;{},o which ia tlvc fatnpalRn toflnancc th r ;^ ca t undert^klnf', present- ' cd a ruvl>!w o f thv (onditluns thnt hiid v a led the i’ )vfrnm cnt to f c n a aftivitlca IA a l AmerKnn ('tilln, and tlm t hnd dctrr- * ^ niinod it !»• obamlon tlic mominoth ,

I Ktorafjo en terprise untcM tlic rompanioi and dlJiricta thn t hnd rontrnetcd to , pay th e ir ^hnro on n participation bwla made goo}, o r aubstltuto Arre-footago B oi

i‘ w ere conlrn ttcil fo r nnd paid for. |

' - STsrTtU iig Stalled

“ Thc48 coaat compttnlci aad db- 1 tric ta found they could not pay tho . R

nmounta they hod agreed to out of their ^|,o pockct*,'-' in id Mr. Plcnncr. "T h ey , , ,

I found they coutd s o t toll cannl .teeur* ' °; Itioa and g n the roonoy th a t woy. Tho

wholo th ing w u atnlled un til th li plan fo r a a u P ird h tr ic t to (itianro thowhnle un ' th ing w at deviled.' elm!

“ I f «o «an _ pu t _thi«..flj^H , .th e tary Fall* project will be com- E

pictcd. I£ <annot tbo projcct wlll niitl lio abaadonod and it will not be TOvixTd o f I da tin g tl>c Uvc« of men >sotncn »if ?'«_i the Dilddii) generation of today. ’ to r

E asy fo r I t to Iroave “ Wo have made it eaay fo rth e gov- jy,]j

ernm ent to got out; o ther place* auch jnj, na the Colorado river project aro mak- in g l l pa^y fo r i t to eojne In .” .-p]

U r. Flonncr nald objeetloni to bond- ,,q|„ in ^ w c r o rapidly vaniahlng ns it bo- ^q]]j ram o known th a t Ih lt w nt not a Insuty ’bond b lit 0 productive inveitment— Komcthlntr th a t would. crcUtjO new w fnlth anil help take caro of tnxci and »r,

■ Ihc old a''cumulntlon of b llli. ^H e cxi'icpaod confidence tha t tho

ranncra ‘>f Snnko river vnlley woulil holp thcniaclvc!!, tbe valley, and all ipj (■outh Idaho by organbiiig tb b dia- tr ie t nn-l pu tting fhe grcot storage pro-

■jccl o v e r.. ju j„“ Anvw ay,T ' bfl n d d c J /‘ ' l t ia up to

Ihem in tin* finol an aly a b .” ’

I Potmd*tlon W ork Aii The apenkcr told o f the antlifnctory

p rog rcn f f the enmpaign, which* hnd 1 ^ neecunrity atow nnd laborioua, r | | involving field 'work, office work, pub- [11' lir ity in iilmoat every form, engineer­ing, cte. E very th ing had to lie atnrt- ed from the gm"" roota, be atated.T hen ' it-is nn- fnuiidnlinn iirevloual.''Inid nil n> thin ymTtiMjinr prnW rn. ' S ig

He aald it wna expectcd the potition, r^nlnlnlng ;i denrrlplion of every indi­vidual prflpccly In thti pto- jinaed d liitrift, would l>e rendy for cir­culation Ihia week. 1

U w ’» DeJ»7» Jl" ' '.\f (e r it hna iiei'n nlgned up nnd fiiud

i the h w S (lelnya would lnler\-cne, and be diti )in* e^jprct tlie fir»t eUciion. to (Iclde w lielher or not the district would 'I.l- r<irni.-.l, wiHiId be held until "omo ,, , timv in .ti.iu-. U the .lUtclct la fonncd, n Kiibsi'<tiii-iit election would l>o held on ,

j llic i|ni-;iliiiti iif hnnila. Mennllnic, j (he pi'Oplc' ahnw iin interi'M ftnd fnllh th" government would givo u» ' "

'r ' renROnnlili- tim e,, tint i f wc ahow Inck 'j ,if conccr'i the project would be lo it tn

ua na ko m na Ihe goverotncut acnaod our indifference. '

. Indepehdont D istricts . iTbe spenker explained thn t anmc <>f t (

: Ibe conlrui-tini:, te rr ito r r woa repre- ,|„,n. Hcnted by irrlgntlon d ia lricti olrendy „ nrgnnirod and in Ibe cnae* of aome romimnli-a the deaire hnd been et- preatod la lirg.tnlrr' »a aui'b and finance

1 Dii'mwU-''*. tlipj “ W e ho\i- nc. choice.” tbe ape.tkor

w eni on, ‘ nnd oul-'oiily bnpe 1. that • an.v.-cirjSP.ni/.’.J'U ii\J6J»ndvnlU' flo In '. 'h i Imrmony w ilb • the progrein o f tbo • grcatcr'.dcvflopment'BO thoy will not bo ^hut ou l 1-5- tb i' limltnHona thc-jjovern- ment niw t neeeaanrily impoat^^. • .

“ W«> .'.lan w nn t.su fb diatrict*. to be sure th rv (.-m-fliinnff* thcmaclvc,i, Wo

- v n n r 'e v e r '- Ki-clioii in ihnl needa thin '1 wnter, nml they rnn t-cl in nnv, old *= * ' KftV th n t wlll antiafy the gnvernnien; H i : nn 'to 'pn.-inent*.- T lm t'po-iitivelr inn«t I

l.e done. I“ Some riiiiiininii’" Hint hnve i-nnlini I

pinted snirnnW.hig m inil >iU-trietji bnve ‘nltiniloiied the plnn nnd decidcd-to jo in the b ig d ia lrirt In the In lvnut « r lim e, tiwuriinci' n« lo fi- iifincinc, nnd erf.noniv,

“ S e io fn l'' <irKaiii/ntinii ix a iliiplirn- tion o f .-fforl. Thoa,-.. jninina in the l.ijr d ia lr iit nr.! |iiit ti. no .-xrcn.e for ..ngineeri'i;:. pre[ioratii>n of |ii'tltii>na, whieh 'nntohi sepnmli- de 'criptlnn of .flchTTlrc-e o f prnperly to be im'lndl'd

- f l O piigoK of the ordinnry newajmrcr - ’in f ine tvpe. .ao fnr), prepaiatien of

' i„np. , -nn.l legnl aervi.-ca. 'Tills U tnVcn cnre of ont o f fund" provided by roun- ty npprnprinllona. Tbnl erpen«c will l.e pftld first Sind tiie tent of the cam­paign will w ait fu rth e r ajwistaace.

“ Mor-'over, .tho Wg d istrie t Is, and o t neccaH.n- iiuiol cDUfmni- l<>'be,.|.iire- M

. ' • ' 1'-'

• C1»0

ly a finaneing-dU txlct, having nothin^' _ to io tbe operstioo o f sy ite ia i. »•

Would Bnmd » lib e l |j:Tbo speaker eloied w ith an e am e it II

nppcal fo r all cIomos to get behind '! |]unddrtaklhg. II

' . ' I t 1* 'of- overwhelming' Im portanes | llo I d a h o / ’, ho aaid. “ 'WUb annouaeo- j l l m cnt th a t i t Is to go forw ard to com- Iplction thore will bo instun t rovlvol in IItlio BiiaVo riVor Voiley and a ll ovor | |M utb Idaho. W llb its collapse will Icomo dlseouragumcDt a t home, w ith 'all IlhaV is nMoeiatml tlicfowUlj, and l u r ll]ther lack of. coftfidcncu, on tho eat- I<ido.,. {II

“ Wo are already dlw todited la the Uj E ast: and Middlo W est as being Impo­te n t :nnd bankrupt. A Hbcl, o f coursc, III although tho ox parte eaio 'i* adverse. II

" L e t u* prove th a t we p o s ic n ’ itif- 11 ficloht bDsiness ab ility to make o ie of Ml these wonderful resources of our#, thtfie now Yroton aascti, to li f t ourselves ont o f tbe n i t , aad show them a ll th a t we aro siinely fighting—ajronstrucllvo poo- ' plo who nrd determined to Ibuild 'borc; , | on tbo 'founda»ooi latd by ou r'fo tho rs, ■ Itho yuporstructuro ’ o f .rea l -eoimnoD' ; y e a l tb groatncis.” , ■ •

TMliEllStSsffliinsmjBocommoDds That $1,600 Bo II

UaximQm Salary Paid Min- ||| idoka'Ootinty. Officer -r ,|l

. R IJPEI;T — Jfalcrlnl reduction*- intbo imlnriea of founty officia ls o f Min- tbvidokd-coi:nty aru urgod ln> c»o lu tlon j Anp nddrcsaod to tho bonrd of eounty com-iiiluioneiK by tbe^CltlEcna' Committee yi.mun Tnxntion, o f whieh E. Ri F isher is cuh’cliftlm ijn nnd \V. W. M attlion socr- bors

‘“ 'y - ' v l . . , - - -Erf#i'tfvo Janunry 1, tlw com = -=

n iitteo 's p 'solution urges th a t Balorir'» o f tho aaacssdr, treasurer and she riff LLI lie Tcdutcd ftom. (2000 to.tlSO O ; aui\i> l U to r and ><;''ordcr from, IlfiO to •ICOO: county superintendent o f public in a ttuctlon from #1300 to 11200} probate judge from IlfiOO to «1200; prosecut­ing a tto rney from .llW O ttf 11200; cor- p ^ , oner nn-l hurveyor cnch #100. «

•The eommlttee. In th ii connection, points, out to the eomffliiaionern tbu followlni; .illcged facts:

Mlnidokft county wn# rcduced In ter- jjj ritoria] »irc nearly one-third by th e ,{,n^ creation of Jcronic county. tion

TSto iudtpenderiV arhooi dlatrir.t^ hw c-V N ;i created w ithin tho county. ] m a teri^ lv iesaening tho ju risdiction of thp the couoty supcciutCRdeut o f achuolt. ^ddf

TIio entire counly-has heen organitod ,v ,t, into higiiw ay-d latrlrls—tbiia eliminat- tiic ing almUut compWtety tbo .'iand ling , is- luance, etc.. of rond nnd bridge bills - *i ond w arran ts by the auditor and trcos. jp j, urer. anva

Adclnido prceinct nnd .the ndjocnnt , ilry farm region Is almost depopulated. i„ ,j ,

■ E lS illl =KilflSl“lllW”=-------- hnpi

Signal Mam Discovors Culprit it"-' Oulting Wires in Timo to 'I' ’’

ProvcQt Disaster in j

RA N T O fL , 111., (yP)—W inl ia be-) liovi'd to have been nn ntlcm pt to bold[ lip n ernck Illinoig Cuntrol trnin, the Hi-minolii I.linilcd, hero n t 11 o 'clock laal n ight, wns reported todny. A n lg ^ , e.li’VlHc algnni in the south ynrda wna] 1 ni)( operating nnd wheu John M ahan. ' ilivlainn yupvrintendont of aignnla. went to rejm ir it, hv fnund a man c lim bing'dow n the pole. Yi■''Mnhnn fired n t thn mnn who ri.-fu«i'<l Hnii lo bnll. Two olhcr men appeared nnd Ciov .Mnhnii retuniud to the c ily building of h mill oblnined nid. Later i l wna diacov. than

t^iut one of the ilgunl wires bnd tO li ln'on cut. . a rre

• chccS4OO.Q00 THEATUn 18 3U EN ED i,nn>

TK.VAUKAXA, Ark., ( ,ip :-?h c Alico poal' ihcnt'T ut IIo)<e, Arlc.., snid tn be on>. hnnl )f the iiioM mnguificent lu the Houlh- tho neat nml volucd o t IIOO,uOO, wns d r- nrrei ilro.ved ! / firu today ulo:ig w ith m V';rul oIIm' i- buildinga whi.-li will bring j the tntnl Iom to over a hnlf million

■ U w

MOOVEE-HOLDS OONFBRENOE ■ JJilKrAGil, (>P)-nerl.eri C. Hoover. icrri'tnry of Ihu deimrlment of com- iicn-e. will confer with exeeutlvo off** . . -cra in tbi- I'onatruction induatry ou loaaible rrononiiea and on . national

nxrlval hetw^toilay. (Ina

M O KEor Farn. A Considerable Amou

Available. M


v ;

TWIN FALLS DAll..Bsliy WW'otD-Testoj'' . . J

I ■ >t doi

. |mi

Louiae L. Pceto, convicted slayer of Jacob C. Denton, a cnse wblcb' siirrcd tbv enlire country— will relurn to Lo# , AngeU’s, identify her nccompllces and -■ aid the nutboritics in proaecuting them, her lawyers hnvo imnounced. Five- yenr-old Baby Pcote, daughter o f tho rni euhvlcted womnn, will tes tify in eorro' Ui borntion' of her ideiilification, Ihe law- to yers declare. loc — ------- - —— ------ nn

FlSllilDllCIi EiNiwmflws"Pan], Idaho, Oommercial Olub

Soorotary Oalls on Soilroad n

' ‘.fo r Information

R d l 'K n T -I r fd ie n tln g roncern over conaequencc* o r poialbie over-proJuc- tlon of i>.-.tatoea th is senaon In southeru .. Itlabo nnd the couutry dn general, B.H. RiehnrtI, n ttorney and accrelniy j f tho Paul, Mnhn. Commercinl club, Iiro I'J' n iid im i'.\ to ibe Union P u c ifk Railw ay " ' ayatem a reiturat for information oa to , the prospective potaln crop acreage aud tlie % ; r situation.■ “ I f Ih.' acreage th is aoaaon is going

tp prove un Extremely Inrgo o n e ," ho anya, “ Ihv-re la ap t to be an 'cnorm ous * enr shoriage which will mako for loisea Inatead o^ profits to farmers here.' “ From preaent indlcnlions it would ‘ nppenr tl.'.t the ncrcnge in Ihia pnr be: ticulnr i-i.inmunily w ill be much InrRcr eri thnn Lnal senaon. In fact, oil over the fro project tbere la lotk nf more than fni diailding the ncrmge. If this in t J Pa happen v.’i want to know nhend whnt In Ihl.' cbftni'C.' to inove tbi* ctop wiU b i a : 111 bnrvcating tim e ." Inj


Bay Oity Maa Grabbed as Ho Waa Preparing to Deposit .

$8,400 Check

yOlIN'dSTOWN, Oblo, {/p) — J . B. Hniiee nf lliiy Cily, Mich., wnnted in Cloveland nnd olher cilles un chargea of hnving defrauded bnnks out o f more tban $100,000 confoaaod hur^yestorday, to liavlnp swindled eleven finnks. When a rreited ho had in bis poasesiion n chcck for *8,400 drawn on a 'Cleveland bnnk, wlilch ho bail nirnngod to de­poiit with Iho Mnhoning -National linnk here. Buaplclons.on Iho p a rt of tho Malioning lianii offieinla led to hi* arrest.

BAPTIflT CLEE0YT4AN D IESIXINDON, {/P)-T ho Rov. Archlbold

Urown, widely known llnptiat clcrgj'- nmn, died n l Kaiton. Ho wa* a t onv time i>rcsidcnl of th'e London H aptlit naaoeialion and woi Iho founder o f n number of Bii|itlat tabernoclca. ■

If your propcfty is deiirable ami i> advertised in the clnJslfieil .vou'II find your iiuyer.

tn Loanslount of Cash Now No Delay.


1L.Y a m s . TWIN FALl

Roosevelt Once Search for

WASIUNOTON, D. C.', '(ff) — Theo- d«i dote Rousflvelt boUtvcd th w e »lgh«. If bo some hugo lu rv lv iog tn p li ib la a lo hai tho'JungIcA of the Bou'therti Andos such hai u has rccentiy been described in dls- fiii patches from ^ u t b Amcrica, u d « h (n pe< tho form er, president w ent on bi# ex res peditloa which- discovered tho River tbe of D oubt'be Itful some idea of looking for it. ^

B « t t t t T e iu stonr. ' - gtj John D nrrett, lato d irector o f -th o Ro

Pan-Amc»iean union and m in ister to fic A rgentina during I 'resldont RooieveltV. Qh adm iolitintion has Jn it-d isc lo ied th a t gei part, of Colonel Roosevolt^s upedition* pej nry p la n s ‘which .bltborto 'are sold to iiai have been untold. . . rei

'* 0 ^ teading. th o . f irs t cabled ro- eoi im rt," aai-l M r . 'B a r re tt , '“ th a t M artin tin Bheffiold,'- an Americau o f whom 1 tio have iwraonal knowledge, fiad repoMed by th a t he-^iad leen w bat a|ii<eared to be] ' n p lc s io m rin n ison tto r or- huge 'am- Ihi pblbian <wlmming in the w aters o f a cri, southern Andean jhngle lake, I recAlleil kcI th a l 'n ra j 'y 2 0 -year# ago, In No^cm- ber, 1003, \yhen J wa# ministor to^Ar- aci gentlnn T. ctear-lleaded lypicnl Ameri- nn can prospector nnd explorer, whose lii name I-lievo forgotten,- c n m o 'to ’ the Ini Jeg«t/on om I in « conW ncing.way, pro- I i eceded lo relflte to mo a s tn ry nlmost |,o identical wllh th n t now reported aa nn told rccentiy by Sheffield, to the effec t uni th n t Jie liJd«ltt'U awiinming in a Inke n huge iu ird-liV e >no«»ter w ith o , enrvod neek. Ilis export discussion of llto niinerni nnd lim ber resources of the Andena platctiu* and pinlnn con- v'lncod mo of his ainecrity nnd rcapon- sllilllly. He urged me to .b e lp .h im T" raiae nioiley in either A rgentina nr the United SiPlea, proferably tho . la tte r, to ou tfit rnd conduet on expedition lo locate nn-l capture this ex traordinary *’ nnlmal, nrd begged me lo w rile lo "" Prealdent Rooaevolt about it tuid m en-;” tion his uune becauso ho had been a a - '''; | hoclated 'n somo wny w ltb Roosevelt ,n tire Cuban campaign.

W rite# to BoOMvelt #ui“ Although r gave'h im no promises, '

he^anld ht- would enll ngnin. fihorllv fm afterw ard I wrote Prcsideni Roosevelt un n personal and, unofficial le tte r refer-;lhi ring to thia incidenl. In about ....ujth: inonlh an.l a bnlf, there camc in , tho Hii Icgntion. |roueli a perxonnl le tte r from Rr Ihe .prealilent w ritten in h ii o»-n hand- pli w riting nnd exprcaalng rcnl in terest in the ntorjr u f th is Amctlcnn whom lit anld he well remembered nnd asking ^j, me to gel wllhout fail inlo toueh wlt'i him !it mice nnd nak h im io write nil nbout whnt he Imd aecn.

“ The mnn meanwhile sent woM Iholj.^y he wn.1 nff ogoln on a mincrnl and ;^ tim ber i-'ospecting lour in atnithern |jj, Argentina nnd Chile, bu t liv in g no od- drcM nn.l no names of Ihoite he migiit repreacnt,

A gain Find# TnUL om“ In April, five months Intcf, jn«t ed

befnrc I v.-ent lo Pnnnmn oa firs t Am- ou erfcnn n.inlatnr, T rereived n> letU-r riv from the prnapeclor w ritten from aorne ' far iiwnv i.loce In Chiibnt. or »o-cnl1ed de: Patngonin. lie wns almost cntbusiottie po; In Ills a to r/ n f'how be hnd again found tit' a fti-ah •.-nil ii( n nlTnnge Milmni Ic jd ; ilu Ing Iii. I I k' waters o f n Inke. allhougb bei he hmi not nctuolly ngnin aeen the kn ln-osl SIS li( Ilia f lrs l o tli '‘cicuce. Thia ml le tte r 1 n t onci' fnrwnrded lo I’reaj. I

Id aE g L a

The CinenA m o g n if ic c D l e c r e e n

tn n s l a t l o Q o f t h e s lo i ^

t h a t bB« t h r i l l e d tw en i} ' TnW tAno o f rc f ld e ra .

l ^ u c t e d b jr tb e g r e a tM t

e a s t i n h is to ry 't c c n >

p r l i l D g m o r e t b a o 1 2 ^ i n c l a d l n ^ . t h e

5 0 p r in c i p a l c h a n c t m .

P r o d n o e d a t a c o a t o f

« a ix m o o t l i s o f { n t p o n i '- * ^t io n ^ a y e a r a n d a b a l l ^ o f a r t i o n ; a n d a l lg b t ly

m o r e t ^ n a m U U o n .

d o U m .

T o m lM i l i s t o m i u V

t b e w o r l d 'a g r e a k e s l ■

EDOtloa p l ^ n r e . M

OJT h e f u l f iU m o n t o f . S t . JohQ-'

q u e s t , W a r , F a ^ n c a n d P o s tU e i

W E D R O E A L L W H O 0 A ^

I T . T H E F I K S T S H O W W IL L


!c Planned 1 r Amphibian ii■ dent Bousovelt and I am wondering pl® . If I t is «» ii in hi# MclkWw -which moyI have been preserved. Since then. I *oli I hnvo never received noy fa r tb tr word■ fijim o t - a b o u t UiU A m ericau 'jyo t- A | I pecter. - ro is lb ly he m ay bo.;»llve on<l U

read th ii otid give tho world #onb fur-• tber infonnation.

B doiore lt Shows In te re s t' ‘ When I returned to the Unlteil

Btalc# *Jiii f i r s t BaJutallnn •President L l ) Rooievelt gavo mo na I enUred bis of- I flee in tho W hite Houio waa: 'W ell,: Old Pan-Amerieo, w here i« yout At- I gentino am phibian o n d 'w h o t bos hop-• pened to - --------------’ cnlling tbe m an 's ]I namo. ^ t if m y impression th a t Repre-

rentnt{\'<! Cannon -end .-se%'Citil otbor• congressmen were In the room a t tJie j„> timo nud they m ay recoil tb is aalulo*I tion bfcouio everybody semed nraused .p ,• by it. . ve, 5] “ A fter tho departure, of tho others .• Iho preaSdinl fo r ha lf on hour discuss- I ed. os .tn eiithualantle natura list and I hcientlst the posiib iliiy n f there being• w m e MsrvlvlnR amphibian tic-' acended from the ancien t plesioiauriona j j]• nnd aet'in lly took stock, so to ipcak;J ill ,lhe story o f Ibo Americaa prospec- jj,, 9 lor whom he ifJd ho well_ remembered.'' I mentioned the Incident to BccrelaryI I-oeli na 1 le f t the presiden t's office “• nml-Jip muy poiaibly recall my conver-t nntion. . .Co' F lttined Seorieh lo r B e u t 00 J “ Yenra Inter wlien Colonel ReoiovoU j mndo hia fnmous tr ip to 8outh. Ameri- *«' . en. ho told mc confidentially jm J bo-

foro sailing tb a t, nlthough ho bod nov- I e r bcnrd nny th lng fu rlher from this •

American prospector, I should not bb"; aurprUed if , a f te r bl# arrlvol In Argen- ' linn, ho decided to make a apecial trip

of exi>IorntIon to southern Argcntinn ‘ nml Chill', in th e hope of nsrertainlng

w hether there was any truth In these [ taln rie i i>f thla .m onster nmphibinn,J wMi-li nUnnuly appealed tn'lvlm . n«i

iwtuiled nothing anid about it Icaai .flhere should be rli^iculo if he did not

. surceed.I, “ flhorlly before be le ft Rucnos Aires / for hia :iolrible nnd poaalbly fa ta l tr ip . t u n jh e Pnrf.n nnd Pnm guoy rivers into j• the hc'ari o f Brazil, he sent me word i ’throu/;h n mutunl A rgentine friuu l J thal h r hr.d finally decided on the I Rrnrlllan Inatend of the A tgcntlne ex-- plorlng eincd itlon .1 E zp reue# Begret. • " A f te r bis ri'tu rn to Americn nnd

' when he ".'ns recovering from the pol- ' aon and fever contrncted In the wild hot tropical jungle o f B ra tll 1 snw thim for n long ta lk , when ho sold'

‘ ['W ell, while I nm gnmc ond glad tha t ' I discoveied th is unknown liv c r In ' B raiil,' r would pHJInbly bc fnr better■ phyaicall/ i f I had gone to the cooler• region of w u th c rn A rgentina and Chile

nnd I m icht have found thn t myateri- ona nnipbllimn which would have orons- ,

1 ed fnr more humnn Intereat through- ^- out the world thnn nn unmapped r r r iver.’ ^ i

“ When Inter he pnsaed nw ay aud- 1 denly. iindi'ubte-lly na a reaiil't of the ’ ! poison t-ontrnrted In hia B ra^illm iju iv 1 tie tr'fUvts I could no t help 'th ink ing ; ihn t if lie imd gonu n f le r tho unknown 1 benal o f'A rg e n tin a inatend nf the un- ; known river ' o f .Brazil, -ill bistor>’ inlglit tiave been <lmu«ed. Anv way,• I hope the rebitinn nf Ihia <iirtdent l _

i H t iS E Sma o f the Ce

5 ^ 0 'HORSE<f» XPOCA&btt‘S prophcoy; the greed for world tUence from the lair of the Beast.


L L S T m S H A E P A T 7 : 2 0 P , M .

f. APRIL 3,1922may be an !n#pirtHon to Jose O a tg l, Buperintendeni o f tbeJSuoaoa Aire# Zoological garden, a a d -E b llIo ;P k e .v < tbe d U tio p ^ b e d ', A rgentine «jngln#flr, ' ' _ who are o c 'd o cxpediUoa to u u r t ^ n . tbo fact# abop.t ^ e x tra o r ^ a ry '«f pleslosanrlan e r tu rv lv lng amphibian wboH O Bcciton go b u k through u&- . to ld a g e# > V '

fiiiiGBiFm-OFlNmiSFfllDL a y s W h o r a B o r i o d A f t e r D o a t h

a t H a n d s o t S l a u g h t e r i n g

Ind iQ iu B a n d

L 0U I9\'1L L R , K y., (/P H T he grave of Abrahiuu Lincoln, g rftad fath ti ttho m a rt/re d proiidont, bo# been /onad » in K ehurcbyord near hero, In the be- licf of K v era i L ouUvUIUas wbo .re* ^ rcn tly have eomploted an extensive in- jA vestigatlon. V

Tho invcitlgo tofs.found two Btone*— , * th e ir Inscription# blotted nway by lo i^ exposuro lo tho element*—wjiieb tbo'y belicvo nia>'k tho grave o f .th o great em ancip ito r’a gm ndfn lbcr who wo# killed by Indinns in 17fiO w ithin sight o f b is cabin and before tbo eyes o f his tbreo s6i3s.


N EW J E M E Y , (/P )~ J . P . ilo rg a a k Co., today announeed th o t tbo i000,000 issue of K cw T ork Cootrol f ive ye r c e n t ,00 year bond# wo# over-iub- fcrlbed and tbe books closed.

Don’t Waste Spry' aA V S U O K ET—trSB

- i

The New SprayThis now spray .m oterlal is ree-

ommendod by E xperim ent Btotioni.Add i t t o ' ALU 6pray Solution#.Thoy go 'fu rlher, protect better.Uniform w etting. No Spray Pot*— mnkea ytJor s p r a ^ — -----

Spread and Stay

KwppUed l>y Yuur Lotnl Dmlef


1 2 5 c a n d S O c

Btudeat#' U atlneo S tarta 4 P . M.—All S tu d ea ti l&c

entury !

iMENaVPSE•Id dominion calling forth Oon-


Page 3: .Liiiiiii^ S:'PA.LLS LY Nl

M m m f■ i i f i p i r

P l * s f o r I m p r o v in g .S o u l l i s m

^ B r a n c h C a l i s f o r W o r l ( o f

F i v e H u n d r o i l f d e n

EUPKRT, Ida.—11810111111100 of rood . bBllflitlng on tho Twin PBlla braarJi, lotorruptuil iby w lator RMtbor, U ' xehcduki] for April J'l.. 'F ^ n t (ntlR&tion of ronotrod w U v itr

. Wfti Bifirto hy ft v U lt ThuT»day to• (F^vel p it iioutli of Uuport by 'E . :C . p - . . VnnnDn of Poeatollo, Buporiatondrat of

' tbo {dab.) diviiloQ, nho made h li tr ip In h li prlviito cor. HU vU lt w m pri- n o l r l ) 't n (tct Horlc t r a ln i lined up for

V tho « p r in /e»B palgn .

W idening Boulbod Ftor lho next tw o w oeki Bctlvitie*

will 4)0 devoted to wldoulnf; o f e igh t | a i l e t of rnnclbed. Joe Lawlor o t i

• - Boliin, ceiicrnl foreman, was due to ar- ] rivo Balurdny to g e t a ganp of monj ■toffotber for th a t piirposr. About 73 _ Cb: mon will I'P reqiilretl for th li . ^ I Wi

O n co-iplrtlon o t llic lUtl w niV,' ly Rmvelih^ will becln on tho 18 miles Jay yot reniamlnR iinlmlla»tL-d bolow Twin I

1 JF a ll i . I t ll ita tc il between 300 nml;MOO m rn will bo required for thU. | ____

- I t in i-x r^elea-tU e T w in Fall* l i n e , ------will bo fitiiihod w itbln a month a fte r ; r i CottlnR prcfciit plana under wn.v, after^ , I wBich tho I'Htlrc o u tfit will lie moved; I ove^ to fl'o Dlil* cutoff. Im p ro v fl-]!-! m eats innppod out liy tho railroad com­pany f t l l rtqiiire n t Jeast five vear* to put thruugh, nay thniic In pbse touch

■"'wUV ofHcmlii, i f prc.icnl-jilWiB a te rar-' rlt*d I'Ut. Tlieso Indiifle, ultimately, , bollnitiny' «f the mnln lino nil tho way .

, from Mliiidokft to Huntington, Ore. C 0 3 Parcbasfl Gravel PU

Al a (itnrler, nrranccment* .bnve ol- u l ' ready l>e-.‘n niadp for piircJiase of a

K rivcl p it near T u ttlo , Idaho. A eon­ferenee between tho romlmaiter, onRi- n'ecre and otber o fficia li eonnccted •wUVlmmeiliate dnviOopmrnlii wa* enll- , ed for Frhlay, lo make fim l a r n n g e - r '^

---------------------------- leific

OEtlBtliHH b; ■ tlW lIM :" ;

--------- nnnlE a r e V a l a o o f F o o d V a l n e o l d e r.t

* M a a h a n d M ilk E x to l l e d b y p " •

V ' H e a d o f F e d e r a t i o n . JJitw'W — • -‘J,

CHIC.AGO, (A V C o m ii* fourida-SSn ei , tlon of A nu'ricn’s ngrlcullurnl wealth ^fnr ll

and I aplendid " i ta rc h y vetfofable j,rove <^eh,” rlieapcr. than i»tntoea or rice, It-npn W. K. A .lann, preiidont o f Uio Ameri-| <<t van MsUcm i:\:dcrftllQ«, loUl a vxn.ci. ^ Inj: o f tb a i liody hero today. .out ci

The hlito ry of the country, Mr. A d-,the e nma irald, i« Indelibly nmrkod w llh corn ^ /oft ,

'X irom the period wbon It sii«tained tlio'm onet a io n lit* . rnllon»wl t b e rovolutfonjitj;! <r-j. army, ca'JwJ men to crosa tho Alle-[founti

( ' Rhony mountains nnd open up tbo vnst|^ .jnjj pfEurk* of the anil havp naveJ tho luulh a fte r the civil w ar to

' the prevjnt. b est t " V e t '.bo Amerii-nn farm er hai nover

rcccivcd llie rc tun is from thin crop th a t Us vnlMo m fr lU ,” lie .«aW, ''I 'O 'li i ii,c cauio it h.i-vriinio to be looked upon ni larculy in nnimal food. ' vnnce:

" T h o pfciont (Tcncrntion. whose par- o\ enta and tnim lparonla (■onaidered com w eal a* .ft« i-Meutlal arlli'le of diet, . havo ra re lr la ite il miiih and m ilk,” ho "ddeif. •________

■ O O K T L -tnS .W IT H STATE LAWS OESKVA, m - T t e l l . i i t r i S l l .t : .

Bovcrnmenl is unable to aign thealave eonvi'nlion draw n uji by the ln il |^ y . ' awcmbly o t natioua, aail ennfliota w itb tbo i>oljci> rcKulalioiii of eertain alM en.iti tbe Unfim Scert- ta ry d f Btate lluRhes b a i nolified lho • leapjo aeereta ry here.

■ Tlie Nowa l i read by tbe permaneni carnln,. claiiei.

■ ' 1022, : L a d y A a t o r t o V i s i t A m e r ic a » h

i n A p r i l , esiwnfi«i>— " prndiit

' ' ' ' • ' V I Mlltn'ni ' t ' . ' . M B I nutomi

I ypsten

. U i y A tm , f o im .r lr H «»cy t o s - O M home, of Virf-lnla,. and England ■ f ln t womnn member o f parliam ent, will - • eomc to the United S U te i in A ftril.forj '» b rief v lilt, cable d lipa tcbei an-j J nounce Bho will bo ffivien a dinner by . lUao tho E ngllib fpcaklng union in New i^nitci York. ■ , • j r * " * '


HappeningsAILTm ined V,

( O iiH 3rL^$: : i x i , '

M ajor leap io t e a m now. aro a ll " .traloed u p " -a n d roady .for tbe «ea- i m b ’# flra t fray. The top picturo ihowa I the ebaapion Now Yorlc O ianti in ae-', U oa o a tho ir i u l day a t the Sati An- ' toalo, T c m , tr a ln b g camp. Below you aco tbree b f tbe n a in ita y i of tlio CbUago Cubs, w ^ . t in n e d a t C atalina W and. W itb Ilia crow now com'pioto: _ ly In ihape, M anager B ill KlilifcrwiS' lay ing ou t hla plan* to Orovcr A le » n - [_• dor and “ Gpcod" M artin . Some leam j ho hafl th i l aeaion, K illlfor eays. L ,

m ic iis .i i!IJIPK ;

:oast League President Pre-! Hoir diets Greatest Year in His- | ni

tory of .Organization | ■

HAN KItANCrSCO, ( /P )-C ro w ih |VrRcr tbnn ever before, w eather per- ' ilUlnS' * ‘ll jam tb e imrlm of the ific C'n.ist Bnaohall lenRiie. William [. MeCartby,-8nn Franeiseo, prosldonl f tho liMKue, pretlieled in a stfttcment \ado piiliUe. Ivefc todiiy. Ilemir

"T h e 'r y of ‘ p!ny Iw ll' will mnrk no comuiencement n f the Kfflfiteat pen-j nn i raeo in inlnnr Icnpue blilo ry , ""■'.Hoc f er^lbp j-usplre.' of the m oil progreis- :r lrn(Ti'5 eoiintry. nnd I Vyeot except till) mn.inr IcaKui'.', In tllll ;atcm ent,” Mr. XfeCnrtliy *aid.' i “ Mont I'fORH'islve, I repeal, b « n « i« , •

1 every fonv.ird lonkln^ movement ' ir the lielterm enl, protection and lm -, rovement o f the national jSiroe, i'>‘'■npie hna pioneered tbe wny. ,“ Tht- pursn o f fw enty tlioonnnd dol-, , ,

ira offered by tbe dlreetora li tho lat- L , . . it enrn'-sl o f onr intention tn leeure , . le cMiUnued, iwwtaltied and beat >rt o f every plnycr from the eom- onccmoftt lo the elose of the ai'ason. "Tenmp. hnve been atrenRtheneil.-tbo.'’ ^ ' luntry hna been combed to fill •‘'P ,i i eak apols w ith lic ttf r plnyr^a, pn«kK ive hec.1 enlarRed nnd im]>roved, a n d , • , expen'0 hna heen apared tn j-lve tbo •It to m t people, •“ A favorite a lar will be missed om almost every team. I 'c rhap i tbla the be it nnawer tn those who have

■ced thn t wo were oppoard to Uio ^ 'h inccment of a l-nll v'l'y'-'"-,toppo icd , bu t we arc opposed to do-jiilinR nnd wreeklitc our tenma luinunl-, to «ult the coiivcnienee o f the major i ‘

Btnie.i. Most emphntienlly. the bnll ' ‘W t nyor 1* rnUlleil lo ndvance, b n l l i e U a»le, rtCiio itself ond tbe pn lron i o f he Ctune ,m«j in the most rnpidly developlnc ‘fl|* ' Mlon of tb e rnwMry. nsl, nre also entitled to protection, to two hy ahmild l^ucbflll In PnU l*ike be ner*. e tlf lM i to Plenae St. Ixiiiia. or lon to cive ricolci or Portland, or Snn Franelico. portunl

of our (Trent c ltle i lu lf e t to pro- ,v:eck. do w itertalnm enl for Brooklyn o t | . ■lladelphia o r W ashlnglonf " T o tb e ever liiffCMlns;. number o f , I H I ' Irona of f-ur league In different e itica,I'h llndi ' tlie commencement o f the acoion of s ta rted 2 2 ,1 renew Ibe plcdpe th a t so fa r aa ^ .n e s la humanly iHisslble we will -pare no Omrlol I>enie;. e»T5rt o r enetRy to p ro lw ,, odiiee nnd develop tbe sport to its team a l-best ninue. I t i» y<’«r supi«rt, your are du nfWenee, your lovo o f tb« Ramo. th a t week. ™ke« 5)rofea»ion?»l boscbBlI poulblo. All < it our (lulv to cive you the beal and been o

r.w lll fulfill th a t do ty .” I '" ''

i n ^ l O K S H I P BOOT JO K IQ S T

drniro’i claim ant of the middleweightIiilf , nml M r l i ■

nllene.T from Bpencer. Io>™, are cn iwndv to to the mat lonlRl.t to do- reU cdrm'lne If Hit* I* ^I.V ivill iv m llo tttp lv f . ' Z

ra d , to » M » ' r,.d l.h » l 3 p . " . <”•!•? "•'1

, , l n i t .. ISO roan il. o t !»»■. .


Iveaterdilton .-;on Ihe cbnmpionshlp a prin l „ tomobllo race n t the apeedway' hore , atcrdav In w hat waa ^flld .by trw k ^ flrSal* It, be woiW tw o td tim e. MU- , ftvon.g e d .115.2 mllea per hour.


[JHICa 'g O, (/P)—.lohn Weismuller. IS pj^j. a n ' old, and oalled the “ human hy-:,p lane,'' l i i« l"K Rtaomcd by thinoli A tbletic club to Tcprcsent the fional Ilitcd S ta lc i In lho Olympic games a t ^f i t i a 1024. phis, I t

: N [ E W S . ‘ t w 1 n :f A ' l i . s , :

<s of a D ay ]U(h~‘Ready for Seo8pn*a i

.......—a a a s

. M g y a A

im'siiii -IS fW S ii

_____ - - Wwlaa,

■lome Run Hero Unable to Con- nect with Pesky Pellet in pai

andTraining Games aim

— e<jui

K E \\' YOKK, ( ^ - iT l i e New York ’ankoo bQipball team and the Urook- 'n ])odi;er(. resume their series of tbe : am ei nt L .ttle linrk. Ark., todny. Tbe 'a m 'a c-ilef pridi' and bnniit, George lerman P.utli, apjionm to Uo in .tlio H/ iroe* of a ta ltiiiR ilum p. OeorRO rebu 'emmn i.ith mndo only four hit* 6ul o f tracl ^ tim es n ' b a t in ib o la s t foiiT-Ramri. In p There ''n s some ebccr. fo r .the Ynn- witb

00 fans, however, in tbo fnct lh a l I’ael ■ally I 'ipp hnd rcRalned bifi bnltlni: for >•1!. He ROt four twodiafjuera afplnst aubai le DnIIni, Texai, lengue team yester- No 1 ly, and tbnt wns coniidercd n fair meet jy 'a work The Ynnkces won by a ore o f ll to .1.Urooklyu,' on the oilier hnnd, ha*

’eu ploiiRliini,’ nloHR wilh the whole I.nke nm h ittin i; on nU eylindera and the team tehpM I’olng renl W r lenpio sluff. trniii Itchlni; oRninit Forth W orth yciler- Bee* vy, Mamnwx and MitcUcll l«sW th o wl'C" 'xnna t« aoven hlta ontf no runsw hijj 0 Dodgers were R o ttlnR -i: hlta ahd Et runs. T bThe Giant* miRht have lin'd’a hard tlie t tie in ivlnuiuR ngalnat tlio w r f p h ii »lid ■ nm ycatcrd iy in the Boutherif aiao- iuwji itloii h td the la tte r tcnm been nble over Yield, The Dixie la 'l l compllcil en us It

ror rolmun th a t wna moat pretentlnua mlsti id the O lan ti w enl awny wilh Ibo win- rdlet, 0 to 1.The lenma piny the last of Ihrlr eustn riea n t .Tackson, Tenn.,. today. l’b>‘

TO WORK PIT 0H C T 8 t-i >'WASIlfNOTON. (/P)—t h e N'ntbnaUiTe to iNcel Ibo lloslnn ItTnvri a t Cinrleslon, 8. C., today in tbe first Tlime o f tboir fivp.day imrnsformlng tbeip bomewnrd. The count In Rames " 'li l '' 'r tbe' sprlnR scries now atouds fivo »’opu two in favor of the Amerienn Icagu-

r*. M anager Milan aaid he intends tnintRivo li:a rerru il hurlera plenty of op: “ ’>■ ''

rluoU v to show Ibelr worth tbla Tbe 'ok. ■ .

W tL Ii 0 L 08B T E A IN IN a 1-niLA D K LPniA , P n . { /n -O lie = illndelphia N'allonals and Americans ir ted tbe ir final w eek .o f exhSWtlon mes today., the Pblllica wilh the inrlotle tenm o f tbe Rnuth Atlnntic 1R1I0 in d the Alhletiea w llh a collegJ im a t IlatUesbiirg, Miaa. Botb squads i> due .to arrive home enrly next 'ck.All nf The Phillies playefi who had e» on the hosp'tnl H«t w-'re reported . liavinTreeovcred.

U tD IA N a A BE ID L SCLKVKI.ANP, 0 ., (/PbrThO game ledulcd for Fridny between tho i-velaud Tndlana and P e o r la > ia W ea lleil off, accnrding to wlvlces t'f- Ivcd here, which sta te thnt the ball rk in Die Illinois c ity i i flooded.The Indinna are nl Knnsaa City for mes tod.iv nnd, tomorrow. The f lr it j im, in ehnrpp of Maiinger Speaker;' rived there from ~ tfk laho tna C ity ,- wto i t w a i forccd to cancel yester-1 y ’a game became of rnin and w tii ned by the second team, which lost • ntfT.lay'a tU le lev W ichita. K ansat.'

’ D E T ItO rr B 'tlllAKB CAMP I I>KTR-nr, Mieli., ( /P l'-T bc Detroit nerlcnns were on tbe ir ivny norlh to- ^V, havi'iR broken camp ot.A ugusta,.,- ta il n ight. Bxblbition Ramea will playod during the nex t three dayi a t . icon, Amerieiii and O riffin,'Georgia,;Ih tho Rechcitor elub of Ihc Interna ; n a l Ic isu c . IjcavinR GecrKla tho Ti- rt will appear in DlrmlnBham, Mem- Is, Indlaaapolli and Co1umbui,reaeh

CiiiLiAHO, M b N D A Y . A W

In sports -■ ' . ' ' • - ■ - ------ — bui

a First Fray

B' eloi


i ' ' 0 Vie


iMMM— • , Nor


■rtd M & t 'V m y c f & C yy-

Z. ' ! ■ nnilig CJevefand A pril I I for th e aeaJinn r h ' •peuiiiR till.- following dny. •<|lt

--------- Iltl-Cnbs Leavo Coast .

CIIIC.XUO, (/P )-T hc Chicngo Na- Ional*. w.’tli th e final pimo with thu ian F raueiw i. Senli anfcly ntoweil „ , ■way, were traveling out o f .Ih r F a r “ V i'atU oday toward IIu trhfn ionn^aB - ft*, w ber- they will nppear in a pro- « caann .•oiiiliffoning e o n trs t.. _

The (;nuH mndo their- farewell a p ' 'i « learanei- In Hnn Franci:i"o yesterday ud witll thl- nble pitehing of- Qrover ile iander for aix IniiluRs nnd aomo ijuaify erreellvo work by PiTcy Jone* or the U'niuiniuR rounda tbe Seal*;ere le l di-wji 7 lo 0. Tbey bad, Jiow. vor, ta la - i n bentlng from ’Oaklmid In ■ lie m orning, 9 lo 3.


«A.V MATKO, Cal., (/P )-W or(. of ?bulldin,: tbe fnmous Tniiforiiu mce :ack iie.ir .Him Hriino will sta rt loday I prepar.itioii fo r rcopi'uluR lbi< trnck itb n T.'iOUkagivinR day meet. Tho aelfi’c C’ lnat .foekev elnb, iiirorporated ir $.100,000 w itb ‘ J47.'i,000 nlreaily ibarribed, is uudcrLikluc the project.0 be llin ;; W'ill be allowed, a t the m ee eeta, i t bnu been nnnuun'ced.

BBADY FOR OPENEBKAlvT l.AKK CITY, (/fV -T he Bull ake I’ii-ifle ('oast lenirui! bnaolmll am nrrlvcd bcro today from ajirluR ftinlnR ([unPrera n t .XfniliTjn. (Mt. Th'j .'ea open the aeaa:>n lomorrow j I hen they meel the Vernon TlRors.

E ditors In C la ii Uy Them ielvei.TJie doctor can liurj-' bla mistakes, e den tist can p lus bla up w llh gold Id cburKO- I t to tbo juilleui. uml itio wycr gets u chiini-L* to Iry bl* caso •er wben be iUid» uii error, but with'1 I t fa (lllTerenl. IVbi-ii wc iiiiila- n Istiila- we bnve lo eJlinb ibe !iiirl*ed ire reiK-e nml p ' t over uti tin- mlii-i :le t<) iiiiilii' ihliiRs r k li; ' \>Hli mn i>ilM|iierH--HO iiiii’l »»,. Iiiiii In i|u ■ i<‘ illlle cxTrn _i-;ii'e iii.if ............ .■ri'r-f.l.l ll. rlll lll’lli.;.. ht11’ “ l'l. Iiniliit t.ll ll.- S,- i-.l

Convict* o p e ra le Qame Farm.T be s(ule <if Wnsbluifton iimlntnlns ,e only Rnme fnrm ta tlie world lib'b la opcrjiicd by f.-onvlc»ji| Kiiyn >pular MccbanlcH Mngarine. (Irent imbers of pbenaniiiti uro raised by UHt(o» on th e penltentinry Rrounds, r dlKtrlbullun throughout tbe Rtnte. le men w ork o j rrecjy aa though ey w ere ftot under conflneracaL


N OSpring house-

have the painter Have you given ] do you want to ha Icakyroof?

W e will b e glad t o

r e c o m

P fi

F R I L .3 ,m

HIGH SCHOOL NOTES fi{<The Bpanlih club held: a eomblaed

bu ilo eu and loelal m eeting la it Frldav eVfnisK '.n lho dome ot th e high ichool.C^eil Gish wa* elected prciideo t o f tho Asi elub for aext' ycar. CommUteei we>n . appelated by Mareui W are, p reiident of| Ihli year.'i club, to aclccf a memorial to leavo ^or tho uio o f futuro Spanish Aludcnts, Illd to make p la n t fo r tho i^n- ^ nual' picnic. , , ;• On the I'rogrnm for tho evening were V k to r Vvlfttde, who gave b ta lk on gyj, the P h lllppIncirW llllain H arper, wbo j„,j| •ketehed th e llfo of Fra lie iica Villa, noted Mexican bondlt, and Mary Tay- lori who B.1HR a Bpanlih aoag. . „ ] ]

Tho elub mem ben .went In a 'g ro n p j from the high ichool lo tbo bomo 'p f Nona'Yoehim. pancIoR and cord i wero enjoyed 'm til a , lato hour, when dainty _ ip io (l! .h n y u t> « , t ^ jO T t J .

Rehearsals fo r th e mvtflral ptoRTam j ' ' to -beacfit the liluu T riangle camp fund nro I ic ln j kc 'd e .ieh ' evening after achool. Tho proRf#m,.promlsci to be one of unuiuai merit.

BTO SAWMILL BUaNS ' . ^PIN B llLU FF. Ark., (/P )^FJro de-

Htroyed ihe mnln inwmill o f t)ie Arknn- '' ao* Bbort I^caf Lumber crim paajxhtrc cttrty lo>hy w/ffi n Joa*’ of. fWO.OOa. '* •

,.W ea*el I# ■uohtnlno-Llk'e. J’' " ’SwUtiiMJi f>r imHli'ii In n rerjulslio of

mnny wild nuliiinljs uf tbo Htunllor hind, y*’"' 11 Ik one .o f llieir luoft Im portnnt mcnnc of ilefenae. l.'erlinpK nti known nnliniil poaseNsca tbla In n higher de- pn'P. Iban llio wettael, He I*, ibo « = “ llRhtnlni; IlnKli", niiiuiK; nil nnlmal f i

life. _ _ _ _ _ ■ L

i ' I r - i .1. tll.- ."yi. rHull vijT’ |.|i'K-r ii|> li:<i-'ii l(ini(»* |>

llgbier. " H , il|> 111 ri'iiinve c r uso I j nipillc'ue dri.|iiier i«> drnw U onl.; Hub Ibe (ilhur -‘M'

■ jM -■


Like the proverbial lars ean grow to surpri

Grow and work for yIdle money is dange

to society.' It yields nc tion.

We mass money in tli its. I t is then availabli and agricultural activi

And YOU may draw deposit if you so deSiri let's talk it over.


) T I Cse-cleaning time is here. Tl ter cleaning your walls a. t YOUR ROOF A N Y ATT. have your new decorations

to inspect your roof and m Dmmendations. if you will

H O N E 3^

Assessor Estimates One in io Oars in Idaho Will Be Heg.

istered Horo

Motor vehicle llceoaoe In 7 w ia Fallr cdhnty tiiia y « r will eonitituto 10 per eenl o f the to ta l number of licenic* ii lucd in tho Ilatc, according to proMot IndlcliUoni, H. Claud Blewnr^ county awtMOT, anid loday In m a ilnp public compnratn'o flRurci oo metor llconio , collectlo.ii for the f i n t three montha of laat ytfar a i compared with tho col- Icctlotu 'l o r lho eorrciponding period of th ll year...Theio figurci sbow total colloctlona up to AnrJl 1 la it year nmountlng lo >51,701.11 h i ngainst . totnl of |0.1,7«5.B'J fo r tho lorrrspooding period o f IM i.

License* issued thla year number ap- proilm atoly 3300,01 .compared with 3051 lu u e d during the f i n t three iiiontha .if lasl year.

Llrcnscs arc bolnR iuued th li year for more ears than heretofore, and o reduction in lho total ameunt o f few -• ' rolk'c ted il attribu ted to thl* faet. (UiTt Uiat ^ tlnin the Of;e o f /Iv e j-caw nnd’ eontinuo in tbo running aro 11- - eenicd n t a reduced rate.

A t tbe end of the f ln t quarter last year licDiao plalea woro being Iiiued by the aU te w ith num ben aa high a* 30,000. At the preient time tho'hlffh- • cat number reported hore I* 24,000.

: :


ll acorn, your doi- ' irisingproportions,•you.gerous to you and ___nought by stagiia-

tKe form of depos- ble for commercial iinties.iw interest on'your ire. Come in and


: E ! ■Youwillsqpn and ceilings. '

'TENTION or IS spoiled by a

make reliable :ii ;

4 ■'' ■ ' ■ l i

Page 4: .Liiiiiii^ S:'PA.LLS LY Nl

iiiii” I ;lillEliSllJ I: IP illlim II M e n w h o M a d e a n d R e v is e d I

I P l a n s f o r K n ic k e r i i o c k e r A re I

I n d i c t e d , T o g e t h e r w i t h C o n : |

— s t r u c t l o n F o r e m o n I

W A8H INQ T0N , ( /P )-F lvo of tho p . s ia o n e n held b / tlic coroner's ju rx u I k

'. retpoDHiblo fo r tbo eolIopM Ja n u a r / 2R {tt o f tbo K niekerbockcr theatre ^Hth tho [ u loM of 03 live i wero indicted today by t l /

\. tho grand ju ry on a ehargo of. man* I n .fliaughtor. Tbo other four men iroro I s exonerated, the grand jurors determin* •“

' ing th e ir conncetion -with tho construe- }’oitlon of tbo buUdiUR not sufficioat to hnn,

m a k o them crim inally liable.Thoso indieted arc: Itcfiinaid W.

Oeare, n rehiteet o f tho theatre ; John \ Howard Ford, o f 'tho Union Iron

i . AVorki, vrho revised tho orif^lnal plans moviifo r tho s tc d roof s truc ture ;. Donald U nt,W allace, general foreman for F rnnk t. <o pn;

I Wnf^ner, contractor fo r eonatruction of; the theatre ; Klcboid Q. Fletcher, foro- jn.

man fo r tho H am m ett Hrcproofiiijc " compnny, vrhieh liad tho sub-contract

fo r ecmcnt and mason work, and Julian R. Dowman, assistant building insucc- unlnni

to r during tho period of tbo th e a tte '* opemlt jn i lh le t lDn. „„l„„

; iDisiTDWEfiii -ffl NEWIIFF Bill

** . — ' • nnthrtO o o d in g D o o la r e s B lo o W il l i>y Jc

' . . F o r o o M e a s u r e B u i l t o n ' l ines ot Uecds

______ of mi

. ' WABHINOTON, i/p)' Coandcneo J'®” " ’1 tlm t a ta r i f f mcftsuro ctnbodyitijt “ some , , • J i fo rm -o f Amfrtctin valuation” will be “; cnacted Uy tho present coiiRtcss wa^ i otprcM ed laat n ight by Benntor i 'ra n k • ': It. OoodhR, rcpublicoo, Idaho, Jn a , 7 i

statem ent ireucd b y him m ''eh a irm an , ’ " ■ of tho ta r i f f bloc of tbo Unitod S to tci

' - E t '“ Tho sonato finance'com m ittoo, af- : • tor months o f tho most poinstnkinK ” *?,1 study nnd eare, has about eompletcd

Jl* work on tho’f lrs t nll-.Vmerlcan tar- ! i f f bill in our h is to ry ," tho statem ent 1 said. “ As thero never ha.i been 'sueh I A need for a ( ro lff wblch recognites

flll scctlous alike, 1 think I con safely •ay th a t th is conffrws will never ad- ' “ ‘ '"R- Joum unlll tho ta r i f f -b i l l is passe.l. “ ‘ '" ir This is tl-o sentim ent bf both thu sen- ato and t|jo bouso ." • melho<

limb 0


i _____ fields

F o r m e r Q o y o r n m e n t E m p lo y e I A ls o iQ d io to d f o r F a i l u r e t o f irp ,i '

R o p o r t I r r o g n l a r i t i o s Noflii;-------- hiiiled

W ASniN'OTON, ( fl^ U en jn m ln nnd onn mI.eon Rosenbaum, wool morcliants nf Cap

ylvoiiisvillc, Ky., and I’crey A. M atthews, tnelimform er nuditor o f the dopnrlment o f nimibiiip-lciaturc) iWCTQ clutrgcd )witli eon* (itriicti

— splracy to defraud tbe govornment in p.irty.nn indictm ent ri'turncd by a . grand Thoju ry liero todny. I t wa* alleged tb a t kcii t<

|! the Rosenbnums failed to mako re tu rns ha* n'■ to tbo governm cnf ns to wool sold out- strike,

»liK' o f government supervision during' thu period thi* commodity w ni undor ^

control o f (ho w ar industries bonrd and " th a t Mathew* failed to roport tho dls-ercpancios. " ’i J f '

I . nilnerr

JU LIA HAD SAID SO M ETH IN G M i i '' - , ---------r — - to (leti

6am W as. Forced to Admit T hat His ilie wr Bettsp H alf “ Chatted About o f tbe

Dem Clothes.* ica cad.tv^s

C ourtenay DInwldillc. exccullve of union i the Notional Child H ealth council, to ld men, i the* .foUoirlns' story a t the m ectlna worker

* • • ^ f t l i c Mondny cvpnlng club. I t belongs an ind to the g rea t fund o f fam ily stories o f ^ tn which ooch bomc Jiai its share. operate

H la farally had u. colored-w om an jq _ • o f the nnme of Ju lia , who did the ^

wash, acconllne t o ' Mr. Dinwiddle, v. he r husbnnd tran spo rtin j the dothe.i

. to nnd from 'horae. One nigbt he s ta rt- -■ ed w ith n big bundle of freshly washed , , ,

r in tb ln r. I t hnd heen raining and , , ' there were puddles along the itrceL , '

The UDfortunato man slipped, the , ^ bundle h it the s tr ic t, opened up, and,

•• ItB contenta went Into n mud puddle.Needless to sny. lio coiildn’t deliver

• tb e w ash.' and h-‘ hnied lo lnko It 1’"'** * back home. Ilul hrt wns forccd to ' “face Ihc tnuslc” I"

A week Inter the colorcd mnn showed up al Ih f I)lnwlddi(( bomc I*''''*'

' w llh the clothes spick nnd spnn. Tho <'inploy(• fam ily ,'o f coiirKP. hmi found cu t w bat _ hnd .d rlnyctl'lliH r wnsh and wcro pre* incluilc-i . pSred for Snm. pcnsinn

T h a t Wfiriby. howover. did not ruiy dinnn, 1• a-w ord nbout his mMinp. Arknns;

‘'Snm.” nsVcd n member of ihe fnm* In a Ily. "d idn 't Julln hnve unyt’lilng.lo sny .ind Wt •b o u t the clotlips when you hnd l(» sni.iltrr take them bnck?" dwell tli

Sam grinned."Jullii—sbe (Inno fliiitlcd qiilic a ' WKK I

' . .ffhlle nbont dem clotlios." hi* mild.— ' 'V• Washlngtori Slnr. ' / —adv.

Lived Throe Yoara With Sciaaors.in.Bo^

^ repiibFor three years Mrs. E v a M. Bbann- nndo

on, of- Rending, Mass., livod witb a 's„,] t a ir o l surgeon's scissors, stx and a n if inchoi lang, in her body, nceord- y ng to rourt testim ony in th e su it of )r. Clarence Urane ngnlnst her bus'- nnd. Dr. Crane niked •1,000 for. ro- ^‘ * loving thu seiasori. This was cxorbi- 'np tu i ant, fliilmed Bhannhnn, who refused ion b; J pay it. Dr. Crnno IiDs sued him. to fbi ---------------- -- - --------- tbat


(Continued frnm Psgo One)

iilnnlrc-d li-rrltory, but more rcccn tl/ '"'I’" *H-rntlng under nn old sealo without ,^ion snntHtiii. Mr. Sproqse sold tho "1’'^'*'“ on bn.i returm-d tii the union.

_ _ _ motit

•LEWlB - r a i i a W AO H niO IO H . W A SIIIX O m N . 1). U-, im — union "

........... 8»"driy in tho nntion 's bituminoua and , ithrarlto fields w rro declarod today r John L. U w ls, president of the , ‘ iilteil Mmo \Vorkers of America to I desirous flf ending “ tho suspanslon .

mining ojH-rnllon* nt the enrlleiit , ■m IMo flale.’ ’ bu t ’tho resumption of :d proiliictlon (-utircly depend* ujto.i .0 futuri' a ttitude of the enal operat-

Mr. Lewis niiido thla di’c b ra tlo n be- re the houne Inbor eommlttoo whieh holdin,f henrliiga on tbo Hlahd rc*o- _

Lion to illroct appointm ent bv Uie 'esident of a commission' to ’ investi* to th e coal InduUry. Diwussing the tolution undor eoniideratlon, tb i lited Mine W orkers' president' ns- rtcii tbat his o rganiratioii' would *'<>“ ®' tlconiu '-n n y Imiwrtinl nnd judlcini ARcnti I'ostignHon of the general conditions tampo tho liltiinilnoua nnd nnthrOcito conl

lustries. nnd eapcflnlly tbo facts ro*.Ing. to invc.-(lmrnt niid i-rpfits, opcr- _Ing prneticci, conscn 'atioa o f fuel - - ha% lourcoj,' application o f uniform ithods of snfcgunrdlng tbo life nnd “ Orlnl lb 'o f Ihl workers nnd industria l ro-. .11 Jons nnd eondltlon*. “ otn"

r iE B ON W OBKBRS 'WhnBECKLEY, W. Va., y p ) -T h o firs t jJ’J ' j *ooting- in tho W est V irginia mino _____fids slnco tho striko was cnlled was porti-d from K oynl,'K alclgh county, dny. A enr filled witb miners wna T | j red u |« n from tho I-'nyctte sido of I Wow'linrkor, nnd whllo bullets fnirly \_____lilod around Ihcm and tho clothing of t jH n r in miner wns pierced, nono wore iuirl.Captnin Norton, eommnnding n do- chnioiit of stnto police here, sont n UJibiT of troopers to Koyal with- In- Yields riictions to round up tbo ntlncking aUrat irly. ’ MOVThe iiic-n fired ujion wl-ro being tn- li lo wurk nt tho Roynl mino, which CHI 1* rnnllnuod lo opcrnto despito’ tlio porta rlke. . ndvnn<


INI>iANAl’(jlilS , Ind., (/P) — The of_ the rst tost of strength in- the nntion- to 'the de Biiapcnsion of w ork by union eon! Beport mers earae-todny since tbo beginning p e g n t

the suspension Saturdny, nn annual Ing, w lidrfy r.mong miners,- hnving failed higher, determine tho exnct effectiveness o f and J i

e walkout. At the hendquarlcrs here d by tbo United Mino W orker* o f Amer- H ouj

1 eonfidenco was expreiscd th a t tho were ! y 's dpvolopmcnts would confirm thej were i Ion estlmnte of aix hundred thousand; betwee n, among thom 100,000 noa-uijon crwiso, rkers, had laid down th e ir tools fo r mnrketinderinito period o f idleness. higher,

K tacit truce betw een m in e n ' and ; and Jc ;rators wna counted on apparently Corn make tho union estim ate o f idlo men vanee, :ertninty. Fow if any operators In 01 3-4' 1 b ig coal producing centcra th a t are w ithin ongly unionized wero oxpccted to at- . Bcabi ip t an enriy resumption o f opera- b u t no ns. The situation, jhowcver, was in ibl in tho non-union and opon shop trict*. t n i) p o n to n 'o f the' PcnnsTlvnnia un- | J { f j nclte mine* were not p lanning an ncdiatc resumption o^ work nmUre- . P i l l ts sent hero indica'ted a sim ilar at* U v f nle on Iho p a rt o f tho min(* owners T x " ? the central competitive field ami y y "outhwcstern s ta te s d istric ts. These

^0 dintrlrta havo moro tbnn -lOO.Oiy* bottle >loye«, nil union exeeptjiig about half ;ho Irt,000 nn lhraeltc w orkers. Btates udc^d in th is atronghold of the sus- bjr o slnn were I’onnsylvonia, Ohio, In- MvBna in, m innls, M iisourl, low n. Kanaas, Alto ;nnsns and Oklahoma.I addition, cen tm l Pennsylvanln f

Weat Virginia, nlong w ith theIlor rosl field*, wero counted on toII the ranks of the Idle men.

I:K Kmncy W htdeaalc.O '. for Mon- ¥ * . ■ While nr Ore.nl N'ortliorn beans. 1 , 1 ]

b n

TWIN FAfcLS M lL^-'■’ C l i N S ' l i R E P A t e n ^ ; * •

. i - ‘ 5' . - ^ ' r- . . r i .C * U w » i’ih w ;E i« « .d a i ) . . J . . i ' i J

laaee. ateamer U fton, w h |rb '« i i l •eized ow: iff-th e .Irish c o o itia it.w eo k ’b f raiderfl to Thb''itQWcd’ its ''? aV go 'a(ray in #om-j W j inknown place, ctmtoined 400 rifles, lot 20,000 aa bad bon' reported, 700 re- ^ rqlvors, 32 m ^h ino guns and SOO OOU . ; ounds o f ' rifle nmmutiltlon, togetber r lth ft a itall quantity, o f .exploalvM ,.It rns ktat«d In tiio houto o f eommbns t«* . lay :by Win»ton Churchill, » c e r o ^ jjp o r the colonics. ; ^

A Dublin, dispatch B u n d a y ,''^ v in g j ’- , n nccount of the parade of tho Dub? j In battalion of tho Irish rcpublieon | ,rmy when moro than 3000 m’en rt'arfh* • ^ d nwny to Bmithflcid and toolc an a th of nlleglaiice to tho rrpublic, quot* • d a statem ent by Boderick O ’Connor, C no of the leaders o f the republican' eel] lovement. in connecllbn w ltb thi» ''Vli eizurc. Mr. O'Connor, in nddressini; sac! ho meh, declared th a t R ichard Mul- Koi nhy, the D nil.Kircann m lnU tar-of dc* for ense, hn.l caused the seizure o f tho Col epiiblicun a rm y's munitions a n d ,g re - ly ado factories in Dublin and elsewhere $1.3 nd. th n t tho republicans bad replied aeti ) th is by a e U in frn t 'C o rk a British Mp loaded wilh cxpioaivca nnd m j ^ bine guns. '

Mr. Churchill said the vessel waa npturod in tho -highest piratieni fash* in by n r* rty of censpirntors hoatllu > the provisional gpvcrimient, an-? lat tho incident was n serious ono jn stitu tlng a- groas arid dishonorable “ * reach 'if thp trnco which had been ,ade, not w ith the provisional govern* en t alon*’, b u t with the duly electod 'prosontativo of tho Irlah people. 0The fae t thn t auch an elaborate tqn-

lirncy ocutd be set on foot in Cork j,ui| lowB thn l tho fffovisliinal govern* t;, on t control o f the Cork d ls lrlc t rncllcnVy non-oxiatenl, he continued.This Is remarkable, in view of tbo ii-t th a t publir opinion in Cork in ,-orwhe!mingly in favor o f the

<'nty*” ' . stenMr. Chureblll denied thn t nnnrchy

■iRnod in Cork, adding, hnw cvor„that y. lore was no doubt th a t the provision-

governm ent’s control over the muti* | ’ •ors w.i* vorv Inx. H e said he did not link it dofirnble to s ta le whnt netlon e = 0 govornment rontemplntod to re- g p iver th-.' seized property and bring0 c n lp riti to jnatlce.

H A LT BUEOK T E I ^LOS ANGELES, Cal., (/P>-Tho tria l

; A rthur 0.- Burch, Indicted on n inrge of tho murder of J* Bolton Ken- ;dy hero lnst Auguat, w ent over to- ly fo r ono week pending tho comple* on of nn iavcJtigation of reporta thn t ’onls o f tho attorney* in. the eaao hnd impored w ith jurors.

E D IT 0E 8 TO M EBT HT. PAUL, Minn., ( /P M u ly 10 •<>

1 hnve.bcea fixed as tho datca fo r the inunl convention of tho Ila tio n al Ed* orlal association a t Mlasoala, Mont.,wna announeed horo today by H . B.

'otallng, K crotary. '

W hnt > useless to y o u « u iy be vaUi- de to e thers — advertiio it in the isaifled columns.


FORMER LOW LEVELSlelds to U pturn In Liverpool and stimulation of NorUtwcstera Bujrlng M ovement—Oom Follows In W ako

CIIICAOO, (/P )-C rop damage ro^>rta from Knnans, together w ith nn Ivanco in Liverpool (|uotntions, gnvc hont jtrieoa here a mntcrinl upturn to- IV during the onrly dealings, ^fost ' the Knnans damage reports referred 'th e terrilo ry w est, of Hutchinson,

sports of Kuropenn buying a t Wlnnl- 'g n ttraeted a ttention nlso. Tho open- g , which varied from S-8 to 1 l-2c ghcr, w ith' May $1.3J 1-4 lo $1.32 5-8 d Ju ly $1.18 to $1.18 1*4, wna follow-

by moderate further gnins.Houses with northw estern w heat 'ro porsiatont buyers of, Mny, nnd ■re said to bo conducting a spread tween Ciiicago nnd W innipeg. 0 th - wise, however, trndo was light. The irke t closed unsottled to 1 3-te net jhor, w ilh May $1.33 1-8 to 41.33 1-4 d Ju ly $1.18-10 $1.18 1-4. ^Corn , responded to 'th e w heat ndi ncc, opening 1-8 to 7-8c higher, Ju ly 3-4 to fll 7-8c, nnd then holding

thin the initinl range.Seaboard demand was reportcil good, t no large purchases fo r shipment

JMBERS DP TOUR lOREMF JOINTS[ T T ^ ’T E E R expcsnre and bard ^ v o rk bring painj and ochea ia

inusdea and joints. H a w a 3ttl« o f Sloan’a Liniment liandy and ralyfrcclv. Paulralatniiouirubbiag.Vou «'iu £nd a t once ft comforting >

a ie of warmth which will be followed r 0 relief from tbe eortoesa and iffneaofachiogioints.Also rclie\-es rbeumatism, t d a t l a ,

euralpa, aprainaand stra io j.For forty >tara pain*# tnem jr. A ik •

ja r Bcichbor.A t a ll dni£gi3t3-3Se, 70c, |1 .4 0 .S lo a i^UhitttotdQ L

■ ■'. . r- . ' .

from ’ ta ris ' w'ere aa&oniiee£ ' Tlt'C'ddfe «wi ;W H a'fIrn,:M M '3',^ M tW g b w , U* ^

__ ,. O ats F;iee« w ere.indepenaen tly .f iro , . C owing., to eonilnned w et w eather daUy 17,1 to seeding. .A fter a to rtlog 1-4 ,to 1-Ze stei higher, Ju ly 80 l*8c, tb e .a a rk e t lio W d $8J bu t little tendency to react. sea

Qalni in the valuo o f hogi led io a little bifjherjiH cea-for-provlsioni. ■

0 « h - a r a l n - ^ ‘' CinOAOO, ( i l ^ m e A t - N o . B rad * t $ U 3 l .a ; N o.',aT ed $i:88 'l*2. - • . . f t

C o r n - N o . '2 m l« d :6 7 ,l-4 ; to 671 .20 ; Z . No; 2 y«llow '57 l* 2 e ,. . . . .. d a ttf -N o i 8 w hite SS io 80 l*2e; No. -y j

3 'w hito 'S 5 1.2.to 87«. .B y e -N o . 2,' 11.00 1-2. . ' . gB a rlay -6 8 to -08e. , ' ^peClover <eed-$ lB to 122. '

' Po ta to M u k e t. ed 1CHldAGO, { ff )-P o ta t6 e » -D u ll, re- car)

ceipts 103 ears; Wiiconatn saeked Boun^ ^^0 'Vliltea $1.S0 to 1.C5 ew t.; M innesota tlvc iM kcd Bed BlVo'ri $1.S0 to 1.00 cwt.; North Dakota sacked Bed Bivers, in- forlor quality, ip jp a d ed $ l i f f ew t.; Colorado sacked Brown B eauties moat- . . j \y $1.75 e w t ; Idaho aaeked Burals i,|„ i M.70 to 1.75 ewt.'; Idaho saekod Bua- le ts $2 t o , 2.10 ewt. , pgj,

QUcago’ Frodaea - aho:CHICAOO, (/P) — B utter — Lower, L

creamery, ex tras 35 l*Sc'; f ir a ti 33 to and 35e; scconds 31 to 32e; alandarda 34 acti l*2e. mar

Effg»—Lower; reeelpts 29,903 eases; in d firats 23 1*2 to 23 1*2; ordinary flrsta cifli n 1-2 to 22e;.miiKOllancous.22 lr2 to poir !Se; storage patiked ex tras 25 3-4e; poit itorago packed firs ts 25e. will

pm«h» LlTMtock SluiOMAHA, Ntb., "*'*

),OflO; moatly altongcr tp lOe higher; , mlk 180 to 210 pound butchcra $0.70 . .0 9.80; top $0.00; bulk SIS' fo 825 lonnd butcher* $0.45 to 0.70; paeking grades $8.25 lo 0.25.

Cattle — Receipts 3,700; beof ateera ‘" I iteady to 15c higher; sho-atock 10 to \T,t higher; bulla a n d vonla .about itendy; stoekers and feeders steady to Itrong.

Hheop—Recelpti 0,500; lambs 15 to !Se higher; top $15.55; best clipped amba.$12.75; sbcop and feeders steady; N


We are informed 1 farmers on this tract a: great extent, and that capacity is secured, th(

We do not know vi ous advantage which t ar Company distribute 000.00 in payment for gives employment to a ment comes a t a time w it ia the only payroll o: cally.

.The feeding of by­market for our hay, ai cheaply dairy stock, eal

The Sugar Co.mpai yearly which is a consii faet of having a Sugar value of our land, cor

From the above yoi Factory would be a ca

The tendency, this, potatoes over the entii disadvantage, and givi the Idaho potato growe ket and the probable ir cient cars will necessitj

We believe it .WQuk the acreage intended f< diversified'farming is

The Sugar Compan finance the hand labor

We would earnest acreage to-sugar beets

We do not assume., but hope you will realizi Sugar Company in this



ew es,iop .$9 iS O ;';ilM rlag 'Iaab» |l i : iO cIm

1 . . . . $58, . OmCAQO, B e t^ p U <

17,000;-Jow ; beef ita e r i and ile -itoek Iteady to strong ;.early tbp '.beef s teen $8iiO;-b'uJk'$7.23.'lo 8.40;.eiiolee s te e n • scarce; bulls sn d Teal calves iteady; early sales vealori $8.60 down; mostly ' a round'98;: bulk, fa t sbe-stoek $5.1& to - ' . 0.70; bu lk bologna bulls $4.25 to 4 ^ ; Buti itopke ri and ./eedQ r|-strong to higher. «

HQgs-^Becoip,U 44.000; fa ir ly acUve; .^pWed" Iteady to lOe higber; unavon i*.®? Iater;i lig i}ti strong; o tbon moitly a to a d y ,to .lO c lower than Saturday 's fm ] average; top $10.00; bulk $0.S0 to Dur 10.40; p lg i icaree , about itoady.• Sbeep—B eceipti .19,000; f a t lunba Wh(

opening strong to- 25e blghor; f a t sheep a trong; good itroag weight wool- ed lambs early $10.50; shorn Iambi, top early $11; good 132 pound wooled ewes .^10; few ^ c a d '5 7 pound now c ro p ,jift;__n 'tlvo spring Iam bi $10. gj

Now T o tk Stock M arket NBW YOBK, (fl>)-Oa .th« , largest

d e a lin g of tb e year the i(ock majrkbt today resumed i t i reeent advance. Nowj ^pp higb reeordi w ere made by various ra il i poti a n d 'in d u s trin l i a t gains of I to 4 Cabl points, gales approximated 1,250,000 Caul ibarc i.

Lost w eek 's demand for U e x i c a n :^ " and California oils w as resumed a t tho active a ad strong opening of today 's splu m arket. E arly quotations fo r Mexican Ton, iind Pan Americnn Petroloum'.and .Pa* cifle oils showed galas of 1 to I 1*4 Flou po in ta Associated Oil aoon roso 4 Sugi points and Houston oil was absorbed w ith several o f the low priced Issucsi. Bludcbaker and Plerco-Arrow contin- ued to fea tu re tho motors, and Mercan- tile Marino preferred, Davison Chemi* Qutt enl nnd Bt. Pau l preferred woro strong. Butt Prcllm lnnry foreign oxcbnngo rates wero firm despite fu rther politieal on- Bnei se ttlem ent nrising from tho'forthcom - ing Genoa conference.

Inveitm ent and speculative rails m ade'gains In^er w ith minor steels and motors. The goncral list eased only pori slightly despite heavy profit tnking. Pork Tho closing was strong. Bt

L ibe rty Bondi NEW Y O R K ,-(/P )-L ibe rty boada lOe:

lR M E R JMa

d by the Sugar Company ( t are not signing, up beet c at unless an acreage suffici the factory will not'run thi ! whether or not you are aw 1 the factory is to the comn jted locally last year appi or beets and factory payrc ) a great many! farmers a 9 when they otherwise woul I of any considerable size v

by-products (pulp ahd mo! and enables every beet gro

eattle and sheep, pany pays locally about isiderable advantage to th rar Factory in our eommun :onsequently increasing yo: you can readily see that t( calamity.is j 'e a r is to plant an abnc itil'^ country. Our freight riven a normal potato croi wer will have difficulty in ! inability pf the railroads' litate the storing of a large ujd.be very much safer fai I for potattfes''would be pla is invariably more success: any informs us that they or on the crop, estly advise the planting Its where good ground is a le. to dictate the business' s lize the vast importance o lis community, urs,VIN FALLS BANK & TRI VIN PALLS NATIONAL I RST NATIONAL BANK OF MURTAUGH OF KIMBERLY OF HANSEN :RS AND MERCHANTS B. NATIONAL BANK, f i l e : NATIONAL BANK, HUH IRS NATIONAL BANK, Bl

d o id ': : l « U « i t o t <■, H 8.M b id ; M candt 4s, $S180 b id ; ' t l n t 4 l - 4 i , . $ 0 8 .oa ;',.seeond ..'4 :l-4 i,:iS 8J0 ; th ird 4 '1*^1 ,100 .60 ';'‘fonfth * l*4s, $90.10;Vi>ti ;a ;3-<|», $“100.(}8;' Vletoiy;*; 8-4«,

■ , .T W I N .^ F ^

'■. -' W c « * T il4 -P fo 4 f le « i : ,B utterfat, ;all g radei, no dedoctions

mado, l b / ________________ 29c •F rn h ranch eggi, d o c .______llSelie n i and ip r ln g i, p o u n d - .....■—-,.lSeOld cocks, poriod 1 ___ : _________ 10cQ e e ie _________:________- . .J io m arketr»itfcwT« . Nn m arket ■Ducks, pound •.____________________ 8«

, O iiio.Wheat, No. 1, c w t . ____________ $L55

' ProduM.Potatoes, Rurals, cwt. ......... .05

. L lTM tocx - Cattlo — Cows, 3 ^ c ; iteers 4®

ll-2 e ;.v e i ls5 @ 7 c .—Dog*—Prim e, OQlOc.

8bccp-;*Mutton, 4c; lambs, 6@ 8c^

- HOUflBW IPE’a UUIDB. , ' '• {Retail Prices.^

P n l t s tod VegoUblss. 4Apptr«. i i u . _____________ $i.uo@ aao }P’oUt'W i. ewt. _ —__________— $1 5,‘Dahbago, por . l b . __ ____________ .08Sauliflownr, lb. MNew T nrn ip s,'bu . u _ — _______ .15:’«rro»*. per Ih................................ .*18Iiow Onions, bu. ____ ______ ;___ .07ilbubnrb, Ib__________________ 17-l*2eSpinach, lb. __________ ________ S!iromatocs, lb . - — ______________ *25

. . PTDTlaJOiu afld 8ta ;ilftiHour, 48-Ib. s a c k [email protected], boot. 100 lbs. ... [email protected], eane, 100 lbs___ [email protected]<S:ream Cheese ________ _____—V r .23Jrirk Chbeae _________________ JOUrnn. ________________ ____.OflJread _____________ .10Sutler (creamery) ......... ...........'.40Juttor, (ranch) J ____________ .80 ;. Hsata.Bncon ----------------------- ----------30@35etftrrni. ullced _________________ .»03am— ___________________• .soFlam, s liced '__________________ .40Pork e h o p s______________ 17 [email protected] c h o p s__________17 1-2025#Pork r o u t _____________17 l*2@25e’ork.*«u*age ................. ............... »20

Btesk — Birlciin.20e: T hone £5e; > ■quad 20e; ehock 17 l-2c.- .

Beof—P o t r o u t 15(^17 -l-Se: plate lOe: brisket 6e. >^ — - — - S!

March 28, 1922.

r Officials that the ; contracts to any ( icient to operate to bis fall. ^iwareof theenorm- imunity. TheSug- iproximately $700,- 'rolls. The factory

and this employ- luld be idle, in fa c t, 'I which we have !o-

aolasses) creates a . ' ■rower to feed more

?60,000.00 in taxes this district. The unity increases the (four credit value,, to lose th e Sugar.

inormal acreage of it rate puts us a t a ‘ 'op we believe that in finding a mar- 'Is'to provide suffi­ce part of-our crop, Ea|;raing if part of ilaiited to beets as ssful. . . . ly will G range to

g of 'part of your 1 available. ^1 bl our customers,

of retaining .the



Page 5: .Liiiiiii^ S:'PA.LLS LY Nl

l i iP i imMiss Stone, Agitated by l<nowl-• edae that “ Mother Knows,”

Continues Her Testimony

x m TOBK, W ) _ A jI U M U a a u ^ had IwniDd ber iged moU in la Tompldnsvllls, E y^ hAd

, b M r t o f h e r pUgtit, M la5"oilTl*, . M. P . fitoa# temimed tiio ■wltoejs

■tasd fo r fn rtb e r oQis-eziimlnA* tlon today ftt her trU l fo r th s UU- ln« qf K i l l a n y K lnke td . corporv

■ tio a comuel o f O lop lanaa '

f tia lita n t D istric t A ttorney Wat- bauo ro-opcQcd bl» a ttac k OD..hcr.itor*

v r of lo trayal o f K lnkcad, b}* domaadiog w hether »bo know Jam es K. QIark, for*

I- mer United S tates a ttornoy a t CJneln-r ^ nati.

W alls l a Distress.“ I don’t know him, I don’t know

■ h im ," MUs Stono cried, burstinf; into tears.

" I ’d ra ther y o u ’d lako m y life than ... . keep hounding mo th is w n y ." f

' Court woa adjourned for ten ininutca- whJJo Jfl>5 Slone ri’calued her compos-

’ •u rc .Then Mr. \Varbns»c jw ln tc ii ou t to

Mr. Clark who sa t in tlie courtroom i. and repealed bis qucntioti.

Miss Stono insisted slm liid nut know him.

Openiag hla case, Mr. \VurI)Uise had indicated Clark voulil lie naked to tes­tify conccrninff a Maim act ehargo M iu 8t-)ni- souRht to briiijc againsi K lnkcad

C lark,.ho said, declined tu press tho charge, telllRK Miss Stono thero waa bettor ground for such a ehnrgo against

, her. . ,DolTlng in to P s s t

Mr ^\'arbn»so referred to her earlier Ufo la Nashville, Tenn., ask ing bor if

^ she hail not lived a t 112 Sixth avenue, Nashville, la 1000. Sho sold sho had.

"D o you recall Introiliiclnff to a Mr. Sauery a ,m a n named Selby, as your b u sb a n d f’ ho askoil.

"O od knows I certain ly did n o t," exelaimcd tho witocss.

" O o you rccall a le tte r carrier nam­ed UaffCB to whom you gavo as your now address N umber 1001 Eighth ave- nu o f" tho prosecutor continued.

I ■ When sho replied In tho negative,I Mr. Warbasso callcd Hagen into theI court room and asked if she d id no t re ­

member bim. y _ . . d o n 't know that^m nn—I thought

]M ' • he migb't.bo o'no o’f my husbands,".nhe I . replied.

• Mr. W arbassc eiiilcd bla croas'cxam- , Ination shortly beforo noon.

M H i s i Eomo WliCharges that Printing Bnroati

Oloanup Was Uade for Polit- : ical EoasoQS to Bo Probod

! WABiriNOTON, I). C., {/P)—Invcsli-; gfttiori by i s p e rb l houan committco to ^r deternilrie w hether (UamiKanI by I’rcsi- *

ileiit ItardinR lasL t’rldftv o( 'cpttolii ' officials n l tho burenu of engraving ami jiriiiting wn.n juHtlfieil, wns propos­ed ill a rriolutinn iiitrodiireil todny l>y ^

Sppreflcnlnlive Moore, iloinocrnt, Vir- nia. ITho rcaiilutlon nlxo areka to linvi' it

iletcrniliicl w hether " th e fa r ta indi­cate thut tho order mny be regarilcil j ns ft step in tlio direvtloii of n* return to 'th o .iiacreilitcd si>oila a.nilem ." j ■.Deelating th a t tho goyernment i k '

, partm enn were “ recking w ith disloy' .* a lty to the adm in ia tra tion ," 9enotor

irnrretd, repubHcan, Oklnbomo, an nouneed n fte r a call n t tho Whito Houae loiliy thn t ho favored dlamiasal. | o f nil government employes who wero . not In thiifough ncrord w ith tbo party responaiblo to the eountry for tho gov- , cmment.

" r hope tho prcalilent wIU keep it D p," Mr. H arrold saitl, adding, how-

t ' over, tha t ho liiul no t diseiisaocl the*dis­missal of tho bureau of engraving om-

..ployes wuh tho ehicf oxocutlvo.

i J >^HNDOESE POINOASB M IN IflT E T 'PARIS, ( /p ^ T h r c h a m b c r o f dopu- '

• -» • ties a fte r discussion of tbo Interpolla- 'tlon on tho govo rnoont’s foreign pol- ;

I ^ Icy, tonight vo ts4 eonfidcneo Jn thoPolncaro mlnlstrj-, Tho veto wns 484 ,

t ‘0 78-

Is T h a t lt_T "Many n .llve w ire would bo n ilead

ono If it w asn’t fo r bln connectlonB." romnrka nn cithnnRc. Monnlng tbnt tho homo folks Biiprl.v currency—U’ntt?—tloHton Trnii.’<prlpl. - • i

The Old Chronicle ( Business Undi


I ' .lob P rin ting of All K ln d » -D iitt«Bill Heada, .Pamphlets

’ • First National Bank Bldg.

T omsQipiiI O u t Iq ^ p d n i U t u ^ ^

A d m la ls t r a U o i i i ’tV '.S h o w B av*

yv |. ^ g D o s p i t e T a z B e d n o t l o h s

» WASHINGTON, D. C., ’( f l^ - A dc- ereaao of $334,000,000 in tho ju b lic debt during M arch waa unnounced tj- day by tlic treasury.

On U ire h 31, tho public dobt stood J a t |23,T<1,OI,'0,403 ,as compared witl.» ♦2Q,478.(.37,7fiO on February C8, and J with «23,«8,D0S4,351 on December 31,

10-1, tho end of tho provlous q ic rte r .* Income and p ro fll taxes dut«R ^ March 'uuouutcd lo >303,382,045 na '• compareil w ith *727,543,049 for March

of last ye.ir, whllis for. tho fiscal year ' to dnto eollectlons from theso soureCi

’at- totalled »1,711,(W3,748 aa against 12 ,-1 or* 460,481,849 during tho corrnpondlDgl log period of Inst yjiar. ror* Tho ordinary receipts o f tho govern- :in- menti during tlio month p g g r c ^ tc J

(550,757,063 compared w ith 1021,027, 602 In March o f la s l year and ordinnrv expenditures nggregated f3S3,054,018 as agalnvt $53(i,.')70,3U0 during March 1021.

lan '


B y Ur& Eorner L . BetUe^ Payette,, S U te Frees OhJUrmanom

OW Second D istric t Oooventlon.Mra. L II. Jonness, prc»idont of thu

ind aerond dlU rlet, h as , announeed the es- dates o f May 18 and 10 for tho nnnunl rgo meeting to bo held i;i. Shoahone. Mem- tisi liera o f tho program fODiraifteeoroMrs.

H. C. n o riie r, Hailey^ Mra. T . R. Bruah. tho Richfictil; Mrs. Hc'nry Kike, Ooodinir, Taa and Mr>i. R. K. Shopard', .lerome. Tli>? nsl full pro»rpm for tho convention will

bo printed in thia column ns aoon ns it is comploKd. Xfrs. W. If. Wilson of Kunn haa bren apiMlnted na chairman

. . of thp_8tu<'y committee to succeed tbo Into Mrs. Maule. Mra. June Kenrney

' of Jeromo is the new chairm an .of tho civil ser-ii-e committee,

our N o t Oontory Olub, KelloggTlio two ineetlngs' of. the New Ceu-

t , " tu ry club during j^ b ru n ry , proved ea- ■ peclftlly intcreatlng, A t tho first

un- meeting a roview o f D rinkw atcr'j 3ur "A broliiun L inco ln" was given And vo- with a sl-.fich of tho lifo and plays of

tho author afforded a pleasant ovenlhc- ; vc, A t thia meetinR plans wero cota- , tho l'i<‘tcil for the colonial ten which wan ,

held a t tho homo of Mr*. Mason on tho afternoon of Kobruary 22. All of*thc in s t prealdenta, who pour'd , nnd aov- eral of the other club ladles camo in coatumo. A mualeal program consl't- |

im- Inatfumentnl ao- 'los and xevoral colonial readings was \ presented twico during the afternoon, whilo lofreshm ents wero lifling Bcn-ed ‘

. to nbout.T.'S guatJ!. Tbe sum of J32.50 ' waa raised for tlio pnrk fund. 1

IP Outlook Olub, W d ser 'I b A t . th.i < lu b ’a ann iu l ball New

Y ear’s evo we cleared J01.50, whldi w as 'u sed to purchnae new booka for . tho lihrnry. On .lanuary 18th tho pro- ^

• grnm wna in charge uf the a r t commit- tee. Mra, T . J . Blake o f Bolae gavo nn intero.dlng tnlk on parchment work

■ which wus on dl*i)lny. Mrs. W. F. Vein- j Duacn wns elecl>'d vii-e iiroaident o f the club to .-u-cee.l M l« Olive M. I’etrc- ' aliek, who realgiied In acccjit a iiosition ‘

. ' in tho nchnols n t Bozeman, Mont. - IV brun 'v 14 the lib rary rommittco -

aerveil tea in the librnry ond $20 wn>i y realiu-d, " h lrli goes for tho purchase, |

nf books, A number of booka were nl«o - ilonate.1. - '

,, The spvcial feature of the March 1 I program wns an illna tra ted ‘lecture on f Orecinn jculpturo by C. K. Camp o f.the 1 Intermoiiiitain Inatituto. JInrch I5 wo 1 hnd a .’isbioD show. • A rticles mndo • from flour sacks Were on display. P . .T.

'• ' Burton, Mnnager of the W ciaer flour c mill gavo nn inRtnictivo and intercstin.f i

” ta lk ou picklcl flour. There wero folk c ’ dancea and songs by prim ary pupils in i

coatumcs of flour saeka nud tho minuet e by girls i>f tho eighth gra«lo iu cos-

J twme. TlitouRh tUo tourte«y ofWelaer linkery, ho t rolls nud coffeo 1

J, wero, sorved by tho social committeo I in charge of tho progrnm. n

!|J. N atiirs's Police *The following cxccrp t from l-'abre'e •

“The Story Book of tbe Fleld," glvcj^r I little lUHlght Into tbo inuny bcneQ-, ^rt,. ccnt uses o f tbo cunnnoner tlcld nni- cIj . nml«: "Till* bllla ilellvcr uh from n bust I5l. uf ciienileK, nnd iliey nre ouiluwed. aL . Till- iiinli- iiurKcn llie cniuml of ver- v

iiiln.: llie l.eiluc-li.-K iiinlieH Hur <ni, ttl...... l ' l mill nil M.;.-lit Mrils ure

ei.'^ei- m l lillllle.»: ll.i- ;I-Ii|>’r. ilie. Kmd•li.l ■■.•a ..r, .................. ■

I .- I .; ,. Ilm< ...IIMT MN'lleH !d u- i.„ .................... ... ..I. elllHecil ," ' i ■ ''-I le)t <1- -WOOL BAQS nnd fleece twine. Kln-

• ney Wholesale Co.—adv.

; Office Now Open for ider the Name of


;tci W rappers, L e |tc r Heads, E n«lopc(s ets Ete.—at tho Right Prico

P h o n o 8 7 1 - J

• ' t f W il l l in . ,

' t o ■

kV- M em bers.of lho yottnger sot cnjpy^i g a delightful p u ( y on Baturday eV<iB/a,

when tho Misses" Caro'Tliompsoo'Jtlii Voru AVynn ‘m tertained la hon'oi(’>

{jUj. Louis Origgsby, who w ith his f i r t p t Is leaving' soon to mako his California. Tbo nffa ir was glyen ii the Business Womca’s club rooms whlel

,m , wero decoratod w llh ktreamers of ycl low and lavender w ith tho lights'shad

31, cd in the samo colors. • Tho evening w a te r. spent w ith games, music and daaeinB tng M rs. Joo H u ttoa a t the plaao, a i^stci

na Mrs. C. E. Thompson and Mrs. J . f irch Wynn, mothers o f tho hostesses, in cn 'car tertalning. Lato in tho ove.ning d&lic ’cei , lous refreshm ents wero sorved. Tli

guests wero Dorothy Van Iderstinc llngl illalco Wiseman, Bllso Jarm an, Cathoi

' ino Newman, Naomi Navcn, Jcrom; irn- K rivnnek, I la Pearls, Eva McDonald tod D orotjiy Stolth, 0\ara ' Maud Ripley -7t L olita Stepken, Oathleon and Joseph "fV Ino Bush, Both Bowen, K atherlno Trous

dale, Donna W ynn, Lucille Wynn, Loul Origgsby, W nller Gearing, Isaao Sharj Donnld Lenr, Je ra ld W ynn, Pred Pow ers, Nelson Laubenheim, W illiam 'M e

“ 1 Donald, F rank M tlto stc rs , John Bob S crtson, K enneth KrlVMbk, Rusacll Pot

tor, Korm aa Q « 4 tty / Howard B c:r Ifl, Realto Steele, d io sto r Skinner, Clydi

■ Bosa, nnd Law roneo'Trousdale.

“ Mrs. J . F . M artin enterlnituyl on Frl day nftcrnoon from 3 to 5 in-honor oi tho third birthday of her littlo son Frank Delos M artin . An Edstc'r mo

I'" ' t l f wns carried out in the decorntloni which wore in yellow and Invendi'r Tho ahadcs wero drawn nml the lighti

* ’■ softly shniled in yellow." liis te r neslj filled with candy eggs wero hiddcr nbout-ifie rooms,' The eentcrjiieco^foi

I j J the tnble wns an I'^islcr wngon con. tninlng caudy eggs, driven by two

-while rnbbits, ahd drnwn by eight tbo yellow chickcns. Candles shaded ,py in yellow added to tho ebann of the

table, and tho lovely birthday cnkt boro- three ycllo.w candles.* Qamea and story telling wero tho nmuaementa, nnd Mrs. Mnrtin wna assisted by Mra. Wni,

cu- te r 8 . Sm ith and Mra. F . R. Snook, oa- Tho littlo gueals wore Mnrgnret Eileen, rs* B etty and Bobby Mngel Helen Jenn

Alexnnder, Don H enry, Cliarles nnel ■"‘I Lois Allen, Bobby Ellis, H ubert Peck,

Jnne t .NTcMastcrs, Dougins Piko and Roger Provost. Each small guest was presented w ith a yellow balloon upon which the ir names wero w ritten.

j, .. On Fridny evening, members o f tho Spanish club of tho high school met in tho domo of tho building and held a

(0. business stsaion. following ..wliich tboy •n, adjourned to tho homo of Mr*. Jcsslo on, Yochcm on Fourth nvcnue cast, whoro •ed a jolly evening waa spent witb games, ,50 enrds nnd dancing, A t midnight, de-

licioua ico cream nnd cnko wns served to 45 guests.

ch J u n io r ' highschool,wero cntertnined nt a ono o'clock luncheon, on Snturdny, by'somo of thu sponsors of iho Girl Rcsorvo commil- 1co of ,tbo T w eullelh Contury club, a t the homo of Mrs. Henry J . Wall. Tbo guests wero seated n t ono Inrgo nnd two amnll tnblea. A yellow nnd white

f j. eolor aebeme wns earrlcd out in tho dec- orntiona nnd menu. A fter lunchcon joUca nnd in teresting games wero en-

;cc • Tho guesta wero Mra. Chnrlea•n„ Nortli, Mrs. Clydo eimpaon’, Iho Mlaaea i5c, i’arker, Tohill, Pokel, Snyder, Blahop. |a„ Nelaon, Oion, Cnaey, llickmnn, Hnck-

mnn, Henaon, W est nnd Hnin. Tlio 1 hoatcaaea wero Mrs. Wnlt, Xfra. 0 . ^f.

on Simpaon, Mra. D. E. Davies, Mrs. E. J . he Finch, Jfrs, H. R. Johnson, Mrs. M. 0. IVO Ripley nnd Mrs. 0 . W. Withnm. do ,.T. Mr. nnd Mra. C. E. W right entertaln- ur cd a few friends on Saturday ovcaing n.f in honor of tho b lrth d a r anniversary ■Ik o f Jack W right. Cards wero tho dlver- in alon, nnd delicious refrcshmcntB were et served nt tho conclusion of tho games. )B-Ik The wpiliUng nf- Mra. V.. .Tnnnctte eo Hnugh of Clarrm nnt. Cnl,, nnd W. U. eo Ijim blng ot Twin Ffilla, took plni-e this

nfternoon 'o t tho Presbyterlnn msJiae, tbe Rov. A. 0 . I'enraon officiating, im- mejllntely lollowing tho arrival o f th_e

l'l brlil'c from her former home.M The briilo Is n cousin of tho firat Q.* w ife of Ml. Lambing, whcso death oe- ll- curred in Juno. 1000. She and Mr. s t Lambing havo been intimate friends d. ainco ahe wn& n girl of 12 yearn. Thoy r- will occupy tho Lambing homc, n t 051 m. Second, avenuo north. n> ,III Tho new yesr meana new Icltor »n i rx Invoice files. We have tbcm. ' Cloa

Book Store.—ftdv.

If o r iTRACN O W $ 3 9 ;

Western Ai

piiiiii ' / W i i f iw ' —

Mondeli Sees President to Ar range Detaiis of Omnibus Biil

f b ' for Interpreting Treatyhich ‘ ---------ycl- ■WASHINGTON, ( f l ^ A n omnibu

bill, g iv ing oxecutlvo authority and np 7*^ p ro v ai fo r 'th e carry ing 'ou t o f th o na

voi' lim itation trea ty reeently ratlfioi . P . by tho scnato Is being prepared am

cn- will bo taken up by tho houso in 'th' .near futuro Representative Mondell o

line* republican houso leader, saliijp jl today on leaving tho W hite Houao afte

a confcrcnco w ith I 'resident H arding.Tho bill, Mr. Mondell said, wouli

provido for tho caRcellation of eon gpl,’. trac ts , the conversion of two battb Qm. cruisers into airplane a irr ie rs and th< ouls *ernpplng of other vessels as agreed oi t^ jp jln tho trea ty negolialed a t Iho teccn .ow’l'^® *i'i“Kfon confercnco.

Bopreqentatlvo McArtliur, ,republic <,1,. an, of Oregon/ a member o f the nava

committco ood a leader among w hat i: known ns the " b ig navy’' group Jo tin

lyjgp house, also saw tbo preiidoat today anc j talked over tho navy, personnel sltua

tion. M r M cArthur wanta a navy per sound of 80,000 m en «nd is opposed ti

. . tho pending sub'commitleo bill fixing th is n t 05,000.______

™ns| H ealth HablU for Chlldrtn.I lea ltli Inainicllon nnd Ita resuIM n

;hts^ tbe fonnnllon uf babllM, la the sub* ’,gl8 je c t of n dnII.v rccord o t henlth habit* j j , , -for.ovcry d iild In the scliools of Wush- fo r C., nccordlng to tbo United

I S uites Imrcau nf educallon, Blanks aru ' I m nrked n fler the inonilnc dally In- ir'h>' lenclier., Lacli school^ d iiy .n murk Is glvi'ii fo r the iiuiiU’a

iibaerviiniv of H ucirbablts as brushing tbo teolb. carrying a liaudkerclilef, keeiiliiK u K(x<(l poalure, taking lh l^

'‘'“ ' j ty iiflnutea pliyslcnl cxercisc. Tljlrteen »ad| iicnilb bnblls urc noted. At tbe end ^al-! iif n innntli n rnting Is given to cor- lok.l rotijKmil with tbe dully rocnnl. nnd the ^en, aluH-t la seni lionic folded around tbe enn ioi»>rt curd, to lie signed by the .pa* ind n 'lit und roiunieil. It Is cxiiected tlms ick, tll aecurc tbe eo-diterallcm of tho home m d Inoiilrntliig bcaltli habits. Children

showing extreme iii-Klect a re refcrrei) to tbe school nnme.

It Sounded Excessive.An Iiidlniiit]ii>lls accountant, wbo Is

of Kngllah lilrtli, snys tlint. when he nrrlved In llie United S lates several

^ y rn rs ago, he did not propose lo p e r 'loy Illlt hliiiHCif to be Impoyed on.»lo ■ W b en 'b c landed he g a v e 'b is band oro linirgngc to a porter to carry ta.'.a, los, hotel. When lie readied the bolcf, he dc- nsked the pnrlcr n b a t the charge wns red for carrying the bnBEnge.

■Twri hlis. sir." wns the porter’s reply. V

Ich "Nl>«.Ll‘>ok I 'fP ." ""lli traveler, >ek i^i'Klisbmnn like you

y think I nm. I know your tricks. I'm , , going to give .v'ui r«0 cents und you’ll

* ’ b n v c -to lie siillsfle<l ivUb .tbnl. I t ’s

[•“o " "W E W ILL contract ynur wool; re-i-

Honiiblo caih ndvnnee. I’hoiie riOl Drown Bros. Sliecp Co.—adv.

:on • ________


;!■ . Mrs. Addlfl Walker,PlalnU ff,

• 78.B. Oolctberg, Bolse-Payette Lumber

In- Company, a corporation, Oltlzeni ng E lectric Supply Oompany, L . A. iry W ade and Nellie Wade, his w ife,Of. D efendants.

A L U S 8DUM0NBTlio Stnto of Idahb sends greetings

to B. Goldlicrg, Boise-Paydto Lumber Company, a eorporallon, C ilkens Elee- trie Supply Compnny, L. A. \Vado and

Ilia N ellie Wnde, his wife, tho nbovo nam- ae, cd defcndnnta:m- You are hereby notified Ihnt n com- :hc p la in t bas bren filed against you In

~ tho D U trict Court o f tho Eleventh Ju- . dlcinl D istrie t of tho Slato of IdnhOjin

and for Twin Falls County, by t t 'o ' nbovo nnmed pla intiff, nnd you aro

, ■ hereby directed to appear and nnswer sa id eomplaint w ithin Iwcnty days of

‘oy tho scrvico o f tbis summons if sorved 151 w ith in said Judicial District, and w ith ­

in fo rty days If served elsewhcro; nnd you nro further notified th a t un-

,n i less you so appear and answ er-aaid loa com plaint w ilhin tho timo specified

herein, -tho^ p la in tiff will tako judg-


Luto Co., Agts.

r . m ^ ^ ^ n s t y p u os prayed Jn ( d d com'

K -- • ' BaW 'Sttlon'W , tC foTttlojB iU m o rig a ^ on. real, property..^1- : - ■ o y h a n d and tbe seal.of sa liI I U CourtVihls 1st day o f April

1111 T t f a SIQOINS, Clerk. 'I K , ■ By 0. L . BOW EN, Deputv

. (Seal) ' •G D TnR lB & MYiniS,

A r - A ttornoys for P lain tiff,Residing a t Twin I'a lls, Idaho

, . , HOHOE o r BjlLB fu In tho D istrict Court of tho Eleventl ' Judic ia l D istrict o f tho Btato of Idabo

in nnd for Twin Falls County. • nlbua Mory R. Hayes Willlnm L. Hayes il nn Ralph R. Hayes, Irene Milner nni

P Helen Hayes, Philntlffs0 na- VB.tlfied Poeatello Security T rust Company, t

, corporation, L. H. Lathrop, Horonci L athrop, F lora Arnold, and F. 0

tho 3>rcGowan, receiver o f tho Poeatelli:11 of Bccurity Trust Company, a eorporn

..11 lion, ‘ Defendants1 ‘ “ Id U nder and by virtuo of n dccreo o: a fte r forecloauro nnd order o f sale Issued oui ling, of tho abovo en titled court, wheroli irould abovo named p la in tiff obtained <

con- juJffm cnt and decree o f foreciosun . . . Ajgainst tho obovo named defendantsoi

the 2Sth dny of Mnrch, 1022, fo r U . I ‘ho jum gf >12,231.84, a n d under am :d on by -v irtue of a w rit of exeeutloa it ecent forecloauro issued out o f the above ca

tied eourt on anid judgment or deerci Ltblic- of foreclosure, I nm commanded to sell naval public auction. In tho mnnner pro

, , scribed by Inw, all th a t certain rea ., property situate in the County of Twlr

“ Fnlls. S ta te o l Idaho, described ns fol lows, to-wit!

litua- lyols thirty-nine (30) and forty (40) per- of. Block flvo (5 ); Lois sixteen (10)

od to seventeen (17), clghleen (18), ninetocs Ixlnir (ii*)> tw enty (20) twenty-ono (21)

fo rty (40> nnd forty-ono, (41) o f BloeV alx (0 ), and Lola e lgbt (0), nine (0) nnd ten (10) o f Block seven (7) of Blue Lakes Addition to Twin Falls, Idalio,

I t 'ln o»-.the sam o 'are numbered anil dcslg- sub* nated on the official p la t of said addi- iblts tion now on filo In tlie office of tho re- UHh- cordcy of Twin Fnlls Counly, Idaho.< iltcd Lots Twelvu (12), th irteen (13), a re tvfcnty-elght- (28), twcnty-nino (20), In. th ir ty (30), nnd thirty-one (31), of

i,„ .i Block eleven (11); Lots Iwcnty-nino (20), th ir ty (30), tbirty-ono (31), thlr-

>' ® ty-W o th irty -sir (30>i Uiirty-" seven (37), th irty-eight (38)-and th irty-

’ nino (30) o f Block twelvo (12) | Lots tw enly-eighU (28), tw enlynino (20), th ir ty (30), thirty-one (31), th irty-

end seven (37),. th irty-eight (38), thirty- nine (30) nnd forty (40) of Block four-

the teen (14); Lots twenty-two (22), twcn- the ty-thrco (23), tw enty-four (24), twen-•pa* — .


o u l CMII'C^ : ......

% NOTHING-wns Sbor^om -fltM T, hand-

fihorttaom' Association. Purchaised ' ler’s ho jn ^

you‘ ^ P S o i

S April 8th—PlaceI t ’s W hen you bavo fancy a toen to sel

■ la meata and grocorie

» C e n t r a lP O E T I U A L I

■S’ '

f T w o Cnber /■zens ( j

i MIRAIoam-

cotn- p o u r e d in t h o f n e l t a n k tc “ jI,” l in o o r k e r o s o n o , b y l iv in j o . in b u s t i o n e h a m b o r , w i l l l a

w a llB , v a lv e s a n d v a lv o s tc f r i o t l g n i s g r e a t e s t ; p r o v e

g of t a i n c o m p r e s s io n , a n d s a v rvcd in f u e l w h ic h i s t h r e o t o 1

O IL .

O o n s id e r i n g th e f a c t s , < ificd y o a r c a r , t r a c k o r o t h e r udg- t h i s n p p e r l u b r i c a t i o n w h o = a g a i n s t d r y .u p p e r c y l in d e i

m o s t v i t a l p a r t s o f y o n r i

T h in k t h i s o v e r n o w ov c o n d i t io n .

Iracle Oil KeepiT h in k w h a t th i

Arrowhead S Cogswell Tire an

Victory W. E. Smit

---------^TW IH

som- ty-flvo (M ), twenty-ilx (2fl), twenty* •even: <87), twenty-jBljbt:(28),-,tWentjr.

11 n ino .^M ), tU r ty .4 a O )M ilr ty ^ n e ^ 8 1 ), thlriy-lw o :(38), th irtji.tb ree , thb ty -fon r ' (84), ihJrty-flT o’* (35),

P « i. th irty-six (flO), Ibltty-sevea (37), t i l r* ‘. ty-clght (38;, ' thirty-nine ..(30), fo rty

(V)), forty-one. fo rty -tw o ' (42). forty-three C «),'f6rty-fon 'r W 4), f irty* . flvo (45), forty-six (40), fo rty-seren

, , (47) and forty-eight (48), o f Block fif- te rn (15); ndd Lots eighteen (2 8 ) ,nine- teen (10), twenty (20), twonty-one (21), twenty-five (25), twenty-six ( 2 0 ) , 'twenty-seven (27); tw enty-eight

enth (28), twcnty-nIno (29), th ir ty (30), aho, thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32), th irty -

three (33), thirty-four (34), th irty-five ‘y « . (35), th ir ly i lx (30), thirty-seven (37), an 'l th irty-eight (38), thlrty-nlno (30), forty

(40), forty-one (41), forty-tw 6 (42), forty-thrco (43), forty-four (4 4 ),forty-"

rn-ft l9 r tJ J lX -J iC ),- f iit ty a e ro n —, p (47) and,forty-eight (48), o f Bloek six- ' '

“ -f" (10) of Bluo Lakes A ddition W estlora- '

numbered nnd designated on tho offi- elnl pint of aald nddlUon now on file * in the offieo of tho Recorder o f Twin Falls County, Idaho.

;d a Together with, all Improvements, 'Suroi privileges and appurtenances thoreunto is on I belonging or In any wiso nppertainlog. 1 h o | '“ public notice is hereby f^ven, th a t ' and . on Saturday, tho 20th day of April,

in 1022, a t 2:i^D o ’eloek p, m., o f said day,I ca- in front o f the east door o f tho County ' erco Court House in Twin Falls, Tw in F a lls soil, Counl.v, Slnto of Idaho, I will. In obod- pro- icnce to anid deereo of foreclosure a n i real order of aale and execution lo forcclos- 'w in ure, sell the abovo described property^ fo\-1 nr so murh Ibercot aa may l>o necessary, - ' . . i t o satisfy tbe judgment aforesaid, to

(40) the highest bidder, for cash, lawful 1C), money of tho United States.

Bated Mnrch 29, 1922.el R. SHERM AN. .

(0) Sheriff of Twin Falls County, Idaho. 3luo Deputy,alio, ■ ■ —'Kltf-1ddi-j

I WATERTOeENT40 to 200 Sitares

rtj-l or the Season. I[/Ots

i ARTHUR I, SWIMour- T W I N F A t L S


ind-fod o a com as an o p e tlm e o t b y ^

ed by us a t anctlon of Beglstered Bbort-

Id U re weight.

JoZd Bg Us Ori Saturday, ice Your Order Now

sell—BOO us. W hea yon w an t th e beet

U ries-PH O N E UB, 811-312.

L M a r k e tiL I T Y A L W A Y S

O u n c e sOF

CIE OIL: to each five gallons of gaso- dng through heat of the com- lubricate tho nppor cylindei

stems, redacing friction where svent carbon formation,jnain- iave a t least 16 to 26 por cont ;o five times tbe’cost of IIIB-

s, can you.;continuo to operate or coinbii'stion engine vrithout rhen every stroke of tho piston der walls is grinding away th’e ir motor?.

oven if yonr motor is in good

ips the Motor Cleanthat means to you

Service station and Service Station- ry Garagelith Motor Co." _D S J A l l B --------- ■’ ■ ^

TO •'V,

Page 6: .Liiiiiii^ S:'PA.LLS LY Nl

j .

TWIN FALIS DAILY. NEWS rp-. ••' tou«d <r>iT > r tB re ^ «twpt~8uBay*'^ •

^ A I

i ■ f jb y A.JOHN C. HAR VOT................ ;T m iu r> r

. Entered u Moood c lu* . fOftU mAlter : A pril* . IIU . «t th# po iiom ty .V •! rKll(. Idaho, under lha aot of U treh >.i m i . ____________ _

I SUDSCniPTION RATE# •Ons ...................................................... <1.00I monthH ............................................. IJ.|jI .. ...........................................................* L « Th

•f. t - m o n l h . . ................. . •»>> ^


„ S JI newi dlepniche* credited to It, or not oUi. for (i

• S?wl« c a l l e d In lh l;^ P * W wonti the local news publUhed herein. All r ic b u , ,

i f w ubtlcatlon of K)ecW dltpfttotjei «vhBtI bernin (ue «l«o referred. niic ' (;pi m ean. AwocUted P rw .

>: No responclbllltr U u n m e d tor the f.m o,, oir« of uniollellod ra«nuieripi». photo- . ^

m p h i o r other conirlbuied mailer. Ar- front tlelci *ubmltied for publlcaiion will bi> used or not ftC the diecretlon of in - *-li-

;■ tor and no inanuecrlpi wlll.be r«iunie-l lU'’*'*!• unleu ftCMuipanled by n^c>'»Mry [W">- tlirou

*«”■ __________ . ■ . - ___________Orcc!Tlir Neu* li number of ihi> Audit (Jmn

-B ureau of Clrculmloni. from whom full . . . .Informntlon u» lo clrcuUilan may Ur ob- tain"

' ' tdned u|)on applleatlnn. Oetalird Infor- Prm , nuition tuppUtJ IneMljr ut>on

BABTEIlN KF.I-llBSK.VT.\TtVKS of tl Oeonfe U. DuvlJ Co.. Inc., I 'l M«illi-iii Ml"s<

, AV.-., ™ew York; a . II. Kmllor. t i l l H ari. - font llulIdln8, Ct.lo.Kn. *• ' .______ ■ ------- bjinii

PE O aPERITY BAfiOMETBEB ''i’ f ' '; ■ Uii'iir

• Then- havo iilHiiyg Iw n ccrlnin lo- (llculo'm of fciinoniic ilw idlnt;. In ccr- tn Pi ta in pn tU of Aniu'a rommon Kalutation now

‘il , “ Oeod imirnlnK, liiftwYcm'linil rico' to ilay f” A nd-furluiiuto ln’lic who line

}iii iiiitiilful Ilf rln-; tliDiiHiinds r a n 't lio Tin Burc of mnrli, An Amoi- tiv rr

•; icnn tr a 'i 'l c r Irlle iii hln l.onk .if I'xelt- ii| »<' Inj; il)p i:r.-nti-iil nitonlehnii'iit iind t-Vdit

• InerctuHt.v miionj; tho iitnw nlry in u ccrtnln <1iiitrii-t by iiMiiriiiK them that Snnki

'v /cry A niftican worklnjcninn hn.l tua Iloisc- v it l i Iii» wiHirr I'vcry niRht If ho wish- Of<;-r

• , ’r lilr l' w nr.t

•, I t w w not au iiiutiy yn irs n(«a th a t ti,i , i 'th e i)0M«‘8"iiin of n liome und carriage, nf wl ■vnluea iK'rhapa a t $200, w as,o . p retty and

I iiuro im U rklon of affiuDnce.' Tiic.fam- ; Ily th a t rode oul of o Bundny after- ’ 'noon in n n irely palnieJ nuncy drawn i Ijy a m a trhed Bpnn, were neeredited aa [mint ■ ■'• "w n itliy . Tlio to ta l Investmept in eueh'<'‘l H

{ Time» have chunRod. eurront ro- ; \ic«v of liuiiincM condltloni, trying, to „.acl, i {tet n line upon tiie retu rn of proipor-.way-

[i Ity , My" thn t t!i6 nutoinobilu. Imluatry O' J Jb l»ic> .roropiitcil lnronielf>r.. T oU l ('j':''’*’

Bhlritiu.nl of <>«ra from fact'orici. <lurlnK]t,„"’, Pclininry wi're tnoro thini IflH jvr

f ' b e tte r thiin in tb'e'7orre"|iondltiR pc- i- riod of Iniil yenr.. Thla Im iw n 'm i’nt '* in ^ic nutoniubilo buslni'ss I" unifnrm-

Jy .llatribulod—amoiiB nil K fu i’" »f tlie j fnnd coimtry'ri iioiiulotion. Tin- imiiroivd lh.--ki Ball'" iini.oiji Ibe farm.-r* b i'»in;rinlly‘ "

1, encoiinijriiiR. And hore I" Ihi- alsnlfi- I c an t phrniic. “ The ‘rbeni>‘ n ir traili'

— miichini'i "clIlnR from to #1,000 o m ( —CRIiccifilly i" I’xiu'ctod to .•xiH'rienri' tlii" y

. . BubRtnntially incrcaeod cnll." 1’ "• Hhnilc« i)f Bon ^'^ftnkiin. Ink.- n d c . J jl '" '''

■ ' Tho follow In -tho Unllod Htnli-n w !ioji,‘r ,,!| hns only ln'twecn $3.'in nn.l «I,000 to iM.iotl pay for bia vfA^on I" ‘ 'chi-nii" , Thnt 1-itio'i is the w rt o f a countrj- wc livo in,A nd wo - ay wo are having hard tin,on.

------------------------- I t iBUZLDIKO BOOM BtABTS f„rtlic

D«']i;irtmont o f rom m i'rc I'Xiiorla 1 conrludc, a fte r I'XHtnliiini; nffii-ial rc- ■! po rts from alntca tha t b.mm- build- I Jng bn* la-rn rc»unii-i| in t-arni-jil. Tlu-y 8]iPaV. tvf n in vtvii^lrvvf

tion , priviiplint: a total o f l,000,000j"""’'; dwcllinR jilncc" w ill .b e ori-.-'ti'd this year. .Mcanurod l.y flour himr,- th e |‘' ' ( “,‘j,

_ eontrnet" ’ nwnrdcd durinfj tho lo.it ],I.. on tb rT o 'm '^ t 'ilT ^ re well above the IflJl nnd tl ftvcra(;e and vory'^ i-ar to tho liiKh yenr

; o f 1010.: Tlie hou-iini; ahort.iRC hns Im-n vnrJ-

ously cslln in tcl, bu t i t nccmn tha t no tvnyitii loss than D,000,OOO houno* and apart- 'Thi'ii n e n ts arc indlapunsnble to restoring tho bftlancp betw een dcmaml nml sup- jj ply, which will mean enouRh hablta- ferinR

. . tion s to.R<> nround w ith a scnlc uf rent- nliki-,- a ls nuitablc to the varying nii-ana of tho pcop lr.' D ut n house buildinR boom of tho dimensions indicateil will not wii. ncccasarily mean tlio scnrcity will be llu’v » sw iftly ellminatiid. I t wlll mean an in. '- w a croaso of p roapcFU v^rouR h the em- ploym ent of nrtiaans and Inborors Johr ^ |j j,, id lo and a moro inM itcnt demand for nimior lo u se s thnn ha" provnilod for some dinn tim o. .

ElRbt now there are srorc* nf thou- sands of couplcs and f.-imilie* hndillod „.n|„jp Jn Jnadciiuato living space. Ait noon as Tho th e y can <lo so th ry will domanil bnbl- b.v Ki Intions in keepinR- w ith American f"H "f sU odnrd i. W itli a revival of indnilry nil thcne people will he compotinR for pr,,,,.,, th o availablo bomci, so tb a t tho short- mil fr

‘ -nRO will rem ain ncute for sovcral itiRton ■yenrs,. in a ll probability.

Now then , is the timo to build. Not- '■withstnndiDR Uio boom iadicated wo arc ft lonp w ay from plenty in tho mat- “ Tli te r of houslDR. Dasldes th a t, btiild- porpet Jn(f will haston tbo revival of pcnoral 1*” liasincsi, o f which tho eountry stands gyp"” , BToalljr in a e e i • t r y ’ f


THE OLD ORE(& J f o r r a t l r e o f t b e W lb o n P r i c e

a n t i t h e " G r e a t H i ^ t l o n ’ O o n n t r y , to , 1£


• Prealdeat o f tho Old O n jo a

, (Conrludcil) ■ Mr.The routb thon lay up-ibn iMatto to

I point m a r tho forka of tho P!*tto ^^“"1 fhero tbero were two route*., • Tho Jreitdn Trnil followeil the oouth fork Then 'or (I short dlalnnco, thoU turned north-vest an-l reached the north fork, post vhat ifl now Choyennr, ^cachi3R lii ra - atid c llie, Wyo., which was the last post on I'® ho costoru ablo of tho Hocklcs. Tho ^ amous Inilependonco Bock, B3S roiloa ro m . Iniloiiendcncc, wni ono of tho loat nolow ortby nnd woll known fea- '" 'b lti ures on Hie trnil. Tho routo lav Hooio hrouRh whnt is now Bock SprlnRi nnd Irecn River, Wyo, A t whnt Is now »><> >•' IrnnRpr *hi route lay nprom the moun- aln" to v-bat wns cullcil the South 01*1 C >nsi, ole-'allon 7.4S0 feet. Fort B rldgcr,' ^ r . Vvo., wna the firat rrillnR place wost ■«»» » i the Hiickiea, 1000 mllpi from tbe l i t ” *ll.so u ri. , . •

Tbe roulovnow lay northwest to 'Sodn »ncmo ijirinpi, 'i'll the D Ir Bond of the Dear Mr. ivcr In the soiithcflst corner ol Idaho, «>£■«> heiire aorosa the divide between the nentlj lear and P ort N cuff riven , th e n c , on o f th e I, P o rt Hnll, near the alto of w bnt is o«^nR ow I’or:ilcllo. Idnho. l'iflu»-F o r t Hnll was n fnnioun outpost in1.0 onrly days and for.n loiiR timo. waa •'x t lie farthent ont|miit of civiliration. MarclThiL tra il cloM'lv followed tbo Sitake l»P. '

ivoT fo r n bnR .iittnnce, paMlviR whnt The , now' American Pnl'ji, Hurley, Twin pt-min 'nlla, Bhoshi'iir Fnllt>, fiabnnn Falls nml Il'oi '< lien n rro ." tlu* river to wlint' Is noK t '" '. t lola.:, Mnho. Tlie trail croawd tbi, oxou nake fiver nenr the mouth of the nRalni ;oi8c ri-.-or, thrnuRb w hat la now Vnle, arhooi ire., and -.'n to the Iliirnt River canyon nrrtiafl •blrh WJH onnaidcrcd-na.ono of tho Hi‘" v ■nrat piereK of ron.l on |ho entlro trail. Jfi f« ' lie tra i l took n cnnyon n little loutli r whnt la nnw rnlled Pleasant Vnlloy nd W(-n.',''it Ita wav nrrosa tho low , ;.othlll" ic wlunt \f, nnw cnllcd tfio Vir- ' * 3 u> m . ' t o w l n s luto the Powder Blver , " alley » t th a pais, nenr tho old K lait- " la ff mine. A well was duR n t thla nlnt wlH'To the' tblraty travelers sink- d Ibe thlcat nf tbrnuolvcs nnd their tittle. The trnil trnvcraed the valley, ' oniinR ou t a t the preaent site o f North " owdpr. Tbe Crnnd Ib.nde vnlley was :-aehod Iiy wny of Lacld’s rnnyon, tlu- . . •ny-lendini; pw t tbe bi’''Si’''t of ""i

o,i » v ., \ l» III,,, mmm. tins, paHl Mearbam, nn to fho Uma- 1 ,lln, near the preaent- aite of I’endlo-

.............. . :;’‘l"7b\TB Make U ttio Change. OroRO’

The. rn;..l ..ver Ihe Hliie-mou)itnitiH M a.-eti lit tle elinnne sinre the .laya of I’* <.12-,'ill, until tlio imat yenr when th c i ' ' " , ^ ' ' md WU" Rrndcd from l,a Grnn.le tn •' I.-. Kiinimit. JViim tbo 'top of CabliaRC ill oil the Umntllla aide, the road hnt.H-ii graded nnd Rraveled into I’endle- ,n and sla te hiRhway crnmmiMion ’ OreRi.ti liaN jiromlurd ti> bnve the1.1 Ore^'on trail in Oregon finished "

I''r.'im I’endleton. the trail led to The ‘Tl"'''*'alleK o;i (b.- Cobimbia river where 'IP tili.rioi'ra embnrked nn bonta nnd tliT««i:irt-ei* --lid fliiallv nrrived in the Wll- " niette uill.-y, liu- t-nnl nf Ibclr nm-tioiia dreniiiH, The'wnRoii t>iiiii"'of »0 Rreat miRrntinn of W,-’ wn* .'.00 •lies in IcnRth nml levernl wnROns In •*"'Idth, . , Chltte I t U <‘j(tonded in nn nnbrol^en str inR ,,rt!ier tbnn tho eye rould r'lwli. The ■ *'AsURona ’ .ore nf tbe prairie "chnoncr Trnil|ii., fHd.. mill di'e|i and bowed nt luitli |,i jiiHtIII" nml wero ii«-d fvn ii'.iits In rroaiinR „rlRintm.. I.f th.. iloep, wide stroniii" on- „{ traiinler..d »n tbi. jnnrtie.v. liirflteiKiifli wiiK"" liR(l ivjrt «T ln1iU-.1it,r,. y:.!:.- .>f oxen, borM.p., or milled. Koui-bt,I,ileh <-.nv or Iwo nnd cnrrled nn nv- |,rl,lj;enire nf I'Ve iieeplo. ,,n,„es: Coiiservntivoly, the niimb'or o f ' peo-•(,]„.|iki< on tb i^ ’Rrent mlRration was nOO,OOC>' (he roid the .iii'm ber of-rn ttlo Rrcntcr. HiiM 2iA" the pnrly proi:rPiVed, many of mn-it <e ton-iiM I’nve ont nnd d ln l nnd ^the |)ie |>rlUM-bol.l .-ffod" nnd noiiie o f the pro- n„ . rotl.m" .’f the pnrty were le ft bv tbo stri-nniu 'side III iir.lrr to llRlilen the loads. rviiiRiI-;, tlu- .-hnlern hit Die rarnvnn nnd cnnld iH,1"ov-r.'fiOfr hnman l.elnRsdled by ,.i.,ro 1

0 way. Shallow gravea were mnde mer »iid the oxpeilltloii moved on. The Biif- lorfldrinRS <.f Ibe jcirtv wero almrod bv nil lu.ranuIke.''ill., w.inien nnd children nnt be- strewn R eJi'tiipt, r

Boyond Pale o f U w .

W lion.lhi.y left the MlMnurl. riverey were I.eyond the pale of the’ civil ondurow nnd I'rii.le Juatiro wns meted out romnni• an orirnni?.ed rnnrt wblrh nltendod oiicmr

iiifrartlona ..f the law In a manner n,n.. „[ its own. The rnnipnny belnR .o tiwced^.morons It suffered little ^frnm In- And'nn doiirednti.nia, The "Cnlumbln dc.-jtb ■r^r w,-n ii5m> ft Icrror to tbe traveler, fd nn, It now I' i- lravc'r»ed l.y tbe Ci.birn-a riviT I ichwny, one of Ihe ar.-nir jn , t o r. i u i y * ^ t h e world. - „ , , i r b ‘The mnrkin;: .if tlu- Old OreR»n Trnil ,^ye,\

K ira Meeker in IPOO is almost ,a . - r f , ,II o f in ierest. Imrd-iliip ond ndvenliue ,onR r w as th e journey of IS.'iS-.'Il Peellnj; ouebfa

a t the -.Hd OrcRon Trail ahnnid bc madee»,-fv.-.l Kl hiilory, Mr. Meeker act njp t from Ira hnmo in Piiy-illup, Wnah- Iton, « I lh n prnlrie arhnoncr nnd nn ti'nin I.- trnvcrno nnd mark the route

lirh h(- Im.l Irnveled n* n youhR man j]VT r,iv ycAT* 'WfoTc. QiiMinR Mr. br?okcr: • kn'■Tlie -tirpoao of thia expedition ia to bl« «p(rpctuato the memory of the Old Oro- for jo ,n T rail and lo honor the Intrepid ti,„ u*mccrs who mado It and saved thia am niei>at rcRin'i o f the - ‘Old OrcRon Coun Mnrsni•’ fo r Ameriran ro le ." "W s*


EWN TRAIL|) Pnnt.Expedition in. 1811-12 j ion” Into the Oregon |I 1862.S j

L UHAOHAU,- IlEoa T rail A uo d atlo n (

Mr. Meeker reached Tho D alles from I rhero the real s ta r t wos mado on | itarch 10, 1000. Hero ho erected the | irs t Btono motiument, Mi^rch 15th. I rhen bo uavolod on his ilojr,-tiresom e | irny throuRl. OrcRon, Idohn, WyominR, J fobrpaka, erecting m arkers on tho wny ■ ;nd on to Indlanaiwlis, Indiana, whieb 10 reached Jnnuary 5, 1007. On March s t ho started fo r Washinffton, D. C.; 0 rith his Ok team, and a fte r a diversity f cxperli-nco on the w ay reached tho , Vhlte Ifoiiie nnd Interview ed Teddy . loosovclt, then iiresldent of tho Unitod ,i Itatcs, wiio TOS Rrcatly Interested In bo vcntu.-e and pronilicil his a id in bo m orinR :;ovcrnmcnt rccoifnitlon of tho lid OrCRun Trail. "

Mr. M eeker’s biR iden o f tho trjp inn to ninrl! tho route and to crento an j . . , n tercst in tho buildinR of a national iRhwny w roia the- continen t in com- icmorntion of tho Old OrcRon Trail. “ <

Mr. Meeker found to hlB -oatonliTi- len t th.7l mnny o f the place* proml- f*’’ ently id?ntlfied with tbo enrly history ^ t tho OrcRon Trail know noth'lnR of it,^vlnR to Ibe erosions o f time and the iflux of new pooplo.Mr. Moel-cr mnde n nerond tr ip by

X te.iri, »tnrtinR from Tho Dalles, ‘" r larch 10,. 1010, nnd enlllnR a t Puvul- ^ ip, Waali., AuRii^t 20, 1012.The OHtllt of Er.rn Mei'licr Ib now n

em ianent exhibit in the S ta te Histor- , ' -nl biiildhiR nf the stnto of WnshlnR..n, tho t.ixiderm lst’" sk l'l mnkinR the . xou lo.-k ns nnturni ns -life, leanin.; ^ Ralnat tho ynko. nnd the nld prairie "I'I :hoonor jonklMR f it for nnother tr ip , prnaa tlw continent. The oxen nnd "I 10 waRi.n nre under ii Rlnan <-nao U l.v f,'"'

■,, ■The Pion»er Women not

A word rcRar.ilnR the pioneer women I nppropriiin a t this time. Mr. Meeker !Connt.i Ihat on the weM-bound trip 1 isr.2 i|,py met nine waRona ro Ih r ack enjt, all .Iriven. l.y women, tho ion »avlnR died of rholcrn on the wnv •oat. T'lo ploner womon w ent into the •lldernea,,. shnrinR tiie anmo .lanRcrs nd umlerRoiuR the snme privatlona ns le men, nnd, n« the population Rrew,

wan throiiRh her efforts Ihiit iiirrhei a rd school houses were ororl- 1 nnd th<. enme of c ivlilrntion nd- nnred. . <»«Hn.l it not been fnr the mlRration of

U:i, it^K very dmilitful if American .iitrol v.ciutd Imve rontinued over the ™ roRon IViuitry nnd to life Old OrcRon rail m;tst be Rivon the honor of belnR ir pionrcr wny over which the future tizena. o f Ihia u rent N orthw oit eamo id dom'nnlcd its future.-Tbe pioneer* of IR-I.1.57 wero ne^e.- irily brnve niul hnrdy fnr i f tbey hnd It beon they could not hnvo fnred tbe iMRera ..f tbe jonrney .>r hnve with- .lod tho ii,;ora o f tbe trip.I t wni a oiise of tho wenk perishini; i id tho NtronR nnd brave survivinR. liere w;iH no siu-b word as ' ‘ f a l l " in 0 viirniiiilnry o f the<e people and -I'u

tlie jvrljvltlM 'm A delerwiinn- j ,, , nn of The proReny of these men nnd ^rln omon the Orent Amerlenn D esert ha.i bu, ■rn mnde to bloxinm ns the roae. irProm the " H is to ry of thn F u r Trnde ■ the Kir U’e ,I ,” by H iram M nrtln h« i iltteiulen. we Rnther ^he followinR:

i la s PUco In Hiator y ' , ■, ,, gudi “ A* ll hiRhway nf Iravol th e On-Ron ®f ” mil i" tbe mnat remnrkable^ linnwn • |ilNt..ry. CnnaiderinR the fnct thnf it

iRinnto.i w ith the apontniieoua use " " ‘I trnv ll.‘t^; fbnt no transit bnd over '

m tod a fnot n f it; th a t no travel et Wl-.bo.i il:; Rrade; tb a l no enRincer ui'ht ..Kt thi- ford" or Imiit nnv blRei .ir Hiirvoved the monntain m ' i l l tli|.rc ->». 1,0 CTt.Itac 10 'I™ eiik of iii.r nny attem pt iit'm ctaliinR e road, the Rcnernl Rood nualifv of i» 2000 milea of IilRhwnv will icem r>«t exfriiordinnrj-. But not ao when » e prniriea herome dry nnd parched, "'''® e rond filled with stIfliiiR dust, tbe ri-nni '.leds more drv ra v in e s 'o r car- " iiiR onl,.- nn nlknline w a fe r ' which uld not bo lined; the Rame a ll Rone tn * nro hn^pitahle "crtions and the sum- , “

sun Uown its h eat wHU *rrld Intn.Kiiy. I i was then tho Trail ■rnme a hiRhway. o f desolatlnn " " “I rewn -, llll nbnndoned i.ropertv, the eletons of hot"e«, mule^ a n d 'o x e n , ‘’'" 'I ,d nla^, tot.-often wilh frcsblv mnde ftvea n'ld headbnard.i tb a t told tho : tifu l tab- of suffcrinR too c ren t tn bc “ " J durod. H (he Trail waa the scene o f T mnni-o. ndvcnfi.re,.pjcn"ure .and. e,.. lemenf. K.i< it wna marked I n everv j „ „ ile of i , . courao by humnn n iiac,;. J " iRCily fiKi d.-ntli.”A nd do it la throuRh traRcl.v and a th thn: yreat thlnRs nre m-eompliah- „J. , and t'l.' Old OrcRon Tr.ill w ith its irryinR tl.ousnnda bcrnme tho Trnil n f . latory, Se'ntlmcnt and Trnceily, over ... ilrh an emi.irc was reclaimed nnd ve.l for A m rrim . nfrn11* nam'. ahould ro down in history, » nR nnd fnble a i the Rrentcat thor- Rbfaro.in history nnd it* memnry- bo g ide imi'erishable by a R rafeful' pen-

*■ hem:- Tlie:

Bfg S ille r's Comtnand. ' i.pni M arjorc t, Uuiusli soani-ly "I'l : <]ulc 1" almost consliinlly ut ihe h:-!.' •• p , r brollier, Wllllnm. rciidy lo Imi.i. tnrj- ■r knowledfio of this Rrenl worlil ; •• „-t,r, !i special bcnellt. W ben n io tlirr t<-.: r downtown fllioppliij ond r » 'e luiU' n.,p, u UHunl byc-byo. he seoiiieil icu.'l. ^iil in ied nt nil tbe ciciti-nie'm im: fon» a rsa re t came to the n w n e wii;. ^,viu /« * your hnnd. Wllllum." f,.ij

• ' ^ 1'-:LS. id a h o ; m q n p a y , a ]

— r - r r r r x . r . . r r x r r „ . r y

r W iDefense s"

I B y G i l b e r t P a r k e r I cat

! ' ' ii' I Author 9 f Orej "TieSegticftUiagh^

I f f f « t r r f r r r f r - f r r r r f f f f r 7 ? 7 T ? | O m tlfU k r « r OUknt fufew.

(Continued 'from B aturday 's issue) the

OHAPTEB X V n (C ootino.J)• "Sfie shot a native here." ta ld D yck q i

to bis companions Doroseljr. yet coolly, did ■Tliere a re oo slEoa of a stro rg le ," am

rem arked the moet obsenrant. the “Well, we m ust ro carofoljy here, otii

for thoy n a y ta v e been Imprisoned In the tho h llo . Ifoo stay b m , oad PU so ih r forward," ho ntlded, w ith a ,h a n d o a thv bla sword. ‘T v e cot an Idea’t b c r 'n wn b e re . ' W e tiave ooe cliance. o y lads, (iv,

and let'a keep ou r heads. If anythlDK anr sboald happcD to met have a try jou i^ m | selves, and see wjioi you cao d a Tbe aa. ladles must be ft-eed. If tbcy're there, rigi There'e uol one of you th a t w o n t i stand by to tbo lost, bu t 1 want you r atai oath upon IL By the heads o r cniTeaof yonr m others, lads. you'U see It tiethrouRhl Up w ltb your bands I" tba

T heir bands went up. "By our f jp niotberii’ beads or gm vcsl" tliey 'saidIn low toiles. .« ,]

"Ooixl !'• bc replied. "PII ffo on ,nlioiid. If you bear u call, or o shot . j „ . flreil. eome forw ard swiftly."

An Instnnt la ie r he plunRcd Into tlie'voiulD to tbe rlRht .o f the rood, by y wblcb Iin would-come upon tbe ruins from tbu rent. Uo beld a pistol os tieRi.ilc enrefiiUy yet quickly forw ard, r -U(> wnn nnxlous there should bo OO /deluy, but bc was equally anxious rnot tn be rnsh. At last, wllhout meet- I iiiRanyone,becom e near to .th e ruins,riicy KlioweiJ serene In the sliode of ?>i llie trees. . ,

Tlicn suddenly be snw eome fromthe ruins a Maroon of (lerce yet noi M rruel nppenrnnce. wbo Itild a hnnd bo-dnd Ills car, and looked siendfnHtly , n;ownrd tlinl p a rt of ilic wood where ^[)j-ek wns. I t wna clrnr be had henrd MlometblnR. Dyck did not .know how ^nnny M aroons tbore nilRbt bc In tbe , /•ulns, or near’ It. nnd lie did not nt- s.uck. It wns essentliil timt bc Iind ^mt the Birenfitb o f Ills foe; nnd be rC' ^iinlneil quiel. Presently tbe native ' j anriied os thonRb to ro back.Into the ^iilns, bu t cbnnRed his mind, ond Itc^ .;nn to tnnko a tour o( \kf. «iotvy. .V iilncd bulldlnR. Dyck wnlied. ondireaently ho saw more nntiven coiup ^'rom the ruins, and iifier a moment ^ inoiber three. Those Inat wore bnv-OR nn nfRUment of some stress, for 7nhey pulled n t cncb o ther's a rm s nnd * 6 eRs nnd even cnuRlii n t tlie lonRIdilis o f the hcnil-dre.w s they wore. ^ 'T liey ''ic Rot llie Indies there."

houRht Dyck. *'bni they've dono tbem10 hnrm yet." l ie wnlted some roo- ehel iieiitH lonRcr to see If more natives >'ere comlnR out, then said to blm self:I 'll mnke n try fo r It now. It won't thelo to run tb e risk of ROlnR back to slmirlnR ray fcllown up. I t’s a fnlr risk. JSliel lUt It's wortb InklnR."

Wltb thn t he rnn snn iy forwnrd to thebe ontrnnce of tbe m ln" frnm which norIP bnd seen tbo men .omerRe. Look- mes;HR In be snw only dnrkno.ss. Then Wusuddenly bc cnve a so ft.call. tlio call cldc,f nn IrlHli bird-note whicli all people Ills1 Ireland—In the west nnd soutlAof thore land -know . If Sbella was njjve Townd In tiie place she would answ er It. pect,0 wns sure. Ho wnlied a moment, to u nd there w as no nnswer. Tlicn tie reall nlled tiKnlti. M»l In nn Inaiant. t a cani houRb frora n Rrcnt disinnce. there 1. tl anie the reply «if the same .note, to t: leii'rer nnd more bell-llkn thno his then iw nr" . by ll

"Sbo’s there r he »nld, and boldly ’1ntered ihu p lnte. blir

It wns dark and damp, bu t ahead tlierras n break In thq solid monotony of day, iilncd wnll, nnd he saw o clenr streaffl | oolf IlRht tieyoDd. -Uc stole nhond. Rot of uver the stone oliatructlons, ood cnme Hin to n blRcisb room wblch oncc bad minioen a rofectory. Looking round It tbee snw tlirec doora—one evidently Jed of tlnto the kitchen, one Into a pantry, a t Inrt one into a hall. I t w as clenr tho rfarti,-oraen were nlomr, or some one would \v avc come In answ er to his ctlll. W ho'j her 'o u ld 'te ll when tbey would corae? | cbnl lie ro wns nd tim e to be lost. W ith I roonn Instinct, which proved correct, ho Wopenod the door lendlnR Into tho old act. lichen, and there , tied, nnd with pale ] ^ ^ aQces, but in' no ntber sense' disor- chanored, were Shelln nnd her m other; He -tjofu t his finRem to hls Ups. then hastily jngut them loose fm m th e ropes of bam- q

00, and bolpcd them to the ir feet. ovcn“Cnn you w alkT ' he wMspcfed- to and

Int. Llyn. She nodded nsscnt, nnd ossarnced herself. "Then here." ho said, ibcyIs 0 pistol. Come quickly. We mny ancenve lo flRht o u r way out. Don’t be didfm id to Arc, bu t tnko Rodd nlm f)rsl4 theynave some men In the wood boyond then

'iiero yon shot tho native." he added jisb,1 Shells. *T:Ticy’ll come a t oncc If I i t w all, or a shot Is fired. Keep ynur t>eca pnd^ and wo shnll bo nil rlRht. bo v liey’rc a dangerous c row ,' but we'll th a t ear th tin this tim e. I think. Come n i was ulckly ns you can.** ptatePresently they w ere tn tile refcc- Corw

nry. nnd n moment n fter thnt Uiey took•ere fiver the stones, nnd nonr the en- andmnce of the n ilns . nnd then a nnilve fo r .ppeared, nrmed end runnlns In, VVlHi- u d dIII nn In stan t’s hrsltntlon hyri; m n dorim a rd . nnd os be cnieretl. put his talloivortl Into tliV mnn's vlial" :ilut tu- l afp. i- I la iH ln r 01ll-Ji3.heXel!.

APRIL3.1922^-: . '' - m re s i’ will tw on . 't i npir," ia id ‘ I

Dypk. *^ (1 .we m an', keep, kolo'r-’' . .fopi(iboQt to t a o t •((«& the w&li

place when three o o re u t lT e s ap- cotspeared. tn d he ahot two w ithont walt< bnilIq( . Catch'lbg a plato! (rom S b ^ la be kiteaimed a t the third n a tlre and wooad- letuled him. bu t dl|I oo t kill him. T he n a o If ran Into, the wood inrroaodlDK th ^ thetm onastery. Presently m ore^M anm a Marcame—a doien or more, ond rushed It. 'f o r the entrance. T bey w ere met by payD yck's.Ore, and oow also Sheila Ored s Itoand brought down hor a o o . Dyck askcDred ow ln and wonnded another, ood forew ith great skill loaded oroIq. bu t a t no eth a t moment th ree of tho M aroon^ In fora w hirlwind o f rnge, m sbed down Into stcatho ruins. mo;

I t WBI da rk and they were nston- contIsbed^ ^ see tb a t Dyck woa there , aod wasth e y 'w cre 'm o re 'a s to n lsh o d 'to rccelTo bloo—Orst one and then ano ther—his Iron witl:In tbe lr bowels. The third man made hima stroke a t Dyck w ith his Isnce. and Ula(did no more than gash Dyck's loft a t rarm. T h u he lum ed and fled out Into tbrothe open, and was mot by a baif-dosen ■'1othera. They oil w ere about to n s h n lththe ■ entrance whe^' suddenly four onlyshots behind them hmiiRht Ihree of t h e :ttivm ilnwn, nmt il\e n-m tlvrt'tnto the hout»i'ti.nl «liniiflni: '■> iiumti.ir nmmcnt havit w l ; I'lid -ll- 'll.l - - ....... ll. lilt- open, til I

ond mnkliig for t h t w oods,'the womenIn fruQt, the men behind, loading tbelr alnom uskets ds they ran, and alive to the tilsrisk s or the moment. M

The drcHses of the ladles were “No,stained and soiled with dust ond naydi&mp, but otherwise they seemed lit- danitie the worse for the adventuiTJ. save proutha t Mrs. Llyn was shaken, and her Calhfaco wns ashen Rmy, case" “How did you know wbere,w o wer?,' owe

nnd why did yoiJ-cotnoT' slic'salrt, nil- havee r they hod mounted and had got nn- g ir ldcr wny, having secured the horses wenwhich Shclla nod her moUicr bud rid- speaden. I t r

Urlelly IJyc'k explained how. os soon naujas he had dealt wifli tlie rovolt of (cr's


B h tllj Fired in d BrouBht Down H .r

Ibo Slaroons a t h ls own placc, bc eamo stm lRht to Salem to protec t her and Shelln. . ‘I*®

"W c hnd not heard of Uie rising of I’*!* the MarooDS,” she said. "Tlte Bove^ nor wns a t Salem yesterdfly nnd a " ' message camo from his stnlT to suy he Wus needed to deal w ith a critical lu- cldeut, and~w ould he come a t once. ‘Ills staff were not a t Salomi but a t tho nex t p lantation-nebrer to Simrtlsb Town. • Lord .Mallow w e n t If he sus- « pected the a-al (rouble he said naught I'i < to us, but was gone before you coutd realize It. Tlie hours »\eut by, night w''*-' c n n e nnd passed, then luy m olber und 1. th is , morning, mudo up uur lulnds to tnke n rldo to the m onastery, und then round by tho road you tnivelcd by hack to Satom.” I t \y

•'There 'a rc Maroona now on that b lir 'n b o v e your i.Iacc. Tliey were tliero In ambusb when wo passed to­day, but wo took no notice. I t was - oo t wise of us to Invite trouble. Somu So of u* would have been killed, but—" tbom

H e Uicn lold whot bad beun lu bis a gn mind, aud w bat ho thought m ight be liecoi tho outcome—the •klliing or cap ture nppc o f (be whale gcoup, and safety for a ll lo»i; a t Salem. Hls vfotds w ent to tbu dowr tfartbesf comora of Shelia's nnture. ' p.>1ls

W hen bo bad Onlsbed, she continued pnen hor story. "Wa rodo for an hour un- • - challenged, and then’ cnmc tbo Ua- Oe roons. A( Orst I knew not w hat (o do. Nr We were surrounded before wo could vaat act. I had my pistol ready, and there tom w as tho. cbanco to c sca p e -U ia t fnint the chanco—If we drovo our horses on ; clue bn t' thero was also the danger o f be^ oceni Ing nrcd ot, and who could tell w bat ond 0 terrible end might have been to the ia t^ ovcnt 1 So wo sa t sUll on our horses, and 1 osked them how they dared to a ssau lt wblte ladles. 1 asked them If a they had^never UiQugbt w bat vonge- ^11 anco tho govomor would take. They bulhl did not undentdnd my words, bu t clf-ni they grasped th e meaning; and ,one of them. Uie leader, who understood Eng- „n5,i' jlsb, w as Inclined to havo reason. -As It wns, wo stopped w bat might bavo been our m urder by saying It would bo vrlscr to hold us oa hostages, and Uiat we were Americans. T hat man’ waa killed—by you. A ahot from your *1'''''' p tstel brought him down a s he rusbpd (orw ord to en ter the niltau B a t ho P'*” " took caro of us a s wo w ent forward, and vvhcn 1 sho t one o f bU followera fo r laying hls hand upon me In Uie s a d d le ^ e caught me by the leg un­der my skirt—he would allow oo ro- tallotlon. I knew boldness waa the sajlfipjinit

‘ BiIFTE tB*'fe3r-wo were botwd wttft ropes M you fo im d 'til,, while tbey r t l t e d fo r mora of tbe lr peopio to c o tu —thoae,jM.<Ionbti yoo fo tud r o * bnibed 'O a th s b i a Aa w« lay Is-the kitchen.' bound aa yoa saw bs. Uie letuler Mid-, to c« we sboeld be aafe If b e coold have his way, but Uiere w e re 'b a d elementa omong tiio Moroons, and he could, not gaarantoo It. l e t be know the governmrnt wonld pay fo r o u r release, would no doobt bIto the land fo r which tbey bod asked w ith no avail. We musU Uiere- fore, rem alo priionera. If we' made ■ d7i efforts to escape, It wonld bo bettor • , tor us i s .the e n d . ' ‘Keep your heod steady, missy, try no tricks, and fill moy go w ell; bu t 1 bave bod lo t-to rontrol. nnd Uiey m ay fly a t, you.’ T hot wos the ' way ho spoke. It made our blood m n cold, fo r bo wos ono mao. . with f a ir mIod. and be h a d .o ro i^ d him men. savogo and Irresponsible.Ulack ond nithloaa, they would stop •I t nothing exccpt the sword a t tbelr ibroats iir-ti.c teeth In the ir flesh." ,

"The teeth in th e ir flesh I" said Dyck ' ivlUi a grim smile. "Yes. Uiat Is Uie )nly way w ith them. Naught cao pot Lhe fea r o f Ood lo to them except blood- Dou&ds and th a t Lord Uallow will ao t Iiave. H e has been set ogalnst It nn­lil oow. But th is baslnoss will trach Urn. H e m ay chniige his mind now,

since w bat he cares for Is In danger— bis plocc and bis lud lesT

Mrs. Llyn roused bervclf to sa y : - 'No, no. Mr, Calhoun, you must nnt lay tha t o f hlra. H is place mny' bu Id ianger, but not h is ladles. He bus no .. .. jroinlse o f tha t. ; . . And sec, Mr. Jalboun, 1 w ant to say that. In ony,:asc. you bavc paid your debt. If y<m jwe one to us. F o r a life taken you 30VC given tw o lives—lo me nnd my jirL The nccount Is squaa-d. If It a-oro ever in doubt. Believe me. 1 .•peak ns one wbo bas a right to sny .11 ’ E rris Uoyno was naught to: lue, laught a t all, but ho was my diiugh- er's futhcr, ond' th a t made everything lllllculi.. I could make him ccasc to •e uiy huslinnd, nnd I d id ; but 1 could lot nmko him ccasu to bc hur fnihcr.','^ -

"1 hud no -love for Krrls lioyne," lald Shelia. wlUi un effort, for sho felt ' ;hokcd. Misery ,wus heavy on her.'None a t a ll. but he wns my mthi-r— md tUerc Is nothluR more to tay."

"Sec, a ll's well siiJI a t Snlem." said Jyck, wnvlng o hnnd forward ns houRh to chance the talk. “All's ns ' , ve lefl It.”

T here In tho near disinncc Iny Sn- em, Koreiie. All tropkul Ilfe nbnut loomed throbbing wltb llfe 'nnd sonk- nR with leisure.

"We were In Ume." he added. "Tlio ^tnroons are still In nmliush. Tho lun Is 'lieglnnlnR tn koi, thouRh. nnd he trouble may boRin. We shoU rci ^ here about sundown—safe, thank 3 o d r

"Snfc, thank Gnd—and you,*' salU 4 Jbeiln'o'm oUier. . • ^

(Continued in Tucaiiny’" issuo)

Emotional Old Fighter,Tex Rlcknrd told the other doy of a

dinner tha t wns Rlvon to old Bob FlttslmmonH n t n cafe In Fourteenth Btreet. Tho bunch got toRothor nnd liouRhl the w nrrlor u huRC, non- liawnnble silver loving cup. Johnny I’ollock presented it. Aftor about the — lonth w hisky ' — they dmnk them RtralRlil tlioRe dny)v—PoHock flnshcd ? the cup on the emotional old fellow, h'ltr. stnrcd n t the big nnd Rleamlng thing. Then ho gluwerod a t ' I’ollock nnd yelled : • “Now, danimll, you’ve sone nnd mmle m.-* cry 1"—New York [?orTCK|mndPnce of fhe KanKas City Stnr.

■ Find Pure Amber Oepoilt.W hnrw ns fonnerly coimldered dross

n thi- iiiIiik-M of the (U.almont col- lerlos, Nlcoln, U. C., hus heen dls- wvered tu be pure amher, the flrat lepwU of tlic kind ever found on the fJorth A m erirnn continent. Tho dls- :ovory Is credited to E. S. Oliver of • ho Oliver rhcm lcal process syndicate.It w as form erly believed to be rcslnlte. m ere oro largw quanilile.H of the o o - wr,

' '• The T rue Poem.Some people ImnRlne thnt any One

hoiiRht Is p.)Otry. bu t there was never g rea ter misiake, A flne thought, to

ecomo poetry, m ust bc seasoned lo the ippor worm ga rre ts of tho mind for aHR and lo«jc, then it m ust Im .brm iiht lown and slowly c«n-ed Into words,Millshed w ith love. Else It Is no t r u f " mem.—D avid Oroyson. k

Ocean Floor Com paratively P l a t 'NnH-heri- un dry lund nre there such

nat flat pinlns us occur ot tho bot- J om of flic oceans. Tbe succcss o f " ho suhiniirine lelegraphlc cables .la lue In p a r t ' to thu flatness o f tiie cenn bottom. Steep ulopos arc rare, nd II Is In such places tha t brcako D the cnble iisunlly occur.

Ingenlpus and Economical.A hnnd-operatrd tnun ninnlnR on a

all suspnidod from the conilc«r of a iulldinc I" n .li-vl(v'nt.o.l for window iMiiilnR of.liiillillnRK of hire.* window ren. T ills ilinlrt-. which nino can bo ,scd f.ir iinlnrliiR. r.-pln-<-ii mon- e*. lenxlvo "i-nfTol.llnR.

Valuable Fond Cfewe' v/i'a ,"Pl.irI.ln iirr.,.\vr.«if 1- mii.I.. from

perle" u f /jinilii. o r ',‘n v in t'e " (.'row- ni: wllrl In «nuih.‘rii l-'lnridn. , TIds ilnnt .KUiitill.-.l Ihe Somlnoli- Imllans rlth food dnrlriR Ibelr Iohr wnm wllh he I 'n lteil Stnles, . - /

Cynicl ___The prlni-lpal trouble with matri-

aony Is th a t you can’t m arry a girl i d still w an t to a lt alone w ltli her » tbe dark.

Page 7: .Liiiiiii^ S:'PA.LLS LY Nl


■ ^ N O M O T 'o i^ M ^ L T m o i r O P " ^PA ETN BBflH IP , ' g ! ,

N oU et I t h tr tb y given \h&l tbo p a rt­nership, lote ly oxlitlng b e tn e ts Tfaok MeElwoin ood L . J . Bradley of Twin Falls, Tdnho, under tho firm a im s of Tho eboo M arket, will be diistolved ^ on the aoth day of'M arch, 1D22, by mu- ^ tnaJ eooient.

Thos. U eE lw aln-la authorised to se t­tle a ll debts due to ood by said firm.

4 L. J . DRADIiBr,^ T n 0 8 . McELW AIN. Prai1 ^ . • SobseribBd and sworn to by the sign-

^ 'e r s there to th is SOth day of March, 'T- I 1022.

M y STUART H . TAYLOB, „w N oU ry PabUe, residing a t Twin

Falls, Idabo . adv. " 'j"


Notice w hereby Riven th a t In piiriu- 1021tnco of nn ’order of tho Probato Court wiseof Tw in Fnlls County, S tate o f Idahu, tam made on tho 3Qtb Jay of D w m b cr ,JP22, In tJ.e m a tte r o f tfio estate o f Au»iMarshall Ca*«el. dcorniied, tho under- defosigned wjII-m H a t private-snle to tho 1022bigbest and b e it bldO(r' nnd su ljee t to day

V tho e o n flrin fltion 'O f« id Probate Court menon or a f te r the 3rd dny of April, 1B?2, Couibut beforo the .-ItU d a y 'o f A pril, 1022, sail

, a ll t?ie r ich t, tltio nml Ifltcrent of tho efilsold Mttrj|i)i!I Cavtel cstnrc of, in nml Twi

I In the followinj; propert>-, tO'Wit: cd fl T he t a s t SiaU .o f tbo noutbwesl

.q iin r tc r fl-4 ) of section two (3 )— in — Bltownship ten (10) soutb of raDRO sev- t li-nteen < in E. H. M. co

The n-CHt half (1-S) o f 't i .e northeoti otqunrter ^1-4} of section eleven ^ 1 ) in oftow nship ten (10) south nf rflnge sev- C(cHteen 0 ? ) E . B. M. W

w t s '.hlrteen (IS ), fourteen (14), , Pisnd f if tjc n ( in ) in block ono (1) o f on Iniue Lakes A ddition to the City of houi

. Tw in Falls, Idaho. • tim(' Bids in w ritinu for s/ild property, or dooi

any p a rt (^ereof, wll) bo received by of '1the uniJarsjpied n t tho offices o f 8 k #o- In oley & Sweeley io tlie F irs t Kationol deeinank BuildinR, Twin P alli, Idaho. . scrll

Terms of sale: The farm lands above tiff.lo sa lbed w ill b t so\a aabjetV to the RCtVIncumbrances and liens thereon. Tho or ■

.amount in exeess o f said Incumbrances for. and lions to bo paid one-third (1-3) in Stat

I <'Osb, the um a io d e r in uue year, Dear- B Inu int<S'>^t a t tho rate o f »--ven percont. per i.»-num, with approved secur- •.ity . ■ By

Said : i ‘y lots will lie sold subject to, tax liens now existing, for one-third n f

. (1-3) Id cash of th e purchase price, the E. balaneo w ithin one yenr, brarinff seven 0

f per cen t per annum w ith unproved so- A I ^ eurity .' Dnted U nrch 24. 1022.

C. II. PERRY.* K iocntor o f the E state o f said Mar­

shall Cassel,. D ecenscl. ^Sweeley & Swcclev, A tto rn tys for

C. H . Porry.


DoTtreede NprtJiwestern and Paeifie ynypothoekbank, n corporation, j,Iq1

TO- (lotKIbcrt J- Lyon and Mnud M. Lyon, bis „„,j

" . w ife; M ary M- McOlnnls nnd Cbarlcs Q. McOinnIs, her husbnnd; the F irs t National Bank of Twin Foils, a cor-poratlon, Ocfondants. t|,„U nder nod by virtue of an order of witl

sale nnd decree o f foreclosure, Issued in -Iou l of tho D istric t court of thU Elov- aroonth Jud ic ia l District^ Stnto of Idnho, ftpjnin and fo r tJic,County of Twin Fnlls, In ton tlio J5th day of Mnrch, 1022, in the tif fnbovo en titled nction, whoroln the |irn\alinvu Bfttncil ob tdncd ft do- Uvtrreo nm ins t E lbert J . Lyon and Mnud ruciM. Lyon, his w ifo ;'M nry M. McOlnnls (i|,ipand Charles Q. Mc.Ginnls, her husband; Boiftbo F i rs t N ational Baok o l Twin FallSj ^ j la corporntion; dcfendnnts, o n^ lio 10th Tn rday o f Mnrch, 1022, which ».nid decrce \v.

* wns on the ISth dny of March, 1022, 15threcorded in judl^ment book soven of boolsaid c o u rt, 'a t pace 272, 1 nm command- therd to sell nil tho t cortain lot, piece or Twlpaicol of land situn tcd In tho County eo (of Tw in Falls , Btato of Idaho, and morliouDded and described as follows, to- nndw it: mor:

Tbt. W est U nlf o f tbo Boutheast nn i<}uarter (W 1-2 8E M ) of Section J in iTwelve (12), Tow nship Eleven (11) dowSouth, RnnRO Boventeen (17), E . B. M., boolitogether w ith oil w ater righ ts fo r Irrl- rocoROtlon or otherw ise hold in connection Falltherowitli- tho

» p o t i c o is hecobj* Riven, tbn t on tbo Raptday o f A pril. 1022, ftt 10 o ’cloek Itlplo f th a t day, in fron t o f tho eourt Tim:

' h f ls e a t T w in Falls, County of Twin leyI wlH, in ohedlen«« to said ordor (nin

of sale nnd docroo of forecloBuro, sell whictl)o nbovo described property, or lo day

V S K ID S -

■ /tiiuaie* knttT iN -WUK ^ I M o M B n o s i c (0


. ^ f c )

N e w is under this he--------moch th sre o f oa m ay be neeeuary -to i sa tisfy p W n tU f 'i decree w ltb Interest I t thereon and costs, to tb e highest bidder for cash, law ful money of the U n ited , t B tatec

E. B. BHEBMAN, qBhiriff.

By BONNIE. Q EBRIU A N, L - D ejialy. =

Doled M arch 18th, A. D . 1522. booi . ' said


--------- (Ip rank Ciodio, P laintiff.

T. H . A ustin , and Afolona A ustin, bh w ife, and h in a i& C. H utts, • '

Defendants.Undor aud by v irtuo of an order of

sale and (■eerco of foreelo'sure, Issued out of lho D ia triet Court of the Elev­enth Judicial D istrie t o f the Stoto of Iditho, In and for tho County of Trrin Palls, da ted tho ,8th dn r of March, U 1022,. In the abovo en titled action ^'o^ wherein P rank Caudle, tho obovo- njnf Lamed .iSnlntlff obtained a dceree i] j. tree nRnii"t T . H . A ustin and Afolona Austin, his wifo, nnd Loranda C. ITutts, . defendants, on the Snd day of March,1022, whi.-h sold decree wns on tho 2nd day o f March 1022. recorded in JudR- ment Book - Seven of tftid District Court, n t page 2 3 3 ,1 om commanded to sail a ll th a t tc rla ln lo t, plcee_or jf ti- R5 col o f land sltu o tcd 'in ” tho 'C ounty of- , Twin Pnlli, S tato o f Idnho nnd hound­ed and 'lv4cribed as follotra, to-wlt; pQ {

L ot N umber Thlrl>--one (31), In —— — Block Two (2) of Northvlew Addi- l \

tlon to lho C ity o f Twin Palls, nc- menl cording to tho officlnl p lot thereof true] on filo and of reeord In the office 30 , of the County Rerordcr of the asioi County of Twin Fnlls, Stalo of mild Wobft. »5:.0Public Notice is hereby Rivsn. thot 123

on tho oth day #f A pril, 1022, o t the ' bour o f . 2 o 'clock p. tn. (Mountsii* ‘ PC tim e) o f snid day, o t the cast front Durt door of the Courthouse of the Countv eity o f Twin Falls, Stnto of Idaho, I will, treei in obcdieofo to sold order o f sale and boua decreo of foreclosure sell the above de- fron scribed property to sa tisfy the plain- oloet t i f f ’s .d c 'r t.^ w ith in te re it ,thereon , lo- goo'd gether with' a ll coata thaT 'hnve accrued ond or may c tcrue, to the highest bidder henli for foah, liiwful nionoy of tho United C85. States. “

Dated thla 13th day of Mnrch, 1022.E . R. SHERMAN,

Sberlff. ^ By BONNIE U E ttU IM A N f Deputy. p,

•........................ .......................... ......■— fronIN TH E D I8TBI.0T OOUBT OP THE acre


H . a tsjiloy co ffin .

jTathanlel Holmes, prD tia iu A .


The Stoto o f Idnho sends RrcutinRa to Nothonlel .Holmes, lho nbovo named _ dcfendont. ^

You-are hereby notified tha t n com- plaint has been filed oRolnat you in tho distric t court of the eleventh judi- ciol diatriet o f tho S tn te of Idoho, in nve. nnd for tho County of T w in Falla, by offic Vbe nbove oivwcd plftintlCf, nnd you aJo Co., hereby directed to nppenr nud nnswer — tho Mild complnitil w ithin 20 dnys of r l tho sorvico of this summons, if served " ‘‘a' w ithin sold judicinl d is tric t, and wUh- Wdg in -10 dnvB if se rvc i claoivhero; and you aro furthor notifii'd th n t unless you so nnjie.ir and answer said complaint w ith.in the time herein specified, the plnin- “__tif f wili tiilio .iudRWent .iRninsl yuu n" prrtved, in naid cotnplnlnt, lo-wit: For live' forcrlosuTtr o f tim t cvttniu wwil- Rnce on Lola 4 nnd S, Section O^Toivn- F( ahip 10, South llnnRO l!i, K '"t o f tti<’ Apjil Boiao Meridinn. w herein A. Clinton i.|,ot Bmltb nnd Rhodn B. Sm ith nro nwned 'mt moTlRDROrs nnd B. .M. .McCollum nnd P( W. A. Kleinhen moflRnRees, dated tho luita 15th dny o f Janunry , 1017, recorded in 'desir book 40 of .m orte tgcs, n t pago 438, of oast, the records in tho reco rde r's offico of —— Twin Palls County, S tn te of Idaho; _a!- F t BO foe tho foreclosuro of lh a t cerU in ^oom mortgage, wherein A. Clinton Smith . . nnd Rhodn E. Sm ith nro nnmed ns • ^ mortcoffora and 0 . B. Holmes is named „ ns mortPaBCD, doled th e ISUi dny of _ .January, 1017, covering the sold lasl __described properly ond rccordcd in book 44 of mortgages, n l pngo 80 of tho records In tho recorder's offleo of Twin ,, i , Kalla County, Stoto o f Idaho; nla^ for J * .> tho foreclosure of tha t- certain mort- _ _ gapo wherein E. B. Itipley, Kor.clto B. Itipley, A. A. Timm ond Gcrlrudo k ^ p Timm, P . 0 . Riploy find Mabel L. Blp- t t u t loy aro named os mortgagors nnd A. — (^Inttin Bmltb ift named a* jnOTtRagisc, FC which said mortgogn is dotod tho 2nd aparl day of March, 1018, and recorded In P iftl

i ^ N D E ^ ^ * ^ 0 m ic k e y !^ ^ WHAKHPk 0 0 ^

a ; ’ j 5 .

m m


^ G l a ilead, One Cent.

B y a c t u a l c o v i n t ; f o u r o u 1

t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u h

s a l e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i t i o r

book S l a t page 42 of mortgages of tho P ( sold records of Twin Falls County, andcovorlog said described .property. • 1 . W itness m y hand and seal o f tbo said to d is tric t court this 1st doy of A pril, pr,

(D istric t Court 8« il) p t0 . C. SlOOlNS, Clerk. — By C. L. BOWEN, Deputy.TV. P . QUTHBIE, 1 firE . J . nOBNIBROOK, pri

Attornoys fo r P lnfntlff, Reaidenco and Poat Offico Address

■ T « iu Fall#, Idaho.' — — jpj

. S ixty Y airs a Oolf P liyar. Co. D eputy Surscon C entral C « 'p«r o{ — NonvooU P a r k , ' Eoglond, who la olBpty-ihrce y<are old. hns heen plity-lug go lf fo r m ort than CO years.. The _ veoerabJe medico, nho Is still working to . correc t fl slice, plnyed hls llrstround « ] tlic historic Bt. Andrews p courso 'w ay bock In 18.’>8.—Tlie ArgrvDBUt. J

- » - »1.READ TU B DAll<Y NKW8. , un

—s - _^ — —— mo

F O R S A L E - R E A L E S T A T E

I'O R SALE—10 ncrrs, fa ir improve- *ncm onta; 1-2 milo from Mnln strcot; Rood B.truck ond chicken ronrh; <1200, lerms. “30 ACRES, good improvcweuts, fine !asiortm ont of fruit, ROod ploco; 2 1-2 nvimiles from Main st.; eloio to paving; —tSSOO, vswy term*. Llovd-Ctavtn Co., ' 123 M ain avo. E,

•F O B 8 A L E -1 l..| ocri-s on Vnn Duren st.. No. 3M; 300 fee t ouUldo ofc ily lim its; a ll kinda of bearing f ru i t i . ,trees ond smoll fruita, soven room _bouso w ith sleeping porch and largo ] fron t porch, w ith cemool eullor, water,eloctrie lights, oiao wired for telephone, •—goo'd born, grnioery and chicken liouain .and n in s ; selling on oecauat of poor nnhm lth. C. a Weiser,. Twin Falla, Bo.< otiim ^

FOB SA L E —Five room modern house 'fully furniahed. 010 Third ave. W. In cr,quire 103 Third ove. E. on

POB SALE—Beat 10 acroa, boU mils from c lly ; plowed and seeded, 1525 acre. Terms. Act now. II. 0 . Barton, foiLaClcdo Booms. .—

TOB SA LE — H r# acres, 1-8 mile baeast, 1-4 a l l s sooth W uhington school by

POB SALBt-A reol bargain io woll ^Imprbred north aide farm. Dr. Dwight. _

FOB SA LE—Five acre t r s r t in Twlo j JP olls;, enltoblo for poultry’ fa ra . Ar __ thur L. Swim, owner." ■ ■ mu

FORRENT - -f t u BEN T OR SA L E -M odcrn five . J

room houae, close In. Call 302-W. bk

I'O R H lJN 'T-ii-roonr flat,~110 Main — nve. E .; i.iitnble for houw keeping oroffice room s-or both. Lloyd-Craven N.Co., 12;i }^ftln E , _ Al

FOB B E N T -M odern houae, choii-i' —location, W. 0 . Hmlth, Hoorn 8, Baui:h 1

_________________________________v iFOB BENT—J'urnocc neated room, -

furniahcd,‘next to both. Phono 120.23& Cth A ro . S . on

FOU lUCN'T—S<'ven room Iiijusc, doRooil loention. Phone 0"-'"V. mt

~ 6 l t H E N ' i ^ i roomr noiiaeT *Tj. -“l!Apjily rooms -I, .'1, d, 1, D. S to rf bldg. , |I’hono 110.' rau

FOB BEN T—Nicely furBi»hed"Toom, fluitoblo /o r tw o; meala oad garage if _dcaircd. Phono 1032W, 1016 Shoahono 1 east. . .001

OOjFOB BENT—Two modern office "II.

rooms. Inqulro Cily Pharmacy. 1

■. I HA VE FO B BENT deairoblo six-room houio on Eighth ove. N. M. J . —Bweeley, F irs t Natiooai Bank bldg. (Telephone I>1. |7 .

FOB BEN T—Two room apartm entsteasooablQ, eompletely futoUbed for ]ligh t boosekeopiog. Tbe Oxford, 42d „g|Main N . __

FUK BENT— E xtta u u i Ilglii lioui* nm keeping .roooal, with bath privlleg-- tsasotftblo. 404 Seeond are . 8.

FOB BENT—Three room futn’l^bod joa apartm ent, reasonable; Bungalow A pti.F ifth s t. «nd Second ave. E. pj,,

N O S IU S IO I N ^ ^ 0 E E T 8 M U S:

r » N /H T n E W flOOtE , v ] / n o r t s fiAKw n c- WKi:- i

I HMIC Uiways NOW J? J \ AN- |*rt ON f i t WAY r^ rE A ei<£i?sy

: NEWS, TWIN f a l l s ; 1

ssifiett . p e r . word p e r

u t o f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i n 1

h ' a y e t o s e l l , t r a d e o r e x c h

m y o u w a n t , o r t h e ’h e l p y i

F O R S A L E - H IS C E l L A N g O U S FO

OUT n p TOWN In tctcsts tompeU mc ^ 'to sacrifice my well estabti«hed and NOprofitable Lusineta. Ask for Mr. Oeisk fru o t Mooro's Repair sbop. Opposite aalugTOunds. «d

POB SA LR-D Iamon'd Ures. S trictly •“f in t s ; W0 do not deal in seeonds or cut * prieo tlrc-x Twin Falls VulcanizingWorks. ^

I l E M S m c i I i m a i l lilcolliis a l. i i tochment; guoroaleed to iit any bbw- „ ing maehlno; price $2. Economy.Pil--- iCompany, Billings, Montani'. I ]

FOB 3ALE—30x3 1-2 Diamond tirea, Qjf double diamond trc/id, onlv jlO.OO. ^ Twin Falis Vulconixing Works. , p

SBED POTATOES PO E BALB /'I HAVE 2000 sacks o f potatoes Iii

Brown and Sovono «cU «s a t Kimbatlj*', - ’ wblch I o ffer fo r seed a t $1.2S for No j ( 1 Carmen, 11 for No. .2. Cormtn,,iiu'd ♦1.40 fnr No., 1 Gems; will r IVo' ti/jieuntil foil lo r paymuot, sceurod by oTop __niorlgagc; will sell any quantity deair- jod; I will be in Kimborly afternoon of Ov> Saturday April 1, nnd oil doy Sundav, Monday und Tueadoy following. Findmo about the cellnr or o t tho pool holl. —B. C. Hyde. I-------------------------------------------------------- tlui

FOB a A L E -P u rn ltu re . i!2. Third Aunve. E. ' . — I

T o r s a l e - Tractor. D ^ ~ l . Wi H en ry .' I'h

I-X)B -SALE—Carmen aced potatoes, I tC'SQtUd nnd good stuff. 2 .miles soulli,1 1-4 miles west of Kimberly. W. E —Kllborn. ■ 1----------------------------------------------------- F oi

FO R &ALB-8m all snfe, Don. •—Uenry. • •— ••_______ ____________________________ ind. IXJB rfALl-)—Dkunond tlrca. Fabrics —

nnd eoTih; Mandnrd fnr 20 years; rcc- U ommended by nil who uao them. Twlr.Foils V ulcanking Works.

BAV.OI.D CUICK8 anil lalolliU ! *!'cRgs; alao ruatom hatrhing a t our plnnt ^on Washington at., Twin Foils Hatch- ropcry Co., Itt. No. 3, Twin Polls. . sho

I ■ nniBEOISTERED Cos.ack .tifolfa seed _

for sole. Phono 093W. M. A. Thomcts. ^__________________________________ _ old

W m T E WYANDOTTE EGOS fii-- *chbatching; Fiahel stra in ; yards hcodcil —by coekon-ls from Plsbol direet, mated ^with ycariing hens; ^L.IO per scttiaK Iwiof 15. C. B. Wheeler, 7.'.3 Third ove- N. “

FOB bA L E -T n-o 24T ' ’i g "Cypliers ty jinculialud, cheap. Phone C08J2. i« ’<______________ ‘____________________Coi

FOB SALE—Thor olootric washing » _machine, used very litllo. W. L Oil- 1letlQ, 145 Wasbingtoo. o t

IX)B S.V LE-Brass bod, library to- pj|*jblo, chiffonier, choirs. 250 Fourtn __avc. E . ’

— — gj)FOB BALE—Stamen W lnesap, yellow go'

N. Pippin, Orimes Qoiden, a carload.AUo f l ts i class alfa lfa bay. Pbono • 1617-B3. . bei

POB SA L E -P uro brod Khodo laland red eggs for settinR; crder rnrU'. 1 Phono fiSOK. P. 0 . Box 754. |3£

* f o r ' 1 a l b ~ o b ~ £ x H a n q m ^ ^ ^ ^and ancond-hood form Implemeots. See us i f you have ony farm Implcmenls you ^ do not need. Idalio Hdw. and Implo- mcnt Co., lo the Fosa Building acrni>s , . .street from Piro StaU on- . .

.T o il eA L E -B iR ht. hi.ne i. ,o>v7 ~ raulen and hoga. 0 . B, Suilivno, 4 iai»- >. weat. 1 3-4 lala, aouth of th r SW rorOi r F iler:* • " • ,i

PO B SALE—Bleyelea, tricycles, tlfc . ood aeeessories. W erner’s Repair Sb'oji,224 8eeon-I s t. E . • * ' j , '

T o b H A LE -Spccial iolecUd seed ^ potatoes. VarietlcJ, Carmona and Hur- ols. Phono 050R. P . 0 . Dox 754.

"cA N B eUQAB. fT.80; .b e e t sugar 1 |7.(|0 , delivered. Kinney Warehouses, |}°1 Telcphooo Ofl.___________________ • “ j!

POU SA L E -O ood «lfiUO flrat m "^- “ gogo drawing 6 per cent. S03J11.

POB ‘IALE—Birdseye maplo drcaaor , ^ ond bedroom stand; alko v thcr furtii- ture. Pbeno 243. • ^

FOE SALE—Point a t 12.25 per gal- ^ lon ; nuto painta, eDomcIa and var. nishes, catanmine. and wnll pnpi-r. , Phone fi. Moon’s Shop. _. B


K j r v M U SIC


>d A dr insertion, and1 T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e . N

: c h a n g - e , a b o u t y o u r r o o m s

) y o u n e e d — O N E C E N T p i

F O R S A L E - M I S C E L L A N E O U S

W E A BE DIQQINQ ftom our fields (NOW f ru l l and shade treea, amall jna,fru its, flowering ahrubs nnd peren- -nials, so.Diueh supi'rlor lo w inter sto r Jod shlppcd-ln atock . mid eoatinR no Iti;;.moro. Kimberly Nuraerica, Kimberly, reai

FOB S A L ^ C h c a p , one team young, innrca, -rBlgbt ♦2800; wagon aad b a rn -’ .1 esa. Nyo Bros. Phono 83.

,'FOB SA L E -Selec t IturnI seed potii* toes. 1‘hono 95J. r.l7 Shoshone 80. r . ,0. Box 105ii, Twla Falla, Idaho.

i FOB SALB—Regular mlkli go n ta j, V hlao to r ren t; ran furnish rnllk. I’hone'pro 050R. JV 0 . Box 7.14, pro------I . I --------------- '■ ;t>nl'

F O R S A L E - A U T O M O B I L E S

* FOB SALE>-Ford sedan. Loto mod­el. Cull 302-W. • . ‘ [ ~

1 FOR ,^ALE—Ford ’20 louring; good I' condition tl,roughout; « 1 3 . 830 F ifth n< nve. E. ! _

FOB S A L F o B T 'tA D E - u W d now I . Overland, never been I’.ed ; lateit model. I hovQ other car, tnono l uao j f " two. Address Begnos, coro News. ‘

FOR SALE—Wo liave somo cxco|i F li'uiml burgiiiui lu used i-arn. .lolmsuti uici Aulo-Coiiiliiiiy. ’ trmi

FORDS bough' anil sold a t the Aulo W recking Co., I4fl 2t>d Ave. Soutb. V Phono 80. . NO

F ^ t^ A L ^ 0 i i e - « 7 u Vlw - truck iu ' 1 : Soud to-'-^illoB, Tlie Uig While Blow pki

•FO R SALE O B ,T B A D I>-F irsl c l a « . i ~ Ford lednn, 440 Second a v e ..60. • tnci

FOB • •P E P " see “ S T E P " Ih V c y l-( “ iodvr Oriiidcr. 147 Second ovo. N. <-nr


WANTED—To abaro emigrant car to.Sec D enver about April 15. Coll 3^2-W. j —

WANTED—Your tire* and <ube» to do ropair; oldest and best equipped tlru cos shop In c ity ; lowesi prices; work Ruor- ing nnteed. T^rin Polls VulconlilnB W orks. ^

W A N TED ^PIoce for boy 15 >'Wir»' old on form , cloao In so ho can o ttund • school. Inqulro 048 Fourth ave. K.

__ — , 111W A N TED -A pples! , nit v arie liesj wir

largo or smcll lots, i ’hone 1250, ^

W A N T E D ^A buyer for n desk, typctvriter, nddlng mnehine, mechoii- l<i’« bench and vise. -Tohnson • Aulo Company. ( “ ■'■j

W ANTED — PotatOM, number otic. c = o t good tw o i. J . B . W hite, offiee »vx‘. . p - door to M. B. Lue, 114 Serond So, Phono 1027W.

W A N T B D -8 foot show ense. Call L _ 80, Auto Wrocking Co., 140 Snd Ave, — Bontb. . I

• W A N IE D —Y our tlrc j to r e p a lr r j^ ^ best wofK, n t lowest priccs, Idnho Vttieaiiixine Works, 132 Sccond nve, N .l

“ V A N T E D -B est buy la used oar fo .j 1350 cash in band. Address .1. E. Bret- , r r non, 854 N, A rthur, Pocatcllo. I laho, • ^ ”

H E L P W A N T E D I j !

W AN Ti:i)~Good liuti»ckcfiier. Oiil i){ iiw n job. Tinnnportnllon ra id , Cnll nl W nivcr Booms, r.mnr 7. .

WA.NTED—U d y elerk at Joe’s — Dimglmnt Siiop. Apply nfler 7 p.'m . iTB'--------------------------------------------------------- ll h

(WANTED—Sftlu'aniui li> nl">o!ul<'t; ^ b(Wt nil louipctition «i-llitig atnplc n r ti- ! '— cle; Tppoiit buslneas inaiircd; c’xcliisivui local territo ry ; $100 nnd niiiimbsioii. / < Manufocturi-r, IlOS Soutli MiohiRnn, Chicngo, l 'l . ■

M O N E Y T O L O A N ^ ~—— . . JOI

MONEY TO LOAN on t»u4ttn dwelllings; ropByoyo io staall n its lim fn i» j ___liberal rep ay tie sl privilege. Arthur L 'a s j Bw la & Oo. I ___

PO B T SA D E -G ood 3-year-old )iorse| 0, fo r cow IT cnlvcs. Addreaa E , cnre ol p New#. \ J . . . [ ___

TO E X C H ^ 'O E for c lly prop.-rty: 40 acres, cloao lo. I’hono 515J3. i

------------- - [ H' BEAD TU B DAILY NEWS. j &

foiT\ c

---- ^ ----

— ctwtHT n t <»»»

PRIL 3,1922_________

P a g e1 WORTH IT! ^; N e w s , d a i l y , T - ; i . a l i

I S f o r r e n t , h o u s f o i ■

p e r w o r d — P h c . i i f . '!2

- M IS C E L L A N E O U S

OLVjANINU—Ca rp e ts .. Bugs, N ara jna. I’liono 225-B. ^

J. F. SM ITH, exclusive outo point- Iti;;, Pricca SIC lo |4 5 . 415 S. Malo, rear old Lind gornge.

ALL MAKES sewing raacMoes t«- paited. Marhlnea for ren t. Now 8!ng era, |5 luwn onil |3 per tiiontb. Old . machlnea tnkon aa port paymoat. aiN O EB bEW INO M A CH INE CO., I l l Main E. I’honc OSJ.

. 'VE .S'EliD atioe*. .ubbera, elotbing, provialoui ami ouy o r l id e a .o f use to provide (or the worlhy poor. Call n p , Sotvatlou Army fm n 0 to 7 p. m. e t« ~ day. Phone 710.. Your ilonatioa will help, rii-.- tvugou w ill-eall.

T llf i KUI.l.KR' m tU S Il MAN.I’tiiue T24W. .i f c . jf>7 T ourth- •>nve. \o ,

--------------------- _________________ ; _ l

'M C E quiet room for maternity rsaca, jp^cfn) nurie. .110 <>>slli o re . N.Phone

F. D. KELLOOO, a g rn i - fo r L ati­m er'• Dry A m tvM t of l,eod for sp n ^ m ntrrlsl, .Cnll Phnne MOB. P. 0 . Bo«:.■« . .

V'ORl) Autn WTeeklBg ‘Co.NO (<erniiJ nve. Si>.

HEI.LO! D o i^ T FORGET D»n'« place. .

FAR.M I.OANS and iai>nthl.r p itr ment direllintr loana. A rthur I., Sw in

' T HV n u n repair shop for a ll’y w - rn r trouiilM, Wc antiafv. Auto WresJt . ing fo . 14(1 Second ove. S . .

DAN'S PLACE, 237 Sboshoco 89.Second bnnd clothes b ^ g h t and sold.

I CAB OWNERS can uie our shop tc* do their owo repnlr w ork: ''m in tn n f t cost.” Try th is aervice. Anto Wroek- ing Co.. Kr< Second av«. So.

H as Idea to. . . . - t i .As 11 rlii-iip rm tliir,’ nf < i-r.iii' i.*i-lii-

li'niiiiiciit jKiui'i' lit.ii ri.-:t.'.'- |>i’iiilii<-i‘K ill llu- IldcK. llll- HiiiiV r:ii:i;i;|..ii. Itiu.U'iriil mul till- vvnvi-N „ r ili,- v n . n lti|. iiiiuiliin viiB lmw miCKi'sii Onii ilrl« i-ti- crRy he <-i>iivrrlnl IiiId i'i>iii|ir<->wd iilr nnd Kinreil in KUbli-rntni'iiii iliiiinhrrs Ihnl nr<‘ ftirmed by pm u'inttliig Iiclow a lr-llchl layers o f cliiy Uy anc.ilan welts.


w BTd o W O L A i^ w in 'd ih T s ^ 'e a b r .net work. Mood's shop. Phone 5 .-

S H O E R E P A i m a

T ^ V A l i a ’ s h o e ’ B E P A l i^ ^Shop, 13:’ Shoshone w .al. Shoes re — luiired while you wait.

T M S P E R ^

C B O Z IE ir TBA N 8FBB" C oilPA N Y Phono 3lh.

TEUOK UAUL Ot>— Llgbt nnd heavy haullnc. Phnuo SO.

; p r o f e j J i o i i d l j

r 'A T T W lN E y S

J ^ r a W. G EA H A M -LBw yer. Daiik i ‘•Tru.T building. Phone 035-B,

ABHBE B. W IL f lO N -L o w j^

HOMEB 0. MILLS— Boyd buiidlBg.

SWBELBY b BWBBLBY — A ttornoys a t law. Practice In oil rourta. Twin Palti. Idnho.

J . H. W IB B -U w d t. Fully o.rgaaUo4 collcclion depfittment. O f i l c o i - Hooma ti and 7, over Tw in Polls BaoJi & TruU Co., Twin Palls, Idaho.

By H . r . O NBIL

W EU THEN \ W \ 2 u Y r m N o r . L 2 %

^ 0 ftlONO .T / T y


. ' . onm ' :

Page 8: .Liiiiiii^ S:'PA.LLS LY Nl

! i i i i f s ": INJ! I H I ”

— f ur m

I M a x W a l t o n i1 9 l A r r e s t e d a t 2 “

. F a t h e r ’s H o m e , B la m e s L u -

r i d L i t e r a t u r e a n d M o v in g

P i c t u r e s f o r D e s i r e t o B e B a d

' --------- urp tc■ Mnx WaUon. 10. hoa confuMpJ thu t M « I he klUorl CeorRo Un<>, 3B, in tlio lot- hiilil i' te r-s.ha rih rn ro atoro <n Shonlione, Mo., |iaH d

Saturday n lcht, tipronilnjf to official* tho ii of the ^h trirfV offiro nl Hhoshonr. ncnda; T hey a a il lie hlnmud dime novcli and Kalla. Bonintionnl niovlnR pklurc* for lila dc-

' alro to k fo m o a “ lind m nn.” . r * i |W alton ahot Lane wilh a plutol , |\1

•whirh ho ,had jua t Iwiijrht from Lano, IU «luriii(f an nrfftimenl over a Hioflc which ! ■VVnlltm hnti ^ iv rn J« /w;vjiPot tor Jhr platol ’nn-l other iirllclci, a«ordln(f tfl tho ollogo'! confcajlon.

A rrested » t F ftther 's Horn#. •

Walton wna arro^lod Sunday morn- ; InK a t Ih.; homo of Iiia father, A. W .ljM n ji

W altnn, nl-oiit nim* milna from Shn- I ahone, whero he li;nd hrcn in hidinjj ali | r

niRht following the kilUnR.\ Deputy fherlffs . dlatloncit a t finako I river •croM iiita-by Sheriff K. H. Bher- I mnn of T 'vin Pnlla county when ho rc-

eoived vufd of Ihi* kililni; -Hnliirilnv niRhl. were reratled when word.camo o f Ihp (hj'liiri' of the allcReti iiayot. *1“ ' Tollcc officer-, of Twin Falla alnn wore

i - notified am] thoy’ mnlntnined a i«lrlrt dny v w atch for Ihl.'M iapecteil youth nn Twin dresn H illa atrcelA. (.'alifo

' Rei>orta by .MillM|i< nml otlicru whn nnd Itnlked with Lnno prior to 'tlii ' phnntl'i^ dintrii •howcil tt.nl the tnlt, nwlavnrd n|'|tcnr- nl In iMR ran-h 'V nr hml vlRltcd liine 'a lianl- rhoset ■ware utoro early Snturdny itveniiiR nml cieliei

■f ‘ imrclinaed n pmnpli'ti-“ fowhoy o u lf it" Con vonilatinK of nn cxcollont bridle,aaddio, hy ah niitrimatlc. “ cliniis,” In rial, caflriiljte", were I and other etjulpuu'nt. l io ia nllrKed tn Ittivp paid for the hill of cnoda wllh .i . . ■ <heck for fUO.'O. aiffned "W llllnm J . n o r n o j '- T h e check and the l.ll'l ut aale IJ/' ” •wore la ler fmnnl in the hnntwnre caih ^ '

Took Oun v l tb U ln . rctar}-

The cowboy apjinrel witli pxcepllnno f the T.'-cnllber- CnU-aulojnntic. wa» '®"- Jle f t In fhe htr>re while W nlton.la aiU-1 »lck , to hnvo Rllemi-ted to |iupcha*e a aad-diu horae o', a Shoahone livery atahlo. nto nu. Bceomini: aua|ilcinii« of tho' value o f ho" ’ (3th e rhcclt jjlveii him ,'Lono returned 'lo k'ionth e atore, n fte r vIpitiiiR a club iiearhy Arendanil lit eomiiftny with the nasewor wait- en l, Icd. the relnrn of Iho-yonth. MUlaapj wcrenamd B^indny th n t noon a fte r th rir re- Twintiirn , W alton nxaln vlaltcd the atoro Vergiland the unlijtTl o f the eheek wa.t nfikiln Worldbroached iiy ijiiii'. Tlio two, Lano and Joo Ht ■\7alton, Ihen went ou t In fro n t of theatore wii-.-re Ihcv conversed for aome o#<j tlme._ Btill dbaatiaflcd w ilh .th e checi;and cvlilcnlly unable to rome to nn un- . m_dontandlnR w ith WoltOD, tbe h irdw tfo t ,„ i

. dealer turned hia back 'on Mlllaapi and th(* yniilh and bcp in huiitinif UirouRh

> the tele|ihiinc dircplorv, iipparently \ aecklnn II,< B hcrlffa telephone num- ^ “ bcr. the comity officer ani.l. ,

nhurtiStioota W ithout W atnlng. corrcs]

W ithout ll 'wnrd of wnrnln;:, Walton whipped out the «un, purchaaeil ahort- Iy befiire frnm Lniie. nml ahot him Rf]Hnrrly In the ha rk of the head. Jjaao I stumpeil tll tho floor before tho tele- eordln; phone. W hirlini; auddenly, Wnllon fir- apondl cd once ii,-o the face of MilUnpa, who trenaui dodjred anil rame up unacathcd. Uo Rthai>ed W;.lloiiV arm aad deflivled a U C T I aocond ahot. "

H uahinc^tn the front door, Walton 01 turneil nml annp(>ed hia Run a l Mill- aapa a th:rd timo, b u t the earlridRO Song o failw l io firo. He dlaappearcd in th j Men direction of tho livery itablo. ^

A t tho llv « y stab le ,'W ation la al- ., ,, leRed to havo a ttem pted fo aaddlo a horae to cacnpo and lo have been chan- „ cd out. He then d liappea rcl afoot Into

■ th e dftrkneaa. One powe.waa Rotlrn out aliortl^ a fte r 10 o ’c lo c k ,' when tbb °

. thootin^' occurred. They w ent Immo d la te ly to th e home of thu la d ’* fatiier, , w here thev w ailed nil o icht, returning' ? , to Shoahone nbout K o ’clock Hunda. morninR. ’

A t 10 o ’flloek. Sheriff Clarence ‘‘"'"J” ' ■W^cjer relum ed to. tho W alton home, ” “"7 ' and itonnd Mr. W alton preparinR to ' bring. h U .aoa to the sheriff,’* office. “ '" J iCax had returnnd home nboul .an hour , **, b e fo ro 'th c arriva l of the aecond poaao * a n d la jiaid to have lo l j hi* father of * i h .

A. -W. W alton and his wife a roF o* - ira tcd bv the. trSRCdy. The family >a ‘J"' well known and Mfihly re.pcclfrl by nil and thc^R cnm l verdic t ia tha t his courae of luriiT iileratu rn ia solely re- 'apoDiible fo'r the boy’a tcrrihle dwil.

Opona Cotfft U Jo rono ' — 'Dinlrict A' j'udRC W. Ji. naW ock, w ith H. M. Ilrft- In in , d ia triet court rei>orlcr. la Jeromn T'ym I todnv oj>cnod a tenn o f Oiatriet court whieh i« to be hi sc'aalon.for iomn.dnyii. '»M*n'l'’ Tim April Icm i .c i:w t:r l horo aehtfduled

• to open April 10. probably will ho eon- ' tinned bccnuae of t!u> abacnco of the

• • .. - • - , M arket

SEB -K innoy Wholeafllo Co. fo r Moa* ’*J' Apr t« if i W hite o r G reat N orthern bonna.« a d » .-

Llghloteff C afeteria, 3£fl M ain Bonth. Th# — ..Try, cor qolek MTTlco. Be^t tn toini. inrolco

‘■ •■'f.i ■

IES BEEHMCIN HII t a t o F a r m B a r e a a S e c r e t a r y

t o A d d re B B 'S er io B o f M « o t- ,

, logs in O o o n ty . |

C . B. Itoaa of rocatollo, aecrotarjr. o f f 10 Stalo Farm bureau, waa czpocteu I I a rrive hero loday to. a dd reu 1 aerlci I j : moctl'uRa arranped by . tho county * irm burenu for preientallon of tho iRar beet aituallou to, growers o f tbo p U p - iatrlct. hxeeutlvea o£ tho county or- in iip tio i havo cndoraod tho contract T r 'fered to Rrowera thia aeaaon by the mnlRBKiated SuRar company and arc qq •Ring farmers to grow beela w ith poa- ^ blo removal of I'ho augar factorj- and I pnyrolla oa au altcrnativo for fiUL- •p to produce tho required tonnage.UoctiiiRi have been scheduled to bo

)1(1 Monday evening In tho Legion B®" S ill a t Ktmbcrly; Tuesday evening In [tilaaloi 10 hhool hiiuao a t Curry, nnd Wod- '< 0 ;#day cflernoon In I’arlah hall. Twin "'H! h> l l l l

- mlaaioiliOK icifls[s[ssiir' • tho I

u n lo r C i iu rc h W o r k e r s o f D is - n “ p t

t r i c t H o ld I n s p i r a t i o n a l b L ”■ , , , Intrn-ai

C o n v e n t io n H e r e d . in o ,--------- ntory

Two d.iya aeaalona of tho Twin i ’nlla alrlcl Chriatinii Endeavor aocicllea.of le I’riwbylerian nnd Chrlallan church- I"'’'*'*. o f south een tral Idilho,.clp3cil Sun- ly evening w ith nu liispirntional ad- ' ■ean by I'aul C. Urown of Hollywood, ' ilifornin. Pacific conal socrclary, id Ihe Inatnllntiou bf newly cleclcd strlpt officers together with the fonn-

Induclion of offieera pfoviously " ' losen 'by tho Chrlatinu Endeavor so- eliea Ilf the Prealy’torlan chureh hero, 1'* ' Convention icsalona woro attondod ■■ about 70 delegates .and nil seaalonsl'raou I ere liold In tho Presbyterinn ehurch.

'.N o w D U trict Offlcora .Xoirly uiected und Inatallbd diatriet ■ficen» uro Preaideut, Viola Ih 'ana, Three' win ynlla^ fira l vicc-prcalilent, Lo- inmiiti I t ffmllhV Tivin Kalla; second v|co- i t nliic ealdent, Kandnll Jllilner, Duiloy; ^ee- support tar)', Edna Mao Chapin, Klmborly-i -M r, istorinl ndviaer, tho llev. A. G. Pear- Tui-adn n, Twin Fnjia; treaauror, Maek Hnrd- lek, -Jeromo; junior aupcrinfcndenl, n ( |U r a J s X ;& a ^ x , Ilogerson; Intormedl- [ j | | l ,0 Buppniiiiiklent, Mr*. A. B. Thomp- n, Gooding; (julet hour and tooth lo-on auperintondent, Gcrlrudo U nrrj’, M a r k rendili; prayer meeling aupcrlntoad- f o r I, Irenu Iloivcr, Jerouio; gocial and creation auperintendent, E dith Creel, vin I'Mlta; mlaalonnry auperintendent,?rgil Cunningham, Ilupert; 0 . E. orld nnd publleily auporinlondent, '

y S e cLocal Societies i„ t„ „

Offlcera of tho C hrlathn Endeavor (,yelotica o f tho Preabylorlna chureh CftjiforTwin Kalla to bo Inatalled: keting

Junior—P fc aid e n t,, Theodore. Blzer; i^jvtlnncn preaident, W ill Young; aecrotarics, jjnbo,L'l^n Taylor and H arriot Dunlap; Conijfaiurer, Dorotiiy Evana. purchn;In term ediato— PrcsdonU ' &l<^»rdn day ntlu rtleff; vice president, Alleo T aylor; Mr. :rrcs]»onding seeretnry, Grace Bchado; Callfnrcording secretary, Wallace Caldwell; aovernlrasurer, Clinton Evana. ' ecutiveSenior-’P realdcnt, Florence D enlon; ctnbleCO preaident, M argaret Seillcy; re- produrlrdlng aeeretary, Wilma Keol; corro- nient*.ondlng Rocretnry, M argaret D unlap; tr le t ot•naurcr, Kred Uall, tu rn h

» • month.

E T E R A N S L A Y P L A N S T O ,

O B S E R V E M E M O R IA L D A Y■ '' HE

ng of..V etenuU 'tod American L esloa Members to Coopento w ith OlvU j . x . }

Wsj- 8 e m c « U e a In B re n t ue«s

I’rcliminnry nrrangemenla for tho icrvance hero of Sunday, May 2S, as niorl.M Sunday were worked out a t ft • eting a-iturday aftem oon of the ’irera imd membera of Dan ‘McCook >"‘'^*0 1 it, Graiid Arm y o f tho Bepoblle. '*•Jo'0 |)ernflon of organirjition* hero " the Hona of.V eteran* nnd American jion wna to be invited by the Civil r veterana through-ft eommllfeb n®dlan npoaeil of J . D. Sm ith, poat com- United nder; W. W. Humphrey and Gilbert • J rd . • . . experieiJembcra of thn Grand A rm y, poat yenra 011 of invlled organ lzatbns will nl- mountci d ehurrh services on Memorial Sun- '^ ''0 »t r, whicH ii the Bundny Immediately foming ceding Memorial day. May 30. Mr. f ■urther pinna for lho obaervaneo o f o f Cana ■ ocrnjlnn nre to bo worked Out hy develop

GmmI A rm y’a 'committee In ron- '. ction w ith rcprvarntntlvJ'* o f the TIIOCcr orcanfrationa nounco

.. - fo r theJiek from MlsjOUla—Koy A,. Head Tw in “F 1 A rthur J . Peavey, president ande ' president, respectively, o f the m ti^ min Knfls Rotrvry elnb, today 'return- ^from Miaanula, M ontinn, whero th e r ^ended rcaaiona o f ’ the dia triet Ho- ^y rliiba eonventlon Init week. ^

' -N O T iaB ■ :Lil necminta o w ing 'to tho American ; , rk e t.p r lo r to .M or^h 10. not^setUod April «. will be colliictcd.

' CHARLF-S DU NN ,-' . fW , 201 Shoshone flo. J [

:he n*<r year'm eans n n r le tte r anil olee fllca. We havo tbDm. Cloi— — - - K =

I..,-. ;


O '


• 1 noChamber of Commerce and: mTraffic ‘ Association to Op- ih

‘ ' 0« pose Short Line’s Applica-; •»tion to Curtail Train Service' ”1.

The c-me for opjionont* of the .Om - , in Short L ine ’* application f o r ’per-1 laalon to curta il pnaaenger train g e r/’ !0 on the Tw in Falla-nogeraon branch i ill bo ^r,•^enled nt a pulilie hearint;!'fore til-) a ta te public utilities com-i , laaion in tho Parliih hall here begin-j ; ng nt ’ o ’cloek Tuesday afternoon,■ represeutotlvca of thn Tw in F a 'ls lam ber o f Oimmcrco'Riillroad# b u '| au nnd by Leonard 'W ay, m anaging crotary of the Southern Idaho T m f-j ™ : naaoctution. |

A t Bate H ta tlag . IMr. W iv foday la appearing beforo 1 qui 0 publir utllllles. .epmmlaalop n t ' gn lise .1* intervenor In the hearing on :.I) pellli-)n filed by the 'B olae Cliaici-' ^ r of Commerce lu oppoiition to thc^ T lort L in e ’s jiroimanl to catabliah no'.v! I lrn.alal<? fre ig h t rntca w h ic h ,'I t •* l_ 2 limed, would be "u n fa ir , discrim ln 'i ory and prejudlrinl a* ugainat a u rh ' j j , •aliUeH na IJoine. Twin Kalin. Idnh ) j rtia,- W clrer' and Burley nnd other (heir int* w ithin tlie a ta te .”The Baiae organitatlon. it n'iklng thn pip_ mniiasinii lo “ ealnb\i*h new dla trili’ ,Ing rnli's nud charges which shall bu U i naonablo and nou'diacriminatory nn.I hnve n-prejuiielnl In lleu of tho diacrim -'n,unl ntory amt pri’judlcin! mlea propoaed i- a ,

be ealalillahed." 'n b g ,Bureau Prepares Case. |

In nppoaitlon to Hie proposed cur- j Itment e f ' t rn ln "ervlco on the Rog- V ,, ■ Jim branch the Twin Falls Chnmbi'r

Commerce hna prppnred a bri.ir^^.^.j^ lich it expecta to introduce along ' fh iHjtllinna received from -C ontact, I T« rbldge, Snn 'Jncinlo, Nevndn nnd born ircc ' Creek, Idnho, ns well as from Orlo •nlltiea d irectly acrved by the branch, pf T

niao cxpeels to o ffer tcalimony In ngcr pport of thia brief nnd petitlona. 1 M t^W ay I*-ox|H>eted to return h e r o " “Vo leadny noou— worli

m icnpnuGE[arketinff Agoncy Contracts Mr

for Eefrigerating Materialfo rth o Local.Orop her i

I, alder.Contract fo r purchaao of between aider [1 nnd ttiid.tona of lee for use lu ship-1 'n t (if file T w in Fnlia d ia tr ie t’s heO'l tuce crop tliia yenr, ha,i been entered ;o w itll u Tiviu Fnlls m anu fnc tu ro r''“’‘" '

Geor^-. F . P rinrc, representing the J. llfornl.i Vegetablo union, tho laar-j ting :iginey aeiectcd by the organ- '' itlon of head lettuce growers In 'aho, ____ . ___________ _ ^Conipli-tlon of negollalions for the rchn.10 of thu ice wlis nnnounccd to- ' “’J*'; V n t liie 'ro u n ty . fnrm burenu o f f i c e . ! " '" '; Mr. Prince, who ia field man for th u l ;^ " " ' ilfornln m nrketing agency, apent .•ernI dnya here conferring w ith cx „ itive* <.f the Twin Fnils County Veg lllle Griiwera' naaoclation, rela tive tu )durliou and marketiilg nrrance- f " ” ” nta, He ia nnw In the Caldwell dla- „ e t on n sim ilar mlnaion, and will re- •n here nboul Ihe middle of the mth.

' -------------^ fol


— reporT. Bal&brldge, Form er Mflimted Po- jtlelh

Uc«nuut,'and A . P . Senior Tell o f A. \ O ld a sd TTrsir BOialnlon the e

r. T . Balnbrlilcft, former iecrctarv th e .'. 'w in FnlU a a m b e r o f Com-

trd and direc tor o f the high school Jd nnd (trchea,trn, and Alan p . Senior ^ re ap^akers a t todoy'a luncheon e ting o f the Kiwani* club when cx- lacs v;ere held In obiervance of Ca- 3lan -.'webk by Kiwanis elubs-of tho Ited Plutea an.l Canada. 'J r , Bnlubridgv reU ted *ome o f hi* *"***' lerlenc-ra aa ti member fo r seven ira o f the Roynl Canadian N orthw est unfed police, in which he enlisted In

a t tm- age of 17 years sooo a f te ' ling to Afflerlea from ScotU nd.,,J r . Senior dlaeuaaed salient fea tures Can.idlnn agricultural rciourees and

NO. 7, BOY SCOUTS, an- meo n cooked food sale to be given

thcpi, Snturdny, April fl, n t tho in W lla H ardw are alore.—adv. ^

S eed P o lGOBBLERS-

The Boyle ComP H O N E -1


fuvmUe Rmiiawayj , . Qj Makes Impression n l

at Police StationIII Vew Old Lud Wiiu Admir- .ation of Offioers when 8ab>

mitted to Qnestionlng

W earing- a man ’a h a t a n d redsweater, Earl Reynolds, 0-ycar-old p son of Mf. and Mrs. 0 . A. Rey-nolds, tend ing o n e 'a n d ooc-half t, miles la rthw est o f Twin Falls , was Into Saturday n/tom oon ^ound ontho streets here in company w ith iTt

Oeorge FriMen, tfged 7 years, th e fullyson of u neighbor, a short tlm o' grada fte r K arl's pafents hnd enlisted der.ithe aid of the polleo. Io the ir aearch iuan<for the ir missing son. meet

ila r t 'f ha t como o ff atid w as hold ernoiin his lap os ho took a chair a t th e Comipolice- sta tion for questioning by Dotho officers. soeia

" W e .h a d thoDght ho would be imarkfrlghteoed,” Chief o f Pollco Den leomp.1. Browii said todny, " b u t Instead jl»h;o f thnt he.spoko rig h t up and an- (uid'swered all o f our queiUons plain- !nrticly nnd wllhout healtallon. Ho wa* jposcithe mnnilcst little'fc1lt>w we havo ropoihad to (IP with In. a long tim e ." ors t

Enrl I'xplalned th a t ho and his Sol companion had simply neglectedto ndvife their pnrenta when th e ir markqucal o f amusement carricd them amon80 fnr ftom the ir homea. potit

------------- - W. i—;........... .......................... \ L .'D

J o c a l g r e - r i i i w

.......... ‘ l&ll r<■■ Ip ils t

U u o n s to Dance—A Miisonlc dance ^capec IT memVii. of thn Maao'uic lodge and |I'eir gu-.'sts haa been nnnennred to bo l i n i ven thi* I vening in tho Mnsonic tcm | | | | |

Masons to Oonvone—A nnouncement'i jA b oivc been issued for a regu lar eem-1 8 unlcfltinn of Twin Pnlls lodge, A. K.!

A. M. lo be held Wedneaday eve- j • n - ■ I PO

, —Hi# . :,m . . . . 'E zch u g ln g Homos—Mr. and K rs . T. .

Wooda and Mr. nnd Mra. W endell g llcu nre exchanging houses todnv, ith homes being locolcd on E i g h t h i . ' , ;

____ __ ■ Cii.triTwin Boyo Airlvo—T w lr.. aoua wero Amei )rn Sumln.v, April 2, lo Mr. nnd M « . j Ah rlo W iliinm a,'at the ir homo northeast ' Twin Fall*.- Mr, Wllll;*ms In m an-.w iH ' 'c r of the Twin Fall* Floral compnny. j 1^

, jBnnk•Votorans to 'M oet—Vetornna of tho llvcli orld w.tr nre to nieet Tueadny oveoing^Color . a regiilcr meeting of Twin IV lla poat, nnd 1 merityiii Legion, iu Ih-r Elk* ha’.L jthe lans for Ihe service m en’s eonaus nro,apok« . be d ii;usied. • fanm

Mrs, dweley H urt—Mr*. M. J . Swi-e- > m m y jn e t with a jn ln fn l accident la s tl ph i whi'u aho fell down tho s ta irs a ''r honu, While ahe Is aiiffcrlng con- ^ ^ ' ilcrable iiolu her Injuries nre no t co*.:lered K : i o u , . _ _

F ra tern ity M anager V ls l t » - l l . M.olfp, alnlc mnnnger for tho -Brother- lod nf American Yenmen, n rrlvcd In “t n ivln Knil**Snturdny evening on an of- ROve; rJal visit lo tho locaf organization. Unlo e will no from here to Qooding. be g

, « dlploB irth Announced — Announccmenta »vo heen rcccivcd o f tho 'b ir th o f a 1 lughter, Mnryliu Mnrgnret, to M r 8A id Mrs. K. El L araby of W nlla Wnlln, nitnu nah., on March 27. Mrs. L am by wna oiwm rmerly Mia* Elsie Bnker o f th is c ity , proxl

' • ■ hogsHerrimans E eturti—P. 0 . Uerrlmnn, rmerly deputy sheriff of Tw in Fnlls u n t» ttio for nlinost three yeara, ha.*:en cnenf^cd In ftirming aouthweal o f g g ;ihl, with hia fnmlly ia todny moving

farm ptopcrty one nnd th ree qunr- r* miles norlhweat o f '^v ln Fnlla. _ _

PoUce }‘ind M issing O ar-P o lice Snti- ly evening located a cnr in the vlcin-|I- o f tlio highway diatriet rock cruah-i

p l a n t s h o r t tim e n fter I t had beenr porteil !riiBlng from In fro n t of the j elhodlit church by the owner, Jame* • , , Walcra. ■Y eulh/ul Joy-rillcn are > 0 suspected cu 'prlta.............

Jitrles Enmm'Onsd—O rd e rs . fo r , Bum- oning of jur.vmen In tho cases o f T on loney and Andy K ltigswald and of , B. liuo wero toiUy i'asucd by Pollco J idRC Piiiil n . Tnber. The defendants

lioth cases - Iss fw ce k pleaded not illty to charge of hav iau been drunV ,d disorderly, and trinl sot fo r last c b : Iday waa, opon request of H omer 0. ills, alt'irney for -the defendants , eon- lued until tb is aflernoon.

I n d u s ' Badlo Pbosft—One o f the iat- el«horato radio telephone ou tfits

the liifrrmbuntoin region has junt cn inslfllied by Dr. Frederick F- ook, n t his .residence and dental of- :cs on Shoshone s t r e e t , north , nnd s owner I* Issuing invitations to hla enibi lo he hi* guw U o t a serica of rndio pn illcs ." The o u tfit Is ‘ho me onfl tha t was. uaed a l th e R otary ib dinner and h igh school radio elaas monatrntion la st week.


rimission^^4 0 f

s iB i io i lnElRSLliD:.


Best .of Twin Falls,. District tu Crop to. Be; Placed on Mar- the ket Under Distinctive Name nia

— r , ' ,iTwin A i ls d istric t potatoes, care-

fully graded as “ bnkers” and No. I grade, will be marketed th is season uo- ; der. a certain designated brand, In pur- iunneo.nf ft policy agreed u p o n 'a t -a meetlDg of grower* held Baturday a ft- , 0 ernoon In tho offleea of tho Boylo " Commissiun company here.

Deelslon was reached to form an as- lociation of growers to c arry out thla marketing, progrom, and n .committen , „ . . i composed pf H. J . W eaver, V>\ S. P a r­ish;-M . A. Thombtz, Quineey Norris u id 'E . S. Wood was named to d rn f: | u tic le s o f ineorporation fo r tho pr>>* , , poaed association. This committee will- . A . report to another m eeting of the grow-j ^ ora to bo beld hero nex t Saturday. I ,

Soleetioa of the brand under which? rw in FalU distric t poU loes are to bo ^ r* . narkeled »» to bo mado by judges from imong suggestions submitted in a com- Jotltlon whieh fho growers deslgnnted ff. A. Cot-mba, U. J . W eaver and ChtI -Th; Lfc'DeLong, to arrange. 'P r lre s are to meet JO awarded for tho beat'siiggeations,; April ind Iho cnmpetillon la to bo open to jC . J . ill residenta o f Twin Falls county, p n 'i progr ;iila o f tho public schools heing Invited jdmmi ;specinlly I9 o « e r suggestions. , |

UfllESWiliSlCTj^Abordtien-Springfiold Oompany • (

Stockholders for Ameri.can I ■ ' PallB Projoct ■

POCA'iELLO, Idnho (Speeinl to T h e ! ' ' r o ?Jewit).~A liirgc)y.,;attcnjled meeting ],ouso if aloekholdcri. o f tho Aberdecr-1 fi,mi( Jprltigfieid company; living In the Vi - j j 5,j(jj•Inlty of Aberdeen, wna held to consid | ____•T tho (jiKsllon of cnterliig the super-j FO: lia tr lr t bring organized, to flnnnco tho .ehnnl \tnerican Knili reservoir project. ' ^tiulte

Ah Infornifil ballot reaulted .In ' ^ ’“TTT mnulmouj veto In fSvor of unltjng!*-llh the big dihtrirf. '

B. E. fttoutcmcyer and F rank A.'|3nnks, nttorney nnd engineer, rcspec- ••Ivcly, of Ihe rcelamallon aervieo;’olonel L .' L Evana of Ameriean Fnlla, j ind Guy Flenner, m annglng 'dircctor o f ' ^ ^ he fdaho Reelnmntlon. osaochtlon, ipoke in J anaivered the questions of f P 'anncra. 1 X


WASHINOTON, y P H A p p ro v n l.fo r V . I meeting ef tho Pan-Amcrleon confer- ^nce in Santiago, CTillo, in March, 1023,' - r llio f irs t to be held alnco 1010, will be naked by the, .Chilean governmont through American Ambassador M atblou 'I t n meeting horo W ednesday of the i- governing board of tlie Pon-AnorieoQl 1 Union. Tho requested approval will ' 1)C granted, I t wos iiaid lodny by tho llplomats making up tbo bonrd. '

goinL I7 £ S T 0 0 K , BHOW OPENS. ' ] |ng

SALT i a i ; e C IT y, M >)-Th0 f i l l h ’ « ''! nitnual Intormounlaln livestock sh^w p )|>encd a t North Salt Lako. today. Ap- - [iroximnleiy 3,000 cattlo, sheep nhd liogs from Idaho, Utah,. N evada, Wyo- I . Tiljig and other In tor-m ountain.states,:iavo beon entered. {

SEE Kinnoy Wholesale Co. for M oti'; 0 a n a W hile or OreaUN’orthern beaiif.!^

SPEGlL i t t l e b r lc K s o f d e l i c l

c o a t e d w i t h H e r s h c h o c o la l

At Varney’s139 Hiln West


The $1(: 9 ^

• • I

APRiL3s,1922''';V. ' ■ .

I d t ^ i n f f Ciouda: indicate Accuracy

' of Rain Foreeast0 » lh c t i« 8 ,c b n l . e u ijr tlU

ernooD tended to lod ieate neeitraey of the o ffleU w eather foreeatserV predletlon of rain tonight aad T u esd a /,.

Daytime tem peratures during the past two daya have been bolAy alt|vough th e mercury dropped last n igh t ooe degree bdow the freez­ing point. - < . . . ■

Bccords o f the government w eather observer here showed bigb temperaturo yesterday n t 55 de­grees ttbove tero and low a t 80 obo.vo a s compared wfth SaU u ;. / day ’s high of 03 above And lo w v it' 3S above.'


Tho M entor club will meet w ith Mrs. ustln Orim on Thursday, A p r i l '0.'

Chapter " D , ” P . E . 0 . Blstotiood.•ill moot w ith Mrs. E m e it W hite, IW / ighth. ivenne fa st, Tucidny evening, pril 4.

Tho Wimodnual «lub will meot with Jt. 0. ll. Scott, ,222 Seventii avenue irth , -in W ednesday, 'A pril fS. A i i r l i^ n will be sorved a t 1:30'.

Tho Tffcntleth- Centur7- ,elub will c e t ' In regn'fir se'ssfon, oli'^.Tuesdny. pril 4, ill tho. Baptist bungalow. Mra., J . Sehroeder Is In ehnrgo o f the •ogrom. tlio subject being modern mmn.

WOOL T'AGB nnd fleece twine. Kin- «y Wh.ilMflle Co.—adv^

Q l d j j l f i e d ^fOO LATB FOE 0LAB8IF10AT10N ^

i X ) i r 8 A -L E 7 o n * R B N T ^ F iv T r^ i )Uso wllh garage; furnbhed or un- irnished.. 302 Sixth a v e .'N - I’honpijo j . , ■ .

FOIl SA l-tJ-Com pi^to act au to me- inn lr’a toola, in tw o 'iin lpn cnsra. In- lire n t .'.JO Fourth ave. No. ’ '

FOU SALB—Good rural *eed pota- ■ea. Plione 518R4.

FOR B A L B -F u ll blood Brown U g irn egga; $1 per settliig of l.'i. 427 liird ave. W.

= = = = = = = = = »

TwinFalls-BoiseS T A G E ,

L e a v in g T w in F a l l s a t '

B : 0 0 A . l t l .(Local Time)

A r r iv e B o i s e 3 ; 3 0 P . M .(Local Tlmo) . ^

. .Mnking conneclion with No. 10 going w est a t Mountain Uome, giv­ing ono hour for dinner before tho nrrivnl o f 10, going wcat.


Trask Bros. Stage Co.

, , -------- , — .....— . f t

IALc l o u s I c e C r e f t m ,

i h e y ' s f a m o u s

l a t e

- At ThrPoppy ..g' 1 3 9 Shoa lm iig N o. / f

_ _ _ ^

1 0

TS0 0 .0 09 "j

• • ■ ■ ■
