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Liming Effect on Changes of Soil Properties of Wheat Field a Case of Barind Area in Bangladesh

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  • 8/10/2019 Liming Effect on Changes of Soil Properties of Wheat Field a Case of Barind Area in Bangladesh


    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Research Article ISSN 2320-2912-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    1Principal Scientific Officer, Soil Resource Development Institute, Regional Office, Rajshahi.2Senior Scientific Officer, Soil Resource Development Institute, Regional Office, Rajshahi.*Md. Noor-E-Alam Siddique, Senior Scientific Officer, Soil Resources Development Institute(SRDI), Ministry of Agriculture, District Office, Pabna-6600, Bangladesh.3,4Professor, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Hajee Mohhammad Danesh Science andTechnology University, Dinajpur.

    5Sikdar Mohammad Marnes Rasel, Senior Scientific Officer, Soil Resources DevelopmentInstitute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


    The initial soil was silty loam having pH 4.90, Organic matter 1.92%, total N 0.12%,

    available P 4.00 g g-1, K 0.040 meq 100 g-1, available Ca 1.50 meq 100 g-1, Mg 0.98 meq

    100 g-1and S 12.00 g g-1. There were six lime treatments viz.T1: Control, T2 : 0.5 t lime

    ha-1, T3 : 1.0 t lime ha -1, T4 : 1.5 t lime ha-1, T5 : 2.0 t lime ha -1, and T6 : 2.5 t lime ha -1.

    Dolochun was used as the liming material. The design of the experiment was

    Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD )with three replications. Every plot received

    140.0 kg N, 25.0 kg P, 106.0 kg K, 3.06 kg S, 3.6 kg Zn and 0.6 kg B ha -1from urea, TSP,

    MoP, gypsum, zinc sulphate (monohydrate) and boric acid, respectively. The post

    harvest soils were analyzed for pH, OM, available P, Ca, Mg and K. The application of

    different rates of lime to soil progressively increased pH, OM and availability of P and

    gradually decreased K, Ca and Mg in soils at 30 DAL. Liming significantly increased at

    30 DAL pH, OM but K, P, Ca, Mg decreased from 60 DAL up to 120 DAL. Available K, P,

    Ca and Mg were significantly increased due to application of lime which was mainly

    associated with increased wheat yields.

    Key Words: Soil, Barind Tract, Wheat, Lime, Plant Nutrients Availability, Grain Yield

    *Corresponding Author: [email protected]

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    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    Nutrient availability in soil

    depends on the pH value of soils. On the

    basis of pH, soil are classified as alkaline,neutral and acidic having pH range 6.6 to

    7.4. (Hausenbuiller, 1972). Most of the

    plant nutrients are highly available in

    neutral soil having pH 6.6 to 7.4. But soil

    acidity is a major growth -limiting factor

    for plants in many parts of the world

    (Adams, 1980).

    The soils of North-West part of

    Bangladesh are light textured, low in OM

    and strongly acidic to moderately acidic in

    nature, pH ranges from 4.5 to 5.5 (FRG,

    2005). The status of available P, Ca and Mg

    of these soils are low. The sandy soil has

    low cation exchange capacity. These soils

    have high content of aluminum, iron and

    manganese and deficiencies of nitrogen,

    calcium, magnesium, potassium,

    phosphors and boron are common.

    Aluminum toxicity is responsible for the

    poor yield of crops in acid soils.

    Among the cereal crops, wheat is next to

    rice in Bangladesh. Although, rice is the

    staple food of Bangladesh but its total

    production is not sufficient enough to feed

    her population. Wheat can be a good

    supplement of rice and it can play a vital

    role to feed her population. From thenutritional point of view, wheat is

    preferable to rice for its higher protein

    content. In Bangladesh about 3.58 lac

    hectare of land is covered by wheat

    producing 9.95 lac metric ton with an

    average yield of 2.78 t ha-1during the year

    2011-2012 (BBS, 2012). The cultivation of

    wheat needs only one or two

    supplementary irrigation while a boro rice

    crop needs about 15-20 irrigation during

    the growth period. It is a future challenge

    for Bangladesh to better exploit the

    potential of the production of wheat crop

    to meet the countrys grain food

    requirement without endangering the


    The wheat yield in this country is low.

    There are several reasons that can explain

    the yield variation, which cover both biotic

    and abiotic factors. Among the biotic

    factors, unavailability of high yielding

    varieties, incidence of diseases and pests

    (Hossain et al., 1995) and abiotic factors

    such as high temperature, moisture stress

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    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    and nutrient deficiency (Jahiruddin et al.,

    1992; Islam et al., 1999) are responsible for

    lower productivity of wheat in the tropics

    and sub-tropics. Among these factors, themost dominating factor that is a vital

    barrier for crop productivity is problem

    soil like acidic soil, saline soil etc. There

    are different types of problem soils in

    Bangladesh. These soils restrict the growth

    of plants and make crop production

    difficult and sometimes impossible.

    Special management practices need to be

    applied in such soils for economic crop

    production. Acid soil in Bangladesh is one

    of the problematic soils. The potential of

    acid soil for crop production is limited due

    to less availability of phosphorus and

    toxicity of aluminum. For example, the

    soils of Northwest part of Bangladesh are

    light textured, low in organic matter and

    strongly acidic to moderately acidic (pH

    ranges from 4.5 to 5.5) in nature (BARC,

    2005). The status of available P, Ca and Mg

    of these soils are low. The sandy soil has

    low cation exchange capacity. These soils

    have high content of aluminum, iron, and

    manganese, and deficiencies of nitrogen,

    calcium, magnesium, potassium,

    phosphorus and boron are common.

    Aluminum toxicity is responsible for poor

    yields in acid soils. There are some

    reclamation processes for acid soils, forinstance liming that increases the

    availability of P, Ca, Mg and Mo and

    renders iron, and manganese insoluble

    and harmless, increases fertilizer

    effectiveness and decreases plant diseases

    (Sahai, 1990). Thus, the crop plants may

    have a better nutrition and the crop may

    produce a good yield. Farmers in the

    Northern part of Bangladesh are applying

    a large amount of fertilizers for wheat

    production but they do not get good

    yields. Unless the soil pH is raised to

    around neutrality, the availability of

    nutrient elements will limit the growth of


    Liming also promotes the decomposition

    of organic matter by making condition

    more favorable for the growth of

    microorganisms. The bacteria that fixed

    nitrogen from the air both non-

    symbiotically and in the nodules of

    legumes are specially stimulated by the

    application of lime. The successful growth

    of most soil microorganisms depends

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    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    upon lime that satisfactory biological

    activities cannot be expected if calcium

    and magnesium levels are low. Infertility

    of acid soil is a major limitation to cropproduction on highly weathered and

    leached soil throughout the world and

    research project deal with soil

    management practices to sustain high

    yield through fertilization and liming to

    improve soil quality at a high level to

    meet plant requirements. The specific

    objective is to investigate the changes of

    chemical properties of soil under different

    levels of lime in wheat field.


    Study area

    The experimental field is located at25o09' 58.0" N latitude and 88o28' 32.6" E

    longitude at a height of 28.0 m above the

    mean sea level. The experiment was

    conducted at Mouza Tiloni, Village

    Boikanthapur under Sapahar Upazila in

    Naogaon District during the period from

    October 2011 to April 2012.


    Within total land surfaces of Bangladesh,

    terrace constitutes about 8% namely The

    Barind tract and The Madhupur Tract. The

    Barind tract has mainly level, poorly

    drained highland though it has a small

    area of dissected hilly lands at the westernfringe and a small well drained highland

    area at the eastern fringe. The

    experimental field belongs to the AEZ No.

    26, Barind Tract Soil. Amnura (Soil series

    of Bangladesh) soils are developed in

    deeply weathered Madhupur clay. The

    soils are mixed yellowish brown and grey

    to light grey silt loams to silty clay loams

    grading into grey, mottled yellowish

    brown, weathered Madhupur clay below

    about 2 feet, a member of hyperthermic

    Aeric Haplaquept under the order

    Inceptisol having only few horizons,

    developed under aquic moisture regime

    and variable temperature conditions, Agro

    ecological Appraisal of Bangladesh,

    (UNDP and FAO, 1988). According to

    BARC Fertilizer Recommendation Guide

    (2005) general characteristics of the soil

    and chemical characteristics of initial

    composite soil sample (0-15 cm depth)

    which were collected on October 2011 for

    initial status and tested, are presented in

    Table 1 and Table 2.

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    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    Table 1: Morphological and physicalcharacteristics of the soil

    AEZ High Barind Tract(AEZ 26)

    General Soil Type Deep Grey Terrace

    soils and GreyValley soil

    Parent material Madhupur clay

    Drainage Imperfectly drained

    Topography High land

    Flood level Above flood level

    Table 2: Physical characteristics of soil

    Sand (%) 42

    Silt (%) 32Clay (%) 26

    Textural class Silt loam to Siltyclay loam


    The test crop was wheat. Certified seeds

    were collected from the Regional Wheat

    Research Centre, BARI, Shampur,

    Rajshahi. The variety used was Prodip.


    There were six different rates of lime

    application in wheat as follows,

    T1 : Control

    T2 : 0.5 t lime ha-1

    T3 : 1.0 t lime ha-1

    T4 : 1.5 t lime ha-1

    T5 : 2.0 t lime ha-1

    T6 : 2.5 t lime ha-1

    The liming material had 20% Ca and

    10% Mg. The liming material was applied

    to the soil on 07 November 2011.

    Land preparation

    Repeated ploughing with power tiller and

    country plough was done on 07 November

    2011 and the layout of the experiment was

    done as per statistical design. Liming was

    done and the liming material was

    incorporated to soil by spading. Final landwas prepared on 27 November 2011.

    Ploughing was followed by laddering in

    order to break clods as well as level the

    land. All weeds, stubbles and crop

    residues were removed from the

    experimental field.

    Experimental design

    The experiment was laid out in a

    Randomized Complete Block Design. All

    the treatments were replicated three times.

    There were altogether 18 (6x3) unit plots,

    each plot measuring 2. 5m x 4 m. Inter-

    block and Inter-plot spacing were 0 .7/m

    and 0.5/m respectively.

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    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    Figure 1. Layout of the experimental plot.


    T1: Control, T2: 0.5 t lime ha-1,

    T3: 1.0 t lime ha-1, T4: 1.5 t lime ha-1,

    T5: 2.0 t lime ha-1, T6: 2.5 t lime ha-1

    Fertilizer application

    The total amount of urea, TSP,

    MOP, gypsum, zinc sulphate

    (monohydrate) and boric acid were

    applied on the basis of Soil Test value

    during final land preparation. Nitrogen

    was applied @ 140 kg ha-1from urea, P @ 5

    kg ha- 1 from TSP, K @ 106 kg ha -1 from

    MOP, S @ 3.06 kg ha -1from gypsum, Zn @

    3.6 kg ha-1 from zinc sulphate

    (monohydrate) and B @ 0.6 kg ha-1

    fromboric acid . Urea was applied in two splits,

    2/3 was applied during final land

    preparation and rest 1/3 was applied 20

    days after sowing. The fertilizers were

    incorporated to soil by spading one day

    before sowing.

    Sowing of seeds

    Seeds were sown in 28 November

    2011, the seed rate being 125 kg/ha.

    Sowing was done continuously in 20 cm

    apart lines covered by soil manually.

    Intercultural operations

    Intercultural operations were done

    to ensure normal growth of the crop. The

    following intercultural operations were



    Three irrigations were applied, the

    first irrigation after 18 days of sowing ,

    second irrigation after 29 days of sowing

    at crown root initiation stage and the third

    after 62 days of sowing at heading stage.

    Block-1 Block- Block-3

    T4 T1 T50.5m 0.7m 0.7m

    T1T6 T


    T6 T3 T1

    T2 T2 T3

    T1 T4 T2

    T5 T5 T6

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    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    Weeding was done twice during

    the whole growing period, the one after 19

    days of sowing and the other after 38days.

    Insect and pest control

    During maturation, four plots were

    slightly infested by field rat and the pest

    was controlled instantly by using

    mechanical control measures and

    application of zinc phosfide.Harvesting

    The crop was harvested at maturity

    after about four months of sowing (March

    25, 2012). For data collection, ten plants

    from each plot were sampled randomly.

    The crop was cut at the ground level.

    Threshing, cleaning and drying of grain

    were done separately for every plot. Then

    plot- wise weights of grain and straw were


    Data collection

    Data were collected on the following yield

    and yield components.

    Plant height

    The plant height was measured

    from the ground level to top of the spike.

    From each plot, height of 10 plants were

    measured and averaged.

    Number of tillers plant-1

    Ten plants were selected from each

    plot randomly. The number of effective

    and non-effective tillers plant-1

    wascounted and averaged.

    Spike length

    Length of spike of ten plants per plot was

    recorded and averaged.

    Grains spike-1

    Ten spikes were selected and the filled and

    unfilled grains spike-1

    were recorded andaveraged.

    Thousand grain weight

    Thousand grains were randomly

    selected from each plot and the weight of

    grains was recorded after sun drying by

    an electrical balance.

    Grain yield

    Grains from each unit plot were

    dried and then weighed carefully. The

    results were expressed as kg ha-1 on 14%

    moisture basis.

    Shoot and Root weight

    Like grain yield, biomass and dry

    weight of shoot and root for individual

    plot were recorded and expressed as kg


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    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    Harvest Index

    I. About 15 percent moisture in grain.

    II. Grains in hard dough stage.

    III. Yellowing of spikelets.


    The initial soil sample was analyzed for

    both physical and chemical properties

    such as soil texture, pH, organic matter,

    total N and available P, K, S, B, Zn, Ca, Mg

    contents. The post harvest soils wereanalyzed for soil pH, available P, Ca and


    Collection and preparation of soil


    Before land preparation, soil samples were

    collected randomly from 9 different spots

    of the field from a depth of 0-15 cm. A

    composite sample was prepared by

    mixing the sub-samples and the weeds,

    stubbles, stones, etc. were removed from

    the soil. After harvest of wheat crop, the

    soil samples were collected plot wise.

    Then the soil samples were air-dried,

    ground and sieved through a 2-mm (10-

    mesh) sieve. The sieved soil was stored in

    a clean plastic container for subsequent

    mechanical and chemical analysis

    Analysis of soil samples:

    Mechanical analysis: Mechanical analysis

    was done by hydrometer method

    (Buoyoucos, 1927). The textural class wasdetermined following Marshalls

    triangular coordinate using USDA system.

    Soil pH: Soil pH was measured with the

    help of a glass electrode pH meter, the

    soil-water ratio being 1:2.5 as described by

    (Jackson, 1962).

    Organic matter content: Organic carbon

    content of soil was determined following

    wet oxidation method (Page et al., 1982).

    The amount of organic matter was

    calculated by multiplying the percent

    organic carbon with the van Bemmelen

    factor, 1.73 (Piper, 1950).

    Total nitrogen: Total N content in soil was

    determined by micro- Kjeldahl method.

    The soil was digested with 30% H2O2,

    conc. H2SO4 and catalyst mixture (K2O4:

    CuSO4. 5H2O: Se = 10:1:0.1). Nitrogen in

    the digest was determined by distillation

    with 40% NaOH followed by titration of

    the distillate trapped in H3BO3 with 0.01

    N H2SO4.

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    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    Available phosphorus: Available P

    content was extracted from soil with 0.03

    M NH4F 0.025 M HCl (Bray and Kurtz

    method). The P in the extract was thendetermined by developing blue colour

    with SnCl2 reduction of

    phosphomolybdate complex and

    measuring the colour by

    spectrophotometer at 660 nm wavelength

    (Page et al, 1982).

    Available sulphur: Available S of soil

    content was determined by extracting soil

    sample with CaCl2 (0.15%) solution as

    described by (Page et al, 1982). The S

    content in the extract was determined

    turbidimetrically and the turbid was

    measured by spectrophotometer at 420 nm


    Exchangeable potassium: Exchangeable K

    content of soil was determined by

    extraction with 1M NH4OAc, pH 7.0

    solution followed by measurement of

    extractable K by flame photometer

    (Jackson, 1962).

    Exchangeable calcium and magnesium:

    Exchangeable Ca and Mg content of soil

    was determined by extraction with 1M

    NH4OAc, pH 7.0 solution followed by

    measurement by atomic absorption

    spectrometer (AAS).

    Statistical analysis

    The data were analyzed statistically by F-

    test to examine whether the treatment

    effects were significant. The mean

    comparisons of the treatments were

    evaluated by DMRT (Ducan's Multiple

    Range Test). The analysis of variance(ANOVA) for different parameters was

    done by a computer package programme


    Results and Discussion

    Soil pH

    A significant change was found on the

    pH values of soil that were collected after

    liming at different treatments and it was

    increased steadily with the increased rates

    of lime application (Figure 02). The pH

    value of before liming were 5.3, 5.2, 5.3,

    5.3, 5.4 and 5.3, which changed to 5.6, 5.5,

    5.6, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.9 in treatment T1, T2, T3,

    T4, T5 and T6, respectively, after 30 DAL.

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    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    Chemical properties of post harvest soil

    Table 1: Effects of liming on changes in soil properties of post harvest soils ofwheat field

    These finding was also in agreement with the observation of (Rao et al., 1982). A

    significant increase in pH was obtained with lime application and the better pH ranges

    were observed with treatment T4 and T5. Similar observations were also reported by

    (Basak, 2010; Halim, 2012) that pH of soil steeply increased during the first 30 days after

    liming, then slightly increased and finally slightly decreased with time until the end of

    120 days of experimentation.

    Figure 2: Soil pH status before liming and at different days after liming

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    Soil Organic Matter

    The average soil organic matter content in initial soil and before liming was slightly

    lower than soils collected after adding organic matter in the experimental field as per as

    necessary on the basis of crop requirement (Table 1 and figure 2). After adding organicmatter to experiment field the status of OM was found to change significantly and

    increased up to 60 days, but at 90th, day it was decreased due to application of liming.

    The status of OM was increased with the advancement of the time, where the highest

    value of OM 2.25 and 1.89 at 30 DAL in respectively T4 and T1 treatments, but at 120

    DAL the status was found identical. This was possibly due to the liming affect which

    increased pH of the initial acidic soil, as a result the microbial activities of the soil

    increased. Possibly due to increased microbial activities soil organic matter wasdecreased. But the effect of liming may vary with time and environment condition such

    as soil temperature and moisture as reported by Kreutzer (1995). Similar observations

    were also reported by (Basak, 2010; Halim, 2012).

    Figure 3: Soil OM status before liming and at different days after liming

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    Online Journal of BioSciences and Informatics, Vol: 1, Issue 1, 2014Data Informatics


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    Available Phosphorus

    The application of different rates of lime

    increased the P availability of soils days

    after liming up to harvest of wheat (Figure4). The initial value of available

    phosphorus in the soil was 4.0 g g-1 soil

    and days after lime up to the post harvest

    soils had the values of 120th DAL 32.97,

    37.40, 51.20, 44.33 and 43.97g g-1 soils in

    T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 respectively. A

    significant effect was found to the changeof available P. The status of available P on

    soils was positively correlated with the

    rates of lime application. Lime application

    increased the soil pH which helped the

    release of fixed P from the oxides and

    hydroxides of Fe and Al thus increased the

    P availability in soil.

    In general soil pH should be maintained

    6.0 to 7.5 to maximize plant available

    phosphorus. Possibly the higher

    concentration of P was due to the

    application of phosphate fertilizer in acidic

    soil over time because P is not mobile. This

    result agreed with the report of (Samia,


    They found that phosphours is not mobile

    in the soil and can result in high

    concentrations over time. Samia (2007)observed that the status of available P on

    soils was positively correlated with the

    rates of lime application. This result

    agreed with (Basak, 2010) to find out the

    pH of initial soil and soil before liming

    was below 6.0. But the pH of soils after

    liming were higher than 6.01, Where Bray

    and Kurtz method was used for P

    determination, with ammonium fluoride

    (NH4F) as extracting solution.

    The pH of soils that were collected after

    liming was greater than 6.0 where Olsens

    method were used for P determination

    with sodium hydrogen carbonate solution

    as extracting solution. Ammonium

    fluoride extract more P even bound and

    fixed phosphorus form soil compared with

    sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. So,

    in lower pH the availability of P was

    slightly high than higher pH in the study


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    Figure 4: Soil P status before liming and at different days after liming.

    Available Calcium

    Available calcium in the sample that was

    collected days after liming increased

    steadily with increase rates of lime

    application, but it decreased in treatment

    T5 and T6. The available Ca of the soil

    before liming was 2.22, 2.72, 2.6, 2.34 and

    2.47 meq 100g soil-1 respectively. After

    30th DAL that became 1.78, 2.05, 2.26, 2.46,

    2.21 and 2.05 with T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and

    T6 treatments respectively. The result was

    found that the decreasing trend after 30th

    DAL was found upto 120DAL (Table 1

    and Figure 6). The liming material used as

    Dolochun [Dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2], which

    on dissolution released a large amount of

    Ca and thus the available Ca increased in

    soil after liming. The status of available Ca

    on soils was positively correlated with the

    rate of lime application, because

    application of lime increased the soil pH,

    which increased available Ca in soil. The

    co-efficient of variation was 6.37% and

    that of LSD was 0.019 at 1% level of

    significant. Which means a significant

    increased of Ca (2.46 meq 100g soil -1) was

    obtained with lime application and the

    better concentration of Ca was observed

    2.46 in respect of treatment T4. This result

    agreed to report of (Garica, 1975) that the

    pH of acid soils increases due to liming,

    and adsorption is higher with higher rate

    of lime application and calcium

    deficiencies are ameliorated.

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    Figure 5: Soil Ca status before liming and at different days after liming

    Available Magnesium

    Magnesium availability in soil samples

    collected during experiment was increased

    just after liming at 30th DAL, but it was

    gradually decreased with different rate of

    lime application up to 120th DAL. The

    content of available Mg in soil of sample

    collected before liming was 0.52, 0.56,

    0.55, 0.69, 0.59 and 0.56 meq 100g soil-1

    which changed after 30th DAL to 0.09,

    1.24, 1.54, 1.56, 1.61 and 1.55 meq 100g

    soil-1 in T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6

    treatment respectively (Table 1 and Figure

    7). The liming material used as Dolochun

    [Dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2], which on

    dissolution released a large amount of Mg

    that increased the pH of soils. The co-

    efficient of variation was 9.16 and LSD

    was 0.327. Which means a significant

    increase of Mg was obtained with lime

    application and the highest lime rate was

    more effective than lower rate. The highest

    value was found 1.61 in respect of

    treatment T5. This finding was also in

    consonance with the finding of Garcia

    (1975). Similar observations were also

    reported by (Miller, 2000).

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    Figure 6: Soil Mg status before liming and at different days after liming

    Available Potassium

    The application of different rate of lime

    increased the K availability of soils at after

    30th days after liming, but it decreased

    gradually up to the 120th days after

    liming. The result showed that numerical

    different but level of lettering were

    identical. The CV was 15.35 and that of

    LSD was 0.0818 which was not significant

    (Table 1 and Figure 8). But better

    concentration of available K was obtained

    with treatment T4 (1.5 t ha-1). Similar

    observations were also reported by

    (Jackson, 1962) and (Basak, 2010) that the

    supply of exchangeable potassium in the

    soil is often low in acid soils, due to the

    formation of soluble K salt by soil acids

    and their loss by leaching from the soil.

    The availability of K begins to fall below a

    pH of 6.0. This finding was also in

    consonance with the finding of (Basak,

    2010) found that liming acid soilspromotes and demotes potassium

    availability to plant.

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    Figure 7: Soil K status before liming and at different days after liming

    Summary and conclusion

    The experiment was laid out in a

    randomized complete block design with

    three replications. The size of the unit plot

    was 2.5m x 4m. Soil of the experimental

    field was sandy loam having initial pH 4.9,

    organic matter 1.92%, total N 0.12%,

    available P 4.0 g g-1, K 0.04 meq 100 g-1,

    available Ca 3.5 meq 100 g-1, Mg 0.98 meq

    100 g-1and S 12.00 g g-1. Post harvest soil

    samples (120th DAL) were analyzed for

    pH, OM, available P, K, Ca and Mg.

    Soil pH of the post harvest soils in

    different treatments of wheat increased

    steadily with increase in rates of lime

    application. The pH of the initial soil was

    4.9 which increased to more than 6.0 due

    to the application of more than 1.5 t lime

    ha-1. The application of different rates of

    lime increased the P, Ca and Mg

    availability of the soils of different lime

    treatments after harvest of wheat. The

    available Mg of the initial soil was 0.98

    meq 100 g-1 soil which increased to 1.61

    meq 100 g-1due to application of 2.0 t lime

    ha-1at 30 DAL. Similarly, the available Ca

    of the initial soil was 1.5 meq 100 g-1 soil

    which rose to 2.46 meq 100 g-1 soil due to

    application of 1.5 t lime ha-1 at 30 DAL.

    The results from this experiment showed

    that liming is necessary for wheat

    cultivation in the Amnura soil series of

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    Sapahar Upazila of Naogaon District. The

    application of lime to soil increased soil

    pH, available P, Ca and Mg in soils which

    had positive impact on yield componentsresulted in higher yield of wheat. The

    application of 1.5 t lime ha-1 appears to be

    optimum for wheat cultivation in the

    study area. However, further research

    may be carried out on the effects of lime

    on yield bearing characteristics of wheat

    for a sustainable food production.

    Conflict of Interest:

    There is no Conflict of Interest.

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