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Link 2003 03

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  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03


    March 2003

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03


    Editorial Exhaust

    Well, there you have it folks, the TPowell Summer Trophy Races have bescheduled for the first weekend in JuThe membership has spoken, and texecutive has listened. Isn't it funny hoit's easy enough for a club like us to that with our limited wisdom, butsuperpower like the United States

    America (read George Dubya) is bouand determined that there will be a wwith Iraq. But I'm rambling.

    In fact, come to think of it, Dubya mnot be a fan of World Rally, since tTurkish Rally this year (in it's first yehas been under threat of cancellation dto the impending war.

    Man, the world of motorsports can't wcan it? What with the proposed changesthe HTA here in Ontario, the impendishakeup of F1 through arbitration frosome of it's biggest teams, and Wo

    Rallyists that may have to watch for strbullets...

    But, at least we get to race in July, right?

    Cover Image: Proof that Slush 'n Slidemore than an appropriate title for MCOwinter Solo II series, as captured

    Richard Muise

    Motorsport Club of Ottawa

    Founded 1949

    Founding Member CASC 195

    Incorporated 1953

    2003 MCO Executive

    President andOntario Race Organizing Rep.

    Ron WoltmanH: (613) 831-8682C: (613) 863-5360

    [email protected]

    Vice-PresidentBennett Leckie

    W: (613) 822-1765 [email protected]


    Open WheelRick Miskiman

    H: (613) [email protected]

    Closed WheelRichard Muise

    H: (613) [email protected]

    RallyCraig Hamm

    H: (613) 727-3192W: (613) 596-7107

    [email protected]

    MembershipJodie Shay

    H: (613) [email protected]

    TreasurerRobert Benson

    H: (613) [email protected]

    SecretaryJohn Powell

    H: (613) [email protected]

    Solo-IIGreg Kierstead

    H: (613) 258-0497W: (613) 765-9167

    [email protected]

    Solo-I LiasionJeff Graves

    H: (613) [email protected]

    KartingPaul Swinwood

    W: (613) 237-8551 [email protected]

    Hotline(613) 788-0525


    www.mco.orgmaintained by Rob Microys

    Hosted byAnjura Technology Corporation

    General Meetings

    Louis's Steakhouse1682 Cyrville Rd., Ottawa, ON

    FirstTuesday of every monthAll are welcome

    M.C.O.P.O. Box 65006,

    Merivale Postal OutletNepean, ON K2G 5Y3

    The LINK is the official publication ofthe Motorsport Club of Ottawa. Theopinions expressed in the LINK do notnecessarily reflect those of the LINK

    Editorial Staff or the Club's Executive.Though all efforts are made to ensurethat facts stated in the articles hereina r e a c c u r a t e , t h e i n d i v i d u a l c o n t r i b u t o r s s h o u l d c h e c k t h eaccuracy o f the ir ar t ic les pr ior tosubmission.

    DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS:18th day of every month.

    Ontario Race Committee RepCindy Armstrong

    H: (613) [email protected]

    Club Merchandise Co-ordinatorWarren Haywood

    [email protected]

    Club Display Co-ordinatorJean MacGillivrayH: (613) [email protected]

    LINK [email protected]

    Mark AtosH: (613) 274-2710

    [email protected]


    March 200

    ADVERTISING RATESMembers are welcome to submclassified advertisements for noncommercial purposes free of charge.

    Members may also submit businescard-sized advertisements for theibusinesses free of charge. These wibe published space permitting.

    Business ads: $400 - full page$200 - half page$100 - quarter page$ 50 - business card

    The rates are for one year, can includcolor ads for the web edition, and include direct links as a sponsor fromhttp://www.mco.org

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03


    March 2003


    By Ronald Woltman

    By now, I hope, you are all well awareof the Executive's decision to press onwith the Ted Powell Summer TrophyRaces, July 4-6, 2003. PLEASE readmy missive on the web site[www.mco.org]. I urge you to readcarefully, with an open-mind theBOD's memorandum. You should beable to grasp some of the many issueswe had faced.. Your Board of Direc-tors did as promised (almost non-stop): reviewed every shred of previ-ous analysis; pursued other avenuesto the 'dead-end' sign; badgered, withcongeniality, of course, CASC-OR,and the Ontario Race OrganizersCommittee. Our conclusions re-mained essentially the same; howev-er, with some sleight of hand (a se-verely reduced race budget), andfrankly, a hint of adventure and emo-tion, we decided to go forward.

    Directors Rick Miskiman and RichardMuise have stepped up to act as theRace Committee chairs. I will contin-ue to sit on the Race Committee asPresident, ORO representative andSecretary of the Meet Emeritus. Weneed your HELP! We need yourSUPPORT! We need your INPUT!

    Many of you, the members, have already come forward. More membersare needed to make this event a suc-cess - both on the track (as is our prac-tice), and on the financial ledger. Ev-ery member needs to come forwardand volunteer; find track trucks; findsponsors - someone to supply giftsand hand-outs to overall corporatehelp. Everything counts; nothing istoo small.

    New faces have edged ahead to theRace Committee table. Others areneeded. If you can contribute, comeforward.

    One of our initiatives to defray costs,and smooth cash flow irritants, is thatwe are organizing a CASC-OR sanc-tioned race school, April 19/20 atSMP. The school will be to our usuallofty standard. I have negotiated a

    'partnership' with VARAC to helpthem find a credible school to licensesome vintage drivers. Like a finewine, they need savouring, withouthaste, or rash judgement of their body,colour and aroma.

    Your organizer for the school is RobMicroys. Sign up NOW, or yourplace will be lost!

    Finally, I would be remiss if I did notadd that MCO was warmly congratu-lated and 'welcomed-back' by the

    ORO committee, the Race Directorand the President of CASC-OR withour announcement we would continueto organize this prestigious event inhonour of Ted Powell. For that, Ithanked them. It was good to hear.

    At the moment, we have a three-dayevent -- July 4-6. The July 4th Fridayis to be a TEST DAY cum lappingday: with final details to come. Weneed to make that day a fun and prof-itable one. Help wanted.

    I am excited and pleased. I believestrongly MCO needs to be a player atthe Race Organizing level. If it waseasy, why everyone would be doing it!Lets rally round this event..and Ihave heard a BBQ beef is on the menuand BEER.

    Quick question: travelling home late

    (early in the am) from Toronto on401, the highway is as busy as the 417here in Ottawa during 'rush-hour'.With trucks - hundreds of them! Allplying their trade between Torontoand Montreal. Yet, when one turnsoff 401 unto 416 to Ottawa, it's as ifthe lights were turned OUT. One,maybe two, three trucks! How doesOttawa get its goods, I wonder, as Islip off into 'la-la' land.

    See you at the meeting.rpw

    MCO General Meetings - 7PM, First Tuesday of every monthExecutive Meetings - 6:30PM, Third Tuesday of every month

    LOUIS' STEAKHOUSE1682 Cyrville Road (613) 741-2130

    From the 417, take the Innes Road exit (by 417 Nissan and Costco)

    all are welcome!

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03


    March 2003

    TPSTR Reportby Richard Muise

    As is reported elsewhere in thisLink, a decision has been made tomove forward on planning for a2003 Ted Powell Summer TrophyRace weekend, July 5-8. This hasbeen a difficult time for all in-

    volved and much work lies ahead.

    If you are unfamiliar with thisevent, it has been the 'flagship'event in the MCO calendar for thepast two years. Previous to thattime (when it was known as Can-aska Cup), it was co-organized byTLMC and MCO. In the two yearssince MCO took over that event,we have been faced with large fi-nancial losses. In 2001, the club

    lost $3,500; in 2002 the club effec-tively broke even, but the eventhad been budgeted for a $2,000loss. Smaller fields, due in part toincreasing costs (entry fees, insur-ance) and a stumbling economyconspired to give all clubs in theregion a difficult time. In 2002, theaverage attendance to the 9 region-al races was down 10% from 2001.It is felt that this trend could con-tinue.

    At the January executive meetingit was decided, based on availabledata, that the club was likely to op-erate this event at a loss again. Theloss was potentially in the thou-sands of dollars. At the time, get-ting accurate information about thevarious series available for ourweekend was difficult. Two serieswere not coming (Canada GT andthe Action Front Nissan series),and two new series (FranAm and

    the BMW club) were added. Therewere also major changes to GTcategories with the introduction ofthe Touring series.

    But more important were questionsof liability and cash flow. Therewas concern about setting thewrong precedence with hosting anevent that is budgeted for a majorloss. The club could offset one

    such event, but if every disciplinein MCO felt free to budget eventswith large losses, the club wouldbe in dire straights in short order.

    In my opinion, cash flow was thebiggest concern of the executive.At the time of the executive meet-ing in January, the club had

    $19,500 in unreserved cash balan-ces. Meaning, of the $28,000 inthe bank, about $10k was alreadyset-aside for The Book, track rent-als for the July weekend, WDS in-surance, etc. From that $19,500would come the audit ($1,500),Solo-II lot rental, ambulance forthe July weekend ($2000), insur-ance ($4500), sizable food costs($3300), radios ($800), towing andtiming services, trophies and per-mits. All those expenses are duebefore the first racer puts downtheir entry fees. Now that a RaceSchool has been added for the endof April, it puts an addition pres-sure on the club's cash flow. Lastyear, the budget for the school was$16,000.

    For the past two years, any losseswere offset through hard work inputting on other events that wouldcover a loss elsewhere. Examples

    include the various winter andsummer schools put on by theclub. In mid-January, it was not atall definite that the club wouldhave as healthy a cash flow as ithad in recent years. Our costs forthe Winter Driving schools arehigher, there was the very real pos-sibility of losing the Solo-II seriesand schools due to ByLaw com-plaints and there was no RaceSchool scheduled. At the time ofthis writing, the outcome of thechanges to ASN Canada FIA in-surance are still not known, butcould potentially be even higher in2003.

    Going ForwardAfter many discussions and inputfrom a sizable part of the club'smembers, the executive has agreedto move forward with the planning

    for the 2003 race weekend. Wherthe 2002 budget was thought to bminimal, the 2003 will be cut tbare essentials in the effort to puon a race weekend with a breakeven goal.

    Rick Miskiman (Open Wheel Director) and myself (Closed Whee

    Director) stepped forward to be thco-organizers for the weekendRick called the first planninmeeting, which was held Februar19th. Our first goals are to finmembers willing to take responsibility for one part of the plannin(such as finding sponsors, findinmarshals, food, etc), creating work plan with set deadlines anto prepare a preliminary budgetRick was able to attend the February meeting of ORO with Ron. intend to attend both ORO anORC in March.

    We are to report progress to thexecutive members no less thaonce a month, but in practice threports will be ongoing, includinboth executive and general meetings. It is my intention to reporprogress (as well as a directors report) in each issue of the Link.

    Already many members havcome forward willing to help. I'lmention the specifics in more detail next month, but offers includsponsorships, offering towinservices and putting on the BeeBBQ. If you would like to helpout, even if you are not sure howplease contact Rick, myself, or anexecutive member.

    Rob Microys has started the organization for the 2003 Race Schoolto be held on the third weekend oApril. One of the agreements fromthe voting executive was to usany profits from the school towards the betterment of the Racweekend, specifically targetinworkers where possible. This hathe effect of binding the twevents together financially, even ithey operate as separate budgets.

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    March 2003

    MCO: The First Fifty YearsOnly $35 for this important book!

    Plannning for a delivery of 300 numbered copies. It is a hard-covered coffee table style bookrecounting the long history of motorsopts in Ottawa and the regions. With 150 pages, everything

    and everyone is included. Don't miss out on your copies!

    There is still space available for sponsorship as well. For $20 you can ensure your name is in thebook by sponsoring a page of your choosing. Full or partial page ads are open.

    Contact Sherissa Microys at (613) 822-7204 or e-mail [email protected]

    MCO Rally Group presents

    Lanark Highlands Winter RallyMarch 15, 2003

    A challenging and brisk night winter drivex on stunning roadthrough Lanark County. Simple instructions, no traps or navigation puzzles.

    Membership in an affiliated club is required to run this nighwinter drivex. Bring your valid membership card for registration.

    Contact: Craig Hamm, 727-3192, Rallymaster

    Pin-ups Wanted! HotBods Preferred!

    If you have a favourite shot of yourcar that you'd like included in theMCO display, please contact me

    (Jean MacGillivray) at

    [email protected]


    I am working on updating our dis-play for the upcoming season. It al-ways attracts attention, so be sure alleyes are on your car! Please contactme soon!

    Sponsor of the MCO Solo-II season

    Ottawa Lynx at Jetform Parkwww.ottawalynx.com


    Proud sponsor of theMCO Solo-II Timing Board

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    March 2003

    So What's With Oval Track,Anyways?

    by Dentman Dave Watchorn

    In case you didn't know, there areseveral MCO members (myself,Martin Walter, Ken Baird etc.)who race stock cars and trucks atone or more of the oval asphalt

    (Ottodrome) and dirt tracks(Brockville, Cornwall and Edel-weiss) in the 100km around Otta-wa. We are all into racing and lovethe sport. The competition andcompetitors are great and as muchfun as you can have on rubbertires.

    Oval track racing (roundy-roundersas the road course people call it) isfairly well attended with 20+ driv-ers and vehicles showing up ineach class, each week, to try theirskill and luck. There are several 4and 8 cylinder car classes, a pro-truck class and a motor-cycle en-gine powered mini-legend classrunning at the local speedways.Each of these classes has it's owndistinct rules, cost range and skillsets for the drivers. The cost tobuild or buy these cars range froma minimum of $800 for a basic,safely-built ministock (4 cylinder)

    car to $20,000+ for a late modelCascar or top-notch 358 dirt modi-fied. If you have an old 4 or 8 cyl-inder beater kicking around, youcan also race in the Enduro classabout once a month. These racesare 75-200 laps long and are a realtest of your skill and equipment.

    Car entry fees run in the $20 range

    for each weekly event. For theministocks running at the Otto-drome Speedway (my home track),we get two 10 lap heat races and a20 lap feature race each week forour $20 entry fee.

    There is usually a minimum $20payout to the drivers who make the

    feature race, as well as prize mon-ey for each final position in therace. You won't get rich racing, butit helps to offset the costs of put-ting on the show for the fans.

    For those of you concerned aboutthe safety of racing on the ovaltrack, I suggest that you reviewsome of the rules for the cars com-peti ng at Ottodro me(www.ottodrome.com). Every ve-hicle has a 6 point Nascar-stylecage, 5 or six point harness, alumi-num racing seat, shut-off switches,fuel cells etc. Every driver has towear an SFI approved fire suit andgloves, Snell approved helmet,neck brace and protective shoes.The walls are hard on an ovaltrack, so the safety of the drivers isparamount.

    For a person who loves to race fre-quently, stock car racing is the

    place to be in the summer. If youparticipate in all the series races atone track alone, you can race ~20times from May to October. If youhave time on your hands and nodependents to negotiate with, youcan race 4 nights a week (or over50 times a summer, as Mr. Minis-tock (2-time champ) Martin Walterdid last year). There are also tracks

    in St. Eustache Que., upstate NYand central Ontario that are only acouple of hours away for the diehard racer. For the cost of the entryand licensing fees for one road raceat Shannonville, you can enter yourace car 15 times at your local ovaltrack. It's about as cheap and fun aracing gets.

    We would love to see a few moreMCO members try their skilledhands out on the oval track. For the2003 ministock class at the Ottodrome, the drivers suggested a rulechange that would allow the entryof single cam, 16 valve cars in ad-dition to the existing rules. Whilethe new rules still keep out thehopped up DOHC VTEC Hondasthey will allow many more populadomestic (Neons, Sunfires etc.and import cars to compete thisyear.

    Racing starts in the third week oMay, so start building your carnow or check out cars for sale inthe classified ads on the speedwayweb site orin Inside Track Magazine. Fomore information, contact the trackowner, David Melamed, at the Ottodrome International Speedway

    (613) 831-6648.

    Thanks for your time and happyracing.

    "Dentman" Dave Watchorn2002 Ministock Champ1984 Toyota Celica GTS(613) 489-2759

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03


    March 2003


    MEETINGM.C.O. Executive Committee

    January 21st 2003Louis's Steak House, Ottawa, Ont.


    Executive: Ron Woltman, Presi-dent; Bennett Leckie, Vice-Presi-dent; Bob Benson, Treasurer; RickMiskiman, Open Wheel; RichardMuise, Closed Wheel; CraigHamm, Rally; Jeff Graves, Solo I;Greg Kierstead, Solo II; PaulSwinwood, Karting; Jodie Shay,Membership; Mark Atos, Link Edi-tor; Warren Haywood, Club Mer-chandise Co-ordinator; Rob Mi-croys, Website Editor. John Po-well, Secretary.


    ABSENT WITH EXCUSESExecutive: Jean MacGillivray,Club Display

    NOTES1. "att." indicates documents at-tached to the original of these mi-nutes.2. Pat Weightman resigned asMembership Co-Chairman effec-

    tive Jan. 7th '03.

    The President opened the meetingfor business at 6:35 p.m..

    MembershipA lengthy discussion on this topicmainly revolved around the follow-ing three areas:a) Immediate Membership Admin-istration Issues- Bennett Leckie has picked up the

    membership items from PatWeightman and delivered themto Jodie Shay, but the Access '97files were not there so we can'tprint new cards, etc.. Paul Swin-wood will look onto the problem.

    - Regarding membership cards,Rick Miskiman asked who need-ed a physical card and could weissue a temporary card. Bennettstated that the system should beworking soon, but Ron Woltman

    noted that licence applicants mayneed their cards now. Rick thenstated that we should find outwho they are, and Bennett saidhe will look into the problem.

    b) Affiliation Fee Issues- Bennett raised the topic of the

    handling of the submission of af-filiation fees for CASC/RSO,

    and Ron noted that John Bondarof CASC is working on affilia-tion fee issues in conjunctionwith ASN and RSO with a viewto improving the system.

    - Bennett noted that the Club ap-preciated Pat's efforts, both as aworker at events and in taking onthe difficult job as MembershipChairman.

    -During a discussion regarding thehandling of fees in the shortterm, Jodie noted that there were

    CASC fees due for 66 members,as well as some for RSO, and hewill work with Bob Benson re-garding their submission andhow to split them.

    - Rick Miskiman suggested send-ing a cheque for $1,000 to CASCto cover immediate needs, towhich Bennett suggested sendinghalf (50%) each to CASC/RSO,then settle the exact amount lat-er.

    - Bob noted that nothing has beenpaid to CASC or RSO since Sep-tember 12th of last year as hehad not received any lists or in-formation.

    - Ron Woltman moved to send 66x $15.00 to CASC and "n" x$7.50 to RSO, plus GST. Aftersome discussion the motion waswithdrawn.

    - Rob Microys moved to send 50%to each, as is our current prac-tice, and settle up later after the

    governing bodies' joint BODmeetings. Carried.c) New computer and ancillaries

    for Membership- Bennett Leckie raised the topic of

    new equipment, which had alsobeen mentioned earlier in themeeting by Ron Woltman. Ronsuggested we should review theissue of a laptop with discswhich would contain member-

    ship data and history, financialdata, etc.. Steve Greiner has al-ready provided some informationregarding computer equipment.

    - Rick Miskiman suggested that weshould contract a database man-agement provider for all ourneeds, with remote access, andadded that we don't need our

    own hardware. After some dis-cussion, Rob Microys agreed tolook into the matter.

    TreasurerBob Benson summed up his report(att.) as follows:- We have disposable funds in the

    amount of $17,776.32. We havepaid $6,901.50 to Shannonvillefor track rental, with the otherhalf as a reserve. The book fundalso has $5,901.50 in the reserve,

    and we have $29,738.74 in thebank, excluding any current Ot-todrome costs. Cash flow sinceNov. 1st '02 has been $3,112.00in receipts and $23,633.00 in dis-bursements.

    - Regarding events at the Otto-drome, Paul Swinwood advisedthat there will be five schoolsplus four Slush 'n Slides plannedwith an expectation of an ade-quate but reduced return due tohigher costs than expected. Ex-penses are expected to be$3,500.00 for track rental plus$1,500.00 for plowing, $107.00for a Port-a-Potty, $200.00 inmiscellaneous expenses, and in-surance at $200.00 per schooland $100.00 per S 'n S.

    - Bob stated that he needs a memofrom organisers for insurancedisbursements as an audit trail.

    - Craig Hamm enquired as the pro-cedure to be followed for "cash"

    receipts, for example, would it bepossible for organisers to depositthe cash in a personal accountand then write a cheque for thefull amount. Bob replied thiswould be acceptable if accompa-nied by the "loot" form and theamount fully documented.

    - Rick Miskiman suggested that weshould get an account with acourier service, and just send the

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    March 2003

    cash in the envelope. Bob re-pli-ed that this could be a problem ifthe cash was not correctly count-ed and fully documented.

    AuditBennett Leckie advised that Marcohad received the paperwork andshould be at the next Executive

    meeting to discuss preliminaryfindings and seek further clarifica-tions as necessary.Winter Driving SchoolsPaul Swinwood reported as fol-lows:- Richard Muise will be handing

    registration over to Jaak Laandue to his other workload.

    - During a discussion on courseloading, Paul advised that wecould handle 2 more cars and upto 4 more students as we hadenough instructors. Richard not-ed that we have no-one on thewaiting list at present. Therewas also a discussion regarding aschool for the Lanark Therapeu-tic Riding Program, includinghow many students would beneeded for a viable school, andthe availability of instructors onweekdays. On the latter point,Bennett Leckie stated that week-

    day instructors should be com-pensated, as they would be tak-ing a day off from work. On aquestion regarding fees, the opin-ion was that they should beenough to cover all our expenses,so the amount should be $150.00or more per student. Paul Swin-wood will see if we can do aschool on a weekday, and inves-tigate the other issues.

    - Craig Hamm raised the topic ofrunning a "Performance" Winter

    School. After a brief discussion,Ron Woltman asked Craig to getexpressions of interest and fur-ther information and send themto Paul Swinwood.

    Ontario Highway Traffic Act -Proposed AmendmentThe Secretary introduced a pre-liminary draft (att.) of a letter fromRon Woltman to the Provincial

    Minister of Transport regarding theproposed new section 172.2 of theH.T.A., which is intended to con-trol "street racing". This draft hadpreviously been circulated to theExecutive via e-mail. A brief dis-cussion followed:- John Powell explained that the

    letter was to indicate our support

    for measures to control streetracing, but also indicate what weconsidered to be weaknesses inthe proposed legislation, togetherwith suggested improvements.Also mentioned are our concernsabout the lack of prior consulta-tion with motorsports organiza-tions and related businesses.While the letter is addressed tothe Minister, the message is in-tended for his officials, who willbe drafting the Regulations to beissued under the new section.

    - There were suggestions regardinghow we could publicize the let-ter, such as mail-outs and postingon the Club's web site. Johnpointed out that it was not in-tended as a mass mail-out, butagreed that members should bepermitted to copy it from theweb site and mail it to theirMPPs. It was also suggested thata copy should be sent to the Op-

    position Transportation Critics,which will be done.- Ron Woltman closed the discus-

    sion by asking John to prepare afinal draft for circulation to theExecutive for approval withinone week.

    Solo IIGreg Kierstead informed the meet-ing that a Solo II competitors'meeting will be scheduled soon,which was followed the discus-

    sions below:- Points were raised regarding theup-coming season's contract withthe Ottawa Lynx Stadium, in-cluding the investigation of otheroptions before finalization. RonWoltman raised the possibility ofholding events at the Ottodrome,and there was a discussion re-garding the time limits for finali-zation of the schedule and ven-

    ues.- SoloOntaio has raised the topic of

    a date for another Regional eventto be organized by MCO.

    - Bennett Leckie suggested that theground schools should be held atthe Ottawa Lynx Stadium, as wealready have such things as thelay-out on hand. Richard Muise

    also noted that we should againhold an event in conjunction withCapital Invasion.

    Winter Solo IIJeff Graves advised that we had 32competitors at the last Slush 'nSlide, some from as far away asQuebec City, and that it was agood event.Solo IJeff went on to advise that the newclass structure for Solo I is still un-der development, and that it mayyet be ready in time for the 2003season.Club Hot LineRob Microys initiated a discussionon the Club Hot line:- The current message is at least a

    year old, and no-one (e.g. eventorganisers) ever uses it. The costis approximately $80.00 per

    year, but is it worth it?- In answer to a question, Rob not-ed that the Hot Line can be up-dated from any location by sim-ply following the prompts.

    - Mark Atos, being a brave soul,volunteered to take over the HotLine, but stated that he must beadvised by event organisers andothers of the information theywish to be posted there.

    2003 Track Events

    There was a general discussion onthis topic, as follows:- Ron Woltman will meet with the

    ORO this coming Wednesdayand would like to set out our po-sition regarding issues on organ-ising a race in 2003, but notedthat he thought that there wouldbe an elevated risk of another fi-nancial loss.

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03

    9/20 8

    March 2003

    - He went on to say that we havethree days booked at Shannon-ville, and the question is whattype of event or events do werun? He would like to keep thethird day booked until we decidewhat event(s) we're going to run.

    - Richard Muise noted that weshould make a decision very

    soon, as he had prospective stu-dents for a racing school and en-trants for a lapping event waitingfor a reply.

    - Ron proposed that he present theposition to the ORO that MCO isnot prepared to run a race thisyear with the prospective of an-other loss. Agreed.

    RallyCraig Hamm asked for funds fornew CP boards, and a plaque forJR's Restaurant in Almonte, ingratitude for their cooperation, atapproximately $30.00. Agreed.

    Club PropertiesWarren Haywood stated the hewould like to exhibit Club mer-chandise for sale at the WinterDriving Schools and Slush 'nSlides. Ron Woltman noted thatthe Club Display should also be set

    up at these events.MCO 50th Anniversary BookBennett Leckie asked if we had apublication date yet, to which Ronreplied that the draft is only up tothe 1980s at present, so no date hasyet been scheduled.The meeting was adjourned at ap-proximately 8:55 p.m..

    Prepared by John Powell, Secreta-

    ry, MCO, January 26th 2003,Amended February 5th. 2003.

    Tel. 613-835-2910;e-mail - [email protected].


    SPECIAL MEETINGM.C.O. Board of Directors

    January 28th 2003Louis's Steak House, Ottawa, Ont.

    PRESENTMembers of the Board of Directors:

    Bennett Leckie, Vice-President; RickMiskiman, Richard Muise, Greg Kier-stead, Directors.Appointed Officers: John Powell, Sec-retary and Clerk of the Board of Direc-tors.

    Invited members of the ExecutiveCommittee: Rob Microys, Website Ed-itor.

    ABSENT WITH EXCUSESMembers of the Board of Directors:Ron Woltman, President; Craig Hamm,

    Director.Appointed Officers: Bob Benson,Treasurer

    In the absence of the President, theVice-President opened the meeting forbusiness at 6:30 p.m..2003 Track EventsThis meeting was called by the Presi-dent due to a pressing need to make de-cisions regarding our options for theJuly 4th to 6th weekend booked atShannonville. The following is a sum-

    mary of the principal points raised dur-ing general discussions:- Suggested options involved a two or

    three day event or events consistingof a Test Day, Racing School andLapping School either alone or incombination.

    - Rick Miskiman expressed doubtsabout having enough students for amid-season Racing School, that weshould publicise the Lapping Schoolto get expressions of interest, andsuggested that the two events could

    be combined. Rob Microys replied

    that he was concerned about the lo-gistics of running the two schools onthe same weekend.

    - John Powell noted that Ron Woltmanhad discussed the possibility of hav-ing Racing School students fromVARAC, but as yet we don't knowhow many seats they would want.Rob noted that the school would beafter their premier event of the sea-son, and wondered how this wouldaffect their interest in the School.

    - Bennett Leckie suggested that we run

    a two day Lapping School, as itwould be of the most benefit to Clubmembers, but keep the Friday re-served until we can get firm expres-sions of interest in a Racing School.The consensus was to follow this op-tion pending determination of the vi-ability of including the RacingSchool. If both events are to be run,there would be time requirements

    and track scheduling issues to be ad-dressed with the Chief Instructors ofboth schools.

    - Greg Kierstead asked if there wouldbe a problem in recruiting workersfor the Friday, but members presentthought that this would not be a dif-ficulty.

    - Rick Miskiman suggested that weneed to make a decision within twoweeks, but in the discussion that fol-lowed, the consensus was that wewill have to make a decision onwhich event or events to run by

    Monday close of business, in orderto present it at the General Meetingthe following Tuesday.

    - John Powell will contact Ron Wolt-man and ask him if he could getVARAC to give us the number ofguaranteed seats they would take inthe Racing School by c.o.b. Monday.

    - Richard Muise would attempt to getthe same information from those in-terested in the Racing School and theLapping School by the same dead-line.

    - To do:

    - Obtain budget data for both a RacingSchool and a Lapping School (Ri-chard Muise).

    - Ask Ron Woltman to contact VAR-AC as noted above (John Powell).

    - Prior to ending the meeting there wasa discussion on costs and entry feesfor a 2 day Lapping School as fol-lows:

    - A rough estimate of costs was givenat $16,000.00 +/-, and we wouldneed 64 entries at $250.00 each tobreak even.

    - Suggested fees would be $250.00 by

    the April General Meeting, $350.00after the April meeting, and $400.00for post entries.

    - Cancellation and refund policy wouldbe adapted from that of the CASCRace Regulations, and published in theregistration materials.

    The meeting was adjourned at approxi-mately 7:30 p.m..

    Prepared by John Powell, Secretary and Clerk of theBoard of Directors, MCO, January 30h 2003,amended January 31st 2003.

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    March 2003

    MiscellaneousRumblings II

    John Powell

    1. Got a Minute?I have, lots of them! With all thespecial BoD meetings, Exec. Meet-ings and the lo-o-ong February

    General meeting, I seem to havehours and hours of Minutes. Un-fortunately, these Minutes have

    been at the expense of the minutesI usually spend on this column, soit's back to the recycle bin again,I'm afraid. But before we get tomore "gleanings" there is one fairlyserious topic I would like to dis-cuss .

    2. "When fiduciary duty's to be

    done, to be done a Director's lot is not a happyone, happy one." (With apologies,sort of, to Gilbert and Sullivan.Who, by the way, had their fallingsout too.)

    From comments during the discus-sion on the race, at the last monthlymeeting, and in some e-mails onthe topic, I got the impression thatthere are members who may be ofthe opinion that your Board of Di-rectors and Treasurer are a some-what parsimonious lot. In fact, thisreally isn't true - they're just tryingto be prudent with what are, afterall, funds belonging to you, thecollective membership.

    Last fall I happened across an arti-cle in the Ontario Farmer regardingthe responsibilities of Directorsand Officers of various organiza-tions. As your Secretary, and thus

    an Officer of the Club, I found it tobe rather illuminating. Although Ihad some knowledge of the respon-sibilities of those who were electedor appointed to run incorporatedand similar organizations, some ofthe statements in this article reallycaught my eye, and are worththinking about at this juncture inthe Club's history. Consider thefollowing quotes:

    - "As a board member, you're re-sponsible for directing and pro-tecting the interests of the own-ers or members of the organiza-tion. You've been entrusted tomake sure risks are being man-aged appropriately "

    - "While serving as a director, the

    law (in Ontario check the Ontar-io Business Corporations Act)imposes two general types of ob-ligations on directors.

    1. Fiduciary DutyDirectors are obligated to acthonestly, in good faith, and inthe best interests of the organi-zation. The law imposes this fi-duciary duty because the direc-tor's actions have the power toexpose others to financial risk.

    2. Standard of CareThe standard of care that is ex-pected is that you'll "exercise(your) duties with the care, dil-igence, and skill that a reasona-bly prudent person would exer-cise in comparable circumstan-ces." Also related to standardof care is the director's knowl-edge of the legal environment ofthe business. Directors are re-

    sponsible to understand and op-erate in accordance with thelaws affecting the business oftheir organization. This could(also) include employmentlaws, safety standards, tax laws,etc.. Let us understand that ig-norance is not a valid defence."

    And these quotes are from an arti-cle which was only an introductionto the topic, meant to encouragethose in such positions to learn

    more about their legal obligations.

    What does this mean to us and ourClub? It means that your Directorsand Officers can't always followthe wishes of some of the member-ship, no matter how popular theyare. If they do and the result is theendangerment of the organization'swell-being, it is they who could beheld liable under the law, and not

    those members. The issue of therace cancellation has been a veryemotional one for many members,and all of your Directors and Offi-cers also emotionally wished tohold the event. But the law is notemotional, it is rational. And giventhe uncertain conditions at the timewhen the decision was made, the

    constraints of the law required thatyour Board of Directors view thesituation rationally, and thus theydecided that the race was not then aprudent financial risk. While cir-cumstances have improved sincethat time, the decision, though stillnot free of risk, was reversed sub-ject to certain conditions. But,with all this in mind, and acting ra-tionally, consider whether or notyou, if you had been a member ofthe Board, would have arrived at adifferent conclusion when the firstdecision was made.

    As a postscript to this, consider theplight of the club of which I was amember in the 1960s, and whichwas also prominent in racing and afounding member of CASC. TheSports Car Club - Toronto organ-ized the first stock car race at Mo-sport, a USAC event in 1962,which, due to popular support, was

    thought to be of little risk. Therace was an organizational success,but nobody came to watch, and itwas a financial disaster. To savethe club from bankruptcy, the Di-rectors, and for some who were notfinancially able, some prominentmembers of the club, had to takeout mortgages on their homes toguarantee the club's debts. It tookabout six years to liquidate thosedebts, during which time the clubwas limited to running very minor

    events, and it became increasinglymarginalized. Although it recov-ered a little in the late '60s, and or-ganized some race events for Novi-ces (yes, there were enough thenfor their own race meetings), and,if I remember correctly, one eventthat today would be considered aRegional race, it never fully recov-ered and died sometime in the1970s. History, they say, is 20/20

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    hindsight - let's make sure that welearn from it!

    3. GleaningsO.K., enough lecturing for now, al-though as you can see, I can getpretty emotional about being ra-tional. On to some lighter stuff:

    From Punch, July 13th 1966, onvehicle inspections. Reprinted inRPM-The Journal of the SportsCar Club in the column Miscella-neous Rumblings by Guesswho?

    The relentless reduction in (thefrequency of) the Ministry ofTransport car test is upsetting alot of motorists. Five years,down to four, down to three,down to . Do you mean to

    tell me that my gleaming beautyalready has to incur that degrad-ing scrap of paper? I still thinkof her as new! However, thereare other motorists who welcomethe closing gap. They've actually

    got new cars, with built-in gear-box troubles or doors that won'tshut. It would have suited them,they say, to start the MOT testsbefore the thing was allowed toescape from the factory.

    From Ontario Farmer, late 2002.OK, so I lost the date.

    A policeman arrived at the sceneof an accident to find that a carhad struck a telephone pole.Searching for witnesses, he dis-covered a nervous young man inwork clothes who claimed hewas an eyewitness. "Exactlywhere were you at the time of theaccident?" inquired (sic) the offi-cer.

    "I was on top of the pole!" theyoung man replied.

    Also from Ontario Farmer, sameissue.

    Seeing a man passed out in frontof his garage, a couple of neigh-

    bours quickly called 911. Whenthe paramedics arrived, theyhelped him regain consciousnessand asked if he knew whatcaused him to faint.

    "My son asked me for the keysto the garage, and instead ofdriving the car out, he came out

    with the lawn mower", the manreplied.

    4. Parting ShotI've thought of a new crime showfor TV. It'll follow the presenttrend of evil/deranged males in-flicting murder and mayhem on in-nocent females, but the crimeswon't be solved by detectives, for-ensic technicians, or even lawyers,for that matter. They'll be solvedby police dogs. That's right, theK9 units. Its name, and you mighthave to think about this a little,"Law and Order - SUV."

    Directors ReportBy Richard Muise

    There are four quick notes for myfirst Director's Report. First of all,Rick Miskiman and myself havestepped up to be the co-organizersfor the 2003 Ted Powell SummerTrophy Races are being organized- see my article elsewhere in thisissue. If you have questions aboutthis event, or want to help, pleasecontact either of us.

    Secondly, CASC-OR has releasedthe 2003 GCR's. There was secondbulletin highlighting changes to theregulations concerning roll cages.

    To paraphrase, the changes in-clude: all joints must be fully weld-ed, the side impact regulationshave been improved, and there arechanges to the details of themounting plates. The actual bulle-tin is available on the CASC-ORweb s i t e a thttp://www.casc.on.ca/RACE-Bul-letins.asp

    The third item is the announce-ments of sponsorship for the Tour-ing GT Championship series. Thetire sponsor will be Toyo Tires,who will provide sponsorship aswell as discounts on the purchase

    of the Toyo PROXES RA-1 R-compound tires. These are the spectire for the series. Other sponsorsinclude Birchmount Collision(sponsoring the Winners Circle),Info-Vision (top master driver tro-phy and cash award) and BacardiCanada (Martini Cup for top rookiedriver). Further details on availableat the same URL above.

    Finally, just a note that I plan to at-tend both the ORO and ORC meet-ings in March. It's part of learningprocess for me.

    In the coming months, some plansinclude updating the Racing sec-tion of the web site and to workproactively to get informationabout new bulletins out to theMCO racing community.

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    M.C.O. MonthlyGeneral Meeting

    February 4th 2003Louis's Steak House, Ottawa, Ont.


    Executive: Ron Woltman, President; Ben-nett Leckie, Vice-President; Rick Miski-man, Open Wheel; Richard Muise, ClosedWheel; Craig Hamm, Rally; Greg Kier-stead, Solo II; Bob Benson, Treasurer;Jeff Graves, Solo I; Paul Swinwood, Kart-ing; Jodie Shay, Membership; Mark Atos,Link Editor; Rob Microys, Website Ad-ministrator; John Powell, Secretary.Members: Sufficient members were pres-ent for a quorum.

    ABSENT WITH EXCUSESExecutive: Jean MacGillivray, Club Dis-play Coordinator; Warren Haywood, ClubMerchandise Co-ordinator.

    NOTES1. Copies of documents marked "Att." arefiled with the original copy of these mi-nutes.The President, Ron Woltman, opened themeeting for business at approximately7:05 p.m..

    GeneralThe President first opened the meeting bywelcoming members and guests, and in-troducing the 2003 Executive committeefor the benefit of the guests present and

    those members who had not yet met thisyear's Executive. He also added his ap-preciation for the excellent work done bythe former Membership Secretary, PatWeightman.

    The LinkMark Atos made the seemingly perennialplea for articles for The Link.

    Winter Driving SchoolsProgress on the schools was reported asfollows:- Paul Swinwood advised the meeting that

    we expect 18 students for the school

    scheduled for Feb 9th, and the trackcondition is good. We have some spotsopen for the remaining schools.

    - There are 29 instructors available, andwe need 80 Instructor Days, whichmeans that some instructors may onlybe needed for one school. Paul alsotook this opportunity to thank the work-ers.

    - Mark Atos added that in the event of athaw, the information on the Hotlineand website will be up-dated.

    - Ron Woltman advised members that

    Transport Canada had rented the facili-ty for a school, which would add someincome, and that another school is un-der negotiation for the Lanark CountryTherapeutic Riding Program.

    Slush n' SlideJeff Graves reported on the Winter Solo IIseries as follows:- There have been two successful events

    held to date with two still to come.

    Competitors have come from as farafield as Montreal and Quebec city.- Richard Muise noted that the first event

    had received press coverage in zones-portnews.com.

    Ted Powell Summer Trophy RacesBusiness conducted under this item wasdivided into three parts; the President'sbriefing on the situation to date, memberspresentations, and questions and discus-sion.

    A. President's BriefingRon Woltman opened with a brief historyof the races to date which were organised

    solely by MCO:- The first year saw a loss of approximate-ly $5,000.00 due to lower than expectedentries.

    - The second almost broke even due to al-most all workers not claiming their sub-sidies, and income from Transport Can-ada for the display of their "alternativevehicles". There were approximately98 entries for the 2002 event.

    - Since that time the future of the race hasbeen discussed on many occasions bythe Executive, and Ron has put forwardour concerns several times at OROmeetings.

    - As outlined in the Executive Minutes,there has been a diversity of views onfuture track events including the race,and the Executive decided that givenpresent projections there was no alter-native but to cancel the race and consid-er other options.

    - Ron went one last time to the ORO, ex-plained our reasons for the cancellationto the Gunther Schmidt, the RegionalRace Director, and that the decisionwas on hold pending immediate helpform the Region. None was forthcom-ing.

    - There has been some negative feedbackfrom members, and they would be giv-

    en an opportunity to voice their opin-ions.

    - Regarding exploration of an event at LeCircuit Mt Tremblant, their weekdayrental fee is $5,000.00 US per day,without an ambulance, tow truck, etc..Discussions have also taken place withL'Equipe who are running four eventsat Le Circuit, but there appear to be noopportunities at present, and no week-ends are available.

    B. Members' Presentations.Following the President's briefing, the

    Secretary, John Powell, chaired the Pre-sentations (in a manner of speaking).Each member who wished to speak wasgiven five minutes to make a presentationwith no interruptions or questions. In ad-dition, Cindy Armstrong read out mem-bers' comments that were sent to her via e-mail (att.). Members of the Executive didnot participate as this session was re-served for other members to express theirviews. The presenters were, in alphabeti-

    cal order:- Bob Armstrong, Cindy Armstrong, Ber-nie Betzema, Al Gullon, Jim Holtom,Chris Kirby, Bev Millar, Crystal Pom-eroy, and Jay Saslove.

    E-mails (att.) read out were from:- John Blouin, Jim Holtom, Chris Krepski

    Sam Mandia, Ted Martin, Bev Millarand John Kinnear of StLAC.

    Below is a summary of the principalpoints raised in members' presentations(Sec. Note: Related comments have beengrouped where possible.):

    - If organization problems are an issue,use funds in the bank to hire an organ-izer and monitor him/her.

    - Cancellation of the race would be a lossto the Region. / Some in the Regionthink we have reneged on a commit-ment, the decision should have beenmade prior to publication of the raceschedule. / The present situation withCASC may continue, but their new Ex-ecutive wants to improve things.

    - "Profit" has become more important thanthe objectives of the Club. / The Club isnot-for-profit. / Use profits from theDrivers' School to offset costs. / Bal-ance the loss over the year from allevents. / A loss would be OK unless itwas a big loss. / The Club can afford totake risks. / Businesses do some thingsas "not-for-profit". / Use Winter Driv-ing School funds as events are cyclicalin nature.

    - We (a member) will always plan to at-tend all races at Shannonville regardlessof (the member's) budget restraints. /My position as a racer is that 9 races istoo many.

    - Run the race this year then re-assess thesituation.

    - There was nothing in the minutes ofmeetings about cancelling the race.

    - Some volunteers work without a subsi-dy. / We shouldn't need to subsidizeworkers.

    - Racing and Solo II adds value to theClub. / The Club needs a Race compo-nent. / Star events like the race are im-portant to workers. / The race has aprestigious history and MCO workersare well-respected. / It would be a mis-take to let the race go. / We're aboutmotorsports and road racing is the pin-nacle and the Club has an obligation toparticipate. / The race is important to

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    work at the Winter Driving Schools asinstructors, etc..

    - Shannonville is a "learning" track forworkers, officials, etc., and it would bea shame to let it go. / There would be aneconomic impact on Shannonville ifthere was no race. / Shannonville is asafe track for new competitors andneeds fewer workers.

    C. Questions and Discussion

    The topic was next opened for questionsand discussion including members of theExecutive Committee. The main pointsunder the following subject areas were:

    1. Matters Concerning CASC-OR- On a question of the possibility of losing

    our race date Ron Woltman's opinionwas probably not for this year.

    - Regarding CASC looking at the prob-lems, Ron Woltman stated that the Re-gion's data showed we had 91 entrieslast year, down 20%, CRDA had 109,up 13%, DAC had 106, up 8%. In rep-resentations to the ORO, more attention

    was given to issues raised over the lasttwo years, but nothing was done tomake things better, which was a disap-pointment. We had agreed to look atother options before finalizing the racecancellation, and made some sugges-tions without result. He also noted thatDAC is suffering from similar issues.

    - Rob Microys noted that CASC has help-ed with securing track down paymentsfor Solo I events, and asked if theywould help us as security for trackcosts. Ron stated that this had beenraised before, but he would try again.

    - Bernie Betzema stated that Shannonville

    organizers should ask for double or tri-ple points. This issue has been raisedwith ORO, but as yet without results.

    - The issue of shared risk with CASC bymeans of fee rebates was raised, andRon stated that he is prepared to raisethe topic again with CASC.

    - In response to a questions regardingmoving the Race date and whether any-thing could be done about the classeswe were given, Ron Woltman repliedthat all avenues would be explored, butwe have to run with the line-up wewere given.

    - Sherissa Microys noted that we shouldgo back to Gunther Schmidt, the Re-gional Race Director, for help.

    2. Race Financial Issues- We had sponsorship from Bytek Motors

    for our first year, but none last year.- Bob Benson noted the Executive had

    made many efforts to control costs inthe past, to which Ron Woltman addedthat last years proceeds were $2,000.00less than budgeted expenses. Bob wenton to note that the Club's books are atthe Auditor's, so he had no exact fig-ures, but he did the budget for the lasttwo races, and there's not much left to

    cut. He said that we should treat ourworkers with respect, and that was thereason for the $30.00 subsidy, but itwas paid only on request.

    - On other Race financial matters, Bobnoted that of the $5,000.00 first yearloss, $3,400 was fees paid to CASC,and in our last year co-organizing withTLMC we were paid $8,000.00 for ourworker contribution. Collectively, wedon't want to lose on all events, and the

    Club has not always been as financiallysecure. We are now reaping the re-wards of sound financial management,but this may not continue and we mustbalance present expenditures against fu-ture needs. For the Race we must front$40,000.00 before any income is re-ceived, and today we have $18,000.00in disposable funds. We have disbursed$23,000.00 since November 2002, andlooking at one event distorts things.The BoD decided on your behalf whileconsidering the global context of pastand future viability.

    - Bev Millar voiced the opinion that there

    needs to be a risk assessment and re-thinking of the decision based on infor-mation available.

    3. Cancellation Rationale and ExecutiveMembers' Comments and Responses- Regarding the rationale for cancellation,

    Ron Woltman stated his appreciationfor support for the Race. He went on tonote that the membership had been cau-tioned at previous meetings of the pos-sible cancellation, and that financial is-sues were frequently discussed at Exec-utive/Race Committee meetings. Mostworkers had declined their subsidies,

    even though they couldn't go home atnight, as was the case for workers fromthe GTA for Mosport races. He statedthat the Treasurer had worked hard onthe books and financial management,and had come to the opinion that the re-turn wasn't worth the effort from theClub's resources and worker effort. TheBoD was under the impression that theClub expected us not show a loss. Thisinfluenced the decision, as the vote wasdecided on financial issues. There wasalso the classes we had been assignedfor our Race, and the questionable pros-pect of sufficient entries. We need 100entries @ $400.00 each to cover theprojected costs of $40,000.00, but thedesirable level would be 125 to 130 en-tries.

    - Paul Swinwood stated that he had sup-ported the cancellation, as his projec-tions based on available data showedthat no more than 75 entrants were like-ly, which could result in a loss of up to$15,000.00. The downward trend in thefield of entrants was a risk which influ-enced the decision. Later in the discus-sion he added that a Lapping Schoolwould maintain visibility with less risk

    and keep the date open for next year.- Craig Hamm opened by stating that he

    has been in the sport for two and one-half years, and is an elected member ofthe BoD, and a member of the Execu-tive Committee. He noted that in elec-tions in the recent past there have beenno contests for positions on the BoD.He went on that the mood of the deci-sion was financial, and not an "us ver-sus them" issue, as all members of the

    Executive would like to hold a Race ifpossible. There needs to be a better in-formation exchange between racers andthe Executive, and we need to have theracers keep information flowing.

    - In a response a comment that a meetingto discuss should have been held earli-er, Ron Woltman noted that the infor-mation on the issues concerning therace were made public, but there hasn'tbeen much feedback up to now and hedoesn't know why.

    - Rick Miskiman stated that we needspending envelopes for each discipline,and added that although racers consti-

    tute 27% of members, he hasn't re-ceiv-ed any calls regarding the Race.- Bennett Leckie opened by remarking

    that he had been a member for twenty-seven years, and active in all disci-plines. He was concerned about a fur-ther loss this year if we ran a race, con-sidering the number of entries project-ed, the high number of workers neededconsidering other outstanding require-ments, and closed by noting that we'renot the only club in trouble.

    - Jeff Graves noted that running last year'sRace was in question even before theevent, and added that if we hold a Driv-

    ers' School it could be used to offsetRace costs.- Richard Muise stated that a Race this

    year would probably lose money, andthat last year we had the Racing Schooland Winter Driving School to offset thelosses. This year it is possible that wewill lose our Solo II venue, with a lossof revenue, and that the Winter Schoolcosts have increased. At the time of thedecision we did not have the possibilityof an additional date at Shannonville,which is now possible.

    - John Powell asked members to carefullyconsider the financial issues when de-ciding their positions regarding therace. He noted that The Sports CarClub-Toronto, of which he was then amember, faced a similar situation inthe early '60s when losses on a USACstock car race resulted in debts that theclub couldn't sustain. Directors andprominent members of that club wereforced to take out mortgages to guaran-tee the debts, and re-payment led to adecline in the SCC, which was also afounder member of CASC, and itseventual demise.

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    - Ron Woltman noted that lastyear's Race was an organization-al success, despite the financiallosses.

    4. Motions from the Floor.- Cindy Armstrong moved that the

    Executive (Sec. Note: Board ofDirectors) re-consider the deci-sion to cancel the MCO Race, se-

    conded by Bev Millar. Carried.The Executive abstained fromthis vote in order that it would bean expression of the will of themembers present.

    - Ron Woltman replied to the mo-tion by stating that a review ofthe decision would be conductedby the Board of Directors assoon as possible.

    Other Agenda ItemsOther items, such as Executive

    Monthly Reports, were carriedover to the next General Meetingdue to a lack of time and the latehour.

    The meeting was adjourned at ap-proximately 10:15 p.m. on a mo-tion by Paul Swinwood, secondedby Nick Berry.

    Prepared by John Powell, Secreta-ry, MCO, February 10th 2003,

    amended February 20th 2003.Tel. 613.835.2910;e-mail - [email protected]


    SPECIAL MEETINGM.C.O. Board of Directors

    February 11th 2003Residence of the President, Stittsville,Ont.


    Members of the Board of Directors:Ron Woltman, President; BennettLeckie, Vice-President; Rick Miski-man, Richard Muise, Craig Hamm,and Greg Kierstead, Directors.Appointed Officers: Bob Benson,Treasurer; John Powell, Secretary andClerk of the Board of Directors.

    ABSENT WITH EXCUSESNone. The position of Past Presidentis vacant.


    1. (Att..) Indicates documents attach-ed to the original of these minutes.2. This meeting was called by thePresident in response to a motion atthe Monthly General Meeting of Feb-ruary 4th 2003 requesting that theBoard of Directors review the decisionto cancel the Ted Powell SummerTrophy Races for 2003.

    The President opened the meeting forbusiness at 6:15 p.m..President's BriefingRon Woltman informed those presentthat the purpose of the meeting was toreview the decision to cancel theRace, as requested by the member-ship, and taking into account develop-ments since the February GeneralMeeting. These included the bettersituation with the Solo II series, al-though the impact of complaints underthe City's Noise By-law could stillcause problems, and the opportunityto organize a Racing School at Shan-nonville in April of this year. A deci-sion on the latter event would also bemade at this meeting.

    Treasurer's ReportBob Benson provided a handout (att.)containing financial data for the racesfor 2001 and 2002, the LappingSchool of 2001, the Race School for2002, and the Club Solo II series for2002. He then summarized the Club'spresent cash-flow situation (roundedto the nearest $100.00) as follows:

    - The bank balance is currently$32,400.00, from which must be de-ducted the book reserve of$5,000.00 (which is dedicated fundsas it consists of payments for bookorders) and the $6,900.00 downpayment of the July weekend atShannonville, leaving disposablefunds of $19,500.00.

    - From this must next be deducted the

    $6,500.00 for the proposed RaceSchool track deposit, $5,000.00 forthe Club Solo II series expenses,and $1,500.00 for the auditor, leav-ing a net disposable funds of$10,000.00.

    - If we run the race, immediate ex-penses of $8,000.00 for insurance,CASC fees, ambulance service andtrophies, must be deducted from thenet disposable funds, leaving us on-ly $2,000.00 for cash-flow untilJune.o If we go ahead with the race,we must rely on the Winter Driving

    Schools, the Race School and SoloII for income.

    - He doesn't have up-to-date informa-tion on the Winter Schools andWinter Solo II series, but they arecurrently showing a deficit of$500.00. Richard Muise added thatincome will be forthcoming fromthese events, if all goes well.

    Ted Powell Summer Trophy Races -2003- Ron Woltman opened discussion on

    this topic by stating that we must re-view the decision to cancel and getback to the membership as soon aspossible. He then asked those pres-ent if we currently had enough in-formation to make a decision.

    - Rick Miskiman asked what the losswould be based on 60 entries, in-cluding the BMW and FranAm ser-ies, at $300.00 per entry, for a totalincome of $18,000.00. Bob Bensonreplied that, using last year's ex-penses of $33,000.00, the possibleloss would be $15,000.00. Otherscenarios were then tried; at 70 en-tries the loss would be $5,300.00,and 90 entries would break evenwith some cost-cutting.

    - There was some discussion on howthe Race committee might achievea "no frills" budget, and incomefrom other events which might beused to offset any loss. BennettLeckie suggested that if any surplusfrom the Race School was used, acertain amount should be reserved

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    for worker appreciation for thosewho worked at the race.

    - Rick Miskiman suggested that, as asafety measure, if the number of en-tries at two weeks prior to the event(May 12th ) indicated that the maxi-mum deficit would be exceeded,then the Board should reserve theright to cancel the race, to which theremainder of the Board agreed.

    - Greg Kierstead outlined progress onthe Club Solo II series regardingevent venues, and stated that it wasnow on much firmer ground. RonWoltman then noted that he hasmore confidence in approving therace given that our position had im-proved regarding Solo II and theRace School, but it is still not risk-free.

    - Rick Miskiman suggested that theRace Committee, Co-chaired by Ri-chard Muise and himself, be giventwo weeks to submit a budget,

    which was accepted.- Ron asked Bob if there was suffi-

    cient cash flow for the race at pres-ent, to which he replied there wasnot. Ron and Bennett then statedthat interim financing would have tobe found to start on the race.

    MCO Racing Drivers' School for2003- Bob Benson noted that we now need

    an immediate "go" on the RacingSchool.

    - Rick Miskiman added that we needto authorise the Race School Com-mittee, chaired by Rob Microys, toprepare a budget now, and if it'sOK, to tell the Race Committee tosubmit their economy budget. RonWoltman added that we could ap-prove the Race School regardless ofany decision on the race.

    - Rick then asked about directing anyprofits, and Ron replied that theyshould go to improving the race,with a priority on race worker sup-port.

    - Rick next suggested that a note toCASC should be sent from Ron out-lining our decisions.

    BoD Resolutions- Rick Miskiman proposed a Resolu-

    tion that the Race Committee begiven the following terms of refer-ence, seconded by Richard Muise:

    - The Race Committee be authorised

    to prepare a budget with such neces-sary measures required so that nodeficit is projected. If this is notpossible, the Board of Directorsmay approve a deficit budget to amaximum of $5,000.00.

    - The Race Committee is to submitmonthly reports to the Board con-taining progress to date, issues andchallenges, and any ensuing impli-cations.

    - The Resolution was then voted andcarried unanimously.

    - Rick Miskiman then proposed a Res-

    olution that the Race School Com-mittee be given the following termsof reference, seconded by GregKiersteado The Chairman of theRacing School Organizing Commit-tee be authorised to submit an eventbudget at his earliest opportunity forapproval by the Board..

    - The Racing School Committee is tosubmit monthly reports to the Boardcontaining progress to date, issuesand challenges, and any ensuing im-plications.

    - A portion of any positive returns, tobe determined by the Board, shallbe directed to a "Worker Apprecia-tion Program" for volunteers whoperform unpaid duties at theTPSTR.

    - The Resolution was then voted andcarried unanimously.

    The meeting was adjourned at approx-imately 9:15 p.m..

    Prepared by John Powell, Secretary and Clerk of theBoard of Directors, MCO, February 13th 2003,amended February 17th 2003.

    Tel. 613-835-2910; e-mail - [email protected].


    As some of you may already know,through attendance at MCO events andmeetings, or through use of the messageboards located on our Web Site athttp://www.mco.org, we have club mer-chandise available for purchase. WarrenHaywood has volunteered to take the roleof Club Merchandise co-ordinator, and heasked that the following information beprinted in The Link: (ed. note: we're tak-ing some literary liberties here, but War-ren basically provided the list of mech. forus, and that was about it.)

    The Club currently has a small selectionof merchandise available for purchase atvery affordable prices. What better wayto identify yourself as a member of MCO,thus proving to the officer that you canhandle travelling at 220 kph on the 401,than by sporting a one size fits all, black

    with red bill baseball cap embroideredwith the club logo? Imagine that, gettingout of a ticket for the mere cost of $12.00.

    Are you a jogger? Are you afraid of beingrun over by out of control race car driv-ers? Does the thought of a 3000 lb Ca-maro careening over the kerb to take youout because the driver once dated a joggerwho dumped him for Billy Blanks scareyou? If so, you might be able to get thedriver to think twice about hitting you ifyou're wearing one of our sporty TrackSuits, yours for only $40.00 (limitedquantities remaining) Hey, if he sees

    you're a member of the MCO, then youmust be good people, right?

    Okay, your editor is now out of ideas foramusing paragraphs, so the following willbe basically Warren's words:

    We also have MCO crests available at thelow low price of $4.00 each, and Rally 3/4length marshall all weather jackets inbright yellow with scotchlite bands, MCOscreen on front left breast and MAR-SHALL on back. This item is pre-orderonly, price depends on qty's.

    More MCO race and rally items will soonbe available on the website with picturesand an on line order form. stay tuned.

    I am always looking for new merchandiseideas so if you've got them bring em on.

    I can be contacted [email protected] [email protected].


  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03


    March 2003


    Developed in Holland for the Tulip Rally (1954), the "tulip" has become a standard

    tool in rally navigation. The tulip is simply the view of a intersection or feature of

    the road as viewed from above. The tulip indicates what road you enter the tulip

    on, and what road you exit the tulip on. This is indicated on the tulip by a "bulb"

    and an arrow (the flower??).

    Rule: Enter the Bulb - Exit by the arrow

    Make sure that the rally organiser hasn't reversed this convention!

    Roads are indicated as solid lines, and "DEAD END" or "NO

    EXIT" roads and lanes are shown as dotted or dashed lines.

    In the sample tulip below, you are making a Left turn at the

    intersection. The road continues straight ahead, and the road to

    your right is a dead end or no exit road or lane.

    Sample 1:

    In Sample 2 you are driving through a sweeping right-turn, with

    an "exposure" (if you go off the road here you are going to go

    down a steep hill!). As you exit the turn there is a hidden dead-

    end road, with a stop sign, on your right.

    Sample 2:

    "Dead End"

    or "No Exit"

    Enter here (the "bulb")

    Exit here

    (the arrow)

    Enter here (the "bulb")

    Exit here

    (the arrow)"Dead End"

    or "No Exit"


    on left hand

    side of road

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03


    March 2003

    Winter Driving School and Winter So-lo II Photos Courtesy Richard Muise

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03


    March 2003

    Bridgestone Dunlop Falken Firestone Hoosier Kumho Michelin Pirelli Toyo YokohamaTalon Tire now offers tire shaving! Join the Toyo R-group and run Talon decals to double-dip!

    Talon Tire Gift Certificate Program 2003

    Weve simplified the program for 2003! Join the program in three steps:

    1. Buy tires from Talon (514) 337-0833, or e-mail [email protected] with your phone number.2. Put two Talon decals on your car at each event (see tech/organizers for decals).3. Compete in 2003 MCO Rally, RallyX, Solo2, or SlushnSlide events all year long!

    Now you can get Talon Gift Certificates good towards anyfour summer, all-season, or winter tires!

    Once youre part of the program, follow the six steps below to get your gift certificates:

    First, get rewarded for participating. Get 10% off your entry fees. For each MCO Rally, RallyX, Solo2,and/or SlushnSlide event that you run the decals, Talon will give you gift certificates equal in value to 10%of the entry fee you paid. You cant lose!

    Second, get rewarded for winning at each event. How much depends on how many competitors are in

    your class at each event. Over a season, these rewards really add up!

    Talon Gift Certificates Event 1st in Class Event 2nd in Class Event 3rd in Class3 Competitors in class $10 - -

    4 Competitors $15 $7 -5+ Competitors $20 $10 $7

    Third, get rewarded for doing exceptionally well at each event. If they are part of the program, the topNovice (PAXd w/tire bonus), FTD (raw), and FTD (PAXd w/tire bonus) at each event will each receive a$10 bonus Talon gift certificate.

    Fourth, get rewarded for the season. If you join the program before the third event of the season, youare eligible for the following Talon gift certificates, based on final season standings by class:

    Talon Gift Certificates 1st in Class 2nd in Class 3rd in Class 4th in Class3 Competitors in class $25 - - -4 Competitors in class $40 $25 $15 -

    5+ Competitors in class $50 $40 $25 $15

    Fifth, send two pictures of your car with the decals to Talon as soon as you can. This is a mandatoryprogram requirement. These go up on the walls at Talon, so enlargements are desirable. Members mustalso include a copy of their invoice from Talon with the pictures.

    Sixth, claim your certificates before June 2004, and use them within a year.At the end of the season(or before, if you need to buy new tires), print out copies of the MCO web site .pdf results (or photocopy theLink), highlight your placings, write a note showing the amount of gift certificates you are eligible for, andsend the request to Talon Tire at the address below. Dont forget to thank them!

    If you have any questions, or need decals, gift certificates, or tires, please contact Talon Tire, 2607 Diab,St. Laurent, (Qubec), H4S 1E7, (514) 337-0833, FAX (514) 337-8857, [email protected] or see CraigSeko at tech at events.

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03


    March 2003

    Competition Tires 2607 Diab, St-Laurent (Qubec) H4S 1E7 Tel.: (514) 337-0833 FAX: (514) 337-8857

    30 years of providing quality tire products and services. Sponsor of the Rennsport Region Porsche Club.

    Sponsor of Solo l and ll Racing, C.A.D.L., L.A.P.S., M.C.O.

    Sponsor of F.A.Q. Ice Racing.

    Sponsor of the BMW Car Club of Quebec.

    Accredited by the Automobile Protection Association (A.P.A.).







    RA1 (R-compound)

    V700 (R-compound)

    V70A (R-compound)*

    ECSTA 712 *



    A032R (R-compound)






  • 7/29/2019 Link 2003 03


    Main Street Racing and AutomotiveParts, Performance and Service

    INTERPROVINCIAL LICENSED MECHANIC *** MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION STATIONAutomotive Take It Back Partner - We recycle your Used Oil, Antifreeze, etc.

    P.O. Box 37, 2319 Community Way,North Gower, Ottawa ON K0A 2T0

    Ken Baird (613) 489-0948www.mainstreetottawa.com [email protected]

    Grassroots Motorsport in the National Capital Region since 1949.
