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Home learning pack Year 5/6 WB 20.4.20 This pack is split up into 4 subjects: Reading, writing, maths and science.
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Home learning pack

Year 5/6WB 20.4.20

This pack is split up into 4 subjects: Reading, writing, maths and science.

Each day, for reading, writing and maths, there is an activity we would like you to complete. There is also a

science project you could investigate.

Remember if you need any support e-mail your class teacher

[email protected]@ linthwaiteclough.co.uk

[email protected]

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ReadingThis week in reading, we have provided you with some short extracts. Please read them and then answer the questions underneath carefully using as much evidence and detail as you can.

If there are any words you are unsure of, please try to find the meaning of them.

MondayHe was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large moustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbours. (p. 1)

1) How were Mr and Mrs Dursley physically different?2) What did Mrs Dursley use her long neck for?

From I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou (Bantam, 1993)Where I was big, elbowy and grating, he was small, graceful and smooth. …he was lauded for his velvet-black skin. His hair fell down in black curls, and my head was covered with black steel wool. And yet he loved me.

1) “And yet he loved me” What does this line suggest about how the character feels about their love? Use evidence from the text to support your explanation.

TuesdayHer skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if snagged, but then no one would have thought of getting close enough to Mrs. Flowers to ruffle her dress, let along snag her skin. She didn’t encourage familiarity. She wore gloves too.

2) “She didn’t encourage familiarity. She wore gloves too.” What impression does this description give you of Mrs Flowers?

3) How did other people feel towards Mrs Flowers? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

From Holes by Louis Sachar (Scholastic, 2000)They were dripping with sweat, and their faces were so dirty that it took Stanley a moment to notice that one kid was white and the other black.

1) What does this description suggest about the two kids Stanley saw?

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WednesdayFrom The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver (HarperCollins, 1998)• We wore our best dresses on the outside to make a good impression. Rachel wore her green linen Easter suit she was so vain of, and her long whitish hair pulled off her forehead with a wide pink elastic hairband…. Sitting next to me on the plane, she kept batting her white-rabbit eyelashes and adjusting her bright pink hairband, trying to get me to notice she had secretly painted her fingernails bubble-gum pink to match. (p. 15)

1) Why did the girls wear their best clothes?2) What impression does the author give of Rachel? Use evidence from the

text to support your explanation.

ThursdayFrom The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (Hayes Barton Press, 2005, originally published 1885)He was most fifty, and he looked it. His hair was long and tangled and greasy, and hung down, and you could see his eyes shining through like he was behind vines. It was all black, no gray; so was his long, mixed-up whiskers. There warn’t no color in his face, where his face showed; it was white; not like another man’s white, but a white to make a body sick, a white to make a body’s flesh crawl – a tree-toad white, a fish-belly white. As for his clothes – just rags, that was all. He had one ankle resting on t’other knee; the boot on that foot was busted, and two of his toes stuck through, and he worked them now and then. His hat was laying on the floor – an old black slouch with the top caved in, like a lid. (p. 11)

1) What effect does repeating the description of the word white have on our impression of the character? Explain fully referring to the text in your answer.

2) What evidence is there that the character was poor?

FridayFrom The Black Cauldron by Lloyd Alexander (Henry Holt, 1965) A bellow of laughter resounded beyond the chamber, and in another moment a giant, red-headed warrior rolled in at the side of Adaon. He towered above

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all in the chamber and his beard flamed around a face so scarred with old wounds it was impossible to tell where one began and another ended. His nose had been battered to his cheekbones; his heavy forehead was nearly lost in a fierce tangle of eyebrows; and his neck seemed as thick as Taran’s waist. (p. 25)

1) What evidence is there that the warrior had been involved in many battles?

2) Explain the phrase: “He towered above all in the chamber…” 3) ‘A bellow of laughter resounded beyond the chamber’ What does

the word resounded mean in this sentence?

From A Separate Peace by John Knowles (Simon & Schuster, 2003, originally published 1959)For such an extraordinary athlete—even as a Lower Middler, Phineas had been the best athlete in the school—he was not spectacularly built. He was my height—five feet eight and a half inches…He weighed a hundred and fifty pounds, a galling ten pounds more than I did, which flowed from his legs to torso around shoulders to arms and full strong neck in an uninterrupted, unemphatic unity of strength.

1) ‘he was not spectacularly built’ Why is this a surprising description of Phineas?

2) ‘He weighed a hundred and fifty pounds, a galling ten pounds more than I did’ Explain the word galling in this sentence.

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WritingMondayStory writingChoose one of the story sentence openers from below and continue it. What genre will you decide on? Horror? Adventure? Sci-fi? The choice is yours!Can you use some powerful vocabulary and a range of openers. You could use the DADWAVER model if you did the CCL activity last term.

TuesdayNewspaper writingHave a look at this website. It is full of interesting news articles from all over the world.https://www.dogonews.com/For your task today, can you write a newspaper article about something that has happened in your community recently or a made up event. Remember to include the 5 Ws: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

Can you also remember to include a quote, pictures and captions for your pictures?

WednesdayStory writingChoose one of the sentence openers. Can you choose a different genre to the one on Monday and continue the story? This time, we would like you to try and include a range of subordinate and relative clauses to make your writing more descriptive.

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FridayStory writingI’m sure you know the drill by now!

Today, we would really like you to try and focus on character and setting description. To help you, can you try to include some expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases to aid this?

The Magic Box

This poem is about a magic box. It contains all the magical things the author would like to put in their box.

Can you write your own poem based on this but using the things you would like to put in your box?

Once you have finished, you could decorate it like the one here.

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MathsMondayCan you use reasoning skills to work out the value of each of the symbols? If you enjoy these, you can find plenty more at https://www.solvemoji.com/As an extension, can you have a go at creating your own?

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Algebra is basically mixing numbers with letters!

In algebra, if a number is next to a letter, it means we have to multiply them together so if we have 4r, it means 4 x r.

SO, if r = 7, then 4r = 4 x 7 = 28.

Can you fill in the right hand side of each box with the correct answer?

p = 4

p + 7


3p - 5

9 - p

s = 6

7s – 3s

4s ÷ 3


7 – 2s

q = 7


2q - 5

30 – 3q

3 - q

t = 9

t + 5t

t2 - 7

4t - 13

10 – 3t

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WednesdayIn algebra, an unknown value (number) is usually represented by the letter n.

Can you have a go at writing an expression for the following.

Look at the example to help you!

You could now have a go at making some of your own up!

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ThursdaySometimes, letter could have multiple values e.g example, if a + b = 6 then if a = 1, b = 4, if a = 2, b = 3 etc.

Can you complete the boxes like in Tuesday’s activity with different possibilities?

a + b = 7

If a = b =

10 – a = bIf a = b =

ab = 36

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If a = b =

4a + b = 20If a = b =

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FridayUsing all the knowledge you have learnt this week, can you work out the value of each letter?

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This week we would like you to investigate sound. You could perhaps use the internet to conduct your own research about sound as well as trying the investigation below.

Tune Booster

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