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Living A Course in Miracles - Jennifer Hadley · And then taking classes with Shakti Gawain, it was...

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Living A Course in Miracles Healing In Career & Creativity Week 3 Homework Class Jennifer Hadley
Page 1: Living A Course in Miracles - Jennifer Hadley · And then taking classes with Shakti Gawain, it was very supportive for me and I took a number of things with her at the Open Center.


Living A Course in Miracles

Healing In Career & Creativity

Week 3 Homework Class

Jennifer Hadley

Page 2: Living A Course in Miracles - Jennifer Hadley · And then taking classes with Shakti Gawain, it was very supportive for me and I took a number of things with her at the Open Center.


Living A Course in Miracles

Jennifer Hadley

Healing In Career & Creativity................................................................................... 4  

Opening Remarks...........................................................................................................4  

Opening Prayer ..............................................................................................................4  

Spiritual Practice Is 24/7 ...............................................................................................5  

Jennifer’s Spiritual Awakening ......................................................................................7  

Is Accomplishment Tied To Worthiness?.......................................................................9  

Eliminate The Blocks To Self-Love ...............................................................................11  

What Is Atonement? ....................................................................................................12  

Surrender Is A Journey ................................................................................................14  

If This Were Different… ................................................................................................16  

What Is Needed Will Come...........................................................................................18  

Your Willingness Is Required.......................................................................................21  

Silver, Gold And Platinum Offerings ............................................................................22  

Guidance Of The Divine Versus The Ego ......................................................................23  

Closing Prayer For Miraculous Motivation..................................................................25  

Invitation To Re-Listen ................................................................................................26  

Page 3: Living A Course in Miracles - Jennifer Hadley · And then taking classes with Shakti Gawain, it was very supportive for me and I took a number of things with her at the Open Center.

Copyright © 2012 by Reverend Jennifer Helen Hadley.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.

Published by JenniferHadley.com. Printed in the United States of America.

For more inspiration to live a life of love, visit www.JenniferHadley.com.


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Week 3

Healing In Career & Creativity Jennifer Hadley Friday, September 21, 2012

Opening Remarks

Jennifer This is one of my most passionate topics that we're covering today, Healing In Career & Creativity, because I have had such incredible healing, total transformation. I'm sure it will come through to share some of that this morning.

I've learned so much, not only in my own healing of career and creativity. It’s because I really have my dream career. I really do. I get to share about God with people who are interested in sharing about God seven days a week. And that is my passion, so I get to live and work my passion. And that's the biggest blessing in the whole world to me. It absolutely is.

Opening Prayer

Let us relax into spirit here. Yes, yes, yes. I invite you to place your hand on your heart as I am doing. And let us invoke into our awareness the higher Holy Spirit self, our big brother Jesus, divine grace.

Let us take this holy breath of love and gratitude and be so grateful and so thankful that the love of God is all that there is. And we are made in the spiritual image and likeness of love.

It’s our true identity. Regardless of any false identity that we have accumulated on the way, on the walk, we're surrendering that right now, placing on the holy altar fire of God’s love every thought, every belief, every memory that no longer serves our life of love.

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Truly, we are grateful and thankful right now for our healing. And we are calling it forth and throwing our heart and mind wide open to the higher Holy Spirit self.

And we're invoking the highest level of healing in our physical body, in our emotional body, in our mental body, in our spiritual body, in our etheric body and all the subtle bodies.

In all aspects of our awareness, we invoke divine grace into every nook and cranny. And we consciously give great gratitude and thanks that we can, and we do, surrender and release any, and all, attachments, any of the ways in which we've been playing small. We surrender them right now.

Any blocks to love that we have cherished and valued, we surrender them right now. And we open our hearts to our own holiness, to this life of love. We're so grateful and so thankful to consciously call forth a healing in our divine expression that is sharing our gifts and talents.

We dedicate ourselves to be a blessing and receiving the blessings fully. Yes, we open to receive all our blessings, any of the blessings that we have blocked, any resistance, any reluctance, we place it on the altar now.

And we open our hearts to the fullest expression of love as our very life. We share the benefits of our healing, of our expansion, of our spiritual practice with everyone because we're one with them.

We are grateful and thankful to receive the answered prayer right now, to accept it fully right now, to allow for our healing right now. In gratitude, we let it be. And so it is. Amen. Amen, Amen. Yes. I feel you. Thank you. Thank you for saying, yes. Oh, my goodness. What a blessing.

Spiritual Practice Is 24/7

I would like to share with you a little bit, because I've shared so much in all the Living A Course In Miracles class of my personal walk and my personal experience of healing, which has been so profound on all levels.

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And I never imagined that I could have the level of healing and expansion that I've had. And what I also know for myself, is that there's so much more because every day is a day of purification for me. Every day is a day of clarification. Every day, my spiritual practice begins the moment I come to awareness and I take it into my dreamtime.

I consciously intend, when I lay myself down at night, to continue my practice all through the night. So, the truth of the matter is, it’s 24/7 for me because it’s everything. There's nothing else.

Why would I want some part of my life not to be part of my spiritual practice? I used to do that. I used to hold parts of my life away from God and say, “No, this is separate. This is where I can act like a jerk. And this is where I can be mean. And this is where I can be sad. And this is where I can whatever, judge people, gossip, self-medicate, self-sabotage, et cetera, et cetera.”

I used to compartmentalize my life. And the greatest, greatest thing that I ever came to was a total willingness to surrender it all. And I still have to surrender more and surrender more every day. It’s never not about surrender.

This walk with God is all about remembering our unity and oneness with life, so it’s always about surrendering any sense of separation as long as we are having this 3D experience of walking around in a body temple. Yes, indeed.

It’s deeply challenging. It’s very intense, is it not? And some days it feels excruciating. Does it not? Yes, it does. What I can honestly say though is it used to feel excruciating all the time, meaning many points in a day it would feel excruciating.

Almost every day I had bouts of self-medication of one kind or another, self-sabotage of one kind or another. And now, it just is less and less with every single passing day.

Any time that I drift into thoughts of separation, I start to feel uncomfortable right away. And I recognize that that is that discomfort, or frustration, or even disappointment, yep, all those emotions that are less than joyful and playful and harmonious, every single one of them, I now recognize as my own personal cry for love.

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It’s that I have forgotten to be loving. And so every single little fraction, or morsel, of upset, discord, disharmony is the wakeup call for me to recognize I have decided to choose thoughts of separation and I think that they are real, that they have value for me.

It really is that fine a practice that we are moving towards. And the more we are able to rejoice, literally rejoice, “Oh, my gosh. I just found myself cherishing thoughts of separation. Hallelujah, praise God because I can deepen my practice right here, bring benefit to all beings right here, open my heart to love right here. Yes.”

This is part of the practices that we have been sharing in Week 1 and Week 2 with Gary Renard and True Forgiveness. What a powerful class. And last week’s classes with Gabrielle Bernstein, and the Homework class with the practices of Healing Self-Esteem are really powerful.

And I'd like to just take a moment here and thank everyone who has made comments at Facebook, who have made comments and e-mailed them to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I'm also going to say that if you have any technical difficulties, we have an FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions. If you look for Frequently Asked Questions, you can find your answers and solutions on how to get help there.

But if you do have something you'd like to share personally about the class, your experience in the class, you can e-mail me directly [email protected].

I don't take care of technical things because it’s not my thing, but I love your comments. I'm not always able to e-mail everybody back because there's quite a lot, but I just would like you to know, I read every single one. I do and I cherish them all and I'm so grateful, because this is my career path. This is my vocation.

Jennifer’s Spiritual Awakening

And what I would like to share with you first, and foremost, is that I started on this path as a spiritual counselor. And that was back in the ‘90s. I studied to be a Science of Mind practice in the Agape community

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here, in Los Angeles, with Michael Beckwith. I've been a part of that community for 18 or 19 years now.

And it was where I took many classes. Although I started, interestingly enough, I started taking spiritual classes and things back in the ‘80s, half my life ago in the mid ‘80s.

I was a student of Eric Butterworth at the Unity Church in Manhattan. I used to walk down there on Sunday mornings with my girlfriend Marie Sassey. I went with a group of people, my dear friends Steven Wilkinson and George Cochran and a group of people I haven't actually talked to in many years. But they were my spiritual posse back then and we went to hear Eric Butterworth on Sunday mornings. And it was very, very supportive of me.

And then taking classes with Shakti Gawain, it was very supportive for me and I took a number of things with her at the Open Center. I remember in ’85, ’86, back in there.

And things have come full circle because I am now teaching a workshop at the Open Center in Manhattan on Saturday, September 29th. It’s going to be a very small group. I'm sure we'll sell out, so if you have friends in Manhattan, or you're in that area, please come. It’s inexpensive, a Saturday night workshop. I can't wait to be with you in Manhattan at the Open Center.

It’s because when I was there back in ’86, I was so lost and confused, so lost and confused. Oh, my godness. Oh, my godness. Oh, I think I just found a new fun phrase. Oh, my godness. Yeah, I've got to write that one down.

And this is all related to my career and your career, and the healing in your career. Oh, I'm going to get emotional because back in ’86 when I was in… I remember taking a four day seminar at the Open Center with Shakti Gawain. It’s all coming back to me.

At the time, I was training to run the New York Marathon and I had a knee injury. I was in physical pain. I was in emotional pain. I was in mental pain. Every part of my beingness was in pain. And I felt so lost. I didn't know how to make my life work. I really didn't. I was coming out of a period of feeling suicidal. And I was in recovery in every sense of the word.

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I was recovering my true identity, just beginning and I really was lost. I was really looking for the light. And Shakti’s book Living in the Light really helped me.

I remember that in this workshop I had the realization and it was profound. It was a big life changer for me, that I had made a list of goals. You can call it my bucket list, but it also was just a list of goals.

And my orientation… And I was 26 years old at the time. My orientation towards that list of goals was that these were the things I had to accomplish in the world, it was all about the body in the world, in order to be successful.

Is Accomplishment Tied To Worthiness?

And it was required that I accomplish them in order to be loved, in order to be lovable. This is what I discovered. I didn't realize that this list that I constantly carried around… I had it on paper. I had it in my head this list of things I had to accomplish. This list of goals in the world that tied to that list was my worthiness, that if I didn't accomplish these goals, I was not good enough.

And I remember sitting in that room at the Open Center and asking myself, “Good enough for what? What is it I would be good enough for if I accomplished all these things?” And I realized good enough to be loved by myself, self-love, right?

This goes to our topic last week, Healing Self-Esteem. I didn't know to do the forgiveness work then that we talked about with Gary Renard in Week 1, but I do encourage you to do the forgiveness letter. If you missed that class, remember you can always purchase the downloads, the transcripts. They're worth having if you're going to work with them. They bring great benefit. At least this is what people tell us.

But the forgiveness letter is free on the website. If money is an issue, you can download that forgiveness letter today and make an appointment with yourself. Give yourself an hour, an hour and a half to do the forgiveness letter work.

Remember, too, you can also invite a friend to be the two, or more, who are gathered and to do that work together. It’s beautiful. It’s so healing. You are worth it. It costs you nothing and it gives you everything.

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Sitting in the Open Center, I had this realization because I'd already discovered I hated myself. I'd already come to that awareness like Tama was talking about last night. I had that aha moment where I heard the voice in my head say, I hate you.” Oh, my goodness, that was such a wakeup call for me. Oh my God, I hate myself.

I didn't even know that was so festering deep inside my ego attachments. And I hated this life. I already knew I hated the life, and that I didn't see any way out which is why I started to go to Unity and these things. It was because I didn't feel I could kill myself. I didn't feel that was an option to do that to my family, so I was looking for the way out.

I realized that I had this list of goals and accomplishments. And if I didn't accomplish them, if I didn't do them I wasn't good enough. I wasn't a good enough person. I didn't deserve to be loved. I might as well hate myself.

My whole sense of self-esteem and self-love and worth in the world depended on my accomplishing these goals. And what I knew about myself… Remember I was suffering right then because I was trying to accomplish the goal of running the New York Marathon and I had injured myself. My boyfriend said once to me I'm built for comfort, not speed. I'm a roundie. And I love to work out and I love to exercise, but marathons… Anyway…

I was suffering this ego attachment to running the marathon. My body was suffering from trying to train to run the marathon, all this stuff going on, physical, emotional, mental pain.

And I realized that, “Oh, my God. I keep adding things to this list. Every time I cross something off, I add at least one or two things. I have set myself up in failure. I cannot succeed. I cannot succeed.”

And that's when I had the realization, “I'm taking this list. I'm burning it. Forget this list. Never mind this list. This is an egotistical list.” And I made a new list and I put one thing on it. I put one goal. And the goal was to love myself without condition, without hesitation, without reservation.

And I said, “Until I have accomplished this goal, I will have no other goals. I will have no other gods, or false idols before me.”

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And that was a game changer. That was a game changer. I put my entire focus on it.

I didn't know. I thought, “Well, this might take me years and years. It doesn't matter. Nothing else is worth anything. I had the inspired awareness. I had enough contact with my higher Holy Spirit self, with the Holy Spirit, with the voice for love that I knew that nothing else mattered unless I could at least accomplish that goal.

Eliminate The Blocks To Self-Love

At the time I was living at 98th Street and Broadway in a four-bedroom apartment and I had three roommates. But what I did was I started decorating my room. I had a big sign that said… I'll see if I can remember what it said. I remember the image. I think it said, “I love myself unconditionally as I am right now.” That was my affirmation.

I began to work with that every day and eliminate all blocks to self-love. I was quite amazed that, within a year’s time, I was able to say that I did love myself.

Now, I still had many, many opinions and judgments but there was the foundation of self-love. It’s because here’s the thing. Our true foundation is self-love because all love is self-love, because there's only one. All love is self-love because there's only one. How beautiful is that?

If we love and cherish others but not ourselves, that ain’t it, Kid. That ain’t it, Kid. Let me tell you where I got that. I said that to Tama last night. I worked for many years at the New York Shakespeare Festival in Manhattan, and in the theatre. And I worked on the show A Chorus Line for years. And I can't even begin to count the number of times I've seen A Chorus Line. I love that show.

There's a place in the show where one of the lines is she says, “That ain’t it, Kid,” talking to herself, repeating the line that others had said to her. I say that to myself sometimes when I get into egoland, “That ain’t it, Kid.” That's the voice of the ego friend. Actually it’s my higher self that's playful. That ain’t it, Kid.

This was a game changer for me to give up the ego goal list. It’s not that you can't have a bucket list, but what’s your attachment to it?

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Is it an ego attachment, or is it kind of a wish list? Is it something that you hold lightly and loosely?

It’s because if it’s more important to you to say, see the Grand Canyon than it is to awaken to your divinity, Hello! There's a wakeup call for you, friend. Do you see what I'm saying? Hello! God is calling you.

So, bucket list, awakening awareness, loving myself, being totally in tune with my divinity… A Course In Miracles talks about the atonement, right? It looks like at-one-ment. And that's what it is. It is the full realization that we're not separate, never were separate, never gonna be separate. We are united. We are one. There is only one. We are one with God.

You can say that we are God, right? This is the holy truth of our life. And every problem that we think we have is simply an expression, in form, of the thought, “I'm separate from God.”

If we think, “I'm separate from God,” and we affirm it through thinking my neighbor’s a jerk, or I'm a jerk, then it’s going to show up as an illusion of separation. It’s going to show up looking like, “I don't have enough money. I can't heal my body. I can't find true love. I can't find a healthy career. I can't whatever.” It’s illusive.

We can begin to recognize that the eternal, infinite truth is that our human experience really is about facilitating a human experience and coming home, remembering that we are love and we are loved, and forgetting all the false idols, forgetting all the thoughts we cherish instead of that. We're coming home. We're remembering love as our true identity and putting that first. That's our bucket list.

What Is Atonement?

The atonement is the full realization that there is no separation. It’s an illusion. When people are talking about this world is an illusion, it’s the separation that's the illusion. Our experience is to help us remember to choose unification and oneness in our awareness so that we can experience our God nature.

Our God nature is the spiritual qualities that are live streaming all the time. So, our spiritual nature is wholeness, abundance, joy, creativity, wisdom, clarity, purity, freedom. All of these spiritual

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qualities are live streaming all of the time. They are our true identity and it is our divine destiny to express them and reveal them in every activity of our life.

And we can choose to do that, or we can choose to think thoughts of separation and experience thoughts of separation. Thoughts of separation are thoughts of lack and attack and limitation. The minute we choose them we feel a constriction. That constriction, that uncomfortableness that I was talking about before, is the wakeup call to remember that we forgot to choose love. We can now choose again.

This is the teaching of A Course In Miracles. It’s about getting into a living spiritual practice, walking the talk and living the love in every moment. This is what I offer as my career because it is what has profoundly changed and healed my life. And it’s continuing to change and heal my life.

Now, back when I was in misery at the Open Center, I was working in the theatre and I was hoping to have a career in the music business, and hoping to have a successful career in theatre. What happened was, I had an experience, what they call a numinous experience. It was kind of like and out-of-body, etheric experience where I had direct contact with… in a very, very clear way with the higher self, the holy self. You could call it my guides and angels. It doesn't really matter.

But I was given a very visceral, very expansive experience where I had the clarity to realize that I could be a beneficial presence in this world. And the message that I got in the symbols of words was, “Heal yourself and you can help millions. Heal yourself and you can help millions.” I did not feel worthy of such a thing. I didn't know where to begin, or how to begin, so I said, “No. I don't want to do that. I can't do that.” What I wanted to do was I wanted to make stuff in form.

I wanted to produce and write for theatre and movies and in the music business. I wanted to do all that stuff. And not that doing any of that is wrong, or bad, and not that I couldn't do that and be a healing presence because you absolutely can. And I've proved that, so I know that for sure. And I have many, many friends who work in film, television,

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theatre, movies and music and all that stuff, and they are a healing presence. So, I absolutely know I can do that.

It’s not about the form. It’s not about the form. It’s about our aspiration. Where are we beginning from? What’s the holy place where we're beginning from?

I said, “No, I can't be a healing presence in this world.” If I had a do-over and I wish I did, if I had a do-over in that moment I would say, “I don't know how to do that. Show me how. I've no clue. Show me how. I'm willing.” But I wasn't willing.

It took me a long time to get willing. And I thought I pushed all of that healing presence stuff away as far as I could because I just did not think I could be good. I didn't think I could be that loving. I didn't think I could be kind and generous as a way of life, because I was so judgmental, so filled with thoughts of lack and attack and limitation that I had no idea, right?

This is what Tama and I were talking about. We were both walking around Manhattan at the same time wanting to kill ourselves, absolutely miserable, confused and frightened. But little by little, I began to be more loving, more compassionate with myself and with others, a little more patient, a little more kind, a little more generous.

And I began to whittle away the ego attachments until I finally, many, many, many, many, many years later because I was such a slow learner, I was so attached to the ego way of life… I was so attached to playing small that I was unwilling at the highest level.

Surrender Is A Journey

It took me a long time to get to that place of true and total surrender. And I invite you to give yourself a break and say, “I don't know how to get there, but I'm willing. I'm willing and I'm going to start right now. I'm not going to delay my happiness. I am going to discover how to be a vehicle for God’s love, live streaming the spiritual qualities, expressing them, revealing them as the fullness of my life.”

When I first started as a spiritual counselor, I was thinking thoughts intermittently like, “How am I going to get clients?” Look. I was trying

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to get stuff. I was trying to get money. I was trying to get clients. I was trying to get, get, get get.

And, yes, I was interested in sharing insight and helping and all of that, but I was also still very bound up with the ego. I didn't even realize how bound up I still was. But I kept working at it and whittling away. I got sidetracked with thinking, “Oh, I want to be a master manifester,” and things like that.

And then I started to get to the point where my aspiration was to work only for love, to be in service to love. And that's when everything began to get more and more challenging. And the healing began to speed up exponentially.

I'm inviting you to jump right to the chase, if you will. Get to the fast track and decide that, instead of working for a paycheck, instead of working for money, work for love. Work for love.

There's an ego fear that comes up. I can feel it even as I say it, that people are thinking, “Oh, what if I lose my paycheck because I start working for love?” Then you're going to learn to have trust and faith, or you're going to go running back to the ego.

What would you like to have, living in fear and constriction and limitation and lack, or opening to the expansiveness of love? It’s because as we talked about in the class with Tama, when you decide that you're willing to follow inspired guidance and inspiration, you'll be amazed at how effective God is in your life.

This is one of the things that we get to. I have a yearlong class called Masterful Living. And this is one of the things that we get to in Masterful Living. One of the premises of the class is we're going to put down all of thought that we have built around, all of the structure in our life that we have built around working in form, working in density. I call it pushing density. And that's what my blog is about today. You can sign up to get my daily blog at JenniferHadley.com. I call it my Daily Spiritual Espresso. And every day I write a piece of inspiration. And I also record a prayer for today. And you can get those for free as part of my daily prayer.

Also, if you have lots of questions, you can sign up for my membership program which is my Sacred Circle program at JenniferHadley.com.

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And every week I do calls where you can ask me questions. I invite you to check that out if that's something that would support you at this time. It’s a very low cost program. You can join it for as little as $10.

The daily prayer and the daily inspiration is totally free. You see, this is my joy to work from the overflow and to offer it for free. And my goal is to be able to offer everything for free, and that I live only on tithes and donations. When you purchase the classes, you help offset my cost in paying for the classes.

When you make a donation, you help support me in paying my rent and my expenses. This is how my finances are arranged now because I gave it all to God. I stopped working for money and began to work only for love. And I still live frugally. I don't have a lavish life by any stretch of the imagination. I don't eat out a lot. I don't go to lots of movies, or anything like that, but I'm very happy because I get to offer these free classes.

I get to share from my heart which is the work that I most love to do. Once I stopped working for money and began to work for love, there was a transition period. And let me just tell you. In that transition period, there were some very lean times. And what I can tell you is, those lean times taught me, “Are you going to go into fear, or are you going to go into faith?” I had to discipline my mind not to entertain the thoughts of lack and limitation.

If This Were Different…

One of the beautiful quotes that Tama shared with us in last night’s class is from A Course In Miracles, “If this were different, I'd be saved,” right? That's a classic ego thought. If this were different, I'd be saved. That's the fantasy thinking. That's the glamour thinking.

That was where I was when I was sitting in that workshop, suffering in 1986 at the Open Center with Shakti Gawain. I thought, “If my life were different, I would be happy.” I was thinking, “If I could run the marathon, I'd be happy. If my leg wasn't injured, I'd be happy. If I had the right boyfriend, I'd by happy. If my boyfriend lived and did whatever I wanted him to do, or thought he should do, then I'd be happy. If I

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could lose 10 pounds, I'd be happy. If I made more money, I'd be happy. If I had the perfect job, I'd be happy.” Everything was conditional.

Now, catch this. The spiritual qualities of love, peace, harmony, joy, abundance, prosperity, wisdom, creativity, freedom, wholeness, everything that we say we want, the full download of those spiritual qualities is available for free and live streaming. And everytime we think that what we want is in form, that it looks like something, that it needs to be expressed in a particular way, then our mind is attached to the form.

Our mind is attached to the physical. We're in the ego thought system. We're mired in that spider web of ego thoughts thinking that everything is conditional. It’s because all of those spiritual qualities are unconditional. We can only experience them without attachment. Wow! How amazing is that? We can experience the fullness of prosperity and abundance and love and wholeness and wisdom and creativity and freedom and joy. But we can only experience it when we release the conditions.

If we think joy looks like this, if we think prosperity looks like that, if we think wholeness looks like this, it’s all conditional. The ego is always conditional. Love is not conditional. Wholeness is not conditional. Wholeness is a spiritual quality of God that is live streaming all of the time. We either experience it unconditionally, or we don't experience it at all. It’s up to us. It’s a mental choice.

Work for love. Don't work for money, you know? It’s because you'll never have enough money. There are people who work for money who don't have enough money. The example that just came into my mind is Nicolas Cage. I don't know much about him, but I seem to recall he makes… I remember years ago he was like making $12, $14, $20 million a film. He declared bankruptcy. He owes a huge tax debt. Somehow $20 million a film, turning them out left and right, he doesn't have enough money. Apparently, there's a shortage of money and he’s experiencing it. It’s the height of insanity, is it not? Is it not?

Perhaps in your relationship to money, you recognize that no matter how much money you have, you don't have enough, right? Hello. That's because of the way you're holding it in your mind. Let’s not work for money anymore. Let us work for God, Inc.

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I remember years ago I was counseling somebody who wanted to make a shift in their career. They were very unhappy and work was spotty. Money was very tight. They were mostly unemployed.

And she was really wanting to have a career that allowed her to make use of her love of God, her spiritual studies, her training as a Science of Mind practitioner. She didn't really care if she was working as a spiritual practitioner, or whatever she was doing, as long as she could be in that God space all day and bringing benefit to others and making a decent living.

These are not big wants, but she couldn't seem to manifest it. She couldn't seem to demonstrate it. She couldn't seem to make it happen. We were looking at it from a spiritual perspective to bring forth a healing.

And what became clear in the counseling session was she had all kinds of attachments to how it looked, right? Here’s one thing that people have gotten hooked into from prosperity teachings is, have a clear idea of how it looks. What I feel is that people get an ego attachment to how it looks. It’s because really in truth, what I can tell you is, in my life experience when I gave up all attachment to the visualization of how it looks, and instead concentrated wholly and completely on how it felt to be fully expressing the God qualities, the spiritual qualities of love, wholeness, harmony, purity, freedom, joy, truth, wisdom, creativity, peace, all of these spiritual qualities and more, prosperity and abundance…

What Is Needed Will Come

When I focused on how does it feel to be in total alignment as an expression of these God qualities, everything changed and I began to be able to clear the clutter of my mind so that I was really focused on working for love and as love and with love and in love. And the money began to flow.

I really don't have a lot more money than I did say, 10 years ago, but now I live and support myself on tithes. And I never wonder where the money’s going to come from, how much money’s going to come or any of that because I absolutely know it will come from the only place

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it can come from, divine source. And how much will come? What is needed will come. That's how much.

I have trust and faith in that now and I walk that. Was it easy for me to learn to do that? No. No. it was not easy for me. I had to hold my feet to the fire because I experience the recession and all these things just like everybody else. And let me tell you my personal experience.

In 2007, my financial picture really changed because I prayed, I prayed to really be in alignment with love, so all the income sources, most of them, the major income sources that I had, immediately stopped.

I'm not saying this is going to happen for you. Things happen for me because my holy purpose is to share my learning of spiritual principle. And I'm really interested in learning it and walking it 24/7, so I get very dramatic experiences. It’s just how I am. It’s just how my life is.

I made this really intense prayer about working only for love, only to bring benefit for others, and to truly open up the floodgates of prosperity in my life. And the very next day, the major income source let me know that my services were no longer needed. You know what?

I just knew instantly, “This is my answered prayer.” So, sometimes when something happens and it’s an ego shock… Do you ever feel like lightning bolt through your system when it’s an ego shock?

I used to feel those all the time, actually, some more severe than others, depending on my attachment. There was no lightning bolt. My major source of income… I'm an independent contractor. It was completely gone in one nanosecond that I had taken 7 years to build, gone.

Now I don't know what I'm going to do, but God did. God did. And actually what happened was, my mom not too long after that, went into hospice care. I went and left my home and went to their home and moved in with them, my parents for five months. I cared for my mom.

And every day I was so profoundly grateful that I was able to be a fulltime caregiver 24/7 for my parents. It’s because if I hadn't been able to care for my parents during my mother’s illness and all of

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that suffering, it would have been excruciating. I don't know what I would have done. It would have been just horrible if I couldn't put my full attention on it. So, I was really, really blessed, even though I began to rack up debt.

And then in 2008, my mom passed away and I came back to Los Angeles. And I needed a little time to recover. My dad helped me out with some money, for which I was very grateful. But my practitioner practice had really dwindled because my counseling clients went onto other practitioners while I was gone. And I hadn't replaced the income that I had built up before, so now I had increasing debt.

It was 2008, you know. That's when this financial recession started. People weren't having money for spiritual counseling as much. Everybody, crisis… People weren't paying for workshops and extras and things like that.

Now, hmm. I get to build a radical faith and a radical trust in God. And so I began to really work my practice, like tune up. And my spiritual practice by then was so strong. It was so strong because of all the focus on love during my time with my parents, my mom’s illness and death. Yep.

I began to just offer more and more for free and the money began to flow little by little. And I managed to get through it. I managed to get through it and I managed to release the debts. And I managed to get through it.

It was not easy. It required focus and attention. And now I can honestly say, “I work only for love.” I remember I got an e-mail from somebody saying, “I know you have to do this to make money,” and I was like, “What? No, no. I don't have to do this to make money. I get to do this and the money comes. It comes.”

And, yes, I do offer some classes for money. And I have a staff. And those people, some of them have children. They have mouths to feed. They’re not living on tithes, so they have salaries. And the classes that I charge money for, set the fee for, those pay for my staff. And it works out. And it’s a healing.

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Your Willingness Is Required

Are you actually willing to settle for temporary happiness, the happiness that comes and goes that's based on condition? Or, are you willing to step into the eternal, infinite, unconditional, unprecedented joy that is your true identity?

Are you willing to turn your career and your creativity over to God, and to declare that, from this moment forward, you work for God, and you're going start to really make an investigation and inquiry into the ways in your life where you affirm that your prosperity is conditional, the ways that you affirm that your creative expression is conditional, that your happiness is conditional, that your love is conditional, that your freedom is conditional?

Many people believe that their freedom depends on how much money they make. And so they cannot have any other experience except a conditional experience of freedom. So, they never feel free because freedom is a spiritual quality. It’s not conditional. You can't experience your inheritance, you can't experience the kingdom that is within if mentally you believe that it’s conditional.

If your focus and your orientation in your life and in your mind is that you are giving to get, if you're going to your job in order to get a paycheck, that's all you'll ever get. Your liberation awaits you.

The path of liberation, the path of light, is always available, but you have to choose it mentally, and every choice matters. The more excruciating it seems to choose love, to choose patience, to choose forgiveness, to choose kindness, to choose generosity, to choose to trust God instead of your own opinions and judgments, the more excruciating it feels, the bigger the healing opportunity is available to you in that moment. It’s because the attachment to the ego belief system is so strong.

The more you're suffering, the more you're attached to working in density, to working in form. And just know that at any moment, you could decide, you could choose again and choose to learn to work in the invisible.

We learn. We remember to work in the invisible. The reason that we experience such intense suffering is because we're so attached to

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working in form. Working in form is trying to manifest stuff by visualizing, by e-mailing and making phone calls and driving to places in our car, and trying to control and manage and manipulate the people and the circumstances of our life. That's working in density. That's working in form.

What about living from vision? This is what I love to share, living from vision where you recognize you're fully funded by God because you work for God, Inc., every minute of every day. The benefit package is awesome. Your coworkers are gorgeous. The fringe benefits are amazing. The working conditions are beautiful and peaceful and harmonious and glorious.

All of that awaits you and it awaits your decision. It awaits your choice. You can truly finding freedom in your heart and mind. It only comes through your spiritual practice. It doesn't come through reading a book. It does not come through reading a book and it doesn't come through fantasy.

It comes through every choice and every decision that you make to have a living, spiritual practice. And that includes listening to the guidance, following the guidance. And sometimes the guidance will say things like, “Okay, don't go looking for a job. Develop radical trust and faith.”

Silver, Gold And Platinum Offerings

We had two classes in that during the Living A Course In Miracles 2 series, Trust and Faith. And the Living A Course In Miracles 1, 2 and 3 series are still available if you'd like to purchase them. And I'll just make a quick moment here.

In case you don't know, this helps cut down on the e-mail, so I'm just going to do a little couple of minutes here. You can get the unlimited downloads for $4.40 some cents per class, unlimited replays rather. It’s unlimited replays for $4 and change per class. That's the Silver Package.

If you're like me and you like to have the downloads, put them on your phone, put them on your iPod and you like to have the transcripts, that's $20 more. That's the Gold Package. It’s $5 and change per class.

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The Platinum Package, many people like to have the CDs and the bound transcript. They don't want to do the printing themselves. They want to have the nice bound transcript and all those CDs, that is about $9 per class. That's the Platinum Package.

The Silver, Gold and Platinum packages are available for each and every Living A Course In Miracles series. The prices are all the same. And you can purchase all of those classes if you're interested. If you are interested and would like to know more about them, you can learn about it at the Living A Course In Miracles website. And you can also e-mail [email protected].

Guidance Of The Divine Versus The Ego

We're following the guidance of the divine rather than the ego. It’s so simple, once you get the hang of it, to recognize the difference between a fear-based ego thought and an inspired guidance from the higher Holy Spirit self.

The ego’s always looking to get something because the ego is always thinking of lack and limitation, because the ego is a thought system of separation. The spirit always knows that it has within. The kingdom is within. And when we dedicate ourselves to seeking first the kingdom everything else is added unto us.

This is why I don't wonder and worry how things are going to flow and where it’s going to come from because I already know that. I know that with every fiber of my being. I don't have to go out and get. My focus is on sharing rather than getting. I focus on sharing.

I'm sharing the love, sharing the wisdom, sharing the creativity, sharing my experience of freedom, sharing my experience of wholeness and harmony. And I'm focused on learning, so I'm a lifelong learner and I share what I learn.

We teach best what we need to learn. That's what I'm doing. I'm learning and sharing, right? I'm at the edge of my learning and I'm sharing it with you. And what a blessing I get to share it for free. And you can enjoy it for free. Is that not abundance?

It’s all these wonderful teachers sharing from the overflow totally for free for you. What’s your commitment? Are you willing to work for

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God, Inc.? Are you willing to accept the 24/7, live stream of divine guidance and inspiration, or are you more interested in giving to get?

Every place that you are giving to get in your life, you are looking to control and manipulate the circumstances of your life. And you are affirming a belief in limitation. You are affirming a belief in separation. You are affirming a belief in lack, and you can only experience more of that.

It is flipping the switch in your mind and deciding that you're going to work only for love. You work for God, Inc. and you start to appreciate the benefits of that. It is a completely different orientation. And you have everything preinstalled that you need to activate that software, to activate that program, to hook in and tune in and tune up.

The question is only, are you willing to do it now? A Course In Miracles talks about there's no question that you will get there. Will you get there in this lifetime? Will you get there 10 lifetimes from now? How long will you delay? That's really what it’s about?

How much longer are you interested in playing in form and trying to manifest in form? That's the thing about some of these teachings like the teachings in The Secret and everything. Yes, you can dazzle yourself manifesting in form, but doesn't that just affirm that you love this world of form and that's your focus? What can I manifest in form versus the true, deep everlasting healing?

I would say to you, in this spiritual journey, many of us are benefited by realizing how powerful our mind is that every thought produces form at some level. So, yes, if we really, really focus we can produce the form of money. We can produce the form of a mate and all of these things. But if it’s all born of attachment, if it’s all born of conditions and ego, haven't we already got enough experience in that?

Let us see what being in the pure alignment with love brings forth. It brings forth peace and harmony. And as you live in this world of form, in tune with the infinite, you experience in form. This is what peace looks like. This is what harmony looks like. This is what a clear understanding of prosperity looks like. This is what a clear understanding of wisdom can look like in form.

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It can look like A Course In Miracles. It can look like a free class with thousands of people around the world in it? Do I care what it looks like? No, I do not. I do not. My interest is being a good steward and a good listener of the guidance that I receive every day.

And I am perfecting my stewardship every day through my living, spiritual practice. And this is what we're doing together. This is why I love being in spiritual communities together. This is why I love being in practice together.

I invite you to join the Facebook. I invite you to become a prayer partner with me. Join the Daily Power Prayer. Join thousands of people around the world who are joining in prayer, sharing the inspiration and sharing the love. And we are altogether refining our awareness and deciding to choose love, choose again, choose again, choose again.

It’s because, really, our heart’s desire is to know our true identity as the perfect givers and receivers of love, so I'm going to invite you in this moment to tune within. We're coming to a close here.

Closing Prayer For Miraculous Motivation

I'm inviting you in this moment to take a holy breath with me and to place your hand on your heart. And ask yourself, in your work, in your creativity, what’s your motivation? In the past, what have you been motivated by?

The ego is insatiable, always looking to get something. Are you willing to have a holy motivation? Are you willing to have a miraculous motivation? Are you willing to open your heart and mind to a life where you share from the overflow, that you're so fully in tune with the kingdom within, and the spiritual qualities of love and joy and peace and harmony and freedom, abundance and prosperity, wholeness and clarity, purity?

The purity of God’s love is so freely flowing in your life that you recognize your identity as the perfect giver and receiver of love. And your employment is to share from the overflow, no matter where you're employed, you work for God and it’s joyful work. It’s good work. It’s healing work. It’s beneficial work.

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The ego is insatiable and the spirit is fully funded. The ego is never, never anything but affirming lack and limitation. And the spirit is always affirming, “You have it. It’s within you. Seek the kingdom first. Everything you need will be provided when you follow divine guidance.”

I, of myself, can do nothing. One with God is a majority. This is where we rest. This is our holy choice in every moment of every day. And we're grateful to be able to see it now.

We're grateful right now to throw our hearts and minds wide open to this healing, releasing any attachment to getting and, instead, standing in the truth that sets us free.

We're finding freedom in our heart and in our mind. We're not playing small anymore. One with God is a majority. We're valuing the unity of all life more than anything else. And in this is our abundance. In this is our healing. In this is our prosperity. In this is our creativity.

We are awake. We are grateful. We're thankful to share the love and the healing with everyone because we're one with them. In gratitude, we let it be. And so it is. Amen. Amen, Amen.

Invitation To Re-Listen

Please listen to the replays. Make your notes. If you have the transcripts, go over the transcripts. Read and listen together. The more you listen, the more you hear. Share with your friends. Invite them over. Listen together. Bring your loved ones together. Make your commitment to live your spiritual practice every minute of every day and watch the healing unfold in your life. Your destiny is now. How beautiful. I love you. Thank you for being my spiritual partner in the healing. Ah, what a blessing.

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