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Logo Rationale - Sabah · Logo Rationale Three Sabah maps: Represent the forests as a natural...

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Logo Rationale

Three Sabah maps: Represent the forests as a natural heritage and the backbone of Sabah’s economy, for the past, present and future generations.

Roof and fence structure: Symbolises the total commitment of the Forestry Department as the custodian of the forests, which subscribes fully to the principles of sustainable forest management.

Circle and golden line: Symbolises the importance of the forest ecosystem integrity for the protection of the environment and biodiversity

Sabah Forestry Department


Published by

Sabah Forestry DepartmentLocked Bag 6890009 SandakanSabah, MalaysiaTel No.: 6089-660811/242500Fax No.: 6089-671303/672579Website : www.forest.sabah.gov.my

Copyright © 2014 Sabah Forestry Department, Sandakan

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owners.

Sabah Forestry Department Annual Report 2014

ISSN 1823-0954

Printed in Malaysia

Sabah Forestry Department Headquarters, Sandakan

Vision & Mission ........................................................................................................................................ viObjectives .................................................................................................................................................viiDirector’s Message 2014 .......................................................................................................................... ix1. Strategies ........................................................................................................................................... 12. News in Pictures .................................................................................................................................. 53. Perseverance And Persistence With A Sense of Crisis ...................................................................... 134. Personnel ........................................................................................................................................... 195. Establishment Profile ........................................................................................................................ 356. Human Resource Development ........................................................................................................ 457. Forestry Training Institute ................................................................................................................. 578. Publicity & Awareness ....................................................................................................................... 619. Quality Management ........................................................................................................................ 6710. ICT Studies & Services ...................................................................................................................... 7311. Enforcement, Investigation & Prosecution ........................................................................................ 8112. Project Management & General Services ......................................................................................... 8713. Forest Revenue & Expenditure ........................................................................................................ 10314. Forest Industries & Statistics ........................................................................................................... 10915. Forest Sector Planning ..................................................................................................................... 121 • Policy, Legislation & Sectoral Development ................................................................................. 121 • Project Cooperation & Collaboration ........................................................................................... 137 • International Forestry & Corporate Affairs ................................................................................... 144 • Special Reports of Projects ........................................................................................................... 162 • Special Report on Events i. The Centennial Forestry Celebration ..................................................................................... 172 ii. Heart International Conference On Enhancing Biodiversity Towards No Net Loss & Beyond Within The Hob Landscape ....................................................................................... 187 iii 17th Malaysian Forestry Conference ....................................................................................... 19016. Forest Restoration Projects Under The Community Forestry and Forest Rehabilitation Funds ...................................................................................................... 20117. Forest Resource Management ........................................................................................................ 21318. Forest Protection ............................................................................................................................. 24119. Sustainable Forest Management ...................................................................................................... 24720. Social Forestry ................................................................................................................................. 26321. Deramakot Forest Operations .......................................................................................................... 27122. Mangrove Forest Management & Restoration ................................................................................ 28723. Ulu Segama-Malua Sustainable Forest Management Project ......................................................... 29724. Ulu Kalumpang-Wullersdorf Sustainable Forest Management Project ........................................... 31725. Timimbang-Botitian Sustainable Forest Management Project ......................................................... 32326. Tangkulap-Pinangah Forest Development Project .......................................................................... 32927. Conservation Area Management Plan (CAMP) for FMU 10 ............................................................ 33928. Northern Gunung Rara Sustainable Forest Management Project .................................................. 34729. Special Features

• The Cinnamon Trees, Cinnamomum Schaeff. (Lauraceae) in Sabah ................................................ 356• Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre – Progress in 2014 ........................................................... 361 • Borneo Rhino Sanctuary (BRS) Programme – Progress in 2014 ...................................................... 366 • The Biodiversity Monitoring Project ............................................................................................... 369• RIL Implementation In Sabah ........................................................................................................... 371• Sabah: Building a future through evidence-based conservation and sustainability ....................... 380

30. Research & Development• Natural Forest Ecology & Management ........................................................................................... 383• Plant Diversity Programme .............................................................................................................. 397 • Insect Diversity Programme ............................................................................................................. 412• Plantation Silviculture Programme ................................................................................................... 413• Tree Breeding and Seed Establishment Programme ....................................................................... 420• Insect Pest and Disease Programme ............................................................................................... 427• Utilisation of Forest Products Programme ...................................................................................... 431• Biotechnology Programme .............................................................................................................. 433• Phytochemistry Research Programme ............................................................................................. 435• Soil and Watershed Programme ...................................................................................................... 436• Tourism Programme ......................................................................................................................... 437• Consultancy Unit ............................................................................................................................... 441• Forest Research Centre: Staff and Research Activities ................................................................... 444• Conference/Seminar/Training/Course/Visit Participated ................................................................ 446

31. Reports, Publications, Articles & Unpublished Reports .................................................................... 449


AAC Annual Allowable CutADP Agro-forestry Development PlanARSM Remote Sensing Agency MalaysiaASFN ASEAN Social Forestry NetworkASOF Asean Senior Officials On ForestryAWP Annual Work PlanBBEC Borneon Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conservation ProgrammeCAMP Conservation Area Management Plan CF Community ForestryCGPA Cumulative Grade Point AverageCHP Comprehensive Harvesting PlansCPP Core Processes ProcedureGPP General Processes ProcedureCR Compliance ReportCSS Customer Satisfaction SurveyDFO District Forestry OfficerDFR Deramakot Forest ReserveEE Environmental EducationEFI European Forestry InstituteEIP Enforcement, Investigation & Prosecution DivisionEMS Environmental Management SystemEPU Ekonomi Perancang Unit (Economic Planning Unit) EU EuropeanEU-FLEGT European Union-Forest Law Enforcement, Governance And Trade FCS Forest Checking StationFDRS Fire Danger Rating SystemFMP Forest Management PlanFMU Forest Management UnitFR Forest ReserveFRA Forest Resource AccountingFRC Forest Research CentreFRM Forest Resource Management DivisionFSC Forest Stewardship CouncilFORESS The Sport, Recreation & Welfare Club of Sabah Forestry DepartmentFSP Forest Sector Planning FWI Fire Weather IndexGPP General Processes ProcedureGEF Global Environment FrameworkGFTN The Global Forest & Trade NetworkGIS Geographical Information SystemsGPS Global Positioning SystemGTZ German Organisation for Technical CooperationHVCF High Conservation Value ForestHoB Heart of BorneoHRD Human Resource DevelopmentHFR Honorary Forest RangerIAA International Award AchievementICT Information & Communication TechnologyINSAN Training Institute For State Public ServiceINTAN National Institute Of Public Administration, Malaysia IP Investigation PaperIPS Institut Perhutanan Sabah (Sabah Forestry Institute)ITP Industrial Tree PlantationsITTO International Tropical Timber OrganizationIUCN International Union for Conservation of NatureJFM Joint Forest ManagementJICA Japanese International Cooperation AgencyJKKK Village Security and Development CommitteeJKM Jabatan Ketua Menteri (Chief Minister’s Department)JPANS Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri Sabah (Sabah Public Services Department)JPKN Jabatan Perkhidmatan Komputer Negeri (State Computer Services Department)JPPP Ministerial Level Development CommitteesJPPS Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan Sabah (Federal Development Department Sabah)JPSM Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia Forestry Department)JTPK Jabatan Tindakan Pembangunan Kementerian (Ministers Development Action Committee)KPI Key Performance IndicatorsKRA Key Result AreasKFRCP Klias Peat Swamp Conservation PlanKG. Kampong (Village)KSPRH Kursus Sijil Perhutanan Renjer HutanKSPPH Kursus Sijil Perhutanan Pengawas HutanLAN Local Area NetworkLFR Lingkabau Forest ReserveLTL Long-term LicenseLTLA Long-term License AgreementMCEE Monitoring, Control, Evaluation, EnforcementMFR Mangkuwagu Forest ReserveMFTN Malaysia Forest Trade NetworkMoF Ministry of FinanceMoT Ministry of Tourism


MoU Memorandum of UnderstandingMPC Malaysian Productivity CorporationMPCT Management Planning Core TeamMT Metric TonnesMTC Malaysian Timber CouncilMTCC Malaysian Timber Certification CouncilMTCS Malaysian Timber Certification SchemeMWHCB Malua Wildlife Habitat Conservation BankNCR Non-Compliance ReportNFM Natural Forest ManagementNGO Non Governmental OrganisationNUS Northern Ulu SegamaNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and EnvironmentOSH Occupational Safety & HealthPAI Public Relations and Innovation DivisionPCT Potential Crop TreesPEFC Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification SchemePD Project Document PDP Plantation Development PlansPES Payment on EcosystemPFE Permanent Forest EstatePFR Permanent Forest ReservesPIF Project Implementation FrameworkPMGS Project Management & General ServicesPPA General Services and Projects DivisionPTK Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan (Evaluation Competency Level)QMS Quality Management SystemQOAP Quality Objective Achievement PerformanceQO Quality ObjectiveQS Quality SystemOFI Opportunity for improvementOP Occupation PermitsOSH Occupational Safety and HealthRBJ Rakyat Berjaya Jelata SabahRDC Rainforest Discovery CentreREDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest DegradationRFID LOGTRAMS Radio Frequency Identification Technology Timber Tracking Technology Timber Tracking SystemsRIL Reduced Impact LoggingRM Ringgit MalaysiaRMK Rancangan Malaysia Ke (Malaysian Plan)SBS Social Baseline StudySCS Scientific Certification SystemsSDC Sabah Development CorridorSESB Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd.SFC Sarawak Forestry CorporationSFD Sabah Forestry DepartmentSFD-SFPs Sabah Forestry Department – Social Forestry ProjectsSFD-YS Sabah Forestry Department-Yayasan SabahSFI Sabah Forest IndustriesSFM Sustainable Forest ManagementSFMLA Sustainable Forest Management Licensee Agreement SFMP Sustainable Forest Management ProjectSPINS State Project Information Network Systems SPP Project Monitoring SystemSRFP Sandakan Rainforest ParkSPRM Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia)/Malaysian Anti-Corruption CommissionSRR Star RatingSUHB Setiausaha Hasil BumiTBSFM Timimbang-Botitian Sustainable Forest ManagementTDP Timber Disposal PermitTLAS Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) TPA Totally Protected AreaUMS University Malaysia SabahUNDP United Nations Development ProgrammeUPEN Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (State Economic Planning Unit)UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and DevelopmentUPS Uninterruptible Power SupplyUPM Universiti Putra MalaysiaUPPH-JKM Anti Illegal Logging Unit, Chief Minister’s DepartmentUS-M Ulu Segama-MaluaUSGS United States Geological Survey VLC Verification of Legal ComplianceVLO Verification Legal OriginVJR Virgin Jungle ReserveVPA Voluntary Partnership AgreementWWF World Wild Fund (Formerly World Wildlife Fund)Y.A.B. Yang Amat Berbahagia (The Most Honourable)Y.Bhg/Y.B. Yang Berbahagia (The Honourable)


VisionTowards the realization of sustainable forest management

MissionTo effectively and efficiently plan and implement

the management of the State’s forest resources in accordance with the principles of sustainable forest


Clear stream in Tawai Forest Reserve (Class 1)Photo by Nigel Balanjiu

Objectives1. To ensure that the management and development of Sabah’s forest

reserves are in accordance with the principles of Sustainable Forest Management;

2. To optimize the utilization of forest resources in order to sustain socio-economic benefits to the State;

3. To ensure that the development of the forest industry corresponds

with the long term productive capacity of the state’s forest resources;

4. To ensure sufficient trained manpower and expertise to implement Sustainable Forest Management efficiently and professionally;

5. To intensify the R & D program and efforts toward the development and implementation of Sustainable Forest Management;

6. To conserve sufficient natural forest areas for the protection and maintenance of the environment, water resources, soils, and biodiversity;

7. To promote the rehabilitation of natural forests and the establishment of forest plantations;

8. To enhance enforcement strategies to safeguard the forest resources;

9. To increase public awareness on the importance of forests and Sustainable Forest Management; and

10. To ensure that sufficient financial resources, technology, and logistical supports are available for the implementation of Sustainable Forest Management.

This extremely rare, metallic green Long-horned Beetle, Gressittichroma sammannani, was named after the Director of Sabah Forestry Department, Datuk Sam Mannan. It was recorded only from Crocker Range, Sabah, found in the forest between 600 to 1,200 m above sea level.

(Photo: Steven Bosuang)

Director’s Message 2014

2014, a momentus year, in which, the Sabah Forestry Department recorded its birthday, 100 years ago, in 1914, was celebrated in fashion, in a 3-day event, starting in the evening of 9th November 2014, at the ‘Merdeka’ Padang, Kota Kinabalu.

At that event, joined by so many, the Right Honourable Chief Minister of Sabah amongst them, Ambassadors, dignitaries, scientists, celebrities, NGOs and all, with an interest in the pursuit of good forest governance in Sabah, were witnesses to the unravelling of a 100-year journey, of the Sabah Forestry Department. The good, the bad and the ugly, in the life of the department, was showcased, lest we lose track of the historical facts, that has moulded us to what we are today.

I am pleased to boast that my team of professionals, technocrats and creators of dreams, excelled beyond my vivid imagination. For that, the Forestry Department is eternally grateful and proud of them. And what is our ultimate goal? What is our forte? What genetic material do we want to pass down the generations? What ethics? What mind set? And what culture?

For the sake of brevity, the ultimate goal and mission is to be judged, the best Forestry Department in the humid tropics. This means good forest governance of the highest order and a benchmark for others. To pursue this, the ingredients include:– 1. We have accorded a robust security of tenure system for the forest reserves and

other conservation areas of Sabah, that will withstand the rigours of development and changes over time;

2. The network of totally protected areas (TPAs) encompassing all the different types of ecosystems, have reached an expanse of 2.2 million hectares of Sabah, or 30% of the total land surface area, by the year 2025. The newly established TPAs must be created at a rate of 100,000 – 200,000 hectares each year and are managed on the ground;

3. Transparency and an open book system, is second nature, with independent third party auditing of an international standard;

4. Degraded and damaged forests are systematically replanted and restored back by the best sciences;

“Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded”— Virginia Woolf, quoted in Harold Nicholson, “Diaries”

5. All iconic wildlife species of Sabah (eg. Orang Utans, Sun Bears, Elephants, Bantengs, Clouded Leopards, Proboscis Monkeys..etc) are found in healthy populations and protected in TPAs or well managed and certified forest areas. Not less than 75% of the forests they are in, must have this status;

6. Timber production in NFM (Natural Forest Management) areas, are fully under RIL (Reduced Impact Logging), the technology of which, shall continue to be improved;

7. Forest revenue generation and timber production shall come largely from well managed forest plantations, of a mixture of indigenous and exotic species, chosen strictly on site-species matching, with a high input of professional management to attain high productivity sustainably;

8. Forest certification shall be continuously expanded for credibility, choosing only internationally recognised systems;

9. A highly professional management team within the department, related agencies, and in the private sector; and

10. An extensive network of collaboration with NGOs, scientific bodies, higher learning institutions, corporations & individuals of like minded people.

The list is not exhaustive but if these (10) sub-goals can be achieved, we surely would be able to make it. Based on the outcomes so far, elaborately recorded in this year’s annual report and those previously, I am optimistic that we are making steady progress - steady as she goes, as the Captain would say.

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is my take on things. I hope you will enjoy this commemorative publication and find it useful and it suits your needs.

In conclusion, may I again, unashamedly, quote, Gifford Pinchot, First Head of the US Forest Service, who in my opinion, is the greatest Forestry Philosopher of all time, who first pioneered good forest governance in the United States through the concept of :- The Greatest Good of the Greatest Number in the Long Run, a most appropriate dictum, which we adopted as the theme of our Centennial Celebration.

May his profound words guide us today and in the future, through our efforts on the ground throughout Sabah.

With that, Warm regards & Happy Centennial

Datuk Sam MannanDirector of Forestry
