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Long acting somatostatin analogue: Clinical potential for...

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REVIEW Long acting somatostatin analogue: Clinical potential for gastrointestinal disease ABSTRACT: Nam·e sl,matosrntin ts founJ throughout the gastromtesunal tra ct and has a wide \'artery oi hiolog1cal actions. Nevcrthell•ss, its short b1ol,)g1cal half-life and limitt ·d sw bility ne cessitate tts u se, ta continuous parenteral infu sion ar:d, thu s, ltmm tts chcrarwutt c usefulness The development of long actrng sommost·ttin ,rnalogu es h ave lcaJ to a rc-cxaminatton of the thcrapeutk useful- O('ss of somatosrattn in gastrointcstin,11 discast' Somatostntin analogues appear most hcnefic1al tn prcvcn ttng symptoms assrn:tated with neurocndocnnc tumours . In aJditton, case con trollt·d stu dies exist to d emonstrate soma tostattn analogue cffcctn·e ncss m treatment of gastrrnntcstinal hemnrrhagt. •, pa ncreati c fi ~tu la , pan - crcatitis, short b owel syndrome and dumpi ng syndrome Can J Gastrocntcrol 1989;3(2):77-81 Key Words: Diarrhea, Dwnp111,1pyndrnme. Fi~tttla . Hemorr hage. ln!t!.11inc, PanLrc- aum, Shon /mud .1ynJrome, S0macos1a1111 analo,t!tte L'analogue a cffet prolonge de la somatostatinc: Potentiel cliniquc pour les maladies gastrointestinales RESUME: Le so matostatine n,Htm·llt· sc trouve tout le long de 1.1 ,·otc gastroin- tcstinalc ct ses ac ti ons biolog iqu cs sont multiples ct variccs Neanmoins, sa dcm1- l"IC h1olog1que courte t'l ,a smh1lttt' l11nitee rcqutt•rt qu'on l'uttlise en perfusion parcntalc con ti nue, cc qui limite son ucilit<'. · rherapcuttquc La misc au pnmt d'a nalogucs ;1 effct prolonge a conduit ,1 une rcexamen de l'uttlm• chcrapt •uttquc de la somatostattnL' dam lcs affecttons gnstromtcst111all's. Les analogues de In sommos tatinc sc mhlcnt parriwlicrcmcnt utilcs dan s la prewntion d e~ sy mptomcs assoc1cs aux tumcur, ncurocndocrincs De plus. Jes crudes de c;is co nt rl)lccs 0nt demontrc l'cfficac1tc de, analogue s de la somatosuuinc dans le craitemenr Jes hcmorragic~ gastromtcstinales, des fistulcs pancreattques. de s p,mcn\ime,. du syndrome dl • l'intcs ti n cou rt et du synd rome dt· chassc Drp,1rrmenr oj Mt'J1s1ne. IJ11•1,1cm of Uc11 1rur1Hcrnlu,:y. Unn·rrnr~ o/ Alhcrra. EJ111m11C1n , Albatt1 Corrr,f,onJrn,t' anJ rr/mnr, Dr RrdwrJ ,\ fl'dornk. l llllL'r.,HJ of All1r1 !<1 , Drf>,1rlml'tll u/ Mcd1nnr. D11·1\1011 of ( ,asr1·r1r111rrn/o~:v ~Jl) Rohrrr .\lru·wn Re,rarch Rwld111.I(. EJnwnron. Albt:rra ToG 2C2 Tdcphon<' 141.1 l14 l2 o<NJ Re(e11·ecl /or /iult/1,,111011 Fdm«IT)' 20, Jt)/N A,,c111t:d Fehrn<1n 22. Jl)Hll N \II\J ..;t1~JAJ()..,l:\ll'-l°'1\t'YCIIC 1erradl'tapepttde tuund thmugh· ,,u1 dw gastrom u•,1111,1 1 tr:t (l ,Hid pnn· < rt'.1, m 1wrn· l·ndml!, ,111J muco,.11 ncu- r11endt1tr1 111· , ell, ( 1-'i ). Somato,ta ttn is lt1un,l 1n tlw higlw, t n11Kt't1lrat1011 m gas- 111c tundus .md .1111 rum, pancrt·as ,ind d tll 1dcnu m m dent'iisi ng n 1nl'l'r1tratt 0ns frt,m pn1x1 m,1l to distal small 111t est1tw .md rarl'I\' 111 th e ,olon (6) S<1ma tos ta1i n- 14 1, rlw pr111t1pal 1<1rm rek•ast'd from tlw ,tom,Kh S0m. 1t< 1st,11m rde,hl'd fr(lm ,m;11l 11nt·,11n.il mut'osa ts prl dommanth st1111a111,tati 11 ·l~. "hneas 11111<mmucnsal small 1111c,1mal neur.tl structures It is pn• dnm1 11,mtly sl1ma111sta11 11- H. As om• of clw rl'gul.11,,ry pepudt·s of the d1gesut·e trau. It h,1s ,I "1de .mety o f b1ologic.1l act1u11, It h.1, ht'l'll ,hnwn ro rt·dun· 1nrt.·,1111.d mt1til1t~ t 7 ')). enll'ric hormonl' rt•lc<1sL' ( lJ. I L'J. ,plandrnic blo(1dOcm 1111. and 111 h 1h1t sl'c rt·tton by tlw g,1s1m .111tru m J ll) , pancrt·as (lJ) ,rn d tlw small ,llld l.1£1.!l' llltl''i[ll1l'S( 1,,17) T ht.· ,t· propl'rtll's of n;ltlVL' scHnato,l.1· tin ha\'l' rtsltlted 111 tts hdng cons1dt·red ,ts an .111t1d1arr hl·,il .1gent ,int:L' Jl.) 7 \ wht·n Rra:cau and tolleagu,•, I I S) 1su· l.1ted, 'l'qlll'nccd .111d synthl',tZl'd tlw pep tide in ,111 hm 11w lwpoth,1lamit t·x· trac 1. fhe pl'pttdl' ".1, 1111ttallv ll'rnwd gmwth horn1<11w 1ek.1st' mhih1t1nJ,? f,ll · tor tCiHRil'l h11t 1s no\\ l'lllllmPnh \,; m ,wn ,ls snma1os1;11111 77
Page 1: Long acting somatostatin analogue: Clinical potential for ...downloads.hindawi.com/journals/cjgh/1989/398524.pdf · aum, Shon /mud .1ynJrome, S0macos1a1111 analo,t!tte L'analogue


Long acting somatostatin analogue: Clinical potential for

gastrointestinal disease

ABSTRACT: Nam·e sl,matosrntin ts founJ throughout the gastromtesunal tract and has a wide \'artery oi hiolog1cal actions. Nevcrthell•ss, its short b1ol,)g1cal half- life and limitt·d swbility necessitate tts use, ta continuous parenteral infusion ar:d, thus, ltmm tts chcrarwuttc usefulness The development of long actrng sommost·ttin ,rnalogues have lcaJ to a rc-cxaminatton of the thcrapeutk useful­O('ss of somatosrattn in gastrointcstin,11 discast' Somatostntin analogues appear most hcnefic1al tn prcvcnttng symptoms assrn:tated with neurocndocnnc tumours. In aJditton, case controllt·d studies exist to d emonstrate somatostattn analogue cffcctn·encss m treatment of gastrrnntcstinal hemnrrhagt.•, pancreatic fi~tu la , pan­crcatitis, short bowel syndrome and dumping syndrome Can J Gastrocntcrol 1989;3(2):77-81

Key Words: Diarrhea, Dwnp111,1pyndrnme. Fi~tttla. Hemorrhage. ln!t!.11inc, PanLrc­aum, Shon /mud .1ynJrome, S0macos1a1111 analo,t!tte

L'analogue a cffet prolonge de la somatostatinc: Potentiel cliniquc pour les maladies gastrointestinales

RESUME: Le somatostatine n,Htm·llt· sc trouve tout le long de 1.1 ,·otc gastroin­tcstinalc ct ses actions biologiqucs sont multiples ct variccs Neanmoins, sa dcm1-l"IC h1olog1que courte t'l ,a smh1lttt' l11nitee rcqutt•rt qu'on l'uttlise en perfusion parcntalc conti nue, cc qui limite son ucilit<'.· rherapcuttquc La misc au pnmt d'analogucs ;1 effct prolonge a conduit ,1 une rcexamen de l'uttlm• chcrapt•uttquc de la somatostattnL' dam lcs affecttons gnstromtcst111all's. Les analogues de In sommostatinc scmhlcnt parriwlicrcmcnt utilcs dans la prewntion d e~ symptomcs assoc1cs aux tumcur, ncurocndocrincs De plus. Jes crudes de c;is cont rl)lccs 0nt demontrc l'cfficac1tc de, analogues de la somatosuuinc dans le craitemenr Jes hcmorragic~ gastromtcstinales, des fistulcs pancreattques. des p,mcn\ime,. du syndrome dl• l'intcsti n court et du syndrome dt· chassc

Drp,1rrmenr oj Mt'J1s1ne. IJ11•1,1cm of Uc111rur1Hcrnlu,:y. Unn·rrnr~ o/ Alhcrra. EJ111m11C1n , Albatt1

Corrr,f,onJrn,t' anJ rr/mnr, Dr RrdwrJ ,\ fl'dornk. l llllL'r.,HJ of All1r1 !<1 , Drf>,1rlml'tll u/ Mcd1nnr. D11·1\1011 of ( ,asr1·r1r111rrn/o~:v ~Jl) Rohrrr .\lru·wn Re,rarch Rwld111.I(. EJnwnron. Albt:rra ToG 2C2 Tdcphon<' 141.1 l14 l2 o<NJ

Re(e11·ecl /or /iult/1,,111011 Fdm«IT)' 20, Jt)/N A,,c111t:d Fehrn<1n 22. Jl)Hll

N \II\J ..;t1~JAJ()..,l:\ll'-l°'1\t'YCIIC

1erradl'tapepttde tuund thmugh· ,,u1 dw gastromu•,1111,11 tr:t( l ,Hid pnn·

< rt'.1, m 1wrn· l·ndml!, ,111J muco,.11 ncu­

r11endt1tr1111· , ell, ( 1-'i ). Somato,tattn is

lt1un,l 1n tlw higlw,t n11Kt't1lrat1011 m gas-

111c tundus .md .1111 rum, pancrt·as ,ind d tll 1dcnu m m dent'iisi ng n 1nl'l'r1tratt0ns

frt,m pn1x1m,1l to distal small 111test1tw

.md rarl'I\' 111 the ,olon (6) S<1matosta1i n-

14 1, rlw pr111t1pal 1<1rm rek•ast'd from

tlw ,tom,Kh S0m.1t<1st,11m rde,hl'd fr(lm ,m;11l 11nt·,11n.il mut'osa ts prl dommanth

st1111a111,tati 11 ·l~. "hneas 11111<mmucnsal

small 1111c,1mal neur.tl structures It is pn•

dnm111,mtly sl1ma111sta11 11- H. As om• of clw rl'gul.11,,ry pepudt·s of the d1gesut·e

trau. It h,1s ,I "1de ,·.mety o f b1ologic.1l act1u11, It h.1, ht'l'll ,hnwn ro rt·dun·

1nrt.·,1111.d mt1til1t~ t 7 ')). enll'ric hormonl'

rt•lc<1sL' (lJ. IL'J. ,plandrnic blo(1dOcm

1111. and 111 h 1h1t sl'c rt·tton by tlw g,1s1m .111tru m J ll) , pancrt·as (lJ) ,rnd tlw small

,llld l.1£1.!l' llltl''i[ll1l'S( 1,,17)

T ht.·,t· propl'rtll's of n;ltlVL' scHnato,l.1·

tin ha\'l' rtsltlted 111 tts hdng cons1dt·red

,ts an .111t1d1arrhl·,il .1gent ,int:L' Jl.)7 \ wht·n Rra:cau and tolleagu,•, I IS) 1su·

l.1ted, 'l'qlll'nccd .111d synthl',tZl'd tlw peptide in,111 hm 11w lwpoth,1lamit t·x·

trac 1. fhe pl'pttdl' ".1, 1111ttallv ll'rnwd gmwth horn1<11w 1ek.1st' mhih1t1nJ,? f,ll ·

tor tCiHRil'l h11t 1s no\\ l'lllllmPnh \,; m ,wn ,ls snma1os1;11111


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Clinically. nat1\·e ,omacosratin has heL'n most effective as an anudiarrheal 111 hor­monally mediated secremry diarrheas. including those produced by rumours secreting vasoact1vc inresnn;il pept1JL' !VIPoma) ( 19). 5-hydroxytryp[()phan (carcino1d syndrome) (20-11). g:1smn (Zollmgt'r-Ellison syndrome) and calct ton1n l mewst:1t1c islet cell carcinoma) 124) In non hormonally mediated diar­rhea , howc\'er, it has heen less dfenivt' fmlmg to alter diarrhea mducL'd h\ chol­era toxin ( 15)

Although nauve ,om.nosmun ha, hccn sho\\'n m reduce smol Olttput 111 a pancnt with short bowel syndrome. this may han' oc.:urrcd because M)m,1tostat111 ,up­prcs,cd the clevatl'd hlood levels ot glu cagon. gastromrcsunal polypeptide and pancreatic polypepmk (16) Unforru­n::1tcly, 1he short h1olog1cal half-life ( ! to

3 mm,) and limned srabil1ty of n:lll\'e sommo,wrin nL'Ces,natt' it~ use via con­nnuous parenteral mfw,ion .ind thus limit its therapeuuc usl'f ulnes,

Recently, an ocmpcptidc long .irnng somatost:uin anal1,guc. SMS 2L"'I t>95. (Sandostatin; Sando: Incl has hL'en syn­rhcs1:cd fr..,m thL' b1olog1cally act1n' pharmacophone(Figure 11(27) Begin nmg \\'ith the 1solnnon of nat1\·e ,omam statm- Hand the kno\\'IL'dgc 1)1 the mini ma! fragment nt't'ded for h 1ological acuon, scrvernl long actmg somaro,tatln annlogues hnve bt'l'n ,vnd1l',i:ed ( 2~).

although the most l'ffoct1\·e rL'mams SMS 201-995

This annlogue conrn111s [)-phenylala­nine at one L'nd nnd an alcohol denva tiw of threo111nc at the other. making it res1stanr to en:ymauc dL'grada11011 ThL' substituuon of P-tryptciphan for L ·tryp tophan in po,1t1on t{ furth~·r reduce, deg radation and L'nhances the long ,Kting


H2N-i ALA j- GLY - CYS - LYS

effect This agL'nt has heen shown to he more potent and longer acting than native somatoscann and can he adm1111Stered subcutaneously (27-29)

In \'llro, SMS 201-995 has an anusc­cretory cfkct on intestmal fluiJ and dec· tmlytl' trnm,pnrt similar to that of native ,omatosrann ( 29) SMS 201-995 mhibns elcctrnge111c anion secretion and stimu­lates neutral sodium and chloride ab­sorption and thus has a porenual for a potent anud1arrheal agent (29). The antidiarrhenl effect of SMS 201-995 1s approximately 60 times more potent than nanve somatosratin and docs nor exhibit the rachyphrlaxsi, seen wnh n.llt\'l' somatostatln.


APPLICATIONS Cl1n1cal ,tudies with somat<btatin

analogue have. for thL' mo:.t part. beL'n anecdotal. ,rnd doublc-blmJ prospective studies are requ1rL'd hL'fore the full ther· apeunc benefit of this analogue can be dctermmed Although S1'.1S 201-995 does not t.kmonstrate the rnchyphylaxs1s seen \\·1th native somatostat1n, recent rL'porrs have described rdap~e of dwr­rhca wccb LO mon ths aftL'r mnial rL's· ponse to S1'.L 201-995 ( 30. 31) This appart'nt dc,ens1ti:auon or down regu-1:Hton m SMS 201-995 remains w be explained Diarrhea due to ncuroendocrine tumours: Somatosrnun analogue. SMS 201-995. has been used successfu lly to control symptons. including diarrhea, of a vast array of neuroL'ndocrinc tumours of thl' gut In ga~tnnomas, c1rculanng gas­trin k\'els arc rL'duced, significant sup· prcss1on of aCtd secrcuon caki:s place and diarrhea ts markedly reduced In some

cases, rt'gression o t hepauc metas1asc, haw beL'n idt'ntified ( H-,5)

In \1·atL'ry d1arrhc;i, hypokalc1111a , achlnrhydn;i ,yndrnme. vasoacuve 111tes­tinal pcpude and 11, homologue. peprn­dmL' hisudme 1sokuc11w, arl' markl·Jly reduced with the l' hangL' in nt't intc,u­nal secreuon to net absorption and a sig­nificant rL'duction 111 "tool weight .ind fre­quency, with resultant 111dept'ndl·nce from mtravenou, fluid requ1rcml'nts ( H. ,6-41 ). In only one 11f these casL',ol Vlf>omas did a decren,c 111 d1.irrhe:1 con­tinue dL'spice increa,cd va,oacnw 111tt·,­t111;il pcpude kvel, 111 the face n( further metastases ( >6)

In the carcinrnd syndrome, ,omatosta· un analogt.:c has ,1gn1hcantly redlKL'd hmh flush ing, unstable angina and diar­rhea hy rL'duc111g nrculnung ,l'rotonin and kin1n ll'\els ( > 1.42-44) During mL'ta,tasnc medullnry carcm11ma ot thl' thyr01J, somat1btatm analogue allc\·t,Ht·d the symptoms of nu,hing and diarrhea associated w1th cle\·.ttcd calrnon111 le\' eb hut did not altL'r the course of the disease I 15.44.45)

Somatrn,tatin analogue has also pro· duced nn euglyccmic scatt' in insulmoma and glucagonoma syndromes I>> I In iht glucagonoma syndrome. somatostaun analogue therapy ha, bet'n used to amc liorate the migrawry nccrolyuc dcrma­uus () ))

In summary, somatostann anal1it:ue which can bl' adm111is1ered tn an out­panent on an mtcrmment h:i-,1,. ,, prm­ing invaluable 111 patten ts with rare. ncu· rot..'ndocnne ,ecn'ting tumour, b} con· trolling the life thrcatcnmg dinrrh1.:a and vasomotor respOlbt's Furthermore, the p1,tcntial ex1'r.., for ir, u,e 11Hraopcr· an\'clv during ,urg1cal ma111pularion of ncuroendocnne tumour, when large

SMS 201-995

7 ~8

H2N-PHE - els-~ ............. ~ HOOC - CYS - SEA - THR - PHE - m - - ~ ,,....

HO - THA - CYS - ~....--9

10 9 10

Figure I ) S1ruc1urn/ rdarwm/uJ> of >1<111\~ ,om,11mrar111 1-l ,rn.l rl1< ,,nrh.:ri( /ong <1L1111g ,om,110,1<111>1 c111,1lu.~11.:. S.\IS 21.'l l)()~ Tht <'"cnr1,,/ />h<11111<1.-o/1hor( 1s rhe Pl IE, TR/l. LYS THR I(' JraRt11e111 S 11 bli111;11c>11 of D inJ,w1,lw11 Jm L-inJitophan ar />oSlll<Jn H rcJ1;ce., cnunw11c JeRrnJ<J11011


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amount:, 11! biologtcally acrive pq:nides can he released following su rgical manip­

ulation of the tumour The mechanism of acticm pf somatostatin analogue in con­

troll111g symptoms of neurocndocrinc

tumours has noc hl'L'n elucidated How­ever. it appc;1rs m he a consequence of

reduced circulating amine and peptide levels.

Dia rrhea w ith n o n e ndocr ine e tio­

logy: In pmients with diarrhL'cl not atrrih­

urable to neu rnend1,cnnc tumnun,, treat·

mcnt resu lts wnh snmatostatin :in alogue

haw been less dramatic In diarrhea due

co chol.:ra cntcroto;,,.in (46 ). ileosLOmi

147). l!lOamm,nory bowel disca:,c 14KI

and d1ahcnc dia rrhea I unpublished

observations), somatosmtin analogue has

not been effective Nevertheless, the

somacoscatin analogue has been described

co con t rol severe diarrhen as a conse­

quence of lll fa n t secretory diarrhea ( 49.

50). cr yprosporic.lia infec t ion in the

acquired immune deficiency syn drome

(55-5 3). nonsccretory ileostomy d iarrhea

( 54.55) diabetic dia rrhea ( 34.56) and in 50";, of cnscs with idiopath ic secrcrory

diarrhea ( 32). Since hormone levels were

not m ·1su recl tn many of these reports,

it is difficult to determine whether the

effect of somatostatin analogue was a con­:;eq ucnce of reduced hormonal output or a dm.•ct antidinrrheal action on the


In nonnL'Lm 1endocnnc medwted d iar­

rhea. the effect 1 ,f somatmtat111 analogue appear, \';inahk and may relate tc, rhL'

inahtl1ty tn achieve thcrapn1t1c drug

levels at the l'nterorytc level

G astroin testinal h e m orrhage: C,111-

trol of bleed111g hy nauve ~orna to~rnt1n

therapy h as hecn reported in hoth non­varicc:il ,llld \'nnceal hcm1,rrhagcs 111 a

,m::i ll nu mhcr c,f ,tud ic, ( 5 7 ). Scud 1cs w examine the effect of somatoscatin ana­

logue on gastromtestinal hemorrhage arL'

even fewer and till' results arc contl1ct·

ing In treatmL'nt of rdapslllg bleedmg pepuc uker, in ,1 patient wi th Zollinger­

Ellison syndrome, it was found m he

more potent than n ative somatostmin in

reducing gastnc aCJd secretion and in reducing 1n rcs11nal mucosa! blondflow

for n substan t ially longer period and

resulted in cessation o(bleec.l1ng 1n e ight

o( IL' pauen ts ( 5K, 59 ).

S11mat0starm analogues demonstrated

a lfose dependent effect 1111 till' mortal­

try, incidence and intensi ty nf cystearnine­

induced duodenal lesions 111 rnrs {60) In conrrast, ,<,matostmin analogue did

1101 dc.'monstratc splanchnic vasocc11btnc­

ti vc effects in ,tncsthemcd pigs Llcspite

adc.'quate scrum le\'els {61 J and inhih­ned naturally occuring vasopressin secre­

tion during gastrointesrinal hrnwrrhnge (62).

With the present da), effernvcnL'SS Ill safely ,uppressmg gastric nc1d produc­

tion and w1th the adven t of tlwrapcunc endoscopy. it 1s unlikelv that sommosmun

analogues will replnc<' existing therapy for gastrnintcstinal hemorrhage.

P a ncreacic fi stu las: S0matostat111 :ma­

logue, haYc hecn demonsrratcd tn p<l·

tcnrly inhihit ex<1crine pancrearic seen'· Lion, b1carbon:nc, protein nnJ Ou1J 111 .1

dnsc dependen t fashion (6 n The treat· me1H of pancrc,1tic cutaneous fistulas

\\ ith somntostatin analogues h;1s been

rcpnned m nine patients (64-69 I In cnch

of th ese cases. fistu la output \\'as cnn,is­tcncly reduced during somatostat1n an,1·

logul' adm1n1strarinn Nevertheless, Ill

1)nly three of these patten ts \\'as it docu­

mL'ntcd that fistulas closL·d as a consc­

quenccof Mnnatostmin analogue.1dm1n-1,trarion

Pa n ereatis: In a controlled. douhlc­

hlind, multiccntn' trial. nat ive sc1ma111·

,tmin in the treatment cl acute 1>ancrc­;u1r1s dcmc,nstrarcd no nd\'antage in

uther the cour,e of the disease or thL' 111orcal1ry (70) Recently, somatostatin

an;.ilogucs h:1ve heen identified to h,\\ L' a cytoprotecti\ e effect on pancrcauc,

bronchial and gastric epithel ium 17 1 ). The mechanism leading to tbsue pro·

tcction h:is nor been clarified. a lthc,ugh

srnhili:ati\,n of cell membrane as well a,

changes 111 amm11 acid sequence mav play

a role

Snmatostalln analogues c1dmin1stcred prior ro varic,us forms of experimental

pancremitis hnve improved survl\·al.

ckmonstrated improved hiswlogical

hl.'a ling ,rnd reduced scrum levels of

lipase and amylase ( 72- 7+ ). Once again,

the mccharnsm of this effect during pan­

crcntitis is unkno\\'n hu t may relate to 111hibit1on of pancreatic en:ymc sccrc­

uon . Recently. Conwny and colleagues

17 5) demonstrated in dogs th at som:no­

statln analogu e produces ;1 prnmpc and

Somatostatin analogue: Therapeutic potential

sustained dccrensc in pancrcauc blood­now Wi th ou t altCnlllOn 111 systemic hcmodynamics

Sommostaun an.1logucs do nm pres­

ently have a role in the 1rea1mc'n1 of acutl' pancreati tis outsidc the clinical research

centre. Neverthcless. their role in pre­venting pancrea t ius following endo­

scopic or surgical manipula11on of the

pancreas remnins to he deter111111cd

S h o r t b owe l syndro m e: A lthoul,!h Dharmsathaphorn ,ind colk:11,!UL''> 17())

demonstrated. as ea r ly as 1982. that narive somawsrntin decreases diarrhea

in patients with short bowel ,yndrome.

only a single case report of a child exist,

to demonstrate the use of long nctlllg ,omatostatin in concrollmg ilenl output

ns a consequence of the short bowel syn­drome (77)

Dumping sy ndro m e : S ince M)m;1to­

stat1n inh ibits vasonctive pcptidcs and

amines and prevents massive Ouid secre­

non into the intestinal lumen. the poten ·

rial therapeu uc effect fo r the treatment oi dumpmg syndrome exists.

The effect of sommostatin analogue Ill I() patients with retractable early clump-

111g and seven patients with severe late

dumpini,: has been examined (78.79). ln

hoth carly and late dumpers, sornatosta· tin anal11guc improved symptoms and

hrearh hydrogen excretion , indicating

,lowing oi gastrointestinal motility. U n ­

f<)rtunaccly, the J1mimhing rate of gas­

inc surgery for peptic ulcer disease may m,1ke a large, double-blmd study to

c'xaminc the effect of ,omarostatin ana­logue on gnstric dumping difficult to

carry o u t

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT S: Dr l·eJorak 1, a rc'c1r1ent of che Alberta Hernagc foun· Jation fo r Medica l Research cl1111cal mvc,ti· g,llor',htp Th 1, work 1~ supponcd hy i1 grant from the Alberta Hc'nwgc Foundat1lln for Mc'd1C,1l Re,carch The author expresses his ,1ncere appreciarion for che expert st·cretar­wl as,1stance of Mr~ Michel Pollard .

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,hnnk.1gl' ul flll·ta,ta,l'' ( ,a,trl>· cntl·n,1, g\ J<h1.'>'> 1-..5 ,

42 K ,·,11, I K 1'h·ra,r,111c carnnrnd rt1n1<>rs ,ind rh, c,mnu1,l ,vndr,1nw A wk, tl\'l' r.:,·1,'\\ of ch,•muthl·r,1pv .111d hormonal therapy Am I t-.kd 19',(,,'\l 49-'i,

43 Kn,1, Kl . \lo.-rtl'I CCi. o·conntll \IJ. ::i,huu i\J , Ruh1nJ H.ihn RG Trt·,1m1,·nt ,,t tlw m,illl!rl,lnl ,.ir,1n,,1d ,vndrnnw b·,1lu,H1<m ,>f .1 lung-.1,nng ,<1m,11<1,1,H1n ,1nal.,guc ~ l::ngl I \kd l'IM,, ll'i N>l (>

H Kcl'l111g ( 'A B.1w, I\' loduw· l l l \IIB(i up1.1k, 111111, 1.1,t,llr, mcdullaf\ ,.m:11wm,1 ut rh.: dwn11d A pa11c111 trc,Hnl \\'llh "'mnt,ht,lltn ( Jin '\ucl \hJ Jl}t,,', J \ 2(>L~- \

·15 krkm, T\\ .... Kb H'-, 011',mll> r,1. Tunl, " ...;,,l,,111<111 ":-, \l,·,lullar\ ,ar,111<1111.1 ,,f rhc rhvn,1d p,10,r,·.111,· n,·,1J 1uhl.1,1,N, ,1 nd m 1u,,.1d,·n,"1' and p,rn,r,·,Hte p,,lyp<"pr1dc hyp,·r,,·, 1<"11,>n -\ ne\\' ;1,s1,uat1,m .111,l .:l1111,.1l ,111<.I h<>rm, ,n.11 re,pun-.•, to lllng ,1C1111g

,<1m,1to,rann an.11,,g ,\I', 2t~i-•N'i J C:1111 I nJ,,rnn.,I \ !c•tah i'.h 7 ,M 11 l).l}

40 I cd<>rak Ri\' Allen SI E:tf,·ct ,,t "1ma1,"1.111n .111,1l, 1g ( S\ IS .!l~i -<N'i 1,m 1n ,·1, <> mte,11n.1I fluid rrnn,port 1n rat, ,\ l11n1tl'll ,v,renm dkc1 D11! D1, ~c1 (in pn'" I

47 ( <><.>p,·r JC. \\'1ll1a111, :-.:~. K111g RI B.1rkt•r \ IC Ukets of .1 lon).i·a, 1111g '"m~ll.,l,t,111n .rn,ilugtK 111 p.ll1,·nts w11h ,,·,er, 1lt-11't11111\ d1arrhe.1 Br I "urg l'IKb,71121"1 ll

4'> kd11r.1k R1' '-h,·rh.1n1uk R\\ Ah,en,, 111 dfrc1 of ,oma1,"ta11n analul!lll' ('iM'-, 2t)J.lJlJ'i Im d1arrhl',I ·''"''1,H,·d "llh mtlammarory hu\\'el d1,l',bt C,111 J Cia,1m,·1Herul J<)[N, l

49 Hun:1kl'r l ', \ Sup,·ru Furg., A Zachm;mn M Del PP:,, l. ',}rnwrl111l! [) , Pradl'r r\ . l::!t,·ch ,,t th~ long adm!,! ,um,ll,"t,llm ,1nalugu,· ::,M'-, .ll.)J .l)l)=j 111 an mt.mt \I nh mtr,1, t.1hlt d1arrh,,,·,1 I kh Pal'dl,llr Acta 19h1',-! l ll~"\.l)

5,) Jan"\\' Biller I G1t·c·g ~ () DPris10 T Grnnd R ~uc,l'sslul m:atnwnt of id,•opathtC 'l'l'l'<'l<'r\' diarrlw,1 ,1t 111l,1tK\ \I 11h r!w ,om;ll<1sl,lllll ,m,dugu, S\IS 2l1i-995 C.1,trol'ntn,,log1 Jl)i,I', l)4 J~l) l) \

51 Rllhmst•n El\ Jr. fog,·! R S\b 1l~I 995, a ,om,H, isr.11111 ,111:ilogue. ,lllll d 1a rrhl'a Ill tlw .llqu1re,l 1mmu11od,,f1n,·11L\ ,yndmml' tAIDSI /\1111 lmnn /,.kd 19ti1' l1'll 61'1' I I L,·ttt'rl

52 J..:.n; \ IL). h,tad Bl , Ro,l' C Trl'allnl'nl , ,f "'' ,·r,• ~n J'h "l'"ndiu m·n·lac,·,1 d1arrho,·a \\ 11h ,x:1r<'<ll1d,· Ill ,1 J':llll'l11 \\'1th A.IDS [)rug lntl'il Cl111 l'h.1r111 1%ti!2 l"\-J(,

5 \ Cuok [)I. Kl'li111J<; , S1,1111,: AM C,,11111, '-,~I S<1l11,lh1't,llll) rr,·.nmt'lll tur , rvpto,pond1,1I dr.111 hl'a 111 .1 p,ll1,·111 "11h dw ,1Cqu1r,·ll 1mmun,,d,·ti.:1c1h·,

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01 <ll'B,,1, \1H B,"111.111 CH d,{,r.1at I', , anl lc1t,).!l'11hu11~< J Cl<>,un· ,>I ;1 h1ch 11uq 11 ''"•·rnal p,1mrt·,111l 11,rul.1 h S\l!::,21)] .l)lJ'i ,1J,,ng-a,11nganal,1guc ut ,,nnat<>,t,llin 1':,·rh J ~kd J%s ,l2 .2,1\ .7

M, P1111 • RA 1'1l kit-man I 11,,ttm,m JI' Tn·.11111l'11 t ut r,111, r, ,111, c Ulollll'llll,

Somatostalln analogue: Therapeullc potenhol

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67 Rt1,l•nh,·rl! I l\1fol' I)(; <;rhw,1r1: R. ,·1 al Adm1111,1r.m,•n of ,,,m,lln,r,ll111 ,rnalog ('il\l", l,)J.l)<h) 111 ilw 1r,·,ll111t·n1 llt .1 h:-..tula <-H .. ,,:urrtn\,! .1lh.1r p,11h:rc.-. , ...

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'i,) l ,,,dl'l f..:H. Uhnla J..:K. l ,·u,.:h1w1 ll rrt',llll1t 11l tlt ,ll"Utt' pancrt,lllll, \\'llh ,uma1<,st,1tm Rl'sult, ni tlw mu I 11, ,·111u douhlt"-bl111d tr1al (,IJ'h·stmh) Pig D1, s,, 1%5,3ll tJl)2

71 l ,,Kkl Kl I l lurmnn,11 and 11onho1 munal , ,·c,,pr11t,t:11,·, dfccr h~ st>1n,11<1,t,H111, I lorm R,·, ll/tili,29 h 1 'i

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Page 6: Long acting somatostatin analogue: Clinical potential for ...downloads.hindawi.com/journals/cjgh/1989/398524.pdf · aum, Shon /mud .1ynJrome, S0macos1a1111 analo,t!tte L'analogue

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