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Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rfj299q6n/data/0440.pdf ·...

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LOJISVlLliK JOURNAL Thb Position OF TllK AltWih OF tuk IVio- -i AO. The Washington correspondent of tho New York World, writing on the 24i.li, saytt Ths dijtitian of the enemy's forces is now tolerably well understood. Tbe main b 1v, probably 7.000 strong, ha3 its ad vane a at Winston's bill, and exterdi buck to Minas-as- . A consiilerabl i fjree of thU divl-io- is encanipvl at a srrull stream near the Fairfax Court Hoa-e- , known as Aceoiink Kim. As there Is con$i terable wat r hereab nin, this secti-- of the army U well fliuatM. J dmsens Is li th direc Ion of Lee'bu-p- , ai d nu urrs fome 45.000 men. The t yv of this wint is en camutd at broad Run and Gh"o Creek. There is ft large gp between Johnao;rs command and the on: re. The I ft win, numbr!nir some 80 -- OtX) men, U situated between the 0:coqn.in r.rd the Potomno, gu irding the appn ach to Minuses by way of tbe Mount Vernon road, and s'und prepared to help tha when tlii- - batteries are in re:tdineas. '1 he trap of the rnemv are in front of our lints, under co.n-rnn- d of Gn. B mham, of Sou:h Carolina. There are very important movement of troops frUa on, but I must not mention what they aro. Kvervthini? is done secretly and at n ht. 'Uu brigades recently orgjiuiad hve been as mnrh as posMlde complied of t ro pa from the eameS'ne Llnd' r i he old orgtnU it ion t i at her want of it each regime it 'was from a d'ffarent StaU; hencj there was no locil pitrlo'i-- or emulation. In time we will leara to expect great things frOTi the Iri'h, Germ in, Mes ichustia. Maine, Oijio, or Michigan briga ie., as the case miy be. Now that there are no more resignation,' and the vacant place have been til lei by gor.d rill-er- the b.rd of exuminera have commenced their gUting-i- , to get rid of the rest of the incompetent offtVr. Ths dullest times of peace could harJlv exceed the q iie'ne-- 9 and it. actios of affairs in Washing- ton. The flish of excitement which has perva- ded the aity for a fe weeks has parsed away with the fxduh story that the rebels were momenta- rily expecting to advance on the Federal f . On tbe other hand. It likewise seems settled that Gun. McCielHn contemplates nn forward move- ment for some ti ne. Kvea the picket tiring, which haa raged wirh Piicb violence of late, has nearly caed, and the lite of the advanced -r h is become void of excitemeut. It, would not be proper fr me to niva you the number of troops that have been pouring in du- ring the moon iht nlirhta of Uie past ten day, though I may s:y that the grand columns of the Union armv are hourly swelling into the most nii jstic proportion. To ike Editor of the Louisville Journal: Evaksvillk, Ind., Sept. 27, 18 1. Gknti.fmex: Hy permis'ion of General Bink-Ii- er I WD moit grci uoy allowed to dejTirt vn molfg'rd from his headquarters at Bowling tin en, and afer a very fatiguing j nrney ihrtu.h the coun rv to O'Ven-Lor.- ) reaej.d m plc where I urn all.iwed to maf.if-o- my devo ijn to the U ii n without fear of losing my head. Ii it for one cor.Fi'l ration I cull have been content to remain in B mling Green, and submit to tyranni- cal restrictions upon in) tongue and rebel out- rages from the traitorp; yea, woulj have pubniir-te- d to almost every indignitv; but to endure all this and thn he deprived of the Lnuinvii e Journal wou d have m ids the agonies of Tan- talus ee m as Miful astime ia cmpaiia-.- wi-- h such enblim.itfd ur cures. But I have these threatened horrors, and y find accua onvd pla?ure in pruin;? the columns of my favurUe Journal. .iuce the occupation of Bawling Green by the "friendly tinnera" of I preUInrt yu hive kept y ur reatlora pwted in regard lo the rebel movements i (Sm'her II w ever, there may eoire event' cdur in this section or in the nugltb of Gren river intere-tin- g to v ur n aier tKat Diitihr fail to reach vou through th ordinary news chuD' el. 1 will therefore drop you a line occasionally whenever transpiring events war- rant their recital. NigM before last some two companies of Col Crufm' Uotfiment left this pi ee oi board the "ilanie Cink" for Green Rivr, taking with thpra three diys rations and ammunition, q s. 1 hey went as biah as Runt-- n , meeting with no adventure excf p bting tired i I'o by a garrulous and quarrels Jine man by the name of Cook, who fired throe several si o s with a revolver at the poldiertt, and thi after being earnestly warned to risiit. iiis paid no attention, however, to the warning, but con'Inuftd tiling, when the order wns (iivrn to re'urn tho fife, and the wretched madman fell pierced by a half (lira balls, from R;imoy, Col. Ciuftf, who .t the cxp;i'Hn, ladtd ai. A hhyturg to pv his regariis to Gen. White, who is raiding a rbt! rtriineiit in Ilokin and adj 'ioing ccuntie?, but the Geurii had vauauu.-ed- , and mi.t5r. cf tr-- ere non est. The Gsr.eral noted f r hia contraband propen-iiii- ', it waa thought no violation ( f "dal, oral all events mili ary etiquette, to contiscate Bvim d 'Z iii of nice tobaccti he had ou hand, which was prtiup;lv done, ar.d it was put on bvnrd and r u h: to thi- - pl.ce, tog ther with bis boiks and ptp'tv, as within: these Utter a ptoper qcciunt could not be kept with thi black White and th railroad thiavas at B :iug Grean. Trlv, Ac. DELTA. To the Edit-or- of the LatiisriUe Journal: Hopeissville, Ky.f Sept. 14, 18(J1. Gkntlhck: Something too good to be kspt h'pntd in tl:I pl;;co, which lately leaked out. M"G hiid a C 'lnmlssi n to buv piitoU tor tiie S u'.liern Confederate. So to Louisville he w-- nt and purohas:d two hg hnads, tillod them with pixels, marked thwrr. btem, ard started th-- f r this pUcp. But, alas for the lcst-lji- pcheme.' of mice and men. Mr. McG bacon was overhauled on the road, and thm headed up ;nd a'iit ba'.'k to Loumvllle. The proper authori- ties then removsd the pistols and tilled up the vacancy with sand and rooki. Ia duo time, Mr. M:(i received bis b icon, and when nothing but rk and sand wan forthcoming there was some rather tail swearing . GOVERNMENT. 6KF,Tt:ii or Cou Mollioan s Lifk. Colonel JimM A. Mulligan w8 born in Utica, N. Y , in the ye:r lH'l'J, ami it cnsCUently in his thirtv-aeC'ni- d year. His parents weie native of d. lti; mother, alter tbe death of his father, which totk lce wneo he was a child, remuvbd toChicigo, whereftiie has residbd with her son for th past tweiuy-tbxti- yeari. She married a respectable in C! icago, named lLica.ifl Lantry. tit was educated at tbe Cath- olic college of North Chic'go, u uier the super InUnd 'tice of tee Rev. Mr. KiLselhr, e w of New York citv. lie is a strict memb.-- r of the Catholic church. In 1802, lbo.'i, and 1851. ha rnad law in ibe office of the Honorable Isaac N. Arnold, rorigresman from tha Chicago district. jt a short ti:ns he edi'ed the Western Tablot, a weslv pip'ir, in Chicago. In lec( he w adrnitd an aitorney at law in he held thepvd'ion of se- cond lieutenant in the Chicago Siiuld Gua-d- , one of the ctiriipniud aituch.d to tue Irish Biigada n w in and which h done io w II at Lrtxint n. In tho winter of 1807 Senator Filch, of li.diana. tendered him a c'eikhip ii the f ttie Iurerior. Ha accepred the po-- f if ion, ai.d ppe it the winter ut Washington. Duri g hi- reiden--'- in he corres- ponded wi h the C ica Tel- - graph over the m tie p time f "Satan " A ur his retu'n fi m Waphirctoo he wsa eUct-- el cpuin of tbe ShLMs Cuirf's. Oa the new.s arriving of th i b; mbaniinent of Kort Sumpter. he threw tiisfsoul inio the national cause, ibe hi companies a meeting, of which he was chairman. Shortly afterward he went to Washington with a Initr written by the late Senator D uplas on hi dwath bed to the Presi- dent, tendnrirg a rudiment to be ctlid the "iri-- Brigade. lie was elected C 1 mel, and imtn ditely went to work witn a wid. ihe course i f ttie "brigade" up to the bittle of i w 11 kuowii; it has nobly, bravely, and hcno'ttb'y d"iit 1 a du:y- - Ool. Mulligan ia worthy of all praise. A purer, er man d eg not live in the State of Illinois. Since he was able to t 11 ttie dttfjreLce betw en ale and water, a t$ of pi ri uoaa or nnH liquor has not pie t Ids iips ho is a riiiid ten per.nce man, al' hough he i j vund and whole eoub-- lo a fault. lie is hx eet three inchss in height, wilh a lry, elaaiic frm-- ; a 1 rge, lu-t- r us hazl e e, an open, frank. Celtic face, fctamptd wirh courage, pluck, atid it.di pM;dtnce, funiiourted v, i h a bu-ih- profusion of hdr, tinctured wi h grav. Jlonorai.ie in all relations by all, he haa won his way by untiring lmlustry and courage. O.i the 26ih diy v( Octo- ber. 185:t. he wa. m iti- d to Miss Marian Nu 'ent, by the Rontn Cathnl c Bishop of Cbicao. lie is a tf "e scholar, a c d epoaer, a brillLnt Wii.er, and a prcoiMng Lnwytr. Dffknck of Madisov, IjfD A committee left Norih Aladison yes crday at 9:20 A. M. for pohs io lay before Governor Morton the condition t f ff irs on this paction of the border. AtVr a rid-- j rf threo hours tha committee had an lnUrvibw wirh hs Excliency. The Governor the d ricienc oftruns. assured the that he had ex fed sll h's power to cbtain thfir; i hat he haa ouui ted fmm (iov-rno- Un-iijso- srme thrie thousu d rifled mukete, wb;ch he to arrive thit Hav. lii said al5o that he would arm Colonel ilMchV regiment, ai d it down hh po n as armed. Cannon and s would bo pent to the corrpmiesof the Legi.m as oon a poitde af,er tuey could be traospor.od fioin New York. Gn. lx)ve arrivedon the train from Ird'anano-Ii- b yesterday nfttr mi ha bren in wi h (ien. Ma s iel;i, Ci. Snring. and othrr milrarv fficers, iu to the on;inT,ition of the Liaj, from which the hpi.-i,i- results ari anticipated. Ihpe-jfd- along the Hoe of th railroad ex-hi- i;ed the liveliest pvmpathy with WKd jon ard their readinett to come to br relinf vi'.h all the unns tiiey could ras ' at a moment's wrnina. Tne c'mmittee reilifd the grant tru' h t ha' in hid it n i, throughout the entire fcuie, km are one ptople Madwon Courier, 27'A. Drnftivg in Inca. 9 me dunce font a despatch two drtVH W toe Chicago Tribune that draft- ing h.:d tha' day comtnei cd in Iowa. 'Ihe ft';.tement is fdse at d we hopa the TtiSune will correct it. (i)H impMt-io- bai gone abroad that Iowaia the st 8'ate in which it was necessary to ros- - rt to drifting, when the truth is we do not believe it will he no"a'v to drr a man in this State-- , nnl'ft it be the Government cto-n- ot "wau tbe motions" o' our people. We be- - ""- - ii x. wet-- in m tt H time ev ry nun needed frooa Iowa cm be had v hin'ari'v Jj"b- q it (iw) Times, FricM' by Uart'Vfj otr a Gns Light The Ife of Mr. W lu. t mttr. of llarit. rd, Conn., while in trtiad deiargwl giale, cau ed b 'Vt-t- i 11 a f nU'toji pirc arosfl fr-.- h - n the?ilie of wheh her hu.bai d had lt fa,l,n iubep(T-- l. ng wnrcing. and leaned o er a drop pa, hht till her braf. h. uidors. ai.d one i;1eof ber face wer 6u Leir.b'y lKirDtoJ ti:ut t,!;o 4w ia a few boure CITY DIRECTORY, Arraaged Alphabotic&lly in Regard to BUSINESS & NJLMES. Auottoneera KaUa, L- f,. i..wth sile Mtn, bet. 4Ui auJl HX, ndereon. Tim .A Jo., 43u Mtn street. Henry, Samuel & Co., Matn at.. ht. 3d and 4th. Spencer, C. C. Ma:u t. bot 3il aad 1th. Affiiii'titi'iil Iuin1fuienr bu1 Hee3s nrpnt, II. A Co., .7 Mm at. Sn'iiiift:i A Dr, il in. ftwtflc Sixth and Seventh, 'tntiti I 'o., coriHT oi Orf-'- u!id tlJ. Pitkin, W Lard. A Co., 616 Vain rt. Car tor i RuriiKn&n, 4M Mhiii st. VnHetir. Tots mid Knncy d. flaet, J., No. 21 Fourth t, bat. A! a a aud Mirk t. DnKiif rrectype (ialierlra. J. C. Flrod'B (fonnorlr Harrii'ij Gbllary, Mlu, be- tween Fourth aii1 Fiflh ft. WehBter & liro., Malu et., botween Fnrth and Fifth. nooUnellera, Htutlonen, A: Periodical lRSn. Radford, A. H . 3il Tliird Ftmit. K., SO dL, bet. J. fliaon Rnd MnrKrl, Maddaa, F., M it., bet. Jefffrton and Mm it el. Ktmjrtnjr and Kop. Hiuit, Thoc n. A Co., Main at, b',t. ltd and Id. Banker. CnrtU A Warren. 471 Main ft. llonnet Bleacher. Othorne. Mn. Win., Jefferson et., bet. Sfl and h. Clotblnjr and (ientlcuipnV KuriiUlilnr looda. Mandevlile, J. (;., ft Co., Main, bet. Shroud and Third. A.rmi"tron, .t. M., corner 4Tti and Main itd. Sproule A MandeviHe. corner 4th and Main ti. (iothtt and (Vpntlrinrn'a FurnUhlnff -- MMle. J. Von Bon-te- A Co.. 4S6 Main Bt.. bet. Bullitt aud Itb, Carpet, Oil C loth, nnd Curtain Uooda. nit A Small. Min st, bet 8d and 4th. Marshall & DirKiiieon, 4th, ht. Market and Main. CloaJts. ftlantllln. nnd FartUt-Mei-rlma- n, C. T., 4th rt., near Main, Clears. Pfrjriado, Kd., Main rt., bet. fith and 7th. China and If lanwn Ca??day ft FTorKinc, 534 Main rt. Cm toiler ife McCrt-sdy- 4i Main rt. Jaeger, A. & Co., 4th t., but. Market and Jfffertoo, Coal Dealers. Crittenden A Omtt, 3d at., bet. Main and Market. Kellogg J. N., ad et., bet. JefTpnon and Markei. Chomlxta and Apotheoarfcth Dawea, B. F., corner 4tb and JefTrwon iU Cement Mcllarry, F., Main rt., bet. 7th and Sth fta. Carrlaire lanufacinrrr. Stone, LF.4 Co., M&in rt., bet. let and Brook. Urn. Iyetufi, Olle, Palate, dt-- . Morrio, J. 8. A Son, 41 Msln rt. Rohliuou. It. A. 4 Co., Main rt., bet Itb and 4b, Wiieon, Petor, 4 Co., Mala rt. Wilder, E.,44 Mfun rt. Iry iooU, Clothe, A., nerrr, J. Taylor, etrr-et- . Masonic Tsmpfe. Ihiva'l, C. A (Jo., Mnin ?trpit. ttwppn 3d and :id. Mark A Doieno, Main street, brweii 4,.h B,rd Sth. Martin A Cruniiui;li. ith, hten Market k Je?eraon. Tabb, O. B., comer 4tb atid Market. Fure and Fur (ioofU. Craig, A., Main rtreot. between tilh and 7th. Fn nr.y Good. Embroderte, and Trimmlnya, KaucbiiM', Charles F., 4th street, bet. Market and Jtf. Flnhlnc Tnckle, anil Pinto Is. rM(nou A OHmorft, 3d street, bet. Main and Market, , Griinth, .Tospli, 6th etreet, bet. Main and Market. Fire, Ma Hoe, and T,lf Inaurano Co.'a and Affnta. Arrterican Tns. Co.. IT. Dent. Smc, Main, Net. Sd and Jth. J'tftrpoo Ins. Co., Wm. Muir, Sec., Mtiu, twt W and M Lcnirivilie Ini. Co., Robt. Atwood, 8ec, Main, bet. 8d nnd 4iTli. Mutr, John, Main rt het and 3d. Kom, Win., Main t.., bt. 3d and M. WH!iiirpton liia. Co., Win. Koa, See., Main rt bet, 8fl and Gfntleinen's Fnrn!hln 4oeri. Armstrong, J. M., cor. 4th and Main trta. BUnch.ird, Geo. A Son, cor. 2d and M&in ita, Unm Fitters, Plumbers, A n. Dunally ft Stridor, 3d rt., bet. Market and Jeffewen. Jrorerl', I, I q nor, and Tobaoe. Stewart A Barter, Main ret. Llqnon, Wines, and AicohoU Mart A Clark, 4!d rt., hAt Main and Market. Monk, Joacph, 3vfi Main etrvct. hruMer Si .n. Wall rt., bt. Main and WHer. Zuuoue, A. d, Son, 5th at., bet. Main and Water, Lumber, Sah. Do era. Arc Alexander, F.5 Hp, A Co., cor. Preeton, A Walnut A Main, htwf-- let and 2d. Bri-t- u J. N.. cr. Miin A Wsnzel and Wa"nu, between Kfwt F!rd. Charle i, Swphfu, Main, between Campbell A Wenzell' i1t!l F.m!bli'r. Herbert A Wright, In 3d atrcet. Printlnn Fnper .lacnfnrcnrero. Dapout A Co Main itrent, between 4th and tth, Fowdrr. Dnr-on- A On. ,Main trwt. between 4th and lti. i)v il A Speed, 5i'. Mflin rtreet. Pntenl 3lrd!rluee and Prrfumfs, Ranuond A Tyler, 4tJi etrefet, bctveen M:in A Market Kttaiiranti, Cawrf n, J. A Co. (W .l kerB), Sd, Market MMn Kuett r, C. C (1st. (Clarion), utli, bet. M- - kt:t and Milii. rove Fonni'rrH. Waliacs, Liibfcvw, A Co., comer 3d and Min itreeti, Sfwinjt iHitvhfnna. Barber, C. T., Aiit f r Crovor A iiakor'i Sewing Ma chin, Fourth at. Siimuur A Co., Jflersou street, bet. 4th and 5th. Mteniuboat A arm nnd CoinuiftloB and For Benp-lirt- , D. S. A Son, Main, bet 3d and 4th. Frwin A Co., Wa!! pf(y-t- . Moorhead A Co., Waii street, bt. Main aud Water, Teas and Fancy Grocerle. Lauham A Co., d street, bet. Market and JefTf raoa Tobacco C ommlKMlon. Nock, Wicki, A Co., 513 Main atreet. L'ndertnkcr. W Wratt, oor. 7th and Jefforeon ftrt?et, VV'ootlon and Willow Ware. J rooms, Cordave, A p. RAW SON, OURIN, 3SS ilain ftrtot Wlillelemd and UnweedOn. Wilion, Peter, a Co., 4a Main etreet. flnrdwar an.1 Cntlry. Ormehy, Collie, 6oti Main atreet. lint and Cap itlaaufaeturera. Craig, A., cor. 4th and Main, and M.itn b?X 6th aud 7th, Iron, Steel, Nalla, Ac Belknap, W B Co.. corner Third and Main. Jewelry, WaidifM. and Piaie. Fltchr A Bftuuett, Main et., bet. 4tb and Mh. Kudritk, S m., ;vl Et., bet. V.vicf.t and iiaiu. Kurwy, M. C, Tin t., bt'low 4th. Vojslit A Kiink, 6d at., but. Alain and Market. Iron .iont!es Fancy Castiuxa, &0. Wallace, Litbgow, A Co., corner Sd and Mnin at. Lrftmptf, Burn Sur Fluid, tal Oila, Are. Hardy A BeaUy, 4th etreet, between Main and Market. tJeueml Produce and Pro vbton Hrokcre, Allen. Moore, A Il iyden, Main st, bt. 8d and M iiii I'H'imi Co., Jd, bet, M.in aud rivr. W. & U., Market- - iwt. 4'h and ttti llibuitt & Son, Mt krt, bet. ari and C.x.i A Moody, Wall rt., bet Mala and the rlvcc CA.ir-nia- Torbitt, 6,U Maia t, C.iuer A Co., 41 Main ctreot. C av, Win., ) Main jtveet iiiitljert. M. A Co., oJS Main street. Jack A Broth t, B1H Mim strett. iN'riij, Cio. W., 1 nird h'wr, twt. Main and WaterJ H. I. A Co., Wall (itter Allen, Sixth ttrc?t, bet. Market and MaJa. K.iwcn, Todd, el Co., 514 M iin . Snyder, John, Market street, hut. Firt and Brook WKAHM'.ss O Seamled' Ora'n Bags re-- wivi ycr BWAiuwrni in ia in aim lor bv INO. F, HnWAKIl A i'0M 4 Main, betwnpn t'tiird and Fourth et. M.viTON HA I TlNO-2- ')u Dalea PitUburg Batting in etorc aud for sale by v HowAnn co. f OFl'KK j'Hi b prime Itio received by Juo. Rauie and WodJoi d and tor ate by h w. cor. I'CFl- Cj 3UJ ha(ja good to piiui Kio C fle in rtore id tor ealt by ATIV7 BT'CRANAN A CO 1HHA largo aeeort ol akeiel in store and tor mile by AT,T,RN MO nw. TTA PiP!N. W HIKf rK(.IN ri. a O HKn d. zeu rfoiit l'ro)it: 8"y do Crochi t liraM, 8Ferted; ia do Li e d Uloven; ft" wo Vt- -t Button; IS ice ' II Silk; do Siik tiaukkprrhief'; Eecelviid aad for wne ior caeh iME8 LOW A CO., JJ9 V and Jmi wat id Sifl. t PKACH nAfeKliT8-- 60 down Peach baaketa lust M. recivod and tor bhIh hv ORH1N RAWAON. h . " . V1 : - auiit u bbti eule iraita rami! rlur rc-i- d Pale by h. H!' u: ii v nr. 417 v.t rt. AV A COiPEK, tu pocK.n. rerciv. d HiU rtftv nd tr 'aleby W. A U. BLttKIIAithT, in uDU and iwci fir ha'( bv IviT tiiitm rr a son. YELLOW JiUHArt 50 bbln choice reeWed maiiboat snd fur eaie by tr. w. com Dra-v- s Hound Ocdar Ware, kc. frt l'''-- tjra Uo:in4 Ccddr Paita, S J 4j do di do do l i ii, a ' in do do do do Cn-.- n, 4 ' no 1; ua do do do, 4 B'i do do do do Csns, 8 14 ft5 do tio do do Paile, 8 " In store and for nale low by OF.RTN RAWflON, JrS Miin et between Thl:d and Fourth. imjf:ai HIT) COTTON , A- - U ft'. oa-.- j fed rnde bleacl-e- Cottons: 4 at bl T: iM. T Aiiroo. i,d Jih'rtiitg Check; 1 cap- - &vtnih Ltn.-- Juet aiid ior tjil-- fur h by M.MrJS A CO., Ir9 nt ( ;f0-.- ,t C"AlJ(',r jtANd ft caea Caact Jena received aud f,r r.R'h hv JAMBS LOW A CO.. nni "1- wt " S;Th PRINTS 6. cw-- up a vIa PrKta, aeeoi'Ud branda, ai.d lor le for ca.' h bv J v.KS LOW A CO., 13 HO H 16 i dsn Biooui ot kud jut received a id lor sale by ORHTN RAW30N. PKK 3u pock.-t- .Java Cott. "d v.i A Uolt's Spopchos for the 1.000,103, Complete Ldttiou, e'S'ining: T'lf.it d,P" W tha K8,UuckJ' TroopaatCamp "Jo TIT l,lrfl9 de1ivrd t Tjoul.-iil- - J ly 11, 1MJ ts i J" M to Hon. W. Duer ato.e, M Y fr'LV TM fn t of two PiiCa i,v A ,.., t or by nu.il HOI,TP ,T','TnTER3 TJP0N TK POTJfiv OP THE 0 tVKRN'4 TUB n T ' whrd-i'ed"- ; tb" s.h re. will b f'lr liihd fo bv tn aoren 5 eente, or by inU R5 o;i;t; hv h'.'.i drpd $1. or bv mail M. L. A. CIVILL, Main t. H91 'n l., j TH K 4 H( l H Ot liUlftT, bj u. F. Hen riereon. nnd TMK -- PIIMT Of OOO AND TSIR SPJltlT iV , by P. f. Pail. ''W i d at t he open in of thr 1 11 '(.' of W..r'iin fo th-- i Fif-i- Cliri in Ctiir"ti, Loiil!villH, Ky., Match 17, ' agr 'ivo. H'lre --8 em:. ;yj I.. A IViLi,. J! Pirr-b- F- !iu Anil and wed . EC WARD MILITARY GOODS&TRIMMINGS AT MAD. D. RUHL'S, Fourth street, next door to XVXozart XX&ll I 8 I OV T7AND AND MAPTOORDKR (CONSTANTLY aWuititd s vsiit;-- , Ht:r,Td. i 'Lu and ILVfclli Hit A ins. A'tMC aid MlLiTAKf LAi'Va 1. $ And STAFF BUlTON-t- . Kmbr.l red SHOL .nK, 3 K VP f r Oilier- - ot dilTrert ranJ. urHL" iTON-- , T A3d i.L. KlR.JiJ, PP.INGKH, made tc order ut the lo eef prire. 'J'1 dtf nulea for Sale. Thcu eciiixT lias Mul'i" for tiit wil' average lis bp.ud.-i.ij- la.t and flfif. Ji 8. MILI EK, 9V n II p 'roro N- w Mhv"i WV. Iventucky tiller-'- I ill. 9 the season ha" arrived f ir nikint; f'.ider, and th crpot Apnl ab'inriant. I urn aain piv.vred to fui nich ttiic IDLK-- it L. A Tinn-- are Imrd ftf d money scare, we tee.1 contident thuluo lArmT who rota at pif a vill sll"w t"em to r. t on tii Ktound whpn he CKii for ao am ill a p if proeur Mill bv whie'i he ran turn hi ij1 into toon-- y In d litioe to havinft afre-- fla-i- of cilr every moroInK to help driv away tho tT-- 'ilea of the'i.nea. We wirrant this Mill to run Msrittr, K'liid tVtjr, ai d pre? tinnier than any other M 'tl now offered to tbe puDlic. f re inir call aud examine It. WM. U. WILSON, Successor to 0. W. Urhiw, No. Maiu at. Also (he Kentucky Feed-fntte- r, Vt'e havp md i ad'll! iooil improvementa to fur Nfl. 8 FliKIM t'TTKK, wh.ch make it run ninth 'iirhter lor ntfiii(t thtn o.uy ottir nucli ne iu the nutrkpt. lu o'hur retpcta it is too well kiijwu to need any ion TUKKSHINO MACHIVK3 H Vld. OR AT N PRILLS. PLOWS. ,b'LTVTORS. CKMKNT, PLAdTKR, LIMK, sNl, TL'KNIt bKKD, and all kinda of UAKDt.N atKDti. WM. n WILSON, No ;'Minft. HCTSTOVAL. K. RICHTKK h nmovpd hla v t OiH.D -- nd ril .VKK PLA VI N I, TABL18MMKNT mm 2JF,to Third A tHlrrift't' t. b twtn Mirkt t :id .loffernon. whr'B he will with pluaciiue rT"fv.i hia u meiuua cus- tomer?. ki;u hiomtkk, S 3 Third at., betweed Market a'i1 Jurfi-- i con, 4 dim Lo ll . Kv Kanawha Canncl Coal Oil HOUSE. TreiPiiror of thfl KANAWTTA nAVTNfl, MININO AND OIL M A NI F At C iMi'AN , rnrrln-'-- the entire crom. nf LAMPS -- nd LAMP FIXTURK8 f W M. F. 8 M RL' , No. 4 S Main street, fourth door west of" Fouith, LottiviP' , Kv., it ia my purpi-- e to keen a mpuiv of FINK lil'KNIN' OiL, ina:infcti:red by rhie tympany, rona'aiTIr nn htnd, at nrholaaitl a'tl all of which will be fuvmitlfd to b1 e iuI 1 nt superior tn an C a' i iil n hi utcnn-- In the fmnitrv. ;or O L rmnuln'riir-- fioin ptfn Coal, an noni oth-- r will be off ied t our c - iptr rtnv hull be ).r. pred t fill 0!d, rf LLliRlCATlN'i OIL. f a.- - 4,mtitv an any iu the conntrv. at fro-- L'S tn ft cent per k v11"". R. J. CRAWrnim (formerly iti the employ of Win. F 9inir;ill) will foin;urt thp hiiHliifVM of t.fi Hmis tor loe. aiid s ftdiir 'd To him or the uudraipn-?- at tdviila will receive prompt atteution A. (1. llopnPS, Mutual Lite Insurance. THK NKW FN.'l,MT) WrTI'AL IJKK K COMPANY. .No. 39 State itreet, boa ton, Inatii'A liiB on thrt nuitu prin-'r.l- Net Accumulation U10, and in- - crewinR, for the bmtefit of n finb.r. preiout nnd fu- ture- tho wh'-l- ift-l- and orf'y Inverted. l"he conducted txclmlvfely for the benelit ot tho p rson Th erpat-a- - rink t Va on a IPe OOO. Siirclna dietrifcut-- d amng the rrp;iib''ra evBry fifih vpar. ' er ember i. 1?4J Btttltd in ca h or by addi- tion to ivi'lcv. Po d im8 nrnr h pa!d auartrly or wh tp and am mint net ton iiml(. Form" it ao.ili- -t on and ranu h'tte of the Cottitrut and it reporta to be i of its agKn;a or at th" of th" or forwarded by mall, if written fur pug t. paid. THHECTORS: ll P. Wider, Tappn, Clmrlft I. Cn?t', ;iiliAm i). KTnolda, Thina" .Tlpxter, (Itvi'!. Kotpr, C'hai Hnihard, A. W. Ti&xtvr, Frauds C. Lowe l Sii-ci- . WILLAKD FlllLLIi'S, Pieaidcnt. Pjamim F. Stvkns. W. W. &!orl4kis M. D., Cooaulting Fhyaiclan. aiifV div mmm millmery. m. JI. ifEiVER, No. 413 JehTeraon at., eonfb aide, below Fourth OrTere to th lndiea a fine and carefolly selected of erriiiH milhuery, vuu Straw tkinuft, aiicy do., Muwb' IIIb, thiidrenV do., Hiihous, Flo era, Ac; Alco, Piltni of tlu) Ut-e- t rylea, oat relvod, Sa- - pHcttfi-- oi cut to mesiinrf1. trLvoTy attenti n eiven to dreot making. ocr.S Wfio are taking up Carpet aheuM not pit tbem Piio witbout the PATKN T CARPET LINING, procura- ble only at WILKINS", wet aide Fonrth, between Main an4 Mjukot treeta. 1SE1 MILLLXERY GOODS. II vBONNPT8, FLOW KM, CHU.UKEN'S FLATS tidtept ctU), BONN KT WTRFg, and WHALF.HOHF. A .od of LACK, HALF LaCP, and BL'CKRAM F RAM 148 alwy oa band at the lowert ca-- h prirec. yrilLFA(;inNG AND PRESSING! at ao SO PRIKTOS. HOT SPRING COUNTY, ARKANSAS. TEE Hotel at Hot8r.rinpf (Hale and Proctor Houaea hewn bind-- and iinprovt-meut- made to accommodrtt kjurt urwiKcn at any rime throi-itou- the car. Tiiee wonderful Spriufto positive- ly cire Rheumatism, intrart-- Joints. Nenmieia, LnmbAo, Paralysis, I'int, 8t. Vltua's Lance. Hvteria, Sterility, ImiT.tcncy fr-- di"?jw. Venereal diaeases, Mercoreal dbea;8, 8nffula aud Oiandular dirwaaea, and all forroa of DAin R 8. CLAYTON, Fropritnr. Pr. O. W. I.awTRnee, the Medical examiner of Hot Sprinjra will supply circulare to applleanta. N. B. Mernirlal. Iodine, Sulphur, and other mMi-Cte- d vTor furnihpd when rcjrird. JanSS diy Brandies & Crawford, GllAIitf 52ALEH3, rumoved to the new Warehouse on th?aCQth-veiteciuer- Kafn aud First ftrecU. Wo will pay th hih?vt market nriee foraHHndsot Grain, delivered at o(u atoro eras auy good ahipping point on the O o rivtpr dtf PKAvnrTS cr AwroRn. POWDEE OF ALL rn?tantly on hand and fot tfle oy DAVIS bPfcilli, Aentfor the Manuiactoror. LnmTn.r.x, SPt. a, lSU. Messae. Dat-t- A Speto, Aenta of Oriental Powdor Co., IuliviUe: GrUs We have ben nsinp your Rutins Powder and we tnke pleneiirp in utrttit'K mat we tip-- it U not upenor to arty powder th;it we have ever uced. ARTHUR CAMl'KFL, Sapertntndent tor Smith 4 Smyaer. I sor'ifaMy concur In the above and oherfuttv rram-men- d it to the public. J. i. bHITH. I consider tbe above Powdsr iaperior to an- - wm have evar heon able to obtain, H. FOEJT. We tnltp p!ep?itre in rarommfcdine yonr Indian Orien- tal Ritis Powder ao r.nal if not 8uperi-- r to any we have evur d, it being very aijd ronj. Thia we auert ai"t';r a tboroash nLU. K routu, GKOKHK VvT. WOMACK, J. FRY 8. P. HUOWPER, H A. K.rKASTFR, iM.UAK L. j'AYLOS. nTdf A Wl'M JSrev Importations. At No. 877 Main atreet, three doon below the LouisvUle Hotel, AP.B now recotvins larre addltione to thsir atook of and OormiiiWMre. On hnd (liM Urceand hftiiuVome ajwortrent of OIawwhtc, Brit, ftnd Plated Cftftore, Lokinr-Oltuw- , LHnt.-rna- , Wnter-Cool?- St?, and Fniit Jars, all of which will be otfered at as low oVuit u can tKt i nuid in the ma.rkt WT, JAMES 8!"GAK-KOl'8- l MU..A65KS ' bbla Bt. ji ... i ue M U.-- i a in etr- - ftnd tor AN"' AT HI'i'IONW O aurt'i iiU' it mid t yea- old Bourbon Whisky on eou.ltt nruur and t.r le by B'.' emeu Olnret Wine: jt-'- MAdpira Win; & t do y do; 5 M do Masi do: a ftore and for iie by J. VONaB, ht. R.ivpntr) irid F,if trt uta. O RO hbdB prfrae N. O. SQKf: lb hiAi Powjered and Cniahed 8u(ar; In Here and for iie by W3I7ALL RAT.PFVT ff) AVA COFFEB-1- U0 bags Jaa Coffje in pockt3 in ftore aid tor aaiu by ia r vwsan, rnnn. & CO, CSOS03Q LAH3. f.n TTERCES lor sale k.w trr'o?e aiulpmiwil by 10 J. SMiTU flfELli, Main at. OOA 75 caaV Bicarb S'da Jn t received and for K.J m bin! h"'s Mo'.ir-.'.v- Golden "tr ip: firnlob . K l I'M r fi tpi.UL'll (;iu hula Kst lAKDM-l- & CO. Uj1e eeitbratt rigycred Hina fr BUSINESS CARDS, GTATin XVI HNT or THX CONDITION or nm Springfield Fire and Marine Insur- ance Compauy Sprinsfleld, Mass., 0 tub isT da? or Jolt, In conformity with the Laws of the State of Kentucky. 1. Te name and localltv of the Company Is Pprln? fVld lie aud Marine Imuran Company, Siujg field, Mm. S. Toe amount of ita Capital Sock$3n0(i)no 00 8. The am unt of its Capital Stock paid up. ..42Wj,nuO 01) 4. The AeM-t- of the i'tolodlng: 1. The aiuoi nt ot 'a hnu haod $7,:i03 AnjOuni of Catfh on httud from Ak ot and others In co'T4i' of trninji-sio- S. The Rml Kstate unti'cumi.'d a. Th Bond owntd by tho Comra'iy. Knd how they are b c ired witu the rate of iu-- t 'iv-- t thereon: ..im Hulf-o- N. Y., A Eria R R. 7 pticiit. B ud ... 4,T5o (rf) $ ,5o Wntertown A Rome K. R. 7 iro nt ltjnOri... 4, l)"bt- to the Compiuy br in r'Knjr : Loan on Reattittate aecared bv n.ortjiaf,'H lt1.77rt tH Hauk atuoic aj pt--r ech 'dule l&ti,4a7 t!i Rji i ruAd 1 1 jck? an per ached- - ule 67.770 lj Hill W.I bo 7j Allth r 8fcuriti:dai d accrued Litftre.it 11,997 el Surjj'.iu ofoT Capital Lomi adjusted and not due 1 Lowea nu tdjiiitt d Lofeec in suypt'Oie waiting fjr " $21,005 fur h.T ) All Miier Cta.UM agaiuet the Com- pany 3.219 71 WM. CONNOR, Jr., Sec'y State of MtsciirrrrB ; Haupdkm. i as. Subcried and orn to tills etb day of AunuL A. D. lbi, belore ui. A. L. fioUL L, Justice of the Peace. Armimi's Orywt KPNTrrsY ) Frankfort, Aur. ia, IwJl. j I hereby certifj' that the foregoing It a true copy of the "ri J mil on tile in thio olllce. y. 's. lu witnwf whreof, I have h?reto "etmy ( iwiAI rRn ruv otiiclal teal tbe dA' I r iand year above writt' n. VTCO (iRANT GBBKS, Auditor. J. L. DA1V70HTH, gent. Hdl-- I Dissolution. H1HK copartnerf hii beri'tolore exi-tl- bntween the 1 UMdersifinod, thf rlrm of JACK A BROTII-I- s )il' rt:iv diplved. J. O. Jdck bovlnff rurch.-'e- tlie ni'e lotereft in tne atiek and iwwets, is authorised to fft;l the partnership biuiueM an t to uf ttie uatue of tho lir.u for the purpose. .1. O. .TACK, KDVPD W. JACK. Loulnville, Kv., Aug. 14, IhL rpiIR underfrned wifl enitlnue te WTIOLESALE I OKOCKKY and COMMISSION buvin at ol a So. 3JJ Main etreet, betwten Third and Fourth. J- - u- - JACK. Louisville, Au. 17. 1861. dtf WATTS, GIVEN. 4 CO. CRANE VROWN, Paducali, Kv. KvausviUe, lnd. WATTS, CRANE. & CO., Commission Merchants, 45 BKOAO ST., NKW YORK CITY. 7K have onnnM a House in tlm City of Npw Yrrk for the p'eof Tobacco and We'ern Produce, and renectfiillv uolMt a ?harn ot" Western patronage, prom- ising our best for the intereeta of our corre3pond-ent- We havp every confidence in Tohwro selling readily at full p:ic s. hi rouud iota, therefore advise ahipmeutd to tlie New York market Mr Daud Watts of Watt", Given, 4 Co , Padncnh, and Given. Wstt, A Co., New Orlfan, for nrnnv ib f uuiimr with tue Tob keco trade, will rive hi per"oua' a to that Mr. I. A. Cbane, of :rane i Brown, Kv a will attend directly to tho Weoteru Producu department. WATTS, CRANK, ft CO. Nrw Yortr, June 1. Iflfl an8 d'in" O-JEi- OATIIRALL, Manufacturer and Dealer in Tobacco and Cigarr, Southeast comer of Second and CaHowhi!! st?., PHILADELPHIA, PA. N. B - An of oue million Domestic Ciirs t!v t ,;(f; v Chango of Tiriu. r SHANK 8 ft CO. have associated W. A. GAIL-- HKAITFI with their 6nn. and nurchftned the stand f SMITH A OMKR, on south side of Market stree irlow Fiord, where thy ill conduct tlie WFIOLK-SAL- and RVTA1L OROCKKY e.nd FRODCCK busl- - it. vjonnrrTj-- wltb their house they Lave a good fif AOON-YAUi- with amtlo accommodation for icrser, wjjons, aud othar voijicl"s, and would be glad OiHt their old friends. 'P. SHANKS, ?n!y 13. W. A OA i LRUArTH No. 311 Fourth t bpt. iNnrUet and Jeffenton, 1 ANUFACTUKKR A NO JOBBKR Off KVKHY lM variety of JKWKLRY. Fine Diamond Mount- ings and all th new stylts of Fine Hairwoi k Ornaraenti d in the mo-- t wa; e- Itr style, of the het materUl. Vtl work warranted. Pre reaonhln OWI tQr. in Air a?1IL1T;IIY C;00D At C. J. RAIBLE'S, 332 T efforeiou street. JUdT P.KCE1VKD PER EXPKE83: OoM and Silver Bra'd. Las. Stn'p. and ? Ci rd-- (nil widths snd guail'itp); bilk snd Wnirtft Crimson Stirpes, C ti. and Kv. un Btfit IVitt-n- , Gold and Silver Brion, Taielit and Frinaw; W'irr-tr-- '.'orfl.Braide, ":V. and Lace-"- a'l colons Sword Knots, dt?y$ 'I";ilB' Iou!lion Kmb,o!d''red Should r iT; Strap and ti oamei't i on hand and made riie,lEiS1 to 01l1flr t short notice. Hi P'fj rri ictf, Buttons, Te'I, (Vrds, c "t! iSlj mad 1 order at ahoit notice aud on JHo terras, 5.1' . .'j Tountry iirchant supplied at a liberal , diHcouut. aplDdlr ivu doux. w. j. ureinc DORN & IITJGrllES, Commission Merchants AND WUiLi8ALK DNAI.RB9 IN Raw Whisky, Flour, Baron, Suar, Grain, Tobacco, and Produce, A)0Te ma Mes-r- T. ft J. W. OafTs DUtilleriea, Aurora and Law- - rencehurt(. Ind Mew . S. tlowa A ()., Distillers, Patriot, Iud. KenrvrKsa Flour MilU, Louisville, Ky. UO'Kir " Patriot. Ind. OalT ' 11 Aurnra aud Lawrenceburg, Ind., No. 616 north side Market street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, Jyitfdm LOI'IRVO T.K. KY W. WYATT, UNDBHTAEBR. Improved Metal Burial Oases Combining Beauty, Durability, aud LightmsM. MTOfTiM comer Seventh and Jetlercon, Louisyilie.jti rfHl! above Caskets are made of Corrci fated Sheet 1 Mf and lined with Outta Percha or India Rubber io as to be Air and Water Tipht. All orders r rotuptly attended to. dl3 dtf & CLARE, IMPORTURB AND WKoLF.SALK DKALER8 TN CIGARS, and FANCY No. 08 laird street, have in ftore and f:r a:e ty bb!i mperlor Doarbon Whiiky, yean old; do do d do, 8 10 is cuks Cocnac Brandies; S'U i d do do; 10 W do P,chM)e dor 8 H do Port Wine: lft V do Matelrado: 11 H do Sherry do; 9 bbU o!d Pee-o- Brandy, pure; 11 hols tJ Apple Brandy, pore: Champ (ve Wines, various brarsdtT N Lonii.yorth A ta.'s and J. McMitlen'sNattrewbiei Kntilish and Scotch Pale Ales and Porter; Claret in c&ae: Anteetie; Alisynthe; Maicbmo; Ciiraroa, &c. Also a Lre and d stork ef Fresh FTriita, Pfc'les, and Uernie'ically Sealed Oooda of all dearrip-ti'M-- s 1oirt iTr)tflt Driee mSl BUOKKTS, c. IlAlN'J'Kl) Painted Bticketg, all rilors; fcU do B. i. ' edr do, 3 eiaes; 7'. do (KkWell do; ISi di Zlte Wsh Boardr; Just received aud for tale low bv ORRIN RAWSON, aC4 ra Main t.. between Third and Fourth. NATIVE WINES -- Mi ca"-- Mo. rtfarfcling Catawba; 15 doaen fine Dry do; In t re and for sale In quantity to antt pureha-- io J. p. THOMPSON, 7 Fonnhst. rrTTm. ea'h WUNIIK1K0 O hi b'il? Ssuterne Wine; 76 boxes do do: ri) do Brandy Cherrl: 25 s MoIiums, U boxe: Verm oth, Abynrhe M iraschino, An'sette Cordial, awi ted Cordwl". Olive 'U, MacAioui, Champagne, die. In store and for sale bv ANTHONY ZA NONE SON, ft Fifth ftreet. below Main. IP KAMJIFS 0 pkt,M PHIovolstn Brandy; 31 do 4 Co. do; 16 d) Piaiiat oo, very flue: In store and for sale bv ANTHONY ZANON'K 4 SON. a Kith ft... bolow Mdn. VTtNE AND 8PI KITS A supply on handof pure old Wines and Spirits for sale chenp fi r ca-- h oy J. T. LANHAM 4 Ct)., rr.'fi TrTr.r. nf To- - n TI,I tUTOATt-H'-lTM- MOLASSES 50 bhls 3. .Tames 3u- - y p:ir H line Mola-- in orn and for sale by AVtt'W tlTu OO. LOAit 'oi hhds priiue 8urar received pr I liana and 75 b-- xu's Star and Yellow Candles h do Ho-l- n Soap; Girn au do: i do Fancy do; for sale by aJ4 HIBBITT A SON. LOt 'R X iuii b'd Family Flonr: hH) sacks do do; for sale by a34 HiRBITT A PON. fOKKEE, SCGAKH, e. Superior Ttva and Rio 1,'offes Cr ivhe1, Powdr-d- , G rami sat- d, and Brown (iitarp: Cocoa, and Chocolates; for saie cheap for c&h by ,7. T. LANHAM A CO., a!7 Importers of Teas, Ae., Third it. UJ, OCR AND MEAL SIKVE8 60 donen eon.mon l and pi aU-- Wire Sieves just received and for ?ale by OBKIN RAWSON. 70 Mln htwf Tl,iM Tid Fwh. yt FKF8H TK.A8 35 4 half entut cho'ce Green Teas: X Z 31b caddirs; cjJitFreih and fine; jn received and for sale by tv;u HIliBlTT A R(N. VTheat Fans. I LRGC!.ipplyot WEET FA vg n store and for 1 sale et.eap bv HUGH BRENT A Co., tt Reond st . Mwunn rf Rlvoi". I 1 L'GIf BKBNT fi nav to west s de of tin and tljo iivr HAMS AM:IHF.4- Vy r v Si.ii'i?, , and Oregon Dams; u'.rAve ccutiy iwu PTF81TT POH. BUSINESS CARDS. NOCK, WICKS, & CO., "w holeaialo Orooerm AJTD OOEK3ISBION H32KCHAXTSf Ai;eut for Tobaccos, liiqnori, and Cotton Tir, Hca. II and 317 Main it bet. Thiid and Fo.irth, LOnnVTLLl.. KY. ml J. E. MOOKE, (enooxaeoi to wm. bipquaui, Porwardloj & Commit ion IJ.rh9i awn STEAMBOAT AGENT, A AO, Freight Agent for Fenna. Centra RciirHI. No. 4S FOURTH (OR WALL) STRFKr, T1 Htf Louisville. Yv. B. W. PITKIH. WM. L. p. WIAJi . . T VKi T PITEIN,WIARD,&COM ESuocrrs to PltHn Brother 1, WUOLE3ALB DKALKHS IN SEEDS, AGRICULTURAL DIPLEIEATS, Blachines, Trees, Plants, Hydraulic Comect, lame. Plaster, &tc. OlO 2kAl2i estreet, wl dtf ISt M l F. KY. FREW;H Bi;RR8-- AlI and kind. CLOTHS-- All numbers boetmabn. IMPROVKO PORTABLE MILLS With solid FTWieh buhr- - aud made on t known piwn. 6MIT MACIIINr.S-Swer- al different kinds. Kill Irons, Scrwa. Screens, Beltin, Plaster F.uis, and Hill artlrlt- - . We have on bai.d a larre stork of the d articles. For tale lew and .malite w!irrant.-- HF.KHF.RT WRTOHT, tepyr dtf No. TB Third st.. b.-- Main and rl wr. Dnig& Prescription Store, MOZART II A L L, imer Fonrth and Jefiorfon street. tyPrftscrlrtiont earef jlly and aocnraUIj eompocn-t- at ail hotm daj or mghL nui IIIBBITT & SON, Wholesale and Retail OHOCimT, TEA BTCED, No. 4!oi Market t., bet. 2 ?cond and Third, TTAVE IN STORK A FULL 8TOCS OF FT NT! Jrooorle. and solicit the putrouage of tiie pubitc. a81 J0IUI NY2ES & CO., Wholeaala Grocers, riocr acd Oo ? mission Iorchauts, IC4 MUn itreet, between Third and Fourth, LOU13VIHJi,KY. PARTICtFI.AR ATTFN . OIVKN TO TH2 ?AL FroducAf , to us. nu;l GUNPOWDER. DUPONT'S RIFLE AD BLASTISS FODDER, IN METAjj Wator-ti- at and Tir-- w proof. We have in ma?azmo 11 snpplyoJ 4,e above cele brated brand of Powder, fit up In pdt&itrotl kiGy a.t for sale at tame price as wooden kej?s by A. V. DnPiNT dk TO. fc'V-V- R.F-- ir sin bv all tb LJ-vIU- p p;pr,-)r- Gay's China Palace. IN THE MASONIC TEMPLE, I haw Jost now opened and rfA3p for tale or inspec- tion the largest and most el"ERnt atoch of China, Glass, and (lneensyare Ever offored In thLa or a;ip other o'ty in tho Moilh nr SoatLi. I have on hand and intend always to hive the br?t.9elected stock of SILVKR-FLATF- WAKE, CITTLKRY, BRITANNIA WARE, WOODEN AND WIILLO'.V WARE, and GAS FIXTURK3 ia the con.it.y, and which I will sell at priceo to suit tho tirnot Perron" bavin? old (liaudelieru, Lamp, Ac, cnu (fft thera cieart-- &nd made lock tw weli rs oew at a very tritlin oxpenee. I am fifo preptuod to mn GAS nnd STEAM PIl'3 Intfl Buildings or dteaniboate at the tdiortost notice, si 2 HANDSOME STOCK Fall & Winter Clothing. J. M. A11M8THONG Oo luln st., opposite Ihe National, HAS hi 't oprnd an elfrRtit stock of F ne i.'rtvs tinil Fto k i;t.': Dr's wiid H i in-- Pints; F:ne Orcs ai.d r ancv Wcte-- i ut'f.l tJsf-- i ..ire . Sitp. Re?.ver Ore--- ; catj; Also 0) e' Ciot lit c a'l nice. T w;t!i a fu:( dro k o' Shirfx, Tluiery, Gloves, Cravats, Ties, 8 upnd. -, Liu'ri-- I ip, 41c. FOR HALE LOW FOii CAPH ONLY. Military Saddlery. In anti' of rtrrrdi iud fr Militny E it p. int-- u. 1 n.ve ina etra Cirp H.nxtili ei V Vi ail or niut- - td lo uic with prouiite-e- aud .Jt h c. priori,, 3.7 Third st, bPtwet-- M:un ir.r ! 3 dlni i?n r.f Hi (; ,1,1 n 'le. To those who:a it may ronccm. fTMIB FOLLOWING T8 A I TH T OF PACKAGK3 1 remamii'K on Lan at fie r t e oi t!io Aiiti Ilu;i Krprois (n piuy, If U; t ciiKd lor iu M d- - t, will be fWld to pay chaigt?: 1 Knx A . 1 Package A. (J. phapfV-r- . 1 " J Edwaios. 1 Pot-- O o. Kurtf. 1 Package A 1 " i.J v. 1 W. Me mtr. I " N. Fountain. 1 ' -.- 1. 1 Pot-- F. S. 0;irH"fft n. 1 Fitkae-- W. 8. V rnon. 1 " .1. K K 1 ik Mo: Lvu 1 " it. McKeo. 1 A (;jb.-- 1 A. P. Oo .os. 1 rVix C(i C'inton. 1 " 1 C. Wricht. 1 Pper 1( t KL'fic. 1 P. Dear. 1 " -f- l. 1 Pox- - Cat. M Ker. 1 Castij-- r". H Wiles. 1 P. T 1 Packat A. B. Kendir. 1 c. 'i 1 Pox Mra. U. M. Hxer. 1 T nibkK. 'i'. Nardm S Chiiru--- i. A. A.nautronp. 1 U -- J. Mi ler. 8 BoxesJ. Wiili-n- i. 1 BVe-- E. K. Thr. Ike'.d. U UoxaJ, Prown. I Oti, A Buck. 1 Trunk'. A. Coll-u- 1 Tm .k-- K Kn. 1 Box-- G. Wi ly. 1 l Mrrf. H. IL Handy. 1 u . H. 1 Pacnae fackon AW. 1 - W. I " I. J. gutt.m. 1 " H B. rer. a Mm Mvv. 1 M.Cfnrtiir. 1 M A l .Tack-on- . 1 I Kufmsn. 3 PrVe Vocb- -r S.'ploT. 1 Package S'one A vv". 1 p. Vsndevi. 1 " T. Li- beherr. 1 Ferr. 1 .J. H 1 k H. BVKi c 1 M C T. 8"hiiiidt. ,1 w. W. Hi i, 1 -t- i. W. Fullrton DAVIV,. Su ca-k- clear 8'ds in tore nil tr eJu bv K. l i . .. ''OHACCO 5 Tobacco SHOT tt"d bl'.T.l:'. a store WKf forjfjile hv W. if. ql?Marke!-- t II ami', Sho I'.dt-- r a: d clear Hides in store and tor ?al b? 3i W. A 11. BPRKHARDT. 4!7 Market t. LV FLOCB Ch )if b and, lor n I fix jv RIO. LAULA1KA, AND WAWH bv L SMITH HPKO, f.Uin sL ALLOl S RA'.'Ktn APP1 B AND CKABCIDS3. A K'joU aui ply lor tab oy diTTH SPEED. Min jt. c; ICE T LAS- - Green and RI ck de by I. M'H (PIH SO P. STAKCH. CA I jL6, LAbD, coikt intly - htud nud for eaie ov MTTH SPPED. V rpKA 17i pakat oreen aad Blacn Tea in etore A and for sale by r! VAPqRAfL TTArpFKT 00. W I O .lis uncLi tuily lar Sujiar m st-- aud lor tale k bv A Nl' w Hi i :m a a kj . , p2 fvner Second and Wiwhinirti m liriNKS- - r) caes Claret Wne, for faml!v use; tr1) do do do, very ii.ie; 56 ca? as di do; 10 do do do, line for table nee; lWeAes White do, Usut SiJterne; itf bbla do do, do do; Sb a Port do; Ho d- filien y an t Madeira Wine: 2. boxes MuscKt Wine; 60 do Champagne, tjta, pts, and ipts; In store and for sale b- - , ANTHONY ZANONK A SON, Fifth flrt. i.ft-- VH CLAKET WINK food Claret Wine; S cfk do do do; In store and for sale by ANTHONY ZANONP A SON, Fifth st., below Main. IVEW PKINTS-- ao cafc-- beet new stvh-- Printj fcr 11 lal! tradtt jtiat receiv.-- and for sile c :eap for cath b- - 'ftlTi T. A R. HLKVIN n CAIN C ANTON FLANNELS 10 capej Canton FlinnB!i jusx receiveu a id tor ple cheao frr rih hv a i7 T. K- SLF.V1N CAIN. ( OLD KM PIRl P 6.) packapa B.ilt,mors extra 1 Sirup. nolrtiud bnic ai'.j i; r, fn itoro ai.d for sale by ia-- lj ANU'vV bLciiANAN A :o. KW ORLFAN3 MOLASSF8-8- no hbls prime Plan-- 1 1 ration Molacet in store and for palu by 'S AND' W HCOHANAN 6 CO. riiHK RKBKLLION RKOKD. A DiaiT of Auierl- - 1 cao Evoiif. Tbrt-- iufuHl- - t ai ! to h f.'i c r HOLT'S ADDKKR8 IN Li ! IteVILLt' AND LLYTF.lt TO ,f. K. SPEED, lu ct FVEKEtTS FoL'ixTH OF .11 LV itKATloN IN NUiW YORK. 1b tt. 2 I . A. CIVILL Cn-lfo- YVRe. CAI'.PLT CHAIN, AND 'll.'--- , vrr-- tat W4 f:bb:tt a son. RAILKOAHS. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE mum. llotice to Passengers. CUVMFCINO ger"i'T 1". IPfll Tra ns on tbe - !5 aM NAtftlVIlL UAI uKOAD w.ll Lai Lo.'LtiIIo a iil.iu,r Tiain (;i:.dv s exrel'tcd. 7: A. M. P.M- 'rtor- q 0 P. L - .T. A'Mvt?g''N, IMPORTANT! Par6Qn(ors should be careful in pur- chasing- Tickets to Et. Joaaph or po nta in Saasas to see that they read by 1ho Nnrth STls-four- i Bai!road. It is tho only all rail and direct route from et. jLou s to Ct. Joseph, thirteen hours quicker, faro lo as any other route. IS 4 AC il. STL'ItOVON. Pr''-'- t and Oen'l dnp't Norih Missouri K. R. Co.. FaiST.LG!I!3Ii!CAG0, DETROIT 1QS1. Eura;nor Arrangement. an s1r Mordy. Aur. 12. WI, Passenger Trains will l&ftve Albnuv as follows: 5(0 A M. CHICAGO KTPffK aijy except Snn- - diyti, fO!niir'ii(K r Tcrre Ilmt1 nd Ine'hinapo-li-- , snd conne. , cloly at Lafayette for ChicKo. IWThroMgh frntn to Chiceo in lH hours. 7:45 P. M. ST LOLlS NIGHT KXPKK3S (DMIv), r'Bc'iir.e St. i.otilq fit y A. M. an 1 Minciunatl at 5 A. 'A. This Tinio iu is to Mitchell only. P.nturnine. bT. LOUIS FXPKKS airives at Nt.w Alhanv &t A M., ni ikln c'oio connections frcm A M0'"- - R!1 O.iKinnali, rtarhi.w Louisville at o:lo The CHICAGO MAIL arrives at 4) P. M., reaching L,v.ildvUi at 7:4) P. M- - ChiLy mm CiVanpe of Cs '1 Rt. ,?ufa, Cincinnati, or C'Aiij(70. Th tbrouth Trin mk?s cood couo'ct'ons Noth and South at OriHtva tie, liavett-- . LHCrotx, and Michigan Ury ior alt points liast, Weot, and Noith-- Wt'rit, rTralns are run by Louisville time. IWFor TIIROUGn TICKKT3 and further y Kt the CKNr.KAL HAIl.ltOAD OF- - VI'.'::. ptntliH-ca- cornor cl Third and Min street. LouUvilie, Ky. B. E. BICKER, S ip't fl. ?.. PAP.R, Ajwnt. dtf FASTlST LINE EAST I COMMENCING. APIUL 14 W81. Columbus and Xenia CincSiiHali, Hamilton, & Dayton i8j;i mmmm isci EAILEOADS. FliOM CIN:iNNATI TO S. sfcon !d hoom. Npw York in 81 hoars, Pi.ilfl.dflr.hi-- . n a? t ilaitimore in 9' fionr. SAit..((a3p'i"r in J'V'l's. Albusir in i',-- hours. Hutrh in l.Vij bo,irs. Dot. kirk iu 14 honrs. Ct in S hoar. Pittthnry in IS hotin. Wheeling in Y, houri. WtuVnritle in 11 honrs, t;re'lirie ii H bonrs. Xanneville in 7 hours, in S.ift h Toledo in houra. Oeiroit iu ia! hours. 'ihroanb Trnlr.B nve CfiirtmRtl n followst A. M FXPKP-58- Fwn (.Incinnstt, Ham-- D'jot, connect via Toledo, Detroit, ai;d Canada. A. M. CINCINNATI r.XPKRSB From Little Ml ivii Dct. cnr.n-f'- g via OolurabuB, (;levelnd, Dun-tir- a.nd vi:i Coin aibns, and t: via Colnt'i.-!-- 3teubt". ville, end Pittoburg; and via Colucibn-- , Belis.fr, ll.nwood. 9?. A. M. KXP.-- MAIL-F- LittU Vian.l r, coi:'orfj TiH Ccinri;,?., Btlalr, and PittJl.nrg; ha l. oi.im'n , Htttbarg; via Co'iomtKis, Knd. Dnrilrk. and Kcffulo. P. M. KSPRPBS-Fr-i- m Cirdnnsti n.t.i!ton, A TTiytou coniitx-v- via Toledo, Dir.roit, and Cana- da. 10 P. M NyGnTRXPRRfl9-PromCindnna,n- m- f ton. fi Dr.. fdti D f.nt, connect via and Pitthhtirs; via Cohiu'bns, Cirtihe, and PiU'ibinr: via(;lui:ih!-,civclaf- Dunkirk, and Bof-vi- a Col m'-iN- , H'utr, r.d Itwiwoofl; and via and i'itLnvr. Modem Car on tkle Train. i.'Fiir-fncer- for Laie Steamers will take the morn- ing Trdlii. tThe E:45 P. M. Eirrsap, Batnrdaya, for Toledo Only. The Nhht Exprm mm Daig, Satvrdizyt excepted, AU other 1 ram$ run Daily, Sundays excepted. rTTiin run by ColnTpbTW time, wlfch !s 7 irlnctes frJier t5aa ClncmuaU tiie. la.TgagQ Checked through to all Eastsra Citie. -- pi;p,n iu mind tht the "CIN- - C n N VI" i4 trseOf.o FAVOKI YE iiOL'TS. incdM prou,tiv, the Ravi? are d'orooiy VA Li. A3 I KO, and ali mudsni ir.,n:vtmjbnU adoyad iiuof-tw- ,; spwJ, oOHi-oe- and SAr i'f V. Tff icoiro n t:ckktm Ar ' st fiM t;)? PKINCIPAL BATIjROAD TICKET Oi' i'lCKS In ti e VliSi1 and flOLT'JJL Ask for Tick- et vliClM'INHA'lt. P. W. 8TRADFR. Genaial Ticaent Agei't, I. atL Leuj?T5i! afifl Frankfort aiid Lsx-!n(- on aEl Fraslfort RAILROADS. (Y ANT) AFTFH MONDAY, April 33, ISfil, Trains wnl Uavo Lciiijviiie (auudavs ezcected) as foil"': FIK51 riiAIN- - A. , stoppinir at all stations wr.iiLtif.t:c Fair Crmincis. Kce Co;iro, Browus-bor- and tv llov..-- . conmctififr nt fcnunence withft-we- for New t art:-- l Frankfort for Lft wren wham, HnrroJ-- h ire,, and Dacrilie; At Midway for Ver&athea: at Paynes Sthtiou fur OiB'irrf.'t.iwn: and at Lexington via railroad and stiiftt tor Nichotiwvii!, Danvilie, Lancaster, Crab Orcliard, Somerset, Utchmoud, Mt. Sterllu, and all In- - I'f'T tOlflUL SiXlONl) TRAIN P.M., rtoTiiilnft at all station! when fifte'j, eet i .dr Grounds, Point, lUceCoarefi, Onimhy', and North Benson: by tuce at Kuiineuce for New Catle; and at Pft'i" for .,'cetOH ti, 1UJKD Leave at 41 P. M., stoiin m ail taMoiu; a id ret tilling, will leav-- Ld''"An:e At A. M., wtoyiiiug ut ail fetation, and ar- rive at Loo i ville at ":'.: A. M. arrive iu its fallows; Flrift Trnln at 1" A. St.; T, aiu at P. M.; LaranKe Accom-n'iiio- r. at A. U. Kr- ipL't Tralcs I v Ijouioville iaily (Simdavs except- ed1 at r:"i-- A. M.airiving in Lexintn at 4:ii"t p. M. U ractivod and discharb'od from :30 A. M. to 6 P. M. f'Throos;b Tirtj for Danville, Hurrodebnrg, Crab Orcnard, Sck rjet, Vei caille, OKirsetowu, and all can be Lad at the Dep.it in LouiaviUe, eomer ot Jenron snd h jok street". 3Ar.IL.Jii, GILU Superiatendt, 1tf L. A F. ar.d U A F. R. Et. l.Mt'l koo-- and piline Rio: do a, ui ra: 10.) do Jj.v. (in pock't-i- : for s.iV tir KMVHON. TO DO. ILOLK .u bbla Kitra Family t lour in store and for tale by ri W. A H. BUKKHARDT, 417 Mnrkt st. fXTKA FAVILY FOAP-- L 0 boxes Wrk wperior ba Ily So; p re ivd ind for hkI'- bv il W. a tL BLRMIAKDT. 417 Market ft. T1IO COFFEE- - b tfj R:.o Coff e received and for 11 ato hy ITI. 0 bnb pii'i e Plantntion MIsf-p?- : S' bhD prim S. Jam 8uai-- u Molasses; In sture and for a!e by JOVK-lMi'- 7S l,ovpr;nt.VCTi-h"d- . d and Giaoumt' d Sm'ftrn in ctore and lor shim by nsv fi b p Clurrt Win: d 8 u erne f") do jViiidc-i- do; !:' c:t ''J.net d ; fl(l h'th Wh-- do; i; p'sf Phrry do P.it dj; In store and tor sale bv ANTHONY 7ANONT! A SON, sin Vifib trt, hlow Main. I RANDIE3 40 pkes French Brandy f t sab- - by ASfiiu.NY . ANONE & SON. Fi.ib Mt., bf low MMn. n Vand W boxes Sardines; bkte Oil b'n C!i r uif'il'ed Whitfcr: 4 t"! t H.,;n.i fitn i puncheon Kirn iTmilci and St. Cro'irr For fate y ANTHONV ANONK A SOM, pl" Filth ?t.. M.ir 1HADY AND VTIVR CASK unit tb'e for CaUwba A.NTUoNY ZNoNK A SON, Fifth t.. bdow Main.' JTLITARY BOOKS at CrvILL'S, Main it. JJERITLUON KEt:ORD tB parte) at CIVILL'S. MERICAN FLAG, at CIVILL'3. OOLLERD'3 LATIN ACCIDENCE at CIVILL'S. C ARRADAY'3 HISTORY (F A CAN-- ' CIVILL'S. ADVKNTTTRKS IN THE SUUTU PACIFIC, bv a XX pn,it,r, at UiVlLL'S. AfiaAN'S CIVIL ENG1NELK1NG at 1? 1 . ( IVI LL'3. MENirEt'3 MECUA.N1CAL URAWINO CIVILL'S. at MON'S GKOLOGY at CIVILL'S. SCHOOL BOOKS cheap at IARD prin e Lnr3: K lih lo In "tore tuid for fhI s.l W. i M. PCP.KHAKDT, 417 Market st. I ava ;uki tK-S- " hti superior old Java re- - civt-- and ior sale by f Mil r K 9 K'ni RiO CotJ JUllt per railroad and lor salt) by H. W. COOD. MOLARRfS hhl- - prime Plantation Moleee In for eale by OAWHON, TOjD, A CO, PLAID?- - n'of hT Plaid-fo- r Pervajt' wca. od (or tin cheap to' ch rv A .LA KA Cut Ftl' 100 I, Lic'tfs la prore and t'e? tila by RAILROADS JBrrsHsoanrixxja haii.roa. Change of Time. Tat IN3 WlU l6aVe JllIferBOnvlllle oipote Louisville, P. w. and A. M. P. KX PRESS KA ST Daily (anndayscepted. connectlnit at with trains on the Ohio and Mli-Mp- kailrnnd lor Ciiiclnoatl, T ' SW Yo' k' Riltunow, and an Ka.tHrn Cities; andat Indiauaii with i..JZ foun atnt- - line for Cleveland. Philadelphia, Haltln.ore, aud alt the principle cities ip the Et: al-- o roIdN fUtni,he T:Te "aut and Ifaytu-Rail- lVut KXPRKS3,DaHv Oaturdavs ex- - Ouio and Mis,laslpi,l Railroad for C.ncitm-.r- and all KasternitiM; at L.diduanolU with the Line n,r Toledo. Cleveland N.w YorK Boso, Philadelphia. Balthncre, in" St point, h. tne and with and air line, Tere I laute and Ri, hn.und Is ette Lailroads for t hico, St. Paul. Ht. Job, at Louis, and all points In the V. st and Northwestr JOHNSON, Asent. aHdtf A. 8. CKOTTI !K8. Suji't. TBS fllfflfilli ESITMl Is a First Clans Ko&d in all reBpecte, WITH 2S5 MILES DOUBLE TRICK. THREE DAILY TRAINS (With Connections from all Points West) From Pittsburg to Philadelphia ALL CONNECTING DIRECT TO NEW YORK, Morning Mail, Afternoon Fat line, Night Express. OME TBAIH OilLT tlOU PITTSBURG TO NEW YORK (430 Miles', WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. VIA ALLENTOWN and EABTON, With Direct Connections Irom Weeteru CI tie. Arriving Hour ' IN ADVA NOB OF OTHER ROUTES, m Tina roa bustoh My Rati or Boat Li, Express Train Runs Daily Ctlierj Sundays Excqi!ed. N1NK DaUy Train? fronj Philadelphia to New York, 'i'lokttt good on any Line or Train. New York or Boston Ticket via Fittshurg good VIA PHILADELPHIA OR ALLKSTOWS. BOAT TICKETS GOOD TO BOSTON VIA ANY OF THE BOAT LINES. Ttco DHu CamniettwH from Hnrrtmburf I0 Muttimvrt ana Washing-ton- . Baggage Checked Through All Trans- fers Free. FARE ALWAYS A8 LOW AS ANY OTHER KOlTK. BIT TICKETS VII PITTSBURG. Ticket for Palo at all Main Offices. FUEIGHTS. lly thU route tretphtB of all descriptions ean be for- warded to and from Philadelplno, New York, Hoe ton, or Ha;timort to and from any poiiit on the Rallrnaiis of Ohio, Kentucky, lud.i;na, Illinois, Wicoudin, Iowa, or Wl3eom1 by railroad direct, Tbe Yiimyivmia Rjtilroad also connects at Pittebnrg with fteamere. by which ouds can bo tonvarded to any Fort on the Ohio, Muskiiiirum. Ksuturky. Teauese, Ciimberiaud, Iliinoia, luiesiscinpi, Hisoooiin, Mieaouii, Kar.iw. ArKac aud d iivr: and at Cleveland, icd'kv, and t.lucaco ith steamers to ail port ou the Northwestern Lae. Mtrichantfi and oliippers entrustina the tranportatiro of tlifir iVflht to thtu CciLpany cui rely with e on it trail.? t. THE KATE3 OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the Weft hy thy Penn--iva- Railroad, are at all rime as favorable aa are charged by any other Railroad ConigAuies. tlie particular to mark packnjres mVia rntva. R. R. K. J. 8NF.EDER, Philadelphia. MAGHAW & KOON3, nj North itreet, BatHmore. LiSECH A CO., No 3 Astor Hcuae, or No. 1 aouth Wli- - , New York. LESCH A CO., No. 77 BUite street, Boston. H. H. HOL'STON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. L. L. HOl'PT, General Ticket Agent, Philidnlphla. K HOC 11 LKWia, General fiip't, Aitoona, ra. MAD.UIE ISABEL SNELL, rOCTHESS & ASTR0L0GIST, Eighth st., second door from Grayson, V'OlJT.D ivspeetfully lnf rm the citiaens of Lonle--" ville that she is a'nl e to tell any' r.ine thny have In their mind, and can help poolo out of their trouble, uo matter what it is. Bhe wsj born with a pecret thit enable- - her to gnrpaw any one else in TELLING d. She can aido 6nd out throueh her erret all orcurateiires of eick'ieat1, and can t41 what will cure, as tin. re are rooU groiving for eveiy dise la tiie world. Mud nm I. S. is the only one that can make DK. nLfr'LAND'H LIFK LSSICNCE pnre. This mixture ir itood for & and can only be bought in her crhee. No. bn Eighth street, second door from Ui"ayeon. Kvery itr-o- tiiat u depiepdd and troubled about War should fall on her. as Hhe ig the only ooe thttt tiie secret from la Auna, the gret Fortnntr Teller that a.fia1d Nn;leoii ef r'rance in ail hid nndi-- takiat:, and mai him encceiaiul in all hie batUea. tib w.eiv 1 l00 that uo one can surpass her. Please call and n her, and you will be relieved. Thoee who are too poor can come without money; and thoi--- who dou't belibve, call at la o'clock at niht acd she wiil cake them be!;ere. Jel2 diy THE GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE SPROULE & MAIJDEVILLE Are now receiving their larpe "tock of AMD v Furnisliing Goods. SPBOULE & MAXDEVILLE, B. E. corner Fourth and Main streets. 1CTTFR BL'CKKT8-7- .S doz-- n Hotter and Bag:ir received aul for al bv ORKIN RAWSON. fi3 W Mln Frwirth and Fifth SMEURY, MADKIKA, AND tV&T WINES aoz-t- Enepale Sherry; a 01a waaeira; yn do old Port: In store and for sale in 'luantltlea to snit purch?ere by 'i j. tr. luuMrauw, 76 toiirtn su VTTn rsh. IVIilitary Books at CivilTa. VFM' f Remilattona (lbl new edition. Hardee's ic vi voir.). Cavalry Tactics ia vols.) (.ib bon's ArtMlenst Manu-tl- iLus'.ra'ed, very ahiabli, Robert. Dana-Hoo- of Arti lerv lor tlie rWvice of tne U- o. G"i!. "oder on Lvolu iois "f r ieid H'ittcri-- i wirh plat- s (hv ordr of Wax Dtparnvnt) Naneon Hxln ot War. i.altm'r Art ot travel, aM noal f r Soldier-- and otnei-- who have ta 'Tniigh i, ' make sMHfl, fec. Standing Older- - of the N. Y Sevuth Ren ment (Uurye ). DuinV Cnndfowd Mmtary Pork ft Mmua). Keltco'u New Manual of t'i Hav ont f ir the L. b. Army. Bern wan MihtUmui Manual and Play, e. Tr p ei'- - Haud-Bo- fr the Mil ita Riirrnrn. i;rftw'( M ot Milirxn- - Snwtf. Maiv Prairie Traveler, a liaud-Boo- k for Overlaid Expedi- - UOn- -. Li. A. CIV ILL, sti ' Bjok.e)er. HIDHITT & SOW, lTHOLFSALE AND RETAIL OROCt'RY, FLOUR, V and Tif A S CORK, No. J3 Market -- tret, betweri uecond and ibird. south Mde, Louisville, Ky. rl I OVKRIVCr'S SL'GARS KiObblfl levering'? Crashed, sj and uranuiaten Sugars in er- ro and lor CANDLKS Star Candlei: 60. do Mold do; In store and for sale bv 2 MRRMX TTAT,RITRT CO f KIMK LARD -- 50 k t prime counirr ' ard in store and for sftle hy 14 HI tHITT 4 SN )K':.1P", iOPKKB 3t sacks Lagtriyra d Java Cof. s t p tnr mi hv (am HlKK'Tr 811 ANDLK-WIC- 760 lbi Uanlle-Wiot- extra quail ty, jnst received and lor sal hv OhRIN RAWSON, s14 W Valr ttreot.. btwaen Third IINK HI. OARS- - 3'J bbi Cmhed, Grauuiatd and a. Powdered Suaars tor sale by 14 HTHRTTT HON f aUGAK-- 44 bbla Lovering's Crumbed Su v gir rectivi g per m id boat and tor Bale by a24 ANil'W RCCHANAN A CO. CHAMPAHNE WI.NKft-b- & cases V.Clicuuot; 2i do Delmouico; 25 baskets Verseuav; 26 do iliedaica Co.: In store and for sale in to so It pnrrkasert by a" J. r. itiumrbUA, 7otoarDsk T ICE 16 caeks rice received and for sale by a RAWSOM, TOhn REPINKf) St'OARS White Refined Surm tl bbls 1 llow do dot In ptore and tor sale by RAWSON. TODD CO. f 'HAMPAiiNE 2a bxes pints and uuarti In store v and lor sale low to close consignment bv WM. OAY. s IKLP ao bbls Stuart's 8 imp tor sale by CMJFFEK 7a bags prime Rio Coffee in store and for MARSHALL HALPVRT CO TKY C.OODS- - M.J lllCJiS fancy Print: 8 do Cotton: b do Cauiet Jeans; 1 can t'hamhray (imnham; RerelvAd and for sale cheap bv iria T h H ! casks port wink? lucaeke Madeira Wine; 10 do filierry d; do M'ifCHt do, ?5 bbls Mala do; fiore and fur by tv'S M A WHfT T T. TA.r nPPT f'O l ar Plds- - i) lbs SltoLildere; iiCv'O I of ur-Tvr- l Hems: JW0 fvr ia. ty lARI,feR CO. A.T CRAIG'S: Army Hats; Army Caps. OFFICERS FULL-TRI- MKD DRE33 FAT 10 LB CAPS HATd AND CAP FOR INFANTRY. CAVALRY, AND ARTiLLRHY. GOOD AND BL'Btf TANTIAL HT3 AND CAPS FOR PR(VATt8. All the above, aud everything In the Hat and Gap Doe, on band and made to orier. A. CZtAIO, 8Jh !rwep Ponnh and tlnln Mm. HAYS! HAi'H! f'L "A.4;w,.Vi tlre't tjr BARGAINS IN HATS AND CAPd. eaijib PRATHLR A SMITH. C..A r,!.'e,ri"1- - KuA mi llol artl-l- e of FALL I t LL HATS can hi ha low at A SMITH'S, 4SA Main St. r. MKN A AND HOYS' SOFT FKi T H T8 of evtiy tolor and qul'tr ctn had verv p of PRATHKK ft SMITH, rV. lib 4' Main ?t.. U-t-. Fourth Fifth St, Charles Restaurant FlPh itreet, betweau Main and Market. MUBSUOCW3, VBWI302J, And all other DKLICAIKS of the SEA 30 N, lecelr daily at tha ST. CHARLES. C. C. RUEFER, Proprie N. B DAYTON ALE and PORTKR for sale by th barrel, hall barrel, keg, aud in dot t lea. il" h' c. C. R. GOLD FOE, PAPEE. BEST AND CHEAPEST VOGT & KLINK, ICanafactnrar, -- 224 Third st, Rospectfnlly offer for Inspection and sale a large aud spienflid assortment of T 3E3 "V" DE3 Xj "5 of in verier workmanship and fashionable stvles, Coral, Carbuncle, Pearl, c. articles really good. Cne, aiid beautiful and everythinn belonging to onr line, of K'ircpeau import, New Tcrk fabrica aa4 oar own mul". Having Injtructed by consignors toCLOBB OUT and aell at a.iy rate rather tbn return gooda, aad, ow- ing to the bard times, delronn to LET NO CASH CUSTOMER GO cn the scorn of nrlro', we invite our friend and the to call and examine our stock, aodrostawnrM that their wants ;tcd wiahos will and shall be gratified, at VOOT 6 KLINK'S. ' Jsvyi TMrd .trvat 'CSSJUL A3 WELL IS CENAIESIAl Ctrktmas and New Year's Presents WM. KENDRICK'S, m Thir.". at., between Mala and Market. 'r 1. JWt:tRV. Mystoskof X avi-- i UiLVTfR and FLA1RD WARS Was never more complete than at present, anfl Is offered en as fi;r tiTn as an be procured to the city. Cell COAL! COAL! HAHiPOKD CXT7 COAL! COAL! Of tbe bet (uatity aud at the lowest prices, fox sale by CRITTENDEN OA NTT. Wn-- t eid- - of Third clr-t- . bfw--- nf1 Market. Wflw Books New Bocfe. HISTORY OFTlHi wi. UNITED NETHERLANDS, by NOTKS ON StlKTPTCRK bv JftelJcnes. 3 B0. TUK RIBLK AND T1J3 CLASSICS, by Bishop Meade. $3 ANNALS OP Till AMERICAN METHODIST PUL PIT. by W. P. D. D. j (. MAC AULA Y'S lilSTullY OF LNGLAND. VoL t. WOR55MKN AND THUIR DIFFICULTIES, by Mr BOLD! KKV AND PAILORS' TCXT BOOK, by Kew J. U. Macdoi. D. D. QODVS LADVS ROOK for May. Jn-- t receivMrt by A. DAVIDSON, JUST RECEIVED at run CHeap Iiaco Store " 309 FOURTH STREET, LCK TiOVB VK1 L9, new tatt erne: 13 lilfck Cr-i- uIltrKite, entirely new: Linen V:gK- - Krii-'s- Patt-n- Fliitmc Machines, beet article in market; ,1 'finet Rnvicrea; fAi" in do; Nil o Footi-ie- I ;o Bibfciu L'ici;?: ,alsVb-- t Sjrvi; t ' And i n sale at low prk-e,- for tuti .oiy CHARLli'? V. KAUCRFLVS'?, if-- " )&b a Fourth p. old No. in). GREAT REDUCTION Engravings, Lilliograilis, Gilt Frames, Lookins-GiasM'- S, Walking Canes, A One assortment, and CHEAPER THAN EVEP.. no, IT7n rltrt t., between Kcond Rnd Third &nl W. W . corner tViurkit and ml , At BUND 4 KNOFKL'S albAI Bookstore. FAMILY and severs. single featif'Taen enn he A with line "I'-m- nnd cmo.1 Iward by Bpr'.vtiv at MRti. K. W. Sxth st,, injmedl.itely opposite St. PaulV Churcb. m"4 b & S. MARA. U. V. DOWNS fOTTariN3 RECK1YKD thl diy a small lot of b irk d LafnF: iU biark cie-'C- Mbfiuotd. For Bale at iow prioen. H MARK 4 DOWNS, 41 Main et. rpABLE S LT-- 8H bbls fine Table Salt, packed tn 7lt A bags, for itio bv ANDRKW BUCHANAN et (X)., Cornr Second ind Wahlnitton street. WHEKTIN03 bi blea Anchor Sheetings; 25 do P nn Mill do; fco no Hin.-it-- r a : Received per steamboat Idn Mavand for sale by JO. F. tivvVAKD & CJ., Aseit for Mnnuicturer. HIS MMn. hprwH-- Tlud nd Kn Ih sts. 100 bhlBchoice Plantation received by MOLASSES and Peyton and for cale by n'.t H W COOD. W UOA- R- O in hhds rrinie N. O. Suyan 4 bbl Powdfre.1. Cruslied, and Loaf Sugar; In ?tore and for sal1 bv P3 M ARSH M L TT LRERT A C pOl FEE 7iJ baps prime Rio Cvffee in store and for saie hy antvw pronVAV ro. M11TE W1M bbis ii.ut Sauterne in store and '31 WM. fiAV. M OLASfeES HHJ bbls PlanUtiou Mda- - in store nnd 1p hv tr WM O.AV, OUR TERMS FOR GUOLS IN FLTLKE WILL Ca-- on delivery, and it will be luclt-d- makiug a it1 icauoi.o i or cred L JAMES LOW ft CO. TARCH 1W boies Jnlhis .!. Wood's Coluaibus Pearl Starch met reoiived aud for sale hy aid GARDNKK CO. BLACK AND OHEEN TKAS A fine awoit- - f tfl ment ot" iip ri-- Hbick and (ir'wn Tc, ?K Si lected exp;eeb for 'a'uilv trade, for sale by J. T. LANil ASi A CO., a!7 Tmporters of Toae, Bc.. Third st. RIO COFFEZ baep K.o Coffee; i6 Jsva do; In stoie and for sale by Bt W. H KlTRfTTf RRT. 1T Marlt.- st UNDRIE9-Apscrt- "d Snire-- , who'e afl nierican. Engii-h- , Rid F" nch Mustards- snnenrr assort! d Picklrn; Tomato, M chrui in, and CaU hiipr; afljor'ed F"ie'gn Sani es hole nnd frround Rice Taoiora, Farina, Ro ieh Sl!it Pe-- s, Arrow- root, Ipincliifp, 'ielst'i.e, Prre an I Krwh Fruits in (imp: StiloiOf. M.ckcifl. and T- h?iipu Sound, m and kit. ftl- n ortin' t of Fo'eiftu and Do uwtic WlutAand Spirits, fr loi ra.h by J. T. LASH AM & CO., fti7 Tmnorters "f T.'A- -. Ac. Third st. " I"P8 1 troM Cotton Floor Mops just received and 1T1 for saley RrRKHMnT. 417 Market st. Kio ot re and for sale by WT JAMBS SOAK-IIO- I 8E MMj.ASSKS- -7 bbla O St .lAiuedSuar-Uouf- e in store and farjw by ANO'W LO. W OA PS - O 6o bxea German snd Bosm Soaps; 31 du F a icy .Jiet oo; A ao old 'J?tile . do; In stor and tor snie by HTVTTT ON 1UE cHEt'.dii A lot ol extr Chee la C tore nd ior ale by . WU'-A- 4; bDis LoveriuK' Crushed, O ana Powdertd Suj-a- just rttcetv-- d nd tor tale by alf O A R D N H J oO. O Shouldert just lecelvwi and ibr HH i.KDNl R A CO. REAKFAHT Bi OV- -1 ch eugar-cur- cauvad is bacon recivd and mr sale by VJ W. H. dl'KKHAKDT. 417 Mfirket JTAK- - H-- li0 hose? J. Wood'i C jiu- - r- - i HILD'iEN S .AKRIAOKS t.r redoced prices to cio-- the cm-?- m Jv SW Main st... between TMrd "r MOLASSEa-3- ft 80 qbisSngii Ho-.s- Miiwsef; 25 bbls do emjp; In store aud for tale by ..... nn . HOL'L EKS AD HAXtS kS1 5 I j Qm; Insure aoar U by
Page 1: Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rfj299q6n/data/0440.pdf · 1 hey went as biah as Runt--n, meeting with no adventure excf p bting tired i I'o

LOJISVlLliK JOURNALThb Position OF TllK AltWih OF tuk IVio- -i

AO. The Washington correspondent of thoNew York World, writing on the 24i.li, saytt

Ths dijtitian of the enemy's forces is nowtolerably well understood. Tbe main b 1v,probably 7.000 strong, ha3 its ad vane a at

Winston's bill, and exterdi buck toMinas-as- . A consiilerabl i fjree of thU divl-io-

is encanipvl at a srrull stream near the FairfaxCourt Hoa-e- , known as Aceoiink Kim. As thereIs con$i terable wat r hereab nin, this secti-- ofthe army U well fliuatM. J dmsensIs li th direc Ion of Lee'bu-p- ,

ai d nu urrsfome 45.000 men. The t yv of this wint is encamutd at broad Run and Gh"o Creek. Thereis ft large gp between Johnao;rs command andthe on: re. The I ft win, numbr!nir some 80 --

OtX) men, U situated between the 0:coqn.in r.rdthe Potomno, gu irding the appn ach to Minusesby way of tbe Mount Vernon road, and s'undprepared to help tha when tlii- -

batteries are in re:tdineas. '1 he trap ofthe rnemv are in front of our lints, under co.n-rnn- d

of Gn. B mham, of Sou:h Carolina.There are very important movement of troops

frUa on, but I must not mention what they aro.Kvervthini? is done secretly and at n ht. 'Uubrigades recently orgjiuiad hve been as mnrh asposMlde complied of t ro pa from the eameS'neLlnd' r i he old orgtnU it ion t i at her want of it

each regime it 'was from a d'ffarent StaU; hencjthere was no locil pitrlo'i-- or emulation. Intime we will leara to expect great things frOTi

the Iri'h, Germ in, Mes ichustia. Maine, Oijio,or Michigan briga ie., as the case miy be.

Now that there are no more resignation,' andthe vacant place have been til lei by gor.d rill-er-

the b.rd of exuminera have commenced theirgUting-i- , to get rid of the rest of the incompetentofftVr.

Ths dullest times of peace could harJlv exceedthe q iie'ne-- 9 and it. actios of affairs in Washing-ton. The flish of excitement which has perva-ded the aity for a fe weeks has parsed away withthe fxduh story that the rebels were momenta-rily expecting to advance on the Federal f .

On tbe other hand. It likewise seems settled thatGun. McCielHn contemplates nn forward move-ment for some ti ne. Kvea the picket tiring,which haa raged wirh Piicb violence of late, hasnearly caed, and the lite of the advanced -r

h is become void of excitemeut.It, would not be proper f r me to niva you the

number of troops that have been pouring in du-

ring the moon iht nlirhta of Uie past ten day,though I may s:y that the grand columns of theUnion armv are hourly swelling into the mostnii jstic proportion.

To ike Editor of the Louisville Journal:Evaksvillk, Ind., Sept. 27, 18 1.

Gknti.fmex: Hy permis'ion of General Bink-Ii- er

I WD moit grci uoy allowed to dejTirt vnmolfg'rd from his headquarters at Bowling tin en,and afer a very fatiguing j nrney ihrtu.h thecoun rv to O'Ven-Lor.- ) reaej.d m plc whereI urn all.iwed to maf.if-o- my devo ijn to theU ii n without fear of losing my head. Ii it forone cor.Fi'l ration I cull have been content toremain in B mling Green, and submit to tyranni-cal restrictions upon in) tongue and rebel out-

rages from the traitorp; yea, woulj have pubniir-te- d

to almost every indignitv; but to endure allthis and thn he deprived of the Lnuinvii eJournal wou d have m ids the agonies of Tan-talus ee m as Miful astime ia cmpaiia-.-wi--

h such enblim.itfd ur cures. But I havethese threatened horrors, and y find

accua onvd pla?ure in pruin;? the columns ofmy favurUe Journal. .iuce the occupation ofBawling Green by the "friendly tinnera" of

I preUInrt yu hive kept y ur reatlorapwted in regard lo the rebel movements i

(Sm'her II w ever, there may eoireevent' cdur in this section or in the nugltb

of Gren river intere-tin- g to v ur n aiertKat Diitihr fail to reach vou through th ordinarynews chuD' el. 1 will therefore drop you a lineoccasionally whenever transpiring events war-rant their recital.

NigM before last some two companies of ColCrufm' Uotfiment left this pi ee oi board the"ilanie Cink" for Green Rivr, taking withthpra three diys rations and ammunition, q s.1 hey went as biah as Runt-- n , meeting with noadventure excf p bting tired i I'o by a garrulousand quarrels Jine man by the name of Cook, whofired throe several si o s with a revolver at thepoldiertt, and thi after being earnestly warned torisiit. iiis paid no attention, however, to thewarning, but con'Inuftd tiling, when the orderwns (iivrn to re'urn tho fife, and the wretchedmadman fell pierced by a half (lira balls,

from R;imoy, Col. Ciuftf, who .t

the cxp;i'Hn, ladtd ai. A hhyturg topv his regariis to Gen. White, who is raiding arbt! rtriineiit in Ilokin and adj 'ioing ccuntie?,but the Geurii had vauauu.-ed- , and mi.t5r.cf tr-- ere non est.

The Gsr.eral noted f r hia contrabandpropen-iiii- ', it waa thought no violation ( f "dal,oral all events mili ary etiquette, to contiscateBvim d 'Z iii of nice tobaccti he had ouhand, which was prtiup;lv done, ar.d it was puton bvnrd and r u h: to thi- - pl.ce, tog ther withbis boiks and ptp'tv, as within: these Utter aptoper qcciunt could not be kept with thi black

White and th railroad thiavas at B :iugGrean. Trlv, Ac. DELTA.

To the Edit-or- of the LatiisriUe Journal:Hopeissville, Ky.f Sept. 14, 18(J1.

Gkntlhck: Something too good to be kspth'pntd in tl:I pl;;co, which lately leaked out.

M"G hiid a C 'lnmlssi n to buv piitoU tortiie S u'.liern Confederate. So to Louisville hew-- nt and purohas:d two hg hnads, tillod themwith pixels, marked thwrr. btem, ard startedth-- f r this pUcp. But, alas for the lcst-lji-

pcheme.' of mice and men. Mr. McG baconwas overhauled on the road, and thm headed up;nd a'iit ba'.'k to Loumvllle. The proper authori-ties then removsd the pistols and tilled up thevacancy with sand and rooki. Ia duo time, Mr.M:(i received bis b icon, and when nothingbut rk and sand wan forthcoming there wassome rather tail swearing .


6KF,Tt:ii or Cou Mollioan s Lifk. ColonelJimM A. Mulligan w8 born in Utica, N. Y , inthe ye:r lH'l'J, ami it cnsCUently in his thirtv-aeC'ni- d

year. His parents weie native of d.

lti; mother, alter tbe death of his father,which totk lce wneo he was a child, remuvbdtoChicigo, whereftiie has residbd with her sonfor th past tweiuy-tbxti- yeari. She married arespectable in C! icago, namedlLica.ifl Lantry. tit was educated at tbe Cath-olic college of North Chic'go, u uier the superInUnd 'tice of tee Rev. Mr. KiLselhr, e w ofNew York citv. lie is a strict memb.--r of theCatholic church. In 1802, lbo.'i, and 1851. harnad law in ibe office of the Honorable Isaac N.Arnold, rorigresman from tha Chicago district.

jt a short ti:ns he edi'ed the Western Tablot, aweslv pip'ir, in Chicago. In

lec( he w adrnitd an aitorney at law inhe held thepvd'ion of se-

cond lieutenant in the Chicago Siiuld Gua-d- , oneof the ctiriipniud aituch.d to tue Irish Biigadan w in and which h done io w II atLrtxint n. In tho winter of 1807 Senator Filch,of li.diana. tendered him a c'eikhip ii the

f ttie Iurerior. Ha accepred the po-- fif ion, ai.d ppe it the winter ut Washington.

Duri g hi- reiden--'- in he corres-ponded wi h the C ica Tel- - graph over the mtie p time f "Satan "

A ur his retu'n fi m Waphirctoo he wsa eUct-- el

cpuin of tbe ShLMs Cuirf's. Oa the new.sarriving of th i b; mbaniinent of Kort Sumpter. hethrew tiisfsoul inio the national cause, ibe hi

companies a meeting, of which hewas chairman. Shortly afterward he went toWashington with a Initr written by the lateSenator D uplas on hi dwath bed to the Presi-dent, tendnrirg a rudiment to be ctlid the"iri-- Brigade. lie was elected C 1 mel, andimtn ditely went to work witn a wid. ihecourse i f ttie "brigade" up to the bittle of

i w 11 kuowii; it has nobly, bravely, andhcno'ttb'y d"iit 1 a du:y- -

Ool. Mulligan ia worthy of all praise. A purer,er man d eg not live in the State of Illinois.

Since he was able to t 11 ttie dttfjreLce betw enale and water, a t$ of pi ri uoaa or nnH liquorhas not pie t Ids iips ho is a riiiid ten per.nceman, al' hough he i j vund and whole eoub-- lo afault. lie is hx eet three inchss in height, wilha lry, elaaiic frm-- ; a 1 rge, lu-t- r us hazl e e,an open, frank. Celtic face, fctamptd wirh courage,pluck, atid it.di pM;dtnce, funiiourted v, i h abu-ih- profusion of hdr, tinctured wi h grav.Jlonorai.ie in all relations by all, hehaa won his way by untiring lmlustry and

courage. O.i the 26ih diy v( Octo-ber. 185:t. he wa. m iti- d to Miss Marian Nu 'ent,by the Rontn Cathnl c Bishop of Cbicao. lie isa tf "e scholar, a c d epoaer, a brillLnt Wii.er,and a prcoiMng Lnwytr.

Dffknck of Madisov, IjfD A committee leftNorih Aladison yes crday at 9:20 A. M. for

pohs io lay before Governor Morton thecondition t f ff irs on this paction of the border.AtVr a rid-- j rf threo hours tha committee had anlnUrvibw wirh hs Excliency. The Governor

the d ricienc oftruns. assured thethat he had ex fed sll h's power to cbtain

thfir; i hat he haa ouui ted fmm (iov-rno- Un-iijso-

srme thrie thousu d rifled mukete, wb;chhe to arrive thit Hav. lii said al5othat he would arm Colonel ilMchV regiment,ai d it down hh po n as armed. Cannon and

s would bo pent to the corrpmiesof theLegi.m as oon a poitde af,er tuey could betraospor.od fioin New York.

Gn. lx)ve arrivedon the train from Ird'anano-Ii- byesterday nfttr mi ha bren in

wi h (ien. Ma s iel;i, Ci. Snring. and othrrmilrarv fficers, iu to the on;inT,ition ofthe Liaj, from which the hpi.-i,i- results arianticipated.

Ihpe-jfd- along the Hoe of th railroad ex-hi-

i;ed the liveliest pvmpathy with WKd jon ardtheir readinett to come to br relinf

vi'.h all the unns tiiey could ras ' at a moment'swrnina. Tne c'mmittee reilifd the granttru' h t ha' in hid it n i, throughout the entirefcuie, km are one ptople Madwon Courier, 27'A.

Drnftivg in Inca. 9 me dunce font a despatchtwo drtVH W toe Chicago Tribune that draft-ing h.:d tha' day comtnei cd in Iowa. 'Iheft';.tement is fdse at d we hopa the TtiSune willcorrect it. (i)H impMt-io- bai gone abroad thatIowaia the st 8'ate in which it was necessaryto ros- - rt to drifting, when the truth is we do notbelieve it will he no"a'v to drr a man in thisState--, nnl'ft it be the Government cto-n- ot

"wau tbe motions" o' our people. We be- -""- - ii x. wet-- in m tt H time ev ry nunneeded frooa Iowa cm be had v hin'ari'v

Jj"b- q it (iw) Times,

FricM' by Uart'Vfj otr a Gns Light The Ifeof Mr. W lu. t mttr. of llarit. rd, Conn., while intrtiad deiargwl giale, cau ed b 'Vt-t- i 11

a f nU'toji pirc arosfl fr-.- h - nthe?ilie of wheh her hu.bai d had lt fa,l,niubep(T-- l. ng wnrcing. and leaned o er adrop pa, hht till her braf. h. uidors. ai.d one

i;1eof ber face wer 6u Leir.b'y lKirDtoJ ti:ut t,!;o4w ia a few boure

CITY DIRECTORY,Arraaged Alphabotic&lly in Regard to


KaUa, L- f,. i..wth sile Mtn, bet. 4Ui auJl HX,ndereon. Tim .A Jo., 43u Mtn street.

Henry, Samuel & Co., Matn at.. ht. 3d and 4th.Spencer, C. C. Ma:u t. bot 3il aad 1th.

Affiiii'titi'iil Iuin1fuienr bu1 Hee3snrpnt, II. A Co., .7 Mm at.Sn'iiiift:i A Dr, il in. ftwtflc Sixth and Seventh,'tntiti I 'o., coriHT oi Orf-'- u!id tlJ.Pitkin, W Lard. A Co., 616 Vain rt.Car tor i RuriiKn&n, 4M Mhiii st.

VnHetir. Tots mid Knncy d.flaet, J., No. 21 Fourth t, bat. A! a a aud Mirk t.

DnKiif rrectype (ialierlra.J. C. Flrod'B (fonnorlr Harrii'ij Gbllary, Mlu, be-

tween Fourth aii1 Fiflh ft.WehBter & liro., Malu et., botween Fnrth and Fifth.nooUnellera, Htutlonen, A: Periodical lRSn.Radford, A. H . 3il Tliird Ftmit.

K., SO dL, bet. J. fliaon Rnd MnrKrl,Maddaa, F., M it., bet. Jefffrton and Mm it el.

Ktmjrtnjr and Kop.Hiuit, Thoc n. A Co., Main at, b',t. ltd and Id.

Banker.CnrtU A Warren. 471 Main ft.

llonnet Bleacher.Othorne. Mn. Win., Jefferson et., bet. Sfl and h.Clotblnjr and (ientlcuipnV KuriiUlilnr looda.

Mandevlile, J. (;., ft Co., Main, bet. Shroud and Third.A.rmi"tron, .t. M., corner 4Tti and Main itd.Sproule A MandeviHe. corner 4th and Main ti.

(iothtt and (Vpntlrinrn'a FurnUhlnff -- MMle.

J. Von Bon-te- A Co.. 4S6 Main Bt.. bet. Bullitt aud Itb,Carpet, Oil C loth, nnd Curtain Uooda.

nit A Small. Min st, bet 8d and 4th.Marshall & DirKiiieon, 4th, ht. Market and Main.

CloaJts. ftlantllln. nnd FartUt-Mei-rlma- n,

C. T., 4th rt., near Main,

Clears.Pfrjriado, Kd., Main rt., bet. fith and 7th.

China and If lanwnCa??day ft FTorKinc, 534 Main rt.Cm toiler ife McCrt-sdy- 4i Main rt.Jaeger, A. & Co., 4th t., but. Market and Jfffertoo,

Coal Dealers.Crittenden A Omtt, 3d at., bet. Main and Market.Kellogg J. N., ad et., bet. JefTpnon and Markei.

Chomlxta and ApotheoarfcthDawea, B. F., corner 4tb and JefTrwon iU

CementMcllarry, F., Main rt., bet. 7th and Sth fta.

Carrlaire lanufacinrrr.Stone, LF.4 Co., M&in rt., bet. let and Brook.

Urn. Iyetufi, Olle, Palate, dt-- .Morrio, J. 8. A Son, 41 Msln rt.Rohliuou. It. A. 4 Co., Main rt., bet Itb and 4b,Wiieon, Petor, 4 Co., Mala rt.Wilder, E.,44 Mfun rt.

Iry iooU, Clothe, A.,nerrr, J. Taylor, etrr-et- . Masonic Tsmpfe.Ihiva'l, C. A (Jo., Mnin ?trpit. ttwppn 3d and :id.Mark A Doieno, Main street, brweii 4,.h B,rd Sth.Martin A Cruniiui;li. ith, hten Market k Je?eraon.Tabb, O. B., comer 4tb atid Market.

Fure and Fur (ioofU.Craig, A., Main rtreot. between tilh and 7th.

Fn nr.y Good. Embroderte, and Trimmlnya,KaucbiiM', Charles F., 4th street, bet. Market and Jtf.

Flnhlnc Tnckle, anil Pinto Is.rM(nou A OHmorft, 3d street, bet. Main and Market, ,Griinth, .Tospli, 6th etreet, bet. Main and Market.Fire, Ma Hoe, and T,lf Inaurano Co.'a and

Affnta.Arrterican Tns. Co.. IT. Dent. Smc, Main, Net. Sd and Jth.J'tftrpoo Ins. Co., Wm. Muir, Sec., Mtiu, twt W and MLcnirivilie Ini. Co., Robt. Atwood, 8ec, Main, bet. 8d

nnd 4iTli.

Mutr, John, Main rt het and 3d.Kom, Win., Main t.., bt. 3d and M.WH!iiirpton liia. Co., Win. Koa, See., Main rt bet, 8fl

andGfntleinen's Fnrn!hln 4oeri.

Armstrong, J. M., cor. 4th and Main trta.BUnch.ird, Geo. A Son, cor. 2d and M&in ita,

Unm Fitters, Plumbers, A n.Dunally ft Stridor, 3d rt., bet. Market and Jeffewen.

Jrorerl', I, I q nor, and Tobaoe.Stewart A Barter, Main ret.

Llqnon, Wines, and AicohoUMart A Clark, 4!d rt., hAt Main and Market.Monk, Joacph, 3vfi Main etrvct.

hruMer Si .n. Wall rt., bt. Main and WHer.Zuuoue, A. d, Son, 5th at., bet. Main and Water,

Lumber, Sah. Do era. ArcAlexander, F.5 Hp, A Co., cor. Preeton, A Walnut A Main,

htwf-- let and 2d.Bri-t- u J. N.. cr. Miin A Wsnzel and Wa"nu, between

Kfwt F!rd.Charle i, Swphfu, Main, between Campbell A Wenzell'

i1t!l F.m!bli'r.Herbert A Wright, In 3d atrcet.Printlnn Fnper .lacnfnrcnrero.

Dapout A Co Main itrent, between 4th and tth,Fowdrr.

Dnr-on- A On. ,Main trwt. between 4th and lti.i)v il A Speed, 5i'. Mflin rtreet.Pntenl 3lrd!rluee and Prrfumfs,

Ranuond A Tyler, 4tJi etrefet, bctveen M:in A MarketKttaiiranti,

Cawrf n, J. A Co. (W .l kerB), Sd, Market MMnKuett r, C. C (1st. (Clarion), utli, bet. M- - kt:t and Milii.

rove Fonni'rrH.Waliacs, Liibfcvw, A Co., comer 3d and Min itreeti,

Sfwinjt iHitvhfnna.Barber, C. T., Aiit f r Crovor A iiakor'i Sewing Machin, Fourth at.Siimuur A Co., Jflersou street, bet. 4th and 5th.Mteniuboat A arm nnd CoinuiftloB and ForBenp-lirt- , D. S. A Son, Main, bet 3d and 4th.Frwin A Co., Wa!! pf(y-t- .

Moorhead A Co., Waii street, bt. Main aud Water,Teas and Fancy Grocerle.

Lauham A Co., d street, bet. Market and JefTf raoaTobacco C ommlKMlon.

Nock, Wicki, A Co., 513 Main atreet.L'ndertnkcr.

W Wratt, oor. 7th and Jefforeon ftrt?et,VV'ootlon and Willow Ware. J rooms, Cordave,

A p.RAW SON, OURIN, 3SS ilain ftrtot

Wlillelemd and UnweedOn.Wilion, Peter, a Co., 4a Main etreet.

flnrdwar an.1 Cntlry.Ormehy, Collie, 6oti Main atreet.

lint and Cap itlaaufaeturera.Craig, A., cor. 4th and Main, and M.itn b?X 6th aud 7th,

Iron, Steel, Nalla, AcBelknap, W B Co.. corner Third and Main.

Jewelry, WaidifM. and Piaie.Fltchr A Bftuuett, Main et., bet. 4tb and Mh.Kudritk, S m., ;vl Et., bet. V.vicf.t and iiaiu.Kurwy, M. C, Tin t., bt'low 4th.Vojslit A Kiink, 6d at., but. Alain and Market.

Iron .iont!es Fancy Castiuxa, &0.Wallace, Litbgow, A Co., corner Sd and Mnin at.

Lrftmptf, Burn Sur Fluid, tal Oila, Are.Hardy A BeaUy, 4th etreet, between Main and Market.

tJeueml Produce and Pro vbton Hrokcre,Allen. Moore, A Il iyden, Main st, bt. 8d and Miiii I'H'imi Co., Jd, bet, M.in aud rivr.

W. & U., Market- - iwt. 4'h and tttillibuitt & Son, Mt krt, bet. ari andC.x.i A Moody, Wall rt., bet Mala and the rlvccCA.ir-nia- Torbitt, 6,U Maia t,C.iuer A Co., 41 Main ctreot.C av, Win., ) Main jtveetiiiitljert. M. A Co., oJS Main street.Jack A Broth t, B1H Mim strett.iN'riij, Cio. W., 1 nird h'wr, twt. Main and WaterJ

H. I. A Co., Wall(itter Allen, Sixth ttrc?t, bet. Market and MaJa.K.iwcn, Todd, el Co., 514 M iin .

Snyder, John, Market street, hut. Firt and Brook

WKAHM'.ss O Seamled' Ora'n Bags re--wivi ycr BWAiuwrni in ia in aim lor bv

INO. F, HnWAKIl A i'0M4 Main, betwnpn t'tiird and Fourth et.

M.viTON HA I TlNO-2- ')u Dalea PitUburg Batting inetorc aud for sale by

v HowAnn co.f OFl'KK j'Hi b prime Itio received by Juo. Rauie

and WodJoi d and tor ate byh w. cor.

I'CFl- Cj 3UJ ha(ja good to piiui Kio C fle in rtoreid tor ealt by


1HHA largo aeeort ol akeiel in store andtor mile byAT,T,RN MO nw. TTA PiP!N.

W HIKf rK(.IN ri. aO HKn d. zeu rfoiit l'ro)it:8"y do Crochi t liraM, 8Ferted;

ia do Li e d Uloven;ft" wo Vt--t Button;IS ice ' II Silk;

do Siik tiaukkprrhief';Eecelviid aad for wne ior caeh

iME8 LOW A CO.,JJ9 V and Jmi wat id Sifl. t

PKACH nAfeKliT8-- 60 down Peach baaketa lustM. recivod and tor bhIh hvORH1N RAWAON.

h . " . V1 : - auiit u bbti euleiraita rami! rlur rc-i- d Pale byh. H!' u: ii v nr. 417 v.t rt.

AV A COiPEK, tu pocK.n. rerciv. d HiU rtftv nd tr'aleby W. A U. BLttKIIAithT,

in uDU and iwci fir ha'( bvIviT tiiitm rr a son.

YELLOW JiUHArt 50 bbln choice reeWedmaiiboat snd fur eaie by

tr. w. comDra-v- s Hound Ocdar Ware, kc.

frt l'''-- tjra Uo:in4 Ccddr Paita, SJ 4j do di do do l i ii, a '

in do do do do Cn-.- n, 4 'no 1; ua do do do, 4

B'i do do do do Csns, 8 14

ft5 do tio do do Paile, 8 "In store and for nale low by

OF.RTN RAWflON,JrS Miin et between Thl:d and Fourth.

imjf:ai HIT) COTTON , A- -U ft'. oa-.- j fed rnde bleacl-e- Cottons:

4 a t bl T: iM.T Aiiroo. i,d Jih'rtiitg Check;1 cap- - &vtnih Ltn.--

Juet aiid ior tjil-- fur h byM.MrJS A CO.,

Ir9 nt ( ;f0-.- ,t

C"AlJ(',r jtANd ft caea Caact Jena received audf,r r.R'h hvJAMBS LOW A CO..

nni "1- wt " S;Th

PRINTS 6. cw-- up a vIa PrKta, aeeoi'Ud branda,ai.d lor le for ca.' h bv


13 HO H 16 i dsn Biooui ot kud jutreceived a id lor sale by


PKK 3u pock.-t- .Java Cott. "d v.i A

Uolt's Spopchos for the 1.000,103,Complete Ldttiou, e'S'ining:

T'lf.it d,P" W tha K8,UuckJ' TroopaatCamp "JoTIT l,lrfl9 de1ivrd t Tjoul.-iil- - J ly 11, 1MJ

ts i J" M to Hon. W. Duer ato.e, M Y

fr'LV TM fn t of twoPiiCa i,v A ,.., t

or by nu.il

HOI,TP ,T','TnTER3 TJP0N TK POTJfiv OP THE0 tVKRN'4TUB n T ' whrd-i'ed"- ;tb" s.h re. will b f'lr liihd fobv tn aoren 5 eente, or by inU R5 o;i;t; hv h'.'.idrpd $1. or bv mail M.

L. A. CIVILL, Main t.H91 'n l., jTH K 4 H( l H Ot liUlftT, bj u. F. Hen

riereon. nndTMK -- PIIMT Of OOO AND TSIR SPJltlTiV , by P. f. Pail.''W i d at t he open in of thr1 11 '(.' of W..r'iin fo th-- i Fif-i- Cliri in Ctiir"ti,

Loiil!villH, Ky., Match 17, ' agr 'ivo. H'lre --8em:. ;yj I.. A IViLi,.

J! Pirr-b- F- !iu Anil andwed .



Fourth street, next door to XVXozart XX&ll

I 8 I

OV T7AND AND MAPTOORDKR(CONSTANTLY aWuititd s vsiit;-- , Ht:r,Td. i 'Luand ILVfclli Hit A ins. A'tMC aid MlLiTAKfLAi'Va 1. $ And STAFF BUlTON-t- . Kmbr.l redSHOL .nK, 3 K VP f r Oilier- - ot dilTrert ranJ.

urHL" iTON-- , T A3d i.L. KlR.JiJ, PP.INGKH,made tc order ut the lo eef prire. 'J'1 dtf

nulea for Sale.Thcu eciiixT lias Mul'i" for

tiit wil' average lis bp.ud.-i.ij-

la.t and flfif.Ji 8. MILI EK,

9V n II p 'roro N- w Mhv"i WV.

Iventucky tiller-'- I ill.9 the season ha" arrived f ir nikint; f'.ider, and thcrpot Apnl ab'inriant. I urn aain piv.vred to

fui nich ttiic IDLK-- it L. A Tinn-- are Imrdftf d money scare, we tee.1 contident thuluo lArmT whorota at pif a vill sll"w t"em to r. t on tii Ktound whpn heCKii for ao am ill a p if proeur Mill bv whie'i he ranturn hi ij1 into toon-- y In d litioe to havinft afre--fla-i- of cilr every moroInK to help driv away thotT-- 'ilea of the'i.nea. We wirrant this Mill to runMsrittr, K'liid tVtjr, ai d pre? tinnier than any otherM 'tl now offered to tbe puDlic. f re inir callaud examine It. WM. U. WILSON,

Successor to 0. W. Urhiw,No. Maiu at.

Also (he Kentucky Feed-fntte- r,

Vt'e havp md i ad'll! iooil improvementa to fur Nfl. 8FliKIM t'TTKK, wh.ch make it run ninth 'iirhter lor

ntfiii(t thtn o.uy ottir nucli ne iu the nutrkpt.lu o'hur retpcta it is too well kiijwu to need any



WM. n WILSON,No ;'Minft.

HCTSTOVAL.K. RICHTKK h nmovpd hla v t

OiH.D -- nd ril .VKK PLA VI N

I, TABL18MMKNT mm 2JF,to Third AtHlrrift't' t. b twtn Mirkt t :id .loffernon.whr'B he will with pluaciiue rT"fv.i hia u meiuua cus-

tomer?. ki;u hiomtkk,S 3 Third at., betweed Market a'i1 Jurfi-- i con,

4 dim Lo ll . Kv

Kanawha Canncl Coal Oil


C iMi'AN , rnrrln-'-- the entire crom. nfLAMPS -- nd LAMP FIXTURK8 f W M. F. 8 M

RL' , No. 4 S Main street, fourth door west of" Fouith,LottiviP' , Kv., it ia my purpi-- e to keen a mpuiv ofFINK lil'KNIN' OiL, ina:infcti:red by rhie tympany,rona'aiTIr nn htnd, at nrholaaitl a'tl all ofwhich will be fuvmitlfd to b1 e iuI 1 nt superior tnan C a' i iil n hi utcnn-- In the fmnitrv.

;or O L rmnuln'riir-- fioin ptfn Coal, annoni oth-- r will be off ied t our c -

iptr rtnv hull be ).r. pred t fill 0!d, rfLLliRlCATlN'i OIL. f a.- - 4,mtitv an any iu theconntrv. at fro-- L'S tn ft cent per k v11"".

R. J. CRAWrnim (formerly iti the employ of Win. F9inir;ill) will foin;urt thp hiiHliifVM of t.fi Hmis tor loe.aiid s ftdiir 'd To him or the uudraipn-?- attdviila will receive prompt atteution

A. (1. llopnPS,

Mutual Lite Insurance.THK NKW FN.'l,MT) WrTI'AL IJKK

K COMPANY. .No. 39 State itreet, boaton, Inatii'A liiB on thrt nuitu prin-'r.l-

Net Accumulation U10, and in- -

crewinR, for the bmtefit of n finb.r. preiout nnd fu-ture- tho wh'-l- ift-l- and orf'y Inverted.

l"he conducted txclmlvfely for the benelit ottho p rson

Th erpat-a- - rink t Va on a IPe OOO.Siirclna dietrifcut-- d amng the rrp;iib''ra evBry fifih

vpar. ' er ember i. 1?4J Btttltd in ca h or by addi-tion to ivi'lcv.

Po d im8 nrnr h pa!d auartrly orwh tp and am mint net ton iiml(.

Form" it ao.ili- -t on and ranu h'tte of the Cottitrutand it reporta to be i of its agKn;a or at th" ofth" or forwarded by mall, if written furpug t. paid.

THHECTORS:ll P. Wider, Tappn,

Clmrlft I. Cn?t', ;iiliAm i). KTnolda,Thina" .Tlpxter, (Itvi'!. Kotpr,C'hai Hnihard, A. W. Ti&xtvr,Frauds C. Lowe l Sii-ci- .

WILLAKD FlllLLIi'S, Pieaidcnt.Pjamim F. Stvkns.W. W. &!orl4kis M. D., Cooaulting Fhyaiclan.aiifV div

mmm millmery.m. JI. ifEiVER,

No. 413 JehTeraon at., eonfb aide, below FourthOrTere to th lndiea a fine and carefolly selected

of erriiiH milhuery, vuuStraw tkinuft,

aiicy do.,Muwb' IIIb,thiidrenV do.,Hiihous, Flo era, Ac;

Alco, Piltni of tlu) Ut-e- t rylea, oat relvod, Sa- -pHcttfi-- oi cut to mesiinrf1.

trLvoTy attenti n eiven to dreot making.ocr.S

Wfio are taking up CarpetaheuM not pit tbemPiio witbout the PATKN T

CARPET LINING, procura-ble only at WILKINS", wetaide Fonrth, between Mainan4 Mjukot treeta.



tidtept ctU),BONN KT WTRFg, and


BL'CKRAM F RAM 148 alwy oa band at the lowertca-- h prirec.




TEE Hotel at Hot8r.rinpf (Hale and Proctor Houaeahewn bind-- and iinprovt-meut- made to

accommodrtt kjurt urwiKcn at any rimethroi-itou- the car. Tiiee wonderful Spriufto positive-ly cire Rheumatism, intrart-- Joints. Nenmieia,LnmbAo, Paralysis, I'int, 8t. Vltua's Lance. Hvteria,Sterility, ImiT.tcncy fr-- di"?jw. Venereal diaeases,Mercoreal dbea;8, 8nffula aud Oiandular dirwaaea,and all forroa of DAin

R 8. CLAYTON, Fropritnr.Pr. O. W. I.awTRnee, the Medical examiner of Hot

Sprinjra will supply circulare to applleanta.N. B. Mernirlal. Iodine, Sulphur, and other mMi-Cte- d

vTor furnihpd when rcjrird. JanSS diy

Brandies & Crawford,GllAIitf 52ALEH3,

rumoved to the new Warehouse on th?aCQth-veiteciuer-

Kafn aud First ftrecU.

Wo will pay th hih?vt market nriee foraHHndsotGrain, delivered at o(u atoro eras auy good ahippingpoint on the O o rivtpr

dtf PKAvnrTS cr AwroRn.

POWDEEOF ALL rn?tantly on hand and fot tfle oy

DAVIS bPfcilli, Aentfor the Manuiactoror.LnmTn.r.x, SPt. a, lSU.

Messae. Dat-t- A Speto, Aenta of Oriental PowdorCo., IuliviUe:GrUs We have ben nsinp your Rutins Powder and

we tnke pleneiirp in utrttit'K mat we tip-- it U notupenor to arty powder th;it we have ever uced.

ARTHUR CAMl'KFL,Sapertntndent tor Smith 4 Smyaer.

I sor'ifaMy concur In the above and oherfuttv rram-men- d

it to the public. J. i. bHITH.I consider tbe above Powdsr iaperior to an- - wm have

evar heon able to obtain, H. FOEJT.We tnltp p!ep?itre in rarommfcdine yonr Indian Orien-

tal Ritis Powder ao r.nal if not 8uperi-- r to any we haveevur d, it being very aijd ronj. Thia weauert ai"t';r a tboroash nLU. K routu,


nTdf A Wl'M

JSrev Importations.At No. 877 Main atreet, three doon below the LouisvUle


AP.B now recotvins larre addltione to thsir atook ofand OormiiiWMre. On hnd (liM

Urceand hftiiuVome ajwortrent of OIawwhtc, Brit, ftndPlated Cftftore, Lokinr-Oltuw- , LHnt.-rna- , Wnter-Cool?-

St?, and Fniit Jars, all of which will beotfered at as low oVuit u can tKt i nuid in the ma.rkt

WT, JAMES 8!"GAK-KOl'8- l MU..A65KS ' bblaBt. ji ... i ue M U.-- i a in etr- - ftnd tor


aurt'i iiU' it mid t yea- old BourbonWhisky on eou.ltt nruur and t.r le by

B'.' emeu Olnret Wine:jt-'- MAdpira Win;

& t do y do;5 M do Masi do:

a ftore and for iie by J. VONaB,ht. R.ivpntr) irid F,if trt uta.

O RO hbdB prfrae N. O. SQKf:lb hiAi Powjered and Cniahed 8u(ar;

In Here and for iie byW3I7ALL RAT.PFVT ff)

AVA COFFEB-1- U0 bags Jaa Coffje in pockt3 inftore aid tor aaiu by

ia r vwsan, rnnn. & CO,

CSOS03Q LAH3.f.n TTERCES lor sale k.w trr'o?e aiulpmiwil by

10 J. SMiTU flfELli, Main at.OOA 75 caaV Bicarb S'da Jn t received and for

K.J m bin!h"'s Mo'.ir-.'.v-

Golden "tr ip: firnlob. K l I'M r fi

tpi.UL'll (;iu hula KstlAKDM-l- & CO.

Uj1e eeitbratt rigycred Hina fr



CONDITIONor nmSpringfield Fire and Marine Insur-

ance Compauy

Sprinsfleld, Mass.,0 tub isT da? or Jolt,In conformity with the Laws of the State of Kentucky.

1. Te name and localltv of the Company Is Pprln? fVldlie aud Marine Imuran Company, Siujg field,Mm.

S. Toe amount of ita Capital Sock$3n0(i)no 00

8. The am unt of its Capital Stock paid up. ..42Wj,nuO 01)

4. The AeM-t- of the i'tolodlng:1. The aiuoi nt ot 'a hnu haod $7,:i03

AnjOuni of Catfh on httudfrom Ak ot and others Inco'T4i' of trninji-sio-

S. The Rml Kstate unti'cumi.'da. Th Bond owntd by tho

Comra'iy. Knd how they areb c ired witu the rate of iu-- t

'iv-- t thereon:..im Hulf-o- N. Y., A EriaR R. 7 pticiit. B ud ... 4,T5o (rf)

$ ,5o Wntertown A RomeK. R. 7 iro nt ltjnOri...

4, l)"bt- to the Compiuybr in r'Knjr :

Loan on Reattittate aecaredbv n.ortjiaf,'H lt1.77rt tH

Hauk atuoic aj pt--r ech 'dule l&ti,4a7 t!iRji i ruAd 1 1 jck? an per ached- -

ule 67.770 ljHill W.I bo 7j

Allth r 8fcuriti:dai d accruedLitftre.it 11,997 el

Surjj'.iu ofoT Capital

Lomi adjusted and not due 1

Lowea nu tdjiiitt dLofeec in suypt'Oie waiting fjr " $21,005

fur h.T )All Miier Cta.UM agaiuet the Com-

pany 3.219 71

WM. CONNOR, Jr., Sec'y

State of MtsciirrrrB ;Haupdkm. i as.

Subcried and orn to tills etb day of AunuL A. D.lbi, belore ui. A. L. fioUL L,

Justice of the Peace.

Armimi's Orywt KPNTrrsY )

Frankfort, Aur. ia, IwJl. j

I hereby certifj' that the foregoing It a true copy ofthe "ri J mil on tile in thio olllce.y. 's. lu witnwf whreof, I have h?reto "etmy( iwiAI rRn ruv otiiclal teal tbe dA'I r iand year above writt' n.VTCO (iRANT GBBKS, Auditor.

J. L. DA1V70HTH, gent.Hdl-- I

Dissolution.H1HK copartnerf hii beri'tolore exi-tl- bntween the1 UMdersifinod, thf rlrm of JACK A BROTII-I- s

)il' rt:iv diplved. J. O. Jdck bovlnff rurch.-'e-tlie ni'e lotereft in tne atiek and iwwets, is authorisedto fft;l the partnership biuiueM an t to uf ttie uatueof tho lir.u for the purpose. .1. O. .TACK,

KDVPD W. JACK.Loulnville, Kv., Aug. 14, IhL

rpiIR underfrned wifl enitlnue te WTIOLESALEI OKOCKKY and COMMISSION buvin at ol a

So. 3JJ Main etreet, betwten Third and Fourth.J- - u- - JACK.

Louisville, Au. 17. 1861. dtfWATTS, GIVEN. 4 CO. CRANE VROWN,

Paducali, Kv. KvausviUe, lnd.WATTS, CRANE. & CO.,

Commission Merchants,45 BKOAO ST., NKW YORK CITY.

7K have onnnM a House in tlm City of Npw Yrrkfor the p'eof Tobacco and We'ern Produce, and

renectfiillv uolMt a ?harn ot" Western patronage, prom-ising our best for the intereeta of our corre3pond-ent-

We havp every confidence in Tohwro selling readilyat full p:ic s. hi rouud iota, therefore advise ahipmeutdto tlie New York market

Mr Daud Watts of Watt", Given, 4 Co , Padncnh,and Given. Wstt, A Co., New Orlfan, for nrnnv ibf uuiimr with tue Tob keco trade, will rive hi per"oua'a to that Mr. I. A. Cbane, of:rane i Brown, Kv a will attend directly to thoWeoteru Producu department.

WATTS, CRANK, ft CO.Nrw Yortr, June 1. Iflfl an8 d'in"

O-JEi- OATIIRALL,Manufacturer and Dealer in

Tobacco and Cigarr,Southeast comer of Second and CaHowhi!! st?.,

PHILADELPHIA, PA.N. B - An of oue million Domestic Ciirst!v t ,;(f; v

Chango of Tiriu.r SHANK 8 ft CO. have associated W. A. GAIL--HKAITFI with their 6nn. and nurchftned the standf SMITH A OMKR, on south side of Market stree

irlow Fiord, where thy ill conduct tlie WFIOLK-SAL-

and RVTA1L OROCKKY e.nd FRODCCK busl- -it. vjonnrrTj-- wltb their house they Lave a goodfif AOON-YAUi- with amtlo accommodation foricrser, wjjons, aud othar voijicl"s, and would be gladOiHt their old friends. 'P. SHANKS,

?n!y 13. W. A OA i LRUArTH

No. 311 Fourth t bpt. iNnrUet and Jeffenton,1 ANUFACTUKKR A NO JOBBKR Off KVKHYlM variety of JKWKLRY. Fine Diamond Mount-

ings and all th new stylts of Fine Hairwoi k Ornaraentid in the mo--t wa; e- Itr style, of the het materUl.Vtl work warranted. Pre reaonhln OWI tQr.

in Air


332 Tefforeiou street.JUdT P.KCE1VKD PER EXPKE83:

OoM and Silver Bra'd. Las. Stn'p. and? Ci rd-- (nil widths snd guail'itp); bilk snd

Wnirtft Crimson Stirpes, C ti. and Kv.un Btfit IVitt-n- , Gold and Silver Brion,Taielit and Frinaw; W'irr-tr-- '.'orfl.Braide,

":V. and Lace-"- a'l colons Sword Knots,dt?y$ 'I";ilB' Iou!lion Kmb,o!d''red Should r

iT; Strap and ti oamei't i on hand and maderiie,lEiS1 to 01l1flr t short notice.Hi P'fj rri ictf, Buttons, Te'I, (Vrds, c

"t! iSlj mad 1 order at ahoit notice aud onJHo terras,

5.1' . .'j Tountry iirchant supplied at a liberal, diHcouut. aplDdlr

ivu doux. w. j. ureinc

DORN & IITJGrllES,Commission Merchants


Raw Whisky, Flour, Baron, Suar,Grain, Tobacco, and Produce,

A)0Te maMes-r- T. ft J. W. OafTs DUtilleriea, Aurora and Law- -

rencehurt(. IndMew . S. tlowa A ()., Distillers, Patriot, Iud.KenrvrKsa Flour MilU, Louisville, Ky.UO'Kir " Patriot. Ind.OalT ' 11 Aurnra aud Lawrenceburg, Ind.,No. 616 north side Market street, between

Sixth and Seventh streets,Jyitfdm LOI'IRVO T.K. KY

W. WYATT, UNDBHTAEBR.Improved Metal Burial Oases

Combining Beauty, Durability, aud LightmsM.MTOfTiM comer Seventh and Jetlercon, Louisyilie.jtirfHl! above Caskets are made of Corrci fated Sheet1 Mf and lined with Outta Percha or India Rubber

io as to be Air and Water Tipht.All orders r rotuptly attended to. dl3 dtf


CIGARS, and FANCYNo. 08 laird street, have in ftore and f:r

a:ety bb!i mperlor Doarbon Whiiky, yean old;

do do d do, 810 is cuks Cocnac Brandies;

S'U i d do do;10 W do P,chM)e dor

8 H do Port Wine:lft V do Matelrado:11 H do Sherry do;9 bbU o!d Pee-o- Brandy, pure;

11 hols tJ Apple Brandy, pore:Champ (ve Wines, various brarsdtTN Lonii.yorth A ta.'s and J. McMitlen'sNattrewbieiKntilish and Scotch Pale Ales and Porter;Claret in c&ae: Anteetie; Alisynthe;Maicbmo; Ciiraroa, &c.

Also a Lre and d stork ef Fresh FTriita,Pfc'les, and Uernie'ically Sealed Oooda of all dearrip-ti'M-- s

1oirt iTr)tflt Driee mSl

BUOKKTS, c.IlAlN'J'Kl) Painted Bticketg, all rilors;fcU do B. i. ' edr do, 3 eiaes;7'. do (KkWell do;

ISi di Zlte Wsh Boardr;Just received aud for tale low bv

ORRIN RAWSON,aC4 ra Main t.. between Third and Fourth.

NATIVE WINES --Mi ca"-- Mo. rtfarfcling Catawba;15 doaen fine Dry do;

In t re and for sale In quantity to antt pureha--io J. p. THOMPSON, 7 Fonnhst.

rrTTm. ea'h

WUNIIK1K0O hi b'il? Ssuterne Wine;

76 boxes do do:ri) do Brandy Cherrl:25 s MoIiums, U boxe:

Verm oth, Abynrhe M iraschino, An'sette Cordial,awi ted Cordwl". Olive 'U, MacAioui, Champagne, die.

In store and for sale bvANTHONY Z A NONE SON,

ft Fifth ftreet. below Main.

IP KAMJIFS0 pkt,M PHIovolstn Brandy;

31 do 4 Co. do;16 d) Piaiiat oo, very flue:

In store and for sale bvANTHONY ZANON'K 4 SON.

a Kith ft... bolow Mdn.

VTtNE AND 8PI KITS A supply on handof pureold Wines and Spirits for sale chenp fi r ca-- h oy

J. T. LANHAM 4 Ct).,rr.'fi TrTr.r. nf To- - n TI,I

tUTOATt-H'-lTM- MOLASSES 50 bhls 3. .Tames 3u- -y p:ir H line Mola-- in orn and for sale byAVtt'W tlTu OO.

LOAit 'oi hhds priiue 8urar received pr I liana and

75 b-- xu's Star and Yellow Candlesh do Ho-l- n Soap;

Girn au do:i do Fancy do; for sale by


LOt 'RX iuii b'd Family Flonr:

hH) sacks do do; for sale bya34 HiRBITT A PON.

fOKKEE, SCGAKH, e. Superior Ttva and Rio1,'offes Cr ivhe1, Powdr-d- , G rami sat- d, and

Brown (iitarp: Cocoa, and Chocolates; for saiecheap for c&h by

,7. T. LANHAM A CO.,a!7 Importers of Teas, Ae., Third it.

UJ,OCR AND MEAL SIKVE8 60 donen eon.monl and pi aU-- Wire Sieves just received and for ?ale by

OBKIN RAWSON.70 Mln htwf Tl,iM Tid Fwh.yt FKF8H TK.A8

35 4 half entut cho'ce Green Teas:X Z 31b caddirs;cjJitFreih and fine; jn received and for sale bytv;u HIliBlTT A R(N.

VTheat Fans.I LRGC!.ipplyot WEET FA vg n store and for1 sale et.eap bv HUGH BRENT A Co.,

tt Reond st . Mwunn rf Rlvoi".

I 1 L'GIf BKBNT fi nav to west s de oftin and tljo iivr

HAMS AM:IHF.4-Vy r v Si.ii'i?, , and Oregon Dams;

u'.rAve ccutiy iwuPTF81TT POH.


"w holeaialo OrooermAJTD


Tobaccos, liiqnori, and Cotton Tir,Hca. II and 317 Main it bet. Thiid and Fo.irth,

LOnnVTLLl.. KY. ml

J. E. MOOKE,(enooxaeoi to wm. bipquaui,

Porwardloj & Commit ion IJ.rh9iawn


Freight Agent for Fenna. Centra RciirHI.No. 4S FOURTH (OR WALL) STRFKr,

T1 Htf Louisville. Yv.

B. W. PITKIH. WM. L. p. WIAJi . . T VKi T

PITEIN,WIARD,&COMESuocrrs to PltHn Brother 1,


Blachines, Trees, Plants,Hydraulic Comect, lame. Plaster, &tc.

OlO 2kAl2i estreet,wl dtf ISt M l F. KY.

FREW;H Bi;RR8-- AlI and kind.CLOTHS-- All numbers boetmabn.

IMPROVKO PORTABLE MILLS With solid FTWiehbuhr- - aud made on t known piwn.

6MIT MACIIINr.S-Swer- al different kinds.Kill Irons, Scrwa. Screens, Beltin, Plaster F.uis, and

Hill artlrlt- - .

We have on bai.d a larre stork of the d

articles. For tale lew and .malite w!irrant.--HF.KHF.RT WRTOHT,

tepyr dtf No. TB Third st.. b.-- Main and rl wr.

Dnig& Prescription Store,MOZART II A L L,

imer Fonrth and Jefiorfon street.tyPrftscrlrtiont earef jlly and aocnraUIj eompocn-t-

at ail hotm daj or mghL nui

IIIBBITT & SON,Wholesale and Retail

OHOCimT, TEA BTCED,No. 4!oi Market t., bet. 2 ?cond and Third,

TTAVE IN STORK A FULL 8TOCS OF FT NT!Jrooorle. and solicit the putrouage of tiie pubitc.


J0IUI NY2ES & CO.,Wholeaala Grocers, riocr acd Oo ?

mission Iorchauts,IC4 MUn itreet, between Third and Fourth,


FroducAf , to us. nu;l



Wator-ti- at and Tir-- w proof.We have in ma?azmo 11 snpplyoJ 4,e above cele

brated brand of Powder, fit up In pdt&itrotl kiGy a.tfor sale at tame price as wooden kej?s by

A. V. DnPiNT dk TO.fc'V-V- R.F-- ir sin bv all tb LJ-vIU- p p;pr,-)r-


I haw Jost now opened and rfA3p for tale or inspec-tion the largest and most el"ERnt atoch of

China, Glass, and (lneensyareEver offored In thLa or a;ip other o'ty in tho Moilh nrSoatLi. I have on hand and intend always to hivethe br?t.9elected stock of SILVKR-FLATF- WAKE,CITTLKRY, BRITANNIA WARE, WOODEN ANDWIILLO'.V WARE, and GAS FIXTURK3 ia thecon.it.y, and which I will sell at priceo to suit tho tirnot

Perron" bavin? old (liaudelieru, Lamp, Ac, cnu (fftthera cieart-- &nd made lock tw weli rs oew at a verytritlin oxpenee.

I am fifo preptuod to mn GAS nnd STEAM PIl'3Intfl Buildings or dteaniboate at the tdiortost notice,si 2

HANDSOME STOCKFall & Winter Clothing.J. M. A11M8THONG

Oo luln st., opposite Ihe National,HAS hi 't oprnd an elfrRtit stock of

F ne i.'rtvs tinil Fto k i;t.':Dr's wiid H i in-- Pints;F:ne Orcs ai.d r ancv Wcte-- i

ut'f.l tJsf-- i ..ire .Sitp. Re?.ver Ore--- ; catj;

Also 0) e' Ciot lit c a'l nice.T w;t!i a fu:( dro k o' Shirfx, Tluiery, Gloves,

Cravats, Ties, 8 upnd. -, Liu'ri-- I ip, 41c.FOR HALE LOW FOii CAPH ONLY.

Military Saddlery.In anti' of rtrrrdi

iud fr Militny E it p.int-- u. 1 n.ve ina etra CirpH.nxtili ei V Viail or niut- -

td lo uic with prouiite-e- aud .Jt hc. priori,,

3.7 Third st, bPtwet-- M:un ir.r! 3 dlni i?n r.f Hi (; ,1,1 n 'le.

To those who:a it may ronccm.fTMIB FOLLOWING T8 A I TH T OF PACKAGK31 remamii'K on Lan at fie r t e oi t!io Aiiti Ilu;i

Krprois (n piuy, If U; t ciiKd lor iu M d-- t,will be fWld to pay chaigt?:1 Knx A .

1 Package A. (J. phapfV-r- .1 " J Edwaios.1 Pot-- O o. Kurtf.1 Package A1 " i.J v.

1 W. Me mtr.I " N. Fountain.1 ' -.- 1.1 Pot-- F. S. 0;irH"fft n.1 Fitkae-- W. 8. V rnon.1 " .1. K K1 ik Mo: Lvu1 " it. McKeo.1 A (;jb.--1 A. P. Oo .os.1 rVix C(i C'inton.1 " 1 C. Wricht.1 Pper 1( t KL'fic.1 P. Dear.1 " -f- l.1 Pox- - Cat. M Ker.1 Castij-- r". H Wiles.1 P. T1 Packat A. B. Kendir.1 c. 'i1 Pox Mra. U. M. Hxer.1 T nibkK. 'i'. NardmS Chiiru--- i. A. A.nautronp.1 U -- J. Mi ler.8 BoxesJ. Wiili-n- i.

1 BVe-- E. K. Thr. Ike'.d.U UoxaJ, Prown.I Oti, A Buck.

1 Trunk'. A. Coll-u-

1 Tm .k-- K Kn.1 Box-- G. Wi ly.1 l Mrrf. H. IL Handy.1 u . H.1 Pacnae fackon AW.1 - W.I " I. J. gutt.m.1 " H B. rer.a Mm Mvv.1 M.Cfnrtiir.1 M A l .Tack-on- .1 I Kufmsn.3 PrVe Vocb- -r S.'ploT.1 Package S'one A vv".1 p. Vsndevi.1 " T. Li- beherr.1 Ferr.1 .J. H1 k H. BVKi c1 M C T. 8"hiiiidt.

,1 w. W. Hi i,1 -t-i. W. Fullrton


Su ca-k- clear 8'ds in tore nil tr eJu bvK. l i . ..

''OHACCO 5 Tobacco SHOT tt"d bl'.T.l:'.a store WKf forjfjile hvW. if. ql?Marke!-- t

II ami', Sho I'.dt-- r a: d clear Hides in storeand tor ?al b?

3i W. A 11. BPRKHARDT. 4!7 Market t.LV FLOCB Ch )if b and, lor nI fix jv


ALLOl S RA'.'Ktn APP1 B AND CKABCIDS3.A K'joU aui ply lor tab oy

diTTH SPEED. Min jt.

c; ICE T LAS- - Green and RI ck de byI. M'H (PIH

SO P. STAKCH. CA I jL6, LAbD, coikt intly- htud nud for eaie ovMTTH SPPED. V

rpKA 17i pakat oreen aad Blacn Tea in etoreA and for sale byr! VAPqRAfL TTArpFKT 00.

W I O .lis uncLi tuily lar Sujiar m st-- aud lor talek bv A Nl' w Hi i :m a a kj . ,p2 fvner Second and Wiwhinirti m

liriNKS- -r) caes Claret Wne, for faml!v use;tr1) do do do, very ii.ie;56 ca? as di do;10 do do do, line for table nee;

lWeAes White do, Usut SiJterne;itf bbla do do, do do;Sb a Port do;Ho d- filien y an t Madeira Wine:2. boxes MuscKt Wine;60 do Champagne, tjta, pts, and ipts;

In store and for sale b- -

, ANTHONY ZANONK A SON,Fifth flrt. i.ft-- VH

CLAKET WINKfood Claret Wine;

S cfk do do do;In store and for sale by

ANTHONY ZANONP A SON,Fifth st., below Main.

IVEW PKINTS-- ao cafc-- beet new stvh-- Printj fcr1 1 lal! tradtt jtiat receiv.-- and for sile c :eap for cathb- - 'ftlTi T. A R. HLKVIN n CAIN

C ANTON FLANNELS 10 capej Canton FlinnB!ijusx receiveu a id tor ple cheao frr rih hv

a i 7 T. K- SLF.V1N CAIN.

( OLD KM PIRl P 6.) packapa B.ilt,mors extra1 Sirup. nolrtiud bnic ai'.j i; r, fn itoro ai.dfor sale by ia-- lj ANU'vV bLciiANAN A :o.

KW ORLFAN3 MOLASSF8-8- no hbls prime Plan-- 11 ration Molacet in store and for palu by


riiHK RKBKLLION RKOKD. A DiaiT of Auierl- -1 cao Evoiif. Tbrt-- iufuHl- - t ai ! to h f.'i c r


FVEKEtTS FoL'ixTH OF .11 LV itKATloN INNUiW YORK. 1b tt.


Cn-lfo- YVRe. CAI'.PLT CHAIN, AND'll.'--- ,

vrr-- tatW4 f:bb:tt a son.


mum.llotice to Passengers.CUVMFCINO ger"i'T 1". IPfll Tra ns on tbe

- !5 aM NAtftlVIlL UAI uKOADw.ll Lai Lo.'LtiIIo a iil.iu,r

Tiain (;i:.dv s exrel'tcd. 7: A. M.P.M- 'rtor- q 0 P. L

- .T. A'Mvt?g''N,

IMPORTANT!Par6Qn(ors should be careful in pur-

chasing- Tickets to Et. Joaaph or po ntain Saasas to see that they read by 1hoNnrth STls-four- i Bai!road.

It is tho only all rail and direct routefrom et. jLou s to Ct. Joseph, thirteenhours quicker, faro lo as any otherroute.

IS 4 AC il. STL'ItOVON.Pr''-'- t and Oen'l dnp't Norih Missouri K. R. Co..


1QS1. Eura;nor Arrangement.an s1r Mordy. Aur. 12. WI, Passenger Trains

will l&ftve Albnuv as follows:5(0 A M. CHICAGO KTPffK aijy except Snn- -

diyti, fO!niir'ii(K r Tcrre Ilmt1 nd Ine'hinapo-li-- ,snd conne. , cloly at Lafayette for ChicKo.

IWThroMgh frntn to Chiceo in lH hours.7:45 P. M. ST LOLlS NIGHT KXPKK3S (DMIv),

r'Bc'iir.e St. i.otilq fit y A. M. an 1 Minciunatl at 5A. 'A. This Tinio iu is to Mitchell only.

P.nturnine. bT. LOUIS FXPKKS airives at Nt.wAlhanv &t A M., ni ikln c'oio connections frcm

A M0'"-- R!1 O.iKinnali, rtarhi.w Louisville at o:lo

The CHICAGO MAIL arrives at 4) P. M., reachingL,v.ildvUi at 7:4) P. M- -

ChiLy mm CiVanpe of Cs '1 Rt. ,?ufa, Cincinnati, orC'Aiij(70.

Th tbrouth Trin mk?s cood couo'ct'ons Nothand South at OriHtva tie, liavett-- . LHCrotx, andMichigan Ury ior alt points liast, Weot, and Noith--Wt'rit,

rTralns are run by Louisville time.IWFor TIIROUGn TICKKT3 and further

y Kt the CKNr.KAL HAIl.ltOAD OF--VI'.'::. ptntliH-ca- cornor cl Third and Min street.LouUvilie, Ky.

B. E. BICKER, S ip'tfl. ?.. PAP.R, Ajwnt. dtf



Columbus and XeniaCincSiiHali, Hamilton, & Dayton

i8j;i mmmm isciEAILEOADS.

FliOM CIN:iNNATI TOS. sfcon !d hoom. Npw York in 81 hoars,Pi.ilfl.dflr.hi-- . n a? t ilaitimore in 9' fionr.SAit..((a3p'i"r in J'V'l's. Albusir in i',-- hours.Hutrh in l.Vij bo,irs. Dot. kirk iu 14 honrs.Ct in S hoar. Pittthnry in IS hotin.Wheeling in Y, houri. WtuVnritle in 11 honrs,t;re'lirie ii H bonrs. Xanneville in 7 hours,

in S.ift h Toledo in houra.Oeiroit iu ia! hours.

'ihroanb Trnlr.B nve CfiirtmRtl n followstA. M FXPKP-58- Fwn (.Incinnstt, Ham--

D'jot, connect via Toledo, Detroit,ai;d Canada.

A. M. CINCINNATI r.XPKRSB From LittleMl ivii Dct. cnr.n-f'- g via OolurabuB, (;levelnd, Dun-tir-

a.nd vi:i Coin aibns, and t:

via Colnt'i.-!-- 3teubt". ville, end Pittoburg; andvia Colucibn-- , Belis.fr, ll.nwood.

9?. A. M. KXP.-- MAIL-F- LittU Vian.lr, coi:'orfj TiH Ccinri;,?., Btlalr, and PittJl.nrg;

ha l. oi.im'n , Htttbarg; via Co'iomtKis,Knd. Dnrilrk. and Kcffulo.P. M. KSPRPBS-Fr-i- m Cirdnnsti n.t.i!ton, A

TTiytou coniitx-v- via Toledo, Dir.roit, and Cana-da.

10 P. M NyGnTRXPRRfl9-PromCindnna,n- m-f ton. fi Dr.. fdti D f.nt, connect via

and Pitthhtirs; via Cohiu'bns, Cirtihe, andPiU'ibinr: via(;lui:ih!-,civclaf- Dunkirk, and Bof-vi- a

Col m'-iN- , H'utr, r.d Itwiwoofl; and viaand i'itLnvr.

Modem Car on tkle Train.i.'Fiir-fncer- for Laie Steamers will take the morn-

ing Trdlii.

tThe E:45 P. M. Eirrsap, Batnrdaya, for ToledoOnly.

The Nhht Exprm mm Daig, Satvrdizyt excepted,A U other 1 ram$ run Daily, Sundays excepted.

rTTiin run by ColnTpbTW time, wlfch !s 7 irlnctesfrJier t5aa ClncmuaU tiie.la.TgagQ Checked through to all Eastsra Citie.

-- pi;p,n iu mind tht the "CIN- -C n N VI" i4 trseOf.o FAVOKI YE iiOL'TS.

incdM prou,tiv, the Ravi? are d'orooiyVA Li. A3 I KO, and ali mudsni ir.,n:vtmjbnU adoyadiiuof-tw- ,; spwJ, oOHi-oe- and SAr i'f V.

Tff icoiro n t:ckktmAr ' st fiM t;)? PKINCIPAL BATIjROAD TICKET

Oi' i'lCKS In ti e VliSi1 and flOLT'JJL Ask for Tick-et vliClM'INHA'lt.

P. W. 8TRADFR.Genaial Ticaent Agei't,

I. atL

Leuj?T5i! afifl Frankfort aiid Lsx-!n(- on

aEl Fraslfort

RAILROADS.(Y ANT) AFTFH MONDAY, April 33, ISfil, Trainswnl Uavo Lciiijviiie (auudavs ezcected) asfoil"':

FIK51 riiAIN- - A. , stoppinir at all stationswr.iiLtif.t:c Fair Crmincis. Kce Co;iro, Browus-bor-

and tv llov..-- . conmctififr nt fcnunence withft-we-for New t art:-- l Frankfort for Lft wren wham, HnrroJ-- h

ire,, and Dacrilie; At Midway for Ver&athea: at PaynesSthtiou fur OiB'irrf.'t.iwn: and at Lexington via railroadand stiiftt tor Nichotiwvii!, Danvilie, Lancaster, CrabOrcliard, Somerset, Utchmoud, Mt. Sterllu, and all In- -

I'f'T tOlflULSiXlONl) TRAIN P.M., rtoTiiilnft at all station!

when fifte'j, eet i .dr Grounds, Point, lUceCoarefi,Onimhy', and North Benson:by tuce at Kuiineuce for New Catle; and atPft'i" for .,'cetOH ti,

1UJKD Leave at 41P. M., stoiin m ail taMoiu; a id ret tilling, will leav--Ld''"An:e At A. M., wtoyiiiug ut ail fetation, and ar-rive at Loo i ville at ":'.: A. M.

arrive iu its fallows; Flrift Trnln at1" A. St.; T, aiu at P. M.; LaranKe Accom-n'iiio- r.

at A. U.Kr- ipL't Tralcs I v Ijouioville iaily (Simdavs except-

ed1 at r:"i-- A. M.airiving in Lexintn at 4:ii"t p. M.U ractivod and discharb'od from :30 A. M. to

6 P. M.f'Throos;b Tirtj for Danville, Hurrodebnrg, Crab

Orcnard, Sck rjet, Vei caille, OKirsetowu, and allcan be Lad at the Dep.it in LouiaviUe,

eomer ot Jenron snd h jok street".3Ar.IL.Jii, GILU Superiatendt,

1tf L. A F. ar.d U A F. R. Et.

l.Mt'l koo-- and piline Rio:do a, ui ra:

10.) do Jj.v. (in pock't-i- : for s.iV tirKMVHON. TO DO.

ILOLK .u bbla Kitra Family t lour in store and fortale by

ri W. A H. BUKKHARDT, 417 Mnrkt st.

fXTKA FAVILY FOAP-- L 0 boxes Wrk wperiorba Ily So; p re ivd ind for hkI'- bv

il W. a tL BLRMIAKDT. 417 Market ft.T1IO COFFEE- - b tfj R:.o Coff e received and for11 ato hy

ITI. 0 bnb pii'i e Plantntion MIsf-p?- :S ' bhD prim S. Jam 8uai-- u Molasses;

In sture and for a!e by

JOVK-lMi'- 7S l,ovpr;nt.VCTi-h"d- .

d and Giaoumt' d Sm'ftrn in ctore and lorshim by

nsv fi

b p Clurrt Win:d 8 u erne

f") do jViiidc-i- do;!:' c:t ''J.net d ;fl(l h'th Wh-- do;i; p'sf Phrry

do P.it dj;In store and tor sale bv

ANTHONY 7ANONT! A SON,sin Vifib trt, hlow Main.

I RANDIE3 40 pkes French Brandy f t sab- - byASfiiu.NY . ANONE & SON.

Fi.ib Mt., bf low MMn.

n Vand W boxes Sardines;bkte Oilb'n C!i r uif'il'ed Whitfcr:

4 t"! t H.,;n.i fitni puncheon Kirn iTmilci and St. Cro'irr

For fate y ANTHONV ANONK A SOM,pl" Filth ?t.. M.ir


Fifth t.. bdow Main.'







AfiaAN'S CIVIL ENG1NELK1NG at1? 1. ( IVI LL'3.





IARD prin e Lnr3:K lih lo

In "tore tuid for fhIs.l W. i M. PCP.KHAKDT, 417 Market st.

I ava ;uki tK-S- " hti superior old Java re--civt-- and ior sale by

f Mil r K 9 K'ni RiO CotJ JUllt perrailroad and lor salt) by


MOLARRfS hhl- - prime Plantation Moleee Infor eale byOAWHON, TOjD, A CO,

PLAID?- - n'of hT Plaid-fo- r Pervajt' wca.od (or tin cheap to' ch rv

A .LA KA Cut Ftl' 100I,Lic'tfs la prore and t'e? tila by

RAILROADSJBrrsHsoanrixxja haii.roa.

Change of Time.

Tat IN3 WlU l6aVe JllIferBOnvlllle oipote Louisville,

P. w. and A. M.P. KX PRESS KA ST Daily

(anndayscepted. connectlnit at with trainson the Ohio and Mli-Mp- kailrnnd lor Ciiiclnoatl,T ' SW Yo' k' Riltunow,and an Ka.tHrn Cities; andat Indiauaii with i..JZfoun atnt- - line for Cleveland. Philadelphia,Haltln.ore, aud alt the principle cities ip the Et: al-- o

roIdN fUtni,he T:Te "aut and Ifaytu-Rail-

lVut KXPRKS3,DaHv Oaturdavs ex- -

Ouio and Mis,laslpi,l Railroad for C.ncitm-.r- and allKasternitiM; at L.diduanolU with theLine n,r Toledo. ClevelandN.w YorK Boso, Philadelphia. Balthncre, in" Stpoint, h. tne and with andair line, Tere I laute and Ri, hn.und I sette Lailroads for t hico, St. Paul. Ht. Job, atLouis, and all points In the V. st and NorthwestrJOHNSON, Asent.aHdtf A. 8. CKOTTI !K8. Suji't.

TBS fllfflfilli ESITMl

Is a First Clans Ko&d in all reBpecte,


(With Connections from all Points West)

From Pittsburg to PhiladelphiaALL CONNECTING DIRECT TO NEW YORK,

Morning Mail, Afternoon Fat line,Night Express.



VIA ALLENTOWN and EABTON,With Direct Connections Irom Weeteru CI tie.

Arriving Hour '


My Rati or Boat Li,Express Train Runs Daily Ctlierj

Sundays Excqi!ed.

N1NK DaUy Train? fronj Philadelphia to New York,'i'lokttt good on any Line or Train. New

York or Boston Ticket via Fittshurggood



Ttco DHu CamniettwH from Hnrrtmburf I0Muttimvrt ana Washing-ton- .

Baggage Checked Through All Trans-

fers Free.



Ticket for Palo at allMain Offices.

FUEIGHTS.lly thU route tretphtB of all descriptions ean be for-

warded to and from Philadelplno, New York, Hoe ton, orHa;timort to and from any poiiit on the Rallrnaiis ofOhio, Kentucky, lud.i;na, Illinois, Wicoudin, Iowa, orWl3eom1 by railroad direct,

Tbe Yiimyivmia Rjtilroad also connects at Pittebnrgwith fteamere. by which ouds can bo tonvarded to anyFort on the Ohio, Muskiiiirum. Ksuturky. Teauese,Ciimberiaud, Iliinoia, luiesiscinpi, Hisoooiin, Mieaouii,Kar.iw. ArKac aud d iivr: and at Cleveland,

icd'kv, and t.lucaco ith steamers to ail port ou theNorthwestern Lae.

Mtrichantfi and oliippers entrustina the tranportatiroof tlifir iVflht to thtu CciLpany cui rely with e

on it trail.? t.THE KATE3 OF FREIGHT to and from any point

in the Weft hy thy Penn--iva- Railroad, are at allrime as favorable aa are charged by any other RailroadConigAuies.tlie particular to mark packnjres mVia rntva. R.

R.K. J. 8NF.EDER, Philadelphia.MAGHAW & KOON3, nj North itreet, BatHmore.LiSECH A CO., No 3 Astor Hcuae, or No. 1 aouth Wli- -

, New York.LESCH A CO., No. 77 BUite street, Boston.

H. H. HOL'STON,General Freight Agent, Philadelphia.

L. L. HOl'PT,General Ticket Agent, Philidnlphla.

K HOC 11 LKWia, General fiip't, Aitoona, ra.


rOCTHESS & ASTR0L0GIST,Eighth st., second door from Grayson,

V'OlJT.D ivspeetfully lnf rm the citiaens of Lonle--"ville that she is a'nl e to tell any' r.ine thny have

In their mind, and can help poolo out of their trouble,uo matter what it is. Bhe wsj born with a pecret thitenable-- her to gnrpaw any one else in TELLING d.

She can aido 6nd out throueh her erret allorcurateiires of eick'ieat1, and can t41 what will cure,as tin. re are rooU groiving for eveiy dise la tiieworld.

Mud nm I. S. is the only one that can make DK.nLfr'LAND'H LIFK LSSICNCE pnre. This mixtureir itood for & and can only be bought in hercrhee. No. bn Eighth street, second door from Ui"ayeon.

Kvery itr-o- tiiat u depiepdd and troubled aboutWar should fall on her. as Hhe ig the only ooe thttt

tiie secret from la Auna, the gret FortnntrTeller that a.fia1d Nn;leoii ef r'rance in ail hid nndi--takiat:, and mai him encceiaiul in all hie batUea.tib w.eiv 1 l00 that uo one can surpass her.

Please call and n her, and you will be relieved.Thoee who are too poor can come without money; andthoi--- who dou't belibve, call at la o'clock at niht acdshe wiil cake them be!;ere. Jel2 diy


SPROULE & MAIJDEVILLEAre now receiving their larpe "tock of


Furnisliing Goods.SPBOULE & MAXDEVILLE,

B. E. corner Fourth and Main streets.

1CTTFR BL'CKKT8-7- .S doz-- n Hotter and Bag:irreceived aul for al bv

ORKIN RAWSON.fi3 W Mln Frwirth and Fifth

SMEURY, MADKIKA, AND tV&T WINESaoz-t- Enepale Sherry;

a 01a waaeira;yn do old Port:In store and for sale in 'luantltlea to snit purch?ere by

'i j. tr. luuMrauw, 76 toiirtn suVTTn rsh.

IVIilitary Books at CivilTa.VFM' f Remilattona (lbl new edition. Hardee's

ic vi voir.). Cavalry Tactics ia vols.) (.ibbon's ArtMlenst Manu-tl- iLus'.ra'ed, very ahiabli,Robert. Dana-Hoo- of Arti lerv lor tlie rWvice of tneU- o. G"i!. "oder on Lvolu iois "f r ieid H'ittcri-- iwirh plat- s (hv ordr of Wax Dtparnvnt) NaneonHxln ot War. i.altm'r Art ot travel, a M noal f rSoldier-- and otnei-- who have ta 'Tniigh i , ' makesMHfl, fec. Standing Older- - of the N. Y Sevuth Renment (Uurye ). DuinV Cnndfowd Mmtary Pork ftMmua). Keltco'u New Manual of t'i Hav ont f ir theL. b. Army. Bern wan MihtUmui Manual and

Play, e. Tr p ei'- - Haud-Bo- f r the Mil itaRiirrnrn. i;rftw'( M ot Milirxn- - Snwtf. MaivPrairie Traveler, a liaud-Boo- k for Overlaid Expedi- -UOn- -. Li. A. CIV ILL,

sti ' Bjok.e)er.

HIDHITT & SOW,lTHOLFSALE AND RETAIL OROCt'RY, FLOUR,V and Tif A S CORK, No. J3 Market --tret, betweri

uecond and ibird. south Mde, Louisville, Ky. rl

I OVKRIVCr'S SL'GARS KiObblfl levering'? Crashed,sj and uranuiaten Sugars in er- ro and lor

CANDLKS Star Candlei:60. do Mold do;

In store and for sale bv2 MRRMX TTAT,RITRT CO

f KIMK LARD -- 50 k t prime counirr ' ard in storeand for sftle hy 14 HI tHITT 4 SN

)K':.1P", iOPKKB 3t sacks Lagtriyra d Java Cof.s t p tnr mi hv (am HlKK'Tr 811

ANDLK-WIC- 760 lbi Uanlle-Wiot- extra quailty, jnst received and lor sal hv

OhRIN RAWSON,s14 W Valr ttreot.. btwaen Third

IINK HI. OARS- - 3'J bbi Cmhed, Grauuiatd anda. Powdered Suaars tor sale by


f aUGAK-- 44 bbla Lovering's Crumbed Suv gir rectivi g per m id boat and tor Bale bya24 ANil'W RCCHANAN A CO.

CHAMPAHNE WI.NKft-b- &cases V.Clicuuot;

2i do Delmouico;25 baskets Verseuav;26 do iliedaica Co.:

In store and for sale in to so It pnrrkasert bya" J. r. itiumrbUA, 7otoarDsk

T ICE 16 caeks rice received and for sale bya RAWSOM, TOhn

REPINKf) St'OARSWhite Refined Surm

tl bbls 1 llow do dotIn ptore and tor sale by


f'HAMPAiiNE 2a bxes pints and uuarti In storev and lor sale low to close consignment bv


s IKLP ao bbls Stuart's 8 imp tor sale by

CMJFFEK 7a bags prime Rio Coffee in store and for


TKY C.OODS- -M.J lllCJiS fancy Print:

8 do Cotton:b do Cauiet Jeans;1 can t'hamhray (imnham;

RerelvAd and for sale cheap bviria T h H

! casks port wink?lucaeke Madeira Wine;10 do filierry d;

do M'ifCHt do,?5 bbls Mala do;

fiore and fur bytv'S M A WHfT T T. TA.r nPPT f'O

l ar Plds- -i) lbs SltoLildere;

iiCv'O I of ur-Tvr- l Hems:JW0

fvr ia. tylARI,feR CO.




FOR PR(VATt8.All the above, aud everything In the Hat and Gap

Doe, on band and made to orier.A. CZtAIO,

8Jh !rwep Ponnh and tlnln Mm.

HAYS! HAi'H!f'L "A.4;w,.Vi tlre't tjr BARGAINS INHATS AND CAPd.eaijib PRATHLR A SMITH.

C..A r,!.'e,ri"1- -KuA mi llol artl-l- e of FALL

I t LL HATS can hi ha low atA SMITH'S,

4SA Main St.

r. MKN A AND HOYS' SOFT FKi T H T8 ofevtiy tolor and qul'tr ctn had verv p of

PRATHKK ft SMITH,rV. lib 4' Main ?t.. U-t-. Fourth Fifth

St, Charles RestaurantFlPh itreet, betweau Main and Market.


And all other DKLICAIKS of the SEA 30 N, lecelrdaily at tha ST. CHARLES.

C. C. RUEFER, ProprieN. B DAYTON ALE and PORTKR for sale by th

barrel, hall barrel, keg, aud in dot t lea.il" h' c. C. R.


VOGT & KLINK,ICanafactnrar, - - 224 Third st,

Rospectfnlly offer for Inspection and sale a largeaud spienflid assortment of

T 3E3 "V" DE3 Xj "5of in verier workmanship and fashionable stvles,

Coral, Carbuncle, Pearl, c. articles reallygood. Cne, aiid beautiful and everythinn belonging toonr line, of K'ircpeau import, New Tcrk fabrica aa4oar own mul".

Having Injtructed by consignors toCLOBB OUTand aell at a.iy rate rather tbn return gooda, aad, ow-ing to the bard times, delronn to

LET NO CASH CUSTOMER GOcn the scorn of nrlro', we invite our friend and the

to call and examine our stock, aodrostawnrMthat their wants ;tcd wiahos will and shall be gratified,at VOOT 6 KLINK'S.

' Jsvyi TMrd .trvat


Ctrktmas and New Year's Presents

WM. KENDRICK'S,m Thir.". at., between Mala and Market.

'r 1. JWt:tRV.Mystoskof

Xavi-- i UiLVTfR andFLA1RD WARS

Was never more complete than at present, anfl Is offereden as fi;r tiTn as an be procured to the city. Cell


COAL! COAL!Of tbe bet (uatity aud at the lowest prices, fox sale by

CRITTENDEN OA NTT.Wn-- t eid- - of Third clr-t- .

bfw--- nf1 Market.

Wflw Books New Bocfe.HISTORY OFTlHi


NOTKS ON StlKTPTCRK bv JftelJcnes. 3 B0.

TUK RIBLK AND T1J3 CLASSICS, by Bishop Meade.$3




QODVS LADVS ROOK for May.Jn-- t receivMrt by A. DAVIDSON,


CHeap Iiaco Store" 309 FOURTH STREET,LCK TiOVB VK1 L9, new tatt erne:13 lilfck Cr-i- uIltrKite, entirely new:Linen V:gK- - Krii-'s-Patt-n- Fliitmc Machines, beet article in market;,1 'finet Rnvicrea;fAi" in do;Nil o Footi-ie-

I ;o Bibfciu L'ici;?:,alsVb-- t Sjrvi; t '

And i n sale at low prk-e,- for tuti .oiyCHARLli'? V. KAUCRFLVS'?,

if-- " )&b a Fourth p. old No. in).



Gilt Frames,Lookins-GiasM'- S,

Walking Canes,A One assortment, and CHEAPER THAN EVEP..

no, IT7n rltrt t., between Kcond Rnd Third&nl W. W . corner tViurkit and ml ,

At BUND 4 KNOFKL'SalbAI Bookstore.

FAMILY and severs. single featif'Taen enn heA with line "I'-m- nnd cmo.1 Iward byBpr'.vtiv at MRti. K. W.

Sxth st,, injmedl.itely opposite St. PaulV Churcb.m"4 b


fOTTariN3RECK1YKD thl diy a small lot of

b irk d LafnF:iU biark cie-'C- Mbfiuotd.

For Bale at iow prioen.H MARK 4 DOWNS, 41 Main et.

rpABLE S LT-- 8H bbls fine Table Salt, packed tn 7ltA bags, for itio bv

ANDRKW BUCHANAN et (X).,Cornr Second ind Wahlnitton street.

WHEKTIN03bi blea Anchor Sheetings;25 do P nn Mill do;fco no Hin.-it-- r a :

Received per steamboat Idn Mavand for sale byJO. F. tivvVAKD & CJ.,

Aseit for Mnnuicturer.HIS MMn. hprwH-- Tlud nd Kn Ih sts.

100 bhlBchoice Plantation received byMOLASSES and Peyton and for cale byn'.t H W COOD.


O in hhds rrinie N. O. Suyan4 bbl Powdfre.1. Cruslied, and Loaf Sugar;

In ?tore and for sal1 bvP3 M ARSH M L TT LRERT A C

pOl FEE 7iJ baps prime Rio Cvffee in store and forsaie hy

antvw pronVAV ro.M11TE W1M bbis ii.ut Sauterne in store and

'31 WM. fiAV.

M OLASfeES HHJ bbls PlanUtiou Mda- - in storennd 1p hv tr WM O.AV,

OUR TERMS FOR GUOLS IN FLTLKE WILLCa-- on delivery, and it will be luclt-d- makiug

a it1 icauoi.o i or cred LJAMES LOW ft CO.

TARCH 1W boies Jnlhis .!. Wood's ColuaibusPearl Starch met reoiived aud for sale hy


BLACK AND OHEEN TKAS A fine awoit- -f tfl ment ot" iip ri-- Hbick and (ir'wn Tc,

?K Si lected exp;eeb for 'a'uilv trade, for sale byJ. T. LANil ASi A CO.,

a!7 Tmporters of Toae, Bc.. Third st.

RIO COFFEZbaep K.o Coffee;

i6 Jsva do;In stoie and for sale by

Bt W. H KlTRfTTf RRT. 1T Marlt.- st

UNDRIE9-Apscrt- "d Snire-- , who'e aflnierican. Engii-h- , Rid F" nch Mustards- snnenrr

assort! d Picklrn; Tomato, M chrui in, andCaU hiipr; afljor'ed F"ie'gn Sani es hole nnd frroundRice Taoiora, Farina, Ro ieh Sl!it Pe-- s, Arrow-root, Ipincliifp, 'ielst'i.e, Prre an I Krwh Fruits in(imp: StiloiOf. M.ckcifl. and T- h?iipu Sound, m

and kit. ftl- n ortin' t of Fo'eiftu andDo uwtic WlutAand Spirits, f r loi ra.h by

J. T. LASH AM & CO.,fti7 Tmnorters "f T.'A- -. Ac. Third st.

" I"P8 1 troM Cotton Floor Mops just received and1T1 for saley

RrRKHMnT. 417 Market st.

Kio ot re and for sale by

WT JAMBS SOAK-IIO- I 8E MMj.ASSKS- -7 bblaO St .lAiuedSuar-Uouf- e in store and farjwby ANO'W LO.

W OA PS -O 6o bxea German snd Bosm Soaps;

31 du F a icy .Jiet oo;A ao old 'J?tile . do;

In stor and tor snie byHTVTTT ON

1UE cHEt'.dii A lot ol extr Chee laC tore nd ior ale by .

WU'-A- 4; bDis LoveriuK' Crushed,O ana Powdertd Suj-a- just rttcetv-- d nd tor tale by

alf O A R D N H J oO.

O Shouldert just lecelvwi and ibrHH i.KDNl R A CO.

REAKFAHT Bi OV- -1 ch eugar-cur- cauvadis bacon recivd and mr sale by

VJ W. H. dl'KKHAKDT. 417 Mfirket

JTAK- - H-- li0 hose? J. Wood'i C jiu- -

r- - i HILD'iEN S .AKRIAOKS t.rredoced prices to cio-- the cm-?- m

Jv SW Main st... between TMrd "r

MOLASSEa-3- ft

80 qbisSngii Ho-.s- Miiwsef;25 bbls do emjp;

In store aud for tale by ..... nn .


5 I j Qm;Insure aoar U by
