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LOWELL JOURNAL,lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1889/08_August/08-21...LOWELL JOURNAL, One Dollar...

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LOWELL JOURNAL, One Dollar a Year. 0££los in Train's Opera House Blook. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXV. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21. 1880. NUMBER 7. SLAIX FOR A BLOW. Dnvld 8. Torry, a Notorious Chnr. aoter In OBllfdraln, Killed. Bulillng a Oruilga A} ililtt Jii.llra Ktalit. U* Rliip* lllm In ih« faor, anil It Mml Tliraii|h Ilia lltarl li) • Uaputy Manhal. ncTAiwi or hi* MimuEH Bin FmNumcn, Aug. I\-Darl(l R Terry. •x-Cftirf JiuUca of Ui<i Huprema Court of ('•IKornl*. wm shot nnd klllf"! at 7:,10 u'olork jriiatnnlay momliiK In • railway rntliiK kUtlunal Ijilh rum I'nL, by Deputy t'olu-d HtatnaMmhal 1)a»M N a kI«. Tli ii •boolliiK wa* tbe ra- •ult i>f n |ier»uiial a»- nault *bloh J u d | « f Terry wm umklnir nit- on Jii<llra Hlephen J. H M, of the Unltml Stall's Hup r s m • ix-judok mat. Mnn ^ wh || ( , tho | Rt- tor wa» •entud at tbe breakfart tabla. Judgo Torry had appioaohod Jiulloo field from tbe roar ami elupped tbn Jurlat I d tlis fnoc svlth hl« Imml and wax Id tbe act of atrlkluir hlui a wcond Um« when Deputy Najrle, who had warned 'J ml r e JT (Terry to Mop. ilrnw a revolver andahoft tfce > latter throuirh the heart, kllllnr him In- itantly. Duputy Nayle wan nutlnit a* body, guard to Jmtli-o Field, uuder utrlct otdore emanating from tlie Department of Juittoe at Waiblnirtou to protatl the pereon of the Jarlst from iwmonsl n««auU nt all baEarda Tho Boutb-bound overland trala artlAd at Latbrop Bbortly after 7:8J o'olook and Juitioe Field entered the rnllway rental!- rant and took n eent abort dlntam a from tho main entranoo. Deonty .NuRle took a •eatat his Ride Judge Terry and wlfn en- tered tbe room alraoxt Immediately after- ' ward and took aeuU •t a table dl.Uiit poe- albly twenty feet from ' that at whieb Juxtloe Field wu seated. Mm Man. tkiiiit. Terry Initantly recognized Judge Field and at ouce loft the room, returning to tbo Bleeping oonoh. Hha returned again toward the dining-room with -Mohel In her hanil, but waa met at the door by tbe proprietor of tbe reMeurant, who knew all of the partirA and who refiiMd her admUalon. In tbe meaqtline Judge lerry aat at his table, never Ukliighle eyr« from Juatloe Field. Finally he roue aud walked toward the door, pawing In the rear of Mr. Field. When oppoalto the latter be turned and atrack him from the rear on the aide of tbe faoe. Deputy Nagle roae and cried out, "Btop! atop!" but Terry hnd rnl«ed bla clenched II-t for another blow whea the fatal ahot wna tired A eecond abot 1m- nedlately followed, but the form of Terry had fallen to the floor. He did not utter a word. The alarmi-d people in the room Im- mediately It-It. while Deputy Nagle an- nounced to every body that hu wni a United Statea officer in tbe perlormauoe of hla duty, and warned .eveiy one not to mo- leat hliu. Be and Jnntioa Field then re- lumed to tht aleep- lug-civ. In the kneau- Ume Sir*. Terry re- turned to the dining room, and, when made of her hunhand, made •war* of tbe to Uanl tbn r-car con- loeping-d Jnrtgo aud deputy. Bar aaobel an atte tAlnl traa uitaa away from her, aud It wu found to contata a ravolver. She appealad to the crowd to make an attack on tbe ear and to aelie Judge Field, contending that ha had killed Judge Terry. Tti* r o i n m ' a vehDICT. Biociton, Cat. Aug. 14 -An In^uent waa held over the reiualai of Judge Terrr, who waakltled by Deputy Tnlted UtatMltarahul Kagle Wadaea<lay. and the following ver diet waa returned! "We, the jury. bMleva that David Terry same to b • death ir.nn n gunthot wound in- flicted by David Narle. and reeommend thai he he heU In eualodr ami lrie<J far murder " KXCIIMIKSr IN RAN riUHCrtCa Bam Fbam'.-inco, Any. l.'i.—The aunouuee- ment that Judge David H Terry had been ahot and klllnd In tbo railway depot at Lathrop, Cul. an the remit of an attempt to provoke a peraonal euoounter wllli Justice Btephen J. Field, of the United Ktates Hupreme Conrt, cniiHed extraordinary excltemant In this dty. The scone of the tragedy Is olgbty-three miles from this city by rail, and Is a break- faitlng station for tbe Houthern Over- laid trala Tbe |>orailhlll^y of an en* oounter between Terry anil Juatlce Field has bean rocognlred ever slnde the Itn* prlaonmant of Terry for contempt of oonrt, ten montba nun, and owing to the known temper of tho man who killed United Stales Senator Jlrudnrink In the early days of Cali- fornia Terry waa uiarrlnd to Sarah Althea Hill, . who oklmed to be the wife 'of ax-flonator Sharon, while proaeoutlug her claim against the Hharou estate. This brought him It to a rosentful attitude toward Jnatlce Field, who last year rendered decision In thn United States Circuit Court, in this city, denying her claim to be tho wife of Sharon. Mrs. Terry created a scene In conrt daring the reading of the docUlon, charging Juatlce Field with being corrupt, and as aha refused to remain quiet Juatloe Field ordnred that she be removed from court. When a deputy attempted to carry out the older ct the court aha becaine Involved In a personal quar- rel with the offlolal, and Jaiut Tarry In- terfered, drawing a dagger from bla vest. Ha w u dlaarmed, and both Torry and hit Wife adjudged In contempt and committed to]alL In the meantime Justice Field went to Waxhiugton to resume his dntles on the bench, returning to this city six wanks- ago. Newapaiier artlolea were printed InUmnting that It would be dangerous for Justloe Field and Judge Terry to meet peraonally, aalt waa thought tho latter might Insult the former, while the fact was also reoognlxed that Juatico Field w ould be ijulok to resent an attack from Torry, knowing it could only result fatally to one or the other, la view of the latter'a reoord. Vhathar Judge Terry hod intended to G voke Justice Field, and draw a wejpou jre the latter oould turn, ia, of ooura*, not known, as Deputy Nagle, who aat op- posite, prevented this by Briug his shot, re* aultlng In the instant death of Terry, ri.*anc* nriD's aroat. San Vbadcihoo, Aug. 111.—The Southern CTdrlaad train arrived at the aution In Oaklmd shortly after II o'clock a m. A great ormvil bad collected, telegrapblo U- talllgtiuM of thn Uthrop Uago<ly_ having preceded the arrivnj of tho tialn.'and tbe alaopinp-car In which Justice Field was alt- ting waa at onoe besieged by United States Ur. Wm. H. Thompaon of thp Unl- vrrmiy of tho City of New York any*: ••Tht* nymploms of illwaaed kidiiryr will flint •pp«'Hr in tlif mremely iliiferrnt IMrtsiif tim body.' Trra* the kldneyb and not tli" "ffi'CtR of kidnny dlscaw, hy ua- jug Wnrner't Kafo Cur*. Avcr's Hair Vigor rmtoree color and titnlily to wwk umlRray hair. Thmugh lie healing and-cli«n«fti|C quallliea, it urcyenU the accumulation of dandniff and curee all scalp dlaeaaee. The beat hair drtoning ever made, and by far the moat economical. oOelals and m-wspaper >aab. Jiintli-e Field maintained hl« qtile* donieuimr and nar- rated to a prais leprewatallve l hu follow- ing partieulsrs of ihn shooting "I euu I'll vou the story m a aords. Fot the isat lew ra.-nihs all manner of reports, both public «nJ pi-rson ii. hsv- inw hed me that Judge Terrr hsd Ihrealrned lu «uU)ecl uis to some Indisnlljr 11 hs should hnpnen to meet ms. Thlt Isn caused Hie I'niled Slal»» Mnr Shsi to dend" In prov d" such rniirut'nn in hn eould durlnK Wf star in Ih . f«iul«, ft'lien I Slaried fur l-os ADgel«s to liuld c urt Deputy Nagis aceoinpanieil me. lie seemed lo be a quivk (sntlenunly om-ul, ihuugh I ohly BSI U m (wire while awsy from I/n Aafmas. Ill- aikrd ius lo that edf whan I in- tended lo m urn and sccomiianlrd in •, iskmi a seal in the •ie<'|ilii«-oar oii|Mi>iie to ms. We heard thst Ju ige Torry snd h 1 * wife were ua the train, but paid no atlenisn to the f int. When we nrrlved sl Lalbtop we entered the esttog ttstlon lo get bresklast. I inon s ssut at the end nf Hie mule. Safle sal on one side of me. Terrj and hit wife cssne in Ihe room soon after. At toon ss Mrs. Terry saw me stas wantoolotllie room, as 1 sflerwsrd learned, relurn oi to ihe car for her .iic-iel.' Judge Tsrry ro«e, nod Isuppo.ed he laleniliU secora- psnylnit her. Instead of dulng nu be walked back of nie sad slraek me a heuiir slao la the face. I was complmeiy astonishi u. and, teeing hewa« making r-sdr to slr ke oguin, Naale cried out! 'Hior. stup,' but Teirj did not de- sist, and as he wat railing hit nnn u second time Nsgle shot at him, the boll-l amerlna his heart He fell lo the tinor. Nagio tbool ng a second time, bat the seoond thni uoi strlalng him. N'sgla waa arretted si Truer snd laken 10 Sioo iton lo await tlie retuli nt the Inquest Tbsl is lbs eomnleui tlory, t<i far ai 1 am awarn of the facts." oaoLUKif 10 raoTEci tul luancc. Proteotlon « ua accorded to Justice Field, It ia claimed, by authority of United Statea Attorney-llenural Miller, who telegraphed from Wiiahlngton to the toatshal of the dla- trlet to see that the person of the Juatlce wu protected at any haxard. The order er- tended alio to JudgnBawyer, of the United States Circuit Court, lu tbiaolly, upon whom Mm Terry made a personsl aaaault last Tear while on a railway train accompanied by Judge Terry. Tbe order wa« bated upon tills faot and U|>nn threats deolared to have been made openly by Terry against Juatloe Field. Deputy Marshal Naglu waa dlreotod to accompany Juatloe Field under this or- der. r c a n r g r i x t u AiiaKHTXO. San FraNi'IBI'o, Aug, IT. Justice Stephen J. Field, of tlie United States Supreme Court, wu arrested here Friday on a charge of being a party to thn killing of David R Torry at lathrop lait Wednea lay morn- ing. Tho nppHcatlou for n writ of habeas corpus «b- 'it omie made, and the matter wax heard by Judge Sawyer, of' the United State" I Iroult Court, who gruuted 'bo writ and re- leased Justice Field on a.'>,lOi ball Judga Hnwrer let tho rase lor hourlug for next Thursday mMulug A MAJL-POUCH STOLEN. It Was Raid to CunUIn •10,000 or More —No d e w to ihn Bobbsra. flt. Louxa, Ang. ll>. -When tue fut-mall train from Mow iork arrived al«out J o'olook Sunday moralng over tbn Vauiialla road the head mail olark,CbarleaDeshiolda, noti- fied Thomas . Culkln, luperiulendent of malll at tha poat-olUoe. of a robbery of his car at Terra Haute, lud. Tbe that lu- timatlon be hail of the robbery wu when the train reached F.ttlnfbam, sixty tullei this side of Terre Haute He there re. oaivad a telegam trom the station ogunt at Tan* Haute, uklug him If he h d not last a mail-pouch. He madn an examination and fonnd his Albany pouch milling, and when tha train reaehed Tandnlln. Ill, he so telegraphed the agent at Term Haute. The pouch had been out ojnm aud rifled, all tha registered letters having been se- cured by the thieves The pouch con- Ulned principally oborka and money for oattla-dealers of this city, but tho amount 11 known only In Albany. It Is known, however, that the amount will reach #10,. 000 and posMbly a muoh larger figure The Qovernment deteotlvea are bard at work on tha cue. Postmaster Hyde said that tbe packages poailbly might contain large auma of money. Many of them probably had romlUances oorerlng aoveraloar-loadsof cattle and thla would swell the total amount np to a consid- erable flgurn Checks were donbtlosa sent on aome, and In thuu cases no loy would be instained ulde from the inconvenlonce and delay. _____ will Meet the Issne. PirxaauBon. P a , Aug. ia—The Helton forthe South Fork fc'iahingand HuuuurfClub hu filed a plea of not gulK In tha ouae of Nauoy W. Little and children against the club. The caaa will be tried by a Jury na aoon u Ita torn oomsa upon tbe oalenii-r. Thla plea waa a voluntary one, and dufeud- anta do nut genepilly plead until so mlad bytha oourL It allows that the club In not ihrinklng the issne, aud la anxloua to bavn tbe matt-ir uttled u aoon u possible llurrlrann 111 Apala. Mtuiun, Aug. IB—A U-nillo hurricane awept over the Boutheru part of Spain Sat- nrtlay oauslog Immanse damagi to prop- erty. A number ot houses and chnroboa in Oranadu were wreoked and part of tha dome of tbn famoua obureh of Son Fallpa wu blown down Tbn Alhauibra wu ahio damaged. Heath of William Thaw. PnTHBi'Hoit, Pa., Aug. 19 —Word w u r e . oeived here Hiiurday of tho death In Parla of William Thaw, vloo-prealdent of the PennsyivanlH Kalway Company, aged aevanty-one yeurt. He w u a prominent railroader and philanthropist, whose wealth wu oomputod at JVW.OOO.OOO. Death of ('ungn>s*man Ijilrd. Biaiuraa, Neb, Aug. Ift-James lAlrd died at hla home In thlt placu on fiatnrday, aged 40 yeara. He served In tbe Army of tha Potomac daring thn war, and waa elect d to tho Forty-olghth and Forty- nlnth Congressps and wu re-eleotud to the Fiftieth Congress as a Republican. "Old IIlank Joe " Is Unad. New Voaa. Aug. 17 Tho original of tho famous sung, "Old Black Joo," died at Mount Holly, N. J., Tburaday in a little cabin on the outskirts of the town. Hla name wu Joaeph Queun and he wu nn- doubtndly the oldest tain In the State, lie- Ing Uil years of ago A Kavolulluuitrj Hera HaworeiL Wntcssam, P a . Ang. 17. Hrrvloea wore held Friday around the grave of Oeneral Daaiel Morgan, of revoiutlonnry fame, by |UU fachera from dlHorent porta of tbe State who are attending tha Penbody Nor- mal lnautuw._ tilvan Fourleen Vaars. Maw Vohk, Aug. 17.—Eben & Aflen, tha defanltlng ex prealilant ot tbo Forty- teoond and Grand Sue t Fernp railroad, of thla city, wu aantenoed Friday to seven yotrs' impriionment at hard labor on eaoh of tbe two IntUoluanlB-fourtoou years In all Hud of Naw Maniptiilrw Legltlalnre. Concord, X. H., Aug. 10.-Governor Oeodell hu prorqgueil the legislature. During ,th» tewion the Uovarnor has ap- proved KM bills and flfty-soven Joint resolu tlona and vetooed one act Daaih of Kara Rernhanll't lluthaml. Pikia, Aug. Ifli-M. Pamnla, the hus- band of Sara llornhoidt, died Humlay ot oorubral oongostlon. SYRUP OF FIGS, Produced from the cxative and nutrl tiouB Juice nf OellfomiA figs, oombmed with the inedlcal virtuoa of tlia planU known to be the mewt beneBdal to Hie human ayatem, acta gently on th» kai- neya, liver nnd bowels,eflectuaily cloann- ing the avrtem dieuelling colds nnd heivt acncM, and cunng habitual conatipntion. A SCOAE LOST. TI1K KNCAMPMENT. Terrible Result of a Furious ST-orm | Veterann Jubilant Over the P pob- In KnnaaR poot of Ita Fuoooas. Twenty Persons said to Have Uewn Killed Manr Miles of t'.iunlrr rioodea— Omit tiamaga to C'ropt-Dlt- treaa at Lmeolu, Neli. A waniian DKLtma Kansas Citt, Ma, Aug. la—The storm which pnssed over the M aaourl valley Mon- day night was Uie nioetdlautrona known to thla aei'tlou tills suasou. Over twentv per- sona, It Is said, were killed by lightning, and the liamsgn ' In unlmnls klllod and ruined ouips will tun up over half a million doilara This, of oonrae, inoludea the damage lo rallioad* Among tboae killed were a son of II. II. Silver at Cort- land, Nob ; tleorgo Warner and Ueorge Klobntdson of Dawson, Neb j E Winkler. ol Wintborp. Mo; U. Hunter, of llamiin, Kaa, and Fred Cue, of Olathe, Kan IteporU from other towns stain that there were fatailtleo, but u yet glre few partlciilBrs. Tbe whole oountry between Kansas City and To- E ka were flooded by Tuesday's stom. mo of tbe trains on the Southern Kanau and Sania Fe were uliandonod A strong wind aconmpanlrd the rain, and la many plaoot thn corn nus buntcn Bat Thla stoim «it<-iided over a couaid- arable part of Knnsna and Nebraska. St Joseph, lliawatb i, AlchisoB, Leavenworth, and u far west u Pawnee City rejiort damage by water, ball and llgbtnlng. William Curran, a huoketer, 6J years of age, w u drowned In a swollen stream near Ford's branch Monday night and hu body was found yesterday Curran lived at Clinton, Mo Uncoi.ii, Neb, Aug U.—Unooln hu hardly known snub u Hood at she Is nuw exper enclng since tha date of her settle- ment Mure than U,liuu Lincoln housea In the valley of Salt crook ate submerged. The water bos been rising rapidly for thlrty-ilx bouia At mldulglu Monday the cieek began to overflow Ita banks, and hundreds ot |>eople were aransed from ibeir slei-p by tbn water rushing Into their huuMK Daylight mw a pitiable sight. Women with ohildron In their arms were'struggling through tbe water, and in every house the furniture wu afloat Hy that time all trnffic bad stopped on tlie hiindreils of tracks In tbe Bnrlington and Union Pacillo ynrda, snd daring the rhnle of tbe day none but malu line trains were mu. Tranaler wngons, diays und other ve. hiolas were prosaed Into service, and by noon nearly every one had I miuiv trans- ferred to dry groiind Tbe damage Is enormous. Mure than S.OOO homes are under wnuir, with tbe furniture, curpete and bedding aoaking in water. Uuakstall A Stout 's ptaeesd-brlok works are under four (eet of water. At tlie wareboiue of tbo Western Furniture Company tho water Is over flat cais and rnnning Into box cara There are thousands of oars lu tne yards loaded with valuable merohon- dlsa and many can not be reaobed. Ltxcout, Neb., Aug. Id-The watorsara recalling from the Salt crcek bottom lamU a the olty almoat u rapidly u they roso Tuesday. They are leaving a sad record of property destroyed and weeks of work be- fore tbo poor people who suffered most will be In living shspe sgala All Tueaday night the Park eohool and vacant bulidluga were filled with refugees and all were fed and cared for by the city. In many of the houses six Inches of mud will have to be retooTed and much furniture hu Iweu liter- ally destroyed. Stock has been drowned 004 a number of narrow esoapea from death on tbe part of Individuala are re- ported. In the railroad yards almoat every track Is waahed out and luipassablo. Stocks ot grouerie* aud lumber and oool yards have Buffered. "I cannot praise Hood'a Sarsapanlln hair enough,'' aaya a mother whose son. almoat blind with scrofula, wax cured by this medicine. BISMARCK IS THE CAPITAL. 1 The North Dakota Convantlon "o Volet— , tire it Itrjolrliig There. Disuaxci . N. D, Aug IT—Tbe agony Is , over- Ulsmarok is made tho capital of l North Dakota in tha ooustitntion and tbe 1 other public Institutions are I oca tod u pie- | vloualy published At Friday night's ses. | slon of tbe oonventlon the capital I wu crowded When tbe artlole I locating the publiu instltutluug was reaobed Mesara. Pnrcell, of Wah- | peton; llartlett, of Griggs, and Jobn- i son. of Dakota tenewed their fillbuBteriag taolloa, but tlu-y were promptly sat upon, and tbe article wat sdopted by a vote of 4."i to '.'K When the j vote wu auueuiH-ed ihe immeuae con- oourao of vullora shook tbo cspltol with applauae. Hals were thrown In tbe air, Udiee waved their fans and bandkeroblefB and every body save thn repre.teutatlvea of the defeated oaudldiitos for tbe capital re- Joioed over tbe settlement ot tbo vexed qaestioa DISMABCK, N, D., Aug. lit. Tbe Const!- tntional oonventlon fiuisbed Its work Sat- urday night and adjourned tin- die BtUNA M T . Aug. Ill On Saturday tbe Constitutional convention adjourned sins di/. Wrei-kud by h Cow. V IKCENNKM, Ind, Aug. 10.—J, 0. I.yonawu killed outright, O W. Pauly fatally man-i fled, an engine and eight cars wrecked and ) a large number of cattle killed In an uoci-| dent Sunday at Moufeomery, twenty-five | miles trom hero. WhHa a freight train ot i tbe Ohio i Mlsslstlppi railway wu running at high speed It struok a cow, nnd tbe en- 1 glne and eight ears were thrown Into a ditch and demolished. KlgbUaa Hart. Lwcom, Neb., Aug. IB.—At 7;1« o'clock Sunday morning an Incoming paasengor train on tbe B. JiU. railway waa derailed two miles from tbe olty. A broken brake beam threw a switch o|Min, and two cars wero hurled down a lilah embankment Eighteen peraons were Injured more or less seriously, but all may rocover. To Meet In Nuvaluber. Wasuikotox, Aug. id-It Is now general- ly conoedod on all sldus that there will be an extra usaion of Congresa It Is bolloved that the I "resident bu at Ust made up hit mind definitely to oall both houses logotbur by the first week in November. Thre* I'ar.nn. Drowned. Dirroa, Taun., Aug. 17.-While crossing the rivor atew mlUs north of here Thurs- day night on thalr way bomo from a party a boat containing John Tarlnr, Will Holton and two sister" named Hughes upset Both ot the girls and Taylor were d owned tilamlsra In Chicago. CUICAOO, Ang. 17. —Gland urt, in a malig- nant form, has broken ont among the bo aes of the Lincoln loe Company. In tbo notthern part of the city Since Wednes- day nlgbl seventeen afllicted animals from one stable have binu killed Fatal eiplnilon. NEW VOW, Aug 17 F.t aping g is In tha bu ment of a crockery »tore at the corner of Grand nnd Clinton s'lroetg, Friday night, killed a buy who wn* pas-lng at ibj time and Injured about thirty other people. TUP. ENGINEER Of ihe Wakefield, Maw,, Rattan Worka, C. N. Young, wiya: In all casea of bil- ioufliieaaaccomiwnieil with those terrible sick head aches. I have found no oilier medicine that seems to lake hold and do the good that your Sulphur Bitters doea. It is the bt-H* i a n i i l j m e d i c i n e m a d e . HEART DISEASE. II you get short of ''reaih, have lint tering, pain in aide, faint or hungry spells, a woolen aiikles, eto., you have heart diaeapo, and don't fail to take Dr. Mill's New Cure Hold at Yeiter & Looks drug store. It Is Etllmalail That There Will Be *00,- 000 I'srtnna In Allendaiioa-rro|rainmo of Hie I'roeaedlngs—I'lans nf Ihe I'ropoaeil Nhth I llatlle. hii.wai'kki.' uirrrijio axAnr , MawAintrr, Aug. 17. It la estimated by csrefnlofliclala al enounipinent headquar- ters that there will in- in ly 40.01 tl genuine ! old veterans In ntteiiil.iiic.i at the enoamp- ment Several observing ealoiilators think tho average to esuh ol tha 40,OIU sol- I diets will be about firo lutsldera. In | which event there would lie a crowd of !MI,UUil people to be led and lurnlsbed qusrlers. These estimates are baud on numerous avenges taken by ulUcera f r o m requests for quarters di.ily received from old soldlets for thenis<\lvrs and families or immediate frieinhi, and from people not oonnected with the onit-r A general oider iiwued by Cominander-ln- Cnief Warner, under ilme of August 13, states tlint thn butlnoa aesaion of the twenty-lhird Nallonal encampment of tbe (Iraiid Anny of the llepubllo will cuuvsne at the West side Turner Hall. Milwaukee Wu, Wedues^ay. August 38, at 10 a in The .National Council ot Administration will*nieet at tbe Plank- Inton Bouse at .1 o'clo. k p m Monday, August 1ft Tbo parade will uko place Tuesday. Angus; 117, ami In- commanded by tha Commaud»r-lii-i. hli'f In peraon. Tlie line of march will not exceed two and oae-half miles In length. The Commander- in-Chief and stall will leavn Kanaaa City, Mo , at f p. m., August 2\ and prooend lo Milwaukee via tha Chicago ,t Alton rniir>ad, with the Kanau Olty division and such other escorts m shall Join his train. National h'-adquarters will bo ostabilsbed at tho I'iunklnton House The committee on murio esti- mates that there will lw 1U0 banda and drum corps at the enoampment All will aocompany potte or dopartmenta of the Grand Army Fifty bands have already signified Mi"!r In'entlon to be present I'be cillieut. rurf^idlena uf |>olltlua, cieed or previous condition of Indifference ore preparing to dncorato their houaos and lavni, and before the J7th Milwuuken will be the most- patrlolio looking city In the country. All Uiea < individual preparatlona, however, are iiihlgnlfii'ant In comparison with the prejniml ions for the grand naval battle which will bn fought in ihe bay on thn evening of Angnal '.i. Thore will ho In the bay during tho bLitis aixty-flve vesnds, including the United States gunboabi. murtar, flotilla, eto. Every thing is lielng airanged to make the scene aa reallmlo as possible. Tbssbel'Bto be us. d are made of paper, and have been so constructed th it on being projected thov will bo followed by the trail of fire that gives the red shell so Im- pressive an ppeniancn by night Tbe plan of be battle Involves tbe at- tempt to destroy tbo city under cover of night, which attemnt Is defeated by the bravery of the land forces In the forta Fif- teen hundred Infantry, supported by the mortar baUoriut. will constitute the de- fenae. The defending parly n 111 discover the approach of tho fleet by means of ths brilliant lUamluatlun of the luiy. an attack having been anticipated. Uy the use of search lights the land forces will be en- abled to watoh tbo maneuvering of ths ressala of tbe attaoklng force, Tha brill* lanoy of the search I'ght will be such that tha apectators on shore will lie enublnd to sm the men on the vessels loading thslr gnns. After an unsuocemiful effort to si- Janoa the land batteries, the enemy will at- tempt to land tbe marines In Btnidl boata These boata will be compelled to return, when tbe vessola will once mora open a telling fire oc tha fort*. One by one the veassls of the attaoklng fleet will be dlta- bledand oom|ielled to retire from action. One vessel will bu so hsdiy disabled tbst rather than leavn bcr to fail a prlte to tho land forces the enemy will set fire to her and blow up her magaiiue. To oarry ont the details nf tho above, the 13U plitv" of e iliii'iy. Including the mortara, and the l,.X<i Iniantry will require BU.OOU rounds uf uiiiiiiunltlou, S,KiO sheila, 4,900 rockew, and 7\W) blank car- Uldges. Tbn artillery will be In charge of the First Light Battery and the mortara will 14 managed by 100 picked men, who are now in train- ing. Captain J. B. Oliver, who U msnag- Icg the details of the bat le arrangomcnta, is an old soldier and uudvrntands what he la doing. He believes It will be the finest tinyal display ever mnde In this country. Tha battle will o|ien at 7:80 o'clook In the evening and uontiuue for about two bours. IOWA REPUBLICANS. Joseph O. Hntrliisoii Noinlnatwl Air Oot- emor. After u Hot l-'lghl. on the Twsn- ty-nnii Hallot. DasMotum, la. Aug. Ift- The Iowa He. publican Slate coiiTeutlun on the twenty, fifth ballot, Thursday, nouUnuuid Senator J. G. Uotoblson for Govcrnur. On the sea ondballotfor Meuteniuit-Uovemor, Sonator Poyneer, of Tama, wu cboeea Judga Otfen for Supreme Judge, Henry Sabln for State Saportntendent and Spenoer Smith tor BailraadlCommlsaluner were oondnated by acclamation. A platform was adopted and the oonventlon adjourned. I'be plat form demands "protection to American in- dustry when it does not foster trustsre- afflrms tho principle of Statu regmlatlon of railroads, declares againtt truaU, favors courts of arbitration for labor tionbtss and reaffirms the past utterances of tha party in lowa on prohibition, declaring that the party stand* for the complsle enforcement of tho law. Dr. Robinson, uf IniUanapalls, Dead. I ndianatous, Ind, Aug. Ill llov. It D. Bobinson, D. D. one uf tho most prominent Methodist ministers of tbn State, dropped dead at bis home on North Joijiey street about 10 o'clock Sunday night from n|io- plexy. He w u 71 yesrs ol age and leavos a wife and four nblldreu. nil grown. Dr. Kobinaon wu twice president of the Fort Wayne Melbudlst Kpiscupal College, litti to 1807 and 1077 to 1SS1. Rltal I'leniea. C uomo, Ang. 16—The Orouln demnn- stratloa at Oheiienbain beach Thursday was a great aooeesa, and w u attended by f r o m 10,000 to 10,1X10 pnrsons Ths Irish Nationalist demonttration at Ogden's grovs wu attondod by about 7,COO or 8,000, At both placo* resolutions dsnounclng Cronln's sssasalns weis adopteiL Growth of Ihe tinind Aruit, Kansas Cirr, Ma. Aug I'J. Commander- in-Chief Warner, of the tl A It. hu com- pleted his report for the post year, which will be submitted to tho Milwaukee ea- campmeat Tho report a owh a total meoibersbip of (I.'I,-'.'5, an lucreajM of .'41.- OU) memlwrs during the year, Vloallng an Immente l.oj Hoom. St. Cloud. Minn, Aug. ILL-The Mlune- spolUiloom Company's log-drive ruachsd ht Clou I SatiU'Uy morning, conlaluln; lOO.OW.UU f e e t Over li«i men are on tho irite It will reach Mtuneapolts wilhin •weniy uuj«. 13ASE-BALU. Slitnillng of thn Four Atsuelallons for the Weak Kmled Aiigntl 17. In ^he matter of games won and lost the leading base-bail clubs stand u follows! HAnilNAiTl.KAIIIIlt II AMr-MK An Aiwo's, - MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. in OosluD .vl-l.-l r-nllMI. Lomt Nsif VerW .. I. i « <i< llrookiyn Pnllsaeliihia. ivj lii '.Vl .D •llmmre (livelaail .... is II|, •'.•IMA hinilo Chlongo «: li. vi'ijlo nelnnau.. . IMlaouri|ii...l V.'H,. lit-; KuasatC ly.. Ind snsiwiis.. >• .'.j (in Columbut.,,. Washing en .,<1i 'i7i t'C I, ukv II- . WMTBHH UtAUim ISTKII-SrATK I.KAUUK. CLUBS. rtiilDAVearort.... U«i» . . Il'to OfflSbs. ...M|<7 BU Paul i v I - ClT.iHiirinslleld, Minneapolis . Mi itiumcv .. BiOUl cur IA 47u I'voria .... Denver . I t6> Hi 1 Kva itv.llu Bl. JUTEDH tills Hiirliaji.m. Muasuk) e ;li.M.40l:i .1.1liA.i Will 0es Moinet. SECESSION. American Foreiten Witlnlmn from Ihe KnelMb Order. MlXNEtroLi., Minn.. Aug 11 —Tbe sub- sidiary high court uf thn Anoinut Order ot Foresters on Thuisday voted to sever ail connoction with the high court of K- gland and organlut at an American high court. Tha dill renoen arum over the admission of colored tneu to the order, lbs I'ngUsh high court InsMing on it nnd tho Amerl- caos objecting The vote on tho dsolara- tion of independence developed a half doten op|>onent*. but It was carried On the opening of the aftiirnoon su-slun the six w ho voted against thn declnrutlun nf ludo- pendonce withdrew their votes and made It unsnlinoiis. It wa* voted not to send any notification of their action to England. There wu some dlsonssioii over tbe adoption of a name fur tbe new order, but finally sgroed u|>on tho "Ancient Order of Foresters of America. " ONE YEAR IN JAIL. This Is Ihe I'enall)' Impused on John I. Nnliivati, Ilia I'ujl Ul. Puhvis, Mlsa, Aug. 10 John L Sullivan, having been found guilty of pi Ire fighting, wu on Satin day Mmtencod to Imprlson- mont for one year, and FlUpatriek, the referee, wu fined IStKI. Pending thu mo- tion for a new trial Sullivan wo* released on ball und Immediately loft for Now York. Vlrylnm l^muorafo. Ricimomp, Va. Ang 1ft Thursday Cap. tain Phil W, McKlnnok' was nominaied for Oorernor asid John Hugo Tyler fur Unu. tenant-Gorernor by acdamaUon by the State Demooratlu convontlou. A plank wu inaertcd In tho platform favurlng the payment of peiiHlona to disabled veterans and widows and orphans of the Con- federaoy. Heavj t^i« hr Klro iu Mllwaukre. Mn.WAl!KXK. Aug. Ul —Firo yesturday afternoon compietfly ilea royed Ihe IIHi.MIO Stock Of whoii-sale drugs paints snd drug- gista' supplies of llecht A /uiuinnch, HKl Third street, aud tlie wboiosalo paper stock of ths Mlnnsiota Pnpi'i Company adjoin- ing. Total lr»i* on stock. I7.l,lii"i; on hiillil- Ing, I3U.00U; Iniuranoe, IHMltl Itohhail ul SA.nnil In lllnniuiid>. New Vohk. Aug. Ill .Mrs Johu P. Illch. ardsoo, tho wife uf a iloh resident of Chat- tanooga, Tenn , came to this elty with her husbsnd a few days ago and diseoverod ou her arrival that she bad It-en robbed of all her diamonds and Jewelry valued at over •XUtt There Is no ulow to thu robliet •Vol') NVw.liov. niiul OK Wasiiinoton, Aug. Ill - Tlie lllslrlct couu missinners have issued an order prohibit. Ing the crying of iiewapa|>ors before 7 a m . or alter 10:3i a m. on Sunduya Heretofore ths resldeuce seetlons of the uspltnl have been made noisy ail through Sunday by the newsboya A Failure. 8riUK-iiriia.ii, Mass , Aug. ill-Tlio mills ot ths Shaw Manufacturing Company at Wales have shut down and attochmeiits have been plno d on the goods this week. About 800 hands were employed, and the llablU- tlss will amount to over HOU.IXW. To I'rlnl Our I'oalal Cards. Washinutos. Aug. 17 Tho acting Post- innBter-Ooneral, Mr. I'lsrkson, hat uwarded thn contract for turiil<<liing post il cards to the doparlmout during tlie next four years to Albert Daggett, of llrauklyn, N. V.. for 1800,000. Klrelrleat Loooniutlon. COICAOO, Aug. 17.—At Ottawa, UL, Thurs- day, tha uuun track of the oleetrlc railway wu comploted, and oars were run from Madlaon street to ths Driving Park. This Is the first olectrio system opersted In HU. nola Aa Old Hettler tlesit CincAoo", Ang. 17.—Willi* Scott, the eldest white resident In Chicago, having llvod here for over sixty years-iied Thurnday night, aged i\> yours and .1 months. Mr. Scott came to Chicngo on August 'Jo, IH.iV THE MARKETS. HAY FEVER. I have been n periodical siilTi rer from buy fever since the siininier of 187fl. and until I used Ely's Cream Balm wn* never able to And relief. I can trutbfully say that the Cream Balm cured me. I r— aiird it aa of great value a»d would not bo without it durim the buy fever sea- son.—L. M. Ueorgiii,BingliBinpion,N Y. I can cheerfully recommend Ely's Cream Balm to tho sulTcring public for ha/ fever and sUippage of tho nunal |>aa- sages. I have tried il and find it gives immediate relief.—J. E. Rector, Little Rock, Ark. IKK. Aug. m is «n Hi ID 4 oo nt t a if a&o) a -II II 4 W) • a a » ss >: it 1 *1 MVt 48 O 411 ai ic M M Vii MS II 71 Ul> 'O C .-,9 U 0 61 W <» M 13 75 O 4 85 I SI « » n * mi tt V M 1! SO a 1 K) - s i asm IS) H i 7J 4 Jt » 4 W 0 Ift 9 4 (X) 11401 I7!i UHO 1J H ri ^ S'iA S!i M H 10 y vi u v »> e -ji a o 4 fl ue S M 4 40 « 4 SO J :o « J 40 a SO ft 4 M t7S •» TS a s a la'i Itt^a ton 41 o 4S M tt MH 17 00 airao M 00 QSI 00 isco {jneo n so u l t oo s IO Q X 10 (40 IB I W II 00 a 4 CO 3uo u«rj 4 is a 4 a) 3 70 a «10 3 TS C t 00 < CO u. 3 W 14 W 0 4 M 1 !0 6i*-A 3 'JO « 4 0J THE "MOTHERS FRIEND" Not onlv shortens labor nnd lessens pain attending it,but greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother nnd child if used a few months before run- flnemeiil. Write to The Ilradlleld's Regulator Co . Atlnnta. Ua.. for further particulm-s. Sold by all druggists. THEUREAT-M. P. By M. 1'. is ment Mill's JVepv ami Lhrr Pills which regulate the liver, Ntomai-h. Iiowels. elo., through their nerves. Smallest and uiildeet. /I new principle.' A revolutionlxer I Samples free al Yciler and Lookt. Ntw Yi uve stock Bneep. FL^ul?—tiooii lo CbViice.'..;! ,. Palenu . .. ... WlUtAT—No. J Kert No. I Wulle.., CORN-Nu. t While OATS—No. K While BYS—Western TOHK-Mets LAUD—Sleam CHEESE WOOL—IXiinftlie CHICAdO. BEEVES—Shipping Steers.... Cows Htookers Feeder* Uutelien.' Bloeli Infer or Cnllle HOOS—Live—Hood lo Cuoire, SHEEP UDTTER-Cn-ainerv Good loChuiec I'll ry EQOS-Froh BROOM CORN- Kelf-Worliins Hurl... lafer or... POTATOKS-Ne* iliail.l . . PORK—Mest LAltD-Bieam FLOlIR-Bpnng Palenu ; Winter Paienit ..— ... n.ikers' Blraighlt QRAIN-Whea', No. i Corn, No. J . Oats, No. t. . Hie, Na * Barb ~ " LUMUE. Commim Dreueil Siding.. Floor.ng Common lloanlt fencing Lath Shingles KANSAS I ITV. CATTLE-Bet I Fair lo Good HOOS—ll-si M-dium SHEEP-He>i Iloa.um.. CATTLE-Best. Medium . . HOOS UMAHA. MICHIGAN GRAPHITE. looshanttllile liaiintilt nf Oootl IJnallly Koiin l In llneaxM County. It has Ih'iiu known for the |>ast twenty years thai graphite ovlstnd In nonsidarable quantltios In llnragn l onnty, not far trom L'Anse, but it hat not honn till recently that any IttMiipt to prodnco the mineral for oommereial use bn* been made. Tha Daraga Orsplilui Con-pany, composed of Detroit and local capilnlitts, ia now work- ing a smail force ol in n U-twuen L'Anse and Avon. A vein of gruphila of several test In width, near a deep ravine is being worked on The vronnd covering ths seam of mineral Is nuiioved by luborora, after which th Mack iead Is l-lasted out lu huge ehnnks Owing to Its loftnoKs It Is not nuoessary to use dynamite, a* In the Iron and coppor mines, ordinary coarse blast* Ing powder doing the work as well. From bore tbe inlneinl, Jutt as it cornea from the mine, i- shlpp'd to Detroit, where It Is prepared fur tiio nmrket The rock U baited much as in a lloiiilng mill, and comes out finely powdered The uses of graphite aro growing more uumorout everr year, while tho American supply, which comes ohi' lly from Vermont, does not In* creass. The better i|Uallty of graphite U used for lead pencils, while Inforiorgradoa are ntlhted for stove polish and Inbri* cants. Black lead as a lubrlc.itor Is In high favor among machlnltla, and Its consnmp. Con for this use will mauirially increuo. By a newly-discovered process finely- pulverlted graphite is injected Into molten Iran and made to furnish tbe carbon re- qnlred In making steel from Iron. The de- tails tof the process aro of eonrse kept secret by tbo Inventor. The problem la to find a deposit ol graphite largo enough to anpply all the mineral needed at low cost Tho mine owners believe they have fonnd what Is required. The graphite deposits are very extensive, and are pronounced by good Judges equal to those of Vermont. JUlehigaD County Pairs. Hay, Bay Oily 8«pt 17-11 Harry, Uastlags Oct. H ilraaoh. Coldwsler Sept. >1-71 Calhoun, Uanhall Ool. 1-4 Clare, Harrison Sept. «l »1 Clinton. St. John Oct 1-4 Kitoa, Charlotte Oct. 1-1 Osneiee, Fl nl Oct. 1-4 Cladwln, Oladmn Sept. M '.l Orand Travorte, Travorto C ly Sept. 17-4 Hillidaie, Hilltdals Oct 1-4 Ingham, Matoa Sept. IS-n Ituhelia. Mount Pleataul Sep. SS-rJ Kalamatno, Kidarnszoo Oct 14 Kent, Orand Rapids Sept. CVJ! La Peer. La Peer Sept. 30 OoL I Lenawee, Adriance Sept, f4-M Mj co in I', Mount Clemeas Ool. K-4 Msson, Ludlnglon Sept. IMS Mecosta, B g Rapids SopL 17-11 Midlaad, Midland Ool. M Monlaulm. Stsnlon Sept. 84 Muikegon. Mntkegen Sept. IK-Sfl Oakland, Ponliae O c t 1-4 Oetana. Hart Oct-1-4 Ogemaw. West Branch Sept. >l-M Oltego, Uaylord Sept. K M Roscommon. Roscommon Sept 1MI Ssglnaw. Saginaw Sept 23-71 Wuhlenaw, Ann Arbor Sept M-il Wayne. Dotrolt Sept U-SI Weiford, Cadillac Oct U Wanlail to Have Ilia Hal. A man who went to Oa-at-ka bench the other morning on tbo propeller Luollle, lust his hat shout three-quarters of a mile from shore before landing. Ho engaged a small boat and rowsd ont to about where hs ex- pected to find Ihe hat, when his boat swamped aud throw him out He caught hold of o n j of the fish-net stakes, and It was there that tbe ateame; Burt found him two hours later, nearly exhausted. A hear- ing Une was thrown to him and passed around his body, after which ha was drawn aboard. A FuTorlta With llur«lars. The olothing store of Frank Jersey, al Heed City, was entered by burglars thS other night and a large sack filled with olothing was taken out and hid under an nnoccupled building In tha rear ol ths store, where It wss found about nine o'clock ths nnxt morning. A llfcht left In tbe stors was turned out by tbe burglars, butfoi soma reason ths night watoh did not oh serve It The some store waa burglarUed about four montha ago when the watohmeo were on duty. Ilasllh In Bllehlfan. Beporta to tho State Board of Health by fifty-live observers In different parti of tin State for ths week ended August 10 lndl< cated that cholera Infantum, cholen morhtu, erysipelas, ccrebro-splnal menin- gitis, typhoid fever (cnterlol and typho. malarial fover luornssud, and lutormlttenl fever decrossod In area of prevaJouoo. Diphtheria wat reported at tw elve place* soarlet ffiver at nine, typhoid fover al fonrtsen and measles at five places. Opinm Hmuggliog Dlseovarod. A man who lives near Point Lookont re- ported that while lying upon the sborea few nights slace hs saw two men oome trom a scow which was anchored a short distance from tbo land, carrying a bag, and that he watched them. He olalma that they burled this bag in tbe saud, nnd that aftor their departure he resiirreotod It and found shout eighty pounds ot opium. Cnlted Blaise Deputy Le Roux has been notlBnd and will Investigate the matter. A 1'aoullar Ceiaoidsaee. Ball, Bannhnrt A Putnam, recently ol Orand Bapldi, together with Spring A 0a, of tbe same place, closed np C. Abram'i store nt Muliiken on a chattel mortgage of several hundred dollars un their stock ol groceries, provisions dry-goods, etc., and posted a notice of ths day ol sale. Ons night Just before the sale thisveB entered the store nnd stole the whole stock, leaving nnthlnir hnt emntv shelves. A boy is wanted at this oiHcc. One who cuh I m> trusted, is not afraid of woi-k, can board nt home and has n fair understanding ol spelling and grammar. Sffis JheBestand Purest Medicine{ EVER MADE. ( kflwlUdri ve ths Humnr from yourl ksysicm, snd nuke your sklul -• -| and seioolh. Thoael nplea and Blolrhral rMd . „-, v _-Jch mar your beauty <' •), / , ^karecnuiHxl hy imiiuie r ' i V'l^^hlood. sm I can be A." « '</ ^V.'tTfcV"!niove.llnashoil ificWwise and u h V V'V A^^Luio great //A}. </ % 'uj A^tLbloodpu The Doso snuill—only spoonful. Iirat and roodldiie. you w III Ii- - list it of your Druggist. DoxTWair. GETtTAio.vc I If vnu nre mffi'ring fnen I nev lU5Ca«e. and with to hi- ... ^ I old age, u«! SL'I.Plint BITTKIU^ I They never fall to cure. MUnrted. l -r 4* a-V tl- • I • IWI Send a arent Mamps to A. P. Urdu ay A Co- Bu sum. Mats., fur heal mollcal wurk pubilahudr W HAT meant iiv ' free alkali." Doctor? 1 see it mentioned in the advcrtisi-inents of I vokv S oap." " ' Free Alkali,' Mad m, is the alkali which is not combined with the fats or oils of which the soap i-. made, due to the ignorance or carelessness of the soap maker. Soaps in which 'free alkali' is present are decidedly injurious to boih the clothing and the skin when habitually used. I have seen reports of analysis made o f t h e Ivory Soap b y m e n emin-iit in our profession, and all pronounce it lo contain no 'free alkali,' to be made with great care and o f n A - terials of the best quality, carefully selected, so I unhesitatingly rec- ommend it for every purpose about the house for which good soap is required." A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represenicd to be "just as good as Ihe ' ivory" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack Ihe peculiar and remarkable qualiliet of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright Itofi, hy Procier i 'iamhle. L S A 2 T ' & Business College (ESTABLISHED 7 YEARS.) Shepard-Hartman Building, - Fountain SI. GRAND RAPIDS INSTRUCTION GIVES IS Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, Telegraphy, Pen- manship and Business Formii J. U. LEAN. noil's Cpltoa Hoot romnotinS.-Tom- wSrd of folinn Hoot Tnns/ sad IVnljr imal. SarMsafMllii WKTisunU/tk Jsre, F-ffrctusl. Ptesssnt. tl by msllotdta* 80I1I in Lowell bv W. 8. WLSEQAB. lumlier Yard. MISNER & BURDICK, LUMBER, LATB & SHINGLES. Yard at rear of Train's Hotel, Lowell. Mich. OXZAS. IiA/WSTBH, ruonuitTOK NATIONAL HOTEL, Sear D.. O. H. A M. Dfpol, T.i-Nttr C1T.T, . zxzan. First Class Board aud Koomsat RraaoBais Kates Li.ory and Peed (jtuble iu Connertlou NELSON, MATTER &C0., Retail RoomS) 33. 35 & 37 Canal St., Grand Rapids, - Mich. Fancy Chairs and Rockers, Bedroom Suites, in all woods, Cheap, Medium and Expen- sive. Parlor Suites and Odd Pieces, any combination of colors. Fancy Baskets, Tab- les—Center and Dining, Book Cases, Writing Desks - Ladies and Office, Side Boards, Shef- foniers, Lace and Heavy Cur- tains. Largest & Most Varied Stock IN MICUIQAN. SEE OUR STOCK FIRST. To Invalid and Wounded SOLDIERSI riic utulerafKnt-d nt tlie request of many Invaliil Soldiers, lius qualified and . luM'ti a d m i t t e d to prantic« in the Interior Department, and all llu- bureaus thereol and is now Readv lo Prosecute Claims, fur those tbnt may be entitled to PEN- MION and UOUNTY. MILTON M. PERRY. Milton M. Perry, Attorney A Counselor at Law, frain's Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich. Hjiwlsl attention given to CoIIectlou ConveyancinK, Loans and Sale "f Heal Estate. ^J. JOANS, AUCTIONEIRT 16 Years Exoeriouce Farm or other property sold. Charg- es iviisonnble and Satisfaction Guaran- teed. Orders left at the JOURNAL office will receive uromut attention. Myl FREE CONSULTATION 1>1J. A. U, SPINNEY, OF UETKOIT, Will !«• in I||P iutliliini IIOIIM. Orand Rapids, oa tin- i i of i-ach iiiuiiiK only, Sprdsl allrntlon Klycn lo Catarrh. Ky«. Kar. Throat and Lane UlMiurK. Al«o Heclsl, l lci |ne and Prival* UIUMSM. FRANK C. AIGER^ Attomo.r nt Law. Collections Given Prompt Attention MONEY TO LOAN AT CWitHENT RATES, AND 1NSUKANCE VHTTTtK. I mon mack. - 1 OIVEI.L, MIOU AT J . E . L E E ' S M E A T M A R K E T Ou thu HnilKO. will alrsTf found Ihs I'lmlivm vuu of Mmi. FiahanV Poul- try in thulr ssasoas, at Prices Alaaya Unsoiiabls. J". ii. LEE. . Lowell, Mich. New Grocery. A Clean New Stock of Groeeries AND Provisions IN THE Graham Block Give Us Your Trade! We will use you well. Prices low as the low- est. Your 1'itroiiago Respectfully Solicited. A S. MOUNT
Page 1: LOWELL JOURNAL,lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1889/08_August/08-21...LOWELL JOURNAL, One Dollar a Year. 0££los in Train's Opera House Blook. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXV.

LOWELL JOURNAL, One Dollar a Year. 0££los in Train's Opera House Blook. Three Cents Per Copy


S L A I X F O R A B L O W .

D n v l d 8. T o r r y , a N o t o r i o u s C h n r . a o t e r In O B l l f d r a l n , K i l l ed .

Bulillng a Oruilga A} ililtt J i i . l l ra Ktalit. U* Rliip* lllm In ih« f ao r , anil It

Mml Tliraii |h Ilia l l t a r l li) • Uaputy Manhal.

ncTAiwi o r h i * MimuEH Bin FmNumcn, Aug. I \ - D a r l ( l R Terry.

•x-Cftirf JiuUca of Ui<i Huprema Court of ('•IKornl*. wm shot nnd k l l l f " ! at 7:,10 u'olork j r i i a t n n l a y momliiK In • railway rntliiK kUtlunal Ijilh rum I'nL, by Deputy t'olu-d HtatnaMmhal 1)a»M N a kI«. Tli ii •boolliiK wa* tbe ra-•ult i>f n |ier»uiial a»-nault *bloh J u d | «

f Terry wm umklnir nit-on Jii<llra Hlephen J. H M, of the Unltml S t a l l ' s Hup r s m •

ix- judok m a t . M n n ^ w h | | ( , t h o |R t -tor wa» •entud a t tbe breakfart tabla. Judgo Torry had appioaohod Jiulloo f i e l d from tbe roar ami elupped tbn Jurlat Id tlis fnoc svlth hl« Imml and wax Id tbe act of atrlkluir hlui a wcond Um« when Deputy Najrle, who had warned 'J ml r e

JT (Terry to Mop. ilrnw a revolver andahoft tfce > la t ter throuirh the heart, kllllnr him In-

itantly. Duputy Nayle wan nutlnit a* body, guard to Jmtli-o Field, uuder utrlct otdore emanating from tlie Department of Juittoe at Waiblnirtou to protatl the pereon of the Jarlst from iwmonsl n««auU nt all baEarda

Tho Boutb-bound overland t ra la a r t lAd a t Latbrop Bbortly after 7:8J o'olook and Juit ioe Field entered the rnllway rental!-ran t and took n eent • abort dlntam a f rom tho main entranoo. Deonty .NuRle took a • ea t a t his Ride Judge Terry and wlfn en-tered tbe room alraoxt Immediately a f t e r -

' ward and took aeuU • t a table dl.Uiit poe-albly twenty feet from

' tha t a t whieb Juxtloe Field w u seated. Mm Man. tkiiiit. Terry Initantly recognized Judge Field and a t ouce loft the room, returning to tbo Bleeping oonoh. Hha returned again toward the dining-room with • -Mohel In her hanil, but waa met at the door by tbe proprietor of tbe reMeurant, who knew all of the partirA and who refiiMd her admUalon.

In tbe meaqtline Judge l e r r y aat at his table, never Ukli ighle eyr« from Juatloe Field. Finally he roue aud walked toward the door, pawing In the rear of Mr. Field. When oppoalto the latter be turned and a track him from the rear on the aide of tbe faoe. Deputy Nagle roae and cried out, "Btop! atop!" but Terry hnd rnl«ed bla clenched II-t for another blow whea the fatal ahot wna tired A eecond abot 1m-nedla te ly followed, but the form of Terry had fallen to the floor. He did not utter a word.

The alarmi-d people in the room Im-mediately It-It. while Deputy Nagle an-

n o u n c e d to every body that hu wni a United Statea officer in tbe perlormauoe of hla duty, and warned .eveiy one not to mo-leat hliu. B e a n d Jnntioa Field then re-lumed to t h t aleep-lug-civ. In the kneau-Ume Sir*. Terry re-turned to the dining room, and, when made

of her hunhand, made •war* of tbe to U a n l tbn r-car con-• loeping-d Jnrtgo aud deputy. Bar aaobel

an atte tAlnl traa u i taa away from her, aud It w u found to contata a ravolver. She appealad to the crowd to make an attack on tbe ear and to aelie Judge Field, contending that ha had killed Judge Terry.

Tti* r o i n m ' a vehDICT. B ioci ton, Cat . Aug. 14 -An In^uent waa

held over the reiualai of Judge Terrr, who waakltled by Deputy Tnlted UtatMltarahul Kagle Wadaea<lay. and the following ver diet waa returned!

"We, the jury. bMleva that David Terry same to b • death ir.nn n gunthot wound in-flicted by David Narle. and reeommend thai he he heU In eualodr ami lrie<J far murder "

KXCIIMIKSr IN RAN riUHCrtCa Bam Fbam'.-inco, Any. l.'i.—The aunouuee-

ment that Judge David H Terry had been ahot and klllnd In tbo railway depot at Lathrop, Cul. an the remit of an attempt to provoke a peraonal euoounter wllli Justice Btephen J. Field, of the United Ktates Hupreme Conrt, cniiHed extraordinary excltemant In this d ty . The scone of the tragedy Is olgbty-three miles from this city by rail, and Is a break-faitlng station for tbe Houthern Over-la id t ra la Tbe |>orailhlll^y of an en* oounter between Terry anil Juatlce Field has bean rocognlred ever slnde the Itn* prlaonmant of Terry for contempt of oonrt, ten montba nun, and owing to the known temper of tho man who killed United Stales Senator Jlrudnrink In the early days of Cali-fornia

Terry waa uiarrlnd to Sarah Althea Hill, . who oklmed to be the wife 'of ax-flonator

Sharon, while proaeoutlug her claim against the Hharou estate. This brought him I t to a rosentful attitude toward Jnatlce Field, who last year rendered • decision In thn United States Circuit Court, in this city, denying her claim to be tho wife of Sharon. Mrs. Terry created a scene In conrt daring the reading of the docUlon, charging Juatlce Field with being corrupt, and as aha refused to remain quiet Juatloe Field ordnred that she be removed from court. When a deputy attempted to carry out the older ct the court aha becaine Involved In a personal quar-rel with the offlolal, and Jaiut Tarry In-terfered, drawing a dagger from bla vest. Ha w u dlaarmed, and both Torry and hit Wife adjudged In contempt and committed to]alL

In the meantime Justice Field went to Waxhiugton to resume his dntles on the bench, returning to this city six wanks- ago. Newapaiier artlolea were printed InUmnting that It would be dangerous for Justloe Field and Judge Terry to meet peraonally, aalt waa thought tho latter might Insult the former, while the fact was also reoognlxed that Juatico Field w ould be ijulok to resent an attack from Torry, knowing it could only result fatally to one or the other, la view of the latter'a reoord. Vhathar Judge Terry hod intended to

Gvoke Justice Field, and draw a wejpou jre the latter oould turn, ia, of ooura*,

not known, as Deputy Nagle, who aat op-posite, prevented this by Briug his shot, re* aultlng In the instant death of Terry,

ri.*anc* n r i D ' s aroat . San Vbadcihoo, Aug. 111.—The Southern

CTdrlaad train arrived at the aut ion In Oaklmd shortly after II o'clock a m. A great ormvil bad collected, telegrapblo U-talllgtiuM of thn U th rop Uago<ly_ having preceded the arrivnj of tho tialn. 'and tbe alaopinp-car In which Justice Field was alt-ting waa at onoe besieged by United States

Ur. W m . H. Thompaon of thp Unl-v r r m i y of tho City of New York any*: ••Tht* nymploms of illwaaed kidi i ryr will flint •pp«'Hr in tlif m r e m e l y i l i i ferrnt IMrtsiif tim body.' Trra* the kldneyb and not tli" "ffi'CtR of kidnny dlscaw, hy ua-jug Wnrner ' t Kafo Cur*.

Avcr ' s Hair Vigor rmtoree color and t i tn l i ly to w w k umlRray hair. T h m u g h lie heal ing and-cli«n«fti|C quallliea, it u r c y e n U the accumulat ion of dandniff and curee all scalp dlaeaaee. The beat hair drtoning ever made, and by f a r the moat economical.

oOelals and m-wspaper >aab. Jiintli-e Field maintained hl« qtile* donieuimr and nar-rated to a prais leprewatallve l hu follow-ing partieulsrs of ihn shooting

"I euu I'll vou the story m a aords. Fot the isat lew ra.-nihs all manner of reports, both public «nJ pi-rson ii. hsv- inw hed me that Judge Terrr hsd Ihrealrned lu «uU)ecl uis to some Indisnlljr 11 hs should hnpnen to meet ms. Thlt Isn caused Hie I'niled Slal»» Mnr Shsi to dend" In prov d" such rniirut'nn in hn eould durlnK Wf star in Ih . f«iul«, ft'lien I Slaried fur l-os ADgel«s to liuld c urt Deputy Nagis aceoinpanieil me. lie seemed lo be a quivk (sntlenunly om-ul, ihuugh I ohly BSI U m (wire while awsy from I /n Aafmas. Ill- aikrd ius lo that edf whan I in-tended lo m urn and sccomiianlrd in •, iskmi a seal in the •ie<'|ilii«-oar oii|Mi>iie to ms. We heard thst Ju ige Torry snd h1* wife were ua the train, but paid no atlenisn to the f int. When we nrrlved sl Lalbtop we entered the esttog ttstlon lo get bresklast. I inon s ssut at the end nf Hie mule. Safle sal on one side of me. Terrj and hit wife cssne in Ihe room soon after. At toon ss Mrs. Terry saw me stas wantoolotllie room, as 1 sflerwsrd learned, relurn oi to ihe car for her .iic-iel.' Judge Tsrry ro«e, nod Isuppo.ed he laleniliU secora-psnylnit her. Instead of dulng nu be walked back of nie sad slraek me a heuiir slao la the face. I was complmeiy astonishi u. and, teeing hewa« making r-sdr to slr ke oguin, Naale cried out! 'Hior. stup,' but Teirj did not de-sist, and as he wat railing hit nnn u second time Nsgle shot at him, the boll-l amerlna his heart He fell lo the tinor. Nagio tbool ng a second time, bat the seoond thni uoi strlalng him. N'sgla waa arretted si Truer snd laken 10 Sioo iton lo await tlie retuli nt the Inquest Tbsl is lbs eomnleui tlory, t<i far ai 1 am awarn of the facts."

oaoLUKif 10 raoTEci t u l l uancc . Proteotlon « ua accorded to Justice Field,

It ia claimed, by authority of United Statea Attorney-llenural Miller, who telegraphed from Wiiahlngton to the toatshal of the dla-trlet to see that the person of the Juatlce w u protected at any haxard. The order er -tended alio to JudgnBawyer, of the United States Circuit Court, lu tbiaolly, upon whom Mm Terry made a personsl aaaault last Tear while on a railway train accompanied by Judge Terry. Tbe order wa« bated upon tills faot and U|>nn threats deolared to have been made openly by Terry against Juatloe Field. Deputy Marshal Naglu waa dlreotod to accompany Juatloe Field under this or-der.

r c a n r g r i x t u AiiaKHTXO. San FraNi'IBI'o, Aug, IT. Justice Stephen

J. Field, of tlie United States Supreme Court, w u arrested here Friday on a charge of being a party to thn killing of David R Torry at lathrop lait Wednea lay morn-ing. Tho nppHcatlou for n writ of habeas corpus «b- 'it omie made, and the matter wax heard by Judge Sawyer, o f ' the United State" I Iroult Court, who gruuted 'bo writ and re-leased Justice Field on a.'>,lOi ball Judga Hnwrer le t tho rase lor hourlug for next Thursday mMulug

A M A J L - P O U C H S T O L E N .

I t Was Raid to CunUIn •10,000 or More —No d e w to ihn Bobbsra.

flt. Louxa, Ang. ll>. -When tue fu t -ma l l train from Mow i o rk arrived al«out J o'olook Sunday moralng over tbn Vauiialla road the head mail olark,CbarleaDeshiolda, noti-fied Thomas . Culkln, luperiulendent of malll a t tha poat-olUoe. of a robbery of his car a t Terra Haute, lud. Tbe that lu-timatlon be hail of the robbery w u when the train reached F.ttlnfbam, sixty tullei this side of Terre Haute He there re . oaivad a telegam trom the station ogunt at T a n * Haute, u k l u g him If he h d not last a mail-pouch. He madn an examination and fonnd his Albany pouch milling, and when tha train reaehed Tandnlln. I l l , he so telegraphed the agent at Term Haute.

The pouch had been out ojnm aud rifled, all tha registered letters having been se-cured by the thieves The pouch con-Ulned principally oborka and money for oattla-dealers of this city, but tho amount 11 known only In Albany. I t Is known, however, that the amount will reach #10,. 000 and posMbly a muoh larger figure The Qovernment deteotlvea are bard at work on tha cue .

Postmaster Hyde said that tbe packages poailbly might contain large auma of money. Many of them probably had romlUances oorerlng aoveraloar-loadsof cattle and thla would swell the total amount np to a consid-erable flgurn Checks were donbtlosa sent on aome, and In t huu cases no loy would be instained u l d e from the inconvenlonce and delay. _ _ _ _ _

wi l l Meet the Issne. PirxaauBon. P a , Aug. ia—The Helton

for the South Fork fc'iahingand HuuuurfClub h u filed a plea of not gulK In tha ouae of Nauoy W. Little and children against the club. The caaa will be tried by a Jury na aoon u Ita torn oomsa upon tbe oalenii-r. Thla plea waa a voluntary one, and dufeud-anta do nut genepilly plead until so mlad bytha oourL It allows that the club In not ihrinklng the issne, aud la anxloua to bavn tbe matt-ir u t t l e d u aoon u possible

llurrlrann 111 Apala. Mtuiun, Aug. IB—A U-nillo hurricane

awept over the Boutheru part of Spain Sat-nrtlay oauslog Immanse damagi to prop-erty. A number ot houses and chnroboa in Oranadu were wreoked and part of tha dome of tbn famoua obureh of Son Fallpa w u blown down Tbn Alhauibra w u ahio damaged.

Heath of William Thaw. PnTHBi'Hoit, Pa., Aug. 19 —Word w u r e .

oeived here Hiiurday of tho death In Parla of William Thaw, vloo-prealdent of the PennsyivanlH Kalway Company, aged aevanty-one yeurt. He w u a prominent railroader and philanthropist, whose wealth w u oomputod at JVW.OOO.OOO.

Death of ('ungn>s*man Ijilrd. Bia iuraa , Neb, Aug. I f t - J a m e s lAlrd

died a t hla home In thlt placu on fiatnrday, aged 40 yeara. He served In tbe Army of tha Potomac daring thn war, and waa elect d to tho Forty-olghth and Forty-nlnth Congressps and w u re-eleotud to the Fiftieth Congress as a Republican.

"Old IIlank Joe " Is Unad. New Voaa. Aug. 17 Tho original of

tho famous sung, "Old Black Joo," died at Mount Holly, N. J., Tburaday in a little cabin on the outskirts of the town. Hla name w u Joaeph Queun and he w u nn-doubtndly the oldest tain In the State, lie-Ing Uil years of ago

A Kavolulluuitrj Hera HaworeiL W n t c s s a m , P a . Ang. 17. Hrrvloea wore

held Friday around the grave of Oeneral Daaiel Morgan, of revoiutlonnry fame, by |UU f a c h e r a from dlHorent porta of tbe State who are attending tha Penbody Nor-mal lnautuw._

tilvan Fourleen Vaars. Maw Vohk, Aug. 17.—Eben & Aflen, tha

defanltlng ex prealilant ot tbo Forty-teoond and Grand Sue t Fernp railroad, of thla city, w u aantenoed Friday to seven yotrs' impriionment at hard labor on eaoh of tbe two IntUoluanlB-fourtoou years In al l

Hud of Naw Maniptiilrw Legltlalnre. Concord, X. H., Aug. 10.-Governor

Oeodell h u prorqgueil the legislature. During ,th» tewion the Uovarnor has ap-proved KM bills and flfty-soven Joint resolu tlona and vetooed one act

Daaih of Kara Rernhanll ' t lluthaml. Pikia, Aug. Ifli-M. Pamnla, the hus-

band of Sara llornhoidt, died Humlay ot oo rubral oongostlon.


P r o d u c e d f rom the cxa t i ve a n d nu t r l tiouB Juice nf OellfomiA figs, oombmed wi th t h e inedlcal virtuoa of tlia p lanU

k n o w n to be the mewt beneBdal to Hie h u m a n ayatem, acta gent ly on th» kai-neya, l iver nnd bowels,eflectuaily cloann-ing t h e avrtem dieuelling colds nnd heivt acncM, and c u n n g h a b i t u a l conatipntion.

A S C O A E L O S T . T I 1 K K N C A M P M E N T .

T e r r i b l e R e s u l t of a F u r i o u s ST-orm | V e t e r a n n J u b i l a n t O v e r t h e P p o b -In K n n a a R p o o t of I t a F u o o o a s .

Twenty Persons said to Have Uewn Killed — Manr Miles of t ' .iunlrr rioodea—

Omi t tiamaga to C'ropt-Dlt-treaa at Lmeolu, Neli.

A wani ian DKLtma Kansas Ci t t , Ma, Aug. la—The storm

which pnssed over the M aaourl valley Mon-day night was Uie nioetdlautrona known to thla aei'tlou tills suasou. Over twentv per-sona, It Is said, were killed by lightning, and the liamsgn ' In unlmnls klllod and ruined ouips will tun up over half a million doilara This, of oonrae, inoludea the damage lo rallioad* Among tboae killed were a son of II. II. Silver at Cort-land, Nob ; tleorgo Warner and Ueorge Klobntdson of Dawson, Neb j E Winkler. ol Wintborp. Mo; U. Hunter, of llamiin, Kaa, and Fred Cue , of Olathe, Kan IteporU from other towns stain that there were fatailtleo, but u yet glre few partlciilBrs. Tbe whole oountry between Kansas City and To-

Eka were flooded by Tuesday's s t o m . mo of tbe trains on the Southern Kanau

and Sania Fe were uliandonod A strong wind aconmpanlrd the rain, and la many plaoot thn corn nus buntcn Bat Thla stoim «it<-iided over a couaid-arable part of Knnsna and Nebraska. St Joseph, lliawatb i, AlchisoB, Leavenworth, and u far west u Pawnee City rejiort damage by water, ball and llgbtnlng. William Curran, a huoketer, 6J years of age, w u drowned In a swollen stream near Ford's branch Monday night and h u body was found yesterday Curran lived at Clinton, Mo

Uncoi.ii, Neb, Aug U.—Unooln h u hardly known snub u Hood at she Is nuw exper enclng since tha date of her settle-ment Mure than U,liuu Lincoln housea In the valley of Salt crook ate submerged. The water bos been rising rapidly for thlrty-ilx bouia At mldulglu Monday the cieek began to overflow Ita banks, and hundreds ot |>eople were aransed from ibeir slei-p by tbn water rushing Into their huuMK Daylight mw a pitiable sight. Women with ohildron In their arms were'struggling through tbe water, and in every house the furniture w u afloat Hy that time all trnffic bad stopped on tlie hiindreils of tracks In tbe Bnrlington and Union Pacillo ynrda, snd daring the rhn le of tbe day none but malu line trains were mu.

Tranaler wngons, diays und other ve. hiolas were prosaed Into service, and by noon nearly every one had Imiuiv trans-ferred to dry groiind

Tbe damage Is enormous. Mure than S.OOO homes are under wnuir, with tbe furniture, curpete and bedding aoaking in water. Uuakstall A Stout's ptaeesd-brlok works are under four (eet of water. At tlie wareboiue of tbo Western Furniture Company tho water Is over flat cais and rnnning Into box cara There are thousands of oars lu tne yards loaded with valuable merohon-dlsa and many can not be reaobed.

Ltxcout, Neb., Aug. I d - T h e watorsara recalling from the Salt crcek bottom lamU a the olty almoat u rapidly u they roso Tuesday. They are leaving a sad record of property destroyed and weeks of work be-fore tbo poor people who suffered most will be In living shspe sgala All Tueaday night the Park eohool and vacant bulidluga were filled with refugees and all were fed and cared for by the city. In many of the houses six Inches of mud will have to be retooTed and much furniture hu Iweu liter-ally destroyed. Stock has been drowned 004 a number of narrow esoapea from death on tbe par t of Individuala are re-ported. In the railroad yards almoat every track Is waahed out and luipassablo. Stocks ot grouerie* aud lumber and oool yards have Buffered.

" I cannot praise Hood'a Sarsapanl ln h a i r enough, ' ' aaya a m o t h e r whose son. almoat blind with scrofu la , wax cured by th is medicine.


The North Dakota Convantlon "o Volet— , tire it Itrjolrliig There.

D isuaxci . N. D , Aug IT—Tbe agony Is , over- Ulsmarok is made tho capital of l North Dakota in tha ooustitntion and tbe 1

other public Institutions are I oca tod u pie- | vloualy published At Friday night's ses. | slon of tbe oonventlon the capital I w u crowded When tbe artlole I locating the publiu instltutluug was reaobed Mesara. Pnrcell, of Wah- | peton; llartlett, of Griggs, and Jobn- i son. of Dakota tenewed their fillbuBteriag taolloa, but tlu-y were promptly sat upon, and tbe article wat sdopted by a vote of 4."i to '.'K When the j vote w u auueuiH-ed ihe immeuae con-oourao of vullora shook tbo cspltol with applauae. Hals were thrown In tbe air, Udiee waved their fans and bandkeroblefB and every body save thn repre.teutatlvea of the defeated oaudldiitos for tbe capital re-Joioed over tbe settlement ot tbo vexed qaest ioa

DISMABCK, N, D., Aug. lit. Tbe Const!-tntional oonventlon fiuisbed Its work Sat-urday night and adjourned tin- die

BtUNA M T . Aug. Ill On Saturday tbe Constitutional convention adjourned sins di/.

Wrei-kud by h Cow. VIKCENNKM, Ind , Aug. 10.—J, 0. I .yonawu

killed outright, O W. Pauly fatally man- i f led , an engine and eight cars wrecked and ) a large number of cattle killed In an uoci- | dent Sunday at Moufeomery, twenty-five | miles trom hero. WhHa a freight train ot i tbe Ohio i Mlsslstlppi railway w u running at high speed It struok a cow, nnd tbe en- 1 glne and eight ears were thrown Into a ditch and demolished.

KlgbUaa Hart . Lwcom, Neb., Aug. IB.—At 7;1« o'clock

Sunday morning an Incoming paasengor train on tbe B. JiU. railway waa derailed two miles from tbe olty. A broken brake beam threw a switch o|Min, and two cars wero hurled down a lilah embankment Eighteen peraons were Injured more or less seriously, but all may rocover.

To Meet In Nuvaluber. Wasuikotox, Aug. i d - I t Is now general-

ly conoedod on all sldus that there will be an extra usaion of Congresa I t Is bolloved that the I "resident b u at Ust made up hit mind definitely to oall both houses logotbur by the first week in November.

Thre* I'ar.nn. Drowned. Di r roa , Taun., Aug. 17.-While crossing

the rivor atew mlUs north of here Thurs-day night on thalr way bomo from a party a boat containing John Tarlnr, Will Holton and two sister" named Hughes upset Both ot the girls and Taylor were d owned

tilamlsra In Chicago. CUICAOO, Ang. 17. —Gland urt, in a malig-

nant form, has broken ont among the bo aes of the Lincoln loe Company. In tbo notthern part of the city Since Wednes-day nlgbl seventeen afllicted animals from one stable have binu killed

Fatal eiplnilon. NEW VOW, Aug 17 F.t aping g is In tha

b u ment of a crockery »tore at the corner of Grand nnd Clinton s'lroetg, Friday night, killed a buy who wn* pas-lng at i b j time and Injured about thirty other people.

TUP. ENGINEER Of ihe Wakefield, Maw,, Ra t t an Worka, C. N. Young , wiya: In all casea of bil-ioufliieaaaccomiwnieil with those terrible sick head aches . I have found no oilier medicine tha t seems to lake hold and do the good tha t your Sulphur Bitters doea. I t is the bt-H* ian i i l j medicine made.

H E A R T DISEASE. II you get short of ' ' r ea ih , have lint

ter ing, pain in aide, fa in t or hungry spells, a woolen aiikles, eto., you have hear t diaeapo, and don ' t fa i l to take Dr. Mill's New Cure Hold a t Yeiter & Looks d rug store.

I t Is Etllmalail That There Will Be *00,-000 I'srtnna In Al lenda i ioa - r ro | r a inmo

of Hie I'roeaedlngs—I'lans nf Ihe I'ropoaeil Nhth I llatlle.

hii.wai'kki.' uirrrijio axAnr , MawAintrr, Aug. 17. It la estimated by

csrefnlofliclala al enounipinent headquar-ters that there will in- in ly 40.01 tl genuine

! old veterans In ntteiiil.iiic.i at the enoamp-m e n t

Several observing ealoiilators think tho average to esuh ol tha 40,OIU sol-

I diets will be about firo lutsldera. In | which event there would lie a crowd of

!MI,UUil people to be led and lurnlsbed qusrlers. These estimates are b a u d on numerous avenges taken by ulUcera f rom requests for quarters di.ily received from old soldlets for thenis<\lvrs and families or immediate frieinhi, and from people not oonnected with the onit-r

A general oider iiwued by Cominander-ln-Cnief Warner, under ilme of August 13, states tlint thn bu t lnoa aesaion of the twenty-lhird Nallonal encampment of tbe (Iraiid Anny of the llepubllo will cuuvsne a t the West side Turner Hall. Milwaukee Wu, Wedues^ay. August 38, a t 10 a in The .National Council ot Administration will*nieet at tbe Plank-Inton Bouse at .1 o'clo. k p m Monday, August 1ft Tbo parade will u k o place Tuesday. Angus; 117, ami In- commanded by tha Commaud»r-lii-i. hli'f In peraon. Tlie line of march will not exceed two and oae-half miles In length. The Commander-in-Chief and stall will leavn Kanaaa City, Mo , at f p. m., August 2 \ and prooend lo Milwaukee via tha Chicago ,t Alton rniir>ad, with the Kanau Olty division and such other escorts m shall Join his train. National h'-adquarters will bo ostabilsbed at tho I'iunklnton House The committee on murio esti-mates tha t there will lw 1U0 banda and drum corps at the enoampment All will aocompany potte or dopartmenta of the Grand Army Fifty bands have already signified Mi"!r In'entlon to be present

I'be cill ieut. rurf^idlena uf |>olltlua, cieed or previous condition of Indifference ore preparing to dncorato their houaos and lavni, and before the J7th Milwuuken will be the most- patrlolio looking city In the country. All Uiea < individual preparatlona, however, are iiihlgnlfii'ant In comparison with the prejniml ions for the grand naval battle which will bn fought in ihe bay on thn evening of Angnal '.i.

Thore will ho In the bay during tho bLitis aixty-flve vesnds, including the United States gunboabi. murtar , flotilla, eto. Every thing is lielng airanged to make the scene aa reallmlo as possible. Tbssbel 'Bto be us. d are made of paper, and have been so constructed th it on being projected thov will bo followed by the trail of fire that gives the red shell so Im-pressive an ppeniancn by night

Tbe plan of be battle Involves tbe at-tempt to destroy tbo city under cover of night, which attemnt Is defeated by the bravery of the land forces In the forta Fif-teen hundred Infantry, supported by the mortar baUoriut. will constitute the de-fenae. The defending parly n 111 discover the approach of tho fleet by means of ths brilliant lUamluatlun of the luiy. an attack having been anticipated. Uy the use of search lights the land forces will be en-abled to watoh tbo maneuvering of ths ressala of tbe attaoklng force, Tha brill* lanoy of the search I'ght will be such that tha apectators on shore will lie enublnd to sm the men on the vessels loading thslr gnns. After an unsuocemiful effort to si-Janoa the land batteries, the enemy will at-tempt to land tbe marines In Btnidl boata These boata will be compelled to return, when tbe vessola will once mora open a telling fire oc tha fort*. One by one the veassls of the attaoklng fleet will be dlta-bledand oom|ielled to retire from action. One vessel will bu so hsdiy disabled tbst rather than leavn bcr to fail a prlte to tho land forces the enemy will set fire to her and blow up her magaiiue.

To oarry ont the details nf tho above, the 13U plitv" of e iliii'iy. Including the mortara, and the l,.X<i Iniantry will require BU.OOU rounds uf uiiiiiiunltlou, S,KiO sheila, 4,900 rockew, and 7\W) blank car-Uldges. Tbn artillery will be In charge of the First Light Battery and the mortara will 14 managed by 100 picked men, who are now in train-ing. Captain J. B. Oliver, who U msnag-Icg the details of the bat le arrangomcnta, is an old soldier and uudvrntands what he la doing. He believes It will be the finest tinyal display ever mnde In this country. Tha battle will o|ien at 7:80 o'clook In the evening and uontiuue for about two bours.


Joseph O. Hntrliisoii Noinlnatwl Air Oot-emor . After u Hot l-'lghl. on the Twsn-t y - n n i i Hallot. DasMotum, l a . Aug. If t- The Iowa He.

publican Slate coiiTeutlun on the twenty, fifth ballot, Thursday, nouUnuuid Senator J. G. Uotoblson for Govcrnur. On the sea ondballotfor Meuteniuit-Uovemor, Sonator Poyneer, of Tama, w u cboeea Judga Otfen for Supreme Judge, Henry Sabln for State Saportntendent and Spenoer Smith tor BailraadlCommlsaluner were oondnated by acclamation. A platform was adopted and the oonventlon adjourned. I'be plat form demands "protection to American in-dustry when it does not foster t r u s t s r e -afflrms tho principle of Statu regmlatlon of railroads, declares againtt truaU, favors courts of arbitration for labor tionbtss and reaffirms the past utterances of tha party in lowa on prohibition, declaring that the party stand* for the complsle enforcement of tho law.

Dr. Robinson, uf IniUanapalls, Dead. I n d i a n a t o u s , Ind , Aug. Ill llov. I t D.

Bobinson, D. D . one uf tho most prominent Methodist ministers of tbn State, dropped dead at bis home on North Joijiey street about 10 o'clock Sunday night from n|io-plexy. He w u 71 yesrs ol age and leavos a wife and four nblldreu. nil grown. Dr. Kobinaon w u twice president of the Fort Wayne Melbudlst Kpiscupal College, litti to 1807 and 1077 to 1SS1.

Rltal I'leniea. C u o m o , Ang. 16—The Orouln demnn-

stratloa at Oheiienbain beach Thursday was a great aooeesa, and w u attended by from 10,000 to 10,1X10 pnrsons Ths Irish Nationalist demonttration at Ogden's grovs w u attondod by about 7,COO or 8,000, At both placo* resolutions dsnounclng Cronln's sssasalns weis adopteiL

Growth of Ihe tinind Aruit, Kansas Cirr, Ma. Aug I'J. Commander-

in-Chief Warner, of the tl A It . h u com-pleted his report for the post year, which will be submitted to tho Milwaukee ea-campmeat Tho report a owh a total meoibersbip of (I.'I,-'.'5, an lucreajM of .'41.-OU) memlwrs during the year,

Vloallng an Immente l .o j Hoom. St. Cloud. Minn, Aug. ILL-The Mlune-

spolUiloom Company's log-drive ruachsd h t Clou I SatiU'Uy morning, conlaluln; lOO.OW.UU f e e t Over li«i men are on tho i r i t e It will reach Mtuneapolts wilhin •weniy uuj«.


Slitnillng of thn Four Atsuelallons for the Weak Kmled Aiigntl 17.

In ^he matter of games won and lost the leading base-bail clubs stand u follows!

HAnilNAiTl.KAIIIIlt II AMr-MK An Aiwo's, -

M I C H I G A N S T A T E N E W S .

i n OosluD .vl-l.-l r-nllMI. Lomt Nsif VerW .. I. i « <i< llrookiyn Pnllsaeliihia. ivj lii '.Vl .D •llmmre (livelaail. . . . is II|, •'.•IMA hinilo Chlongo «: li. vi'ijlo nelnnau.. . IMlaouri|ii...l V.'H,. lit-; KuasatC ly.. Ind snsiwiis.. >• .'.j (in Columbut.,,. Washing en .,<1i 'i7i t'C I, ukv II- .



rtiilDAVearort.... U«i» . . Il'to

OfflSbs. ...M|<7 BU Paul i v I - ClT.iHiirinslleld, Minneapolis . Mi itiumcv .. BiOUl cur IA 47u I'voria .... Denver . I t6> Hi1 Kva itv.llu Bl. JUTEDH t i l l s Hiirliaji.m. Muasuk) e ;li.M.40l:i

.1.1liA.i Will 0es Moinet.

S E C E S S I O N .

American Forei ten Wit lnlmn from Ihe KnelMb Order.

MlXNEtroLi., Minn.. Aug 11 —Tbe sub-sidiary high court uf thn Anoinut Order ot Foresters on Thuisday voted to sever ail connoction with the high court of K- gland and organlut at an American high court. Tha dill renoen arum over the admission of colored tneu to the order, lbs I'ngUsh high court InsMing on it nnd tho Amerl-caos objecting The vote on tho dsolara-tion of independence developed a half doten op|>onent*. but It was carried On the opening of the aftiirnoon su-slun the six w ho voted against thn declnrutlun nf ludo-pendonce withdrew their votes and made It unsnlinoiis. It wa* voted not to send any notification of their action to England. There w u some dlsonssioii over tbe adoption of a name fur tbe new order, but finally sgroed u|>on tho "Ancient Order of Foresters of America. "


This Is Ihe I'enall)' Impused on John I . Nnliivati, Ilia I ' u j l Ul.

Puhvis, Mlsa, Aug. 10 John L Sullivan, having been found guilty of pi Ire fighting, w u on Satin day Mmtencod to Imprlson-mont for one year, and FlUpatriek, the referee, w u fined IStKI. Pending thu mo-tion for a new trial Sullivan wo* released on ball und Immediately loft for Now York.

Vlrylnm l^muorafo. Ricimomp, Va. Ang 1ft Thursday Cap.

tain Phil W, McKlnnok' was nominaied for Oorernor asid John Hugo Tyler fur Unu . tenant-Gorernor by acdamaUon by the State Demooratlu convontlou. A plank w u inaertcd In tho platform favurlng the payment of peiiHlona to disabled veterans and widows and orphans of the Con-federaoy.

H e a v j t^i« hr Klro iu Mllwaukre. Mn.WAl!KXK. Aug. Ul —Firo yesturday

afternoon compietfly ilea royed Ihe IIHi.MIO Stock Of whoii-sale drugs paints snd drug-gista' supplies of llecht A /uiuinnch, HKl Third street, aud tlie wboiosalo paper stock of ths Mlnnsiota Pnpi'i Company adjoin-ing. Total lr»i* on stock. I7.l,lii"i; on hiillil-Ing, I3U.00U; Iniuranoe, IHMltl

Itohhail ul SA.nnil In lllnniuiid>. New Vohk. Aug. Ill .Mrs Johu P. Illch.

ardsoo, tho wife uf a iloh resident of Chat-tanooga, Tenn , came to this elty with her husbsnd a few days ago and diseoverod ou her arrival that she bad It-en robbed of all her diamonds and Jewelry valued at over •XUtt There Is no ulow to thu robliet

•Vol') NVw.liov. niiul OK Wasiiinoton, Aug. Ill - Tlie lllslrlct couu

missinners have issued an order prohibit. Ing the crying of iiewapa|>ors before 7 a m . or alter 10:3i a m. on Sunduya Heretofore ths resldeuce seetlons of the uspltnl have been made noisy ail through Sunday by the newsboya •

A Failure. 8riUK-iiriia.ii, Mass , Aug. i l l-Tlio mills ot

ths Shaw Manufacturing Company at Wales have shut down and attochmeiits have been plno d on the goods this week. About 800 hands were employed, and the llablU-tlss will amount to over HOU.IXW.

To I'rlnl Our I'oalal Cards. Washinutos. Aug. 17 Tho acting Post-

innBter-Ooneral, Mr. I'lsrkson, hat uwarded thn contract for turiil<<liing post il cards to the doparlmout during tlie next four years to Albert Daggett, of llrauklyn, N. V.. for 1800,000.

Klrelrleat Loooniutlon. COICAOO, Aug. 17.—At Ottawa, UL, Thurs-

day, tha uuun track of the oleetrlc railway w u comploted, and oars were run f rom Madlaon street to ths Driving Park. This Is the first olectrio system opersted In HU. nola

Aa Old Hettler t lesit CincAoo", Ang. 17.—Willi* Scott, the eldest

white resident In Chicago, having llvod here for over sixty years-i ied Thurnday night, aged i\> yours and .1 months. Mr. Scott came to Chicngo on August 'Jo, IH.iV



I have been n periodical siilTi rer f rom buy fever s ince the siininier of 187fl. and un t i l I used Ely's Cream Balm wn* never able to And relief. I can t ru tb fu l ly say t h a t the Cream Balm cured me. I r— aiird it aa of great value a » d would not bo wi thout i t d u r i m t h e buy fever sea-son.—L. M. Ueorgiii,BingliBinpion,N Y.

I can cheerful ly recommend Ely's Cream Balm to tho sulTcring public for h a / fever a n d sUippage of tho nunal |>aa-sages. I have tried il and find it gives immedia te relief.—J. E. Rector, Little Rock, Ark.

IKK. Aug. m is «n Hi ID 4 oo nt t a i f a & o ) a -II II 4 W) • a a » ss

>: it 1*1 MVt 48 O 411 ai ic M M Vii MS

II 71 Ul> 'O C .-,9 U 0 61

W <» M

13 75 O 4 85 I SI « » n * mi tt V M 1! SO a 1 K) - s i asm IS) H i 7J 4 Jt » 4 W 0 Ift 9 4 (X)

11401 I7!i


r i ^ S'iA S!i

M H 10 y vi u v »> e -ji a o 4 f l ue S M 4 40 « 4 SO J :o « J 40 a SO ft 4 M

t7S •» TS a s a la'i I t t^a ton 41 o 4S M tt MH

17 00 a i r a o M 00 QSI 00 isco { jneo n so u l t oo s IO Q X 10 (40 IB I W

II 00 a 4 CO 3uo u « r j 4 is a 4 a) 3 70 a «10 3 TS C t 00 < CO u. 3 W

14 W 0 4 M 1 !0 6i*-A 3 'JO « 4 0J

T H E " M O T H E R S F R I E N D " Not onlv shor tens labor nnd lessens

pain a t t end ing i t ,but greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother nnd child if used a few months before run-flnemeiil. W r i t e to The Ilradlleld 's Regulator Co . Atlnnta . Ua.. fo r f u r t h e r particulm-s. Sold by all d ruggis t s .

T H E U R E A T - M . P. By M. 1'. is m e n t Mill's JVepv ami

Lhrr Pills w h i c h regulate the liver, Ntomai-h. Iiowels. elo., t h rough their nerves. Smallest and uiildeet. /I new principle.' A revolutionlxer I Samples f ree a l Yci ler and Lookt.

Ntw Yi u v e s t o c k


FL^ul?—tiooii lo CbViice.'..;! ,. Palenu . .. ...

WlUtAT—No. J Kert No. I Wulle..,

CORN-Nu. t While OATS—No. K While BYS—Western TOHK-Mets LAUD—Sleam CHEESE WOOL—IXiinftlie

CHIC AdO. BEEVES—Shipping Steers....

Cows Htookers Feeder* Uutelien.' Bloeli Infer or Cnllle

HOOS—Live—Hood lo Cuoire, SHEEP UDTTER-Cn-ainerv

Good loChuiec I'll ry EQOS-Froh BROOM CORN-

Kelf-Worliins Hurl... lafer or...

POTATOKS-Ne* iliail.l . . PORK—Mest LAltD-Bieam FLOlIR-Bpnng Palenu ;

Winter Paienit . . — ... n.ikers' Blraighlt

QRAIN-Whea', No. i Corn, No. J . Oats, No. t. . Hie, Na * Barb ~ "

LUMUE. Commim Dreueil Siding.. Floor.ng Common lloanlt fencing Lath Shingles


Fair lo Good HOOS—ll-si

M-dium SHEEP-He>i


CATTLE-Best. M e d i u m . .




looshanttllile liaiintilt nf Oootl IJnallly Koiin l In llneaxM County.

It has Ih'iiu known for the |>ast twenty years thai graphite ovlstnd In nonsidarable quantltios In llnragn l onnty, not far trom L'Anse, but it hat not honn till recently that any IttMiipt to prodnco the mineral for oommereial use bn* been made. Tha Daraga Orsplilui Con-pany, composed of Detroit and local capilnlitts, ia now work-ing a smail force ol in n U-twuen L'Anse and Avon. A vein of gruphila of several t e s t In width, near a deep ravine is being worked on The vronnd covering ths seam of mineral Is nuiioved by luborora, a f ter which th Mack iead Is l-lasted out lu huge ehnnks Owing to Its loftnoKs It Is not nuoessary to use dynamite, a* In the Iron and coppor mines, ordinary coarse blast* Ing powder doing the work as well. From bore tbe inlneinl, Jutt as it cornea from the mine, i- shlpp'd to Detroit, where It Is prepared fur tiio nmrket The rock U baited much as in a lloiiilng mill, and comes out finely powdered The uses of graphite aro growing more uumorout everr year, while tho American supply, which comes ohi' lly from Vermont, does not In* creass. The better i|Uallty of graphite U used for lead pencils, while Inforiorgradoa are ntlhted for stove polish and Inbri* cants. Black lead as a lubrlc.itor Is In high favor among machlnltla, and Its consnmp. Con for this use will mauirially increuo. By a newly-discovered process finely-pulverlted graphite is injected Into molten Iran and made to furnish tbe carbon re-qnlred In making steel from Iron. The de-tails tof the process aro of eonrse kept secret by tbo Inventor. The problem la to find a deposit ol graphite largo enough to anpply all the mineral needed a t low cost Tho mine owners believe they have fonnd what Is required. The graphite deposits are very extensive, and are pronounced by good Judges equal to those of Vermont.

JUlehigaD County Pairs. Hay, Bay Oily 8«pt 17-11 Harry, Uastlags Oct. H

ilraaoh. Coldwsler Sept. >1-71 Calhoun, Uanhall Ool. 1-4 Clare, Harrison Sept. «l »1 Clinton. St. John Oct 1-4 Kitoa, Charlotte Oct. 1-1 Osneiee, Fl nl Oct. 1-4 Cladwln, Oladmn Sept. M '.l Orand Travorte, Travorto C ly Sept. 17-4 Hillidaie, Hilltdals Oct 1-4 Ingham, Matoa Sept. IS-n Ituhelia. Mount Pleataul Sep. SS-rJ Kalamatno, Kidarnszoo Oct 14 Kent, Orand Rapids Sept. CVJ! La Peer. La Peer Sept. 30 OoL I Lenawee, Adriance Sept, f4-M Mj co in I', Mount Clemeas Ool. K-4 Msson, Ludlnglon Sept. IMS Mecosta, B g Rapids SopL 17-11 Midlaad, Midland Ool. M Monlaulm. Stsnlon Sept. 84 Muikegon. Mntkegen Sept. IK-Sfl Oakland, Ponliae Oct 1-4 Oetana. Hart Oct-1-4 Ogemaw. West Branch Sept. >l-M Oltego, Uaylord Sept. K M Roscommon. Roscommon Sept 1MI Ssglnaw. Saginaw Sept 23-71 Wuhlenaw, Ann Arbor Sept M-il Wayne. Dotrolt Sept U-SI Weiford, Cadillac Oct U

Wanlail to Have Ilia Hal. A man who went to Oa-at-ka bench the

other morning on tbo propeller Luollle, lust his hat shout three-quarters of a mile from shore before landing. Ho engaged a small boat and rowsd ont to about where hs ex-pected to find Ihe hat, when his boat swamped aud throw him ou t He caught hold of o n j of the fish-net stakes, and It was there that tbe ateame; Burt found him two hours later, nearly exhausted. A hear-ing Une was thrown to him and passed around his body, after which ha was drawn aboard.

A FuTorlta With llur«lars. The olothing store of Frank Jersey, al

Heed City, was entered by burglars thS other night and a large sack filled with olothing was taken out and hid under an nnoccupled building In tha rear ol ths store, where It wss found about nine o'clock ths nnxt morning. A llfcht lef t In tbe stors was turned out by tbe burglars, bu t fo i soma reason ths night watoh did not oh serve I t The some store waa burglarUed about four montha ago when the watohmeo were on duty.

Ilasllh In Bllehlfan. Beporta to tho State Board of Health by

fifty-live observers In different part i of t in State for ths week ended August 10 lndl< cated that cholera Infantum, cholen morhtu, erysipelas, ccrebro-splnal menin-gitis, typhoid fever (cnterlol and typho. malarial fover luornssud, and lutormlttenl fever decrossod In area of prevaJouoo. Diphtheria wat reported at tw elve place* soarlet ffiver at nine, typhoid fover al fonrtsen and measles at five places.

Opinm Hmuggliog Dlseovarod. A man who lives near Point Lookont re-

ported that while lying upon the sborea few nights slace hs saw two men oome trom a scow which was anchored a short distance from tbo land, carrying a bag, and that he watched them. He olalma that they burled this bag in tbe saud, nnd that aftor their departure he resiirreotod It and found shout eighty pounds ot opium. Cnlted Blaise Deputy Le Roux has been notlBnd and will Investigate the matter.

A 1'aoullar Ceiaoidsaee. Ball, Bannhnrt A Putnam, recently ol

Orand Bapldi, together with Spring A 0a, of tbe same place, closed np C. Abram'i store nt Muliiken on a chattel mortgage of several hundred dollars un their stock ol groceries, provisions dry-goods, etc., and posted a notice of ths day ol sale. Ons night Just before the sale thisveB entered the store nnd stole the whole stock, leaving nnthlnir hnt emntv shelves.

A boy is wanted at this oiHcc. One who cuh Im> trusted, is not afraid of woi-k, can board nt home and has n fa i r unders tand ing ol spelling and g r a m m a r .

Sffis JheBestand Purest Medicine{

EVER M A D E . ( kflwlUdri ve ths Humnr from yourl

ksysicm, snd nuke your sklul -• -| and seioolh. Thoael

nplea and Blolrhral rMd . „ - , v _ - J c h mar your beauty

<' •), / ,^karecnuiHxl hy imiiuie r ' i V ' l ^ ^ h l o o d . sm I can be

A." « '</ ^V.' tTfcV"!niove.llnashoil

ificWwise and u h V V ' V A ^ ^ L u i o great

/ /A}. </ % 'uj A^tLbloodpu

The Doso snuill—only spoonful. Iirat and roodldiie. you w III Ii- - —

list it of your Druggist. DoxTWair. GETtTAio.vc

I If vnu nre mffi'ring fnen I nev lU5Ca«e. and with to hi- ... ^ I old age, u«! SL'I.Plint BITTKIU^ I They never fall to cure.

• MUnrted.

l -r 4* a-V tl- • I • IWI •

Send a arent Mamps to A. P. Urdu ay A Co-Bu sum. Mats., fur heal mollcal wurk pubilahudr

WH A T m e a n t i iv ' f r e e a l k a l i . " D o c t o r ? 1 s e e it m e n t i o n e d

in t h e a d v c r t i s i - i n e n t s of I v o k v S o a p . "

" ' F r e e A l k a l i , ' M a d m , is t h e a l k a l i w h i c h i s n o t c o m b i n e d w i t h

t h e f a t s o r o i l s o f w h i c h t h e s o a p i-. m a d e , d u e t o t h e i g n o r a n c e o r

c a r e l e s s n e s s o f t h e s o a p m a k e r . S o a p s in w h i c h ' f r e e a l k a l i ' i s

p r e s e n t a r e d e c i d e d l y i n j u r i o u s t o b o i h t h e c l o t h i n g a n d t h e s k i n

w h e n h a b i t u a l l y u s e d . I h a v e s e e n r e p o r t s o f a n a l y s i s m a d e o f t h e

I v o r y S o a p b y m e n e m i n - i i t in o u r p r o f e s s i o n , a n d al l p r o n o u n c e i t

l o c o n t a i n n o ' f r e e a l k a l i , ' t o b e m a d e w i t h g r e a t c a r e a n d o f n A -

t e r i a l s o f t h e b e s t q u a l i t y , c a r e f u l l y s e l e c t e d , s o I u n h e s i t a t i n g l y r e c -

o m m e n d it f o r e v e r y p u r p o s e a b o u t t h e h o u s e fo r w h i c h g o o d s o a p

is r e q u i r e d . "

A W O R D O F W A R N I N G .

There are many white soaps, each represenicd to be " j us t as good as Ihe ' i v o r y " they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack Ihe peculiar and remarkable qualil iet of the genuine. Ask for " I vo ry " Soap and insist upon gett ing it.

Copyright Itofi, hy Procier i 'iamhle. •

L S A 2 T ' &

Business College ( E S T A B L I S H E D 7 YEARS. )

Shepard-Hartman Building, - Fountain SI.



Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, Telegraphy, Pen-manship and Business Formii

J. U . L E A N .

noil's Cpltoa Hoot romnotinS.-Tom-wSrd of folinn Hoot Tnns/ sad IVnljr imal. SarMsafMllii WKTisunU/tk Jsre, F-ffrctusl. Ptesssnt. tl by msllotdta*

80I1I in Lowell bv W . 8 . WLSEQAB.

lumlier Yard. MISNER & BURDICK,

L U M B E R , L A T B & S H I N G L E S .

Yard at rear of Train's Hotel,

Lowell. Mich.

O X Z A S . I i A / W S T B H , ruonuitTOK o»

NATIONAL HOTEL, Sear D.. O. H. A M. Dfpol,

T.i-Nttr C1T.T, . z x z a n .

First Class Board aud Koomsat RraaoBais Kates

Li.ory and Peed (jtuble iu Connertlou


Retail RoomS) 33. 35 & 37 Canal St.,

Grand Rapids, - Mich.

Fancy Chairs and Rockers,

Bedroom Suites, in all woods,

Cheap, Medium and Expen-

sive. Parlor Suites and Odd

Pieces, any combination of colors. Fancy Baskets, Tab-les—Center and Dining, Book Cases, Writing Desks - Ladies and Office, Side Boards, Shef-foniers, Lace and Heavy Cur-


Largest & Most Varied Stock IN MICUIQAN.


T o I n v a l i d a n d Wounded

S O L D I E R S I riic utulerafKnt-d nt tlie request of m a n y

Invaliil Soldiers, lius qualified a n d . luM'ti admi t t ed to prantic«

in the

Interior Department , and all llu- bureaus thereol and is now

Readv lo Prosecute Claims, fur those tbnt may be entitled t o PEN-


M I L T O N M. P E R R Y .

Mil ton M. P e r r y , At to rney A C o u n s e l o r a t L a w ,

frain's Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich. •

Hjiwlsl a t t en t ion given to CoIIectlou ConveyancinK, Loans and Sa le

"f Heal Estate.

^ J . JOANS, A U C T I O N E I R T 16 Years Exoeriouce

Farm or o ther property sold. C h a r g -es iviisonnble and Satisfaction G u a r a n -teed. Orders left a t the JOURNAL office will receive uromut a t tent ion . My l


OF UETKOIT, Will !«• in I||P iutliliini IIOIIM. Orand Rapids, oa tin- i i of i-ach iiiuiiiK only, Sprdsl allrntlon Klycn lo Catar rh . Ky«. Kar. Throat and Lane UlMiurK. Al«o Heclsl, l lci |ne and Pr ival* UIUMSM.

F R A N K C . A I G E R ^ A t t o m o . r n t L a w .

C o l l e c t i o n s G i v e n Prompt A t t e n t i o n


I mon mack . - 1 OIVEI.L, MIOU

AT J . E . L E E ' S MEAT M A R K E T Ou thu HnilKO. will alrsTf b« found Ihs

I'lmlivm vuu of Mmi. FiahanV Poul-try in thulr ssasoas, at Prices

Alaaya Unsoiiabls. J". i i . L E E . . Lowell , Mich.

New Grocery. A Clean New Stock of

Groeeries AND

Provisions IN T H E

Graham Block

Give Us Your T r a d e ! We will use you well.

Prices low as the low-est.

Your 1'i troiiago Respectful ly Sol ic i ted.


Page 2: LOWELL JOURNAL,lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1889/08_August/08-21...LOWELL JOURNAL, One Dollar a Year. 0££los in Train's Opera House Blook. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXV.

L O W E L L J O U R N A L ; W E D N E S D A Y . A U G U S T 1 2 , 1 8 8 9 .



R E M e d W A I N F o r S t r a i n s a n d S p r a i n o .

E v l d a n c e . F r o s h , N o w . S t r o n a .

Ml. ruuaal. T.IU. B Tear*. j u . to ii«t

llI.rM I y.&rt WIU ttralm •! k.<| . . t l ' ;.l m i rtralfht. tut lw. Wn]» 11 J.i . t i OIL • u awi4 Va |»la la II Baalhi


Od Crutclira. raa»rU|a. OUa. Jaaa 14 'II Tw« vMitM c r s i f r r * « ink.* i>«4

•I OU. t«r*4 M •! mIb it cl« WM 04f,


L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H . IT

; J . D . E L L I N W O O D .

S u b s c r i p t i o n $ 1 . 0 0 a Y e a r .

R A T E S F O R A D V E R T I S I N G ,


CMd Cull Xmtaa. Tain Jtaa t*.

In l l c l . laaikiaa, Mlak.. Maa 11. UM AUat Hank I I iiralaal »r aalla aa4 U

aa. VM>. a.il 'aaa tva waata Ttraaarrlt-•aliaai a 11*. tiaa tkra* WlUaa alf t Ja>a. I ull, •ai.l ua la ratalsalpaia


Vrrr.l ' l* I 'aln. ruurtaw. ID.. Mat >•. III! I Iir»:aa4 my Uaat laat facial u 4 a wmala

i*..lla| u4 palaaaaaa* Im> appllaalMaaalit. JaaaM 0Ut*la4>au4 Uarak • toasaa J t al HU «U. 1. UOVU.

AT Pm enBTt A.HD DlAlrh* IHI CHJtRLII 1 VOCELER CO.. ItllimM*. M

B u s i n e s s C a r d s .


I U W. YOCNO. PbyaloUn mu'I Nnr-tl a f r u n . Offlco o»»r Tetuw A Louk'a "lore

I D. MALCOLlT rta>alclM. and Huryroo. a Uflkv In Ljron Block. Wrat Hlilr I 'uh

pnuHlco only.

OC. MeUANNELL, M D.. Chyiirnui And a Hunmn. OMcc 4C Bildgr HI.

MO. UKEENK M I I . Ph)«i.-«n And Kur-a Kw>n. OAoe o(«r HtfuUV Uardwiur.

\ 1 ' K. DUUOKH. rhyalr lan «iid 8or-TY . (con. oTrr M. KuN-n a Htoir.

Ulllon llnuni—e lo 10a. ni .sllo 4 Aiul 7 loH p. m


AI-HKUT JACKSON, Allorncy and tiolld lor. UrrrUowull .Nallonal Bank


BU. T/ ILhOV. Contractor an 1 'milder . HmMrno-S* Hudaon «t.. Uowrll Mirh.


I O. HCOTT. Hardware. !Wi l~«r» and f) a llla»», Uulldvr* Hanlwair a ap«;l8liy. ipixnillv FokaI Mill*

I OHM OILKS A CO.. Gnwrlw and ITiWh f l loua. Crockerr. «c.

C HcOAKTV. WlwlrNUr and R"ail llrocrr. a Bank Block

MYRON H, WALKER, a t t o b n k y a n o h o l . c i t o b

O v e r F o u r t h N a t i o n a l H a n k , Canal Sirwi. Trlfplionr No 4":.


„ • M M HCRT H U N T At D A V I S ,

ibslracts ol Title, Real Estate, Loin and General Insurance Agenli.


William AldrichTateuni ATTORNEY AT LAW.

u m v n : G R A N D R A P I D S ,

940 New HouMman Bloclt. M ' C H -

D r . E . D . M c Q U E E N , Umldonl VrlrrlnJrjr flnrgfon.

Ora.tuatc of Ontario Vrtrrlnarjr CVllej:' foroo-to Canada, pr..fMWonnll>

AtUndi to t i l S U e u t i of Bone i a t 1 Cftttlo llu>ultnl for lAnif and Honn a CalU

will twl»» pmmpi allrnllon nltfht or day. O k - n c c AT PCRRIM'H UVKUV HARK.

s . P . H I C K S . A U o r u t ' y , L o r i i h , C o l l e c t l o i i i » « D d

l i i M i i n i u c e .

MONEY toLOAN o" REAL ESTATE SECURITY In auma nf IWO and upwanla al ruirrnt


UVfU f. OVFK I l.AKK a WISKllAlt'K.


HENRY N. STONE. I n s u r a n c e A g e n t ,

Of f i ce with B o w n c , C o m b s & S t r i ke r ,

1 . 0 W E I . I , M I C H .

PollrlM \V rill en Ml llir L«»i-«l Pilcc*.

1 -. x "JVVQTffERS' H FRIEND''


| ) lmiNI»HKA

DANOLK t o I . m . or M t f T l l W ^ C H l L f l .

*** ^RAPr iLLD RtCI'l.ATOH CO.,-jyjdt *«A- 1 •Avi*A*tTAt OA. FOR HALE BY Y h l T E R * I/><'K


Sliirrx. 10c: Collar>-. 2<-; ( 'u t f - \»-t |«iii. le.

Very Beit Wwk at Lowest Prices.

F . G . S T O N E , - A g e n t UiMMUilHhtirrfl U»f •.rtlii'* %•••••-

.Always to the l;roiit! THE GO! RAPIDS DAILY DEMOCRAT

Amvrp in l/iwrll -iu •nftrly luorniu/ imln. C O N T A I N S A L L T H E N E W S ,

Aud Udrllarrrd iiron.ptlj li> Uatie I'l.-k bum al ISit •.villa n «.«-i

T H E B E S T ~ P L A C T To kh *

B U S l N E S S Kducailon I- at

J . W . W e l l o n ' s C o i n r a e r e i a l ( o l l P g e , 73 Knntaln Hi.. Oranil ItMphla. Midi.

Will* for •I pa** i-AUiloru'



B u i l d i n g Lots, On P e c k A v e . , East S i d r .


VERY CHEAP , For pno t a aud t e m w apply to

A . L . P E C K ,

L o w e l l , M i c h .

Local buslnea* Itemi 5 e m u p*r Un« each In-wrtloD.

Lrital Adtf rtlaruiMila al ilatultt prlcn. Card* of Tlianka SO ernti rach. r»i(*rdlr-ui of

th« number of llnra. All Item* Intrndnl to benrfll any ooeV bual

m-a* will br rhancrd for al adarnlainK ralea Reaolutlom of condolence. fl.SO. Marrlaite, death and birth noilrra fnv.


j I w. I 4 w. I a in « m.

1 column. 11.00

It column. *.25

W culunm. I B

K column. n

Sio.ro t » oo, im.co

« m ! n.oo as oj

i CU 10 00 IS.OO

! jn ' « w io.OU

i yr.

IMS, 00



IS. 00

Columni 21 Inchet In lenxlh Carda In Directory Uulumo. fl per Un^ per

year. Carda of 1 In. In Ureclory, f s per year


W» uanni one iiKwa my lo?# and L On a Journey brate and laild;

Twaato find ihe end uf the rainbow And the biirir.1 la^ of Kold

But Uiecloii>l<n>lle<l by fnxn Uieaummcr'a 1X7 And tbe rAdlani bow drew dim.

AD.1 we toet Ihe may wb.Te ibe Ueaaura lay Near Ihe lunaefa xnlden rim

Tbe IKlhKht tell like a curtain Pinned wllli the erenilirf alar.

And ae aa* In Hie alUnlni; lit-u'eoa The ne» UHKjo'a RoUieu car;

And we aAld. aa our boiitb. claapnl foodiy "What thiHigh «• found do eoldf

Our lote la a riiher irraaure Than tbe ralauow'a aai l rnn bold '

And y o n . with their Joya and aorrowa. Baae p a w l aincw we lont tha way

To the beautiful btirte.1 trraaurt Al Ihe eo.1 of the rninbow'a ray;

But lore luw been true and leudef. And life luu t»m rich and awret.

And we atill claap banda tnth the olden Joy That made our day cooipleta

-AtUnu ConMitulloa.

T H E S E C R E T O U T .

Jorletle will bo on board the 7 » mall M i a Follow him to Uierpool Will inert you thera Look Aharp CaTBCJirr

Thli waa the wurdlng of Ihs telegram I r » orlTed one wet, ugly night Iftft Ileremlier. I waa fitting In my little anuggery l«u-k of my otUce. before a biaxing grnte, with my feet la tllppen ami my body in a warm tireaaing room. I had a mug of hot punch and a cold mince pie on tbo table beforu me, along with an uncut noTel and a genuine Havana, wlib which 1 intended lo rrgalo mywlf pr«*iitly And although 1 bad a rery atnmg anxiety to aecur* Jorletle, It muxt be ennfoaed that I waa altogether loo comfortably aituated to raliah going out into ihe cold that dismally dirty night

Thla telegram waa from my chief, who. I mlgfat aa well aay, waa a dct.-rtive, and 1 bad followed that Ibankiea and prerurioua bual tuoa for wveral yoan. People contldered me Tery nicce«i.ful in working up dilllcult caaea, but I waa never quite Blialled with mytelt 1 wonder if any man,ever b l

Tbii aamo Jorlette bad given ua a great deal of trouble. We bad never had iokeenly cunning a iplrit to cope with, blralegy waa matched with ttrategy. diplomacy with diplo-macy ; and acoraaof time*, when we were «ure of him. be had slipped from under our Oogen like a flea and left ua wondering bow be man aged it.

Perhnpa it would be well to explain that Pierre Jorlette was a murderer, upon whoa* head waa let a price of f.'.OU) by the crown A Krenchman and nobleniaii by birth, a gen-Uuman by niui-ntloa, he luid when very young marriwi a beautirul Kngliih girl, with whom hs paaaed two yuara of unalloyed hap-pines* At tha end of that lima aome fearful shadow came between them—none knew of what nature—and the inhuman huaband itAbbed hla wife lo tlie bran I Her coufldeD-tlol maid wit nesaed thadrod and attempted to aava the life of her mlxtreas, but Jo r i e tu fell upon bar with savage ferocity and left the two corpata lying together side by aid*

Theaa are tbe facta aa brinfly ai I can state Uiam to you. Ot course there wore many minor circumslancc* not worth recording, aa they have little brnrini; u|>on Iho short story I am writiiig.

aeemed from thla telegram that JorlotM « « t ' ) be on Iha7 :U(l trala. I wondered bow Catbcart had got bia informatlun. but be had armlos of spina conitantly working for him. and probably sum* of them had made tba dlaoovery.

1 had only lo follow InstruetlooA For ths huniirodth time I took Jorlette'*

from my pockellnok and exam-the fealuras of tho murderer It was a

singuli.riy bandsoine fm-u thut I Miw-clearly cut, with largo hoxol eyes slmiinl by long, dark lashea, a mouth delicate and sounltirs u * woman's, * high, rnther narrow fore-head, half hidden In ciusuring curls of *ti-burn hair * form r*thersiiar*. yst wi II knit, and a hand symmetrical and roundetl as a woman's.

Tbo plcturu would havu answered splendidly for that of a sentiinonijil, aonnet making poet—but for a murderer it was a dead fail-ur* Nevorthele*. aotnowher* In the part, before crime hnd tcalbu-l him. Jorletle bad •at for It.

I changed my slipivrs for boola and got myrelf insli my fur overvoat, stuffed i va iBwi thb i * ii |n|ier and blacking brushe*, that I might Bp|>e*r a reapectahle traveler, and. looking at my wak-ii, found I hao Jiut time to reach tlie stAtiou. . I'be train atopiied Urn miiiule* fur refreab-menta, aud. taking tlie guard, who was an Old friend of mlnv, MilUcieutly Into my conll-dunoa, 1 waa given an opportunity of looking through tbo carriagia prevloua to the s tar t Ing of tbo train.

U was a full train, but. singularly enough, tbcra was not a rul bnadud man un board of I t Jorlette wax red hmded. and. mids from that clrcunistanee, lis hod a faco which I flat tarad myself I rauld not ruadily mt»tak*

Aa 1 atood irroaolute, and feeling very much M If I had bMn fooled, tlwre came toward in* from ths dining room an individual, tall and spam, with * ilouched hat, a white ens ra t , a bog* piec* of game pie in hla h a n d -and thla person Inul red balrl And dark •ye*l

1 watched him uloMtly. There waaacer tain doggeil, skulking look about bim; be would not meet my ayea, and be walked off to tbe extrem* end uf tha platform by him •elf, and remainod there uiuuching his pi* until lbs but bell rang; and then he burned on board wilh th* air of on* who felt that * great deal deprndud on his g*ttlng * m l

i was convinced Hint be was my man. though bo was not altogelher like thu photo-graph. Still, faesa and photographs differ * great deal, sine* to l lie picture there is llttl* axprtaslon and no exprmsion—and do not th* oharaclerlstlcs of a fa>-* depend mora on color and exprsasion than a mere outline of faoturol

Ua entered carriage 5 a 171, and a t a bint th* guard put me in the same van. Thar* war* throe persona already th.-re betide my p4* a*ting friend and mysaif An e!d«rly gentleman, who wn* reading Th* Tlmaa wrong aids ap, and noiiding hLtudly over l u iMduatlngeolurans, * pairof rural lover*, lounging oa each others' ihuul.lcn and dla cusalng peppermint drupa u-gctber; and preeently wo wer* re-enfon-wl by an old lady in * very prlmo bonnet with brown ribbon*, and bearing luggage iu thn shape of a bird eugt, * b*sk"t with * cat lo It. on unibrclla and a very large carpel sack.

Jorlette had produced another aectloa at and was demolishing it rigorously.

;ly be snjoyed It Well, 1 suppoa* •Tea * murderer may enjoy eating pi*

Just as tbe train t*c*n la move the doer opaasd and a young lady came h<*itatlngly forward. You know what helpira creaturw women are on thalr feet In a bouiiOing, sway-ing railway car. aud this young beauty waa DO axcepliun. Hha tottered, and would bar* fallen, but I put out my arm end caught b*r. a t the aome tbn* offering bar th* nnoccupl*d aaot al my sl<i*.

8bo bluahod rosily, thank tue lu the sweat aat voice 1 had svar beard and sank down oo a f aaaaa^a* OOT^lnf BfJ ka*** With Wlfewl

of ruffllug aud fringing, making me (**1— wall, not many removes from tho gate* of rsndi ia '

A lovelier face I had never se^n. Ths akin waa cleor and fair; tiio mouth sweet, sensitiro and a little sail, the eyos dark and melting, and tho be*ullful dark, brown biir, which bung over shoulders m tho prevailing style, waa •oft as flora silk, and rippled like th* bosom of * meadow brook when II flowsovar a bol of pcbblea.

But so lint was 1 iu conlernpiating th* charms of this fair creatur* thai I suddtnly remembered I was not "looking sharp," *• Oalncon had crdere.1 me. nnd I turned to

Td my iinsuspei'ling Jorlette. a criminal he waa a very wTf poaamod

ons. lie hail nnlahul bla pie and w as pick-ing bis teeth with * quill and furtively rw gardlng his Uaita, which, hy * p<vuli*r tight-imm and stlffiMMi of look, I Judgul wer* uew ones. OrnxliHially he fell of them, as If, perhaps, his conia were plnohed, and once I waa sura be mullered ••inielbing like an oath as b* rulilied bis long whita Humeri over tb* locality of his g - u t to*

Thera waa nuthing lo ho dono with bim until wa raorhed l.iT*rpnol, unleaa ho at-tempted to leave the train, so I might a* well culliTato tho ac<|uaintani-e ul my pretty iittia seal matA

8he was somewhat shy, hut after a while 1 managed lo ovcreom* her reaerve. and w* ehattod plrasanlly Ilka old friend*

Bbe hail not lieen much from hom*, and was a little timid about traveling akm* fihe surteri nervously every time the cor gav* * larch, and I deenwl l imy duly to put my arm around the iiack of tha aeai to calm ber fsam

Bbe h*.i such* horror of railway accident*. Ibe raid, after ber Aunt Jane bad predicted, before she left, that •ometbing Jreodful was going lo happen her; and then she lifted her largo, melting ey« lo my face, and I drew the arm down from (be seat and let II reft on her shoulder Men ary the natural pro-tectors of wiuncn, you know

We talked on various subject* My sweet companion wa* very well infonned, and her language wej simple ami well chinen. Be-fore I waa hardly awaroof il I hail told her that. I was a detectivo and that I was making thu Journey *xpra*dy to lielp capture Jor lette—that nutonuus Jorletle.

She i-hudd'Tiil and drew a little nearer to ma. "Dear tuel" said die, norvoutly, "It mu^t

bo dangorous busineai Thli Jorlette. I bar* bf*.-.;. Is * desperate character. Pray, oh, do pray be c-orefuL

And sh* dropped ber voice so n e v to a whisper, and thiwr so much expnwion into ber beautiful eyea th.it 1 could not reaiat tun derly pmadng the while hand ao near my own, wbisperol. I am afrnid, -.CBMbing that would look alisurd on |>o|ier

That w u a very dolighiful trip to mo, aad I think It must havu bwn not altogether un pleasant to ibe young lady, for ber cheeki wer» red and ber eyoa bright at wo approach-ed the tenr.inu* She was going lo her aialcr. who lived two or three miles inland trom Liverpool, ao she had to leave me before my joanisy was ended

The train only balled for a moment, but I managed to p m * a warm k la on ber lip*, and to lieg her to giv* mo her *ddreas that I might call on her

Bbe smiled archly up Inlo my face. "I will drop you * lino within * week, Mr

Dayton." shi< said sweetly "Lrt m* see— your first nam* l » " —

"Alpbons* Na Sll T street, Liver-pool, for Iho next ten days. Oood-by, i lar Ungl" and I klsaod ber again, and saw th* door cIo*e behind her with a dull feeling of p*ln Inside ths left section of my waistcoat.

But I resolutely put my pretty unknosrs oat of my mind, and devoted myself to look-leg sharp at Jorlette. who had •vidontly f*llsn asleep. Talk about lbs unnasinas* of a guilty conscience, indeed I

At Liverpool Mr. Catbcart steppod Into ths car boforu any one bad left It Ua swept bis eye over tho occupants, and a look of blank dismay nettled on his faca

Thuuderation!" cnod ho. "Is It pmibl* you have let bim skipT

"Ho is there," said I, trlumpbantly. point-ing to my rul headod fellow pasvnzer.

"That!" said Catbcart, In a tone of Inoffa-bls contempt "Alf, you're a fool That man Is lbs Rev. John Prnnicut, rector of S t Tbonuu' church. CumberwelL How do yon do, rirC shaking hands with the pie eater.

As for mo, 1 nns looking around for • con vmlent knot hols to crawl Into, but tbar* seemed to b* no such tbbig around loose

Catbcart turned upon mo fiercely MWher* In ths deue* Is JurletteC be ex-

claimed. savagely "Did I not order you to look sharp T

"Yonder reverend gentloiuan was th* only on* on the train In any wiwanawerlng J o r lette'a dfarrlplion," sold 1. doggedly.

Ths guard cams up at that moment and suhotantiatod my itatoment, aud Catbcart was obliged to swallow bis nuirtiflcatlon with as good grace as pacslbla. Ul* Information relative to Jorlette'a being a traveler by th* 7:30 mail had com* from on* of his most r » liable men, but there had been aome tnistojc* soinewhcrn. W* wer* not to pocket tha two thousand pounds reward In a hurry.

A week afterward I recaived a letter, writ-ten on pink paper, perfumed, and slegant generally 1 transcribe It:

Mr Uiab U* I'ivtom Hereby I fulflll my promlsu of dmpplng you a line wlihln a weak. 1 am flourislilng, and bops you are aim My Aunt Juno's prmcntlment did not proro prophetlo. I am on my way to America, where i aspect to be elected to cungnas with iho rest of my strip* Olvs my love to old Catbcart You havs do Idea how funny II feels to havs your lips prntod by * tnsn'a llpa when you happen lo boa man yourself. Sorry you arenotlogrl tholwothousand pouodsi but aslf praerrallua U the Ont law of nalurw

Faithfully yours. Pica** J o a i x m Wall, tho secret was outl My pretty girl was the Infamous murdoror

himself, and Catbcart and I were dons brown. W* kept tb« aocret between us, and havs

not yot given over our search for Jorlette, but I greatly fear that tha two thousand

rands will never full Into our hands —New ork New*

I B e must stoop low t k i t ha th a low door.

He plays well that win-. He's n J ack In offlce. He's gone upon a aleoveleiti errnnd.

j Bu that a lways complains i- never pit-tied.

l i e that bows in the dust fills his eves. He that fal ls In an evil cnusc falls In

the devil s f ry ing pan. Ue that goes a-borrowlng goes a-eor-

rowing. He that has no shaific has no can-

icienco. He that hath no silver In his purso

should have silver on his tonguo. | Be tliat hath a good harvest may t «

content with some thistle*. He that is angry is seldom at ease. Be that Is w arm thinks all nre so. He that lendcth lose* double (loses both

his money and his friend). He that licks honey f rom thorns pays

too dear for i t He that lie* down with dogs must cx-

pect to rise with (leas. Ho that lives nut well one year sorrows

for it seven. He that liveth wickcdly c a n hardly die

honestly. B o that reckons without his host must

{ reckon again. Be that r u n s fast must no t run long. Ho that runs in tho n igh t s tumbles. l ie that plants nut corn plants thisUe*.

—llcbobotli Sunday Herald.


A Foollah Toad. Tho o the rday as I lay in my hammock

I saw a huge toad winking and blinking laxily under the large leaf of a foliage p lan t Hu looked contented and happy, and just as If ho didn' t can? whether school kept or n o t A bumble bee came buxxing around tho flowers. That toad opened his eyes, looked nround, deliber-

{ atoly winked one eye a t me., and then to • all appearances went to sleep again. He j was not asleep, however, for Ihe next | moment, when the adven turous bee j came a ttiQo nearer, he made a little | spring, opened his countenance till T | thought he would actually drop in two, I there was a red flash—and tho l<ee had | disappeared. I waa jus t beginning to I wonder where it had*gone, when 1 ob-' served the toad begin to look melancholy.

I then noticed that his whi te vest was puffed out like un alderman's . In less timo than it Likes to tell i t ho was the most lonesome looking toad I ever saw.

Ho sepmed to reflect a minute , and then he got into the atUtudo in which tho old pr ints represent Nebuchadneizar when ho was out to pasture. His big mouth was cioso to tho ground, while his iiind feet stood on tiptoo. H e had swallowed something hot a n d was now going to pet rid of it by reversing the process. A l t e r several violent efforts, during which Ids whole ana tomy braved with cmotiou, tho troublc*ouie Jonah was ejected and lay on tho grass before him. The toad wasn't winking a t mo any m o r a Instead ho was venting looks of revengeful epilo a t t h e unfor tuna te author of all his trouble*, which by this time presented a torry appearance. Soon ho cautiously approarhed and with a lightning l ike movement tho bee again disappeared, this t imo to stay. Fo r a moment the toad moved cautiously, as if to avoid s t i r r ing up again tliat burning flru beneath his vest, a n d then seeing that it was all r ight hopped back wi th an da t ed a i r and went to sleep unde r tlie leaf.—Syracuse Journal .

A sweat UtUs baby brother llail come to live with Flo,

And alio wanted U brought to the labl(\ t ha i II m'iilii rat and grow It must WWI for awhile." aaid cnuxlin*. In answn lobar plea;

For a little thine (hat hasat teach Can't eel tike you *ad m* "

"Why hasn't It got teeth, granilaiaf Asked FV> In great aurpriao,

"Oh. myi feut Isol U fucny! No teeth, but ooas asd eyra

I form." after thinking gravely. •They mitat havs bee* forgot

Can't ws buy htm some Uk* grandp*'sr I'd Uk* to know why doc"

That afUrnooo u> (he comer, .With p*prr *od 1*0 *nd Ink,

West Ho saying: "Don't talk to ma, If you do It'll 'sturh ma think,

I'm writing * letter, grandm*. To • md away to-alght

Ad' 'cauae It's very ponont I want lo get II right"

At last the letter 1 A woodnrtul thing to see.

And directed to "Ood lo hsavea. " "Plrass read It over lo me."

Bald Utile Flo to her grandma. "To see If It's right you know."

And here Is the letter wrliten To Ood by Ultls Flo:

"Dsas Ood: Ths baby you brought ua Is awful nlos and sweet.

But "causa you forjpX his toofes The poor Ultl* thing c*at eat.

That's why I'm writing this letter, A-purpoaa lo let you know;

Plsu* ooms snd Onlsh ths baby. That's a a From L inu t Flo."

—PllUhurg Post


Losing ills TIgIId Finger. I heard of an incident which occurred

in a horse ca r here in Bottlou recently which illustrates anew tho need of core by occupants to avoid in ju r ing their fel-low passengers. A manly lilllo fellow had the end of 0110 of his lingers cu t off by the door of a box horso car being jammed against it by a heedless jiossen-ger. Tho ca r was crowded so Uiat the boy was obliged lo stand up, and not being tall enough lo reach the s t raps lie held on by the open door of the car. As one of tlie pasM-ngers went out he pulled the door violently ami shut it against the boy's finger, leaving it I u r g i n g by a thread. At tempts wore m a d e hy a sur-geon to whom U10 boy's fa ther took him to have t b e severed piece joined to the s tump, but it would not hold. Wha t adds to the misfortuuo of tho boy'a loss Is tha t he is s tudying to bo a professional violinist, his fa ther being a well k n o w s performer on this ins t rument , and the finger mutilated is his "viol in finger."— Boston Post.

Snppreaaliig Dandlsa. A Chinese provincial governor has re-

cently forbidden tho young men under his Jurisdiction lo wear gorgeously col-ored and embroidered garments , a prao-tice which hu declares to bo foolish and unmanly, a n d ho warns fa thers , elder brothers a n d tutors t h a t they will be held responsible for any Inordinate luxury of opparvi on the par t of t h e youngsters . What would tha t governor say to the American dandies who a r e t rying to in-troduce the fashion of wear ing colored

_velvet coatiC'—Boston Transcript .

Th* Raomaalaii Reataarant. Tbe Roam*nl*n rrataurant, with lu band

of lautars lo handle mo, white embroidered unlfurma. Is out In this direction. Quit* • featur* nf lbs concert is tb* shrlU, high nou* drawn from bl* Pan's flute by on*of tb* players, wbo at tlmui distinctly produce* a sound that Imltau* tlie howl of * dog Bom* of their liarsA or hymns ar* very flu* and th* "Dlrtp on King Bokran II," which Is ouo of tb* best piive* of tbeir unwrltteo repertory. Is * marterly production. Tb* coaccrt of ths Roumanian ladle* from Vi-enna, *11 uf whom sro *s r*r* u t l s t s as they or* handsoms women. Is In another part ol th* grouuds, near the Argratin* pavlUon.— Paris Lstler

Tb* Stnnpln ' D**cea. Deacoo Blank, of Blankport, Ms., is quit*

a story UHer. After b* asked tbo bteaaing at dlnuer tho other day h* told this one: When b* was a young man b* took s contract to cloar * pise* of pltoh pin*, there boing many stamps to dispose of; some tit (eet In diam* tor. Hs constnicud a very lurg* plow, hitched oa forty yoke of oxen, and either turned out lha stump* or spill them in twain. On* stump snspped together when b* went through It *nd took off bis co*t talis. HBut 1 found nothing lo stop me," Hid be, "till 1 •truck a monster garget root, whieb bcougbt ths wbol* toam up standing on their hind feet"—LewKinn Journal

l.iiisiuli Pr larrba. Hear twiee hefiu* con bjm'iA o'ico. l ie 'iancen well ti- whom Ion line pipes. Be lionblea his tfift who gives In t ime. l ie fights with hi» own hluulow He givoth twice thai gKe th In 11 Iriee. He has a bee in hi* bonne t He hits liought hi-, noble for nine |ienc« He has Iuul * bile npon his bridle. He is a wise mun wlio speaks lilile. Ho is proper who hath pro par eondi-

tisns. He knows not a B f rom b hull s foot. Ho know* not a hawk from a Imnd-

saw. x He lack* most that long* inont Help the lame dog over Ihe stile. He liveth lung rnui liveth well. He'll flnd some hole to cieep out a t He lo*i>s nothing tor tlie uiking. He loae* his thanks who promises and

delayeth He loses nothing thut kinps God for

his f r iend. He lovei. ro»At Iwuf well iliat licks the

• p i t He may well U- i-ontoutcd who needs

neither borrow nor flatter. He must needs run whom the dovil

i ldrea.

Just * F i t I f u boy sees a coat t h a t Ills him ho

sometimes puts it on liefore lie knows It; or we may say iho same th ing in other words; " A guilty conscience needs do accuser."

Two school boys hud quarreled and flnally hud engaged in a real s tand up light. Tlie leuuher got wind of tho affair and culii'd tlie combatants before him.

" H e s t ruck me ," said one of the boys. " H e said I stole his knife ," said the

oilier " I said Miinebody stole i t ," said tho

flrst boy. "Well , yon meant tne." replied the

other. " W h y , Charlie," said tho teacher, "If

Willio had told mo tha t •omebody hnd stolon iiis knife, it would nut have made mo angry, 1 should uot have thought tliat hu meant me ."

"Well , but yuu don't steal." was the ready answer.—Kind Words.

A llrlpluf llaod. Frederick Greenwood, iu an article in

Tbo Nineteenth Century , makes a point in favor of helping thu muti who is in temporary trouble ra ther thsn tlie chronio poor. The |)oiut is a good one. Every well 10 do man can , hy keeping his eyes aijd heart lioth open, keep f rom dropping into the sliitus sooiu family that has met with teniporory disaster. Those who aro t rying U> help themselves are the ones least likely to get a helping hand. One church in a nprthern city keeps a private register of the financial condition of nil members , and has il as tho duly of the deacons t o s o e t h a t no one's misfortunes lower them in social position or break them up. A ny one dis-covered lo be in need is prompUy, but •ecretly, relieved. — St. Louis Globe-Democrat

Ths pong of tb* Sparrow. I l would be imposaibie tq rid this

oountry of the English sparrow, Tlie pertinacity of the peat was nover belter illustrated than by the British sailor's bit of doggerel, which runs ; Th* bloomla', blcsdln' spsirow went up th*

bloody spout: Tha bleedln' rsin cams down aud wsshsd ths

bloonln* >p,trTuw out The Moody sua caui* out and drisd op (h* bleed--

la'rain. And th* bloumin', bloody sparrow went up the

hlosdln' spuut agala - C h i c a g o Herald.



U Bousckeeplilg Is Properly 8ysl*a>alls*d I t Can De Finished Just as Man's La-bors Am—Plans Suggested by a Lady Wbo Has Studied tha BahJed-

W o m e n aro constantly complaining that their work never ends—that while a man works only dur ing certain hours of the day they never get through. Tlie principal reason, perhaps, is tha t they do not pu t enough th inking into their work.

" W h y couldn't you tell mo every-thing a t oncer ' was tho petulant protest of a child who had been sent up stairs to her mother 's room flrst for a pair of scissors, then for a tape measure, then for a spool of cotton, a n d finally fo r a ga rmen t tha t was to bo mended nnd had been forgotten.

Tho child received a sha rp reproof fo r her impertinence, tho mother placidly remaining quite oblivious uf t h e fact tliat she also needed a reproof for her own heedlossuess. Tho child recognized tho injusl ico and didn ' t furget it. A little thought would have saved stops and temper ; and It is this s n u u thuught t ha i needs to go into the overydav work.

One troublo with w o m e n - m a n y of them—is, they fail to recognize house keeping as a business, to be carried on. as any business Is, wi th dignity and with method. They regard it as a drudgery, and they f r e t nnd worry over i t unti l both mind and body are disturbed, and tho peace of the household is worried wilh contention. Tho mental atmos-phure of tho house mother is fel t by overy ono, and she cannot bo out of sorts without pu t t ing everybody else ouL I t may be impossible to keep f rom f re t t ing , and a difficult L-tsk to be a lways serene; but ono can more nearly spprox imale the latter condition und keep free f r o m tbe fo rmer by having th ings so a r ranged about tho houso tliat everything will go like the tradit ional "c lockwork."

Mrs. Corneliuii, who linn lieen tho f r iend and counselor lo so many young houso-keepers, has arranged tlie work of t h e week In a few words of kindly advice. Nothing better has ever lieen wri t ten, and it is good enough to quute as a text . Sho has a r ranged this fo r tho benefit of families whose pecuniary means allow an entirely comfortable, but not aooatly, mode of living. You will see tha t it differs somowhut f rom tho cus tomary "Monday work," etc. Sho says: On Monday have tho house swept and dusted, the clothcs for the wash collected and sqch articles mended as should be before being v. j !icd. On Tuesday wash. In families where tho washings nre large it ia bet ter to delay the i roning till tbo next day bu t cue. This gives t ime fo r doing some th ings necessarily omitted on wash-ing day , fo r instance, baking if the sixo of Iho family makes it necessary (hake twice a week) and for folding the clothes, as one Is better able to do the wholo Iron-ing in a day than if she was to pe r fo rm this labor on the day immediately a f t e r tho washing day.

Therefore on Wednesday bake and fold tbo clothes, on Thursday iron, on Fr iday liave al l porta of the house t h a t a re lu constant use swept and dusted again, tbe brasses rubbed, the windows cleaned, and if there a r e cloeeta t o be cleaned let them be done on that day also. On Sa tu rday bake a n d provide such a supply fo r the table a s shall supersede tlie necewity of oooklng on Sunday , which should be " t b e day of rest" for the bouse mother as well a s fo r all tlie rest of the household.

Still another way Is t o wash on Mon-day , bake and do other tilings neoesaarily omitted on Tuesday, i ronou Wednesday, mend and take your ease on Thursday , sweep and clean 0 0 Friday, bake on Sat-urday and lay out the clean linun for rooms, hods and Individuals. This Is the plan tliat Is the must of ten followed. But there aro Improvemenls even upon this well tried method, if housekeeper* are not so wedded to the i r ways as to bo unwil l ing to try the experimonL

Women who do their own work, rely-ing possibly upon young daughters for tlie little help they can glvo them out-side of school hours, of ton flnd tho laun-dry work, particularly t h e washing, tho s tumbl ing block. I t is not a lways easy lo get a woman to comu for washing; 1. is an expensive mat tor lo send to Iho laundry, and tho only al tomaUvu is " d o It yourself ." The task is much simpll-fled if the husband will send shir ts and collars to U10 laundry , and there are comparatively few w h o cannot afford to do this. That par t takun out, half the dread of tho work Is d o n a Bummer or winter the shirts and collars a r e a bug-bear, particularly as they are made. So begin hy supposing tha t tha t pa r t of tho family linen goes to the htundry.

That leaves a washing larger than most women want to do a t once; so on Friday, when t h e roc mi re swept and dusted, change the bod len. FridXy evening put i t to soak, a ' .1 is a very easy mat-te r on Sal • day irning to boil it and hang i t oc t . Tl ued linen is uot hard, ba t large and luavy , and it Is a good deal got ten out of the way, and Iho Mon-day wash does not seem nearly so hord. Tho baking can then l>o done, and you will be all ready for Sunday. On Slon-day tho remainder of iho washing can bo d o n a On Tuesday tho clothes may b« folded a n d necessarjr baking dono. On Wednesday the Ironing; Thitreday may be a ra ther restful dav. That is, tb* basket of clothes looked over and mend* ed, and no ext ra work d o n a That brings you around again lo Friday, with Its cleaning.

Now, here sro tho ways all ready laid out for you. and you may take which you like. Only, whichever way you de-cide, keep to tliat way, and don't bo per-petually tryinir ex|ierimenU. In thut way you hxe ull ideas 0 f system.

There are times when sickness or some untoward eirvumstanoe will put every-th ing awry , aud make it imposiible tliat

Sshall c a n y out your idra nnd plan; tliat ia only a temporary u p x t that 1

will come lo every one in every branch of business. Tlie "only thing Lt not to | worry ovcr .wnd to "ca tch up" as quick-ly as you can.—New York News.

COorernlu* Wateeaielous. Good, sound watermelons, not cracked,

kept in a shady place, will keep three or four weeks. Many a t tempts have been made to keep them all winter , but Iho f ru i t preservers have not as yet made a success of il. Some proixwed to do it by ; varnishing the outside, so as to exclude the air. Gcorgo Blank, however, who ' is a big dealer in watermelons a t Pier 87, North river, eay i tha t tiip best way to keep a melon all winter is !o bury il in tlie ground where il will not freeze. No a t tempt has been mado lo keep watermelons all tho year round as a oommereial speculation, except tha t a few have occasionally hoeo put in cold storage, and once in a while a ga rdener raises a few in a hothouso for thu beneilt of those who do not liku anyth ing lhat is got in the nonna l way.

Among melon dealers the belief Ls widespread that the f ru i t is good fo r kidney troubles. Tho cffcct upon the kidneys is olmust as qaickly perceptible as t h a t of asparagus, while to tho fevered tongue t h e taste is as delicious as thut of an orange. It is of the utmost import-ance tha t meluns should lie kept f r ee f rom cracks. Very soon a f t e r a melon is cracked it begins to gel sour.—New York Sun.

To Do Away Willi Urunkennraa. " I notice," said Col. J o h n J . to The

Man About Town, " tha t the daily press of t h e coun t ry is beginning to agi ta te as a means of doing away with the evil of drunkenness a remedy which I advo-cated several years ngo. My idea was to build at pulilicexpense asylums where d runka rds could lie sent nnd kept incon-lincmont unti l pronounced |>ormunently cured by a competent physician. I l was my opinion that these Institutions should be maintained by money secured through a tax levied on tho keepers of saloons, and I do not believe tha t there is one saloon keeper out of a hundred who would not favor such a 'plan. Such In-stitutions, properly conducted, wilh a law requir ing tho confinement therein of every man detected In a state of Int-ixl-calion would, 1 think, go fa r toward bringing about an nbalcment of I h o ovil. Il would cause n large percentage of the men who nuw make a practice of get t ing drunk to hesitate before making tlie ven-ture. I had even gone so f a r as to d r a f t a bill embodying the provisions outlined above, with the intention of having il introduoed in the legislature, but at t h e earnest solicitation of a few fr iends, w h o deemed i l an unwise tneasure, I allowed the ma t t e r to drop, a l though I foil then and Blill feel I hut it would be a good thing for Ihe state lo have some such law in operation."—Sl. Louis Republ ia

M C P H E R S O N S '

Lucky Gussses. A San Francisco newspaper offered

$ 2 0 0 to the ono who would correctly guess the number of types in a j a r ex-hibited in tho exposition there. Two men wero successful, naming tho correct numlier, 8LS<VJ. How they camo to hit on thai iiiiiuher is interesting. One of them once guessed tho number of shot in a j a r about tho samo size as the ono con-ta ining the t y p a There wore 03,000. H e thought there were one-third as many typo a s shot , and so divided 03,000 by 8, and ho said, "added a litUe t o make it oven." Tho other man saw m crowd around the jor . nnd fell in his pocket fo r a pencil with which to write.his number . He couldn ' t flnd ono, and moved on; but a f te rwards , feeling strongly Impelled to make a guess, felt again for a pencil, and found iui old lottery ticket, oa-which was the number 84,300. Ua bor-rowed a pencil, put down the numb**, and won 8100,—Inland Printer .

I'nels Mo's Philosophy. Do mo' locks and keys the lew honesty. De hen da t won' t lay imftt mix wld de

potpia Af t ah lekshen a-mnny wish dey'd sot'

dair voto. Yo' rumyt iz may acho yo' bad, but yo '

doan wan toe die. Ef do peacock cud see "is feet he nebhah

brag oh his ui l . . Do med'clne dut tos'ea do Wista «

U'ble tue do de moa' good. Ef do ox knew how high be cud j u m p

he'd git in dut medder. When s man or mud he doan ' momboh

dat da r or siuh a t ing e* law, A-mnny dm er s c a n ohah de notion of

a ghos ' wudn ' know a ghos' af doy shud see ' im.—Judge.

Oeran ParoslUa. Every tWo* ia said to have Ita para-

site, and tho cable nt the bottom of tha sea is noexcept iun. Cables have been token up f rom a depth of a mil* and a half wilh the hemp covering badly eaten away , a n d a t o depth of over half a mile strong currents of the ocean have rasped the armored wires on the rocky bottom. Experienee has not yet determined the full lasting qualities of electrio cablea Specimens have been luketi up which show un signs of deterioration a f t e r having been in the water fur more than thirty-five year*. Water , and eiqioclolly salt water , seems to be a prOaerver of Insnlsllni ' enninonndA

B e a u t y Is doalrnd and sdmired by all. Among Iho things which may l>esl be dons to

enhance p e r s o n a l busuty is ihs daily use of Ay i t ' s Hair Vigor. No matter what ths color of the hair, this prepa-ration gives it * lus-tre and pliancy that adds greatly lo its charm. Bhoiiid tbe hair bo thin, harsh, dry, or turning grey, Ayer ' s l l o i r Vigor will rcatore the color, bring out a new growth, and

' render tho old soft and shiny. For keeping ths scslp clean, cool, and healthy, there is no bettor preparation in ihe market.

" I am free to confess that a trial of Ayer's Ualr Vigor has convinced m* Ihsl II is agenuins articls. Ita has has not only esusnd tho lislr ol my wifs »ud daughter to be

Abundant and Glossy, •" It has given my rslhor stnntod mm ii-Iih ii re<pe< tahlo lengih and appeal nee."—II. llrliton, Uakiand, Ohio. " M y hair was coming out (without

any assUlance from my wife, either). I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, using only one I Kittle, nnil I now have as line a head of Imlr na nny onn could wish lor." -II . T. Sohmilliiii, Dirksun, Tsun.

" I have nsi-l Aver'* Hair Vigor In my family for a uumla-r of years, and rn-L-ird It as the heat hair preparation I know of. Ii kis<i>a the scalp fh-an. the hair noil and lively, and preserves Ihs originul color. .My ivilo has used II (or a lonir limn Willi most aaitafaelory re-sulls.' — neiijamln M. Juhnson, M. D. t Thomas Hill. Mo.

" My hair wos heemnlii'< harsh snd drv, Inn nlier ualng Imlt a W H n of Ayer's Hair Vigor II gren black und glossy. I cuiinot express tlm Joj uu.l graiiniils I fuel."—Mabel C. Hardy, Delaian. III. •

A y e r ' s H a i r V i g o r , • llll-AKin uv

Dr. J . C. Aysr A Co., Lowsll, Mast,

•old hy Druggliu snd Perfumerv


L O W E L L , - M I C H I G A N .

T h e P l a c e t o . B u y E v e r y t h i n g C h e t y !


And you will be convinced.


T a k e N o t i c e ! I H a v e . J u s t R e t u r n e d f r o m C h i c a g o w i t h a

L a r g e S t o c k o f L a d i e s a n d G e n t s S h o e s .

ON ACCOUNT OF DULL TIMES I will give Special Bargains for a short time at l.ower Prices than Hoots and Shoes nave ever been sold for in Lowell. Now is the Time to Buy. The prices are as follows: M e n ' s *1 .75 S h o e s fo r 11 .25 M e n ' s $ 4 . 5 0 S h o e s for 3 .25

" 2.00 " " 1 .50 ' B o o t s a l S a m e P r o p o r t i o n .

'•75 " " M S L a d i e ' s $1.25 D o n g o l a S h o e . . { i . s o

;; 3 ' 0 0 ; ;; , 0 0 •• 3 5 ° - " . . 2 , 5 0 3 ' J 5 ' , " 2 . 0 0 P e b b l e G o a t " . . 1.30 3-5° " " J - S 0 " 5 . 0 0 F r e n c h K i d " S 3 (01:4

Can not give price* uf en t i r e stock but hope the publ ic will coll ond ex amine before buying. We con s u r e l j please you with ou r fine mworiment und jOw price*, which mus t be seen 1 0 be appreclHied.

B . H o f m a n , - P r o p r , Order ofPubUcatlon.

CTATE OF MICHIOAS. Tho Cln ull Court for . O the Count) ol Kent:-In Chancery.

Al a seaslon uf said Court, held at Ihe Court { House In the City of Grand Kaplda In said Oounly. on the second day of July, A. D , IHW.

Prssenl, Hon. William t , Orote.Clrcuit Judge. WiLUAa B. AKDSI-S, Complainant,

vs, Ada M. Audsos, Defondani.

In this cauao.lt appearing from affldavlt oo file, that the deiendaut Ada II Andrua. la not a res Ideal of this SiA'e. bu' Is a rosldeut nf Ibe 8'ale of Sew York. On motion ol R. W. Powers.Com plalnam's HollrUor, It Is ordered lhat Ui^ appear-anca* of aald non-rr*ldrul defei daol Ad* M An-drua be entered herein within four mooths from the date Of this order, and In case of h«rap|M-ar-ancs shecau-eheranaaerlo the bill of cum 1

plaint lo be died,and a copy thereof to be served on ths Cumplalnaal's Doflolior withlu twi-nty days after Ihe service on her of a copv of said hill and nnllce of this order; and In default thereof, said bill will be takeu ss confessed by said non-resident defendanl; And II Is furlhsr ordered, that sithln twenty days the complala-ant cause a notice of ibis order lo be published la the Lowsu.Juc.-uiU a newapapsr prmied. pub llsheo and circulailbg la said I'-ouaiy. and thai salu publication hs cunUnueJ then-lu once In MCh i week for six weeks In succnsion or Ihsl br cause a copy ol this order in be personally sen rd on said nun resident defendant al leoat twenty days belore the Ume above prescribed for her appeanuite, wJ|.E.QBjVK,

Circuit Judge Kxamlnsd, couutendgned andenivrrd by me,

Cosssucs 1. HaSVST, B. W, Powsas, Keslster,

Complainant's Hollcltor. A true copy, Attest

FrikiiE P. CiBrssTsa, bepuiy Keglsler.


nilOIIATt: OKUUt. BtaleofMlohl an. cour.y 1 of Kent as. Al a sewli * uf Ihe I'runate Court fur said County of Kent, held at ihs Pro bate Office la tha City of Unad Ksptds, oo the 7ik day of August, fn lbs year < w thousand elghl hundred aad eUhly alne

rresenl, Cyrua K. I'srSlas, Judge of Prwbale, In lbs matter of (bo eata(a of

IHKAEl. WllKliON,Deceased Hsmlltoa L. Whamuli, admlulai raior of said

eatate, having rendered lo this court bis final ad mlntoiniitiTi accuuiii.

It la urdsnd that Friday, lbs 6th day ol Hepteiubsr Bell, at ten o clock In tho forenoon at said Probaie Office, oo appolatsd for exsmen

and alluwla • said aocount. _od It Is further ordered that a oopy of this or

der be publUhed threi succetalve weeks pre vlous lo said day ol bearing la ibe Lowsu. Jut a *aU * Bevapaper printed and drtuUUng la sold Oounly of keot,

CVUUH K. l-KllKI.SB, (A Inis copy.) Judge of Probate.

Frank W. Hlne, Keglsler. Hwl)

I > HOBATK OKUKIL —HUM of gkhlgaa. Ooun 1 ly of Kent, at. At asraalos uf ihs Probsla Oourt for lbs Couulv of Kent, hsld sl ths Probsu Offlce. la th* Illy of Ursnd Kaplds. on th* lib dsy of Augual, In lbs year onu thousand sight hundred and eighty Bins.

Preseat Cyrus K Perkins, Judge of Probata lo Ihe MsUarof tha Estate of


•Aa Inatrunienl In writing purporting lo be U.e last will and lesumrni of nld d<oea*sd having been Oled lo thla Court for Prooale,

It la Ordered, thai rHIBAf, TBS t m BAY or HsmOBBB BSST

at tea o'clock la the foreaooa, al nald ProbaU Offlor, lie ap|Milnled for protlog ssld instrumsnt

Aod II Is Vurther Onlernd, Ihsl a eopy of thla onlsr be tiulillahed three iuuoaialve wesks pro vlous lo aald day of bearing. In the Isjwell Jour oal, a newsua|>ar prlnla-l and rlroulatlng la (aid Oounly of Kent CYRUS IC; I 'KmKINH.

(A lrue copy,) F o a s s W . H i s s , Keglsler.

Judge of Probsts, l**l.|

VTOT1CKOI CUMMIBHIONKHHON UUIMH. i s Mate of Ulchlgui. Coumy of Xsoi, ss.

i'robsla Court fur aald uouuly.

JOHM O. OOOMKLL, The undaratgnsd having bsea appolulad by Ibe

Hon. Judge of Probst* o f laid t'ounly. iVimmls-slontrson Claims la lha msUsr of aakf fe.tste, and ill monlha from the Sib dsy of August, A. 1)

• 'lowed hy said 4 " having clalaia

l, having txen allseed by said Judge of Pro lo air persons having clalaia agolual said

Katate, lo which lu prrseBI thilr claluu to iu for esambutlon and sdjusuneul.

Notice Is hervhy given, That w« wlU mest on Monday, the ISth day of Hepteronar, A. U. IM. arid oa Thursday, Ihe Uhdayof February. A. H ISM, at iilue o'clock A. M. ef saah day. St thr offlce af Robert Hunter, Jr., Is Ihe village of Ixiwell la wld eously, lo reoslva aad riamlDe -uch claims,

Hated Aucual 11th, A. D. IB*#. KOBF.HT HUHTRB. JB., JACOB W. WAl.Kk.it

«w4) Coo mlaah ears.


I n s u r a n c e A G E N C Y . .

The fol lowing Ural class companies renresentod;

Insu rance Company of Nor th Ameri-ca "J7W" (The oldftl Amencon Ce.)

Firemen 's F u n d . Son Fntncisco. Tbe Old Connecticut , B o r t f o r d . '* Detroit F i r s ft Marine, ( r ^ . Mich. F i re & Marine, Wes te rn Assurance, Canada. Also several of the best

Lile and Accident Companies B E A U T DIStAHE.

II vou g e l short of breoih, hove fitit ter iog. pom in side, fa int or hungry spells, swoolen aiiklee, etc., y o u have hear t diseaao. and don't fall to t a k e Dr. Mill's New C u r e . , Sold at Yei te r & Looks d rug i t o n .

Don't Buy Sewing Ma-chines from Travel-

ing Agents.

Y o u c a n s a v e f r o m 3 0

t o 5 0 p e r c e n t , b y b u y -

i n g y o u r m a c h i n e s o f

Chas. A l t l i e n , C o r . S t o r e T r a m ' s O p -

e r a H o u s e B l o c k .

P . S — C a n F u r n i s h

R e p a i r s o r P a r t s f o r

a n y M a c h i n e . S e w i n g

M a c h i n e N e e d l e s f o r

a l l M a c h i n e s , a l s o f i n e

M a c h i n e O i l

Siliificlor} Teas and Coffees

ars thus* Hut

S U I T T H E P U R C H A S E R ,

The Vardict of lha Fan illy at the


rasardlos llws. rx-di and whence they nun* to a most l.-oportanl one

W h a r o d i d y o u q u i t h a t

Tea or Coffee? Our asp*rimms wlui Tjas ood Ooffe.

bios us lo

G u a r a n t e e S a t i s f a c t i o n ,

or they mar he returned and innnev refnnited,.


Plense favor us with j o h r order*.


A . F I S H E R ( t C O .

s a w .jriL jlwwWM'VW- i-r ; KtfwlaaL PUwrt fl by mail, or«

•uiiwuj y y . i iua ntmi • •••ssw—e*s.̂ .i fMfd of « oiiO" Rata ••4 P ro f l l

L O W K L L J O U R N A L : W K D N t t i U A Y . A U G U S T 2 1 , 1 8 8 9 .

a. i . s.)w*s. a. s. oowb*. haii'l sTBisra.

Bownc. Combs & Striker, BANKERS,

L o w e l l . - M i c h i g a n .

TrnnsoU a Ueneral Banking Business and Ihhuc Dralts available in oil

(•arts of t h e World.

M . C . G R 1 S W O L D .

C a b h i k r .

J . H A R R 1 S 0 H R I C K E R T .


Fine Gold Filling a Specialty. All sork Womoled.

L o w e l l , - p d l o h .


B u s i n e s s M e n ' s A s s o c i a t i o n .

Regular Meeling'i Firtt Thurtdsy in every month, at B. C. Smith's itore.

A. W. WE EKES, Pre«.


Milk 4 oentu per quo r l a t n y house, " I ' i ' V r o t u M to W a. nt. nnd f n u u ft lo d p. m. I). K. BPIIBQ.

P f t p Q d l o -Meverul choice farui* lo-r o r o a i B . C j U , l l n Keene, Vergen-nes, Bowne and Boston. Alst several houses ond lots in t h e village of Dowell. Con sui t all closoei of eusUimer*. For f u r t h e r ponieu ta rs Imiuire at Ihe office nl 8 . H. BICKH, «lf over Went A Co's d r u r store.

N e w M i l k s C o w s . S a r a ' S ; t h e highiKl prioe in rash . Drop o jKisial t • me and I w ill t oll m once.

J . 8 . DASIU*, Lowell, Mich., P . O. Box 970,

B U L L FOR 8AI .E. D. E . S p r i h i i . J e r s e y

Pay c p .

AH part ies owing m e un account will hervbv take notice i b a l unless iheir ar-oounta ore settled i tnmediolely they will be plooed in the hands of o collector.

I . B. Maumu.SI,


L y o n B l o c k , L o w e l l , M i c h .

K fieneril Banking Butineti Conducted.

saidl COT.T .TCCnoa iTB.

lirafts Hold on all Foreign Csunlr les .


A Seaaonable Hint .

Ths a.-eny. grsin dude Hb-iuld now seek solitude.

Ere lbs shades of lbs eveulng fall.

And his him lo cover ind there closely hovrr.

Until Ihs bright sua shines again. Else like the aoft com. He'll gel ulpped ero tbe mora.

By that lover of grreu tblngs-Jai-k Frost

Enoch Arden Sept. 7.

There Is a good dea l ol s icknam just a o w .

J 8 . Simpson is j u s t ge l l ing out a f t e r m severe sicknees.

Miss Hea th , f rom Bancrof t , isviidling ber f r i end , Mlts Jesslo Clark.

Like Sunday in t o w n t o - d a y — e v e r y body ot Ihe Morrison Lake picnic.

Highest cash price paid for d ry ing a.iples a l C. Bancrof t « Co's., sou th of depot .

Any one w a n t i n g ' a goods sewing mo-chiiie cheap, will flud un* o t A . Fisher & Co's grocery.

Tho Soulhwee tem Michigan Veteran ' s AsHooiallon is holding a th ree day* ' en c s m p m e n t a t Punt iac . Tom BirJgoll is In o t teadance .

Wate r pipe* ore t o be extended f a r -the r up Bridge S i , and up Peck 's Hill. The pipe Is being d rawn now, ond work will be oommtnoed o t once.

Misa J a n e Sinclstr , nf Jonecv ' l le , ex-poi tmiatreM of tha t t o w n , boa been sp-pcmled l ibrar ian o t the Agrlcull i ' ral College. The lody is a slater of U n . M. M. Pe r ry , of this village.

Now the re is no use for oil th is quar-reling o v r the site for the Wor lds ' Fair, when it c a n j u s t oh well c o m e to Lowell as not . No doubt J e r r y would build a swi tch r i g h t lulu the grounds .

C, E . Klsor, f rom Hast ings , has enter-ed in par tnersh ip wi th I . C . Hare , in the marb l e business. Tbe gen t lemen ore prepar ing to push t h e business a n d e x -tend the i r t roae over more terr i tory .

The fune ra l of Daniel Sinclair was held a t h is late residence Thur sday morn ing , and was largely a t t ended . Dr. Urebel held n post -mortem o n the body and found 130 shoU in t h e h e o n and lungs

The last quar ter ly meet ing of t h e year will be held next S u n d a y and Monday o l the M. E church . Love feoat a t 830 Sunday morn ing fol lowed by preaching and oomunion services. Quar ter ly con-ference Monday o l 8.00 o'clock o . m. Presiding elder will bo present o t oil the services.

Mrs. M. A. Hewi t t died Thursday from the in ju r i e s received the Sa tu rday pre-vious d u r i n g a r u n a w a ; . The deceased wa% it lady of most esiimablo character , a n d grea t ly beloved by all w b o know ner. She was 64 years of age. The fu nerol » os held a t t h e M. E. c h u r c h Sun-day morn ing . Mr H e w i t t bus t b e sym-p i t h y of t h e whole c o m m u n i t y .

Rev. A . T. Lu the r and the rest of the Lowellitee re turned f rom the Ionia c a m p meet ing on Monday. H e reports tbrt service* os verv pleasenl oil th rough A larger number of tents on t h e ground than ever before a n d more of a religious

a n d spir i tual interest . Rev. Berry , of Detroit, and Rev. Oould, of lonto, preached excellent sermons Sunday . Abou t 40 conversions on the grounds .

Anna Rurhford , upon whom Dr. Slo-c u m . of lonm, and Dr. A m o u r , of Beld-ing, a r e said to hove performed a cr imi-nal operat ion, is in o precarious oondi-tion a t lonla . Wilbur H u m p h r e y hss given bail ueiore J u d g e Uiicbeii to an-swer o cha rge of Illegitimate parentage i i conneoliun with thu case and t b e two d i c to r s hove secured bonds a t $1,000 e i ch to a m w a r a cha rge o ' c r iminal op-eration. The un fo r tuna t e gi : l has tried iwice to commit suicide.

Wm A l d n c h T a ' e u m , who conduct-e d t h e inquest al Sinclair 's hi use , says l i ta l hu found in o tvaliet i n . tbe Gosch bouse a notice lo pay a note of | I S 0 due a t the>li<ldlevi| |e Kank, and invcsliga-tioti showed thut he hitd paid i l f i on the n«ie t h e next day af ter he stole the whea t for which Mncloi.' iried to arreiti h im. Anothe r nolioe to f a y o note of #105 due August Ift. at the Old National Bank in Orand KnpulH, waa ul-o founii. It wot' ld m m tha i (loach was heavily in debt anu had stolen the whea l to try and pay i h e not*e. which wer* neoriy due.

Mr, nnd Mrs. Chas. MonlaKiie. of Ol-1 ivel. a re viMiting here.

| Mn, 8 . C. llrsilfield, of Oninil Kiplits, le visiting Lowell friend*.

Ooy Perry moved h u lionsehold gooda lo l i rand Kapids. Friday.

Miss Minnie Kmnei of 11 rand Kaplds, la tho g u i s t of Mn,. J L. Kopf .

Mrs. Allen Spnigue, of Hal tie I reek. Is visiting her ruuain. Mr.. Iir t ' lurk.

R. 1) Stocking will get you gnita and bicycles a l lowest price* Call and *••»•.

Mrs. Slrong, nn iige<l Indy, mulher of T r u m a n Slrong, of Caacade, was luirieil to-day.

Missi-a I lal l ie and Lillie MeNaughlon, of Coopernvlile, a re giineta at J o h u Mi'-Naiighton's.

Mr. and Mrs. Mint Undeihll l , of l*ig Rapids, are visiting relatives in and around Lo'well.

The iMtplial Sdiliiny ecltool pienle Inai Wednesday wna a muel pleoBitnl alTair • m l largolv a l tended.

8 P Hl rks ond W . 8, Wlnegar went lo Devil's I j ike, I ^ n a w e e Co., to-day, for o few days' out ing.

Mr. and Mrs. Swan W. Cody, of S e v forth, Caniula, are s|iendiiig a few days with ihen sislvr, Mrs. E. I lerber t .

Some one broke inio the p u m p house, al tho water works, a few nighls ago and stole two I u I m of paint snd Mr. I lendr ix ' s lime liook.

An alHrm of fire was given Monday, a ts iut nuon. Il prnvisl to Im unlv a h u n t i n g chimney on tho house hack ol the Drtvlc Hutiae. No dumsge .

Will Crook wlio has been sulTerlng f rom consumpt ion fur o long time, died In Kegwun last Thursday mght . His body w as laken to Horonac for burial.

W. 8. Claveland. a d v i n t e agent for Ihe E i i i n - I i Arden iroii|ie. wos in town Sa tu rday , and promi-es a llrsl-c osa show forHepl 7, ul Train 's Dp, ra House.

Mr. ond Mrs. j o h n t j i i i c k , of Chicago, re the gU"sta uf R y u i c k . The two

gent lemen are brolhers. Mr*, (ieorgui Colby, of Hubliordsiuit, is also visiting *1 Mr. Quick's.

J , C. ond Hen, E. West liave bought * d r u g store al No. H Canal 8 l . t l rand ItapMs. The) hav • a line locatlt n snd will no doubl do a Ing busiuee*, The Jtii iiiAL hii|ies so.

B. K (Julnk's fine (siinter has a l i t ter of twelve high brii l pointer pups They come fr.uii Mime of tlie finest s t ra ins in the U 8. and the litter is woi th soin*-Ihlng up in the hundreds.

The F. i«t and West side clulia played a g a m e of ball Thuradoy af ternoon, which was very Inieresting, especioilv to t h e Eo<lsid>-rs, the result being o vie lo y for them, score 31 to fl

The W C T. U. will meet al Ibe Bap-list church Fr iday , a t '.MW p m. Fro-gram subjecl.—Keminiacences of Mrs. R B Hoye*. Wil l Ihose having articles or sketches please br ing t h e m ?

Ed. R. Powers, of Saranac , has pu r chased a ona-holf interest In the Fisher grocery, ond will move here soon. Mr. L. W . Fisher retires, and will return to his New York bomo in a few weeks.

Do no t sweor. There is no occasion for tl outside of o p r iming office. Il la naeful in proof reading and indisponsl-ble in gel l ing forms to press, and has also been known lo assist in looking over the paper a f t e r il is printed, but o therwtM i t is o very disguHiing habit .

Diod, Wednesday, Aug. 14lh, 1889, ut his home in Ihi* village, Oeorge H. lias-kins. a f t e r on illneea of n ine months , aged 38 year*. The fune ra l was held a t the house, Sa tu rday , ami the remnina were laken lo Lake' O-'e, -a for bur ia l . Rev. A. T. Luther uffioaU-d nt the f u -n f / a i .

A New Ball Club.

Lowell has a base ball c lub again. I t was regularly organized, on bus ins- t principles. Tuesdoy a f te rnoon .

The a r rangement of ploveraotprem-iit, subjec t lo change, is a s follows:

Oeo. Kitchen—Catcher. Orra Havden—Pitcher . Fred Misner—ist base. Tollle Loe—2d " Frank Giles 8d " Claude Glles-^Shorl Stop. Will WineKor—U-ft Field. Geo Bsrber—Center •* Fred Cborles^-Rigbl " Three o ther members are held in re-

serve. The general manager is A. 11. Tut l le ,

who is o capable one, a n d will take an a rden t IntereM In the work .

The captain will be elected by t h e c l u b l*ler.

Now the bovsa ro capable of p l a y i n g good bull, ond will o r range a series ol games f o r t h e balance 'of the season, provided the people of tho town will give them a little l i f t a t the s ta r t , to buy uniforms. There will be considerubb expense for get t ing t h e g rounds in shai ie and Ihe boys ought nut to slond the wholo uf i t .

A I ' lsaaaat Occasion.

Last Sa tu rday , Aug, 17th, was t h e twenty-e igh th anniversary of iho m a r -riage of Mr. and Mrs W m . S. Barnes, of this village, and th is f ac t was well r e -membered by the i r near relative* ond fr iends, who came f rom every direeiion on t h e af ternoon truins. Of course somo one mus t he surprised on a n occasion nf this k ind and as Wm. S. is ou t of t o w n Ihe greater portion of hi* t ime, he wax chiwen as the vic t im, ond was informed by hi* employers upon s ta r t ing out tbo previous Monday i b a t hi* presence was u rgen t ly needed in Lowell as early a* 2 p . m . Sa turday . Accordingly he returned promptly , and not finding a n y h t n g par t icular ly " u r g e n t " at t h e store, proceeded to his residence, only lo be "a t ruok d u m b " a l Iho sight of tbe gues ts assemblod, a m o n g whom were Mr. N. E. BurgbdutI , of Coldwater . brother of Mrs, B., wi th hi* wife, dnugble r and grandchi ld ; Mr. and Mrs. D . ' EHiterorooks, of Stanton, J H. Freeland. wife and son. of Freeport ; Mr. and Mm. C. D. Easierbrooks and son, of Stonlon; Geo. White, wife ond daugh te r , of Alton; ond H. D. Eas tc r -brooks, wife and son, of Ionia.

A f t e r Mr. B. hod been given t ime t o recover his sonnet) and express his s u r -prise, a boautifnl an t iquo oak secretary and bookcuee was wheeled f rom an a d -jo in ing room and presented by Mr. D. Eusierbrooks In a few well chosen words. Mrs. Barnes hail not been forgulen, but was presented « i t h a very pretty anl i-

ue oak rocker. The surprise on Mr. rne* was complete, and he wss u n -

able lo express t h e appreciation which all realized hu f e l t l i e flnally recover-ed suffioienlly, however , lo i bank ihe donors in his usual hear ty manner , af (er wh ich oil repaired to Ibe dining room, ond partook of a repast flt fo r a k ing , prepared by Mrs Bsruos, who had previouiUy been made a w a r e of tho p ro-j e c t so f a r aa it concerned her husband.

Supper over a pleasonl evening wus spent in sociol e n j o y m e n t , some of the gues ts deport ing o l a scosonablo hour , but those who had come f rom a dis lsnco r ema in ing over Sunday wilh their gen-iol bust ond hostess.

a ^ a Card of Thanka.

The kind noivbhors w h o rendored old dur ing iho sickness ood a l the dea th of my husband will please accept tnv hear t fe l t thanks. 1 also wish lo t n a n k Mr. Li i iner ar.d the singers,



( i O S C I I A R R E S T E D ,



Maya Hs Was Di-fsnillug Hla lloiue and Family. Ilia Hide or ths Stury


Amiel Goseh, Ihe Bowne tnu nship murderer , waa caugh t ul I o'clock .Sun-day aflernuon, about twelve miles soutb-w«nl of Hastings, by deputy sheriff O a -mun and Itolo Diinlniin, Isiib uf Nash-ville. They had watch'od and followed Gasch lor nUnil l-ii milm. They had a in rse and buggy, and overtook Gosch •i t t ing lieslde the road. They druve u p to him nnd asged If he was nut tired and •lid not w a n t t o rido. Ho answ ered yes, and got Into tho buggy.

Slier II Usmtin rsuohed in lo Uosch's pocket and got his revolver, and then asked if he was mil Goacli. Gosch said thai was his name, and he was told l h a t bo waa tho man they wanted.

Ue at tempted to resist, bu t to no avail, oa Osman a n d Dunham had the band-ru f f s un htm In short order , Ho had a ih i r ty - two calibre revulver wi th h im and three boxtM of cartr idges. H e was b.refoot and hod on a bat , coal , pan t s ond shirt.

Ho was taken lo I lnsl ings and '.urned iiver to SberifT Shrinor, w ho a t once no-lille,| Shenlf Bishon,ur th is county .

I'rai*^ Is due to tho mon who cought t iosch fur the nerve they showed in the sfTair. W h e n caught Gosch looked inure like a bea«t than a h u m a n being, his feet bleeding ond Bore, hoir uu-kenipt, eyes t i loal shot , ood mind ba r rowed with the thuughi uf s u m m a r y vengeance being wteaked upon hiiii bv the frenzied people ol Bowno.helook •il an ub j -c l of pity.

M mday Sheriff Risbop brought t h e prieouer lu Grand Rapids, and on ac-count uf the big crowd which was as-sembled lo ca t ch a gl impse of Gosch, lie quietly took a closed carr iage and went immediolely to the coun ty ja i l .

When they left H i s t ngs there was a large crowd a l the depot to see bim off. but no thought of vio'ence was mani-fested. There were largo crowds also a l Middleville nnd Caledonia, bu t all was quie t nl bo th places. Sheriff Bishop and his |H>ase were prepared for any at-tempt Unit miHbt I h i made l u d o viulence lO llllRlill.

While in t h e Hast ings iail Gosch lalk ed freely and told his eido of the story as fo.lows;

"Tuesday n igh t about 1 o'clock t h e r e was pounding on ihe door of my house. 1 ha looed ami asked who was there ,and some one said 'we have a war ran t for you for stealing wheat . ' i and Brearley got up and put on our clothes ond then t h e door was battered f rom t b e outside My wife and children wore crying, and she opened the door and said 'Siuk ' em ' lo the dog. I saw two ortlcers. one s tanding e . v h side of the disir, wilh guns pointed to cross fire: heard the crowd say they would bang mo. Then the two men nt the Jour tired into the house, and I heani my wife scream •Murder. I a m killed.' Then I fired; don ' i kilo*- wha t hapuened a f l t r this. I was so exci ted lhat 1 got out of tho house and in lo the s w a m p . Wedne* day niglil I undertook to gel inlo a house nnd was fired on, the shot jus t grazing my back. Then I ran back of the house and Ind in a i l r a w stack that n ight , and have not lieen In tho s w a m p since I wus in Vj imontv i l l e , and have heen all a round the count ry . Wish the officers had shot me instead of ar res t ing jne . After i b e affair tha t n ight I went lo Middleville and got a coa l and some cartridge* of Mr. Otto. Supposed till then that my wife wus killed. Did not know Brearley was shot . The of licers were bad friends of mine. Am 43 tears old and havo a wi fe and six children." The prisoner wept at t h e m-nt iun ol his family and said;

"This troublo would not havo hap-liened. but tho officsra th rea t ' nod me the day before and I heard them say say they wero going to hong me. T b r r c wu* o crowd oround t h a t night . I a m not s i bud a m a n as they sav. This is the first t ime I have been arrested. Am anxious to ge t to Grand Rapid* ond have the t r ia l over, and then I c o n shuw thai I am not so much to blame. I was fighting for my life. I am glad t h a t I a m o r r e s t i d . 1 would not have killed any one t ry ing to orrest me. Tho story lhat my fo the r brought m e food is foUe I hove not had ony lh lng lo eat for three days. The men who arres ted m e found m e sitting on tho side of the road. They stopped and sold I looked tired ond ask-ed t t e to ride. 8 nd they wanted lo h i re a man to work . I told them lha t was what I wan ted , so got In t ba buggy. Thoy put the handcuffs on me and here I am. I c la im that I was defending my wife anil family. Tne ofRuers fired the first shot. 1 think I have fr iends nl home who will try and have jus l i io dune. The man killed was a bad friend of mine, bu t I did not know a t the l ime tha t I had killed anyono. Tnere is no t ru th in tbe story my wife is reported to have told t h a t I killed my mother ol the t ' m e of the shooting. My w i f o o n d c ' u l -dren were c ry ing and I wos so eselted^ I did not k n o w what lo do then bu t de-fend the liviw of myself ond family. My boose is small nnd there were nine of u i in it. Il was dark. I am sorry l h a t this has bopiiened."

Said offlntr Kennedy w h o had been on the wa tch with o ther officer; " I don't think t h a t ono of the former* who were assigned lo positions by t h e officers were afrnid of Goech; thoy all stood to tbeir place* l ike men."

Mrs. Gosch told one of the deputies , that when Gosch was steal ing wiioal. and she tried to gel him to atop ond he would not , he threatened to kill her ii she ever gove h tm a w a y . She sold t h a t she was ofioid he would,kill her ond iho t-hildren and thon kill h imielf .

Bresrloy Is ge l l ing along nicely, and is ie«dy to be orralned Ot ony l ime. The paper* are oil made ou t ohorgmg Gosch and Breorley wilh tbo murder of S i n . clalr, ond they will probably be orralned within a few doyi .

The day fo r their examina t ion ho* been set down for Ihe 37lh, a t 8 a. m., before Jus t loe Westplial. at ' i r a n d Rapids.

Unwell Markets.

Corrected every Wednesday. Hot ley $0 85-80 Corn 40 Wheal , old whi le 77 Wheat . " red, 7ft Gals, old >'ft

" new 20 Rye =<« Butler 10 Egg» ' J Put* toe* J5 Apples, >0

.Nsw t 'ot lag* for Hale.

A lino new collage, wi th parlor, yee-tlbiile, s i t t ing room, d in ing ruom, kill li-en. three large bedrooms, four closeli, pantry, wissrhouao. Well a n d city wa-ter and cistern. Lot 4x8 rods. Fine yard. Cheop for ca ih . Apply ot this office.

A p p l e t W a n t e d !

Wil l pay cash for apple*, e i ther small or lonre, ot King , Quick ft K i n g s Evapora tor , ot any t ime a f t e r Aug. 25. 7m3. A. T r i p p , Uongr , Lowell.

ru«v#r« of Crl ui In* la. The beur ingof education on the eliar-

actcr und reformation of cr iminal- i«div cusmhI by Dr. Hamilton U Way in u |iu-per on the physical and indtisiriul train-ing of lhat c l a n , which Is publlshtsl by tho Industrial Eilucation association. The author assumes tliat " i l is a mistake to xuppose that tho criminal la naturally brighL Moral fa i lure and blunted Intel-lect, as a rule, go band in hand. If bright, it is usually in o narrow line ond self repeating." Tbo criminal '* malprac-tice ha* its origin In blunted or hon-do-veloped nervous areas, and is Indicative of wrong heodedne**. Whatever may bo said of the motives or incentives tha t led lo crime, the fact rem.iin* that the head of the cr iminal is wrong. The t ime has gone by In which to a rgue that lo cdutnie the criminal is to m a k e bim a more accomplished and aucccssfui (camp. " I l is through physical and mental training and their composite la-bor that the slumltering germ* of man-hood ore fructi l ied. matur ing under a firm and unrelaxlng discipline."

The c r imina r s mind, "whi le not dis-eased, is undeveloped, or it may bo ab-normally developed in certain directions; the •mjirtursa resulting theref rom par-taking of low cunning and centering about self. Ho I* deficient in stability und will |iower. and incopahle of pro-longed mental effort and application. His intellucl travel* in o ru t . ond fail* him In an emergency. His moral nature share* In the Imperfections of his physi-cal and mental s tate ." A t ra in ing is ad-vocated by the autlior that will awaken the slumbering facuitie*. and Ihus set the miRd iu a normal condition. This train-ing bad beslnot be given by |wrsona con-nected with the prison, fur il might thereby lie unpleasantly ossuclated wilh penul features, but by teacher* brought in lor the purpose. Dr. Way gives an Interesting relation of experiment* which he has iniuln with prisoners in occord-once with these views, tho average re-sult* uf which are very eucouroging.— Pupulur Science Monthly.

Ulaok Is White. Tlie word black (Anglo-Saxon blac,

blaik, ble>k) Ls fundamental ly the same aa the old German blach now only t o be found in two or three compounds, na blachfeld, a level o r plain; bluchmahl, the Hetim which flouts on top when silver is melted, ond blochfrout; ami il meant originally " level ," "ha ro" and wa* used to denote blacknew. because blackness is (apinrent ly) liareof color. Bui thonaaal-Ized f o r m u l Imtcii ia blank, which also meant originally bore, and was used to denote whileneso. because white no** is (apparemly) liare of color. The same word was used to denote tho two opjio-site things. From which It would seem that black Is white.

To any une who shall point out u flaw iu this etymological a rgument 1 shall endeavor to be grateful , provided ho doe* not dis turb Ihe very aatisfaotory conclu-sion. This I should naturally r e s e n t II may help bim to a conclusion ond serve as a fu r ther BUp|iori to my contention to poin toul that black In Anglo-Saxon actu-ally means "whi te" a* well as "b lack , " so tliat it is not in itsnasaiized form only thal tho same word is employed lo ex-press opposite things. Why Is this, un-less that to the primitive mind both white ami black appeared to agree In being bare or void of color, ond for tha t reason to deserve the same name? And bore I cannui helpharl>oringa suspicion, itiggested by the old German blachfrost (which upiwors to bo uearly obsolete, or only used in some localities), tliat our "black frost" meant originally o fro*t bare at occomplishmcnts, as hoar , rime, and ll is a coincldencoonty tha t II should lie black in color ond blacken the vegeta-tion. Bui wo hove long lost held of the originul meaning, and believe it to refer lo the color.—Note* and Querio*.

Dr. R. A. l i u n n . M.D. , Prof, of Sui* gerv of Ihe L'nitod States Medical Col-lege, Eilitor of "Medical Tr ibune . " au-thur uf "Gunn 'a Now Improved l land-Irnuk of Hygiene and Domestic Medi-cine," says uvor his ownsignul t i ro in ad-dressing the proprietors of Warner ' s Safe Cure: " I connol be t rue lo - my convictiona unless I c x t m d a helping hand utui ti.-torse ull I know lo bv good nnd t n w t w o r t h y . Your gmphio de*-ciiption of liver and kidm-y direases have awakened the meili-al pnifesaion to the fact of their great increase. P h j si-cians have been expenmento l ly treat Ing this diaease. i nd while east ing nbutil for un outhorized remedy, their patients hnvo died on their hands . "

.Sumathlng Vou Nead-Hhorlhaud.

" W h y 1" Because it will aid you mure than any thing else to secure a letnuner-at ive positiun and conduce lu your intol-leciual improvement .

" H o w can it be learned T By a | d course oj thorlhantl Untont by matf, ih-rlutliug book, or by the aid of the books 'done,

" W h a t salanee are pt id ahorlhnnd-writers r" Usually 112 dollars o week for beginners; experienced • lenographers e t r n t rom $15. lu $50 o week, depending upon nbilliy, expertniMs and general qiiullllcallnns.

" W h a t do pupils soy of the lessons by moil They speak of them wilh Ihe grei teal solisfsotlon. oa follows;

" Y o u r loiters of instruction by mall tuel my wants exactly ami s tudents wishing to toke up s h u n h a n d u l linmo cannot do belter i han to toko this cuurw."—H. C. B i c K e l l , Clearlleld, Po.

" I took a course of lewons by mail, and a f t e r three months ' s tudy om em-ployed as s tenographer and t y p e - w n t o r ov Ihe firm of Crandall & Godley. of New York, a t h salary of f 15 o week to begin wi th ."—F. A. Robkk t s , Winches-ter, N. H.

Send fur other loslimonlals and full nar l lc i i lan , ond ask for o f ree sample copy i f Browne'* Phonograpbic Munt li-ly. Address Scott i i rowne's College of Phonography ,

(52m4) New York City, N. Y.

Tescbera' Ksamlnatlon.

Fxamlna l ion of teachers for Ihe pub-lic sehools of Kent County for the Fall of IIW0 will lie held as follow*;


Auir —1 i H "«*fo rd , A U K - M Grand Ropids.


Augus t 30 at Grand Rapids, Sept. >7 Oct. 25 Nov. 28 Applicont* fo r first and second grades

nitiHt a t tend Aug. Ist. By ordi r of the County Board of

School Examiners , E c h e n e A. C a r p e n t k r .

4m4 Secretary.

"No Itarhlor Allowed.-It waa in Paris that iho doorkeeper of

% large blook of npartmenU, having lieen bnihored b\ tlie^ioise uf dogs, put up In the court a placard, in largo letters: " N o

: Barking Allowed." This sign did not seem to make much impression upon the dogs, hut il soon bruughl J o u i, an angry t< uani.

i "Whi l t do yuu mean." he shouted lo the doorkeeper, "by putt ing up that sign?"

"Oh. you mustn ' t bo offondtd, sir." nald tho doorkec|)rr. "Tho sign isn't intended for you; it's fur your dug!"—Youth's

, Cumpanioti.

The Com Decided, but lUlhcr Late. | Abraham was no doubt a good man, ' for the ago in which ho lived, but all

critic* agree tliat his t reatment of Hagar | waa a stain upon his character ; tliat I ill.

maei was t roat td with vile injuslico.— Oregonian.

\ C'oui|»<lriit Wllnea*. Bessie—Do y o u know Harry? Jennie— Ye*. He'* a very nice young

mon. I w-a* in love with him for three months—Epoch .

Sh.*rl Ui,i Neit.r Iteuac Tha Frank'oi l He.saving crew recently

u v o d the Uvea wi tw.. in -u » hu were out In LokeMlchlg-n lu n Muier-higged pleaauin bost during th holi-lii of the miuthwestgala,

Th* tsm..I:i< of a dnsd uisn wltn hla ribs, breast and I . - l ' s I, okou ami h'a acalp toro off. were found pa' t iy conaumsdon a burn-ing lis pile. nf ljtk« Station, near Karwoll, O f*w daya a o K murdsr la siiapocted

Aognaliia lis v. of D-trofl, aged alxty. sight, who 1. worth fl o.ftV. h-u heen ad-vartlalng for a wl •• lor the paat i-ao yean without aucoes» ihe other day ho w u m u r ed lo M' a Kva K. Hunger, agod thirty, two, sod the i 'mplq have gone lo MocklnBe to spsud their liuoeynionn.

Romeo la dgurlng for a brsnuh of th* Boy City dlvlilon of iho Michigan Central rail, way from AlUoo* Tbo 1II1I Cart Company must havo cliuuper frolglit r.nei or thsy will locale lu aniitber town.

While la au tu ndcated condition th* other night John Slluueter lay down by th* railroad track In the yard at Marquette and wa* run over hy a freight train H* r*. Mtved tnjmlea which rssulted In death th* nex t morning

Fred W. Ku-sln. of liny City, who was plooed In the IVnlluc m a u o asylum sev-eral yeara ago. writes ths pruhaUi judg* that ho Is aaiiu, and the auporlntendenl would dls.-h-i'u' h n If tb'ire was any on* to uomo and v-t ul u aut hut hla parents will not do it

Dr. Wm II. Tboinp>on of the U n l - 1

veretty of Iho City of New York says: I " T h e symptoms of diseased kidneys will first appear in the extremely different pnrtsof the body. ' T n a* Ihe i t idneysond ! not t h - elfecia of kidney diseoHe, by - ua-1 ing Warner a Sa fe Cure.

Ayer 's Hai r Vigor restores color and v i u l i l y to weak ond gray hair . Through , its healing a n d cleansing qualities, it preveiita t h e uecumulat ion of danilrulf ' and cures all sculp diseaaes. The U'st hair dressing ever made, and by fur ihe 1

most economical .

H A Y F E V E R .

I hnvo lieen a periodical sufferer f rom hay fever since tho s u m m e r of 1379, and

I until I used Ely's ( ' r eam Bulm was never 1 able to liml relief. I can t ru th fu l ly say ; tha t t h e Cream Balm cured tne. I re-

Kant it as of great value a r d would nut lie wi thout it du r in* tho hay fever sea-

1 son. —L. M. Georgia ,Binglmmpton.N.Y. 1 I can cheerful ly recommend Ely 's

("ream Balm to the suffer ing public for h a / fever and stoppage of Iho nasal jias-sagi-s. I Imvu tried it and find II gives ininieiliate relief.—J. E. Rector, Li t t le Rock, Ark.

T H E " M O T H E R S FRIEND" Not onlv shortens labor aud lessens

Ik-tin a t t end ing i t ,but greatly diminishes the danger to life of b o t h ' m o t h e r a n d child If used a few utonths boforo con-l inemenl. Wri te to The Bradf le ld ' s i Regulator Co , At lanta . Ua.. for f u r t h e r partii ulapi. Sold by all druggists .

T H E U R E A T - M . P. By M. P . Is ment Mill's Xrrve ami!

Liitr Fills which regulate the l iver . ) s tomach, bow,It , etc. , through lh> ir ! tn rvi-s. Smallest and mildest. A nrir , j irinei/i/f , ' A rerola t ionizcrI Samples , i r " - ui Yeiter and Ian<>k4.

F O R P U R E D R U G S A K D M E D I C I N E S YOU S H O U L D A L v V A ^ «.«• Tti

O I / A R K & W m B O A R ' S . You will now flnd in o.ir -i . k

T H E F I N E S T L I N E O F W A L L P A P E R !


B r o w n s 1 0 e l s . p e r d b l . r o l l ; ( . H t s : o e l s . p e r d b l . r o l l . Latei t lleititna In llsrornlloiia to .Hatch.


«fe ioteod not to be beaten ia any o( the above Lines ol Goods, R E M E M B E R THAT I

C L A R K & W I N E G A R , L O W E L L , M I C U I G A N .

W . R . B l a i s d e l l & C o . , Do not fail to gel prices of impelments

wa -ons nnd carriages befure purchasing. > II. Nahii.


The Chief R r n s o a fur (he great die. c r « of H i s h I ' s S.ir >.-![ .irlll.t It found In the article Iticlf. I t l iraerl l th.-.t wlui. and tli* fart lh.it Hood's ij.irsaiinrllU actually Be lompllihcs what Ii cUImrd fur It, li what baa given to tills medicine a isipularlty and ulo greater than that ol any other ursapa-

R / I p r i t W i n Q r " t l c r r u r ' I V i e r i l vV 1119 fler before the public. Ilisid'j Banaparllla curea SctufuU, Bait Rlieum and all llninurs, Dyapepila, 8Irk Headoelie, UIUousiii-mi, evtrcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, itrtngtli-ma the Nerves, bullda up the Whole Syitem.

I leod'a Nnrsapnrll ln I. aold ty all drug-(Ula. f alt for f t . I'rcpareil byC. L Hood V Co.. A Olbccailca. Lowell, Mass.

GENERAL HARDWARE, We offer the en t i re sti- k at heretofore


W E M E A N B U S I N E S S .

IOCS carr nu.t. It, . I| nr- ' fcuV in cold ..IcJ «ira will ,i, W' »amnl I ̂ -do*. li a.niaina

C f- <1 lo 1M pmad SBd II pi.1 oo Rcvtaiaa.! at •. . I w,™ I: ruka ncrafeocstodis poand than an/ -lhar wm f-.saoj evrr nuil^ •.«, J.,, i v.r.i jn-j nock lorn

- r -

p i « . . j . « . , • , b u T i h . i f , IJ AikjKairhj u -n .an luoiio.Wyou Preiton's OralJcd Darbl«sa Faoca V'lre. MaifaofNu . .rni^ natl cilauliad win.

MANueACTu-'-o r v


A I'inc Line of Gasoline, Cook and Healing Stoves, Bar Iron, Axes, Cross Cut Saws, Builders' Material

At P r i c e s Never Offered Before . • Give Us a Trial Tr ip , Lowell, J o a . 9.


Sewing Mschlnsa lor Everybody.

C. M. Deveud-'rf has opened a sales-room op|H*lte Wisner Bro'* Mill, where m t y a i w t v s hi found tho fumMis machines, the ' S t anda rd" and " J e n n i e Juno," olso H full line of needle*, oils, Ac. f48lf)

Eacunlon lo r s toskey aod Trarsrse t ' l ly .

Tuesday. Sept Srd. over the Detroi t . Lans ing ond ^ Jonhe rn R R. 8pe. lnl t ruins ihrotigh' with ou t change. | 3 50 for the Round Trip f rom loolo. Tick-et* guud for 10 Doy*.

Vlllogs Tax MotIcs.

All village taxe* are now due. Please coll ot m y office in A . S. Mount 's s tore and p*y t h e m .

Low II, Aug. 18, 1880. H e n r y M i t c h e l l ,

(7w8j M a n h a l .

I Ayer's S a r w p a n l l a , by p u r i f y i n g and ennuhing ihe blood, improves the appe lite, aids ihe aralnnlotive piocn-s. • i rengthens the nerves, and invinorateH the system. I l l s , t l ierefore. the best ond mo*t ihorough'T reliable ollerat ive tha t can bu tound for old a n d young.

REDUCING T H E S U R P L U S . The disposition of t h e Surplus tn the

U. S. Treasury engages t h e kttenliun of ou r Sta tesmen, but u more vital qties. l ion baa our a t tent ion, and t h a t is the reduction of Hie Surplos Cunsutiiptives s ince the discovery and inlroductiun of Dr. King 's New Discovery for Con-sumpt ion, i here has been a marked de-crease in ihe morta l i ty fo rm this dread ed disease, and it is possible to still fur-the r reduce the number of Constimii-tives. How? By keeping conslimllv ut hand a IMIUIO of Dr. King's New lii»-covery and using according to direc l iors , upon the ap|iearance of the first avmptons, such us a Cough, a Cold, a Sore Thmul , a Chest, or Stile Pain. Taken thus early a euro is gunranteed. Tri.il Uittles f r ee at H u n t . t Hunter ' s Drug Store

OUR C A N D I D A T E FOR PRESIDENT. He will bo nomin ited by Ihe conven-

tion and will Is- elected by iho people, because ho w III come tho nearest to l*'-i n g their ideal Chief Magistrnlo. Eloc-tric Bitters has been given the highest place, hecauso no other medicino has so well filled the ideal of a jierfect tonic and ulterative, Tho people have indon,-ed Electric Bit le s and rely upon this great remedy in all troubles uf Liver. S tomach and Kidneys. For all Malari-al f e v e r s and diseases cnusi-d by Mala-rial Poisons, Electrict Bitters car not be too highly recommended. Also cure*, headache ond Conntipatiun. Satisfac-tion giiari i i i l ird, or money re funded . Price 50". and f l . al Hutu & Hunte r ' s Drug Store.

T A K E i r I N T I M e T "For want of a nf.ll, tho shoe was

hist; for want of a shoe, a horse was lost; for w a n t of a horse a rider was li-ai." Never neglis t • m a l l ' t h i n g s . The first sign of pneumonia and con-siimptlon can iMwitively lie checktsi by Dr Acker 's English remedy f u r con-sumpl iun .

YP.ITKK& Look , DruggiBts. Lowell.

BOILS. C A R B U N C L E S AND STIES Are circumscribed Inllnmalton of t h e skin involving iho deeper par t s . They are generally o!iu«ed by impure mate-rials floating in the blood. Pur i fy the blood and II it sur j ins ing how rapidly I hev disappear. Try Loose's Ex t rac t Red Clover Blossoms. Best blood puri-fier in tbo wor ld .



l '.co. O . T a y l o r a n d J . W . V a n d e r h u l e ,

Practical Painters and Decorsturs.




liuaranleed HatUfactory by TUB PENINSULAR WHITE LEAD AND COLOll WORKS, Dotroll, MIclilgBB. (ii moi 4)


Croup Remedy For Children.

A P l e a s a n t , Safe a n d C e r t a i n C u r e fo r W h o o p i n g C o u g h , C r o u p ,

C o u g h s , H o a r s e n e s s

And Similar Affections Common to Children.

Sold by All Drugg i s t s , - Price 25c IInre found Prckham'a Croup Remedy the

b-al medloln* wo ever had In the home for croup and cou.-ha." Mna. P. E. MlLLas,

iSsyh Ludlngton.MIch.


P r o d u c e d f rom (ho bxal tve and nutri-tious ju ice of Cal i fctnia figs, combined wi th t h e medical vir luM of Ibe plants known to be the most benefloial to tlm human system, acts gently on the kid-neys. liver nnd bowels ,effeduolly cleans-ing tne tvs lem dispelling colds and head aches, and cur ing nabituol n.instigation.

Children Cry for Pitchcr's Castor:.\.

When Eobr soaalck, we ravo her Cnalorla. When iha waa a Ch::d, ahe cried for Casturla, When ahe became Jlln. ibe dung lo Caaloilt, RTiso ahs had CUldrao, ibe gave thum Caa'urlo.

GROSS CRUELTY. Parents too f requent ly permit their

children to suffer t rom headache, fits, St. Vitus dunce, nervousness, etc., when they can lie cured, Mrs. P. was cured of sick headache, d iu ines s . dys(ypsia, nervous prostrat ions of eighteen years s tanding, a f t e r fa i lute uf iiixloen phy-sicians; Mrs. K . of sick heaoa -he for 35 years; Mrs. P. of twenty lo fitly fits a n ight : o thers f rom this vicinity 'could be mentioned w h o have been cured by lha t wonderful ne rve food and medicine— Dr. Mill's Nervine, which oontains no opium, morphine ur dangerous d n i g s . Free samplo bottles may be had ut Yei-te r & Looks d r u g store.

PROMPTNESS. Fir t t a cold then a cough then con-

sumption then death, " I took Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Coiisump-tion the m o m e n t 1 began to cough, and I believe it saved my l i f e . " — W a l t e r N. W a l l a c e , Washington. Y e i t e r & Look , Druggists. Lowell.

BLUDBILDER, Tbe uew vegetable tonic-al terat ive and blood purifier is in tho shape of a pleasant syrup , and contains in a con-centrated fo rm tho most valuable vege-table cura t ives , which have been de-veloped by modern medical and scien-tific research. Il acts directly upon the blood, th rough il impar l ing tone and vigor to tho en t i re system and eradicnt-ing disease, and is unequalled au a cure for Scrufulous, Cancerous a n d other hu-mors, whether consti tutional or otber-w Im, Ca ta r rh . Rheumat ism, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, sick a n d nervous headache, fe-male weaknesa, and all blood liver and kidney diseases. Pritfo | l . 0 0 . Sold by Clark & Winegar .

P I L E S ! P I L E S ! P I L t S !

Dr. Wil l iam's Indian Pile Oin tment is tbe only sure cure lor Blind. Bleeding

j ur I tching Piles ever discovered. I t never fails to cure uld chronic cases of

' long s tanding . J u d g e Coons, Maysvtlle, Ky. , soys;

I "Dr . Williafn's Indian Pile Oin tment cured me a f t e r years o ' suffer ing."

Judge Coffinbury, Cleveland, O . savs; " I have found by experience t h a t Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment gives immediate and | iermanent relief."

j We have hundreds uf such tesl imo-| uials Do nut sutler an iustaiil longer, i sold by all druggist* a t 50c and 41 per ! box. (Sflylj

Detroi t , G ' d E a i e n i M i l i a i i i e e I t A. I L W A Y


In effect June 31,188S.


11 It bm t W Ml

« RIeamooaa Exprma,. 8 Through Mall, I Evening Ezpreaa,...

18 MUed 10 IJmltod Ezpnxa

I 91 PS r W p b




Steam & Hot Water Heaters S t e a m r i t t i n g a n d P u m p R e p a i r i n g .

A R T I F I C I A L S T O N E W A L K S . F L A G G I N G , E T C Any intrmUoic to Uv yrxlk*. curtwtooM, or m j -

Ihinf of Uimi •••rt.»ill flud il lo Uie.r ioi«rv«t logU mj prkM

EgTAIll " o r k ut Ixiwest Living Rates, and Sotr isfuclion guurunteed. ( i a

" T X i E O L E )


BOOTS ^ SHOES. W e carr>' the Largest and Best Stock in town, comprising

everything in the line of foot-wear.



M and Heavy Hardware AGENTS FOR THE


a K r - ; : S Tb rough Il Nlglii Eiproaa,. .

IS Ml led i Steamboat Ezpre**.

. II 41 a •

.. 3 M m .. 8 IR a B .. I I.', r s . 10 OT r «

o r Throuick tickets lo all principal points Kaat foraalealtheCompany'a odtee, lowsU.

Noa. 7 aod 10 run dally, other train' dally, Sunday excepted. A. 0.1IEVDLAUFF, W. E. DAVIS.

Lowell Ax out. Ass l, Uan, Paoo, Ag'u Chicago, 111

T h e M a i l S a

OOINO WEST. 0:18a. m.—closed pouch for Grond

Rapids . 11:43 .o m . — W a y mai l . 3:51 p. m . — W a y mail .

QOINQ EAST. 7-^0 a. m.—Closed pouch for Detroit.

12:15 p. m.—Way mail . p. m.—Way mall .


• 0:30 a.m.—Mail bv carrier to Chandler , Comphell, W . Campbell, Clarks-viile, Carleton Center,

FROM THE BOCTB. ; 6:00 p. m.—Mail received f rom No.

I rving, O'Donnell, Freeport , Lo-g a n , Bowne, Alto.


; 1:80 p. m.—Mail fo r Fallasaburg,Alton, G n j n t , Gra t t an .

FROM THE NORTH. 1 1 : 8 0 a . m.—Mail received f rom above

pla .vs. 1 All mails clore 38 minutes before t ime

above s ta ted. Post Office open frotu 7 a. m . to 750

p. m. . s u n d a r d l ime.

G a l v a n i z e d E a v e T r o i i g h l n g . Have in Stock a f u l l lino of the Latest Improved


B U I L D E R S ' H A R D W A B 1 .

KEEP t h e fac t c o n t i n u a l l y in m i n d t h a t if you w a n t to b e c o m e well

OFF t h a t o n e of t h e t h i n g s n e c c s s a r y is to buy g o o d s t h a t a r c full va lue F o r

y o u r m o n e y . I t is n o

PV!Y t h w h e n w e s t a t e t h a t ou r l i u o t s a n d S h o e s an t ! Kiililii.' ^ o o d s a r e v a l u e t o

t h e c u s t o m e r s . It is o u r s t e a d y a i m to veil t h e lic>t g o o d s for t h e l e a n

m o n e y of a n y s h o e c o n c e r n in ( h e town. W. d o n ' t wish t o blow, b u t we

s t a t e p l a i n l a c t s w h e n wc say t h a t w e will no t be b e a t e n e i t h e r in q u a l i t y

o r pr ice . C o m e a n d let us fit y o u r feet ami >.tvc yonrsc l f f r o m

a n d b u n i o n s .



Page 3: LOWELL JOURNAL,lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1889/08_August/08-21...LOWELL JOURNAL, One Dollar a Year. 0££los in Train's Opera House Blook. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXV.

L O W S L L J O U U N A l . . WhUJB/MHiMV. A U G U S T 81. U M .

POWDER Absolutely Pure.

Tbii powder tutrrr tmim. A Murvrl of pur lly ntrpiiRth and wlilUxinii'iii'ta Jlorr won oinlckl Uiautba onlln»ry kliuln. ond i iu iol bp - •Id la co apollllon «Ith the mulUtudt- uf low •m, niton «el|chl alum or pboupbal* pi wcUn.

SOLD only Id Cariii. 1 loyal UakliiK I'uwcI.t Oo, i M Wall HI. N. Y. (19-35)

T A I t 12 'X ' i l JU

Grand Rapids & Indiana R. R., THE

"FISHING LINE," riw direct rontr lit TIIAVEKSK CITY, I'ETO.H-

KEY. MABgUETTK. nnd olh.-r dtdlxhl fur lli-allli and Suinnu'r

rrmirlM of

N O R T H E R N M I C H I G A N Ad4 tha c«lebral«l Trout mid (IrayliiiK "lrc«m«, brautlful Uk#k and arand fon-sl* of ilii" fniuou« country.

Tlif watcra of Nortlu'rn Michigan nn* un«ur t u n e d . If rquallnl In abuud i i i c and un-ui i» rtrly of flub cnnlalnM

Orook Trout abaund In Ihr uln-ains, and lm-faiooui Amirlcan Urayllni; In found only In ibeie wfttera.

Tbe Troni x-aaon ht-Klnn 51«) I aod rnds Srpl 1.

The Urayllnx wason u|<<'uii Junr I anil cud* Not. I.

Ulaok Bam. l ike. Plck-rel and MuM-alonRe alio abound Ir. larur uuiuIhth In Ihi- nmin laki-x and lakelet* of lid* terrlior)-.

Take your family wlib you. Tlii- wenery of the north woodi aud lake* IK very b-autliul. The air Ii pur« dry and bracinR.

The c l imax Ik (wcullarly lieneflclal lo tlione •nfferlnif wilb Hay Fever and AKthmatlc sITec-III nil.

New holelK wlib nil moilrrn iinprovementii bate bees errcml. an wi-ll »« many rAlrniiln* aildlUonn tothti older one*, wlilcb will Kuaranlre amole acoouiudallon for nil.

The Orand HauliU A Indians B. H.. In connec-llou with tbe Uiiluth, Houlh Shore & Ailaotic B. IL. a i Mackaaic Clly. fornnt the nnwl direct mute lo Uarquelle. Haull 816. Marie. Neifaunee. HouRblon, Hancock, and all point* In I n- upper jienlnmla of Mli-hlRnn.

Purinic Ibe Heiuum round trip excurMon ticket* will be *old al low rale* and a t f ac l lve train rtcllllliK olTeretl to loir l«iii and uporumm.

KorTeuriKf* (lulde, lime cards and folder*, Itlvlng full Intormallnn. aildn-w

C. U IX)CK\VOOD. den I ' u " A«t. (Irand Haplds. < Icb.


Ada Item*.

Nisa LouIbc Modlnn la visiting at Frank Heodloy's .

Mr. and Mw. Wr igh t wont to HeMing IttM week to at tend tho funera l of their d a u g h t e r - i n - l a w , Mrs Aionzo W n g l i t .

J u i m McCounoii und Mi8B Louibo Lookwood wero mar r ied last S u n d a y .

Ju l i a WaUuu , who has been nick for some t ime , ia aga th able to be around,

8«winj( machinoB, Needlwi and Oils at Althen'R.

Alton Atom*.

•Mlsa Ida Uohle is in Grand Rapids bo-inn doctorcd for insani ty.

I t a . ' i t o U r . a n d Mrs Wro.Condon,Aug. I'-'.a girl , al io n girl t o W m . Renne l i aml wife , Aug . 13th.

Mr. Thiu-bor, ono of tho men who wns shot by W r i g h t in OcnEee Co., was the print-ipal of tho Grot ton Center KCIIOOI fo r coma time. It is wi th norrow tliat wn loaruof bis unt imely end. Mr. Thur b«'r leaves a wife whom he married ai Rock ford.

8eo t h e new Reed, Com nnd Fallow wheel cult ivator* at Nasli's Agrlcultu ral Rooms,

B L \ * 3

C r e a m Balm C U K E S


' • V t r - . w i A N , ,

H a y — F e v e r ' n

\ parllcle l« applied Into eucli noatrll anil I* agreeahle. I'rlce AUe. HI all dru|{-(Utaior by mall, reuUlered. 00 renU-

ELY BBUTIIEHS, .•« Warner Si.. NowYork.


W.SJinegar Always Carrieh in .Stock tho


Drugs, l ed ie ines ,

Paints. Shades. Books,

Wall Papers, Oils, Toilet Articles,

Painters Materials, Stationery, Etc,

When in need of any of these n r ib les , ur a n y t h i n g usually kepi in a liirt-clabs drug store.

G I V E M E A C A L L !

I can suit you; ami

M y P r i c e s a r e R i g h t .

W . S . W I N E G i R , LOWELL, - M U i H G A N .

" T h a t 5 a R l a n k c t is a i l a n d y . "

FREE—Get from ymir ilculi r free, iho J I li-Kik. It HNX IiuiiiImiiih- |i|i-iiin« ami vni'lalde'nfurQialiuii iilxinl Iioi -i -.

Two ur ilirt'c dnllur" fur u s A Horta Blanket will make rum Jior** wortli uior* and eat Iciw tu liit |i warm

( 5/A Five Mile ) 5/A Boss Stable

Alk * " ] 5/A Electric

( 5/A Ex t ra Tost :«l oilier itylea al jirii*« i" ""it e r e n -

IkhIv. If you can't get them Irum yuMf dealer, write u».

5/A tORSt


the /uini'us llotw limua Baker llUuikeu


" J a c k Fros t" has left his fout printa on the corn and other vegetation on low ground in th is section.

The Clarksvillo Mirror has expired. Tbe reaiiou of this is thorn was doc suffi-cient patronngo ami business to support it.

W e notice by the premium IIhI of the Barry county fair that Foster Sission. of tills plarc lias been chosen as one of the judges in tlie cla^s of h o n e s for road sters.

J . M. Mathewson, Esq., would doubt-lens have made qui te a lengthy s|)oecb the d a y of tho picnic had he not been so hungry.—Herald.

W . 1'. r e m n will rallle away Ida Clydesdale s ial l ion.Daimy U a v v . a t | l a t icket. 100 numbers to be sold. D iawing to Uiko place ut Porrin 's barn Oct. 1. Tickets on gale a t barn and Train 's Hotel.

so. no t ton .

Dry, dryer, dryest .

Mrs. John Whi te is sick. Dr. McDaa-noil a t tending her.

Several from tins locality a l tended tho picnic al Lake Odeim. And all speak wull of Gov. Luce's speech.

The M. E. Sabbath school have a new l ibrary.

Miss Allice Layer is tu t m c h school in the North Bell dis t r ic t .

So. Boston will be represented a t the Clarksvillo Seminary .

S. E. Tucker has iieachi-* for his f r iends.

Wo were very glad to hear t lmtGosch hud been captured.

Everybody gott ing ready fur the pic-nic a t Morrison lake.

Few can do a better Job at blackamith-ing. with scarcely any tools, t h a n fl. Beeoher and J . Miller.

Disappointment over takes all of us. The latest is of a woman who missed ber bread and mea t for hi eakfas t .

Do not fail to get prices of impelments wagons nnd carrfagoa bufore purchasing.

H . Nabh .

Vergenne* VUltor.

Miss Ruby Blanding has gone to Lud-ington to visit fr iends.

C. Misner is in Casnovia visiting his son, Hi ram, and fami ly .

Oeorge W . Godfrey and fami ly , of So. Boston. Sundayed wi th Mrs. God frey 's brothel, W m . Collins, and f a m i l y .

Mr. and Mrs. Simon Koal, of South Love l l ,Sundayed wi th Mr. K's nephew, J o h n Hycinger and family ,

Mr and Mrs. Elias Parker , Mrs. John McWill iams and g r a n d m a Lull, of Low-

.ell, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. W m . Pa rke r ,

Mr. and Mm. Fred Malcolm,of Lowell , wero a t Fred 's uncle's, Adelbert Odell 's Sa turday .

Adelbert Odell's wheat yeldeo 1*0} bu. per aero a n d is of good quali ty. Who can beat t ha t .

Mrs. J ames Westcot t . of Whea t l and , w h o has lieen vis i t ing u t Crosby's, was an old schoolmate of Crosby's Insiead of Mrs. Crosby's as tho J o n m i . had it last week.

F ine photographs a t all prices over Mrs. Hder ' s mil l inery store.

The race truck in this village is now in good condit ion.

Wil l H u m p h r y , of Ionia, was clan-destinely marr ied last week to Miss Florence Bennet t , of Por t land, H u m -phry fo rmer ly r an a dentis ts ofllco in th is village.

The Boracco Musical Society of Beld-ing which udvert ised to give an enter-t a inmen t in Shaw ' s Hall last ^a tu r j i ay evening failed, to gel a n audienae and tbo cn t e r i a inmen i was Indefinatoly poetponed.

Tho races yesterday were q u i l t large-ly a t tended a n d the principiil r t c e be-tween Woodman ' s and Dodge's colts was decided in the llrst two heat", t h e Dodge ooll 'eai i ly winning both; a scrub race followed in which a 4 -year old colt ownod by Mr. H a U , of Orleans, was a n easy winner in two heats, followed hy F. E . Cahoon us a good nerond, and a n o the r race fo l lowed this which was won by .Randy Taylor 's " L a i t C h a n c e ; " o

Ey horse ownod a t take Odessa by Cass, being tho compet i tor .

Last Sa tu rday a vender of snidej twel-ry s t ruck town and wi thou t making any misreurenta t ions succeeded in pocket ing abou t twen ty bard earned doliars f rom t h e m who could ill afford the loss. Ho sold brass chains and gave away d u m b watches.—Locaf.

H . Nosh will sell you a windmilf nnd 3') f t . t ower fo r $50.

a r a t t a a aatfaerlag*.

Mrs. Clinton Green was on the sick list last week.

M n . Calllo Pe t fe rnnd daiifchter .Hatt le of Grand Rapids, a re visiting fr iends here .

Mrs. HollU Hrouks is milking u week'i visit with Edmore fi ienus.

Mrs. W . T. Adams and daugh t e r . Ju l ia , living four u i l en south of Gd. Rapids, visited relatives here last week.

Mian Vada Huntley,ot tVtoskey.grand-daugh te r of M n . C. Close, is with Smyrna f r iends at preeenU

Mrs. Warren Pond, of Lincoln, Neb., Is visiting relatives here.

Miss Minnie Ixusiter commenced her school ui district No. T frnciiunul uf (laklleld and Grut tun, Aug. 111.

Farmers in Gikf le ld have lost mahy bug* f rom cholera and are t lghling the disease with every k n o w n remedy;

The frost of Aug. 11 cut fou r ucres of com and potalooeou a cul t ivated swamp, uwned by H. Leesiter, which was welt underdia ined.

Mr. Wesley Miller lia* been a great sufferer f rom rbeiuuaiiniii fur yeara. and is now helpless. In such sickness the cheerful talk of f r iends is uf ten of greut beneHt. Fr iends If we can bring any Kiinshine to the afllicted unen lei iin nut IM* remhts in d b t y .

Mlsa Iva A lge r and broiher, A. J . . of Greenville a re viRiting relatives and friend# I, ore.

Mr. and Mrs. Aionzo Smith are vi*it-

ing his parents at Rockford . Thoy can j afford in visit extensively when their : oata yield 00 bushels to t h e acre.

I The n e x t social of tho Ladles Aid So-ciety will be held w i t h Mrs. H i r am

j Jenk«, Sept. 6, p . m. Annual election | of oflicors, all urged to a t t end . Tho ice j cream social, Aug. 9, net ted $13.03.

Rev. J . H, Fairchilds, Ashley, gave a j m o f instructivo sermon last Sunday . | f r om u i k o 9:10 to 17. " A day in the j l i fe of Jesus of Nazareth ."

W c are oil greatly pained to hear of | the cowardly murder of Dr. Frank Thur-

ber,formerly Prof. In t h e Grutlnn Union j school for live years. H e hud many

warm fr iends t h a t regre t his unt imely dea th and feel for the voung wife in her terrible bereavement.

The 15th day of Aug. wu* tho day of picnics. Hint a number of our p e u pie al tended the Washington Club pic nie, at Baldwin lake, Greenville, more at tended Iho S, S. picnic a t Wabasls Lake, Oaktlold. The children did splen-didly with recitations, and Mrs, Austin, daughte r of Rev. Fairchllds. received hearty applause. Rev. F. E. Wright gave a n excellent address on Sabbath School work.

The Catholic picnic was well a t tended Opening wilh religious exercises by Rev. Fa ther Crumley. Addresses by Messrs. F. Sullivan ami Wm. Farrell. Reel la-tiuns by Miss Bookery and Frances Bn-s-nahnti. Mrs. P . McCanloy read a lino poem wri t ten for the day calling for th much piaise. Mrs. Mary Gavagan, or-giini-t fo r Rev. Fattier Flan'nery's church a t Alpena, and a splendid vocal and in-f t r u m e n t a l musician, delighted t h e company with her se lect ions in music.

Maud . -

Frederick T. Roberts, M. D., E x a m -iner in Medicine in t h e Royal College of Surgeons, London, Eng . , in speaking of Bngh t ' s disease, says: "Bright 'Bdisease has tio symptoms of ita own , and may long exist wi thout t h e knowledge of tho pat ient or praciii ioners, as no (win will l>e felt in the kidneys o r t h a t vicinity." This accounts for m a n y people d y i n g with Bngh t ' s diseaie, or advanced kid-ney inulady. Tne disease is not suspected until It reaches its f a t a l period. If W a r tier's Sa fe Cure is used a t the

ty would be greatly decreased. Dr. Thoinp-timo, tho fatal i ty f rom t h a t

proper diseaee

son also savs: " T h a t more adul ts a re carr ied off in this coun t ry by chronic kidnev disease than by any other ono

lady, except consumpt ion ."

T i l l ' A i . n i i M M U J I ; .



rbe Moil Widely IlUtrlbutcd. Mod U w ful anil Nuw .Mont Ulfflcalt Metal to Ilaiulla—Hut In Tlm« Inventor* Will Do Evea RetUr Tlian the Seymour Method.

To a luminum enthusiaats tho death of Fred J . Seymour will bo most keenly felL For the man who believed, and believes, tlmt it is tho metal of the fu ture , and tha t i t is boing developed through slow stages, there la somo con-solation l e f t

Others a re a t work a t this moment— perhaps hundreds of them—as many , no doubt, as a re a t work on any other one thing, striving by n igh t and by day to usher in tho a l u m i n u m millennium a t the earlioat possible dale, wilh every chance of success in their f avor .

The metal Is known to exist in every clay bank and in overy rock, great and small; it U more plent i ful titan al l other motala combined; tho modus operandi whereby It is se | iaratcd is well known to chemists and inineralogists a l ready; the objective point of all this research is cheapneaa. The Seymour process did the work more cheaply t han any other yet devised; hence the lamentat ions over his death.

CONFLICTINO BTOHIEH. Even with the Seymuur process the

cost of producing a l u m i n u m has been so great as to exclude it f r om general use.

Il has been annouiicod a t least a half dozen t imes that a new nnd cheaper mode of chemically ext rac t ing tho precious metal from its ear thly base hud " ju s t been discovered." Still i t was worth $4,000 a ton, according lo Maj. Poweil, of tho geological survey.

The newspapers reported tbo sh ipment of 100 pounds of chemical ly pure alumi-num, manufac tu red under a now pro-cess, f rom Newport , Ky. , to London. England, In Augus t , 1888.

Tho same account , besides telling ua it waa thu Qrst of tho metal ever extracted f rom clays for the purpose of shipment in tho United Slates, tolls us how it sold fo r fifty cents per pound. Both allega-tions must bo un t rue , as tho Engineering Journa l of March t ins year gives a tabu-lar exhibit of tho value of ra re metals in which it classes a luminum as being worth 18.50 jier |ioiind. The Jou rna l ii good authori ty , too.

About tho t ime of this reported ship-ment of a l u m i n u m from Kentucky an-other and more sUvrt ling story was cabled f rom Germany. According lo tho Ger-man Don Quixoto ali imimini was being rapidly turned out in 100 pound Imrs at tho Krupp gun works a t a cost of less than twenty cents jier pound. Teutonic "guahoodness" did not cast a bur aud u half and then m a k e a sh ipment like they did In the land of blue gross, but thoy turned them out in great bars as rapidly aa a wood choppcr would slicks of wood and piled them u p fur f u t u r e use, per-haps wllli a view toe nrner ing the alumi-n u m agol

This metal of tlie luturo, of which so much has been said, was discovered by Professor Wohler in 1828. While seek-ing to settle In his own mind the ques-tion as to whut » e r o thu coin|>uiieiil par t s of common clays, and while fusing a mass of the yellow mud at a whi te bout under tho blow pi|H), he accidently ob-tained B single iniiiule glolmlu o r bead of wha t was to him dnd the rest of tbe scientific world ut tliat t ime a new metal Subsequently by various chemical, tests be proved the d rop to be tho precious a luminum. Ho surely did not consider his discovery of g rave importance, otlmr-wlse ho would havo given It more atten-tion than ho d id ; as it was, i t appears tha t he did not experiment <v!th the a luminum idea in view again fo r some-th ing like eighteen years. In 1846 he re-discovered it in u mixture of cloride of a luminum and common salu This time the metal waa obtained in quant i t ies^uf-ficient for more oxiciifive exaniiiiatiou. I t was found to b o a while metal liotwocn tho color of zinc and silver, but with a more bluish t inge than lhat found in tho last named metal .

I ts specific gravi ty Li f rom 2.3 to 2.07, according to puri ty , tha t of tho u \ e r a p e g rade being about 2^ times heavier than water. I', is f o u r t imes as l ight a s sil ver—In other words, a coin tho aizo of a silver dollar m a d e of a luminum would weigh about t h e sumo as a twenty cent piece in silver. It has great rigidity and tenacity; is nearly aa hard us iron, but can be wrought into wire as line a« spi-der webs af tor being thoroughly an-B M l e l

WOXDUrUL QUALITIES. By being subjected to tho goldbeater 's

a r t , a piece of a luminum the size of a d ime may bu beaten in to a sheet several feet square, so great is its tenuc.iiy. Only two metals known can bo rolled inlo b sheet as thin as il can, anil they are gold and silver. When it does at iast oome Ijito general use. and the advent of Uiat era will not lie retarded much by tho man whose dwiih furnUbue tlie t ex t for this article, it will be used for every-thing and put to every purpose to which Iron, iteel and wood are now put. I u

adaptability to ship bui lding la very ap-parent .

Great sleamsiiips, t h e size of the larg-est Canards, with tiio samo tonnage a n d tho samo number of exposed lineor feet . If constructed of a l u m i n u m from keel to tho top of tho masts, instead of d raw ing eighteen to twenty-six feet , would not draw more than fou r o r five. In tbo days of tho fu tu re alumlnl tes deep water conventions will bo uaeleas assemblages.

I t holds a polish the best of any m e t a l known, there being bu t few elements tha t will cause it to tarnish or t u r n black. Rust, too, is a qual i ty unknown to this wonderful whito metal. Boiling water will not affect its luster, which is retained for an indefinlto period in any Btmoipliero. Strong nitric acid raven-otuly a t tacks silver, but has no ef fec t whatever upon a luminum. Gold o r plat inum will bo ruined if plunged In to a bath of sulphuret of potassium or molt-ed niter; a luminum comes out br ight and shiny as if f rom a bath of pure cold water.—John W . W r i g h t in St. Louis Republic.



j CatarrbRl Deafnesa, Hay F e r e r - A Jlew n a m e Trealmanl .

| Sufferers a re not generally a w a r e t h a t 11 hese diseases a r e contagious, or tha t

they ore duo lo t h e presence of llv.'ng '•Hrusites in the l ining membranes of the iii*e and eus tachian tubes. Microscopic

I research, however, has proved th is t o bo a fact , a n d the result is t h a t a simple remedy has been formula ted , whereby ca ta r rh , ca t a r rha l denfneae a n d hay fe-ver a re pe rmanent ly cured In f rom one to three applicat ions made a t home by the pa t ient once In two weeks, N. B.— For catarrhal discharges pecul ia r to females (whites) this remedy is a speci-tic, A pamphle t expla ining th is new t rea tment Is sent on receipt of ten cents " A . H, D i x o n & So n , 808 W . K i n g St. ,

'oronto, Canada,—Sefeu/i/fc AmerioaiL

Sufferers f r o m catarrhal trouhles should read t h e aliove careful ly . (17yl)

S H E IB " G R A T E F U L , " " I saved the

iirompt use

A CurloiK and InlereatlnB Story of Some •if Their Habit*.

In that fasciimting l>ook on na tu ra l history, " A Frozen Dragon," is a n ox» phuiation of the phenomenon that t rou t are often found In mounta in streams, fa r up toward their source, in deep pools a n d eddiest

In one pool, out of which led a d i rec t fa j lof tlireo feet , thoro were numbers of tho richly t inted li t t le creatures, t h a t to have attuirfLxl the i r position mus t either havo swum up tho fall or gono around by land. A f t e r catching a n u m -ber I began to f r ighten tho others to see what thoy would do.

Somo dashed a t tho little fall and dis-appeared, while o thers dar ted over and swam down stream. Still fu r ther u p I found t h e speckled gamif, until finally the passage became so difficult tha t I was obliged to turn back. In tho village I chanced to mention t h e subject to ' a fr iend who owned tho mill on the samo stream, and he told m e tha t tho fishes' ascent was a puzzle to him, unti l ons day his boy called him out to tho dam, whore the riddle was solved. The dam was nearly four feet high, nnd lo relieve tho s t ream several auge r holes luid been bored in it, al lowing a small s tream of water to jet forcibly o u t a n d logo splash-ing down into the c lear pool below. As my fr iend approached tho spot and look-ed through the bushes several large sized t rout were seen moving under the mimic fall, evidently in great excitement, and dar t ing into it as if en joy ing tho splash and roar of tho water .

Suddenly one of tho fish mado a quick rush lhat sent it u p tho fall ing s t ream, so t h a t it almost gained t h e top; but by an unlucky turn it was caught and thrown back inlo tho pool, where it dart-ed away, evidently much startled.

Soon another made tho a t tempt , dart-ing a t it like the fitst, and then rapidly swimming up the fall , but only to meet tho f a t e of its predecessor. Tills was tried a number of t imes, until finally a trout larger l lu in thooi hers mado a dash, mounted the s t ream, and entered the round hole.

Tlie olwervera were almoat ready to clap their hands, bu t it was nut success-ful y e t As the wa te r stopped fiowing for a moment , they saw tha t , though the athlet ic t rout had surmounted tiio fall, the liolo wus too small for it to pass through, and there the poor fish was lodged. Tho lookers on hastened to re-lievo it, and found t l iat its side o r pec-toral fins wore caugh t in the wood, but, by pushing the fish ahead, which you may lie sure thoy (lid, they liberated It, and i t durteil away into the Upper pond.

Here , then, was tho explanation. The t rout climlied the mountain by swim-ming up the falls, da r l i ng up the foam Ing masses, and adopt ing every expe dient to accomplish their journey . For theso fish deposit their eggs h igh up s t ream, so tluil tho young f r y , when hatched, may not be disturbed by preda-tory flsh and other foes living in the lower waters.

Initaure* of Will Power, Throe stories were told over a f t r din-

ner cigars tho o the r day , showing the power of man 's will. Ono wus of a young officer in the English a r m y , who waa peculiarly s tubborn and irnsciblo. H e had been confined to his lied a f t e r a severe at tack of tho heart , and was un-ablo to move. His physician asked one of his fellow oflieurs lo warn him that he would never get ou t of bed again, tha t ho might a r range his alfuirs before death . Whun tho sick man wus told w h a t the doctor had said, ho uroso in bed oxcitedly a n d sa id : " I will never get up dgain, eh? I will walk to the doctor myself and show h im." He jumped to tho floor, walked across tho room and fell dead.

Tho other waa about a sheriff ou t west, who, when arreet ing a man, was stabbed through thu hoart . Ho seimd t b e man by the shoulders, a f t e r tho blade had s t ruck him, pressed h im to the ground, drew his revolver, and deliberately thrus t ing it down tho s tn iggl ing prison-er 's throat , pulled tho tr igger a t tho in-s tan t ho hiuiBelf died.

The third story was regarding another officer who was h u n t i n g dotvn a thief. The man thought ho had given his p u r suer the slip, bu t jus t as he entured'one door of a railroad ca r the officer appi-arcd in the other. The thief instantly fired, t h e ballet penetrat ing his pursuera bruin. Tho officer, however, returned tho shot, bringing his man to the ground. He then dragged himself along the nislo of the ca r , firing as he crawled, unti l b i t revol-ver was empty. H e was dead when he was picked u p a second a f t e r h e ceased to shoot.—Boston Gazette.

I t has been a r r a n g e 1 to run a series of l iarvext excursions to Kansas.Nebraska. Missouri, Arkansas . Indian Ter . . Texas. New Mexico. Arizona, Wyoming, Utah. Idaho, Norihwefltern lowa, Minnesota, Dakota , Montana and Colorado. Tick-els will be sold August 6th and IMth. Sent. 10th and 24th, and Oct. Blh For full partlCiilarH apply to agen t s of the D , G. II , & M. R. R.. or to

A. O. H b t s l a u f f . Agent.

P E C U L I A R -In the combinat ion, proior t ion , und preparat ion of lis ingredients . Hood's Hsrsaparilla accompllshea cures where o ther preparat ions entirely fu ' l . Pecul-iar In in its good name at home, which Ir a " tower of s t r eng th abroad," peculi-a r In the phenomenal sales ii has a t ta in ed. Hood s Sarsapari l la is the nittst sue cessful medicine for pu r i fy ing the hlood, and creat ing a n appeti te.

100 L A D I E S WANTKl) . And 100 Men t o call on a n y druggis t

for a f ree triol paekageof l i n e ' s Family Medicine, t h e great Root and Herb rem-edy discovered by Dr. Silas I-an" while in the Rocky Mountains. Fo r dlsettstf* of the blood, l iver,and kidneys It i sapos ilive cure. For consiipatioii and clear-ing up the complexion it doe* wonden.. Children like It. Everyone pruises it. Large size package. 30 cents . At all dniggista.

FORCED TO L E A V E HOME. Over 00 people were forced to leave

their home yesterday to call for a tree trial package of Lane's Fami ly Medicine. If yonr blood is bad, your liver and kid neys ou t of o rde r , if ydu are const lpsted and have headache and an unsight l ) complexion, d o n t fail to call on any druifgist to -day for a free sample of this grand remedy'. The ladies praise IL Everyone likes it. Large sice package 00 Otiits.

7 o

BUY YOUR Grain Drill,



'iS-MiS ea: Feed Cutter, Remedy fo r Consumpnon "—Muh . W»" V. H a r b i m a k , New York . Y e i t b b & Lo o k , Druggist , Lowell,

P I L E S ! P I L E S ! P I L E S !

Dr. Will iam's Ind ian Pile O in tmen t Is tho only sure cure tor Blind, Bleeding or I t ch ing Piles ever discovered. I t nover fails t o cure old chronic cases of long s tanding .

J u d g e Coons, Maysville, Ky. , says: "Dr . Will iam's Ind i an Pile O in tmen t cured m e a f t o r years o ' suf fer ing ."

J u d g e Coffinbury, Cleveland, G., says: " I have found by experience tha t Dr. William's Ind ian Pile Oin tment gives Immediate a n d permanent relief."

We hoye hundreds of such test imo-nials, Do not Suffer a n ins tan t longer, sold hy all d r u g g u t s a t OOo a n d | 1 per box. (88yl)


Col. W. K . Nelson, of Brooklin, came home one evening, feel ing a peculiar t ightness in thn chest . Be fo re retir-ing, he tried to d raw a long breath but found it almost impossible. H e s u f f n . ed four days f rom pneumonia , and t h e doctors gave h im up. Acker 's English Remedy fo r Conaumption saved h im and hu is well to-day. Y e i t b b & L o o s , Druggists , Lowell.


T o l e d o , O., J . M. L o o s e R e d C l o -v e r Co.—Gent leman; Hav ing made use of your valuable Pile Remedy . I can recommend i t as the best I ever used; having found almost en t i re relief f r o m using it four t ime. Hoping o thers will t ry it w i t h t h e same success. I am yours very t ru ly . H . AI. P i x l e y .

No. 60 S u m m i t St .

Feed Steamers,


Farm Wagon,

Family Carriage

Side Bar,

Road Cart,

Single or Double



An old physician, retired f rom prac-tice, hay ing had placed In his hands by an Last India missionary t h e f o r m u l a of a simple vegetable r emedy for t h e speedy a n d perm an Mil cure of Con sumpt ion . Bronchit is , Ca ta r rh , As thma , aud all Th roa t and Lung Affeciions.alhu a positive a n d radical cure fo r Nervous Debility a n d al l Nervous Complaints , a f t e r hav ing tested Its wonder fu l cura-tive powers in thousand of coses, has felt it h is du ty to m a k e i t k c o w n t o hlR suffer ing fellows. Ac tua t ed by th is motive and desire to relieve h u m a n suf-fer ing, 1 will send f ree of charge , t o all who desire It, tills receipt in German , French or English, wi lh fu l l d i reet ions for prepar ing and us ins . Sen t by mai l by addressing wi th s tamp, naming th is paper. W. A . NovtB, 149 Power ' s Blook, Rochester, N . Y. UOYTEOW)

PROMPTNESS. First a cold then a cough then con-

sumption then death . " I took Dr. Acker 's English Remedy fo r Consump-tion Uie m o m e n t I liegan t o cough, a n d I believe i t saved my l i f e . " — W a l t e r N. W a l l a c e , Washing ton . Y EI t u b & Look , Druggists, Lowell.

~ BLUDBILDER^ The new vegetable tonic-a l tera t ive and blood purif ier is in t h e shape of a pleasant syrup , and conta ins In a con-centrated f o r m the most valuable vege-table cura t ives , wh ich have been de-veloped by modern medical and scien-tific rerearch. I t acta direct ly upon t h e blood, th rough i t impa r t i ng tone a n d vigor to t h e ent i re system ond eradicat-ing disease, and is unequal led as a cure for Scrufulous , Cancc.oiiH and other hu-mors, w h e t h e r const i tut ional or o ther-wise. Ca ta r rh , R h e u m a t i s m , Dyspepsia, Dropsy, sink aud nervous headache, fe-male weakness, and all hlood liver and kidney diseases. Pr ice #1.00. Sold by-Clark & Wlnegar .

T A K E IT I N T I M t t . " F o r w a n t of a nail, the shoo wos

lost; for w a n t of a shoe, a horse was lost; for w a n t of a horse a rider was lost." Never n g l e c t smal l th ings . The first sign of pnenmonia and con-sumption can positively be checked by Dr. Acker 's English remedy for con-sumpt ion . Y e i t k b & Lo o k , DniRgist t . Lowell.

BOILS, C A R B U N C L E S A N D S T I E S Are clrcumBcribed inf lamat ion of t h e skin involving the deeper pa r t s . They are generally caused by i m p u r e mate-rials floating in t h e blood. P u r i f y t h e blood and i t is surj ir is ing how rapidly they disappear. Try Loose's E x t r a c t Red Clover Bloeeoms. Beet blood p u n -fiur In the world.

G R O S a C R U E L T Y . Parente too f requent ly pe rmi t the i r

chi ldren to suffer f rom headache, fits, St. Vi tus dance, nervousness, e t a , when they can he cured, Mrs. P . was cured uf slok headache, dizsiness, dyspepsia, nervous pro«irattons of eighteen years s tanding, a f t e r fa i lu ie of sixteen phy-sicians; Mrs. K. of sick heana -he for i i years; Mrs. P . of twen ty to f i f ty fils a n ight ; o thers f rom this vicinity could be mentioned who have been cured by t h s t wonderful nerve food, and medicine— Dr. Mill's Nervine, which c m t a l n s no opium, morphine or dangorous d r u g s . Free Romnlo bottles may lie had a t Yei-ter A Looks d r u g store.

REDUCING T H E S U R P L U S . The disposition of t h e Surp lus in the

U. 8. Treasury engages t h e a t tent ion of our Sta tesmen, bu t u m u r e vital ques tion has ou r a t tent ion, a n d t h a t Is the reduction of the Surp lus Consuinpiiyes. since the discovery a n d introduct ion of Dr. King 's New Discovery fo r Con sumpt ion, there has been a marked de-crease in Ihe morta l i ty f o r m th is dread-ed disease, and i t is pwaible lo still fur-ther reduce the number of Conauoi)>-tives. H o w ? By keeping coni taot ly a t hand a bottle of Dr. King ' s 'New Dis-covery and using according, to direc tidi's, upon the appearance of the flrst Rvmptons. Rticb as a Congh, a Cold, a Sore Throa t , a Chest , o r Side Pa in . Taken t h u s early a cure is guaran teed . Trial bottles fre« at H u n t a Hunter ' s Drug Store.

OUR C A N D I D A T E F O R PRESIDENT, H e will he nominated by Ihe conven-

tion a n d will he elected by t h e people, because he will come tho nearest to be-ing their ideal Chief Magistrate. Elec-t r ic Bi t ters has lieen given t h e highest place, because no o the r medicino has so well filled the ideal of a perfect tonic a n d al terat ive. The people have indors-ed Electr ic Bitte-.s and rely upon this groat remedy in all t roubles of Liver, S tomach and Kidneys. For all Malari-al Fevers and diseases caused by Mala-rial Poisons, Electr ict Bittein cac not be uk> highly I'ecommonded. Also cures headache and Constipation. Satisfsc-tmn guaran teed , or money refunded. Price 50c. and f l . al H n n t ft Hunte r ' s Drug Store.

Ayer 's Sarsapari l la ' by pur i fy ing and e n n u h i n g ihe blood, improves the appe tile, aids ihe assimilat ive process. streDgthens tho nerves, and invigoratee t h e system. I t is, therefore, t b e best and most thoroughly reliable alterativo tha t can IHI tound for old and young.




P. KELLY, Lowell. T R A I N ' S H O T E L B l i O C K

Times May Be Hard But My Prices Are Not

Backlen'a Arnica Salve.

The Best S a l v e in t h e world for cu ts . Bruises, Soree, Ulcers, Sa l t Rheum, Fe-ver Soree, Tet te r , Chapped Hands , Chil-blains, Corns , and all S k m Erupt ions , and posit ively cures Piles, o r no pay re-quired. I t is guaran teed to give pertect satisfaction, o r money r e funded . Pr ice 26 cents per box. For sa le by H u n t ft Hunte r

AI L B R O K E N D O W N .

Is i t no i sad to see so many young men every doy of w h o m this can be said? Y c u n g man, t ake my advice. Slop al l ind igce t ions which you hove practised, keep good hours , retire early, and build u p your sha t t e red system by using Su lphu r Bitters, w h i c h will cure you.—Old Physic ian .

E I L E R T S D A Y L I G H T U V E R PILLS are a boon t o su f fu re r s f rom Sick-headaches, Hour Stomach, Torpid Liver ond Indigest ion. Sugar -coa ted , pleas ont to l ake a n d war ran ted l o g o through by dayl ight .

E i l e b t ' b E x t b a c t o f T a b ft W i l d CiIkkby is a sate, reliable and pleasant remedy for Cough. Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, a n d all th roa t t roubles ; will ie-lieve a n d benefit consumption. Try il and be convinced. Every bottle war-ranted; pr ice 60c. a n d o n e dol lar |>er bottle. Sold by all d ruggis t s . Prepared by the E m m c r t Propr ie ta ry Co., Chica-gOf'HI.

Mothers will find D r . Wlnchel l ' s Teething S y r u p j u s t t h e medicine to hove in t h e bouee fo r t h e chi ldren; i t will cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throa t , ond Rerfulate the Bowls. Try it.

DB. J A Q U E S ' G E R M A N WORM" C A K E S destroy w o r m s and remove them f rom t b e system. Safe pleasant and effect ive.

H A P P Y HOME BLOOD P U R I F I E R is the Peoples Popula r Medicine lo r pur-i fy ing t h e blood; p r even t ing or cur ing Dyspepsia, Bilhousness. Headache , Dolls and al l Fevers a n d Malarial Disea-ses.

Pr ice SOc. and one dol lar per bottle.

U N C L E SAM'S CONDITION P O W -DER will cure Distemper, Coughs, Colds, Fevers und mos t of the diseases to wh ich Hoises, Cat t le , Sheep, Hogs and Pou l t ry are subjec t . Sold by all druggistH.

U N C L E SAM'S N E R V E ft B O N E LINIMENT will re l ieveSpra 'ns ,Bruises , Neuralgia and Rheumat i sm. Sold by oil d ruggis t s .

Mrewntt In iht mot I clcjinl form HE LAXATIVE ANU NUTRITIOUS JUICB

—or THE— F I G S O F C A L I F O R N I A ,

C o m b i n e d w i t h t h e y i e d i c i u a l v i r t u e s ol" p l a n t s k n o w n t o b e m o s t b e n e f i c i a l t o t h e h u m a n s y s t e m , f o r m i n g a n a g r e e a b l e a m i e f f ec t ivo l a x a t i v e t o p e r m a -n e n t l y c u r e H a b i t u a l C o n s t i -p a t i o n , a u d t h e m a n y i l l s d e -p e n d i n g o n a w e a k o r i n a c t i v e c o u d i t i o n of t h e

KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. li u iht mo«t occlleni remedy Vnown lo

eiiAHSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUlUr Wbta aut it Bilie'us or Contlipaud


HEALTH and STRENQTH naturally rou.ow.

E v e r y o n e is u s i n g i t a n d a l l a r e d e l i g h t e d w i t h i t .

AM YOUR DRUOOIST FDR s - v n t r E * o a * v z o - a i



umsvilu, a mw iork, «. r

B E S T C O U G H M E D I C I N E . R o c o m m e n d c d b y P h y s i c i a n s . C u r e s w h e r e al l

e l s e fa i l s . P l e a s a n t a n d a g r e e a b l e t o t h e t a s t e . ' C h i l -

d r e n t a k e i t w i t h o u t o b j e c t i o n . S o l d b y all d r u g g i s t s .



—. iJ 3 - _ . !/l Q- rt W Q ' r - p ui

w S -c 3 y r a* o , D- a "i J V f t

| I S | 3 c . n cr

w o o w


$1,60 for 1,000, v $2,80 tor 2,000,

$4,00 for 4,000, N I C E L Y P R I N T E D ,




Proportonately LOW PRICES,

| i P O S E ' s j f f l w


Cancan, Humors, Sort*, Uleert, S w i n t a n , Tumor*, Abac•«••*, Blood Potaoaiog, Salt Rhtum, Catarrh, Krr*lp<I*a, RT — aod aU Blood aod Skin Dlacaact


FiicsTti per Hnt Boiil». Vr~S BottJea for IS. l i t . can Solid Extract IMO



HUNT Ac HUNXEIl. (J'eowi

S o M n i i N G F i i R N O T H I N G I My a O O - p a g * C a t a l o g u e , w i t h

1 , 7 0 0 P f e t u m of OOLD a n d • I t V K D W A R K . Wr l t a , g i v i n g n u w a a n d a d d r a s s a a of t h r M g o o d f a m i l i e s a n d I w i l l o t m l you f h a a b o v s , P R I C , If y o u wi l l m o n i l o n t h l a |»ap«r< It I s w a l l w o r t h y o u r t r o u k i a . -

THIRD „ Y o u •! ,ou,d. r " J CHICAGO I IIIIILf DULY Nr»* btumt U'> <« larf*. nniAtr h^^^'tahr. TW *mwn POiffT

wUfcapMlbJmmi. Aprtyors.n iiujmlm oat tide and dwaifc ihf oiktr. No icmlble man wanl« lo beuiflcd with in tlik luhios. Tbe iim« lu< tone hy wh-n American cillttn* expect lo Inhrnt lh«Ii po-litical oplnloni. They want ioni:iV-Iheir own-ami in do ilifo ihe) » ma k pa pet 10 tell ilirn. ch- Iruib. n--RVdlenaf their own penon/l.pir-fen ice>. If yon are an li( nev

.liufependeu iiiibcea.L

maa.lndcpeiifleulaodMir-tcUani la I, read anhonru anil Irdr-

.paper — read Th# .'HICAGO D A I L Y NaYr*.

irm^r—lit circulation h tKfioo a day—over a minion a week—and II com hy mall 15 cl». a lEceik.ftur •""••hafi.oo.—Mfiyara .44/.

i. I. MORRIS, 9 0 FIFFLI A V M M , O Z C C O A O O .


D I S C O V E R Y . Only neaa tae Syalaaa e r s i tmory Tralnla*

— Laaraa^ la eaa r • Fear Beebe Ullad waaderiaa oared.

K»ery ohlU aad adult araally boarSttod. • Onu ladanauota lo Cimapoadeac* CIamm. m

;»«:r b t!l p.n., kj II

Jw«. we WUI ma frrr ,r ... i* tue Weaij.rt. >.,>

.. . i** UUttmtnll

Wl gall Ueotni jm, n , I ISu yrioj ufeW i,

i*« Mlwarr r»'i>i>. ,— JraaMI) Mfaeetain.,!

«iUMyto.a»a.«n*iiM »""• »e- Mil! fce

UctlM •• ill, Mortd. All U 1. 1° mjfUi futa.

Wtlliu u*1 MUH. . . . - W*?- 1* ia« "WM. >0* IM

Uoftiiaff < fc.th U.W

•sfotWr with •mr Um MJvtl MM* Il J df

» l U u l M . TWsa M Will M Ihs wtuh. wa 9n4 Fr««f hftoc 7 « hrrt

1 ftl 9W MA *§«•»•<•••*«• who May rartatf, that Wrosao row rw* proMny. TWo -ho Wrtlo M owca raa to aora af rasslitag Ua WmUIi

The GRACE HOSPITAL Comer ioka H Mnal aad Will!* ATaaaa,

livirolt. lllrh. Atenrnl Raepliai lorllir iKr|iUiin*D4 Ittalnunt

*• *1! o.nlicil 01 HluMr.. »i»cl»ll«< lb >*.ta 4i raiimtni. Nine w*iiH irtilli „n «|»i. win* 11* lli«|iil>l Uirrrliy iMurina imml haM •ud Yn,ii *• Urn 1*0 tpwl*. «t*ld> 101 rMlilml IWnil>, •>,, |ilT*ie inoaia mulliully luinkkm •M with'.e.y mMem eveYenUm*. wl.etUn |«lirai, hx r ih'tnm-lori**Dil rrlv*c7 n, UiMrhMim. IVud rami;. Mw-week; priY*u room. now lljun h, iau , in FhYtldant and Mii(M<n< ol .Uhrr .ehon, ni<v ~ , . | and tnat. peileau iu i«li*ie tiuaia. Pa n- . t . , ; pbyalelaoa. Vm lurihei pmllcuiua ••liiin.

KObtbl II. SILLHA.N, haptnaleacei 1,


Wes t , Soi i lhwes l and N o n h w e s l WIU. as HOLD BY Till

C/n'cayo and Orand Trunk R'y, Detroit, Gd. Haven and Uilicaukee R'y,

Tot etc, Saginaw and Huikegnn Ry, DiirlOf Auguat, He|it«uil>er and October.

HALF RATES. Kur partlculara apply loBtatlou Agent.

G I T Y Bus Line

F O R E M A N & T A L B O T , F R C P ' S . Order* far raaaengen or Baggago left at Traln'a

Hotel, OaYUHouae cr Fonmmo a Al-drieb'a Market will rooolve prompt

