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Lower coast gazette (Pointe-a-la-Hache, LA) 1913...

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PARISH NEWS. Pointe-a-la-Hache Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Mevers Jr., were guests of their parents during Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Favret and children returned home Friday after spending some time with relatives here. Hon. Marc Cognevich was here a short time today, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer, of Prom- ised Land, were business visitors here Friday mornings Mr. B. A. Favret made a trip to New Orleans Saturday to attend a meeting of the Knights of Columbus. Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Singleton are receiving congratulations on the ar- rival at their home of a little son. Miss Annie Ellis is spending the holidays at her home in Biloxi, Miss. Notwithstanding the bad weather quite a number of people attended the midnight mass at St. Thomas church Christmas night. Miss Carmen Perroux is spending the Christmas season at her home in New Orleans. The home of Sheriff Mevers was the scene of an enjoyable affair on Christ- mas day when the children of the neighborhood were given a Christmas tree and a visit from Santa Claus. Miss Marie M. Purves left last week for her new home in Lake Charlts, much to the regret of her many friends here.' Treadaway-Bartolo. The marriage of Miss Mamie Bartolo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bartholme Bartolo, to Mr. William Treadaway was celebrated on Saturday evening Dee. 20, 1918 at 5 o'clock at St. Joseph church, Gretna, La. The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. Thomas Stenmans. The bride was ac-, companied by her father, who gave her to be married, the bridegroom await- ing her with his best man, Sidney, Treadaway. Miss Clara Wilthy was, maid of honor. She wore a lovely dress 'of white satin and net lace and her ilowers were pink carnations and ferns tied with' pink tulle. The bride was .beautiful in a gown of 'white satin :fashioned with tunics of princess lace, the draperies of which were caught with sprays of orange blossoms, she carried a bouquet of bride roses and ':fern tied with white tulle. After the ' ceremony at the church there was a reception at the home of Mr. and Mlrsi. = Bartolo at which were present t~ei bridal party, t reatites of lioth familires; iaind a few,.elose frienls; TThe hbdill ti- ouiple who were the recipients of F:many handsome pre~nts aie at home to their frietnds at 88631 Napboleon Avei, ;ilev Orleana. Pilot Tow n, +,1 -:A Christmuas tree was given here for; 'ithe children of Pilot Town by Miss E. 'iVogt in the Pilot Town school house. Te Christmas tree was followed by a 'lball for the benefit of PIIotTown school,. 'house, porch and Flank roads, given by Miss Vogt, teacher, assisted by Mrs. S. Deleaderter and Miss Norma Bouras teacher of ~Jichola, and Miss Etta aBras. teacher of Olg. It was a sue.. ess al though the rain and bad weath• -+ , kept part of the away. A snug little see.,m was made ra a tasrter towards 'r- pairing the school house and walks. i.* The gentlemen that assisted and helped \i-etertain to make the affair a success. W :re Capt, J. P. Log, Capt. John isAdi Jr.~ , Capt. Walter Miller, Capt. Sanm Armstrong, Capt. Spence,' Capt• YV'0ts, Mr. Chas. Armstrong and Mr. SiAlfred Logas.To others that asssted inj different ways Miss Vogt extends anlmay thanks. Tb Stale of Louisiana, Parish of Plaquemines, . leaur Morand vs Joseph Morand et Salas. No. 1065. Twenty-ninth Judie- 1hi District Court. Byvirtue of and in obediene to an I orde•of salde to me directed by the Honorable, the Twinty-Ninth Judicial :Dkistrict Court In and for the Parish of -Plaquemnnsm, dated the 29th day of a October 1918, In 'the "above entitled I ilt I have advertised and will proceed :sitll at public ouetion at the Court- hbus at Pointe la Hac he on Satur- a d-y tb •th day of the month of Jan- 1 Iarryl 1918, at 11 o'clock a. m., the tot- towina described proberty, to-wit: ertais tn et of land, formerly fetaing a part of theeatate of Hippo- - .16t Mraud, situated in the Parish of . Splaqoemlues, having and measuringt , Iearpent front on the Missisippi fIl*v•e by forty arpenats in depth, bound- Se below by the treact of land formerly' •h ei/d/ sggto IL.J. Morard, and above Ibands fora• erly belonging to Mrs. i hasUpatine Murier, with all 'the build. .g aUd improvemnnts thereon, 'and ghts Ways and privileges thereunte belonglg or app rtainlag. Being the 3 u propeirty which wasu acquired . the estate of lippi•lite Morand ioc.t of partition executed, before I treBiutMingle, notary Public for the J ti ofPlaquevnem on;-o r the art dra Msy;, 18•1 registered in the con- qand. ole of the Parish of Plaque. PlAN C.'U MVERS Sher .of the Parishof S.o l ~Invited td at'tendl CARD OF THANKS. Presbyterian Hospital, 719-739 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, Decembel 9th, 1913. -Grateful thanks are hereby extended to the following persons who sub- scribed to the charity work of the ( Tr.. Presbyterian Hospital of New Orleans, ( through Mrs. Agatha J. Lee. Of the ( amounts thus subscribed, $106.78 has been paid in and turned over to the and Hospital authorities, viz: Nestor P. O., La.- ter C. Henritzy. :..............$1.00 ves Woodland, La.-- C Mr. Robert Taboney ............. .50 ( Daisy, La.- ( a Mrs. S. C. Smith.............. 50 Nettle B. Tausch ........... .30 Mary D. Louderbough........... .50 'm- Robert Brown ................ .50 ' ere Mrs. Albert Longaker .......... .25 C .Mrs. Chas. Vogt, Sr............ .25 C Aug. Zetzmanu ................ 25 ew In His Name .................. 25 C ing Little FrieQds ............ .1.00 C Ostrica P. O., La.=- C Mrs. Chas. Smith ............... 1.00 C ire . Post Eads P. O., La.- J. Coludiovich .................. 50 S Thomas Zettwoch .............. .13 Frank Zuratich ............ .. 10 C he D. C. Douglass ................ .10 Venice, La.- 9rank Blaise ................. . 50 ter Mrs. Joe H. Buras ................ 50 f Boothville, La.- t" Mrs. L. C. Tompkins........... 1.00 vi ch Joe Stolcup ................ .25 p2 Triumph, La.- s- Nichole Gasquet .............. 50 D Buras, La,-- e 'w Mr. Louis Caziza .............. 1.00 F Mr. J. B. Fasterling ............ 5.00 Neptune, La.- he Mrs. John Scarobon ............ .25 it- Mrs. Vivtoria Calvo ............. 20 be Ida Pombar ....... ......... 10 a+ Ostrica, La.- Ownie McMain ............ .25 Mrs. Sarah Anderson........... 50 le !k Mrs. Kate Richmond.......... .50 at Mrs. L. H. Bennen ........... .5 si Mrs. Jack Ansardia ............. 10 ds Chas. Butler ................ 50. 50 E. Marshall .50 ra E. Marshall ................... 50 ra 8. Schofield ................... .25 ev C. D. Lancaster .......... .50 Mrs.A. Nuniz ................ .50 te Mary Serkovich ............ .25 0, Felicia: Serkovich ... ...... 25 th ae Patrick Buras ... ,............ 25 th 3 Empire, La.- y Mrs. N. Buras ..... ......... 25 'g Mrs. Felix Hingle ............ .50 )h Mrs. Walter Bowers............ .15 CO sy John Bowers ................. .25 us = Mrs. John Bowers, Jr.........10 us Mrs. Clovis Hingle ............. 25 c- Prances Kamlah.............. .25 er Mrs. Ness ..... ............ .10 t. Jos. Stockfleth ................ .25 th 3y Mrs. Reusneir ................. .25 w; Mfrs. A. Nacovich ............ .. .10 te Mrs. J. Arnolie .... .. .... 50 ss Frank Lassus .............. .50ed er Andrew Bowers, Jr............. .25 ms Luke Nicinovich ................ 25 pr Lay Carevices .......... ..... 25 th Mrs. William Christian ......... .25 t SMrs. Geo. Bendich ............... .10 e, Mrs. Edw. Lassus......... .50he it Sunrise, La.- a 1e In His Name ....... . .15 t id Mrs. Paul Bougon- th Jule Morel ................... 10 of ie Mrs. Paul Grienin . ........ .10.. a Mrs. A. P. Alberti .............. 50 ea S •,Irs.. Chas. Hatton, Jr. .......... 50 lo ie Mrs. Albert Frederick ...... , .2 fu . Leontlne Yancovich ....... 25 Mrs. Chas. Hatton, Jr :'r a-, a125 ' Nairn, La2.-- , If Dr. V. Gilmore .......... .. .25 de ~ Mrs. Wallace .. :. .... .... .. . .50 of . iOneta .O'Brlen ;.......... .... 2 Mrs. Theo. Brown... ........ . .25 ce W. H .Chawyin.............50 or MI's. ~Pt Lyons ....... .......'" .10 fa Mire. A. C. Eastman ............ .25 St M. Cognevich ..... .. ,...... .. 50 co P. Cognevich ....... .... . .25 d q Jos. Cognevich ................. .25 SM. Lulcas A.. e s........ be s, Mrs. R. Johnson ................ 25gr ai Andry B. Burns *******...... . .25 fu o Mrs. J. B . Pigniolo ......... .25 SMrs. . R. Pignolo. ........... .25 Launch Elrito-- coL s. Mr. William A. Mevers.......... 1.00 MDr. Welts .. a:.,a,,............ 1.00 fr SMrs. E. DeBoer ....... ....... .25b 5 Mrs. Shubert) . ., e ............... .25 , , ,Covington, La..-- to Mrs. G'orris LacrvM xc e........ ... 50 foi SHome Place, La.-.- lig "Mrs. Adolph D'Albert .y........ .25 b Miss Therese Viccinvch ........ .10 O d IMrs. Stephen Ballay .. ;.........1 .10 Mrs. Chas. Ballay .....-........ .30t 1 Mrs. Paul Hngle ..;........... .40 a I Mrs. Gustave Michel AB .... y ..... . 5i er M Potash, iLa. h Mrs. George Treadalway........ .50 . Dbridge Treadway ............. 10t Jos. Potash .Mrtn ; ... .. ..... 50 re dlamuel Treadaway .... ;.;.... .10 a Happy Jack, La-- Miss Daisy Hays ............ 5.00 Mrs. .Geo. A. B. Hays .,.. . 1.00 til Mrs. Fred Richardson .......... 25 Mrs. ,O. Sols ................... 10 David Solls .. a.... ....... . .25 E Ms. Emile Martin ............ .50 In.sHs Nm. H ................ 180 Mrs. ! A. Rigutad .e..e.......... .25 Jo SMrs. Edgar Rigaud ............. .25 1 SJas LB.Redman ............. 10 SEfle Fernandez ......... ... 1 50 SPointe-a.la.Hache, La-- i Mrs. 8. B. Mevers .; ... ........ 2 50 r SMiss P. Hingles......;......... 10ed r L. G. Fontenell ................. 10 nin Judge . es ...... l .......... 1.00 t SMiss B. tngle........... .. ... 10 Is Eostelle iDo bseon ........... .10nt Mrs, .O Melchey ..... ;....;..... , 1Mrs. H. Lafrance ........ ,... .25 wai SMrs. . . Raets .an o.............. 10 Mrs. S. Ragas ................. .25 i Mrs. Luke Hingle ....... ;...., ;25 2t SJudge RT:E. Hn igl ............. 100 'Misa A. Shayot,; i.............. .10. Joseph Cosse................ .50 her C Thos.LJ. Cosse ............ " .50 T. C. Blnnchrd, . .;...... .. i.. : .25 an, Mr. G. Favret and Son.......... 1;00 l ir. Pipes l....,, ..... ;,...... 2.00 Snh. Fornch. . e...... .. , ..... 1.i0 Erunest . lbert• ... ,... ...... 50 Shas. Langnitty .. ;......... .. 2.. 00 i Mrs. Favretr... 1.00 be Oity Price, La.- ,o r a.Us. Weilliam Mengeaw ' ....... 0 1 Capt Conrad Krebs ........ , .. .50 low ttra., Gtu4 Rigaud .. ,.,.........., .25 J. C.I Cosse8 .. 8,.. 0. :. ,t,•..,;;. ,;, 2.00 ano _ Mrs. Growther ... ; ,,,. .... ,.. 1.00 bel •Tosephine ML Treadaway: •-..;..r .20 9 'manuel 0. Treadaway .. .. 25 Ca Genevieve ]. Treadaway ,. ..... .25 • awrence, 1a.- / rtls. Thomas Nol~iaf ..... ~.. 1.00 .Mxs. P. T. Moits.......... 1.00 SMrs. John Stewart .,...... 1.00 " Toney' Castellitam .. •; ... .. , ,., 10 Joe. N N. Amrettf .... .. ; . .: ,25 .rs,: Nick Peiber . ..-.. ...- ;. ... s Mi's, A. ;. Gnlrsiaha* .. ;;... .,. 1.00 .W. Hean . . .. ..... 6 0 I aY ee , 26. S00 ""Is:~~;ribm A. H. Hingle ................... .50 fDhisy' P. O.. La.- Mrs. Jul a C. Edg comb.......... .53 Pilot "T own, La.- led Capt. J. P. Loa 'a............. 2.00 ub. Jt:dge G. W. Delesdenler... ..... 2.00 :he Capt. A. 'V. Short............. 1.0.. ns, -Capt. N. I.ory .................... .25 ;he Capt. W. J. Miller............... 5.00 ias Capt. Ralp Morgar............... 25 ;he Capt. G. C. Smaith............ .25 Capt. R. C. Plat................. 1.00 Capt. P. F. Arroy.............. 1.00 .00 Capt. M. Garrick ... ............ 1.00 Cart. George C. Vogt ........ . 100 .50 Capt. S. A. Church............. 1.00 Capt. W. F. Short ............ 1.0.) .50 Capt. Win. Limberd .......... .... 1.0 .30 'cpt. Ruldolph Calevich ........ .50 .50 Capt. N. Ganty ................. .5.! 50 r'apt. Cha';. Post ............... 1.00 25 Capt. John Roig ............... 1.03 25 Capt. Wmi. Armstrong ......... 1.00 25 Capt. J. D. Livine ......... .20 1 25 Capt. Daniel Douglas ............ 25 00 Capt. Dougi:s Knight .......... 2.00 ;Capt. Gee. P. Hinds ........... 2.0;: 00 Capt. Edw. Wright .............. 5. : Pointe-a-l-:ache-- 50 Sherlif F. C. Mevels............ 3.00 13 Launch Dependant- i 10 Capt. S. Jeanreau ............ 1.00 A CARD. 50 .1 take this method of thanking th, c 50 folloaing parties for their kind hospi- I tality extended to me while on my can- a )0 vassing trip for the PresbSyterian Hos- 25 pital Free Clinic, viz: Mr. and Mrs. Jo.- scpt Hlingle, Mrs. P. Serkovich, Mrs. L 50 Dimetry Butrs, Miss Ada Cannon, Miss Terethine M. Treadaway and Mrs. t )0 Favret. 0 Very respectfully. AGATHA J. LEE. s5 __ J >0 a 10 Growers Install Frost Apparatus. a ;5 Notwithstanding the fact that the o 50 lemon growers of the Tustin District iO are supposed to be situated in the frost- O 0 less belt they are not taking any risks G 0 during the present seascn and are f] 0 rapidly equipping their orchards in b 5 every way to fight Jack Frost. Last Q 0 year briquets were used to some ex- it tent, but proved unsatisfactory and A 5 this year the citrus growers who have g 5 their groves dotted along the foothills O southeast of Anaheim will protect their h, valuable crops• from the cold snap-if it f 5 comes-by the use of slop distillate P 5 used in smudge pots, one pot being H 0 used for every tree. In conversation with John Hickey, who owns a valuable lemon orchard at A 5 the foot of Hewes Hill, and whose crop 15 was damaged last winter to some ex- P 0 tent, some interesting facts were learn- r 0 ed. in 5 Mr. Hickey stated that he js well N 5 prepared to protect his lemons from 5 the frost that is likely to come at any 24 5 time now. He and one of his neigh- - 0 bors, Herbert Walker, who also owns a lemon grove, have erected a storage 5 tank at the rear of their orchards for the purpore ot keeping a large quantity 0 of distillate on hand. This large tank's 0 capacity is 25,400 gallons or four' cir 0 loads. The price paid for this liquid 5 fuel is 771-2 by the carload. 5. Mr, iickey i• todasy.busy.hauling his large order of smudge pots from the di 5 depot to his ranch. This order consists 0 of I,100 pots,,the cost. of which is 72 $ cents per pot, with no discount for an A order of 1,000. These pots are, iana- 0 factured at Riverside by the Riverside 5 Steel and Metal Company, and this 0 company cannot begin to supply the 5 demand for its product. Orders aret 5 being tcurned down daily, and in a sin- p 5 gle day an order of 11,000 pots was re- a' 5 fused. E 5 These smudge pots have a double covering and a short pipe extending o from the top. They are manufactured o from 26-gage sheet iron, their capaeity S being seven gallons. When necessary 5 to light them agasoline torch is used tt o for the purpose, a person being able to ft light them almost as rapidly as he i. al 5 able to walk down the rows of trees. : One pot is to be used for each tree and there are about eighty trees to the Sacre. The expense to the citrus grow- .er will aggregate a larger sum than heretofore expended, but it will pay in H Sthe end, for:'0f ten a citrus grower realizes from one pickiig over a thous- and dollars from eight acres;. Mr. Hickey said that he placed his ti Sorder for smudge pots last September B and has been unable to secure them un- R ) tilnow.-Anaheim California Gazette. N The State of Loulsiana, Parish of C S PlaquemineS. H: I Joseph Hingle vs; Clement B i uot. No. Li 1047. Twenty-ninlth Judicial Distrief m SCourt. By virtue of and in obedience to' an f Sorder of seizure and sale to me direct- j ed by the Honorable, the Twenty- tii i ninth Judicial District Court in and tfor pr the pariah of Plaqiuemnes, dated the or 8th day of December 1913, in the oi above entitled suit,'I have seized'andt will proceed to sell at public auction S at the court house in Pointe a la Lache on Saturday the! 24th day of the. month of January 1914, at 11 o'clock a. M. the following d- seribed property, to wit: :: SA certain tract of land situated lying and being in the Parish of Plaque- e mines, on the right bank of the Mis-b sissipgi river, at a distance of aboute 67 miles below the eity of New Orleans fo having and meaouring -Two and one pi quarter arpents front on the Mssissip- pi River by Forty' arpents in depth, bounded on the upper line, by lands be. m longing to J. lF' Stockfleth; and on the t lower lineby hinds belonging to George 9 Beadich, together with all the buildings th and improvements thereon or thereunto Seized in above suit:- Terms of Sale : FR?,ANK IC. MEVERS Sh;•iff ot the Paria h of: S Plaqueminein:. .,1 4 d 20,24, j 3, 10, ? 24, O 4 b•tha' a pre ;tti' rocble lug umbrella yo u have Uhere, @ la ll U*an I weldli't e0irry one I a be abut ~ T .50 The State of Louisiana, Parish of Plaquemmes. M. Pederson Co., Ltd., vs Pine Grove Realty Co., Inc. No. 1087. Twenty o0 Ninth Judicial District Court. 25 By virtue of and in obedience to an order 00 of seizure and sale to me directed by the 25H onorable, the Twenty-Ninth J udicial 00 District Court in and for theParlsh of 00 Plaquemines, dated the 16th day of 0o December 1913, in the above entitled suit, I have seized and will proceed to 0 sell at public auction, at the Court 0o House at Pointe a la Hache on Satur- 50 day the 31st day of the month of Jan- uary 1914, at 11 o'clock, a. m., the fol- Slowing described prooerty, to-wit: )0 All that certain tract or parcel of 20 ground together with the improve- 25 ments thereon and all the rights, ways, 0 privileges and apourtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, situated in the Parish of Plaquemines, )0 in this State on the right descending bank of the Mississippi River at a dist- ance of about twenty-two miles below the City of New Orleans measuring L one arpent front on the: Mississippi 1d River by'forty arpents in depth; bound- od above by lands formerly owned by . George Alfred Hero (in 1900) and be- Slow by lands of Seaden .' Harrison. s Which said tract of land is partof the s. tract of land marked J.W. Davis on the plan o1 Oak Point Plantation made by C. Urcas Lewis, Surveyor of date of July 29 1876, annexed for reference to an act passed before Andrew Hero, Jr. * a Notary in the City of New Orleans e on August 3, 1876. . Said land is the lower arpent front l on the plantation or tract of land which s George A. Hero acquired by purchase e from Brazilla Cousins by an act passed n before John J. Ward, Notary in New t Orleans on January I, 1899; .aid Cous- ins having purchased same from Geo. SA. Hero, by an act passed before Ed- e gar Grima a Notary in New Orleans on October 9, 1889; said Geo. A. Hero r having previously purchased the same t from Andrew J. Murphyl by an act passed before said Notary, Andrew Hero, Jr., on August 12, 1881. Being the same property,acquired by the said James Prevost from George A. Hero per act .dated February 18, 1899, before John J. Ward, Notary - Public in the City of New Orleans, recorded in the Parish of Plaquemines A' in the Conveyance Records in Book 34 1 No. 9831 folio 474 and in Book: No. N. No. 9673 folio 532 of Mortgages on the 24th day of February, 1899. Seized in the above suit: Terms of Sale: Cash. :FRANK C. MEVERS, Sheriff of the Parish of p " Plaquemines. ; : A d. 27, j. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. For Sale. A tract of land about 3 arpunts front on the Mississippi:tiveriiui 41 iaisdnti deep, a. few miles above 'Ihie Court Hlouse and fronting on the shell road. N Address Jos. Domenigue,' Nero P. O., A' SLa. *' - 5 N ice. I hereby give notice that Iwill apply e to the Police Jury of the Parish of -Plaquemines for a. license to operate - and conduct a icolored. barroom , at Erglish 'urn in-this Parish. A * -JAMES H. rDICKSON. p Notice for Barroom Permit. ! I, Geirmain Gueydan -am+ ipPIviig to I the Police Juryy of Plaquemines par sh for permit to operate a colored barroomJ SatDalcour, La.' -. :', :: :A' GERMAIN GUEYDAN.: New Orleans, La. La., De.8, 1181 Highway DeDartmeiet of thie Board of - State Engineers, Room 104•New Or- -leans Court Building. - "' . - SSeialed pi~roposals will :be ;receied at the office of the Highwdy Department SBoard of State Engineers, of Louiiana - Room i104, New" Orleans Court Building 1 New Orleans, La., up to 12 o'clock noon Monday, January 5th, 1913. for the construction of a'inain public highway known as Sction .No. 2. Pointe ai i:la Hache Highway, Plaquemines Parish. Louisiana, i.•distanee, of about one mile. Information as i1 locatio, haracter of work, amount, extent and class of maiiterial, termis. of payment, reguia- tions govening nmanner of submitting proposals andLexecuting contract, may on pplicatioin be obtaiaed at'the of!icee of the Highway Depjartment..i: - K iW. E. E Atkinson, 7' : State HighwaY Engineer•.: Chief St Engineer and President :'-Board o0State 'Engineers.'. - iAn energetic yOUn• priest hadc:t ceeded- . in raising i money eiiough .to btuiland equip a new : ciurch, all ex- Icept the I •l..To.' get "enough -money t for the bell~ held :neeUgo.i a tei parishiot~ ers, at whiche the members of " his-building ommitte made spce mh All excep>:t McCarthylha d spol e. x0ieol hoe mentioned i their •An hehur ch;'aoteir, w their c:mfortable ews ath the m splendid iatariand another po Yc t 'thee e hey had the churc Pa and of the coal in the cellar .o 'the furnace. They we -. all "r: said, that heyi were without a bell pnd N hbped the members would be able to Theicame MIcCarthy's tifri and be EhOrch. Our pewu ia empty'd ourl belLs Dutwp-have team heat inthe Te d 1LiLeothli of For Sate. Gasoline Launch, W. A. Rodriguez, e, excellently adapted to the oyster busi- nty ness. Can be seen at Dymond Island in Bay Adam. For further particulars Ier apply to John Dymond Jr., .Empire, the La. :ial of led art mn- ol- Successor to APPEL & UJFFY. re- i Oranges, Mandarins. i mnso . ,i Ghe rape Fruit and veg- etables,. to ir ng tit Sn POFESSiNAL CARDS.i . Stice in New Orleans, St. Bern-, ard and Plaqueminds. Nw ORLEANS . 'TTORNEY.-AT-LAW. Office 718 Hibernia Bank Bldg. ing in the Parishes of St. Ber- nard and Plaquemies. _t ,- ., .; .a I NEW OEtLEAlAS, I. N. H. 'NUN E2:. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. "407 Morras Bidg. Ditiprac- A : U t y ti r the i arishes of St. Bern! B rnar and Plaquemine.s. i " 1ho :. '. 2 18 iberia ":.ra SEn W ORLEANS: -. SATTORNEY-AT-LAW.- .: . S1407 Morhs BldCg.Dr Wdtrect.F:ut toy fior the Oarishel s of St, :r . f New OtLSANs .JoHN DAY.IoEL J., s ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Te ivileLphon SpeCinlty7, Prac- :" tie in Sta and FederalCourts. "IJAS.: W ILKINSON,O L '.: .,:E: g 1121 . UNre t. e, .r . t 1121 N. DupreSt. NeW OrleaNS. . .vTel. Hemlock 367. Pr , e i to •or. T.ke E tor .. .. tt C,. -. Coi SYou Can Paiiti Yur Home Sit a small cost if you tse ypioper ma- Oc Steriils, butit is an experniive iob if .'"you'on't knowhow." Wnte us - for information if you intend to Paint your house, 'bar or fenies; we can tell you 1, h.how to do it most economically because we haive had the experience. ad we Smiinuf•tturei the right kind of Paint.. You cair get ataything you ned, in thle Paint line from us. New Orleans, 1.:ulsana Cypress Co., Ltd. ARIBI P. O. LA. -MAN UFAeTURERS- Band-Sawed Red Cypress LUMBER, SHINGLES AND LATHS, Rough or Dressed. Special Attention for Hous6 Bills, Get Our Prices. Launch Standard EUG. DE ARMAS. M. O. BU- RAS and M. G. BURAS, Own. ers; Eng ae Armas, Mas- tern: J.C. DE ARAMAS, Clerk i Leaving Wednesdays and Sat- urdays at 6 o'clock a. in. Wed- nesdays for Port Eads. Satur- 'days for Venice. Returning Thursdays and Sundays. Freight received Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays f(ot of Ursuline Street. •i •I-- ---- , --.•Y~,;-- ___ •i _ Murray fi Club Whkcyy SO LL EVI, Agont' i ' .. .: . - ' - -. Funeral PaElor anJ Stab: PHOPi :ALIER) 1, Cunmb.rlard Comnntcon. JOHN A. BARRETT , . . Un. d aker . CORN•ER VLLET & PELIOAN AVE. Corrl AND oot)N.v"•t•.• ALGIERS, LA. PPOMPTLY. ATT:" D .TO I. . .. .. CT of ?.W ,. .. A manuma topas.semnae .P. T LOCnTE, I 'rea. '. li. F zi g-Prc.;+ iV. E W im .Sc ThaS.. lT fENRYV CHTE & C td.' Whlesale ers andiHnpo- V :iNES .*And LIQUORS. 319, 321, '323 anTi 32• ie•,teIz' s $4trat illr Nl. i42! fltch ' r •: pea New Ort a n , Wi Louislvn 'ana.M[ Ordor Spolal Attonitoon Will be Oiven to M~iall Orders Jacob )Funeral Directors And Embalmers C . ,,,ou:nt•. fusniiess : Saoicit .- d Prnomptly Attended to & S( i 52..-sr-27,-52 Ely-la.n FDeds,. Av.u New Orlea;ns, Louisian Phone, Hrnmlock 01..- HEADQUARTERS FOr LOUISIANA ORANGES`O M:E ritJOHN MEYER, Fruit and Produce and Gonera Coommission Mferchapt, 218 Poydras street, Now Orlans, ,4 SEED POTAToES A E PECIALTY. Special atter ien given to produce shipm' ents of a kiud . Correspondence solicited, any reference furrnished on applfeetioe The First Considerotion -in Life insuran ce . SCUR ITY * T he Equitable Life Occupies a .Pre-emirient IPositlon a: to Financi• iC. .DER FRANK N L L. l.V . Special A oit General Agent, Nw Orimus, LSays :i~Y~f C~l U a IJvllf iY r -- -TA ,_ER - 'k U^ _i +S r .. F . g,.s '&: _'r':; ':r r. :y :ui:, . "y ,.. .i;t. , (yt . ,. ::: z/t"; r , y;',; ':.-".*.. ,c', ?;.:` ;"'r ,3 +; 's" ' ";' `6;+i% ',';' ,( A,',.it ,;:z .',y..' ' -n;':.;Xi. ii;;A:,"'_, .,. y~ ( . K-' 's.. gM' 1 {;6y. ;f y r f { y .. . , 's "i ir." : :, } j;,+r4". , . 3 .r ~'"ii4;$S. ,Yt-u t The Bollwoini Seed Co. Ltd. DEALERS IN Flower, Farm and .Garden Seeds6 521 DUMAIN Si: NEW ORLEANS. NHotary PUblic.•• O Urage, TrT Rice all it . Lands for Sale. .Ntarial Wrk' Solicited in- all parks Ifit& Parish. ........... ABnsT.ACTOn or is AND EXAMN'EIE: OF TITLES. :: :: . DIAMOND, LA.



Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Mevers Jr.,were guests of their parents duringChristmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Favret andchildren returned home Friday afterspending some time with relativeshere.

Hon. Marc Cognevich was here ashort time today, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer, of Prom-ised Land, were business visitors hereFriday mornings

Mr. B. A. Favret made a trip to NewOrleans Saturday to attend a meetingof the Knights of Columbus.

Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Singleton arereceiving congratulations on the ar-rival at their home of a little son.

Miss Annie Ellis is spending theholidays at her home in Biloxi, Miss.

Notwithstanding the bad weatherquite a number of people attended themidnight mass at St. Thomas churchChristmas night.

Miss Carmen Perroux is spending theChristmas season at her home in NewOrleans.

The home of Sheriff Mevers was thescene of an enjoyable affair on Christ-mas day when the children of theneighborhood were given a Christmastree and a visit from Santa Claus.

Miss Marie M. Purves left last weekfor her new home in Lake Charlts,much to the regret of her many friendshere.'

Treadaway-Bartolo.The marriage of Miss Mamie Bartolo,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BartholmeBartolo, to Mr. William Treadawaywas celebrated on Saturday eveningDee. 20, 1918 at 5 o'clock at St. Josephchurch, Gretna, La. The ceremonywas impressively performed by Rev.Thomas Stenmans. The bride was ac-,companied by her father, who gave herto be married, the bridegroom await-ing her with his best man, Sidney,Treadaway. Miss Clara Wilthy was,maid of honor. She wore a lovely dress'of white satin and net lace and herilowers were pink carnations and fernstied with' pink tulle. The bride was.beautiful in a gown of 'white satin:fashioned with tunics of princess lace,the draperies of which were caughtwith sprays of orange blossoms, shecarried a bouquet of bride roses and

':fern tied with white tulle. After the 'ceremony at the church there was areception at the home of Mr. and Mlrsi.

= Bartolo at which were present t~eibridal party, treatites of lioth familires;iaind a few,.elose frienls; TThe hbdill

ti- ouiple who were the recipients ofF:many handsome pre~nts aie at home

to their frietnds at 88631 Napboleon Avei,;ilev Orleana.

Pilot Tow n, +,1-:A Christmuas tree was given here for;

'ithe children of Pilot Town by Miss E.'iVogt in the Pilot Town school house.• Te Christmas tree was followed by a'lball for the benefit of PIIotTown school,.'house, porch and Flank roads, given byMiss Vogt, teacher, assisted by Mrs.S. Deleaderter and Miss Norma Bourasteacher of ~Jichola, and Miss Etta

aBras. teacher of Olg. It was a sue..ess al though the rain and bad weath•- +,kept part of the away. A snug little

see.,m was made ra a tasrter towards 'r-pairing the school house and walks.

i.* The gentlemen that assisted and helped\i-etertain to make the affair a success.

W :re Capt, J. P. Log, Capt. JohnisAdi Jr.~ , Capt. Walter Miller, Capt.

Sanm Armstrong, Capt. Spence,' Capt•YV'0ts, Mr. Chas. Armstrong and Mr.

SiAlfred Logas.To others that assstedinj different ways Miss Vogt extends

anlmay thanks.

Tb Stale of Louisiana, Parishof Plaquemines, .

leaur Morand vs Joseph Morand etSalas. No. 1065. Twenty-ninth Judie-1hi District Court.Byvirtue of and in obediene to an I

orde•of salde to me directed by theHonorable, the Twinty-Ninth Judicial

:Dkistrict Court In and for the Parish of-Plaquemnnsm, dated the 29th day of aOctober 1918, In 'the "above entitled Iilt I have advertised and will proceed:sitll at public ouetion at the Court-hbus at Pointe la Hac he on Satur- ad-y tb •th day of the month of Jan- 1Iarryl 1918, at 11 o'clock a. m., the tot-towina described proberty, to-wit:• ertais tn et of land, formerlyfetaing a part of theeatate of Hippo- -.16t Mraud, situated in the Parish of .

Splaqoemlues, having and measuringt, Iearpent front on the Missisippi

fIl*v•e by forty arpenats in depth, bound-Se below by the treact of land formerly'

•h ei/d/ sggto IL.J. Morard, and aboveIbands fora• erly belonging to Mrs. i

hasUpatine Murier, with all 'the build..g aUd improvemnnts thereon, 'and

ghts Ways and privileges thereuntebelonglg or app rtainlag. Being the 3u propeirty which wasu acquired. the estate of lippi•lite Morand

ioc.t of partition executed, before ItreBiutMingle, notary Public for the J

ti ofPlaquevnem on;-o r the art draMsy;, 18•1 registered in the con-

qand. ole of the Parish of Plaque.

PlAN C.'U MVERSSher .of the Parishof

S.o l ~Invited td at'tendl

CARD OF THANKS.Presbyterian Hospital,

719-739 Carondelet Street,New Orleans, Decembel 9th, 1913.

-Grateful thanks are hereby extendedto the following persons who sub-scribed to the charity work of the (Tr.. Presbyterian Hospital of New Orleans, (through Mrs. Agatha J. Lee. Of the (amounts thus subscribed, $106.78 hasbeen paid in and turned over to theand Hospital authorities, viz:

Nestor P. O., La.-ter C. Henritzy. :..............$1.00ves Woodland, La.-- C

Mr. Robert Taboney ............. .50 (Daisy, La.- (

a Mrs. S. C. Smith.............. 50Nettle B. Tausch ........... .30Mary D. Louderbough........... .50'm- Robert Brown ................ .50 'ere Mrs. Albert Longaker .......... .25 C

.Mrs. Chas. Vogt, Sr............ .25 CAug. Zetzmanu ................ 25

ew In His Name .................. 25 Cing Little FrieQds ............ .1.00 COstrica P. O., La.=- C

Mrs. Chas. Smith ............... 1.00 Cire . Post Eads P. O., La.-J. Coludiovich .................. 50 S

Thomas Zettwoch .............. .13Frank Zuratich ............ .. 10 Che D. C. Douglass ................ .10

Venice, La.-9rank Blaise ................. . 50ter Mrs. Joe H. Buras ................ 50 f

Boothville, La.- t"Mrs. L. C. Tompkins........... 1.00 vich Joe Stolcup ................ .25 p2

Triumph, La.- s-Nichole Gasquet .............. 50 D

Buras, La,-- e'w Mr. Louis Caziza .............. 1.00 FMr. J. B. Fasterling ............ 5.00

Neptune, La.-he Mrs. John Scarobon ............ .25it- Mrs. Vivtoria Calvo ............. 20be Ida Pombar ....... ......... 10a+ Ostrica, La.-Ownie McMain ............ .25Mrs. Sarah Anderson........... 50 le!k Mrs. Kate Richmond.......... .50 atMrs. L. H. Bennen ........... .5si Mrs. Jack Ansardia ............. 10ds Chas. Butler ................ 50. 50E. Marshall .50 raE. Marshall ................... 50 ra8. Schofield ................... .25 evC. D. Lancaster .......... .50Mrs.A. Nuniz ................ .50 teMary Serkovich ............ .250, Felicia: Serkovich ... ...... 25 thae Patrick Buras ... ,............ 25 th

3 Empire, La.-y Mrs. N. Buras ..... ......... 25

'g Mrs. Felix Hingle ............ .50)h Mrs. Walter Bowers............ .15 COsy John Bowers ................. .25 us

= Mrs. John Bowers, Jr.........10 usMrs. Clovis Hingle ............. 25c- Prances Kamlah.............. .25er Mrs. Ness ..... ............ .10

t. Jos. Stockfleth ................ .25 th3y Mrs. Reusneir ................. .25 w;

Mfrs. A. Nacovich ............ .. .10 teMrs. J. Arnolie .... .. .... 50ss Frank Lassus .............. .50eder Andrew Bowers, Jr............. .25ms Luke Nicinovich ................ 25 pr

Lay Carevices .......... ..... 25 thMrs. William Christian ......... .25 tSMrs. Geo. Bendich ............... .10e, Mrs. Edw. Lassus......... .50heit Sunrise, La.-

a1e In His Name ....... . .15 tid Mrs. Paul Bougon- th

Jule Morel ................... 10 ofie Mrs. Paul Grienin ......... .10..a Mrs. A. P. Alberti .............. 50 eaS •,Irs.. Chas. Hatton, Jr. .......... 50 lo

ie Mrs. Albert Frederick ...... , .2 fu. Leontlne Yancovich ....... 25

Mrs. Chas. Hatton, Jr :'r a-, a125' Nairn, La2.-- ,If Dr. V. Gilmore .......... .. .25 de~ Mrs. Wallace ..:. .... .... .. . .50 of

. iOneta .O'Brlen ;.......... .... 2Mrs. Theo. Brown... ........ . .25 ceW. H .Chawyin.............50 orMI's. ~Pt Lyons ....... •.......'" .10 faMire. A. C. Eastman ............ .25 StM. Cognevich ..... .. ,...... .. 50 coP. Cognevich ....... .... . .25 dq Jos. Cognevich ................. .25

SM. Lulcas A.. e s........ bes, Mrs. R. Johnson ................ 25gr

ai Andry B. Burns *******...... . .25 fu

o Mrs. J. B .Pigniolo ......... .25SMrs. . R. Pignolo. ........... .25Launch Elrito-- coL

s. Mr. William A. Mevers.......... 1.00

MDr. Welts .. a:.,a,,............ 1.00 frSMrs. E. DeBoer ....... ....... .25b5 Mrs. Shubert) . ., e ............... .25, , ,Covington, La..-- to Mrs. G'orris LacrvM xc e........ ... 50 foiSHome Place, La.-.- lig"Mrs. Adolph D'Albert .y........ .25 bMiss Therese Viccinvch ........ .10 Od IMrs. Stephen Ballay .. ;.........1 .10Mrs. Chas. Ballay .....-........ .30t1 Mrs. Paul Hngle ..;........... .40 aI Mrs. Gustave Michel AB ....y ..... . 5i er

M Potash, iLa. h

Mrs. George Treadalway........ .50 .Dbridge Treadway ............. 10tJos. Potash .Mrtn ; ... .. ..... 50 redlamuel Treadaway ....;.;.... .10 aHappy Jack, La--

Miss Daisy Hays ............ 5.00Mrs. .Geo. A. B. Hays .,.. . 1.00 tilMrs. Fred Richardson .......... 25Mrs. ,O. Sols ................... 10David Solls .. a.... ....... ..25 E

Ms. Emile Martin ............ .50In.sHs Nm. H ................ 180Mrs. ! A. Rigutad .e..e.......... .25 JoSMrs. Edgar Rigaud ............. .25 1

SJas LB.Redman ............. 10SEfle Fernandez ......... • ... 1 50SPointe-a.la.Hache, La-- iMrs. 8. B. Mevers .; ... ........ 2 50 rSMiss P. Hingles......;......... 10ed

r L. G. Fontenell ................. 10 nin

Judge . es ......l .......... 1.00 tSMiss B. tngle........... .. ... 10Is Eostelle iDo bseon ........... .10ntMrs, .O Melchey ..... ;....;..... ,

1Mrs. H. Lafrance ........,... .25 waiSMrs. . . Raets .an o.............. 10Mrs. S. Ragas ................. .25 iMrs. Luke Hingle ....... ;...., ;25 2tSJudge RT:E. Hn igl ............. 100

'Misa A. Shayot,; i.............. .10.Joseph Cosse................ .50 her

C Thos.LJ. Cosse ............ " .50T. C. Blnnchrd, . .;...... .. i.. : .25 an,Mr. G. Favret and Son.......... 1;00l ir. Pipes l....,, ..... ;,...... 2.00

Snh. Fornch. . e...... .. , ..... 1.i0

Erunest . lbert• ... ,... ...... 50Shas. Langnitty .. ;......... ..2.. 00i Mrs. Favretr... 1.00 beOity Price, La.- ,o r

a.Us. Weilliam Mengeaw' ....... 01 Capt Conrad Krebs ........ , .. .50 lowttra., Gtu4 Rigaud .. ,.,.........., .25J. C.I Cosse8 ..8,.. 0. :. ,t,•..,;;. ,;, 2.00 ano_ Mrs. Growther ...; ,,,. .... ,.. 1.00 bel•Tosephine ML Treadaway: •-..;..r .20 9

'manuel 0. Treadaway .. .. 25 CaGenevieve ]. Treadaway ,. ..... .25

• awrence, 1a.- /rtls. Thomas Nol~iaf ..... ~.. 1.00

.Mxs. P. T. Moits.......... 1.00SMrs. John Stewart . ,...... 1.00" Toney' Castellitam ..•; ... .., ,., 10

Joe. N N. Amrettf .... ..; . .: ,25

.rs,: Nick Peiber . ..-.. ...- ;. ... sMi's, A. ;. Gnlrsiaha* .. ;;... .,. 1.00

.W. Hean . ... ..... 6 0I aY ee , 26. S00


A. H. Hingle ................... .50fDhisy' P. O.. La.-

Mrs. Jul a C. Edg comb.......... .53Pilot "T own, La.-

led Capt. J. P. Loa 'a............. 2.00ub. Jt:dge G. W. Delesdenler... ..... 2.00:he Capt. A. 'V. Short............. 1.0..ns, -Capt. N. I.ory .................... .25

;he Capt. W. J. Miller............... 5.00ias Capt. Ralp Morgar............... 25;he Capt. G. C. Smaith............ .25

Capt. R. C. Plat................. 1.00Capt. P. F. Arroy.............. 1.00.00 Capt. M. Garrick ... ............ 1.00

Cart. George C. Vogt ........ . 100.50 Capt. S. A. Church............. 1.00

Capt. W. F. Short ............ 1.0.).50 Capt. Win. Limberd .......... .... 1.0.30 'cpt. Ruldolph Calevich ........ .50.50 Capt. N. Ganty ................. .5.!50 r'apt. Cha';. Post ............... 1.0025 Capt. John Roig ............... 1.0325 Capt. Wmi. Armstrong ......... 1.0025 Capt. J. D. Livine ......... .20 125 Capt. Daniel Douglas ............ 2500 Capt. Dougi:s Knight .......... 2.00

;Capt. Gee. P. Hinds ........... 2.0;:00 Capt. Edw. Wright .............. 5. :

Pointe-a-l-:ache--50 Sherlif F. C. Mevels............ 3.0013 Launch Dependant- i10 Capt. S. Jeanreau ............ 1.00

A CARD.50 .1 take this method of thanking th, c50 folloaing parties for their kind hospi- I

tality extended to me while on my can- a)0 vassing trip for the PresbSyterian Hos-25 pital Free Clinic, viz: Mr. and Mrs. Jo.-

scpt Hlingle, Mrs. P. Serkovich, Mrs. L50 Dimetry Butrs, Miss Ada Cannon, MissTerethine M. Treadaway and Mrs. t)0 Favret.

0 Very respectfully.AGATHA J. LEE.

s5 __ J>0 a10 Growers Install Frost Apparatus. a;5 Notwithstanding the fact that the o

50 lemon growers of the Tustin DistrictiO are supposed to be situated in the frost- O0 less belt they are not taking any risks G

0 during the present seascn and are f]0 rapidly equipping their orchards in b5 every way to fight Jack Frost. Last Q

0 year briquets were used to some ex- ittent, but proved unsatisfactory and A

5 this year the citrus growers who have g5 their groves dotted along the foothills O

southeast of Anaheim will protect their h,valuable crops• from the cold snap-if it f

5 comes-by the use of slop distillate P5 used in smudge pots, one pot being H0 used for every tree.

In conversation with John Hickey,who owns a valuable lemon orchard at A

5 the foot of Hewes Hill, and whose crop15 was damaged last winter to some ex- P

0 tent, some interesting facts were learn- r0 ed. in

5 Mr. Hickey stated that he js well N5 prepared to protect his lemons from5 the frost that is likely to come at any 245 time now. He and one of his neigh- -0 bors, Herbert Walker, who also owns

a lemon grove, have erected a storage5 tank at the rear of their orchards for

the purpore ot keeping a large quantity0 of distillate on hand. This large tank's0 capacity is 25,400 gallons or four' cir0 loads. The price paid for this liquid5 fuel is 771-2 by the carload.5. Mr, iickey i• todasy.busy.hauling hislarge order of smudge pots from the di

5 depot to his ranch. This order consists0 of I,100 pots,,the cost. of which is 72$ cents per pot, with no discount for an A

order of 1,000. These pots are, iana-0 factured at Riverside by the Riverside

5 Steel and Metal Company, and this0 company cannot begin to supply the5 demand for its product. Orders aret5 being tcurned down daily, and in a sin- p5 gle day an order of 11,000 pots was re- a'5 fused. E

5 These smudge pots have a double

covering and a short pipe extendingo from the top. They are manufactured

o from 26-gage sheet iron, their capaeityS being seven gallons. When necessary

5 to light them agasoline torch is used tto for the purpose, a person being able to ft

light them almost as rapidly as he i. al5 able to walk down the rows of trees.: One pot is to be used for each tree and

there are about eighty trees to theSacre. The expense to the citrus grow-.er will aggregate a larger sum thanheretofore expended, but it will pay in HSthe end, for:'0f ten a citrus growerrealizes from one pickiig over a thous-

and dollars from eight acres;.Mr. Hickey said that he placed his tiSorder for smudge pots last September B

and has been unable to secure them un- R) tilnow.-Anaheim California Gazette. N

The State of Loulsiana, Parish of CS PlaquemineS. H: I

Joseph Hingle vs; Clement Bi uot. No. Li1047. Twenty-ninlth Judicial Distrief mSCourt.

By virtue of and in obedience to' an fSorder of seizure and sale to me direct- j

ed by the Honorable, the Twenty- tiii ninth Judicial District Court in and tfor pr

the pariah of Plaqiuemnes, dated the or8th day of December 1913, in the oiabove entitled suit,'I have seized'andtwill proceed to sell at public auction

S at the court housein Pointe a la Lache on Saturday the!24th day of the. month of January 1914,at 11 o'clock a. M. the following d-seribed property, to wit: ::

SA certain tract of land situated lyingand being in the Parish of Plaque- emines, on the right bank of the Mis-bsissipgi river, at a distance of aboute67 miles below the eity of New Orleans fohaving and meaouring -Two and one piquarter arpents front on the Mssissip-pi River by Forty' arpents in depth,bounded on the upper line, by lands be. mlonging to J. lF' Stockfleth; and on the tlower lineby hinds belonging to George 9Beadich, together with all the buildings thand improvements thereon or thereunto

Seized in above suit:- Terms of Sale


Sh;•iff ot the Paria h of:S Plaqueminein:. .,1 4

d 20,24, j 3, 10, ? 24,

O 4b•tha' a pre ;tti' rocblelug umbrella yo u have Uhere, @ la llU*an I weldli't e0irry one I a be

abut ~ T

.50 The State of Louisiana, Parish ofPlaquemmes.

M. Pederson Co., Ltd., vs Pine GroveRealty Co., Inc. No. 1087. Twenty

o0 Ninth Judicial District Court.25 By virtue of and in obedience to an order

00 of seizure and sale to me directed by the25H onorable, the Twenty-Ninth J udicial00 District Court in and for theParlsh of

00 Plaquemines, dated the 16th day of0o December 1913, in the above entitled

suit, I have seized and will proceed to

0 sell at public auction, at the Court0o House at Pointe a la Hache on Satur-50 day the 31st day of the month of Jan-

uary 1914, at 11 o'clock, a. m., the fol-Slowing described prooerty, to-wit:

)0 All that certain tract or parcel of20 ground together with the improve-25 ments thereon and all the rights, ways,

0 privileges and apourtenances thereunto

belonging or in any wise appertaining,situated in the Parish of Plaquemines,)0 in this State on the right descending

bank of the Mississippi River at a dist-ance of about twenty-two miles belowthe City of New Orleans measuringL one arpent front on the: Mississippi

1d River by'forty arpents in depth; bound-od above by lands formerly owned by .George Alfred Hero (in 1900) and be-Slow by lands of Seaden .' Harrison.

s Which said tract of land is partof thes. tract of land marked J.W. Davis on the

plan o1 Oak Point Plantation made byC. Urcas Lewis, Surveyor of date ofJuly 29 1876, annexed for reference toan act passed before Andrew Hero, Jr.* a Notary in the City of New Orleans

e on August 3, 1876. .Said land is the lower arpent front l

on the plantation or tract of land whichs George A. Hero acquired by purchase

e from Brazilla Cousins by an act passedn before John J. Ward, Notary in New

t Orleans on January I, 1899; .aid Cous-ins having purchased same from Geo.SA. Hero, by an act passed before Ed-e gar Grima a Notary in New Orleans on

October 9, 1889; said Geo. A. Heror having previously purchased the same

t from Andrew J. Murphyl by an actpassed before said Notary, AndrewHero, Jr., on August 12, 1881.

Being the same property,acquired bythe said James Prevost from GeorgeA. Hero per act .dated February 18,1899, before John J. Ward, Notary -Public in the City of New Orleans,recorded in the Parish of Plaquemines A'in the Conveyance Records in Book 34

1 No. 9831 folio 474 and in Book: No. N.No. 9673 folio 532 of Mortgages on the24th day of February, 1899.

Seized in the above suit:Terms of Sale: Cash.

:FRANK C. MEVERS,Sheriff of the Parish of p

" Plaquemines. ; : Ad. 27, j. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31.

For Sale.A tract of land about 3 arpunts front

on the Mississippi:tiveriiui 41 iaisdntideep, a. few miles above 'Ihie CourtHlouse and fronting on the shell road. NAddress Jos. Domenigue,' Nero P. O., A'

SLa. *' -

5 N ice.I hereby give notice that Iwill applye to the Police Jury of the Parish of

-Plaquemines for a. license to operate- and conduct a icolored. barroom , at

Erglish 'urn in-this Parish. A* -JAMES H. rDICKSON.

p Notice for Barroom Permit.! I, Geirmain Gueydan -am+ ipPIviig to

I the Police Juryy of Plaquemines par sh

for permit to operate a colored barroomJSatDalcour, La.' -.:', :: :A'


New Orleans, La. La., De.8, 1181Highway DeDartmeiet of thie Board of

- State Engineers, Room 104•New Or--leans Court Building. - "' . -

SSeialed pi~roposals will :be ;receied atthe office of the Highwdy DepartmentSBoard of State Engineers, of Louiiana-Room i104, New" Orleans Court Building 1

New Orleans, La., up to 12 o'clock noonMonday, January 5th, 1913. for theconstruction of a'inain public highwayknown as Sction .No. 2. Pointe ai i:laHache Highway, Plaquemines Parish.Louisiana, i.•distanee, of about onemile.

Information as i1 locatio, haracterof work, amount, extent and class ofmaiiterial, termis. of payment, reguia-tions govening nmanner of submittingproposals andLexecuting contract, mayon pplicatioin be obtaiaed at'the of!iceeof the Highway Depjartment..i: -

K iW. E. E Atkinson, 7': State HighwaY Engineer•.:

Chief St Engineer and President:'-Board o0State 'Engineers.'. -

iAn energetic yOUn• priest hadc:tceeded- . in raising imoney eiiough .tobtuiland equip a new : ciurch, all ex-

Icept the I •l..To.' get "enough -money tfor the bell~ held :neeUgo.i a teiparishiot~ ers, at whiche the members of "

his-building ommitte made spce mhAll excep>:t McCarthylha d spol e. x0ieol hoementioned i their •An hehur ch;'aoteir, wtheir c:mfortable ews ath the msplendid iatariand another po Yct 'thee e hey had the churc Paand of the coal in the cellar .o 'the

furnace. They we -. all "r:

said, that heyi were without a bell pnd Nhbped the members would be able to

Theicame MIcCarthy's tifri and be

EhOrch. Our pewu ia empty'd ourl

belLs Dutwp-have team heat inthe

Te d 1LiLeothli

of For Sate.Gasoline Launch, W. A. Rodriguez,

e, excellently adapted to the oyster busi-nty ness. Can be seen at Dymond Island

in Bay Adam. For further particularsIer apply to John Dymond Jr., .Empire,

the La.



artmn- ol- Successor to APPEL & UJFFY.


i Oranges, Mandarins.

i mnso . ,i

Ghe rape Fruit and veg-



ir ng



Stice in New Orleans, St. Bern-,

ard and Plaqueminds.


Office 718 Hibernia Bank Bldg.

ing in the Parishes of St. Ber-nard and Plaquemies._t ,- ., .; .a


ATTORNEY-AT-LAW."407 Morras Bidg. Ditiprac- A : Ut y ti r the i arishes of St. Bern!B rnar and Plaquemine.s. i " 1ho :.

'. 2 18 iberia ":.raSEn W ORLEANS: -.SATTORNEY-AT-LAW.- .: .S1407 Morhs BldCg.Dr Wdtrect.F:uttoy fior the Oarishel s of St, :r .

f New OtLSANs

.JoHN DAY.IoEL J., sATTORNEY-AT-LAW.Te ivileLphon SpeCinlty7, Prac- :"

tie in Sta and FederalCourts."IJAS.: W ILKINSON,O L '.: .,:E:

g 1121 . UNre t. e, .r .t 1121 N. DupreSt. NeW OrleaNS.

. .vTel. Hemlock 367. Pr ,e i to

•or. T.ke E tor .. ..

tt C,.

-. Coi

SYou Can Paiiti Yur HomeSit a small cost if you tse ypioper ma- OcSteriils, butit is an experniive iob if.'"you'on't knowhow." Wnte us - forinformation if you intend to Paint yourhouse, 'bar or fenies; we can tell you 1,h.how to do it most economically becausewe haive had the experience. ad weSmiinuf•tturei the right kind of Paint..You cair get ataything you ned, in thlePaint line from us.

New Orleans, 1.:ulsana

Cypress Co., Ltd.ARIBI P. O. LA.



Rough or Dressed. Special Attention for Hous6Bills, Get Our Prices.

Launch StandardEUG. DE ARMAS. M. O. BU-RAS and M. G. BURAS, Own.ers; Eng ae Armas, Mas-tern: J. C. DE ARAMAS, Clerk

i Leaving Wednesdays and Sat-urdays at 6 o'clock a. in. Wed-nesdays for Port Eads. Satur-'days for Venice. ReturningThursdays and Sundays.Freight received Mondays,Tuesdays and Fridays f(ot ofUrsuline Street.•i •I-- ----, --. •Y~,;-- ___ •i _

Murray fi



SO LL EVI,Agont'

i ' .. .: . - ' -

-. Funeral PaElor anJ Stab: PHOPi :ALIER) 1,Cunmb.rlard Comnntcon.

JOHN A. BARRETT ,. . Un. d aker .


PPOMPTLY. ATT:" D .TO I. . .. ..CT of ?.W ,. .. A

manuma topas.semnae

.P. T LOCnTE, I 'rea. '. li. F zi g-Prc.;+ iV. E W im .Sc ThaS..

lT fENRYV CHTE & C td.'

Whlesale ers andiHnpo-V :iNES .*And LIQUORS.

319, 321, '323 anTi 32• ie•,teIz' s $4trat illr Nl. i42! fltch ' r •:pea New Ort a n , Wi Louislvn 'ana.M[ Ordor

Spolal Attonitoon Will be Oiven to M~iall Orders

Jacob )Funeral DirectorsAnd Embalmers

C .,,,ou:nt•. fusniiess : Saoicit.- d Prnomptly Attended to

& S( i 52..-sr-27,-52 Ely-la.n FDeds,. Av.u

New Orlea;ns, LouisianPhone, Hrnmlock 01..-


Fruit and Produce and Gonera CoommissionMferchapt,

218 Poydras street, Now Orlans, ,4SEED POTAToES A E PECIALTY.

Special atter ien given to produce shipm' ents of a kiud .Correspondence solicited, any reference furrnished on applfeetioe

The First Considerotion -in Life insuran ce .

SCUR ITY* T he Equitable Life

Occupies a .Pre-emirient IPositlon a: to Financi•

iC. • .DER FRANK N L L. l.V .Special A oit General Agent, Nw Orimus, LSays

:i~Y~f C~l U a IJvllf iY r -- -TA ,_ER~~- 'k U^ _i

+S r .. F .g,.s '&: _'r':; ':r r. :y :ui:, . "y ,.. .i;t. ,

(yt . ,. ::: z/t"; r , y;',; ':.-".*.. ,c', ?;.:` ;"'r ,3 +; 's" ' ";'`6;+i% ',';' ,( A,',.it

,;:z .',y..' ' -n;':.;Xi.

ii;;A:,"'_, .,. y~ ( .

K-' 's.. gM' 1 {;6y. ;f y r f { y .. .

, 's "i ir." : :, }

j;,+r4". , .3 .r ~'"ii4;$S. ,Yt-u t

The Bollwoini Seed Co. Ltd.


Flower, Farm and.Garden Seeds6


NHotary PUblic.••O Urage, TrT Rice all it.Lands for Sale. .Ntarial Wrk'Solicited in- all parks If it&Parish. ...........


