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Lr',liV':Siw.'^ DONALD WILL SUPPORt...

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i i No. 1. MANASSAS^TA, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1918 SEEae iHG SESSION OF CONVENTION wh^ming tragedy stUl brooded OV' \ . Btill about her, that her t e w .The Historioal Evening a GrfHtd wen atiH wet on her cheeks. Socceaa—Music and Onrtcry Lee and Jackson ^ere dead; , Mak» Up Program. their great hearts were still, • > their Fwnsomed spirits had as- a , r t^Lf.titnXiTHOS. H.' UON AND CHAS. R. Mc- Lr'",liV':Si"w.'^ DONALD WILL SUPPORt CARUN . ^ ^ . Mrithstanding his high regard for The hiitonqal meetUig of^the ,^^ personally, he be- lieves that the interests of the district as well as the country at large can best be served by the k^tarn'of Hon. C. C. Carlin to congress^ change at this iidie, la a conversation wit)i a rep- reswtaUve of The JoMmiU, H(». ThM. H. Lion remarked that not- haasMon of the fourtia district, battfing hosts were hushed for- Virginia division, D. D. C Con- ever. The reflections that surg- vention hefai in the courtho^iae ed within me awoke such a sa- Tuesday evening, was opened cred and chastened sympathy as with prayer by the Rev. H. Q. I find it impoesible to describe. ISnrr. His eloquent plea for Virginia surrendered the field -XKvine blessing upon thesisidetyt but she never^«anrendered .-her for the guidance of those in au- faith; Liberty ia fof^er today, thoritative offices of th6 govern- of th^ same essential quality ntent of tbe United States; and which characterized, it during^ jCMjij^e anoceaflL of IheuManB gf, the.yfiargfrom 'fl ta 'flL—Itia- ' t i i blli^ was most sayreMUve. the same spirit of liberty that ;^^ti^ ^ e stirring eteains of animated Jackson wlien he stcKi4 |g|^4^i^'^|ldered oQ^^he violin and like $i stone wall on Henry Hill, •jfkffioa"^ ^fof. Mos^r and Sfiss when he stemmed and tumdd the ^HMU,! lArs. Alhert Spej^i^ tide of battle at Winche#er, IjpBBoWwit id Man»ssiM €hapte# Kemstown, Cross K^s ^SBA Port ,fai well chonoi i^uases, deKvttrqil RepuMic, and that' Wded turn an address of wekome t o ' ^ e Uke an avalanche on the armies vtaitora. ^ ^oi Hooker f t iChancelorsviille. ^ Kra. Wm, Nr Hamlet,' nee Lee is still tb« fjieerles's Conunait- ':I^nftltti of Fredcoai^csBurf, «pok& der-in-chief, tl^ wise and ^re- ^tde^y ^ifae bi^ilute frlead- vored e^eve pi%sideat, the most tfait ^jexisted Ibetween bear h<mor«d and" the loeA, l^oved th<j6te>lforris Evuis, a soldier and icitizen «mwg the ()f ...1^ Prince Wifliam wns of the £Kd Pc>nmmnc—"V— aipd t j ^ late Cant Edf'^"'"^^^—~~ - -. ' :- Nel^ of ilanassas. , She ^««««'k it well that fiwedoffl'M»' oi the great d e s ^ hterfatt- S j I T ^ ^ ^ ^ J t U t l i ^ w^^ .hadoft^ ejepressed to afecom- y|^ not ftel^pst rflkiitai . ;|ihBy lieK. to the battlefiejas near, of nobk wnthneiit.' :; here, JHit his d^th prevesnted ^e ^hMpmation.of hi« ^^if^^^- ^^ who freely give tJi^ .11 •^•'j-' ^,-1. — >>aL*i'Wi,.v . . .—y^.^,ta*Bli>liauuM» furlej for • very unwise move. Mr. Chas. R, McDonald, Su- periitendent of .Public-School, said] "I ^ v e met ^fr. Whit« and can say that I know noth- ing figainst htm, but I do not knpw any way in which I ctjo. serve my country better in the comipg election, tfasEn to giye Mr.^ Carlin my hearty and unquidi- fied luport." ^ The ab{)ve are fair sample* of Mr. Lion copaidws, weuld'be a the moofl^t of many at our best ci tizens 9fH ?|J.JEK,G., m aBa4(b«S8;ire«nant Witiii M^cy. T ^ orsahi- i!W koc dw^ ><»» ^_ veaognized by the i^jv- shau iM«^fi|f» *i«»:i^»«w. > ik.lHKaia?y aid, and iwjy be^ i E ^ S ^ i S ' ^ u L m^ Jb»^ettee» endowed *nd paid ftir Th*t eanae *» humbled m «» *M* §fc^ ft<i& 4|faa-American Hoq>itaI By virtae^ it* aatora ^ |i<imil|rt France. A uniooe Traarforaoed Hve «*ftin. pjtft'^irr. ia^ the nauoinff of these eird («i the waUreac^ng JP. Lee," ^St«»ewall oar s<Hne other Coiife^ ftto^; and what son of SilUBDAYTQM REP CROSS DAY Captain Sourment of VerdO FaatCi aii4 JRepreseataUv* Flood to Spcflik. (idaa Marr Larida, Swretary) Captwn Squrinent, a French offico: wouncted 4it Verdun, and Representative Henry D. Flood wiU-speak her^ tomorrow aifter- noon in the interest o£ the Red Ci^oss. These addresses will be a part of. the big, all-day pro- annoancement entf.ntatnment of .the-dramatic fomorrnw night, gram wl^eh haa beeii aZQCDged^ since the actioh of the Red Cross chif^ter at its regular meeting McHj^y evening, middng Satar^ ^ y 7 t h e closing day,«f J^e War ¥tind d r i ^ a regvdhir Ited Clross ,-day,. > ;• ~ """" ' OitizMis from all parts of the ^eopty-are^"ted.4to t^lpe Baet ill: «A^ autignolMia Vicpt^ ^^h wffi start fiW tbacovrthoose i t fCb'B^ a u ^ r i £ ^ at the the adMiz^sMoa ace schfidnled. iQeorge C ^[ouad and Hon. by whidi the girls of .the Junior Red Cross expect to raise their part of the War Fund. Mri Johnson also r^poilied the progzfas of the Jennie Pean Bran<4i, which is the Red throes organizatitm of the colored peo- I^ M Prince Wiittam. lltus branci held a specid meeting on Mothirs Day and, after a pro-' gram featured by a ^ted Oosa addrefc, enrolled tv^caity-oilB new memtairs. Mrs A. H.^HarreQr sup^^sor :cal dressings, reported the sHIpment of 142 !?hr?4 ah. sorbef^ pads, 200 muslin band- ages, 4>80 large shot bags aSid 500 s n ^ i^ot bags. Tbe|irep6rt of tiie War Fund Publicity Committee was ^rnade t>y MlK T. E. Haines, wj^ an- nouncafl that all puMieity >Baat^ aadi' mo^ey for the ];>age ad- lents in the JM^nassas lfh^'*!4tie 'aoticitmg conunit- 14«r Mrs. A. A-Hooff, Vore 4 ^ 20^ speat^rs and^, ^ra^a i^f.ipn/WBMjKBaja»at>^-|ilii>^ oUitf^r Inilli'il Ksmifiits; JUDfiE TSORNTON NOT TO RESIGN ILOO A TEAR IN ADVANCE HON. C C. CARLIN TAIKS AT SUDLEY Will Take a Vacatioa aad Health Ghrcs Rcasona for War to Red Pmailtiog WW CoatiMie OB the Bench. On Monday last, the first day of the session of the circuit court at Fairfax, the entire membershv) of the county bar b^ng present, merely by chance, Judgtf J. B. T.^omton took the opportuhity ^ state to thegn that h^ .inf^ndsd to ti^e a vaca-s tion in some quiet place in order ^rt&nce to build up his health, as well as to enjoy a w ^ needed rest His physical condition, hje said, had nQt\|>een of the best, and the cahstant attention to the duties 6i his office had had. no tendency to improve It-' He fsrtfaer said that if ^be condition of his health d ^ not show a mariEed improvement by, the b^^nning of the fall terttw he would pjtiba^ biy resign tl»e ^udfiBahip. Rumors w«ntahn>ad that the Jurge had called the members of the bta togemer to announce his resignatloTT. ThiSBe, IB effect, were published in WashingttHi, papers, but aa seea. from above; were erruueoUB. ^"^^ Upon his "return home"the Judge c^ed for the members of the Pi^iee William bir and made tli^^mtnrstat^nent toti^emtiiat he had made; UnF r hrdluuii^utf he had nwde in Fairfax. I t is the b e ^ of Judtfe :Th<»ii-' lou's irleiads that his teatorar tion to^^beil^^ArA render nn«ec- easary^ tlie'mu^ diseasaed -|^^ MtKffAGlJE TAEKS nMK^tifig. ReK. T. IX. D. Clark indhiding hehnets, wristlets, will lead the singing and Mf. C. mufflers and socks. Have been A. Mantginnexy has been chosai .sent to tiie soldiers.by tiichknit- marahal Cf the parade. Ev^ryj ting committee of tiie chapter, --Bed^CrosB <»-ganiBat»Ht p the iaoc^^g to the report ol Miss M. ^^ygteyir aupei v'isut ut knit- J \:_ i._—ii_ IT - Jj:iJ._ __• T»_' Another ^tfflre of the day i» the ^ e of foodstuffs which Red and intareating ' trietism, pn adilpesa on -Pa* l^e audi- intounaoyl^roSr t ^ n S c l jg^nce ^m0 to I ^ audience, that ^ - alive the memory of '.'" K.w«^L Hon. A. J. Montagues delivered »a-togi^--3*e8e artiele» Imvtr boon ^ gtirring~and etquent addr^t^ made by workers in every-sec- Cross members and their friends jjthroughoirt the e ^ m ^ ha/fb^^am askei" tcfcontribute. All con- tributions, including cfaickena,^ vat, veyetdMes. eggsTlMAtnnrial AaaeiatioarAnxaiarv, deeds of^ vak*'. p&- The following is by the men and the he-- ^^ \t^ natnp \^ nn .jacrifces of the women af j^^ ^sth. I ~ I '66 la in Kemp WiOiama, ^Mmtko. uKpmpi^ilile JR^ lojr J o a ^ Poa^^ Dum&iea.. =- t^Ae Skun and StiripBB ta- Himbai W. Abel, Joplin. Harvoy-Hcdmes, Catlett. ^ Ifiaa Mary Lee Chapman, JnAjHiffv^ W^dts. Maaaaaaa. -- -iAear,«weetv(»ee,beldtheatten- H^ttart F. Bampten^ Hoadley. itfcn of h«r .audience in a aoto, Howard A. Stevens, Qnsntieo. ^^XJimr Me Back to CAd Virain- pgrwiird I Payne. Maawsaa. Min mnimrirti niTlgimr Oniiiii T mi Tuiias Tuiiia j i s e <o much ^aroraiie cliaries pfeny HaitffidftrliiMftf' it. ' — Abridge. fiear. Rev. 1 jhfcdiarga.- Itia he»ed thatncws^Una^ecwtt' of tiie aide wSk reach every part of the cecmty and that tboee Resser gave « reading, cofer Fairfax, Hoadley. la France," which wa? ao i^ris Cockanides, ,Quantieo. appreciated-that an encore j<^m Calvui Bolea, Mount. - elicitear ¥ » • Raaser waa prank W. Fitiwater, Nokee«iUe< in the program to adiBtitate darence Money, Quantico. anottier, withoat .tinae for Robwt L. Ritt«o«rj, N^MayiDe. oB, hot acquitted Ymt- ifiiton^inin Nail*, G; ^y[ '- PlriHfr B. LipaeoflU», fetrtwr Jiriio an. Jl^jnjreo^d^rju in- viUtien te gite v 9 wHa an ef^ |iart toriMBBin the anceess of the day. Ti>^ a«*i ^ « ^ . ^ w ^ j g ^ be held at Conner's xUar at __ i)!cbck, wfaf tW giriit ftf thf D. D. Clark on being Biehard Lee Th<nrp (AHemate), 8p<die as fellows: Indeparrtent W^ may be tempted to en- Bankit the (^nnion that theae observances oui^t to Alien Comweffl ( Corawea (Alternate), R.F.I>. . ~ canned goods, etc.> will kfaibited at the Reid BuUd- ing on Main street, <^^>osite the Dixie Hie^re, and sold as qpMBy «g the imrchasefs. ap- U. a BuiT wUl K tion of the county and contrib- nted.dnreetiy to the ehapler and through the Qccoquan and Cati- jiarpin branches and the Ladijes* The chairman announced the appointment "f Miiw E. H. Qs-' Hiis program wiB be featoxed by a play, with moaieal aad daace nnnd>era. g Tbit onunittee of atcaage- Bieats fei Uuiwmw'a prograat is compeeed of Mr. €k Raymond SateUffe, chainnaa; Dr. C. K. Johaaon. Mr. J. J. Conner and Ueut. George C. Roand, aiidste^ by ^Oa '^driv<r pobiieity eoai- ittea, Mr. T ¥ Haiaea,-iea Mr. Q. Raymond Ratdiffe, duurman of ^ FiMuiee Com- Craw H m in Stirring Well Received. On Saturday evening a large crowd gathered at Sudley Church to inaugurate th* local drivp for the Red'Cross second war fund; Much enthusiasm was manifested and it LQ believ- ed that the Red Cross branch is thoroughly aroused to the im- of goiri^ I .tT the top. vwas CaUed tor OT- jdiainnan of the cbui^- n«|ur funid d ^ , " R'MffDnnHd. > :; TOan .introduced Hap. ^_- n^madeabriEf _,_Jifeghaa^j qpeak«- oiT thf*^^ OiSaaiatioB Needs Yoor Help te'WiB tlie War—Brataltty of theHoa Dqifeted. ringing with: patriotism, in Con- ner'-s HaU la&t night anceoTlhe Red Cross drive. He waa introduced - ur i^roiniate language by Hon.Thos. H. Lion. bourn. Miss Lulu_p. Metx and Mrs. Roberta ijynnS» the aoUc. T^oti jaammittee^^ sidjer I h ^ WA twdly^-ptots and intriynoe tts- L. Sanderar U"^"em^^«^iried Wl^aieGwrnans S neb- Mr.- Montague told of th^ -causes kat&tg to the war; the peace, prt^wgandist, aa w ^ a a - Hbnrta^-tmdHiAuman—tveatmoit^ jd}-4hiags—that-caEry_Jl^^ of the Belgians and the French by the invading foe; and the daa>- tml oad friend^ countries. He' paid h i ^ tribute, to the sold^,> aiul- related, incidenta leed mittec^-rqjurUia Qie receipt tifjoVercame alnloat insoitnoanta- 138 from the Gypsy Sndth fund ^A preaented bills for sevm enaea wmr i ialpenny Junior Red Croae drde will give ,__™ a bendtt p^bHBanee, under the | DKBATPrq-AT- BASl^B*- directioB of* Mrs. B. W. There has beea unasoal activ- ity in the debating Bne at Eds tern t l ^ year aa a leanlt of the experiment in StadenTISelf G«v- Mary Laridn and Mr. R. B. Lai^ ,Hdn.- ' >^ - - Mr. George G. Tyler, chair* man of the clyster, presided at ued during the war; nassas, R. F. D. yet to learn tint fbci Newtou ^. of patriotic saerttce Iw^)endent Hit. uk>u8 to patriotic devo- The fofflowing men were called i_-ft jibjujvaacea are thf t" g^ *r<Kim *'*'• ^•'mniy ti^ »*>» th* nwating Mnndav pvening at upon the goWen altar rf"'U^«mFy~«2^.Viriinflrwi the the Tuwn HaH. Th>i in^oeatiea fellowship and com- 2ard of May, to be trained for was offered by Rev. H. Q. May the day never two months in mechanicid work, j after which the baanasa of ddbatara • Mr. Wilson, Mr. Mr. Rottman, who wiB debte aginat the <katad Hisli.Schecrf r\.M,iiMm^ ^««« «f W««l»ine>««n Thia shows ezodlent ^irit on the part of the b^n-in meeting ^^a^L_^^a. .^^K^^^-U^A. 4-^^Ma rM rf^^^^i*^ The subject of the debate is' Rgaolved. That the U. S. Gov- ble obstacles 'vt order to get to the froat; while he dcnouneed terms. • Mrl MftHrtagtie spoke with en-.' tihnsiann of Vb/t part America is taking in the war and t&e im- portance ef a fuO realization that the 'sorid kwks to us fin: vtbtoryr aad the American Red Ones is one of the moat important fac- tors in hdping as to win. Help the BBI C i f s awl win tt we wltt: ThM debattny^Mattanirthfe m, ^^^^^g^ gave Jiiui a- o *.jk...a^L^ --n^t^^*'™* reception and dose attoi- ^•**''*°* •'^'^'tioo and his speech end^ amid uproarioas ai^laaae; Ifaiqr have eommeated aa R aa terpiece oHte^dad. tic •^MP^"" _. ^ „_ _ ^ '^©me when Virginia will ceaae James Wesley Keys, Brenta^lBe. t o h. ~ - nnd cherish the memory John Roland Craig, Manatwaa,, ~<tf her h i Die dead. Gray C. Buck. Manassas. THHJh T «ame to Vir^nia forty Dafllemelsjou Rwder.:M*tBMaas. Burr, the BailiMds. - It waU take place next Friday nii^t at Eaa- opoied with report8irwnthe-v»-|t«Ti Auditorium. T^e Wash- rious comnutteea. (Mrs. C R- C. Jowison, cnair- maa e^^aaJw^AJJori^ asadf AH 1 tfempaaied by their advisor, Mr. Edmund S. N<»yee, and Mr. Wil- Uaaa M. B a r e t ^ It hoped that WHjibudj' i ^ tani out and give t h ^ enthosiaatic attention. ertimeirr fan Qi> wd Qparata—Eight u'clgeirFiMter, Mi^K. Athtoiaaion ftee. —The Loyal Temperance Le- ington debating team wiU benR-t gion will hoM a meeting at tiw Baptist church Taeeday tfter noon at 3 o'clock. evemng-, Hon. <X Cr Carlia. Mr. -Garim** - qiaeeh ^arinly zeeelv^ ^ s subject, "" Uitr tJuited Stntoo in-at- 'Why War," gave him amidje oftpoite- nity to place b^ore bjaheanars t ^ vast fund of infotnatioa^ at his- c<Hnmand, imd the foreefid manner i n w h i ^ it waa preaept- ed w a 3 i ^ calculated to stir the -: fir^ of patriotinnr _ _ The speaker's lowing and ek>- ite to the President of the United.Stat€9Land to tib<^- American solder and sailor w§s - - in"marke!d eontraat to hia bitfer denunciation of the kimi»-, tJw - .-^•^ man hall-noark. Mr. Carfin.'a ut^srances were ffgeeted w j ^ - bursts, of i^vUttse^ grfinff evi- d<aice of the grei^ impxeaaiaii made upon his audkaeeb Chairman' McDonald, afto- makmg a-ahw :«K 'A atory of the Red Crbaa wai-jfm|d work, appointed as aids tba.||||i^ lowing!—Mn fries andlfr. L. K Lynn. _<_£>. RED CROSS BENEFIT The f(lowing program will be given in Conner's HaH Satarday, . May 26, by tiK Juiiibr Red Ooas for the benefit of the Bed Orosa drive endng May 27. T)M.bfU waa donated tiiroagi kindneJa eC .' Mr. Connen ^ 7-«fi fi-ftn _ f W w t nf ^-f**-,- ki,m DnuMtfe ¥wrHsc. -^-rii-v^ Orrflla. SkHfa^kv CiaderiUaCa. FLAIN MABXUtOWN PVyllto Heditei,. .Brii Jfiraiiite Hodaden 'KgSif^VBSeZ alia Hededn Mabel Lyoa 4a^t» belA—» V M SittaTt SaIHe Larirtr Jiiiii»i, FkWKk Maid. Lflliaa WlMalw Conent of Claask- Air»--ClaxtonoU Intcmiauan Jano Marloir and R-g. Scthtr-rt rn •"tTie Hoaae Acron the Way." Priiaa D«nnaJ(a<iAm Louiae Malonr'. Tbe Ole Black Joe Qiurtette. T>ie Dancintr Nymph» Tabieen of th« Atiies. Admiuion, 2.V and ••''• '.\-^^\ - '-d •enta on sale at Prince Wi:.;.. - Thais nwcy.
Page 1: Lr',liV':Siw.'^ DONALD WILL SUPPORt CARUNeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...IjpBBoWwit id Man»ssiM €hapte# Kemstown, ^SBA Cros Pors K^t s,fai well chonoi

i i

No. 1. MANASSAS^TA, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1918



wh^ming tragedy stUl brooded OV'

\ . Btill about her, that her t e w .The Historioal Evening a GrfHtd w e n atiH wet on her cheeks.

Socceaa—Music and Onrtcry Lee and Jackson ^ere dead; , Mak» Up Program. their great hearts were still,

• > their Fwnsomed spirits had as-

a , r t^Lf .titnXiTHOS. H.' UON AND CHAS. R. Mc-Lr'",liV':Si"w.' DONALD WILL SUPPORt CARUN

. ^ ^ . Mrithstanding his high regard for The hiitonqal meetUig of^the ,^^ personally, he be-

lieves that the interests of the district as well as the country at large can best be served by the k^tarn'of Hon. C. C. Carlin to congress^ change at this iidie,

la a conversation wit)i a rep-reswtaUve of The JoMmiU, H(». ThM. H. Lion remarked that not-

haasMon of the fourtia district, battfing hosts were hushed for-Virginia division, D. D. C Con- ever. The reflections that surg-vention hefai in the courtho^iae ed within me awoke such a sa-Tuesday evening, was opened cred and chastened sympathy as with prayer by the Rev. H. Q. I find it impoesible to describe. ISnrr. His eloquent plea for Virginia surrendered the field -XKvine blessing upon thesisidetyt but she never^«anrendered .-her for the guidance of those in au- faith; Liberty ia fof^er today, thoritative offices of th6 govern- of th^ same essential quality ntent of tbe United States; and which characterized, it during^

jCMjij e anoceaflL of IheuManB gf, the.yfiargfrom 'fl ta 'flL—Itia-' t i i bl l i^ was most sayreMUve. the same spirit of liberty that ; ^ ^ t i ^ ^ e stirring eteains of animated Jackson wlien he stcKi4 |g| 4 i ' |ldered oQ he violin and like $i stone wall on Henry Hill, •jfkffioa"^ ^fof. Mos^r and Sfiss when he stemmed and tumdd the

^HMU,! lArs. Alhert Spej^i^ tide of battle at Winche#er, IjpBBoWwit id Man»ssiM €hapte# Kemstown, Cross K^s ^SBA Port ,fai well chonoi i^uases, deKvttrqil RepuMic, and that' Wded turn an address of wekome t o ' ^ e Uke an avalanche on the armies vtaitora. ^ ^oi Hooker f t iChancelorsviille. ^ Kra. Wm, Nr Hamlet,' nee Lee is still tb« fjieerles's Conunait-':I nftltti of Fredcoai csBurf, «pok& der-in-chief, tl^ wise and ^re-^tde^y ^ i f a e bi^ilute frlead- vored e^eve pi%sideat, the most

tfait ^jexisted Ibetween bear h<mor«d and" the loeA, l^oved th<j6te>lf orris Evuis, a soldier and icitizen «mwg the

()f .. .1^ Prince Wifliam wns of the £Kd Pc>nmmnc—"V— aipd t j ^ late Cant Edf'^"'"^^^—~~ - -. ' :-

N e l ^ of ilanassas. , She ^««««'k it well that fiwedoffl'M»' oi the great d e s ^ hterfatt- S j I T ^ ^ ^ ^ J t U t l i ^ w^^

.hadoft^ ejepressed to afecom- y|^ not ftel^pst rflkiitai . ;|ihBy lieK. to the battlefiejas near, of nobk wnthneiit.' • :; here, JHit his d^th prevesnted

^ e ^ h M p m a t i o n . o f hi« ^^if^^^- ^^ who freely give t J i ^ .11

•^•'j-' ^,-1. — >>aL*i'Wi,.v . . .—y^.^,ta*Bli>liauuM» furlej for •

very unwise move.

Mr. Chas. R, McDonald, Su-periitendent of .Public-School, said] "I ^ v e met ^fr. Whit« and can say that I know noth­ing figainst htm, but I do not knpw any way in which I ctjo. serve my country better in the comipg election, tfasEn to giye Mr. Carlin my hearty and unquidi-fied luport." ^

The ab{)ve are fair sample* of Mr. Lion copaidws, weuld'be a the moofl^t of many at our best

ci tizens


?|J.JEK,G., m aBa4(b«S8;ire«nant Witiii

M cy. T ^ orsahi- i!W koc dw^ ><»» ^_ veaognized by the i^jv- shau iM« fi|f» *i«»:i^»«w. >

ik.lHKaia?y aid, and i w j y b e ^ i E ^ S ^ i S ' ^ u L m^ Jb»^ettee» endowed *nd paid ftir Th*t eanae *» humbled m «» *M*

§fc ft<i& 4|faa-American Hoq>itaI By virtae^ it* aatora ^ |i<imil|rt France. A uniooe Traarforaoed Hve «*ftin. pjtft' irr. ia the nauoinff of these

eird («i the waUreac^ng JP. Lee," ^St«»ewall

oar s<Hne other Coiife^ ftto^; and what son of


Captain Sourment of VerdO FaatCi aii4 JRepreseataUv*

Flood to Spcflik.

(idaa Marr Larida, Swretary) Captwn Squrinent, a French

offico: wouncted 4it Verdun, and Representative Henry D. Flood wiU-speak her^ tomorrow aifter-noon in the interest o£ the Red Ci oss. These addresses will be a part of. the big, all-day pro-

annoancement entf.ntatnment

of .the-dramatic fomorrnw night,

gram wl^eh haa beeii aZQCDged since the actioh of the Red Cross chif^ter at its regular meeting McHj^y evening, middng Satar^ ^ y 7 t h e closing day,«f J^e War ¥tind d r i ^ a regvdhir Ited Clross ,-day,. > ;• ~ """" ' • —

OitizMis from all parts of the ^eopty-are^"ted.4to t lpe Baet ill: «A^ autignolMia Vicpt^ ^ ^ h wffi start f i W tbacovrthoose i t

fCb'B^ a u ^ r i £ ^ at the the adMiz sMoa ace schfidnled.

iQeorge C ^[ouad and Hon.

by whidi the girls of .the Junior Red Cross expect to raise their part of the War Fund.

Mri Johnson also r^poilied the progzfas of the Jennie Pean Bran<4i, which is the Red throes organizatitm of the colored peo-I ^ M Prince Wiittam. lltus branci held a specid meeting on Mothirs Day and, after a pro-' gram featured by a ted Oosa addrefc, enrolled tv^caity-oilB new memtairs.

Mrs A. H. HarreQr sup^^sor :cal dressings, reported

the sHIpment of 142 !?hr?4 ah. sorbef^ pads, 200 muslin band­ages, 4>80 large shot bags aSid 500 s n ^ i^ot bags.

Tbe|irep6rt of tiie War Fund Publicity Committee was rnade t>y MlK T. E. Haines, wj^ an-nouncafl that all puMieity >Baat

aadi' mo^ey for the ];>age ad-

lents in the JM^nassas

lfh '*!4tie 'aoticitmg conunit-14«r Mrs. A. A-Hooff,

Vore 4 ^ 20^ speat^rs and , ra a i^f.ipn/WBMjKBaja»at>^-|ilii>^ oUitf r Inilli'il Ksmifiits;




Will Take a Vacatioa aad Health Ghrcs Rcasona for War to Red Pmailtiog WW CoatiMie

OB the Bench.

On Monday last, the first day of the session of the circuit court at Fairfax, the entire membershv) of the county bar b^ng present, merely by chance, Judgtf J. B. T.^omton took the opportuhity ^ state to thegn that h^ .inf^ndsd to ti^e a vaca-s tion in some quiet place in order ^rt&nce to build up his health, as well as to enjoy a w ^ needed rest His physical condition, hje said, had nQt\|>een of the best, and the cahstant attention to the duties 6i his office had had. no tendency to improve It-' He fsrtfaer said that if ^be condition of his health d ^ not show a mariEed improvement by, the b^^nning of the fall terttw he would pjtiba^ biy resign tl»e ^udfiBahip.

Rumors w«ntahn>ad that the Jurge had called the members of the bta togemer to announce his resignatloTT. ThiSBe, IB effect, were published in WashingttHi, papers, but aa seea. from above; were erruueoUB. ^"^^

Upon his "return home"the Judge c^ed for the members of the Pi^iee William bir and made tli^^mtnrstat^nent to ti^em tiiat he had made; UnF r hrdluuii^utf he had nwde in Fairfax.

It is the b e ^ of Judtfe :Th<»ii-' lou's irleiads that his teatorar tion to ^beil ^ArA render nn«ec-easary tlie'mu^ diseasaed -|^^

MtKffAGlJE TAEKS nMK tifig. ReK. T. IX. D. Clark indhiding hehnets, wristlets, will lead the singing and Mf. C. mufflers and socks. Have been A. Mantginnexy has been chosai.sent to tiie soldiers.by tiichknit-marahal Cf the parade. Ev^ryj ting committee of tiie chapter,

--Bed^CrosB <»-ganiBat»Ht p the iaoc^^g to the report ol Miss M. ^^ygteyir aupei v'isut ut knit-

J \:_ i._—ii_ IT - J j:iJ._ __• T»_' Another ^tfflre of the day i» the ^ e of foodstuffs which Red and intareating

' trietism, pn adilpesa on -Pa*

l^e audi-

intounaoyl^roSr t^nSc l jg^nce ^m0 to I ^ audience, that ^ -

alive the memory of '.'"

K.w« L Hon. A. J. Montagues delivered »a-togi^--3*e8e artiele» Imvtr boon ^ gtirring~and etquent addr^t^

made by workers in every-sec-Cross members and their friends jjthroughoirt the e^m^ ha/fb^^am

askei" tcfcontribute. All con-tributions, including cfaickena,

vat, veyetdMes. eggsTlMAtnnrial AaaeiatioarAnxaiarv,

deeds of vak*'. p&- The following is by the men and the he-- ^^ \t^ natnp \^ nn

.jacrifces of the women af j ^ ^ ^sth. I ~ I '66 la in Kemp WiOiama, ^Mmtko.

uKpmpi^ilile JR^ lojr J o a ^ Poa^^ Dum&iea.. =-t ^ A e Skun and StiripBB ta- Himbai W. Abel, Joplin.

Harvoy-Hcdmes, Catlett. ^ Ifiaa Mary Lee Chapman, JnAjHiffv^ W^dts. Maaaaaaa. ---iAear,«weetv(»ee,beldtheatten- H ttart F. Bampten^ Hoadley. itfcn of h«r .audience in a aoto, Howard A. Stevens, Qnsntieo. ^^XJimr Me Back to CAd Virain- pgrwiird I Payne. Maawsaa.

Min mnimrirti niTlgimr Oniiiii T mi Tuiias Tuiiia j i s e <o much ^aroraiie cliaries pfeny HaitffidftrliiMftf'

it. ' — — Abridge.

fiear. Rev. 1 jhfcdiarga.- Itia he»ed thatncws^Una^ecwtt'

of tiie aide wSk reach every part of the cecmty and that tboee

Resser gave « reading, cofer Fairfax, Hoadley. la France," which wa? ao i^ris Cockanides, ,Quantieo.

appreciated-that an encore j<^m Calvui Bolea, Mount. -elicitear ¥ » • Raaser waa prank W. Fitiwater, Nokee«iUe<

in the program to adiBtitate darence Money, Quantico. anottier, withoat .tinae for Robwt L. Ritt«o«rj, N^MayiDe.

oB, hot acquitted Ymt- ifiiton^inin Nail*, G; ^y[ '- PlriHfr B. LipaeoflU», fetrtwr

Jiriio an. J l^jnjreo^d^rju in-viUtien te gite v 9 wHa an ef |iart to riMBB in the anceess of the day.

Ti> a«*i ^«^ .^w^jg^ be held at Conner's xUar at

__ i)!cbck, wfaf tW giriit ftf thf

D. D. Clark on being Biehard Lee Th<nrp (AHemate), 8p<die as fellows: Indeparrtent W^

may be tempted to en- Bankit the ( nnion that theae

observances oui^t to Alien Comweffl (

Corawea (Alternate), R.F.I>. . ~

canned goods, etc.> will kfaibited at the Reid BuUd-

ing on Main street, < >osite the Dixie Hie^re, and sold as qpMBy «g the imrchasefs. ap-

U. a BuiT wUl K

tion of the county and contrib-nted.dnreetiy to the ehapler and through the Qccoquan and Cati-jiarpin branches and the Ladijes*

The chairman announced the appointment "f Miiw E. H. Qs-'

Hiis program wiB be featoxed by a play, with moaieal aad daace nnnd>era. g

Tbit onunittee of atcaage-Bieats fei Uuiwmw'a prograat is compeeed of Mr. €k Raymond SateUffe, chainnaa; Dr. C. K. Johaaon. Mr. J. J. Conner and Ueut. George C. Roand, aiidste^ by ^Oa ' driv<r pobiieity eoai-

ittea, Mr. T ¥ Haiaea,-iea

Mr. Q. Raymond Ratdiffe, duurman of ^ FiMuiee Com-

Craw H m in Stirring Well Received.

On Saturday evening a large crowd gathered at Sudley Church to inaugurate th* local drivp for the Red'Cross second war fund; Much enthusiasm was manifested and it LQ believ­ed that the Red Cross branch is thoroughly aroused to the im-

of goiri^ I .tT the top.

vwas CaUed tor OT-jdiainnan of the cbui -

n«|ur funid d ^ , " R'MffDnnHd. > :; TOan .introduced Hap. ^_-

n^madeabriEf _ , _ J i f e g h a a ^ j qpeak«- oiT thf*^^

OiSaaiatioB Needs Yoor Help te'WiB tlie War—Brataltty

of theHoa Dqifeted.

ringing with: patriotism, in Con-ner'-s HaU la&t night anceoTlhe Red Cross drive. He waa introduced - ur i^roiniate language by Hon.Thos. H. Lion.

bourn. Miss Lulu_p. Metx and Mrs. Roberta ijynnS» the aoUc. T^oti jaammittee ^ sidjer I h ^ WA twdly^-ptots and intriynoe tts-L. Sanderar U " ^ " e m ^ ^ « ^ i r i e d Wl^aieGwrnans S neb-

Mr.- Montague told of th^ -causes kat&tg to the war; the peace, prt^wgandist, aa w ^ a a -Hbnrta -tmdHiAuman—tveatmoit jd}-4hiags—that-caEry_Jl^^ of the Belgians and the French by the invading foe; and the daa>-

tml oad friend^ countries. He' paid h i ^ tribute, to the

sold^,> aiul- related, incidenta leed

mittec^-rqjurUia Qie receipt tifjoVercame alnloat insoitnoanta-138 from the Gypsy Sndth fund ^A preaented bills for sevm

enaea wmr i ialpenny

Junior Red Croae drde will give ,__™ a bendtt p^bHBanee, under the | DKBATPrq-AT- BASl^B*-directioB of* Mrs. B. W.

There has beea unasoal activ­ity in the debating Bne at Eds tern t l ^ year aa a leanlt of the experiment in StadenTISelf G«v-

Mary Laridn and Mr. R. B. Lai^ ,Hdn . - ' >^ - -

Mr. George G. Tyler, chair* man of the clyster, presided at

ued during the war; nassas, R. F. D. yet to learn tint fbci Newtou ^. of patriotic saerttce Iw^)endent Hit.

uk>u8 to patriotic devo- The fofflowing men were called i_-ft jibjujvaacea are thf t" g^ *r<Kim *'*'• •'mniy ti »*>» th* nwating Mnndav pvening at upon the goWen altar rf"'U^«mFy~«2^.Viriinflrwi the the Tuwn HaH. Th>i in^oeatiea

fellowship and com- 2ard of May, to be trained for was offered by Rev. H. Q. May the day never two months in mechanicid work, j after which the baanasa

of ddbatara • Mr. Wilson, Mr. Mr. Rottman, who wiB debte aginat the <katad Hisli.Schecrf r\.M,iiMm^ ^ « « « «f W««l»ine>««n Thia shows ezodlent ^irit on the part of the b^n-in meeting ^^a^L_^^a. .^^K^^^-U^A. 4-^^Ma rM rf^^^^i*^

The subject of the debate is' Rgaolved. That the U. S. Gov-

ble obstacles 'vt order to get to the froat; while he dcnouneed

terms. • Mrl MftHrtagtie spoke with en-.' tihnsiann of Vb/t part America is taking in the war and t&e im­portance ef a f uO realization that the 'sorid kwks to us fin: vtbtoryr aad the American Red Ones is one of the moat important fac­tors in hdping as to win. Help the B B I C i f s awl win tt we wltt:

ThM debattny^Mattanirthfe m , ^^^^^g^ gave Jiiui a-

o *.jk...a^L^ --n t *'™* reception and dose attoi-^•** ' '*°* •'^'^'tioo and his speech end^ amid

uproarioas ai^laaae; Ifaiqr have eommeated aa R aa terpiece oHte^dad.

tic •^MP^"" _ . ^ „_ _ ^ ' ©me when Virginia will ceaae James Wesley Keys, Brenta^lBe. t o h. ~ - nnd cherish the memory John Roland Craig, Manatwaa,, ~<tf her h i Die dead. Gray C. Buck. Manassas.

THHJh T «ame to Vir^nia forty Dafllemelsjou Rwder.:M*tBMaas.

Burr, the BailiMds. - It waU take place next Friday nii^t at Eaa-

opoied with report8irwnthe-v»-|t«Ti Auditorium. T^e Wash-rious comnutteea.

(Mrs. C R- C. Jowison, cnair-maa e^^aaJw^AJJori asadf AH 1

tfempaaied by their advisor, Mr. Edmund S. N<»yee, and Mr. Wil-

Uaaa M. Baret^ It hoped that WHjibudj' i ^ tani out and give t h ^ enthosiaatic attention.

ertimeirr fan Qi> wd Qparata—Eight u'clgeirFiMter, Mi^K. Athtoiaaion ftee.

—The Loyal Temperance Le-ington debating team wiU benR-t gion will hoM a meeting at tiw

Baptist church Taeeday tfter noon at 3 o'clock.

evemng-, Hon. <X Cr Carlia. Mr. -Garim** - qiaeeh

^arinly zeeelv^ ^ s subject, "" Uitr tJuited Stntoo in-at-'Why War," gave him amidje oftpoite-nity to place b^ore bjaheanars t ^ vast fund of infotnatioa^ at his- c<Hnmand, imd the foreefid manner inwhi^ it waa preaept-ed w a 3 i ^ calculated to stir the -: fir^ of patriotinnr _ _

The speaker's lowing and ek>-ite to the President

of the United.Stat€9Land to tib<^-American solder and sailor w§s - -in"marke!d eontraat to hia bitfer denunciation of the kimi»-, tJw -


man hall-noark. Mr. Carfin.'a ut^srances were

ffgeeted wj^-bursts, of i^vUttse^ grfinff evi-d<aice of the grei^ impxeaaiaii made upon his audkaeeb

Chairman' McDonald, afto-makmg a-ahw

:«K 'A

atory of the Red Crbaa wai-jf m|d work, appointed as aids tba.||||i^ lowing!—Mn

fries andlfr. L. K Lynn. _<_£>.

RED CROSS BENEFIT The f (lowing program will be

given in Conner's HaH Satarday, . May 26, by tiK Juiiibr Red Ooas for the benefit of the Bed Orosa drive endng May 27. T)M.bfU waa donated tiiroagi kindneJa eC . ' Mr. Connen ^

7-«fi fi-ftn _ f W w t nf ^-f**-,- ki,m

DnuMtfe ¥wrHsc. - ^ - r i i - v ^


SkHfa^kv CiaderiUaCa. FLAIN MABXUtOWN

PVyllto Heditei,. .Brii Jfiraiiite Hodaden 'KgSif^VBSeZ

alia Hededn Mabel Lyoa 4a^t» belA—» V M SittaTt SaIHe Larirtr

Jiiiii»i, FkWKk Maid. Lflliaa WlMalw Conent of Claask- Air»--ClaxtonoU

Intcmiauan Jano Marloir and R-g. Scthtr-rt rn •"tTie Hoaae Acron the Way."

Priiaa D«nnaJ(a<iAm Louiae Malonr'. Tbe Ole Black Joe Qiurtette. T>ie Dancintr Nymph» Tabieen of th« Atiies.

Admiuion, 2.V and ••''• '.\-^^\ - '-d •enta on sale at Prince Wi:.;.. - Thais nwcy.

Page 2: Lr',liV':Siw.'^ DONALD WILL SUPPORt CARUNeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...IjpBBoWwit id Man»ssiM €hapte# Kemstown, ^SBA Cros Pors K^t s,fai well chonoi


,;. "".' •'gny THE MAM , jyL,;AlAX ASg^_VIBG IN 1A FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1918

/ ^

r # . 'f ^


""—oH UiOM 0/ uuspeukabig pain" :-


CROSS BT harles R. MCDOBSUK C-ounty War Fund C^WMJtMft

I he Peoples Nation*! Bndt af

nassas. I <>rnw«11 Supply C<HBp«^< ^la^assaa PrBduce CwMpmayr W . F. Hibbs. I ra C. Reid. ~ ' - , - . T. Hall. . -. \lanassa8 Tailoring -maA . C l f a t t

I'ompany. '••. corge D. Baker, U: \ l ijs E. H. Osboum. tUjbert Flaherty. Ihiimas H. Lion. H. Thornton Davies. - ' ' ) B. TVThorjiton. ~~ f^ryall liordon. - —

ijiscomb Insurance Asenex^ • ntral Mutual .Tclepho»e Cm

Manassas Feed, SappljX :T>ent Company, rkin & Dorrell. i.. Bushong.


T m afraid thafs all I can spare* ffr . You're a regular, red-blooded, true-blue Ameri­

can. You k)ve your country. Yoif love that flapping, i-jmappiiig old fla^; Youj*^A^ai;i-JJaKiggts:^a^:^^^

rtire troopsjiamp l^^ ^ Y ^ ^ ^ - Ynn TTitAnH tn—ynijr ttviiii tp^help WJh tiie WaT

inahurry^ ' SsuTiiSce? Sure," y o u ^ beai thinking. "Just

you.waittill they-.really need it.'' And you've hon-_ ^ y tiigtigfat you meant \h?Lt im^

Bi^-Jcwlc jroarseff ki t3»e e re» noyt, and acjareK up and <Jown int

Ijatien: Yoii fed pocr: Tlus dui<i Liberty Loan, the h ^ jMrices, the Incoan» Tax-yo^ ve done yaw bit Yw-^ecJliiatt you'viift giyea

• jfclT you can lyare.'


Wkatf Then what < i«f you mean ? What*« that you. said -about kxvk^yf^ country?" What chd yo>tLAgilc!tbej«rtqgi"%rrifi^^meitifts?

"Slffidy you tfidn't mean, did you, to give odty w^Mrf5^ can.^^^'T*^ about our boys v^o jure givw^' their lives iff the trenches)

Ar^YA^ g i ^ y nT>l What thQT can "g^^ ~ ' ^ I_ ^^^^How about diose mothers and Bttle "kiddies** in. the shell-wrecked

toTimg ol that war^swept heO:r:ThiSigryr—ragged--sobbing-—alt Giving up their homes, dwar husbands, their fadiers^

.). Arrington. ' K Ileachley. K. Nash & Company. ( Wagener. i I \Venrich. K. McCoy. ^ •*n & Hooff. I K , Hough. ^ V V. GillJW. '-J C. Meredith. ' >

- R F. Iden. .-:<rn College. • rtson & 0)wrpany7 ~ L m pf r & J enldns^... „ „ , _ „

- While we over here vnth our fun and our eur headsi^and leei patriotic because we have givai>-ri ^ i o o s e ^ U s , ^ the top, otjcflgLja;dL, "tf ^Tsr^psEn aH we fan sparfif ^

€ome, come! Let% quit fooli^ ourselves. Let us learn what" saerilice " nwans. Let-jis give «ord

_ than wft iian s^r^-^lftt lis " givfi till the hftart saj fl—^


' - i

- V -

nre William Garayc. • . * -^ T P. Waters. H Harrell. K Saunders' Meat M«lkKL - . "

-p WeatiMflMrftx Qakk -•' R. J. KktMVUtu

W Kosaer. bh<< & Giddiays. 'cell's Pharmacy.

- < R. C. JnhwiK. ^ -;irl<>fi H. AdaauK

M Weir. \ S^inelair.

•n pie School of H J. Wittic, V(

Eiwrj fortlmRmdCr^m Wmr Fmmdmvnfor Wtwr R^Htf. Th* AaMTtoan >U4 Oaaa ta M.larcaM

•tvaalBMloa Cor U tkat fka

to lar(« aawrs. «rte ara tm

•V wolaatarT It la xmtmf

H ia »»i »liia aa AaaMlaa'a to wta tka war.


J Meetze. Real f1 Wiae. PhiaW*, K. Frea, Jr. h 0 * , <••

handisc NakaariHa. ^nk of Xokaa^rille. W i i k i i a i l . tz water

R. R«ctor, BriatOTr.

Page 3: Lr',liV':Siw.'^ DONALD WILL SUPPORt CARUNeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...IjpBBoWwit id Man»ssiM €hapte# Kemstown, ^SBA Cros Pors K^t s,fai well chonoi

FRfDAY. MAY 2*; 1918

T h e Manassas journal r u B L l A U B U BVSRy t-|Ui>AT AFTIUWOOM BT


i-JMtgred at thoIVwt Office »t M«i>«n»i. Vu^ma, as Second CIMB M«»1 Matter

$L0O A Yetr ia /Umce

Friday, May 24, 1918

ecious time to a poUti-to supplant a

1 representative of the he is not only makinsr his

pstnetism look cheap, but E E t m dEigerovisiy n e i r t h e it of appearing to insult those

tj,e %8ks to support him? VotenrvTI^r^-'Tpll-dia^

t of Virginia will consider the CoJonel'B motivea and will register their judgment in the coming primary.

VOLUME x x r v . With this issae

To!um<i XXIV, Jfa.

NO. 1 we begin 1, of The

Manassas Journal, noarldng t^e twenty-third anniversary of its «xi3tence. • - The paper was founded by the late W. H. W. Moran in the year 1895 «nd has, since its estab-

. lishmrait, absorbed the Manassas

T F T O C € A N - f «e^Gl VB» The Red Cross drive for the

second war fund of ?100,000,000 i s ' on. The various organizar tions in the county are speeding up in their efforts to get over the top and reports indicate success. This is gratifying; but let every one bear in mind that it is not only a duty but a privilege to help. thi» wonderful organiza­tion. As the war progresses the duties of the Red Cross be­come more « id more extended— its ramifications ahready em-brace nearly cvory ooncai^tabto

edly very difficult to obtaia,-! Monsieur A hart of the French high confinisaion, said frankly that nothing whatever of a defi­nite nature had reached him so rsr. ^ ———

Theories for the Dday. ' The theoriea, wMch are given

the following: T ^ Germans, after their des­

perate efforts to smash through, hav^ found it necessary to call a halt'and repair damage done hy their process of smashing.

In other words, the war ma­chine has had to stop for repairs just as an automobile might have to be overhauled after it had been driven at top speed for 10,000 or 20,000 miles.

In the case of the military ma' chine it implies rei^enishing gaps in the ranks, establishing transport lines, getting in. need­ed ammunition and other .sv!t>-plies^, making other arrange­ments incidental to resuming of-

a a ^

fenslve warfare and givmg a niHch-needed—respite, tn—the

form of aid possiUe to give to the soldiers at the front. To do this it requires much m o p ^ — as its scope enlarges, it needs mosey more abundantly. .

Upon the bayonet brisdini; field» of France there may at this moment be lying, all droiched in h b own blood, some young hefo who first saw thp light Jinder the sunny^8kie£ of

Prince Wf

troops whick upon to bear fighting.

have b e » u^led the brunt of the


First in War,

AndFirst in the Heaits of his (^un-fcrymen



-First in Strength, First to Supp^ Your Wants ana First for the Interests of Its Patrons

If 'yon have never had aa Aeeomtt wttk m tq^en on* today. Use tUa Bank as yoar

Gazette and the Prince William Tiiq^a.

If is with pardonaUe pride Uiat'WfirioQk lack over the car

- r e e r ^ 3ate_IoanMlx iteJgQWJ^ and develbpment offer ample „ _ _ . , , _ - . , . teatmeity to the cteanness of iia i i r fh^ JSConrl^^a^fo policy and" its fairness to the yuMic, It-bas always been a pleasure to know that our read-m t could take it into their Utoies without fear o f finding a line in it unfit for porusal by the most flcruiAilous. Hie Journal has b e ^ and will continue to be it home paper.

Fttror evidence nfc::;flM[

Britiah Spoiled the Plan. The Germans, who counted on

being much farther iadvanced in their campaign for the channel ports, have foreseen Ithat the momentum of |heir drive cAild not be jiustain^, without grave risk-Ji), themaelvea, untU Ihey.

fflj were able to strike fCi-rftefepftM* county may have given him

the Red Cross may be the means of sav-iag Mm; will you healtate ? H^-Hi n»f thinfr nf thP tiaia-aajto

graWiltf p«»pirt*rity of The JOfSl-sal, W& may be allowed to point to~ae~flict that the incrwuw ia

IB number of paid-io-advanee iqib^CTSiers'diirihg fha pasfej-:

year ia more U>ah two hundred.

was about to make tat you; are you not prepared to-m^te wagr sacrifice-for him? '

' I t is not what you can afford, i t is what yon have." .

Givir!'^', / •;••.',,•'-.v..,


goal toward the coast and conae-quentiy the German high com mand has reluctantly callec^ a halt.

ft?""fi"- nffpnBiYfi w<iai

lelfafional^ank of Manassas xc as mm:

i warfe wfTTtf ARnt frr iv* « J B X

based on the asisumption that sustained and desperate efforts, at great costrbcH^ kaiser's b«dt troc^, could break the backbone of the ^ i t i s h uxoy and ^ l e n have miriiers all its own wxy*


:^i^ucted by the late W* Jfc

tinAeu under th* aUafeu and Ow

(Albert W.' Fox, in WaalungteB FMt.) la ttw Qeanan AiriwHW* a»e | The GeraMaa

YJssR^m frrttif riflfinitwlv eheA. «d? Mmtaxy experts, iiwthkgng

Germans, tiienefore, are cheeked in tbdr plamT

f l ! T^ '^ -^™^ *^

imezpect-ffip aW»ywigh

In'appreciaEEon rf t l u ^ w e * ^ | ^ „ g ^ ^^ „fflceM, ins&rt that . i r e t o e x , * ^ o u , h e a r t y ^ | J ^ » ^ J ™ ^ ^

- ~ . . ,_ . '*V^_:J'pol icy to assume prematurely jreU as tothoM w h o ^ h ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ t ^ ^ in our end^vor t o ^ ^ ^ T H r f - ^ ^ ^ - o f t e i v e against the aMenewa to t h e i ^ b t e . ^ ^ - 1 ^ ^ , ^ , ^ ^ j ^ ^

V ^ ? ' S ? ? ^ ^ ^ £ ^ S ^ t h a s t i l y M t b e o i y that hope to ".stand apon tba ^watage^ _ j ; t ^ _ ^ , ^„^ ^ >„ «.Hi^.n^ ground of truth" and adhere to

hoar nftBT Ypres and were unar

L iftramb ivifi ~i>e con

lipscomh biHkfaig

somethinf' had gone radically ground or ^ t n ana « ^ ^ ! wrtjng with the plans of tiie Ger thepohcy of advoca^g and de- ^ ^ ^ ^ c«imand. But th,

« « ^ « ' » » - ^ ^ > ^ * ^ l i S ? i j t relative calm on the ^es terp right, and " toaU.

Ue to/>vereMQ< . tills last dbata-cle despite idl sacrifices and dea- ^ peration. They Me ha^igaofwj _ because thcaLhaw to Mid hfcaaae. t h ^ are nnaJate —to- master str«aigth for wother secceosfal brealdiiff tinpugh. :

. Thaory thf Staff S«BBffrte> . The German losses have.prov-

ed far heav i^ than generally realized ahd the German high TOmmand has^ seen that peraiat-

suoclaB -anceL-will

icanons f or insur- • • • ^^ f "_•

We thank yoii 29 j ence-ih the policy of attemp^ig

gmMti tJHwiph- regardtem «tf

tt t»t that the the Germans'

PATRKmSM vs. AMBTnONviewa « Our country is now^fadng the:<«"»« ^^

most serioiw businees in its h iH^ A m y torr The t . S. H^msc of Rap- hne of action resentatives is the moSt import-!«ems now' p r e t ^ weQ estab-^ ^ of a e W n « s - e n d , « ^ ^ -of the government Unawerv- 8«i««»tKm of i h e - ^ v e at the to^^Stism and thorough Ypres "^^ar M ^ a m e B p ^ -^nSr«B abaotately ess^tial ' * ^ * ^ t " ^ ttS : r^SLnt representation in th.««. ^^J'^^^^ that body. Is this a time for l » t mucF-advert i s^-dr ive , PCTSonal ambiUuu. however j waited so long after MMgacui t

rm^A^y<t' It uunht appear in that they W f t t B ^ t t e

knses, wou^d hi tite » d prove a game raoeh to the hktng of the alllea' «niymn<* «^Tmn«ii<terj G^ Fo<i

recei¥S. prqinpt at-FWI tention.

wiU be BAa^ later in

- * • ^

Of these theories, tne first «me is supported particulariy by gen^ eral staff officers wh^^have been f<^oWing day by dayflftmi* on the Flanders traot with the df*-estattSBtion^ Tbeaeoffieenare ni>t surpuawl lAr^bs dday. t h e y say it v a s to be ei^ected, in


less strenuoos periods, to t a k e ^ t many ° f ^ ^ ^ ™ » ^ "> the placi'of a unity ot p o r p w O" ^ ^ ^ > ¥ » ? * ^% . t T k ^ h e great congress of th* . KKpect Drive alTprea.

high Therefore, tiiere are many Iwre y^m Relieve that the only

people tipon its present j,,*plahe of eflSciency? v : ^ . • u * i . - 4 > j ~ « n ^ It is the patriotic duty of ev- (juestion is when the drive jnH •^ ry man to serve^ Wa country 1 be resumed against Ypres, even

ithfully whCT-CaUed upon, and I though the reason for ^P^^ ^..r^cMlY so in times like ent delay is not m n t e r e t g .

^ S ^ r ^ h ^ H t task is-ietJfari_JEyery one aere agrees

view of the stiff resistiuace^ Fldd Haishal Ba. " — * - ^ Hwig'- »T~^r", that the GenpiaBa wouM be oUigedtocaa a haK to prepare for the next effort.

The dday is therefore inter­preted as a favoraMe sign for the alttes and the United States, bat it is not r^arded by mifitary. mes^ as indiCTtiw that the drive

^ttatt _ Trover ; ; r n o maWer how jou may re Uhe^^ffiirt'nf the d d s y j t hPng . ] It S ^ U in the l i g h t ^ c ^ ^ ^ i a n ^ U i a l ^ t h e a f f i e s and tiie Umted g r importance, give tiie bestjStates. Bat HO one prof.

of it, and let not personal amM- tiie del«r i k ^ w j i - « « • frOTr many mi varted liilaiasliiiB


tioB nwve you to yrwir pbat of duty.




! |

,The important poara<Hi tate food administoitor

signed to Cd. E. B." White of Loashnrg APP*"^^^- ^1**° the personal equation got the better of his patriotism, he re-Rigned. Does Col. White real­ize that in giving up this impor­tant post when his servicM therrin meant so much to his r- )untr\. in order to devote more

theories. vt ~ ^a^tr^tTy of War gaker said

yesterday in response to inquiry, that -nothing authoritative had come to his attention explana

tary experts to see the German drive resumed again against the Briti-** witfci" *i*^ next 24 hoars.

I Touring Cars Roadstiars ^

$735 DdiTmd $700 Delivcared-

So mudrtM:-the_military view which fai. of cearsei baaed <« a

^^^^jg^ l l l l l IM I • I • "•

tery o( the h d l i n the QOeiiarre in Flanders.

At both the French and Brit­ish embassies there is lack of positive information, which is not gurpriaing because informa­tion of this character is undoubt-

much*:KSl* thorough ondes* standing of the situatiop than th>~»i»w^~o6eerYCT~can h6pe to possess. But the average ob­server may note ooe fact which way 6g pw Uculailj eaeoawiging

The sun iy ^ l&alted—t>etter plaw your order at once to' '

Nokesvffle^jaarage C tLBODSNE,

at this time . .RcaaKa of Previo«s Drivss.

That is, that eVery drive un­dertaken so far on the western front, whether by the allies or

(Contiued on Page Six.)

Page 4: Lr',liV':Siw.'^ DONALD WILL SUPPORt CARUNeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...IjpBBoWwit id Man»ssiM €hapte# Kemstown, ^SBA Cros Pors K^t s,fai well chonoi

PA(JF " " ^ te ti MA

^BRIEFmAL NEWS —Lit tie Miss Frances Larlijn, vvhu has bi'en ill for several days,

very much trni>rt)s-ed.

T Vlif""' Mrs. Jrt^F. tfassel of Stauir-fNEW-SEiiJSTRATiON JUNE 5

ton, State Registrar Virginia Di-1 * l i s



•—Mrs, A. J. CrosH died at h,er . , , , , .

m o r ^ at the age ^ 5 y ^ ^'^l^'^^r , T ^ *• ^• - 9 0 f t ; - ^ D r G r , ^ . - « . h r i v « » l ^ " ^ t * ^ elected «h«rman.

ah}^ and M

vision U. D. C, was the guest of Mrs. C. M. Larkin during the meeting of the U. D. C; Con­vention.

—Bernard S. Robinspn and Edna. BL Rnhingnn, colored, b i ^ cf the vicinity of ManM/ww, V«re married Wednesday even-mg. by the Rev. WIlHains.

—The Rev. T. D. D. Clark wdU deliver an addresa in the Baptist church at Brtntsville Thursday, May Sdt)i>at 8:80 p. m., in the interest of the Red Cjroaa.

taryshf^ and Mr. C. A- SincUur was chosen fii his place. Mr. Tyson Jahney vas appointed registrar for Ocooquan precinct in room of Mr. S. T. Cwnwell, resigned. ' Judges and clerks of elwrttcn were^ appolHted te serve for one jrear b e g g i n g JuiMl. The list of their names wiH ap­pear later.

—^Miss Sarak Elizabeth Leach-man entertained a few of her friend*-at- her home on Maiii

Friday —^Mrs. J. R. Larkin and Mrs.

Mollie H. Larkiu were guests of -g^reet Friday night. Games their respective sons, Sargeant yf„^ played and the young folks Norvell Larkin and Private Wro. Larkin, at Camp L«e Sunday.

—The surgical dressing work room will be opened-oir-Wednes-day^ afternoons and Thursday tfOfo^rnj^ unt i l tnr^hmr nntit^^tm

J J. Montague of Waafc: ingtosr Mid Richmond, M Adeha Yowell of CifltJeper, Mrs. E. P. Henry, Mrs. Claude Wiley, Mrr. Howard Fletcher of Fair­fax, and Mrs. Ge6rge Rucker of Alexandria county, were guests at the- home of Jodge and ^frs. J. B. T. Thornton during the U. D. C. CoDveoticHi.

Forms and Regulations Sent Local Boards.


Dumfries Schoei Comaiencement tlCNI Ifiaj vntti

account of shcH-tage of oiate|ul<

—^Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cocke, of Petersburg^ who have been visitkig Mrs. Cocke's par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. ^. Nash, returned to t h ^ ' b o m e Tuesday evening. • '

—^Rev. Alexander Stuart Ga>-son, rector ef Trlnity^Eplscopri. Churchi wifl conduct his first services .here Stinday morning. The Sunday. Schoohrwilf also convene.

ma4fe merry with the dance and soOg. Dainty refreshments were served when the hour ar-n nved-for the «l«ee-«f- adeHght-f ul evening. Those - in attend:

Elizabeth Pope. LUIian Hutchi­son, Dorothy Sanders, Lanier

On'Friday night. May 17, at 8 p. m., in the Junior Hall, the commencement exercises of the graded school were held.

The program consisted of ance were: Ifisses Leuise Ayres, soaga. racitAtionfl, dialogues and

pantomimes. The opening flum-ber was a song by the chorus

Moran, BHzabsth Johnson, Helen class, followed by the invocation.

—AnnQunCement ie-Haade ^ the ZSrd annual comriiencement exercises of tiiie Manassas In­dustrial Sehdbl, to be hdd Bay 26th to SOth. An elabcnrate pm-granv has bom

—Miss Edna Davis, one of the popular music instructors in tbe TempIe~School of Music, ] M » ^ ha- two daoghtera wwe glijh8$g been appointed to the popitiMt^|<>fMB». 3»eab ilMTpg en W^l>i*^**"° yeowomn in t t e n a v y ; ^ ^ irjtfe^ tached to the Saval IntelBgence Dureau.-

—Centrevillc district will hold a Sunday scho<^ «(mveittioB 'at: the M. E. Church, Seaih. at C ^ treville next Sunday at 2 a'ckM^ p. m. It is tirged that all Smi' day ~~scIibols in well represented.

—The meeting (rf the \tianuif Association of the Manaaaas High School^ which was to have taken place Monday, May" 29th,

thft <ftrtn< la IT '"' ^^^«^*^ ^^^^3

has been postponed to Jane 41^

—Richard Bt.Leai fonncriy. of Buckland Hafl;. who died this week in a saidtar|um at- Harria-onburg, Va., was bulled.in St. Paul's cemetery at {Eaymarket Thursday n i o ^ i ^ , - ^ . "f^Md^^Bx^wit ward, of The Ptataa, officiating.

—Messrs. E. B. Giddings and C. A. Sindair have strfd 860 acres of their fann «t 484 acres in Or an ge~"couhty, Jo Geo. V. Venable and Kiah T. Fwp4_of Lyhchbur; chaser 1st, next.

—In the reoent: aate-«f-f%i»dtf Liberty Bonds the Bank oif Oe-i oquan sold mora than double

quested to sell. JThe work was done in a quietf^thorul|^b:g^tf. business mannor, wiQL veiy lit-. lie publidty^

Mro. George B. Breshahan, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Nash, returned to Washington TiiQ»day evening... Mrs. ^Koiiafcni u wdl remi bered in Manassas, whrai; aa Miss King « ^ was a at pdwit at the Mnmntm hwHtute - -

—Misa Emma Haainer, —A iaujrhter of the late Dr. Gar-

:and Hafflner, formerly pastor <rf he I^esbyterian church here.

'«•; lytfn the guest the past lA . / ' it Mrs. George C. Round. M:-- ;-.,i .ner -ict many of her .,.! :i.t..>..- ...... ... >^jaiirtaRce9 .^h:l wer-: ^'-•i"'


Coleman, E%zabeth Burr and Muriel Larkin; Mess. William

Marvin Rice, Benjamin Lewis and John Malcmey.


a m BrownrAIIisbn A. Hooff, {"Mother, My Mother,**^ Miss Del-ma Harris; "Coming Through, th«. Rye," Misses Emily Graf-fam and Constance Waters; "Doctor Wiae," and "The Fair­ies," i^ven by several boys and tfirbi; "Little* Soldiers and the Bed Cnras Nurses"; "San(E>l pE5fi7'^lEffiTl^r;«e-Raingy:

Following this the diplomas

Mrs. O. C. Hutdiison -attend­ed the U. D. C, Convention Wed-oesday.'"

• v ^ ^ i g ^ f t ^ ^ g r 1"" i'" '"' *" <^' »«««-'• ing. Bear town. ^

JSfa-sT W: P. Rudasiil-of CuF-

Mrr W F T artiri dnrinr^hn Week.;

i Urs . C D. S. Clarkaon »nd

ton were gunite"^ Mtv. iL ^.'iisridn, 'Svnda}^;

. Mess. John Bjtizke,. W- Fi fiibbe ami Robert A.' HutiihisoQ

Mr. Frwris N. Sack of Ports-mott^' viaited his motlier. Mis. R; C. Bud^ Wedesday at ho-home on North Main street.

Whiefa way offered by Mr. Bell The pieces of specia.1 note were

]i^is8.Myrtfe E. Johnisos, to V^». D^ma V. Harris, Mr. George F. Waters, WM MjTOe T^'^afhey

peper wjHs a gueat at ^ honwiigind Iff, Ira Cline. A few re^ tnarkn Wfir thfrt Tnada X patrcav and^ t Dii *eU diarge to i^e-jiraduates, ;

Adjutant General Jo Lane! Stem has notified tecal-boardsj

the act provu^TIJHBltit^ I registration of men who have become twenty-one years of age since June 5 last, has been pass­ed by congress and proclamation by the President will issue, nano-ing June 5, 1918, from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. as the day for registra­tion. All necessary forms have been sent to the local boards.

Copies of the registration reg­ulations have also been included from which it will be noted that members of local boards and theircIericS'fofOSriluai act as registrars except in rare in­stances.

Particular attention is called to a .section of these regulations concerning the registcation of absentees. While local boards aad-their salaried attaches are

We call-the altenlio^i vf our friends Ut the fact that we - have mi de contract tor an

to assist in filling out registra­tion cards, the burden of getting the registration card into the hands of the registrant's proper local board J| placed upon the r^listrant. '

Under no circumstances are registration certificates to be granted to absentees.

mssmm smi We will Citee ma stor^at 6 a. n u new t i n ^ exoejpt oa Samit:^ whan regnUur^haors will be ob­served. Stoze optOB e^wy week •Mif at 8 a. «^. wewTtitie:^ —



"13»-HlJe8t-hygiflae uote IiWiAti —^^fissTUe&oa Barris auod S^^ George^Watos.'

Miss 'Delma. Harris George Watera.

^or a^a^feunutti for nervous and mentallnileases. Salary $ 2 2 ^ a nHHiffi, with board_^d laun-li

Tb» hig^iest marka in sey^nth" g^ade—Misses Eniiiy Gr EEam and Gonstanee Waters.

Mi*. Ashby Glascock of Wash-

nigntaijt-uiart» i^rade-T-Miss E s t ^ a Pbsey.

Tb^ highest ^marks in ~€iftK grade—^Mis Ola Lee Abel. . H" ?

Jiir__the ^best attedaifci^ Misses Myrtle Biaiwqf

8 o'clock p. m;, at th» home of 4^gfoh was a visitor here Sim Miss Ruth lamth. Idajr lilthB tome rf Mrfc Mildrsd

Akearsr lirsrHG^MCMiE^s^^ 9 ^

Misa man were week aid gpests of their poroitii, l i r . and Mxa. 6 . L.

Mrs. E. L. Witia of Alexand> ria, formerly of Manassas, met Btkiqrsf her friends here during her attendance at tlM Uv D. C tksn^tioo., -

stance Waters. ~ ' Tor ^puzKtuality^-Mr.

Brawner. The id^fldBea-presenteA i^eix.

teaOtet with a aand^er of gtfte l i s Ethel Bryant pnd Her- ZTt^kL^l^th^c^t « J ^

BrysBt, of W a s h i n g t « , t e J ^ * ^ ^ ^ " P ^ ? ^ atton. ^* •

Tte '|MX]ipanit^k>^»Mritlt "A Farew^ Scx^ bK t ^ dass, f«^w«Nl l i # ' ^ A s M ^ " lor «v«ry

Mr. Dell then .pi'miuuiK«t:< benedktkm.

All pwsent s^joyed t W «>-tertainment very maeh. I


War P t e t m w ^ ^ ' ^ JtodB, I Reel of Ndws» 1 Red

TBUSSDAT AitiU Stewari -

.^J»^, ~ ' ' l 'Hi t MESSAGE 0¥ THE

MOUSE" A story of high fiaaaec, fareiga faitrigae, love aad hate. A pht to wreefc ASMrfca.

shrida of the


. . f a j > ^ . "TEE MOTHER' iNSTTf^CT" A palsatiiw story of oMtiens,

hiUtrest And a Catoe^

• W H ^ OF SCANDAt-'^Mattaee S:1J

FRIDAY Pox Special "


"WHEN A MAN SEES RED" . , I I.*i the kind of picture words can

•veicomeherto,^,,, „^,^^,^,^ »^nh^. Jh* ; shipwreck so realLsiic mat the

Perma{ient job; | 3 . ^ per (toy witit f r ^ lo^nAg tion paid- t<« Fertilizer Ceo»ahy. Cherry

EitremeW Interesting^ W e e k l y l^ap Service

Which will be on exhibition in our Bank hereafter These Maiw wiU show i l l the L^eading Events and

Place8<bf the War.

The Big Battle Frpots in Europe Where ^Oor Boys" are going—fine half tone lUustra-

Uona of the chief War Scenes.


Ilie Public is oordiaUy invited to call weekly and ex-aadne this very intwcsting historical summary.

Tbe Peo^Jat ion i i l Bank OF MANASSAS, VIRGINIA

OnrSlognt *at is a Pleasure to Serve Yoo."




Spri kid MltfBs, KHUj'u Old S^ui , , \ lL^AsaAq^,VA.

LadiM' «ad Scooriiir ••< Attcfisr of

CMmOtmtm'K -Gir* •entB. Udiw' Work a

Spedaltr QBX CUEAN.INe AND PRESSING Gl6>Ttt anA Fcatken ClMae4-ir«r)c

'Oahd ta-«ad Ddtren* A Trial Wm CoBTlMB Yoft.Jh^JEft

.Kawr Oer

-- If 700 r«aiy WKrt^fe-NBIfTS of the county The;

N u r s e o f ^tteadafat ^«fay-Jb,tp,jrani eywT T eel fiara. ^ E ^ M A N A ^ A S JOUiWAL year iek eiie ddhHc>^i;Jt^hraiiee.

OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOO aeoea—xeeeeeeiMaaseie oooooooAopoooooooooooooooe —4




IfUT Ump BE3 C ^ A B L E OF


WORK. GOOD^l^lBfe!


= ^


MONDAY. J U N B - 4 -I have been aMe to secure a spe­cial priee aa "THE LIFE OF| OUR SAVIOUR." Soiaetliin«r

- ^rerybody ought to k v w . if von don't. H is tine to learn. This is a verj expMMive picture. \ somethinir alsMWt impassible to make again. Every church member and Sunday Sdiool. •«f |•M r Mhouid see-rt. >Satm<>« .^:15. Soeria'

Manassas Feed, Supply and Implement Co. •EVERYTHING

Page 5: Lr',liV':Siw.'^ DONALD WILL SUPPORt CARUNeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...IjpBBoWwit id Man»ssiM €hapte# Kemstown, ^SBA Cros Pors K^t s,fai well chonoi

V ''9mM£j^lM>-^^ THE MAN A^||J


'A. M Business Report, Head in g. Auto/jpnia

Rid«. Song and Story j re*^

•N<- V (By Miss i luUhison)

The May mecUrig of "Daughters," succeBsfully ned and entered u^fer chairman and rej^s^entakivip of the twenty-ftye chapters luul four juniors of district No. 4, Virginia Division, U. Q, C , i^id their hoateas Chapter of Manaa-saa, May 21-22, recoils on its pages of pleasant memories, "We came and accomplished."

Much could be said in detail of the one delightful evening-his­torical and the "perfect day" of fair weather, fine attendance, distinguished guests, excellent and informing business pro­gram, patriotic luncheon, auto trip to the battlefifiliMtalKive

We of tbie South knew another, yv ^ . I.. ••- jjiiga and atill

— r Bednrith the btodd o f oat b«t)Mi| rfl and in ail tt«re atandaoetin- i^iied in fun many « tear bold relief the serious thought emphasized- in every splendid speech or r^x>rt of visitor, dele-gat* or commrtt^, every dis^


eaeh chapter i o^a l lno t . - EOR SALS it.s part in contribution to ,,.^^^ „ „ , , .^X. . j ...r^i^

I VINT HILX. K.VRM and BUC*-f 11 ^^^ K« Mi«l LAND HALL ESTATE followmg poem by Miss ^ ^ Haymarket Ewell of the Eigth Vir-| V^ Regiment Chapter, was ; ^ E PAIR GRAY MULES,



Comrades, hats off! 'Gaxe in^silence, Hflif t)e no i>luster/or bras!

Thi» 18 the flag of onr country, For hU> ras Georgw Waahingtrni's

tec. 7 -

Red aa the blood of his manhood. Bine as the skies that he loved.

White a* the loul of hii honor, -These -be tlie hue* he approved.

Starred like the reaches of Haaven. Barred like the home fields of earth,

Emblem of him who onee choec it, Emblem of coursfe and worth.

Faction in dust may have trailed it. Cant may have siackeMd its hold.

Still to tbe hMurt of a nation Dear in each soft gleaming fold.

Pair. AU in good, workaM^e conditios. Post Office Address for Mule«, Edw. Cockerton, Nokesville, V|i. Post Office Address for Horsed, J. R. Lintner, Gainesville^ Va.l-S

Five CenU a Line I%Bt Three Cento Subseqamt.

Lost — Somewhere between Lorton station and Occoquan, onj

^^ottntvujjQ^Lblufi coal , Br: . tf i is uif^^Tlailr6a& . - - -^_

Horses—$250.00 and $400.00 a phers buttc»i on left lapel; finder


will please write and receive re-! leard, J. P. Hyde, Briatow; 1-1

SUteaseat of the FiaaKial Coaditian ' «f Baak of OccoqoaB, iBcorporatad,

locirfed at OcttMiaaB, in the eountX of Priaee WilUam. State of V»-r id ia»-at the cUwe of bosiMdii May 10, 19t8, stad* to ttie Stale Carporation CommlMym.

"cusSTon; "oar aervlcea for our country—^we must win the war, backed by tfce principles of pu*. f a t i e S ' tbat «fe our herita^:'*

It- ain't the guns nor armamrart. ~ Nor funds tiuA they can pay, -But th« cloae oooperatien that Hakes them win the day.

Nor %rmy as a whole But the evarlasting t««uii<«oric Of every smgl* SOB^

Can we forget what it stood fort Can we foitrive the long pain?

Can we return to our -first lo-va, Frft» itonLmapieioB, again?

Loans and d i s c o u n t s . . . . . . $36,826 Overdrafts, unsecured . . . . 72. Bonds, securities, «tc., o-wn-

ed, -mchidiag premium on same ^. 8,«66.8»

Other real esUte own^d^ . 100.00 Furniture and f i x t u r e s . . , . . . 1,460.98 Exchanges and checks j l ^

next day's clearings. . . . ' , ^j ie frora Netioigjl B a n k | . . I^per currency ^^.:. Fractional pap«r enrveney,

nickels and ceflta Gold coin, '.: Silver • coin^, :

This is the tie that shottid draw t|s. Quicken the steps &at would lag,

T^ is tko flag of our country. For this w a s George W a s U n s ^ n ' s

J a g . . —

Key with his genhu has sung it^' Son ot the Soathlaad was he;

Under its fidds in the old days, <h>ee voKtehii sur own KulMrl

Jlxanee now and England arc falltng.

In eveiy department of the regular:Work, U. D. C.—W<^E-manbemUp, hiatorieali, edatea-

- ti»nal^-mfliaoriai,_henwyoiait:^, the c:hi4;>tar8 were impreBsed bx the Stat^ Preaideht, Mtre. W, C. ¥lmraoty, to take team-work f<n:

tHem to cNTgaaize, wherever imd ' whenever posflibH au^^iUaries to.

"^ hf chapter 'nqiembers to report the same to Mrs. A. A. Camp­bell, tiier*bj»*i>utanjr^im i ecgrd^

', the patnoMc service erf the wof' _ _ -men of i h e Confederacy. T h b

Seserved f ^ acczofd ioter-e i t on cWtifieatea <4 de-

Can we be dciaf to their < ^ ; 4 j l « « » « i ^ ' o r »e«™«l * « « • Under the. stars of Old Glory,

Ours now to do or to die!

8 8 . ^ 7,C9:W

~ 2 > 8 . »

296.07 4I01M 516.66

Si U n

. . . ,9VifiOtiM lurplua fund IfiWM Jndivided profits, leas

amount paid for intereat, expenses and taxes 198.10,

unpaid ,40.20 . deposits, inclad^

W Wving* d ^ o a i t a . . ; . . 44,259.^ Im* etertifieaitea of depMit l,4S8wW

.nt i&ed c h e e k s . . . . . 15.83 Caahiar's cbeaks oatataad-

ing ; 21.78 Beaarved for acemad intar-

IK-vidends unpaid btdMdQal <'

For Sale.—Chevrol^, run 6( _ mile^^witlih^ctra tir«, $725; cash or terms; reascw for selling, want to buy different body; coat today, with extra tire, |775. E. D. Wiasler. 1-1*

Wanted,—^To buy baea in full colonies or swarms; they must be reasonable. Louis F. Mellott, 518 6th street, N. E., Washing­ton, D. C. 1-6*

For Sale.—Thoroughbred Du-roc Jersey gilts and boars; also fine eight-week-old pigs. All subject to register. Dr. M. D. Brown. 52-2

-W< lO.OOQ corda of pulp wood;" Highest cash price paid-op delivery; measurements taken from wagons. Give us a call be­fore you sell. E. R. Conner. 61

For Rent.—Plat on Main street; four rooms aad bath; newly papered; elootric lighta; Rent $10.00 per month, to R. B .Sprinktrf. ^

Aimly 61-tf

«7 76.60

Eggs fof Settmg, f 1.00 for 15., ; pai- inn, fmm fap<y White >ck« chickeitt. J. J. Conner,

zrfMraBMM, V a . — - ^ - - 39-tf

Now may.each stain be iitrgpfvi^ leaver in S i s t let it drag!

t Gecnt* Was|doktoi « W

The ChapUw of the ?<?w*h DJa-

p l e a s t e e ^ b n n ^ the^goitrts.xa Ma-nassaa Clwptarr

It Baa n<^ onIyT)een a ptaitroreV ta^'

Total : .$57,991.49, 1 , Jamea M. Barbe*^ do solemmy

afflrm thi^ijhe above is a true' Stati^ meat of u a ftnancial eenditfoi s^ Batdc of Q^eeamot l9e<npoanit6d, U^

tk« fieae of bclaineaa qa 4he l O a -day —f ThTa-r tttlR. to t"" " knowleigiBj^i^ belief.


^oi*"comp«MStiyely\ i«w«:^ m^ «nd^

ommendation and adopted ^ r S t Flournoy al.so suggested/

; ^ a vaiyabife contrib* history. «»kd recognil

in 8 sriM?«. W to

and one recwldtf be

of those fl€ So _. ^ Kn«|«e, to be idace^ conBpicuou*ly-m th« local head^tawtertMif tbQ;i>aas^-teis. IhUft BBWrwftwnpi. WfW heartily

Many chapters iS«ady~iB«f by their sidendid iepoftu Umt «Hh»wiBeBi '» bopital -eets m France, Red Crom alul War R«-Hef, W. S. S. and La)erty Bonds (the eighth Va. Kgt. Cluster has the liopor" of tjwning' « Tt.irH TJhertv Bondl. are hay-

aew a]id b^cce^ t aigf.- ^ We wish toTBaiflrffir$l«UBittee iir

charge of tha Historical tneetfaig aact

suggestion wa . offer^^as a r e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ lightful (Bit«rtifnnienT^"tl»-

^ble homes, the lovely WBirf«e<ma^'t^ PTop<»ed drive to the hftftlefiekL

We exteii^ ^or sincAe tluuil!^ to the cordial and graciana president and members oT Hangasas (jnapter for thair many courtesies.

We feel grateful for th igjd instructive talks of^et

ident, and

" ppeseBGe d i ^


Duroc Registered male pigs for sale. Ulustrator stn^n; pricef^ on ' aiH?hcatum. Conner & Kline, Manassas, Va. 61-tf

Honse.forient—6-Toom dweU-ing wttSi ttodern improvements G. Raymond BatcUfhuHanaaw Va. T ^ 29-1

Many articles for nou3< | hold puiposes at t||p tha^

Tce iufactiir< It is your duty to s^e in these strenuous tim

•„. - ' ... • t. *.:^. .^..•..... ...... '

Five, Ten and Twenty five Cent Store

Center a n d W e s t Sta. J . W . (SMITH, Prop.


^/Th* btet on earth"—looee uA in parkigwi.


THE BEST SEED POTATOES MONEY CAN BUT..-411 Northern Maine Grown. It wiD pay yon to oflie them and eat yonr. hoae-grow* pote* tees. If Oiey were fit for seed, we woidd neref have to get Maine grown seed potatoes.

BY ALL MEANS P L A N t A GARDEN. Unde Sam wants yea to do It tolid|» him o«t in France,

/^Tft ^ w PWAg A « g ^ R K — t i i a ^rice is ehdver now and yon IraMr yen u e j n t e r J e get

' thei l wiien y M f ^ iww^


Ledd Uncle Sam Uiat mennf j o a kave aajwdnp. - Be «aa«e tt fif his U g jeb^Vnr tl |Cii^.-ti0|r A

D, S. BEACH, GHAS: A . B A B B E E ,

^ WlHiani Sworf ta.-ai4 aabseribed bafMI ma wors «>inp»r»a>"ii .now-w ^fo, —~- swomf to^-am aoiwenBea D B I K * ma

we idiT return to oar aa|)ten &«d bs Jmla K Buri , ^ tUa SOth fay cf wi& an wrtJ W**?*" it^ M W S ^ ^

_ • N!P«a»5*fc.

'A 1 6 , 1921.

'">arn»KMiii.wii' ^ , ^ fiaamHal CoaittiaB at Tiw

^mtak o f ^ a k e r r f l t e , laaarpofatjA,.

— l S i 8 . made U> thf .9ta>r Owpata-tfoa CtmmOashm. .

Loana and d i s c o n n t e . . . . . 47?,907^3 fw^,^n.ft«^ ..nnaeewredir . 8 0 M

tM' r pg Hooae j a d I«ii* •

* # « A .

* e triet thaUca ft>r a i a g e o a

Aad to aO


.^rovidad laa our tomfert and pleaauFe on ttiis oneaaam- ^tf««r we extaaa ear moat heartfelt thaidv.

lu behaM of the FourUi Piatiict, V

ing a hgige part tn their afffeviir yea. ., ,;._ J • • . J. '

But the Dftugfcters ate tiot forgetting the past nor the loved ones of the sabred p u t , /but rather remembering tiie past in the present Neither afs they unmindful of the future. White the building of monuments has been l»rgfily •Mfp""' '*** ^"^ *


duration of the war, yet tiK be­nevolent and educational work goes under wise direction. The « o m e for Needy Cofederate Wo-men in Bichmond is under th i

~dir«;tion of MrsTA. T. Montague wtw t«ndeiljr and w»th IOTC eares for those of "our very own." And the future has its prepara tion. in education through *ehol' arships oflfered to worthy boys fifth district now has a most ep-preoiative b<nieficiar>- at Fred­ericksburg N'TTTial ?< h<-*ol and no\t ..ear, the tour'''. lUstnct ex-


ac. . ' To M I S . J«hna«n. formerly historian

<a tWa chaptw, wha pnpitfed the roa-far for tiw mxtactam, « b » y'f** tiie charming paper read last eveniBg aad ta-the pMparatiflB 0(f tiic )avif c y w . wa extead i a e r e a s ^ . t i i a t j * e ia jro able to be' wiUi ua.—AJao "^ -

:< a a d . B a n o n v . . . . .

l i k t ' i i s r V eif iSf i i i f ther eaeh itams .

Qoe fR>9 Naitional' Baak* I>ap«r cmtrBJcy .--•-Fractiasat 9 W * "

airicds aad etm/bt^.. GoM


White and ^Barred Plymouth RoclBS. S. C. Whit^and Brown Leghonis, nggsvaAn •yt,50'per 15. BltH


AU bffle owing tu Qjo firm of

XaMEtz:%nd a c c o ^


numnaar for ihe Itiatorical aeetinf', we M F r ^ r a S - a n d hm/m t^tt w m - a a ^ r a •pertly a i id anhttaravt id i^povecy.

. .»8gj5».96 LIABHJtliBB

Capital stock paid te SurehiB faaid • • OiTideBda e i M i d Individaal d ^ M t a .

ing s a v i n g dspaaita,.... Time eettifleates of dspaait

to Vaaeumi Baafca. •. -fta aia»—d *r»i 7 — -


. 84SJ*


Please caB at Pe<Ses N , Barfc and m^ce payment kr R,

laipevted Clydeadale Sta0Mi-

MRS. HOWAKD JfJSS A I ^ L L A • I t s . H. D. B E U C H l f R.


Mr. Mid M r s . E . B . G i d d m g n | ^ » t kt T knowted«a aad haH afi t h e i r gujggts d u r i n g " t h e

meeting of he Daughters <tf the. Confederacy Miss Virginia Al; rich. Mrs. Ralph Graves, Mrs. John Hourihane and Mrs. Har­ry BcucUcr,^ aB ot Lettborg. The par •bHfgr

Total ^W^JSSilK I, W. B.' Hookw. Caahi«r, do aalemn

ly afirm that tSe above is a tewa •tatwaenr xtf M* fhumeial cowutiae rf The Baak of Wokeavilte, IJ««>«J?-mxiL located at N o k « n « k , ia the C o n S y tff Prince WilUaa^ » « • 0* V l n w , at the doaa of taamiM j e t t a ^ day of May, I M ^ the


W . & B O O K S S . Csi ia i t Jt ttmt


pt'v to hav .


, i> nt ;he U - - * t

there. D. C


< ^ * ; H A I . K , J. A. HOtMtSR, S . H . HDOBCAU)

Stoto «f Vlrgmia, Coenty o f Prtae* WOmm • f lnasd ta aad s e t - "

t M ^ t d May, 191IL


OaaUar. tMa


••CHak Regiatered N«. ISMS. AMwfaaa I«9«5


n -WOUAM e n oodN JHBMT

^fftf i i t

YINT HILL FABM W h a - f r a a Wl

f r « « NofeMTiOa. Ta.

I a great appartaidty far the t ia Priaee WHIiaa aad f a a * isaatlis. aa t l » aaly daaa af

ia 4e*MBi taday are heavy tt-it


Hy e w i i e i i n n axpirea May 2*. 1 9 »

.tMrta Cevcrsd.

Th* journal—SI—and worth Th« Joomai—$1—aad worti

" ' t UNIYEBSmr OF VWGOOA Uaiveraity, Va.

Special War Conrsts are of "fered in addition to the usua courses in the Cotlege, Graduate, Law. Medical and Engineering Departments. Ten dollars cov­ers aD costs to Virginia students in the Academic Departments. - Send for-eataiDgn^.'

Ui Howard Winston, Registrar. Itf 52-12t

Every effort

vict the thief

by the

Thm NEW m^ LKvamtiM

I iriH Ip i^ ida ta wtait tt a e a ^ a to DaB*k Ikll to stop ta aad aaa tiw KKW Da L a v a l ^ e . — imia lew*, leiaatf ydi art e * IR a s a u a w fcTa a






_>P.- OiT Wekearflla, Ta.

No w9m oi

for ameeat of preminm paid. Note atoe oor U F E , FIRE, AC­CIDENT AND HEALTH POL­ICIES; .

J. R 0 8 S L D r m K S . CatoeaViHc. Ta.

HARRISON'S YELLOW HARRISON'S WHITB _ „ _ _ HARRISON'S B0O>fH COUNTY AH gcrmiaattoaa af tUa c a n mr<

-^- aheve 95. Priee SiM a Bushel at the F«r»a

Evcrydiing Goo4 to tut

My Tine embraces Stai^e and "Fancy iGroceriea Queeuawam. Tin tatd^ J'.

j ( ^




HARRY P. DAVIS Manassas. Va.

Wanted.—C«dar, red or wfait e. jhe J: ^ m a l - ^ . W . ' ^ year—

Smootz, Fish«^s HiU. \ a . ^- , •' ^2-1* • • e > a »»»>» »!•**••>*>*<*• e e

Page 6: Lr',liV':Siw.'^ DONALD WILL SUPPORt CARUNeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...IjpBBoWwit id Man»ssiM €hapte# Kemstown, ^SBA Cros Pors K^t s,fai well chonoi


e\pi?ct to

fir/ rapui U

Vi 1,he .•!!,.es

'jf'-'mig jLheir

i.- coiiiiTfp'nlj' -inplftiiit!.*" ti'AnJd "-' .

Appr'oxiiriatu t,>ach y« ;ir in

r.inrii<^t t^m';«^'.'lncr£ks-fng c. I i .r I the fly Jp Ute Max the (iisiase i .qj^a-to make itself tVlt, whiu dwtgjfjpous milk hi the cofturKji: (jwiitke of raising the

, bafiy on titS'bottle i» one of th rrtu'.inj' eau.ses of this trouL, whfcttJS fonipai all .elj» insigjufL; Wat in incidence; among h /|<1 babies. The inttBt rajae^ her bate toftd thin 'tlidt' lUkture^SpPnded-f<^ it Bhou]( see ti^j^sp: child is j:iven miik.4'j:p0):^)ti|i|9|h^ cow* only, tSiat the i w i S i ^ £ ^ h ' , and that t W i>bttl& J^PP imd the,r»-cefitades hr "wM&r tliiy ^Bik-» ke(>t are 'ste^iipM. ' Both the baibe and itj^foc^ t^ )^4 ^ ke)>t

Bjeasd^kkn the . ^ ^ enemy oi^ii^^^i^tli—the ^Sif aae-tHear-

han«fy t h ^ for its motlj«r-lu"

! f ) g ^ Jto- divert'^-th4r elgowhejeel ,' - ' 5 • :

Sfcoold Heed tS* WarningB^; ^Ut whrk • entertainu)g th\s

J h o g e i t is. ot coursfe, w« ll to t e a r Jin ftiiiT.I the wiatnings fn n.

militiiry mnu \yho.are ari'.ir.-oyeroptigiJwiK' pruDiatun; -jud^^,

MijJ^ry rae»:h«iv havf n.iide i uotrf -df two j4i|ii{t)|B}i#''emar^fr. ,,' iug._tl»m -tl*((H^rm*ri' side ••"*• '* '

• - ^ _ _ _ _ £ j L _ , , .. . - „ - , , . .T . . - . : ^ j—- . . > - « 1. - --«T

..- , ^ :

! * • ' '

- f i N . r:-.w

..•-• U. la

-^**SSfent8 . • • ^ , v ^

2 & ^ -

respect-to fshe'df^vc, ,'_3%e at^^mwi^. hy : t k ^ ii^tfief i

']^i^ch w«s printed in the


BRIAN MM^Mii^liiWhytgriwi Chufcii. BOT.

Alfont' Siflry. paotor. ^ Sunday.—Sunday School at 9;4,')»a.

m. Saif>JAjt, "Jes i^ Silertcti Hits Ad-

^''u'i^<»»- Etnieavor at V'ti-tO p, m.

true Church '1'lie.iijMf s Di-nmLion." A i'liLyer .uiLtLiiiK un 'idurtiJ.iy in-* sV'rt.l of ^ednesdny, at V p tn. Sub-

-jniaa L » ^ thj^-Lokal^M^iKt'r^fcd.cabied

j ' It. Utx l l f fT ,f. n..

O'jr Luujitry." • line of Mrs. May 28, at 8

yestei-^ay says mat it Is not b^^ viaabte to obutih today ^t h«<tvy «06t wh«|: can tw a>i#ATnd j^gk ut iess s^rifice^ •*

View a< Kaiser's StateAeot Thi8l%fatem«pt».coiq3l$l i»Wh

the ktMt^-^a^iiiYgtd .the Ger-mjuv jjfip'^ie;i^ft, too mach ha»te

moliyB th«i..,"80ur: jgjapes" and notjtaken as indicative that

the (kpnan > high catunjaid' wxll" nut, rcounc t-ne atxczzxpjE i ^ onntoir t h i f o u ^ Ceir^iiny ^peakin^/ the tauasr'8 «(t<4feement!« not ire-; gai-ded aJs lihportant.

JBut the .statement of Vd^ Hin-^nfourgr, at thri outset of the (ftjye. VtJ: iaV»iil|[fe»f^fttary fir


r < ^

War-Time Responsibility —-Yours, ICtRl Oiirs

t^National necessity has put 'i i |«w ri»s|;<>gsibUity on jeverv

- BMHioristi 11 — _ _ „ ! , : ^

cles a d ' f a r r n ^ unportant in its relf ticm^hip to present, eventa. Y(Hi Hindenburg^ said: "We bave b^ruB ^ mov^; it is all-

I^is ig accepted as a dear iii-' <HcatioB'4hat the Oennttn higli


n«1-8^ip t » * ' i riik with:imaj« * ^ " ^ ** ^ ^ ^Germw. high g ^ a k ^ ^ a c t s w f e S n - ^ ^ " ^ '' • - ^ e x p e c t the

" 7 ^ h e systeiOTi^toeOTe: ~ 7#^ V Thfe TwI^^^it be kept at low *'

': temperature?" illowed to r&-y remain warm it is-the breedintg ^ c e of countless germs. Where the home is.irot QroTided jptk^x reifrigerator th^^HowinA J ^

recongnepdati, htavk^:iM£-d^ ^ j-\j. -t^ tr !_' ir*r \r l i_ enow ana i^ viroife er s i

^^d^»J'l?r.Hei»,o«,|few.Y«*^ tain deed.^f trust executed i^aae jniHt

Imt Ihe ^t«tfc ^e^tber:

ft! ipches and.


cisicm had been reached, dri% has stopped-inoving f«^ • nearijM^month nonsf^itlid th«re has.feeen no defcisioJi. '''


fffeter jsffiMiy vJfairef'

^ a making good in this tioM ox streas. •

y « w ^ « i d y o a r c a r , v j ^ s « t v i « j ^ e f f e c t i n g g r e S ^ . »«nic« ajui econoiny ifctf"! «coaQiny by reducing t*r«

7onr only coitsideratioat. ' '*^*-^ *

«Wa in bai^witfa yours. ^T^athe iugvit rui»^^oan. utocttirer in the worfitTt ia our duty to supply y o n ^ i h t«^ orf naSamtM temmtr

im»A .Staf>ruL>e iuojP« j>£d?

(' iM'iii i'l (.-)'. i t r n i n t hurch , R « T . A:'. .r . , Ki-::-:. ;ii,'-i.>r,

Sunday S<-houl at !i' a. m. SubJ«et a s atatett aJruve.

('. K .Mt-ti.i,. ^'. , Hi p. m. S u b -jiei;t »l.s :*;..tL; J .IHJO', •,

• PreachinK at M a. m. Subject as atatod above.

;Th« Aid Society will meet with Mr». Poindexter Monaay, May 27, at

I.[ I H K K A N B«thel Lutneran Church, Rev. Ed-.

Ifar Z. Pence, pastor. 8u nday—Sxai d tq'^ Scttpgl at H>

o'clock. Priieching at 8 p. m. Holy Communiqn at the N'OlMsvllle

.Latkcran Church at U a. <n. '

BAPTIST Manaasaa Baptiat Church, Iftv. T.

CO«t, p«r naile. -^e*fe i s a United States J l t tU. ' ^-^ Clark, pastpr

tor-eYery car—paaaenger or ^'-—^ ~ • ^ M n * 9 i a l - a n d every con-« ^ n oMnotoring.

Sales and Set wiU ch^t^rt5r>4i«t ^oi i gi

United Suites l lm i ,.:^:

i: - - t ! "^

— ^—iticd-Cdm^«%^ <m fii»t di^ of Febrag^ laia, record in the cferJt's. ofllce ^ frince^ William County,, m 'deed '^^ faoAf74 1, t o sei^tg:^.

4 h * * ^ , _ !4paa«toed, ,in-thte pa

J of whitii lef {lult has J ^ . |p - ohdlmsf^ed tcJlNgfiBei la jQuoed, h&tjfig been n

„ .^ ' «K> to do hy tfifc fep^cisfesTtWlri! Ppy^*>i(*ed UP 8dl-|}^ P ^ ^ iucSe^''

sQuarif" paf^Bf Two^tinjbftdeatji bought^ i ^ |i}ould h^d( the am

» «5ner IxjdeetahsttH ,^.,^,_, ,^,^^^ ^ „^ figh to'hold t ^ baVy*^>^;^^hiihe<ft

The i ^ e r bucttft shoiB* "it iat itopf^'clock pl4e«d'ii| the aawdnsfl^tjrifc^ll^es,. at <^Mitieo7 >it.. ing Jibe twttlfis /aBd i i | i o |h te ^®S«n Codbty, VirgSri^ . ttie;

'^^ a ed.,to>witi of V *^. 4*4 thj yirhole i« «b*fred witti a efi, torwit top madj|ky tj»?ldng j wat ^^^^ •FIRST^Lots s«M|i i<rfifteeR, laycra of%i{ft»spaperI 00** to a! hottr loduaive, in-^jQclf sixteen board the siz«^of4hebox top. A ^ Se§fi«» A<fAfipb<*Rvi|riep.o£ layer oT XiffWSpt^f^ - may placed betweoi tfa|e t#«,bi Care should be 4Men to a layer of sawdost Separates bottom of the o u t »

: ^ .

^ e bottom of t|ae biwc.'

•hE nm OBJEcnvB IS jix-\ PLAINED - : -

(Continued fnnB- P ^ e l l i M e ) tbe " end in much the same ^ H T W W as

lQHWg*i«^ o f - x ^ t ^ h i B -c l e A ' s o®^»,: ib deed page 33. , •

SECOND—A* of • t«n-A> Section A, ia^ttie.a^or^ «aidjub-di¥iaion, inehiding/^e dfef^tjc Uftm and power plaqt •theieop and including ap lu -c h i r ^ . i n said electricTigMM^ jPSFer i tent buiidjng. tbg^fber 'Wftfa 9 u a n c h i ^ right to fper-

-_^, ^, ^ate the said irfant with ^1 exist-cnhans, haa ,4Mm6' tft^ita ISr^ttae^ a a t e(ymectr«is;.etcA

and the larth«^ fight to extenS the j>resent Hrive af»e&rs to be * ^ " ^ . ^ ' ^ nfcesaary to a<H petering ontj

First^^^BjN-haa beensustain-eci ftgblthgtrWitir adv«ice» day by .day! Thea'iut» sihMys eome the. lull ^' • -~ \ hictt-at\'

BuBday—Sunday Scljpol, 9M «. a . ; m«miag serviMi, i l o'clock; B. Y. P. UH 9*46; aveaihj: aervlbe at ?:» .

WiJdnMday—Prtiyer' meetisf at l^jf- m. '•

Iter.^araett Grimoley'a AppofartaiMiU - ^ ^ * h » v e n . fourth Siuiclw, U «. m.

J W^^dbine, sidboni aiij firartK Snn-4 * 3 ^ 8 p. m. • flatahM Mcmerthl, wewij g a n d i y

^*^lfe^*' '**^"' Sunday, 11 a. m., aadJDlfltBuBidils, 7tS0 p. n . ' AWKttn, fizit pQnday, 11 a. m, ' lad

thb.M<ind«y,^7:3« p.%

Pfbamve, BrnptinitAAtii, EUn T. S. Qsltoa. fMtor. .


CAraoLfc-A" Saintt' Oattwiic diureh, iMaS-i»iwV FUliu- W£Scin <3iil, p«ator. ipaas at 8 a. m., first and

d»fi|. < Saeond and iour

the Bitned- 8aeraai«nt.

Syitltf Haoaan^, Iter. ^ 3 | ) . i m . i;

tatdai^ Sdiool at »:45 a. m.

Leagiie i t 7:00 p. m. qualteriy conference for »

l»*?«durat«, M. E. Chuwh, U . .,;

and ^ d all litit. operation ot|h4 cempB^ and i:

t^iM^peared mireiy g j ' ^ ^ ^ »JE L mporary but lasted-jriy by di|iy4sawi.

ano. *e£k b/w^A'^aimji^ patsj TERMS C , r.r i^^oi abouri{ i6^aH»rt^l ^^^^ R-•Kte^L ,- p, CHAS. F, DlGGS. — .

,^^' '^^^-^Jt i -^M«^-Jhat H ^ T h o n i t o n D ^ fTi*awve^«OHld b^ »e»nf«d, 4>«t J. P. Keriin. A*'r. ^ ^ ' ^ i- mav be voted that these ex-j'-— ir—r-—"^ '•— -r < Ut ion« have ndt materiaftMd r V aen fbe -aUtea wero tm- ' fe naive, jior havl'they oome llpfte

I force tha pace A natural inquir^, therafore.

i"" vv nether or not Utis laat mnch ;.' -fUaed German ^drtve « • ; , ras is not going to peter out

^ ae-fM>evioua ofien«iv«e-e#«rts

"rent h

raer.' rtarii'f.-:-aaid ^hat

and British re-t rican remfon — r-T^ving on th'-tr may vre\) hr

':»=-r:nans vriii \;c

JCUiifi fn>n>i)e8t mater ia i^ .^ . bakdd in an up-to-^ate o7«tt, -handled by neat, clean, t^re>

, ful workmea. -ksk for'K— accept no other We a i w

pkawe a nioeQUICK LUNCH ' j C p U N T E R W - - . - -.ir

satUfy yovi.' ft: • ••' F\M "itnt 6f «onfe;-f...-^

J. M. BELL The J

1 oaooo

-v'ooojfcfff^oirtno o oca o c vorth it

• ^

0r'r-^ "^^^

y. of

•> .'in* rwt.

wa^lc, «ieafy Tamialnd with Batvrai seat is #MUe WOT«B riiUn, )>nlHl.

for porch »i»wiu jfry,

• *

f - ^ ^ -

$2.95 «^^^nyA.jttUAIJtY tSOQUBT MClS—grerybody Ukea U. yhir tiraqw^ Thia act craaMa ef 8 •MdbCa, t i s i t e , wieketa; d i l l aad^ii^ftniet^ AEi fcoK. i ^ tofrttaw fair. $1*2S

Others to $9.95

Express pr ;mid on purchases over $5.00 K A N N ' g ^ P O U R T H FLCHIR


4UUU1V .

^ Man>si«». First and thfad Sunday*, }-M p. m. S«»nd; aad fbnrth 8ia-dayi, 11 a. « . . , B«ekh»lJ—First and third Sundays 8 p. w. •• __

Ad«n—Second and foarth Sundays. 8 p. nr.

in<H»nd—First and third SamfiivB.


f e l l ' s N e w Sty le B o o k o f S h o e Fashion<i vs 11] b e • t k i l o d o n Reque<*

IBtntratessfvn-will be -worn rt diacriBiinatina ; and chiidrpn \\


• " • > , . with perfect »

B. Rich's Sons T t a ^ r SJ., Car.

'h ich r by

^ omen " " buy


Aiiaasa-i«ii irv

'»e-ot>©crr o ue o oft e -t





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