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Luciano Maiani, Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza.

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Views on Flavour Physics Opening Talk, DAFNE 2004 Laboratori Nazionali dell’ INFN di Frascati, June 9, 2004. Luciano Maiani, Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza. 100000. BNL (muon g-2) SPS (NA48). P-P, P-P-bar colliders. GeV. LHC. 10000. LHC. ions. ?. 1000. TEVATRON. SppS. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Views on Flavour Physics Opening Talk, DAFNE 2004 Laboratori Nazionali dell’ INFN di Frascati, June 9, 2004. Luciano Maiani, Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza.
Page 1: Luciano Maiani, Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza.

Views on Flavour Physics Opening Talk, DAFNE 2004Laboratori Nazionali dell’ INFN di Frascati, June 9, 2004.

Luciano Maiani, Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza.

Page 2: Luciano Maiani, Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza.

DAFNE04. June 9, 2004 L. Maiani. Views on Flavour Phyisics 2

Collider energies versus time











































e+ e- colliders

P-P, P-P-bar colliders


Flavour Physics

Meson Factories

•BNL (muon g-2)•SPS (NA48)•....

Page 3: Luciano Maiani, Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza.

DAFNE04. June 9, 2004 L. Maiani. Views on Flavour Phyisics 3


• The muon g-2

• Semileptonic decays and CKM unitarity

• A fresh look at the scalar mesons

• Flavour physics: why continue?

Very personal viewsNot systematic at allApologies for omissions!

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Brookhaven National LabMuon g-2 Collaboration(Y. Semertzidis, ICHEP 2002)

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BNL, Muon g-2 Collaboration, 2004Positive and negative muons combined




Hadron (CMD2+KLOE):

Total SM:

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Comparison CMD2-KLOE

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g-2, conclusions

• The discrepancy is 3, but huge, 2 x electroweak: improving on the error is mandatory and crucial;

• The bad guy is light-by-light scattering: no perspective (at the moment) to get a “rigorous” estimate,

• Nonetheless, an error of 4 10-10 is most likely conservative

• It leaves margin to improvement by a factor 2-3 on the present error

• More effort on R (at higher energy in particular) is justified

• As well as another round of g-2 experiment at Brookhaven!!

• The result may have fundamental implications on the planning of the next HE machine, beyond the LHC, with very low cost !

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Unitarity of the weak mixing matrix

•Superallowed beta transitions in I=1, 0+ nuclei•Neutron beta decay:

•Contribution of Vub is negligible•Cabibbo unitarity leads to the prediction :

Gino IsidoriWorkshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, IPPP Durham, April 2003arXiv:hep-ph/0311044, Nov 2003.

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KLOE, 2004

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Hyperon decays: NA48 data!

New!!! KTeV (KLl3):


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CKM Unitarity (conclusions)

• Isospin and SU(3) breaking seems to be under control with Chiral Perturbation Theory;

• There is still some margin for improvement, to 0.1% errors (?)

• A remarkable achievement.

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Exotic Baryon States

T. Nakano et al.. hep-ex/0301020 Jul 2003 Evidence for Narrow S=+1 Baryon Resonance in Photo-production from Neutron

V.V. Barmina et al.. hep-ex/0304040 Sep 2003 Observation of a baryon resonance with positive strangeness in K+ collisions with Xe nuclei.

S. Stepanyan et al. hep-ex/0307018. Dec 2003Observation of an Exotic S = +1 Baryon in Exclusive Photoproduction from the Deuteron

NA49 Collaboration hep-ex/0310014 Oct 2003Observation of an Exotic S = -2, Q = -2 Baryon Resonance in Proton-Proton Collisions at the CERN SPS


- -

Spring-8, JP


Jeff. Lab, US


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+ was predicted in Skyrmion model (SU3 decuplet)…what about quark model?Bound-diquark idea revisited by Jaffe & Wilczeck[qq]

is a boson![qq]+[qq] are in L=1 (at short distance they remember of fermionic constituents)

[qq]+[qq]+q-bar= )2/1J,810,0(q]qq[]qq[ Pflavourcolour

)0spin,3,3(]qq[ flavourcolour21

Bound diquarks [qq]?

Roper resonance ?

Are there mesons ?flavour


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DAFNE04. June 9, 2004 L. Maiani. Views on Flavour Phyisics 15

-The a(980)I=1 and f(980)I=0 fit very well in the diquark picture

A fresh look at the light scalar mesons



- almost degenerate (m= 10-20 MeV) - a(980) decays in states with one strange quark pair ();To complete 8+1 we need:

The first is (480), claimed by many groups, seen well by KLOE in fWith (480) and a(980) we find (quadratic masses) m~770 MeV. The kappa is missing for the moment. A strange particle like this has been claimed.... it badly needs confirmation.

]us][ud[];du][ud[ 0

Antisymmetric diquark explains inverted properties w.r.t. vector mesons: the isolated I=0 is the lightest state and likes to decay in !.

Work in progress (L.M., A. Polosa, F. Piccinini, V. Riquer)

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Study of the Decay with the KLOE DetectorThe KLOE CollaborationarXiv:hep-ex/0204013 Apr 2002

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However, from time to time :

The potential barrier becomes finite (if it exists at all!) and tunneling towards an outgoing pair of qqbar mesons is possible.The swich is described by a single amplitude, A.

For (480), and a(980), with A= 2.6 GeV, we find:345MeV, a= 43MeV,.....not too bad!

The switch amplitude brings

which is below threshold. Rescattering can bring to .

scalar meson decays

.glsin.col.glsin.col )du()ss(]ds][su[

Diquarks are color triplets, they cannot be separated!




Switch amplitude makes contact with K-Kbar molecule, but physics is different !





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Hidden charm:

charmonium octet(??)+singlet . Possible decays:

Open charm:

Really spectacular signatures.

Heavy flavours







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states (conclusions)

• Many open questions on scalar low energy mesons:• Consistent widths

• Can we obtain a consistent picture of Scalar + • To clarify the issue of themay be very useful

• Search of the• Narrow states are seen by BABAR, CLEO and BELLE in charm

containing hadrons: similar explanations?

• Other exotic states have been considered in the past:– Gluon balls

– Hybrid (gluons +quarks)

– qq-qbar qbar

• A rich spectroscopy at low energy, to be tested in heavy flavour systems.


Singlets are very difficult

No real motivation

Exotic baryons exist. Good signals:octets, inverted spectrum, ..

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•In a way, it is a trivial question…CERN’s future is the LHC:–Commissioning 2007;

–Physics: 2007- 2022 (at least);

–Consolidation programme

–Luminosity upgrade can prolong LHC lifetime and extend its discovery potential by 15-30% in mass;

–Energy upgrading rather costly and further in the future, as it requires the development of new high field magnets (Nb3Sn?15 Tesla ? ).

}Some resources available in CERN plan.

•However:–Important HEP physics problems and corresponding scientific communities are not addressed by the LHC–Diversification is needed–e+ e - Linear Collider (subTeV): TESLA/NLC/JLC ?–Discussion must start now

Views for the Future of CERNSymposium to celebrate the discoveries of Neutral Currents (1973) and of W&Z (1983)CERN, Geneva, September 16, 2003

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Flavour Physics: why continue?

• Flavour Physics is very well (surprisingly!) alive• Time is ripe to decide how to continue: high luminosity at ,

charm, B-factories?• This Conference is timely and important: we need to know more

and better.• My personal view:

– The LHC is coming soon, but the next HEP machine is not behind the corner;

– keeping intermediate scale projects is important;– Flavour and neutrino physics projects have just the right size....– And a very, very rich physics.

