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LUME VII. MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY ...In the game did the firtil ~11nrds ('3rr Hea~r>llPY and...

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LUME VII. MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3 1915 NUMBER 12. ST YEARS CHAMPS ARE STILL IN LEAD burn. one by Lescher and a field bas- PROFESSOR SNOW TO l HAVE YOU PURCHASED A SONG t'I rind two free tllrowe by Seamans, ATTEND MEETING SOOK ? DUCK WEED IS PLANTED Tishf'd the seniors· score. The lineup was as follows : Tb1• fourth annnaJ meeting 01 th1· On.i..• ol the things to bl" brought ui• lf>tkr from C:ilmau Bullard of ih·lf'tt:t COLLEGE STUDENTS MIGHTY HUNTERS Position ce Victorious Juniors Are Ahe ad. =reshmen and Sophi Show Lou \!ii burn Center Sophomores 'tontana of ).f11nic-i11lal tn a..<=u;embly this morning is thf" mat- thanl\ing thf' dt>partuwnt for ils ''er Chris te nsen nPers will he held in llillings .Jan. ter con cerning the college Rong books. operation an<l srntine: that rec·orn- Two Sophomores and a Freshman Bag _Dic kson 26 . Snow prt>Sident The books have been on sale at tht! mendatlon as to methods of lntrodu1·· Four Deer on ThanksJlvln g Seamans of Pep . Fvrward rotmd of ,games in the th•" lead with a l'arr Gt-a rd book store !or nearl) in,e: 'duck weed'' turn Jake llelena hacl oi thi:::. orgin1zalion last. year and months and so far only about 1it1y 01 been carried out. •ht' plan snggf•slNI K 1 ng one of h1· 1lin:•1·tur:.-> at tlw the five hundred orclPrPd ha\ .. bet:>ll and an acrount of the dlscoYery or timt• f-il"' hf>en as li:Pd 10 l1re11a1·e sold, A co mmittee bf>Pn th e weed in Lake Ma son n ear R o11nd11p J Horton an 10 Lie delivered at tbt> nwt>r· to Of theRP books. ft \was in l':xpon_Pn t . ing- on thP :mbject of "The ActiYalPd the of yon studpnts. a The Helen a Hunting Trip af11.;·rnoon thrPt' shoulde r Pd pacli:s an d rifleH aud set ou for 1iarts unknown and Rosa 1-'0ng book and learn your collPg(· libf'rally ti me. automobiles rind monPy l'roet->HS or l'urifinttion eongf' to makP a large initial planting of tlw after nightfall thesl• sank lltl! m<"'n --t ---- dut·k foorl. ··o'-"l?r ninl' lrnnrtred 1m11111l into their ·pspl'<'· hm1 nt aurl sophomores with .500 Guard 1 alld tll< sPuiors with :-:.Pni<l1 HPaJ?.. ney: hP thC' frf'!-<hmPn mor<"' RnhstitntPs. "·pr1·p Hnlt he first game on Uofh \I nnrton, I.nee rnrkins. s were we rkinz well. but fa t j w bin<! red Uy the sltck floor BASKETBALL RULINGS M . S.C. IS REPRESENTED ::::: .. :::.: .. •hat PUT BAN ON AL J AT BIG MEETING iiuito har an1l a rock ThP party <·onsiRted of Simon ('ar· Freshmen. 26: Seniors . 12. 'J tOTii«ntf'"lfh f'lllT \\01 In the fir:.-.• gamA T·Jpsd·iy thP fre-..1J- nJP11 h•\' rnnstsiPnt hall, df'fenteri the sen•or hy a L makinl! Ptwh hunc·h h;llf 1he siz" of Oltl'S fl.+" son. Lawn.•111·f' \Yallns. 'I'. and ROUGH PLAY IN GT.FALLS tbP :::.n1 hor or s 111 I lnl· g n P, f a ur <l b u:,11 r ir; 'The \\ h le \ hox of th(· '' l•f>d ..... ni to Pn1 I and it will he 11lan1t·1l tn a nnt11bt>1 of 1011ncb IlPh l' Hu1t>man and anrl if .i:nrcPSl:'fnl th1• noon on the interurbnn car lef.t SalPSYillP on foot af1er flark hop •n Tue::::di,· t le 'r sh ne 1 e. sfly n th nthPr <-ont('!:-ot. ,·pry wPn nn tnl uf t.111• l"!llllhi11ati1111 nt ing to ·pac-J\ ("i:lhin in 1'011011,\oo<T he C:(>fl hu+ th" 111101 1 ti AsidP from d a-r aw 1 i:i nir.p " t\ :t "'" hnrl no onf' "tt"ho pYPn r-ame \!o ntana <·oll<-'f!"t• and 'bi• 1 ... t •· 1 '"'•'ts f .\ A l '"\ I o( Gallatin "ert.c' wt>ll JIO'.ld!-> \\ill h: .Jisrribntinc: 1Canyon . lrnt unfamiliar \\ith tPJ..:: .11t· auil Y :\I C A 1Jwn• ·:ii·c rep re"lentecl at the Statp TPtH hPrs ns· points for a wult>r ramJ)aHm . <·on111n· dH:\· soon ,e:ot oil" th1:> ·oad of h' r fnp · ThP half PndPd with th0 . . \Yild ritP has not heen su<·<·f'sstnl · · rb.dical Ill b;1Rket 1 soclnllon held in GrPat Fulls Inst \\eek. 1 . . . a. 111 1 eould uot jul]gp with . 111 \. de,e:ree 1 1 esrlt ';! nh \l<"l ::-c·orc> ti) 5 In the freshmPn's favor 1 1l t ., ( 1m- lit l l 1•qu;t basis or ThP frpshman ' 'ktory rlnf" l emf" w' and onP for Pach I) to wor\\ of Hnmilton and Ta:- juniori.. C'liralwrl 11r whp11 Jor nni thP P.X<'PllPnt floor •he 011 "'ec1nP:-orl:1y Th• work of C'ap1;1\n at . Th P r nt fr om th <'Olle t' 1 tn :\lontana. and 1h1s 1ww tood will hP < . •••• iall rules. Tbli:.; 11 an OS Pe e e . .e: lo f importance. lr n ran llf' in- of l'eriarnty just what dire<'1ton the\" different game to an President .Tnmf'g )f Hamilt on, Prof. Into lht" ht-adwaters of tt1r ' ought to go. They didn't know whert:' \V. F Brpwpr SchwalbP DE>an lltltinwr a11 1 1 nmsiclerahle pn11·ti1't' E R. LinfleM Prof .. l Tl. and )Ti:•sn11ri anti othPr rh·er:.: it will thPy werp golug. h11t thPY k11t-•\\ thP'.\ nH·pssar.\ in order 10 n:. Herrick. All of the c·ol· it:se_Ir antl Ut> ph·ntit'ul along llu· \\t>l't\ on thf-1 wa) es in detailed account follov. cHrl rlmw roYt•rine:. bP!'l.irlPs work- 1omPil w the 1.:hangt.•:-0 lege re prpsentatlYE>!-; took an a<'th·e Pnlll"\' ''atercouri;l'. Thir-; will he a In spltf> of the weight of their .Junior•, 24: Freshmen , ii init wPll wttb RPrc;man part 111 the lgTPal l"aC.'tor in impnn·i n .e: hnntine- ror and lhP'.\. strng-glPd on in the , 0111p1aying- lilt' fr1,='hllli't: 11 Th£> For tJw :'C'Rnlftns .... 1 an1ls nut Tlw must t'Tlaii::,l' ll"l•lll )[011 rna sportsmen I - . 1 t I Pre .. Ident Hamilton r esponded to the · 1 < ' darlrnegs ,up an unfamiliar canyon tbru 1alf and t lilt 1 hPt ... 1 hau 11 -; the hP..., 1 whilr .'.\f.i) . A.A.l' is the rn ing perm1tt1ng :-i 100 · ----+------ :s.kinc; f'\1•11 lu tilt' s+"t'Otlll h.alf !ht> hnm'R floor work wn!'l and fnrlonR nK fron a tlrihhlf' Tll1-> ftnbh\t· ii MR. KATELY OPERATE D UPON snow which var!Pd from knee deep rs \\ n t w ;n tin! of h 1 <l!".PJJhr•lJ.! :1nrt wt"rP danger ha:-. 1Ji·en moilitie<l. b.O\\eYer. toast or ""7bat at to wnh:H <let-)). has1,l-"1.hall :o.Prit .. !S "?I ,,. 11 at RJI timP!'l in brP:1kine- np pa1'<St·S. wi. ... 11 lilt:' hall to rest in th1) the !'lC'bool bnm"}UP t. M\sF-1 tPn o·<· ln<·k thl'Y ha<l tt'!<Jll w0rk ot th(;> P\>l'r The linP·np follows hand or when with hoti' haml:-. Rr h\Yalb or th e English r lepartment Last Kat e ly l!lP limit of l·nduranl'e and slopped s1qi(• iqr o tl a1 o1 th• fn, .... h lPl1 SpamanR. (rap- tlw 1:- ovt>l" a11 d hall m11:-1 read a 1 iaper heforp thP rouncil ot hel.'ame Yery ill and he "as takpn to to m ake <:amp for the in t'la l:- in thP fir:-1 half 11nd at 110 tainl anrt l.A"i::1'hP rrnfl·r '1ilhurn: 111 shot EngHsh teachen•. Th f> pa.ppr in- ttw neacouese. hospital. It wa!:; found open. They managerl to { g: enougi In the game did the firtil ('3rr and lw 1hnJ\\n to anotht--r playe1 te nde .\ to show how little benertt the that he was suffering rr um a1)pendil'i· wootl irom tltt:> snow to <'OOk, Out not nwn f'I 1al h1 1um1 ·!- m .1 kl 1 f'rp<;;hmf'n· Taylor and at flh· l111:-ok1·1. 'I ne 1'1rihl1l"' nay l1l' te erh in!! of "'The History ot English ti!'l and an operation was necessan enough 10 kpep a watch lin::.. Then J.tting, For the freshmen ltamil renter Hamilton: euard". "tal"lefl with hmh han1ls .111cl fi11isln1\ J..ttern tH r P" ii:; to the A\'erage high a«cording to the reportt;, he f:\ tlH> tirPd hunter!' roll ed 11 P iu a ·· t arp"' u1r Hf'rt..·· 1 1u1 •\"t::l" :w .... · , \\ iwh<' 011111 IC'aptain \ \\" rh both lwnd::; 'f iss Schwalh p re· \·ery well. )Ir Challender and liy thP fit"f' whi<'li ilid 1101 tllelr In. Gatton and Canuou μla.\t:<l the Juniors, 5: Sophs. H. It orhi.\dini-:; holilinJ!" an· ·u··1·r data the result ot a )Ir. Homan art' '\l r Kately"s \ grub" from frpezing and frJPi\ t"I woo e;ame for thl• T11P .J•mior-SophomorP baskPtball and all rough play sud1 as pushln!!, PXAmlnatlon gl\'en to the c·\as,.t':- d11ri11μ; his plPa!,'ant dre;tmi:-. Tf th(' ancl l , T r1 thl-' brokt-> tht- stillnes:-; or 1he 1<='t?t.1 fai--t a cl irc:l' ulll 1! foul!- tcsL ted. thirtt-·e11 •d ou the ju1 ors and I'll 011 Tilt L e-sl1111e-n nwde u·ut u:::;iug ,.JP\ en attle whirh P ayeu lJP!-; ay hioc·kinl.::. 1rippiue l'lwrg1n!! and til• man f'1 In Bng-liRh at the rollegP ., "I and hflriJ.fo 11 cht hri.ttlr from li\, 1 ix absolu!f'ly tahooP<I Only runrtamPntal were MOR E EQUIPMENT night how\mg: to the moon. "P Wt."1"E' :-.tart to finish. Altho111?h or \'iolations or these rules are (·alleil asked yPt onh fourteen out of a no1 rold ol t 1e fac-t. tn11 Wt:' t'i"' eanw was rnthPr ahont of ont h11ndrf'1l ''"f'r e able to make a it too <"Old for ..;nc·h t lP mlrlrllr of thP fir!'lt hnlf they s hook !sou.al fouh aiut four 011 \Hu 111 ' 1 ' :."e1Plli1<ll's. ie g:.: fT np anil l'IHHlP tt worth !ll ..c llJiPs 1 11111 . IJ!. m•\\ iH lhe !inf' of 111a ThP hunti>r:-; had :-.1.un otlwr minor a11• abo I At th <- PlPrtion or sever al chint:'1"Y wa.;; rPCl'f\l'll last )Ionda) lr im lheir ay an honr \: hPJl Pf I rm llrl lP sl half ta1· 1 ..-d ,, tlJ i:t l in!? ThP r:rst half PnrlP<l with thP n .111d .Jurgenson <•an1 .!.t·1t111c. 1 ,.., (•re fl to - with th1:. sophomor<"':.:. at ,aske1 1 1 L t 1:-1 lliuutt: of Jo11c; Pnrt ThP :0:1>rnnd half RlartPcl ray er a 1n-1 1hrow a111I \\ h i r•1sh whirh Ja .. tf'd until th1 f--1111 r lt1t.11·d :-.i1t·h as tba ln of thP from the col· 'llu ·r •:h•('U"iC' Cn. of llw·itn'. uute la e-· eai b tl.Hll a t m a. ouhle f1ml ,1ylor tht jlll\lpin_ t'or lht.· ha 1 tu th al Ct>l\tf'l 1€'1?t WPl"f' hon ore.d Wlth OfflCE>S (OT th e \\'is ThP tlr! <"It j .... OIW of tllfi'il" Q:o;l'lt .iurt "il'-n h .... ld 1wo 111P1l t 11• juu coming- yPar 'T'h e Plec t ed llating- lYJlP to ht> usP<l on Pr hult.l one hanrt behind th 1 wPrP followR 1 :o;aslillw \\ hidi hun• tht• ma\H'- or thP l!amc wlwu lhP fin:ll l>ack .\twtht:'r is that in re111rn Dietrich of the Hel- and-hn·ak ignition sy:-ott:>lll and will ie stond 11 to r ing the hall i·rom Ollt of bounds lh1 I Pna prpstdent· Superintendent nst-d for the m pf ;;.I .1d1·11 :.: .,.d h!io mort' c'1anc·1·::.- t :J on })11rin2 tJ f' g-amf' !j phtye1· shall :.:talltl h .... , R T rnnnine-ham or the who Wt.'l"t:' ahead Jnm 1ed <l 11;.rncl .o' <lPer n u<I P;wh 1lown one witl1 a sho1 while tht.• wf'nt plowing: thP df'Pll nt breaknPck speed. Carson and Beard- slee followPd the hand and hroug-h1 t110\\:-. lllcl .Iorc,,P ISitll 1iid :!I \\ith olte, At thi,.., 11oiu' of the 111 ·ort:"d t n,, 011 l,' t iehl et he frel"hmen got in be first WO !Ja:.:k1•lS lJ.\ 1 111, l,\\(..' IJ.\ l alld VB(' \ J< I...;• 4'W I 01 hal rrom wllqp K1nia Rf·orPf1 .th ........ fpt•t f ·om he ma'l tlHO\\ill!! ; 1 \ ech oolR. vire-presldent; Pror "- F 1 from fit>l1l \\ hkh , with rhri!'l- Brewer bead or the depart- 1('n111i1111t>tl 1111 1 I 'hi:-sP rtdf·:o: look -.;orl nl "sb...,lfii· I ment of the rollel?"e. of t 1e m I l l I •l ,, ,.,,ill' ll ontanR Coun<' ll of Teachers: DEAN HERRICK INVITED fff:O:I g arn·1· 11 II . ' · ( t1 m:ikt .. a dl!<l wr au<l rastl•r gamP. S;1e1 .i I Prof . .T H. Holst. prlncipnl o lP llw niain reqi..:irernl'llt for :-:ul'n•s Sch ool of president the EX STUDENT,H.DAHLING GIVES LECTURE TO SECRETARIALS 11 11 , prt:":.Pllt ganu' Tlw roughn ·SI Club. and Mr!. l na B. 1 11 1\,i'd \,ill dt>J•i·i"l iargl'f\' 011 Herrirk. clenn of women. of thf' Sr hool Club H11:..::o t>aliliug-. ;i ro1 llll'I" st Hlt"HI 11 ", .. - ".n" TO ATTEND PEACE rt::;lnh.:11 c'1111t hai·k 11 l 11• i "a l Hl'>nlll d \\ 'id CONFERENCE 01111 ial:- · --- 1he l'olkge wlw b now Ille> '\lonwna ,, a:. a 110tll1,.',llil Iii''"°' 1 t·nl ll . FICTION ADDED TO THE COL· n.g-eni for the '.\atiounl Reg-btt>r playing. Th..- :-o.l"1)n' tor II :-· Jt•:-Jit->d \t' of lll 1·os1 in inc:oin·en LEGE LIBR ARY SINCE SE PT 1°15 jC ompany of Ohio. tlelh·ered !1..t. e11il1 u '.' I( uv111 •11 th1 1'111 It ll+•rrit' k l1a:- n i·11n" l11tlnPy and tn 1 an inten•:·aing. IPC'llll"t' m the htte:-;t Harnilll1h ' a e-d tJ"t'" :-oC'ol" 11 , ioln rlw Ford rinr·y whk 1 1 t·P thP good \\ill ot l·:nropt· that it J BAR RTE lJitlle "lint:.:ter tYJJPS ol thr t•ash h.;>fore an for the fresh mt>n \\\lfl a fiP!d \Pf!'• tor l 111·• ll tu 1111 t·I 111 ma\· a :-i('J't :r:-ell 111r p1•an• and justi<'•' BARRIE RPntiment:1\ Tomm:- attentive autl1t-'llt.:e or hlll) l't hen a1;1Je l ·l r ptn European w th till' \\ h tlit> strnng ihat llllt>I"· R.ARRl F. Tomn1y and Grlzpl students last U[ternonn ton! rout'"'. (\1nnu11 1111111'1 the dVit ol Jlwlin:.! H111w 1"01 " :1• n;.11ional di-an11,111vnt may l1P ,u10111 IRF:S .\.:'\T .-\II nnd ron•lllion" .\tr. llahliug t·a111t• to HoZt:'lllaH a1 h1· •'( \\il-1 awl Hami1!011 0111 1.,..1r.+ 111 OI thr g-rl'at E11ropp;in l'flll plbheli or M<:>n of 1h1• :-il'l"l"i""l<ll' lal tl<•11a!'lll\Pl\t nson thf'll ad<IPd a J.HJillt 011 a llt>Ul") l"o11l ('O"XR \D r3hn<·f' lot" the l'Olli:gc. an<l s"ellt:>d 1he total \\"ith another !=iollle 01 lhf' llJOl:\t 1 a 1111 , 11 :' Tlw :-;\•t·oud tt•lt-i:;ra111 \\'<l:.. ui t\i·li I ('0:'\RAD. Lord Jim. l"sinp: a t•;.tsh n·1'is tl'l" or thP n10:-t ha"kl•l. Fuzg:crald the Americ'1n ritizens art- bf'ing in- mi aml \\as a:-> follo\\:-; Typhoon. modt>rn IY\Ht as a mo<lt.>l he explarned columu. wllh a frp1 throw and iTi·il 111 j; , 11 ihe· •any 11) th<' mn t .t•r •'T o l>t>:tll l 11a IL llt.•rric·lt IC'RA\l\'"F'ORD. ili•tail of us eonstrndion and d basket c:attOl' t•IHlt-'d the 1h1--1 tam1111s Forrl \lt•ll a1:11 WOllH'I\ or 0\11 ('IHlllt.ry nr',! AR . PF.RF.: ('ount of 't ont1· opemtion dt-IUOll:-1 ntetl ng by adding two more points for I ·an rPc·PivPd two tele· all its atHl aet1\l· Cristo how lht.• t·ash it1·1s a:-; :111 :wt rniurs. . ... rn t'·om \Ir l"or'I arnl tJit•f'f' \\Pll llt·l'.. 11•,\\t ;\t'\\ )rnk fl1>1\'lllhP1 Ill· lnrMAR, PERE ThrPe Guarclsnwn to 1he> huw it is ill OR0 with d 11'\l•lillh 1!11 pa illl<f Its Jl_Ul'JIWif'S 111111.tld p(·a11 O:;tar 11 Jtl"PCPPd I nr)f!\::; Fil$ Tulip :lt'('Oaut:-o. and hO\\ tlown tW(t morE> Tlwn hf'i::rl.ll thP rpnl wo:·k. The Pntir 1 snpph OI grult wns discardP<I 1111 1\tH·ks to makt• '"arr:- inl! llw dP1'l" 1 1 ,a siPr \\.lth (our llePt l•t;>sidf's tht-ir !{\Ins and P1111iplllt"llt tlit•,· had a real PrPhlt>-m on their haniltt to trans11011 tl•t> e:ame <'II thru snow OH'!' kneP cll'PJl. They alter 11.11et:r pa(•k Pd, rlra?;:ged. anrt restt•d. and it tool\ the rPmnlnder of the clay wlUl 1he "kind of work to g€'t baC'k io wtwrr 1hey \Pfl th1' gamr to he sent in on thP train ·- JUN 10 RS '-"IN FROM S'ON IO R S IN HARD F OUGHT GAME i·< or 7 to fi tlwm "'· (.muon IT'11·"SP follow BPE;lf\1·s tlw u1g; to :\01\\,1) ('opt•11h.1e;Pn To111 l ht mist.1k1•-.. art •ra····cl tn l1w11 :-;011r1•t· ..L' ti, Gattl,11 :! rrf''"-h· two telegrams t"P 11l b pr nean l\Pr· .1nil tit' Jl.t.:;lll I) .llJUllJ;l' 111tt•1n.1tlllll•ll 1G .\LS"'ORTTTY na1k FlO\\PI' At lhP of lilt' ll'l'I 1n· llW ilHrnil1oa :- •. 3. Bur_g-P. ... I f'tlt' fl"ftll lallf' \1!1la1t1 .. \•H'f> 1'(111 Pli;•l\ll' feat I OntlllllOll"- 1111'11 r. \LS.\\'ORTTTY )f nn nr Propelt) wen· i1n111•d to 0\11'1";.lli,' nt tht· t.•1Hl of th" Orsi ht\\!, tht• junior ha!«ket shoolt::r t·•1nw back in tht> ta}it hnl' and i·nm11lt"tPlY overwhelmPd the senior Thf" ihinl yt•ar men !"<trnl'k ti1pir Ill tbP se<·nnd sion ind pilPd up :t! 1inints, while thf' ht>st lht' s1·1110rs l'Ollld tlo s to an lhl't'l' poiu1s on fl't"i' throws F'or tht' 111ni1.rs Gallon anti l"an11u11 sl;md out lhl' stars; th1A fornll'r w:i.s pt"1.'1u1ly good in up null gt:•ttinh tla· hall ba<·k in11 JllUIOr 'l \I 1 1011 \l"\l1'llan 1 r · I \ 1 , 111 11111o•l·11t1>11s 111n\1dt.'tl tion.111 \LE \1 .lll \\"ithout 1 C'ounl r\ \ t r1 11 - 111 - .... 1,·, ..... ,·11111 ,-,l ask an J.\ or '• ·' c•. a • · '-· · · \\holll sht' is a Jlf'rl"lltlil !"\I'll< ·1111m nHH llllt' -.. "" hi. Hu111phn•'.\ l>a\"is.. Sto1w. a nd H·IP:!.r<.:.111 nrgt•r' h1•r to att1·11<l llH 'h1 "\ ou1 n ui1n ho11w irnpos HEG..\'.\ '\1s ot tlw t\l;t>stwn it llJ UL t\ it' ii wm1li\ hf' at a\I possihlr> s1hl1• 10 ilt•lf'l'!lllllC 1;':\,\Ct liIIH! I'll Patc•h \\'h1IP Ht t hP t·olJegc._A \Ir l)a h\illL:" i. Pt.- ('otu.-: ·nean llna B. Herrick, nozf'man . p1olmbl' \.lsl \\t'Ph ... LOC'Kl': llPln\Pfl \ •ag.1bond l'Ut•\\t>d m.rn, llld .u' ,,1rn Il1 S h , . 011 \\'ill n111 1·nm1 L.OCKK 1:h1n· ot Clpnwn tin H \ ,,,,. ,, .. 111111 , 111 011 11 11 101 I\\ Seniors, 10 ; op s, "" · r\a.r dHtl would he unablP to at J<;ur111w "n !:' 10 ) · \ 1 t " a that looked more Ir rhe 1 \\ t" 111• ... rn111kflh1.tt:'I Holt•! IH1111cll"P LOCKK :::Oimnn l,lu· . Ps l)t'<ll'"' lu 1'112 h1 \\i"l.s h,\lf h.1 et: tin view was a t ouchdown or a Tl11• Ur:-t ft}t-');:l"i:llll \Ya:; r1·t·1•i\1•d on :-;, .1· York, \\li1•11 !11\I inl"ornw iott \\lJI Call ol \\1111 lht• hhtt- n111\ p\t>\Pll kout lllarl to throw lhe hnll k l · r1llo\\'"' 1 1 ... t'or"ar<l1'il l•:c.;thi•r \\n ers e I .d.i' of '.\1'1 ... a111 as ' . ,. Ford. J :\ll'L{J('ll .loh11 •. <:1•1111'·11w11 . This <111Pl"ILOOll and l the ring. the seniors won tbe ··tn l"m1 lh· lll'lTH'k. Hozf'man. l '\t;J· 111 Oil· \ in.l111a will he a fn•t• i'\l!lhitio11 ol :\J'l d1in. JHl game of the I .:\lcllLUla, 1 nn Priclay , 1-1 girl was horn •. Chuo wore. \1-1.tc- and nt't>lllt:' work 111ul•·r lht' \\ 111 i t'·111no11 lPatl ;11 tl11· i·nlumn , ha\"ing 11 nt tilt> juniors· .. , w <"rt>dit F1Jr tlw 1111· Pf'!" i·las:-;.'lH·n plan.•11 11 ... twst a\thtll!l..'h '\li\blll"ll llHl ll:-'t'll· hr\1'.{ '''''""alway:-. da11gt•ru11:.: 11w11 Tht> r.c 1 1 ck t tc lt·1ll l• t ' 1 ' h tJ111inc. ol ti: lirtil h If • 111\ m.Lin· thP so11homore1-1 lY a s. ·\\"Ill \Oll C'OUIP ;,1s my g11<·RI al1oan tn :\Ir tncl Mrs. Hobert Clarks.on. i\I I' Cl\rl l:t·11tlPlll<U1 of th•· Hb1·k dirt'rtlon of lhf' honll' l'f'onol!lic" duh Ji, 11 nf tlw ::kamli1w,ian ..\111 · C'lark son 1!1 a memller of tlw s,pn ior Stot,:k in lh•• Hl'I r110111 nl tht 111 i:-. tlit! ii l 1lt11 I io hl· des· f i1,., lntr ::5t•n· 1 i.- ea me was har<l-fone:ht through- hu1 the half ·I irmi \il11 rrom :\r•w York n.t thP college p \Hl\:FH Hol tit> M th1• s1r 111 ••• •• •• ill" i•\ t\u I l '\(;. k 11 I}' n! hie beran sP of tht- low H 1 ·url! The Cleld goal made in lbe first period mad<- by King , j 11At befon• the t>nded A f ree throw by Dirkson ·IPted the scoring for the sopho- Two fn't.. thrO \\b Uy ('apta1n ans made up the senior scor <> .iring the secon rl half a bNter , ·,or hnski>thall was exhihhf'ri The not rough in 1wr!orl c,tc·(·<h on.ii lia .. ke1 U.' ;i st-t.ior ·1•1l thr· monotony of tbP gnme. 1 hP. !-Weo1111 year men !';fX ·1·Pml er llh t11 l'h\\ "lt Illa Stod . ... •• •• •1 •1 •• t: ::•:: t: :: :: :: :: :: :: 1: or :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :. •• •• •• ; PllhH • I int nlrn :incl I a111 1·cil.Ji11C •• •• •• • •• :: l' . .\ltl\:EH :-;e.tt (11 tiu• \l1i..;,\tl.\ 11 l"h1 u•lo10 I h' h1 th ('( l Ot tht• Furo· tt i I I I \ }"n i\\11 :t ELLIOTTNTEOXTBEWIENEMKONTA NA ;; tl\'(\ I l utl 1lc>1l I' ti J1C1ill!S ht' tc •ding im.•11 ant wo111P11 . I CON FERE NCE FO OTBALL •• ::-iJ·:TCl:\ \\ ilci \11 Hl t' ' i I 'I ua' r.n u joi11 11:-- i·n ro1111 .. Hilt :: :t H t .dt>h \\' o.;;t \I sll•r t>n "' •• th•· :-Pll '' IP l le ·1 an?-\\ 1t.r1 ·l :-01i.1• 1"e111ral 1uli111 to hn dd1·rmi ,, .. 1 •• STANDING. ···· I s,'\11'1 JI l'nlotwl t'.111t' uf l ;1rt1·1 I .. n1·J1 th1 kt.L l'rot11 t1Ja1 tim on \\" in·d ha:-: ll"•'ll ri><"eh1'1 .. latt>r to an intPrnatioual U \\'t•I . Lost Pd :: I ' Jl1 :: l'n•sltll'llt .I .\l llcmi1111t1 llJl\1 •• lht o:.i1 u .. •' 'h ; lh \\n Ht 111 to ii jn8t f•I l C'ol :.· .: Chnn1·1·lh11"·1·lt·<·t l·'. t l·:lliou •• ... ·r: I Ill " °""' •: wi\l lw unahlP !11 \I il Tlw 'iri •• J111rl' tl1 J.. Hllf' 11'\L lo\I:.; ,o;,·rf' ,.,:",.:"l: '., :: )\ ine' ' il;:'.:::::.11:,:'.'. r l. :. o1i> hra111h"' "r t 111• l '11i "'""'' :: "" "" tlit ' nt""' ""' " "' " ti i• • 1•1•· .\.dda111..-. T lOIMl:-. Fd mtl :: C C , ·';Utl :: \iauu •• n{ \il1111ani\ lwf111"l' :-;.1at" hn. ·d 1111 han• al'PJ1tt>d trn\:1\" t! n. (l. TAHl-1'.\"{..'1"0' \lonsil•tir nt>.111• a r •• nwt•tinc,. IO \>1• lwl1\ •1 111'1 11.1 !l let ·t er folio\<'".·. \Yith tWl'lll?- :: M S. C 11·,1·, •• \ ,,- 11\'l\:l· . H111ing- •• \londay llr Elliott will \t1 l'' "' 1 :t ent at this a1111 ' ' •• t'lil 111 w·n kil1 1 •cl l'n·r) twf'l tY :: C'olora{lO ltlf"i :: \", Al L.\l ·t-:. 1l 'lur •• ,.·,,_.I tlw 1"ollt•c.t.>s :: tltutPs, tlky w1·rt' tu g<·t a 1 l J .. \\"voming onrhtnll:-;:t .. nsor1hou:nndsmanwi: .. · t' _ 01111 :: \\'Al:ll. Fh •:o111ir •• Pitt' ""'' ind1\"idual :.->1 ort J1tn.loro .lor<ensun .• ; , I 1 1 ; Ga1·\"ln . .\ <;.·nun, Hht->1 ) .. oO 2: Seamans, 6 • )lilhuru . :; , Carr wh11 1·1111ld r·onnP«f with th e rln.c:. . 1 . it••I 't l ll>lill'l" Wl'nll·r lH"o·nn, :: l' A .- \l .. 'l',i) lil'lldd :. ol" Ho11111;.;1l:11" •• •• •• :: :1 :: k 101111 II ti ' I !I :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: nnl' s1·orP c·ame when ni<' , . '. me for a re" men and u •• ...... :: \\'.-\Hll \\un·t·lla. .... :-.ophomore captain-threw a\ the unic . , • n<l \• nPrg-\·. ir-1 11 n :: :: :: :: :: :1 :: U U •• •• •• •• •• a:-;ket One field baHl.H ,\11 ,,·c-men "ith <C•ur.igt 1 ·
Page 1: LUME VII. MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY ...In the game did the firtil ~11nrds ('3rr Hea~r>llPY and 0~1·nhrm: lw 1hnJ\\n anotht--r playe1 tende.\ to show how little benertt the that



burn. one by Lescher and a field bas- PROFESSOR SNOW TO l HAVE YOU PURCHASED A SONG t'I rind two free tllrowe by Seamans, ATTEND MEETING SOOK ? DUCK WEED IS PLANTED

Tishf'd the seniors· score. The lineup was as follows : Tb1• fourth annnaJ meeting 01 th1· On.i..• ol the things to bl" brought ui• lf>tkr from C:ilmau Bullard of ih·lf'tt:t


ce Victorious Juniors Are Ahead. =reshmen and Sophi Show Lou


\!ii burn


Sophomores 'tontana In~titute of ).f11nic-i11lal ~.:ngi- tn a..<=u;embly this morning is thf" mat- thanl\ing thf' dt>partuwnt for ils ''er Christensen nPers will he held in llillings .Jan. ~-I ter concerning the college Rong books. operation an<l srntine: that th~ rec·orn- Two Sophomores and a Freshman Bag _Dickson 26. Profp::;~or Snow wa~ prt>Sident The books have been on sale at tht! mendatlon as to methods of lntrodu1·· Four Deer on ThanksJlvlng Seamans

of Pep . Fvrward

rotmd of ,games in the ~ !-t'ri1'~ th•" Junio r~ lead with a l'arr

Gt-a rd

c:oll eg~ book store !or nearl) tllr~t> in,e: 'duck weed'' turn Jake llelena hacl oi thi:::. orgin1zalion last. year and i~ months and so far only about 1it1y 01 been carried out. •ht' plan snggf•slNI K 1ng one of h1· 1lin:•1·tur:.-> at tlw pr~:::wnt the five hundred orclPrPd ha\ .. bet:>ll and an acrount of t h e dlscoYery or timt• f-il"' ha~ hf>en asli:Pd 10 l1re11a1·e sold, A committee ha~ bf>Pn ~q)polntP<l the weed in Lake Mason near R o11nd11p J Horton an addre~s 10 Lie delivered at tbt> nwt>r· to dtspo~e Of theRP books. ft need~ \was publl~hed in la~t WPPk'~ l':xpon_Pn t . ing- on thP :mbject of "The ActiYalPd the ~11pport of yon studpnts. Ru~· a The Helena ~portsmen ~11h~n1lwl1

Hunting Trip

Saturda~ af11.;·rnoon thrPt' shoulder Pd pacli:s an d rifleH aud set ou for 1iarts unknown and Snnda~

Rosa 1-'0ng book and learn your collPg(· libf'rally ti me. automobiles rind monPy l'roet->HS or Sewt<ra~t" l'urifinttion eongf' to makP a large initial planting of tlw after nightfall thesl• sank ~o lltl! m<"'n --t ---- dut·k foorl. ··o'-"l?r ninl' lrnnrtred 1m11111l dra~ge!l themRelYe~ into their ·pspl'<'·

hm1 nt aurl sophomores with .500 Guard 1 alld tll< sPuiors with .:~:~a. :-:.Pni<l1 ~11bstit11ff>. HPaJ? .. ney: ~opf1(). hP Jnnfu~:-; d~fPatP<l thC' frf'!-<hmPn mor<"' RnhstitntPs. Kuhn~. "·pr1·p Hnlt he first game on ~londay Uofh \I nnrton, I.nee rnrkins.

s were we rkinz well. but fa t j w ~ bin<! red Uy the sltck floor

BASKETBALL RULINGS M.S.C. IS REPRESENTED l~~k~':n~":;k,. ::::: ,:~."~ .. ::1~.~.::: ~," ,~~';' :::.: ::::~l ;:',~ .. :i;;~un<erl •hat rh~~· PUT BAN ON ALJ AT BIG MEETING iiuito har an1l a ~ood ~ize(l rock pit~. ThP party <·onsiRted of Simon ('ar·

Freshmen. 26: Seniors. 12.

'J tOTii«ntf'"lfh f'lllT \\01

In the fir:.-.• gamA T·Jpsd·iy thP fre-..1J­nJP11 h•\' n~ rnnstsiPnt hall, P:l!'lit~· df'fenteri the sen•or rlmxtf'r~ hy a

L makinl! Ptwh hunc·h h;llf 1he siz" of Oltl'S fl.+" son. Lawn.•111·f' \Yallns. 'I'. and ROUGH PLAY IN GT.FALLS

tbP :::.n1 hor or s 111 I lnl· s~·ore g n P, f a ur <l b

u:,11 r ir; 'The sPnlnr~. \\ h le

\ hox of th(· '' l•f>d ''a~ ..... ni to Pn1 I r1·s~vr Swin~lP and it will he 11lan1t·1l tn a nnt11bt>1 of 1011ncb IlPh l' Hu1t>man and HPl~;ule anrl if .i:nrcPSl:'fnl th1•

noon on the interurbnn car lef.t SalPSYillP on foot af1er flark hop •n Tue::::di,· t le 'r sh ne 1 e. sfly n th nthPr <-ont('!:-ot. ,·pry wPn nn -~. tnl uf t.111• l"!llllhi11ati1111 nt ing to ·pac-J\ ~ ("i:lhin in 1'011011,\oo<T

he C:(>fl hu+ th" ~ 111101 1 ti 1 i:iklf't-~hnoting. AsidP from ~enmnn~. d a-r aw 1 i:i nir.p " t\ :t tf~k "'" hnrl no onf' "tt"ho pYPn r-ame

\!ontana ~tat(' <·oll<-'f!"t• and 'bi• 1 ... t •· 1 '"'•'ts f n11~~ .\ A l '"\ I ~chooh~ o( Gallatin \'al\e~ "ert.c' wt>ll JIO'.ld!-> \\ill h: n~ed a~_ .Jisrribntinc: 1Canyon . lrnt hPin~ unfamiliar \\ith th~ tPJ..:: .11t· auil Y :\I C A 1Jwn• ·:ii·c rep r e"lentecl at the Statp TPtH hPrs ns· points for a wult>r ramJ)aHm . <·on111n· dH:\· soon ,e:ot oil" th1:> ·oad 1d,·1rnt~!:!"e of h' •tt~ r ~.,... fnp · 'h~ 0~ 1 ThP fir~t half PndPd with th0 . . \Yild ritP has not heen su<·<·f'sstnl · · man~ rb.dical <·hange~ Ill b;1Rket


soclnllon held in GrPat Fulls Inst \\eek. 1 . . . a.1111 eould uot jul]gp with .111 \. de,e:ree 1 1 esrlt ';! • nh \l<"l Th~ ::-c·orc> ti) 5 In the freshmPn's favor

1 1l t ., ( 1m- lit l l 1•qu;t basis or ThP frpshman ' 'ktory wa~ rlnf" lar~e­l emf" w' and onP lo~e for Pach I) to tht.~ wor\\ of Hnmilton and Ta:­

juniori.. C'liralwrl 11r whp11 thf"~ Jor ~~ ~<·orPrs nni thP P.X<'PllPnt floor •he ~enlors 011 "'ec1nP:-orl:1y Th• work of HPr~nan C'ap1;1\n Bnq:~;(S~ at

. Th P r ~ nt f rom th <'Olle t' w~rP· 1tn :\lontana. and 1h1s 1ww tood will hP < • . ••••

iall rules. Tbli:.; make~ 11 an OS Pe e e . .e: lof ,~rPat importance. lr n ran llf' in- of l'eriarnty just what dire<'1ton the\" t•ntirel~ different game to an President .Tnmf'g )f Hamilton, Prof. tro~ui·ecl Into lht" ht-adwaters of tt1r ' ought to go. They didn't know whert:' \V. F Brpwpr ~fi si::. SchwalbP DE>an lltltinwr a11 11 nmsiclerahle pn11·ti1't' i~ E R. LinfleM Prof .. l Tl. Tlol~t. and )Ti:•sn11ri anti othPr rh·er:.: it will :-it'f'~l thPy werp golug. h11t thPY k11t-•\\ thP'.\ nH·pssar.\ in order 10 ht>t.~Ontt> <H'c·11~ n~an rn~ n:. Herrick. All of the c·ol· it:se_Ir antl ~oon Ut> ph·ntit'ul along llu· \\t>l't\ on thf-1 wa) es in detailed account follov. ~11nrd cHrl rlmw roYt•rine:. bP!'l.irlPs work- 1omPil w the 1.:hangt.•:-0 lege re prpsentatlYE>!-; took an a<'th·e Pnlll"\' ''atercouri;l'. Thir-; will he a In spltf> of the weight of their ~un~ .Junior•, 24: Freshmen, ii init wPll wttb RPrc;man part 111 the meeting~. lgTPal l"aC.'tor in impnn·i n .e: hnntine- ror and pa<·k~ lhP'.\. strng-glPd on in the

, 0111p1aying- lilt' fr1,='hllli't: 11 Th£> For tJw ~eniors :'C'Rnlftns .... 1an1ls nut Tlw must notil"t><lht~~ t'Tlaii::,l' ll"l•lll )[011 rna sportsmen I - . 1 t I Pre .. Ident Hamilton responded to the ·

1 < ' • • darlrnegs ,up an unfamiliar canyon tbru

1alf and t lilt 1 hPt ... 1 hau 11 -; the hP..., 1 ha~kf't ~hootPr whilr .'.\f.i) . A.A.l' is the rn ing perm1tt1ng :-i 100 · ----+------:s.kinc; f'\1•11 lu tilt' s+"t'Otlll h.alf !ht> hnm'R floor work wn!'l tn~t and fnrlonR nK fron a tlrihhlf' Tll1-> ftnbh\t· ii ~~:~·;~~: ~h:·:l~:m:~P~~edd ";:s::~·::~g~~, MR . KATELY OPERATE D UPON snow which var!Pd from knee deep rs \\ n t w ;n tin! ~tt·m· of h 1• <l!".PJJhr•lJ.! :1nrt L<>~<·hl?r wt"rP danger ~I'll ha:-. 1Ji·en moilitie<l. b.O\\eYer. Dietrtrh' ~ toast or ""7bat ~Pxt" a t to wnh:H <let-)). rc·Ja-.~ has1,l-"1.hall :o.Prit .. !S "?I ,,. 11 nu~ at RJI timP!'l in brP:1kine- np pa1'<St·S. wi. ... 11 lilt:' hall 1"01111:'~ to rest in th1) the !'lC'bool mn~ters' bnm"}UPt . M\sF-1 tPn o·<· ln<·k thl'Y ha<l ~one almo~t tt'!<Jll w0rk ot th(;> P\>l'r i· a:--~tnt'll The linP·np follows hand or when ~ra~pt:'•I with hoti' haml:-. Rrh\Yalb or the English rlepartment Last ~atu11\ay ~lr. Kate ly surldenl~ l!lP limit of l·nduranl'e and slopped s1qi(• iqr o tl a1 o1 th• fn, .... h lPl1 :-:.Pnior~ Forwri.nl~. SpamanR. (rap- tlw driUlll~ 1:- ovt>l" a11 d tilt.~ hall m11:-1 read a 1iaper heforp thP rouncil ot hel.'ame Yery ill and he "as takpn to to m ake <:amp for the ni~;'t in th~ t'la l:- in thP fir:-1 half 11nd at 110 tainl anrt l.A"i::1'hP rrnfl·r '1ilhurn:

111 shot EngHsh teachen•. Th f> pa.ppr wn~ in- ttw neacouese. hospital. It wa!:; found open. They managerl to { g: enougi

In the game did the firtil ~11nrds ('3rr Hea~r>llPY and 0~1·nhrm: lw 1hnJ\\n to anotht--r playe1 tende.\ to show how little benertt the that he was suffering rrum a1)pendil'i· wootl irom tltt:> snow to <'OOk, Out not nwn f'I 1al h1 1um1 ·!- m .1 kl 1 f'rp<;;hmf'n· F'orw::1nl~. Taylor and at flh· l111:-ok1·1. 'I ne 1'1rihl1l"' nay l1l' teerh in!! of "'The History ot English ti!'l and an operation was necessan enough 10 kpep a watch lin::.. Then J.tting, For the freshmen ltamil F~tzeerald~ renter Hamilton: euard". "tal"lefl with hmh han1ls .111cl fi11isln1\ J..ttern tH r P" ii:; to the A\'erage high a«cording to the la~t reportt;, he f:\ tlH> tirPd hunter!' rolled 11 P iu a ·· tarp"' u1r Hf'rt..··11u1 •\"t::l" :w .... · , \\ iwh<' ,~ 011111 Burl.:t·~~- IC'aptain \ \\" rh both lwnd::; ~chool ~tndPnt 'f iss Schwalh p re· doin~ \·ery well. )Ir Challender and liy thP fit"f' whi<'li ilid 1101 ~Pep tllelr In. Gatton and Canuou µla.\t:<l the Juniors, 5: Sophs. H. It lh'~ orhi.\dini-:; holilinJ!" an· ~l ·u··1·r ~PntPrl data ~howln~ the result ot a )Ir. Homan art' handlin~ '\l r Kately"s \ grub" from frpezing and frJPi\ t"I woo e;ame for thl• junior~ T11P .J•mior-SophomorP baskPtball and all rough play sud1 as pushln!!, ~lmplf< PXAmlnatlon gl\'en to the fre~h· c·\as,.t':- d11ri11µ; his abs~D\'t'. plPa!,'ant dre;tmi:-. Tf th(' coyotP~ ancl l , T r1

thl-' woh1·~ brokt-> tht- stillnes:-; or 1he

1<='t?t.1 fai--t a cl all'l~ irc:l' ulll

1! foul!- tcsL ted. thirtt-·e11 bt-in~ •d ou the ju1 ors and ~e\ I'll 011 ~·-~hme11 . Tilt L e-sl1111e-n nwde u·ut suu~ut11ttr.··1'"' u:::;iug ,.JP\ en

attle whirh wa~ P ayeu lJP!-; ay wa~ hioc·kinl.::. 1rippiue l'lwrg1n!! and til• man f'1 ~~ In Bng-liRh at the rollegP ., "I rlo~P and hflriJ.fo11 cht hri.ttlr from li\, 1 ix absolu!f'ly tahooP<I Only runrtamPntal flUe~tion~ were MOR E EQUIPMENT night how\mg: to the moon. "P Wt."1"E' :-.tart to finish. Altho111?h tlu~ fir~t or \'iolations or these rules are (·alleil asked yPt onh fourteen out of a C'la.s~ no1 rold ol t 1e fac-t. tn11 Wt:' n~~.:~1r~~~ t'i"' eanw was rnthPr flPfll<>~fl. ahont of ont h11ndrf'1l ''"f' r e able to make a it wa~ too <"Old for ..;nc·h t lP mlrlrllr of thP fir!'lt hnlf they s hook 1 1 ~ !sou.al fouh aiut four 011

\Hu 111


' :."e1Plli1<ll's. ie g:.: • fT np anil l'IHHlP tt • ontP~t worth ~..,p.

!ll ..c llJiPs 111111 . pn~!il "'~!"~~c ~ouw·th1 IJ!. m•\\ iH lhe !inf' of 111a ThP hunti>r:-; had s«arr~ :-.1.un otlwr minor dian,e:t>~ a11• abo I At th <- PlPrtion or officer~ sever al chint:'1"Y wa.;; rPCl'f\l'll last )Ionda) lr im lheir ay an honr \: hPJl • Pf I rm llrl lP 1· sl half ta1·1 ..-d ,, tlJ i:t l"'l~ l in!? ThP r:rst half PnrlP<l with thP

n .111d .Jurgenson <•an1 .!.t·1t111c. 1 ,.., (•re fl to - with th1:. sophomor<"':.:. at ,aske1 11 L ~ t 1:-1 lliuutt: of th~ Jo11c; Pnrt ThP :0:1>rnnd half RlartPcl ray er mtl'.~e<l a 1n-1 1hrow a111I \\ h i r•1sh whirh Ja .. tf'd until th1 f--1111

r lt1t.11·d :-.i1t·h as re<)uirin~ tba ln of thP rppre~entatl\·e~ from the col· 'llu \\"~lit>t ·r •:h•('U"iC' Cn. of llw·itn'.

uute la e-· eai b tl.Hll ~,·111..-d a t m a. ouhle f1ml ~ ,1ylor tht

jlll\lpin_ t'or lht.· ha 1 tu th al Ct>l\tf'l 1€'1?t• WPl"f' hon ore.d Wlth OfflCE>S (OT the \\'is ThP tlr! <"It j .... OIW of tllfi'il" Q:o;l'lt .iurt "il'-n h .... ld lJ~ 1wo 111P1l t 11• juu coming- yPar 'T'he officer~ Plected llating- lYJlP ma~netos to ht> usP<l on Pr mn~t hult.l one hanrt behind th1 wPrP a~ followR 1 :o;aslillw eng:ine~ \\ hidi hun• tht• ma\H'-or thP l!amc wlwu lhP fin:ll ~<'OrP l>ack .\twtht:'r is that in re111rn ~11nerlntendent Dietrich of the Hel- and-hn·ak ignition sy:-ott:>lll and will ie stond 11 to r ing the hall i·rom Ollt of bounds lh1 I Pna '"'rhool ~. prpstdent· Superintendent nst-d for the in~u·11c m pf ;;.I .1d1·11 :.: .,.d h!io mort' c'1anc·1·::.- t :J ~t·11rt' on })11rin2 tJ f' g-amf' nirk~Oll ~C'OrPrt !j ~· anli11~ phtye1· shall :.:talltl a~ h ~ .... , R T rnnnine-ham or the Boz~mnn

\Yatter~ who Wt.'l"t:' ahead Jnm 1ed <l 11;.rncl .o' <lPer n u<I P;wh Urun~ht 1lown one witl1 a sin~le sho1 while tht.• re~t wf'nt plowing: thro11~h thP df'Pll ~now nt breaknPck speed. Carson and Beard­slee followPd the hand and hroug-h1 t110\\:-. lllcl .Iorc,,P ISitll 1iid th1~

:!I \\ith olte, At thi,.., 11oiu' of the • 111 r~e~=- ~1 ·ort:"d t n,, 011 l,' t iehl et he frel"hmen got in be first

WO !Ja:.:k1•lS lJ.\ 1 I"~ 111, l,\\(..' IJ.\

l alld VB(' \ J< I...;• ll~C)J; 4'W I

~l·ol'inl? 01 hal

p11int~ rrom fnnl~ wllqp K1nia Rf·orPf1 .th ........ fpt•t f ·om he ma'l tlHO\\ill!! ;1 \ echoolR. vire-presldent; Pror "- F 1 pnlnt~ from fit>l1l \\ hkh , with rhri!'l- Brewer bead or the Engll~h depart-1('n111i1111t>tl 1111 Pa~<· 1 I 'hi:-sP rtdf·:o: look -.;orl nl "sb...,lfii· I ment of the rollel?"e. pr~sldent of t 1e

m I l l I •l ,, ,.,,ill' llontanR Coun<'ll of En~hsh Teachers: •

DEAN HERRICK INVITED fff:O:I g arn·1· 11 II . ' · ( t1 m:ikt .. a dl!<l wr au<l rastl•r gamP. S;1e1 .i I Prof . .T H. Holst. prlncipnl o lP ~ llw niain reqi..:irernl'llt for :-:ul'n•s School of A~rlcnlture. president ~t the


SECRETARIALS 11 11 , prt:":.Pllt ganu' Tlw roughn ·SI Srhonlmn~ters' Club. and Mr!. l na B.

1 11 1\,i'd \,ill dt>J•i·i"l iargl'f\' 011 Herrirk. clenn of women. prl?~ldent of

thf' Srhool '[i~frE"!;~' Club H11:..::o t>aliliug-. ;i ro1 llll'I" st Hlt"HI 11

", .. - u~ ".n" TO ATTEND PEACE rt::;lnh.:11 c'1111t hai·k 11 l 11•

i "a l Hl'>nlll d \\ ~ 'id CONFERENCE 01111 ial:- ·--- 1he l'olkge wlw b now Ille> '\lonwna ,, a:. a 110tll1,.',llil Iii''"°' 1 t·nl ll . FICTION ADDED TO THE COL· n.g-eni for the '.\atiounl l'a~h Reg-btt>r playing. Th..- :-o.l"1)n' tor II :-· ~ Jt•:-Jit->d \t' of lll 1·os1 in inc:oin·en LEGE LIBR ARY SINCE SE PT 1°15 jCompany of lla~·ton. Ohio. tlelh·ered !1..t. e11il1 u '.' I( uv111 •11 th1 1'111 It ll+•rrit' k l1a:- 1i~·+·11 n i·11n" l11tlnPy si1<Tit1r·\~ and ("J"itid~m tn 1an inten•:·aing. IPC'llll"t' m the htte:-;t Harnilll1h ' a e-d tJ"t'" :-oC'ol" 11 , ioln rlw Ford rinr·y whk 1 1 t·P thP good \\ill ot l·:nropt· that it J BAR RTE lJitlle "lint:.:ter tYJJPS ol thr t•ash r ~g \:-o11•r h.;>fore an for the fresh mt>n \\\lfl a fiP!d \Pf!'• tor l 111·• ll tu 1111 t·I • 111 ma\· a :-i('J't :r:-ell 111r p1•an• and justi<'•' BARRIE RPntiment:1\ Tomm:- attentive autl1t-'llt.:e or ~nour hlll) l't hen a1;1Je l ·l r ptn European f'JJ1"f'h1~11tathPs w th till' \\ h tlit> strnng 111oh<ihili1~ ihat llllt>I"· R.ARRl F. Tomn1y and Grlzpl students last \\\:iclne:,.da~ U[ternonn ton! rout'"'. (\1nnu11 1111111'1 the dVit ol Jlwlin:.! H111w ~ro1111ds 1"01 " :1• n;.11ional di-an11,111vnt may l1P ,u10111 IRF:S .\.:'\T .-\II ~or11.;. nnd ron•lllion" .\tr. llahliug t·a111t• to HoZt:'lllaH a1 h1· •'( \\il-1 awl Hami1!011 0111 "· 1.,..1r.+ 111 OI thr g-rl'at E11ropp;in l'flll plbheli or M<:>n l rl-'qllt'~I of 1h1• :-il'l"l"i""l<ll' lal tl<•11a!'lll\Pl\t nson thf'll ad<IPd a J.HJillt 011 a llt>Ul") l"o11l ('O"XR \D r3hn<·f' lot" the l'Olli:gc. an<l s"ellt:>d 1he total \\"ith another !=iollle 01 lhf' llJOl:\t 1a 1111 ,11 :' Tlw :-;\•t·oud tt•lt-i:;ra111 \\'<l:.. ui • t\i·li I ('0:'\RAD. Lord Jim. l"sinp: a t•;.tsh n·1'is tl'l" or thP n10:-t ha"kl•l. Fuzg:crald entPH~ct the Americ'1n ritizens art- bf'ing in- mi ~ 1111 c\;,iy aml \\as a:-> follo\\:-; cn~RAD Typhoon. modt>rn IY\Ht as a mo<lt.>l he explarned 11 ~ columu. wllh a frp1 throw and iTi·il 111 j; , 11 ihe· •any 11) th<' mn t.t•r •'T o l>t>:tll l 11a IL llt.•rric·lt IC'RA\l\'"F'ORD . Sarncine~ra ~·\"l'l"Y ili•tail of us eonstrndion and d basket c:attOl' t•IHlt-'d the 1h1--1 tam1111s Forrl •\lt•ll a1:11 WOllH'I\ or 0\11 ('IHlllt.ry nr',!AR . PF.RF.: ('ount of 't ont1· opemtion ~h· dt-IUOll:-1 ntetl rlpar~y ng by adding two more points for I ·an l~l'ITkh rPc·PivPd two tele· i1·pre~P!ltill all its hl1 ·al~ atHl aet1\l· Cristo how lht.• t·ash n·in~ter it1·1s a:-; :111 :wt rniurs. . ... rn t'·om \Ir l"or'I arnl tJit•f'f' \\Pll llt·l'.. 11•,\\t ;\t'\\ )rnk fl1>1\'lllhP1 Ill· lnrMAR, PERE ThrPe Guarclsnwn to 1he> bookkrl'pl~r. huw it is nsl~li ill OR0 wh~ l}iay~tl with 111d!~·Jd. d 11'\l•lillh 1!11 pa I~ illl<f Its Jl_Ul'JIWif'S 111111.tld p(·a11 ~tnp O:;tar 11 Jtl"PCPPd I nr)f!\::; Fil$ B1~1·k Tulip lHllllllill~ drnn.::~ :lt'('Oaut:-o. and hO\\

tlown tW(t morE> Tlwn hf'i::rl.ll thP rpnl wo:·k. The

Pntir1• snpph OI grult wns discardP<I 1111 1\tH·ks ,~adjusted to makt• '"arr:­

inl! llw dP1'l" 11,asiPr \\.lth (our llePt l•t;>sidf's tht-ir !{\Ins and P1111iplllt"llt tlit•,· had a real PrPhlt>-m on their haniltt to trans11011 tl•t> e:ame <'II mile~ thru snow OH'!' kneP cll'PJl. They alter 11.11et:r pa(•kPd, rlra?;:ged. anrt restt•d. and it tool\ the rPmnlnder of the clay wlUl 1he hnrdl-'~t "kind of work to g€'t baC'k io SalP~Ytlle. wtwrr 1hey \Pf l th1' gamr to he sent in on thP train ·-JUN 10 RS '-"IN FROM S'ON IO RS


i·< n· or 7 to fi a~Rin~t tlwm

~ .J11111or~, .Jorg1~11!"\0B "'· (.muon IT'11·"SP IPlP~rI1111:-; follow BPE;lf\1·s tlw u1g; to :\01\\,1) ~\\(~lien ('opt•11h.1e;Pn FnJ :;.;-~T·:;\ To111 l ht mist.1k1•-.. art •ra····cl tn l1w11 :-;011r1•t· ..L' ti, Gattl,11 :! ::-;]lprr~ · rrf''"-h· two telegrams t"P 11l b pr nean l\Pr· .1nil tit' Jl.t.:;lll I) .llJUllJ;l' 111tt•1n.1tlllll•ll 1G .\LS"'ORTTTY na1k FlO\\PI' At lhP l'O!H'ill~ion of lilt' ll'l'I 1n· llW ilHrnil1oa :-•. F'i1u~1,rald 3. Bur_g-P. ... ~ I l"l.•1·1~i\'1>1\ f'tlt' fl"ftll lallf' \1!1la1t1 .. \•H'f> 1'(111 Pli;•l\ll' feat I OntlllllOll"- 1111'11 r. \LS.\\'ORTTTY )f nn nr Propelt) stlldf'nt~ wen· i1n111•d to 0\11'1";.lli,' th1~

nt tht· t.•1Hl of th" Orsi ht\\!, tht• junior ha!«ket shoolt::r t·•1nw back in tht> ta}it hnl' and i·nm11lt"tPlY overwhelmPd the senior tl~am Thf" ihinl yt•ar men !"<trnl'k ti1pir ~tri<le Ill tbP se<·nnd sf~ sion ind pilPd up :t! 1inints, while thf' ht>st lht' s1·1110rs l'Ollld tlo w~ s to an ne~ lhl't'l' poiu1s on fl't"i' throws F'or tht' 111ni1.rs Gallon anti l"an11u11 sl;md out a~ lhl' stars; th1A fornll'r w:i.s t~:o pt"1.'1u1ly good in brt'tildn~ up .111<~Y:-> null gt:•ttinh tla· hall ba<·k in11 JllUIOr

'l \I 11011 \l"\l1'llan ~le- 1 r · I \ 1, 11111111o•l·11t1>11s 111n\1dt.'tl tion.111 \LE \1 .lll \\"ithout •1 C'ounl r\ \ t r111-111 -.... 1,·, ..... ,·11111 ,-,l ask an J.\ or '• ·' c•. a • · '-· · · \\holll sht' is a Jlf'rl"lltlil !"\I'll< ·1111m • nHH llllt' • -.. "" hi. Hu111phn•'.\ l>a\"is.. Sto1w. a nd H·IP:!.r<.:.111 nrgt•r' h1•r to att1·11<l llH 'h1 ll.1~1.t' "\ ou1 n ui1n ho11w irnpos HEG..\'.\ '\1s '''iJ?:~'"' ot tlw Cahh.\~f' t\l;t>stwn l"OlH't>rnin~ it llJ UL t\ it' ii wm1li\ hf' at a\I possihlr> s1hl1• 10 ilt•lf'l'!lllllC 1;':\,\Ct liIIH! I'll Patc•h \\'h1IP Ht thP t·olJegc._A \Ir l)ah\illL:" i. Pt.- ('otu.-: ·nean llna B. Herrick, nozf'man . ~1 u1.i~t· p1olmbl' \.lsl s1~ \\t'Ph ... LOC'Kl': llPln\Pfl \ •ag.1bond l'Ut•\\t>d m.rn, llld .u' ,,1rn ann~ Il1 S h ,

.011 \\'ill n111 1·nm1 L.OCKK 1:h1n· ot Clpnwn tin H \ ,,,,. ,, .. 111111 ,111 011 1 11 1~ 11 11 101 I\\ Seniors, 10 ; op s , "" · r\a.r dHtl ..-hi~ would he unablP to at J<;ur111w "n !:' 10 ) · • \

1 t .~ " a ~a.me that looked more a~ Ir rhe 1 \\ t" 111• ... rn111kflh1.tt:'I Holt•! IH1111cll"P LOCKK :::Oimnn l,lu· . Ps .~r l)t'<ll'"' lu 1'112 h1 \\i"l.s h,\lf h.1 1~ et: tin view was a touchdown or a Tl11• Ur:-t ft}t-');:l"i:llll \Ya:; r1·t·1•i\1•d on :-;, .1· York, \\li1•11 !11\I inl"ornw iott \\lJI \ LO:\PO~ Call ol ~lw \\1111 lht• hhtt- n111\ ~0111 p\t>\Pll kout lllarl to throw lhe hnll k l · r1llo\\'"' 11 ... t'or"ar<l1'il .\llltllU-~ l•:c.;thi•r \\n ers e I .d.i' of la~t '.\1'1 ... a111 I~ as ' . ,. Ford. J :\ll'L{J('ll .loh11 •. llnli!~~1:x , <:1•1111'·11w11 . This <111Pl"ILOOll and l'\t>llll\~ l l~lt' u~h the ring. the seniors won tbe ··tn l"m1 lh· lll'lTH'k. Hozf'man. lh'nr~ l '\t;J· 111 Oil· \ in.l111a will he a fn•t• i'\l!lhitio11 ol :\J'l d1in. JHl game of the iJ~ter-da<:r:e~;e: I .:\lcllLUla, 1 nn Priclay, ;_;n\. ~M. 1-1 girl was horn l' ~\(11· •. :\l;ir~l.' Chuo wore. \1-1.tc- and nt't>lllt:' work 111ul•·r lht'

1err1tor~ \\ 111 i t'·111no11 lPatl ;11 tl11· ~l"ori111{" i·nlumn , ha\"ing 11 nt tilt> juniors· .. , w hi~ <"rt>dit F1Jr tlw 1111· Pf'!" i·las:-;.'lH·n ~p .1 !1HUl~ plan.•11 11 ... twst ~:lllll' a\thtll!l..'h '\li\blll"ll llHl ll:-'t'll· hr\1'.{ '''''""alway:-. da11gt•ru11:.: 11w11

Tht> ~ r.c1 1 ck t tc lt·1ll l• t ' 1' h tJ111inc. ol ti: lirtil h If • 111\ m.Lin·

thP so11homore1-1 lY a s. ·\\"Ill \Oll C'OUIP ;,1s my g11<·RI al1oan tn :\Ir tncl Mrs. Hobert Clarks.on. i\I I' \l~I·: Cl\rl l:t·11tlPlll<U1 of th•· Hb1·k dirt'rtlon of lhf' honll' l'f'onol!lic" duh Ji, Os1·,~r 11 nf tlw ::kamli1w,ian ..\111 · C'larkson 1!1 a memller of tlw s,pn ior Stot,:k in lh•• Hl'I r110111 nl tht i·1ll\P~1 111 i:-. tlit! ii

l 1lt11 I io hl· des· f i1,., lntr ::5t•n· 1i.- ea me was har<l-fone:ht through­

hu1 the tir~t half wa~ P~PP<'ially ·I irmi \il11 ·;d l111~ rrom :\r•w York <'la~~ n.t thP college p \Hl\:FH Hol tit> M th1• s1r111

• ••• • • •• · ~ ill" i•\ t\u

I 11~ l '\(;. k 11 ~1 I}'

n! t~t hie beransP of tht- low H1·url! The Cleld goal made in lb e first period mad<- by King, j11At befon• the

t>nded A free throw by Dirkson ·IPted the scoring for the sopho-

Two fn't.. thrO \\b Uy ('apta1n ans made up the senior scor <>

.iring the seconrl half a bNter ,·,or hnski>thall was exhihhf'ri The wa~ not ~o rough in thi~ 1wr!orl

~n c,tc·(·<h on.ii lia .. ke1 U.' ;i st-t.ior ·1•1l thr· monotony of tbP gnme. om~h 1 hP. !-Weo1111 year men u~ed !';fX

·1·Pml er llh t11 l'h\\ "lt Illa Stod . ... •• •• •1 •1 •• t: ::•:: t: :: :: :: :: :: :: l".\IU.;.1·~!~ 1: ~ht or \\";.1~ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :. •• •• •• ; PllhH • I int nlrn :incl c·,~pt•Hhag-1·11 I a111 1·cil.Ji11C •• •• •• • • •• :: l' . .\ltl\:EH :-;e.tt (11 tiu• \l1i..;,\tl.\ 11 l"h1 u•lo10 ~al' I h' h1 th ('( l Ot tht• Furo· tt i I I I \ }"n i\\11 :t ELLIOTTNTEOXTBEWIENEMKONTA NA ;; tl\'(\ I l utl • 1lc>1l I' ti J1C1ill!S ht'

tc •ding im.•11 ant wo111P11 . I CON FERE NCE FO OTBALL •• ::-iJ·:TCl:\ \\ ilci \11 ma~ Hl t' ' i I • 'I ua' r.n u joi11 11:-- i·n ro1111 .. Hilt :: :t ~\Il'I H t .dt>h \\' o.;;t \I sll•r t>n "' :.~ •• th•· :-Pll r~ '' IP l le ·1 an?-\\ 1t.r1 ·l :-01i.1• 1"e111ral 1uli111 to hn dd1·rmi ,, .. 1 •• STANDING. ···· I s,'\11'1 JI l'nlotwl t'.111t ' uf l ;1rt1·1 I .. n1·J1 th1 h~ kt.L l'rot11 t1Ja1 tim on \\" in·d ha:-: ll"•'ll ri><"eh1'1 ..

latt>r to establi~h an intPrnatioual U \\'t•I . Lost Pd :: I ' Jl1 :: l'n•sltll'llt .I .\l llcmi1111t1 llJl\1 •• lht o:.i1 u .. •' 'h ; lh \\n Ht ,,~1 111 ",'n,f1•t'",',·Jl('t(lt•:1:,dai~~ltf'Cl to ii jn8t f•I l ~ C'ol \g:~if'::; \tf'..~'1'. :.·.: ~.-~ltlll'l(lf,l'it:~)rl1\1~1~~·1.\():1r1)1\\~:·l'r11:.:11~!n,1 ~: Chnn1·1·lh11"·1·lt·<·t l·'. t l·:lliou •• cl~;::~:: ... J~: ·r: :::1:~\:l~(lh~·1·)t11l{'' I Ill " °""' •: wi\l lw unahlP !11 \I il Tlw 'iri •• J111rl' tl1 J.. Hllf' 11'\L lo\I:.; ,o;,·rf' ,.,:",.:"l: 'i;,',l.1,::~ :::'.'.~;~~:' '., ::,i1'.::/·,'1':,1.,~, :: ~:~~h )\ ine' ''.;~:~ ~ ' ~ ~11;·:,~ ~·,\~, "~n) il;:'.:::::.11:,:'.'. r t•~•1:n l. :. o1i> hra111h"' "r t 111• l '11i "'""'' :: "" • "" tlit ' nt""' ""' " "' " ti i• • 1•1•· .\.dda111..-. T lOIMl:-. Fd ~>II mtl :: C C , ·';Utl :: \iauu •• n{ \il1111ani\ lwf111"l' :-;.1at" hn. ·d 1111 \\·~111·•mak1·1· han• al'PJ1tt>d trn\:1\" t! n. (l. ·~:l:~ TAHl-1'.\"{..'1"0' \lonsil•tir nt>.111• a r •• nwt•tinc,. IO \>1• lwl1\ •1 111'1 11.1 !l ·~ull let· t er folio\<'".·. \Yith tWl'lll?- :: M S. C 11·,1·, •• ~. \ ,,- 11\'l\:l· . H111ing- Pa s~ion •• \londay llr Elliott will \t1 1111·~; l'' "' 1 :t ent at this 1HPl'li11~ a1111 ' ' ••



111 w·n kil1 1•cl l'n·r) twf'l tY :: C'olora{lO ltlf"i :: \", Al L.\l ·t-:. !~1 1l 'lur •• ,.·,,_.I tlw 1"ollt•c.t.>s lu~,·1 :: tltutPs, tlky w1·rt' unable~ tu g<·t a

1 l J.. \\"voming onrhtnll:-;:t .. nsor1hou:nndsmanwi: .. · t' _01111 :: \\'Al:ll. F h •:o111ir ••

Pitt' t:·r~ ""'' ind1\"idual :.->1 ort "· J1tn.loro .lor<ensun .• ; , ra11.~un' I 1


Ga1·\"ln . .\ <;.·nun, '· Hht->1 ) .. ~ oO • Senio~-Lesber, 2: Seamans, 6 •

)lilhuru . :; , o~f"nhn1~. Carr

wh11 1·1111ld r·onnP«f with the rln.c:. . 1

. it••I 't l ll>lill'l" Wl'nll·r lH"o·nn, :: l' A .- \l .. 'l',i) lil'lldd:. ol" Ho11111;.;1l:11" •• •• •• :: :1 :: k 101111 II ti • ~ ' I !I :: :: :: :: :: : : :: :: ::

nnl' s1·orP c·ame when ni<' ~on , . '. me for a re" men and u •• ...... :: \\'.-\Hll \\un·t·lla. .... :-.ophomore captain-threw a \ the unic ~as c~ . , • n<l \•nPrg-\·. ir-1 11 n :: :: :: :: :: :1 :: U U •• •• •• •• •• • a:-;ket One field baHl.H h~ ,\11 ,,·c-men "ith <C•ur.igt •1 ·

Page 2: LUME VII. MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY ...In the game did the firtil ~11nrds ('3rr Hea~r>llPY and 0~1·nhrm: lw 1hnJ\\n anotht--r playe1 tende.\ to show how little benertt the that




CALENDAR - JJ l/=so=ci=et=y ===-II

(0UlhTOWth or ~louthly l'"::xponent. Establi~hed January 1. 1895.) I lee. :t Shorthorn-Prep dance.

Dec. 3-Home economics exhibit.

President Hamilton. who attended

tbe Teachers Insutute in Great Falls

Thanksgh-ing we£·k. returned home on



' I For Her Xmas Present I I A Fancy Box F iiied With Deli cious Bungalow Candy - Make Your




I Dec. 3-Shorthorn ~anc~.

L)ec. t 3. Class senes m Basket hall


The \\"<, kly Exponent is strict}:'- a student enterprise. H's chier purpose Dec. 16-Baskelball game: M. S. C. vs.

fs to pre~ent lO its readers. end1 •Vl'E'k, an ac<'urate and complete record or

the dC'\"eloprnents in college affnirs during that period and co exert its influ·

ence for the upbulldlng of )fontona State Colle.~e. The paper is the result of

voluntnrY ef!ort put forlll by the siudems wJ10 compose the staff. I Published every Friday of the college year bY a staff chosen from tbe I

student~ of 1he Montana State College of Agriculture and i\Iecbanic Ans.

of tbP 1·111n~rs!ty of ~lnntana.. Bozeman, 'Montana. ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-1

Enterf'd a~ secoml-clnss Dlflil matter a..t Bozeman, ~!ontn1rn, und('r the Ac-t Of

Congress of March 3. 1879.


Two Dollars Pl?r Year

Rtudellfs b1'c·ouw suh~tribers uptlD payment of the

Ten Cents r-er Copy.

regular actiYity fee.


lffSJ"ESR \!A'.'IAGP:R

MA:-0:.~Gl"r. EDlTOR


CJR('llJ,ATJ0'.'1 MA'.'/ \GER -­




. HAROLD DlCKS0:-0:. '18

.............. R'(lBERT STREE'l'S, '18

CL1NT0"1 G. STRAJ'>AHAN. 'lo



....... EDITH F0\\1LER. '11


.J Gordon Sewe-11. '18. Don Lau~ohr. '17. Henry Murray, '19. Henry

Lorentz, 'HJ. John\\'. Minar. '18. Frank Hogeland, 'UL Curtis Nelson. '19.


Ile<'. 17. F'reshman-Sopbomore Debate.


Coal, Wood Lumber

Kenyon°Noble Lumber Co. 320 West Main St. J

Commercial National Bank

I CAPIL\L STOCK $150.000

I Sl'RPLUS and PROFITS .... $250.000

J. H. BAKER, Cashier.



____ Bo_z_E_M_A_N_._M_o_N_T_A_N_A_. _F_R1_o_A_Y_. _D_Ec_E_M_B_E_R_3_._1_91_s_. ---i I The Candy Gift I GET BUSY, DEBATERS. , "De Luxe" 1

''Lil 1Jw m1·:':t extensiYe th·bating sc-hi?du\e yet attempted by Montana

State <"ollege befor1-:1 1hem. the- college for•>nsic- artists should 1ake gn:.at

in f:'l'est in preparing for the tryout~ for places on the debate squad this

year. The schedule Is by far the most attractive · hnt b~s eYer been offered

to college debatPrs. Jndudin:r t"P good rrips, one to the Unirersity of \\'"yo­

mfng at Laramie and the other t0 Gnnznga ti"niven:it~ at Spokane. "·ash .. anrl

the no~sihi\i1~· t • a t rd to the rn!vr.>rsitr nf Tdaho Tt l\loscow Lhe debaters

will hsn·e much to work for

I 'I he gil't tha l IJl'in"s pleasun· to I 1

you :ind to oliJPrl-l i~ a Lox of i I iie-IH lll s:: i:-:' in~ chncolares. I


l sa1 sl) aud 11Je,n.•e berau~e the) ai·e

made tram pu1 ( \\ hnlesorne ing1 <ti


I \ g11• <> tills krn '" ·pp er< t ·d

I hy. r:'\"~'n·onr.· nn1l i~ rec1 Yed ith


Through I heir work of the past two ~€ 1sons. ~tontann State's athletic

te:ims ha1e won 111aces in the rolleglate athletic circles of the wesL To

ft.rther establish hC'r name on tl1e roll of prominent western colleges Mon­

tana State must impro1e her forensic reputation. It is tnJe that Montana

State d•.·baters labor 1nder a handicap when they meet teams representing

institutions v.hich include in their curriculum& regular courses in argumenta­

tion and oratory. This, however, ta not the true reason why Montana's teams

have not In the past ranked high. That reason lies in the tact that when the

call for debaters bas been sounded, barely enough students respond to make

up the team. The result is that competition I• not keen and those wbo

make the team must get along without reaping the benefit of valuable prac­

tice that refl.ults Crom strong opposition.


Tt is unnecessary to say thnt debating offers valuable training to those

who take an active part in it. A man or woman who has Uie power ot

talking forcibly and comincingly has a great advantage over persons who

haYe equal ::tbHity lo other lines, but who cannot express themselves well.

Or ·rrr,,inf"'rit lr>r•,,rrr i~ rq1otP(I ns saying that "the only man who does not

tind the µower to talk well inYnluable, is a dead man-and. even in his

ens~ there is room for argument."

This 1\inter Montana State needs debaters. more than she eYer needed

' I The Rexal St 're

tl:C'm belore. If _tI.ie college is to make a creditatJlp sbowin!; a:rainst ldaho. ! Extra Heavy, All Wool

North nakrrn, ~ ymmn!:! :ind Gonzaga, every student n-ho has had any ex-

perlf·IH P whaleYer in forensic work or who has any lnciination along that 1 l •

liTH' Tl)ll~' <'nme. nllt whPn lhe ~all is i~sued. Freshmen especially who baYe I Canadian auy 11a1uial alnlit~ should Legm work in their first year and ihen, should

the~· fail to win a pla~e on th: first team this season. they will have the 1 Mackinaws ad\:lnt. gf• of the expenence garned when the tryouts are held next year. I t

The tillPHi<iI~ which ~ill be debated in ~e tryout on December 18 and also J

in the debate Wlth the North Dakota Aggies on January 12, is: "Resolved.1 t

That the Federal Government Should Own a.nd Operate the Telephone and 1

Car Be Found Only At

Telegraph Systems." I Wa I sh 's Now ie the time to •tart gather.Ing material a.nd gettlng the arguments


Miss Josephine Kountz of the junior

f'lass is ill with la grlppe.

~fyrtle Kuhns and Opal Locher en­

tertained a number of their friends

most delightfully Th11rsday eYeoing.

Delicious refreshments were served..

The guests were Mary Danielson, Al­

berta Borthwick F.AStella Milnor

Gl:iclys Ritz. lrene Abrahamson. Ruby

B.odgs.kiss. Ursula Hodgskiss.

McCone. Beulah HallPr and


Alice I


Hedwig and ~1ar:ha Lehfeldt spent

Thanlrngiving at their home in Broacl­

,;ew They returned to colle?e Sun·


About 70 students sreut lhe Thanks­

at home. returninir to l"C'lllege fhP earl;•

part of the week.

1\[:Je l\lyers. a1ie o' last year·s gradu­

ates. who spent her Thanks~ivin.I?" va­

cation '\"\ith Bozeman friends. returned

to her home in Billings Sunda3·.

J:melle and He.en Lund rPtnrnerl

.Monday from their home in Tbree

Forks. Grace Mclver spent her

Thanl\s~iving vacation with them

Miss .Alberta Borthwick left Tues·

da)· for Reeds Point to assist :;\!is~

Jensen wlth a shnn. c.ourse

1Hrs. Herrick returned 1ast °"~erlues­

dfly from Greart Falls, where ~he at·

tf'nded th€" Teachers' lnstitute. She

prPsi.dr>d over thP s<hnol mistresse'"'


FTirlay eYenine the Faculty C:i d

f'111b was enterti.iined at rhe home nf

Prof. ::tnd "'.\Yrs. Richtf'r. The basis

am1 lio~tessf'-s of thf' eYening were Mr.

anct Mr~. Rirhter !\lr. and ).Jr~. Conk

Jin~ :>.Ir. and ?\lrs. Sw w, ;\Jr. and )frs.

Parks, !\fr. Gephardt an<l ).lr. l\Iorris.

Frirtay eYening tbe young ladies of

Hamiltou Hall Z<.tve tbe1r annual

Thanksgh·ing- danC"e in the drill ball

The hall was elabor.itely decorated for

The Bungalow


! You will want some nice flowers t for CHRISTMAS t I

I Better order early at J

ILANGOHR'S I 315 Tracy Avenue S . Phone 95'A

i I

i I I I

I ' ' I


A. G. McKEY The Printer ~


Montana State College of Agricultul'\ and Mechanic Arts

Pra. tical courses in Civil. Electri<"al and Mechanical

l~n!!.ineer ng, ~Iechanic Arts, Agriculture. Dairy. Horti­

cultural. Home Econonncs. Inclustr1al Chemistry

Ecooomh: Iliology ~Ius1c and Art.

Beaut ful grounds. commodious tuilding:s- "omplete

wood and iron shop~. extensl\e laboratories, m0del

kitchen und sewing rooms, music aud art studio


I the occasion with the Hall flo\\er and

colors, yellow and white <"hrysanthe· 1 mums. A reception was held before l the dance. lhose receiYing the guests College Bovs I DR.

were Mrs. Herrick ~Ylollie Allan. A.met- J I [ W, E. MOXLEY,


ia Stanley, Ruth Sweat. Enna Lessel. ONLY FIRST CLASS '

Alberta Borthwick and Lulu CheBtnut. !! l '.\Iusic was furnisheJ by Chisholm's or. BARBER WORK

chestra. Light refreshmenrs were I 1 done at our shop. Try our

served duril1g the eYenin.g, and a most new sblne artist.

en,ioyable time was bad by all those 11..---------------'•l'l I-------------

OHlce-Golden Rule Block.

Phone-Office 97 W.

Residence, 601 W.


!\liss Adelald~ Sh1nley~ who apent l do the best Heatlr.g and Ph

the past v.·eek visiting her siste1·

Amelia and friends at Hamilton hnll.

left Wednesday for Livingston. where

she will visit before returning to her

home in Great .Falls.

A number of spreads have been

given this week for the old c.olle~e

I girls who hare eome baek to visit. ,

I Saturday e\"enin~ after the play Ada

Beer~te<'her and Plu1th Fowler gave a

spread for ::\fae i\lyer~ and Adelaide

l Stnnley. The gnet">ts were Lulu Chest-

nut. Amelia Stanley, Ruth Sweat, Jean­

ette KellPY. Ethel Mie·wald, ltlae 1\fy-

Thelen & Hanley ! Livery, Saddle Horses and Auto I

For Hire.

Phone 57. Bozeman.



ing jobs in town. If you \'\-a nt

best. see D. H. BUDD CO.

Central A•enue.

Phone 300 J.

Dr. W. C. Dawes,


Martin Block

Bozeman Mo

_, -----------1 NEW MEN ADDED TO THE STAFF. 1 L SYSTEM CLOTHES 1 •>fR and .\delairte Rtan!ey.

t Stetson Shoes and Stetson Hats Lucien BPnepe entertained a num-

Kn.yRers Christmas Hues or silk

horse and silk underwear all in

now, an1l ready t'or your holillaY


'This weel\ se\"eral additions to the staff nppear. Arter nearly three

months· work. during which they have been given an opportunity to demon­

strate t.ht'ir ability. v.illingness to work. and depeudabllity several new men

who hnve bt'L'n trying out for staff posiUons. have been added to the H::;t~

Some. who, bt'c;.rnse or a late start or on account of other reasons have not

been ahle w JH:>Tform the required ammmt of work. will be given further

opporrnnity to prove their worth.

Another <-ilanie:e that bas been marte in the staff i!=; llwt o[ shifting Clinton

G. Stranahan from bis: posi1ion as ~port writer to the place of a~soriate

editor left ,.:)(':lilt hy thP retir12>mPnt of .1 D. Kelley from work on t.he paper.

Mr 1\Pllpy wa~ oue of the mo!'.t ca1mble men on the suiff. and it is regretteil

that oth~r wmk l'c>quires his alteutiou. His place wm be <'apablv filler1 bv

.Mr Srrnnahan who ha~ performed the duties ot' the position i~ a mo~·t

cr,..dltahlC' mnuner rluriug lbe last two months. Pred Bullock will fill tbe

posirion of ~11on w1·iter. He bns handled ;.111 the work of this department

rinring th1" la~t ft?w werks anr1 has \.·learly demonstrated his ability to care for

1hat hrun('h of the news.

Tht> nrlwr llPW men wlw ha\ (.l prOYPd the-ir a11titude for the work aull

"h<1 b.a\'f' lkH1 :....h·11n staff posit ons orP nonal<l Lnn!:!:ohr, Henrr Utunay,

HPtt ~ ! f'.r ·lllZ .. lnl1 n ". :\finn C 11 t1g :'\Pl!."on and Frank Hogeland.

PLENTY OF SLEEP. Tho~ t• \'lo C"omp!ain tlHH lltt:'.' u111 ·t

\1 11) "' 1,1~·lt-.; h,~i::_ dail 11 h ir l .t nut~ t• Ol!t of :->let'\I hei..·an~P n!

ability to do wilhout sleep. R(•l\lPmbr>r.1 11 ' c!Jflil nil..::;;. or 11Jeir s111die \'ill

... l ,.., n;::. 1! lOt.1" l nil t iat l1r~) \' dl cconomizt lint•

slN:'n, thot_ ~h.'(~p is life lt~elf A mnn ! 1',,_..,,L,( tu:. hi..~ ~rnp.,,r a1111111n1 nl l'f"·I


.~ •l If ,'l[}C}i'D 'I t"' \ I - I 0 t ·O!l l ,\ .... fn furn I ~ ~\ iours r

d:i)~ I! nP Ji1e t t>ll "' 1 <1 ll:-\·1011 ut..·:-~ to he> Ua.r ThP

e-i i ,. (d or "J.*C>r Sdenu~ts tell -.rro Jt 1,f ~1 e11wakes1!Jp} 111


lS t'

( 1n1r l•t""'\<'nila~:..:.\\ h· ~l Pl<' IP:-: IH• stndetH to \I•

"' \O It I

t "

" t ln

I !t lu ~ \ >rl rnn• efi'idt;'lltb Lttliau.

·mu ''nJ1 ly I I St r1t<Ut

t l ~i.r ch :-';11l~r-t;-m~tu ...

1 t·1111 10 \·it.1.IJr\· 1


Pr .!' \ :" ) OU llet: I

L l lier uf his friencl::i nt dinner Thanksgiv.

-------------~ i11g. Covers were laid for ten.

I 1.

I 11l tl!P t'_V/;."~.

r··~·I It.


Shows u::; the error of refraction

f'hsses we make c·or.

' I

I H. A. Pt:ase & Co. I Jewelers ar.d Optometrist ..

I The Hallmark Store. I

Misses ,\larie Stadler. Marsa. Riddell

and Dorothy 1\Illls returned Sunday

from thefr homes in Helena, wherP

they spent the Thanksgiving rec<'~~.

J<~t ta Kirb)• entertained her friends

Friday evening al a spread. 'T'he reast

having com from home. Her guests

were Dorothy Diebarth, Ruth toble,

H:lthel Ditty, Mary Danielson. l\fiss Mc­

Kinney, Beulah Haller. Ruby Hollgs­

kiss. Myrtle Kuhns, Aliee McCone.

Mary Creel. Opal Lo<'hei '1Pd 11~tt~


~lr ~nrl Mrs. A. \\~ R't Iller enter­

Pntert.~ined a Dumber O[ their (•·ir·w:ls

ac an elnbornte Tha.nks.civing lfin1wr

CoYers were laid For fourtet>n. Prt:"si­

dent Hamilton. l\lr. nud '.\1ris. '\!"'l'ih B.ll!l

family, \fr Currier, Mr ;inti ~T~·~.

f'onkling- and family, anct 'fls~ '• rrnn

I..Rs~el were present.

\1u1i;-~:m to oe paiufull)'

short of breH th.

.\11 I hr '' orld's n. film and <ill Uw

U1H1 a11ll "omen mPre tllmy.

\\.liy cl1wsn·r some honehead com.

!•:'.Ill,\ .!:!:l"t 011t u non·skid Urn.in '.J I :'<h·.... Flapr1oollte reJlOt"ts that sht' J

~ an l·X!Jf'll:s.i\ f new gown trimmed : I \1 11 h \ertnin.

\\ill sonwho<l:v kinrlly tell us what I I h:t:-; lwr·c.me of nur friPn11 (;('11era1 I :-;np1·1t1an·s .:m:.dysis of war?

The new effects are extnm1e1_,


Ka~-sers silk hosf'. ~1.25. $1 ;)0

and $1.75.

In plain color:;; and t<inn· pat·


Kaysers Knic.·kerlJockers, $2 !:").

Ladit'.'S blnck silk knickerlnx.:ke.~

in all sizes.

F'mhroidered silk ,·ests ~~.50.

!\.ayi:::.ers silk vests, daint~ rm­

brnlderiedyokes in pink and whi e

~ilk union suit3. $2.2:=i,

1\.1.1.y~wrs Neveltiau silk uniou

sui1s in white antl pink.

I Ors. Davidson &. Cook,


I Trail Creek C

I Bear Wood

46 E H Frank Kylff I,

1 F-hone 326.

Use A Conklin . ... ~lf fillin~ Pt'n, au1l .vou will Ii{· 11sn1 tip 1:1 ,.;l (iilh ~ tr~rnt11ed

•mtl up at

Roechers Drug S torr

Page 3: LUME VII. MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY ...In the game did the firtil ~11nrds ('3rr Hea~r>llPY and 0~1·nhrm: lw 1hnJ\\n anotht--r playe1 tende.\ to show how little benertt the that



nual J'(•pon HIH.


• Just Received A Lot

! I/ College Notes /J

1 B W Whitlock of the State Gram

f la~ra~ry, spentThanksgiving with

II bis parents lo Wichita. Kansas. \Yhile

away be officiated as groomsman at

his r..lst~r·s wedding.

NORRIS. Experimf"ntal orµn;" die-m­


OYID. \If· amor)Jhc;:-.ps ~<lired hy '\

(' Brook..,

PATTERSO:O-:. Am erican Pchwa ional


Isn't It Remarkable rhat the hoy!-' at :\I. S. l we.if> !"o quick hi finding ou

l litl lilt' t t>:-

l'IllLAl>ELl'l!IA 111 REA!" o~· Hi<;".

ll"A \"$ A:'\11 STREET <'LEA::-11:'\G

II khway~ HI 11.

in town to buy a s11i1 nr on ... n·oat or have the oh! su 1 rn .. <lf' lit:\\ ,, a:,< al

or ne" neck\\l·ar tor tb1~ bolida) :-;.

I 'ou 'll 51 +• t lw t·lai-.stest lHJD('h of

.\lrM J H . .Tahnk~. assistant in the

State Grain Laboratory was in Harlem PHILLIPS. BePk<'e11ini; .

familiar J SADTLER.

things. Chf'mistry



railroac1 ('OJ'

th·:- !:"\ t·r HhO\\ n in Bozeman It you

l:ist Monrlny sealing alfalfa seed rais­

ed by Dr "-'i11iams. Dr \\'illlams

Ta!ses only pure Grimm ~eed. and

bas heen in~pected by re1>resentatives

of the Seed Growers' association and

ls being sold ns registf>red ~ee<l


SAl'SSl"RK wasp~.

HANK'& ED. of Ameri<"an I =====F=A=C=U=L=T=Y=N=O=T=E=S======= ==========::------- ..:...:..:...:========

SC'H\\'l·:DT:\1 AX . .\XO E:\IEH'l .\c:ci- Prof Th<.lle1· was absent from c·lass-

drop In at I "ii" de111 1•rPH·nt.ii 1 :ind rC'liE>f. J ~·s las~ ~lonclay. duc w an attal'k 01

ErnC'~t '.\fmris or tltt" A~rnnnmy ih~- SCOTT. Influencing mcm in hu.,.ii:ti::s. hr.i i..:.rip.

I &t1.?.fl0:;f..~1: ~= partment ii:; In CalifPrnia ~njoying the SC'OT'I Psycholcg:y of adYertl:>i11g .\li"s Harkir:s' domf'stic i-;<'if'll<'P C'Jas~

e.xpositions. He e\'.11e<'1s to bf' ~one SCOTT Tlit·or~· anf! prat·lil·t· ot ad lws wnrki·rl out n number of plans

unti1 January 1. for motif'! i'h'P-room ho111ses. and last

~ ••. ...... .· llH·r:«!1n l ston· ar:c ~l'\11'1 ... \ · 11 I 1·1" I \f)C'k pror1·ssor Pleh spoke to lhe

C . • . .Arnett, head of the Animal g-c•o;..:r;q1ll:f' c·o1ulitions. dasi-; Critisizi11g thoi.r plans from an

Husbnndry department Is in Hoston ~)llTll Harteria in rPlatinn 0 1 u: 1rd1iTP<·tinal 11oin1 01 vit•w.

I Clotbee I on business B'lld will not return until di"l'<t.S!•s. Pf'an l~khfl"' had !ht~ grip last \\'f>f 1.;

th middle of thP month. SeLLIYAX. Amerkan Uusine!-·s law and wai-; absent frnm sp\·t·ral da~l"t·~

BOOKS-~c~LLEGE LiBRARY ~\~n~,~~n a~:~~~:. or manuta.cture ot The so11homon• girh; rPportPd P\ ·ry

lt.•1.·rnre n( tlw Yoc·atio11al con~n·ss 01 :4"i'lll•:;..;11\)I lndui and 1h1l w;11·

\II >I I.TO'\.

'fil l.lhr;1 ~) or IH ra ·y C' ·it!· J TA Yl..OH.. Ui~1 .. stinn and nit·tahnlism.

11ast WPt•k for the stale p:1pprs.

TA YT.OR. Shop mcrn:ig-c·men

r!I0''·\8 \'\II ~IIJl..:Lll$ Care and

t·oder National Bank o! Gallatin


.\I l HHAY Forei!;n 111 1 u·~ of ~ir Ed.

cl l~ e,· 191)f.-l!'ll6. 1raining of J'O!lcrs and Jllh:Pl~

Tht· lntPnu111rnu1111

n~kecl pPrmis~iou to J>11hlii-;h a r1·1·

~11rin1? flora of inrermoun· Tll<B!PSO:'.\' Railway lil.Jrar) Ill! I maclp by ,\Ii~~ ~d1wallw or tlw F·1g-!i

1r. state~.

College Students a Speclalty. ·11· .. FHSFY 1:QAHn Or' l'rBLIC


l. ~. CF:~Srs Hl"REAl. Indian 11011· dPpartmPut a1 111~ Tf":tf'lwrs \s.;;:oc· a

111ation ol i-. ~- and .\la::-ku. I tinn nw,Ning in C-n ·u Falls la~1 Wt.:t>

~ CF:X~1·s nr1n:.\l" Sta1J,;.ti<·al The report Wa!'. llliltlP flll lhE:' r lue (

!~~11~1~\l i. thef1ngeraoft;1·'left 2. Spread the .acc"thc 3, l ~e~ place yo•1r two

hnnd hold paper, cc~ d l l;,th >f 1i·e pa 1el",ma1 - t 1umb· lPxt to ea. other

- rerf' vet b"'c:cn.pi ur i ... ·• •' tJl• llo...w in In the middle oft, paper

•v1th t r "'ht ha d. t )e nt e, !! 1)osition.

r lil HT

h 11"' r


.l lt.

i-;0SJ 4. Roll c1ga""c le on lower

i ncet ..,, ·~lex fingers m.ov-

1 ''lg u1.:. Vt th thumbs gc"'l• ly t -c edge of paper ovel" thti ~o. acco. ~ rr1c1 h , 1 r O\\·n

·t:1 "Bull"'

HAM~ 5. Shape the cigarette br

TOBAC( 0 rolling it with the thumbo

Al! ovc: • world m'-n of energy

and action are rollmg "Bull" into ciga­

rette:;. Probably not one of these mil­

lions of 1nen 'rolled his own" success­

t illy 't the first tria! There"s a knack

·11 it ''rolln.g your o"'n" is an art -

l::ut ' JU cr.n learn it "f you will follow

t~ - d!<1g,.ar11s . \:.eep at it for a few

u. ; < nd you II soon be able to make

io1 ,.,rn,·i~ to ouil r;our ou·n taste, the

,;rr, ,r ,t, l·ve liest, mildest smoke in

,~ \ ir.rJ.

Q 1

}1! l J 1

1 "1, TTiade of "bright" Virginia-

Nort1 Cl" 1 1 If" lf. has a mello\•·-sweetness

that- . r 1qt 8f1J un ar01na that is unusu­

ally pleasing.

Start nrolling your

own"with "Bull' Dur­ha1 ,, t. ,Jay and you "II

never again be satis­fied with any other kind of a cigarette.

A •k f-:Jr FREE packaKe of "papers,. with

each Sc sack


a• you draw them apart.

6. HoJd the cigarette in

your' right hand, with edge

f paper slightly project .. ing, and

7. With the tip of your

tongue rnoiaten the project·

ing edge of the paper.

8 . Cloae ends o f cigarette

by t witting the paper . The

cigarette is now r eady to amoke.

. ·:---~ .if.:'""-. . . ,< ' . •' . , • · '~-! . . .

Klassy Kicks and Cll"ALJTY FOOTWgAR ror

College Men and Women

Reed~s Bootery

<Continued Oil Pa~e 4) I thP hi~lory nr Eng]h-)11 Literature l1

al .1~ 11f l S :11 1. •Jw hig-h ~d1nol stu1 1 nts of \!011 ~111.1

l'i. ("":'\>'1 ~ lll"RI··.~ 1· ~

d~I t a111l taxa iou ~l13 STUDENTS GIVE UNIQUE PLEDGE.

~- l ():\l\f :-.~!():\ nx l:'.\'fH STR 1 \LI

H~ \TIO:\". l 1t:1•orl \\. Un ·nmliP re• c \

r S, ~A.\"AL. COLLJ,:lil·~ lnU·rnation.

11 L.1\\ TOJlirs )nil Oisr·u~~inn~

\\"FS.T Rf Jli1 t on Colorado ~t iJ;:,•

\YILTW z1.·,;,;FR


u 11 lly })} ( I

('I l If ()r I!

1 I Iii J h


Ill 11

,, rom1~1· madt

of 1hi: flni

p· f1\. Ill •o(c]

o I · s ll

l N Hr uni! n j t lh'P


Bozeman Lodge of Elks Staging Eu.

gene Quaw's Musical Comedy


The earl n Y llo\\, •a m11s1l'a ('om

€~'.'-· n •wo ts. hook lvr '5 nn.· w 1-

~1c by I· 1g1ne Qi:1v., 11 •11 LI\

its rlr$t presentation ln !lOZPffi3n 11PXt

:\fo:Hlay 11nd Tuesdav. Dec 6 :J.nd i

under the a11~11kes and for the ben<'

fit of the nozeman Et 1·s. Thi~ is the

(i " 101" '\ 11' r 1 •, II\ i

ed o t IP

nl '" rheorf'•

t ,d, Ill~ \\ho

"owlu 11Jerl::.::P

s.tl d nts 01 111 l \'C ~ y tha

I:" r t 1H \ lt\ t ll• H OJ 1 P Ol 0: l 01

I hP,.a,1 til) ackn wlf'dge tl1e obJlga1 ion

I s.1 all (lWe th~ ltr>•e. The opportunitv

open to me here fo1 securing- training

ideal~. and \ 1sion"' for I .. e J df• ·ply

appre<1atp and rer~rd as sacred trust

111 r l: \ )I~ Ll,...e 01\ honor tl1a

• t shall h1· my < t•e 11) cherished pu

•O::;e to rt.'ntle1 a~ Uouu1 .rnl rrturn to

f0urtb pro<lnn.on of Eu"'ene Quaw'" ht.• Ult tin Jie 11lc and h~ir posterity

ihat lias brPn given in this city, thP 111 ol.i hf l anti ,ff it""Ilt devotion to l~e

former ~how~ being "The SwJ>oet Pea l"Orr.ILon ~ood h.;." •e n. my power

-r ·I .• " "The Tulip :\laid." and ~wt:d I ~t. shall .ti~ th1~ 11m n .my life t.o labor I PPa L!'!.nd." eat·h of them play ng 101· th<' h1~he:-.t good and glory of an

lhree ni .. ht.;;: to packed houses. Thi~ t\eu ifft:ater t'nmmo1n\ealth.' .

new· show outclasse~ it~ predH·e~--ors The so11homorl!s of Oregon Aggies 1

in en:r:r 11artirnlar; there are more ha\e d(>C"icle-cl ~11 : a \"-nee~ ~nd. coat

<·atdn· ~011 gs, more eJaboratf> costnmc:s ~'' Pal1•r for tlw1r cla ·s d1stmctwn

and ~orr e-orJ?"POll!' scene5>. and a la'"g- No Drinking at Yale.

er rompany "Tt.e Girl in Yellow'' The w:rn < on1wct icut liquor law

haA pla•ed all n·er tLe ~tate with phe- whil'h wt:Ut in10 efh'ct ~ovember 1.

nnmen.tl sucre<:.S, m Rillinl?s, Lewis- torl>ids l lubs o ~Pn f lh1uor '

to'' n, 'Lin' Citv Li\ ing~ton and other/ mmor... I J11s ha1 s llH· b' mg ot al-I

\Toniana towns. Cilpa('it~ .. houses ~,eet- 1oh1 1..• '•''t"'a.:t~ lJy nli. stu1leuc

ing each perforniance soC'iettes at Yale, and the unh ersit) I

\.sslst nl'!' the Fl ks fn the produc- "Ol \•or Hhlll h. t> !Jt't ·~ so notified L' J

t 1 a lnrgr company of 60 local 1 lt" leF;.il ad\ 1s1•1 ....

\"Orit~~- inclndin~ Blanrhp YPr'.!Py I The Ta-11 .... F-r-es_h_m_a-n.-

SitiPth. :\f'!'i<kllnf' Phillips. f'nmille \Ye a~ked clw Tall Fre::.hman what

(;arnifl'l', (:pne '•Yf' .J11mp. :\fldgc f'l!ne, ~ 1 pillOll of )H n,} ~!(.'kS \\aS. rtnd


R·n· Hollowav Tom Quaw, .Tr· Roy P ~.li~l 01 , ilidn't irn< ,, dH)'thing al.Jout

Ki~ster Cari ~"idener .Toe Comer. 1 ·~·olo!.. ,.

Frank Boedecker, Chester Roerher, "" · ·

• ind n chorus of the to""ll's most pop-

!. 11lRr young peo11le. The Elk~ are mak.

ing e,·pry effc•rt to make fh1s 11rod11<"· 1

tion edtn~e ::rn'.'-· pre\'iou~ local talent

affair and no expen~e is being spflred

in the matter of costumes. scenery.

n<l PlPrtriral effects.

I ..\mong the catC'hY ~on~s in the Eohcnv

are the fo1lowinj;?:· "Pettiroat Lane,

I "l\fy Amerlrnn Rc·auty Rose." ··"'on't

You Hesitate \\Ith Me?" "Railroad

Love," "The Kiss "'altz." "The Girl ~

n the Gingham r.own." "St•rllght,"

and "Keer It Dark" all de11t1ned to

beromP popular among the rollP.c:e



I I i

Seats ;1rf' now nn .. salp at the Gal·

atin Drug store and are going like

10t cake~. so nncloubtedly "ThP Girl

n YPll0\1,·" will i-;c·on· as ~reat a hit

as she has elsewhere The price~ are

$1.00. 75<' anrl fiOc.


\rictor Cotner, l'aptatn Quintet.

I of the 1915-16 \I




Post Office News Stand


\\·}1r>n iu JH·t·d of an~ tm1f>1•rln l wol'k I lt'I an a ·1 st <lo it Yon "111 fi1111

fht>m ar 1hE:> l•"'..\SHJOX J.:~\B.BER I ! ~1101• a11<l fL'T!I l'Ol">'E II

" ::;;;~~:~";~;;;"·;... I, I I I

Do your Xmas shoplng eany

Watches In Gold, Goll

Silver cases. ~50. dow~

Rings, many styles, $1.0() up.


Cut Flowers



Tracy Greenhouses

p ----~1


Extra wear. Solid comtnrt· l!otyle

-all combined In Dr A.. Reed"•

Cushion Sole shot."' Reasons-bet

ter materlale, a soft felt cuebJon .

Thimbl£·s in Gold and S!lver 35c

and up.

I Expert deslgnera.



Lockets, Chains and Charms in

Gold and Gold Filled. J. H. Harr:s ~ (o. i

BETTER 8HOE3. I ~latch Doxes. Scarf Pins. Emblum

Buttons, Fobs in ma.ny patterns

( uff Lili ks and Broaches, 50c to The Central Studio $10 ..

All Work Guaranteed

Fountain Pins, $1.25 to UO. ALFRED SCHLECHTEllo, FROP.

M. S. C. jewelery n pins. stick

pins, hat pins and rings broaC'l1es.

~ouciner s110ons.

Chains !or ladles or Gents $1.00

to ~35.00

I Fransbam Coal co. I THE T H REE BEST COALS. I

Get a Coui:.ty Scale Ticket w!tb

La Vall!ers in gold $2. to $40 . every ocder.

PHONE 251> : I I

Leslie E. 6age Phone 253 _J

With Your Next Order of groceries try a pound of our special blend 35c coffee

Its sure to win a plaC'e in your home.


Phone 88

227 West Main

--George Bartz, Prop.--P• omvt Of\U't'el")'

Bell Pbt•Le 88


for barbering is at the Neves Shop.

We are ec uipped to

produce portraits

I :

I Nothing but

employed first-class workme1l


tha t are right and our long experience Is back of every picture we make. I I

Special paid

to students. F RE D HI NMAN


.,(,:..,.. us ~11. T\ ',/") y ou .:.: ~ our sple'Y\.did ~

C}i,.j-;tma'.s displo/-

Gallatin Drug Co.

Ma nager


DOLLA RS. I \•d doll.1rs make rlche•,-;t's •"

in a s)i-;lematlc- }·.tving 01 a ('ertair•

!Will \\(•(>kl)

-~ 'c l'k"' u $3.\ iug at m:1 h.111k

I will p.h·t· you a better .;:;ta:•~!lo! \.110~•

;;~ "l'eks oI ::;pendi11g.

Try it and see.

Gc:llatln Trust& Savings B<lnk.





'I I



SE1iety Razor s

AS LOW AS ~;}('-OT!- ER5 FRO 1 81 0 DO IT NOW-SEE

AND \.;P



EugenP <.lua w ·11 \\'liose Play ··T lw

t.irl Ydo\' \\'i.11 ..\p1war

'.\'ext '1onilay jowENHOUSE



Page 4: LUME VII. MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY ...In the game did the firtil ~11nrds ('3rr Hea~r>llPY and 0~1·nhrm: lw 1hnJ\\n anotht--r playe1 tende.\ to show how little benertt the that

'\Some Speed"

The :;indent hody for thl" mus1 pa r t. Ganin rc. 1 a r t': batk in t1rnt d ornwnt sta~f' agnin . 1

T he attendanrP n 1 the C'luss fl.Pries is S.hf'1'n rot ten.


Len J<'or war rl


Rl,glll Gua r d

\i TuE'sdilY·~ garnet- then• were Left Guard

Ki ng-

C'h rif'.tensen


Bor ton

! about hnlf a dozPn -.;t11tlf'nt::;. from P:ldi • J f T l as nrn1 .·Jo.":. :.1,·1~5 is sure :1 w!Jlrl wiud. T ry o ur s peed and quality. c•h)SS. This is pi t iful T h e gc\ll1t>l:.' a n : S11 b;;Lil\lll'-loa ~_: _:nr Es S fast an d w€'11 worth :-:eei u ~. bu! the \ ('O\ l eg1~ l r osl1 called to s pend th e I COLLEGE PR students ;1ct lik e a b11tl('h.ol l.Hfh1.mk~

P\ f'ning wilh ll i ~ gi r l n ot l ong ago. A 1

1 c c HOLT P ropri etor I nnd takf' abo111 a~ mud1 \Ill Pl P::t OFFIC E--Co \ege Club H ouse · · ' ---- _ _ ~-ror111 t'i!llle np an ~ t h e gi r ~'s. fa ther '--------------·----------- I ;:~l<Pd hi111 to_ remmn nYCr 111,ght. H_e 11 ~ .\ I \Vpctnesd:1~-·~ ~<llllP 11!1 n· "l-'l't

-----··---- ---, t"lg-hr Junior:-. Jll"t;>Sf'llt \\"ltrU d'yn•· wit:;; a lrnshful you n g man <tn d nexll

Extraordinary 'I think or i hnt ., Tiiesd;i\· 1h ·rP \\"l'l'P morn in~'' hf'u hr wag in,·i ted to a seat f t six peop le lef! the.· hall w il t n t lH• ni !h t• ta ble IH' Ye r y reluctan tly ac· J

I · · tif' Thi~ i .. 1111 ,., 1tlcPinblt> tt'Pll'd lie sttt ~'lpposite the mirror I ~:c.1r~~;:1~ a el. np' . ' • :n1d rlisl'O\ e r ecl th<H be bad forgotten I





BOYS- T ake a peek at our worderfuf assortment of useful gifls .

The Hub Ed. and Lou How ard, Proprietors

W alk-Over Shoes Stetson Hats 111

e ,..., p

1 tool,· 1 <Ill"· ~:;s t·;.:~:~,:l r~:!s t l~~ti :-'100:~ ·::11:1 :~o~~:~:~)~~

11 The j11nla r~ f;)YorltP~

l ;;~~~:n~1 t~";:;m";'.'.1 1~~~r~e;~,~:I ~'.:~:.i';,~ '.,:.::,ii,':.::,::• 1~~·,~•\::is"c~:~:e >u~i~tt~1:: -----11 ihP genior gnmr Thi~ gJnm!' had tlw ,.<'1111.!! m;111 q11i1 f'ati112'. and \HIL big -==============================



1 , ffP<·t of ('ouqil1;1fely up$rltlng 11H' h uch- 111Hh~r 1lw tohle 1'l1 e loosr I , . 1 r· t 11 .J oJ 1hl' tnhll~ l'lolll was lyin g ;u t j elope on the enlll'l' ~pnes for t le irs hi l:1p :rnd whp11 h~ to11C"hed H hf' f


Room l, Micb.lgan Bldg

Te{cphone 453.

OR. W. E . DEAN,

Osteopathic Phys'l'elan

Michigan Bldg.

Bozeman, Mont.


Xmas Photos

.--------------; Tlw \o:-;er~ 1, 1 !ht• rir::;t 1foy':-. l..'."-1nU .. '"' shirt and in h is nenous exd1ement

! !two days. nnn1.M pale. !I P tlw11.d11 it "as h is I iurnPd Hro\md nut! wallopi~d 1lw win· wl111e tlrp;jsing he- ba r! forgotten tn CO U GH PREVENTION


ners ne-xt da:'- This wa~ ''X\H•i·l1•(! put t he ~an1H~n 1 inside 11 is trouser s. wlwn t he fre!'lrnwti beat lhl' si..•uior!'. ThP r t' was no 1itnl."' to lnsE:'. !Te h11r- I hn i the snrpri~e r·amP wlwn Tlw i:;opllo 1·;,,~lly s1uff('d 1he ~npposecl i;.;hi n in · I


Me• be• t i he jllnim» <i·l•' his 11·011ser•. T w n m inu te• lo t e r w!u .. n !lw ramilr <.ll'OSP from rhe rn- '!

ir th~ reet are kept warm and Thf' rp::1n l t ol (h is wa:: lh111 1•:w lt hit• then~ wa:-; a1 1 aw fu l c r ct.:-:t h . T h i.:" ten m hn d a pen·euwge of :111n and ,q..,h 1 ·~ lcn in " \wok en mass on the

d r:io it will ;.;a a long way toward I (·a<'h tenm waf:. hiH'k when· it ... rn.nP rl fl; ell' Th<' yo11ne: man pu lled three 1

pri'\·1..· n{illg ilw (•ough~ an d (;olds from . f1·t'I 11f 1:1hJf)(·l ot ll nu l ( lf hi ::- trou :::.ens ind l'i<-d for the door H e is. no w I

Sna1•11 se rook a f;tll 0111 d Or•·c:nn hirlinu. anti r h e gi rl is looki ng- fo r a l I ,1 g~ies, 28 to 0.

slwt>- and will ket>p tne reet ro m l

1\rnt :l l"l" ~n 11reval1•u1 :11 11n!~~"'tlt

'' ~ lw\t' 1h ... lit;·h1 o\er~hoes an d

rnlilwr::; t lrn l will fi t al most any

11':--~ ha)o:hfn l hwe r.-Rper·ial ,, 'I



Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet


;i.oo down and ~l.00 a week. Sale begins Saturday, Nov 27th,

D. D. SMITH tt1Ht \(1mnt.ain Scene1·y make

I fOl'Tahle. I

I J :\h~n::. aud Womens sLzea

! ___________ _

I ~GHl1~~B~a~~~ve~~~ ~ I ~ 1 I ~~·~::;;Ison Co.


• I Ceretana Means Quality I I N F~OU R il.N D ROLLE D OAT S- T RY THEM TODil.Y I

Milling Con,pany ! Th..: B ozema n

, ,iurn GocHl Form­

"\fake Your Own Cigarelles \l :.lim t~ If' tlli' l>lO~t ITili«al ~lllOkt' f" ~ prefe r

111 r1 t he i r (p·11rile toliau·o in pure, li g l1L thin, 1.1, t ·I .. , Ri z La Crn i\: ' ' pap1·r,:· ) ou mav u ~e anr lohan·o tlu t i\llits \our ta~L1·- liut )11u ·rmi sl '"'' I{·,- Lt <:roi\: .. l''lJ;en.;·· if \Oil want the best r '«ttf, ., .ind t l11• pHtlesl satisj(1~· 1io11,

Rl'Z LA+. ~ Prm1otm1•1•tl: h El:.1 . \ ll · Kll<>Y)

, \ IC ll;.. Clk\HET'i E P \PERS It ) /,ir lilt' t·J ... l l":'l l pa pl'r:- to roll

\ ottt 1 l~<tn·th::-- w1 h -tht•\ an· ... o t I• m. :--1 run:_!. :--li.ipab lt~ a 11~ 1 n 1 ur:•lh ·i.l h e ~ n t'.

t'ur ll ' and pi-rt~ 1·t ' I 11 1II•'-11~111 fl > b..,' lt .·111 tit· il11teh ;t-.1 ti. ........ _ .

\ H l l"fl jO) i'11 ,· ptt re d ' ' nr and r 1:.! l : 1 un~ of 111 tr t ob..l t 'l'O.

H 1.1. La Cn 1i' r1· 111.1 d P l r om


( :iml i~ .... l.•



~ \• ii•,.. gu

A Sol id Ration. "Thi• pig-~:· sail1 1ht"" ;.1grie11l111rnl

tn•shm<Hl. ··an• f1:•tl on c·e1111->n-t lh:mrs."

I il!I \\.1• \i.110\\ Of i!;llll" l'•lllSl'ltl"lt•d I• lnt111lrecl1h 11art n a ~1·l·ond 1u l;.1m 'II :-..; i

ti t't<I '\ '(){ ll\ \\ l!Pl"f'


1 litth• or no tilliP 1lmt haH' ~l\'Pl\ al ' .1 l1·a~1 .~· .. 1,\IOll.tHlll wartl1 ol ::-:.ntisla(·lhiH 11


11 no ~·o:-; t a1 al l -----· >"1 11 "'

t Ir It'!! I• \ ut:l1l

l 1IJI "t• I ll~ljlt~ I.Iii I, 1

\\Olll1ll h ~··1·011d~

jp l'ldt\ 11!1 .1. I \ If 1 ! ~

111 d L\ I ,l 'I' 11 I"

S1ipl!omor e- ·No. and neitl11•r <lo ) ou. .f •mior Sure. I 110, hold 1h 1• !lam

mt~r with Uoth lrn n i\~

. . ;"'fl"t1 101s ''t:"l'f· l1oru !or I,;'1" t '111 1hi 11 g-s.

;-;oph '' Prt horn f111· :--mnll ~111 i1 is uot re<'orde rl \\'11~ l·'rP~h l {'s wer e born at all.

--- -+

I Sch ool s pirit. does nu t co11a• 111 h11t tie•.

1-ihe Gallatin Lumber Co. j i Head411aner:s tm Lhe famous OWL CREEK and PEERLESS BEAR I I ~REEK COALS.~Your trade will hP a11JirPl'it"11•,

L pos ite Court House Phone 20. I


No, Philburt, I am not a-arguing with you. I'm just a-telling you

-when you want a real smoke, get behind a pipeful of Tuxedo and watch all the big and little Worries that have been a-besieging you evacuate thei r trenches and make a rush in' advance t~ the rear. Those fragrant whiffs of " Tux" make them feel too joyful - no sclf­respe cting \Verry can stand for that.

G1 cJ The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette

The combination of the best smoking-tobacco leaf in the world and _the best method ever discovered for refining and mellowing tobacco put Tuxedo in a class by itself.

Kentucky's ripest , mildest Burley leaf, when treated by the ori<Ti11r1 / "Tuxedo Process" loses every trace of bite-develops a wont.lerful!y pleasing fragran ce and fl avor thal are not found in any other tobacco.

No other manufacturer knows the " Tu xedo P rocess" ; th at' s why no imitator ever equals Tuxet.lo I YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Ct11n c·11ie n 1, g-ln:;~ine wrapp"d . S 111()1 , tulf··µrot'f pout·h . . C

Faumu:i gret:11 1i 11 w it h gold 1 Oc le ttering, C!ll'\t!d to fi1 poi.: ket

I n T 1n N 1tmt.l ou , 4tJc arid b'Or Jn Glris.r Jlum 1.lr'H'J , iC'c .ll:./ 9(1t

THI! .\\ll!~IC\ '\ T iltt .\ C(o C'Q .\l l":\.\r
