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Lundgren,Wittensten& Co. Bring.your BatteryDahlgren's absence. r Jule Christianson, of Fairdale,...

Date post: 02-Feb-2021
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kif<~ f I |5WM "•*.t> As, 'J •I' ,?l | ANDERSON PURCHASES T^ GARAGE AT ALVARADO Emil Anderson is now established as proprietor of the Alvnrado Garage, etock, tools and fixtures of which were purchased last Friday from Peter Melin of whom he-has also leased a I modern garage building for a period of years._ With his family, Mr. An-J derson left the first of the week to' make his home at that point, ship- j ping his household - effects by truck. J Emil while with Sunsdahl & Andei-j eon at Stephen, gained considerable prestige thruout the district as a skilled auto, mechanic, and Alvarado'- autoists will find him a thoroughly capable and dependable workman in this line. Stephen friends of the j family, while regretting their depart- ure from the community; wish them continued success in their new loca- tion.—Stephen Messenger. » The Bidwell-Rice Trio will enter-' tain at the second Lyceum Course number to be given this season Fri- day evening, Nov. 24th, at the high' school auditorium. This is a musical number which will please everyone, j The Ladies" Aid of the Norwegians Lutheran Church will hold their an-' nual sale and supper Thursday, Nov, 23, at the former Star theatre. Serv- ing will begin at 5:30. Come and eatj Norwegian lutefisk and lefse. j Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Malm and sons; Lewis Larson, Hannah, MaynarcL and j Willie Larson, Mrs. Hilden and Mrs.! L. Sands visited at the Hans Larson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete .Melin r Mr. and Mrs, A. Nystrom and son attended services in the Nyskoga church Sun- day, when Rev. J. M. Persenius de- livered his farewell address. Rev. and Mrs. Persenius departed for Min- neapolis Monday, where the Reverend has accepted a new charge. M.rs. W. Frykholm was a village caller Tuesday. . # Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Olson and family moved out to Nels ^Johnson's farm Tuesday, recently vacated by Walter Sands and family. ' Esther Peterson is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. John Nystrom in Vega. Mrs. Brekke called at the home of Mrs. Agnettea Sands Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Olson, daugh- ters Lucille and Ruby and M. O. John- son were guests to supper at the P. C. Sorenson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkin Iverson and daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Olson Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Martin Larson called on Mrs. Axel Peterson Tuesday. Mrs'. Axel Peterson called on Mrs. Oscar L. Olson Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkin Iverson call- ed at the August Nyblawd home Sun- day evening. Mrs. Oscar M. Olson called at the Christianson home Tuesday. • The choir of the Norwegian Luth- eran church will meet for practise next Monday evening. Miss Amy Brunzell has been "em- ployed as dressmaker at the J. E. Olson home. Miss Hulda Lundin of Sandsville, is assisting at the M. A. Strandberg home. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Victor»Edman on the birth of a bouncing baby boy Friday, Nov. 17. Mrs. Anna Bergman was a Higdem visitor a few days last week. Anton Freegard and Joe Vixie au- toed to Grand Forks last Friday. Mrs. A. P. Palm and Mrs. Flatos called on Mrs. Peter Swanson Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ei Dahlgren and Melvin Olson autoed to Gonvick last Friday morning where they visited at the A. W. 'Neujhar home, returning Monday evening. Nurse Hilma Palm attended Mrs. Victor Edman at the home sOf Mrs. Agnettea Sands in the village Satur- day and Sunday. Elmer Bjorklund was in charge of the Olson Mercantile during -Mr, Olson's absence on a hunting trip. . < Vernon Fering celebrated his four- teenth birthday last Tuesday evening when hg entertained a number of his friends at his home. Anton Hill returned from Minne- apolis last week- where he has been conducting a series of mission services. Harriet Olson, Delia Dahlgren, Alys Markuson and Raymond Johnson «pent Sunday evening with Elmer Sor- enson. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Peterson vis- ited at the H. Godenius home Sunday afternoon. '. -.-* Harold Christianson boarded the train for Fordville Monday morning Tiaving spent the week-encLat his par- ental home here. i% ~- ' - - ' _ , Mrs. Westberg, of Vega, spent'Mon- day with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Ny- Wad. . - " Alfred Iverson assisted at the Swanson-store last Thursday. Mrs. Jens Modin, x>f Higdem called at the C. O. Olson home Friday after-' noon. tg *^s, i^J&r ' -*"&~ Miss Ollie Ivers^atsisiid Mrs? W. E. Malm a few days last week. W. C. Sands was a business caller in Warren one day last week. "Vj Mrs. N. Markuson, Alys and Albert Markuson spent Sunday afternoon r ax the-Osear M. Olson home. * ;•* J. Jacobson was down from Thief River Falls on business between trains Monday. - Walter "C. Sands has sold his farm South of the village to Nels Johnson of Warren and will leave this week with his family for Montana. Mrs. M. Larson called on Mrs. C. O. Olson last Thursday afternoon. Mr. K. J. Moe and son Otto left for the Twin Cities Monday where Otto will again seek medical aid. Miss Christine Thompson returned^ to her duties at the Oberg farm., last Wednesday after having, spent, a week at her home in the village. " ' Mrs. W. F. Malm and son Ervin were passengers to Warren Monday evening where Ervin had some dental work done. Miss Watkins, Adelia, Doris and Vivian Dalilgren called on Mrs.M. A. Strandberg Sunday afternoon. Those- who attended the Literary program given by the High School pupils Friday afternoon enjoyed them- selves very, much and were especially pleased with the humorous dialogue 'Engaging a Servant," given-by the Junior girls. Dr. Blegen made professional calls in the village last Friday and Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jalmer Dagoberg of Vega called at the A. Hill and P. Dagoberg homes Thursday. Miss Willo Johnson is employed at the F» E. Dahlgren home during Mrs. Dahlgren's absence. r Jule Christianson, of Fairdale, was, a business caller in the village Mon- day. *• Mrs. Oscar L. Olson and daughters called on Mrs. Jalmer Skoglund Fri- day afternoon. Hans T. Larson autoed to the Sathre home in Big^ Woods Monday by truck. James Porten was a Grand Forks, visitor »last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Strandberg of \tfarren, who has been visiting at the home of her son, M. A. Strandberg, left for Bloom- wood last Thursday where she visited at the Strandberg home there." Miss Anna Thompson has been vis- iting with Emma Obepgr of Sandsville, the past week. Miss Watkins, Adelia Chester, Vi- vian and Doris Dahlgren were enter- tained to supper at the* C. O. Olson home Sunday evening. Miss Ruby Rykken of Melstone, Montana, formerly of Higdem. will arrive this week and will make her homo with her sister. Mrs. Franz Holter. in Halvor. Signe Modin left for her home in Higdem Tuesday afternoon, having as- sisted at the C. O. Olson home for some time. Alfred Backstrom and Marvin Sands «spent Sunday afternoon with Gladys Olson. Mrs. David Johnson, of Vega, was a visitor in the village Monday. The Young Peoples Society of the" home this week , Mr. and Mrs. Pete Melin autoed to Warren Saturday. Mrs. £jlu.t Carlson" visited with-her village *.., friends Tuesday - between trains..- - ^ - . , ' Mrs. I. N.' Lodoen called at the B. Christianson home Sunday afternoon. _. Olive Sands is assisting at the post- office. - Miss Lena Nelson left Wednesday, morning for Larimore, N. Dak., where she will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Swanson. Miss Hulda Nelson arrived Satur- day from Warren where she ppentf a few- days visiting with friends. - * Norwegian church,will give a Thanks- giving program Thursday . evening, Nov. 30. Mi's.'Jens'Modin is visiting atjthe Nels Tennis home' near Oslo for.n lew days this week. - •> ,>"? Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Aure, of Hig- dem, are visiting at the Henry Sands .^JforwesUui liStfcenui Cfcarek •fa**; gf 8. J. BRSKET Pastor 5^£L • Evening service' in -the-Norse lan- guage at 7:30. " "' S*~ Sunday - school, in, the morning at 11 ;00. V - ^M Wf$ $^ f Kindly remember the annual supper and sale tonight. Morning services in Kongsvinger at 11:<M>: '*- « " »-T The annual business meeting of-the church -\rflf be held Friday, Nov. 24th. Beginning at 11:00. •»••••*••«>•» •••••• •• j SANDSVILLE <£% - Misses Esther and Ruth Lundeen called on the Misses Emma Farstad and Ethel .Drinkwine, Monday after- noon. \1^ ~*g- ' \-^^-r^- _ Miss "Emma Farstad' recently re- turned to her home from Grand Forks where *she was employed for some- time. . . , Miss Huldah Lundeen left last week for Alvarado where shell be employ- ed at the M. A. Strandberg home. ~ Miss Elfrieda Lundeen returned to . g? her home^Monday from theJ^aCPB^^ ' Hospital^;-:" * " * " - ~~&%?&&$ ^ Miss Ida Dahlberg spent the week '^ end at Grand Forks. « ,.*:\^ vm*. StwcdlHh Latkcr»a-Chvreb-«f Alvarado JOSEPH C. MATTSON. P«ator Next Sunday Bible class at 9:30. Sunday School at 10:30. Morning service at Elim at 11. Evening service, Swedish, at Al- varado at 7:30. Thursday afternoon Mrs. C. J. Pear- son will be hostess to the Bloomwood Ladies' Aid. ' Saturday the catechumens meet at 10. ' . r ' V . A week from Wednesday or Nov.~ 29th, Mrs. Peter Nordlund will be hostess to the Elim W. H. & F. M.' Society. If you are - not a member come along and join... You are cor-! dially welcome. _ j In the evening of the 29th the Elim Y. P. S. meet at the ehurch. - j Thanksgiving day morning service at Elim ,at 11. Offering for North Star College. * Choir practice Monday evenings.- Welcome to the services and meet- ings of this pastorate. ' " '' Swedlah Baptist Chorea. HJAL.MAR MOSSBERG, Pastor. Vega Sunday school at 10:30 "A. M.. ser- vices at 11:30 A. M. t Alvarado Sunday school at 11 A. M. and ser- vices at 7:30 P. M. Rev. A. Oman,, of Seattle, Wasjj., a former missionary of the Red River Valley,, will- speak morning and even- ing. ' •'••:•••;-•—- .-• On' Nov. 30, Thanksgiving Day. will be an all day meeting in the. Vega church. Rev. C. E. Bergfaulk of Cam- bridge and^Rev. O. A. _ Lundin, will be the speakers. Dinner will be served. Everybody welcome. ?l K Valley National Farm Loan Association— Farm Loans made through 'The Federal Land Bank of St. Paul, Minn. AUG. A. JOHNSON Warren National Bank Secretary-Treasurer Warren, Minnesota X SKALMAN Funeral director and licensed embalmer. Auto hearse in con- nection. Phone Nd.KJ6-J,'War r ren, Minn. ^ ^ f # f | P p p l » «£ Bring.your Battery in for winter storage to an experienced man. - .— Overhauling cars will be done at a low price during ^ the winter months.; We specialize on ignition, r All work guaranteed. « - Anderson Bros., Props, v Alvarado , - .,^ v ' ; - < -^Minn. New Improved Ball Bearing Cream Separator with the * latest Oiling System. In the Primrose there are two -. Wide open CreamOutlets No possibility of cream crowding back into the skim milk.. This is worth looking up before buy- ing. On our floor is car- ried sample machines. Call and see them. Lundgren,Wittensten& Co. * Headquarters for Implements Nj <& j) A J i i i ¥ i • i MENTHOL COUCH DROPS for ncse ana throat Rive Quick ReJ ; e f . * GoldCrown ^'^J^^j^v-' -^.i -C.^ ..< ^ >£. ^,. *^m We wish to announce that we are ready to '^rvethe public with Flour,: Graham Mqur, Whole .Wheat Flour 5 Cereals^ Rye Mow, Bran and Shorts? etc^ Every sack of pur Patent Flour goes,;x)ut withfeaji iron dad guarantee. Farmers, bring in your wheat aiid exchange fortiour. •M*,'u 1 ^^^SfcSasst- Farmers Mill andpaevatpr Company r.4 ^M w , V fr "e"*ff EQUIPMENT Automatic windahleld wiper. Rcar-vicwmirror., Beaded radiator. Heater. Courtesy light. Jeweled eight-day clock. Cowl ventilator. Thief-proof tranamiMrion lock. Rain visor. Qpalescent corner lights. Massive head- lights. Artistic coach lamps. Four doors that •wing wide open. Bunple automatic window nits raise or lower plate-glass windows. - - The pride which a former generation found in Studebaker equipage is modernized in the Special-Six Sedan. This Sedan is built in Studebajker plants, under highest standards of manufacture—the use of the finest materials and most skillful workmanship. ,; Its fascinating lines are enhanced by artistic paneling, coach lamps and massive headlights. The interior is finished in ex- quisite taste. There is inviting depth to the nine-inch cushions and a fine harmonizing of upholstery and-carpeting. The thorough dependability of the Special-Six with its flexibility, quick acceleration and ample power, carries the endorsement of many thousands of owners. The four-bearing crankshaft, seven-inch frame with five cross-members, sub-frame supporting the motor and.separate omit transmission, rear axle shaft of special alloy steel—these and other Special-Six improvements, add greatly to motoring 'satisfaction. * \ . , / CV r - 4 ^:^f:-- '^~ The Special-Six Sedan well upholds the Studebaker 70-year reputation for business integrity and genuine value. •J* - "*• J sT MODBLS AND PRICKS-/, o. b. imetorimm - LIQHT-SIX 3-Pam.,nrW.B. 40 H. P. Coupa-Soadster (a-Pass.). 8PECIAL-SIX 5-Past., Itr W. B. S0H.P. Touring. Roadster ,- _(2Pass,) BfiradrtTf <4-PSM.> Coupo(44Na») 8sduB _n~apanon 1375 X875 30S0 BIG-SIX^ r.fw*.:ti6rw.B. 60 H. P. Touring. (4-Pass.) Conpe(4-Paas ) Coupe (5-Pass.) Heoan (Special)-!!! arm r/.y^ Non-Skid Cord Tit—, Front mad R—r, Stmndmrd Bquipmmnt «Si 0 I4J B E K T WABUEN. MINN.
  • kiff Higdem called at the C. O. Olson home Friday after-' noon. tg * ^ s , i^J&r ' -*"&~

    Miss Ollie Ivers^ats is i id Mrs? W. E. Malm a few days last week.

    W. C. Sands was a business caller in Warren one day last week. "Vj

    Mrs. N. Markuson, Alys and Albert Markuson spent Sunday afternoon rax the-Osear M. Olson home. * ;•*

    J. Jacobson was down from Thief River Falls on business between trains Monday. - Walter "C. Sands has sold his farm South of the village to Nels Johnson of Warren and will leave this week with his family for Montana.

    Mrs. M. Larson called on Mrs. C. O. Olson last Thursday afternoon.

    Mr. K. J. Moe and son Otto left for the Twin Cities Monday where Otto will again seek medical aid.

    Miss Christine Thompson returned^ to her duties at the Oberg farm., last Wednesday after having, spent, a week at her home in the village. " '

    Mrs. W. F. Malm and son Ervin were passengers to Warren Monday evening where Ervin had some dental work done.

    Miss Watkins, Adelia, Doris and Vivian Dalilgren called on Mrs.M. A. Strandberg Sunday afternoon.

    Those- who attended the Literary program given by the High School pupils Friday afternoon enjoyed them-selves very, much and were especially pleased with the humorous dialogue 'Engaging a Servant," given-by the Junior girls.

    Dr. Blegen made professional calls in the village last Friday and Satur-day.

    Mr. and Mrs. Jalmer Dagoberg of Vega called at the A. Hill and P. Dagoberg homes Thursday.

    Miss Willo Johnson is employed at the F» E. Dahlgren home during Mrs. Dahlgren's absence. r

    Jule Christianson, of Fairdale, was, a business caller in the village Mon-day. *•

    Mrs. Oscar L. Olson and daughters called on Mrs. Jalmer Skoglund Fri-day afternoon.

    Hans T. Larson autoed to the Sathre home in Big^ Woods Monday by truck.

    James Porten was a Grand Forks, visitor »last Friday and Saturday.

    Mrs. Strandberg of \tfarren, who has been visiting at the home of her son, M. A. Strandberg, left for Bloom-wood last Thursday where she visited at the Strandberg home there."

    Miss Anna Thompson has been vis-iting with Emma Obepgr of Sandsville, the past week.

    Miss Watkins, Adelia Chester, Vi-vian and Doris Dahlgren were enter-tained to supper at the* C. O. Olson home Sunday evening.

    Miss Ruby Rykken of Melstone, Montana, formerly of Higdem. will arrive this week and will make her homo with her sister. Mrs. Franz Holter. in Halvor.

    Signe Modin left for her home in Higdem Tuesday afternoon, having as-sisted at the C. O. Olson home for some time.

    Alfred Backstrom and Marvin Sands «spent Sunday afternoon with Gladys Olson.

    Mrs. David Johnson, of Vega, was a visitor in the village Monday.

    The Young Peoples Society of the"

    home this week , Mr. and Mrs. Pete Melin autoed to Warren Saturday.

    Mrs. £jlu.t Carlson" visited with-her village *.., friends Tuesday - between trains..- — - ^ - . , '

    Mrs. I. N.' Lodoen called at the B. Christianson home Sunday afternoon. _. Olive Sands is assisting at the post-office. - Miss Lena Nelson left Wednesday, morning for Larimore, N. Dak., where she will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Swanson.

    Miss Hulda Nelson arrived Satur-day from Warren where she ppentf a few- days visiting with friends. - *

    Norwegian church,will give a Thanks-giving program Thursday . evening, Nov. 30.

    Mi's.'Jens'Modin is visiting atjthe Nels Tennis home' near Oslo for.n lew days this week. - •> ,>"?

    Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Aure, of Hig-dem, are visiting at the Henry Sands

    .^JforwesUui liStfcenui Cfcarek •fa**; gf 8. J. B R S K E T Pastor 5 ^ £ L • Evening service' in -the-Norse lan-guage at 7:30. " "' S*~

    Sunday - school, in, the morning at 11 ;00. V - ^M Wf$ $^fV£

    Kindly remember the annual supper and sale tonight.

    Morning services in Kongsvinger at 11:: '*- « " »-T

    The annual business meeting of-the

    church -\rflf be held Friday, Nov. 24th. Beginning at 11:00.

    • » • • • • * • • « > • » • • • • • • • • j SANDSVILLE
