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M. HELLMAN CO; CLOTHIERS! · M. HELLMAN & CO; CLOTHIERS! Q31 t BBQ rarnliAin St Oor XStla am...

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:) . M. HELLMAN & CO; CLOTHIERS! Q31 t BBQ rarnliAin St Oor XStla am ofltirlng (hi greatwt indujmnli in tha purchtM of aXiCCT-IKIIiTQ- - -lSriD GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS ! TUBY MST SELL WINTER -- AND MARKED DOWN TO SUIT THE PRESENT IIAWD T1MK9. jOA.LL SOON BEFORE IS EXQAUSTBD. ala-odl- y M. tho asriti.oxi.4i COAL AND' Mining Company, r " Of Otluasswa, low), r Haveopqned anofflcot 2121-- 2 FruhraBt., Onmlia. for tlie salo of their celebrated Coal. JMrSpeclal Ilato (or Car LoU." . aeplOmC Wheeler & Wilton HIGHEST PREMIUM, LOOK STXVO 3EC, Rotating Sook SEWING MACHINE. NEAM.Y A MILLION IN USE, Oua Hundred Thousand more than any othor Family Machine. Machine finding, Oneida silk. John Clark A Co.' spool coltonand linen throdQ constantly on baud, Ot'FICES-.-lS- li Stato St., Chicago, and fill 14th St., Omaha. C. W. KIXOELY, Local Agent. o'i Sin Ghas, L, & Geo. Krutli, XaTtreinoTcd fromBJS lstb utrwt, to their NEW STORE, 507 Douglaa HtrecU Curuer 134b. Thankful for pat fiiror,, ami hoping for oullnuance of Mm uiiic, we'wonM linlto our old IrlrnJi tociinn to our nw atoreand tco a. We hjife laid In a Urgo atuok uf imported 1IQU0KS AND CIGAHS Wa aliall inaVe upcclaUjr of tuppljrlng pri- vate famlllea during tlin bolliay. dlttiojl 3Q.-7t7'X3J'- 3EX3aX3cXT -D- KALER IN Fruits, Confectionery, CIOARS AND TOBACCO. HE corner Farubaui end EloTenlh atreeti, tMAUA, - - NKURABKA. tip2o Ij Farn?ers, Read This! .. n... tIm where tou can get tM u '"..u."ii.a. AlronlMil moat for jour H.HD x'"" 3E O --N" AndttTeTEN -- R CENT. jVJI. ALXBN, Norlhcaatcor. 15th and Xo..l !, Omaha. ept24wly t T , . AkVortl lo 'Traia'.l.'.' Tfcharea toar fW " avirt facltte lUllrovl. It waa h "pioneer . ' imnrorementa that ui i..i. win. ii. li- - iwun tiiado durlpith. vt , w be--Vi .i... ii.. Mi.tnii.Tii.if Inn rallrood ha tne iwat track and tbeBnctaiid .?tPu3" Dl UT llnoweatot lli oiilr line which run three dallr P'i,t,l" of flno coache and Tullman aleeper. 4UlfP with the Miller platform and the patjnt U , tote from leading, polnta In the Wet, through to M. Kanaaa Cltr, Bodalla nd Jf U)u!5 without change, connecting at St. lula wlthele-endluerf- nt through routee toajolnt north, cut and ouh. Wo thanie of earafrora Oiuhato8t.U.ulaTi tblawub. tnfoVwatlon, with map. tliMUf!i'M-- f " be had at the ThrongU Ticket" Hta-tlo- In the Wcat. or upon Prap.nal or written application toO. II. Baxter, WMtwn Pauen-a- ir Agent, Karniaa City, Uo.. or L. A. iord Oeneral l'aiiaenger Agent, Bt, Ixiuli; Uo. 1r ' JbularrMlon TuralUK Cheap Varnta lii outhweal MlMonrl - i The Atlantlo A PaclDo railroad company l.iOO.OOO are of land In Central -- ind Boutbwea. Mlaaourl, at from liTp f II pw wu ouaeteojreara'tliu., with b trani,iorUtlon Iroui St. LouU to all purchaser. CtlmaU. oll. timber, tulutral wealth, ichooU, tiuueka and lawbldluiocltylnlt. emigrant from all to tUI. Uod of Irult nd fl ower. or Urticular., adlre A. Tuck, a.C0""- - JTohm- - UmU. M "Jekwodtl Th Stale Executive Cdinmltteo hat t wade GRANGE arraugeiuenl with 1. lUYMXi, no, afn. Third at , tt.. Loula, who la au excellent engraver aud reliable SEALS gentleman, to make 13 acala for grange nf P. it. at the luwcat rw.ilM rate, tlranar In olbr htaUt tlcalrtng vlthduhl addreSir liayne, for aaaipl.il A l'i ice. SallaNctlou guaranteed. OBSTACLEStoMARRIAGE. Hppy lUllef for Voung Men irom nl Error aud Abuea In ntrly life. Manhood mterod. IuiH.xllunu o Mantag ruiora. Now metuod 01 iroatuicoi. .a "" ableremrtHa- - Uooka and circular aoul Ire, laaallenel0w. 'Addreaa, UOwAHD A8-- SOCIATION, No. 1 South Ninth St., Phllad!-ul- a. I1., au Inatllutlou Iwlug a high rcpu- - Kllq lor uouontihe cuiiuui. n ft.""" ran)4 Cut akt! Plaaae .Bead attention to our lUperlorfa- - cUuTm dul" all kln JVftS10' ai iHuvanli-tro- u work on building., of aay prSnJl?y .uirlnlfud each and amy piece ol work done lu our MiahlUhment. Cafcbrata! u,n'2r lU.ld.no, Howl, Hoarding and ltaiUarant. Plea call aniiaxaniina u. , tiODDAKD KAU. FF THEIR IMMENSE- - THMIIt STOOK STOCK, HATE - THE PRICES SE.LXilC4.XT ft CO. G c r lSnaVBZiab H MOHDMBITS, T0MB8T0HE8, c, auoMdlya GEO. II. FITCIIETT, Carriage Painter, 88 HrBejt,bet. 18th k 14th, (tand oppoelU "Cheokwad Barn." Trimmlog and Repairing done at ahart notice, coud-han- d Buggle bought and told. TlO-do- in STEAM ENGINE OOMFANT, SUCCESSORS TO HALL BROS.. Manulactaran of Xzifiln X I Mining u Mill MMhlatrr, Italldlxir. 0,l2tt,. and all kind xxi.o3ar 7ctoxi.se:. Corner Nlnlb and Nlohola Street!. EDMUND DUTTON, Civil Engineer & Surveyor, Will make SURVEYS, MAPS, and retrace OOVKIINMCNT LIKES. tabllah loat wctluu corner, lay out TOWN SITES and do general mrveylng. AJiJrca, Omaha, or.leaTO order at the City Eogtnear' Office. - w lornciAi.. SPECIAL . ORDINANCE-N- O. !67. LForUajrliigaifeclal tax for the aonthmetlon of a aldewalk. Occtiom 1. That the aeferal aum let to the lullowltg ilMcrlbed prmle, to wltt ST l'.,.....,3iJ.,J,. va0'iJrM nJfl- - SRlS : ; : : ; 1 n i : : i " i I ?r S3SsHS8gsasH2 I ac ra 5 RJ A0- - V JSKa JB. 5i 9 o- - 1.S1 a..MT! iu a ' .w. :.- - H3.3I5 ha-!hauM- l)ng III eoala aud xpei)oa, ipprerea by the City Council, lorionatructlugtlt ilewak tu front of aud adjoining d jreuile, by the Street Cominlaaloutr, In .purauanco of a by thla 'Oiuncll, and alter the failure o( be ownera tUari-o- t ( do the name, after due uotlce, be and tho aame ar hereby reaputlTclr levied aud aaMaicd agaluat eatn cf aald lota, irta of lot, ao prenilae payable to the Cfly Trtr whla thirty (30) day from thla dle. Sec, 2. Thla ordinance iball Uk effect How and after It paiaagc. l'aa.Jl)CV.0lb, 1873. l (Signed) J. a. OIBSON, Prcaldent City Council. Attcal l Jo. M. McCUNC, City Clerk. My E. V. KtrTO, puy City Clerk. Aaarvrad D. 3lat, 1978. (Signed) J. H. OIiS()N, ja'i.Jt Acting Mayor. CENTRAL CLOTHING STORE? 1M FARNHAM STREET, M. JAQQ91I baa a laraj aortanot of Clothing, Hat. Cap, Ac, widen ba will Mil at pttc. to i lt bla toutrt. uauanuate. dlSK ooiviivr.aajF.oiu!VXj. OMAHA WHOLBSALE MARKET. UHAHi, DC. 30, 1873. For detailed conJillon at MukU d ( tall Price., eo local columns. BUTTK AND KUIII. Clwtce labl liuttcr. 25n27 Oood firkin....... BP, pw it CUtlSX. S.w York Factory, per lb u,,.i1 Western Rasmva, er lb ..., VYwtoia aHlry, V' lb 1112 corriK. 0. Q. J live SiS4 Coat Rio - Illo, cholo m ltlO 00 a BSOSU. ......... .... CAHDLM. ur 19 PorapMn.. 84a 83 Tallow - 10li VBVIT. noli . 4 Hal 0 T .4..M. IK 14 ui uiwwaif lv alalna, layers, par box. naw... 5 t Dried current. Zanta, now.. H Dried apple, Mutern.. tall unea rorria 41 DrUd pitted charrlc 39 Paaehe, pared, nw M23 a Peache, unpsred, nw (halve). t10 Turkish prune nw. ............. IS run. Cod 8 ah, George bank y, Wackeral, Mo. 1, K bbll 18 Malt 0 " lit. 2 OOaJ 00 Whit Flh " K bbl. .. T 007 SO " " kit - 1 03 tO akardl.M K box, pr cat. .... 19 00 ii ii ..... 14 00 FLOOR AHDMKAt. Flonr, winter, V bbl 10 00 do do V MCkM......M..M. 6 (0 io Vtbrtikit doj 2 00UAJ Ml do bolted............... 1 Ibl M do do plain.--.. .... 1 (i Braa, per ton 10 00 OaUIlT. Wheat, choleo milling 60 do No 2 .. M Corn MaJJ Oat, In bulk -- ... - H38 Buok wheat. - raovmom. Met pork V bbl 14 00 llama, plain, V lb llama, V lb., augar cured - Bacon clear aide V lb ..... Shoulder V lb - Dried beef, plain . lUOAB. Patent out loaf - Cruahed - Aeoiio ....... t ...MM.....MMM...M IXUI.III.HM.I4IHH..I Hew Or lean . 4Bl0 artcK. Pepper, per lb.... too AUiplce. per lb.. 21 Caul, per lb.. 43 Mutmag, Ha 1.. 1 0 ii ii j 1 20 CIotm ;...... at otttu Oarbon.....MM m...mmm...mm.mm.m. 20 Unaeed, raw to do boiled . S3 Lard, Mo. 1..........m.............km. Benne 80 Weat Va Lubruatlng Oil............ 40 FUh OH.. .............. 1 00 TurpeoUae raiNT. Whit Laad, Btrictlr pure-...- .. 12alS do do fancy brand -- . tall do Xlno, pun French 1416 do do do American 12al4 do da fancy brand - 812 Bed Lead, pure Amrlcaa..... J814 Putty, la bladder......, 440 ALT. Coamperlb.....,...,, 10 10 Flna M......M...M , ...... W Dairy, with bag . 7f dairy, without bag.....-......- ... 480 TAi Youag Hyaon, common........... Ma SO do do fair . 65a 78 do do good 73a s& da do prim. 85 93 do do cholca...,-.- ... ..... 05al 03 do do extra choice....... 1 Rial 30 Imperial, auperlor to fine 7a80 do extra to cholo - 1 101 IS Gunpowder, auperlor to tine...... SSal 00 do extra to cholo 1 43a 1 SO Japan Natural Leei.une to extra fine. -- . - 7071 Japan Natural Lmt, fin to . 10130 ObOlOat. h4 aaaia JapaattUtnralUi.. 9095 Oolong, lair to gem . 063 Oolong, good to prljB...-.....- ... 8380 uoJOBf. aaua.. UYtTOCK. Natlr ahlpplnf itaan. 44W Natlr buteBK' ataek ...... 8Ua4 Hog, on foot, V lb Slaeep, W lb... - "li Cadre, LalBb..,..,,f.ntttittlMMMiiMit V lb.grou HaUVV BBOWM HUEKTIM. Pacific extra...... 12 DwIghtW Atlantic 11 n HuBolk u BLKACllEDaOODS. YorkMUU 18 I Lonewlale..-.- .. WamautU ...... IT I Amoakeog . CBACKXR... Soda... e; Butter Of Bo ton 11 MO Sugar 11 Plcnle 0i XJCB. Carolina... Rangoon... 8i1 ggtitrrvi Fin eut chewlaaj, aU OOal 00 i;noico... 7( a V0 Medium, 70 Common SO Flui.nal 80 IlalllirUht... 60a TO Dark naTy......,M.,wM...M 80 una, haje, a Lima, i bbl... 002M 0raant.Ullc...... SOOaS 23 do Loulavllle 1008 SO Plaater, Grand Raplda 4 00 Hair, par bale of 40 lb . t 00a3 23 Oreen butcher. mm & ureen an. . ..........,... Qreen call... ........... ............m. 12 Dry ltnt.................. 18al8 Dry Salt - 12al8 Branded, 10 per cant, oil, daaa- -' d8iKdo ruaa. aaaixalo .mww,whm,mw,,tiw. aOOalOOO do ihoa robe ...... I 003 60 Der, dry, par lb In hair........ 80 awlllaK I 00a 2 26 CAMMKD OOOD. Peache, S lb. per caae 6 10 BUawberrl do ....... I SOaS On Tomatoe do m.m I76a4 00 Lima Beans do 6 SO GraanConi do .....m....... I 008 SO Cot Oysters do ............... t 133 23 car aoosa raiHTt. Lowell... 9 Amoaki :oc... w a l. - LaOnuon Muurnioi . Merrlmao D.. ' 11 Bpragu ..... . wamutta....M..Mw.......M..n.. KAIL. lOd to tOA, par kag...mm So" 00 a no 6 B2 8d do tttlt SCO M do 8 15 M do S00 Id flna blue do ,8 00 Wrought nail per 100 lb 6 SO M flnlahlng nalla, ptr 100 lb... 603 do do do do... 6 CO 10 do do do uo... 6 B0 bbl do do do.... 7 CO Iloraa nail Northwealern.per lb 21S0 Burden's bore ihoaa, per keg... 7 80 ale mul do do ... ' 8 60 COJLV BAXD AMD 0t. niaubur. f Blafkamltni....u... f 20 00 PltUburg Black (Blaskamlth).. IS 00 Fort Scott. 10 00 Anthracite.. 20 (X Iowa.. 8 00 Wyoming, 12 CO Miaaoun 00 IXOUAHI. Jirtxoru a LaneaaUr. Ktttlc, rn. eholc.......... 810 Country, aholr, par lb............. 79 F. Co., Toodi cJ4dfM 1413 Haaaa randarM'................ WH OAM. at. AR.No. lPalni.M...............M 8.3K do No 1 BaWaaa.................. I X,I pitva...........'...-- . Toll1. Money. p groM.,..,... doCaatll. par IbT. , 1100 raiuiiy pu........ Qtrnian Hatttod. - UOX AatD arraaO, Iron.coumonbar par lb,...., da round aatd puar do hur. aho bar do hoop and light band call Cat ktatL Aaaarlcan 1022 aa VnaUaa. ...... A BltoUr (tal luarioan Garaaaa 4J,plpw and prlng.. I2ata! alonrayi raaa, Muon......ra SCAaMM. ru. THE NECROLOGY OF 1873. A Notable Death Boll. Tlio death-rol- l of tho ya.ir just closed includes thu iniiiica of many torona who ncqulted dittlnctinn lu their Ecveral wnlks of life. Litera- ture loat Lord Lyttoti (I3ulr.r)t ai a novelist, noet, drum ntist, and stttteiamti ; Freucrich Lud wig, Gcorg von Haunter, one of tho most eminent of German historian; Count Alexntidor Mauzoni, tho ceU bratad Italian toot Hit:f novelist; John It. Thompson, of tho Evening Pott, a Southern author of nute-bo- li lum fame; John ltomeyn liroadhoad, author of a "History of the Stato of New York;" Florence Itibax, Vaiio zuelnn Consul at Now York, a man of uncommon literary attainments; Wolfgang Menzcl, a noteworthy Ger- man writer; Amcdoe S. D. Thierry, historian of tho ancient Gauls ; Mansfield Tracy Walworth, a popu- lar novelist, slain by U hou ; Col. James F. Mclinc, author of n vindi- cation of Mary Queen of Scott?, in answer to Mr. Froudc; Carollno Chescbro', whoso rare mental endow- ments placed her in tho first rank of American novelists; the Hon. Wil-lar- d Phillips, author of an important work on political oconomy; Louis Gaylord Clark, sditor of tho Knicker-bock- cr Magotine for 25 years; Erneit Feydeau, the French novelist ; Fran- cois Hugo, the second and only sur- viving son of the French poet; John Camden Hotten, who popularized the writings of American authors in En- gland, but payed nothing thorclor; Itobort liigvby, an English author. Many greatl names have been lost to science. Among them Louii Agatsiz, ProfcMor Dontl, of Floronco, discoverer of tho comet which bean hi name; Jentt Ciurcornac, n French astronomer wh discovered numerous planets; Baron Justus Llobig, tho greatest practical chomist of the ago; Mathow Fontaine-- Maury, formerly commander iu tho United States Navy, and an extensive contributor to geographical knowledge; the Iter, Adam Sedgwick, an ominont British geologist; Couul do Vomeull, an eminent French naturalist and dis- tinguished member of tho Freuch Institute; Prof. John Torrey, of Columbia College, a well known botanist; frof. John. Stoddard, a well known mathematician; Gustav Rose, a companion of Humboldt in his tour of exploration in Asia; Prof. James U. Coffin, who wroto on eclipses and winds of tho Northern Hemisphere, and Joseph Beck, a dis- tinguished horticulturist. Several distinguished judges and lawyers died at homo and abroad, in- cluding Salmon P. Ohabo. Chief Justico of of tho United Stat1); tho Right Hon. Stephen Lushington, a Judgoof tho High Court of Admi- ralty ia England; the venorablo Judge Nelson who retired from the Supreme Court; tho venerable Ohiof Justice Bellows, of Now Hampshire; the Hon. John A. Collier, of liiug-hamnto- n, a lawyer of eminent abili- ty; Judge Rufua W. Peckham, who was 14 years a Judgo in thii State; Robert Emmot, a prominent member of tho Now York bar, uud nephew of tho celebrated Irish patriot of his name; William II. Traoov, a Judgo of the Marine Court of this city; Frederick Pinkney, who was Deputy State Attorney of Baltimoro for 40 years, and son of the distinguished lawyer and Btatennmri William Pink- ney of Maryland; John Thomas Nel- son, of Tcuue.-ie- e, one of President Johnson's counsel at tho impeach- ment trial; the Hon. Demas Hubbard of Chenango county; Henry S. Bock-wit- h, a lawyer ami once prominent member of tho State Legislature; tno lion. vm. m. aiorouitn, oi mil- - adelphia, President of tho Coustitu- - tional Convention and agood lawyer; Abraut U. iDriskio, seven years Chancellor of Now Jersey, nod tho possessor of splendid legal and liter- ary ucauirementi tho Right Hon. Richard Bethell, Baron Westbury, and ex-Lar- d Chancellor of England; tho Hou. Chester Isham Reed, Judgo of the Superior Court of Massachus setts; Chief Justice Chapman, of Massachusetts', a successful lawyor aud sound jurist; Peter Vredcnbergh, a New Jersoy Judge; Garnott Au-drow- s, of Georgia; the Hon, Angus-ti- n Haines, of Portland, Maine; An-sto- n Livingston, of the New York bar; Judgo Theron R. Strong, it prom- inent momber of tho bar of this city; Judge Samuel W. Fuller, of the Chicago bar; E. E, Stansbury, of tho Now Jersey bar; Judge John 0. Un- derwood, a noted Federal Judgo iu Virginia; William Hungorford, the oldest lawyer in Connecticut. The churches loat sevcrul eminent men: The Rev. Dr. Gyrdiuer Spring, an industrious author, uud pastor lor u:i years ot mo oncic cnurcn onco in Beoktnan street; Robert Smith Gaudlish, .ono of tho Froo (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland; tho Right Rov. Win, E. Armitage. Bishop of tho Protestant Episcopal Dioceso of Wisconsiu ; tho Her. Fred- erick Buel, a zealous agent of tho American Bible Socioty iu California for 24 years; the Rev. Cnwar Pronicr, Profess r of Theology iu tho Evan- gelical Seminary atGonovu ; the Rov. Antonio uarrasco, lounuer ot mo nrat, Protestant Church iu Madrid, lost iu tho Villo du Havre tho Right Rev, John Early, tho oldest Bishop of tho Metuouist episcopal unurcu, south ; the Rev. John Todd, long a pastor of the First Congregationalist Church of PitUlleld ; Tho Rev. S. 8. Schmu-che- one of tho ablest theologians of tho Lutheran Church ; Samuel WiN berforce. Bishop of Winchester, who fell from his horee and was killed iustuntly; tho Rev. Dr. Guinzburg of Boston, a distinguished Hebrew divine; the Rev. Charles W. Whitehead, chaplain for several years ot tne new rone uity Hospi- tal; Dr. Isaac Ferris, who was 20 years Chancellor of tho Now York University ; Archbishop Shiepmau, uoman uatuoiic Arcuuisuop oi Utrecht; Cardinal Billiot; the Iter. J. Eagleston, D. D., of B,utfalo. one of the inoit popular ministers in West- ern Pennsylvania: the Rov. and Hon., Wriothesley Noel, a promlnont mem- ber of the Baptist church iu England; Bishop Maclivaiue, one of tno most eminent prelates of the Protestant Episcopal church: Syrel Jonew. n pop ular preacher in the Soolety of Friends: Munor Man. a Chinese mi' louary: tho Rev. William btarr, Roman Catholic vim-Genera- l of the Archdiocese of Now York; Thos. Esbiuson, au English divine aud author, Among the foreigners tjiatiiigtilslipd In political and official life, who died, was John Stuart Mill, oue of the British Liberal leaders, and a u6ted i political economist; Urbano llutUui, tho Itallon statesman; Daoud Pasha, n dlatinguUhed Turkish statesman; Cotnto do Flavigny, n warm adhor-cu- t to Louis Philippe; Don Sahtstl-nu- o OlozAgo, whoso name was uno-clate- d with many vicissitudes of Spanish politics within tho last 40 year; Ur. O. P. .Tudd, who was for years it leading official in the Saud-wic- h Islands; .lamed Clay, a British member of Parliament of Liberal politic, and it noted authority on whist; Count Von BerustorlT. German Embassador at London; I do Hon, Jas. W'. Johnston, mauy years leader nf Mm PntiMrvAlln ..!.. t. XT...... Scotia; Jose M. Mayors, n zealous worker iu the cause of Cuban inde- pendence; Lordoric Vltet, u prouil-se- nt French Conservative politician; n Barrot, it Frcuctt Liberal leader; Count do Beam, Second Sec rotary of the French Lcga tion at Washington. Several per soin prominently known iu business circles in this country and abroad, died. Among them wero the Hon. Horaco F. Clark, a lawyer, also widely known! in financial, raihroad, and political circles: Francis War- den, manger of A. T.Slowarttk Co.'s foreign business for nearly thirty years: George Talbot Clyphant, tho founder of tho house of Ulyphant's Son, engaged in extouslvo trado In China; 15. S. Mills, of Brooklyn, who stood high iu tho opinion of the mcrcantilo community, but was found to have beou n defaulter; au Peter Gilsey, who built four New Y'ork hotola; George Hcuriques, founder of the Open Board of bro- kers; Frank Baker, a stockholder and likewiso a truo sports- man; Timothy Uurlbut, of WiiHtud, Conn., an iron manufacturer; Wil- liam Archdall O'Doherty, associated with Erie railway affairs; Sindey Dorlon, the noted oyster-ma- n of Fulton Market and a worthy citizen; J. John A. Brown, a Philadelphia capU talistaud liberal philanthropist; T. Baring, oue of the heads of the house of Baring Brothers of London; John Hopkins, the wealthiest man iu Bal- timore, and a generous benefactor; Edmond J. Forstall of ftew Orleans, merchant and financier; Cyrus Wake- field of Boston, an extensive manu- facturer; Capt. Edwin Holbrook, one of tho pioneer of the Louisvillo to- bacco trade, and Samuel Robert Graves, nn extensivo morchaut and ship owner of Liverpool. Among tho Americans who wero cither formerly or recently prominent in political lite who died were: Aza-ria- h O. Flagg, one of tho founders of tho Barnburners party iu this State ; exsUnited States Senator Yates; John Parker Hnle, the vcteratt Abo- litionist; cx-Qo- v. Peter 1). Vrooui, of New Jersey, a warm ndheront of Andrew Jackson ; Stophen R. Mai-lor- of tho Confederate Navy; Robert Ethridge, Chief Clerk and acting Naval Officer of this port ; John White Geary, of Pennsylvania, and a leading corns mandor in tho civil war; Alfred Cumraing, of Georgia, Governer of Utah during the trouble there in 1M7 ; John 11. Baldwin, a Virginian politician, formerly Speaker of the Confederate House of Representa- tives; James Brooks, a solf-mad- o man. editor and politician; tor J James Dixon, of Connecti cut, 12 years a member of the United States Senato; Jamas L. Orr, Minister to Russia, onco Speaker of the Houso of Rep- resentatives; Moses Bates, of Massa- chusetts, a prominent member of the Democratic party: David Burnett, who hold public office in New Jersey; Martin Kalb-floisc- h, of Brooklyn, who acquired considerable wealth by honest .labor, and was a good civic official; ox-Go- Colby, of New Hampshire; George N. Sauders, an active agent of the aoutnern tjouioucrucy; Jonu A. Kennedy, everal veara SuporinUnd- - ent of the Municipal Police; Oakes Ames, of Credit Moblller notoriety; Daniol Moroau Barriuger, of North Carolina, four years Minister to Spain, and tho Hon. Grecno Cen-dric- of Connecticut, onco a proml-uo- nt Whifj politioian. Tho military profession of this aid foreign countries lost Gen. Cauby, treacherously killed by the Modoc's; Count do Segur, a "oldiar of the first French Empire; Gen. Edward John son, who fought well for the Confod-orat- o cause; Col. John Watts du Voysted, a gallant soldier of the Union; Gen. W. II. Sidoll, a civil en- gineer and a soldier of tho MexicAti and civil wars; Brig. Gen. Richard Delatield, of the engineer corps, au- thor of an elaborate report on the art of war in Europe; Gen. William Hardee, ono of Sherman's sturdiest foea; Lieut. Geo. M. Harris, killed in the Lava lltds; Liout. Woodruff, of tho United States Army Corps a youug officer of promise; Gen. Jose Antonio Bacz, liberator of Venezuela; Lieut. Gen. Nino Binlo, oue of Gari baldi's faithful followers; Pedro Francho do A 1 faro, Augustine Santo Ross, Erminia Qucseda, Gen, Barna-b- o Varona, Pedro Ccspedos, Col. Jesus del Sol, and Gen. W. O'O. Ry- an, victims of the massacre at Sauti-- ) ago. Royalty and royal housos lost-Nap- oleon III.; King John I., of Sax- ony, after an ovcutful reign of tl9 years; Prltico Adalbort of Prussia, one of tho most genial as well as the most intelligent members of tho House of Prussia; Dowager Empress Amelia, of lirazll, aim rrlnco Massimo, u iirm adhoreut of tho temporal power of the Papacy. Several leading physicians died, among whom were Sir Henry Hol- land of London; Dr. Natation of Paris; Dr. W. E. Ida of Columbus; Dr. B. L. Sheehy, and omineut physiciau of Rochester; Dr. Wm. Van Doursen, au eminent physician of New Jersey; Hugh L. Hodge of Phil- adelphia; aud U. G. Rigelow, who practiced 27 years in Albany. The necrology of the past year also includes! Mrs. Aloxandcr AgassU; uoi. i' reucricic 1. uent.latlier ot Mrs. Grant; the Hon. William P. Mellon, Supervising Special Agent of the Treasury uuder Secretary Chase; Mrs. Stanton, widow of the IJon. E. If. Stanton, the great war eecrstary; Robt. Sirbury; of Jefferson county, N. Y., who'is remembered lor having slain, us a hunter, more than 2.200 deer; "Beau" Hickman, a Washing tou resident of eccentric habits. Boolx. ijra.jl WoV KiHsTTIIsrO DtiXK AT TB BEE OFFICE. Omaha & St. Louis Short Lino. 18 7 4! The Kansas City, St. Joo and Council Bluffs B. R. 1 the only direct lino to ST. LOUIS AND THE KAST, I'ltOM OMAHAAND THE WEST. NO CIIANOF. of cara between Ointht nndSt. 1.0111a, and lmt ore lietwivii OMAHA 1 Nt:W YUllK. TMj the Only ,tno running PUI.MIAN S1.I:KPIN(1 rJAU KABT KltOJI OMAHA, OX AltltlVAt. Of Till! UNION I'AC'IFIO KXU11ICNS Tit A IN, taking other routei havo a ritugrccibltt tr.uutar nt tho Hirer Station. paskxouit tii.vin9 daily i 8 i:i:aciiin(i am. EA3TBRM AND WE3TEUN CITIES With Let and In ailvAiico of othor nu;a. TliUEntlroLlnola eulppsd with Pullman's Palaco Sleeping Caia, Palaco Day Coaches and ChalrCars, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and tho Colebratcd Wcstiiighouso Air Brake. MT3ee that your ticket read via ICnuaaaClly, at. JoeMili it Conncll lliitfr. lla. Irod, 17a Omalui and St. LouU. TIeVcU furaate at !it. Taulli and Varnliani atreata, and U. P. Depot, Omaha. JOS.TIUIOK, flIEO. I.. DUADI1UIIY, Past. Agt. Uou'l Agnt. K. DAltSAltl), A (M)AWIM. Ucn'l Supt. Ucu'l l'm. Agt.. St. Jjsenli. hi. Joaopli. JaStf POKROKZAPADU (WESTERN PROGRESS), Tho Only Bohemian Xowspapor Pub llshod Went of tho Missouri Itlvcr. CIRCULATION OVER 2,000 And conttantly Increialng. Two-thlrd- a oi Ihla circulation In the Stnlca of IOWA, WISCONSIN, lU.INOId. THXAS, :iNIIANA,MI?H0UUT, MINND30TA, KAVSAb', and NKW Y011K, CANADA, and 11011R1IIA. A FIHST-CL.VS- S MKD1U3I IMMIGRATION PURPOSES The tlolieliilaiu am, for the moit part, thrllly agrlriilturlata. Over 2TO,000 of thla nationality uro altk".l III Ion, Wis- consin, Illlnnla, Ohio, mil .Mliinraota. Iniiiilijratlii to the trana-Mlaao- lorrllory. J There aroI'IVK 1I01IKMIAN NEWSPAPERS lu tho Duttod titalca, and the "POKKOK," now in its- - TIIIH1) YEAR OF PUBLICATION FRANKLIN TYPE STEREOTYPES: ELECTROTYPE FOUNDIY, , 1 68 Cine Street, bet. 4A & $thi CINCINNATI, Allison,&mith8cJohnson Manuicturcn of, and Dealers in Book and News TrpE, AND PRINTING MATERIALS, Of every description. STEREOTYPING & ELECTROTYP1NO In all their various branches. Wood Enosavino, and I'attun Unmrl FnUNDIBS. A. K. RTKVKNM, PURCHASING AGENCY I OFFICE...5 13 Thirteenth Slreo), ).HAIIAl NEB. Make a specialty ol Purchasing floods and attending to bualuess lu Omaha and Chicago, thiougu the principal Arm of both cllloa. Col- lections promptly made, A! Agent for lh UreatAuir)rau Art Journal, "THE ALDINE." dlOsrtw QtK satOA perday. Ageut wantnl I ejd lO tp&3 rAll claaac ol working people of ltbr sex, younger old, make more money at woik for u In thalr apart luomtata, or all th tlui,tbn at auylhWig els. Addri O aniNSUii Do., Portland, lfaln, nor)) X074. 3LOVl. THE WORLD. The great Dcmocntl vlclorlca In New York Ohln, Maryland, and Vlr(J.H,th8lar.llng iff feat In lacoials, Iowa, Kanani rlid Illinois, forrihfldnw tho election of a Congre n in 1874, and tho election of a Democratic Prealilentln 187(1, The secret of tlio triuniph a.ealywoi ha. leen,tertdfat adherence to thonnrariliatlon, unlUnchlng flilcllty to tho rTlnci.r, 0( the IKimocratlc prly. "Tlia Worlif' has toon falttiful tu Hi truat. Whn hint horta lalked of a apollcd party, ndrrd party, a ne parly, it bora aloft tho fhg of the historic, It.lomlt-abt- o Democratic party. That flai, lna.rltol till tho legend., l'tre Trade ar.il Karnpra' ltlghta, Hani Money and no Monopolies i, IXmccrataof Ohio aud New York cnrrlrd In glorloui victory, aubrcttlngUraiit'a majoiltln ol 37,000 and 31,000. A new career now opens before Ihe Demo- cracy moie gtorloua and moro lieiiencent than lla paitrareer, Identlflnl tboiigh tint lo with tho founding ot the llepuhllc, its cxpnu-alo- n ncros Ilia continent, Its lull century uf proipcillyand peni-o- . Thapiecrctot'iU future, of lla pant ardpriMtit triumph, Is Kill a ateadfaal to Iho organization, nn unflinching HJelltr to tho principles nf tho Democratic par ty prluilplea never 80 needful as now to be applied throughout our Nation, Htate and limulelp.il llfn, to heal tho won mis anil demor- alization of war, to atop corrupt and prulllguto expenditure, to limit and localize power en- trusted to the people'a aervnnl., to lltnrto our Inditatrli from the fatter of 1'Hilmroiu tarlll', our trado from tho fluuctuatlotta of nn IrroJecmablo piper currency, and our agricul- ture from the double plundering ot lwt,iii well a., to repair lbs wide-spre- flnanclUriiln wrought by tho fiscal policy ot tho lleputlican patty. The duty of the World In thla onward uinrcli of tho Democratic hoMe to victory, Is tho ot political truth. Our woik'itlll lKifrutlfuUn proportional tlio World Is widely read. Wo nsk Democrats everywhero to aid in lu aratttrlng the good aeol broadcast over tlio whole laud durint tho period ao Important to ths coming harvests. Where i r how can any Democrat work an clllclcntly foi thodirfustou nf the principles of lilsiiirty.nud their triumph nt tho ballot box In '74 and '7i, ns by procuilng now toadirs for tho World, now? Aa a vehicle ol news, the World will spare no expense, no energy, ti iiialutnlii and advance its place In the first rank nf metropolitan Jour- nals, lla frrh, nliundant, various, nnducenr-at- o new, comprising the whole ilrcle of cur- rent IntclllRcncc, will bo discussed as Ixi iniics u trustworthy org.ui of opinion, with cimlor, with steady devotion to sound public and with special knowl.Mnelor special tlieniM, and with various and ap- prehension of tho manifold Intureaianf men mid women In their ;homcs. th-- lr markot-placv- e, their workshops and their farina, THE WEIiUbV VOKI. la our groat edition (Wcilnc-lay- ) for tho coun- try. It contains: 1, JUBiaicst pueus ii'icKrupueu iruui un nil maraoiaot tneuniicu niaies) oi live s.oek. rountry nroduco, general produca of every kind, ana oi money, aiocks, ami iroignia in New York and IUirope 2. Ihe farmora' page, with nil tho doliift of Iho I'n r mora' Club of tho Amoicin lustltutn, loiter from practical farmers, nnd aclcutltlc discussion on profitable (arming. 3. A pngo for tho family circle, nf lively and puro reading. 4. Ono or two flrat-rat- o novel during tho your, 8, All (he now In con'laaauminnry. Til K NEni-WKEIEL- Y contain (Tuesday and I'rid iy) all the contents of thewietly.onoor two Hrat-rat- o novels dui-In- g Ihe year; and at thoaauio rates per month for any put of n year, aud all Ihe cream uf the Dally World. THE d.vii.y wom.i). Price for one copy fur one year 810 (Inrlml IngSunlsy edition, 111), beginning uny day ; andulso the same rate IKir month tor any purl otn yeir. T1IK WORLD AI.8IAN.VO FOR 1874. (Ready about January 1, 1874 ) Ono copy, post-pai- 23 cente. l'lvo copies, poat-pal- 8f 00. PRICKS, l'OSTAGIS IMID, for lieloreAprll 1, 1871, WKRKI.t AVOHI.U. For ono yoar, each copy leparately addressed. 1 copy 9 2 00 S copies 7 00 10 copies, and extra copy to club agent 12 00 20 copies, and extra copy Id club or. nt 20 00 GO copies, and ly to club agent CO 00 100 copies, and pally toclubagent 100 00 :HRMIWKKIaYY;WOUI.D, for ono year, each copy atparatcly addressed. 1 copy w ' 2 00 2 cople 0 00 5 copies - - 12 00 10 copies, and oxtra copy to cluliagant... 20 00 POSl'AGU PAIIIV On every subscrip- tion for one roar to the dally, or weekly paldfor at ibova rates licloro April 1, 1874, wo will repay the ioaUge. TEKJIH. Cash 111 n'rance. Bend postofHeo money or der, liink draft, or reilsteiod letter. Hills scut by mall wllltiont risk of sends r. Additions to club lists mty be made, any tluiolu tho year, ntthoabovedub rate. tlisngos Inc'ub Iht maJoonly on reiiueat ol I crsous club pucksgo, stating date of idiilon, postolhre, and titalo, to which lutf previously liecu scut, Wu liuse no traveling ugouts. Speclinen copies, iHislurs, etc., sent free, whereser and wlieneer deiliiil. Address nil orders nud let- ters ti "THU WOUIill," 1211 33 Park ltow, New York. THE NEW WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machine, Will Soam, Quilt, Gathor. Braid, Cord, Tuck, Horn, Fell, Trim, Frlngrt, Illntlo, Rufile, ripe, Em broider, and do vory other kind ol work . WITH GREATER EASE THAN ANT OTUER Machine in tho Market! acafaj.-- v it AND YOU WILL BUY IT IlEAD Tllfi FOLLOWING DIoPATCII: WonLu'a nxrosiTiOK, 1 , VlU.NMa, August JKth, 1873. To Mbsim. Farbkr A Wiikkleb, Chicago, Ills I Wheeler A Wilson Manufacturing Company, 825 llruadway, New York, awarded (lit AND MEDAL on progress, OltAND MKDAL of merit, and THK ONLYSKWINO MACHINE RECOMMENDED by the International Jury for the ORAND DIPLOMA OI' HONOR. Signed, O. JJ. WOOD.S. For aale by Traveling Agent throughout the Stato. Offices 183 Htate Hired, Chicago, aud fill 1'ourteenth street, Omaha, Nab. octflwSm New Type! NEW PRESSES NKW MATERIAL! AT THE BEE JOB OFFICE. 1 11 h h ;: WOMAN. Ty nn Immenso practice. cMcnilln!j tUnntuli tierlihlnr jinis, Invlnjj stltlijn that tliiiu treated tntny Ihoiisniid cusr of tho-- o it' ,eaes pccullir ti) stnm.iu, 1 hs.so been piinlilrd 1 1 nrfecl a mot liotmtnnd nun rabid iiuillcliipltini tin eta thn hull. rations pnseutid by tWit (lis. of illcsiiscs Willi ...talll, 1 1 npt.ili.ltf mi.t nvni ll,n. Tu ilcslcn.ito this iialutul rpecifii haonaiui'dlt J Dr. Picrco's Pavorito Prcl ' Ihetcrm, however, U hntn focb!o expresalonof my nioft tnalitrod nnprechitlou ir Its nluo, based U11011 actual and ultucss 'd realities. As n closj obener, I hio while wllnoclnj Its poltlo In tho fou'epiclul dlKcnfCK Incident to tlio separato organism cf wnmnn, alnglcd It nut aj thu rllniux or crouitiitu; mini of my moillriil ritrrer. Oil ttsnicrltsnenpolllo, Mfe, and elU-cti- romcily for this clas ordlscssei. and ono that Hint nil tlmesntid tinder allrlrcnni-itanc- cs act kindly and In harmony vtlth thalvs v Inch co urn tho femilo Fistcm. I auiMllllns tu Itako my reputation ns a plijsiciin Nay, even moro en confldent nm I that It w III not dlsspKitnt tho tuo't sangulnoexpi'cmtloiisof n elnsle Insnlld lady who employs It for any of tho aliment Tor Wilcli I recommend It, that I ofler mid fell It under A POS1T1VI! CUAIlANTDi:. If n beneficial olTect Is not experienced by tho llniii s uf the contents uf tho botllo aro used, I Mill, on tuliirn uf tho botlle, two thirds of tbj medlclno basing becu taken ncconllng to direc- tion', aud tho ca.u hcitif! ono lor which 1 rerum-men- d it, promptly refund tho money paid for It. Had I not tho most perfect confldein.n tu its sir- -' tucs.l could nut offer It as I do under these icnill-Hon- a; but having witnessed It Iruls- - nitmenlou cure In thoussuds or cases, 1 Irni wnr-rnnt- ed and porfortly unto In rUldnir botli my and iuy iiionov on lt morltis. The following aro among thoan tltseaiei Irs rrhlch my 1'avorito Prrarrliitlon lis worked cures as II by limbic and w 1th u tcitatnty never before attained by auy incdselue: a, Excessive Floss Ing, Palnlul Monthlr Periods, Kuppreeslons when from iinnattuil causes, Irregularities, Weak Hack, Prolapsus, or falling of tho Uterus, Antovcrslun mul Itclrmcr. slon, Bearing Duwu bensntlous, Internal Ileal, NrrsOuH Depression, Debility. Despondency, Threatened Mlacarriugo, Chronic Concustluu, and Utceiatlnn of tho Uterus, Impo tency, llarrenness.or Hterlllty, rcninle WeaUiiosj. and scry many other chronic diseases incident lo rsoman not mentioned hero. In ulncli, as sell as In tho casos which I Imsu mentioned, my Favurlto Proscription works cures tlio ninr-v- el ol tlio world. This medicine 1 do net cxtul a n euro an, mil it numirnniy niiniis a feet specific In all curpnic diseases or Iho pexusl evstern of ssoman. It will not illrnrjnoitit. nor will It do harm In nny stato or condition. It will ba found Invaluablo In dlscasee Incident In prer;. nancy, and can lx taken In modcruta doses w It U safetr w hllo lu that stato. Indeed. It t a .tlotliur'H Cordial, and rn prcpnios Ibi systom lor iitrturltlon limtlt renders eiukl-niljo- t easy. I Iiao rccctscu tno iicnnicit praiso ti hundred of mothers for tho Ineetluiablo i hn rntifi-rn-f- I odor my Favorite Prescrlpllono Ihe Ladies oCJtmerlca with tho elnrctlty or on lioncet heart, and for their beet welfare. Thoto who desire further Information on theso eulilects can obtain It In my Tiujatisb on Cimionio DitEAsrs op Tim ClENEr.sTivr. and UiiiNAttv OnoAvs, rent eerurj from observation upon lecelpl nf two postagj itnmp. It Irent minutely on thono dlsenvs p. cullar to Females, end ylsea mucUaluttbloadvlci lu regard to their inanagcmept tiit. piruci'.'s I'Avoinxn rnr.- - KCJHIPTION IS NOI.1) IIV AI.I. l'litsr class Binjuciisas., at 8i.su per bottle. ilauulacturcd at tno i ncmicai uinorniory or Jf. I. I'lJUlCV, 31. J., Vrnp'v ' X JtlTl'ALO. n! r.. ASK ECU PYLE'S o HSaaanaaaaaV S. A.Xj3B3 Kz-A-- T; -- AND- BAKING- - SODA ! BXUBT I3ST XT S3 333! OLD by nil KH19T-CI.AS- H UltOCICIti norl3'7idAwlr PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING GERMAN AND ENGLISH L.1NGUAUES At the BEE Oflice, will) Nentn.aa is I)a.iiiUhl 138, Favnham Stroet, Dtwen Mnlh i tU at 11 trmt IN THtC Uou ml V? UH',
Page 1: M. HELLMAN CO; CLOTHIERS! · M. HELLMAN & CO; CLOTHIERS! Q31 t BBQ rarnliAin St Oor XStla am ofltirlng (hi greatwt indujmnli in tha purchtM of aXiCCT-IKIIiTQ-- -lSriDGENTS' FURNISHING




CLOTHIERS!Q31 t BBQ rarnliAin St Oor XStla

am ofltirlng (hi greatwt indujmnli in tha purchtM of

aXiCCT-IKIIiTQ- - -lSriD






ala-odl- y M.tho asriti.oxi.4i


Mining Company, r"

Of Otluasswa, low), r

Haveopqned anofflcot 2121-- 2 FruhraBt.,Onmlia. for tlie salo of their celebrated

Coal.JMrSpeclal Ilato (or Car LoU." .aeplOmC





Oua Hundred Thousand more than any othorFamily Machine. Machine finding, Oneidasilk. John Clark A Co.' spool coltonand linenthrodQ constantly on baud,Ot'FICES-.-lS- li Stato St., Chicago,

and fill 14th St., Omaha.C. W. KIXOELY, Local Agent.o'i Sin

Ghas, L, & Geo. Krutli,XaTtreinoTcd fromBJS lstb utrwt, to their

NEW STORE,507 Douglaa HtrecU Curuer 134b.

Thankful for pat fiiror,, ami hoping foroullnuance of Mm uiiic, we'wonM linlto our

old IrlrnJi tociinn to our nw atoreand tcoa. We hjife laid In a Urgo atuok uf imported

1IQU0KS AND CIGAHSWa aliall inaVe upcclaUjr of tuppljrlng pri-vate famlllea during tlin bolliay. dlttiojl

3Q.-7t7'X3J'- 3EX3aX3cXT-D- KALER IN

Fruits, Confectionery,CIOARS AND TOBACCO.

HE corner Farubaui end EloTenlh atreeti,tMAUA, - - NKURABKA.

tip2o Ij

Farn?ers, Read This!.. n... tIm where tou can get tMu '"..u."ii.a. AlronlMilmoat for jour

H.HD x'"" 3E O --N"AndttTeTEN -- R CENT.

jVJI. ALXBN,Norlhcaatcor. 15th and Xo..l !, Omaha.

ept24wly t T , .

AkVortl lo 'Traia'.l.'.'Tfcharea toar fW "avirt facltte lUllrovl. It waa h "pioneer

. ' imnrorementa thatui i..i. win. ii.li- - iwun tiiado durlpith. vt , w be--Vi

.i... ii.. Mi.tnii.Tii.if Inn rallrood ha tneiwat track and tbeBnctaiid .?tPu3"Dl UT llnoweatot llioiilr line which run three dallr P'i,t,l"of flno coache and Tullman aleeper. 4UlfPwith the Miller platform and the patjnt U

, tote from leading, polnta In the Wet, throughto M.Kanaaa Cltr, Bodalla nd Jf

U)u!5 without change, connecting at St. lulawlthele-endluerf- nt through routee toajolntnorth, cut and ouh. Wo thanie of earafroraOiuhato8t.U.ulaTi tblawub.tnfoVwatlon, with map. tliMUf!i'M-- f "be had at the ThrongU Ticket" Hta-tlo-

In the Wcat. or upon Prap.nal or writtenapplication toO. II. Baxter, WMtwn Pauen-a- ir

Agent, Karniaa City, Uo.. or L. A. iordOeneral l'aiiaenger Agent, Bt, Ixiuli; Uo.

1r 'JbularrMlon TuralUK Cheap Varnta

lii outhweal MlMonrl- i

The Atlantlo A PaclDo railroad companyl.iOO.OOO are of land In Central --ind

Boutbwea. Mlaaourl, at from liTp fII pw wuouaeteojreara'tliu., with b trani,iorUtlonIroui St. LouU to all purchaser. CtlmaU. oll.timber, tulutral wealth, ichooU, tiuueka andlawbldluiocltylnlt. emigrant from all

to tUI. Uod of Irult nd fl ower. orUrticular., adlre A. Tuck, a.C0""- -JTohm-- UmU. M "Jekwodtl

Th Stale ExecutiveCdinmltteo hat t wadeGRANGE arraugeiuenl with 1.lUYMXi, no, afn.Third at , tt.. Loula,who la au excellentengraver aud reliableSEALS gentleman, to make

13 acala for grange nf P.it. at the luwcat rw.ilM rate, tlranar In olbrhtaUt tlcalrtng vlthduhl addreSir liayne,for aaaipl.il A l'i ice. SallaNctlou guaranteed.

OBSTACLEStoMARRIAGE.Hppy lUllef for Voung Men irom

nl Error aud Abuea In ntrly life. Manhoodmterod. IuiH.xllunu o Mantag ruiora.Now metuod 01 iroatuicoi. .a ""ableremrtHa- - Uooka and circular aoul Ire,laaallenel0w. 'Addreaa, UOwAHD A8--SOCIATION, No. 1 South Ninth St., Phllad!-ul- a.

I1., au Inatllutlou Iwlug a high rcpu- -

Kllq lor uouontihe cuiiuui. n ft."""ran)4 Cutakt!

Plaaae .Beadattention to our lUperlorfa- -

cUuTm dul" all kln JVftS10' aiiHuvanli-tro- u work on building., of aay

prSnJl?y .uirlnlfud each and amy piece olwork done lu our MiahlUhment.


lU.ld.no, Howl, Hoardingand ltaiUarant. Plea call aniiaxaniina u.






SE.LXilC4.XT ft CO.Gc

r lSnaVBZiab H

MOHDMBITS, T0MB8T0HE8, c,auoMdlya


Carriage Painter,88 HrBejt,bet. 18th k 14th,

(tand oppoelU "Cheokwad Barn."Trimmlog and Repairing done at ahart notice,

coud-han- d Buggle bought and told.TlO-do- in



Manulactaran of

Xzifiln X IMining u Mill MMhlatrr,

Italldlxir. 0,l2tt,.and all kind

xxi.o3ar 7ctoxi.se:.Corner Nlnlb and Nlohola Street!.


Civil Engineer & Surveyor,Will make SURVEYS, MAPS, and

retrace OOVKIINMCNT LIKES.tabllah loat wctluu corner, lay out TOWNSITES and do general mrveylng. AJiJrca,Omaha, or.leaTO order at the City Eogtnear'Office. - w



LForUajrliigaifeclal tax for the aonthmetlonof a aldewalk.

Occtiom 1. That the aeferal aum letto the lullowltg ilMcrlbed prmle, to


ST l'.,.....,3iJ.,J,.va0'iJrM nJfl- -


: ; : : ; 1 n i : : i " i I



I ac ra5 RJA0- - V JSKa


5i9 o- -

1.S1 a..MT!iu a ' .w. :.- - H3.3I5ha-!hauM-

l)ng III eoala aud xpei)oa, ipprerea by theCity Council, lorionatructlugtlt ilewak tu

front of aud adjoining djreuile, by the

Street Cominlaaloutr, In .purauanco of aby thla 'Oiuncll, and alter the

failure o( be ownera tUari-o- t ( do the name,

after due uotlce, be and tho aame ar hereby

reaputlTclr levied aud aaMaicd agaluat eatn cf

aald lota, irta of lot, ao prenilae payable to

the Cfly Trtr whla thirty (30) day

from thla dle.Sec, 2. Thla ordinance iball Uk effect How

and after It paiaagc.l'aa.Jl)CV.0lb, 1873.

l (Signed) J. a. OIBSON,Prcaldent City Council.

Attcal l

Jo. M. McCUNC, City Clerk.My E. V. KtrTO, puy City Clerk.

Aaarvrad D. 3lat, 1978.

(Signed) J. H. OIiS()N,ja'i.Jt Acting Mayor.


M. JAQQ91Ibaa a laraj aortanot of Clothing, Hat. Cap,Ac, widen ba will Mil at pttc. toi lt blatoutrt. uauanuate. dlSK


UHAHi, DC. 30, 1873.

For detailed conJillon at MukU d (

tall Price., eo local columns.BUTTK AND KUIII.

Clwtce labl liuttcr. 25n27Oood firkin.......BP, pw it

CUtlSX.S.w York Factory, per lb u,,.i1Western Rasmva, er lb ...,VYwtoia aHlry, V' lb 1112

corriK.0. Q. J live SiS4Coat Rio -Illo, cholo m

ltlO 00a BSOSU.......... ....CAHDLM.

ur 19

PorapMn.. 84a 83Tallow - 10li

VBVIT.noli . 4 Hal 0

T .4..M. IK 14ui uiwwaif lvalalna, layers, par box. naw... 5 tDried current. Zanta, now.. HDried apple, Mutern.. tallunea rorria 41DrUd pitted charrlc 39Paaehe, pared, nw M23 aPeache, unpsred, nw (halve). t10Turkish prune nw. ............. IS

run.Cod 8 ah, George bank y,Wackeral, Mo. 1, K bbll 18 Malt 0

" lit. 2 OOaJ 00Whit Flh " K bbl. .. T 007 SO

" " kit - 1 03 tOakardl.M K box, pr cat. .... 19 00

ii ii ..... 14 00


Flonr, winter, V bbl 10 00do do V MCkM......M..M. 6 (0io Vtbrtikit doj 2 00UAJMl do bolted............... 1 Ibl Mdo do plain.--.. .... 1 (i

Braa, per ton 10 00


Wheat, choleo milling 60do No 2 .. M

Corn MaJJOat, In bulk -- ... - H38Buok wheat. -

raovmom.Met pork V bbl 14 00llama, plain, V lbllama, V lb., augar cured -Bacon clear aide V lb .....Shoulder V lb -Dried beef, plain .

lUOAB.Patent out loaf -Cruahed -Aeoiio .......t ...MM.....MMM...M


Hew Orlean . 4Bl0

artcK.Pepper, per lb.... tooAUiplce. per lb.. 21

Caul, per lb.. 43Mutmag, Ha 1.. 1 0

ii ii j 1 20CIotm ;...... at

otttuOarbon.....MM m...mmm...mm.mm.m. 20

Unaeed, raw todo boiled . S3

Lard, Mo. 1..........m.............km.Benne 80Weat Va Lubruatlng Oil............ 40FUh OH.. .............. 1 00TurpeoUae

raiNT.Whit Laad, Btrictlr pure-...- .. 12alS

do do fancy brand --. talldo Xlno, pun French 1416do do do American 12al4do da fancy brand - 812

Bed Lead, pure Amrlcaa..... J814Putty, la bladder......, 440


Coamperlb.....,...,, 10 10Flna M......M...M , ...... WDairy, with bag . 7fdairy, without bag.....-......- ... 480

TAiYouag Hyaon, common........... Ma SO

do do fair . 65a 78do do good 73a s&

da do prim. 85 93do do cholca...,-.- ... ..... 05al 03do do extra choice....... 1 Rial 30

Imperial, auperlor to fine 7a80do extra to cholo - 1 101 IS

Gunpowder, auperlor to tine...... SSal 00do extra to cholo 1 43a 1 SO

Japan Natural Leei.une to extrafine. --. - 7071

Japan Natural Lmt, fin to. 10130ObOlOat. h4 aaaia

JapaattUtnralUi.. 9095Oolong, lair to gem . 063Oolong, good to prljB...-.....- ... 8380uoJOBf. aaua..

UYtTOCK.Natlr ahlpplnf itaan. 44WNatlr buteBK' ataek ...... 8Ua4Hog, on foot, V lbSlaeep, W lb... - "liCadre,LalBb..,..,,f.ntttittlMMMiiMit

V lb.grou

HaUVV BBOWM HUEKTIM.Pacific extra...... 12

DwIghtWAtlantic 11 nHuBolk u


YorkMUU 18 I Lonewlale..-.- ..WamautU ...... IT I Amoakeog .


Soda... e;Butter OfBo ton 11 MOSugar 11

Plcnle 0iXJCB.

Carolina...Rangoon... 8i1


Fin eut chewlaaj, aU OOal 00i;noico... 7( a V0

Medium, 70Common SO

Flui.nal 80IlalllirUht... 60a TO

Dark naTy......,M.,wM...M 80

una, haje, aLima, i bbl... 002M0raant.Ullc...... SOOaS 23

do Loulavllle 1008 SO

Plaater, Grand Raplda 4 00Hair, par bale of 40 lb . t 00a3 23Oreen butcher. mm &ureen an. . ..........,...Qreen call... ........... ............m. 12Dry ltnt.................. 18al8Dry Salt - 12al8Branded, 10 per cant, oil, daaa- -'


aaaixalo .mww,whm,mw,,tiw. aOOalOOOdo ihoa robe ...... I 003 60

Der, dry, par lb In hair........ 80awlllaK I 00a 2 26


Peache, S lb. per caae 6 10BUawberrl do ....... I SOaS On

Tomatoe do m.m I76a4 00Lima Beans do 6 SO

GraanConi do .....m....... I 008 SO

Cot Oysters do ............... t 133 23

car aoosa raiHTt.Lowell... 9Amoaki :oc...w a l. -LaOnuon Muurnioi .Merrlmao D.. ' 11

Bpragu ..... .wamutta....M..Mw.......M..n..

KAIL.lOd to tOA, par kag...mm So" 00a no 6 B2

8d do tttlt SCOM do 8 15M do S00Id flna blue do ,8 00Wrought nail per 100 lb 6 SO

M flnlahlng nalla, ptr 100 lb... 603do do do do... 6 CO

10 do do do uo... 6 B0

bbl do do do.... 7 CO

Iloraa nail Northwealern.per lb 21S0Burden's bore ihoaa, per keg... 7 80

ale mul do do ... ' 8 60

COJLV BAXD AMD 0t.niaubur. f Blafkamltni....u... f20 00PltUburg Black (Blaskamlth).. IS 00Fort Scott. 10 00Anthracite.. 20 (X

Iowa.. 8 00Wyoming, 12 CO

Miaaoun 00


Jirtxoru a


Ktttlc, rn. eholc.......... 810Country, aholr, par lb............. 79F. Co., Toodi cJ4dfM 1413Haaaa randarM'................ WH


at. AR.No. lPalni.M...............M 8.3Kdo No 1 BaWaaa..................

I X,I pitva...........'...-- .Toll1. Money. p groM.,..,...

doCaatll. par IbT. , 1100

raiuiiy pu........Qtrnian Hatttod. -

UOX AatD arraaO,

Iron.coumonbar par lb,....,da round aatd puardo hur. aho bardo hoop and light band call

Cat ktatL Aaaarlcan 1022aa VnaUaa. ...... A

BltoUr (tal luarioanGaraaaa 4J,plpw and prlng.. I2ata!alonrayi raaa, Muon......ra




A Notable Death Boll.

Tlio death-rol- l of tho ya.ir justclosed includes thu iniiiica of manytorona who ncqulted dittlnctinn lutheir Ecveral wnlks of life. Litera-ture loat Lord Lyttoti (I3ulr.r)t

ai a novelist, noet, drumntist, and stttteiamti ; Freucrich Ludwig, Gcorg von Haunter, one of thomost eminent of German historian;Count Alexntidor Mauzoni, tho ceUbratad Italian toot Hit:f novelist;John It. Thompson, of tho EveningPott, a Southern author of nute-bo- li

lum fame; John ltomeyn liroadhoad,author of a "History of the Stato ofNew York;" Florence Itibax, Vaiiozuelnn Consul at Now York, a man ofuncommon literary attainments;Wolfgang Menzcl, a noteworthy Ger-man writer; Amcdoe S. D. Thierry,

historian of tho ancient Gauls ;

Mansfield Tracy Walworth, a popu-lar novelist, slain by U hou ; Col.James F. Mclinc, author of n vindi-cation of Mary Queen of Scott?, inanswer to Mr. Froudc; CarollnoChescbro', whoso rare mental endow-ments placed her in tho first rank ofAmerican novelists; the Hon. Wil-lar- d

Phillips, author of an importantwork on political oconomy; LouisGaylord Clark, sditor of tho Knicker-bock- cr

Magotine for 25 years; ErneitFeydeau, the French novelist ; Fran-cois Hugo, the second and only sur-viving son of the French poet; JohnCamden Hotten, who popularized thewritings of American authors in En-gland, but payed nothing thorclor;Itobort liigvby, an English author.

Many greatl names have been lostto science. Among them LouiiAgatsiz, ProfcMor Dontl, of Floronco,discoverer of tho comet which beanhi name; Jentt Ciurcornac, n Frenchastronomer wh discovered numerousplanets; Baron Justus Llobig, thogreatest practical chomist of the ago;Mathow Fontaine-- Maury, formerlycommander iu tho United StatesNavy, and an extensive contributorto geographical knowledge; the Iter,Adam Sedgwick, an ominont Britishgeologist; Couul do Vomeull, aneminent French naturalist and dis-tinguished member of tho FreuchInstitute; Prof. John Torrey, ofColumbia College, a well knownbotanist; frof. John. Stoddard, awell known mathematician; GustavRose, a companion of Humboldt inhis tour of exploration in Asia; Prof.James U. Coffin, who wroto oneclipses and winds of tho NorthernHemisphere, and Joseph Beck, a dis-tinguished horticulturist.

Several distinguished judges andlawyers died at homo and abroad, in-

cluding Salmon P. Ohabo. ChiefJustico of of tho United Stat1); thoRight Hon. Stephen Lushington, aJudgoof tho High Court of Admi-ralty ia England; the venorabloJudge Nelson who retired from theSupreme Court; tho venerable OhiofJustice Bellows, of Now Hampshire;the Hon. John A. Collier, of liiug-hamnto- n,

a lawyer of eminent abili-ty; Judge Rufua W. Peckham, whowas 14 years a Judgo in thii State;Robert Emmot, a prominent memberof tho Now York bar, uud nephew oftho celebrated Irish patriot of hisname; William II. Traoov, a Judgoof the Marine Court of this city;Frederick Pinkney, who was DeputyState Attorney of Baltimoro for 40years, and son of the distinguishedlawyer and Btatennmri William Pink-ney of Maryland; John Thomas Nel-son, of Tcuue.-ie-e, one of PresidentJohnson's counsel at tho impeach-ment trial; the Hon. Demas Hubbardof Chenango county; Henry S. Bock-wit- h,

a lawyer ami once prominentmember of tho State Legislature;tno lion. vm. m. aiorouitn, oi mil- -adelphia, President of tho Coustitu- -

tional Convention and agood lawyer;Abraut U. iDriskio, seven yearsChancellor of Now Jersey, nod thopossessor of splendid legal and liter-ary ucauirementi tho Right Hon.Richard Bethell, Baron Westbury,and ex-Lar- d Chancellor of England;tho Hou. Chester Isham Reed, Judgoof the Superior Court of Massachussetts; Chief Justice Chapman, ofMassachusetts', a successful lawyoraud sound jurist; Peter Vredcnbergh,a New Jersoy Judge; Garnott Au-drow- s,

of Georgia; the Hon, Angus-ti- n

Haines, of Portland, Maine; An-sto- n

Livingston, of the New Yorkbar; Judgo Theron R. Strong, it prom-inent momber of tho bar of this city;Judge Samuel W. Fuller, of theChicago bar; E. E, Stansbury, of thoNow Jersey bar; Judge John 0. Un-

derwood, a noted Federal Judgo iuVirginia; William Hungorford, theoldest lawyer in Connecticut.

The churches loat sevcrul eminentmen: The Rev. Dr. GyrdiuerSpring, an industrious author, uudpastor lor u:i years ot mo oncic cnurcnonco in Beoktnan street; RobertSmith Gaudlish, .ono of tho Froo(Presbyterian) Church of Scotland;tho Right Rov. Win, E. Armitage.Bishop of tho Protestant EpiscopalDioceso of Wisconsiu ; tho Her. Fred-erick Buel, a zealous agent of thoAmerican Bible Socioty iu Californiafor 24 years; the Rev. Cnwar Pronicr,Profess r of Theology iu tho Evan-gelical Seminary atGonovu ; the Rov.Antonio uarrasco, lounuer ot mo nrat,Protestant Church iu Madrid, lost iutho Villo du Havre tho Right Rev,John Early, tho oldest Bishop of thoMetuouist episcopal unurcu, south ;

the Rev. John Todd, long a pastor ofthe First Congregationalist Churchof PitUlleld ; Tho Rev. S. 8. Schmu-che-

one of tho ablest theologians oftho Lutheran Church ; Samuel WiNberforce. Bishop of Winchester,who fell from his horee andwas killed iustuntly; tho Rev. Dr.Guinzburg of Boston, a distinguishedHebrew divine; the Rev. Charles W.Whitehead, chaplain for severalyears ot tne new rone uity Hospi-tal; Dr. Isaac Ferris, who was 20years Chancellor of tho Now YorkUniversity ; Archbishop Shiepmau,uoman uatuoiic Arcuuisuop oiUtrecht; Cardinal Billiot; the Iter. J.Eagleston, D. D., of B,utfalo. one ofthe inoit popular ministers in West-ern Pennsylvania: the Rov. and Hon.,Wriothesley Noel, a promlnont mem-ber of the Baptist church iu England;Bishop Maclivaiue, one of tno mosteminent prelates of the ProtestantEpiscopal church: Syrel Jonew. n popular preacher in the Soolety ofFriends: Munor Man. a Chinese mi'louary: tho Rev. William btarr,

Roman Catholic vim-Genera- l ofthe Archdiocese of Now York; Thos.Esbiuson, au English divine audauthor,

Among the foreigners tjiatiiigtilslipdIn political and official life, who died,was John Stuart Mill, oue of theBritish Liberal leaders, and a u6ted

i political economist; Urbano llutUui,

tho Itallon statesman; Daoud Pasha,n dlatinguUhed Turkish statesman;Cotnto do Flavigny, n warm adhor-cu- t

to Louis Philippe; Don Sahtstl-nu- o

OlozAgo, whoso name was uno-clate- d

with many vicissitudes ofSpanish politics within tho last 40year; Ur. O. P. .Tudd, who was foryears it leading official in the Saud-wic- h

Islands; .lamed Clay, a Britishmember of Parliament of Liberalpolitic, and it noted authority onwhist; Count Von BerustorlT. GermanEmbassador at London; I do Hon,Jas. W'. Johnston, mauy years leadernf Mm PntiMrvAlln ..!.. t. XT......

Scotia; Jose M. Mayors, n zealousworker iu the cause of Cuban inde-pendence; Lordoric Vltet, u prouil-se- nt

French Conservative politician;n Barrot, it Frcuctt Liberal

leader; Count do Beam, Second Secrotary of the French Lcgation at Washington. Several persoin prominently known iubusiness circles in this country andabroad, died. Among them wero theHon. Horaco F. Clark, a lawyer, alsowidely known! in financial, raihroad,and political circles: Francis War-den, manger of A. T.Slowarttk Co.'sforeign business for nearly thirtyyears: George Talbot Clyphant, thofounder of tho house of Ulyphant'sSon, engaged in extouslvo trado InChina; 15. S. Mills, of Brooklyn, whostood high iu tho opinion of themcrcantilo community, but wasfound to have beou n defaulter; au

Peter Gilsey, who built fourNew Y'ork hotola; George Hcuriques,founder of the Open Board of bro-kers; Frank Baker, a stockholderand likewiso a truo sports-man; Timothy Uurlbut, of WiiHtud,Conn., an iron manufacturer; Wil-liam Archdall O'Doherty, associatedwith Erie railway affairs; SindeyDorlon, the noted oyster-ma- n ofFulton Market and a worthy citizen; J.John A. Brown, a Philadelphia capUtalistaud liberal philanthropist; T.Baring, oue of the heads of the houseof Baring Brothers of London; JohnHopkins, the wealthiest man iu Bal-timore, and a generous benefactor;Edmond J. Forstall of ftew Orleans,merchant and financier; Cyrus Wake-field of Boston, an extensive manu-facturer; Capt. Edwin Holbrook, oneof tho pioneer of the Louisvillo to-

bacco trade, and Samuel RobertGraves, nn extensivo morchaut andship owner of Liverpool.

Among tho Americans who werocither formerly or recently prominentin political lite who died were: Aza-ria- h

O. Flagg, one of tho founders oftho Barnburners party iu this State ;

exsUnited States Senator Yates;John Parker Hnle, the vcteratt Abo-litionist; cx-Qo- v. Peter 1). Vrooui,of New Jersey, a warm ndheront ofAndrew Jackson ; Stophen R. Mai-lor-

of tho ConfederateNavy; Robert Ethridge, Chief Clerkand acting Naval Officer of this port ;John White Geary, ofPennsylvania, and a leading cornsmandor in tho civil war; AlfredCumraing, of Georgia, Governer ofUtah during the trouble there in1M7 ; John 11. Baldwin, a Virginianpolitician, formerly Speaker of theConfederate House of Representa-tives; James Brooks, a solf-mad- o man.editor and politician; tor

JJames Dixon, of Connecticut, 12 years a memberof the United States Senato;Jamas L. Orr, Minister to Russia,onco Speaker of the Houso of Rep-resentatives; Moses Bates, of Massa-chusetts, a prominent member of theDemocratic party: DavidBurnett, who hold public office inNew Jersey; Martin Kalb-floisc- h,

of Brooklyn, who acquiredconsiderable wealth by honest .labor,and was a good civic official; ox-Go-

Colby, of New Hampshire; GeorgeN. Sauders, an active agent of theaoutnern tjouioucrucy; Jonu A.Kennedy, everal veara SuporinUnd- -

ent of the Municipal Police; OakesAmes, of Credit Moblller notoriety;Daniol Moroau Barriuger, of NorthCarolina, four years Minister toSpain, and tho Hon. Grecno Cen-dric-

of Connecticut, onco a proml-uo- nt

Whifj politioian.Tho military profession of this aid

foreign countries lost Gen. Cauby,treacherously killed by the Modoc's;Count do Segur, a "oldiar of the firstFrench Empire; Gen. Edward Johnson, who fought well for the Confod-orat- o

cause; Col. John Watts duVoysted, a gallant soldier of theUnion; Gen. W. II. Sidoll, a civil en-

gineer and a soldier of tho MexicAtiand civil wars; Brig. Gen. RichardDelatield, of the engineer corps, au-thor of an elaborate report on theart of war in Europe; Gen. WilliamHardee, ono of Sherman's sturdiestfoea; Lieut. Geo. M. Harris, killed inthe Lava lltds; Liout. Woodruff, oftho United States Army Corps ayouug officer of promise; Gen. JoseAntonio Bacz, liberator of Venezuela;Lieut. Gen. Nino Binlo, oue of Garibaldi's faithful followers; PedroFrancho do A 1 faro, Augustine SantoRoss, Erminia Qucseda, Gen, Barna-b- o

Varona, Pedro Ccspedos, Col.Jesus del Sol, and Gen. W. O'O. Ry-an, victims of the massacre at Sauti-- )

ago.Royalty and royal housos lost-Nap- oleon

III.; King John I., of Sax-ony, after an ovcutful reign of tl9years; Prltico Adalbort of Prussia, oneof tho most genial as well as the mostintelligent members of tho House ofPrussia; Dowager Empress Amelia, oflirazll, aim rrlnco Massimo, u iirmadhoreut of tho temporal power ofthe Papacy.

Several leading physicians died,among whom were Sir Henry Hol-land of London; Dr. Natation ofParis; Dr. W. E. Ida of Columbus;Dr. B. L. Sheehy, and omineutphysiciau of Rochester; Dr. Wm. VanDoursen, au eminent physician ofNew Jersey; Hugh L. Hodge of Phil-adelphia; aud U. G. Rigelow, whopracticed 27 years in Albany.

The necrology of the past year alsoincludes! Mrs. Aloxandcr AgassU;uoi. i' reucricic 1. uent.latlier ot Mrs.Grant; the Hon. William P. Mellon,Supervising Special Agent of theTreasury uuder Secretary Chase; Mrs.Stanton, widow of the IJon. E. If.Stanton, the great war eecrstary;Robt. Sirbury; of Jefferson county,N. Y., who'is remembered lor havingslain, us a hunter, more than 2.200deer; "Beau" Hickman, a Washingtou resident of eccentric habits.

Boolx. ijra.jl WoV


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The great Dcmocntl vlclorlca In New YorkOhln, Maryland, and Vlr(J.H,th8lar.llng

iff feat In lacoials, Iowa, Kananirlid Illinois, forrihfldnw tho election of a

Congre n in 1874, and tho election of aDemocratic Prealilentln 187(1,

The secret of tlio triuniph a.ealywoi ha.leen,tertdfat adherence to thonnrariliatlon,unlUnchlng flilcllty to tho rTlnci.r, 0( theIKimocratlc prly. "Tlia Worlif' has toonfalttiful tu Hi truat. Whn hint horta lalkedof a apollcd party, ndrrd party, a ne parly,it bora aloft tho fhg of the historic, It.lomlt-abt- o

Democratic party. That flai, lna.rltoltill tho legend., l'tre Trade ar.il Karnpra'

ltlghta, Hani Money and no Monopolies i,IXmccrataof Ohio aud New York cnrrlrd Inglorloui victory, aubrcttlngUraiit'a majoiltlnol 37,000 and 31,000.

A new career now opens before Ihe Demo-cracy moie gtorloua and moro lieiiencentthan lla paitrareer, Identlflnl tboiigh tint lowith tho founding ot the llepuhllc, its cxpnu-alo- n

ncros Ilia continent, Its lull century ufproipcillyand peni-o-.

Thapiecrctot'iU future, of lla pantardpriMtit triumph, Is Kill a ateadfaal

to Iho organization, nn unflinchingHJelltr to tho principles nf tho Democratic party prluilplea never 80 needful as now to beapplied throughout our Nation, Htate andlimulelp.il llfn, to heal tho won mis anil demor-alization of war, to atop corrupt and prulllgutoexpenditure, to limit and localize power en-

trusted to the people'a aervnnl., to lltnrtoour Inditatrli from the fatter of 1'Hilmroiutarlll', our trado from tho fluuctuatlotta of nnIrroJecmablo piper currency, and our agricul-ture from the double plundering ot lwt,iiiwell a., to repair lbs wide-spre- flnanclUriilnwrought by tho fiscal policy ot tho lleputlicanpatty.

The duty of the World In thla onward uinrcliof tho Democratic hoMe to victory, Is tho

ot political truth. Our woik'itllllKifrutlfuUn proportional tlio World Is widelyread.

Wo nsk Democrats everywhero to aid in luaratttrlng the good aeol broadcast over tliowhole laud durint tho period ao Important toths coming harvests.

Where i r how can any Democrat work anclllclcntly foi thodirfustou nf the principles oflilsiiirty.nud their triumph nt tho ballot boxIn '74 and '7i, ns by procuilng now toadirs fortho World, now?

Aa a vehicle ol news, the World will spare noexpense, no energy, ti iiialutnlii and advanceits place In the first rank nf metropolitan Jour-nals, lla frrh, nliundant, various, nnducenr-at- o

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rent IntclllRcncc, will bo discussed as Ixi iniics utrustworthy org.ui of opinion, with cimlor,with steady devotion to sound public and

with special knowl.Mnelor specialtlieniM, and with various and ap-prehension of tho manifold Intureaianf men midwomen In their ;homcs. th-- lr markot-placv- e,

their workshops and their farina,THE WEIiUbV VOKI.

la our groat edition (Wcilnc-lay- ) for tho coun-try. It contains:1, JUBiaicst pueus ii'icKrupueu iruui un nil

maraoiaot tneuniicu niaies) oi live s.oek.rountry nroduco, general produca of everykind, ana oi money, aiocks, ami iroignia inNew York and IUirope

2. Ihe farmora' page, with nil tho doliift of IhoI'n rmora' Club of tho Amoicin lustltutn,loiter from practical farmers, nnd aclcutltlcdiscussion on profitable (arming.

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4. Ono or two flrat-rat- o novel during thoyour,

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THE d.vii.y wom.i).Price for one copy fur one year 810 (Inrlml

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(Ready about January 1, 1874 )

Ono copy, post-pai- 23 cente. l'lvo copies,poat-pal- 8f 00.

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Trim, Frlngrt, Illntlo,

Rufile, ripe, Em


and do vory other kind ol work



Machine in tho Market!

acafaj.-- v itAND YOU WILL BUY IT


WonLu'a nxrosiTiOK, 1 ,

VlU.NMa, August JKth, 1873.

To Mbsim. Farbkr A Wiikkleb, Chicago,Ills I

Wheeler A Wilson Manufacturing Company,825 llruadway, New York, awarded (lit ANDMEDAL on progress, OltAND MKDAL ofmerit, and THK ONLYSKWINO MACHINERECOMMENDED by the International Juryfor the ORAND DIPLOMA OI' HONOR.

Signed, O. JJ. WOOD.S.

For aale by Traveling Agent throughout theStato. Offices 183 Htate Hired, Chicago, audfill 1'ourteenth street, Omaha, Nab.


New Type!





1 11 h h ;:

WOMAN.Ty nn Immenso practice. cMcnilln!j tUnntuli

tierlihlnr jinis, Invlnjj stltlijn that tliiiu treatedtntny Ihoiisniid cusr of tho-- o it' ,eaes pccullirti) stnm.iu, 1 hs.so been piinlilrd 1 1 nrfecl a motliotmtnnd nun rabid iiuillcliipltini tin eta thn hull.rations pnseutid by tWit (lis. of illcsiiscs Willi...talll, 1 1 npt.ili.ltf mi.t nvni ll,n.

Tu ilcslcn.ito this iialutul rpecifiihaonaiui'dlt JDr. Picrco's Pavorito Prcl

' Ihetcrm, however, U hntn focb!o expresalonofmy nioft tnalitrod nnprechitlou ir Its nluo, basedU11011 actual and ultucss 'd realities. As n closjobener, I hio while wllnoclnj Its poltlo

In tho fou'epiclul dlKcnfCK Incident to tlioseparato organism cf wnmnn, alnglcd It nut ajthu rllniux or crouitiitu; mini of mymoillriil ritrrer. Oil ttsnicrltsnenpolllo,Mfe, and elU-cti- romcily for this clas ordlscssei.and ono that Hint nil tlmesntid tinder allrlrcnni-itanc- cs

act kindly and In harmony vtlth thalvsv Inch co urn tho femilo Fistcm. I auiMllllns tuItako my reputation ns a plijsiciin Nay, evenmoro en confldent nm I that It w III not dlsspKitnttho tuo't sangulnoexpi'cmtloiisof n elnsle Insnlldlady who employs It for any of tho aliment TorWilcli I recommend It, that I ofler mid fell It

under A POS1T1VI! CUAIlANTDi:. Ifn beneficial olTect Is not experienced by tho llniii

s uf the contents uf tho botllo aro used,I Mill, on tuliirn uf tho botlle, two thirds of tbjmedlclno basing becu taken ncconllng to direc-tion', aud tho ca.u hcitif! ono lor which 1 rerum-men- d

it, promptly refund tho money paid for It.Had I not tho most perfect confldein.n tu its sir- -'

tucs.l could nut offer It as I do under these icnill-Hon- a;

but having witnessed It Iruls- - nitmenloucure In thoussuds or cases, 1 Irni wnr-rnnt- ed

and porfortly unto In rUldnirbotli my and iuy iiionovon lt morltis.

The following aro among thoan tltseaiei Irsrrhlch my 1'avorito Prrarrliitlon lisworked cures as II by limbic and w 1th u tcitatntynever before attained by auy incdselue: a,

Excessive Floss Ing, Palnlul MonthlrPeriods, Kuppreeslons when from iinnattuilcauses, Irregularities, Weak Hack, Prolapsus, orfalling of tho Uterus, Antovcrslun mul Itclrmcr.slon, Bearing Duwu bensntlous, Internal Ileal,NrrsOuH Depression, Debility. Despondency,Threatened Mlacarriugo, Chronic Concustluu,

and Utceiatlnn of tho Uterus, Impotency, llarrenness.or Hterlllty, rcninle WeaUiiosj.and scry many other chronic diseases incident lorsoman not mentioned hero. In ulncli, as sellas In tho casos which I Imsu mentioned, myFavurlto Proscription works cures tlio ninr-v- el

ol tlio world. This medicine 1 do netcxtul a n euro an, mil it numirnniy niiniis afeet specific In all curpnic diseases or Iho pexuslevstern of ssoman. It will not illrnrjnoitit. norwill It do harm In nny stato or condition. It willba found Invaluablo In dlscasee Incident In prer;.nancy, and can lx taken In modcruta doses w It U

safetr w hllo lu that stato. Indeed. It t

a .tlotliur'H Cordial, and rn prcpnios Ibisystom lor iitrturltlon limtlt renders eiukl-niljo- t

easy. I Iiao rccctscu tno iicnnicit praiso tihundred of mothers for tho Ineetluiabloi hn rntifi-rn-f-

I odor my Favorite Prescrlpllono Ihe LadiesoCJtmerlca with tho elnrctlty or on lioncet heart,and for their beet welfare. Thoto who desirefurther Information on theso eulilects can obtainIt In my Tiujatisb on Cimionio DitEAsrs op TimClENEr.sTivr. and UiiiNAttv OnoAvs, rent eerurjfrom observation upon lecelpl nf two postagjitnmp. It Irent minutely on thono dlsenvs p.cullar to Females, end ylsea mucUaluttbloadvlcilu regard to their inanagcmept

tiit. piruci'.'s I'Avoinxn rnr.- -KCJHIPTION IS NOI.1) IIV AI.I.l'litsr class Binjuciisas., at 8i.super bottle.

ilauulacturcd at tno i ncmicai uinorniory orJf. I. I'lJUlCV, 31. J., Vrnp'v '

X JtlTl'ALO. n! r..

ASK ECU PYLE'So HSaaanaaaaaV

S.A.Xj3B3 Kz-A--T;

-- AND-


BXUBT I3ST XT S3 333!OLD by nil KH19T-CI.AS- H UltOCICIti






At the BEE Oflice,

will) Nentn.aa is I)a.iiiUhl

138, Favnham Stroet,

Dtwen Mnlh i

tU at 11 trmt


Uou ml


