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Macross 2050 RPG: Sourcebook 2 - Protoculture

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  ourcebook 2


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About this book 

This is the second sourcebook for Macross 2050. It contains more in depth

information about the Protoculture, Zentraedi, Protodeviln and Varauta.or ease of reference, !Zentraedi" refers to the race as a #hole, #hile Zentran and

Meltran #ill be used to refer specificall$ to the male and female forces, respectivel$.

%lso, the Zentraedi in this book assume reference to the forces that have never contacted&arth's culture.


(hapter ) * The$ +ere Protoculture

(hapter 2 * Zentraedi eries

(hapter - * Zentraedi Technolo$

(hapter / * &vil eries(hapter 5 * Varauta &mpire

(hapter * Varauta Technolo$

(hapter 1 * The tellar epublic 3 The Inspection %rm$

%ppendi4 ne * Zentraedi 6anuae

Chapter 1 – They Were ProtocultureIn 2007, scientist %ries Turner researches an ancient artifact pulled from the

ocean's floor near the island of Ma$an, in the outh Pacific. he believes it #as left b$ an

ancient race kno#n as !Protoculture" #ho visited &arth thousands of $ears ao. %fter the8oddole Zer fleet annihilates &arth, an ancient Protoculture ruins resurfaces from its

20,0009$ear rest on the ocean floor. The computer tells :ikaru and Misa that the

Protoculture altered the enetic structure of earl$ humans to match their o#n, for the purpose of coloni;ation. <urin the ceasefire #ith the 8oddole Zer fleet, the records on

8oddole Zer's ship confirm this information. In 20/5, on the planet a4, an ancient

Protoculture cit$ resurfaces in the middle of the ocean, and the Macross 1 fleet learnsmore about the shared heritae of the Protoculture, Zentraedi and humans. =nfortunatel$the ruins #ere completel$ destro$ed b$ >lavil and >avil before more can be learned. ?o

further investiation on the planet could be made after >iile self9destructed, takin a4

and Valo #ith him.% record left b$ the Protoculture in the ruins on planet >>T !a4" read as@

!+e are the hihl$ intellient beins #ho first developed a culture out of all lives in

space. +e call ourselves Protoculture. +e, the Protoculture, lived on a planet of reener$and abundance. +e established small settlements, athered seeds, and lived in peace.

6ater, #e developed metal tools and farmin implements. +hen #e learned ho# to plo#

the land, the number of our people multiplied, and #e #ere divided into t#o roups.

Then the industr$ and commerce developed. Politics and economics became a part of life,and there #ere e4chanes amon various fields. Time passed, and our people ventured

into space. There #ere t#o factions #ho #ere al#a$s in dispute. This battle e4tended all

across the ala4$. +e personall$ polluted the culture #e created. In order to fiht aainsteach other, #e developed our o#n soldiers, the Zentraedi. The #eapons escalated, and

soon there #ere soldiers stroner than the Zentraedi, kno#n as the &vil series. The battle

continued. The fihtin #as lon, and seemed it #ould never end. &ventuall$, #e #eredestro$ed b$ the Protodeviln."

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8ased on this record, it is kno#n that the

Protoculture #ere the first sentient humanoid race to

evolve in the ala4$. The$ developed science andtechnolo$ that #as millennia ahead of an$thin an$

other race in the ala4$ has been able to achieve. 8$

use of subliht travel, and later superluminal travel,the$ coloni;ed much of the ala4$ and built a reat

empire kno#n as the tellar epublic. The

Protoculture also eneticall$ altered the native lifeon &arth, Zola, and #ho9kno#s ho# man$ other

#orlds, preparin them for future coloni;ation. The$

#ere the first race to create culture, and the first to

master the advanced sciences of enetics andmechanical enineerin. Protoculture are considered

Tech 6evel )0 AT6 )) in some fieldsB for Mekton.

:o#ever, the Protoculture e4panded too

fast, causin internal conflicts over territor$. %fter alon and po#erful arms race, their epublic

collapsed under the continued assaults of their o#n bioloical #eapons Asee (hapters 2 and /B, as the

Protodeviln assault #ith their Inspection %rm$ and

later as the Zentraedi rebel and declare enocide onthe Protoculture. &ventuall$ the Protoculture parent

race became e4tinct.

%t the end of Macross rontier, it is revealed

that the Protoculture admired and even deified theVaCra. The$ mimicked the VaCra b$ developin

superdimensional fold enines, and even created one

of their &VI6 series models Athe % !bird man"of Macross ZeroB to look like the VaCra Dueen.

That is all that is reall$ kno#n about the Protoculture. The anime provides little

concrete information be$ond this. The imae in the ruins on the planet a4 sho#ed ahuman9lookin bald male, and #ith the kno#lede that the Zentraedi and even humans

#ere effectivel$ descendants of the Protoculture, #e can assume that the$ #ere ver$

much like us in appearance and capabilit$. %lso, #e kno# from the ruins that the

lanuae and script of the Protoculture is #hat the Zentraedi lanuae is based from,havin dialect differences such as the difference bet#een 8ritish &nlish and %merican


:o#ever, the Protoculture are not completel$ e4tinct. %ppro4imatel$ 7,000 $earsao, the Zentran fleet led b$ >le encountered a civili;ation livin in a remote star

s$stem that matched all records of the Protoculture. The colon$ had been dominated b$ a

Protodeviln #ho had avoided imprisonment b$ the anima spiritia. Thus it is possiblesome of the more remote Protoculture colonies ma$ still e4ist toda$.

The Macross E7/ <F6 movie seems to reference that the Protoculture

themselves split into male and female factions after learnin to clone themselves. This

ma$ be the truth of the chism +ar.

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Protoculture Timeline

Fears are appro4imated.P( 0 500,000 8(G first $ear of the Protoculture calendar.

P( 2/00 irst #ave of coloni;ation via subliht enines.

P( 2500 <evelopment of the Zentraedi for pro4$ #arfare.P( 2444 <iscover$ of the VaCra. Inspired b$ the insectoid race, the Protoculture

seek to emulate them throuh their technolo$, leadin to the development of

superdimensional Aspace foldB enines, ener$ conversion armor and the heav$ particle beam cannon. The VaCra also influence the development of the !bird9man" and the later

&VI6 series Zentraedi.

P( 2100 econd #ave of coloni;ation via superdimensional enines.

P( 2700 ormation of the tellar epublic.P( 270 +ithin the e4cessivel$ over9e4pandin tellar epublic, internal rifts

 bein formin. The internal rifts eventuall$ develop into lare9scale conflicts that split

the tellar epublic into t#o resultin in the chism +ar.

P( 275 <evelopment of the &vil series Zentraedi b$ one faction of the chism+ar. The$ discover the ener$ subdimension and tap the ener$ to po#er the &vil series.

P( 2710 % Protoculture ship lands on !earth", eneticall$ alter the native life forfuture coloni;ation. :o#ever, the surve$ ship is destro$ed b$ opposin forces and

records of the planet are lost.

P( 271) +ith the use of the ener$ subdimension, the &vil series protot$pes areactivated and are immediatel$ possessed b$ ener$ life forms from the subdimension.

The resultin Protodeviln bein to take control of the forces that created them.

P( 2712 +ithin nine months, nearl$ 75H of life in the tellar epublic is lost to

the Protodeviln's Inspection %rm$ Aalso translated as upervision %rm$B. emaininProtoculture learn of piritia and learn to use it aainst the Protodeviln, sealin them

a#a$ on an ic$ #orld.

P( 2715 (ontrol over the colonies disinterates, and soon the remaininProtoculture lose control over the Zentraedi and the$ o roue.

P( -000 <issolution of the tellar epublic. pposition bet#een the upervision

%rm$ and Zentraedi factions beins. To this da$, the upervision %rm$ remains the primar$ enem$ of the Zentraedi.

P( 5000 In #hat still remains of the tellar epublic, onl$ a small number of

separated coloni;ed planets, coloni;ation fleets, space colon$ clusters [bunches], and

other populations at the ede of the ala4$ are left.P( 25,000 Protoculture are larel$ considered to be e4tinct.

P( /0,000 Protoculture rediscover earth and leave artifacts on the island of Ma$an as

 proof of their visit. urthermore, the$ alter the enes of some of the inhabitants to allo#them to use their artifacts throuh chantJson. ?ot #antin to repeat the chism +ar,

the$ leave the !bird9man" to Cude humanit$ once the$ are capable of space travel.

A%ppro4imatel$ )0,000 $ears ao b$ >reorian calendar K7,000 8(LB.P( /2,000 oue Zentran fleet >le discovers a lost Protoculture colon$ that had

 been dominated as a spiritia farm b$ an unkno#n minor Protodeviln that had avoided

imprisonment b$ the anima spiritia.

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Character Creation

The follo#in templates seem to fit the leac$ of the Protoculture. The$ et /5

skill levels to distribute amonst template skills. The$ et the normal allotment of P,and ain an additional )0 points for !pick up" skills due to their focus on learnin and



The ruins on planet a4 indicate that politics became a dail$ part of Protoculture life, soit stands that this #ould be a valued occupation.

Skills@ (harismatic 6eadership, %uthorit$, +ritin, Personal >roomin, +ardrobe 3

t$le, ocial, :ih ociet$


This is one of the e4perts #orkin in the development of bioloical #eapons such as the

Zentraedi and &vil eries or Cust a simple medical doctor.

Skills@ Med Tech, 8iolo$, (omputer peration, &4pert@ >enetics, Zoolo$, Patholo$,

(r$otank peration

Mechanical Engineer

This is an e4pert that #orks in the fields of mechanics, robotics or spacecraft. The

Protoculture developed much of the technolo$ used b$ the Zentraedi and =? in the

current stor$line.

Skills@ Mechanical &nineer, esearch, Mathematics, (omputer peration, choose - I?T

andJor T&(: skills

Stellar Republic Citien

This template represents the !averae oe" of the Protoculture population. This can

include all of the la$men, professionals and homebodies of their culture.Skills@ (omputer peration, Mathematics, Personal >roomin, +ardrobe 3 t$le, Pilot@

%V or <rivin, an$ 2 skills Aonl$ one ma$ be !difficult"B


+hile the Zentraedi did most of the field combat, some Protoculture #ere still needed as

enerals, tacticians and securit$ forces.

Skills@ Tactics, %uthorit$, Militar$ &tiDuette, Pilot@ huttlecraft, Mathematics, &4pert@

Zentraedi, Intimidation

Chapter # – $entrae%i Series+ith the rapid e4pansion of the tellar epublic, man$ conflicts bean to arise

#ithin the epublic, threatenin to enulf the empire in a alactic civil #ar. To preserve

the lives of the Protoculture, the Zentraedi #ere developed for the use of pro4$ #arfare.

8$ usin their o#n enetic material, the$ enineered a race of iant si;ed soldiers #ith

no histor$ or culture. The$ further enforced their #ill on the Zentraedi b$ proramminthem #ith a prime directive !<o not interfere #ith the Protocultures". %lso, the Zentraedi

and Meltrandi #ere sereated into their o#n fleets to prevent them from !discoverin"

culture. %fter the collapse of the tellar epublic, the Zentraedi and Meltrandi fleets drift

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apart and bein to fiht amonst each other. +ars bet#een the Meltran and Zentran fleets

are particularl$ common since the$ believed themselves to be t#o separate races for

hundreds of thousands of $ears.The averae Zentraedi, be the$ Zentran or Meltran, is five times the si;e of &arth

:umans, and before their contact #ith &arth and its human inhabitants the Zentraedi

soldiers had the eDuivalent education of human primar$ school children A#ith thee4ception of command staff and ace pilotsB. ince havin been e4posed to human societ$

their full mental abilities have been permitted to surface and the$ have sho#n themselves

to be ever$ bit as intellient as humans, and in some cases more intellient than theaverae human. %fter pace +ar I, the =? >overnment conducted trainin prorams to

train Zentraedi in human culture and ive them man$ of the skills that humans had but

that Zentrans and Meltrans lacked. The Zentraedi of &arth faced a hard transition period

man$ of them turnin reneade aainst &arth. Man$ more ho#ever happil$ lived on&arth andJor Coined the =? %rmed orces to rebuild the &arthEs defenses. Those that fled

the final battle of pace +ar I after 8oddole Zer's death still #ander the ala4$ searchin

remnants of the Inspection %rm$, and fihtin #ith &arth orces #hen the$ encounter

each other. ome of the forces have defected to &arth seekin the strane culture thatdefeated them durin the #ar, and lookin for an alternative to constant #ar.

Macross 1 Trash states that the Zentraedi eries do not have the rane of emotionsthat humans do. %ll the$ kno# is fihtin instinct and militar$ orani;ation. +hen the$

came in contact #ith the culture of &arth, memories of emotion started to a#aken in their

enetics, causin them confusion and strippin a#a$ their abilit$ to fiht Asee (ulturehock belo#B. &ven then, it takes them some time to adCust to these ne# emotions.

Ph$sioloicall$, the Zentraedi eries are .7H similar to humans, and can even

have natural born offsprin #ith them. %ll of the Zentraedi eries have the same rane of

human blood t$pes, but have a !;" after it to indicate their stron <?% Asuch as bloodt$pe 8;B. %n$one #ith half or Duarter Zentraedi eries bloodline have their normal

human blood t$pe #ith a !c" after it to represent their link to the Zentraedi Aives them a

 better adaptation to bein reverse9microni;ed, see belo#B. %n$one #ith )J7 Zentraedi blood or less is considered to have Cust !normal" human blood t$pe. There are some t$pes

of Zentraedi #hose parts of their heads move on their o#n, and some t$pes #hose hair

moves like antennae.%nother interestin note is that the ZentranJMeltran mitocondrial <?% is

dominant, so an$ children born to a humanJZentraedi matin #ill al#a$s be the same

ender as the non9human parent. &ssentiall$, because of the hundreds of millennia of

clonin, there have been no impurities or mutations in their basic enetic strain. Thisremoves an$ !#eak" parts of <?% that could be over#ritten. %n$ descendants #ho are

N Zentraedi or less have normal chances of either ender children since the inclusion of

human <?% #hich is mutable makes variation more common. % matin bet#een a full9 blooded Zentraedi and full9blooded Meltrandi have normal chances of either ender

children. This is #h$ Ma4 and Miri$a enius had seven dauhters and no sons.

Zentraedi eries characters are made as normal, and then scaled to !roadstrikerscale" to represent their si;e. +hile macronian, all Zentraedi eries are adCusted as listed

 belo#. %ll stats return to !normal" if the$ undero microni;ation. Macroni;ed Zentraedi

have an echoin reverberation to their voice.

O T 42

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O 8< 4-

O M% 4- Aat M% -0 one can run 20.)- mphB

O :IT is macroni;ed 8< 425O %t a base T of )0 the$ can inflict ) damae unarmed. This ets Q) ever$ 5 T

A2 at )5, - at 20, / at 25, 5 at -0, at -5, etc.B.

O :eiht@ To find macron heiht, multipl$ base cm b$ 5O +eiht@ Multipl$ base #eiht in k b$ )25 for Meltran or )50 for Zentran to find their

macron #eiht

&4panded 8<JT 

&4panded values for macroni;ed Zentraedi. %s these 8< values can onl$ be

achieved #hile macroni;ed, the :its are alread$ increased to macron scale.

B!& Torso 'ea% (i)bs *















































































STR &)g E+

)/9)5 Q/ )2

)9)1 Q5 )/

)79) Q )

2092) Q1 )72292- Q7 20

2/925 Q 22

2921 Q)0 2/2792 Q)) 2

-09-) Q)2 27

-29-- Q)- -0

-/9-5 Q)/ -2

-9-1 Q)5 -/

O ?ote that the damae bonus does not appl$ to their ills damae.

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Microni;ation Process

Macron Zentraedi can be microni;ed to human si;e b$ a process that reDuires amicroni;ation chamber and takes appro4imatel$ -0 minutes to complete. :o#ever, this

causes a lare amount of stress on the vital orans of the subCect. The subCect's ph$sical

stats A8<, T, M% and %>I6B are reduced b$ half Aof base microni;ed valueB for 2hours after the process is finished, as their orans strain to compensate. urthermore,

an$one underoin the process can onl$ do so 2 times in a month safel$ Aone process and

then the reverseB. &ach additional process after the second #ithin a month's time causesthe subCect to make a 8< check Aat base micronian valueB or die a painful death, #ith a

cumulative 95 to the roll for each time after the third. &ven if the$ make this 8< check,

the$ suffer half their :its in damae from the strain.

In the Macross '7/ <F6 movie, in the scene #here Miri$a and Ma4 #eresuitin up to fiht aainst 8oddole Zer, Ma4's voice had the reverberation that the full

si;ed Zentraedi have, and #as also earin up to pilot a Rueadlunn9au po#er armor.This brins up the Duestion !can humans be macroni;ed". impl$ put, $es the$ can, since

the$ share an almost identical enetic structure as the Zentraedi. :o#ever, since the

Zentraedi #ere eneticall$ enineered to be macroni;ed, and the human bod$ is notaccustomed to the process, and can onl$ undero the process once per month safel$ and it

takes them t#ice as lon to adCust A/ hoursB. :umans #ith stron Zentraedi blood Ahavin

the !c" in their listed blood t$peB are treated as full9blooded Zentraedi for purpose of ho#man$ times the$ can safel$ undero the process.

This also means that the Zolans, and an$ other races $et to be found that have

 been altered b$ the Protoculture Aas #ell as the Protoculture themselvesB, can undero themicroni;ationJmacroni;ation process. Zolans are considered to be full9blooded Zentraedi,even thouh onl$ one has ever underone the macroni;ation process.

(ulture hock Zentraedi forces that have never encountered culture have a stron reaction #hen

confronted b$ culture. =ntil the$ become accustomed to dealin #ith culture, Zentran

and Meltran #ho see evidence of culture Akissin or an$ displa$ of men and #omen

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toether, music, art, etcB #ill be shocked and unable to take an$ action for ) round, and

then suffer a penalt$ on all checks for a fe# rounds as their minds tr$ to shut out the

cultural contamination.Men 3 #omen toether sociall$@ 92 for )d)0 rounds

=nassisted music Asolo siner, no bandB@ 92 for )d)0Q- rounds

ull band #ith enhancements@ 9/ for 2d)0 rounds!Minmei %ttack"@ 95 for as lon as it is maintained

omantic situation AkissinB or seein a bab$@ 9 for 2d)0Q- rounds

Vie#in nudit$ of opposite ender or se4ual situation@ 9)0 for -d)0Q5 roundsZentraedi ma$ attempt a (6 Q esist Torture at a <V of 20 to shut out the culture

shock in half the time. If the$ roll a ) on their resist roll, their minds simpl$ cannot

handle #hat the$ are seein and the$ sit or stand catatonic until removed from the source.

(ulture %ddiction

Zentraedi e4posed to culture risk becomin enamored #ith it. &ach da$ a

Zentraedi is surrounded #ith culture, the$ must make a (6 Q esist Torture test <V

)5 or the$ #ill bein to feel s$mpath$ for the culture in Duestion. nce the$ have failed anumber of tests eDual to half their (6 stat, the$ bein to lose their fihtin ede,

sufferin a 9- penalt$ on all combat or aressive rolls. nce the$ fail a number of testseDual to their (6 stat, the$ lose the #ill to fiht e4cept in defense.

If a culture addicted Zentraedi is returned to their militar$ lifest$le, the$ #ill

return to the 9- state in a number of da$s eDual to their (6 stat, but the$ #ill neverreturn to bein !Cust a soldier" unless the$ undero ps$choloical reprorammin in

Zentraedi medical facilities.

&ducationZentraedi are SprorammedS #ith the skills needed for their role #hile still in the

clone chambers. This reduces the need for trainin time, and also provides no time for

 pickin up a hobb$. %ll SnaturalS Zentraedi have an &<= limit of ) unless the$ are acommand staff t$pe, in #hich case the$ ma$ have an &<= of 2. Most Zentraedi soldiers

have &<= 0 to represent the fact the$ are recentl$ cloned. It is not that the Zentraedi are

SstupidS, Cust that their lifest$le has no room for an$thin other than their dut$.

8attle Tactics

The Zentran forces use simple horde tactics and blit;krie attacks that take

advantae of their superior numbers. :avin been treated as disposable bioloical#eapons for countless millennia, this has colored their battle tactics appropriatel$. %n$

Zentran #ho is severel$ #ounded is t$picall$ left for dead, #hile those #ith minor

inCuries are taken back for basic medical attention.Meltran forces prefer lihtnin9fast raids and hit9and9run operations #here skill

and speed are more important. +ounded Meltran are treated #ith the same disreard as

#ounded Zentran, althouh the$ tend to have a reater inclusion of #hat inCuriesconstitute !severel$" #oundedG if the individual Meltran in Duestion #ere better skilled

she #ouldn't have let herself et killed.

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ank tructure

econd names listed are Meltran.

!private" * 6ine troops #ith no special desination. &4ample@ 6oli <osel, onda8romco, +arera ?antes.

<eparra Aplatoon leaderB * =suall$ in command of / to )5 mecha. &4ample@

elo$. Parino Abatter$ leaderJace pilotB * (ommands a full battalion or is an ace pilot.

&4ample@ Miri$a or (hlore.

:esh Aship captainJbattalion leaderB * In command of a ship or battalion.&4ample@ a;ianna.

ravsheeraJMoruk Afliht admiralJdivision commanderB * (ommands 1 to -0

capital ships. &4ample@ RuamCin or 6aplami;.

ormo Arecords officerB * (ommander's advisor, usuall$ in chare of allhistorical, scientific and technical data. &4ample@ &4sedol

Tul Atask force commanderB * leet commander, leadin 50 or more ships.

&4ample@ Vrlit#hai.

>or Asupreme fleet commanderB * (ommands a fleet of thousands of ships.&4ample@ 8oddole Zer.

Character Creation

Zentraedi characters #ho never have seen culture are made #ith the follo#in

rules and modifications. ull9blooded Zentraedi in a campain set before or a#a$ fromthe =? do not have to pa$ the P cost listed in the basebookG the P is onl$ for those

that #ish to pla$ a !natural" Zentraedi in a =? campainG if the campain is based on

!pure" Zentraedi, no one pa$s P for them.

$entran * The character is a full9blooded Zentran macron and has an undiluted enetic

strain from the oriinal Zentran clones. %ll full9blooded Zentran et Q2 to their 8< and

T stats, but must pa$ )5 P. ull9blooded Zentran ma$ raise their 8<, T and onecombat skill of choice to )2. ull9blooded Zentran automaticall$ et one free rank of

:ih Pain Threshold.

Meltran * The character is a full9blooded Meltran macron and has an undiluted enetic

strain from the oriinal Meltran clones. %ll full9blooded Meltran et Q2 to their %>I6

stat and Q) to their P& and M% stats, but must pa$ )5 P. ull9blooded Meltran ma$

raise their %>I6 and Pilotin skills up to )-. ull9blooded Meltran automaticall$ et%cute ense@ Vision for free since the$ have 20J10 vision.

OO In a macron campain, inore the )5 P cost for full9bloods.

All $entrae%i * In a macron campain, all Zentraedi are assumed to have the follo#in

complications, althouh the$ et no P for them@ &nemies AProtoculture, upervision%rm$, Protodeviln, ival leetsB A)5B, Manchurian (andidate * do not interfere #ith

Protoculture A5B and (ulture hock. The Manchurian (andidate represents their constant

enetic prorammin of !do not interfere #ith the Protoculture". n the plus side, all

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Zentraedi et a variation of Immunit$ since the$ are not affected b$ most basic illnesses

such as head colds, flu or po4 Aalthouh some varieties #ill affect themB.

dd hair colors include@ blue, orane, purple, black, bro#n, red and reen.dd skin tones include@ ra$, tan, caucasian, bluish, ashen, purplish, reen.

Meltran seem to be predominatel$ (aucasian in appearance.

 ?ote@ +ith the entire Zentraedi series havin the distinctive features of pointedears and odd skinJhair colors, #h$ did the cre# of the Macross not notice the three

Zentraedi runnin around the ship Anot to mention Miri$aB +ell for one, the cre# of the

Macross kne# the enem$ to be iants, not human9si;ed people. Most likel$ the$ thouhtthe microni;ed Zentraedi had d$ed hair or such. %nother likel$ ans#er is #illin

inoranceG the cre# didn't #ant to think their enemies to be so much like themselves. n

the other hand, distinctive appearance is not al#a$s a bad thin since Ma4 #as instantl$

attracted to Miri$a's !e4otic" beaut$.


%ll of the Zentraedi eries have basic militar$ skills prorammed into them #hile

the$ are still in the clone chambers, makin them alread$ skilled upon emerence.Meltrandi receive further trainin from their individual superiors, #hile hih command

receive even further prorammin #hile in the clonin chambers. %ll basic prorammedskills start at level 2, much like !ever$man skills". Those #ith the hih command

 proram also have the standard 2 ranks in all basic proram skills.

8asic Proram :ih (ommand Proram

%utomatic +eapon Tactics

:and to :and %stro9?aviation

ifle 3 hotun tarship perationMilitar$ &tiDuette hip +eaponr$

%thletics %uthorit$

<ode 3 &vade Intimidation

The Zentraedi eries ain the standard /5 skill levels to distribute amonst

template skills and basicJhih command prorammed skills. :o#ever, the$ have muchfe#er pick up skills due to the lack of eneral education, the$ receive onl$ their &<= 4)

skill points for pick up skills, and cannot select an$ scientific or mechanical, electrical,

repair or culture9based skills. Zentraedi have the normal P for customi;ation.

 Mecha Pilot Notes

)B Mecha Pilot@ Meltran Po#er %rmor includes the Rueadlunn9au, Rueadlunn9

 ?ona, Rueadlunn9Duilla, hellcair9>ar, (ino9Mul, Ma;emi9au, and MiPitt

2B Mecha Pilot@ Zentran Po#er %rmor includes the ?ousCadeul9>er, 6oran96o#,

elemo9>er and Mi Pitt-B Mecha Pilot@ 8attle Pod includes all eult variants, >lau, &4a >lau, Tau,

+aroster, aulon9Ve and >ilou;a9re

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Sol%ier,n"antry Progra)

Training@ 8asic Proram

The soldier is the basic runt of the Zentraedi #ar machine. The$ form the bulk of thecountless millions of #arriors. The$ also have the shortest e4pected lifespan of all

Zentraedi forces.Skills@ %utomatic +eapons, :and9to9:and, ifle 3 hotun, Mecha Pilot@ 8attle Pod,

Mecha Pilot@ Male Po#er %rmor, Mecha +eaponr$, Mecha (ombat, <ode 3 &vade

Special !perations Progra)

Training@ 8asic Proram

ome of the Meltran Aand ver$ fe# ZentranB fleets understand the need to use elite forcescapable of scoutin behind enem$ lines or to take out ke$ tarets. These individuals are

trained in melee combat and basic espionae skills. The$ are rouhl$ the eDuivalent of

the 8ritish %.

Skills@ :and9to9:and, ifle 3 hotun, Mecha Pilot@ one of choice, Mecha +eaponr$,Mecha (ombat, <ode 3 &vade, tealth, Information >atherin

!""icer Progra)

Training@ 8asic Proram Q 2 months e4tra trainin

fficers receive better trainin and eDuipment than soldiers. It is there task to direct the

soldiers in battle and to assess the enem$'s capabilities.

Skills@ :and9to9:and, ifle 3 hotun, Mecha Pilot@ 8attle Pod, Mecha Pilot@ Male

Po#er %rmorO, Mecha +eaponr$, Mecha (ombat, <ode 3 &vade, %thletics

O eplace #ith Meltran Po#er %rmor for Meltran officers

Recor%s !""icer .Scientist/ Progra)

Training@ :ih (ommand Proram Q 2 $ears e4tra trainin

The ecords fficer is a combination of scientist, scholar, historian and tactician. The$

are the most educated of all Zentraedi and the onl$ ones to be allo#ed to learn about


Skills@ :istor$, &4pert@ Protoculture, Tactics, (r$ptoraph$, Mathematics, adio

(ommunication, %stro9?aviation, 6anuae@ Protoculture

Co))an% !""icer Progra)

Training@ :ih (ommand Proram Q ) $ear e4tra trainin

The command officer leads combat roups and fleets, and often has several thousand to

several million troops under his command. This particular Cob is not recommended for


Skills@ :and9to9:and, Mecha Pilot@ Zentran Po#er %rmorO, Militar$ &tiDuette, tarship

peration, adio (ommunication, Intimidation, %uthorit$, Tactics

O eplace #ith Meltran Po#er %rmor for Meltran officers.

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Meltran Ace Pilot Progra)

Training@ 8asic Proram Q months e4tra trainin

These are e4clusivel$ Meltran. The$ are the most feared combat pilots in the Meltran

arm$. %s such, the$ receive better trainin and the Zentraedi force's best mecha.Skills@ :and9to9:and, Melee, Mecha Pilot@ Meltran Po#er %rmor, Mecha +eaponr$,

Mecha (ombat, <ode 3 &vade, >$mnastics, adio (ommunications


tartin &Duipment

%ll Zentraedi have three dut$ uniforms, one formal uniform and a laser pistol

sidearm #ith t#o ener$ clipsInfantr$ * assault rifle #ith three ener$ clips, heav$ bod$ armor 

pecial perations * liht bod$ armor, laser rifle, melee #eapon of choice

Mechani;ed Infantr$ * liht bod$ armor, laser rifle, assined a eult, ?ousCadeul9>er or aulon9Ve

Meltran %ce * pilot bod$suit, assined a Rueadlunn9?ona Aor Rueadlunn9au forofficersB

Chapter 0 – $entrae%i TechnologyZentraedi mecha and ships have t#o maCor disadvantaes aainst the =? pac$.

ne is that since the$ #ere enineered to be disposable soldiers, their mecha are ver$

 patheticall$ armored compared to the =? pac$'s mecha compliment Aalso the

Protoculture didn't #ant them heavil$ armed in case the$ did  rebelB. econd is that the

Zentraedi are mechanicall$ inept, havin never been tauht even the most basic repairskills. If one of their #ar ships #as too damaed to be combat effective, it #as returned

to one of the Protoculture's automated satellite factories to be refurbished and sent back

to its fleet. It's not surprisin to come across roue fleets to this da$ that look read$ tofall apart.

Much of the Zentran and Meltran technolo$ has some oranic components, as

sho#n #ith the internal controls of all Meltran po#er armor and the s$mbioticconnection bet#een a fleet commander and their massive ship. urthermore, some parts

of these super9scale command ships have techno9oranic computers and advisors.

%utomated satellite factories build all of the Zentraedi forces' mecha and ships,#ith each factor$ buildin a sinle specific unit.

no2n Auto)ate% Satellite 3actories


+orDuli9Ruatafilla 1557)th

 ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet A?upetiet Vernit;s9bis 5-)8attleship, >raleb9+ovfl lashipB

VelDuel9Ruettereul /-11-25th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet ARueadol9Madomilla 221

(ommand 8attleshipB

>eteulmaDulla9Zollia /)/)-95-1)1550th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AThuverl alantandard 8attleship, ravit$ control s$stemsB

poltra9hifd )77550th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet ARuitra Rueleual 6andin hipB

Ruedol9Telv#o )2571--/th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet ARuedol9Telv#o (arrierB

8oDuomou4$ 2))1--/th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet A8oDuomou4$ Ruel9Ruallie Theatre

econnaissance PodB

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&sbeliben ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet A&sbeliben eult Tactical Pod and variantsB

>eshbeliben ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet A&4a9>lau fficer's PodB

>ilou;a9re ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet A>ilou;a9re fficer's PodB

6oran 6o# ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet A6oran 6o# Po#er %rmorB

elemo ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet Aelemo9>er Po#er %rmorB+aroster ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet A+aroster :eav$ (ommand PodB

esoDuomi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AesoDuomi :eav$ (ommand PodBTau9+hel ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet ATau %rtiller$ PodB

&ctromelia 1120)0th ull$9%utomatic +eapons actor$ A&sbeliben <el eult Tactical PodB

oiDuonmi --00/702nd ull$9%utomatic +eapons actor$ AoiDuonmi >lau fficer's PodB

lemenmik 112)2/22)st ull$9%utomatic +eapons actor$ Alemenmik ?ousCadeul9>er Po#er


R#eth#al9o 5-/-12nd ull$9%utomatic actor$ A6aunch T$pe II huttleBIshl$tlal ull$9%utomatic +eapons actor$ A>ol >ants (hartsB

MeltranRuimeliDuola ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet ARueadlunn9au Po#er %rmorB

(ino9Mul ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet A(ino9Mul Po#er %rmorB

hellcair9>ar ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet Ahellcair9>ar Po#er %rmorBMa;emi96a ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AMa;emi96a Po#er %rmorB

&sokolara -511/55th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AMeltran leet (arrierB

hebaro9>ar 71//50th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ AMeltran lashipB

=sakiar 7111th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AMeltran >unshipB

Makaro9a )71550th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AMeltran >unshipB

Mac9use )525-01th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AMeltran >unshipB

<ashima9e 20-/-12nd ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AMeltran >unship, thrusters, sensorsB

rearu98a; 2--52)st ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AMeltran ast Patrol hipBptobectra )/1/-2)5th ull$ %utomated %rmor$ Planet AMeltran :eav$ riateB

Ruitolera )/1/-1/5th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AMeltran cout hipB

>oses9iore 210--01th ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet AMeltran tandard 8attleshipB

hik9Telnekulla ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet Aspace fold clusterB

+orkl9Ruatafilla ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet Aau4iliar$ enine unitsB

>as9Ruelof ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet Aravit$ control s$stemB

TeliD Meltrandi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet Aspace fold clustersB

Mosu#aru9o ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet Acommand base componentsB

everal mecha are built b$ multiple satellite factories. or instance, 200 million ormore such factories build the eult tactical pod. This should ive some idea of the scope

of the tellar epublic and their forces. n the other hand, it is stated that there #as onl$

a sinle satellite factor$ producin the >lau officer's pod, and that its destruction caused

a massive shortae of the mecha.

$entrae%i Technology

+hen the Protoculture created the Zentraedi, the$ meant for them to be!bioloical #eapons", and therefore completel$ disposable. %s such, their mecha #ere

little more than a #eapons s$stem held toether #ith flims$ armor. The Meltran faredmuch better, bein intended for ace pilots. Meltran po#er armor is much more durableand has more sophisticated s$stems to enhance their

 performance, #hereas the Zentran rel$ on

over#helmin the opponent #ith sheer numbers.

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Zentraedi missiles differ from the ones used b$ the =?G aain, the Zentraedi et

Duantit$ over Dualit$. The laser missile is a missile that breaks apart and deplo$s multiplemicro9drones that fire lo#9scale lasers throuhout the area to make the !blast" effect. The

anti9&vil missile is onl$ used b$ the Mi Pitt unit.

Missile Type

>latrlan <iDhau

>erluC Tou#hau

>luuk %#hau

otpaen Tou#hau

eraum %#hau

+hernid %#hauVl#heralt %#hau

6aser Missile






































(MV, Rueadlunn eries, Mi Pitt

>luuhau eult, >lau eries

%P, Zer eult, erauhau eultO

8last ), Ruel9Ruallie

erauhau eult, elemo9>er 

aulon9Ve ihter Pod8last ), >luuhau eult, Rueadlunn9>er 

8last 2

8last 2, 6on ane, (orvette cale

O This missile reDuires a <el eult for taretin A9- +% #ithoutB.

Battle Po% (eg Ser6os&ven thouh the >lau and eult pods are much heavier than the =?'s V

series, the$ could run as fast as a V9). This is most likel$ due to advanced le servos toallo# them a faster runnin rate. These are onl$ available to the battle pod series, and

cannot be used for an$ of the Zentran or Meltran po#er armors.

M% 8onus (ost pacesJ6eQ50H 40.2 )

Q)00H 40.- 2

Q)50H 40./ -

Q200H 40.5 /

Ar)or%s mentioned man$ times, Zentran mecha are not heavil$ armored. The

Protoculture used lo#9mass tunsten composite platin that is the standard for most

Zentran mecha. %side from the fair protection provided aainst proCectiles, missiles, and

other kinetic #eapons, this armor is also has limited resistance to plasma lobesAannihilation discsB, lasers, and fair aainst particle uns too, o#in to the fact that the

armor can flake off and evaporate in la$ers under fire from such hih9ener$ #eapons,

takin much of the #eaponEs ener$ and convertin it into the latent heat of sublimationin the armor. The armor stops all small arms fire, and has fair resistance to all #eapons

commonl$ mounted on combat mecha.

In Mekton terms, Zentran mecha use ablative armor A40.5 armor cost multiplierB.

Meltran po#er armor suits use standard armor.

nertial &a)pening Syste)

This hihl$ sophisticated s$stem is onl$ found in the Meltran Rueadlunn9au po#er armor Aand variantsB. The s$stem is #oven throuhout the armored suit to help

reduce the >9forces created b$ hih9speed maneuverin. 8ecause of this s$stem, the

Rueadlunn9au is one of the most danerous mecha in the combined Protoculture arm$.

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In the late 20-0's, this s$stem is incorporated into the F92)JV922 durin ProCect


In Mekton terms, this functions as %(& Q)00H A40.2 cost multiplierB.

Bito7ua Auto)atic Attack &rone

6ate in the era of the chism +ar bet#een the upervision %rm$ and theInspection orces, the Inspection orces developed these sophisticated %ttack 8its to

aument certain po#erful frontline units. The Ma;emi 6a, and Mi Pitt #ere t#o of

the heav$ units desined to use this advanced #eapons s$stem. &ssentiall$ these drones#ere desined to autonomousl$ fl$ #ith the mother craft, take taretin data either from

the pilot or the mother craft, and fire upon these enem$ units. The onboard combat

computer #as a#are of the combat ;one and could dode incomin enem$ fire #ithout

input from the pilot. +hen the mother craft is destro$ed, the 8its become inactive. Mostof the %ttack 8its produced #ere desinated for specific units. :o#ever, the 8its are

controlled b$ an oranic link module inside the mecha that can be transferred to another

unit if the technician kno#s #here the control module is located. <ue to the uniDue bio9

oranic nature of these Zentraedi mecha, the control module #ill onl$ #ork in them.

Techno-!rganic Co)ponents

%s stated previousl$, parts of Protoculture technolo$ used for Zentran and

Meltran forces is partiall$ oranic in nature. This is best sho#n in the controls of the

Meltran po#er armor suits and the livin link bet#een fleet commanders and their super9scale command vessels. These ships also have techno9oranic computers and !advisor"

units. This is considered part of normal Zentraedi technolo$ and reDuires no additional

cost multipliers due to the advanced super9science used b$ the Protoculture.

%ll of the super9scale command ships have four to si4 such techno9oranicadvisors in the command room. These advisors appear to be a lare cranial unit sproutin

man$ tendrils, #ith a lon mechanical spine9like appendae. The neural tissue contained

in the cranial unit of them are so dense that their computational and storae capacit$ is better than an$ t$pe of computer s$stem available to fleet commanders, thus makin their

counsel indispensable. These advisors also have the abilit$ to interact #ith the (ommand

8ase's s$stems, other Zentraedi units, and Zentraedi themselves via the tendrils thatsprout from his unusual form. These tendrils are oranic data transfer Cacks and allo#

them to process vast amounts of data ver$ Duickl$ Afunctions as Telemechanics and

Telepath$B. ?ote that ecords fficers and upreme (ommanders have this same abilit$.

%n$ other forces tr$in to adapt this techno9oranic technolo$ to their o#n must pa$ the standard cost multiplier listed in Mekton Zeta Plus.

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Rueadlunn9au hand controls

$entrae%i Mecha

Zentran Mecha@ eult Tactical Pod, eult >luuhau Pod, eult erauhauPod, <el eult Pod, Zer eult, ?ousCadeul9>er Po#er %rmor, >lau fficer Pod,

aulon9Ve ihter Pod, &4a9>lau fficer Pod, >ilou;a9re fficer Pod, 6oran 6o#

Po#er %rmor, elemo9>er Po#er %rmor, ecover$ PodMeltran Mecha@ Rueadlunn9au Po#er %rmor, Rueadlunn9?a Po#er %rmor,

(ino9Mul Po#er %rmor, hellcair9>ar Po#er %rmor, Ma;emi96a Po#er %rmor 

pecial Mecha 3 <rones@ Mi Pitt, %utomatic %ttack <rone, %utomatic :eav$

+eapons Platform <rone

Cigno-MulIn 20-, the ?eld pace leets attacked the =.?. pac$. +hen the fleet split intot#o, several sDuadrons of Meltrandi Po#er %rmor attacked the orbitin actor$

atellite. The (ino9Mul #as primaril$ stationed around the ships as escorts and #hen

encountered, preferred to snipe at lon rane #ith their beam cannons.In 20-1 #hen the 6eplendis pace leet arrived, the (ino9Mul #as encountered

aain in even reater numbers. These units acted as defensive perimeters around all

ships. The$ also formed into strike roups desined to o after, and destro$ =.?. pac$

ships. %ain the favored tactic of the (ino9Mul #as to snipe at lon rane #ith the beam cannons.

Esbeliben Regult SeriesThe eult pod can be easil$ described as a beer can on stilts. eults have little

armor, #eak thrusters and onl$ the most basic sensors and #eapons s$stems.

%ppro4imatel$ ) in )2 eult have a pair of missile pods AM or 6MB attached on thetop for additional firepo#er. or reconnaissance purpose, the top9mounted #eapons can

 be replaced #ith a lo#9rade sensor suite. The eult's onl$ combat advantae lies in

their over#helmin numbers. The eult uses manual controls for the les, and is more

tirin than runnin #ithout a pod.

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The eult has five variations@

eult * armed #ith anti9aircraft lasers

>luuhau eult * armed #ith 2/ liht assault missileserauhau eult * armed #ith / heav$ assault missiles

<el eult * has no #eapons, but has increased sensors and communications.

Zer eult * armed #ith one heavier beam un, replace anti9air uns #ith missile rack 

E8a-4laug !""icer Po% 

The &4a9>lau is an upraded form of the more t$pical >lau. The &4a9>lau#as first encountered shortl$ after pace +ar I #hen oue Zentran fleets bean to enter

the solar s$stem. +hereas the standard >lau has been d#indlin in numbers, the &4a9

>lau has been more freDuentl$ encountered. The &4a9>lau t$picall$ leads a sDuadron

of battle pods. Man$ of these units #ere also encountered in 20-1 #hen the 8urado fleetentered the olar $stem.

3le)en)ik 5ous9a%eul-4er

This is the Zentraedi po#er armor, donned much like puttin on a Cumpsuit. Thesuit essentiall$ provides a Zentraedi soldier #ith mobilit$ and a couple of #eapon

s$stems for fihtin in a ;ero9> environment. The ?ousCadeul9>er is a #eak eDuivalentto the Meltrandi Rueadlunn9au, desined mostl$ for heav$ infantr$. ?ote that since it is

#orn like a Cumpsuit, destro$in a limb of the mecha #ill Duite likel$ also take the pilot's

limb #ith it.

3le)en)ik 5ous9a%eul-4er !""icer Po2er Ar)or

The Male Po#er armor #as the primar$ mecha of the ZentraediEs %ir Mobile

(alvar$. +ith its limited fliht capabilities, the Male Po#er amour could be releasedfrom hih orbit fihtin its #a$ to the surface. =pon reachin the surface, battalions of

Male Po#er armors #ould entrench and hold an$ round until reinforcements of 8attle

Pods landed. %s the #ar aainst the Inspection %rm$ proceeded, the Protoculture came tothe reali;ation that command personnel for the %ir Mobile (alvar$ #ere increasinl$

comin under fire from the planetar$ and mecha defenses. The$ decided that a ne# more

advanced fficers Po#er %rmor #ith increased sensor and amour capabilities #asneeded for their elite troops.

The fficer Po#er armor takes much from its predecessor, as the basic bod$

shape remains the same. :o#ever, the for#ard impact cannon, #hich #as larel$

ineffective, #as removed. The #eiht saved #as thus devoted to increased amour and theaddition three more po#erful plasma shock e4pansion thrusters, producin --H more

thrust. The onl$ mounted #eapon #as the ne# P89)), able to fire larer ener$ bursts at

a hiher rate of fire over the older P89)0 desin found on the Male Po#er amour. %ne4ternal pistol version of the Zentraedi hock rifle #as standard complement, as the

desiners could not bare to have a desin #ith onl$ one rane #eapon. To help the

standard Zentraedi soldier distinuish bet#een these t#o t$pes of po#er armors, thefficer Po#er armor #as colored purple

The Male Po#er %rmor #as produced onl$ in limited Dualities at the end of the

tellar epublic, as lack of manufacturin facilities took a toll on the proCect. nl$ some

20,000 fficer Po#er armors #ere produced. % maCorit$ of these never sa# combat #ith

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the Inspection %rm$, but instead entered combat for the first time #hen 8oddole Zer

attacked earth on une )7, 20)). % maCorit$ of these mecha #ere destro$ed durin the

fiht. :o#ever, several hundred survived and landed on the &arthEs surface.

4iloua-3re !""icer Po% 

The 8urado leet contained man$ different variations of Zentraedi and Meltrandimecha. The fficerJDuadron (ommander Pod is no e4ception. This unit has the

eneral appearance of the >lau fficer Pod. %bove and be$ond this ho#ever, it has

full$ articulatin arm and hand units. This unit also had a more advance sensor packae.These #ere amon the first units to enae the =.?. pac$ near Pluto. %lso

advanced front9line units #ere able to penetrate as far in as &arth before the$ #ere

stopped b$ forces operatin off of the Prometheus II. % particularl$ blood$ e4chane

happened near =ranus #hen forces of the 8urado fleet led b$ the Zentraedi, amCinravshera, encountered the 2nd defensive perimeter. The Minmei attack #as provin to

 be ineffective, and losses from the 2nd <efensive Perimeter #ere hih.

(ogran (o2 Po2er Ar)or +hen the 8urado leet arrived in the olar s$stem in 20-, the =.?. pac$ faced

units not unlike the mecha from the 8odol;a and 6aplami; fleets. The male po#er armor#as similar to the male po#er armor of the 8odol;a leet #ith a fe# notable e4ceptions.

Instead of one overhead particle beam, this model had t#o. %lso the back mounted

thruster unit #as slihtl$ larer makin this unit slihtl$ more suited for space bornecombat.

The male po#er armor #as one of the front9line units encountered b$ the =.?.

pac$ forces. The 8urado leet had almost as man$ as the$ had battle pods. Initiall$,

losses to this unit #ere Duite hih, and #ould have been considerable had not theSMinmei %ttackS not been so effective. (aution should be e4ercised if these units are

ever encountered in the future.


Perhaps the most deadl$ Meltrandi po#er armor, the Ma;emi 6a is thankfull$ a

ver$ rare unit. irst encountered in 20- #hen the ?eld leet invaded the olar $stem,the Ma;emi 6a proved to be a lethal opponent. This unit has a uniDue #eapons s$stem

that fe# other ZentranJMeltran mecha have, %utomated %ttack 8its. These are full$

automated drones that fl$ alon side the Ma;emi 6a and take taretin Dueue from the

 pilot, then attack independent of the larer mecha unit. This unit #as developed ver$ latein the tellar epublic, its production has been curtailed sharpl$ due to concentrated

Inspections orces attacks. T$picall$ onl$ the top aces in a fleet have this unit, makin it

nearl$ uniDue in a fleet of millions.

Migg Pitt 

<eveloped as the most po#erful battlesuit b$ the ancient Protocultures, the MiPitt is a colossal construct. <esined to#ard the end of the catacl$smic #ars #ith the

Inspections orces and the Protodeviln, the Mi Pitt #as desined to aument Zentraedi

or Meltrandi so that the$ could attack and destro$ the &.V.I.6. eries Zentraedi.

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The Mi Pitt to#ers over ever$ other Variable fihter and destroid mecha ever

encountered or produced. % full si;ed ZentranJMeltran #arrior sits in a cockpit at the top

of the unit. tarship scale laser cannons and immense arra$s of missiles round out theoffensive #eaponr$. The Mi Pitt also has an interestin feature in that a full si;ed 6iht

%rtiller$ eult in enclosed in its structure and acts as an escape pod for the pilot if the

Mi Pitt takes too much damae.The first Mi Pitt #as encountered in 20- #hen RuamCin sent encoded

transmissions to the orbitin actor$ atellite. The automated s$stems bean constructin

the Mi Pitt in one of the une4plored factor$ arms. RuamCin #as then able to sneakaboard and ain access to the Mi Pitt. The ne4t time the Mi Pitt #as encountered

#as one $ear later #hen the 8urado fleet invaded. This time RuamCin had several

 produced and stockpiled aboard the 8urado leet (ommand 8ase.

%s these mecha are specificall$ desined to attack and destro$ Protodeviln and&.V.I.6. eries Zentran, e4treme caution should be taken #hen enain these units.

Raulon-+e 3ighter Po%

The aulon9Ve is an armored rocket sledJshuttle that the Zentraedi pilot la$sdo#n in to fl$. The aulon9Ve is the Zentraedi's fastest and most aile mecha scale

vehicle, bein almost the eDuivalent of the V9) in speed and maneuverin.

Reco6ery Po%

This is an unarmed pod for recoverin salvaeable mecha and pilots as #ell assealin hull breeches.

Regle)o-4er Po2er Ar)or

ne of the more advanced Male Po#er %rmor units encountered, the elemo9>er #as iven the desination as a :eav$ %rtiller$ Po#er %rmor due to its stores of

heav$ missiles. This unit #as first encountered off the outh %merican coast of

%rentina #hen the roue >le leet invaded the ol $stem. ?umerous units #ereuardin the secret base the Zentraedi had established in the caves alon the coastline.

The unit is larer than an$ other male po#er armor and is slihtl$ larer than the

Meltrandi Rueadlunn9au. The Zentran pilot sits in the central section #ith his arms andles. The left shoulder of the Po#er %rmor has a lare Particle 8eam cannon, and the

riht has a :eav$ Missile batter$. The arms are Duite lon and rather spindl$, but are

capable of carr$in an$ sort of Zentraedi or Meltrandi st$le #eapon.

Reso7uo)i 'ea6y Co))an% Po%

<urin the brief skirmishes #ith the >le ZentraediJMeltrandi fleet, man$

 previousl$ unseen units participated in the attacks aainst =.?. pace$. In the initialstaes of the invasion, this :eav$ (ommand Pod coordinated the attacks of numerous

automated units and manned units in and around the <ebris 8elt orbitin &arth.

The (ommand Pod bears a passin resemblance to the fficers pod #ith attached boosters. The (ommand Pod is ho#ever much larer. T#ice as lare in fact. It has a dual

cockpit, for one pilotJunner, and a second command and control officerJunner. There

are t#o #eapon arms similar to that of the fficerEs Pod, as #ell as an overhead cannon.

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The command pod also features a central laser cannon and a uniDue ravit$ #ave device,

unseen in an$ other ZentraediJMeltrandi mecha.

Roi7uon)i 4laug !""icer:s Po%

The officers of the Zentraedi and some Meltrandi pilot these units. The >lau has

more #eapons, better sensors and thicker armor, ivin the pilot a better chance tosurvive in battle. The >lau officer pod ma$ also be mounted into a heavil$ armored

rocket sled for increased speed and protection, as #ell as trans9atmospheric capabilit$.

The >lau is one of the more rare of Zentraedi mecha due to the automated satellitefactor$ that built them #as destro$ed

;uea%lunn-4er Tactical Po2er Ar)or

+ith the development of the fficer Po#er %rmor and the Rueadlunn9au Po#er%rmor, the Protoculture decided that the ultimate po#er armor #as still needed. The

fficer Po#er armor had reater armor protection than the Rueadlunn9au and had more

 po#erful beam #eaponr$. +hile the Rueadlunn9au possessed the advanced Inertial

control s$stem and hih missile load. +hat #as needed #as a command mecha that couldfiht an$thin that the Invid or the ne#l$ rebellious <isciples of Zor possessed. :ence

the Rueadlunn9>er or the Tactical Po#er armor #as developed.The Tactical Po#er armor takes much from its predecessors, as the basic bod$

shape remains the same as the fficer po#er armorG ho#ever, rouhl$ 50H of the armor

 protection #as added. T#o plasma shock thrusters, identical to the three mounted on thefemale po#er armor #ere added. 8ecause of the increased armor #eiht of the mecha the

acceleration in space or the ma4imum speed in the atmosphere is much less than that of

the female or officer po#er armor. The top mounted hihl$ effective P89)) #as kept.

The larest addition to the firepo#er of the Tactical Po#er %rmor is the four missilelaunchers added to the primar$ #eapon s$stems. T#o 692)a missile s$stems from the

female po#er armor #ere added on the back shoulders of the mecha alon #ith t#o 69

c missile launchers on either arm. This ave the Tactical Po#er %rmor )02 >latrlan<iDhau micromissiles.

The Tactical Po#er %rmor never made it past the e4perimental stae. nl$ ),000

units #ere produced and tested in the elite units of the tellar epublic. Most of theseunits #ere destro$ed in the numerous fihts #ith the Protodeviln at the end of the tellar

epublic's rein. :o#ever, some 50 units #ere transferred to Vrlit#hai's recover$ fleet.

%ll of these units #ere destro$ed durin the subseDuent battles #ith the <9) or in the

final attack #ith 8oddole Zer above &arth on une )7, 20)).

;uea%lunn-5ona Meltran%i Po2er Ar)or

Mass produced version of the Rueadlunn9au meant for the bulk of Meltrantroops. It has fe#er missiles and slihtl$ lo#er maneuverabilit$ than the au.

;uea%lunn-Rau Meltran%i Po2er Ar)or

The Rueadlunn9au is the standard unit for Meltrandi ace pilots. =nlike most

Zentraedi units, the Meltrandi po#er armor is stepped into much like donnin a Cumpsuit.

The Rueadlunn9au has more #eapons and much better armor than Zentraedi mecha, as

#ell as the inertial dampenin s$stem that makes it hihl$ maneuverable. ?ote that since

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it is #orn like a Cumpsuit, destro$in a limb of the mecha #ill Duite likel$ also take the

 pilot's limb #ith it.

;uea%lunn-Rau Meltran%i Po2er Ar)or – Chlore Type

(hlore, commander of a lare roue Meltrandi fleet encountered b$ the Macross 1

fleet, possesses a old painted custom Rueadlunn9au. he has it customi;ed to be faster.ince Meltrandi have no mechanical skills, it is Duestionable #here it #as #orked on,

unless there is a Zentraedi automated factor$ that has templates to build or uprade such

a mecha for fleet commanders and ace pilots.

;uea%lunn-<au Assault Po2er Ar)or

The development of the Rueadlunn9>er ATactical Po#er %rmorB po#er armor

 provided the male Zentraedi an eDuivalent counterpart to the hihl$ successfulRueadlunn9au. The Protoculture looked at other #a$s to improve the standard male

 po#er armor to fill other tactical reDuirements. ne desin improvement #as to produce

a hihl$ mobile cavalr$ unit #hich could be Duickl$ deplo$ed to ke$ areas of the

 battlefield or used for special operations.The %ssault Po#er %rmor ARueadlunn9FauB #as developed 5 $ears after the

Tactical Po#er %rmor to fulfill these needs. %lthouh, the %ssault %rmor does not havenearl$ the armor nor the firepo#er of the standard Tactical Po#er %rmor, it still

outclasses the standard Male Po#er %rmor. The hihl$ successful P89)) #as kept as the

 primar$ lon rane #eaponG ho#ever, the missile load #as reduced to /2 short ranemissiles mounted in t#o 692) launchers on either shoulder. T#o carbine versions of the

venerable P89)0, found on all combat models of the eult 8attle Pod, #ere added to

either arm for short rane defense.

The Rueadlunn9Fau never made it past the e4perimental stae. nl$ 250 models#ere produced immediatel$ before the Zentraedi campain to recapture the <9

). %ppro4imatel$ 50 %ssault %rmors #ere included in Vrlit#hai's forces to reclaim the

<9). The 8oddole Zer felt that the special operations nature of the mission #ould fit in#ith the desin parameters of the %ssault %rmor.

Shellcair-4ar This unit #as first observed in 20- #hen the ?eld pace leet invaded the olar

$stem. In the ?eld combined MeltranJZentran fleet, these units #ere ver$ sparse and

functioned as a space attack unit. everal of these #ere encountered b$ =? pac$. %s

had been previousl$ observed, the Meltrandi po#er armor #as considerabl$ more po#erful then the Zentraedi counterpart. There #ere also relativel$ fe#er of them.

In 20-1, the 6eplendis and 8urado pace leets attacked the =.?. pac$. The

6eplendis leet #as a roue Meltrandi fleet that had #ondered the ala4$ for man$ eons.The most common unit in the 6eplendis fleet #as the standard Rueadlunn9au unit. The

hellcair9>ar unit #as relativel$ rare. It #as used mainl$ in the larer sDuadrons as a

mainline attack unit.The ?eld fleet #as eventuall$ destro$ed b$ the SMinmei %ttackS, but the

6eplendis leet escaped b$ foldin out durin an attack. +ith the 6eplendis fleet a#are

of the location of &arth and its resources, and #ith their immense fleet still mostl$ intact,

it is onl$ a matter of time before these units are encountered aain.

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Taug Artillery Po%

irst encountered #hen the >le leet invaded the olar $stem, this unit #assimilar to the >lau fficer Pod. It does not have les, but instead has t#o fi4ed aft

thruster pods #here the les on a >lau #ould attach. The main #eapon s$stem is a

heav$ artiller$ cannon mounted on the top of the Tau. imilar in confiuration to theMonster /0cm cannons, this heav$ cannon can fire proCectiles that inflict heav$

damae. Tau units #ere encountered in moderate numbers #hen the =? pac$ fleet

attacked the >le (ommand 8ase.

Waroster 'ea6y Co))an% Po%

<urin the brief skirmishes #ith the >le Zentraedi JMeltrandi fleet, man$

 previousl$ unseen units participated in the attacks aainst =.?. pac$. The +aroster Pod#as first encountered aboard a Zentraedi cout hip hidin in the %ntarctic +aste.

+hen =? pac$ variable fihters attacked the ship, it bean to take off and ascend into

orbit. The +aroster #as the (ommand unit leadin the counter attack onboard the cout

hip. This unit has a uniDue look not seen in other Zentran 8attle Pods. Its #eaponr$

consists of t#o arm mounted laser cannons, a heav$ laser cannon on the head, and amissile batter$ in the tail. It has been noted that this unit has a sliht bird9like appearance,

ho#ever #hen this unit #as encountered, it #as e4ceptionall$ danerous.

 Zentran Mecha

Raulon-+e 3ighter Po%C!ST@ 5/ (P AQ2 (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU





Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 92 0 )7

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )0 MJ%b / /

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso

Thruster Torso

Thruster Torso

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Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6+ Torso ) - km 500 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

Tri9barrel 6aser Torso 2 )2 Q0 2 = 8V -Missile ack Torso )0 2070 Q0 6inked

Missile ack Torso )0 2070 Q0 6inked

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer 


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A5 main bod$B, +eiht Inefficient, Transatmospheric %bilit$

Esbeliben Regult Tactical Po%C!ST@ )0 (PA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU


)5.)2m)7.1m liht missile).)2m heav$ missile


.7m liht missile

7m heav$ missile(E54T'= 

7.2m liht missile

7.-m heav$ missile

WE4'T= -1,000 k

-,00 k liht missile

/),000 k liht missile

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 92 )0 A500mJroundB 20 A)000mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 MJ%b / /

iht 6e T / TJ%b - -

6eft 6e T / TJ%b - -

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso )0

Thruster Torso )0

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6+ Torso ) - km 500 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

8eam >un Torso - 2/ Q0 - = 6inked

8eam >un Torso - 2/ Q0 - = 6inked

%nti9%ir 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V2, 6ink, Phalan4 Vari

%nti9%ir 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V2, 6ink, Phalan4 Vari

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%utocannon Torso ) )2 Q0 ) 9 8V2, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

%utocannon Torso ) )2 Q0 ) 9 8V2, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

%mmo - 70

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer 


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, 8attle Pod 6e ervos, +eiht Inefficient


>luuhau eult erauhau eult

5otes@ The anti9aircraft lasers can be removed and replaced #ith one of the follo#in options@

>luuhau eult@ 6iht Missile ack@ Q).5 (P, Q2,)00 k

T Pod #ith TJ%b armor A-, P-B, 2/ liht assault missiles AQ0 +%, -, ane -2, 5 illsBerauhau eult@ :eav$ Missile ack@ 9)-.5 (P, Q/,000 k

6+ Pod #ith TJ%b armor A-, P-B, / heav$ assault missiles AQ0 +%, 1, ane -2, 2 illsB

Ectro)elia &el Regult Tactical Scout Po%C!ST@ 10 (P

A6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU

'E4'T= )7.2m





-,700 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 92 )0 A500mJroundB 20 A)000mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 MJ%b / /

iht 6e M / TJ%b - -6eft 6e M / TJ%b - -

Pod T TJ%b - -

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Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso )0

Thruster Torso )0

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6+ Torso ) - km 500 kmM Pod 2 1 km )000 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes


!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, %dvanced ensors


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, 8attle Pod 6e ervos, +eiht Inefficient


$er RegultC!ST@ 7) (P AQ- (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU


)1./ m

W&T'= 7.0 m


7.- mWE4'T= 

-7,000 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 92 )0 A500mJroundB 20 A)000mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 MJ%b / /

iht 6e T / TJ%b - -

6eft 6e T / TJ%b - -

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso )0Thruster Torso )0

Sensors (ocation ills Sensor Co))unications6+ Torso ) - km 500 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

8eam >un Torso - 2/ Q0 - =

6are (annon Torso / 2/ Q) / =%utocannon Torso ) )2 Q0 ) 9 8V2, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

%utocannon Torso ) )2 Q0 ) 9 8V2, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

%mmo -

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Missile ack Torso 5 -2 9) 2 8last )

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer 


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, 8attle Pod 6e ervos, +eiht InefficientMonocoDue

5otes@ <esined as an advanced eult multi9purpose combat battlepod.

Roi7uon)i 4laug !""icer:s Po%C!ST@ 2 (P AQ/.2 (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to appro4imatel$ 217,000 8(



W&T'= ))./m



/),200 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 9- )/ A100mJroundB 20 A)000mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ 6+ )2 )7 6+J%b

iht 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

iht %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /6eft %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso )0

Thruster Torso )0

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

Particle (annon +eapon Mount 1 / Q) 1 = +armup )

6are (annon iht %rm / 2/ Q) / = 6inked

6are (annon 6eft %rm / 2/ Q) / = 6inkedmall (annon iht %rm 2 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

mall (annon 6eft %rm 2 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

%nti9Pers. 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V-, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

%nti9Pers. 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V-, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

Missile 6auncher Torso - -2 9) ) - 6inkedMissile 6auncher Torso - -2 9) ) - 6inked

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!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, +eapon Mount, Manipulator %rms A42B


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, 8attle Pod 6e ervosMonocoDue

5otes@ 270,000 $ears ao, the factor$ producin this mecha #as destro$ed.

4laug El%are Ar)ore% +ehicleC!ST@ 50/ (P AQ/.2 (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to appro4imatel$ 217,000 8(

'E4'T= )0.2m




20./m #ith >lauWE4'T= 

/0,00 k7),700 k #ith >lau

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 9- 0 -7 A)00mJroundB

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Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ 6+ )2 )2 6+J%b iht %rm M 5 5 MJ%b / /

6eft %rm M 5 5 MJ%b / /%rmored led M 9 )0 M / /

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster %rmored led )0

Thruster %rmored led )0

Thruster %rmored led )0Thruster %rmored led 7

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

Particle (annon +eapon Mount 1 / Q) 1 = +armup )

6are (annon iht %rm / 2/ Q) / = 6inked6are (annon 6eft %rm / 2/ Q) / = 6inked

mall (annon iht %rm 2 2/ Q) 2 = 6inkedmall (annon 6eft %rm 2 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

%nti9Pers. 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V-, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

%nti9Pers. 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V-, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

Missile 6auncher Torso - -2 9) ) - 6inked

Missile 6auncher Torso - -2 9) ) - 6inked

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, +eapon Mount


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, 1 ocket ledB

5otes@ To enhance the capabilities of the >lau command battle pod in aerospace and space9borne

missions, #here the daner of lon9rane uided missile attack #as far larer than planetside, the &ldare

armored vehicle #as desined and built in conCunction #ith the >lau pod. The aim #as to increase the

survivabilit$ and fihtin po#er of the >lau b$ enhancin maneuverabilit$ and acceleration, as #ell asaddin a more appropriate Ato spaceB armament. The les of a >lau officer's pod are removed, and the

chassis is bolted into a #ell armored rocket sled.

E8a-4laug !""icer:s Po%C!ST@ -0 (P AQ/.2 (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU

'E4'T= ).55m




/-,200 k

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Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 9- )/ A100mJroundB 20 A)000mJroundB Amach 2B

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 :J%b 5 5iht 6e : 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft 6e : 5 7 MJ%b / /

iht %rm : 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft %rm : 5 7 MJ%b / /

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso )5

Thruster Torso )5

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

Particle (annon +eapon Mount 1 / Q) 1 = +armup )6are (annon iht %rm / 2/ Q) / = 6inked

6are (annon 6eft %rm / 2/ Q) / = 6inkedmall (annon iht %rm 2 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

mall (annon 6eft %rm 2 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

%nti9Pers. 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V-, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

%nti9Pers. 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V-, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

Missile 6auncher iht 6e - -2 9) ) - 6inked

Missile 6auncher 6eft 6e - -2 9) ) - 6inked

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, +eapon Mount, =tilit$ %rms A2B

Multipliers&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, 8attle Pod 6e ervos

5otes@ ?o official dimensions or mass #as listed, so I appro4imated them from the base >lau it is derived


4iloua-3re !""icer:s Po%C!ST@ 21 (P AQ/.2 (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU





/-,200 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 9- )/ A100mJroundB 20

A)000mJroundB Amach 2B

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Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 :J%b 5 5iht 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /iht %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

iht m. %rm T - 5 TJ%b - -

6eft m. %rm T - 5 TJ%b - -

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso )0

Thruster Torso )0

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6: Torso ) 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands mall %rms ) Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$Particle (annon +eapon Mount 1 / Q) 1 = +armup )

6are (annon iht %rm / 2/ Q) / = 6inked6are (annon 6eft %rm / 2/ Q) / = 6inked

mall (annon iht %rm 2 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

mall (annon 6eft %rm 2 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

%nti9Pers. 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V-, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

%nti9Pers. 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V-, %nti9Personnel, 6ink  

Missile 6auncher iht 6e - -2 9) ) - 6inked

Missile 6auncher 6eft 6e - -2 9) ) - 6inked

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, +eapon Mount, =tilit$ %rms A2B


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, 8attle Pod 6e ervos


5otes@ ?o official dimensions or mass #as listed, so I appro4imated them from the base >lau it is derivedfrom.

5ous9a%eul-4er Po2er Ar)orC!ST@ )27 (P

A6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU






WE4'T= -5,/00 k

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Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 9) 5 A250mJroundB )/ A100mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 :J%b 5 5:ead M / MJ%b / /

iht 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

iht %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso 1

Thruster Torso 1

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

M Torso ) 1 km )000 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms ) Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

Plasma (annon +eapon Mount -2 Q0 = +armup )Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 =

6aser Pistol )9:anded ) 2/ Q) ) )5 8V-, %ll Purpose

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, +eapon Mount


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, MonocoDue

5ous9a%eul-4er !""icer:s Po2er Ar)orC!ST@ )/0 (PA6ailability@





-5,/00 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 5 A250mJroundB )7 A00mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q--H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 M+J%b :ead M / MJ%b / /

iht 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

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iht %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso Thruster Torso

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

: Torso ) )) km )-00 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms ) Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

Plasma (annon +eapon Mount -2 Q0 = +armup )6aser Pistol )9:anded ) 2/ Q) ) )5 8V-, %ll Purpose

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, +eapon Mount


&nvironmentals Apace, eentr$B, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, %(& Q--H, MonocoDue

5ote@ :as improved thrusters and controls for battalion commanders.

(ogran (o2 Po2er Ar)orC!ST@ )17 (P

A6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU






WE4'T= -5,/00 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 9) 5 A250mJroundB )/ A100mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 :J%b 5 5

:ead M / MJ%b / /iht 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

iht %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /6eft %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso 1

Thruster Torso 1

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Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

M Torso ) 1 km )000 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms ) Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$Particle (annon +eapon Mount 1 / Q) 1 = +armup )

Particle (annon +eapon Mount 1 / Q) 1 = +armup )Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 =

6aser Pistol )9:anded ) 2/ Q) ) )5 8V-, %ll Purpose

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, +eapon Mount A2B


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, MonocoDue

;uea%lunn -4er Tactical Po2er Ar)orC!ST@ -7) (P AQ)20 (P for missilesBA6ailability@





-5,/00 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 5 A250mJroundB -0


Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 : 5 5

:ead M / M / /

iht 6e M 5 7 M / /

6eft 6e M 5 7 M / /

iht %rm M 5 7 M / /

6eft %rm M 5 7 M / /

iht Pod : )0 : 5 5

6eft Pod : )0 : 5 5

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster iht Pod )5Thruster 6eft Pod )5

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

M Torso ) 1 km )000 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms ) Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

Plasma (annon +eapon Mount -2 Q0 = +armup )

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Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 =

6aser Pistol )9:anded ) 2/ Q) ) )5 8V-, %ll Purpose

M ack iht %rm / / 9) 2 8last ), (rosslinked

(an fire in volle$s of up to -

M ack 6eft %rm / / 9) 2 8last ), (rosslinked(an fire in volle$s of up to -

Missile ack iht Pod 2 -2 Q2 2 /2 (MV, (rosslinked(an fire in volle$s of up to 2)

Missile ack 6eft Pod 2 -2 Q2 2 /2 (MV, (rosslinked

(an fire in volle$s of up to 2)

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, +eapon Mount


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB> MonocoDue

5otes@ nl$ ),000 e4perimental units #ere built. Most #ere lost to the Protodeviln.

;uea%lunn -<au Assault Po2er Ar)orC!ST@ 270 (P AQ)77. (P for missilesBA6ailability@



W&T'= )).7m



-5,/00 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 5 A250mJroundB -0 A)500mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 : 5 5

iht %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

6eft %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

iht 6e M 5 7 : 5 5

6eft 6e M 5 7 : 5 5

iht Pod : )0 : 5 56eft Pod : )0 : 5 5

Thrusters (ocation MAThruster iht Pod )5

Thruster 6eft Pod )5

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

M Torso ) 1 km )000 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms ) Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

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Plasma (annon +eapon Mount -2 Q0 =

Particle 8eam iht %rm - 2/ Q0 - = 6inked

Particle 8eam iht %rm - 2/ Q0 - = 6inked

Particle 8eam 6eft %rm - 2/ Q0 - = 6inked

Particle 8eam 6eft %rm - 2/ Q0 - = 6inkedPlasma ifle 29:anded 2 20 Q) 2 20 8V-

Missile ack iht Pod 2 -2 Q2 2 /2 (MV, (rosslinked(an fire in volle$s of up to 2)

Missile ack 6eft Pod 2 -2 Q2 2 /2 (MV, (rosslinked

(an fire in volle$s of up to 2)

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, +eapon Mount


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, MonocoDue

5otes@ nl$ 250 e4perimental units #ere built.

Regle)o-4er Po2er Ar)orC!ST@ )-) (P AQ27 (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU



W&T'= )7.m



--,-50 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 5 A250mJroundB 27A)/00mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 :J%b 5 5

:ead M / MJ%b / /

iht 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft 6e M 5 7 MJ%b / /

iht %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /6eft %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

Thrusters (ocation MAThruster Torso )2

Thruster Torso )2

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

M Torso ) 1 km )000 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms ) Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

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Particle (annon 6eft %rm 1 / Q) 1 = +armup )

Missile ack iht %rm 1 -2 9) )0 20

(an fire volle$s of up to )0 missiles

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, elf <estruct


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, ) each 6eB, MonocoDue

Taug Artillery Po%C!ST@ 57- (PA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU







WE4'T= /),000 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 9- 99 27 A)/00mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ 6: )2 )7 6:J%b

iht %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

Pod : )0 6:J%b

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Pod 27

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

Particle (annon iht %rm 1 / Q) 1 = 8V2, (rosslinked

Particle (annon 6eft %rm 1 / Q) 1 = 8V2, (rosslinked

%rtiller$ (annon +eapon Mount )2 212 Q0 )2 9 6on ane

%mmo 50 8last )

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!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, +eapon Mount, =tilit$ %rms A42B


&nvironmentals Apace, =nder#aterB, Verniers A- Main 8od$, 2 PodB


5otes@ ?o official dimensions or mass #as listed, so I appro4imated them from the base >lau it is derived


Waroster 'ea6y Co))an% Po%C!ST@ 51 (P AQ57.7 (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU



W&T'= )1./m



1,200 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 95 )2 A00mJroundB 2/ A)200mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q--H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ M: 22 -- %:J%b 7 7

iht 6e M: )) )1 %:J%b 7 7

6eft 6e M: )) )1 %:J%b 7 7

iht %rm M: )) )1 %:J%b 7 76eft %rm M: )) )1 %:J%b 7 7

Pod %: )7 %:J%b 7 7

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso )2

Thruster Torso )2

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

: Ae4cessiveB Torso ) 200 km )7,000 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

Particle (annon iht %rm 1 / Q) 1 = +armup ), (rosslinked

Particle (annon 6eft %rm 1 / Q) 1 = +armup ), (rosslinked:eav$ P98eam Torso 20 )70 9) 20 = +armup 2

Missile ack Pod 1 -2 9) 20 /2

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, elf <estruct, Manipulator %rms A2B


&nvironmentals Apace, desert, reentr$B, Verniers A- Main 8od$, 5 each 6e, - PodB,

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8attle Pod 6e ervos, :eav$ :$draulics, verchared &nines, MonocoDue

Reco6ery Po%C!ST@ 7.) (PA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU





/0,500 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attle Pod 92 99 20 A)000mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ 6+ )2 )7 6+J%b

iht %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

6eft %rm M 5 7 MJ%b / /

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso 20

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms ) Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, Manipulator %rms A42B


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A5 Main 8od$B, +eiht Inefficient, MonocoDue

5otes@ <esined for recoverin damaed mecha or attemptin field repairs on capital ships.

 Meltran Mecha

Cigno-Mul Po2er Ar)orC!ST@ 72 (P AQ. (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU



W&T'= )7./



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-2,500 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 1 A-50mJroundB // A2200mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q)1H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 : 5 5

iht %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

6eft %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

iht 6e M 5 7 : 5 56eft 6e M 5 7 : 5 5

iht Pod : )0 : 5 5

6eft Pod : )0 : 5 5

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster iht Pod 22

Thruster 6eft Pod 22

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms 2 Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

8eam (annon iht Pod 5 / Q2 5 = (rosslinked

8eam (annon 6eft Pod 5 / Q2 5 = (rosslinked

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Missile ack iht 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinkedMissile ack 6eft 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

!ptional Syste)s ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, elf <estruct, torae Module


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A5 each Pod, 2 each 6e, ) TorsoB

efle4 (ontrols, uperchared &nines, %(& Q)00H, MonocoDue

5otes@ The impact cannons al#a$s fire toether unless one is destro$ed.

Mage)ig-(a Po2er Ar)orC!ST@ / (P AQ225./ (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU

'E4'T= 22m




-2,500 k

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Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 1 A-50mJroundB // A2200mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q)1H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 : 5 5iht %rm : 5 7 : 5 5

6eft %rm : 5 7 : 5 5

iht 6e : 5 7 : 5 5

6eft 6e : 5 7 : 5 5

iht Pod : )0 : 5 5

6eft Pod : )0 : 5 5

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster iht Pod 22

Thruster 6eft Pod 22

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms 2 Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$Vibro 8lades %rms 5 Melee Q) 5 = %P, <isruptin

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Missile ack iht 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

Missile ack 6eft 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

Missile ack iht Pod 2 -2 Q2 - 27 (MV, (rosslinked

Missile ack 6eft Pod 2 -2 Q2 - 27 (MV, (rosslinked

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, elf <estruct, %%8 (ontroller, torae Module


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A5 each Pod, 2 each 6e, ) TorsoB

efle4 (ontrols, uperchared &nines, %(& Q)00H, MonocoDue

5otes@ The impact cannons al#a$s fire toether unless one is destro$ed.

;uea%lunn-5onaC!ST@ 55 (P AQ)//. (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU



W&T'= )7./



-),700 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 1 A-50mJroundB -7 A)00mJroundB

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Maneu6er Pool Q)1H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 : 5 5iht %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

6eft %rm M 5 7 : 5 5iht 6e M 5 7 : 5 5

6eft 6e M 5 7 : 5 5

Pod : )0 : 5 5

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Pod //

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms 2 Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inkedTri9barrel 6aser iht %rm 2 )2 Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inked

Tri9barrel 6aser 6eft %rm 2 )2 Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inkedMissile ack Pod 2 -2 Q2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

Missile ack iht 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

Missile ack 6eft 6e 2 -2 Q2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, elf <estruct, torae Module


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A/ Pod, 2 each 6e, ) Torso * efficient spaceB

efle4 (ontrols, uperchared &nines, %(& Q)00H, MonocoDue

5otes@ The impact cannons al#a$s fire toether unless one is destro$ed. This one has also been listed as

Rueadlunn9?na and Rueadlunn9?a.

;uea%lunn-RauC!ST@ - (P AQ27. (P for missilesBA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU



W&T'= )7./



-2,500 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 1 A-50mJroundB // A2200mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q200H

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Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 : 5 5

iht %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

6eft %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

iht 6e M 5 7 : 5 56eft 6e M 5 7 : 5 5

iht Pod : )0 : 5 56eft Pod : )0 : 5 5

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster iht Pod 22

Thruster 6eft Pod 22

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms 2 Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Tri9barrel 6aser iht %rm 2 )2 Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inkedTri9barrel 6aser 6eft %rm 2 )2 Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inked

Missile ack iht Pod 2 -2 Q2 /2 (MV, (rosslinkedMissile ack iht 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

Missile ack 6eft Pod 2 -2 Q2 /2 (MV, (rosslinked

Missile ack 6eft 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, elf <estruct, torae Module


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A5 each Pod, 2 each 6e, ) TorsoB

efle4 (ontrols, uperchared &nines, %(& Q)00H, MonocoDue

5otes@ The impact cannons al#a$s fire toether unless one is destro$ed.

;uea%lunn-Rau Chlore Custo)C!ST@ - (P AQ27. (P for missilesBA6ailability@ uniDue





WE4'T= -2,500 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 1 A-50mJroundB 52 A200mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q200H

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Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 : 5 5

iht %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

6eft %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

iht 6e M 5 7 : 5 56eft 6e M 5 7 : 5 5

iht Pod : )0 : 5 56eft Pod : )0 : 5 5

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster iht Pod 2/

Thruster 6eft Pod 2/

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms 2 Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Tri9barrel 6aser iht %rm 2 )2 Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inkedTri9barrel 6aser 6eft %rm 2 )2 Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inked

Missile ack iht Pod 2 -2 Q2 /2 (MV, (rosslinkedMissile ack iht 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

Missile ack 6eft Pod 2 -2 Q2 /2 (MV, (rosslinked

Missile ack 6eft 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, elf <estruct, torae Module


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A5 each Pod, 2 each 6e, ) TorsoB

efle4 (ontrols, uperchared &nines, %(& Q)00H, MonocoDue

5otes@ The impact cannons al#a$s fire toether unless one isdestro$ed. ?o idea #hat is !custom" other than the old


Shellcair-4ar Po2er Ar)orC!ST@ 7-1 (P AQ55.2 (P for missilesB

A6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU


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-2,500 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 1 A-50mJroundB -7 A)00mJroundB Amach 5B

Maneu6er Pool Q)1H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ : )0 )5 : 5 5

iht %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

6eft %rm M 5 7 : 5 5

iht 6e M 5 7 : 5 5

6eft 6e M 5 7 : 5 5

iht Pod : )0 : 5 5

6eft Pod : )0 : 5 5iht Tendril M / / : 5 5

6eft Tendril M / / : 5 5

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster iht Pod 22

Thruster 6eft Pod 22

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6: Torso 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

Particle 8eam iht %rm )0 / Q) )0 = (rosslinked

Particle 8eam 6eft %rm )0 / Q) )0 = (rosslinkedImpact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Impact (annon Torso - 2/ Q) 2 = 6inked

Missile ack iht 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

Missile ack 6eft 6e 2 -2 Q2 2 2) (MV, (rosslinked

6aser (annon iht Tendril 5 -2 Q2 5 = (rosslinked6aser (annon 6eft Tendril 5 -2 Q2 5 = (rosslinked

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, elf <estruct, torae Module


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Verniers A5 each Pod, 2 each 6e, )

TorsoBefle4 (ontrols, uperchared &nines, %(& Q)00H,


5otes@ The impact cannons al#a$s fire toether unless one is


 Special Mecha and Drones

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Migg PittC!ST@ 5)/2 (P AQ)-70 (P for 004 micromissile, Q2/0,700 for 22/4 anti9&VI6 missilesB

(orvette cale A)@)0BA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 8(, aain in 20-




(E54T'= 7/m


-5/,000 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

Po#er %rmor 92 1 A-50mJroundB 5/ A2100mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q)--H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP illsMain 8od$ M: 220 --0 M:J8 ))0 ))0 A<( /0B

:ead %: 0 )-5 M:J8 ))0 ))0

iht %rm M: ))0 )5 M:J8 ))0 ))0

6eft %rm M: ))0 )5 M:J8 ))0 ))0

iht 6e M: ))0 )5 M:J8 ))0 ))0

6eft 6e M: ))0 )5 M:J8 ))0 ))0

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso )5

Thruster Torso )5

Thruster iht 6e )2

Thruster 6eft 6e )2

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

%: :ead 20 200 km )7,000 km

8ackup Torso 20 )0 km -000 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms 0 Melee Q0 50 = Ruick, :and$

8eam (annon Torso )00 250,000 Q) )00 = +armup ), (rosslinked

8eam (annon Torso )00 250,000 Q) )00 = +armup ), (rosslinked

8eam (annon Torso )00 250,000 Q) )00 = +armup ), (rosslinked

Micromissile iht %rm - -2 Q2 -0 )50 (MV, 6inked

Micromissile iht %rm - -2 Q2 -0 )50 (MV, 6inkedMicromissile 6eft %rm - -2 Q2 -0 )50 (MV, 6inked

Micromissile 6eft %rm - -2 Q2 -0 )50 (MV, 6inked

%nti9&VI6 ack iht 6e 20 )212 Q2 70 5 8last 2, 6on ane, 6ink  %nti9&VI6 ack iht 6e 20 )212 Q2 70 5 8last 2, 6on ane, 6ink  

%nti9&VI6 ack 6eft 6e 20 )212 Q2 70 5 8last 2, 6on ane, 6ink  

%nti9&VI6 ack 6eft 6e 20 )212 Q2 70 5 8last 2, 6on ane, 6ink  

O Micromissile clusters can fire in volle$s of up to 50 missiles at a time Amicromissiles are )@) scaleB. %nti9

&VI6 6M racks can fire in volle$s of up to 27 missiles at a time.

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, elf <estruct, &scape Pod A>luuhau eultB

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%%8 (ontroller, caled %rmor 


&nvironmentals AallB, Verniers, uperchared &nines, %(& Q1H, MonocoDue, uperheav$ :$draulics

Bito7ua Auto)atic Attack &rone Type

C!ST@ )2. (PA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU

'E4'T= ).5mW&T'= ).5m(E54T'= -.)mWE4'T= 700 k

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

<rone Q) 99 5/ A2,100mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

uselae M+ )2 )2 : 5 5

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster uselae 5/

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6: uselae 2 20 km )700 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

&lectron 8eam uselae )0 )0 Q) )0 =

!ptional Syste)s

elf <estruct, (ombat (omputer 


Internal %utomation Aank 5, kills@ Pilot, +eaponr$, <ode 3 &vadeB

Bito7ua Auto)atic Attack Bit &rone Type C!ST@ ))./ (PA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU

'E4'T= 5.5m




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5,000 k 

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

<rone 9) 99 )5 A150mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ T TJ%b - -

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso )5

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6+ Torso ) - km 500 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

8eam >un Torso - 2/ Q0 - = 6inked

8eam >un Torso - 2/ Q0 - = 6inked

%nti9%ir 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V2, 6ink, Phalan4 Vari

%nti9%ir 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V2, 6ink, Phalan4 Vari

%nti9%ir 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V2, 6ink, Phalan4 Vari

%nti9%ir 6aser Torso ) 2/ Q0 ) = 8V2, 6ink, Phalan4 Vari

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer 


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Internal %utomation A6evel 5, Portfolio -@ >unner$, <ode, PilotB

Progra))e@ %utomatic attack drone that can be controlled b$ capital ship computers or an$ mecha #ith

an %%8 controller Asuch as the Mi PittB.

Auto)ate% Weapons Plat"or)C!ST@ -00,-12 (PA6ailability@ since before 500,000 8( to 20UU




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20,000 tons

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

<rone 91 99 )0 A500mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ M: 220 220 %:J%b 70 70:ead : 0 0 %:J%b 70 70

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster Torso )0

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

6+ :ead )0 -0 km 5000 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

Medium 6aser Torso )00 250,000 Q) )00 =Medium 6aser Torso )00 250,000 Q) )00 =

6aser (annon Torso )0 2/ Q) )0 = (rosslinked

2/ total@ ) mounted on the top, 7 mounted on the bottomG ) ma4 at one taret

IM ack Torso 5 )200 9) -- )00 (rosslinked

)0 total racks

!ptional Syste)s

 ?ihtsiht, potliht, (ombat (omputer, %dvanced ensors, Taret %nal$;er 


&nvironmentals ApaceB, Internal %utomation A6evel 5, Portfolio -@ >unner$, <ode, PilotBVerniers A-0 in TorsoB

Progra))e@ (orvette9scale heav$ #eapons platform for uardin capital ship interiors from invaders.

(apable of makin up to )0 attacks per round #ithout penalt$.

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$entrae%i Ar)y Battalion

% standard Zentraedi battalion consists of - >lau and 25 eult Alater battalions

have one &4a9>lau and t#o >lauB. The breakdo#n is as follo#s, althouh later in the

chism +ar as >lau units become more and more scarce, replace batter$ leaders' mecha

#ith eult. %fter the stockpile of >lau fficer Pods is found, the$ #ill be redistributedto ace pilots. If the battalion contains e4tra platoons, alternate them bet#een batteries or

add e4tra batteries as needed.

Zentran po#er armor follo# a similar roupin, #ith ?ousCadeul9>er instead ofeult and 6oran 6o# instead of >lau. Meltran po#er armor fiht individuall$,

althouh sometimes Meltran aces form unofficial cadres to compete #ith each other and

#ith other cadres.

Battalion Break%o2n

• 8attalion (ommander A)B

o 8atter$ 6eaders A2B Platoon 6eaders A5 or moreB

Platoon Members A20 or moreB

Tactical Pod Platoon A2 or moreB

:eav$ Missile (arrier Platoon A)B6iht Missile (arrier Platoon A)B

Tactical cout Platoon A)B

Battalion Battery Platoon Platoon

Commander Leader Leader Member

  --- Regult


  |--- Regult

  --- Regult --| Regult Platoon

  | |--- Regult

  | |

  | --- Regult


  | --- Regult

  | |

  | |--- Regult

  --- Glaug -|--- Regult --| Serauhaug Regult Platoon

  | | |--- Regult

  | | |

  | | --- Regult  | |

  | | --- Regult

  | | |

  | | |--- Regult

Glaug --| --- Regult --| Gluuhaug Regult Platoon

  | |--- Regult

  | |

  | --- Regult


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  | --- Regult

  | |

  | |--- Regult

  | --- Regult --| Del Regult Platoon

  | | |--- Regult

  | | |

  | | --- Regult

  --- Glaug -|

  | --- Regult

  | |

  | |--- Regult

  --- Regult --| Regult Platoon

  |--- Regult


  --- Regult

$entrae%i Military 3orce – Space War

ebruar$ 20)0

>or Main leet A))7th 8oddole Zer Main leetB

/,15,)22 capital ships, appro4imatel$ 1,500,000,000 personnel1th >lruimual (lass <ivision Vrlit#hai K%doclasL 8ranch leet 3 7th coutin Team

)2)- capital ships

)0th 8ranch leet 3 1th %erial %rmored <ivision

ebruar$ )), 20)0 A))00 &arth tandard TimeB

%fter the firin of the %laska >rand (annon and the defection of the Vrlit#hai fleet tothe side of the Macross appro4imatel$ /,000,000 capital ships remain.

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ebruar$ )), 20)0 A))21 &arth tandard TimeB

%fter the destruction of >or 8oddole Zer appro4imatel$ -,000,000 capital ships remain,

man$ scatterin across the ala4$ into roue fleets.

$entrae%i Rogue 3leets

It #as stated in Macross that after the collapse of the tellar epublic after theconclusion of the chism +ar and the defeat of the upervision %rm$, the Zentraedi #ar

machine splintered into numerous SroueS fleets. ome of these fleets continued to

lo$all$ hunt do#n remnants of the upervision %rm$, #hile others turned to banditr$ andfihtin #ith other fleets.

In Macross 1@ leet of the tronest +omen, the Macross 1 fleet encounters a

roue Meltran fleet commanded b$ (hlore. It is stated the Meltrandi outnumber Macross

1 b$ 5009to9) odds. In 2007, the Macross (hronicle Issue 5 at last published the fleetcount of the -1th lon9distance coloni;ation fleet, #hich totaled )/ lare ships and

2,7 small craft. %t a 500 to ) ratio, this places (hloreEs Meltran fleet at 1,000

#arships and ),-//,500 combat vehicles Aappro4imatel$B.

urthermore, it is stated that the >or 8oddole Zer fleet is Sone of /0 such fleetsS.That means there are a lot  of Zentraedi not accounted for. %t a Duick estimate, the >or

8oddole Zer fleet #as Cust short of 5 million capital ships and 1.5 billion troops. Thatmeans appro4imatel$ 200 million capital ships and -00 trillion troops in Cust those main

fleets. %nd that is Cust #hat is remainin after the chism +ar, #here 0H of life in the

ala4$ #as #iped out.

$entrae%i ?ni"or)s

%bove is the standard uniform for soldiers and lo#9rankin officers for both

Zentran and Meltran forces. 8oth incorporate a hih collared Cacket #ith lon coattails

#orn over trousers. Their boots are knee9hih and armored. n the riht is the formaldress uniform of a Meltran ace pilot Aas seen in the <F6 movieB.

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The above are all uniforms for ship command staff, #hich can be reconi;ed b$

the stiff collar. leet commanders also #ill t$picall$ #ear a cape to indicate their status.Meltran commanders #ear a looser tunic9st$le shirt rather than the lon Cacket #ith


n the left is the uniform of a records officer AZentraedi science officerB, #hich isa standard uniform #ith a scarf to indicate their position Aalthouh records officers are

also allo#ed a lon robe similar to that of hih commandB. The middle is a Zentraedi

main fleet commander's uniform. It uses a smock9like overcoat over the standard

uniform. %bove riht sho#s the robes of a supreme commander such as 8oddole Zer.8elo# is a variation of the supreme commander's robes from a differin fleet.

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Meltran 3light Suit

Zentraedi battle pods and po#er armor are desined to allo# the pilot to #ear

liht armor inside, ho#ever, the Rueadlunn9au Aand variantsB is desined to fit muchcloser to the pilot's form and reDuires particular connections to the techno9oranic

controls. Meltran pilots are all issued an environmentall$ sealin fliht suit to #ear. It

 provides onl$ the most basic protection. The fliht suit comes #ith a helmet and #henattached, the suit is environmentall$ sealed. This suit has no life support s$stem or


ills 2, 89Mod 0 

(aser PistolThis is the standard sidearm issued to Zentraedi officers and ace pilots. The laser

 pistol has t#o settins, liht and heav$. The handle has a hand uard so that the officer

can use it to pistol #hip if needed.

<amae ) or )0d :its, ane )2, 2 (P, ) ill, (lip 20

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(aser Ri"le

This is the standard rifle issued to Zentraedi pilots. Zentraedi pilotin either of the

 battle pods are not issued one, althouh those pilotin the ?ousCadeul9>er armor do carr$


<amae ), 8V 2, ane 2/, 5 (P, 2 ills, (lip -0

Assault Ri"le

This is a heavier rifle used b$ Zentraedi infantr$.<amae ), 8V /, ane 2/, 1 (P, 2 ills, (lip /0

(ight Ar)or

6iht armor is the standard issue to Zentraedi battle pod pilots. It providesmoderate protection. The armor comes #ith a helmet and #hen attached, the suit is

environmentall$ sealed. This armor has no life support s$stem or beacon.

P 2, ills -, 89Mod )

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'ea6y Ar)or

:eav$ armor is issued to Zentraedi infantr$ and is also #orn sometimes b$ hih9

rankin officers. The armor comes #ith a helmet and #hen attached, the suit isenvironmentall$ sealed. This armor about ) hour of air #hen sealed, but has no other life

support or beacon.

P /, ills 5, 89Mod 2

The above riht is the basic Zentraedi liht armor, #ith the heavier combat armor on the left. Theearl$ Zentraedi armor is on the far riht.

Early $entrae%i Ar)or

This armor represents an earlier st$le of armor used in the earl$ $ears of the

chism +ar. It has the same stats as !modern" liht and heav$ armor.

$entrae%i Capital Ships%ll of the ships of the Zentraedi and Meltrandi fleets #ere desined b$ the

Protoculture. verall the$ are larel$ similar in function and #eapons, althouh the$ had

distinct appearances * the Zentran ships are usuall$ reen in color and more rounded,

#hile the Meltran have sharp anles and are usuall$ purple in color. %lso, these capital

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ships are not eDuipped #ith an$ (I< s$stems, rel$in on their countless mecha to #ard

off enem$ mecha.

Techno-!rganic Co)ponents

%s stated previousl$, parts of Protoculture technolo$ used for Zentran and

Meltran forces is partiall$ oranic in nature. This is best sho#n in the controls of theMeltran po#er armor suits and the livin link bet#een fleet commanders and their super9

scale command vessels. These ships also have techno9oranic computers and !advisor"

units. This is considered part of normal Zentraedi technolo$ and reDuires no additionalcost multipliers due to the advanced super9science used b$ the Protoculture.

%ll of the super9scale command ships have four to si4 such techno9oranic

advisors in the command room. These advisors appear to be a lare cranial unit sproutin

man$ tendrils, #ith a lon mechanical spine9like appendae. The neural tissue containedin the cranial unit of them is so dense that their computational and storae capacit$ is

 better than an$ t$pe of computer s$stem available to fleet commanders, thus makin their

counsel indispensable. These advisors also have the abilit$ to interact #ith the command

 base's s$stems, other Zentraedi technolo$, and Zentraedi themselves via the tendrils thatsprout from his unusual form. These tendrils are oranic data transfer Cacks and allo#

them to process vast amounts of data ver$ Duickl$ Afunctions as Telemechanics andTelepath$B. ?ote that ecords fficers and upreme (ommanders have this same abilit$.

%n$ other forces tr$in to adapt this techno9oranic technolo$ to their o#n must

 pa$ the standard cost multiplier listed in Mekton Zeta Plus.

Mecha !6erri%e Control

Most fleet flaships can override the controls of all Zentraedi mecha #ithin their

sensor rane. This automaticall$ po#ers do#n their #eapons and puts them on autopilotto return to the haner of the capital ship that the$ #ere launched from Aor one that has

room should their ship have been destro$edB. This feature #as added to keep tabs on

Zentraedi forces that ma$ succumb to their innatel$ aressive nature. The Meltranflaship has a similar device that affects Meltran mecha, but is less freDuentl$ needed.

This unit takes ) space and costs )00 (P.

Ra%io,Ra%ar nter"erence 5et2ork 

The capital ships of the Zentraedi eries can emit a po#erful Cammin sinal that

 prevents lon9rane communications. This functions as a ank )0 &(M #ith a radius of

)25 he4es A72.5 kmB. 8$ linkin up #ith other Zentraedi capital ships, the$ ma$ create a!net" to block communications over a lare area. This unit also includes a radar9Cammin

device that functions as a ank 7 &(M #ith a radius of --0 he4es A).5 kmB. This full

unit takes )5 spaces, has -0 ills and costs )00 (P.

'yperspace Co))unications Syste)

This s$stem is found on most flaships, allo#in the fleets to communicate #iththeir commander reardless of distance. It is from this that the =? pac$ eventuall$

develops the >ala4$ ?et#ork. This s$stem takes up ) space and costs 500 (P.

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Auto)ate% Me%ical 3acilities

+hile most severel$ inCured Zentraedi are left on the battlefield to die, slihtl$

inCured ones are brouht back to the capital ships for medical treatment. The automatedfacilities can recover up to 20 :its per patient per da$. urthermore the$ can restore a

dead Zentraedi back to life if he has been dead for )5 minutes or less Adue to their tailored

<?% structureB. This !resurrection" is usuall$ reserved for favored officers and ace pilots.

Bio-Scan Cha)ber

This allo#s the records officers to stud$ and anal$;e bioloical forms, providin

them #ith ver$ detailed data reardin ph$siolo$, chemical and enetic structure. It is

full$ automatic. This takes up no space as it is included in part of their medical facilit$

and costs 50 (P.

Science 3acilities

8ecause of the Zentraedi lack of education, most command ships have automated

science facilities that can anal$;e creatures and so forth for the Zentraedi and report thefindins. The facilities have the eDuivalent of I?T and T&(: 5 #ith an$ applicable skills

at rank 5. or those #ho are alread$ trained in such skills, the facilities rant a Q- bonusto their skill checks. This adds no cost and is considered part of the medical ba$s.

Cross 3ol% Syste)

% hihl$ advanced fold manipulation s$stem, the (ross old $stem is able to

manipulate the fold reaction of other ships and redirect them to other coordinates, in

effect chanin the course of the foldin ships. +hen taret shipAsB have entered a

h$perspace fold, the de9fold coordinates are preset. The (ross old $stem, intercepts theships in :$perspace and creates a premature drop back into normal space at an$ desired

location. The (ross old $stem is effective up to ) %= A)/,50/,0/.2 kmB distant

from the ship. This s$stem costs 5,000 (P, has 200 ills and takes up 2 paces.

nternal Sensors

The internal sensors of a Zentraedi vessel can monitor temperature, radiation,motion, e4plosionsJfires and other disturbances, and chemical make9up of the ship's air

suppl$. It should be noted that the sensors cannot detect micronians #ithout a vehicle or


5utrition @ Water &ispensers

%t various places #ithin a Zentraedi vessel are stations that dispense #ater and

s$nthesi;ed nutritional food for the troops. This !food" is bland, flavorless andcompletel$ unappeti;in, but is hihl$ nutritional. Throuh rec$clin, these supplies can

last for )0 to )2 $ears.

Meltran Mo%ular Construction

Meltran ships are built #ith a modular desin, so that destro$in one section has

less chance of destro$in the entire vessel. +hen a Meltran ship is hit #ith a critical

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strike that #ould destro$ the ship, the ship can detach the module and avoid destruction

on a )9/ on a d)0, but the$ still lose the module and associated s$stems.

$entran Capital Ships

 ?upetiet Vernit;s9bis (lass Medium9i;ed leet (ommand 8attleship

 ?upetiet9Volrol (lass Medium 8attleship>raleb9+ovfl (lass Medium 8attleship

Rueadol9Madomilla (lass (ommand 8attleship

Thuverl alan (lass tandard 8attleshipRuitra Rueleual (lass 6andin hip

in ?ado# 6oCm Monitor 

Thiev alan (lass cout hip

Zentraedi Troop Transport6aunch T$pe II huttle

>ol >ants (hart :eav$ %ttacker 

ulbt;s98errent;s (lass leet (ommand 8ase

piral ?ebula (lass leet (ommand 8aseRuel9Ruallie Theatre cout Pod

eentr$ Pod

Meltran Capital Ships


ast Patrol hip


:eav$ riatecout hip


6aplami; (lass leet (ommand 8ase6eplendis (lass leet (ommand 8ase KL

3ulbts-Berrents 3leet Co))an% Base

%n interal part to an$ Zentraedi, or Meltrandi fleet is the central command base.

(ommand bases usuall$ contains the leader of the particular fleet, the ulbt;s98errent;s

 base commanded b$ 8oddole Zer is ph$sicall$ connected to 8oddole Zer himself.

ranic lookin in nature, the ulbt;s98errent;s 8ase is over 200,000 $ears old A8oddoleZer himself sa$s it #as over S)20,000 c$cles since he #as createdSB, and 8oddole Zer has

sat #ithin its confines since its construction, his bod$ bein kept alive b$ e4tensive life

support machiner$. %rmed #ith particle beam cannons, missile launchers, and animmense planetar$ scale converin beam cannon, this ship combined #ith its escort

fleet of over / million Zentran #arships, can decimate a planetar$ surface in minutes. The

(ommand 8ase defolded in &arth orbit in 20)0 in an attempt to ain access to technolo$ possessed b$ the micronians, most notabl$, access to Protocultures. This #ould have

allo#ed the 8oddole Zer leet and the Zentraedi in eneral to repair their o#n

eDuipment, somethin the$ rel$ on automated s$stems to do. The >or 8oddole Zer base

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is believed to have survived for over )20,000 c$cles. Zentraedi historical records estimate

)000 of such command ships #ere built.

4olg 4ants Charts 'ea6y Attacker

The >ol >ants (harts :eav$ %ttacker is a hihl$ feared craft utili;ed b$ the

Zentraedi to hunt and kill enem$ ships. <ue to its small si;e and maneuverabilit$ it isable to close in on enem$ ships and attack #hilst evadin returnin fire. Its primar$

#eapon is a converin beam cannon that provides a much bier punch that it appears

due to an oversi;ed reactor feedin it.The pilot and unner are not positioned in the conventional manner. The unner

sits in a rotatin un emplacement on the starboard dorsal fuselae of the craft, #hilst the

 pilot is situated Cust to the left of the main converin beam cannon housin. +hilst it is

the unners responsibilit$ to fire the anti9air rotational un, and keep mecha units offthem, it is the pilot #ho is responsible for the primar$ #eapon, and anti9mecha missile


<ue to its maneuverabilit$ and hard hittin po#er, the >ol >ants (harts is

feared b$ enem$ units. The :eav$ %ttacker is commonl$ supported b$ reular mechaunits to provide additional anti9mecha defense #hilst it makes its runs aainst enem$


(apla)i 3leet Co))an% Base

%n interal part to an$ Meltrandi, or Zentraedi fleet is the central command base.(ommand bases usuall$ contain the leader of the particular fleet. The 6aplami;

command base #as ph$sicall$ connected to 6aplami; herself. ranic in nature, the

6aplami; command base #as thouht to be over half a billion $ears old. %rmed #ith

 particle beam cannons, missile launchers, and an immense planetar$ scale converin beam cannon, this ship combined #ith its escort fleet of bet#een / and 5 million vessels,

can decimate a planet in minutes.

The 6eplendis command base ma$ be the same st$le of vessel.

Meltran%i Carrier , (ST

The 6aplami; fleet carrier, #as specificall$ desined for operations in this ala4$to ferr$ man$ fihter craft into battle. =sed almost e4clusivel$ b$ the 6aplami; fleet,

these ships accompan$ front line units and can be used as battle command posts.

Primaril$, the 6T, or 6andin hip Tank, is tasked #ith launchin, recoverin, and

maintainin the vast maCorit$ of the 6aplami; fleet's Rueadlunn9au.

Meltran%i 3ast Patrol Ship

The 6aplami; fleet had a variet$ of ships that fulfilled a variet$ of missions.Tasked #ith Duick response and moderate firepo#er, the fast patrol ship could respond to

critical situations in remote s$stems faster than an$ other ship in the fleet, the flaship

included. ast patrol ships are eDuipped #ith lare command and control facilities to deal#ith the remote nature of their missions. The$ also have an enhanced communications

arra$, allo#in the fast patrol ship to remain in contact #ith its fleet #hen it travels far

ahead of the fleet.

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Meltran%i 3lagship

The Meltrandi laship is the larest ship in the Meltran fleet. It is capable of

ferr$in lare numbers of Rueadlunn9au Po#er %rmor and troops into combat. <urinthe final battle of pace +ar I over &arth, man$ of these ships #ere lost, ho#ever, the

fe# that remained #ere interated into the =? pac$ &arth <efense orce chared #ith

the protection of &arth, man$ others not allied #ith &arth fled the battle and still roam theala4$. These ships had and interestin feature in that the small command section could

detach from the main hull, much like the Zentraedi Rueadol9Madomilla command ship.

=nlike the Zentraedi version, the laship #as desined to o into combat and leave thecommand section behind to coordinate the fleet attack. =nlike other fleet flaships, this

confiuration #as not eDuipped #ith a heav$ particle beam cannon. Its most deadl$

#eapon is the incredible numbers of Rueadlunn9au it carries ACust over /000B.

Meltran%i 4unship

The Meltran >unship is similar in desin to the Meltran heav$ friate as both

feature slender central bod$ sections and boom arms. The Meltrandi unship is the most

common of all of the Meltran capital ships, and the most famous, its visae racin man$imaes about the Meltran fleet at the final battle of pace +ar I. The Meltran unship is

the most common Meltrandi vessel rebuilt for use in the =? pac$.

Meltran%i 'ea6y 3rigate

The Meltrandi :eav$ riate is a medium si;e #arship and a mainsta$ of the6aplami; fleet. This ship has adeDuate #eaponr$ to deal #ith common threats, and

carries a fairl$ impressive compliment of appro4imatel$ )000 mecha to deal #ith enem$


Meltran%i Scout Ship

The Meltrandi cout hip, sometimes referred to as a Spocket battleshipS, issued

to scout out potential enemies and report back to the main fleet. The 6aplami; fleet usesthis particular model. ?ot heavil$ armed, #hen the scout ship e4pects an armed conflict

to arise, the$ are often deplo$ed in teams, or #ith a unship to act as escort. These ships

can also function close in defense units in a fleet formation, protectin the larer shipsfrom concentrated missile fire from opposin fleets. Their small si;e means that man$ of

them can be positioned around a larer #arship, such as the flaship, for additional


Meltran%i Troopship

imilar in function to the Meltran leet (arrier, the Troopship is desined to ferr$

lare numbers of Rueadlunn9au Po#er %rmour troops into battle. ouhl$ half the si;eof the Meltran (arrier the Troopship is effectivel$ an armed and armored freihter, albeit

it one armed #ith deadl$ #eapons and carr$in danerous mecha and troops. +hereas

the Meltran (arrier is commonl$ a small leet flaship the Troopship is one of the lastships to be considered for the dut$. <ue to its tendenc$ to sit back and disore its caro

the Meltran Troopship is a vessel that larel$ survived the final battle of pace +ar I due

to its tendenc$ han back from direct toe to toe combat.

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Meltran Troopships can still be found throuhout the ala4$ makin up lare

 portions of Meltran leets ferr$in Rueadlunn9au Po#er %rmors from battlefront to


5upetiet +ergnits-bis 3lagship

Medium9scale fleet command battleship desined at the heiht of thedevelopment competitions durin the earl$ $ears of the chism +ar. laship of 8oddole

Zer Main leetEs 1th >lruimual class branch Vrlit#hai A%doclasB leet. This ship is one

of the larest available to Zentran forces, and is armed #ith a heav$ particle beamcannon.

!cty-4un%oula 3lagship

6are9scale fleet command battleship desined at the end of the chism +ar.&Duipped #ith a uniDue (ross old $stem and a heav$ particle beam cannon, this is a

fearsome opponent. The production planet #here these iant flaships are constructed

#as thouht lost until rediscovered b$ amCin in 20-/. =tili;in several of these

command ships and an ancient Protoculture communications s$stem, he #as able to ainthe cooperation of the ?eld, and later the 8urado fleets to assist him in his deadl$

oals. The ?eld fleet had ver$ fe# of these ships, and all #ere lost #hen the ?eld(ommand 8ase #as destro$ed. The 8urado fleet fielded man$ more of these vessels, but

most #ere lost aain.

;uea%ol-Mag%o)illa Co))an% Ship

%s a fleet (ommand hip, it has been in use since the middle staes of the

>alactic &mpireEs chism +ar. laship of 8odol;a Main leetEs )0 th 8ranch leetEs 1th

%erial %rmored <ivision. Its primar$ strenth is aerial assault, for it has a uniDuemodular s$stem composed of a bo# section #hich can separate for descendin into a

 planetEs atmosphere.

;uel-;uallie Theatre Scout Po%

The 8oDuomou4$ Ruel9Ruallie Theatre cout Pod is an advanced reconnaissance

vehicle used b$ the Zentraedi forces. +ith a cre# of three, Apilot, co9pilotJunner, andsensor operator,B the Ruel9Ruallie is able to ather data on enem$ forces from lon

distances due to its advanced sensor eDuipment. <ue to its si;e and armor, it is also able

to #ithstand most mecha attacks. The Ruel9Ruallie Theatre cout econ Pod is )2.1

meters lon, #hich b$ human scales is small capital ship, but b$ Zentraedi standards ismerel$ a lare mecha. :o#ever like all ships, the Ruel9Ruallie relies on venire thrusters

for fliht control, #ithout them it #ould be unable to make an$ form of movement other

than for#ards. %monst the Ruel9Ruallie's impressive sensor s$stems are a super9lon9rane earl$9#arnin <oppler radar, ravit$ #ave passive radar, optical s$stems,

electromanetic s$stems, passive and active particle s$stem cluster * makin it rouhl$

the eDuivalent to the =? pac$'s V&9) &lintseeker for sensor capabilities.

;uitra ;ueleual Troop Carrier .(ST/

The Zentraedi (arrier is a main battle ship primaril$ desined to ferr$ lare

amounts of small attack craft into battle. Its #eapon s$stems are stilted to#ards its

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fihters and other battle mecha, but it does have defensive armaments. This lon9lived

ship series has been in use as the one of the ZentraediEs standard carriers since the earl$9

$ears of the >alactic &mpireEs chism +ar. It has a round9c$linder confiuration anddoes not posses a lare for#ard firin beam cannon, instead rel$in on more traditional

#eapon s$stems.

Reentry Po%

This is a simple landin vessel capable of transportin troops from a capital ship

to planetside or to recover them and return to their ship. The pod has no #eapons and iscapable of landin on both land and #ater.

Rin 5a%o2 (o9) Monitor

The monitor is a Zentraedi unship, bein primaril$ a heav$ particle beam cannon#ith an enine. %t Cust over )200m lon, the ship #as the second smallest in the fleet

Aonl$ larer than the alanB. It carried fe# mecha and a relativel$ small armament, but its

heav$ particle beam cannon made it an invaluable asset. The cannon itself #as modeled

alon the same Sbo# splitS desin as the cannon on the larer flaship, ivin themonitor a lon, some#hat stretched appearance resemblin the bo# portion of the

Rueadol9Madomilla class command ship.Initiall$, monitors #ere onl$ assined to lare fleets under the command of

trusted senior officers. The Protoculture considered it too danerous for potentiall$

untrust#orth$ commanders Asuch as amCinB to use this ship. 6ater, as the ZentraedifleetEs resources bean to deplete, the ships #ere all re9assined to a special fleet under

the personal command of 8oddole Zer. These ships #ere used in the Zentraedi assault on

&arth, and accounted for the maCorit$ of damae done to the planet. Most of them #ere

destro$ed in the counterattack b$ the <9) and Vrlit#hai's fleet. % fe# survived and#ere either scrapped for components for the =?'s fleet or rebuilt as part of the &arth

<efense orce.

Salan Scout Ship

The Zentraedi PicketJcout hip, sometimes referred to as a SPocket 8attleshipS,

is used to scout out potential enem$Es and report back to the main fleet. The scout ship'ssophisticated s$stem #as almost eDual to that of the much larer flaship. ?o other fleet

vessels had as sophisticated a s$stem. This particular model is used b$ the 8oddole Zer

fleet. ?ot heavil$ armed, #hen the scout ship e4pects an armed conflict to arise, the$ are

often deplo$ed in teams, or #ith a unship to act as escort. These ships can also functionclose in defense units in a fleet formation, protectin the larer ships from concentrated

missile fire from opposin fleets. Their small si;e means that man$ of them can be

 positioned around a larer #arship, such as a flaship.

Spiral 5ebula 3leet Co))an% Base

This ship of the piral ?ebula %rm (entral leet laship class is the larest ship#ithin the fleet. In the entire Zentraedi %rm$, there are probabl$ )000 to 2000 ships of

this class. ranic in nature, the piral ?ebula command base #as thouht to be tens of

thousands of $ears old. %rmed #ith laser cannons and missile launchers this ship

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combined #ith its escort fleet of bet#een / and 5 million Zentraedi ships, can decimate a

 planetar$ surface in minutes.

In 20- the ?eld leet invaded the olar $stem. (ommander ?eld haddeveloped an alliance #ith amCin, formerl$ of the 8odol;a leet under Vrlit#hai Es

command. amCin had developed a defense to the Minmei attack and contacted the ?eld

leet usin an ancient Protoculture (ommunications ?et#ork. (ommander ?eldinterated the ound <efense technolo$ into his fleet and bean his invasion.

The invasion consisted of t#o fronts, one near ?eptune, the other Mars. The

 ?eptune offensive eventuall$ shifted to &arth rbit. The ?eld laship remained nearMars #here it #as eventuall$ defeated in an attack b$ the Vrlit#hai leet.

In 20-1 the 8urado leet invaded the olar $stem. %s in the previous $ear,

amCin had formed another alliance, this time #ith (ommander 8urado. The 8urado

leet #as a sinificantl$ more #ell armed fleet than the ?eld fleet, as the$ containedlare numbers of the ct$9>undoula laships. The 8urado leet #as successful in

attackin all parts of the olar s$stem, from &arth, to the irst Perimeter <efensive 6ines

at aturn. =nlike the ?eld leet, (ommander 8urado #as also able to send Zentraedi

Infiltrators into the &arth orces.%fter all the ct$9>undoula laships #ere destro$ed, the 8urado (ommand

8ase #as attacked in a massive all out assault near aturn. =tili;in the SMinmei %ttackSand hue flotillas of unships, a breach #as formed that allo#ed a roup of couraeous

=? pac$ pilots to ain access to the base and destro$ it.

Thu6erl Salan &estroyer

The Zentraedi <estro$er is a main battle ship desined for a variet$ of missions.

It has an e4cellent mi4 of ship9borne #eapon s$stems and mecha battle s$stems enablin

it to fulfill its missions. This lon9lived ship series has been in use as the one of theZentraediEs standard battleship since the later $ears of the Protoculture &ra before the

>alactic &mpireEs chism +ar. It has a sharp confiuration but does not posses a lare

for#ard firin beam cannon, instead rel$in on its traditional #eapon s$stems.

$entrae%i Transport A6aunch T$pe II huttleB

mall lihtl$ armored spacecraft desined for short9rane fliht. Vrlit#hai,&4sedol, and another Zentraedi soldier used one of these to deliver !the samples" to

8oddole Zer. This ship is essentiall$ a Zentraedi9si;ed shuttlecraft.

$entrae%i Troop Transport

mall armored spacecraft desined to deliver small troops #here the larer ships

ma$ not be accessible. ne such vessel #as seen in Macross <F6, #hen the

 ?ousCadeul9>er units apprehended :ikaru and Minmei, as #ell as Misa, 6$nn aifuunand o$, #hile near the rins of aturn.

 Zentraedi Vessels

3ulbts-Berrents Mobile Co))an% BaseC!ST= )5-,1,10 (PManu"acturer@ ulbt;s98errent;s ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

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'E4'T= )10 kmW&T'= )/00 km(E54T'= 00 km A)50 km upper sphereB

WE4'T= ),)17,000,000 tonsCREW@ )00,000 personnel, )00,000,000 soldiers in stasis

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ A)@)00 scaleB

((S@ )-,50ARM!R @ P ))0

SPACES@ ),)1

MA@ 0.5 A)0 kmphBTurn@ Q))0

Cre2 ;uality@ % A) Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

M: (ommunications /00 )00,000 km

M: ensors /00 ),000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

Planetar$ (annon 500,000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 5000 =

+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -, (lip 5

:eav$ Particle >un A500B %ll 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =

+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -, (lip 5

6iht 6aser A/,/00B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A-000B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher Torpedo Tube A200B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod )),000

eult >luuhau ),000

eult erauhau ),000

<el eult 500

>lau ),000

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 ?ousCadeul9>er )0,000

Ruel9Ruallie )00

ecover$ Pods )00

eentr$ Pods 500

huttlecraft 500

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, adioJadar Interference ?et#ork 

8io9can (hamber, Mecha verride (ontrol, 6ife upport A)00,000 for indefinitel$B

(lonin acilities, Techno9ranic %dvisors A/B, %dvanced cientific acilities

Techno9ranic (ommand (ontrol


Mecha@ 270 ba$s A--,00 capacit$B

(re#@ 7,-00 ba$s A)00,/-0,000 capacit$B

(aro@ )000 ba$s A,050,000 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ 5 ba$s A0,500 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ )00 ba$s A)200 capacit$B


&nines M% 0.5 A490.2B, :$perspace <rive A4).0B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

5otes@ This monstrous command base #as the center of the 8oddole Zer fleet in the Macross Movie. It isDuite different from the TV desin version that #as noted as bein )/00 km at its #idest point. AThis bein

the lenth of the apanese islands.B This version also appears to be ph$sicall$ linked to 8oddole Zer

himself. +hen :ikaru IchiC$o finall$ blasted him to bits, the entire ship seemed to #aste a#a$. 8oddole

Zer's head #as the onl$ part of him that seemed to e4ist, it sat atop a lare column the #ent into the core of

the ship. :is head #as also monstrous. :is head #as easil$ larer than an$ other Zentraedi, includin

Vrlit#hai. Zentraedi records indicate )000 to 2000 of these ships are still active in the ala4$.

4olg 4ants ChartsC!ST= )1,07 (P

Manu"acturer@ Ishl$tlal 

ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= / mW&T'= 15 m

(E54T'= 7- mWE4'T= 7.5 tonsCREW@ 2, pilot and unner 

'ull Class@ triker ((S@ 550

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MA@ 5/ AMach 7B

Turn@ Q-Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

%: (ommunications -0 -0,000 km

6+ ensors )0 )) km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

:eav$ 6aser A)B 200 ,/-1,-1 Q) 200 =6iht 6aser A)B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A2B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 50

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent


!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A2 for ) #eekB

%ntiravit$ <rive, elf <estruct


Mecha@ none

(re#@ )

(aro@ none

Medical 8a$@ none

epair 8a$@ none


&nines M% 5/ A4/.5B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B, +eiht &fficienc$ A40.2B

Progra))e= This patrol ship is used in advance of the main fleet in enaements.

4ragleb-Wo6"l Me%iu) BattleshipC!ST= 2,05,571 (P

Manu"acturer@ +orDuli9Ruatafilla 1557)th Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

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'E4'T= 20m A1/0m #ith lo#er p$lonBW&T'= 00m(E54T'= /0)0m

WE4'T= )12,000,000 tonsCREW@ /,000 assined cre#Jpersonnel, /0 assined combat soldiers usuall$ #ith another 000 or more

#ithdra#n from stasis as needed. tasis can hold 27,00 #arriors. Total Personnel -1,50.

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ Q((S@ -70ARM!R @ P ))0SPACES@ ))

MA@ -/ AMach -B

Turn@ Q))Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/ Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 -0,000 km

: ensors Ae4cessiveB 200 )-0,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

:eav$ Particle (annon 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -

uperheav$ 6aser A)B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

6iht 6aser A-0B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A50B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A-0B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod 550

eult erauhau 50

eult >luuhau 50

<el eult cout 50

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>lau 25

>lau ocket led 5

aulon9Ve 500

 ?ousCadeul9>er -00

Ruel9Ruallie /ecover$ Pods

eentr$ Pods huttlecraft

!ptional Syste)s

Mecha verride (ontrol, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, adarJadio Interference ?et#ork 

ubspace Mass ensors, elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive, 8io9can (hamber 


Mecha@ )- A),50 capacit$B

(re#@ / A/7,/00 capacit$B

(aro@ )0 A0,500 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ 0 A0 capacit$B


&nines M% -/ A4).)B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= Medium9scale fleet command battleship desined at the beinnin of the development

competitions durin the earl$ $ears of the chism +ar. This ship ma$ have been a precursor to the ?upetiet

Vernit;s9bis flaship.

5upetiet +ergnits-bisC!ST= 5,5,0-2 (PManu"acturer@ +orDuli9Ruatafilla 1557)th Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= 20mW&T'= 00m

(E54T'= /0)0mWE4'T= )10,000,000 tons

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CREW@ /000 personnel, /0 soldiers #ith 000 to 27,00 soldiers in stasis

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ Q((S@ -710

ARM!R @ P ))0SPACES@ )7

MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))Cre2 4ra%e@ % A) Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 -0,000 km: ensors Ae4cessiveB 200 )-0,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

:eav$ Particle (annon 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =

+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -

uperheav$ 6aser A)2B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

6iht 6aser A)50B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =Missile Turret A2/0B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher Torpedo Tube A0B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod -)50

eult erauhau -50

eult >luuhau )50

<el eult cout 50>lau )00

>lau ocket led 25

aulon9Ve /00 ?ousCadeul9>er -00


ecover$ Pods /

eentr$ Pods )2


!ptional Syste)s

Mecha verride (ontrol, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, adarJadio Interference ?et#ork 

ubspace Mass ensors, elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive, 8io9can (hamber 

6ife upport A-7,000 for 20 $earsB


Mecha@ -7 A/,50 capacit$B(re#@ / A/7,/00 capacit$B

(aro@ )0 A0,500 ton capacit$BMedical 8a$@ ) A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ 0 A0 capacit$B


&nines M% -/ A4).)B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

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Progra))e= Medium9scale fleet command battleship desined at the heiht of the development

competitions durin the earl$ $ears of the chism +ar. laship of 8oddole Zer Main leetEs 1th

>lruimual class branch Vrlit#hai A%doclassB leet. epaired after pace +ar I and re9commissioned as the

first battleship of the ?e# =nited ?ations orces space fleet in <ecember 20)2.

5upetiet-+olgrol Me%iu)-Scale Battleship

C!ST= 2,0-2,00- (PManu"acturer@ +orDuli9Ruatafilla 1557)th Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= -0mW&T'= 00m(E54T'= /0)0m

WE4'T= )7,000,000 tonsCREW@ /,000 assined cre#Jpersonnel, /0 assined combat soldiers usuall$ #ith another 000 or more

#ithdra#n from stasis as needed. tasis can hold 27,00 #arriors. Total Personnel -1,50.

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ Q((S@ -750ARM!R @ P ))0SPACES@ )71

MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))Cre2 4ra%e@ % A) Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 -0,000 km

: ensors Ae4cessiveB 200 )-0,000 km

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Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

:eav$ Particle (annon 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =

+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -

6iht 6aser A-0B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A50B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A20B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod 550

eult erauhau 50

eult >luuhau 50<el eult cout 50

>lau 25

aulon9Ve 500

 ?ousCadeul9>er -00

Ruel9Ruallie /

ecover$ Pods

eentr$ Pods


!ptional Syste)s

Mecha verride (ontrol, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, adarJadio Interference ?et#ork 

ubspace Mass ensors, elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive, 8io9can (hamber 


Mecha@ )- A),50 capacit$B

(re#@ / A/7,/00 capacit$B

(aro@ )0 A0,500 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) A)2,)00 capacit$Bepair 8a$@ 0 A0 capacit$B

Multipliers&nines M% -/ A4).)B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= Medium9scale fleet command battleship desined at the beinnin of the development

competitions durin the earl$ $ears of the chism +ar. This ship ma$ have been a precursor to the ?upetietVernit;s9bis flaship.

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!cty-4un%oula 3lagshipC!ST= ),7-0,221 (PManu"acturer@ ct$9>undoula 12)7-2)71th Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= /0mW&T'= 55m(E54T'= /700m

WE4'T= )1,500,000 tonsCREW@ /,500 assined cre#Jpersonnel, /0 assined combat soldiers usuall$ #ith another 000 or more

#ithdra#n from stasis as needed. tasis can hold 27,00 #arriors. Total Personnel -7,00.

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ Q((S@ -0ARM!R @ P )00SPACES@ )7

MA@ -/ AMach -B

Turn@ Q))

Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/ Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 -0,000 km

: ensors Ae4cessiveB 200 )-0,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

:eav$ Particle (annon 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -

6iht 6aser A-2B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =Missile Turret A5/B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A20B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod 550

eult erauhau 50eult >luuhau 50

<el eult cout 50

>lau 25

aulon9Ve 500

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 ?ousCadeul9>er -00

Ruel9Ruallie /

ecover$ Pods

eentr$ Pods

huttlecraft -

!ptional Syste)s

:$perspace (ommunications %rra$, ubspace Mass ensors, elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive

Mecha verride (ontrol, (ross old $stem, 6ife upport A-7,000 for 20 $earsB

adarJadio Interference ?et#ork, 8io9can (hamber 


Mecha@ -0 ba$s A-,00 capacit$B(re#@ - ba$s A-,-00 capacit$B

(aro@ 5 ba$s A-0,250 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ none


&nines M% -/ A4).)B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= Primar$ command ship of the ?eld fleet that attacks earth in 20-, and also a maCor part ofthe 8urado fleet that attacks in 20-1. 6are9scale fleet command battleship desined at the end of the

chism +ar. This ship has a uniDue s$stem that can disrupt space foldin of other capital ships and cause

them to defold to a location of the ct$9>undoula's choosin.

;uea%ol-Mag%o)illaC!ST= 2,7/1,5 (PManu"acturer@ VelDuel9Ruettereul /-11-25th Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= 1/0m

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%ssault Module@ 550m

rbital Module@ 1/0m

W&T'= 700m

%ssault Module@ 550m

rbital Module@ 700m(E54T'= 2100m

%ssault Module@ )-11mrbital Module@ )1/mWE4'T= )00,-00,000 tons

%ssault Module@ )7,000,000 tons

rbital Module@ 72,-00,000 tonsCREW@ )200 personnel, 70 soldiers #ith up to 2/00 soldiers in stasis

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ Q


%ssault Module@ 2-00

rbital Module@ 200ARM!R @

%ssault Module@ P )00

rbital Module@ P )00

SPACES@%ssault Module@ /1

rbital Module@ ))

MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/ Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 -0,000 km

: ensors Ae4cessiveB 200 )-0,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A/J2B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =+arm =p )

6iht 6aser A5/J2B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A)2JB %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A-J/B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

O The first number is the assault module #hile the second number is the orbital module.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod -)0 J )150

eult erauhau -5 J )70

eult >luuhau 20 J 15

<el eult cout 50 J 25>lau )5 J 50

>lau ocket led - J )5aulon9Ve 50 J 200

 ?ousCadeul9>er 5 J 220

Ruel9Ruallie - J 2

ecover$ Pods 2 J /

eentr$ Pods 2 J 7

huttlecraft 2 J

O %ssault J rbital section compliments

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!ptional Syste)s

:$perspace (ommunications %rra$, ubspace Mass ensors, elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive

eparation (oordination $stem, adarJadio Interference ?et#ork, 8io9can (hamber 

6ife upport A)500 for )0 $earsB


Mecha@ 5 J 22 ba$s A00 J 2,/0 capacit$B

(re#@ ) J ) ba$s A)2,)00 J )2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ 5 ba$s A-0,250 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A),2)0 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ none


&nines M% -/ A4).)B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= %s a fleet command battleship, it has been in use since the middle staes of the >alactic

&mpireEs chism +ar. laship of >or 8oddole Zer Main leetEs)0th 8ranch leetEs 1th %erial %rmored

<ivision. Its primar$ strenth is aerial assault, for it has a uniDue modular s$stem composed of a bo#

section #hich can separate for descendin into a planetEs atmosphere.

;ue%ol-Tel62o Carrier .(ST/C!ST= ),22),022 (P

Manu"acturer@ Ruedol9Telv#o )2571--/th Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= 0mW&T'= 70m

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(E54T'= -000mWE4'T= )50,000,000 tons

CREW@ )700 assined cre#Jpersonnel, ))00 assined combat soldiers. tasis can hold )000 #arriors.

Total Personnel -00.

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ Q

((S@ -10ARM!R @ P 0


MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))

Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/ Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 -0,000 km

: ensors Ae4cessiveB 200 )-0,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A)B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )6iht 6aser A)1B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret AB %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A20B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod 0

eult erauhau /5

eult >luuhau /5<el eult cout /5

>lau /5

aulon9Ve 00 ?ousCadeul9>er 5/0

Ruel9Ruallie /

ecover$ Pods 7

eentr$ Pods 7

huttlecraft 7

!ptional Syste)s

:$perspace (ommunications %rra$, ubspace Mass ensors, elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive

6ife upport A2,000 for )0 $earsB, adarJadio Interference ?et#ork 


Mecha@ 22 ba$s A2,/0 capacit$B

(re#@ - ba$s A-,-00 capacit$B(aro@ 5 ba$s A-0,250 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$Bepair 8a$@ none


&nines M% -/ A4).)B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= The Ruedol9Telv#o is an earl$ chism +ar desin and precursor to the Ruiltra9Rueleula.

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;uel-;uallie Theatre Reconnaissance Po%C!ST= 7250 (PManu"acturer@ 8oDuomou4$ 2))1--/th Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= --m, 0m #ith les at full e4tension

W&T'= (E54T'= )2.1mWE4'T= )200 tonsCREW@ - macroni;ed Zentraedi

'ull Class@ uperliht

((S@ 200ARM!R @ P -0


4roun% MA@ )0MA@ -0 AMach 2.5B

Turn@ Q)Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

M+ (ommunications 200 )500 km A0 kmB%: ensors -00 -000 km A-2) kmB

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

apid ire (annon A2B T )0 2/ Q) )0 =


Missile 6auncher A2B 1 -2 9) 25 )2

(an fire volle$s of up to /.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent


!ptional Syste)s

6ife upport A- for ) $earB, %ntiravit$ <rive, %dvanced ensors, elf <estruct, &scape Pod

Escape Capsule

50, P 20

6enth@ -0.5m +idth@ )-.1m :eiht@ )7.-m +eiht@ 7 tons


Mecha@ none

(re#@ ) ba$ A- capacit$B

(aro@ none

Medical 8a$@ none

epair 8a$@ none

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&nines M% -0 A40.B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= <eveloped for lon rane reconnaissance missions behind enem$ lines.

;uiltra ;ueleualC!ST= -,17),- (PManu"acturer@ poltra9hifd )77550th Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= 70mW&T'= -0m

(E54T'= -000mWE4'T= )50,000,000 tonsCREW@ /000 personnel, /0 soldiers #ith 710 to 27,700 soldiers in stasis

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ Q((S@ -10

ARM!R @ P 0


MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/ Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 -0,000 km: ensors Ae4cessiveB 200 )-0,000 km

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Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A)1B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

6iht 6aser AB %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret AB %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A20B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod 2500

eult erauhau 250

eult >luuhau )00<el eult cout -5

>lau 5

>lau ocket led 20

aulon9Ve -00

 ?ousCadeul9>er 250


ecover$ Pods

eentr$ Pods )/huttlecraft /

!ptional Syste)s

:$perspace (ommunications %rra$, ubspace Mass ensors, elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive

adarJadio Interference ?et#ork, 8io9can (hamber, 6ife upport A200 for )0 $earsB


Mecha@ -0 ba$s A-,00 capacit$B

(re#@ - ba$s A-,-00 capacit$B

(aro@ 5 ba$s A-0,250 ton capacit$BMedical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ none


&nines M% -/ A4).)B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= This planetar$ assault landin ship tank A6TB has been in use since the earl$ $ears the

>alactic &mpireEs chism +ar 

Reentry Po%C!ST= 7,520 (PManu"acturer@


W&T'= 2-0 m

(E54T'= 2-0 mWE4'T= )/0 tonsCREW@ -

'ull Class@ uperliht

((S@ 75ARM!R @ P -0

SPACES@ 2 Q 2-

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MA@ 27 AMach 2BTurn@ Q)

Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

%: (ommunications -0 -0,000 km

6+ ensors )0 )) km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%


Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult 2/ Areplace ) #ith >lau if neededBInfantr$ /7

The pod can carr$ either battlepods or infantr$.

!ptional Syste)s

%ntiravit$ <rive, elf <estruct


Mecha@ 2/ A2/ capacit$B(re#@ ) A/7 capacit$B

(aro@ noneMedical 8a$@ none

epair 8a$@ none


&nines M% 27 A40.7B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e@ <esined for troop transport back and forth from ship to planet. It can transport 2/ battle

 pods or /7 infantr$.

Rin 5a%o2 (o9)C!ST= ),52-,07 (PManu"acturer@ Thuverl9Zanse 20-/-12nd Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= 550mW&T'= -70m

(E54T'= )500mWE4'T= 2-,000,000 tonsCREW@ /15 assined cre#Jpersonnel, 200 assined combat soldiers. tasis can hold 200 #arriors. Total

Personnel 715

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ Q

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((S@ 2/00ARM!R @ P 70


MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))

Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/ Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 -0,000 km

: ensors Ae4cessiveB 200 )-0,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

:eav$ Particle (annon 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =

+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -, (lip 5

6iht 6aser A-0B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A-0B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A20B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod 5)eult erauhau /2

eult >luuhau 20

<el eult cout )

>lau 5

aulon9Ve 0

 ?ousCadeul9>er 20

ecover$ Pods 2

eentr$ Pods 2huttlecraft 2

:over Platforms 20

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, %ntiravit$ <rive, elf <estruct

adioJadar Interference ?et#ork, 6ife upport A15 for 5 $earsB


Mecha@ ba$s A120 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ 5 ba$s A-0,250 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ none


&nines M% -/ A4).)B, :$perspace <rive A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

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Progra))e= This medium9scale un destro$er is used in planetar$ bombardment and lare9scale fleet9to9

fleet enaement. This ship has also been listed as Thuverl9Zanse >unship and Ruiltra9Ruelamit; >unship.It accounts for Cust under )H of the Zentraedi fleet.

SalanC!ST= -),)-/ (PManu"acturer@ alan9Minor 20-/-12nd Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= )10m

W&T'= -55m(E54T'= 500m

WE4'T= -,700,000 tonsCREW@ 200 assined cre#Jpersonnel, )00 assined combat soldiers. tasis can hold )00 #arriors. Total

Personnel /00

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q((S@ 2250

ARM!R @ P 50SPACES@ 2-

MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/ Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 -0,000 km: ensors Ae4cessiveB 200 )-0,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A)B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

6iht 6aser A)2B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A)0B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

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Torpedo Tube A)0B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod )50eult erauhau )5

eult >luuhau 1<el eult cout -

>lau 5

>lau ocket led 2

aulon9Ve )5

 ?ousCadeul9>er )0

Ruel9Ruallie 2ecover$ Pods 2

eentr$ Pods 2

huttlecraft 2

!ptional Syste)s

:$perspace (ommunications %rra$, ubspace Mass ensors, elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive

adarJadio Interference ?et#ork, 6ife upport A-00 for 5 $earsB


Mecha@ 2 ba$s A2/0 capacit$B(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ 2 ba$s A)2,)00 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ none


&nines M% -/ A4).)B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= This patrol ship is used in advance of the main fleet in enaements. This ship is also

referred to as a Zentraedi Picket.

Spiral 5ebula Class Mobile Co))an% BaseC!ST= )1-,17,50 (PManu"acturer@ >let;t;u9>la; Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= 2)0 kmW&T'= )/00 km(E54T'= 00 kmWE4'T= 15,250,000,000 tons

CREW@ )00,000 personnel, )00,000,000 soldiers in stasis

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'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ &4cessive cale((S@ 15/,10

ARM!R @ P ))0SPACES@ 15,2

MA@ 0.5 A)0 kmphB

Turn@ Q))0Cre2 ;uality@ % A) Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

M: (ommunications /00 )00,000 km

M: ensors /00 ),000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

Planetar$ (annon 500,000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 5000 =

+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -, (lip ) per 1 da$s

:eav$ Particle >un A500B %ll 500 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =

+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -, (lip 5

6iht 6aser A/,/00B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A-000B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher Torpedo Tube A200B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod )),000

eult >luuhau ),000

eult erauhau ),000

<el eult 500

>lau ),000

aulon9Ve ihters 7,000 ?ousCadeul9>er )0,000

Ruel9Ruallie )00

ecover$ Pods )00eentr$ Pods )00

huttlecraft 500

:over Platforms ),000

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, adioJadar Interference ?et#ork 

8io9can (hamber, Mecha verride (ontrol, 6ife upport A)00,000 for indefinitel$B

(lonin acilities, Techno9ranic %dvisors A/B, %dvanced cientific acilities

Techno9ranic (ommand (ontrol


Mecha@ 270 ba$s A--,00 capacit$B

(re#@ 7,-00 ba$s A)00,/-0,000 capacit$B(aro@ )000 ba$s A,050,000 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ 5 ba$s A0,500 capacit$Bepair 8a$@ )00 ba$s A)200 capacit$B


&nines M% 0.5 A490.2B, :$perspace <rive A4).0B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

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5otes@ This is the command ship used b$ the ?eld and 8urado fleets that attacked in 20- and 20-1,respectivel$. This is possibl$ a late chism +ar desin.

Thu6erl SalanC!ST= ),2/,5) (PManu"acturer@ >eteulmaDulla9Zollia /)/)-95-1)1550th Zentraedi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= /)0mW&T'= 770m(E54T'= 2-00m

WE4'T= -,500,000 tonsCREW@ 27/0 personnel, 17/0 soldiers #ith 00 soldiers in stasis

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ Q

((S@ 25-0ARM!R @ P 70


MA@ -/ AMach -B

Turn@ Q))Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/ Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 -0,000 km

: ensors Ae4cessiveB 200 )-0,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A/B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

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6iht 6aser A-5B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A10B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A-0B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

eult Pod )/00

eult erauhau )-0

eult >luuhau 70

<el eult cout -0

>lau 0

>lau ocket led )5aulon9Ve 200

 ?ousCadeul9>er )00

Ruel9Ruallie /

ecover$ Pods 2

eentr$ Pods /

huttlecraft 2

!ptional Syste)s

:$perspace (ommunications %rra$, ubspace Mass ensors, elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive

adioJadar Interference ?et#ork, 6ife upport A))50 for )0 $earsB


Mecha@ )1 ba$s A2,0/0 capacit$B

(re#@ 2 ba$s A2),200 capacit$B

(aro@ 5 ba$s A-0,250 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ none


&nines M% -/ A4).)B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= This lon9lived ship series has been in use as the Zentraedi standard battleship since the later

$ears of the Protoculture &ra before the >alactic &mpireEs chism +ar.

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$entrae%i Type ShuttleC!ST= 22,07 (PManu"acturer@ R#eth#al9o 5-/-12nd Zentraedi ull$9%utomated actor$ atellite



(E54T'= 12mWE4'T= )0 tonsCREW@ / includin pilot

'ull Class@ uperliht

((S@ )15ARM!R @ P -0SPACES@ 1

MA@ 22 AMach )BTurn@ Q)

Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/ Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range6 (ommunications 50 0 km

: (lass ensors 200 70/ km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

6iht 6aser A2B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile 6auncher A2B 1 )200 Q) 50 )ires volle$s of up to / per launcher 

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent


!ptional Syste)s

elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive


Mecha@ none(re#@ ) ba$ A/ capacit$B

(aro@ none

Medical 8a$@ none

epair 8a$@ none


&nines M% 22 A40.B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= This is a lihtl$ armed transport for ferr$in important personnel bet#een ships. %lso called

Zentraedi 6aunch.

$entrae%i Troop CarrierC!ST= 2),//0 (PManu"acturer@ various ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planets


W&T'= )2-m(E54T'= )7-m

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WE4'T= -5,000 tons CREW@ 2 includin pilot, see troop compliment belo#

'ull Class@ triker 

((S@ 00ARM!R @ P /0


MA@ 22 AMach )BTurn@ Q2

Cre2 4ra%e@ 8 A)/ Q )d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6 (ommunications 50 0 km

: (lass ensors 200 70/ km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%


Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

(arries one of the follo#in@ ?ousCadeul9>er 7

eult )2Zentraedi Infantr$ 20

!ptional Syste)s

elf <estruct, %ntiravit$ <rive


Mecha@ - ba$s A)5 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A2 capacit$B(aro@ none

Medical 8a$@ none

epair 8a$@ none


&nines M% 22 A40.B, :$perspace A4).0B, (re# >rade 8 A40.B

Progra))e= This is a lihtl$ armed troop transport for ettin a small roup of troops into a critical area.

5otes@ I could find no tonnae listin, so I estimated the hull class based on it's si;e and function.

 Meltrandi Vessels

Meltran BattleshipC!ST= 2,050,)51 (PManu"acturer@ >oses9iore 210--01th Meltrandi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

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'E4'T= 5--m

W&T'= 0m(E54T'= 2/2m

WE4'T= )-2,000,000 tons

CREW@ /,000 personnel and soldiers

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q

((S@ -/0ARM!R @ P ))0SPACES@ )5)

MA@ 27 AMach 2BCre2 4ra%e@ % A)Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

:eav$ Particle (annon 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =

+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -, (lip 5

uperheav$ 6aser A-B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =+arm =p )

6iht 6aser A20B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =Missile Turret A/0B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A-0B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Rueadlunn9au 2/00

Ruel9Ruallie /ecover$ Pods 5

eentr$ Pods 7

huttlecraft 7

:over Platforms 200

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A)0,000 for 20 $earsB

%nti9>ravit$ $stem


Mecha@ 22 ba$s A2/0 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ )0 ba$s A0,500 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

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epair 8a$@ 2 ba$s A2/0 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, &nines M% 2/ A40.7B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

5otes@ The Meltrandi tandard 8attleship, is the main frontline unit for the 6aplami; pace leet. =sed in

reat numbers, this unit is eDuipped #ith moderate fihter cover, laser and missile batteries, and a heav$

 particle beam cannon.

Meltran CarrierC!ST= ),221,27 (P

Manu"acturer@ &sokolara -511/55th Meltrandi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= 75m

W&T'= /50m(E54T'= 2775m

WE4'T= )5,000,000 tons

CREW@ 5,000 personnel and soldiers

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q((S@ -10ARM!R @ P ))0


MA@ 27 AMach 2BCre2 4ra%e@ % A)Q)d)0B

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Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A)B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )6iht 6aser A25B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A70B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A/0B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Rueadlunn9au -000

Ruel9Ruallie )2

ecover$ Pods )0

eentr$ Pods 20

huttlecraft )2

:over Platforms /00

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A5,000 for 20 $earsB:$perspace &nine, %nti9>ravit$ $stem, adioJadar Interference ?et#ork 


Mecha@ 2 ba$s A-/70 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ )0 ba$s A0,500 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ 2 ba$s A2/0 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, &nines M% 2/ A40.7B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

5otes@ %s the second larest ship in the Meltran arsenal, and especiall$ #ith its cadre of Rueadlunn9au

the Meltran (arrier is one of the deadliest ships that the Meltran Zentraedi have in the field. In combat it

commonl$ holds back to permit mecha to launch in safet$ and out of the enemies incomin fire, and beretrieved in the same manner. :o#ever if the Meltran (arrier does come into the battle directl$ it is a siht

to be feared as its uns open fire and hundreds upon hundreds of Meltran in the po#erful Rueadlunn9au po#er armor disore from its haner ba$s.

Meltran 3lagshipC!ST= 2,21,77 (PManu"acturer@ hebaro9>ar 71//50th Meltrandi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

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'E4'T= 100m

W&T'= 150m(E54T'= -70mWE4'T= )72,000,000 tonsCREW@ /000 assined cre#Jpersonnel, /0 assined combat soldiers usuall$ #ith another 000 or more

#ithdra#n from stasis as needed. tasis can hold 27,00 #arriors. Total Personnel -1,50.

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q

((S@ -0ARM!R @ P ))0SPACES@ 20)

MA@ 27 AMach 2B

Cre2 4ra%e@ % A)Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A/B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )6iht 6aser A0B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A200B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A0B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Rueadlunn9au /000

Ruel9Ruallie )2

ecover$ Pods )0

eentr$ Pods 20

huttlecraft )2

:over Platforms /00

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A-7,000 for 20 $earsB

:$perspace &nine, %nti9>ravit$ $stem, Mecha verride $stem, adioJadar Interference ?et#ork 

8io9can (hamber 


Mecha@ -7 ba$s A/50 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

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(aro@ )0 ba$s A0,500 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ - ba$s A-0 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, &nines M% 27 A40.7B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

&etachable Co))an% Section

ills@ 00

%rmor@ P ))0

ther@ M% 27, 6: (ommunications, %: ensors, %nti9>ravit$ $stem, ubspace Mass ensors,

:$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport, ) Mecha 8a$ A)00 Rueadlunn9auB, 5 6iht 6asers, )0

Missile Turrets, 5 Torpedo Tubes ?otes@ +eapons and mecha ba$ are subtracted from the main ship's totals #hen separated.

5otes@ The <etachable (ommand ection is #here the central command and control facilities are located.

This section can detach from the rest of the ship and function independentl$ of it. The (ommand section

can attain the same speed as the rest of the ship, and has a small defensive complement of lasers, and

missiles. It also has a fihter complement of )00 Rueadlunn9au. T$picall$, the command section #ill be

left in the rear battle lines in order to allo# the fleet commander the abilit$ to coordinate the entire battle

instead of #orr$in about her ship. The rest of the flaship can brin its a#esome firepo#er and sensorabilit$ to bear in the front lines, and rela$ all data back to the command section.

Meltran 4unshipC!ST= 2,)1,)1 (PManu"acturer@ =sakiar 7111th Meltrandi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= -11mW&T'= /)0m(E54T'= ))70m

WE4'T= 5,000,000 tonsCREW@ 2,000 personnel and soldiers A/00 assined cre#Jpersonnel, )00 assined combat soldiers. tasis

can hold 250 #arriors. Total Personnel 150.B

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q

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((S@ 210ARM!R @ P ))0


MA@ 27 AMach 2BCre2 4ra%e@ % A)Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

:eav$ Particle (annon 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -, (lip 5

uperheav$ 6aser A-B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

6iht 6aser A20B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A/0B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A20B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Rueadlunn9au ))00

Ruel9Ruallie -

ecover$ Pods -

eentr$ Pods /

huttlecraft 7

:over Platforms )00

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A)0,000 for 20 $earsB

:$perspace &nine, %nti9>ravit$ $stem


Mecha@ )20 ba$s A)200 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ ) ba$ A050 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$Bepair 8a$@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, &nines M% 2/ A40.7B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

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5otes@ The unship provides the Meltran fleet #ith superior firepo#er, as it is the onl$ Meltran ship

eDuipped #ith a heav$ particle beam cannon.

Meltran 'ea6y 3rigateC!ST@ ),21),)0.2Manu"acturer@ ptobectra )/1/-2)5th Meltrandi ull$ %utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= 75-m

W&T'= 100m(E54T'= 20-2m

WE4'T= 11,000,000 tonsCREW@ -,/00 personnel and soldiers

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q((S@ 2/0ARM!R @ P ))0


MA@ /0 AMach /BCre2 4ra%e@ % A)Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A2B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

6iht 6aser A)2B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A0B %ll )2 )212

Q) 50 =6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A-0B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Rueadlunn9au 2000

Ruel9Ruallie 5ecover$ Pods )0

eentr$ Pods 5

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huttlecraft 7

:over Platforms )20

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A-,000 for 5 $earsB:$perspace &nine, %nti9>ravit$ $stem


Mecha@ )7 ba$s A2)0 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ )0 ba$s A0,500 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ - ba$s A-0 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, &nines M% /0 A4).1B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

5otes@ The Meltrandi :eav$ riate is a medium si;e #arship and a mainsta$ of the Meltran leets

commonl$ servin as a picket ship alon side the much smaller scout ship. <espite it bein smaller than

man$ of the other Meltran ships it is still larer than an$ &arth constructed ship and slihtl$ larer than theZentran Thuverl alan <estro$er allo#in it to more than capabl$ handle itself in an$ battle. The :eav$

riate like all Meltran vessels, has plent$ of ship borne #eapons, and has hundreds of Rueadlunn9au inaddition makin it more than a match for an$ comparabl$ si;ed vessel.

Meltran Co))an% BaseC!ST= )0,2--,51 (PManu"acturer@ Mosu#aru9o Meltrandi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= 210 km

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W&T'= 210 km (E54T'= 500 km

WE4'T= 10,00,000,000 tonsCREW@ )00,000 cre# and has )00,000,000 Meltran in stasis

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$ &4cessive cale

((S@ 107,)0ARM!R @ P ))0

SPACES@ 10,2)

MA@ 0.5 A)0 kmphBTurn@ Q))

Cre2 4ra%e@ % A)Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (omm. A&4cessiveB 2000 )70,000 km

%: ensors -00 -0,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

Planetar$ %ssault 8eam A)B 500,000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 5000 =

+ide 8eam A--0 he4B, =ltra98eam, (lip 2, +arm9up A)2 da$sBuperheav$ 6aser A500B %ll 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+armup )6iht 6aser A/,/00B %ll 50 250,000 Q) 50 =

Missile 6auncher A-,000B %ll )2 )212 Q2 50 =

6on ane

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Rueadlunn9au 5,000

Rueadlunn9?ona )0,000

Ruel9Ruallie )00ecover$ Pods )00

eentr$ Pods 500

huttlecraft 500

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A)00,000 for indefinitel$B

pace old &nine, %nti9>ravit$ $stem, Mecha verride (ontrol, Techno9ranic %dvisors A/B

Techno9ranic (ommand (ontrol, 8io9can (hamber, %dvanced cientific acilities


Mecha@ 2 ba$s A2/,200 capacit$B

(re#@ 7,-00 ba$s A)00,/-0,000 capacit$B

(aro@ )000 ba$s A,050,000 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ 2 ba$s A2/,200 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ )00 ba$s A)200 capacit$B

Multipliers@ M% 0.5 A490.2B, pace old A4).0B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

5otes@ This is the Meltran counterpart to the Zentran mobile command base.

Meltran ScoutC!ST= -/5,)//.7 (PManu"acturer@ Ruitolera )/1/-1/5th Meltrandi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

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'E4'T= )10mW&T'= )m

(E54T'= 210mWE4'T= 2,000,000 tons

CREW@ -)0 personnel and soldiers A200 assined cre#Jpersonnel, 50 assined combat soldiers. tasis can

hold 50 #arriors. Total Personnel -00.B

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q

((S@ 2/-0ARM!R @ P 0


MA@ /0 AMach /BCre2 4ra%e@ % A)Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A)B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =+arm =p )

6iht 6aser A-B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A7B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A)0B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Rueadlunn9au 250

Ruel9Ruallie 2

ecover$ Pods 0

eentr$ Pods )

huttlecraft 2

:over Platforms )0

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A-,000 for 20 $earsBpace old &nine, %nti9>ravit$ $stem


Mecha@ - ba$s A-0 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ none

Medical 8a$@ none

epair 8a$@ none

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&nines M% /0 A4).1B, pace old A4).0B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

5otes@ The Meltrandi cout hip, sometimes referred to as a pocket battleship is used to scout out potentialenem$Es and report back to the main fleet. This particular model of Meltran ship is the smallest ship in the

Meltran leets arsenal, and as a result it is lihtl$ armed. +hen the scout ship e4pects an armed conflict toarise, the$ are often deplo$ed in teams, or #ith a >unship to act as escort. These ships can also function

close in defense units in a fleet formation, protectin the larer ships from concentrated missile fire from

opposin fleets. Their small si;e means that man$ of them can be positioned around a larer #arship, such

as a flaship.

Meltran TroopshipC!ST= 01,70) (P

Manu"acturer@ Meltrandi ull$9%utomated %rmor$ Planet

'E4'T= 150mW&T'= 150m

(E54T'= )150m

WE4'T= )00,000,000 tons

CREW@ -,500 personnel and soldiers

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q((S@ -)10ARM!R @ P ))0SPACES@ ))

MA@ 27 AMach 2B

Cre2 4ra%e@ % A)Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A)B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =+arm =p )6iht 6aser A)5B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile Turret A50B %ll )2 )212 Q) 50 =

6on ane, 8last 2, ires volle$s of up to )0 per launcher 

Torpedo Tube A/0B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Rueadlunn9au 2200

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Ruel9Ruallie 7

ecover$ Pods

eentr$ Pods )2

huttlecraft 7

:over Platforms 200

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A5,000 for 20 $earsB

:$perspace &nine, %nti9>ravit$ $stem


Mecha@ 2) ba$s A2520 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B(aro@ )0 ba$s A0,500 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ 2 ba$s A2/0 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, &nines M% 2/ A40.7B, (re# >rade % A4).0B

5otes@ %s the second larest ship in the Meltran arsenal, and especiall$ #ith its cadre of Rueadlunn9au,

the Meltran troop ship is one of the deadliest ships that the Meltran Zentraedi have in the field. In combat it

commonl$ holds back to permit mecha to launch in safet$ and out of the enemies incomin fire, and be

retrieved in the same manner. :o#ever if the Meltran troop ship does come into the battle directl$ it is a

siht to be feared as its uns open fire and hundreds upon hundreds of Meltran in the po#erful Rueadlunn9

au po#er armor disore from its haner ba$s.

Chapter – E6il Series%s the pro4$ #arfare escalated bet#een factions of the tellar epublic, the

Protoculture bean development of the %dvanced Zentraedi %ll9&nvironment 8ioloical+eapon ProCect, also kno#n as the &vil series Apronounced !&h9vil"B. The purpose of

this proCect #as to develop a race of super9Zentraedi #ho #ere so po#erful that the$ did

not need ships, #eapons or mecha to enforce the #ill of the tellar epublic. +ork on the&vil ProCect headDuartered in an advanced scientific colon$ on an ice #orld in a remote

Protoculture9controlled star s$stem Alater to be discovered b$ the Mearoad9)- and

named Varauta -)74eB.

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Initial protot$pes of &vil9eries did not meet #ith much success due to difficulties

of storin and controllin the po#er specified b$ the &vil ProCect, leadin to man$

 protot$pes burnin themselves out or self9destructin. The proCect #as eventuall$cancelled due to these irresolvable problems. :o#ever, a fe# $ears later Protoculture

scientists discovered a sub9universe e4istin in parallel #ith our o#n that contained

incredibl$ hih levels of e4tra9dimensional ener$ #hich could potentiall$ be harnessedas a po#er source in this universe. esearch into collectin the ener$ of the sub9

universe led to the development of e4tremel$ compact oranic9based super9dimensional

enerators that could suppl$ enormous amounts of ener$. %t the same time, increasininternal conflicts #ithin the tellar epublic led to the re9activation of the &vil ProCect,

and Protoculture scientists determined that the$ could use these ne# super9dimensional

enerator orans to overcome the po#er problems of the previous &vil protot$pes. Initial

simulations sho#ed no problems in the ne# series of &vil Zentraedi, and ro#th of initial protot$pes #as beun.

:o#ever, durin the final tests of the &vil protot$pes on the ice #orld, somethin

#ent terribl$ #ron. The super9dimensional orans overloaded and allo#ed a previousl$9

unkno#n life force from the sub9universe to cross over into our dimension and possessthe bodies of the &vil Zentraedi to combine #ith their consciousness, formin a

completel$ ne# life form. These beins #ere dubbed as the Protodeviln Afirst devilsB andimmediatel$ destro$ed all Protoculture and Zentraedi in the star s$stem. The beins that

had invaded the &vil Zentraedi reDuired a t$pe of spiritual ener$ AspiritiaB to e4ist for

lon periods of time in this dimension, and once the spiritia from their host bodies beanto run out, the$ learned ho# to drain the ener$ from other life forms in order to maintain

themselves. The$ also discovered ho# to brain#ash Protocultures and Zentraedi throuh

spiritia drainin, and immediatel$ invaded and enslaved the populations of several

surroundin star s$stems in order to form their o#n empire A#hich later became kno#nas the Inspection %rm$B.

The tellar epublic learned about the Protodeviln three months after their

creation and immediatel$ called for a ceasefire in their internal conflicts in order toconcentrate their forces in repellin this ne# menace. :o#ever, b$ that time it #as

alread$ too late. The Protodeviln controlled over -0H of the tellar epublic, and the

Inspection %rm$ had become a militar$ force almost as po#erful as the epublic'sZentraedi forces. urthermore, the Zentraedi #ere at an e4treme disadvantae #hen

fihtin Inspection %rm$ forces, due to their prorammin !do not interfere #ith the

Protoculture". The #ar #ith the tellar epublic and the Inspection %rm$ lasted for a

#hole months, and in that time over 75H of the Protocultures in the ala4$ #ere killed.inall$, a roup of Protocultures kno#n as %nima piritia learned ho# to use spiritia

ener$ to combat the Protodeviln, and #ith the remainin forces of the tellar epublic

the$ bean beatin back the Inspection %rm$. &ventuall$ the %nima piritia defeated theProtodeviln and sealed them a#a$ in remote prisons around the ala4$, hopefull$ for all

eternit$. &iht Protodeviln, includin their supreme leader, kno#n as >epernich, #ere

sealed in caves on the ic$ #orld #here the$ #ere first created.Man$ centuries later Arouhl$ 500,000 $earsB, in the $ear 2025 %<, the

Mearoad9)- colon$ mission discovered a habitable #orld in star s$stem -)7U& and

decided to settle on the -rd planet of the s$stem after namin the s$stem Varauta. The

Macross 5 colon$ fleet arrived )7 $ears later, and sent a team to investiate the caves on

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the ic$ /th planet #here the$ detected some ancient ruins #ith some sort of ener$ field

inside. The research team, led b$ Ivano >nter, deactivated one of the fields to discover

the !undisturbed leac$ of Protoculture" inside. This caused >epernich to a#akenenouh to possess him, and also allo#ed >iile to possess %utolmeur, the commander of

the 8lue hinoceros infantr$ unit. This lead to the creation of the Varauta &mpire Asee

 belo#B.This time around, >epernich learned from his previous mistakes of drainin

spiritia in e4cess. >epernich has a !spiritia dream" #here he #ishes to capture the

humans to create a spiritia farm of beins capable of restorin their piritia after beindrained, thus providin >epernich and his minions a limitless source of piritia. <urin

his Duest, >epernich came into contact #ith the Macross 1 fleet, and the conflict that

follo#ed became the Macross 1JVarauta +ar of 20/5920/. %lthouh >epernich and his

minions #ere defeated eventuall$ b$ ?ekkei 8asara Aor rather enlihtenedB, it isunkno#n ho# man$ other Protodeviln or even the &vil Zentraedi protot$pes remain

imprisoned around the ala4$, #aitin to be accidentall$ a#akened b$ other =? pac$

colon$ missions. %t the end of the #ar, the onl$ kno#n Protodeviln remainin are@ ivil,

>avil, >lavil and >epernichG all of #hom leave for another ala4$.<espite ho# po#erful the &vil series are, and even after the protot$pes are

 possessed b$ the ener$ beins, it is important to remember that the$ are, in fact livin, bioloical entities. %s such, the$ still have man$ !human" characteristics. The

Protodeviln do have emotions, althouh like the Zentraedi, the$ don't understand man$

of the !positive" emotions such a love, hope or Co$. The$ also do have need for rest eventhouh the$ are capable of functionin for possibl$ months at a time #ithout a break.

urther, after ivil #akes up from her nap onboard (it$ 1 AMacross 1, episode )B, she

stretches and $a#ns much like a human #ould. These traits ma$ have been purposel$

inrained into them durin development to help make them a little less inhuman.<ue to the e4istence of the Mi Pitt mecha, #hich #as desined e4plicitl$ for

the purpose of huntin and destro$in the &vil eries, it suests that the &vil eries

Zentraedi had been deplo$ed for some time before the$ became the Protodeviln.

The &vil eries #ere created in three different !classes".

Minor Proto%e6iln * rane from ).5 to -.- meters in heiht A5 to )0 feetB and aredesined more to#ards infiltration and reconnaissance than ra# combat, thouh the$ are

still immensel$ po#erful beins and should be treated #ith e4treme caution.

Ma9or Proto%e6iln * rane from / to )77 meters in heiht A-00 to 00 feetB and are

desined for heav$ combat aainst fleets of #arships. Interestinl$ enouh, some of theseProtodeviln are not hihl$ intellient and tend not to act #ithout orders from >epernich

Aironicall$, this is most likel$ a safet$ feature prorammed to keep them from turnin on

their creatorsB.

Master Proto%e6iln * these are !super #eapons" that can be kilometers lon in si;e.

These creatures are frihtfull$ po#erful and are said to be able to destro$ star s$stems

A#hen >epernich's a#akenin #as disrupted b$ the ound 8uster and #ent out ofcontrol, he stated that he #ould uncontrollabl$ drain all spiritia from the ala4$B.

urthermore, the$ are immensel$ intellient, #hich makes them even more danerous

opponents. ortunatel$, records seem to indicate that >epernich #as the onl$ master

Protodeviln ever created Aalthouh one can never be sureB.

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Stats an% Po2ers

%ll Protodeviln have some similar basic po#ers. =sin Mekton Zeta Plus, the basic frame#ork of the &vil eries is as follo#s@ tats represent the oriinal &vil eries

as the$ #ere desined. +eiht and spaces ma$ not be perfect, and the (P cost is rounded

off * these are not oin to follo# the rules e4actl$, and aren't oin to be re9createdaain since the super9technolo$ used to create them is 6T &V& Athe (P listin

is Cust there to estimate ho# lon it took to desin themB. +hile it is entirel$ possible to

find samples of the &vil eries in stasis, the$ #ould be alread$ enineered and likel$ to be full$ ro#n Aand non9Protodeviln possessedB.

The descriptions belo# do include (P costs for those >M #ishin to make up

ne# Protodeviln for their campain. %ll (P costs are at Mekton scale Aminor

ProtodevilnB, so remember to scale up the costs #here necessar$.

>eneral Protodeviln %bilities and Traits

)B Minor &vil eries are desined as corvette scale mecha, even thouh the$ are

technicall$ human scale for si;e and #eiht. MaCor &vil eries are desined asstarship scale mecha. Master &vil eries are desined as e4cessive scale mecha.

2B %ll &vil eries are considered to have amma class armor that is W ener$absorbin #ith no loss of P. urthermore, the$ all have !scaled" armor. <on't

$ou love e4tremel$ advanced technolo$

-B %s bioloical !mecha", the$ are techno9oranic reeneratin #ith internalautomation and thouht control Amultiplier 4-.5B. This makes them livin, self9

a#are artificial intelliences. +ith their reeneration, the &vil eries can restore

) of damae per hour or )0H of their eDuivalent (P per da$ Afor non9structure

!s$stems"B. Protodeviln can spend spiritia to accelerate their healin Asee belo#B./B &vil eries have hihl$ advanced senses@ infrared, ultraviolet, thermal vision,

enhanced siht rane and enhanced hearin. This is covered in Mekton as@

advanced sensors, resolution intensifiers A)0 levels, 4)02/ manificationB, taretanal$;er and marine suite Atotal cost 22 (PB.

5B &vil eries are sustained b$ bio9ener$ Aor spiritia after possessionB, and do not

reDuire sleep, foodJdrink or need to breath. The$ are also immune to vacuum,radiation, most hostile environments and hihJlo# pressure. This counts for arctic,

desert, under#ater, hih pressure, space and re9entr$ environmental sealin

Amultiplier 40.-5B.

B The &vil eries uses advanced bio9ener$ storae orans that function as anadvanced po#er pool. %fter the$ #ere possessed b$ the sub9dimensional ener$

 beins, theses orans altered themselves to store spiritia. In Mekton, this is

represented b$ a po#er pool A)00 (P at Mekton scaleB and a superchared cold bio9ener$ po#erplant A40./5B. The superchared status does not rant the usual

mecha bonusesG it merel$ indicates the sheer po#er produced and reDuired for the

&vil eries. &vil eries must e4pend their 8< 4)0 bio9ener$ or spiritia points per 2/ hours to function.

1B %fter bein possessed b$ the sub9dimensional ener$ beins, the &vil eries Ano#

ProtodevilnB became immune to A(( forms of conventional #eaponsG includin

heav$ particle beam cannons and other reaction #eaponr$. This immunit$ e4tends

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to their spiritia auras. The$ can harm each other #ith spiritia po#ers and natural

#eapons. If a Protodeviln is attacked #ith a conventional attack #hile their aura is

not active, the$ can still be knocked backJdo#n and stunned for )d rounds if theattack inflicts more damae than their 8< stat or a critical hit is scored. This has

no (P or multiplier value because it #as not somethin that can be desined and

developed * it is a side effect of the ener$ beins from the subdimension.7B The &vil eries can enerate a po#erful force field that can e4tend out around

them to even shield others. This aura is considered to be a !sure" reactive shield

#ith Q0 <% and no reset time. The &vil eries can enerate life support #ithin theaura for those #ho need it. This aura is po#erful enouh to block even a heav$

 particle beam cannon althouh it #ill take the &vil eries 2d rounds to recover

from the blast. More information is found under the different &vil eries'

classifications belo#. This aura is based on the same principles of the omni9directional barrier found on Protoculture ships

B %ll &vil eries are capable of self9propelled fliht up to M% 200 for ) bio9ener$

or spiritia per hour or super9luminal fliht A) liht $ear per hourB for 20 bio9

ener$ or spiritia per hour. +hen combined #ith their aura Asee X1 aboveB, the$can take passeners alon #ith them. A)00 (P for the fliht, multiplier 4).0 for

T6 capabilitiesB)0B piritia Vision. Protodeviln can !see" spiritia sources up to 2500m a#a$, even

throuh )0m of armor. &4tremel$ stron sources of spiritia, such as %nima

piritia, ma$ be detected at even loner distances * >lavil sensed 8asara from#a$ outside the Varauta s$stem. This is part of the sub9dimensional ener$

 bein's natural capabilities and has no (P.

))B piritia %bsorption. Protodeviln can also drain spiritia from their surroundins,

out to --m radius. This absorbs 5 spiritia per round from all life in the area@ plants, animals and people. If the$ are in the presence of an %nima piritia A#ho

isn't tr$in to combat themB, the$ can absorb e4tra spiritia #ithout adverse effect

on an$one else in the area. %fter the end of the VarautaJ=? pac$ #ar, theremainin Protodeviln learn ho# to enerate their o#n spiritia and can po#er

themselves indefinitel$ #ithout needin to drain others.

)2B MaCor &vil eries are considered to have !heav$" h$draulics e4cept >lavilG he andMaster &vil eries are considered to have !superheav$" h$draulics.

Minor Protodeviln %bilities

%ll Minor Protodeviln have abilities ) throuh - automaticall$. The rest can var$from individual model to individual model.

)B Minor Protodeviln become desiccated #hen the$ lose spiritia, losin ) from

%TT, %>I6, T, M% and 8< for ever$ )0H increment the$ o under 50Hof their ma4imum spiritia. eplenishin their spiritia #ill restore their stats at the

appropriate rates. &vil eries suffer no such effect for lo#er bio9ener$ levels.

2B 8io9ener$Jspiritia pool raned from a ma4imum of )000 to 2000.-B piritia <rain. %s stated previousl$, Protodeviln must steal spiritia to live. The$

can drain spiritia in t#o manners. irst is a smaller beam from their mouth or

other location of their bod$. This is slo#er and easier to conceal, #ith a rane of

)0m and can steal 5 spiritia per round A)0d per round from ProtodevilnB. The

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second is a full bod$ beam for use #hen stealth is not an issue, or for attackin

other Protodeviln. The larer beam has a rane of 20m and can take up to 20

spiritia per round A)00d per round from ProtodevilnB. This also causes (6!damae" Asee piritia rules in the base bookB. ivil also sho#ed the abilit$ to

drain via kissin.

/B 6iht Particle 8eam. &vil eries can enerate ener$ blasts of var$in offensivecapabilit$ b$ e4pendin bio9ener$ or spiritia. irst is a liht blast for 5, ane

2/ and costs ) ener$. econd is a rapid fire shot for 5, ane 2/, 8V and

costs )0 ener$. The last is a heav$ blast for )5, ane / and costs 20 ener$.A1 (PB

5B <efense %ura@ Their aura functions as a reactive force field #ith P)50 #ith

<(0, and inflicts )50 if used to ram. The Protodeviln can roll a piritia Po#er

skill check to activate their aura in time to block an attack if it is not alread$active. This aura takes )0 spiritia to activate, and then 5 per round to maintain.

The aura is lare enouh to protect the Protodeviln and up to / micronians A--m

radiusB. This barrier is immune to %66 non9spiritia attacks, includin autocannon

shells, lasers, particle beams, plasma and missiles Apre9possession is vulnerable toall normal attacksB. The aura can even shru off a heav$ particle beam at the cost

of -0 spiritia to reinforce the barrier. A-/0 (PBB Paral$;in >a;e. ivil t$pe &vil eries can make e$e contact #ith a victim to

render them immobili;ed and easier to drain of their spiritia. This costs 5 spiritia

to use, but is #orth the cost if the$ can potentiall$ drain 20 from the person. The person must make a (6 check Adifficult$ )5B or be da;ed for 2d rounds

unless startled b$ ph$sical disturbance or loud noise. It is unkno#n if this #as

 part of her oriinal desin or a side effect or an abilit$ of the sub9dimensional

ener$ bein. %ssumin it #as part of her oriinal capabilities, it #ould be #orth50 (P.

1B Possession. Minor Protodeviln are assumed to have ank 1 Possession spiritia

abilit$. This allo#s them to possess the bod$ of another person Ahuman orZentraediB. +hile in possession of the bod$ the$ have full access to the personEs

memories, and all their skills and abilities at listed level. In addition, the$ can

drain spiritia #hile in possession of another bod$. nce possessed, the$ can sta$in control of a person continuousl$ #ithout effort. The onl$ #a$ to drive one out

is #ith spiritia po#ers. This costs the Protodeviln 20 spiritia, and can be resisted

#ith a contested (6 vs. & check. +hile in another person, the Protodeviln

onl$ needs to e4pend spiritia eDual to the 8< stat of the host ever$ 2/ hours.This #as not part of the &vil eries' abilities.

7B Zentraedi &motion (ontrol. %ll Zentraedi eries #ithin --m A)00'B of the &vil

eries must make a (6 check or o on a rampae for )d hours. This rampaeis not a mindless berserk state, but simpl$ makes the Zentraedi's natural

aressive tendencies to the point the$ must vent them in some manner. This

costs the Protodeviln ) spiritia per round of the !aura", and is often trieredunconsciousl$ #hen Zentraedi are near. This #as part of the &vil eries' abilities

for disruptin opposin Zentraedi forces. A50 (PB

B &ner$ 8lade. This po#er #as displa$ed b$ ivil #hen she #as first a#akened

and attacked <iamond orce. he #as able to focus her ener$ into a semi9

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 ph$sical blade in each hand, #ith #hich she used to shatter the canop$ of

>amlin's V9)1. These blades add 5 to her hand9to9hand damae, and costs )

spiritia per round. A5 (PB

MaCor Protodeviln %bilities

%ll MaCor Protodeviln have items ) throuh / automaticall$. The rest can var$from individual model to individual model.

)B MaCor Protodeviln adCust their si;e accordin to their spiritia suppl$, losin )0H

of their si;e for ever$ )0H increment the$ are reduced belo# 50H of their spiritiama4imum. or ever$ )0H the$ lose, reduce their T and %>I6 b$ -, their 8<

and M% b$ )0, all !servos" reduce b$ ) class to a minimum of : class.

eplenishin their spiritia #ill restore their stats at the appropriate rates. Pre9

 possessed &vil eries do not suffer this effect.2B piritia pool ranes from a ma4imum of -000 to 7000.

-B Instant eeneration. 8$ spendin )000 spiritia, the Protodeviln can instantl$

reenerate all inCuries, even reeneratin lost limbs and orans. This cannot

restore the effect from X) above./B piritia <rain. MaCor Protodeviln can drain spiritia at the rate of )50 spiritia per

round b$ touch, and thus do not have to strike the taret's brain. The$ canother#ise drain as per Minor Protodeviln Asee aboveB.

5B pace old. The &vil eries has dimensional teleportation abilit$ and can teleport

up to -0 he4es A)500mB in combat as a free action at no cost. 8$ spendin 700spiritia, the Protodeviln can teleport to an$#here in the universe in 2d)0 rounds if

the$ kno# the location. Amultiplier 4).0B

B Transport old. The &vil eries can use its dimensional teleportation abilit$ on

others even aainst their #ill Athe &vil eries must have po#er X5 to use this oneB.8$ spendin -000 spiritia, the &vil eries can teleport an$ obCect smaller than

itself to an$#here in the universe it desires. If t#o &vil eries #ith this po#er

 both spend -000 spiritia and combined their effort, the$ can teleport obCects of upto 1m in diameter or up to 200 million tons. =se of the second abilit$ #ill

automaticall$ teleport the t#o &vil eries #ith it. This #as used for surical

strikes and for capturin command ships. Amultiplier 40.5B1B old Inhibition ield. 8$ spendin 200 spiritia, and then 50 per round to maintain,

the &vil eries can create a 20 km diameter area #here all !natural" and

mechanical space fold cannot function, althouh conventional and anti9ravit$

enines #ill still #ork. Amultiplier 4).0B7B &ner$ 8eams. &ach blast inflicts )5 #ith a rane of / and costs 50 spiritia or

a heavier blast for -0 #ith a rane of )20 and the Mea98eam and +ide %nle

traits, costin 200 spiritia. ome variations use ravimetric ener$ instead of particle beams. A)50 (PB

B :eav$ Particle 8eam. This blasts is the same as the heav$ particle cannons on

most Zentraedi capital ships and costs )000 bio9ener$ or spiritia per shot. omevariations use ravimetric ener$ instead of particle beams. A2500 (P, scaled

do#n to Mekton scale to make math easierB

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)0B Point <efense &ner$ 8eam. This is a liht particle beam that inflicts - #ith a

rane of )2. &ach blast costs ) spiritia. ome variations use ravimetric ener$

instead of particle beams. A7 (PB))B <efense %ura@ Their aura functions as a reactive force field #ith P 700 #ith <(

700, and inflicts 700 if used to ram. The &vil eries can roll a spiritia po#er

skill check to activate their aura in time to block an attack if it is not alread$active. This aura takes 200 bio9ener$ or spiritia to activate, and then )0 per

round to maintain. The aura is lare enouh to protect the Protodeviln and several

do;en micronians A/m radiusB. This barrier is immune to %66 non9spiritiaattacks, includin autocannon shells, lasers, particle beams, plasma and missiles.

8$ spendin an additional 5 bio9ener$ or spiritia per round, this can cause a

ripple shock out an additional 200m that inflicts - per round. A)70 (PB

)2B >ravimetric %ura. The Protodeviln can enerate an aura of e4treme ravit$ thatdamaes ever$thin around it. This has - !settins" of po#er.  Light @ This aura

e4tends out to -009)000m and inflicts 20 per round. (ost@ 500 spiritia, plus 50

 per round. Heavy@ This aura e4tends inflicts 50 per round to an$thin #ithin

)000m, and then also )5 per round out to )0009)---m. (ost@ 00 spiritia, plus0 per round. Overcharge@ This aura can onl$ be avoided b$ foldin out of rane

or usin a spiritia aura. %n$thin #ithin 1m suffers -00 per round for 5rounds. <urin this time, ever$one must move out to a distance of )000 km

 before the aura e4pands out to that limit and inflicts 5000 to ever$thin in rane.

If this is e4ecuted on a planet, the planet #ill fall apart from the loss of interit$.=sin this #ill consume all of the &vil eries' ener$ as #ell as destro$in them

in the nihilistic aura. This !settin" #as apparentl$ not part of the &vil eries'

oriinal abilities, but #as enerated out of >iile's desire to protect ivilG she #as

the onl$ thin not harmed b$ his aura. A150 (PB)-B >enerate Minions. The Protodeviln can create up to )00 minions to absorb spiritia

for him. %ll of them are about ' in lenth and can absorbJstore up to )00 points

of spiritia. &ach minion has 5 #ith - P - armor, #hich is not ener$absorbent and can be harmed b$ t$pical #eaponr$. If destro$ed, a minion #ill

 become )0 smaller minions #ith -0 :its and P )5 armor and no telekinesis.

Minions have the psionic abilit$ of Telekinesis )0 #ithout the need for Psi points.The Protodeviln #ill t$picall$ send out his minions to absorb piritia from the

ver$ fleet he is usin his fold inhibitor abilit$ on so that he doesn't use up all of

his spiritia too Duickl$G since the$ are part of his bod$ he can dra# the spiritia

from them up to )00 km a#a$. %ain, it is unclear if this #as one of Valo'soriinal abilities or somethin ained from the sub9dimensional ener$ bein.

A-00 (P, considered remotesB

)/B Possession. MaCor Aand MasterB Protodeviln are assumed to have ank )0Possession spiritia abilit$. This allo#s them to possess the bod$ of another person

Ahuman or ZentraediB. +hile in possession of the bod$ the$ have full access to the

 personEs memories, and all their skills and abilities at listed level. In addition, the$can drain spiritia #hile in possession of another bod$. nce possessed, the$ can

sta$ in control of a person continuousl$ #ithout effort. The onl$ #a$ to drive her

out is #ith spiritia po#ers. This costs the Protodeviln )00 spiritia, and cannot be

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resisted. +hile in another person, the Protodeviln onl$ needs to e4pend spiritia

eDual to the 8< stat of the host ever$ 2/ hours to maintain the control.

)5B Teleport ther. Master Protodeviln can teleport people or obCects #ithin rane toother locations. The taret must be #ithin )00 meters of the Protodeviln and costs

) spiritia per k of mass to teleport up to ) km distance Ak 4 kmB. This is a lesser

version of X above.


+hat Fes the Protodeviln have #eaknesses that a craft$ opponent can e4ploit.8efore the$ #ere possessed, the &vil series could be harmed b$ conventional #eapons,

althouh it took serious firepo#er to do the Cob.

)B tarvation. Protodeviln reDuire spiritia to survive, and can become panicked if

the$ believe the$ #ill be cut off from a source of spiritia.2B Protodeviln. Protodeviln ma$ be immune to even a star's corona, but the attacks

of other Protodeviln #ill inore their immunit$ and inflict normal damae.

-B piritia. %ttacks that drain or disrupt spiritia are the most effective #a$ to directl$

deal #ith a Protodeviln. %nima piritia enerate a spiritia that is too pure forProtodeviln to absorb.

/B Ps$choloical. Protodeviln ma$ be one of the most alien beins in Macross, $etthe$ have very human personalit$ traits such as love, lust, env$, hate or insecurit$.

%n observant opponent could pla$ off these fla#s. or instance, Valo #as ver$

arroant and elitist, >ravil #as dumb as a sack of hammers and >avil preferred torel$ on his technolo$ rather than his natural po#ers.

E6il Series .pre-possesse%/


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The Protoculture !artifact" left on the ocean floor near the Ma$an Islands is Duite

 possibl$ one of the &vil series before the possession b$ the Protodeviln. %s such, it

 possesses incredible po#er but is still vulnerable to conventional #eaponr$.%ppro4imatel$ )0,000 $ears ao, the Protoculture !rediscovered" earth and

visited the nascent people on the island of Ma$an. There, the$ modified the <?% of

some of the people so that the$ could use the Protoculture artifacts left behind as proof ofProtoculture's visit, throuh ritual chantJson. The blood of the !bird9man" #as a perfect

match for the modified enetics of the ?ome famil$. The natives of Ma$an called the

% !bird9man" and passed do#n their leends of the bird man a#akenin and sininthe son of destruction to kill all life on earth, as fore#arned b$ the Protoculture that left


The artifact, codenamed % b$ the =? in 2007, #as left on earth lon ao

#ith a sinle purpose 9 it #as to a#aken #hen humanit$ #as capable of space travel to Cude if the$ #ere #orth$ to continueG if humanit$ #as at #ar #ith themselves, the %

#as to #ipe them out to prevent their #ar from bein carried to the stars. If the$ #ere at

 peace, it #ould uide them to the cosmos.

The % had the abilit$ to fire a barrae of smaller ener$ blasts and trackin blasts as #ell as a heav$ particle beam cannon not unlike that of the Zentraedi capital

ships. It could also trackJtaret the !kadun" of an$one full of aner or fearG possibl$ avariation of a spiritia sensor desined specificall$ to look for these Dualities. % is

considered a MaCor &vil eries for classification of po#ers and si;e. The % #as

created b$ the Protoculture to resemble a VaCra Dueen.%fter bein activated b$ ara ?ome, the % Cuded humanit$ to be un#orth$

and danerous, and bean the !son of destruction" to annihilate them. hin udo #as

able to reach out to ara and stop the %. ara then caused the % to enerate a

 barrier to absorb the radioactive fallout of four reaction #arheads to prevent it fromfurther destro$in Ma$an. This left the % #ith critical damae, and it then left earth

via space fold, never to be seen from aain.

(P@ 2,)7,/00


I?T 5, (6 7, P& /, &MP 2, %>I6 , T&(: -, T 25, 8< -0, %TT 2, M% 7,PI )

kills@ Intellience >atherin 7, Mathematics 1, ?aviation , %stro9?aviation ,

aned Po#ers

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Torso * T 00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, -00 P -00, <( 700:ead * T -00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, -00 P -00, <( 700

%rms * T /00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, -00 P -00, <( 700

6es * T /00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, -00 P -00 , <( 700+ins * T /00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, -00 P -00 , <( 700


%ll standard Protodeviln po#ers plus@Particle 8eam %ttack Aheav$B

Particle 8eam %ttack AlihtB

Particle 8eam %ttack Aliht, trackin Q- +%, eek 2, +ide %nle, kill )7QBpiritia ensor Aattuned to aner and fear, Q- to hitB

8io9&ner$ Pool * /500

Minor Proto%e6iln


The ivil series &vil Zentraedi #as desined b$ the

Protocultures to be a hihl$ mobile humanoid unit for

reconnaissance and search9and9destro$ missions. To fulfill this task,the ivil protot$pe #as created as a ).7 meter A5')0"B tall humanoid

female #ith an athletic bod$ and !e4otic" features. <urin fliht, her

hair becomes solid !#ins" and a similar pair of !#ins" e4tendfrom her arms and les.

ivil #as the first Protodeviln to be released completel$ fromher prison in the ice planet of the Varauta s$stem Aalthouh

>epernich #as the first to a#akenB. >epernich had not oriinall$intended to release ivil earl$, due to her unpredictable nature, but

>iile disobe$ed >epernich and used the spiritia he stole to free her.

>iile is in love #ith ivil from the first time he sa# her Apossibl$from as far back as the Inspection %rm$Jtellar epublic #arB and

#as determined to do an$thin necessar$ to make her fall in love

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#ith him. :o#ever, once freed, >epernich decided to make the best of the situation and

sent ivil to infiltrate (it$ 1 to track do#n the %nima piritia A?ekkei 8asaraB and kill

him. :o#ever, she #as repeatedl$ repelled b$ 8asara's a#akenin piritia po#ers.ivil initiall$ despised 8asara, but eventuall$ re# to respect and even admire

him after several encounters. <urin one encounter, 8asara accidentall$ drained her of

spiritia, partiall$ restorin the seal on her consciousness. &ventuall$ he and >iile #ereable to a#aken her, #here she #ent roue and fled to contemplate her feelins for

8asara. =pon her return, she sided #ith 8asara aainst >epernich and the ne#l$

a#akened maCor Protodeviln.+hen ivil #as repelled b$ 8asara #ithin (it$ 1 Aepisode 2-B, parts of her outfit

#ere shredded and fle# off. This leads to the speculation that she does indeed #ear

clothin. %lso, there are scenes of her durin her rampae #hen she is trapped b$ the

 protoculture ruins on a4 and #hen she is recuperatin in the #oods onboard (it$ 1#here she is depicted nude. It is entirel$ possible that ivil #as desined to be

anatomicall$ correct Aor at least close to itB for fulfillment of espionae missions.

+hile ivil is in possession of a person, she is

apparentl$ restricted to drainin spiritia b$ touch,seemin to prefer drainin via kissin. %nother

interestin note is that 8asara's spiritia disruptionseems to cause her se4ual e4citement rather than

 Cust confusion.

(P@ 1,0

ole@ Infiltration J Information >atherin


I?T /, (6 7, P& 5, &MP -, %>I6 7, T&(: /,T )-, 8< 1, %TT , M% , PI 1

kills@ (oncealment 7, >$mnastics 7, Intellience

>atherin 7, Mathematics 1, ?aviation , %stro9 ?aviation , tealth 1, 8asic Tech ,

hado#inJTrackin 1, Martial %rts 7,

Impersonation 1, aned Po#ers , :and9to9:and 7ther@ 8eautiful 5


Torso * T 0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, -0 P -0, <( 70:ead * T -0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, -0 P -0, <( 70

%rms * T /0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, -0 P -0, <( 70

6es * T /0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, -0 P -0 , <( 70


%ll standard Protodeviln po#ers plus@Particle 8eam %ttack Aliht, heav$B

piritia %ura

Zentraedi &motion (ontrol


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&ner$ 8lade

piritia Pool * )500


The >avil series &vil Zentraedi #as desined b$ the Protocultures to be a hihl$mobile humanoid unit for field command and tactics, as #ell as havin mechanical skills.

The >avil eries resembles a 2 meter A footB tall male humanoid #ith #hite fur and a

 pair of feathered #ins. >avil #as the third Protodeviln to be released from the ic$ planetof the Varauta s$stem. >avil is the brains to direct >lavil and can mere #ith him Aand

optionall$, ValoB to form ?atter Valo.

>avil seems to be obsessed #ith !beaut$" and t$picall$ uses the #ord in most ofhis speech@ !This is the beaut$ of sneak attacks" or !There is no beaut$ in that". >avil

also has creative and technical abilities as demonstrated #hen he upraded the

Pant;er;orene, and invented the Zaubereran to match >amlin's V9)1 in personal

combat. :e disdains his o#n natural po#ers in favor of technolo$.

(P@ 1/,0

ole@ 8rain of >aviula unit J Techniciantats@

I?T 1, (6 7, P& , &MP 2, %>I6 7, T&(: 7, T )/, 8< )), %TT , M% ,

PI 1kills@ (oncealment 7, >$mnastics 7, Intellience >atherin 7, Mathematics 1,

 ?aviation , %stro9?aviation , tealth 1, 8asic Tech , hado#inJTrackin 1,

Mechanical &nineer 7, &lectronics 7, <ode 3 &vade 7, Mecha Pilot 1, Mecha Tech ,Mecha +eaponr$ , Mecha (ombat 5, aned Po#ers , :and9to9:and 5

ther@ 8eautiful 5, bsession Adefeat >amlinB 9)0

illsTorso * M 10, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, /0 P /0, <( 70

:ead * M -0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, /0 P /0, <( 70

%rms * M /0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, /0 P /0, <( 706es * M /0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, /0 P /0, <( 70

+ins * M /0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, /0 P /0, <( 70

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%ll standard Protodeviln po#ers plus@Particle 8eam %ttack Aliht, heav$B

piritia %ura

Zentraedi &motion (ontrolPossession

piritia Pool * )500


This un9named Protodeviln had never been sealed a#a$ b$ the Protoculture, or

 possibl$ had been sealed in a different location from the others and later released.eardless, he had been usin a lost Protoculture colon$ as his o#n private spiritia farm

for untold millennia.

%ppro4imatel$ eiht thousand $ears ao, the >le leet encountered a civili;ationunlike an$ before encountered. %n ancient Protoculture race that identified #ith the

Inspections orces inhabited the planet. The planet had been corrupted ho#ever b$ one of

the insidious Protodeviln. The entire race e4isted in an eternal half e4istence as the

Protodeviln had taken over the race and used their piritia ener$ to sustain him for eons.+hen >le reali;ed the daner present, the leet initiated a sterili;ation of the entire

solar s$stem, as #as the imperative prorammed into ever$ fleet commander #hen

encounterin Inspections orces, or Protodeviln. The operation failed ho#ever #hen,durin the massive assault the Protodeviln #as able to infiltrate the (ommand 8ase and

melded itself into the >le unit. This effectivel$ made the >le unit slaved to the

Protodeviln entit$. The battle #ith the Inspection orces eventuall$ succeeded and the>le fleet abandoned the derelict solar s$stem.

everal centuries later, the >le leet under the direction of the Protodeviln came

upon a ver$ old research base used b$ the ancient Protoculture. The Protodeviln hadreprorammed the Zentraedi and Meltrandi to be able to repair most of their technolo$

and to a certain e4tent, learn ne# skills. There #ere man$ advanced technoloies in the base that #ere plundered and interated into the >le leet. :e #as either killed or Amore

likel$B escaped after the >le fleet #as destro$ed in 20-1.  The >le eries resembles a 2.- meter A1 footB tall male humanoid #ith reen

skin and a tail. :e also possesses fans, horns and cla#sG all of #hich ive him the

appearance of an actual devil. :e #as possibl$ desined for sabotae and terror tactics.

(P@ 1/,150

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ole@ Terror Tactics J >uerilla (ombat KpresumedL


I?T 1, (6 7, P& , &MP 2, %>I6 7, T&(: 7, T )/, 8< )), %TT , M% ,PI

kills@ (oncealment 7, >$mnastics 7, Intellience >atherin 7, Mathematics 1,

 ?aviation , %stro9?aviation , tealth 1, 8asic Tech , hado#inJTrackin 1,Mechanical &nineer , &lectronics 7, <ode 3 &vade 7, aned Po#ers

illsTorso * M 10, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, /0 P /0, <( 70

:ead * M -0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, /0 P /0, <( 70

%rms * M /0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, /0 P /0, <( 70

6es * M /0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, /0 P /0, <( 70+ins * M /0, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, /0 P /0, <( 70


%ll standard Protodeviln po#ers plus@Particle 8eam %ttack Aliht, heav$B

piritia %uraPossession

Zentraedi &motion (ontrol

piritia Pool * )500

Ma9or Proto%e6iln


The >lavil eries &vil Zentraedi #as desined b$ the Protocultures for heav$assault aainst lare fleets, planets and militar$ installations. 6ike other maCor

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Protodeviln, >lavil chanes si;e dependin on ho# much piritia he has stored. >lavil

has the stronest #eapons and armor of an$ of the &vil eries', but the lo#est mental

capabilities * the$ #anted a po#erful $et stupid super #eapon that #ill sit and #ait forthem to point him at a taret. >lavil is the ph$sical counterpart to >avil Astated that the$

are !the same flesh"B, and can mere #ith him Aand optionall$, ValoB to form ?atter

Valo. >lavil #ill usuall$ do an$thin that >avil commands him to do.>lavil appears to be the onl$ Protodeviln not capable of speechG #hether this is a

desin trait or he's Cust too dumb is unkno#n. :e reacts much like an animal and relies

on >avil to think for him.

(P@ -,255,200

ole@ 8ra#n of >aviula unit J %nti9leet

tats@I?T ), (6 , P& -, &MP ), %>I6 5, T&(: 2, T -5, 8< 0, %TT ), M% 22,

PI 5

kills@ (oncealment 1, ?aviation , %stro9?aviation , hado#inJTrackin , aned

Po#ers 7, :and9to9:and 5ther@ %irhead *)0, 8erserker *)0


Torso * M: 2200, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, ))00 P ))00, <( 700

:ead * M: ))00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, ))00 P ))00, <( 700%rms * M: )200, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, ))00 P ))00, <( 700

6es * M: )200, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, ))00 P ))00, <( 700

(loakJ+ins * %: 00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 00 P 00, <( 700


%ll standard Protodeviln po#ers plus@

orearm !s#itchblades"@ )00, Q0 +%, %P&ner$ 8eams

:eav$ &ner$ 8eam Ahe can push this up to 000 b$ spendin Q250 spiritia and an

e4tra round of charinBPoint <efense &ner$ 8eams

piritia %ura


piritia Pool * 000


The >iile series &vil Zentraedi #as desined b$ the Protocultures to be a unit for

heav$ combat aainst fleets of #arships. To fulfill this task, the >iile protot$pe #as

created as a maCor Protodeviln. 6ike other maCor Protodeviln, >iile chanes si;edependin on ho# much piritia he has stored.

 ?ot much is kno#n about his Protodeviln abilities, ho#ever, he seems to have a

ood rane of human emotions, and #as the first Protodeviln to become enlihtened and

enerate his o#n piritia suppl$. >iile #as in love #ith ivil Apossibl$ from as far back

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as the Inspection %rm$B and #ould

do an$thin to make her love him.

8ased on the !void" effect #hen heoverchared and self9destructed, his

#eapons #ould be based on ravit$ or

disinteration. %ccordin to>epernich's comments, it appears that

>iile's overchare is not a standard

abilit$ and ma$ have been caused b$his ne#9found spiritia eneratin

abilities and his actions to sacrifice his

life for ivil.

<urin the VarautaJMacross 1 #ar, >iile spent the bulk of his time in possessionof 6ieutenant %utolmeur. :e #as placed in chare of leadin the Varauta forces aainst

the Macross 1 fleet, and later rebelled to o in search of ivil #hen she #as lost onboard

(it$ 1.

(P@ -,-)2,000

ole@ %nti9leettats@

I?T 5, (6 , P& 1, &MP , %>I6 5, T&(: /, T 21, 8< 50, %TT ), M% 27,

PI 1kills@ Intellience >atherin , (oncealment 7, ?aviation , %stro9?aviation ,

talkin 7, aned Po#ers 5, :and9to9:and 5

ther@ bsessed Aivil's attentionsB *)5


Torso * M: )00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 700 P 700, <( 700

:ead * M: 700, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 700 P 700, <( 700%rms * M: 00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 700 P 700, <( 700

6es * M: 00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 700 P 700, <( 700

(loakJ+ins * M: 700, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 700 P 700, <( 700


%ll standard Protodeviln po#ers plus@

&ner$ 8eams:eav$ &ner$ 8eam

>ravimetric %ura

piritia %uraPossession

piritia Pool * 7000

  >iile's ravimetric aura overcharin


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The Valo series &vil Zentraedi #as

desined b$ the Protocultures to be a unit for

heav$ combat aainst fleets of #arships. Tofulfill this task, the Valo protot$pe #as

created as a maCor Protodeviln. 6ike other

maCor Protodeviln, Valo chanes si;edependin on ho# much piritia he has


Valo #as modified late in theVarautaJMacross 1 #ar to ive him the

abilit$ to mere #ith both >lavil and >avil

to form ?atter Valo. This abilit$, #hich is

limited b$ time, is a devastatin combinationthat is nearl$ impossible to beat.

Valo #as the fourth Protodeviln to

 be released full$ from his prison on the ice

 planet. Valo possesses the uniDue abilitiesto create minions to ather spiritia for him

and to disrupt time9space to prevent shipsfrom space foldin in or out of the area of


Valo's personalit$ comes across as bein smu and hihl$ arroant of others. :eseems to believe he is the most capable Protodeviln ne4t to >epernich, and resents havin

to #ork #ith the other Protodeviln.

(P@ /,202,500ole@ Terror Tactics J leet Interdiction


I?T /, (6 1, P& /, &MP 2, %>I6 5, T&(: /, T 2-, 8< /0, %TT ), M% 2/,PI 7

kills@ Intellience >atherin , (oncealment 7, ?aviation , %stro9?aviation ,

hado#inJTrackin 7, aned Po#ers 7ther@ bsessed Aprovin superiorit$B 9)5, tubborn 9)0


Torso * 6: )/00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 700:ead * 6: 100, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 700

%rms * 6: 700, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 700

6es * 6: 700, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 700(loakJ+ins * 6: 100, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 700

%ntennae A2B * 6: 00 , >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 700


%ll standard Protodeviln po#ers plus@

&ner$ 8eams

:eav$ &ner$ 8eam

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old Inhibition ield

(reate Minions

pace oldpiritia %ura


piritia Pool * 1000

%nima piritia >uard

%t the same time that Valo #as altered to be able to mere #ith >avil and >lavilto form ?atter Valo, he #as also altered so he could release #hite noise to counter the

son of ?ekkei 8asara and thus be immune to his spiritia attacks Athis protection e4tends

to ?atter Valo #hile meredB. =nfortunatel$, it does not block the spiritia abilities of

an$ others, such as &miria and M$lene.

 Valo's Minons Y pace fold inhibition field Y

 Zomd & Goram

The Zomd 3 >oram eries' &vil Zentraedi are t#ins #ith almost identical

features, one bein female and the other bein male. There is little official informationabout these t#o, so I am e4trapolatin based on #hat is sho#n in the Macross 1 series.

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These t#o seem to have been desined for surical strike attacks. 8oth Zomd and >oram

have si4 arms.

8oth Zomd and >oram seem to be some#hat Covial, constantl$ lauhin as the$take action. Zomd is the reen !female" one, and >oram is the $ello# !male" one. The$

#ere the last Protodeviln to be released before >epernich.

(P@ -,/2,200

ole@ urical trikes J %nti9leet

tats@I?T 5, (6 1, P& /, &MP 2, %>I6 5, T&(: 5, T 20, 8< /0, %TT 2, M% )/,


kills@ Intellience >atherin , (oncealment 7, ?aviation , %stro9?aviation ,

hado#inJTrackin 7, aned Po#ers ther@ <ependent Aeach otherB *)0


Torso * 6: )/00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 700:ead * 6: 100, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 700

%rms * 6: 00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 7006e * 6: 700, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 700

(loakJ+ins * 6: 100, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, 100 P 100, <( 700


%ll standard Protodeviln po#ers plus@

&ner$ 8eams

:eav$ &ner$ 8eamTransport old

pace old

piritia %uraPossession

piritia Pool * )/,000 shared A1000 eachB

Zomd and >oram can dra# upon each other's spiritia as needed.

Zomd firin ArihtB, combined blast AleftB.

Master Proto%e6iln

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The >epernich eries &vil Zentraedi #as desined b$ the Protoculture as acommander and !ultra #eapon" capable of destro$in entire star s$stems at a time. :e

can store an immense amount of spiritia and #as ver$ danerous even before he #as

 possessed b$ the ener$ life force. >epernich is one of the most intellient beins in

e4istence.+hen the Mearoad )- fleet bean to surve$ the ic$ -rd planet of the Varauta

s$stem, >epernich possessed the bod$ of %dvisor Ivano >nter and led the unit do#n

into the Protodeviln's prison so the$ could absorb enouh spiritia to a#aken >iile and bein formin the Varauta &mpire. =p until the last couple episodes of Macross 1,

>epernich remains in the bod$ of Ivano to conserve spiritia and to be more mobile.

>epernich's true form is a massive semi9ph$sical bod$ #ith a hundred tendrils

reachin out. These tendrils can reach out from a planet to dra# spiritia from the ala4$.

(P@ 50,15/,000

ole@ Tactician J %nti9Planettats@ stats in parenthesis are for Ivano's bod$

I?T )1, (6 , P& 5, &MP 2, %>I6 , T&(: , T )00 A/B, 8< 10 AB, M% )

AB, %TT ) A7Bkills@ ?aviation , %stro9?aviation , Tactics 7, %#arenessJ?otice 7, &4pert@ piritia

ther@ bsessed Aspiritia farmB *)5


Torso * M: 22000, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, ))000 P ))00, <( 700Tendrils A)00B * M: ))00, >amma armor, W ener$ absorbin, ))00 P ))0, 200

%P, <( 70

%bilities%ll standard Protodeviln po#ers plus@

&ner$ 8eams

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:eav$ &ner$ 8eam

pace old

piritia %uraPossession

Teleport ther 

piritia Pool * )00,000


>aviula is not a true Protodeviln of his o#n. +hen the &vil eries #as beindesined, the Protoculture intended >avil and >lavil to be a team. To further strenthen

this bond the$ desined the t#o &vil units to be able to mere into a sinle form. This

allo#ed the smarter >avil to control the po#ers of >lavil.

tats@ =se the ph$sical stats for >lavil, and the mental stats and skills for >avil. Increasesi;e, ills and damae b$ )0H. In this form the$ et three actions per round. >avil has

total control in the mere.

6ater in the VarautaJMacross 1 #ar, >avil built the ?atter Valo machine after

the death of Valo to allo# increase the po#er of >aviula. This altered form is muchmore po#erful, althouh it drains spiritia at a danerous rate.

tats@ %s per the !standard" >aviula form, e4cept the increases to si;e, ills anddamae are 25H. This form has three actions per round and drains 50 spiritia per round

from both of the Protodeviln mered. >avil has total control in the mere.

Chapter – +arauta E)pireIn 2025 the Mearoad9)- colon$ fleet discovered the Varauta s$stem, and the

inhabitable -rd planet. The$ sent the information back to &arth and bean to settle on the planet. %fter a fe# $ears, the$ are completel$ brain#ashed b$ the semi9dormant

>epernich on the ic$ /th planet of the s$stem and bein buildin the Varauta &mpire. The

ne#l$ formed Varauta &mpire locates and retrieves Afrom an unkno#n locationB theflaship and remnants of the Inspection %rm$ battle fleet.

&ihteen $ears later, in 20/-, the Macross 5 colon$ fleet lands on the -rd planet

Ano# named a4B and a research team is sent to investiate the Protoculture ruins on the

/th planet. T#o of the fleet's commanders, %dvisor Ivano >nter and 6ieutenant%utolmeur are possessed b$ >epernich and >iile Arespectivel$B after deactivatin one of

the containment fields. %t first the fleet is concerned b$ the apparentl$ missin Mearoad

)- fleet, but are then attacked b$ a m$sterious fleet. Taken b$ surprise, the Macross 5fleet is decimated in short order. :avin ne# V9)/ and V%9)/ technolo$, the Varauta

forces modif$ the desin, and #ith the aid of ne# Three tar Mobile Manufacturin

Platforms, bein mass producin their o#n Z9)0%J &ler;orene fihters and %Z9)-0

Pant;er;orene for their %ce pilots.T#o $ears after that, in 20/5, the Varauta &mpire encounters the Macross 1 fleet.

%fter a $ear9lon #ar, the Varauta &mpire crumbles after bein released from mental

domination b$ the Protodeviln.The Varauta forces are brain#ashed human and Zentraedi from previous =?

pac$ colon$ fleets. 8ecause the$ don't act on their o#n free #ill, the$ are not

recommended as pla$er characters. :o#ever, it #ould be possible to pla$ a pilot freedfrom the Protodeviln control that Coins the Macross 1 fleet.

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The earl$ Varauta pilots #ere mentall$ controlled b$ the Protodeviln, but retained

some deree of autonom$ so the$ could use the tactics and skills the$ learned from their

trainin. %fter losin several sDuadrons back to the Macross 1 fleet #hen their brain#ashin #as undone b$ 8asara's po#ers, >epernich and >avil reinforced the

mental domination so the$ had total control over the pilots, but the$ fouht more like

robots than trained soldiers. ?ear the end of the #ar, the >avil replaced the pilots #ithremote control units that can't be persuaded to s#itch sides.

&arl$ Varauta * suffers a *2 penalt$ to all rolls

6ate Varauta * suffers a */ penalt$ to all rolls, and cannot use the Tactics skillemote <rone * %I #ith 5 in I?T, %>I6, Mecha Pilot, Mecha (ombat, Mecha

+eaponr$, Tactics, <ode 3 &vade, %#arenessJ?otice A)0Q)d)0 all rollsB

The Varauta &mpire ma$ be much larer than =? forces believe, since the$ had 2

$ears to build. urthermore, their capital ships all appeared to be oriinal desins fromthe #ar aainst the tellar epublic. ince the Mearoad ) and )- fleets both vanished

around this area #ith no trace, it remains to be discovered Cust ho# much the$ control.

Macross (hronicle Issue X)/ provided a breakdo#n of the Varauta leet as

follo#s AestimatedB@ ) 4 leet laship pace (arrier, )2 4 6are 8attleships, 51 4tandard 8attleline 8attleships, 2 4 :ih9peed aidin pace (ruisers, - 4 ?e# >iant

(arriers, /- 4 6are 8attroid Transport (arriers, 2/ 4 Vanuard riates, 1,52 ;9)0&ler;orene, ),2/0 4 %;9)-0 Pan;er;orene and 12 4 8;9> Zaubereran. 8efore this

information became available, the onl$ fiure for the Varauta forces #as iven in episode

-7 of Macross 1 in #hich the Varauta forces around the planet a44 #ere numbered as10,000 ships.

Chapter – +arauta Mecha> E7uip)ent @ ShipsThe mecha of the Varauta are modified from the ones stolen from the Mearoad9

)- and Macross 5 fleets. %s such, most of the technolo$ is identical, #ith most of the

chanes bein cosmetic to hide their true identit$. The capital ships date back to the #ar#ith the tellar epublic, and are most likel$ the oriinal Inspection %rm$ AProtocultureBdesins.

8ecause their technolo$ is modified versions of the =? pac$ models, the$ have

the same properties and details as =? pac$ Asee Tech ManualB. The onl$ mechanicaldifference is that >avil did not install a pinpoint barrier s$stem in his 8;9

Zaubereran because he could rel$ on his spiritia aura.

Spiritia Absorption Bea)

This is a speciali;ed beam #eapon that #ill drain the piritia from the taret. It

#ill drain )0 piritia per round from a taret. This is t$picall$ mounted in the head of the

mecha.ane ), ).1 (P, ) ill, ) pace

Spiritia Storage Cell

This #orks not unlike an ener$ pool that stores piritia stolen from victims. The

cell #ill hold a ma4imum of 500 points of piritia.

) pace, 5 (P

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Spiritia )ager

This is a speciali;ed sensor that detects piritia ener$, Duantit$, Dualit$, and

overla$s a taretin aue over the taret for aimin the piritia absorption beam. Itrants an additional Q) +% #ith a spiritia absorption beam.

) pace, 2 (P

Capture Sphere

This creates a miniature force field bubble around up to / human si;ed tarets.The sphere itself can onl$ #ithstand ) ill of damae. The sphere #ill maintain air for

the subCects for up to / hours, and is environmentall$ sealed as #ell as radiation shielded.

) pace, 5 (P Ausuall$ paired one in each armB

+arauta Stan%ar% 4unpo%

%ll Varauta variable fihters are eDuipped #ith a standardi;ed unpod. 6ike most

=? unpods Aon #hich this is basedB, the ammo clip port is in the butt of the #eapon.

), ane 2/, 8V -, Q) +%, %mmo ), %ll9Purpose, (P /2. K. per clipL

+arauta 'ea6y 4unpo%

This is an e4perimental desin that can be used in place of the t#o standard

unpods issued #ith all Varauta variable fihters.

2, ane -2, 8V -, Q) +%, %mmo )2, %ll9Purpose, (P 52 K7.2 per clipL

Spiritia 4un Po%

This is an older, less compact version of the spiritia drainin beam built into mostcurrent Varauta mecha. It #ill drain 20 piritia per round from a taret Aor 200 per round

aainst ProtodevilnB.

ane 2/, -0 (P, - ills, )9handed

Soun%2a6e 5eutraliation &e6ice

8asicall$ a sophisticated !#hite noise" enerator that #as desined to counter the

sons of ?ekkei 8asara durin the later part of the VarautaJ=? pac$ #ar b$ >avil. The

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s$stem can onl$ counter one spiritia attacker per round, but can be s#itched as needed.

This unit #as onl$ ever seen on the Zaubereran. +hile this device can blank out the

!noise" of anima spiritia Aand thus stop spiritia disruptionB, it cannot stop an$ of theanima spiritia's other po#ers.

  ) pace, )0 (P

Au%io &e"ense Syste)

ound protective ear, desined b$ >avil, for the Minor Protodeviln as #ell as the

MaCor Protodeviln. <esined to protect the Protodeviln from the EnoiseE of %nima piritia,ho#ever this unit can protect aainst noise, but cannot protect aainst the effects of

%nima piritia.

Minor Protodeviln i;e@ 20 :its, 2 (P

MaCor Protodeviln i;e@ )0, 25 (P

D+a)pire Spiritia 'ea%gearPortable piritia Imaer, #orn b$ the Varauta Infiltrator. This visor detects

piritia and its level of Epurit$E. Mounted on the chin9piece is a piritia %bsorption 8eam,used to collect piritia for their Protodeviln masters. This is a smaller version of the

piritia %bsorption 8eam that is mounted on all of the Varauta mecha. This has 2 settins

 * it can drain 5 spiritia per round from a taret, or fire a stun beam A8< check,

difficult$ )5B that can incapacitate a man9si;ed taret for )0 minutes. 8oth beams have arane of )0m. If the drain beam hits the taret an$place other than their head, it simpl$

stins for a moment.

20 :its, ) (P

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Portable Spiritia Storage Cell

This is a briefcase9si;ed cell used in conCunction #ith the spiritia headear Asee

aboveB. It can store up to )00 spiritia, and can be released throuh a lens on the back at arate of )0 spiritia per round.

-0 :its, ) (P

Spiritia Collector .large 6ersion/

6are backpack t$pe of spiritia collector unit, that can store lare amounts of

piritia #hich can then be released in lare amounts for Protodeviln. >iile used one ofthese units to release a lare amount of stored spiritia that he had accumulated from the

 previous battles #ith the Macross 1 fleet to releaseJa#aken the Protodeviln, ivil. This

unit can drain up to )0 spiritia per round, release up to 50 per round, and can store up to100.

ane )50m, )00 :its, 5 (P

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+arauta (aser Pistol

This is issued to all Varauta personnel. The laser pistol appears to be some#hat bulk$, althouh it is ver$ accurate and far more po#erful than most =? personal


(lip@ 20, <amae 5d hits, 8V ), ane )00m, +% Q), 5 (P, (ost 5000 creditsif available to the =? militar$

+arauta Carbine (aser Ri"le

This is a field combat #eapon assined to Varauta infantr$.(lip@ 20, <amae )0d hits, 8V 2, ane )00m, +% Q), )0 (P, (ost )2,000

credits if available to the =? militar$

Mecha an% +essels

+ariable 3ighters@ Z9)0% &ler;orene, Z9)0 &ler;orene, %Z9)-0 Pant;er;orene,

8;9 Zaubereran

Capital Ships@ %ssault (arrier, laship, :eav$ 8attroid Transport, :ih peed (ruiser,Main leet 8attleship, uper i;e (arrier, Vanuard riate

Varauta Mecha

A$-10F PanteroreneC!ST= 7-7 (P AQ5.1 (P for loaded unpod and 24 spare clipG Q1)1. (P for missilesBA6ailability@ late 20-0's

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)1.1-m in soldier confiuration.

W&T'= 22.)5m in attacker confiuration


)1.17m in attacker confiurationWE4'T= 

)5,500 k


Q-5.0 to 920.5

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA8attroid 90 A-00mJroundB 27 A)/00mJroundB

>er#alk 9) - A)50mJroundB /2 A2)00mJroundB

ihter 92 0 5 A2700mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ M+ )2 )5 : 5 5

:ead T - / M / /iht %rm M 5 M / /

6eft %rm M 5 M / /

iht 6e : 1 : 5 5

6eft 6e : 1 : 5 5iht +in 6+ 2 - T - -

6eft +in 6+ 2 - T - -

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster iht 6e )/

Thruster 6eft 6e )/

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

M (lass :ead ) 1 km )000 km

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8ackup Torso 2 ) km -00 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms - Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

-5mm (annon Torso ) 2/ Q) ) 9 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inked%mmo /0 %P

-5mm (annon Torso ) 2/ Q) ) 9 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inked%mmo /0 %P

Pulse 6aser Torso 2 2/ Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inked

Pulse 6aser Torso 2 2/ Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inked

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinkedM ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

IM ack iht 6e 1 )200 Q) / 7 (rosslinked

IM ack 6eft 6e 1 )200 Q) / 7 (rosslinked

>unpod )9:anded ) 2/ Q) ) 9 8V-, %ll Purpose%mmo ) %P

>unpod )9:anded ) 2/ Q) ) 9 8V-, %ll Purpose%mmo ) %P

!ptional Syste)s

6ift#ire, %nti9theft (odelock, ?ihtsiht, potliht, torae Module, &scape Pod, elf <estruct

:ardpoints A/ on Main 8od$, 2 per +inB, piritia %bsorption 8eam, piritia torae (ell

piritia <efense $stem, %rmored (anop$


&nvironmentals Apace, e9entr$, <esertB, Verniers A) Main 8od$, ) each %rmJ6eB, Variable ihter 

Transatmospheric %bilit$, :eav$ :$draulics, emi9MonocoDue

5otes@ Varauta redesined V%9)/ :unter.

3-1FGA ElgeroreneC!ST= 5-- (P AQ))-./ (P for 24 loaded unpod and /4 spare clipG Q270.7 (P for missilesB

A6ailability@ late 20-0's

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)1.))m in soldier confiurationW&T'= 

).1m in attacker confiuration(E54T'= 

20.07m in attacker confiurationWE4'T= 

)-,200 k4-(i)its=

Q-/.) to 920.)

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attroid 90 A-00mJroundB -/ A)100mJroundB

>er#alk 9) - A)50mJroundB 5) A2550mJroundB

ihter 92 0 7 A-/00mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ M+ )2 )5 : 5 5:ead T - / M / /

iht %rm M 5 M / /6eft %rm M 5 M / /

iht 6e : 1 M / /

6eft 6e : 1 M / /

iht +in 6+ 2 - T - -

6eft +in 6+ 2 - T - -

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster iht 6e )1Thruster 6eft 6e )1

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unicationsM (lass :ead ) 1 km )000 km

8ackup Torso 2 ) km -00 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms - Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$piritia 8eam :ead 99 - Q) ) = pecial ules

8laster (annon Torso / -2 Q0 / = ear fire in fihter  

apid ire 6aser Torso 2 2/ Q) 2 = 8V2, %ll Purpose

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinkedM ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinkedM ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

>unpod )9:anded ) 2/ Q) ) 9 8V-, %ll Purpose

%mmo ) %P

>unpod )9:anded ) 2/ Q) ) 9 8V-, %ll Purpose

%mmo ) %P

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!ptional Syste)s

6ift#ire, %nti9theft (odelock, ?ihtsiht, potliht, torae Module, &scape Pod, elf <estruct

:ardpoints A/ on Main 8od$, 2 per +inB, piritia %bsorption 8eam, piritia torae (ell

piritia <efense $stem, %rmored (anop$


&nvironmentals Apace, e9entr$, <esertB, Verniers A) Main 8od$, ) each %rmJ6eB, Variable ihter Transatmospheric %bilit$, :eav$ :$draulics, emi9MonocoDue

5otes@ Varauta redesined V%9)/ :unter.

3-1FG3 ElgeroreneC!ST= 1)1 (P AQ))-./ (P for 24 loaded unpod and /4 spare clipG Q1)1. (P for missilesB

A6ailability@ late 20-0's


)1.))m in soldier confiurationW&T'= 

).1m in attacker confiuration(E54T'= 

20.07m in attacker confiurationWE4'T= 

)-,200 k4-(i)its=

Q-/.) to 920.)

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attroid 90 A-00mJroundB - A)700mJroundB

>er#alk 9) - A)50mJroundB 5/ A2100mJroundBihter 92 0 12 A-00mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q0H

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Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ M+ )2 )2 : 5 5

:ead T - - M / /

iht %rm M 5 5 M / /

6eft %rm M 5 5 M / /iht 6e : : 5 5

6eft 6e : : 5 5iht +in 6+ 2 2 T - -

6eft +in 6+ 2 2 T - -

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster iht 6e )7

Thruster 6eft 6e )7

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

M (lass :ead ) 1 km )000 km

8ackup Torso 2 ) km -00 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms - Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

piritia 8eam :ead 99 - Q) ) = pecial ules8laster (annon Torso

apid ire 6aser Torso 2 2/ Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll PurposePulse 6aser :ead ) 2/ Q) ) = 8V2, %ll Purpose, 6inked

Pulse 6aser :ead ) 2/ Q) ) = 8V2, %ll Purpose, 6inked

Pulse 6aser iht %rm ) 2/ Q) ) = 8V2, %ll Purpose, 6inked

Pulse 6aser 6eft %rm ) 2/ Q) ) = 8V2, %ll Purpose, 6inked

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack iht %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinkedM ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

M ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinkedM ack 6eft %rm 5 / Q) 2 (MV, (rosslinked

IM ack iht 6e 1 )200 Q) / 7 (rosslinked

IM ack 6eft 6e 1 )200 Q) / 7 (rosslinked

>unpod )9:anded ) 2/ Q) ) 9 8V-, %ll Purpose

%mmo ) %P>unpod )9:anded ) 2/ Q) ) 9 8V-, %ll Purpose

%mmo ) %P

!ptional Syste)s

6ift#ire, %nti9theft (odelock, ?ihtsiht, potliht, torae Module, &scape Pod, elf <estruct

:ardpoints A/ on Main 8od$, 2 per +inB, piritia %bsorption 8eam, piritia torae (ell

piritia <efense $stem, %rmored (anop$


&nvironmentals Apace, e9entr$, <esertB, Verniers A) Main 8od$, ) each %rmJ6eB, Variable ihter Transatmospheric %bilit$, :eav$ :$draulics

5otes@ Varauta redesined V%9)/ :unter.

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3B-GG $aubergeranC!ST= )0 (P AQ70.) (P for missilesBA6ailability@


22.5m in soldier confiurationW&T'= 

-1.7)m in bomber confiuration(E54T'= 

)7.)7m in bomber confiurationWE4'T= 

22,00 k4-(i)its=

Q-0.0 to 920.0

Mo%e M+ (an% MA 3ly MA

8attroid 90 1 A-50mJroundB 1 A-700mJroundB

>er#alk 9) -.5 A)15mJroundB ))/ A5100mJroundB

ihter 92 0 )52 A100mJroundB

8oosters can increase the 8attroid fliht speed b$ Q/ M% AQ200mJroundB

Maneu6er Pool Q200H

Ser6o Class ills Spaces Ar)or SP ills

Main 8od$ M+ )2 )5 M+J%

:ead T - / MJ% / /

iht %rm M 5 MJ% / /

6eft %rm M 5 MJ% / /

iht 6e : 1 MJ% / /

6eft 6e : 1 MJ% / /

iht +in 6+ 2 - TJ% - -

6eft +in 6+ 2 - TJ% - -Pod T - TJ% - -

Thrusters (ocation MA

Thruster iht 6e )

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Thruster 6eft 6e )

Thruster Torso )

Thruster Torso )

8ooster Pod 2 A8attroid onl$B

8ooster Pod 2 A8attroid onl$B

Sensors (ocation ills Sensors Co))unications

M (lass :ead ) 1 km )000 km

8ackup Torso 2 ) km -00 km

Weapon (ocation &M4 Range WA ills Shots 5otes

:ands %rms - Melee Q0 ) = Ruick, :and$

piritia 8eam :ead 99 - Q) ) = pecial ulesPulse 6aser iht %rm 2 2/ Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inked

Pulse 6aser 6eft %rm 2 2/ Q) 2 = 8V-, %ll Purpose, 6inked

8eam (annon iht houlder 2 2/ Q) 2 = 8V2, Phalan4 Vari, 6ink  

8eam (annon iht houlder 2 2/ Q) 2 = 8V2, Phalan4 Vari, 6ink  

8eam (annon 6eft houlder 2 2/ Q) 2 = 8V2, Phalan4 Vari, 6ink  

8eam (annon 6eft houlder 2 2/ Q) 2 = 8V2, Phalan4 Vari, 6ink  

otar$ Missile Torso - 2/ Q) 9 9 Volle$s up to )0

otar$ Missile Torso - 2/ Q) 9 9 Volle$s up to )0%mmo Torso 20 )00 (MV

Missile ack iht houlder 5 / Q) )) -- (MV, (rosslinkedMissile ack 6eft houlder 5 / Q) )) -- (MV, (rosslinked

!ptional Syste)s

6ift#ire, %nti9theft (odelock, ?ihtsiht, potliht, torae Module, &scape Pod, elf <estruct

:ardpoints A/ on Main 8od$, 2 per +inB, piritia %bsorption 8eam, piritia torae (ell

piritia <efense $stem, %rmored (anop$


&nvironmentals Apace, e9entr$, <esertB, Verniers A) Main 8od$, ) each %rmJ6eB, Variable ihter 

Transatmospheric %bilit$, :eav$ :$draulics, uperchared &nines, emi9MonocoDue

5otes@ Varauta redesined V%892< +raith. This served as >avilEs personal fihter, althouh he had


Varauta Capital Ships

+arauta Assault CruiserC!ST= ),715,77 (PManu"acturer@ Varauta %rm$

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'E4'T= W&T'= (E54T'= 72mWE4'T= 0,000,000 tonsCREW@ /0 total A-0 officers, /00 cre#, 0 V pilots, )50 soldiersB

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q((S@ 2110

ARM!R @ P ))0SPACES@ 17

MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))Cre2 4ra%e

@ ( A)2Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

:eav$ Particle (annon 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =

+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -, (lip 5

uperheav$ 6aser A2B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

6iht 6aser A/7B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =trike Missiles AB 100 ,/-1,-1 Q) 0

&ach missile takes 25 to destro$. 8last )5, +arm up 2

Missile 6aunchers A2B %ll 1 )2,000 Q) 50 -ires volle$s of up to per launcher 

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Z9)0% &ler;orene /2

%Z9)-0 Pant;er;orene )

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A)500 for 20 $earsB

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%nti9>ravit$ $stem, mni9directional 8arrier, Pinpoint 8arrier $stem AmediumB

piritia <etector 


Mecha@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ ) ba$ A050 ton capacit$BMedical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, (re# >rade ( A40.2B, &nines M% -/ A4).)B

Progra))e@ This ship is constructed for use as an assault ship and a flaship for small9 to medium9scale

fleets. pen9st$le haner ate in aft, battroid launch port in for#ard.

5otes@ The official stats list this ship as 00,000 tons, #hich does not ive it a sufficient hull class to make

room for all of the appropriate s$stems and cre#. or those #ishin to keep all stats more accurate, assume

the Varauta have sufficient advanced technolo$ to build a ship of the same si;e that is far lihter for no

additional costs Athe$ do have unaltered Protoculture technolo$ after allB.

+arauta Stan%ar% Battleline BattleshipC!ST= ),-),2 (PManu"acturer@ Varauta %rm$

'E4'T= W&T'= 

(E54T'= 00mWE4'T= )7,700,000 tons

CREW@ 1-0 total A-0 officers, 5)0 cre#, /0 V pilots, )50 soldiersB

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q((S@ 2-50

ARM!R @ P ))0

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MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))

Cre2 4ra%e@ ( A)2Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A2B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p ):eav$ 6aser A7B 200 ,/-1,-1 Q) 200 =

Medium 6aser A)2B %ll )00 250,000 Q) )00 =

6iht 6aser A20B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile 6auncher A)/B %ll 1 )2,000 Q) 50 -

ires volle$s of up to per launcher 

trike Missiles A/B 100 ,/-1,-1 Q) 0 )2

&ach missile takes 25 to destro$. 8last )5, +arm up 2

Torpedo Tube A7B 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =&ach torpedo takes 7 to destro$. 8last 5.

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Z9)0 &ler;orene /0

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A)000 for 20 $earsB

%nti9>ravit$ $stem, mni9directional 8arrier, Pinpoint 8arrier $stem AmediumB

piritia <etector 


Mecha@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B(aro@ ) ba$ A050 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, (re# >rade ( A40.2B, &nines M% -/ A4).)B

Progra))e@ This ship is the main capital #arship of the Varauta forces. It is distinuished b$ heav$

#eaponr$ and armor, and can sto# man$ variable fihters. It is eDuipped #ith catapults, each capable of

launchin four of the sto#ed fihters on its upper deck.

5otes@ The official stats list this ship as )70,000 tons, #hich does not ive it a sufficient hull class to make

room for all of the appropriate s$stems and cre#. or those #ishin to keep all stats more accurate, assumethe Varauta have sufficient advanced technolo$ to build a ship of the same si;e that is far lihter for no

additional costs Athe$ do have unaltered Protoculture technolo$ after allB.

+arauta 3leet 3lagshipC!ST= )0,172,5 (P

Manu"acturer@ Varauta %rm$

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W&T'= (E54T'= /2-0mWE4'T= -20,000,000 tonsCREW@ 520 total

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q

((S@ 5-10ARM!R @ P ))0


MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))Cre2 4ra%e@ % A)Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

Main Particle (annon A2B 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -, (lip 5

8ombardment (annon A2B 6 5000 ,/-1,-1 Q- 2000 =

+ide 8eam A-- he4B, =ltra98eam, +arm9up -, (lip 5

uperheav$ 6aser A/B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )uperheav$ 6aser A2B 6 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

Medium 6aser A)50B %ll )00 250,000 Q) )00 =

6iht 6aser A))0B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

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Torpedo Tube A7B 100 ,/-1,-1 Q) 0 =

&ach missile takes 25 to destro$. 8last )5, +arm up 2

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Z9)0 &ler;orene -0%Z9)-0 Pant;er;orene )20

8;9 Zaubereran )2O The flaship docks 20 to -0 vanuard friates Aplus their mecha complimentsB for close defense, and can

accommodate to 7 larer #arships in the for#ard dockin arms.

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport Athousands for -0 $earsB

%nti9>ravit$ $stem, mni9directional 8arrier, Pinpoint 8arrier $stem Aheav$Bpiritia <etector 


Mecha@ 5 ba$s A00 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ )0 ba$s A0,500 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ 5 ba$s A00 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, (re# >rade % A4).0B, &nines M% -/ A4).)B

Progra))e@ This ship operates as a super9si;e mobile fortress and the >epernich fleet flaship >iant

docks capable of accommodatin numerous lare #arships simultaneousl$, ship9borne craft haners, andlinear catapults for launchin ship9borne craft in the port and starboard halves of the ship.

5otes@ <ue to his close pro4imit$, >epernich can allo# the cre# of the flaship reater access to their

remembered trainin #ithout risk of losin control over them. 8$ the end of the VarautaJMacross 1 #ar,

the bombardment particle cannons and the left dockin arm are destro$ed, and there is a speaker podammaO still stuck in the command center.

O ee ourcebook ) * ?e# =nit$ >overnment

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Mecha@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ ) ba$ A050 ton capacit$BMedical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, (re# >rade ( A40.2B, &nines M% -/ A4).)B

Progra))e@ This ship is constructed for use as an assault ship and a flaship for small9 to medium9scale

fleets. pen9st$le haner ate in aft, battroid launch port in for#ard.

5otes@ The official stats list this ship as )5,000 tons, #hich does not ive it a sufficient hull class to make

room for all of the appropriate s$stems and cre#. or those #ishin to keep all stats more accurate, assume

the Varauta have sufficient advanced technolo$ to build a ship of the same si;e that is far lihter for no

additional costs Athe$ do have unaltered Protoculture technolo$ after allB.

+arauta 'igh-Spee% Rai%ing CruiserC!ST= 11,--) (PManu"acturer@ Varauta %rm$


W&T'= (E54T'= -mWE4'T= 2,)2,500 tonsCREW@ /0 total A-0 officers, /00 cre#, 0 V pilots, )50 soldiersB

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$

((S@ 2200ARM!R @ P )00


MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q))

Cre2 4ra%e@ ( A)2Q)d)0B

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Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A2B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )Medium 6aser A/B )00 250,000 Q) )00 =

6iht 6aser A)2B %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

trike Missiles AB 100 ,/-1,-1 Q) 0 -0 total

&ach missile takes 25 to destro$. 8last )5, +arm up 2

Missile 6aunchers A)0B %ll 1 )2,000 Q) 50 -

ires volle$s of up to per launcher 

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Z9)0 &ler;orene )2

%Z9)-0 Pant;er;orene up to /

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A700 for 20 $earsB

%nti9>ravit$ $stem, mni9directional 8arrier, Pinpoint 8arrier $stem AlihtBpiritia <etector 


Mecha@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ ) ba$ A050 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

epair 8a$@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, (re# >rade ( A40.2B, &nines M% -/ A4).)B

Progra))e@ This ship features upraded conventional enine thrust, hiher fold enine po#er, improved

maneuverabilit$, increased armor in the fore, and reater firepo#er in the fore for raids, disturbances, andarmed assault missions.

5otes@ The official stats list this ship as -2,500 tons, #hich does not ive it a sufficient hull class to makeroom for all of the appropriate s$stems and cre#. or those #ishin to keep all stats more accurate, assume

the Varauta have sufficient advanced technolo$ to build a ship of the same si;e that is far lihter for no

additional costs Athe$ do have unaltered Protoculture technolo$ after allB.

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+arauta Super-Sie% CarrierC!ST= 17,-/5 (PManu"acturer@ Varauta %rm$

'E4'T= W&T'= (E54T'= )/00mWE4'T= 2,500,000 tons

CREW@ 200 total A10 officers, )200 cre#, -20 V pilots, 500 soldiersB

'ull Class@ Mea:eav$Q((S@ -00

ARM!R @ P ))0SPACES@ )))

MA@ -/ AMach -B

Turn@ Q))Cre2 4ra%e@ ( A)2Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser AB 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

6iht 6aser AB %ll 50 )2-,51 Q) 50 =

Missile 6auncher A2B %ll 1 )2,000 Q) 50 -

ires volle$s of up to per launcher 

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Z9)0 &ler;orene 2)

%Z9)-0 Pant;er;orene 2/

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A-000 for 20 $earsB

%nti9>ravit$ $stem, mni9directional 8arrier, Pinpoint 8arrier $stem AmediumBpiritia <etector 

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Mecha@ 2 ba$s A2/0 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ ) ba$ A050 ton capacit$B

Medical 8a$@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$Bepair 8a$@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B


pace old A4).0B, (re# >rade ( A40.2B, &nines M% -/ A4).)B

Progra))e@ This ship is the most mass9produced standard small #arship in the Varauta forces. Its

reliabilit$ is due to its balance of maneuverabilit$, armor, and #eaponr$. ince it is thouht to be a ne#

desin capable of missions for small vessels, it is assined to vanuard, enem$ detection, armedreconnaissance, defense, and various other missions.

5otes@ The onl$ stats I have found list this ship as 25,000,000 tons, #hich makes it heavier than the fleet


+arauta +anguar% 3rigate

C!ST= 50,1)5 (PManu"acturer@ Varauta %rm$

'E4'T= W&T'= (E54T'= )7m

WE4'T= 250,000 tonsCREW@ -/7 total A) officers, 270 cre#, 2 V pilots, 50 soldiersB

'ull Class@ Medium#eiht

((S@ )200ARM!R @ P 70SPACES@ )2

MA@ -/ AMach -BTurn@ Q

Cre2 4ra%e@ ( A)2Q)d)0B

Syste) ills Range

6: (ommunications 200 )7,000 km

%: ensors -00 -,000 km

Weapon Arc &M4 Range WA ills Payloa%

uperheav$ 6aser A2B 500 ,/-1,-1 Q) 500 =

+arm =p )

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Medium 6aser A/B )00 250,000 Q) )00 =

Missile Turret A2B %ll )1 )200 Q) 50 )2

ires volle$s of up to per launcher 

Mecha,Shuttle Co)pli)ent

Z9)0% &ler;orene 2

!ptional Syste)s

ubspace Mass ensors, :$perspace (ommunications %rra$, 6ife upport A/00 for 20 $earsB

%nti9>ravit$ $stem, mni9directional 8arrier, Pinpoint 8arrier $stem AlihtB

piritia <etector 


Mecha@ ) ba$ A)20 capacit$B

(re#@ ) ba$ A)2,)00 capacit$B

(aro@ none

Medical 8a$@ none

epair 8a$@ none


pace old A4).0B, (re# >rade ( A40.2B, &nines M% -/ A4).)B, %ctive tealth A4).-B

Acti6e Stealth@ This s$stem has pulse refraction, beam refraction, manetic refraction, fire control, andcombat cloak in addition to active stealth.

Progra))e@ This ship is the most mass9produced standard small #arship in the Varauta forces. Its

reliabilit$ is due to its balance of maneuverabilit$, armor, and #eaponr$. ince it is thouht to be a ne#

desin capable of missions for small vessels, it is assined to vanuard, enem$ detection, armed

reconnaissance, defense, and various other missions.

5otes@ The official stats list this ship as ),500 tons, #hich does not ive it a sufficient hull class to makeroom for all of the appropriate s$stems and cre#. or those #ishin to keep all stats more accurate, assume

the Varauta have sufficient advanced technolo$ to build a ship of the same si;e that is far lihter for no

additional costs Athe$ do have unaltered Protoculture technolo$ after allB.

Chapter H – The Stellar Republic @ The nspection Ar)y% campain durin the ae of the Protoculture #ould be a lot different than one

set in the !current" da$.

(ampains in the earl$ aes of the epublic #ould have a stron focus one4ploration and coloni;ation. 6ater, as the pro4$ #ars increased, the campain #ould

turn to a relativel$ even9sided #ar of attrition. % campain set durin the tellar

epublicJInspection %rm$ time #ould be rim, #ith the characters fihtin to survive

aainst a relentless enem$ Aor for itB.Zentraedi records indicate t#o maCor #ars durin the time of the tellar epublic.

The first #as the Protoculture civil #ar, called the chism +ar b$ the Zentraedi createdto fiht in it. The second #as the #ar bet#een the tellar epublic and the upervision%rm$ created b$ the ne#l$ arisen Protodeviln.

There is conflictin information on this matter. ome sources state the

Protodeviln forces as either the upervision %rm$ or the Inspection %rm$, #hile othersources state the Protodeviln forces as the upervision %rm$ and the Protoculture forces

as the Inspection %rm$. In most Macross campains this lack of concrete information is

 perfect, ho#ever in a campain set in this era it is important to make the distinction. or

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the sake of Macross 2050, the Protodeviln and their dominated forces are the upervision

arm$. AInspection %rm$ is another translation, and either are accurate and useable.B

The Ruins o" the Republic

+hen the Mearoad ) fleet left earth to head to#ards the alactic core in search

of a planet to coloni;e, %dvisor &4sedol #arned them to sta$ a#a$ from the alacticcore. The fleet vanished near the alactic core. 6ater, #hen the Mearoad )- fleet

traveled to the Varauta s$stem A#hich is near the alactic coreB, the$ #ere destro$ed or

enslaved b$ the Protodeviln imprisoned there. The Macross 5 fleet #as also destro$edand enslaved there, and the Macross 1 fleet almost met the same fate. ?earl$ 7000 $ears

ao, the Zentraedi ?eld fleet encountered a roue Protodeviln on a planet near the

alactic core and #as enslaved b$ it. Then aain in Macross rontier, the >ala4$ fleet

A2)st Macross (lassB #as destro$ed b$ the VaCra, and the Macross rontier A25 th Macross(lassB #as almost destro$ed as #ell.

%ll of these occurrences #ould suest that the seat of the tellar epublic's

 po#er #as near to the alactic core, and the maCorit$ of their intact ruins are oin to be

found around that area. In fact, the VaCra !home#orld" in Macross rontier #as once aProtoculture colon$ Apossibl$ the Protoculture home#orldB.

It is also Duite possible that the tellar epublic #as situated on the far side of theala4$. It #as stated that both the Varauta s$stem #as a remote s$stem that #as chosen

for the testin, development, and later, the imprisonment of bio9#eapon development.

%nother source indicates that the ol s$stem #as a distant s$stem marked forcoloni;ation, and #as !forotten" #hen the surve$ ship that cataloed it #as destro$ed

 before it could report back to the epublic. This is further supported b$ real astroph$sics@

the Protoculture evolved in a $ouner ala4$ #here the area near the core #ould be

hihl$ irradiated and less likel$ to allo# life to form.

Ca)paign %eas

ption )

The first option for a Protoculture campain is for the characters to all be

Protoculture. In this option, all characters #ould be rouhl$ eDual in status. Perhaps thecharacters #ill all be part of the same research team. (ampains earl$ in the tellar

epublic #ould be filled #ith e4plorin the Aat that timeB empt$ ala4$. Perhaps there

#ere man$ other lesser9developed races at that time that are no# e4tinct.

ption 2

The second option is that all the characters are Zentraedi soldiers in the #ar in the

chism +ar or fihtin aainst the Inspection %rm$. %lternatel$, the characters could beZentraedi turnin aainst the Protoculture and sidin #ith the Inspection %rm$. It is Duite

reasonable that not all Zentraedi sidin #ith the Protodeviln needed to be brain#ashed.

uch characters could be part of Zentraedi special forces to take special covert missionsaainst the opposin enem$.

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Appen%i8 !ne – $entrae%i (anguageThis manual #ouldn't be complete #ithout at least an attempt at a some#hat

comprehensible Zentraedi to &nlish le4icon. ortunatel$ #ords in the Zentraedi

lanuae are pronounced e4actl$ as the$ are spelled #ith no apparent phonetic variations.

Interestinl$ enouh, the Zentraedi alphabet also uses 2 characters Aisn't that

convenientB. The list of Zentraedi #ords is compiled from multiple sources. %s theZentraedi #ere not iven their o#n culture, their lanuae can be assumed to be virtuall$

identical to the Protoculture lanuae.

English (anguage $entrae%i (anguage

%bilit$Jcapacit$Jtalent 9 erukesuaama%llJ#holeJentirel$Jon the #hole 9 alma

%nd 9 te

%n$thin 9 mena

%ppearJsho# up 9 melkes%pproach 9 delkes

%t 9 a

%ttackJrushJchareJunit 9 keruadorasu%udio sinal 9 elkel;arn

8attleJcombatJfihtin 9 adras

8attleship 9 adradakan8e defeatedJloseJbe outdoneJfall behind 9 de@ants

8e manufactured, be born 9 melkes;ants

8eaten 9 de@ants

8od$JoneEs stationAlifeB 9 irtesta(all 9 chata

(annot use 9 de@tei;u

(aptureJcatch 9 ilts(ome 9 ukome

(onfirmJverif$ 9 u@kesto

(ulture 9 kaalchuun<efense net 9 badra

<ecipherJdecr$pt 9 eskesdo

<ifferent 9 de@talke<ifferent 9 de@dants

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<ocumentJrecord A?ounB 9 marutesu

<ocumentJrecord AVerbB 9 u marutesu

&nem$, rival, revene 9 debran&scapeJflihtJdesertion 9 de@ilts

&4ist 9 alkes

&4planation 9 esukesto&4positor$ abilit$ 9 elkesarma

ar 9 delke

emale 9 Meltranrament, fossil 9 de;anchaats

rom 9 rom

uture lanuae 9 fo

>iant 9 >orran>o 9 ukei

>reetins 9 ;anto

:ave a hand 9 kelkas

In 9 miInabilit$, eliminate 9 telnesta

InvadeJbreak intoJraid 9 kelkasutaIs 9 alkes

6are #ar vessel 9 oradradakan

Male 9 ZentranMan$ 9 ;al

Microne, humankind 9 Micraan

Militar$ thinkin 9 adraraskas

Missile 9 hauMotion 9 u

 ?ear 9 nilke

 ?e#, from this, earl$Jfast 9 holtof 9 o

f course 9 fodants

, understand 9 esekesld, ancient, slo#, lon ao, late 9 proto

n 9 na

neEs fihtin spirit 9 adoraraskas

ther than these 9 @teresurselves 9 terata

Parts 9 chaats

Past lanuae 9 plePerishJfall into ruinJdie out 9 de@;ants

Place, ship 9 dakan

Po#erJforceJstrenth 9 armaPremonitionJhunch 9 holtoraskas

ProsperJthriveJflourish 9 ;ants

RuestionJdoubt 9 maaka

econnaissance useJear9uard 9 deruriaado

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emainsJ#reck 9 deanchaats

eport 9 erukelto

iht, absolute 9 dantsoer, understood 9 esekesta

ame 9 talke

cale, si;e, unit 9 ZuaraeeJlook 9 utomi

end b$ hand 9 kerkas

hip, place, location 9 dakanhock troops 9 keladras

ho#Jdispla$ 9 utomisukesu

inal 9 erukeru;aan

on 9 mii;oonound 9 ;arn

peciesJcauseJsourceJkindJsomethin9 mena

tar 9 dalkaan

topJsuspendJhaltJcease functions 9 terunesutatrenthenJfortif$ 9 u@;al

Tactical cout T$pe eult 9 <el eultThat Aover $onderB 9 dasu

That Aand thatB 9 talni

The 9 ettoThese 9 teres

ThinkJconsider 9 raskas

This Athis e4ceptJother thenB 9 tes

This 9 $akkeThis Aas for thisB 9 $atto

To 9 toh

TooJalsoJas #ellJeitherJafter all 9 fodantsuTo record 9 u9maltesto

Transmission 9 erukesto

=n9, non9, not, lack of,the opposite off, back,

indicates the reverse of action 9 de

=nderstand 9 esekes

=nitJcorpsJsDuad 9 ;uara=se 9 tei;u

+ait 9 uchima

+ar vessel 9 adradakan+e 9 eck 

+eJusJour 9 ;al

+eapon, arms 9 adra+hat Aand #hatJ #ith #hatB 9 $akku

+hat 9 et

+hat Aemphasi;edB 9 udana

+in 9 ants

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+ithJbothJbutJmoreoverJbesidesJ 9 talni

+ithout 9 de@talni

Fes 9 saFes 9 iltesta

Fes 9 utema
