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@ ome H in Tampines West ISSUE 1 Apr – Jun 2007 Free Publication by Tampines West Community Club MICA(P)148/02/2007

@ omeHi n T a m p i n e s W e s t



1 A


– Ju

n 2



Free Publication by Tampines West Community Club








@ a Glance >>>

02 @Home in Tampines West www.twcc.org.sg

Editor’s Note

@ The Moment >>>

When we came up with the idea of amagazine, we were clear that many ofus are simply very busy. So the deal is,whatever we put in these pages, it hasto add value to our readers. We figured,what better way to do this than tohighlight the gems right at your doorstep! This way, we hope we’re notimposing an additional task but rather,inspire you to see that around yourneighbourhood, there’s a lot to beexcited about. No need to venture toofar, we highlight what’s coming your wayand invite you to take part in what youlike to do, when you want to do it andhow much of it you’d like to try. We putthe activities in neat packages foreveryone of different age and interestgroups (see page 5) and we also suggestways you can help others even if youjust have limited time (also see page11). We would also like to hear fromyou, tell us what you’d like (see belowfor contact details). After all, we’re all@ HOME with one another.

Editorial TeamGamar Abdul AzizViolet OngJeremy Tan

Design & PrintMarimo [email protected]

ContactTampines West Community Club5 Tampines Ave 3 Singapore 529705Tel: 6783 7910/ 6788 6202Fax: 6788 0348Email: [email protected]: www.twcc.org.sg

@ HOME in Tampines West is a quarterly publication of TampinesWest Community Club. This publication is distributed free to residentsresiding in Tampines west division. Copyright is held by TampinesWest Community Club. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole orin part is prohibited without prior permission from Tampines West

Community Club.

3 @ FirstFirst-time MP and new Adviser to TampinesGrassroots organisations Masagos Zulkifli penshis thoughts

4 FeatureHow you can earn extra income at a Flea Marketnear your home

5 Especially for youSpecial events for soccer fans, students, volunteersand just about anyone, all taking place right inyour neighbourhood


Getting in step is a matter of mind over mattersays teen ballroom dancers

7 Coming UpCourses for everyone

9 BuzzPast and future happenings you’d want to know

10 Contest* How to win prizes for walk-in and email entries

plus discounts at your neighbourhood stores* PAssion Card membership discount

11 Exclusive!* Own time own target volunteer projects

& IT courses





Feature >>>

04 @Home in Tampines West www.twcc.org.sg

Good Buy, Great Sale@ Tampines West Flea MarketSpoils or uncovered gems, it’s easy to earn extraincome practically at your doorstep. 

04 @Home in Tampines West www.twcc.org.sg

No Limits“My friends and I would constantlytravel and if we see any interesting orunique items, we would usually buysome and bring them back to sell. Allour products sold here are brandnew,” said 29-year-old stallholderRoslinah Rokhim, who lives in one ofthe blocks behind the MRT tracks. 

But items sold at the flea market don’tnecessarily have to be new. Anotherstallholder, 28-year-old Tan Puay Ling,decided to sell a variety of goods.She said “I have both second-handand brand new items on sale. Half ofthe items on sale are things that I havebought and haven’t really used them,so I’m selling them to recover somemoney. There are also some second-hand items from my own collection,which I have used only a couple oftimes. The others include bulkpurchases from overseas, which I gotfrom factory outlets.” 

You’re not allowed to sell food itemsbut aside from this exception, almost

everything else is limited to your ownimagination.

Budding EntrepreneursWhether you’re a veteran flea marketparticipant or a novice, most stall-holders agree that the traffic at thelocation is a definite plus. In fact, everystallholder @HOME visited said theymanaged to cover their rental cost.  

Each stallholder is allocated six-hourslots from 4.00 pm to 10.00 pm, onFriday, Saturday and Sunday. Therental cost for all three days is $60 forresidents and $90 for non-residents(see page 5). Given the common gripethat costs are rising, many agree thatthe rental cost is a small price to payfor the exposure they got. 

Mohd Yusof, 29, who sold aroma-therapy products said, “This is ourfirst time setting up shop here. It isgood exposure for us, so I am thinkingof setting up a proper shop sometimein the future. The aromatherapyproducts I have brought in are from

Watch outfor the nextFlea Market on12~13 May 2007.Contact usnow!

Fragrant smells, good music, a motley crew of young and old and a constantly moving crowd. You could bemistaken if you thought that there was a party along the pedestrian path underneath the MRT track in frontof Blk 158/159 in Tampines St 12. 

Look closer and you will see that the area is buzzing with activity, thanks to a Flea Market, for and by theresidents of Tampines West. Held once a month over the weekend, this Flea Market is organised by TampinesWest Community Club. Since the scheme started in December 2006, the Flea Market has attracted at least15 stalls which sell anything and everything, from perfumes and bags to ceramic ware, books and sarees.

France and I am using this (stall) as abasis to obtain contact and feedbackabout the products I’m selling.” 

Business BuzzIf you think that flea markets are forold, rusty and dusty items, you shouldcome down to the next flea marketfrom May 12 to 13. A good bargainor downright cheap deals, what’s onoffer at the Tampines West flea marketis a far cry from how the flea marketgot its name. It’s thought that the fleamarkets started in the suburbs of Paris,France. Back then, the stall holdersactually sold flea-infested clothingand rags! But nothing like that atthe Tampines West flea market. This is the place for residents buy andsell their goods which are veryaffordable and very importantly, oneof a kind. Don’t be surprised if youactually find an item that has yet tobe introduced to the market! Your visitto the Tampines West flea marketcould also be just what you need, tobring out the entrepreneur in you!

Spoils or uncovered gems, it’s easy to earn extraincome practically at your doorstep. 

Especially for you>>>

www.twcc.org.sg @Home in Tampines West 05

Around yourneighbourhood

The entrepreneurs  Name: Roslinah Rokhim Items sold: Handmade ceramicware, bags 

How she got started:Saw a poster at the void deckof her block She says: “Having this Flea Market organised inTampines is a plus point for me. This is because itis just walking distance from my flat. Having set up shopin Holland Village before, I had to go through the troublesome process ofpacking the items, head to the location, unpack and display it, then packingit back before transporting it back home, just to repeat the tiring processthe next day.” “Our products include handmade ceramic ware and suede bags. The pricesof the bags range from $5 – $30. The theme (when I set up shop inFebruary) had to do with Valentine’s Day so most of the items were red. Iwould definitely consider setting up shop again”. She suggests: “I think flyers should be distributed at the MRT station or

signs could be put up to direct people to the Flea Market. This is becausesome customers have told me they only realise that there is such an eventonly when they passed by this area, on their way to the mall or trainstation.”   

Rental of stall$20 per day (for Tampines Residents)

$30 per day (for Non-Tampines Residents) 

(Excluding $6.30 per day for Electrical Point )  

If you are interested, please apply at TampinesWest Community Club, 5 Tampines Avenue 3,from 9.30 am to 9.30 pm or Tel: 67837910

Name: Tan Puay Ling 

Items sold: Bags, baskets

How she got started: Found

out by word of mouth 

She says: “It was easy to cover the rental. I made

minimal profit but for me, I’m here more for the

experience. Whether I will be back for the next flea

market will depend if I can collect enough items

I’d like to put on sale.” 

Name: Mohd Yusof 

Items sold:

Aromatherapy products 

How he got started: Found out

by word of mouth 

He says: “This flea market organised by Tampines

West CC has definitely been a good experience for me.

Response for our products has been very good. Traffic is

good and even though some initially made no purchases

on day one, they usually come back within the three days

to look for us and buy our products.”  

He suggests: “Covering the rental cost has not been a problem

for me but I would like to suggest, if possible, for tables and chairs

to be provided for stallholders in future.”







For soccer fans:English Premier League screening

Screening of EPL matchesSaturday, from 7pm -10pm, Tampines WestCC

For those who want to takeit slow:Free Qiqong sessions

Morning Qigong PracticeDaily, 6am, Tampines West CC Sepak TarawCourt

For the musically-inclined:Elementary Guitar lessonsThursday, 8pm-930pm, Tampines West CCMulti-purpose room

For those who want topack a punch…not:Aikido

Japanese martial art of self defenceMonday, 8pm-9.30pm, Tampines West CCMulti-purpose hall

For those on the move:In-line skating

Learn how to skateSunday, 9am-10am, Tampines West CCMulti-purpose hall

For those who love animation:Manga drawing

Learn how to draw Japanese comicsThursday, 7.30pm-9.30pm, Tampines WestCC Multi purpose room

Block Reps coming your way...They are volunteers and grassroots leaders whoare appointed as block representatives for theblocks that they are living in. They will conductregular visits with the police or Member ofParliament, HDB and Town Council offices to gatherfeedback on neighbourhood security, RC activitiesand estate maintenance. They will also help tocollect data (eg: email addresses, contact numbersinterests and concerns) from residents during theirvisits. When the MP visits, residents will be invitedto the void deck for refreshments after the blockvisit to interact with the MP and RC members.To join us as Block Reps or RCmembers, contact Tampines WestConstituency Office Tel: 67881912

Contact Tampines West CC

Tel: 67837910

06 @Home in Tampines West www.twcc.org.sg

Faces >>>

Avril: One thing that I learnt from this dance is tobe more comfortable with my body. I learn to appreciatethe curves and the lady like gestures!

@HOME: What are some of thechallenges of ballroom dancing?Shawn: Like all dances, ballroom dancing is hardwork if you want to do well, a lot of practice onperfecting techniques and it takes patience to dorepetitive practice. It is very structured as well, unlikehip hop which can be free-style. One of the biggestchallenge for guys will be learning how to lead a ladywhich can be really tough and frustrating. It will takea lot of patience, communication with your partnerand practice.Avril: Oh, the frustrating part is when you get stagnantwith your own skills. Or when no matter how youpractice, you just can't get it. This dance requires oneto lock their body (Tension) therefore, one has toconstantly be on their “lock” position. Otherwise, wewill not be doing justice to the dance. The other issueis communicating with your partner. This dance isn'tabout being sole. Both of us have to learn at consistentpace together. Therefore, it's really about teamwork.

@HOME: What are some of theresponses you get from yourfriends when they find out thatyou are a ballroom dancer?Shawn: Most of the ladies are pretty receptive andwill tell me it's cool. Most of the guys think it’s a bittoo feminine for them. Some just tell me, "I couldn'ttell!" I'm thinking, "How can you?"Avril: I'm luckier than Shawn. Guys and girls go,"Woah.. I can't imagine you dancing like this. It’s sosexy!"

@HOME: What are some of thecommon misconceptions peoplehave about ballroom dancing?Shawn: The biggest misconception is that you needa partner to get started. Not at all! Most of the time,you will find a partner in class if not you rotate untilyou find someone you're comfortable with. Second,it's too expensive. I pay only $67 as a Passion cardmember for 12 lessons of 1.5 hours each time.Avril: A common misconception is “I don't have apartner!" So as Shawn has mentioned, just come jointhe class! You will find a suitable partner then!

@HOME: What have you learntfrom this activity?Shawn: I have learnt to be comfortable in my ownskin and to 'let loose,' and dance freely with noinhibitions. I've learnt to be more patient andunderstanding when communicating with my partnerand it also helped me to lead her better.Avril: Dancing is a sport! I feel more comfortablewith my body and gain more confidence as a person.Also, I got to communicate better with my partner.That is really essential. I learn to let things go easilyas one can't be dancing with a fowl mood.

@HOME: Who should take upballroom dancing? Why do yourecommend it?Shawn: Anyone at any age. Ballroom dancing isfun, a good workout, and it's a great social platformfor you to meet new friends. Between couples, it canalso help them to communicate better.Avril: Don't be shy! Anyone at any age can take itup! Those who are looking for a fun workout, thosewho are interested in ballroom dancing and thosewho are just looking for a hobby.

Avril “It really isn't a dancefor old folks only. I'm stillstruggling to catch mybreath and build mystamina up! It's a dancethat is so to watch and tomove along with.”

@HOME: What got you started?Were you inspired by someone orsome event?Shawn: I would say my friend, Ashley Goh. If shedidn't ask me to join the class back in 2004, I probablywould never have got started and that would havebeen my greatest regret.Avril: "Innocent Steps". It's a Korean movie on LatinBallroom. Well, there is a love story behind it all too.

@HOME: What were yourimpressions of ballroom dancingbefore you started?Shawn: Before I started ballroom dancing, I onlyknew beautiful people and costumes, moving gracefullyand in Latin, the moves are so sexy and sensual. Funand entertaining!Avril: I had thought that it was meant for old people.We always see the older folks dancing away and it’snot really as popular with the younger crowd.

@HOME: How has your opinionchanged about ballroom dancingnow that you're doing it?Shawn: Well, the impressions still stay but afterengaging in the sport myself, it's a lot of hard work toperfect techniques, your facial expressions, handworkand to learn how to communicate with your partner. It'sall about entertaining the crowd and having a good time.Avril: Gosh. Don't be too quick to judge anything. Itreally isn't a dance for old folks only. I'm still strugglingto catch my breath and build my stamina up! It's adance that is so sexy to watch and to move along with.

@HOME: What do you like aboutthis activity?Shawn: I have grown more comfortable with mybody and it is a great workout. It inculcates disciplineand patience. It is about teamwork and it taught memore about being a gentleman and how to lead a ladylike a man should. It's fun, entertaining and it allowsme to perform for an audience.

Shawn “I have grown morecomfortable with my bodyand it is a great workout.It inculcates discipline andpatience. It is aboutteamwork and it taught memore about being agentleman and how to leada lady like a man should.It's fun, entertaining and itallows me to perform foran audience.”

One was nudged by a friend, another was inspired by a Korean TV drama. Whatever reason they may have, one thing is for sure, Temasek Polytechnic students Shawn Lim Thye Kwee and Avril Phua Huizhen are hooked on ballroom dancing! Shawn is 19 and Avril is 20 and both have discovered a lot more about themselves through this activity. They tell @Home that ballroom dancing is not just about moving graciously.

If you’d like to try ballroom dancing, dropby Tampines West CC on Sundays at3pm-4.30pm at the dance studio. If youlike what you see, sign up at the counter!You pay $67 for 12 lessons if you’re aPAssion card member and $72 if you’rea non-member.To be a member and enjoy so many moreprivileges, see page 10.

Courses for Everyone>>>

www.twcc.org.sg @Home in Tampines West 07

@HOME: Did being a top studentcome as a surprise or did you seeit coming?I was never THE top student at Tampines Primarythough I had been consistently among the top few.In that sense, it was a pleasant surprise that Icame up top at Tampines Primary and was secondin Singapore (just one point below the top)! But,a challenge from one of the teachers that mymarks were not good enough in one of ourpreliminary exams, spurred me and made memore determined than ever !

@HOME: Is there a secret todoing well in exams or are somepeople just smarter than othersnaturally?I believe both factors played a part; nature andnurture. But, I strongly believe "nurture andhardwork" was a stronger bias, generally. To excel,one has to consistently work hard and for me, asa Muslim, to say our prayers. The rest, I leave itto God. My former teachers also deserved creditfor my success and of course not forgetting myloving and caring parents who have guided meall the way till now, who never knew the meaningof boredom and giving up. I believe that these twosouls are the most important persons inmy life.

@HOME: If you could make achange in your neighbourhood,what would you like to do ?I do not have anything to suggest in this area forthe time being. I guess I find the neighbourhoodalready been taken care of very, very well. A.verybig 'Thank You' to the Uncles and Aunties workingat HDB, Area Office, Community Club, etc. Thereare schools, library, mosque, malls, etc. Facilitiesare fine and cleanliness is excellent in theneighbourhood. Someday, if I do have constructivefeedback I would definitely forward them toappropriate office.

DanceStart Date: April 2007Day/Time: Saturday, 3pm-4pmVenue: TWCC Dance StudioTrainer: Vasantha KasinathMs Vasantha started learning Indian Classical Dance at the ageof 10 in India under the famous master Andhayudhapani. Shehas performed in more than 52 cities in Europe and US.Description: Indian dance forms associated with the evolutionand development of Temple arts speak volumes of the greatcultural endeavor.

BadmintonStart Date: May 2007Day/Time: Friday, 8pm-10pmVenue: TWCC Multi Purpose HallTrainer: Peh Ah BeeAh Bee is an avid badminton player who has been practicingthe sport for more than 30 years. She has representedSingapore in competitions, such as the SEAP and East Asiangames.Description: Players score points by striking a shuttlecockwith their rackets so that it passes over the net and lands intheir opponents' half of the court.

PilatesStart Date: End April 2007Day/Time: Sunday, 9.30am-10.30amVenue: TWCC Dance StudioTrainer: Lua Been LianBee Lian is an experienced aerobic trainer who hasbeen conducting classes since 2000. She thenattended the Pilates matwork course conducted byPolestar Education in 2005 and is currently a qualifiesPilates instructor.Description: The programme focuses on the core postural muscles that help keepthe body balanced and are essential to providing support for the spine. In particular,Pilates exercises teach awareness of breath and alignment of the spine, andstrengthen the deep torso muscles, which are important to help alleviate andprevent back pain.

Local delightsStart Date: End April 2007Day/Time: Tuesday, 7.30pm-10pmVenue: TWCC KitchenTrainer: Koh Hong LengHong Leng is a Culinary Art Trainer with morethan 20 years of relevant experience. Shespecializes in local cuisines, festive delicacies andtraditional Chinese Dim Sum.

ArcheryStart Date: Mid May 2007Day/Time: Thursday, 8pm-10pmVenue: TWCC Multi Purpose HallTrainer: George LohGeorge is a certified archery coach with the SingaporeSports Council and the Archery Association of Singapore.He has undergone almost 30 years of professional training.Description: Archery is the practice of using a bow to shootarrows. It has historically been used in hunting and combatand has become a precision sport.

WaltzStart Date: April 2007Day/Time: Sunday, 7pm-8pmVenue: TWCC Dance StudioTrainer: Chong Sheng ZhiMr. Chong has been active in ballroom dancing for morethan 30 years.Description: The basic movement is a three-step sequencethat consists of a step forward or backward, a step to theside, and then a step to close the feet together.

One of Singapore's top

performers at last year's PSLElives in Tampines West and isnow in Raffles Institution. MdFadhli B Md Ikbal is fromTampines Primary School andwith a score of 280, he toppedhis school and is number twoat the national level. @HOMEcatches up with the busyteenager.










Ballroom Latin Samba (Elementary)Start Date: 24 May 07 * $67 (M) / $72 (G)Ballroom Dance – Inter Latin RumbaStart Date: 21 Jun 07 * $72 (M) / $77 (G)Conversational Mandarin (Adult)Start Date: 3 May 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)Guitar Folk (Elementary)Start Date: 19 Apr 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)Archery Start Date: 5 Apr 07 * $60 (M) / $70 (G)Manga Drawing for Teens/AdultsStart Date: 5 Apr 07 * $80 (M) / $85 (G)Teochew Opera DramaStart Date: 12 April 07 * $50 (M) / $55 (G)

Yoga (Intermediate on-going)Start Date: 23 May 07 * $70 (M) / $80 (G)Yoga (Intermediate on-going)Start Date: 16 May 07 * $60 (M) / $70 (G)Montessori Phonics Reading for Nursery K1/K2Start Date: 25 April 07 * $110 (M) / $120 (G)Teochew Opera SingingStart Date: 16 May 07 * $36 (M) / $40 (G)Tae Kwan Do Start Date: 2 May 07 * $25 (M) / $30 (G)

08 @Home in Tampines West www.twcc.org.sg

Courses >>>M




Ballet (Pre-Primary onwards) Start Date: May 07EQ Pawer Writing (Higher Primary)Start Date: 20 May 07 * $100 (M / $105 (G)EQ Pawer Writing (Lower Primary)Start Date: 20 May 07 * $100 (M / $105 (G)Recreational Karaoke Dialect Singing - CantoneseStart Date: 3 Jun 07 * $45 (M / $55 (G)SilatStart Date: 24 Jun 07 * $5.25 (M / $7.35 (G)Phonics and Reading for K1 & K2 (materialfee $10) Start Date: 15 April 07 * $88 (M / $93 (G)Eng-P1/P2 Composition/ Enrichment (materialfee $10) Start Date: 15 April 07 * $93 (M / $98 (G)Eng-P3/P4 Composition/ Enrichment (materialfee $10) Start Date: 15 April 07$98 (M / $103 (G)Eng-P5/P6 Composition/ Enrichment (materialfee $10) Start Date: 15 April 07 * $103 (M / $108 (G)Chinese Calligraphy for ChildrenStart Date: 20 May 07 * $80 (M / $85 (G)Ballroom Dance (Student) Inter Latin Cha ChaStart Date: 11 Mar 07 * $67 (M / $72 (G)Chinese Stretching Dance for AdultsStart Date: 6 May 07 * $50 (M / $55 (G)Ballroom Dance (Ele Latin Rumba)Start Date: 1 April 07 * $67 (M / $72 (G)Pilates – Matwork for BeginnerStart Date: 29 April 07 * $80 (M / $85 (G)Malay DramaIn-Line SkatingStart Date: 1 April 07 * $50 (M / 46 (G)Ballroom Dance (Inter Waltz)Start Date: 1 April 07 * $90 (M) / $100 (G)Ballroom Dance (Ele Tango)Start Date: 1 April 07 * $80 (M) / $ 90 (G)

NOTE: All dates indicated below are tentative and are subject to changes without prior notification. Please confirm dates and time with the CC.

Nonya Cooking & Kueh MakingStart Date: 21 May 07 * $60 (M) / $65 (G)Social Dance(Elementary 2 Rock & Roll, Square Rumba)Start Date: 23 Apr 07 * $57 (M) / $62 (G)Ballroom Dance (Salsa)Start Date: 23 Apr 07 * $62 (M) / $67 (G)Teochew Opera Singing SessionStart Date: 26 Feb 07 * $20 (M) / $20 (G)Aikido (Adult)Start Date: 23 Apr 07 * $90 (M) $95 (G)Aikido (Children)Start Date: 23 Apr 07 * $90 (M) / $95.00 (G)

Local Delights Start Date: 29 May 07 * $35 (M) / $40 (G)Restaurant CookingStart Date: 17 April 07 * $35 (M) / $40 (G)Taijiquan (Chinese)Start Date: 3 April 07 * $36 (M) / $42 (G)Wushu Start Date: 19 Jun 07 * $31 (M) / $36 (G)Conversational English (Adult)Start Date: 3 April 07 * $65 (M) / $75 (G)Chinese Tuition (P3 & P4)Start Date: 24 April 07 * $80 (M) / $85 (G)Chinese Tuition (P5 & P6)Start Date: 24 April 07 * $85 (M) / $90 (G)Recreational Karaoke Dialect Singing – HokkienStart Date: 29 May 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)Recreational Karaoke Dialect Singing – HokkienStart Date: 29 May 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)Conversational Malay $70 (M) / $75 (G)







Creative Writing/Comprehension inChinese P3 – P6 Start Date: 13 April 07 * $70 (M) / $75 (G)Chinese Tuition (P1 – P2)Start Date: 27 April 07 * $80 (M) / $85 (G)Cake Making (Stage 2)Start Date: 04 May 07 * $50 (M) / $55 (G)

Children Art Start Date: 08 Jun 07 * $90 (M) / $95 (G)Aerobics Start Date: 13 April 07 * $55 (M) / $60 (G)Training-Karaoke Pop Songs (Mandarin)Start Date: 1 Jun 07 * $80 (M) / $90 (G)Badminton Course Start Date: 1 Jun 07 * $55 (M) / $65 (G)



Ballet (Pre-Pri to Elementary)Start Date: 14 April 07 TentativeYoga (Intermediate) On-goingStart Date: 28 April 07 * $70 (M) / $80 (G)Yoga (Intermediate) New ClassStart Date: 19 May 07 * $70 (M) / $80 (G)Hanyu Pinyin K1-K2 (Materials Fee $5)Start Date: 26 May 07 * $65 (M) / $70 (G)Creative Writing / Comprehension inChinese (P1-P3) Start Date: 28 April 07 * $70 (M) / $75 (G)Children Art Start Date: 28 April 07 * $90 (M) / $95 (G)Children Art Start Date: 16 Jun 07 * $90 (M) / $95 (G)Children Art Start Date: 05 May 07 * $90 (M) / $95 (G)Yoga (Elementary) New ClassStart Date: 19 May 07 * $60 (M) / $70 (G)Indian Classical Dance (Elementary)Start Date: 23 Jun 07 * $105 (M) / $110 (G)Indian Classical Dance (Intermediate)Start Date: 23 Jun 07 * $115 (M) / $120 (G)Indian Classical Dance (Advance)Start Date: 23 Jun 07 * $125 (M) / $130 (G)Maths-P5 Start Date: 19 May 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)Maths-P6 Start Date: 19 May 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)Montessori Phonics Reading for Nursery K1/K2Start Date: 14 April 07 * $110 (M) / $120 (G)Montessori Phonics ReadingStart Date: 26 May 07 * $110 (M) / $120 (G)Personal Make-up & Skincare WorkshopStart Date: 7 Apr 07 * $10.50 (M) / $15 (G)Chocolate Hand Bouquet (New)Start Date: 14 Apr 07 * $12 (M) / $15 (G)Vocal Training-Karaoke Pop songs(Mandarin)Start Date: 21 April 07 * $80 (M) / $85 (G)

(M) Member, (G) Non-Member

Contest >>>

10 @Home in Tampines West www.twcc.org.sg

Fill in the portion below and submit it personally to TWCC or email us your answersto [email protected]

Closing date 30 April 2007.Winners will be notified by Tampines West Community Club in May 2007.

entry form (April - June 2007)


What is the outstanding physical feature ofTampines West Community Club?<A> Clock Tower<B> Triangular Roof<C> Basketball Court


How frequent is the flea market organizedby Tampines West Community Club held?<A> Every weekend<B> Once a month<C> Once every three months







The People’s Association (PA) PAssion Card is a new membership cardfor grassroots leaders of the PA and members of the communitycentres/clubs (CCs). It is the Card that links you to your community whileengaging in wholesome lifestyle activities.

With the PAssion Card, you are ready to embark on a new and excitinglifestyle right on your doorstep! Enjoy discounts for quality courses andactivities at our conveniently located CCs*, plus a host of other privileges.the PAssion Card, you are ready to embark on a new and exciting lifestyleright on your doorstep! Enjoy discounts for quality courses and activitiesat our conveniently located CCs*, plus a host of other privileges.

About PAssion Card

Discount Coupon$2 off subscription fee

Only valid in Tampines West Community ClubValid till 30 June 2007

Redemption CouponFREE Goodie Bag

Only valid in Tampines West Community ClubWhilst stocks last!

*Subscription Fee:

$10 (principal) $8 (supplementary)


If you have …

www.twcc.org.sg @Home in Tampines West 11

1 hour Write about an interestingperson or corner inTampines West. Send yourarticles and contact detailsto us (see page 2)

4 hourseach month help out at Ju Eng homeProvide haircut service forsenior citizens or serve askitchen helperson 28th of every month(except Sunday),9am to 1pm atJu Eng Homefor Senior CitizensContact: Ms Violet OngTel: 67881912

One day help clean/paint a flatHelp to clean/paintflats of needy residentsin Tampines WestContact: Ms Joey SimTel: 67881912

Next issue:  watch out for our readers' pick of the best local

dishes in Tampines West! You can always email us your favourite

stall to [email protected]

The centre also providesthe following services:

Netsurfing at $1 perhour for members and$2 for non-members

eCitizen services(e.g. Income taxe-filing, application forSingpass, etc)

Photocopying,laminating, printingand faxing

IT Courses

 Look no further than your own neighbourhood! Here in oneof Singapore's eClubs, you will find volunteers, ready to help you! NorthEast - Tampines West IT centreBlk 943, Tampines Avenue 5,#01-271 ,Singapore 520943.Contact: Tel: 6782 3761 Fax: 6789 1872Email: [email protected]

Need help with e-filing your incometax forms? Want to learn a newcomputer course?

*Residents of TAMPINES WEST Constituency who are 45 years old & above and who are unemployedor with low income ($500/pax or $2000/family income) can apply for a course subsidy.

Course Duration Hours Full Rate Subsidized Fee*MEMBER N-MEMBER *MEMBER N-MEMBER

Basic 1 2 Days 6 Hrs $40 $45 $8 $18

Basic 2 2 Days 6 Hrs $40 $45 $16 $27

Microsoft Office 1 4 Days 12 Hrs $95 $115 $66.50 $92

Microsoft Office 2 4 Days 12 Hrs $95 $115 $76 $103.50

Adobe Photoshop 3 Days 9 Hrs $60 $65 $48 $52

Multimedia Web 5 Days 15 Hrs $115 $120 $92 $96Page Design
