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Magnitudes, Fórmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades

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  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    Magnitude 8 and Greater Earthquakes Since 1900

    Sorted by Date

    Sorted by Magnitude

    Sorted by Number of Fataities

    Display Magnitude 8 Earthquakesin Google Earth.

    Date - UTC - Time Latitude Longitude Magnitude Fatalities Region

    1.1902-06-11 05: 50.00 148.00 8.0 Sea ofOkhotsk

    2.1903-01-04 05:07 -20.00 -175.00 8.0 Tonga

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    3.1903-08-11 04:32 36.36 22.97 8.3 southernGreece

    4.1905-07-09 09:40 49.0 99.0 8.4 ongo!"a

    5.1905-07-23 02:46 49.0 98.0 8.4 centra!ongo!"a

    6.1906-01-31 15:36 1.0 -81.5 8.8 1#000$o!o%&"a-'cua(or

    7.1906-08-17 00:40 -33.0 -72.0 8.2 3#882)a!*ara"so#$h"!e

    8.1907-10-21 04:23 38.00 69.00 8.0 +fghan"stan

    9.1908-12-12 12:08 -14.0 -78.0 8.2 off the coastof centra!,eru

    10.1911-06-15 14:26 28.0 130.0 8.1 12uku/s!an(s#a*an

    11.1914-05-26 14:22 -2. 137. 8.0 est eGu"nea

    12.1915-05-01 05:00 47. 155. 8.0 ur"!e/s!an(s

    13.1917-05-01 18:26 -29.0 -177.0 8.0 er%a(ec/s!an(s#eea!an(

    14.1917-06-26 05:49 -15.0 -173.0 8.4 Tonga

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    15.1918-08-15 12:18 5.653 123.563 8.0 50$e!e&es Sea

    16.1918-09-07 17:16 45.5 151.5 8.2 ur"! /s!an(s

    17.1919-04-30 07:17 -19.823 -172.215 8.2 Tongareg"on

    18.1920-06-05 04:21 23.5 122.0 8.0 Ta"anreg"on

    19.1920-09-20 14:39 -20.0 168.0 8.0 oa!t/s!an(s

    20.1922-11-11 04:32 -28.553 -70.755 8.5 $h"!e-+rgent"naor(er

    21.1923-02-03 16:01 54.0 161.0 8.5 a%chatka

    22.1924-04-14 16:20 7.023 125.954 8.3 "n(anao#,h"!"**"nes

    23.1928-06-17 03:19 16.33 -96.7 8.0 Oaaca#e"co

    24.1931-08-10 21:18 47.1 89.8 8.0 5northern"n"ang#$h"na

    25.1932-06-03 10:36 19.84 -103.99 8.1 a!"sco#e"co

    26.1933-03-02 17:31 39.22 144.62 8.4 2#990Sanr"ku#a*an

    27.1934-01-15 08:43 27.55 87.09 8.1 10#700"har# /n("a

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    28.1938-02-01 19:04 -5.05 131.62 8.5 an(a Sea

    29.1938-11-10 20:18 55.33 -158.37 8.2 Shu%ag"n/s!an(s#+!aska

    30.1939-04-30 02:55 -10.5 158.5 8.0 So!o%on/s!an(s

    31.1940-05-24 16:33 -10.5 -77.0 8.2 near the$oast ofcentra! ,eru

    32.1941-11-25 18:03 37.171 -18.960 8.2 +;ores-$a*eSt. )"ncent"(ge

    33.1942-08-24 22:50 -15.0 -76.0 8.2 atoGrosso#ra;"!

    34.1943-04-06 16:07 -30.75 -72.0 8.2 18off the coastof$o

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    38.1946-08-04 17:51 19.25 -69.00 8.0 100>o%"n"cane*u&!"c

    39.1946-12-20 19:19 32.5 134.5 8.1 1#330anka"(o#a*an

    40.1948-01-24 17:46 10.5 122.0 8.2 72,ana#,h"!"**"nes

    41.1949-08-22 04:01 53.62 -133.27 8.1 ?ueen$har!otte

    /s!an(# .$.#$ana(a

    42.1950-08-15 14:09 28.5 96.5 8.6 1#526+ssa%-T"&et

    43.1952-03-04 01:22 42.5 143.0 8.1 31@okka"(o#a*anreg"on

    44.1952-11-04 16:58 52.76 160.06 9.0 a%chatka#uss"a

    45.1957-03-09 14:22 51.56 -175.39 8.6 +n(reanof/s!an(s#+!aska

    46.1957-12-04 03:37 45.15 99.21 8.1 Go&"-+!ta"#ongo!"a

    47.1958-11-06 22:58 44.329 148.623 8.3 ur"! /s!an(s

    48.1959-05-04 07:15 53.351 159.645 8.2 1near theeast coastofa%chatka

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    49.1960-05-22 19:11 -38.29 -73.05 9.5 1#655$h"!e

    50.1963-10-13 05:17 44.9 149.6 8.5 ur"! /s!an(s

    51.1964-03-28 03:36 61.02 -147.65 9.2 125,r"nce"!!"a%Soun(#+!aska

    52.1965-02-04 05:01 51.21 -178.50 8.7 at /s!an(s#+!aska

    53.1966-10-17 21:41 -10.807 -78.684 8.1 125near thecoast ofcentra! ,eru

    54.1968-05-16 00:49 40.903 143.346 8.2 47off the eastcoast of@onshu#a*an

    55.1969-08-11 21:27 43.478 147.815 8.2 ur"! /s!an(s

    56.1970-07-31 17:08 -1.49 -72.56 8.0 $o!o%&"a

    57.1971-01-10 07:17 -3.132 139.697 8.1 ,a*ua#/n(ones"a

    58.1974-10-03 14:21 -12.254 -77.524 8.1 78near thecoast ofcentra! ,eru

    59.1976-08-16 16:11 6.292 124.090 8.0 8#000"n(anao#,h"!"**"nes

    60.1977-06-22 12:08 -22.878 -175.900 8.1 Tonga

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades



    61.1977-08-19 06:08 -11.085 118.464 8.3 100south of


    62.1979-12-12 07:59 1.598 -79.358 8.1 600near thecoast of'cua(or

    63.1985-03-03 22:47 -33.135 -71.871 8.0 177offshore


    64.1985-09-19 13:17 18.190 -102.533 8.0 9#500"choacan#e"co

    65.1986-05-07 22:47 51.520 -174.776 8.0 +n(reanof/s!an(s#+!eut"an


    66.1989-05-23 10:54 -52.341 160.568 8.1 ac

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades



    71.1996-02-17 05:59 -0.891 136.952 8.2 166/r"an aa


    72.1998-03-25 03:12 -62.877 149.527 8.1 a!!en/s!an(sreg"on

    73.2000-11-16 04:54 -3.980 152.169 8.0 2e /re!an(

    reg"on#,a*ua eGu"nea

    74.2001-06-23 20:33 -16.264 -73.641 8.4 75near thecoast ofsouthern,eru

    75.2003-09-25 19:50 41.815 143.910 8.3 @okka"(o#a*anreg"on

    76.2004-12-23 14:59 -49.312 161.345 8.1 north ofac

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    80.2006-11-15 11:14 46.592 153.226 8.3 ur"! /s!an(s

    81.2007-01-13 04:23:21 46.243 154.524 8.1 'ast of the

    ur"! /s!an(s

    82.2007-04-01 20:39:58 -8.466 157.043 8.1 34So!o%on/s!an(s

    83.2007-08-15 23:40:57 -13.386 -76.603 8.0 650ear the$oast of$entra! ,eru

    84.2007-09-12 11:10:26 -4.438 101.367 8.5 25SouthernSu%atra#/n(ones"a

    South Latitudes and West Longitudes are indicated by

    NEGA!"E nu#bers.

    Source$ %SGS NE!& 'DE catalog( Data are preli#inary.

    /n *artnersh"* "th n e hr*

    +&out =s

    $ontact =s


    +ccess"&"!"tBO/+,r"Aac,o!"c"es an( ot"ces

    =.S. >e*art%ent of the /nter"orC =.S. Geo!og"ca!




  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    Earthquakes Magnitude 8.0 and Greater Since 1990

    Year Month Day Time


    !atitude !ongitude De"th


    Magnitude %egion

    1 1994 06 09 00:33:16.2 -13.841 -67.533 631 8.2 Northern


    2 1994 10 04 13:22:55.8 43.773 147.321 14 8.3 Kuril


    3 1995 07 30 05:11:23.6 -23.340 -70.294 46 8.0 Near oast




    4 1995 10 09 15:35:53.9 19.055 -104.205 33 8.0 Near oast

    o! "alis#o$


    5 1996 02 17 05:59:30.5 -0.891 136.952 33 8.2 Irian "a'a



    6 1998 03 25 03:12:25.0 -62.877 149.527 10 8.1 Ballen'



    7 2000 11 16 04:54:56.7 -3.980 152.169 33 8.0 Ne*Ireland

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades




    8 2001 06 23 20:33:14.1 -16.265 -73.641 33 8.4 Near oast

    o! +eru

    9 2003 09 25 19:50:06.3 41.815 143.910 27 8.3 oaido$"a/an


    10 2004 12 23 14:59:04.3 -50.240 160.133 10 8.1 North o!



    11 2004 12 26 00:58:53.4 3.307 95.951 10 9.1 !! est

    oast o!



    12 2005 03 28 16:09:36.2 2.074 97.013 30 8.6 Northern



    13 2006 05 03 15:26:40.2 -20.187 -174.123 55 8.0 on)a

    14 2006 11 15 11:14:13.5 46.592 153.226 10 8.3 Kuril


    15 2007 01 13 04:23:21.1 46.243 154.524 10 8.1 ast o! the



    16 2007 04 01 20:39:57.4 -8.487 156.986 18 8.1 oloon


    17 2007 08 15 23:40:57.9 -13.353 -76.511 39 8.0 Near the

    oast o!



    18 2007 09 12 11:10:26.8 -4.438 101.367 34 8.5 outhern



    South Latitudes and West Longitudes are indicated by NEGA!"E nu#bers.

    Source$ %SGS NE!& 'DE catalog( Data are preli#inary.

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    Deaths &rom Magnitude 8 and Greater Earthquakes

    Since 1990



    Magnitude 'um(er


    1994 06 09 Northern Bolivia 8.2 10

    1994 10 04 Kuril Islands 8.3 11

    1995 07 30 Near oast o! Northern hile 8.0 3

    1995 10 09 Near oast o! "alis#o$ %e&i#o 8.0 49

    1996 02 17 Irian "a'a (e)ion$ Indonesia 8.2 166

    1998 03 25 Ballen' Islands (e)ion 8.1 0

    2000 11 16 Ne* Ireland (e)ion$ +.N.,. 8.0 2

    2001 06 23 Near oast o! +eru 8.4 138

    2003 09 25 oaido$ "a/an (e)ion 8.3 0

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    2004 12 23 North o! %a#uarie Island 8.1 0

    2004 12 26 !! est oast o! Northern uatra 9.1 283106

    2005 03 28 Northern uatra$ Indonesia 8.6 1313

    2006 05 03 on)a 8.0 0

    2006 11 15 Kuril Islands 8.3 0

    2007 01 13 ast o! the Kuril Islands 8.1 0

    2007 04 01 oloon Islands 8.1 34

    2007 08 15 Near the oast o! entra +eru 8.0 650

    2007 09 12 outhern uatra$ Indonesia 8.5 25

    otal 285507

    Are Earthquakes )eally on the !ncrease*

    Earthquake +acts and Statistics Magnitude De,initions %sed by the NE!&

    he )ichter Magnitude Scale

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    Magnitude ! "ntensity

    Magnitude De&initions Used (y the 'E+

    Designator 'ame ,ormu*a

    %* %oent %a)nitude ans and Kanaori !orula 1979

    M- #/$ *og Mo 2 10.3

    *here Mois the s#alar oent o! the est doule

    #ou/le in d'ne-#.

    %e ner)' %a)nitude hese ener)' a)nitudes are #o/uted !ro the

    radiated ener)' usin) the ho' and Boat*ri)ht

    1995 !orula

    Me #/$ *og Es 2 /.9

    *here Esis the radiated seisi# ener)' in

    Ne*ton-eters. Me$ #o/uted !ro hi)h

    !reuen#' seisi# data$ is a easure o! the

    seisi# /otential !or daa)e.

    %s ur!a#e ave


    I;+I !orula

    Ms *og #4T$ 5 1.66 *og D 5 .



    is the a&iu )round a/litude in

    i#roeters i#rons o! the verti#al

    #o/onent o! the sur!a#e *ave *ithin the

    /eriod ran)e 18

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    a)nitudes !ro re/orted and ; data.

    I! the un#ertaint' o! the #o/uted de/th is

    #onsidered )reat enou)h that the de/th #ould e

    less than 50 iloeters$ an %s value a' still e

    /ulished$ #o/uted ' the I;+I !orula and

    N #orre#ted !or de/th.

    In )eneral$ the %s a)nitude is ore reliale than

    the a)nitude as a eans o! 'ieldin) the

    relative @siAe@ o! a shallo*-!o#us earthuae.

    o/ressional Bod'

    ave +-*ave%a)nitude

    m( *og #4T$ 57#Dh$

    de!ined ' ,utener)and (i#hter1956 ee/t

    that T$ the /eriod in se#onds$ is restri#ted to 0.1

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    Magnitude # "ntensity $om%arison

    Magnitude and !ntensity #easure di,,erent characteristics o, earthquakes.

    Magnitude #easures the energy released at the source o, the earthquake.

    Magnitude is deter#ined ,ro# #easure#ents on seis#ographs. !ntensity#easures the strength o, shaking produced by the earthquake at a certain

    location. !ntensity is deter#ined ,ro# e,,ects on people- hu#an structures- and

    the natural eniron#ent.

    he ,ollo/ing table gies intensities that are typically obsered at locations

    near the epicenter o, earthquakes o, di,,erent #agnitudes.

    Magnitude /

    Intensity Comparison

    Magnitude TypicalMaximumModifiedMercalli


    1! - "! I

    "! - "# II - III

    $! - $# I% - %

    &! - %I - %II

    '! - '# %II - I(



    *++re,iated Modified Mercalli Intensity


    I. ot fe!t ece*t & a Aer fe un(er es*ec"a!!

    faAora&!e con("t"ons.

    II. Be!t on! & a fe *ersons at rest# es*ec"a!!

    on u**er f!oors of &u"!("ngs.

    III. Be!t "shes# "n(os# (oors ("stur&e(F a!!s %ake

    crack"ng soun(. Sensat"on !"ke heaA truckstr"k"ng &u"!("ng. Stan("ng %otor cars rocke(


    %. Be!t & near! eAeroneF %an aakene(.

    So%e ("shes# "n(os &roken. =nsta&!e o&ects

    oAerturne(. ,en(u!u% c!ocks %a sto*.

    %I. Be!t & a!!# %an fr"ghtene(. So%e heaA

    furn"ture %oAe(F a fe "nstances of fa!!en

  • 8/9/2019 Magnitudes, Frmulas, Estadisticas, Intensidades


    *!aster. >a%age s!"ght.

    %II. >a%age neg!"g"&!e "n &u"!("ngs of goo(

    (es"gn an( construct"onF s!"ght to %o(erate "n

    e!!-&u"!t or("nar structuresF cons"(era&!e

    (a%age "n *oor! &u"!t or &a(! (es"gne(

    structuresF so%e ch"%nes &roken.

    %III. >a%age s!"ght "n s*ec"a!! (es"gne(

    structuresF cons"(era&!e (a%age "n or("nar

    su&stant"a! &u"!("ngs "th *art"a! co!!a*se.

    >a%age great "n *oor! &u"!t structures. Ba!! of

    ch"%nes# factor stacks# co!u%ns# %onu%ents#

    a!!s. @eaA furn"ture oAerturne(.

    I(. >a%age cons"(era&!e "n s*ec"a!! (es"gne(

    structuresF e!!-(es"gne( fra%e structures

    thron out of *!u%&. >a%age great "n

    su&stant"a! &u"!("ngs# "th *art"a! co!!a*se.

    u"!("ngs sh"fte( off foun(at"ons.

    (. So%e e!!-&u"!t oo(en structures (estroe(F

    %ost %asonr an( fra%e structures (estroe("th foun(at"ons. a"!s &ent.

    (I. Be# "f an %asonrH structures re%a"n

    stan("ng. r"(ges (estroe(. a"!s &ent great!.

    (II. >a%age tota!. "nes of s"ght an( !eAe! are

    ("storte(. O&ects thron "nto the a"r.

    /n *artnersh"* "th n e hr*

    =: htt*:DDearth
