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Manchester Pedal Cyclists Survey (2004) GMTU Report 931

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  • 8/3/2019 Manchester Pedal Cyclists Survey (2004) GMTU Report 931





    MAY 2004



    This report presents the results of GMTU's pedal cyclist surveys

    conducted at four sites in the City of Manchester during May 2004.

    The information presented includes:

    Survey description

    Analysis of questionnaire responses

    Cycling characteristics at each site

    GMTU Report 931 September 2004P JacksonM OBrien

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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004


  • 8/3/2019 Manchester Pedal Cyclists Survey (2004) GMTU Report 931


    GMTU Report 931 September 2004



    1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.....................................................................................1

    2. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................2

    3. SURVEY DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................3

    3. SAMPLE SIZE.....................................................................................................5

    4. ANALYSIS OF QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES ..............................................6

    5. COMPARISON OF SURVEYS AT EACH SITE................................................13

    6. ORIGINS AND DESTINATIONS OF CYCLISTS JOURNEYS..........................25

    7. MEASURES TO ENCOURAGE MORE CYCLING ...........................................26

    8. FACILITIES IN MANCHESTER ........................................................................31

    9. DANGEROUS JUNCTIONS..............................................................................42


    UNIVERSITY SURVEY .....................................................................................43

    11 RUSHOLME REGENERATION SCHEME........................................................55

    12 GENERAL COMMENTS...................................................................................56

    APPENDIX 1 QUESTIONNAIRE AND FLASHCARDS .........................................58








    GMTU Report 931 Appendices 2-8 are contained in the following separate documents:

    Rep931 Appendix 2.pdf and

    Rep931 Appendices 3-8.pdf

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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004



    1.1 In May 2004 GMTU interviewed cyclists at four sites on City of Manchesterroads to determine their characteristics and attitudes to and opinions of cyclingfacilities in Manchester. 514 interviews were conducted giving a 43% sample

    of cyclists passing the sites. This was followed in June by an email survey of asample of Manchester University employees who cycle. 45 responses werereceived from this survey.

    1.2 The main findings of the surveys were:

    76% of cyclists were male: 64% were 25 or over: and 91% were white.

    The most common journey purpose was work (54%) followed byeducation (19%). 64% of those interviewed were in employment and28% were students.

    99% used their bike at least once per week and 92% used it nearlyevery day.

    The most common reason given for cycling was for health/fitness(83%).

    40% of those interviewed had access to a car for their journey.

    45% of cyclists said that the single step that would encourage them tocycle more was more cycle lanes.

    The type of facility which cyclists liked most in Manchester were directroutes with a cycle lane on the road.

    73% of cyclists said that they chose to cycle on the footway sometimes.The most common reasons given for this was to avoid high volumes oftraffic and hazards at specific points.

    1.3 Cyclists were also asked a series of open questions about various aspects ofcycling in Manchester. The most frequent comments received were:

    Discontinuous cycle lanes, poor maintenance of these and roadsurfaces generally and poor driver behaviour were seen as the biggestproblems facing cyclists in Manchester

    Oxford Road between the BBC and St Peters Square was the mostregularly quoted most dangerous stretch of road for cyclists inManchester.

    1.4 Cyclists who were interviewed on Wilmslow Road were also asked theiropinion of the recently implemented Rusholme Safety and RegenerationScheme. Over half (57%) gave favourable comments about the scheme.

    1.5 Full results of the roadside interview surveys are presented in this report,together with traffic counts at each of the survey sites.

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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004


    2.1 In October 1993 GMTU undertook roadside interview surveys of cyclists at sixsites on roads in the City of Manchester. The objective of these surveys was toestablish the characteristics of cyclists and their attitudes to and opinions of

    cycling facilities. 803 interviews were conducted giving a 60% sample ofcyclists passing the sites. The results of the surveys were presented in GMTUReport 306 (Reference 1).

    2.2 In 2004 the Chief Executives Transport Policy Unit subsequentlycommissioned a further study to provide an update on the findings of the 1993surveys to determine current cyclist characteristics and perceptions. It wasdecided that these new surveys should follow a very similar format to thosecarried out in 1993. Additional questions were asked, however, on opinions ofwhere specific good and bad cycling facilities exist in Manchester, and oncyclists attitudes to cycling on the footway.

    2.3 The aims of the new survey were to determine:

    Which groups of people cycle in Manchester

    What journeys they make and what are the purposes of these journeys

    What are their reasons for cycling

    Which facilities in Manchester do cyclists prefer/disapprove of/find most

    dangerous, and what steps would encourage them to cycle more

    The attitude of cyclists to cycling on the footway

    2.4 In May 2004 GMTU therefore undertook roadside interview surveys of cyclistsat the following four sites: Oxford Street, Princess Street, Wilmslow Road, andBarlow Moor Road.

    2.5 A total of 514 interviews were undertaken over five days representing anoverall sample of 43% of all cyclists passing the sites. This report presents a

    description of the surveys, the survey sites and a full analysis of the surveydata.

    2.6 A supplementary e-mail survey was undertaken in June 2004, through thedistribution of questionnaires to staff cyclists at the University of Manchester.These volunteers participated in the City Councils Bike to Work day on 16 thJune 2004 as part of the National Bike Week celebrations, and agreed tocomplete the questionnaire. The University returned a total of 45 questionnaires,and an analysis of the responses has been included in Section 11.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004


    3.1 The surveys took the form of interviews of pedal cyclists at each of the sites.Cyclists were requested to slow down and enter an interview bay at thekerbside by a uniformed traffic warden. Traffic cones and specially designed

    traffic census signs were used to define the bay and give advance warning tocyclists. Only cyclists aged 16 or over were interviewed. A photo of theinterview bay as it operated on Princess Street can be seen on the title pageof this report.

    3.2 Once in the bay, cyclists were asked a series of questions by GMTUinterviewers. An example of the questionnaire and the flashcards used forquestions 5.2, 7, 9 and 10 are given in Appendix 1.

    3.3 The interviews were undertaken in one direction only to avoid surveying thesame people who were surveyed in the morning on their way home in the

    evening. In addition to the interviews. Classified traffic counts were undertakenat the same locations in the same direction as the interview surveys. Thecontrol counts are summarised in Appendix 2. Interviews and link countscovered the 12 hour time period 0700-1900 with the exception of OxfordStreet which was surveyed 0700-1300 and Princess Street which wassurveyed 1300-1900.

    3.4 The sites surveyed with their survey dates are shown in Table 1. The locationsare also shown in Figure 1. It was decided to survey only the busiest three ofthe original six sites. Of the sites surveyed in 1993, the three busiest wereOxford Road/Princess Road (470 cycles/day), Yew Tree Road (430cycles/day) and Barlow Moor Road (250 cycles/day). It was thereforeproposed that these should be surveyed again in 2004. Following site re-assessments however, Yew Tree Road was found to be now only lightly usedby cyclists and Wilmslow Road, Fallowfield was therefore chosen in its place.The dates for the surveys were constrained by the need to interview beforethe end of the university summer term (11 June).

    Table 1 2004 Pedal Cyclists Surveys-Locations and Dates

    Site Number Site Name Direction To Date Surveyed





    Oxford Street

    Princess Street

    Barlow Moor Road

    Wilmslow Road



    N & S (part)


    Tuesday 25 May 2004

    Tuesday 25 May 2004

    Wednesday 26 May 2004

    Thursday 27 May 2004


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    4.1 Table 2 shows for each site, the number of interviews conducted, the totalnumber of pedal cyclists observed passing the site in the direction interviewedand the resulting sample size.

    Table 2 2004 Pedal Cyclist Interview Interview Sample Sizes


    No. ofCyclists


    No. of Cycles Counted(% of Total Vehicle

    Flow)SampleSize (%)

    1. Oxford Street 101 220 (4.2) 46%

    2. Princess Street 94 222 (3.6) 42%

    3. Barlow Moor Road (N) 99 177 () 56%

    Barlow Moor Road (S) 28 156 () 18%

    4. Wilmslow Road 192 424 (5.9) 45%

    All Sites 514 1199 43%

    4.2 In total 514 interviews were conducted over the five days representing anoverall sample size of 43%.

    4.3 The largest numbers of interviews were undertaken on Wilmslow Road whichwas a busy site for cyclists, both in terms of the total number and the

    proportion of total vehicle flows. Almost 6% of vehicles were pedal cycles onWilmslow Road, compared with less than 1% on a typical B-road in GreaterManchester (Reference 2).

    4.4 At the Barlow Moor Road site the northbound on-highway direction wassurveyed in a similar fashion to the other three sites with 99 out of 177 cyclistsinterviewed (56%). The opportunity was also taken to interview southboundcyclists who were using the off-road cycle track adjacent to Chorlton Park.Only 28 out of a total of 156 southbound cyclists could be interviewedhowever.

    4.5 The weather on each of the survey days was good, mainly dry, bright andsunny for the duration of the surveys.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004


    5.1 Once completed, the questionnaire results were coded and entered into acomputer database for analysis. Results of the surveys at the four sites arepresented below. It should be noted that the percentages quoted represent

    proportions of the number of cyclists who actually responded to each separatequestion, as opposed to a proportion of the total sample. A summary of theresponses to all questions is provided at the end of this section. Results aresummarised in tables and graphs. The graphs include the responses obtainedin 1993 where available.

    5.2 Details of the responses to all questions are given in the Summary of Resultstable following this section

    5.3 The analysis shows that 76% (380) of those interviewed were male and 24%(120) were female. 36% (182) were under 25 years old and 64% (317) were

    25 or over. These figures are shown, together with the ethnic origin of thoseinterviewed as recorded by the interviewers, in Table 3. (where totals do notsum to 514 this is because information was not provided in a few cases).

    Table 3 Sex, Age and Ethnic Origin of Cyclists Interviewed


    All Sites(514)



    Barlow MoorRoad(127)















    Under 25 36% (182) 24% (24) 39% (36) 27% (34) 49% (88)

    25 and Over 64% (317) 76% (76) 61% (56) 73% (92) 51% (93)

























































    5.4 For comparison, in the 2001 Census 49% of the residents of Manchester weremale compared to 76% in our sample of cyclists, 78% were aged 25 or over(of those aged 16 and over) in the census compared to 64%*. (*The Office forNational Statistics has acknowledged that the 2001 Census undercounted thepopulation in Manchester and the population estimate for 2001 has beenincreased by 20,000 to 418,600. However, 2001 Census data will not berevised, and users are advised to take account of the 6.6% shortfall inpopulation between the 2001 Census count and this revised 2001 Mid-YearEstimate for the city).


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    5.5 The most common journey purpose was work (54%), with education comingsecond at 19%. 64% of those interviewed were in employment and 28% werestudents. Unemployed people made up 4% of those interviewed. Journeypurpose and employment status are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3 respectively.These graphs show a larger proportion of cyclists in full-time employment and

    cycling to work than in 1993.

    5.6 59% of the employers of those interviewed (who responded that they were inemployment) provide secure cycle parking. Lockers were the least commonfacility provided but even those were provided by 28% of the employers ofthose interviewed. 17% of employers provide all facilities and 29% providednone. The provision of these facilities is illustrated in Figure 4. The resultsneed to be interpreted with some caution: they do not mean that employersmake good provision for cyclists: only that of those in employment who cycle,71% work for employers who make some provision for their employees whocycle to work (i.e. any or all of the facilities). The results are similar to those in

    1993, except there appear to be fewer employers providing lockers. Whenasked whether they would cycle to work more frequently if the employerprovided more facilities, 41% of respondents agreed that they would, while59% said it would make no difference.

    5.7 The question on frequency of cycling shows that these are regular cyclists with99% using their bike at least once per week and 92% using it nearly everyday.

    5.8 The most common reason given by those interviewed for using their bike inpreference to other forms of transport was for health and fitness (83%).Quicker as a response came second at 82% and cheaper third at 77%. 47%offered concern for the environment as their reason for using their bike. 40%of those interviewed had access to a car for their journey.

    5.9 6% (30) of people gave some other reason for cycling. 27% of these (8) saidthey cycled for enjoyment and leisure and 17% for convenience and reliability.Cyclists reasons for using their bikes are illustrated in Figure 5.

    5.10 The single step which would encourage most of these cyclists to cycle more ismore and safer cycle lanes (45%). Just under 10% gave the second most

    referred to option of improved maintenance (including cleaning), and improvedroad surfaces. Further information on the responses to this question areincluded in Section 7 and in Appendix 4.

    5.11 When asked about what facility for cyclists was most preferred in the City,48% mentioned cycle lanes. The most common preference was for anylocation where the lanes are continuous, and most of these cyclists found thatsuch lanes are safe and convenient. 14% of cyclists stated that their preferredfacility was an off-road cycle track, while a further 14% listed areas with goodsecurity, or where there were convenient places to lock up bikes. Many of theresponses to this question listed specific routes and locations, details of which

    can be found in Section 8 and Appendix 5.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004









    Home Education Work Shopping Social /


    Personal Employer 's




    2004 Data

    1993 Data









    Student Unemployed Employed




    GMTU Report 931, Figure 3: EMPLOYMENT STATUS

    2004 Data

    1993 Data


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    Health/Fitness Cheaper Quicker Environmental


    Public Transport


    Usual Transport



    GMTU Report 931, Figure 5: WHY DO YOU USE YOUR BIKE ?

    2004 Data

    1993 Data










    Cycle Parking Lockers Changing Rooms Showers None of These


    2004 Data

    1993 Data


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    5.12 The least favourite facilities for cyclists in the city was also cycle lanes (21%)with a further 21% commenting on poor surfaces. Problems related to thecycle lanes being discontinuous and the surfaces being littered and uneven,with poor maintenance of potholes.

    5.13 22% of respondents mentioned Oxford Road when questioned about the mostdangerous location in the City Centre. The most commonly mentioned junctions were those between the BBC and Saint Peters Square, whichinclude, Charles Street, Whitworth Street and Portland Street. The problemson this stretch included discontinuous cycle lanes, difficulties turning right,confusion with priority on the bus lane (which is also discontinuous) and thegeneral volume of traffic. Most cyclists suggested that the safety risks couldbe avoided through clearer demarcation of the lanes and bettersegregation/wider lanes give protection from the high volumes of traffic. Thedetailed responses to this question are included in Appendix 7.

    5.14 When questioned about their attitudes to cycling on the footway, 73% saidthey cycle on the footway sometimes. The most common decision given forcycling on the footway was high volumes of traffic (82%) followed by safety(19%).These two factors are clearly related.

    5.15 Of the 83% of respondents living in the City of Manchester, several mentionedBarlow Moor Road, Kingsway, Parrs Wood Road, Princess Parkway,Wilbraham Road and Wilmslow Road when questioned about the mostdangerous location in the area in which they lived. The detailed responses tothis question are also included in Appendix 7.

    5.16 Additional comments on cycling in Manchester were offered by 80% of therespondents. The results have been summarised in Section 12 and detailedin Appendix 8.

    5.17 An opportunity was taken to gather feedback on the recently completedRusholme Safety and Regeneration Scheme, by asking an additional questionof those cyclists using the route into the City via Wilmslow Road. Most of theresponses were positive (57%), and are detailed further in Section 11.

    5.18 The results of the supplementary survey conducted in the University have

    been detailed separately in Section 10.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    SUMMARY OF RESULTS: ALL SITES (Number of interviews = 514{803})Note: Figures in brackets, i.e. { }, show results of the 1993 surveys

    1. What is your home postcode in full

    2. Where did you start your journey? See section 6 onORIGINS AND DESTINATIONS

    3. Where are you going to? OF CYCLISTS JOURNEYS

    4. What is the main purpose of your journey?

    Home 4%{21%} (22) Social/recreational 11%{6%} (54)Education 19%22%} (96) Personal business 3%{8%} (13)Work 54%{34%} (276) Employers business 0.4%{1%} (2)Shopping 8%{8%} (43) Other 2%{0.2%} (8)

    5. What is your employment status?

    Student 28%{33%} (145)Homemaker 1%{1%} (5)Unemployed 4%{11%} (19)Retired 3%{2%} (13)Employed full time 54%{43%} (276)Employed part time 6%{7%} (32)Self employed 4%{3%} (20)

    5.1 What are you employed as? (Employed and self employed only)

    Variety of occupations. Details included in the Appendix.

    5.2 Does your employer provide?(Employed only, i.e. 328 respondents)Secure cycle parking 59%{57%} (195) Changing rooms 34%{35%} (113)Lockers 28%{39%} (93) Showers 33%{30%} (110)

    All 17%{17%} (55) Some 71%{57%} (232) None 29%{27%} (96)

    5.3 Would you cycle to work more often if they provided more facilities?(Employed only)

    Yes 41%{26%} (107) No 59%{74%} (155)

    6. How often do you usually use your bike?

    Nearly every day 92%{93%} (474)At least once a weekAt least once a fortnight



    At least once a month 0.2% (1)Less Often 0.4%{2%} (2)

    7. Why do you use your bike rather than public transport or car?

    Health/fitness 83%{37%} (426)Cheaper 77%{62%} (394)Quicker 82%{40%} (422)Concern for environment 47%{13%} (242)Public transport not convenient 35%{21%} (181)

    Usual transport not available 2%{1%} (12)Other 6%{12%} (30)


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    8. Did you have access to a car for this journey?

    Yes 40%{31%} (204) No 60%{69%} (308)

    9. What single step would encourage you to use your bike more?

    See Section on Measures to Encourage More Cycling

    10. Where is the facility for cyclists in Manchester that you like the best?What is particularly good about it?

    See Section on Facilities in Manchester

    11. Where is the facility for cyclists in Manchester that you like the least?What is particularly bad about it?

    See Section on Facilities in Manchester

    12. As a cyclist, which junction in the City Centre do you find the mostdangerous to use? Why is this junction dangerous? What would makeit safer for cyclists?

    See Section on Dangerous Junctions

    13. Do you agree with cycling on the pavement?

    Sometimes 73% (375)

    Never 27% (137)

    If Sometimes, How often would you choose to cycle on thepavement?

    Rarely 79% (294)Frequently 21% (79)

    What determines your decision to cycle on the pavement?

    High Volumes of trafficWide Pavements



    Other 46% (177)

    14. In the area in which you live, which junction in the City Centre do youfind the most dangerous to use? Why is this junction dangerous? Whatwould make it safer for cyclists?

    See Section on Dangerous Junctions

    15. Do you have any other comments on cycling in Manchester?

    See Section on General Comments


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004


    6.1 Summaries of results are given below for each of the four sites surveyed:Oxford Street, Princess Street, Barlow Moor Road and Wilmslow Road. It isnot intended to comment on the detail of each of the sites here as these

    summaries speak for themselves. Instead, specific differences between siteswill be highlighted and discussed on a site by site basis.

    Oxford Street

    6.2 Oxford Street (A34) was chosen as one of the two City Centre sites and islocated in the Central Ward. It was surveyed on Tuesday, 25 May 2004between 0700-1300. The site chosen was on the one-way north-west boundsection of Oxford Street between Hall Street and St. Peters Square. 101interviews were conducted giving a sample of 46% of cyclists passing the site.

    6.3 By far the most common journey purpose at this site was travelling to workwhich was the case for 68% of those interviewed, the highest of any of thesites. 63% of cyclists at the Princess Street site were also destined for work,with only 44% of the cyclists interviewed at Wilmslow Road on their way towork. 9% of cyclists were travelling home at the Oxford Street site, which wasthe highest proportion of this journey purpose out of all the sites. A total of71% of those interviewed at this site were in full-time employment, which wasthe highest proportion of any of the sites.

    6.4 At this site, the highest proportions of cyclists gave journey purposes of health/ fitness, quicker and cheaper (89%, 87% and 82% respectively). A relativelyhigh proportion of cyclists also gave inconvenience of public transport as areason for cycling (43%), more so than any other site.

    6.5 63% of employed cyclists interviewed at this site confirmed that theiremployers provided secure cycle parking, which was the highest of any of thesites. In fact the proportions of cyclists who answered positively to theprovision of facilities by employers was highest at this site in each of thecategories (i.e. cycle parking, lockers, changing rooms, showers). 74% ofcyclists interviewed said they would not cycle to work more often if theemployer provided more facilities, which was also the highest proportion out of

    any of the sites.

    6.6 97% of cyclists at this site said they cycle to work every day, which was thehighest proportion of any of the sites. Despite this, the site was characterisedby use by the highest proportion of cyclists with access to a car (48%).

    6.7 With regard to their attitudes to cycling on the footway, 76% of cyclistsresponded that they cycle on the footway sometimes, with 88% giving theavoidance of high volumes of traffic as the main reason.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    SUMMARY OF RESULTS: OXFORD STREET (Number interviews = 101{138})Note: Figures in brackets, i.e. { }, show results of the 1993 survey

    1. What is your home postcode in full

    2. Where did you start your journey? See section onORIGINS AND DESTINATIONS

    3. Where are you going to? OF CYCLISTS JOURNEYS

    4. What is the main purpose of your journey?

    Home 9%{0%} (9) Social/recreational 4%{5%} (4)Education 8%{14%} (8) Personal business 2%{12%} (2)Work 68%{53%} (69) Employers business 0%{1%} (0)Shopping 9%{14%} (9) Other 0%{0%} (0)

    5. What is your employment status?

    Student 17%{33%} (17)Homemaker 0%{1%} (0)Unemployed 1%{7%} (1)Retired 1%{1%} (1)Employed full time 71%{44} (71)Employed part time 6%{9%} (6)Self employed 4%{5%} (4)

    5.1 What are you employed as? (Employed and self employed only)

    Variety of occupations. Details included in the Appendix.

    5.2 Does your employer provide? (Employed only, i.e. 81 respondents)

    Secure cycle parking 63%{58%} (51) Changing rooms 42%{31%} (34)Lockers 31%{32%} (25) Showers 40%{31%} (32)

    All 22%{14%} (18) Some 73%{62%} (59) None 27%{24%} (22)

    5.3 Would you cycle to work more often if they provided morefacilities? (Employed only)

    Yes 26%{27%} (19) No 74%{73%} (53)

    6. How often do you usually use your bike?

    Nearly every day 97%{92%} (98)At least once a weekAt least once a fortnight



    At least once a month 0% (0)Less Often 0%{1%} (0)

    7. Why do you use your bike rather than public transport or car?

    Health/fitness 89%{46%} (90)Cheaper 81%{73%} (82)Quicker 87%{45%} (88)Concern for environment 49%{17%} (49)

    Public transport not convenient 43%{20%} (43)Usual transport not available 2%{1%} (2)Other 7%{7%} (7)


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    8. Did you have access to a car for this journey?

    Yes 48%{36%} (48) No 52%{64%} (52)

    9. What single step would encourage you to use your bike more?

    See Section on Measures to Encourage More Cycling

    10. Where is the facility for cyclists in Manchester that you like the best?What is particularly good about it?

    See Section on Facilities in Manchester

    11. Where is the facility for cyclists in Manchester that you like the least?What is particularly bad about it?

    See Section on Facilities in Manchester

    12. As a cyclist, which junction in the City Centre do you find the mostdangerous to use? Why is this junction dangerous? What would makeit safer for cyclists?

    See Section on Dangerous Junctions

    13. Do you agree with cycling on the pavement?

    Sometimes 76% (76)

    Never 24% (24)

    If Sometimes, How often would you choose to cycle on thepavement?

    Rarely 77% (59)Frequently 23% (18)

    What determines your decision to cycle on the pavement?

    High Volumes of trafficWide Pavements



    Other 38% (29)

    14. In the area in which you live, which junction in the City Centre do youfind the most dangerous to use? Why is this junction dangerous? Whatwould make it safer for cyclists?

    See Section on Dangerous Junctions

    15. Do you have any other comments on cycling in Manchester?

    See Section on General Comments


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Princess Street

    6.8 Princess Street (A34) was chosen to complement Oxford Street as a citycentre site and is also located in the Central Ward. It was also surveyed onTuesday, 25 May 2004, but between the hours of 1300-1900. The site was

    chosen on the one-way south-east bound section between Richmond Streetand Bloom Street. 94 interviews were conducted giving a sample rate of 42%.

    6.9 The main journey purpose here was travelling to work (64%) despite the factthat the site was surveyed from 1300-1900 ie away from the city centre. Thesecond most popular reason for cycling was education (11%). 2% of cyclists atthis site stated that their journey purpose was for Employers Business, incontrast to all other sites, where no cyclists were on Employers Business.10% of respondents at this site were self-employed with the next highestproportion of self-employed cyclists interviewed at the Oxford Street site (4%).62% were in full time employment.

    6.10 When asked about the reason for cycling rather than using another form oftransport a higher proportion (55%) of cyclists here replied concern for theenvironment than any other site. Health/Fitness was also frequentlymentioned here (70%). Princess Street also had a relatively high proportion ofpeople with cars available for that journey (45%). Despite this, the mostpopular reason for cycling at this site was that it was quicker (77%).

    6.11 With regard to facilities, this site was frequented by cyclists experiencing thelowest proportion of locker facilities, provided by their employer (21%). Overallthe provision of facilities was worst at this site, with 36% of employersproviding no facilities, and only 10% providing all, which was lower than at allother sites. 46% of cyclists said that they would cycle to work more often ifmore facilities were provided, which was higher than any other site aside fromWilmslow Road.

    6.12 The lowest proportion of cyclists at this site, more than any of the others,stated that they cycle to work nearly every day, although the number was stillhigh at 89%. Here, a higher proportion than any of the other sites said theycycle to work at least once a week (11%).

    6.13 The highest proportion of cyclists at this site stated that they never cycle onthe footway (33%), with only 77% of those choosing to cycle on the footwaydeciding to do so because of high volumes of traffic.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    SUMMARY OF RESULTS: PRINCESS STREET (Number interviews = 94{119})Note: Figures in brackets, i.e. { }, show details of the 1993 survey

    1. What is your home postcode in full

    2. Where did you start your journey? See section onORIGINS AND DESTINATIONS

    3. Where are you going to? OF CYCLISTS JOURNEYS

    4. What is the main purpose of your journey?

    Home 7%{59%} (7) Social/recreational 3%{10%} (3)Education 11%{8%} (10) Personal business 1%{4%} (1)Work 64%{13%} (60) Employers business 2%{1%} (2)Shopping 9%{5%} (8) Other 4%{1%} (4)

    5. What is your employment status?

    Student 17%{30%} (16)Homemaker 1%{0%} (1)Unemployed 2%{13%} (2)Retired 0%{0%} (0)Employed full time 62%{50%} (57)Employed part time 8%{6%} (7)Self employed 10%{0%} (9)

    5.1 What are you employed as? (Employed and self employed only)

    Variety of occupations. Details included in the Appendix

    5.2 Does your employer provide? (Employed only, i.e. 73 respondents)Secure cycle parking 51%{51%} (38) Changing rooms 29%{34%} (22)Lockers 21%{39%} (16) Showers 31%{34%} (23)

    All 10%{18%} (7) Some 64%{48%} (47) None 36%{34%} (26)

    5.3Would you cycle to work more often if they provided more facilities?(Employed only)

    Yes 46%{45%} (27) No 53%{55%} (31)

    6. How often do you usually use your bike?

    Nearly every day 89%{95%} (84)At least once a weekAt least once a fortnight



    At least once a month 0% (0)Less Often 0%{2%} (0)

    7. Why do you use your bike rather than public transport or car?

    Health/fitness 70%{43%} (66)Cheaper 76%{61%} (71)Quicker 77%{47%} (72)Concern for environment 55%{24%} (52)

    Public transport not convenient 29%{14%} (27)Usual transport not available 1%{0%} (1)Other 12%{9%} (11)


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    8. Did you have access to a car for this journey?

    Yes 45%{41%} (42) No 55%{59%} (52)

    9. What single step would encourage you to use your bike more?

    See Section on Measures to Encourage More Cycling

    10. Where is the facility for cyclists in Manchester that you like the best?What is particularly good about it?

    See Section on Facilities in Manchester

    11. Where is the facility for cyclists in Manchester that you like the least?What is particularly bad about it?

    See Section on Facilities in Manchester

    12. As a cyclist, which junction in the City Centre do you find the mostdangerous to use? Why is this junction dangerous? What would makeit safer for cyclists?

    See Section on Dangerous Junctions

    13. Do you agree with cycling on the pavement?

    Sometimes 67% (63)

    Never 33% (31)

    If Sometimes, How often would you choose to cycle on thepavement?

    Rarely 80% (51)Frequently 20% (13)

    What determines your decision to cycle on the pavement?

    High Volumes of trafficWide Pavements



    Other 59% (38)

    14. In the area in which you live, which junction in the City Centre do youfind the most dangerous to use? Why is this junction dangerous? Whatwould make it safer for cyclists?

    See Section on Dangerous Junctions

    15. Do you have any other comments on cycling in Manchester?

    See Section on General Comments


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Barlow Moor Road

    6.14 Barlow Moor Road (A5145) was chosen as an east/west route on the southside of Manchester. The site chosen is in the Chorlton Ward adjacent toChorlton Park. It was surveyed on Wednesday, 26 May 2004 between 0700-


    6.15 Interviews were conducted at two separate locations here, the first, as in 1993,covering north west bound cyclists using the on-street cycle lane betweenCundiff Road and Beech Road. The second location covered north andsouthbound cyclists on the off road cycle track adjacent to Chorlton Park (thiswas not surveyed in 1993). 127 interviews were conducted in total giving asample of 38% of the cyclists passing the site.

    6.16 This site had the highest proportion (22%) of cyclists who said that they cycledfor social / recreation reasons. It also had the highest proportion of cyclists

    using their bike for shopping purposes. Only 50% of cyclists at this site wereon their way to work, with only the Wilmslow Road site showing a lowerproportion of cyclists with this journey purpose. Only 7% of cyclists at BarlowMoor Road gave education as their journey purpose, which was the lowest ofany of the sites.

    6.17 This site also showed the highest proportion of unemployed cyclists (9%) aswell as retired cyclists (8%). 52% were employed full-time. Of those whowere employed, a relatively high proportion stated that their employersprovided a good level of cycling-friendly facilities, with 59% providing securecycle parking and 31% providing changing rooms. Overall, 73% providedsome facilities. 43% of cyclists at this site said that they would cycle moreregularly if their employer provided more facilities.

    6.18 91% of cyclists at this site cycled every week, comparable to all of the othersites, while the main reason given for cycling was health & fitness (82%). Thissite had the lowest level of cyclists (44%) stating concern for the environment,as a reason for cycling. More cyclists at this site, over any other site, said thattheir reason for cycling was that the usual mode of transport was not available(5%), 60% said they did not have access to a car for the journey.

    6.19 The highest proportion of cyclists (78%) at this site, more than any other,stated that they cycle on the footpath sometimes. 86% of these said theychose to do so because of high volumes of traffic, with only 10% stating that awide footway would influence their decision to cycle on the footway.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    SUMMARY OF RESULTS: BARLOW MOOR ROAD (Number interviews = 127{158})

    Note: Figures in brackets, i.e. { }, show results of the 1993 survey

    1. What is your home postcode in full

    2. Where did you start your journey? See section onORIGINS AND DESTINATIONS

    3. Where are you going to? OF CYCLISTS JOURNEYS

    4. What is the main purpose of your journey?

    Home 2%{36%} (3) Social/recreational 22%{6%} (27)Education 7%{4%} (9) Personal business 2%{8%} (3)Work 50%{30%} (63) Employers business 0%{1%} (0)Shopping 14%{15%} (18) Other 2%{1%} (3)

    5. What is your employment status?Student 17%{16%} (21)Homemaker 2%{1%} (3)Unemployed 9%{16%} (11)Retired 8%{4%} (10)Employed full time 52%{47%} (66)Employed part time 9%{13%} (11)Self employed 3%{4%} (4)

    5.1 What are you employed as? (Employed and self employed only)

    Variety of occupations. Details included in the Appendix.

    5.2 Does your employer provide? (Employed only, i.e. 81 respondents)

    Secure cycle parking 59%{63%} (48) Changing rooms 31%{41%} (25)Lockers 31%{39%} (25) Showers 28%{34%} (23)

    All 15%{17%} (12) Some 73%{63%} (59) None 27%{20%} (22)

    5.3 Would you cycle to work more often if they provided morefacilities? (Employed only)

    Yes 43%{18%} (25) No 55%{82%} (32)

    6. How often do you usually use your bike?Nearly every day 91%{89%} (115)At least once a weekAt least once a fortnight



    At least once a month 0% (0)Less Often 1%{3%} (1)

    7. Why do you use your bike rather than public transport or car?

    Health/fitness 82%{33%} (104)Cheaper 72%{54%} (91)Quicker 79%{34%} (100)

    Concern for environment 44%{9%} (56)Public transport not convenient 33%{36%} (42)Usual transport not available 5%{1%} (6)


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    Other 6%{16%} (81)

    8. Did you have access to a car for this journey?

    Yes 40%{35%} (50) No 60%{65%} (76)

    9. What single step would encourage you to use your bike more?

    See Section on Measures to Encourage More Cycling

    10. Where is the facility for cyclists in Manchester that you like the best?What is particularly good about it?

    See Section on Facilities in Manchester

    11. Where is the facility for cyclists in Manchester that you like the least?What is particularly bad about it?

    See Section on Facilities in Manchester

    12. As a cyclist, which junction in the City Centre do you find the mostdangerous to use? Why is this junction dangerous? What would makeit safer for cyclists?

    See Section on Dangerous Junctions

    13. Do you agree with cycling on the footway?

    Sometimes 78% (99)Never 22% (28)

    If Sometimes, How often would you choose to cycle on thepavement?

    Rarely 79% (77)Frequently 21% (21)

    What determines your decision to cycle on the pavement?

    High Volumes of traffic

    Wide Pavements




    (10)Other 40% (40)

    14. In the area in which you live, which junction in the City Centre do youfind the most dangerous to use? Why is this junction dangerous? Whatwould make it safer for cyclists?

    See Section on Dangerous Junctions

    15. Do you have any other comments on cycling in Manchester?

    See Section on General Comments


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    Wilmslow Road

    6.20 Wilmslow Road is a major arterial route into the City Centre, with high volumesof cyclists. This site was chosen instead of Yew Tree Road, which runsparallel to Wilmslow Road to the West. Following a site visit and an

    examination of recent volumes on Yew Tree Road, a trend of displacement ofcycling activity to Wilmslow Road became evident, hence it was felt that thelatter site would provide a better representation of current cyclist opinions.The site was surveyed on Thursday, 27 May 2004 between 0700-1900.

    6.21 The site chosen was on the north-west bound cycle lane adjacent to PlattFields Park between Platt Lane and Grangethorpe Road. This site had thehighest number of interviews (192), giving a 45% sample of the cyclistspassing.

    6.22 The journey purpose most commonly given was to work (44%), although this

    was the lowest response rate to this journey purpose out of all of the sites. Incontrast, this site had the highest proportion of cyclists with education as ajourney purpose (36%), which concurs with this site being located on the mainroute to the Universities on Oxford Road. 47% of those interviewed werestudents and only 43% were employed full time. These proportions are highand can once again be explained by the location of the site just south of theUniversity Campuses.

    6.23 Of those cyclists passing the site who were employed, a relatively highproportion responded positively when questioned about cycling facilitiesprovided by their employer. Secure cycle parking was provided for 62% ofcyclists, while 19% had all four facilities. The only site with a higher provisionof all facilities was Oxford Street at 22%. 48% said they would cycle moreoften if more facilities were provided, although 92% said that they cyclednearly every day anyway.

    6.24 86% of cyclists at this site chose to use their bike for health and fitnessreasons. The next highest response was that it was quicker, (84%). Only 2%said that they had chosen to cycle because the usual mode of transport wasnot available, while only 33% of cyclists at this site had access to a car for thejourney.

    6.25 72% of those interviewed said they cycle on the footway sometimes, although81% of these said they rarely do so. 79% would chose to do so if and whenthe volumes of traffic are high.

    6.26 This site had the highest proportion of cyclists under the age of 25 (49%), with27% of cyclists being female. The only other site with a higher proportion offemale cyclists was Barlow Moor Road at 30%.


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    SUMMARY OF RESULTS: WILMSLOW ROAD (Number interviews = 192)Note: No Figures included in brackets, as this site was not surveyed in 1993

    1. What is your home postcode in full

    2. Where did you start your journey? See section onORIGINS AND DESTINATIONS

    3. Where are you going to? OF CYCLISTS JOURNEYS

    4. What is the main purpose of your journey?

    Home 2% (3) Social/recreational 10% (20)Education 36% (69) Personal business 4% (7)Work 44% (84) Employers business 0% (0)Shopping 4% (8) Other 0.5% (1)

    5. What is your employment status?

    Student 47% (91)Homemaker 0.5% (1)Unemployed 3% (5)Retired 1% (2)Employed full time 43% (82)Employed part time 4% (8)Self employed 2% (3)

    5.1 What are you employed as? (Employed and self employed only)

    Variety of occupations. Details included in the Appendix

    5.2 Does your employer provide? (Employed only, i.e. 93 respondents)

    Secure cycle parking 62% (58) Changing rooms 34% (32)Lockers 29% (27) Showers 34% (32)

    All 19% (18) Some 72% (67) None 28% (26)

    5.3 Would you cycle to work more often if they provided more

    facilities? (Employed only)

    Yes 48% (36) No 52% (39)

    6. How often do you usually use your bike?

    Nearly every day 92% (177)At least once a weekAt least once a fortnight



    At least once a month 0.5% (1)Less Often 0.5% (1)

    7. Why do you use your bike rather than public transport or car?

    Health/fitness 86% (166)Cheaper 78% (150)Quicker 84% (162)Concern for environment 44% (85)Public transport not convenient 36% (69)

    Usual transport not available 2% (3)Other 2% (192)


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    8. Did you have access to a car for this journey?

    Yes 33% (64) No 67% (128)

    9. What single step would encourage you to use your bike more?

    See Section on Measures to Encourage More Cycling10. Where is the facility for cyclists in Manchester that you like the best?

    What is particularly good about it?

    See Section on Facilities in Manchester

    11. Where is the facility for cyclists in Manchester that you like the least?What is particularly bad about it?

    See Section on Facilities in Manchester

    12. As a cyclist, which junction in the City Centre do you find the mostdangerous to use? Why is this junction dangerous? What would makeit safer for cyclists?

    See Section on Dangerous Junctions

    13. Do you agree with cycling on the pavement?

    Sometimes 72% (138)Never 28% (53)

    If Sometimes, How often would you choose to cycle on the


    Rarely 81% (108)Frequently 19% (26)

    What determines your decision to cycle on the pavement?

    High Volumes of trafficWide Pavements



    Other 48% (192)

    14. In the area in which you live, which junction in the City Centre do you

    find the most dangerous to use? Why is this junction dangerous? Whatwould make it safer for cyclists?

    See Section on Dangerous Junctions

    15. Do you have any other comments on cycling in Manchester?

    See Section on General Comments

    16. Do you think the recent changes in Rusholme have improved conditionsfor cyclists? If no, why?

    See Section on Rusholme Regeneration


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    7.1 The answers which cyclists provided to questions 1, 2 and 3 were used togather information on their origins and destinations, as well as confirmation oftheir home address. The cyclists were asked to provide postcodes, if possible,

    in answer to these questions, and 98% complied in this respect with regard totheir home addresses.

    7.2 The postcode information was then used to facilitate the identification of homewards and Ordnance Survey Grid References. Examination of these dataconfirmed that 83% of cyclists who participated in the survey lived in the Cityof Manchester. Table 4 summarises these figures on a site-by-site basis.

    Table 4 Cyclist Residency by Site


    City of Manchester


    Non-City of Manchester


    Oxford Street

    Princess Street

    Barlow Moor Road

    Wilmslow Road

    83% (84)

    80% (75)

    85% (108)

    83% (160)





    7.3 This information was also broken down into the home address of each cyclistin terms of Greater Manchester district. Table 5 presents a breakdown ofcyclist origins in terms of the ten Greater Manchester districts, and indicatesthe proportion of cyclists with addresses outside Greater Manchester.

    Table 5 Cyclist Residency by GM District

    GM District Number of Residents

    City of Manchester










    Outside Greater Manchester

    427 (83%)

    32 (6%)

    4 (1%)

    2 (0.4%)

    0 (0%)

    5 (1%)

    0 (0%)

    2 (0.4%)

    7 (1%)

    22 (4%)

    13 (3%)

    7.4 Further information on the origins and destinations of cyclists at each site canbe obtained with reference to the journey start and end information (questions2 and 3) presented in Appendix 3.


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    8.1 Question 9 asked cyclists to identify a single step which would encouragethem to use their bike more. The previous survey, conducted in 1993,provided a list of alternatives to be selected in answer to this question as

    follows (1993 responses in brackets):

    1. Less Traffic (22% of respondents)

    2. Better quality roads (13% of respondents)

    3. More cycle routes (40% of respondents)

    4. More public cycle parking (2% of respondents)

    5. Greater Driver awareness (18% of respondents)

    6. None of These (4% of respondents)

    8.2 These options were omitted from the 2004 survey, as it was felt that

    identification of the key issue was essential. This enabled each cyclist toprovide a sentence or verbal description of the improvements they felt wouldbe necessary to encourage them to cycle more frequently. Of the 514 cyclistswho participated in the survey, a total of 341 (66%) provided some form ofresponse to question 9.

    8.3 The most common answer throughout related to dedicated cycling facilitiessuch as cycle lanes, cycle tracks and cycle paths concurring with the 1993results. 45% of cyclists felt that if the number and quality of these facilitieswere increased, it would encourage them to cycle more often. 11% of cyclistsstated that they already cycled as much as they possibly could, hence noimprovements to current facilities could help them cycle to work.

    8.4 9% of cyclists mentioned, however, that an improvement to maintenancestandards would be a positive step, which includes clean cycle lanes and goodquality surfaces. A further 6% explicitly mentioned segregated cycle lanes toseparate cyclists from high volumes of traffic and improve safety and security,6% also advocated an improvement to cycle parking in terms of safety andsecurity. 6% of cyclists felt that better awareness from drivers and a change indriver behaviour, as well as further driver and public education in the needs ofcyclists on the road network, would greatly improve conditions and encourage

    them to cycle more frequently.

    8.5 The breakdown of comments made by the entire sample of cyclistsinterviewed, has been presented in Table 6 in terms of its categorisation intoone of ten basic classes. A breakdown of the specific comments made ateach site have been included in Appendix 4, while a summary of thecomments made on a site by site basis has been provided in the paragraphswhich follow.


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    Table 6 Steps to Encourage Cycling

    Suggested StepsNo.

    Responses %

    Better / safer / more cycle lanes / paths / tracks 155 45.45%

    good maintenance / clean cycle lanes / road surfaces 32 9.38%

    better cycle lane (segregated from traffic) 22 6.45%

    Safe Cycle Parking 22 6.45%

    Better awareness/behaviour from drivers/driver & publiceducation/respect 21 6.16%

    Continuous Cycle lanes / tracks 18 5.28%

    car free zones / less traffic 15 4.40%

    better facilities at work (showers, lockers etc) 5 1.47%

    Couldnt cycle anymore 38 11.14%

    Miscellaneous 44 12.90%

    Oxford Street

    8.6 64% of cyclists at Oxford Street provided an answer to question 9. 35% ofthese specifically mentioned cycle lanes in answer to the question onencouraging steps. Many of these comments stated that better cycle laneswould be encouraging, particularly if they were wider and continuous andprovided more security. The most common comment related to the need foreven more lanes. 8% of cyclists mentioned a preference for segregated cyclelanes / paths to give cyclists greater protection from motorised traffic.

    8.7 20% of cyclists at this site stated that they already used their bike as much asthey possibly could. A further 14% mentioned an improvement in the standardof the roads themselves would be very encouraging. This includedimprovements in surfaces, with cleaning and clearance of debris (particularlyglass).

    8.8 12% of cyclists at Oxford Street advocated an improvement to security interms of safe cycle racks and parking facilities. 8% of cyclists mentioned apreference for segregated cycle lanes / paths

    8.9 The breakdown of comments made by cyclists interviewed at the OxfordStreet site, is illustrated in Figure 6 in terms of its categorisation in one ofseven basic classes. The full list of comments, as recorded by theinterviewers, can be found in Appendix 4.


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    GMTU Report 931, Figure 6: Encouraging Steps, Oxford Street



























    A B C D E F G

    Princess Street

    8.10 68% of cyclists at Princess Street provided an answer to question 9. Themajority of these explicitly mentioned cycle lanes in answer to the question onencouraging steps (55%), specifically requesting more of them, with betterquality and more well thought-out routes. 9% of cyclists mentionedsegregated cycle lanes, with 5% commenting on their desire for less traffic.

    8.11 Only 5% of cyclists at this site stated that they already used their bike as muchas they possibly could already. 8% of cyclists mentioned that an improvementin the standard of the roads in terms of cleaner and better surfaces would beencouraging, while 6% said they would be encouraged by an improvement indriver behaviour.

    8.12 The breakdown of comments made by cyclists interviewed at the PrincessStreet site, is illustrated in Figure 7 in terms of its categorisation in one of eightbasic classes. The full list of comments, as recorded by the interviewer, canbe found in Appendix 4.

    GMTU Report 931, Figure 7: Encouraging Steps, Princess Street



    1.56%6.25% 7.81%

    9.38% 10.94%





















    A B C D E F G H


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    Barlow Moor Road

    8.13 57% of cyclists at the Barlow Moor Road site provided an answer to question9. 40% of these explicitly mentioned cycle lanes in answer to the question onencouraging steps, with requests for more, wider and better cycle lanes, as

    well as continuous cycle lanes. 14% of cyclists at this site mentioned a desirefor more segregated cycle lanes, with 6% commenting on their desire for lesstraffic and 13% mentioning safer cycle lanes and safety in general.

    8.14 Only 3% of cyclists at this site stated that they already used their bike as muchas they possibly could already. 6% of cyclists mentioned that an improvementin the standard of the roads in terms of cleaner and better surfaces would beencouraging, while 3% said they would be encouraged by an improvement indriver behaviour.

    8.15 The breakdown of comments made by cyclists interviewed is illustrated in

    Figure 8 in terms of its categorisation in one of nine basic classes. The full listof comments, as recorded by the interviewer, can be found in Appendix 4.

    GMTU Report 931, Figure 8: Encouraging Steps, Barlow Moor Road

































    A B C D E F G H I

    Wilmslow Road

    8.16 3% of cyclists at the Wilmslow Road site provided an answer to question 9.43% of these explicitly mentioned cycle lanes in answer to the question onencouraging steps, with requests for more, wider and better cycle lanes, aswell as continuous cycle lanes. Only 3% of cyclists at this site mentioned adesire for more segregated cycle lanes, with 3% commenting on their desirefor less traffic and 4% mentioning safer cycle lanes and safety in general.

    8.17 14% of cyclists at this site stated that they already used their bike as much asthey possibly could already. 9% of cyclists mentioned that an improvement inthe standard of the roads in terms of cleaner and better surfaces would be

    encouraging, while 9% said they would be encouraged by an improvement indriver behaviour. The highest at any site.


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    8.18 The breakdown of comments made by cyclists interviewed is illustrated inFigure 9 in terms of its categorisation in one of nine basic classes. The full listof comments, as recorded by the interviewer, can be found in Appendix 4.

    GMTU Report 931, Figure 9: Encouraging Steps, Wilmslow Road




    9.29% 9.29%



    2.86% 3.57%




























    A B C D E F G H I


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    9.1 Question 10 asked cyclists to identify the facility in Manchester that they likedbest, and also asked if the cyclist could identify what was particularly goodabout it. Question 11 asked cyclists about their least favourite facility in

    Manchester, and what was particularly bad about it.

    9.2 Of the 514 cyclists who participated in the survey, a total of 300 (58%)provided some form of response to question 10, while 347 (68%) provided aresponse to question 11.

    9.3 48% of cyclists mentioned cycle lanes, in some form, as their favourite facility.Many of these specifically mentioned particular cycle lanes and routes whichthey found to be good, details of which are listed in the paragraphs whichfollow for each individual site. In general, the reasons given for the cyclistsapproval of such facilities included feeling safer, being separated from traffic,

    and being more convenient.

    9.4 21% of, however, cyclists also mentioned cycle lanes, in some form, as theirleast favourite facility, with a further 21% listing surface condition as anegative issue. Some of the most common negative responses were:

    bad surfaces, potholes

    debris in cycle lanes

    narrow cycle lanes

    vehicles parking in cycle lanes

    poorly marked lanes

    9.5 Some respondents specifically mentioned particular cycle lanes and routeswhich they found to be poor, details of which are listed in the paragraphswhich follow for each site. In general, the reasons given for the cyclistsdisapproval of such facilities included that they are dangerous, uncomfortable,and inconvenient.

    Oxford Street Favourite Facility

    9.6 61% of cyclists at Oxford Street provided an answer to question 10. 31%specifically mentioned cycle lanes. 13% mentioned their favourite parkingfacility and commented positively on its security. 8% mentioned off road cycletracks, while 26% specifically mentioned the location of their favourite facility inManchester, rather than making a general comment. These locations havebeen listed in Table 7.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Table 7 Favourite Facility in Manchester (Oxford Street)

    Location of Favourite Facility Positive Characteristic

    Cycle Lane Outside Velodrome Isolated From Traffic No Comment

    Cycle Path Chorlton To SaleNice To Ride Less Stress IsolatedFrom Traffic

    Cycle Route Via Lower Mosley St Safe

    Cycle Routes Ok Good Route To Rusholme No Comment

    Denton-Fallowfield Cycle Path (Old Tram Line) Good Surface & Fast

    Oxford Road Flat

    Piccadilly No Comment

    Rusholme(Parking Bays Good IdeaMisused By Motorists Though)

    Salford Uni - Market St Security

    Town Centre Marked Cycle Lanes

    Town Centre Clear Cycle Lanes

    Town Hall - Security Security-Cycle Racks

    University Security-Night & Day

    Unicorn Grocery Chrome Bike Stands

    Velodrome No Cars

    Wilmslow Road Pleasant Ride Apart From Buses

    Oxford Street Least Favourite Facility

    9.7 73% of cyclists at Oxford Street provided an answer to question 11. 20%mentioned that their least favourite facility was a cycle lane, as many of themare discontinuous and poorly marked, which makes it difficult for road users todistinguish priority.

    9.8 19% commented on poorly maintained surfaces, while 12% mentioned thatbuses, and bus driver behaviour, were particularly negative. 7% commented

    on the dangers associated with cars parking on cycle lanes. 28% specificallymentioned the location of their least favourite facility in Manchester, ratherthan making a general comment. These locations have been listed in Table 7.


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    Table 8 Least Favourite Facility in Manchester (Oxford Street)

    Location of Least Favourite Facility Negative Characteristic

    Cycle Path In Rusholme Condition

    Cycle Path Nr Main Library & Whitworth Park Poor Condition

    Deansgate Not Enough Cycle Racks

    Hyde Road (Cycle Lane-Bus Layby) Cycle Lane Runs Into Bus Layby

    M R I Cycle Lanes Pedestrian on Cycle Lane

    Market St Poor Road Markings At Junctions

    New Cycle Route Nr Rusholme Poor Design

    One-Way System/Oxford Road Volume Of Traffic

    Oxford Rd Buses Cut In/Obstruct Cycle Lanes

    Oxford Rd-Buses Volume Of Buses

    Oxford RoadPot Holes/Heavy Bus Traffic/TrafficSpeed

    Oxford RoadBikes Hit By Cars When Locked ToRailings

    Oxford Road & Buses Parking On Cycle Lanes

    Pot Holes/Bus Lanes Outside Universities Dangerous

    Princess P/Way Traffic Volume

    Rusholme Road Area Traffic Volumes

    Stockport Road Too Busy/Lack Of Consideration ByOther Road Users

    Town Centre Junctions Volume Of Traffic

    Upper Brooke St Volume Of Traffic

    Wilmslow Rd Too Many Buses

    Wilmslow Road Buses

    Princess Street Favourite Facility

    9.9 57% of cyclists at Princess Street provided an answer to question 10. 30% ofthese specifically mentioned cycle lanes. 6% mentioned their favouriteparking facility and commented positively on its security. 4% mentioned offroad cycle tracks, while 52% specifically mentioned the location of theirfavourite facility in Manchester, rather than making a general comment. Theselocations have been listed in Table 9.


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    Table 9 Favourite Facility in Manchester (Princess Street)

    Location of Favourite Facility Positive Characteristic

    Routes Into Mcr/Palatine Rd Through Fallowfield Safety/Well Marked Out

    Alan Turing Way Safe

    Albert Sq Parking

    Altrincham Cycleways(Cheshire)Salford CycleWays


    China Town Fence/Overlooked Constant Watch

    Cycle Moorings On Market Street Convenience

    Drinkwater ParkGood For Mountain Bikes OpenSpaces

    Fallowfield Cycle Network No Traffic Quick

    Market St Security & Parking

    New City Of Manchester Stadium

    Quality Of Cycle Way/For

    Cyclist/CyclingOldham St/Central Library Secure/Exposed/Convenient Parking

    Oxford RdGood Cycle Lanes On Both Side &Secure Parking

    Piccadilly Gardens Lock Ups

    Piccadilly Plaza Secure

    Piccadilly Station No Comment

    Princess St Cycle Lane

    Sainsbury/Fallowfield Being Away From Traffic/Safe

    Sainsburys/Railway Line/Fallowfield Free From Traffic

    Security In Market St Cycle Stands

    Stretford Road Cycle Lane Long Stretch

    Town Centre Facilities/Quick To Get Around

    Town Hall/Spring Gardens Visible/Security

    Train Stations Lockers

    Trinity Way Ease Of Use

    Umist Security

    University Parking Security

    Man Royal Infirm Secure Lock Up

    Princess Street Least Favourite Facility

    9.10 76% of cyclists at Princess Street provided an answer to question 11. 15%mentioned that their least favourite parking facility was a cycle lane, as manyof them are discontinuous and poorly marked, which makes it difficult for roadusers to distinguish priority.

    9.11 10% commented on poor security, while 6% mentioned the volume of traffic.3% commented on bad driving behaviour, a further 3% on buses and the lackof segregation between bus lanes / cycle lanes, and 3% commented on poor

    road surfaces. 55% specifically mentioned the location of their least favouritefacility in Manchester, rather than making a general comment. Theselocations have been listed in Table 10


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Table 10 Least Favourite Facility in Manchester (Princess Street)

    Location of Least Favourite Facility Negative Characteristic

    (Outbound) Hyde Rd/Lane Only One Way No Room

    A6 Park/Drive On Lanes

    Anywhere With Too Much Traffic No Comment

    Arndale Security

    Arndale M/Cr No Parking

    Bike Lanes In Rusholme Parking In Lanes

    Bike Parks Not Enough Solely For Cycles

    Bollard On Aytoun St In Cycle Lane & L H Turn Cars Cut In Front Of You

    Bridgewater Way/Salford Quays Large Volumes Of Traffic At Speed

    Car Parking In Rusholme Lack Of Care Lack of Care Car Driver Awareness

    Castlefield Area Bad Security

    City Centre Generally No CommentCity Centre Security Secure Parking

    Cycle Shops In City Centre No Comment

    Deansgate Volume Traffic

    Deansgate Traffic

    Deansgate No Lane Markings Oxford Rd At Bbc

    General City Centre No Comment

    Mancurian Way Coming In To Mcu LaneProblems/Lack Of Signs

    Lack Of Signs/Getting Off Bike

    Mancurian Way/Traffic Too Fast Too Fast Traffic

    Market St/Moseley St Theft/SecurityPrincess St No Green Cycle Marks

    Oxford Rd Not Marked Clearly

    Oxford St Pot Holes/Traffic

    Primark(Piccadilly) Security

    Princess St City Centre Segregation

    Princess St/Univ Security/Theft

    Princess St/Upper Brook St 2 Bikes Stolen

    Rusholme Double Parking/No Wardens At Night

    Rusholme Glass On The Road

    Rusholme/Bumpy Poor Surface Poor Surface

    Rusholme/FallowfieldCars Park In Lanes Buses Park InLanes

    Salford Area Security

    St Peters Sq Poor Cycle Lane Poorly Marked

    Tib St Parking & Security

    Upper Brooke St/Birchfield Rd Volume Of Cars

    Upper Brooke St/Oxford RdDrains/Road Surface/Protruding DrainCovers

    Upper Chorlton Rd/Kings Road No Lights Badly Laid Out


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Barlow Moor Road Favourite Facility

    9.12 56% of cyclists at Barlow Moor Road provided an answer to question 10. 20%of these cyclists specifically mentioned cycle lanes. 11% mentioned theirfavourite parking facility and commented positively on its security. 14%

    mentioned off road cycle tracks, while 44% specifically mentioned the locationof their favourite facility in Manchester, rather than making a general comment.These locations have been listed in Table 11.

    Table 11 Favourite Facility in Manchester (Barlow Moor Road)

    Location of Favourite Facility Positive Characteristic

    Barlow Moor Rd Cycle Lane Clean

    Barlow Moor Rd Cycleway Always Clear

    Canal Path To Peak District Excellent No Comment

    Central Library Lock Up/More Lanes

    Chorlton Paths Clear

    Chorlton Safer On The Bike

    Chorlton Precinct Secure Parking

    Chorlton Water Park No Comment

    Chorlton Water Park Nice Area/Safe

    Chorlton Water Park/Mersey Valley Clean/Well Maintained

    Chorlton Water Pk Meadows Off Road Fresh Air Open Spaces Clean

    Cycle Lane Separated From Traffic

    Cycle Path At Mancunian Way Traffic Lights Lane

    Cycle Path Chester Rd/Manc Way No Comment

    Cycle Paths On Wilmslow Rd Good For Avoiding Traffic

    Cycle Route To Stretford & Chester Roads Wide & Safe A Good Model

    Manchester University Secure Bike Park

    Oxford Rd No Comment

    Oxford Road (Midland Hotel) Cycle Junction At Traffic Lights

    Park Facing St Marys Hospital Oxford Road Good Cycle Lanes

    Roundabout - Deansgate Layout/Avoid Junctions

    St Georges/Chester Rd Lanes Good

    Trafford Centre/Trafford Park Cycle WaysTrans Pennine Off Road

    Trans Pennine Trail No Traffic

    Velodrome Secure

    Velodrome No Comment

    Velodrome Facilities

    Whalley Pub Junc Cycle Lanes Made It A LotSafer

    Makes It Clear Where Everyone ShouldBe Cycles Can Get In Front At Lights

    Wilbraham Rd Chorlton Cycle Path Up And Down Along It

    Withington Rd/Canal Towpath Lanes Good


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Barlow Moor Road Least Favourite Facility

    9.13 62% of cyclists at Barlow Moor Road provided an answer to question 11. 22%mentioned that their least favourite parking facility was a cycle lane, as manyof them are discontinuous and poorly marked, which makes it difficult for road

    users to distinguish priority.

    9.14 10% commented on poorly maintained surfaces, while 9% mentioned thatdriver behaviour was particularly negative. 4% commented on the dangersassociated with cars parking on cycle lanes. 30% specifically mentioned thelocation of their least favourite facility in Manchester, rather than making ageneral comment. These locations have been listed in Table 12.

    Table 12 Least Favourite Facility in Manchester (Barlow Moor Road)

    Location of Least Favourite Facility Negative CharacteristicA6 Is Bad No Comment

    Barlow Moor Rd Cycle Path (Pointles)Only A Short Stretch Painful To GetOn & Off So Break Journey

    Central Manchester Lack Of Safety

    Chalton Park School Security

    Charlton Green (Security) No CCTV/Monitoring/No Racks

    Chorlton Bus Station Volume Of Lanes

    City Centre Poor Security

    City Centre Securty

    City Centre In General Dangerous/Hard To Get About RoadSafety

    Cyclist Travelling To Rusholme Being Force Into Traffic

    Facilities On Princess Road No Comment

    Main Road In ChorltonLack Of Facilities/Cars Parking InLanes

    No Cycle Path From Chorlton To Manchester No Planning

    No Secure Parking In Chorlton No Comment

    Rusholme Too Busy Pedestrians Other Vehicles

    Salford Quays/Eccles Use Of Pavements/Back Streets

    Speed Bumps Between Nell Lane UpperChorlton Rd

    No Cycle Lane Steep Bumps

    Trafford No Good For Lanes/CyclingNear Motorway Need More Lanes ForCyclists

    Unlit Underpass Princess Parkway Lighting

    Whalley Range Security Pot Holes

    Wilbraham/Barlow Moor Rd Very Busy Traffic

    Wilmslow RdParking In Lanes InconsiderateMotorists

    Wilmslow Rd/Rusholme Traffic/Lack Of Clear Cycle Lanes

    Wythenshawe No Cycle Ways At All


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Wilmslow Road Favourite Facility

    9.15 60% of cyclists at Wilmslow Road provided an answer to question 10. 35% ofthese cyclists specifically mentioned cycle lanes. 3% mentioned their favouriteparking facility and commented positively on its security. 6% mentioned off

    road cycle tracks, and 4% mentioned advanced stop lines. 38% specificallymentioned the location of their favourite facility in Manchester, rather thanmaking a general comment. These locations have been listed in Table 13.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Table 13 Favourite Facility in Manchester (Wilmslow Road)

    Location of Favourite Facility Positive Characteristic

    Better Path Through Rusholme Clearer Through Traffic

    Bike Racks In University/Town Somewhere To Put Your Bike

    Cctv Market St Safer To Leave Cycle No Comment

    Chorlton Rd East Manchester Cycle Way VernonPark Stockport

    Flat Track - Safe

    Chorlton Water Park No Traffic Nice Scenery

    Cycle Route From Debdale To Fallowfield No Vehicles Relaxing

    Cycle Paths Up Wilmslow RoadWell Defined Cycle Paths (ExceptRed Route Past The Hospital)

    Cycle Track Behind Sainsburys Smooth No Traffic

    Cycle Track Wilmslow Road Convenient

    Fallowfield Loop Traffic Free

    Fallowfield To Chorlton Off Road Railwayline Comfortable/Safe/No CarsG-Mex Security

    Good Access To City Centre Convenient

    Good Parking In Piccadilly Is Visible/Functional

    Halifax Bank/Metro Bike Racks

    Lanes In Salford/Regent Rd Very Good No CommentLanes In Wilmslow No CommentLanes Rusholme No CommentLevenshulme Cycle Path Tarmac/Secure

    Ncp Car Parks Had Lockers For Bikes No Comment

    Oxford Rd Lanes

    Paths-Whitworth Path Clear OpenRusholme Smooth Access/No Potholes

    Rusholme Cycle Lanes Less Parked Car Blocking The Road

    Rusholme Is Better Tidied Up Cycle Lane

    Secure Parking At Uni No CommentSecure Parking In City Centre No CommentSecure Parking In City Centre No CommentSecure Parking In Town Centre No CommentSecure Parking On Market St No CommentSouth Mcr Cycle Lanes No Traffic/Quiet

    Trafford Park/Good Roads Road SurfaceUniversity No CommentVelodrome No CommentVelodrome No CommentVelodrome No CommentVelodrome No CommentVelodrome / Cycle Ways No CommentWhitworth Park Cycle Lane Cycle Lanes Generally No CommentWilmslow Rd Good Lanes

    Wilmslow Rd Cycle Lane Clear

    Wilmslow Rd-Cycle Lane Cycle Lanes

    Wythenshawe Hospital Security


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Wilmslow Road Least Favourite Facility

    9.16 64% of cyclists at Oxford Street provided an answer to question 11. 21%mentioned that their least favourite facility was a cycle lane, as many of themare discontinuous and poorly marked, which makes it difficult for road users to

    distinguish priority.

    9.17 15% commented on poorly maintained surfaces, while 5% mentioned thatbuses, and bus driver behaviour, were particularly negative. 6% commentedon bad driver behaviour in general. 6% commented on the dangersassociated with cars parking on cycle lanes. 5% mentioned problems with thevolume of traffic, while 12% mentioned poor security and lack of adequateparking facilities. 26% specifically mentioned the location of their leastfavourite facility in Manchester, rather than making a general comment. Theselocations have been listed in Table 14.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Table 14 Least Favourite Facility In Manchester (Wilmslow Road)

    Location of Least Favourite Facility Negative Characteristic

    A6 Levenshulme Through Longsight Traffic

    All Of Rusholme Parked Cars

    Altrincham Rd Cycling TrackDiscontinuous Too Many RoadMarkings And Give Ways

    City Centre Parking In Lane

    Curry Mile Poor Access/Buses Problem

    Cycle Tracks Whitworth Park Poor Surface Poor Markings

    Dickenson Rd To Manchester Cycle Paths Too Many Pedestrians/Buses

    East Didsbury/Northenden Speed-Blind Spot

    East Manchester Droylsden

    Curry Mile More Dangerous Until ImprovementsParking In That Stretch ParticularlyBad

    Fallowfield Traffic Not Recognising Lanes

    General City Centre Parking In Lanes

    Kingsway Cycle Lane/Back Of Hospital Parking In Cycle Lanes

    Layouts Of Platt Lane Junction Being Forced IntoBus Lanes

    No Comment

    Medical School Not Enough Facilities

    MRI Lane Not Safe No Comment

    No Cycle Paths Up Upper Brook Street Past CarGarages (Jag Etc)

    Double Drains On The Side Of TheRoad Can Be Dangerous When Busy

    Oxford Rd Near Jaguar Garage Potholes Poor Surface

    Oxford Road To St Peter Sq Being Able To Turn Right

    Piccadilly Gdns Lack Security

    Poor Maintenance Of Cycle Lanes On Oxford RdWilmslow Rd

    No Comment

    Roundabouts At Kingsway No Cycle Lane

    Rusholme Cars In Cycle Lanes

    Rusholme Cars In Cycle Lanes Swerving Out

    Rusholme Nightmare Narrow Road (Cars)

    Surface In Whitworth Park Cycle Path Parking InCycle Lanes Gen

    No Comment

    Town Centre No CommentTown Centre One Way System One Way Signs

    Town Centre/Security Security

    University Lock Up/Security

    Wilmslow Park Area Crossing Place Poor

    Wilmslow/London Rd Pavement/Uni Path Inconsistent


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004


    10.1 Question 12 asked cyclists which junction in the City Centre they found themost dangerous to use. They were also asked why they thought this junctionwas dangerous, and what would make it safer for cyclists. Question14 asked

    the same questions of junctions in the area in which the cyclist lives.

    10.2 Of the 514 cyclists who participated in the survey, a total of 348 (68%)provided some form of response to question 12. Of these, 84% have a homeaddress in the City of Manchester District. 287 cyclists (56%) provided aresponse to question 14, with 82% of these living in City of Manchester.

    10.3 The most commonly mentioned dangerous junctions in the City Centre werethose along Oxford Road, with 21% of cyclists mentioning various locationsalong this street which they considered to be dangerous. The main problemson this street were perceived to be very high volumes of traffic (particularly

    buses), with no real protection for cyclists at the approaches to certain junctions or at narrow pinch points. Suggestions made for improvementsincluded continuous cycle lanes, segregating cyclists from traffic, more carefrom bus drivers and awareness from motorists in general.

    10.4 The most commonly mentioned dangerous junctions in areas where thecyclists lived were those along Barlow Moor Road, Kingsway, Parrs WoodRoad, Princess Parkway, Wilbraham Road and Wilmslow Road. The mainproblems on these streets were high volumes of traffic, and cars parking onthe cycle lanes. Suggestions made for reducing the dangers includedimprovements to existing cycle lanes and increasing the number of cycle lanesin general.

    10.5 A breakdown of all of the responses to questions 12 and 14 have beenincluded in Appendix 7, and are labelled on a site by site basis.


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004


    11.1 A number of slightly amended questionnaires were distributed to staff in theUniversity of Manchester, who participated in the City of Manchester CouncilsBike to Work day on 16 June 2004 as part of the National Bike Week

    celebrations. These cyclists agreed to provide feedback on their experiencethrough completion of the questionnaire. A total of 45 questionnaires werereturned by the University, and a brief analysis of the responses has beenincluded below. Although the sample size is small, the responses received inthis survey may be particularly useful as respondents have had more time togive a considered reply than in the main survey.

    11.2 Results of the surveys at the four sites are presented here. It should be notedthat the percentages quoted represent proportions of the number of cyclistswho actually responded to each separate question, as opposed to a proportionof the total sample.

    11.3 The analysis shows that 50% (20) of those who responded were male and50% (20) were female. 90% (35) were 25 years or over, and 10% (4) wereunder 25. These figures are shown in Table 14 (where totals do not sum to 45this is because information not been provided in a few cases).

    Table 15 Sex and Age of University Respondents, 2004

    Sex % Number Age % Number







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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    10.7 The most common reason given by the University cyclists for using their bikein preference to other forms of transport was that it was quicker (90%). Healthand fitness reasons came second at 88% and cheaper third at 79%. Arelatively high proportion (76%) offered concern for the environment as areason for using their bike. 57% of those who responded had access to a car

    for their journey.

    10.8 24% (10) of people gave some other reason for cycling, such as pleasure,avoiding traffic congestion, no need to pay for parking, habit, part of multi-modal journey (e.g. along with train) and public transport being tooovercrowded.

    10.9 The single step which would encourage most of these cyclists to cycle more isan improvement in the standard of cycle lanes. The exact responses to thisquestion are presented below in Table 15:


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    GMTU Report 931 September 2004

    Table 15 Responses from Cyclists at University, on Steps to Encourage More Cycling

    A cycle track down Talbot Road

    Better cycle lanes

    Better cycle paths or improved road surface. More respect from motorists (x2)

    Better traffic free (or reduced) route to work

    Better weather

    Better, continuous, cycle lanes

    clear cycle lane all the way (ie without buses, parked cars and pedestrians in it)

    Cycle lanes protected by a raised kerb

    Decent cycle lanes

    Dedicated, safe, traffic-free, properly maintained cycle paths door-to-door

    Enforced 24 bike lanes: eg stop people parking in them and driving in them

    Enforced bike lanes

    Feeling that drivers are (a lot) more aware of my presence on the road and that they know how todeal with that

    Having better cycle routes

    I already use it a lot. But less cars and less worry about cycle security would helpI ride my bike every day to work after taking the train, but would do the full journey more often if I hadeasy access to a shower at work

    I use my bike everyday but it would be much more pleasant with proper bike lanes with kerbs tostop cars, buses and pedestrians using the lane - and specific traffic lights with an earlier start off forcyclists

    Improved safety on roads

    In the case of my journey to work, a substantial reduction in the number of buses tearing up anddown Oxford Road!

    Less Car/Bus/Truck Traffic!

    Less traffic on roads

    making it possible to take bikes on trams (and increasing provision for bikes on trains)

    maybe if the department had a shower I would consider cycling on a wet day

    More and better bicycle lanes

    More considerate taxi/car/bus drivers

    More cycle lanes and secure parking facilties

    More cycle lanes/ paths

    More secure bicycle parking / storage facilities

    More serious cycle lanes. A cyclist friendly city centre

    need for goodbike friendly public transport. good traffic free cycleways that mix pedestrians andcyclists safely. Showers in building I work and parking for cars on the edge of the city that allowcyclists cycle into work avoiding heavy congestion


    Reduce pollution and create truly dedicated bike lanes (ie with kerbs so cars dont drive / park inthem!)

    safe and effective cycle routes

    Safe storage at work

    Safer cycling env
