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Manual de Computacion

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It is an electronic machine whose purpose is to carry out the automatic prosecution of the information. A computer is composed of elements that constitute the Hardware (physical components) that allow executing the Software (logical components).



The computer monitor or computer screen, although it is also common to call it "screen", it is an exit device that, by means of an interface, it shows the results of the prosecution of the computer. In other words sample all the results of the work of the CPU





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The mouse

The secret to manage the mouse correctly is in the following posture: "He/she will lean on the hand on the table but only in the nearest part to the doll, while with the thumb for the left side and to annul and little for the right holds it smoothly for both sides of the mouse; with this we are able to have it subject but at the same time he/she allows to move it in all address without having the palm that we have to move leaning. - Like they come, us they are free two fingers, the index to be able to press the left button of the mouse, and the means to press the right button" The keyboard

The keyboard, basically, allows introducing text. But also to carry out some more things, he/she has approximately between 99 and 108 keys.






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It is divided in 4 blocks ? Block of functions: F1 goes from the key to F12, in three blocks of four: of F1 to F4, of F5 to F8 and of F9 to F12. They work according to the program that is open. For example, in many programs when pressing the key F1 you consents to the help associated to that program. Alphanumeric block: It is located in the inferior part of the block of functions; it contains the Arabic numbers from the 1 to the 0 and the organized alphabet as in a typewriter, besides some special keys. ? Numeric block: It is located to the right of the special block; it contains the organized Arabic numbers as in a calculator with the purpose of facilitating the fingering of figures. It also contains the signs of the four basic operations: it adds +, it subtracts -, multiplication * and division /; it also contains a key of Intro or Enter. Special block 1. Keys of movement of the cursor: These four keys (up, below, left, and right) they allow to move for the document. 2. Special keys: The key Alt Gr is good to introduce the third character of a key, for example, the @ that there is in the key of the number 2. (In the image the key Alt of the right is the equivalent one to Alt Gr). 3. Some keyboards have the key Windows that allows the menu beginning, and the key Application that opens the contextual menu, to open up the same as the secondary button of the mouse. 4. To combine keys: To carry out some functions it is necessary to pulse Two or more keys at the same time, for example, it can survive the document pressing Ctrl + G, that is to say, to press the key Ctrl and, without losing it, to press the key "g." It is an electronic machine whose purpose is to carry out the automatic prosecution of the information. A computer is composed of elements that constitute the Hardware (physical components) that allow executing the Software (logical components).


The hardware that composes most of the PC (English acronym of Personal Computer, that is to say personal computer) it includes: Monitor, keyboard, C.P.U. (English acronym of central unit of process) that in turn contains the microprocessor, the memory, the disk units, the cards video controladoras, of disks, of sound, etc. The C.P.U. it is the brain of the computer, it is the place in which one interprets and it processes the information. The microprocessor is the one that determines the pattern of the PC, its speed and capacity of handling of information, besides the cost.


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He/she calls himself software to the group of programs that you/they are executed in the computer. Without him the computer would not be more than an inert mass of electronic machinery. A computer that lacks software cannot make absolutely anything. WHAT IS IT AN APPLICATION OR A PROGRAM?

An application is an orderly group of instructions that you/they allow the resolution of a problem or to develop certain tasks. Different types of applications that are good to execute different tasks exist. For example WORD, EXCEL, the systems developed had measured by a programmer for a certain company, the virus and the antivirus es, the games, the applications of commercial administration, accountants, financial, of drawing technician, to compose music, to see and to process video images, scientific programs, etc. Application and it programs they are synonymous. Before the arrival of WINDOWS to the computer market, the term was used "it programs", and starting from there he/she goes slowly being replaced by the term "application"


The operating system is a group of programs that you/they allow the communication between the PC and the user, administering and controlling the flow of information from and toward the components that conform the same one. All the computers should have an operating system to be able to work; the good known ones are WINDOWS, LINUX, UNIX, MACINTOSH, etc. This manual only tries on the first of them.


When lighting the PC he/she puts automatically into operation a program that he/she comes in the memory of the team and that he/she carries out a test of the hardware, deploying for screen


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the result of the same one. This program is specifically in the memory ROM (Read Only Memory, reading memory only) that still maintains its content after out the team. I USE OF THE COMPUTER When concluding this part of the session you will be able to recognize the use of the computer.


Ignition of the Computer: 1. he/she lights the regulator or suppressive (it is recommended that the electric outlet has a

good connection to earth, this is the one that protects long term to the computer of the electric problems )

2. it Presses the button "Power" of the one he/she marries or drawer. 3. it presses the button that is in the front part of the monitor (in some cases the monitor

has this button in the inferior part) .4. he/she Waits some seconds so that the system is loaded and Windows is activated


It is recommended when turning off the Team, to follow the steps that are pointed out next: a. - you Make sure that all the applications or / you program that this using is closed. b. - you go to the menu Beginning and it selects to turn off the System. He/she hopes a dialogue square comes out to confirm the action.


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c. - it selects the action "to turn off" and the process will begin of out, he/she fades the monitor first. , and lastly the since stabilizer the CPU fades alone.



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Once lit the computer, the operating system is activated to use, it is important to highlight that most of the users have installed in its computer the Operating system Windows, for it this course is focused to the use of this system, but it is important to highlight that other Operating systems exist with a similar graphic environment to Windows, such it is the case of: Linux, Macintosh, among others. What is Windows? It is an Operating system that allows the application of several tasks in simultaneous (multitasking), where the user can work at the same time with different applications or windows. It is a graphic interface of easy use, that is to say, from the graphic point of view they can be identified the options easily to work, it uses icons to represent files and devices that can be controlled with a mouse or mouse. WINDOWS is a system designed to be used with a mouse what reduces to the minimum the use of the keyboard, facilitating any type of tasks and avoiding the attributable errors to the form and the syntax in the entrance of the instructions like it happened previously. The desk of WINDOWS in general presents the following aspect:


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This can vary in function of the version of WINDOWS that has installed, of the installed applications and of those to those that have been created a shortcut in the desk. To the left we see the icon MY PC that allows us to see and to travel each one of the disk units, disquiet, CD-ROM, existent DVD in their computer In the portfolio of MY DOCUMENTS they are all the documents created by the users. In MY PLACES OF NET he/she will be able to see all the connected PC's to their net it tames or manager. The PAPELERA DE RECICLAJE contains the documents, applications, icons that have been erased of its computer and that you will be able to recover easily and during a certain time, in case that has erased them by mistake.

Fund of the Desk: It is that that covers the generality of the screen, on this all the windows and squares of dialogues they are placed, portfolios, shortcuts, among others. The Fund of Desk has several properties, one of her is the possibility to change the colors of the bottom of the screen, equally some images can be placed (paper tapestry), another property is the one of placing refreshing of screen, you can personalize the desk and equally you can configure the resolution of the screen . To see these elements you can make click with the right button of the mouse (button of properties) and to select of the square the option properties (this can practice it in your computer).


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Icons of Shortcut:

They are representations of elements (units, files, applications, portfolios) that are in the desk; just by making double click one enters in the same ones.

The Papers of Recycles:

It allows eliminating files in a simple and quick way (just by dragging them until the paper); of equal it forms, if for mistake we eliminate a file, it will be easy to recover it again. It is required to make double click in the Paper, to look for the document and to drag it until to the Desk.


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All the documents, files or portfolios that fade store in the Paper. It is important to remember that you can eliminate the documents that are inside the paper, for you make it click in the icon of the paper, and then it selects with the button of properties the option To empty Paper, once carried out this action, fades all that is inside the paper automatically and you don't have option to recover them. Taskbar It contains representative bellboys of portfolios and open applications on the desk. These bellboys substitute to the icons of the minimized applications. The Taskbar contains a called button "I Begin", located to the left of this. When one makes click on this button a menu he/she appears from which you can consent easy and quickly to the most important options that he/she offers this environment. Button of Beginning He/she allows opening anyone of the options of programs, configuration, search and maintenance of the environment. When making a click on this, he/she spreads a menu from which we can make operations like: Programs: This option allows us to consent to a new system of sub menus that will contain the groups and applications that we have installed (Office, Bar of Tools, and Accessories of Desk, among other) Configuration: By means of this menu we can go to the options with those that all the aspects of this version are configured, that is to say, to the main options with those that we can personalize the


To look for: With this menu we can consent to options that will allow us with certain conditions to locate files and portfolios, he/she also makes search in Internet and you appear in person in their notebook of addresses, in any place of our computer.


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Operations that can be carried out in the Desk:

In the Desk we can carry out other operations like they are to create portfolios to organize our work, to place icons of programs or shortcuts. To Create a New Portfolio either on the desk or inside another portfolio, he/she is carried out in the following way: 1. We place the pointer on a place in which there are not icons, a click it is made on the one right button of the mouse. 2. In the menu that he/she appears we select the new option, and subsequently Portfolio .3. To change the name of the portfolio, we will type the new name and we will press the key Enter

MY PC:Among the icons that you/they appear in the desk he/she is " ". It is activated with double click on him. Then a window appears with the icons of those units of disk that has the computer, as well as the portfolios of the Panel of Control, Printers, net of communications. This icon has as purpose to negotiate the files and directory, for example: To see the Content of a Device exorable (USB)


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It is in the taskbar in the area of beginning applications that includes icons of the applications that open up when beginning Windows. If the prompter of the mouse puts on the clock it will also show the date. It is inside the taskbar, to modify it is necessary to give double click on the emergent square will appear to carry out the modifications. Or one can give click in the beginning button, to go to the control panel where a window will appear in which click will be given in the date icon and hour, the emergent square will appear this way for the modifications.


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Screen properties.

These properties of the screen are made up of:


; A topic is a bottom and a group of sounds, icons, and other elements that you/they help to personalize the team with an alone one, click.Desk; it is where the appearance of the desk is chosen.Screen saver; it is where the screen saver is selected for when it is not in use the computer.


It is where the styles of the emergent windows are selected, like they are color, size of the source.


Here the screen resolution and the quality of the color is determined. As eliminating files. Right click is given, an emergent square appears, click is given in eliminating, in the emergent window the option is given of sending or not the file to the recycle paper, click is given in If to eliminate it. As restoring a document. It occurs double click in the icon of the recycle Paper, when leaving the emergent window the file it is selected that he/she wants to recover giving right click and he/she moves an emergent square and click is given in restoring, and the file appears this way in the place again where he/she was originally.



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To use the calculator the following steps they are continued:

WHAT IS PAINT? The Paint substitutes the Paintbrush of the versions previous of Windows. He/she adds new drawing tools, he/she allows keeping in any file type, it allows the long names in the files and he/she allows choosing if he/she wants that the image that loads or design it is put as paper tapestry in the desk. It is presented like leave to the right.

The rest of the options work to its predecessor similarly.


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WORD is a program of prosecution of texts that allows producing documents of professional quality quickly, when providing the user the following facilities:

" To copy, to erase and to insert texts with easiness “To look for and to replace texts. “To give him forms to the text. “To insert and to print graphics and leaves of calculations together with their documents. “Layout of lines, alignments and shady of paragraphs to improve the aspect of the

documents and to stand out important paragraphs. " To revise spelling " To align automatically " To insert vignettes " To number items in automatic form “I manage of several simultaneous windows, with different views of oneself extensive

document or with different documents at the same time.

HOW TO ENTER WORD? Look for in their desk or in the BAR OF QUICK BEGINNING the icon that identifies to this application if it is necessary it maximizes the window and he/she will have the following screen.


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EXCEL is a program that it allows to produce schedules of professional quality quickly when providing the user the following facilities:

To Copy, to erase and to insert texts, numbers and formulas with easiness.

To give him forms to the text and the cells. To insert and to print with their calculation leaves, graphics of high quality. To create a quantity and variety of calculation formulas related with their data and with

their other formulas. Handling of several simultaneous windows, with different views of oneself extensive

document or with different documents at the same time.


Look for in their desk or in the bar of Quick Beginning the icon that identifies to this application If it is necessary it maximizes the window and he/she will have the following screen.


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In the central part of the screen he/she is the group of cells that you/they compose the work leaf. In each cell we can place information and then to relate the cells to each other to create a calculation outline. As we can observe, the screen of EXCEL is similar visible previously in WORD, and that you are already under conditions of recognizing without he/she explains to him them in detail: The BAR OF TITLE with the bellboys of MINIMIZING, of MAXIMIZING and of CLOSING. The BAR OF MENUS DESCOLGABLES

WHAT IS POWER POINT?PowerPoint is a surprising program that he/she can use to make presentations of slides and presentations. You can put anything from text, sounds, and images in the different slides. Then, he/she can add them time, or to make click in them to go to the following slide. PowerPoint you can use for all type of things, from presentations of slides of pictures of a party, until

those important presentations of the school with holding and graphics. £ The best thing of everything, is easy and amusing of using! These instructions are written for PowerPoint 2007, but they are almost identical to the instructions for PowerPoint 2010. When differences exist important the observation will be made. BASIC TASKS Microsoft open PowerPoint pulsing in Beginning, go to programs, Office go to Microsoft, and make click in Microsoft PowerPoint.


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The first idea of what would be later on Internet 60 point is born in the years for the military necessity of communicating, like for the scientific necessity of sharing investigations. In answer to the launching of the Soviet satellite Sputnik, the Americans believe the Agency of Projects of Advanced Investigation (DARPA for their initials in English) inside the Department of Defense of the United States of America. Their main plans were to apply the highest technology to their defense system to avoid to be surprised by the enemy's technological advances and to build a net of information that could be good for espionage purposes, as well as to make transmission of sure information among multiple points of military presence of the United States. The idea was that, if a part of the net suffered a total collapse, to cause for example of a nuclear war, the messages could find the road until its destination in any way. In 1969 the DARPA, together with the company Rand Corporation developed a net without central, called nodes ARPANET. The information was divided in packages and each package contained the origin address, that of destination, the sequence number and a certain information. The packages when arriving to the destination were ordered according to the sequence number and they joined to give place to the information. When traveling for the net in packages, more difficult era to lose data since, if a concrete package didn't arrive to the destination or it arrived faulty, the computer that he/she should receive the information only had to request to the issuing computer the package that he lacked. The protocol of communications called himself NCP (Network Control Protocol). Thanks to ARPANET, scientists and investigators could share computer resources in remote form; this was since a great help it is necessary to remember that in the years 70 the time of prosecution for computer was a really scarce resource. ARPANET in itself also grew and already for 1972 it contained to 37 nets. And a curious thing happened since it began to it turns that most of the traffic was constituted by news and personal messages, and not so much for computer processes; in fact, when the electronic mail lists were developed (mail messages that are distributed to a group of users), one of the first topics that they approached with success it was that of the science-fiction through a popular list that SF-LOVERS called herself (Fanatic of the science-fiction). It was in 1974 that the scientists of DARPA working with experts of Stanford developed the bases of the language that it would be the base of what today knows as TCP/IP. One of the main benefits of this new protocol was that unique binary addresses could be assigned to each connected device to the net. The decade of the years 70 saw the birth of multiple nets and services, for example, the University of Stanford inaugurated its service Telnet, the first public service of packages of data. The department of Energy of the United States also built its own net that in turn inspired the NASA to build its net that SPAN would call. In 1976 AT&T it developed a protocol for communication among computers with operating system UNIX (that was the operating system of more distribution and use in the universities) and it distributed it gratuitously to all those that had computers with operating system UNIX, this


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unchained the creation of USENET, an open system that he/she offers electronic mail service and news so far for their users. In 1982 the protocol is adopted TCP/IP like the standard for the interconnection from the connected nets to ARPANET, in fact, one of the most interesting challenges was the transition of the communication protocol used by the ARPANET (NCP) to TCP/IP.


The electronic mail or email, are one of the services of Internet of more utility. It allows him to send and to receive messages, images, sounds and all kinds of files. The form in that he/she works is similar to that of the postal mail, each internet user possesses an electronic mail address and with the use of an administrating program of email or from a page WEB that lends such a service, can send and to receive messages between its stall and any other stall of the world, without additional costs for its use and with a time of delivery of very few seconds. An important aspect of understanding of the electronic mail, is the fact that the messages that you/they send him are stored in its supplier's servant and they remain there until you go down them to its computer or it erases them of its servant, for what you don't lose messages to have its out computer or for not entering daily to internet. For that reason the reception and shipment of messages is an operation of upgrade of information between its servant and you, without in fact amount where he/she is or since computer carries out the operation.


It is one of the best programs to administer electronic mail, used by the great majority of users. When managing the mail with OUTLOOK EXPRESS, he/she will have the advantage of having all the messages in their computer, and he/she will be able to read them without necessity of being

connected. He/she will also be able to write messages without to be connected and to send them later on when it is connected. The work routine generally consists in: To write the messages that it is wanted to send, to be connected to internet, to send the messages, to receive the new messages, to be disconnected and to read the received messages Activate the program, and let us see the first screen that will be presented. To the left we have the list of portfolios where the messages are stored. Apart from those that are come in the example that you/they are those that are believed the first time that uses the program, you will see later on as creating as many portfolios as need for a better classification of their messages Under the previous one there is a window with the contacts that you will go entering in the


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To the right the list of the messages that you/they correspond to the portfolio that has been selected to the left leave (in the example TRAY OF ENTRANCE)


Once the user is connected Internet, it should execute an application that allows him to consent to pages WEB and to take it of some to other following the connections. To the application that allows him to carry out this he/she is called "navigator", and when we follow a connection we say that we are navigating for the WEB. One of those programs, without a doubt the more used in the entire world, it is the

INTERNET EXPLORER. With him we can, to consent to pages WEB, calculation leaves, database, videotape, sound and all the more advanced possibilities. HOW DOES THE WEB WORK? The pages or present places in the net, and in which will navigate, they are consented through their address that has syntax of the type: Type of the servant: / / it names of the place The first part (type of the servant) it indicates, with a key word, the servant to which one goes (FTP, HTTP, GOPHER, etc.). The most common is http or https and, to the being a standard element for all the addresses WEB, is not necessary to write it. The second part is the name of the place. After the first one and second leaves it inserts: / /


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In turn the name of the place or of the page it is formed by two or three separated parts each one for a point and it is composed of some in these ways: · Names. Country (for example yahoo.fr) The European countries, among other, don't put distinction of the place type and they only use the name of the place (yahoo) and the country where it is housed, in this case France (. fr) · Names. Type (for example yahoo.com) The places of USA don't take distinction of the country like in the previous case, only the category of the same one (that don't use the first ones), in this case it is a commercial place (. com). Other category for the places, besides the commercial ones, they are educational places (. edu), government places (. gov), organizations without ends of lucre (. org). · Names. Type. Country (for example yahoo.com.ar) Yahoo.com.ar is a commercial place (. com) of Argentina (. ar). Argentina, among other countries uses the explanation of the category of the place so much, as the acronym of the country. It is worth to clarify that an Argentinean place can be housed or to have the domain of USA, in which case it won't take. ar It is very important to write the addresses correctly, since an error of a letter, a space, a script, etc will cause an error and the requested page won't open up. Behind the extension other words separated by the symbol can appear / (it sweeps inverse diagonal). This means that the address remits to a certain page inside a place of great size. For example, www.infoclima.com.ar/prono.asp takes to the page of presage of the time of the place commercial Argentinean infoclima. HOW DO I CONSENT TO A PLACE, THEN? If he/she knows the address of the place Web that wants to visit, simply write it in the square ADDRESS located in the superior part of the screen and press [ENTER]

If he/she has already written before this address, this will appear in a clever desplegable, next to other, and he will have enough it with making CLICK in her.?

