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March 2013 - Rock Spring News

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Rock Spring Congregational United Church of Christ monthly Newsletter.
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Rock Spring Congregational United Church of Christ 5010 Little Falls Rd. Arlington, VA 703-538-4886 www.rockspringucc.org The Rock Spring News March 2013 Vol. 13 No.03 Holy Week at Rock Spring Holy Week at Rock Spring Sunday, March 24 Palm Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Children’s palm procession and the “Sermon in Song,” John Rutter’s Mass of the Children (more information on p. 2). Thursday, March 28 Maundy Thursday 7:30 p.m. Derived from the Latin word mandatum, meaning “commandment,” Maundy refers to the command Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper: to love with humility by serving one another and toremember his sacrifice. This service will enact The Last Supper and Jesus’ last words. This will be a Tenebrae service or Service of Shadows. “Tenebrae” comes from the Latin for “shadows.” The sanctuary will begin in light and end in darkness. Communion will be served. This is an appropriate service for the entire family. Friday, March 29 Good Friday 8:00 p.m. This service will mark both Jesus’death and the places of desecration in our world today. Worship will include mention of difficult themes, including genocide and domestic violence, and is not recommended for children. Sunday, March 31 Easter Sunday 6:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. Sunrise Service led by Kyle Wyman and Laura Martin in the atrium courtyard 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Festive Easter Celebration with the Clarion Brass and Sanctuary Choir.
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Rock Spring CongregationalUnited Church of Christ

5010 Little Falls Rd. Arlington, VA703-538-4886


The Rock Spring NewsMarch 2013 Vol. 13 No.03

Holy Weekat Rock SpringHoly Weekat Rock Spring

Sunday, March 24 Palm Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Children’s palm procession and the “Sermon in Song,” John Rutter’s Mass of the Children (more information on p. 2).

Thursday, March 28 Maundy Thursday 7:30 p.m.Derived from the Latin word mandatum, meaning “commandment,” Maundy refers to the command Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper: to love with humility by serving one another and toremember his sacrifice. This service will enact The Last Supper and Jesus’ last words. This will be a Tenebrae service or Service of Shadows. “Tenebrae” comes from the Latin for “shadows.” The sanctuary will begin in light and end in darkness. Communion will be served. This is an appropriate service for the entire family.

Friday, March 29 Good Friday 8:00 p.m. This service will mark both Jesus’death and the places of desecration in our world today. Worship will include mention of difficult themes, including genocide and domestic violence, and is not recommended for children.

Sunday, March 31 Easter Sunday 6:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. Sunrise Service led by Kyle Wyman and Laura Martin in the atrium courtyard9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Festive Easter Celebration with the Clarion Brass and Sanctuary Choir.

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Worship Notes for MarchSUNDAYS:

Our Lenten Sermon Series focuses on The Lord’s Prayer. Each week we will focus on one line of the prayer that

we say together every week. During these weeks we will use several different translations of the prayer within

the worship services and hope that this intentional emphasis will help deepen its meaning.

WEDNESDAYS: Lenton Vespers

During this season of Lent, Rock Spring is again offering Wednesday evening services centered on prayer and quiet

to add to and broaden our experience of Lent. The Vespers are being designed and led by various members of the

congregation on the following Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.: February 27, March 6, 13, and 20. Contact

Dick Metzger at [email protected] for more information.


On the Wednesdays of Lent we offer vespers – that is a time of prayer and meditation to help us with our Lenten

Journey. This year, you may attend as a family! Linda Carder will provide hands-on activities for children that will

help them begin to grasp some of the meaning of Lent. It begins at 7:00 p.m. We will gather for an opening in the

Saegmuller Room. There will be a beautiful “garden” produced by Judy Funderburk as our focal point and worship

center. Come join us.


Candlelight Evening Prayer in the style of TAIZÉ Friday, March 1, 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Quietly joyful ~ full of hope ~ a new way to listen for God


This Palm Sunday the Sanctuary and Youth Choirs will be presenting a wonderful, celebratory work by the English

composer John Rutter. The work, Mass of the Children, is a wonderful piece which has significant moments when the

Youth sing. We also will hear beautiful and soaring melodies from the Sanctuary Choir and both soprano and baritone

soloists. We hope you will join us for either the 9:00 a.m. or the 11:00 a.m. service on Palm Sunday, March 24, to hear

this wonderful work in English and Latin.



I have several beautiful memories from our Ash Wednesday service. There was the woman who approached me with tears in her eyes to have her forehead marked with ashes, who whispered, “this is my first time.” There was the parent who said, “(my child) asked before coming, ‘is this just for the children or will the adults get to have ashes put on their foreheads too?’” And, then there was the privilege of leading worship with Mark and hearing him reframe “dust” for me. We are “the dust of the universe,” he said. Dazzling dust.

Ever since, I have been thinking about what dazzling things the Holy One can do with dust. This Lent I am thinking, watching, and reflecting on what God can do within the dust, within the dirt, within all of the stuff of which we and the universe are made. The movement between Lent and Easter is about growth and renewal.

As I write, we are still in the cold, wintery days of February, but there are some crocuses and bulbs that are already trying to push their way up through the dirt in our yard. Each time I see new growth it comes as a surprise. Why is that? I should know better; there is always growth that comes out of the dirt as we approach spring.

At Rock Spring, I see growth, too: the new crop of Sunday School teachers, the gorgeous garden that is serving as a focal point for our vespers service, the diligence of the Global Mission commit-tee as they plan for a month-long focus in April on the Middle East, the creative way the staff has been working (and laughing) together to meet a host of challenges, the excitement brewing over the upcoming Neighborhood House Presentation (March 3), and the work that has begun on our new website. It seems that every day I am surprised and delighted by what is swirling around us from the dazzling dust of Rock Springers.

Where has new growth sprung up and delighted you?

With gratitude for dazzling dust and Easter joy,

– Kathy

“Where has new growth sprung up and delighted you?”

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rEV. MArK SUriANo My favorite Easter passage is from the Gospel of John where Mary is at the tomb weeping when she bumps into someone she presumes to be a gardener--only to discover that it is Jesus. Rob Bell, pastor and theologian of the Emerging church movement, suggests that this encounter between Jesus and Mary ties the Resurrection with the beginning of a new creation. Easter becomes a new beginning for everything not just a fresh start for humanity.

This year the United Church of Christ has invited congregations and individuals to participate in Mission 4/1 Earth: 50 Great Days, and I am happy to say that both the 5th Sunday planners and the EcoJustice Committee have picked up the call! As we celebrate resurrection this year we will also be invited and challenged to continue the garden-building, earth-renewing, life-gener-ating work begun when Mary met Jesus in that garden.

Over the next weeks and on through Pentecost (May 19) we will have many opportunities to live out our faith by engaging in a concerted effort to renew our earth. There will be plenty of letters to write, trees to plant, cleaning to do, and a host of other opportunities so that we can participate in building a New Creation. I hope that all Rock Springers will participate together in one common and faithful witness to the power of new life.

Peace and all good things

– Mark

“Easter becomes a new beginning for everything.”

spiritual GroWth aNd learNiNG

17th Annual Women’s Retreat:“Wisdom is a Lady” CoME joiN ThE WoMEN oF roCK SPriNG For A SPECiAL rETrEAT iN CArPENTEr hALLoN SATUrDAY, APriL 20, 9 A.M. To 4 P.M., LED bY Dr. CAroLYN jUrKoWiTz.

In our Judeo-Christian tradition, Wisdom is often represented as a woman and God’s collaborator in the work of creation:

“When there were no depths, I was brought forth . . .

when God had not yet made earth and fields,

or the world’s first bits of soil . . .

I was beside the Creator as a master worker . . . .” [Prov 8]

Our retreat will focus on the interplay of wisdom and creativity, wisdom as both gift and action.

Carolyn will lead us through a variety of activities and interactions, in large and small group settings, to explore this dynamic.

An experienced retreat leader, Carolyn serves as Executive Director of the Catholic Conference of Ohio. She is a

long-time educator, hospital chaplain, and spiritual director. She has a passion for diversity – for the insights that people of

different traditions, interests, and experiences offer one another and the creativity we can unleash in one another. Many

of you will remember Carolyn from Rev. Kathy Dwyer’s installation service in March 2011, where she delivered the sermon.

Two ways to register:

Sign up online at http://bit.ly/XnZoRz, which takes you to the registration materials on the church website.

Fill out a registration form, which can be found on the big table in the Saegmuller Room.

Your fee of $20 includes lunch and can be paid at the door the day of the retreat.

Questions? Contact Judy McDowell, Sara Fitzgerald, Susan Peters, or Eileen Jinks.

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spiritual GroWth & learNiNG

Special Lenten Offerings CorriDorS oF PrAYEr

oin us in walking through corridors of prayer on Tuesdays, February 26 - March 26, from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Over 6 weeks, this class will explore ancient and fresh ways of prayer, from prayer-journaling to Jewish prayer traditions,

to art making and beyond. Each session will be grounded in a line from the Lord’s Prayer, and that line will be carried

into the week’s prayer practices. We will engage in personal and group prayer exercises. Contact Laura Martin

at [email protected] for more information.

spiritual GroWth & learNiNG

Children, Youth & Families

SENior hiGh YorSFebruary was a month of fun and fellowship, both within our group and with the larger congregation and Potomac Association. We began the month as part of the all-church Family Life Retreat at Cacapon Springs, West Virginia. A fun time was had by all. The next weekend we braved the blizzard and headed to Wisp Resort in western Maryland for what turned out to be ideal skiing conditions. After a full day of skiing we made full use of the Bell’s vacation home: soaking in the hot tub, playing pool, cards and video games. The next week we met with intern Laura Martin to plan a service project to be carried out at Shelter House in March. We ended the month with the Potomac Association youth rally for those going on the mission trip this summer.

We will kick off March with a planning session to schedule our activities for the rest of the year. Please come with your ideas for what you think we should do over the next 3 months. March 10 is our regular time to cook lunches for the day workers at SEEC. March 17 will be our service project at Shelter House.

Animate is a new seven-session adult education course that explores some of the “big questions” of faith:

God, Religion, Jesus, Salvation, Cross, Bible, and Church. During the six weeks of Lent we will consider and

discuss each of these “big questions” with the help of a video presentation/discussion starter by some well-

known people like Brian McLaren and Lillian Daniels. Join in the conversation each Wednesday, or even

only some Wednesdays (through March 27), immediately following the evening vesper service until 8:30 p.m.

Please contact Mark Suriano at [email protected] for more information.

Sunday, March 24 Palm Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Children’s palm procession and the “Sermon in Song,” John Rutter’s Mass of the Children (more information on p. 2).

Thursday, March 28 Maundy Thursday 7:30 p.m.Derived from the Latin word mandatum, meaning “commandment,” Maundy refers to the command Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper: to love with humility by serving one another and toremember his sacrifice. This service will enact The Last Supper and Jesus’ last words. This will be a Tenebrae service or Service of Shadows. “Tenebrae” comes from the Latin for “shadows.” The sanctuary will begin in light and end in darkness. Communion will be served. This is an appropriate service for the entire family.

Friday, March 29 Good Friday 8:00 p.m. This service will mark both Jesus’death and the places of desecration in our world today. Worship will include mention of difficult themes, including genocide and domestic violence, and is not recommended for children.

Sunday, March 31 Easter Sunday 6:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. Sunrise Service led by Kyle Wyman and Laura Martin in the atrium courtyard9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Festive Easter Celebration with the Clarion Brass and Sanctuary Choir.

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spiritual GroWth & learNiNG

MiDDLE hiGh YorS

February may be the shortest month of the year, but MH YoRS filled it to the brim! We kicked things off with tubing and

a crazy Scavenger Hunt at the Family Life Retreat. Next we celebrated Mardi Gras, talking about literal and meta-

phoric masks that we wear in our lives and making some pretty snazzy ones. The following week, we began our Lenten

exploration of homelessness, meeting with Laura Martin and Victor Dooley of Shelter House. They taught us about the

many challenges faced by homeless families, and inspired us to take action to help.

For March, we’ll continue to explore homelessness and prepare a spring party that we will put on with SH YoRS for the

families who live at Shelter House on March 17. In the works are an Egg Hunt, crafts and games, and, of course, special

food. On March 24, we’ll have our own Easter party, complete with egg dying. Come join us!

FirST TEAChEr TrAiNiNG oF 2013!

Rock Spring Sunday School teachers gathered after worship for a brief training and touch point. Mark and Linda went

over classroom covenants and provided some helpful tips to support new and experienced teachers alike as they

continue to make Sunday School a wonderful experience for the children and youth of Rock Spring. The Christian

Education board would like to express our continued appreciation for all of the Sunday School teachers who give of

their time and talents to provide fun, engaging, and educational experiences for our children and youth!

PiCTUrED hErE: FroNT roW: Carol George, Dick Metzger, Lisa Hansen; second row: Peter Moll, Mary Black, Linda Carder, Betsey Wildhack;bACK roW: Ann Divecha, Mark Suriano, Stuart Scott, John Parcell, Andy Schwarz, Donna Cartwright, Pam Quanrud.

spiritual GroWth & learNiNG

ChiLDrEN’S SChEDULE For EASTEr SUNDAY So that families can celebrate Easter together, hear the glorious music, witness the resurrection of the Alleluia Banner, sing the cherished and joyous hymns, and be a part of this wondrous ritual of faith, children in second grade and above will be invited to stay in worship with us that day. There will be special worship bulletins for the 2nd through 5th graders with activities that will help them participate and keep the fidgets to a minimum. There will be Sunday School classes at both the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services for pre-K through first graders.

If you would like to help create something special for the children between services or after the 11:00 a.m. worship that would help them further celebrate this special day, please contact Linda Carder.

PUTTiNG ThE “ALLELUiA” AWAY For LENT“Mom, what does Lent mean?” my daughter asked recently.She followed with, “What’s Ash Wednesday? Is it a Christian holiday?”

I started to answer her questions, but when I heard myself fumbling through some of the details, I resorted to,“Those are great questions for your Sunday-school teachers!” That’s my default answer to most of my kids’ theological questions. So I was sure to bring my children to church on Sunday, Feb. 10, knowing they would get a proper introduction to Lent. During the “Children’s Moment” that Sunday, the children and the congregation sang a song of praise, and a banner with “Alleluia” on it was displayed. Then the banner was rolled up, to be put away until Easter Sunday.

Kathy Dwyer explained to the kids that that Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) was the beginning of the season of Lent.Palm leaves used during last year’s Palm Sunday service had been burned into ashes, which symbolized that though each of us makes mistakes, nothing we do will separate us from the love of God.

She went on to say that we were putting away the “Alleluia” banner then because during Lent, we would not be rejoicing or saying “Alleluia.” We would learn more about God and how to follow closer in the way of Jesus – and at the end of Lent, the rejoicing we’d do on Easter would seem extra special.

The Children’s Moment concluded with a song about God’s guiding us on our journey: “Guide my feet while I run this race, For I don’t want to run this race in vain.”And my daughters and I left Rock Spring, all knowing more about Lent than we had whenwe arrived at church that morning.

Erika Trost Christian Education Board

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social actioN aNd MissioN

Aprilis Global Mission month—save some dates!












• “The Lemon Tree” by Sandy Tolan is “a true story of a remarkable relationship between two families, one

Arab, one Jewish, amid the fraught modern history of the region. In his childhood home, in the lemon

tree his father planted in the backyard, Bashir [the Arab] sees dispossession and occupation; Dalia [the

Jew], who arrived as an infant in 1948 with her family from Bulgaria, sees hope for a people devastated by

the Holocaust. Both are swept up in the fates of their people, and their lives form a personal microcosm of

more than half a century of Israeli-Palestinian history.” A four-week series based on this book will explore the

background to the situation in today’s Palestine-Israel conflict. Wednesday evenings April 10, 17, 24 and May 1.

• At movie nights on Sunday evenings April 7 and 28, movies will be screened at Rock Spring.

The first will show the background to today’s situation; the second will focus on the way forward.

Look for more information in the weeks ahead. Forward any questions about these events to Michael Bell or Kathy Dwyer.

Finally, please consider the following question: what single book and what single movie would help a congre-

gation in jerusalem gain an understanding of our situation as (progressive) Christians in today’s United States?

Suggestions please to [email protected]. We really do want to know!

social actioN aNd MissioN

MiSSioN 4/1 EArTh – ThE EASTEr 5Th SUNDAY EVENT Our next 5th Sunday is Easter Sunday! So, in lieu of a major event on the actual day, Rock Spring will use Easter Sun-day to consecrate work done in Lent and the Easter season in support of saving the Earth.

So what are we doing?

We are participating in the UCC’s “Mission 4/1 Earth: 50 Great Days” project. “ONE UNITED CHURCH on a shared resurrection witness for Planet Earth during 50 great days of greening up, powering down, and shouting out.”

The Mission 4/1 Earth Goals for the UCC are to record 1,000,000 hours of service to help the Earth; plant 100,000 trees; and write 100,000 letters on environmental concerns to political leaders.

Rock Spring’s Mission 4/1 Earth Goals are to record 1,000 hours of service to help the Earth; plant 50 (or maybe 100) trees; and write 100 letters to political leaders.

On Blitz Sunday (date TBD) we will plant at least one tree at Rock Spring, perform service work at the yards of some members who would like our help, write letters to elected officials, and distribute Mission 4/1 Earth record sheets (to help you keep track of your service hours, letters written, and trees planted/paid for).

More information will be coming soon, but activities you can begin to prepare for include:• Organizing your own “tree party” and invite Rock Springers, family, and friends over to plant a tree.

(We are asking Eco-Justice to provide a list of indigenous trees to our area.)• Signing letters of advocacy on relevant environmental topics, either form letters that will be provided at church

or your own for environmental causes that are important to you and your family.• Visit the UCC web site to learn more about the event and consider buying a tree!

<http://www.ucc.org/earth/> http://www.ucc.org/earth/

In order for our 5th Sunday to be a success and help the UCC’s “Mission 4/1 Earth: 50 Great Days” we will need you to record your hours worked, trees planted, and letters written. Please be looking out for the service sheets in the up-coming weeks. Our goal is to have a strong results tally on Easter Sunday and give a final tabulation and consecrate our results on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2013.

5th Sundays

Rock Spring UCC has a long and successful history in protecting the earth in our backyards and across the globe. That is why this 5th Sunday event, 4/1 Earth: 50 Great Days, is certain to be a success.

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featuring Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra violist and George Mason University

faculty Philippe Chao and his esteemed colleagues performing Haydn’s charming

Divertimento, selections from Prokofiev’s beloved Romeo and Juliet ballet, Busser’s

neglected Appassionato, Schubert’s Romanze for Helen, and Brahms’ own (but rarely-

performed) arrangement of his famous Horn Trio for Violin, Viola, and Piano.

SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2013 4 PM.




5010 LITTLE FALLS RD, ARLINGTON, VA 22207(703) 538-4886





to: m







task force corNer

Neighborhood House Task Force to Unveil Plans for Renovation The Neighborhood House Task Force will host a gathering in Neighborhood House on Sunday, March 3 at 12:15 p.m.

Architects from the firm Cox, Graae, and Spack will present the proposed drawings for the Neighborhood House

renovation. All are welcome.

Web Site Work Begins! At the end of 2012, Rock Spring contracted with Theory One Design to do the

Discovery Phase for Rock Spring’s new web site. Alicia Pritt and Cheryl Burke,

principals of Theory One, will be visiting Rock Spring in March to interview staff and

some members of the congregation. Stay tuned for more details!

Rock Spring Seeking Ambassadors While our office staff is in transition we need volunteers to be Rock Spring’s Ambassadors each Monday for the next several weeks. Two shift options are available 10am-1pm or 1pm to 4pm. Duties will include answering the phones and assisting office visitors. Detailed instructions and training will be provided. We’re hoping for several volunteers so each person only needs to take one or two shifts each month. if you’re interested, please contact Kathy Dwyer.

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NeWs aNd Notes

Welcome Sarah Steel! Some of you know Sarah Steel as our part-time bookkeeper, but we welcome her now into the

new role of Interim Office Administrator. Rock Spring has contracted with Sarah to help with

office and facility management while we determine our long term staffing plan. Sarah will

work approximately 20 hours a week, both onsite and offsite. She will be at Rock Spring on

Wednesdays and Fridays and can be reached at [email protected]. Sarah is the

principal of Steel Management Group, a consulting firm working with small businesses in the

areas of operations, human resources, business development, and construction management.

Spring 2013 New Members’ Class Rock Spring will hold its Spring New Members’ Class on Sundays, April 7, 14, and 21 from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. in Carpenter Hall.

We will receive new members on Sunday, April 28 during our morning worship services. If you have been visiting Rock Spring

and would like to learn more about Rock Spring or the UCC, or if you are considering making Rock Spring your spiritual

home, please join us for these sessions. All are welcome! If you have questions or want to register, please speak with one

of the pastors or email us at [email protected].

Baptisms and New Members We celebrate with Todd Kohr and Andrea Maresca on the baptism of their son, Aidan Kohr on February 24, 2013.

Todd and Andrea joined as members of Rock Spring the same day. Welcome!

Sarah Steel

Sunday, April 14, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. - Recital with Julia Littleton, soprano and Edward Roberts, piano.


Julia Littleton was the soprano soloist for the Schubert Mass in G that was performed at Rock Spring last year, and

she will be the soprano soloist for Rutter’s Mass of the Children that we will be presenting on Palm Sunday. She also

recorded some of Steven Sloan’s song compositions for a project he was doing. Julia is an active carilloner and plays

carillon recitals all over the country, including at the Netherlands Carillon. She will be playing three carillon recitals this

summer on three different carillons in Chicago.

At this recital, Julia will be singing songs by Mozart, Duparc, and Berg, and the Seven Spanish Folk Songs by Manuel DeFalla.


NeWs & Notes

2013 Council & Board Chairs rebecca Womeldorf, ChairMichael bell, Vice ChairDeborah Duffy, at-largeLaura hooper, at-largejim Kane, at-largebob Martinage, at-largeAndy Schwarz, ClerkWilliam Cartwright, Treasurerbethany Good-Mead, Financial SecretaryKate barton, representing Deacons (Susan Peters is Chair of Deacons)Cheryl ramp, Christian EducationDon johnson, FinanceGail howell and Carol Foster, MusicSusie Doyel, PersonnelGeoff Lindsay, Propertyiris Gibson, Social Action and Mission

A Note of Thanks:

eDear Friends of Rock Spring,

There could be no more useful and beautiful gift than this lovely warm shawl that you

have sent me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will appreciate and use it

for years to come. I expect that it will benefit my children also in their years to come!

Many, many thanks for your love and thoughtfulness.

Love always,

Caroline Anderson

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Rock Spring Congregational5010 Little Falls RoadArlington, VA 22207

March DatesFriday, March 16:30 p.m. Candlelight Evening Prayer

Sunday, March 312:15 p.m. Neighborhood House Presentation1:00 p.m. Transgender Forum

Tuesdays March 57:30 p.m. Corridors of Prayer

Wednesdays March 6, 13, 20, 277:00 p.m. Lenten Vespers7:30 p.m. Animate!

Sunday, March 10One Great Hour of Sharing Offering4:00 p.m. Rock Spring Recital

Wednesday, March 20Rock Spring News Deadline

Sunday, March 24 Palm SundayJohn Rutters, “Mass of the Children”

Thursday, March 287:30 Maundy Thursday Service

Friday, March 298:00 p.m. Good Friday Service

Sunday, March 316:30 a.m. Sunrise Service9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Easter Service with the Carillon Brass
