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MARCH, 2017lebanonunitedmc.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/4/0/30405735/...Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith...

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NEWSLETTER STAFF: Mary Lou Pennell, Editor Phone: 746-8538 [email protected] Linda & Chuck Connors CHURCH INFORMATION: R. Spencer Broce, Pastor Lisa Beckwith, Youth Minister Linda Kennedy, Choir Director Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant Worship Services; 9:00 am and 11:00 am Church Office: 746-0980 Pastor’s Home: 550-2734 Lebanon UMC 8492 Peaks Road Hanover, VA 23069 MARCH, 2017 Wednesday Night Fellowship and Study Schedule... March 8 - April 5 - 6:45 to 8 pm “The Easter Experience” - Nursery Provided This video based study brings the passion and resurrection of Jesus to life through dramatic storytelling and challenging teaching done in a highly cinematic style. Through these in- depth teachings, it is our desire that we will grow deeply in faith as we study and experience the eternal message of Easter. This class will meet in the Chapel. Nursery provided. An alternate Bible study on the books of Esther and Ruth will be led by Holly Maslanka and Robin Bruce. This class meets in the back corner of the Fellowship Hall. Nursery provided. Come early and enjoy dinner from 6:00 to 6:45 pm - $5 Adults, Kids ages 3 to 8-$3, Kids 2 and under-Free - $20 max per family. If you would like to help with the meals, contact Cathy Fetty at [email protected]. Also at 6:45 to 8:00 pm - Elementary - Middle School Bible Study (Youth Bldg. Basement) High School Bible Study (Youth Bldg.) Beginning at 6:30 pm and continuing for 2 hours, a group of knitters is also meeting making all size hats for the Hanover Christmas Mother. You do not need to know how to knit as they can show you how. Contact June Chappell at 730-1418 or at [email protected] for more info. Are you in the midst of spring clean up and clean out? Finding odds and ends that are too good to throw away, but are no longer useful to you and your family? Well, we have just the place for those items! The Lebanon women’s SPRING YARD/BAKE SALE is set for Sat- urday, April 1 from 8 am to 1 pm! Household items, toys, and children’s clothes (no adult clothes, please) can be dropped off at the back of the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, March 26 or during set-up on Thursday and Friday, March 30 and 31, beginning at 6 pm. It is most helpful if you are able to price your items! Baked goods may be dropped off the evening before or the morning of the sale between 7:30 and 8 am. If you need help with large items, contact JoAnne Nesselrodt at 537- 5753 or Betty Pittman at 746-2170.
Page 1: MARCH, 2017lebanonunitedmc.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/4/0/30405735/...Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant Worship Services; 9:00 am

NEWSLETTER STAFF: Mary Lou Pennell, Editor Phone: 746-8538 [email protected] Linda & Chuck Connors CHURCH INFORMATION: R. Spencer Broce, Pastor Lisa Beckwith, Youth Minister Linda Kennedy, Choir Director Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant

Worship Services; 9:00 am and 11:00 am Church Office: 746-0980 Pastor’s Home: 550-2734 Lebanon UMC 8492 Peaks Road Hanover, VA 23069

MARCH, 2017

We wil l resume ou r reg ula r worsh ip schedule on Sunday, Sept . 18 with contemporar y worsh ip at 9 am, Sunday School at 10 am, and t rad it ional worsh ip at 11 am.

Wednesday Night Fel lowship and Study Schedule . . .March 8 - Apr i l 5 - 6:45 to 8 pm

“The Easter Exper ience” - Nursery Prov ided

This v ideo based s t udy br ings the passion and resu r rect ion of Jesus to l i fe th rough d ramat ic s tor y tel l ing and chal leng ing teach ing done in a h igh ly cinemat ic s t yle. Th rough these in-depth teach ings , i t is ou r desi re that we wi l l g row deeply in fa ith as we st udy and exper ience the eter nal message of Easter. Th is class wi l l meet in the Chapel. Nurser y prov ided.

A n alte r nate Bible s t udy on the books of Esther and Ruth wi l l be led by Hol ly Maslan ka and Robin Br uce. Th is class meets in the back cor ner of the Fel lowship Hal l . Nurser y prov ided. Come ea rly and enjoy d in ner f rom 6:00 to 6:45 pm - $5 Adult s , K ids ages 3 to 8-$3, K ids 2 and under-Free - $20 max per family. I f you would l i ke to help with the meals , contact Cathy Fet t y at cat t in [email protected].

Also at 6:45 to 8:00 pm - Elementa r y - Middle School Bible St udy (Youth Bldg. Basement)

High School Bible St udy (Youth Bldg.) Beginning at 6:30 pm and cont inuing for 2 hours , a group of k nit ters i s a lso meet ing mak ing al l si ze hat s for the Hanover Ch r is t mas Mother. You do not need to k now how to k n it as they can show you how. Contact June Chappel l at 730 -1418 or at [email protected] for more in fo.

A re you in the midst of spr ing clean up and clean out? Find ing odds and ends that a re too good to th row away, but a re no longer usef u l to you and you r family? Wel l , we have just the place for those items! The Lebanon women’s SPR ING YAR D/ BAK E SA LE i s set for Sat- u rday, Apr i l 1 f rom 8 am to 1 pm! Household i tems, toys , and ch i ld ren’s clothes (no adult clothes , please) can be d ropped of f at the back of the Fel lowship Hal l on Sunday, March 26 or du r ing set-up on Thursday and Fr iday, March 30 and 31, beg in n ing at 6 pm. It is most helpf u l i f you a re able to pr ice you r items! Baked goods may be d ropped of f the even ing before or the mor n ing of the sale bet ween 7:30 and 8 am. I f you need help with la rge items, contact JoA n ne Nessel rodt at 537- 5753 or Bet t y Pit t man at 746 -2170.

Page 2: MARCH, 2017lebanonunitedmc.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/4/0/30405735/...Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant Worship Services; 9:00 am

Before I was bor n , my parents had a ch ihuahua named Tr ix ie. Tr ix ie was bonded ver y s t rongly to my mother. So when I came along, Tr ix ie became ver y jealous to the point where my folks couldn’t keep her any longer. Tr ix iewent to l ive with my g randparents , where she f it i n ver y n icely. Back in those days , my mom and g randmother com municated a lot th rough note wr it ing. Each t ime my g randmother received a note f rom my mom Tr ix ie would gobon kers. She’d cl imb up in my g randmother’s lap and sn if f a l l over the le t te r,mak ing it a lmost impossible for my g randmother to read. There was some-th ing of my mom on that note that spoke as much to that dog as the words d id to my g randmother.

Con nect ions a re impor t ant . We a re made to be con nected to others as wel l as to ou r Creator. As we enter into the month of March we enter into a season, Lent , made for renewing con nect ions with ou r fa ith and with ou r God. Lent is a per iod of 40 days where we a re meant to prepare for remember ing the events of the cr ucif ix ion and the resu r rect ion. The ancient chu rch t reated it a lot l i ke a per iod of mour n ing, consider ing thei r role in the death of Jesus , as i f to say, “Not on ly d id Jesus d ie for me, but because of me and my own sin f u lness , I am in pa r t responsible for Je -sus’ death.” It is a power f u l approach to th is season. However, Lent has much more to of fer us when we t ake it as a t ime to recon nect with ou r fa ith and recogn iz ing ou r dependence upon God.

Fast ing, g iv ing someth ing up, has been a t y pical means by which Ch r is t ians have ach ieved these ends th roughout Lent . I th in k that we must do more than g ive someth ing up. I bel ieve that we could be add ing some th ings as wel l , or instead. P rayer, s t udy and medit at ion , each of these a re wonder f u l spi r it ual d iscipl ines we can add to ou r dai ly l ives th roughout Lent and can be exper i-enced in a va r iet y of ways. It is a lso helpf u l to put ou r fa ith into act ion. I have seen d i f ferent models for th is d i f ferent places. Some people have ident i f ied a l is t of concepts to t ake a pict u re of ever yday th roughout Lent and share it v ia social media . Others pledge to be engaged in some ser v ice oppor t un it y th roughout the weeks of Lent con nect ing with Ch r is t’s sacr i f ice to the world . I a lso l i ke one I recent ly d iscovered , wr it ing a note each day to someone in ou r l ives. Recon nect-ing with people as we recon nect with God.

The a r t of note/ le t te r wr it ing is being lost in ou r world with most of ou r non-personal com muni-cat ion being done elect ron ical ly. Please consider using act ual pen and paper for these notes. It of fers a more human touch. Before you wr ite to each of these people, t ake t ime to pray for them, whether it is someth ing specif ic you a re aware of or someth ing more general . Give than ks for whatever it is about them that is mean ingf u l in you r l i fe. Then when you put pen to paper it is more than a com municat ion of words , i t becomes a spi r it ual exercise. The notes need not be long or compl icated. You don’t have to tel l them why you’re wr it ing, except to say someth ing along the l ines of “I was th in k ing of you today. I sa id a prayer for you. I than k God that you a re a pa r t of my l i fe.” Or someth ing l i ke that .

Than ks for Rev. Robb McCoy who came up with fol lowing l is t shown on the next page.

Page 3: MARCH, 2017lebanonunitedmc.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/4/0/30405735/...Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant Worship Services; 9:00 am

May God r ich ly bless you as you obser ve a Holy Lent;

Pastor Spencer

LebYouth Annual Easter Egg Sale has begun! Al l prof it s wi l l suppor t the Leb Youth Mission Fund that helps pay for va r ious act iv it ies they do year-round , such as LebCamp. Orders a re due by March 26 and you can pick them up Apr i l 9 th and 16th in the Gather ing A rea . Avai l-able f lavors include Peanut But ter with da rk , mi lk , or white chocolate; Marsh mal low with da rk , mi lk or white chocolate; Coconut with da rk , mi lk , or white chocolate and But tercream with da rk , mi lk or white chocolate. You can order on l ine at w w w.LebanonU MC.org under For ms/ Regist rat ion. A ny orders with more than 10 of a f lavor, please emai l you r order to Don na Tim mer man at d lt im mer man@comcast .net . Payment can be made upon pick up v ia cash or check to Lebnaon U MC with Youth Easter Eggs in the memo. Quest ions? Youth@LebanonU MC.org.

Sunday, Apr i l 2 - 12 Noon to 2 pm Dayl ight Sav ings Time! Easter Egg Hunt Remember to set your Pi zza for ever yone! clocks ahead an hour Egg Hunt for babies through on Saturday, March 11 e lementar y age before going to bed!

Page 4: MARCH, 2017lebanonunitedmc.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/4/0/30405735/...Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant Worship Services; 9:00 am

The R ighteous Outlaws Rock ing for Liberat ion Veteran Ser v ices

Liberat ion Veteran Ser v ices (A Lebanon U MC suppor ted organ izat ion), t ak ing homeless vet s of f the s t reet s and get t ing them back into pro -duct iv it y and pu r pose, wi l l be feat u red when the R ighteous Outlaws t ake the s t age on St . Pat t y’s day (Fr iday, March 17 f rom 8 to 10 pm) at Tin Pan RVA, Quioccasin Stat ion Shopping Center, 8982 Quioccasin Rd., R ich mond. The Outlaws have been blessed with a g reat oppor-t un it y to play a venue the s t at u re of Tin Pan RVA and wi l l use th is to br ing awareness and needed f unds to a g reat organ izat ion work ing hard to restore the respect and d ign it y for those that have ser ved us. Please join us on th is spe-cia l n ight and be prepared to rock it for a g reat char it y pa r t ner! Th is is an a l l age event and t ickets may be pu rchased in advance on l ine at ht t p: //w w w.t inpan r va .com /event /1422213-r igh-teous-out laws-st-r ich mond / or at the door the day of the show. Hope to see you there!

Lebanon’s Church Counci l wi l l meet on Tuesday, March 14, at 7 pm. These a re open meet ings to anyone who at tends Lebanon and we encou rage as many people as possible to come.

On Tuesday, March 14, 2017, Lebanon wi l l host the month ly cof fee hou r/cook ie sale at the Her-mitage. We wi l l need volunteers to bake cook-ies or brownies and to help with the act iv it ies by at tend ing the event . Baked goods need to be at the chu rch by 8:30 am on the 14th. Those at tend ing the event wi l l leave the chu rch at 9 am and ret u r n a round noon.

Money f rom the sale of cook ies is deposited in the A ngel Fund at the Her mitage. Th is f und prov ides personal items for the residents un-able to af ford them. The Her mitage is the U MC Ret i rement Cont inu ing Care faci l it y for the R ich mond a rea .

I f you have quest ions or need more in fo, con-t act Ly nda Hawkins at hawkinsly nda9@gmail .com or 746 -5943.

A chu rch work day is plan ned for Sat u rday, March 18 beg in n ing at 8 am. There a re several project s scheduled to t r y to complete on that day. I f you can help with any of the project s below, please contact Cathy Mercer v ia emai l at themercer5@comcast .net .

-v inyl replacement at the main Church ent rance - pr ior exper ience needed

- s t a in wooden playg round equipment - can you paint? - d ig a shal low t rench bet ween the Chapel and Youth bui ld ing to bu r y wi r ing - - any sk i l l level

-weed /mulch /t r im /plant - a l l exper ience levels

Rain date is tentat ively set for March 25.

Hanover Chr ist ian F irewood Ministr y St . Patr ick’s Day Dinner 5:30 pm, Saturday, March 18

at Lebanon!

This year’s St . Pat r ick’s Day Din ner feat u r ing cor ned beef and cabbage and I r ish music wi l l be held in Lebanon’s fel lowsh ip hal l . The cost is f ree, but donat ions wi l l be accepted.

Al l members of the cong regat ion a re inv it-ed , but you a re asked to make a reser vat ion by complet ing the for m in the week ly bul let in or by contact ing Ch r is Miles at 550 -2056 or v ia emai l at ea rlygo27@hot mai l .com by noon, March 12.

To Shayna (Tignor) and Owen Thul in as they g r ieve the loss of Owen’s father, Joh n Thul in .

To Lynn and Alan Nesaw as they g r ieve the loss of Ly n n’s mother, Gly n n Parker.

Page 5: MARCH, 2017lebanonunitedmc.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/4/0/30405735/...Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant Worship Services; 9:00 am

The cantat a , “Upon This Rock ,” by Pepper Cho-pl in wi l l be presented by the Chancel Choi r on Palm Sunday, Apr i l 9, at both worsh ip ser v ices.

The Lebanon Missions Team wil l be meet ing Sunday, March 5, at 7 pm to plan for the remain-der of 2017. We wi l l be d iscussing the suppor t of many mission ef for t s . A nyone interested is welcome to at tend! I f you can’t at tend but have quest ions or ideas , please d i rect them to Beth Roper at roper.beth@mail .com

Changing Lives , One Pair at a Time - In just about any home, one can f ind a pai r of eyeglass-es that a re no longer being used. That same pai r of eyeglasses can change another person’s l i fe. The Missions team is suppor t ing Recycle for Sight to help ch i ld ren read , to help adult s succeed in jobs , and to assis t sen iors in main-t a in ing independence. Th roughout the year, volunteers col lect used eyeglasses , sunglasses , and hear ing a ids and del iver them to reg ional Lions Eyeglass Recycl ing Centers where they a re cleaned , sor ted and d is t r ibuted to people in need. I f you would l i ke to suppor t th is mis-sion , i tems can be placed in a col lect ion box on the g iv ing t able at the rea r of the sant uar y. Special than ks go to Suzan ne K r use for volun-teer ing to ensu re they a re col lected and del iv-ered appropr iately!

ACES (Ashland Chr ist ian Emergency Ser v ices)

Lebanon suppor t s th is g roup by members br ing-ing com mercial ly can ned and packaged goods a long with household and cloth ing items to be donated to them. Also, one hal f of the of fer-ings lef t at the com munion ra i l is sent to them.

Liberat ion Fami ly Ser v ices

Our next oppor t un it y to ser ve d in ner to th is g roup of veterans wi l l be Sunday, March 12 and the menu includes ch i l i , baked potatoes , sa lad and more. Please use the inser t i n the week ly Sunday bul let in to ind icate how you can help. For more in fo, cont act Linda Wilde at (804) 405-3663.

Circles , Ashland, an organ izat ion ded icated to end ing generat ional pover t y in the Ash land a rea has shown an almost th ree -fold increase in pa r t icipants (Ci rcle Leaders) for 2017 f rom last yea r. Th is g roup is a “hand up” as opposed to a “hand out ” char it y focused on coach ing and mentor ing the Ci rcle Leaders out of a pat te r n of pover t y. They accompl ish th is th rough men-tor volunteers (Ci rcle Al l ies) who make them-selves avai lable in helping the Ci rcle Leaders with home budget ing, secu r ing needed edu-cat ion and more gainf u l employment; af ford-able housing, e tc. In add it ion , Ci rcle Coaches volunteer thei r t ime to teach related cou rses and oversee focus g roups to help d iscuss and st rateg ize with Ci rcle Leaders in helping them to a bet te r l i fe. With 7500 ind iv iduals and famil ies l iv ing in pover t y in the Ash land a rea , there is a g reat need for Ci rcle Al l ies to help ra ise ou r local com munit y to increased eco -nomic s t abi l it y. Cu r rent ly, Ci rcles could use coaches who wi l l volunteer to pa r t icipate in 3 each , t wo hou r sessions of Ci rcle Al ly t ra in ing and ag ree to meet with thei r assigned Ci rcle Leader for 2 hou rs , t wice each month. Please pray and consider becoming involved in Ci r-cles , either as a Coach or Al ly. Find them at ht t ps: //ci rclesash land-va .org /.

Hermitage Countr y Store

The next scheduled date for the Cou nt r y Store at the Her mit age is Fr iday, March 24, 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. The Her mit age is located at 1600 West-wood Ave. I f you a re i nte res ted in more in for ma-t ion , cont act Judy Ladd at [email protected] or 994 -5129.

The women’s group repor ts thatthey are ver y excited about the great progress they have made with the Steeple project! They have placed a char t in the Gather ing A rea so that ever yone can t rack thei r prog ress with them.

Cur rent ly, they have ra ised $9,354. Thei r goal is $20,000 by 2020! Than k you so much for you r on-going suppor t!

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Lebanon United Methodist Church8492 Peaks RoadHanover, VA 23069

Please note the fol lowing in for mat ion regard ing Lebanon’s WiFi: Name: “LebU MC”. Password: “ join lebumc”

Please use responsibly.

March 12 - Liberat ion Fami ly Ser v ices Din ner March 18 - Chu rch Work Day - 8 am - St . Pat r ick’s Day Cor ned Beef & Cabbage Din ner - 5:30 pm March 24 - Her mit age Cou nt r y Store - 10:30 am to 2:30 PM Apr i l 1 - Chu rch Yard Sale - Women’s G roup - 8 am Apr i l 2 - P izza Lu nch & Easte r Egg Hu nt - 12 Noon Apr i l 9 - Palm Su nday Cantat a - 9 & 11 am Apr i l 16 - Easte r Su nday Ju ne 25-29 - Vacat ion Bible School Ju ly 23-30 - Leb Camp October 21 - Leb Fest - 10 am - Chu rch Yard Sale - Missions Team - 8 am Nov. 18- Dec. 2 CA R ITAS - Women’s G roup

Please add the above dates to you r ca lendar!!!

Page 7: MARCH, 2017lebanonunitedmc.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/4/0/30405735/...Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant Worship Services; 9:00 am

Operat ing Budget Data* Beg inning Balance 01/01/2017 $ 4 .255

Add: Of fer ings & Other Receipts including e -g iv ing $ 68,685 Value of Grocer y Cards on hand 725 Total to be added $ 69,410

Subt ract: Expenses/Al locat ions to Capit al Improvement Accts. $ 54,519 Funds “Rest r icted” for specif ic projects 4,391Total to be subt racted $ 58,910

Avai lable Operat ing Fund Balance As of 2/26/2017 $14 ,755

Year-To-Date Budgeted Need $ 63,888Year-To-Date Act ual Receipts $ 68,685

Total Grocer y Card Revenue $ 142Total Amazon Smiles Revenue $ 26

*Fig u res do not include other chu rch f unds , i .e., Missions , Capit a l Improvements , Cemeter y, or Pastor Discret ionar y.

Ful l t reasu rer’s repor t s avai lable at a l l Counci l meet ings where a l l a re welcome to at tend.Quest ions? Contact you r t reasu rer, Mar y Lou Pen nel l , mlpen nel l@comcast .net or 746 -8538.

For 2017, boxes of g iv ing envelopes have been made avai lable and most have been picked up. Using these envelopes is a t remendous help to ou r Sunday count ing volunteers and makes thei r process more ef f icient . I f you d id not receive a box with your name on it , please let Susan Mar t in , ou r f inancial secreta r y, k now. There a re plenty of boxes for ever yone. She can be reached at [email protected].

You can also contact Susan for in for mat ion on set t ing up an e -g iv ing account to g ive elect ron i-cal ly.


Page 8: MARCH, 2017lebanonunitedmc.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/4/0/30405735/...Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant Worship Services; 9:00 am


March 5 - Jim Dore 12 - Jim Dore & Lynda Hawk ins 19 - Lynda Hawk ins & Judy Ladd 26 - Judy & Weston Ladd Apr i l 2 - Weston Ladd Flowers Please put a note in Bonnie’s mai lbox (Adm. Asst .) , leave a message on the church of f ice answer ing machine or send emai l to of f [email protected] i f you would l ike to designate your f lowers in honor or in memor y of someone.

March 5 - Laura Koon 12 - Kel ly Snavely 19 - Suzanne Kruse 26 - Cathy Fet t y Apr i l 2 - Suzanne Kruse

Col lect ion Count ing Teams

March Team Captain: Randy Eye Par t icipant: Carolyn Lane

Apr i l Team Captain: Donna Timmerman Par t icipant: Mary Ford

Nursery (Serv ing with our Nursery Associate , Meredith Vogel)

9am 11 am March 5 Judy Ladd Mary Ford 12 Open Open 19 Open Open 26 Open Open Apr i l 2 Judy Ladd Mary Ford

Lay Reader - 11 am

The Wimmer Fami ly

MARCH, 2017
