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MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban...

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MARS GENERAL By William Gunn For Barbara...Always and Forever!!! TECHNICAL ADVISOR ROBERT ZUBRIN Founder and President of the MARS SOCIETY. A Portion of the Profits from the Production of MARS GENERAL will be Donated to the MARS SOCIETY. [email protected]
Page 1: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.



William Gunn

For Barbara...Always and Forever!!!

TECHNICAL ADVISOR - ROBERT ZUBRIN - Founder and President ofthe MARS SOCIETY. A Portion of the Profits from theProduction of MARS GENERAL will be Donated to the MARSSOCIETY.

[email protected]

Page 2: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.


EXT. MARS - DAY - 21852

Two DUNE BUGGIES race across the surface of the RED PLANET,dodging rocks and boulders that litter the bleak landscape.One Buggy is slightly ahead of the other. The distant sunhangs low in the sky as evening approaches.

The Rear Buggy closes in on its prey. Each vehicle carriesONE MAN. The driver of the first Buggy wears a Bright YellowENVIROSUIT with an attached transparent fishbowl-stylehelmet. A meter-long radio antenna protrudes from the backof his E-Suit.

The man in the rear Buggy wears a similar suit that's SkyBlue in color with a fishbowl-style helmet that's tintedgold. He holds a long object that could be a weapon.Possibly a RIFLE.

The forward Buggy makes a sharp evasive turn to the right,enters a small Box Canyon and comes to a stop. The driver,dismounts his vehicle. He trudges in the direction of theother Buggy, which has also stopped. The second driver getsout of his Buggy. They stand a few meters apart. Theirconversation takes place via HELMET RADIO.

YELLOW SUITTraske, is that you?

BLUE SUITYou might as well give up. There'snowhere left to go. You're screwed!


BLUE SUITYou think the Cavalry's comin' overthe hill?

Blue Suit slowly shakes his helmeted head.

BLUE SUIT (cont'd)'Cause they're not.

Blue Suit moves closer. He's definitely carrying a rifle.His E-Suit is older than the other man's. It's seen betterdays.

BLUE SUIT (cont'd)In fact nobody gives a damn.

Page 3: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

YELLOW SUITI don't believe you.

BLUE SUITYou're a fool. You've been one sinceyou first got to Mars.

YELLOW SUITWhat are you saying? That I shouldhave looked the other way. Taken themoney?

BLUE SUITMaybe, for starters.

YELLOW SUITI don't put up with criminality...notfrom anybody.

Yellow Suit looks around for a way out. There isn't one.

Blue Suit points his rifle at Yellow Suit.

BLUE SUITBig Friggin' Deal...Doc! Big Friggin'Deal!

YELLOW SUITThis nonsense has gone on longenough. Tell your boss it's too lateto stop the truth...It's gonna getout sooner or later.

YELLOW SUIT (cont'd)he studies the other(man)

If you're who I think you are, whyare you doing this?

BLUE SUITA man's gotta make a livin'.

YELLOW SUITI'll see to it that you still getyour money. I give you my word.

BLUE SUITThat ain't worth two farts in asandstorm.

YELLOW SUITWhat are you saying?


Page 4: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

BLUE SUITI think you know.

YELLOW SUITYou're insane. You really believe youcan kill me and get away with it?

BLUE SUITWhy not...I have before.

YELLOW SUITYour partner, Butch. Right?

Blue Suit laughs over the radio, an irritating sound.

BLUE SUITHim, and a few more.

YELLOW SUITWhy, dammit?

BLUE SUITI got mouths t' feed...plus I likebreathin' too.


BLUE SUITIn three hours they're broadcastin'the heavyweight fight betweenKowalski and Morgan from Singapore...

Blue Suit moves closer, the rifle still pointed at YellowSuit.

BLUE SUIT (cont'd)...I gotta thousand solars ridin' onKowalski...

He moves even closer still, less than two meters away whileaiming for Yellow Suit's Midsection.

BLUE SUIT (cont'd)...I ain't missing it for nobody.




Page 5: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.


MARS ORBITAL STATION is a two-hundred meter diameterrotating Wheel-like Structure orbiting five hundredkilometers above the surface of the RED PLANET. It lookslike a ginormous metallic tire with four spokes radiatingoutward from a slightly smaller Central Hub.



Two Dozen PASSENGERS are lined up to pass through theCUSTOMS BOOTH. One of the PASSENGERS is called by the nextINSPECTOR who's a slender young woman - Early 20's - whowears a white uniform with a lot of pockets. A Customs Badgeis pinned to her left shoulder. She uses a MEDSCANNER(Handheld Diagnostic Device) to begin her preliminaryassessment. All the while she's making notations in anelectronic notepad.

INSPECTORYou seem to be in perfect health.

The PASSENGER is JOHN WESLEY (JACK) GREYSON MD - Early40's - NEUROSURGEON - Tall and fairly thin.

JACKgrimacing( )

Tell that to my aching head.

She looks very cheerful. She flashes a lot of pearly-whiteteeth.

INSPECTORJust drink as much water as you can,being hydrated will help.

JACKI'll do that.

INSPECTORThat's what I'm here for.

JACKThat's it?

A small light on her Medscanner flashes Yellow.


Page 6: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

INSPECTORwith a frown( )

According to this you've got ahistory of Total Virtual Realityabuse.

JACKThe operative word is 'History'...Ikicked that back in Lunagrad.

INSPECTORI don't know. That might be aproblem. We just can't let anyone in.You understand, don't you?

Jack hands her a small plastic business card. It looks likea printed circuit board.

JACKThat's the contact info for mytherapist...Dr. Max Delgado...He canconfirm my current mental healthstatus.

She stares at the card for a moment.

INSPECTORwith a slight smile( )

I don't think that'll be necessary,Dr. Greyson.

JACKYou don't sound too certain aboutthat.

INSPECTORJust remember, you'll have toregister with the proper authoritiesonce you're in MarsPort. It's thelaw.

JACKfrowning( )

You're joking...right?

INSPECTORNot at all. They have some prettystrict anti-Teever laws down there.

JACKTerrific...can I go now?


Page 7: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

INSPECTOROf course...there's just one morething..."Welcome to Mars!"

JACKThanks...I guess.

INSPECTORSorry. That's something my Great-Grandpa used to say to all New-comers.

JACKwith a slight snarl( )

Whatever...I think I'm gonna puke.

The Inspector reaches into one of her numerous pockets. Shetakes out a packet of small blue-green capsules.

INSPECTORTake a couple of these. They'llhelp...I promise.



Jack takes an Elevator down one of the Spokes to the Wheelwith a half-a-dozen or so of the other Passengers. There hefinds a Tavern - THE WET SPOT.

The Wet Spot is a smallish place that seats about twentypeople. Most of them are in four-person booths. In spite ofthe crowd it's fairly quiet. There's one Bartender behind along shiny bar. The rest of the staff are four-armed Robotsthat trundle about on six wheels.

Jack notices SAM WINSLOW - Mid 40's - SALESMAN -Nondescript - Another Passenger in a dimly lit booth andheads in his direction. Winslow half-smiles as Jack slidesinto the booth.

WINSLOWNow that you've made it, how're youfeeling?

Jack gets settled. Then he takes in a deep breath. His coloris a little better. He no longer looks like he's sonauseous. Or not as much.


Page 8: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKwith a heavy scowl( )

Like a turd that's had the shizebeaten out of it.

WINSLOWMost likely from the Cold-Sleep.

JACKarching an eyebrow( )

Oh really...Y'think?

WINSLOWThat should wear off in a hour or so.It usually does.

JACKGod I hope so...otherwise I want tocrawl back inside that friggin'icebox for another three months.

WINSLOWhalf grinning( )

Give it time...Cold-Sleep's a Bitch!

JACKfrowning( )

They should warn people.

WINSLOWThey do...It's in all the travelbrochures.

JACKwith a heavy scowl( )

I know...But I didn't know it'd bethis bad.

Jack waives over a Robowaiter. He orders a shot of Bourbon.Then he drinks it down in one gulp. He orders a second...Then a third.

JACK (cont'd)Any last-minute nuggets of advice?

WINSLOWDon't eat the Red Snow...Don't gooutside during a Class 3 Sandstorm...And stay the hell away from We AreMars!


Page 9: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKI've heard about We Are Mars!I thought it was an urban legend.

WINSLOWIt's real enough. Trust me, Doc.

JACKYou seem to know a lot about them.

WINSLOWYou hear things. In my line of workit pays to keep your ears open andyour mouth shut.

JACKHow will I know who's a member ornot?

WINSLOWYou'll figure it out once you've beenin MarsPort a while.

He moves a bit closer to Jack.

WINSLOW (cont'd)One more thing...


WINSLOWDon't get mad when they call you'Homer.'


WINSLOWIt's what the locals call us folksborn on Earth...the Homeworld,y'know?


An announcement comes over the PA system.


Page 10: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.




Jack Greyson is shown to his seat by a Flight Attendant. Henotices there are over a dozen other people aboard theshuttle. He waves to Winslow. He waves back. Then Winslowsmiles and gives Jack a 'Thumbs-up!'

Once Jack's securely strapped-in, He reads the followingfrom a Holoscreen attached to the the seat in front of him.

MARSPORT is located in Mare' Ionium on the northwest cornerof the Hellas Basin.

The HELLAS BASIN is equal in size to the Caribbean Sea.

The HELLAS BASIN lies 33 Kilometers (20 miles) lower thanthe summit of OLYMPUS MONS, the tallest mountain in theSolar System

MARSPORT has a population of 125,000 according to the lastcensus.

MARSPORT Consists of over two dozen increasingly largerGeodesic Domes.

They range from a couple hundred meters to severalkilometers across. The largest is seven kilometers indiameter.

All of the Domes are covered by ten meters of Martian soilfor Radiation Protection.

Each Dome has a series of interconnecting Airlocks.

MARS GENERAL HOSPITAL is located inside the largest Dome.

The rocket engines fire shortly thereafter. Jack passes outfrom the acceleration and the Bourbon. Mainly from theBourbon.


Page 11: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.



Two men sit in an office across a large desk. They are JackGreyson and an older man - CARLOS CHIANG - Mid 70's -OPERATIONS MANAGER - Short and paunchy. He has Mutton-chopsideburns and thinning hair.

There isn't an obvious computer work station on the ornatedesk. There is a large Holographic Communications Console,or HOLOCOM there however. It makes an annoying humming noisethe whole time Jack is there.

CHIANGWelcome to Mars General. I'm glad youdecided to take me up on my offer.

Chiang fixes a drink for Jack.

JACKThanks, Mr. Chiang.

CHIANGCall me Carlos. Everybody does...Wedon't put up that official crap likethey do on Earth.

Jack half-smiles when he first tastes the drink. Then heplaces the glass on the desk.

JACKTruth to tell I've never had much usefor official crap myself.

CHIANGWhich is one of the main reasons Iwanted you here, especially...


CHIANGConsidering that you saved my lifefour years ago.

Jack leans a little forward. Then he rubs his nose.

JACKIn Lunagrad...right?


Page 12: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

CHIANGRight...I'd never have survived thatmassive stroke if it hadn't been foryou.

JACKI was doing my job, that's all.

CHIANGThat job kept me from dying. I knewright then if I ever had the chanceof hiring you I would.


He leans in closer to Jack.

CHIANGwith a slight smile( )

...Well nothing. I'm grateful. Mywife is grateful...And in the longrun that's all that matters.

JACKWhat happened to my predecessor?

CHIANGIt seemed he decided to take a Sundaydrive. He never came back.

JACKarching an eyebrow( )

When was that?

CHIANGAbout eighteen months ago. He renteda Dune Buggy one weekend to do a bitof sight-seeing...Nobody's seen norheard from him since.

JACKAny ideas?

CHIANGNot a one. Security theorized he musthave driven off a cliff...Somethinglike that.

Jack moves a little bit closer to Chiang's desk.

JACKBut wouldn't there be any signs?


Page 13: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

CHIANGYou'd like to think so. But Mars is abig planet. Its landmass is the sameas Earth's.

JACKI always forget that.

CHIANGhalf-smiling( )

A lot of off-worlders do...They tendto underestimate Mars.

JACKI'll bet.

He scratches his nose.

JACK (cont'd)Didn't you used to be the CFO of NewFrontiers Development Corporation?

CHIANGThat was twenty years ago. I barelyown any stock now.

He looks around for a bit then changes the subject.

JACKWhat was his name?

CHIANGRon Bradford...Why?

JACKCurious. That's all.

CHIANGTell me Jack, what do you think ofour little town?

JACKI'm impressed...so far.

CHIANGIt's no Lunagrad. But I'm sure you'llget used to the place very soon.

JACKSpeaking of Lunagrad...I wonder howlong it'll be before I get used tothe extra gravity?


Page 14: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

CHIANGBeing from Luna I'd have thought thedifference wouldn't have been thatnoticeable.

JACKMost people make that mistake.

He stands slowly...then sits back down...slowly.

JACK (cont'd)This gravity is over twice what I'vebeen living in for the past sevenyears.

CHIANGI'm sure you'll adjust soon enough.

JACKI'll be spending a lot of my time inthe gym to acclimate...That's fordamn sure.

CHIANGThat'll help. As a matter of fact wehave a first class facility here inMarsGen.

JACKTerrific...Good to know.

CHIANGIt's on the second floor in caseyou're wondering.

JACKI'll definitely check it out. I'msure I'll become a regular.

CHIANGThat's the spirit.

JACKI wish somebody would go ahead andinvent Artificial Gravity. It'd be abig help for everyone.

CHIANGI wouldn't be a bit surprised if NewFrontiers was working on it.


Page 15: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKThey can't invent it fast enough faras I'm concerned.

CHIANGGive them time.

JACKWhat's all this crap I've heard aboutWe Are Mars!?

CHIANGDon't pay any attention to the rumorsyou may have heard...

He moves closer to Jack.

CHIANG (cont'd)...They're just a few malcontents...nothing more.

JACKGood. I don't need any extraheadaches. Matter of fact I've nevergiven a damn about politics...tooboring.

JACK (cont'd)with a slight grin( )

I haven't voted in twenty years, atleast.

CHIANGsmiling( )

Let wiser heads decide...Right?

JACKAbsolutely...It's above my pay-grade.

He stands up again. He changes the subject.

JACK (cont'd)When do I get a look at my office,meet the staff. Get the lay of theland?

CHIANGYou're eager, I like that. How does9:00 tomorrow sound?

JACKLet's make it 7:00. I'm an earlyriser.


Page 16: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

CHIANGThat's fine. I'll see you at 7:00.



A handful of people stand around the conference room. Mostlooks bored. There are one or two who appear to be over theage of fifty. The others look a lot younger.

Chiang hands Jack a small electronic notepad with the namesand holographs of all of the attendees. Chiang stands at thehead of the table. He waits until everyone in the room stopstalking. He begins to speak.

CHIANGGood morning everyone. This is DoctorJohn Wesley Greyson, our new Chief ofStaff...

He raises his voice. The crowd moves in a little closer,though not a lot.

CHIANG (cont'd)...He last served as Chief Residentat Armstrong Memorial Hospital inLunagrad. We're lucky to have him.

JACKAs Carlos said I served at ArmstrongMemorial. I was there for sevenyears. I prefer Jack.

One of the men speaks up - HIROSHI TANAKA MD - Mid-30's -CHIEF SURGEON - Average height and weight.

TANAKAWhy was I once again passed over forthis position, Carlos?

CHIANGAs I've explained several timesbefore...the Board and I don't thinkyour quite suited for the job.



Page 17: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKI'll need a strong Deputy Chief...You're more than welcome to the job.

TANAKAreally pissed( )

Why don't you get on the next to ship to Lunagrad...you're not wanted here.

Jack stands up very straight facing Tanaka.

JACKFor one thing...I didn't fly to Marsin Cold-Sleep for three months toturn tail and run.

Jack looks around the room. Only a few make eye-contact.

JACK (cont'd)And second...Who would reimburse theten million solars it cost to bringme out here?

Someone else speaks - MARLENA ANTONOVA - Late 20's - CHIEFNURSE - Tall and skinny.

ANTONOVAwith a friendly(smile)

I don't know about anyone else, butI'm glad you're here.




ANTONOVAI for one am glad we'll have some newblood in charge...

She stands a bit taller in order to be seen better.

ANTONOVA (cont'd)...the last three were so damnedincompetent.


Page 18: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKwith a slight smile( )

I've been accused of many things overthe years, incompetence isn't one ofthem.

Another person chimes in - ALAIN' ROCHARD MD - Mid-30's -NANOSURGEON - Average Height and weight.

ROCHARDI'll be happy to have extra pair ofhands in the OR. It'll lighten theworkload


ROCHARDI see you studied at Wake Forest, didyou pick up any new techniques innanosurgery over the years?

JACKIn fact one of the best in the fieldworks at Armstrong Memorial, BarbaraKingston. Do you know her?

ROCHARDI never had the pleasure. But Idefinitely know of her. She's donesome amazing work over the years.

JACKShe's developed a totally new seriesof treatments over the past fiveyears.

He stands a little closer to Jack.

ROCHARDI'd love to hear more.

JACKAnything I've learned I'll happilyshare...that's what I'm here for.


JACKIn fact, I plan to have an 'OpenDoor' policy...if anyone ever needsmy help anytime.


Page 19: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

CHIANGDoes anyone else have any morequestions for Jack at this time?

Someone else speaks up - PEDRO MONTOYA MD - Early 30's -GENERAL SURGEON - short and a bit overweight.

He holds up his hand.

MONTOYAlaughing( )

Yes, I have a question for Jack.

JACKwith a grin( )


MONTOYAIsn't true you're a Teever?

JACKI was addicted to Total VirtualReality...I kicked it cold turkeythree years ago back in Lunagrad.

MONTOYAYou know what they say...once aTeever always a Teever.

CHIANGExactly what kind of fool do you takeme to be?

He looks directly at Montoya.

CHIANG (cont'd)Jack was vetted by the best MedicalPlacement Service on Earth.

JACKIt's alright. It's only natural forothers to check out new people

CHIANGIt's still no excuse for him being aHorse's Ass!

JACKThis really wasn't what I wasexpecting my first day on the job.


Page 20: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

CHIANGI'm very sorry Jack...there's noexcuse...both Hiroshi and Pedro willbe severely reprimanded.

JACKsmiling( )

No...In fact as my first official actas Chief of Staff...let's just dropthe whole thing...it's not worth thehassle.

CHIANGAre you sure?

JACKnodding( )




Two people, a MAN and a WOMAN are talking on a voice-onlytelephone.

MANI got the job...I'm leaving in twoweeks.

WOMANGood, maybe you can finally figurewhat happened to him.


WOMANYou don't sound too confident.

MANIt's not that...I'm not gonna be ableto go in there with guns ablazin'...that's all.

WOMANWhat are you saying?

MANI'm really gonna have to be discrete.I can't tip my hand too early.


Page 21: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

WOMANOh my God!

MANI've got to build up a level oftrust...otherwise I'll never getanywhere.

WOMANYou promised...

MANYes I did...and I'm gonna keep thatpromise...I swear...but...


MANIt may take longer to get all theanswers...assuming...


MANHe wasn't involved...somehow.

WOMANNow you just wait one Damn minute,Ja...

MANI am...but neither of us have seenhim in over five years...anythingcould have happened.

WOMANI know...but I also know he'd neverdo anything wrong...it's not in hisnature.

MANTrue...but people change...unfortunately.

WOMANNot him...Just find out...please.

MANI will...Whatever it takes.



Page 22: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.




There is a large computerized schedule posted on the wall.Jack stands there a moment. He stares at it very intently.He has a slight frown on his face. Then he shakes his head.

Hiroshi Tanaka walks in alone. He looks at Jack with aslight smirk.

TANAKAwith a faint nod( )


He heads over to a row of coffee makers and pours himself acup.

JACKWhy don't I have any surgeries thisweek?

TANAKANo neuro cases.

JACKNot a one?

TANAKAThat's what I said.

JACKAny operations that I can assist?


JACKYou sure?


JACKYou are aware it's my job to assignsurgeries?

TANAKAI suppose.


Page 23: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKarching an eyebrow( )

What does that mean, 'You suppose'?

TANAKAIt means I've been doing it so longnow that it's second nature...

He moves a bit closer.

TANAKA (cont'd)...everybody likes the way I've beendoing it...I've had no complaints...until today.

JACKThat changes as of now. You got me,Hiroshi?

Tanaka is looking at something in the room. Not at Jack.


JACKwith a big smile( )

You seem awfully warm and friendlytoday.

TANAKAScrew you, Homer!

JACKgrinning like a(JACKASS!)

You wouldn't like it...I just laythere.



Jack runs into Marlena Antonova. The Corridor is emptyexcept for a few maintenance Robots. They operate in near-silence. Except one. It has a loose bearing that causes itto make a slight squeak when it moves in a forwarddirection. A red light flashes on top.

ANTONOVAWhat're you up to?


Page 24: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKgrinning( )



JACKThis place is bigger than I thought.

ANTONOVAThat it is.

JACKBy the way, I appreciated yourcomments the other week. It meantmore than you know.

ANTONOVAwith a slight smile( )


JACKI know, which reminds me. There's aget-together at Yuri Malenkov's condoFriday night...

He steps a bit closer.

JACK (cont'd)...it's a Plus-One event.

ANTONOVAAre you asking me to be your Plus-One?

JACKwith a slight grin( )

That okay?

ANTONOVAI'm flattered, I really am...

She begins to walk away from Jack...very slowly. Then sheturns around.

ANTONOVA (cont'd)...But I don't think my wives wouldlike that idea too much.


Page 25: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKI'm sorry you won't be able to makeit...I've heard his parties aresupposed to be very interesting.

ANTONOVALooks like you'll just have to findthat out by yourself.

JACKLooks like it.

ANTONOVAI'm curious Jack...won't that be toomuch stimulation for an...


ANTONOVAI really don't mean to pry...but fromfrom what I've read isn't there anupper limit on stimulation forsomeone in your situation?


ANTONOVAWhat'll you do then?

JACKBe very damn careful.



A Solitary Dune Buggy travels slowly in the Martian midday.The distant sun is high in the sky. The Rider sees anenormous RADIO TELESCOPE ARRAY over the horizon lyingseveral kilometers ahead near the center of the HELLASBASIN.

The Rider looks at his watch. Then he spots a flashingbeacon up ahead and aims his vehicle in that direction - RONBRADFORD MD - Early 40's - CARDIAC SURGEON - MEMBER of WEARE MARS!


Page 26: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

Once he arrives Bradford notices another similar vehicleparked outside of what appears to be the entrance of MARS-Soil covered Dome approximately ten meters in diameter. Hewalks around to the other side and sees the Airlock.



Once inside he sees a man wearing an Envirosuit similar tohis own - VERNON TRASKE - Mid 50's - PROSPECTOR. His Helmetis on the floor. Traske himself is Nondescript.

Traske's Sky Blue colored E-Suit appears to be older anddirtier than the one Bradford wears. It's been repairedseveral times, not always in the most professional manner.

He leads Bradford to an old-model computer on a desk in acorner of the dusty office. They sit down in chairs in frontof the desk. Traske flips a switch and the computer slowlycomes to life. He starts typing.

BRADFORDWhat did you want to show me that youcouldn't show me back in MarsPort?

TRASKEIt's way too important to discussback in town...The walls have ears,y'know.

BRADFORDWhat is it?

TRASKEIt's more a matter o' what are they,not what is it.

BRADFORDAlright, I give up. What are they?

TRASKEHold your horses. I'm gettin' t'that.

BRADFORDThen get to it!



Page 27: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.


TRASKEYou've heard 'bout th' strangeoperations...some old folks goin' inMarsGen and never comin' back outagain...not to mention kidsdisappearin'?

BRADFORDI've heard a few stories since I'vebeen on Mars. Tall tales mostly.

TRASKEWhat me and m' partner found ain't noTall Tale. It's real.

BRADFORDfrowning( )

Then show me or shut up.

He points towards the computer. There are several charts,graphs and readouts.

TRASKEOkay. Okay. Who pissed in yourcornflakes...

The Traske points toward the computer.

TRASKE (cont'd)Whadaya think?


He moves closer. Then taps the screen.

TRASKEOh yeah, sorry. It's pretty hard tosee unless yer lookin' for it.

A moment passes. Bradford looks at the display in very greatdetail. He scrolls down the screen. Twice.

BRADFORDYou and your partner stumbled acrossthis accidentally?

TRASKESure thing.


Page 28: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.


TRASKE'Bout six weeks ago or there abouts.


TRASKEButch and me were in this hut lookin'fer some surplus tools we couldsalvage...He sorta turned on thesystem and there it was.

BRADFORDWho figured out how to open thesedata files?

TRASKEThat was me Doc...I always was th'brains o' th' outfit.

The two men pour over screen after screen of raw data. It'sa treasure-trove of information about special medical"procedures" that had taken place over the past severalyears. Very exotic procedures. Procedures sanctioned on thehighest level.

BRADFORDThis is absolutely astounding. I'mshocked that nobody else has everfound this.

TRASKEI s'pose Butch and me got lucky,that's all.

BRADFORDIf this is true there's gonna be allkinds of Hell to pay.

TRASKENo shize, Doc. I believe you. Andthis is just the tiny tip of oneHumongous Iceberg. There's even more.A lot more!

BRADFORDMore. What else is there?


Page 29: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

TRASKEEnough stuff to put some powerful menaway for the rest of their lives,good enough?

BRADFORDI believe you, but what solidevidence do you have that'll convincethe Authorities?

TRASKEOh, I got proof.

He hands a small shiny circular object about the size of aquarter to Bradford - A DATADISK.

TRASKE (cont'd)How's that. Will that do?

BRADFORDPolice from here to Earth will wantto see this.

TRASKEButch said th' same thing.

BRADFORDSmart man.



TRASKEHe had a blow-out in his suit 'bout aweek ago...He's dead as two o'clock.

BRADFORDshaking his head( )

I'm sorry.

TRASKEShize happens! He knew the risks.Tell me, how much do y'think such adiscovery like this is worth?

BRADFORDI have no idea. It could be in themillions at least, maybe more.


Page 30: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

TRASKEMaybe as much as five million?

BRADFORDI honestly don't know. But I mightknow some people who can give you agood estimate.


BRADFORDThey're back in MarsPort...In fact,I'm meeting with one of them latertoday.

TRASKEJust tell em' they don't get to seeanything else 'til I got those solarsin my hands, right?




There are dozens of people in the large place. A man builtlike a Pro Tennis Player walks up to Jack - YURI MALENKOV -Early 70's - OPERATIONS MANAGER of NEW FRONTIERS DEVELOPMENTCORPORATION - MARS DIVISION.

He holds out his right hand.

MALENKOVDr. Greyson, I see you made it to myhome. I'm glad you could spare thetime.

JACKMe too, Mr. Malenkov. I understandyour events are always a lot of fun.

MALENKOVwith a broad smile( )

Please, Call me Yuri.



Page 31: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

The two men walk towards the bar. The crowd parts for theirHost.

MALENKOVWhat can I get you to drink?

JACKI'll have whatever you're drinking.

MALENKOVIs a vodka martini alright?

JACKJust make it a small one please...

He looks at his watch.

JACK (cont'd)...I've gotta get up awfully early inthe morning.

He stands back to take a better look at Jack.

MALENKOVWhy on Mars do you have to get upearly on a Saturday morning?

JACKI've got rounds in the ER, startingat 7:00 a.m.

MALENKOVshaking his head( )

You can't assign someone else?

JACK'Fraid not.

MALENKOVThat's a real pity.

JACKDamn right!

A slightly drunk CARLOS CHIANG walks up. He has a Martini inhis hand.

CHIANGI see you've met our new Chief ofStaff.

MALENKOVThe Board made an excellent choice.


Page 32: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

CHIANGThanks, that means a lot.

MALENKOVlooking in another(direction)


Chiang wanders off. He walks towards another group of Party-Goers.

JACKThis is really good vodka...I'musually not a fan.

MALENKOVIt's made right here in MarsPort.


MALENKOVWe limit imports from Earth as muchas possible. It really helps ourlocal economy.

JACKMakes sense.

MALENKOVI don't know if you're aware of it,but there are scores of private farmsall over the rim of the Hellas Basin.

JACKI've read about them. Besidessupplying MarsPort and the othersettlements. Don't they also supplyfood to the mining operations aswell?

MALENKOVbeginning to grin( )

You've done your homework...I reallyadmire that.

JACKI like to know as much about whereI'm going to be living.

MALENKOVsmiling( )

I can tell.


Page 33: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKThere are mining operations all overHellas Basin aren't there?

MALENKOVA hundred or more I'd estimate.

JACKAll automated, right?

MALENKOVwith a slight smile( )

For the most part, though humansupervision is always needed...There's nothing like having boots onthe ground though.

JACKSeems practical.

MALENKOVwith a bigger smile( )

I'm certain the Board of Directorswill be happy to know that you agreewith their Management Style.

Jack takes another sip of his drink.

A Tall lovely woman approaches - MONIKA BEITERHOFF - Early30's - SECURITY DIRECTOR of NEW FRONTIERS DEVELOPMENTCORPORATION - MARS DIVISION - Athletic build. Dark Red hairand Blue-green eyes - Slight German Accent.

MONIKAAren't you going to introduce me?

MALENKOVOf course. Monika Beiterhoff. This isDr. Jack Greyson, the new Chief ofStaff at Mars General.

JACKIt's a pleasure.

MONIKAwith a slight smile( )

You too, Doctor.

MALENKOVI'll leave you in Monika's capablehands.

He pats Jack on the back. He smiles as he walks away.


Page 34: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

MALENKOV (cont'd)She'll show you 'round to some of theother guests.

She reaches out to him and takes hold of his left hand.

MONIKAwith a sly smile( )

Of course. Shall we, Jack?

They move toward the larger, noisier, more crowded sectionof Malenkov's Condo.

JACKI don't know. I've never been asocial butterfly.

MONIKAIt'll be fun. There are a lot ofpeople who'd like to meet the newChief of Staff of MarsGen.

JACKI can't imagine why?

MONIKAThink about it. There will come a daywhen you might perform surgery onthem.

JACKI know that's true. But their socialstatus won't matter when they're inmy O.R.

MONIKADon't be so naive'. Their socialstatus makes a big difference when itcomes to every aspect of their lives.

Jack shakes his head. Then he staggers a bit.

JACKBack in Lunagrad when it came tomedical care it was first-come-first-served. Social status didn't matter.

MONIKAIt's the same here on Mars, officially.

JACKNow what in the hell does that mean?


Page 35: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

MONIKAYou'll find out in due time.

JACKarching an eyebrow( )

God I hope so.

Monika sees a man approaching.

MONIKASpeaking of important people. Here'sone you should definitely avoid...whenever possible.


BARRINGTON-SMYTHEWho's your friend, Monika?

MONIKAThis is Jack Greyson, the new Chiefof Staff at MarsGen.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEThe new sawbones, I'm HaroldBarrington-Smythe. My friends call meHarry.

JACKNice to meet you, Harry.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEYou too, Jack. I hope Monika's notboring you.

JACKwith a smile( )

Not at all...what line of work areyou in, if I may ask?

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEYou could say I'm an entrepreneur.

JACKsomewhat puzzled( )

That covers a lot of ground.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEVery perceptive. Let's just say Ihave my fingers in a lot of pies hereon Mars.


Page 36: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

MONIKAYou may be interested to know, he'sthe richest man on Mars!

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEActually there's that fellow over inBradburyville who's wealthier...theformer asteroid prospector.

MONIKAOh yes, I forgot about him. He isquite wealthy isn't he?

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEHe could buy and sell me. Three timesover...easily.

JACKI've heard of Bradburyville, but Ican't recall where it is?

MONIKAIt's located on the opposite side ofMars near the entrance of VallesMarineris.

He glances at his watch.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEWell if you two will excuse me I mustbe going. Auf weidersehen, Mausi.

Jack takes a sip of his drink.


MONIKAIt means little mouse, in German.

JACKInteresting man, Mr. Barrington-Smythe.

MONIKAHe's also a very dangerous man.

He looks over his shoulder.

JACKHim, he looks harmless enough.


Page 37: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

MONIKALooks can be deceiving.

She looks back too.

MONIKA (cont'd)In addition to being president of thelargest union on Mars, he's also avery powerful Crime-Lord, allegedly.

He looks like he's just spotted a Rattlesnake.

JACKWhat do you mean a Crime-Lord?

MONIKAHave you ever heard of Olympus Mons?

JACKThe volcano?

MONIKANo, the crime syndicate.

He's still shaken...quite a bit in fact.

JACKA crime syndicate, here on Mars?

MONIKAYes...here on Mars.

She moves a bit closer.

MONIKA (cont'd)They control almost anything illegalfrom prostitution...gambling...narcotics...loansharking...access topirated Teever Programs...evenmurder-for-hire.

JACKI really find that hard to believe.Nothing like that exists in Lunagrad.

MONIKAI'm sure it exists there too, youjust never noticed it.


Page 38: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKshaking his head...(slowly)

But with the United Earth Security,how do they survive?

MONIKADo you honestly believe underpaidbureaucrats are immune to bribes?

JACKI guess I've been so involved inmedicine for so long I didn't noticesuch things.

MONIKAThat's why I'm in Security, to keepup with those kind of activities.

A look of relief comes across Jack's face.

JACKI'm glad somebody does.

MONIKAHere's an example, if MarsGen needs anew piece of medical equipment or arare vaccine, Olympus Mons will finda way to make sure it 'Falls off aCargo Pod'.

JACKYou seem to know a lot about a lot ofthings. Did you know Ron Bradford?

MONIKAJust barely. He mainly kept tohimself. Why?

JACKJust wondering.

He changes the subject. Then he looks at his watch again.

JACK (cont'd)Good grief. I didn't realize it wasso late. I'm working this entireweekend. Are you free next Fridaynight?

She takes out her Visiphone. She hums a tune under herbreath while she looks.


Page 39: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

MONIKALet me look. No. But I am Saturday.What did you have in mind?

JACKDinner and a holovid. The latestSTARQUEST Episode has finally beenreleased.

MONIKATook them long enough.

JACKAin't that the damn truth!

MONIKAI'll see you Saturday night. Does8:30 work for you?

JACKwith a big smile( )




Jack is at his desk as he finishes up some paperwork when aTall man of African descent wearing a dark business suitwalks in - LIAM M'LENGA - Early 60's - CHIEF OF SECURITY FORMARSGEN.

He extends his left hand.

M'LENGAI'm Liam M'Lenga, the Chief ofSecurity for this asylum.

JACKNice to finally meet you. I don'tenvy your job.

M'Lenga takes a seat in front of Jack's desk. He adjusts hisjacket once he gets settled.

M'LENGAsmiling( )

Nor I yours. I'm sorry I haven't comeby sooner...I had a major familycrisis to deal with in Bradburyville.It couldn't be avoided.


Page 40: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKI'm really sorry. Is everythingalright now?

M'LENGAYes, thanks for asking.

JACKHow can I help you out today?

M'LENGAI heard you attended one of YuriMalenkov's famous parties last night.Did you meet anyone of interest?

Jack leans forward in his chair.

JACKHow'd you know that?

M'LENGAIt's a small town. News travels fast.

JACKI suppose it does, I just didn'tthink of it that way.

M'LENGAIt's not Lunagrad.

JACKThat's for damn certain. Back homeeverybody minds their own business.

M'LENGALunagrad has nearly four times thepopulation of MarsPort.

JACKSpeaking of my own business, why areyou so curious about who I may havemet at Yuri's party?

M'LENGAIt only makes sense. It's part of myjob to know if any of MarsGen's staffbecomes...compromised.

JACKCompromised? I met Malenkov, dranksome lousy vodka then talked to a fewpeople and left early.


Page 41: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

M'LENGAAnyone I may know?

JACKwith a slight frown( )

I don't know, how about CarlosChiang? Do you know him?

M'LENGAAnyone else?

JACKwith a slight grin( )

I spoke with Monika Beiterhoff for alittle while.

M'LENGAShe's a strange one, isn't she?

JACKarching an eyebrow( )

How so, I found her quite pleasant.

M'LENGAI've always noticed that she plays itclose to the vest. I suppose it'sbecause she's New Frontiers' SecurityDirector.

JACKI know that...She told me herself.In fact we're going out to dinnerthis coming weekend.

M'LENGAWhy so long?

JACKYou may not have noticed but we'reboth very busy people. We had tocoordinate our schedules.

M'LENGAI'd very much appreciate it if you'dlet me know how the date goes.

M'Lenga moves a little closer to Jack.

M'LENGA (cont'd)Is that something you could do?



Page 42: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

M'LENGAAre you quite sure? It'd really helpme out.

JACKPissed!( )

Not a chance in Hell!



Jack Greyson and Monika Beiterhoff are among seventy or socouples in the large circular Showroom to watch the latestSTARQUEST Episode. Three Service Robots are roving to andfro taking drink and food orders. One stops directly beforeMonika and Jack.

MONIKAWhat would you like, Jack?

JACKAny old Bourbon'll do.

MONIKASorry...all they have are non-alcoholic beverages.

JACKscowling( )

Dammit...you're kidding.

MONIKAI'm afraid not...how about aDroobleberry Slush?

JACKYou really want to see me throw up?

MONIKAwith a slight grin( )

Of course not, Silly.

JACKA large cola then...and popcorn.

MONIKASounds good.


Page 43: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

She presses a couple of buttons on the Robot and a momentlater they both have a drink and popcorn. Jack beginswoofing his down. Then he begins gulping his soda.

Monika watches in bemused awe.

MONIKA (cont'd)Slow down Jack...nobody's going tosteal it...I promise.

JACKI guess I was hungrier than Ithought.


The House Lights go down. The Musical Score begins. TheAudience gets quieter.

Suddenly there is a Series of Bright Flashing Images comingfrom all directions of the large room. A few moments intothe Presentation, Jack Greyson begins shaking a little.

MONIKA (cont'd)Are you alright, Jack?


MONIKAAre you sure...you don't look sogood.

JACKI'm fine.

Then Jack starts shaking a bit more. It's even morenoticeable than before. Within moments he's nearlyconvulsing. Jack has a blank look on his face. Before Monikacan react Jack stands straight up out of his seat. Popcornflies out of Jack's bag like so much unwanted snow. The lidof his drink comes loose dousing Monika and a few otherattendees with cold sticky fluid. A couple of them shoutcurses. Then he screams like he's been struck by lightning.


Jack then runs full-tilt toward the exit. He knocks overseveral patrons as he makes his getaway. Jack barrel-assesout the door waving his arms. Monika stands there with alook of confusion and worry.


Page 44: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.



A few minutes later Monika catches up to Jack. He's on aBENCH with his head between his legs looking sick.

MONIKAWhat happened back there?

JACKlooking embarrassed( )

At the theater?

MONIKAYes Jack...at the theater.

JACKWhen I sort of "Blanked-out"?

MONIKAconcerned( )

That's one way of putting it...younearly scared the shize out of me.

JACKI'm really sorry about that. It's aside effect of TVR withdrawal causedby sensory overload...it hasn't hitme that hard in nearly a year.

MONIKAMein Gott!

JACKFortunately it doesn't happen thatoften...I'm usually better prepared.

MONIKAHow do you possibly prepare for that?

JACKYou may have noticed I drink a lot ofBourbon...a lot. It takes the edgeoff.

MONIKAwith a slight grin( )

I'll have to remember that. The mainthing is that you're feeling betternow.


Page 45: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKYah...mostly...now that we're in aquiet place.

MONIKAShall we continue on to therestaurant then?

JACKCan we put that off 'til tomorrownight, please...right now I justwanna go home, have a drink, take astress-pill and go to bed.

MONIKAOf course, I'll make sure you gethome safely.

JACKThanks...I really appreciate it.



As Jack Greyson and Monika Beiterhoff finish their meal astrolling Mariachi Band plays a soft and lovely tune. Jacklights Monika's cigarette. She smiles. They both look happyand satisfied. Jack is grinning.

A Waiter brings another bottle of wine to their table. Hehands the bill to Jack who makes a terrible face. Monikalaughs out loud. Tears begin to roll down her beautifulcheekbones.

JACKbeginning to laugh( )

Good God, why didn't you let me knowhow expensive this place is?

MONIKAWhat's wrong?

JACKOh nothing, how do you feel aboutwashing dishes?

MONIKAI can't be that bad.


Page 46: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKI don't know, though I may have topromise free brain surgery to theowner and her whole family as well.

MONIKAThe food was good.

JACKYah, but I wouldn't have had thatthird glass of wine if I'd known itwas imported from Earth.

She tries to distract her date.

MONIKAHow was your steak?

JACKwith a half-smile(and a half-grimace)

Terrific. I couldn't even tell it'dstarted out in a hydroponics tank.

MONIKAwith a sudden(shudder)

Oh God Jack...remember reading howpeople used to kill animals for food?

JACKThey didn't know any better. In factback home in th' Blue Ridge Mountainsthere're farmers who still keepchickens...Some 'em are my kinfolk.

MONIKAFor the eggs...right?


He changes the subject.

JACK (cont'd)...I was wondering, since you know somuch about what goes on in Marsport,what do you know about We Are Mars?

MONIKANot much. Just a few rumors. That'sall.


Page 47: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKWhat kind of rumors?

MONIKASilly stuff really...rumors aboutIndependence from Earth.

JACKarching an eyebrow( )



She takes a sip of wine.

MONIKA (cont'd)...From what I've heard they feelthat Earth's treating them likethird-class citizens on their onplanet for decades...how they'reangry and ready for change...Self-Rule!

He lights a cigarette. He inhales three deep puffs.

JACKIf that's so I can't say that I blamethem...I've always sympathized withthe little guy.

MONIKAReally? That's good to know, Jack.

JACKI'd really like to know more.


JACKMaybe I can help in my own way. Dosomething, even if it's not much.

MONIKAshe arches an(eyebrow)

Alright...take the cost of medicalcare here on Mars. As I pointed outat Yuri's party it's a rigged system.


Page 48: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKwith a slight grin( )

For the upper class, right?.

She takes a bite of her salad.


JACKfrowning( )

That Sucks! I intend to make a lot ofchanges in the way that's handled...major changes.

MONIKAThat won't win you many popularitycontests.

JACKLike I give a damn...

He takes another sip of wine. Then another.

JACK (cont'd)grinning( )

...It's never been my style anyway?

MONIKAwith a subtle wink( )

Give the man a prize.

She hesitates a moment.

MONIKA (cont'd)There's something else, though.


MONIKAOver the past several years anoticeable number of pre-teenchildren have gone missing...only tobe returned safe and sound to theirfamilies six weeks or so later.

JACKHere in MarsPort...not the othercities?



Page 49: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKHow long has this been going on?

MONIKASeveral years...as far as I candetermine.

JACKshaking his head(slowly)

I'm really having a hard time gettinga handle on this.

MONIKASo did I until I really started toinvestigate the situation.

JACKThat's really weird, Monika.

MONIKAAnd there's more.

JACKarching an eyebrow( )


MONIKAYou recall how I told you how thekids were returned home after sixweeks safe and sound?


MONIKAAll of their parents reported thattheir children had undergone a majorpersonality change...almost to thepoint of acting like a totallydifferent person.

JACKfrowning( )

Did they suspect drugs, hypnosis...orsomething worse?

Jack takes another sip of wine.


Page 50: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACK (cont'd)Monika...as a neurosurgeon you can'tjust change someone's personality...it takes a major trauma...something...extreme.

MONIKAThat's what I thought...especially...


MONIKAAfter I did a follow-up on a handfulof the kids...seven of them in fact.

JACKWhat'd you find out?

MONIKAAll seven of them...they're eighteenyears old now...have been accepted asinterns into some of the largestcorporations in the Solar System.

JACKThat's amazing.

MONIKAIn fact one's on track to become theyoungest CEO in the history of hercompany...another is being groomed tobe the next Archbishop of Lunagrad.

JACKWho else knows about this?



MONIKANobody...Just me.

JACKHow's that possible?

MONIKAIt's part of my job as Chief ofSecurity for New Frontiers.


Page 51: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKDo you think We Are Mars! may beconnected somehow?.

MONIKAI did...until I met some people whoclaim to be members.

JACKCould they have lied to you?

MONIKANo...all of them are beyond reproach.

JACKI'd really like to meet some of themjust to talk, tell me how I canhelp...something.

She hesitates for a full two minutes. All the while Jacksits there as he finishes his wine.

MONIKAThat's a lot easier said than done...though one of them was at Yuri'sparty.

JACKReally, which one?

MONIKACan you keep a secret?

JACKOf course.

MONIKAwith a MONA LISA(smile)

So can I.



DOME FOUR is a mixture of all sorts of Human activity. Thereare at least a hundred people wandering about its wide open-air lanes.

Dozens of Holographic Signs, both large and small point outthe numerous Businesses in Dome Four.


Page 52: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

Jack consults a free-standing Holographic Map to locate aspecific business. Shortly thereafter

Jack arrives at his destination. He walks up to a largeHolographic Sign that reads: ABNER'S MOTORSPORTS. He seesone man working there.

The man walks up to Jack. He has a friendly, but jaded lookabout him - ABNER STONEBENDER - Early 70's - USED CARSALESMAN - Tall and lanky. He has thick dark red hair withmatching bushy eyebrows. He also has a large bulbous nose.

STONEBENDERHowdy stranger. What can I do youfor?

JACKNot much, just takin' a look.

STONEBENDERSwell, a Homer lookie-loo.

JACKI suppose.


JACKPretty sure. Unless...

He begins to walk away.

STONEBENDER...Unless what?

JACKYou do rentals as well as sales?

STONEBENDERSon, I've got th' best rental priceson this whole damned planet!

JACKYou wouldn't be trying to con me,would you?

STONEBENDERSir, you wound me. By the way,whad'ya say your name is?

JACKI didn't.


Page 53: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.



STONEBENDERwith a slight frown( )

Jack what??

JACKJack Greyson.

STONEBENDERA pleasure, I'm sure.

JACKYah, you too.

STONEBENDERNow how can I help you today?

JACKAn old buddy of mine said he got onehelluva rate from one of you guyshere in Dome Four...

He looks at the merchandise a bit closer.

JACK (cont'd)...I just can't remember thedealership.

STONEBENDERHow long ago was your buddy in D4?

JACKA year-and-a-half ago.

STONEBENDERA year-and-a-half?


STONEBENDERHow in th' hell am I supposed toremember somebody I may have dealtwith that long ago?

JACKBeats me, computer records maybe?


Page 54: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

He taps the side of his head.

STONEBENDERMister, this is the only computer Itrust.

JACKOkay...okay...if you can't rememberyou can't remember...

He walks toward the exit.

JACK (cont'd)...maybe I'll have better luck withthe Dutchman.

STONEBENDERThat swindler...

He spits on the ground.

STONEBENDER (cont'd)...He can't even remember his ownmother's birthday.


STONEBENDERWhad'ya say your friend's name is?

He shrugs his shoulders.

JACKI didn't.


JACKRon Bradford.



He scratches his chin. Then he holds out his right hand...palm up.


Page 55: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

STONEBENDERCome to think of it, that name doessound a bit familiar.

He reaches for his wallet. Then he pulls out a one-hundredsolar bill.

JACKfrowning( )

I thought it might...well?

The other man grabs the money...very fast.

STONEBENDERwith a slight grin( )

If I recall, it was the weekend ofthe big heavyweight championshipbroadcast from Singapore.


STONEBENDERYour friend came in the place in abig damned hurry wanting to rent mybest Buggy and E-Suit...He was actin'like the Devil himself was rightbehind him.

JACKDid you see anyone else?

STONEBENDERNot a soul...anyway he took offtwenty minutes later headed for theMain Airlock...that's the last time Isaw him.

JACKarching an eyebrow( )

Interesting...damned interesting.

STONEBENDERYeah...so I waited two days, then Icalled the Cops. They did a searchand didn't find a single clue...andthe Buggy had a Beacon Chip.

JACKBeacon Chip?


Page 56: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

STONEBENDERYou know...like an old-style GPS...ithad a range of two-hundred klicks.

JACKStill nothing?

STONEBENDERNada...zilch...I was gettin' ready tofile with the insurance company aweek later when that labor big-wigSmith and a couple of his flunkiescame by and paid me "for mytroubles."

JACKHarold Barrington-Smythe?

STONEBENDERThat's th' one...he paid cash for theBuggy and E-Suit...full price likethey were brand new.

JACKslowly shaking his(head)

That's truly incredible...I don'tknow what to say...

STONEBENDERscowling then(smiling)

Well I do...this brings back a lot ofmemories...I made a bet on that fightwith old Hendrik Van Tassel...theDutchman...five hundred solars...andthat piece o' shize still owes me...with interest...and by God I'm gonnacollect...or else!!!



Jack and Monika are woken up by the Holocom that sits nextto his bed. He looks at his watch and sees that it's12:30AM. When he answers the device, a three-dimensionalone-tenth scale image of a woman appears on the screen - DR.KATHERINE (KATE) O'MALLEY MD - Late 50's - FREE CLINICOPERATOR - Short and wiry. Fiery personality.


Page 57: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

KATEIs this Dr. Greyson?

JACKstill half asleep( )


MONIKAWho's calling, Jack?

JACKBeats me, Darlin'...Now if you cantell me why the name of Hell you'recalling at this ungodly hour I'dappreciate it.

KATEI'm Doctor Kate O'Malley. I run whatpasses for a free clinic here inMarsPort.

JACKThis couldn't wait 'til themorning...during regular officehours?

KATEI'm afraid not. We've got anemergency...I need a neurosurgeon...Stat!

Jack sits up. He's fully awake now.

JACKI suppose I can be there in an hour.

KATEirritated( )

The sooner you can get here thebetter.

JACKHow will I find your clinic?

KATEwith a slight grin( )

Just follow your nose to thesmelliest part of Dome One.

The call disconnects. Jack turns to Monika.

JACKI've gotta go out for a while.


Page 58: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

She's still not fully awake.


JACKMedical emergency.

MONIKAWhen will you be back?

He kisses her on the forehead.

JACKI wish I knew. Go back to sleep.

She pulls the blanket over her head.

MONIKAYou don't have to worry about that.



Jack arrives at the clinic forty minutes later. The clinicis clean but very disorganized. A few MEDTECS (MedicalTechnicians) are wandering around going from patient topatient. Every member of the staff looks tired. O'Malleywalks towards Jack. She holds out her right hand and smiles.

KATEWelcome to my humble place ofbusiness, Doctor.

He smiles as he takes her outstretched hand.

JACKI'm glad I could make it.

KATENot half as glad as me.

JACKWhy aren't these people at MarsGen?


Page 59: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

KATEsounding very tired( )

The poor bastards can't afford it. Good medical care here in Marsport isfor the lucky few...the ones withmoney and power.

He takes another slow look around the place.

JACKThat's not right. Aren't there anyother Doctors on staff?

KATENo, just me and the few Medtecs yousee. And it's worse in most of theother clinics in MarsPort...A lotworse.

JACKThat's incredible. How do you manage?

She quickly Crosses herself.

KATEHand to mouth usually. And with a fewdonations...And lots of prayer.

JACKWhere's my patient?

KATEA bit over four hundred kilometersfrom here.

JACKYou're joking?

With a pat on his back.

KATEYou wish.



The BARSOOM is impressive. She's cylindrical in shape andnearly as long as a football field. She's painted Dayglogreen. The GONDOLA hangs underneath the main body like anafterthought.


Page 60: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

Standing outside the Airship is VIJAY RAMESH - Mid 30's -OWNER/OPERATOR - Tall and rangy. He has a West Texas drawl.

VIJAYWelcome aboard. This ol' Gal is m'pride 'n joy!

JACKI can tell...

Jack cranes his neck to take in the view.

JACK (cont'd)...Kate O'Malley told me my patientis four hundred kilometers away.


Jack follows Ramesh through a Man-Sized Hatch that leads tothe interior of the large Airship.



From the Main Hatch Jack climbs into the Passenger Cabin.There he buckles up into the traditional Shotgun seat. It'sreally cramped considering Jack's height. Jack notices mostof the lighting aboard the Gondola comes from theInstruments.

He takes a look at his watch.

JACKHow long will it take to get there?

VIJAYA tad over four-and-a-half hours--assumin'...

JACK...Assuming what?

VIJAYNo Sandstorms.

JACKI was under the impression that theMetsats keeps a close eye on those.


Page 61: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

VIJAYOh they do. But sometimes th' damnthings whip up with little or nowarnin' at all.

JACKWhy do I find no comfort with thatknowledge?

VIJAYDon't get yer panties in a wad. We'llmake it there an' back without anySNAFUS.

JACKI was under the impression it tooktwo people to fly one of these birds.A Pilot and an Engineer?

VIJAYwith a grin( )

Aboard my ship I'm both. It's a realmoney saver.

JACKIs that safe?

VIJAYNow don't blow a gasket in yer E-Suit. This ol' Lady's got th' bestAutopilot on Mars.

JACKThat's good to know.

He changes the subject.

VIJAYI'll bet she didn't tell you I'm partof her underground?


VIJAYIt's nothin' sinister. We're justsome average people who donate ourtime and services t' Kate's clinic...

He takes a reading from his Instruments. Then he turnstoward Jack.


Page 62: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

VIJAY (cont'd)...we make sure those who needmedical care get it.

JACKSounds like a worthwhile cause.

VIJAYWe like t' think so.

JACKDo you know the Muldoons?

VIJAYJust barely.

JACKWhy didn't they just bring the boy toMarsGen?

VIJAY'Cause it woulda taken 'em at leastfifteen hours by tractor.

JACKDo they trust you?

He looks out the forward Viewscreen. The landscape ischangeless. All he sees are Rust-colored desert and low sanddunes in the distance. He has a beatific smile on his longface.

VIJAYNo, but they trust Kate!

JACKShe seems very trustworthy.

VIJAYShe's prob'ly th' most trustworthyperson on this whole God-f'sakenplanet!

JACKI can believe that.

VIJAYWouldya b'leive me if I told ya thatshe came out here over twenty yearsago?

JACKSure, why?


Page 63: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

VIJAYT' run Mars General.

JACKWhy isn't she working there now?

VIJAYShe couldn't take all th' bullshize.

JACKI can understand that.

Jack yawns. Twice.

VIJAYWe gotta ways to go yet. Why don't yasack out a while?

JACKrubbing his eyes( )

Sound's like a good idea.

He hunkers deeper into his seat and closes his eyes.

JACK (cont'd)Wake me when we get there.

VIJAYgrinning( )

Well duh!



-- BARSOOM flies perpendicular in a northeasterly directionacross the Rim of the HELLAS BASIN.

-- She flies at an average altitude of five hundred metersabove the Surface.

-- Through the forward viewport the morning Sun can be seenrising in the east bringing a new day.

-- Below BARSOOM the colors of the features of MARS begin tochange once sunlight begins to strike them. The tops of thecountless Dunes catch the First Light.

-- BARSOOM flies over half-a-dozen Mining Camps. A few Mencan be seen on the ground as they begin their shifts. Theylook like so many ants.


Page 64: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

-- BARSOOM also flies over two other Farms on her way to theMULDOON FARM. There's little activity going on at eitherplace.



A fairly loud Bell starts to ring. Ramesh shuts it offalmost immediately. Then he turns to Jack. He shakes him alittle bit. Jack rubs his eyes as he tries to become fullyawake.

VIJAYY' better wake up. We'll be landin'soon.

JACKHow long?

He checks the Chronometer. He nods to himself. He makes afew notes in his logbook.

VIJAYTwenty minutes, give or take.

JACKCool. What can you tell me about thefarm?

VIJAYIt's one of the oldest on th' HellasBasin. In fact it's fifthgeneration...I think.

JACKFifth generation. You mean they'vebeen out here over a hundred andthirty years?

VIJAYSounds 'bout right. Most of th' oneson this side of th' Basin are onlythird and fourth gen. On th' otherside they're mostly second and third.

He looks out a Viewport. The landscape is unfamiliar to him.All he sees is unending desolation.


Page 65: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKThey've been out here since MarsPortwas first settled back in 2053?

VIJAYYeah. They were members o' th'Pioneer Corp.

JACKNo wonder they don't like outsiders.

VIJAYNot that. They just like their ownkind. Typical farmers.

JACKI know the type. My sister's marriedto one.



The Farm consists of half-a-dozen transparent Domes nestledup tightly against the Rim-Wall of the HELLAS BASIN. TheBARSOOM sits down on a paved Landing Pad.

One of the Locals is a tall, lanky Man - JED MULDOON - Mid40's - FARMER - Dark Blond Hair and Blue Eyes.

MULDOONWelcome Vijay, where's Kate?

VIJAYShe thought it would be better if anexpert came instead.

JACKI'm Jack Greyson. Kate told me youhave a medical emergency.

MULDOONYou're the new doctor from Earth?

JACKYah, but I've been working for thepast seven years in Lunagrad.

MULDOONAye, but to us simple farm-folkyou're still a Double-Damned Homer!


Page 66: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

A Woman stands next to Muldoon - SAMAYA MULDOON - Late30's - FARMER - Also tall and lanky - of Middle-EasternDescent.

SAMAYAWhy didn't Kate come herself?

JACKI'm a neurosurgeon, she's not.

VIJAYHey guys, if Kate says Jack is okayyou can bet th' farm on that.

MULDOONI guess you'll do, Doctor.

JACKfrowning( )

Thanks. May I see my patient now?

She starts to walk away from the Airlock. She heads towardsa well-lit corridor. Quite a few of the other kids try totag along but Samaya shoos them away. Not so gently in somecases.

SAMAYAOf course, Doctor. Come with me.



Jack sees a boy lying on a white sheet on a low-slung bed.There are a few wires and tubes attached to him. He'sunconscious. His breathing is shallow.

JACKWhat happened?

SAMAYAHiram here was attending his chorestwo days ago when he fell off aladder. He hasn't stirred since.

JACKHow tall a ladder?

MULDOONTen meters.


Page 67: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

Jack uses a Penlight to look into the boy's eyes. He nodshis head a few times.

JACKAnd how old is Hiram?

MULDOONEleven his next birthday.

He checks the boy's Pulse. He makes a few entries in hiselectronic notepad. Then he rubs his chin.

JACKWas he being supervised?

MULDOONNo. Of course not.

JACKThen please tell me...what in thehell was an eleven year old childdoing climbing a ten-meter ladder?

MULDOONLike Samaya said, his chores.

JACKAt eleven?

MULDOONDoctor, don't judge us by your Homerstandards. We're a working farm. Wehave kids as young as three doingchores.

JACKOh my God!

MULDOONIn a farm like ours, Doctor it's all-hands-on-deck all the time or we allstarve together.

SAMAYAThat's very true, Doctor...

SAMAYA (cont'd)nodding( )

...In a good year we have enoughproduce to sell to MarsPort and theother cities. In a bad year it can bepretty rough.


Page 68: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

He scratches his head. He looks off into the distance. Hehums a quiet tune under his breath.

JACKAs a matter of fact I've gotta fewrelatives who're farmers. Sometimesit's a struggle for them too.

MULDOONsmiling( )

Here on Mars?

JACKBack on Earth.

MULDOONMaybe you're not such a bad fellow,after all...for a Homer.

JACKI hope not, now let me take a closerlook.

Jack takes out a Medscanner from a jumpsuit pocket.

MULDOONWhat the devil is that device?

JACKIt's a Medscanner. It'll help mefigure out what's wrong with Hiram.

SAMAYAI've heard of such things. I neverthought I'd see one though.

JACKYou must be the Household Medtec.Tell you what, when I've finishedit's yours.

SAMAYAI really shouldn't.

JACKI insist...I've got plenty to spareback at MarsGen.

SAMAYAThank you.

MULDOONAny word on Hiram yet?


Page 69: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

He looks at the Medscanner. It beeps somewhat louder thanbefore.

JACKAny moment now...Yah. As I suspectedhe has a Subdural Hematoma. A badone.

MULDOONCan you fix it here?

JACKAfraid not. He needs surgery atMarsGen...ASAP!

SAMAYAHow soon?

JACKEight-ten hours max. I can give himsomething that'll help him sleep 'tilwe get there.


JACKNarcosamine. Twenty cc's.

MULDOONIs that safe, Samaya?

She holds up her left hand in an unfamiliar gesture.

SAMAYAfrowning( )

As safe as any drug,I suppose.

MULDOONDr. Greyson, if you're taking Hiramto MarsPort, I want Samaya to go withhim.

JACKOf course.


SAMAYA...I've already packed my bags.


Page 70: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.



Many long hours later several members of the extendedMULDOON Family arrive at MARS GENERAL.

JACKHiram's gonna be totally fine. Oncewe got him here it took less thanhalf-an-hour to repair the damage.

He Crosses Himself.

MULDOONThank the Good Lord for that.

SAMAYAWhile I was waiting, he told methere's no reason Hiram won't be backat work in a few days.

MULDOONIs that so?

JACKYah. Just go easy on him at first.Nothing strenuous. Okay?

MULDOONIf you say so, Doctor.

JACKI say so, Mr. Muldoon!

MULDOONAmazing. I don't know how I'll everbe able to repay you.

JACKThere's no payment. It's free.

MULDOONscowling( )

I've never liked charity.

JACKIt's not charity. It's a fundamentalright...all United Earth Citizensreceive free medical care...noexceptions.


Page 71: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

SAMAYAI've never heard of such a thing.Have you Jedidiah?

MULDOONNary a peep. It's news to me.

JACKYou're joking.



Jack walks into Chiang's office. M'Lenga is there as well.

JACKwith a slight smile( )

What's up?

CHIANGlooking very stern( )

It's come to my attention that yourecently performed surgery on a boy.A boy from one of the farms.

JACKAs a matter of fact several membersof the staff assisted mevoluntarily...

He stands a bit straighter. He clears his throat.

...if the boy didn't have the surgeryhe'd have died.

M'LENGAWas this surgery authorized?

JACKAuthorized by who? Being Chief ofStaff I assumed it was my call.

M'LENGAYou assumed wrong.

CHIANGYou may not realize it but MarsGeneral has a chain of command...


Page 72: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

M'LENGA...A chain of command you didn'tfollow.

CHIANGWhat you did was totallyirresponsible...

M'LENGA...We don't engage in socializedmedicine here at Mars General.

JACKMay I remind you both, every citizenof the United Earth has the right tofree healthcare.

CHIANGwith amused disdain( )

And may I remind you, we're not onEarth are we?

M'LENGAI'm afraid I'll have to file anofficial report with the U.E.Security Service.

JACKvery angry( )

File and be damned. I don't give aRat's Ass!!

M'LENGAvery solemn( )

You really should, Jack.

CHIANGThat's a big mistake. You'll regretit...I promise.

JACKIs that a threat?

He lights his cigar. He blows smoke in Jack's direction.Then he takes another puff.

CHIANGOf course not. Just a bit of friendlyadvice.



Page 73: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.


Jack paces the floor while Monika Beiterhoff watches him.

MONIKAIt's only a week.

JACKI know, but it still pisses me off.

MONIKAWhat did you expect?

JACKI don't know, a handshake maybe. Something dammit!

MONIKAThings work differently on Mars.

JACKI'm beginning to understand that. Iwonder how much Kate could pay me tocome aboard?

MONIKADon't be silly. The Board won't letChiang fire you.

JACKI hope you're right. But if they do Iwas thinking about something thatcould tide me over.

MONIKASuch as?

JACKI could make housecalls.

MONIKAwith a strange look( )

What's a housecall?

JACKBack in the nineteenth and earlytwentieth centuries doctors would goto patient's homes instead of thepatient coming to the doctor.

MONIKAWasn't that terribly inefficient?


Page 74: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKIt was ridiculously inefficient. Itwould probably be twenty times harderon Mars at least.

MONIKAnodding( )

At least.

JACKIf I could persuade Kate she might gofor it, though.

MONIKALet me see if I understand this. Youand Ramesh would fly his airship fromfarm to farm dispensing medicaltreatment?

JACKIt does sound a bit quixotic, whenyou put it that way.

MONIKAJust a bit.

JACKI've got to do something.

MONIKAI know. But have you really thoughtthis through?

JACKHow I'd get my supplies for example?


JACKMaybe through Barrington-Smythe...

MONIKA...You can't be serious. Like I toldyou he's dangerous.

JACKNo doubt. But I'll bet he knows whereto obtain anything we'd need to besuccessful.

MONIKABut at a very steep price.


Page 75: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKYou're right, I know.

MONIKAOf course I am.

JACKI believe I'll go visit Kate tomorrowand see if she'll have me.

MONIKAI'm sure she'll appreciate anythingyou can offer.

JACKI hope so. I just don't want it to bea waste of time.



KATEJack, what in the bloody hell are youdoing here this early?

JACKYou've probably heard by now that Igot in trouble for operating on theMuldoon boy?

KATEnodding slowly( )

News travels fast in this damnedbeehive.

JACKI've come to ask a favor.

KATEwith a cautious grin( )

Ask away.

JACKIf I get fired I'd like to come towork for you...

He moves closer.


Page 76: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACK (cont'd)...in fact I'd like to start makinghousecalls starting with all of theHellas Basin Farms.

KATEI see.

JACKWhat do you think?

KATEIt's a noble idea, but I couldn't payyou one-tenth of what you're makingat MarsGen.

JACKI didn't go into medicine for themoney.

KATEThat's why I like you so much. You'rean idealist.

JACKgrinning broadly( )

Guilty as charged, Your Honor.

KATEHow's that been workin' out for you,Jack?


KATEBeing a Smart-ass!

JACKwith a BIG smile( )

Pretty well, so far.

KATESpeaking of idealism...I know someidealistic people who'd like to meetyou.



Page 77: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

KATEwith a sly smile( )

Just some folks with We Are Mars!



Someone removes the blindfold that covers Jack's eyes. Thelight is very bright at first. He sits in a hard chair thatfaces a long table. Three people face Jack. Two men and onewoman. They all appear to be late middle-aged.

WE ARE MARS 1I understand you've being wanting tomeet us.


WE ARE MARS 3You know we wouldn't be holding thismeeting if Kate O'Malley hadn'trecommended it...

WE ARE MARS 2...We think very highly of heropinions...

WE ARE MARS 1...Indeed.

JACKIs she a member of We Are Mars!?

WE ARE MARS 3No, more's the pity. We've beentrying to recruit her for years...

WE ARE MARS 2...And her answer is always the same,'As the Great Groucho Marx said, "Irefuse to join a club that would haveme as a member".'

JACKYah, that sounds like her.

WE ARE MARS 1She's a pistol...that's a fact.


Page 78: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKNow what?

WE ARE MARS 2In a perfect world, you'd join ourcause.

WE ARE MARS 1You may be interested to know HaroldBarrington-Smythe is a Member.

WE ARE MARS 2...We don't approve of all of hismethods...

WE ARE MARS 3...But we certainly approve of theresults.

JACKI appreciate the offer, I really do.But I think I'm gonna take the samestand as Kate.

WE ARE MARS 3Are you quite sure?

JACKYah...and it's not that I disagreewith your ideals. It's the Politicalovertones that bother me...and nowthe fact Barrington-Smythe isinvolved...

Jack stands to stretch.

JACK (cont'd)...How do you know you can trust him?

WE ARE MARS 1He's my Grandson.


WE ARE MARS 2You recently performed surgery onthat child from the Muldoon Farm.



Page 79: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

WE ARE MARS 1And you were chastised by yourSuperiors.

JACKgrinning( )

Chastised Hell...I had my Ass handedto me.

WE ARE MARS 2Would you do it again?

JACKHell Yeah...I'm not gonna let anyonego without medical care...not on mywatch.

WE ARE MARS 3Even though you may lose yourposition?

JACKI could care less.

WE ARE MARS 1Amazing...absolutely amazing. Tell meDoctor...have you ever heard ofOperation Tabula Rasa?

JACKI know what the term means...BlankSlate...in Latin...but aside fromthat no...why?

WE ARE MARS 1Back in the mid-2070's a team ofscientists in what was the People'sRepublic of Scotland developed atechnique...

JACK...What sort of technique?

WE ARE MARS 3What they created was a reliablemethod of totally and absolutelywiping the synaptic pattern of aHuman Being...permanently.


Page 80: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

WE ARE MARS 2This procedure would leave a humancompletely void of any personality...identity...their self-awareness...their soul if you will.

MARS FIRST 1They would then indeed be a literalBlank Slate...one that could bereused.

JACKWhat you're describing isscientifically impossible...totalfantasy.

WE ARE MARS 1I'm afraid that turns out not to bethe case...it was done...repeatedly...successfully.

JACKHow can you be so certain?

WE ARE MARS 3We have video records...thescientists kept all their data.

JACKWhy hasn't anyone ever heard aboutthis...I'm a Neurosurgeon and this isnews to me.

WE ARE MARS 2It's happening, Dr. Greyson...believeus.

JACKBut why?

WE ARE MARS 1Jack...do you recall learning aboutthe concept of uploading human mindsinto artificially intelligentmachines?

JACKYah...that I do remember...they firststarted discussing that way back inthe 1990's I believe.


Page 81: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

WE ARE MARS 1What if I told you it finallysucceeded...nearly twelve yearsago...here on Mars...what would yousay?


WE ARE MARS 3I'm afraid not...it's a sad reality.


WE ARE MARS 2One reason and one reason only...profit...someone has been abductingchildren these past several years...erasing their minds and uploading new personalities into thoseunfortunate individuals...it's worsethan murder.

WE ARE MARS 3Extremely wealthy men and women fromall over the Solar System are theones having his procedure done.

WE ARE MARS 2They pay fabulous amounts of moneyfor a sort of immortality.

WE ARE MARS 1At the expense of these children...itsickens me.

JACKIt's monstrous...hideous...andsomeone's doing this here inMarsPort???

WE ARE MARS 1Apparently...and it's something thatwe've been investigating.

JACKGod I hope so...do you have anysuspects?


Page 82: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

WE ARE MARS 1At first we thought the United EarthSecurity Services were behind theoperation.

WE ARE MARS 2But that wasn't the case.

JACKWho then?

WE ARE MARS 3Someone associated with Mars GeneralHospital itself...someone high up.

JACKThat's an incredible accusation...Iassume you have evidence to back itup?

WE ARE MARS 2We had an informant inside theorganization gathering detailedinformation about the operation.

WE ARE MARS 3Information that we intended to turnover to the proper authorities.

JACKWhat happened?

WE ARE MARS 2In the last message we received fromour informant he told us he'd beenexposed...

WE ARE MARS 3...Exposed and on the run to one ofour rendezvous points for pick-up...he wasn't there. In his call he saidhe was being followed.

WE ARE MARS 2That was the last we ever heard fromhim...he was a good man...and he waskilled before he could get theinformation to us.

JACKWho was he?


Page 83: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

WE ARE MARS 1Dr. Ron Bradford.

Just then a wall explodes. A dozen Security Officers stormthrough the ragged hole. They're led by Liam M'Lenga.

To Jack. With eyes are filled with sheer Hate and Betrayal!

WE ARE MARS 1 (cont'd)You Homer Bastard!



Two men are in the office. They are Liam M'Lenga and JackGreyson. Jack is strapped into what appears to be a DentalChair. M'Lenga stands next to him. The lighting is verybright. There is a small metal table next to the chair. It'scovered with a few medical devices and one syringe.

He looks relaxed. And very contented.

M'LENGAI imagine you're wondering why you'rehere?

JACKI've gotta few ideas.

M'LENGAReally, do tell.

JACKThat you're a sadistic son-of-a bitchand when I get loose, I'm gonna takeyou apart barehanded.

M'LENGADid you know I'm a doctor?

JACKHippocrates must be rollin' over inhis grave.

M'LENGANo. I'm a psychologist, not an MD.

JACKThen Freud and Jung must be rollin'over in theirs.


Page 84: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

M'LENGAAnything else to say, Jack?

JACKYah. Your Mother was a Whore and yourFather had the Clap.

M'LENGAwith a thin smile( )

There's that humor again. Noteverything's a joke.

JACKJust you.

M'LENGADo you know what my previous positionwas?

JACKLemme guess, professional ass-kisser?

M'LENGAI was a Brigadier with the UnitedEarth Security Service. I headed upthe Enhanced Interrogation Division.

JACKWhy am I not surprised. When we firstmet I thought you reminded me ofsomebody. Somebody famous in fact.



M'LENGAHow droll.

JACKI gotta million of 'em.

M'LENGAI'm sure you do, but I'm onlyinterested in one subject.

JACKYour weight or your IQ?

M'LENGANo...We Are Mars!


Page 85: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKWhat about We Are Mars!?

M'LENGAHow long have you been a member?

JACKYou're crazy...I'm not a member.

M'LENGAThen why were you meeting with theleadership earlier today

JACKWe were playing Canasta. You everplay? It's alota fun and a greatstress reliever...You should try itsometime.

He reaches for the syringe. Then he bares Jack's right arm.

M'LENGAI really didn't want to do this.

JACKThen don't.

M'LENGAI'm afraid I'm out of options.

JACKThere are always other options.

M'LENGAIt's funny.


M'LENGAThat's almost exactly what Dr.Bradford said.

JACKRon Bradford?



Page 86: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKHe was a friend of mine, you Son-of-a-Bitch...I promised his Mom I'd findout what happened to him. And now Ihave.

M'LENGAThat's most unfortunate. Now I haveto burden Carlos. Though I imaginehe'll want to make sure you meet thesame fate as your predecessor...

He rubs his hands together.

M'LENGA (cont'd)...only this time there'll be noloose ends.

M'Lenga places the hypo on Jack's right arm and presses thetrigger. There is a slight huffing noise. A few momentslater Jack is oblivious to his surroundings.



A loud buzzing sound wakes Kate O'Malley out of a soundsleep. She glances at her watch. It's 1:30. She heads forthe main entrance of her clinic. She doesn't even bother tochange out of her old nightgown or take the curlers out ofher hair. She's has a pleasant surprise when she opens thedoor and there stands Monika Beiterhoff. Her eyes are redfrom crying.

KATEMonika, what in the world are youdoin' here at this hour?

MONIKAKate, have you seen Jack?

KATESure. A few hours ago when I sent himto meet some friends of mine. Why?

MONIKAThat was over twelve hours ago. Hehasn't come home since...I'm worriedsick.

Kate puts her arm around the younger woman's shoulder.


Page 87: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

KATEI can tell. Did you check in withMarsGen?

MONIKAOf course. You do know he wassuspended, don't you?

KATEYeah. I heard it through myconnections there in fact. Justdouble-checking.

MONIKASo where is he, Kate?

KATEI really wish I knew. But I'm surehe's fine.

MONIKAHow? I've spent most of todaysearching all over MarsPort. Do youhave any idea just how big this placeis?

KATEI've gotta pretty good idea...

KATE (cont'd)yawning( )

...You know what I saw a few days agoin one of the corridors here in DomeOne?

MONIKAI have no idea.

KATEA mouse.

MONIKAA mouse...Yuck!

KATEYuck indeed. The funny thing aboutthose critters...here we are twohundred million miles from where theystarted and those damned things stillflourish.

MONIKAWhat's your point?


Page 88: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

KATEMy point is they're resilient littlebuggers. They're hard to keep down...and as far as I can tell. So's JackGreyson.

MONIKAI hope you're right. You know abouthis...

KATE...Teever Addiction, yeah. So what?That's in the past. He beat that,didn't he?

MONIKAI know. I only wish I had some otherideas.

KATEI'm sure you'll think of something.



Even though it's late, Harold Barrington-Smythe is hard atwork. He sits at his desk dictating into a Holocom. He has avisitor at the entrance of the large room - MonikaBeiterhoff. She's been crying.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEThis is an unexpected yet pleasantsurprise. Why are you here at such anungodly hour?

MONIKAThey've got Jack.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEwith a curious smile( )

Who's "they"?

MONIKAChiang and M'Lenga.


MONIKAThey're gonna hurt him, maybe worse.


Page 89: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.


It's no skin off my ass.

She wipes away the tears.


BARRINGTON-SMYTHEWhy's he so important?

MONIKAI love him.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEThe truth comes out.

MONIKAYes damn you...Happy now?

He writes something down in his notebook.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEMore than you could ever know...

He looks into her eyes.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)...Exactly what do you think I cando?

MONIKAPull some strings. Use some of thatinfluence you're always braggingabout...something...anything!

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEWhy are those Bastards holding him?

MONIKAThey're saying he's a traitor, and amember of We Are Mars!.


MONIKAYou know he's not.



Page 90: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

She begins to cry again.

MONIKAPlease Harry!!

He lights a cigar. Then he inhales slowly.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEIf it weren't for the fact my folkstook you in as an orphan after yourparent's death...

MONIKAstill weeping( )

I...I remember...

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEDo you...really...really???

He takes a deep breath

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)To me it seems you only get in touchwhen you need something that I canprovide...or am I mistaken?

MONIKAin a very quiet(voice)

No...and I'm really sorry for that.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEYou're sorry...I'm sorry...everybody's sorry...but nothing everchanges...does it?

She holds his hand. Very tight.

MONIKANo...but it will...I promise.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEI hope so for both our sake...otherwise...


BARRINGTON-SMYTHEhe shakes his head( )

...We wouldn't even be having thisconversation...but because it'syou...Mausi...


Page 91: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

Harry hands her a silk handkerchief.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)...I may have some interestinginformation...information that CarlosChiang wouldn't want exposed topublic scrutiny...maybe.

MONIKAshe begins to(smile...almost)


BARRINGTON-SMYTHEI said maybe...don't get your hopesup...yet.

MONIKAI'm sure whatever information youhave will be useful.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEPossibly...You haven't even askedabout the family...I'm hurt.

MONIKAHow's the family?

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEWe're all doing great...Alex and Iare happier than ever...Joanna wantsher own Airship for her next birthdayand Harry the Fifth is growing like aweed.

MONIKAThat sounds very nice.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEIt is...you and Jack should try it.


BARRINGTON-SMYTHEI hope so. Now if you'll give me anhour or two I'll see what I can digup.

MONIKAThanks so much. I'll owe you big-time.


Page 92: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEwith a half-smile( )

Indeed you will, Mausi.



There are three men in the room - Chiang himself - LiamM'Lenga and Jack Greyson. Chiang sits at his desk with acigar in his mouth. M'Lenga paces the floor. Jack isunconscious. He's propped up in a High-backed Chair. There'sa pair of handcuffs on his wrists.

CHIANGWake him up.

M'Lenga gives Jack a shot of something in his right arm.

M'LENGAThis'll take a minute or two.

CHIANGWhatever, just do it.

M'LENGADon't be such a noodge.

Jack begins to wake. His eyes flutter a couple of times.

M'LENGA (cont'd)He's awake.

CHIANGAbout damned time.

Chiang walks over to the chair where Jack is sitting. Hiscigar has gone out.

CHIANG (cont'd)You really screwed up royally.

M'LENGAAnd we had such high hopes.

CHIANGWe sure did. We thought we had winnerthis time. But you're another loserlike Bradford.


Page 93: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKSorry to disappoint you two. But asthey say you can't win them all.

CHIANGAlways the smart-ass.

M'LENGAGod, how I hate such impertinence...Why did you ever consider this fool?

CHIANGHe had a very impressive CurriculumVitae. The glowing recommendationsfrom Dr. Floyd at ArmstrongMemorial...

He takes a sip of something. Then another.

CHIANG (cont'd)...He was also at the top of hisclass at Wake Forest Medical.

JACKYou forgot about my tremendoussinging voice...and my twelve-inch...

-- SLAP! --

JACK (cont'd)Ow. That hurt dammit!

M'LENGAContinue being a boor and I'll treatyou as such, behave and I won't.

CHIANGWill you behave?

JACKWhat choice do I have?

CHIANGLet's make Jack more comfortable,shall we?

M'LENGAOf course. Where are my manners?

M'Lenga removes the handcuffs from Jack's wrists.


Page 94: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

CHIANGWhat would you prefer, Scotch orBourbon?...

He takes a bottle down from a shelf behind his desk with anextra flourish.

CHIANG (cont'd)...The Scotch is a Single-malt fromthe Highlands of Scotland. Irecommend it.

JACKThen I'll have Bourbon.

M'LENGAYou've presented us with a uniquesituation. You've found out thetruth.

CHIANGWhat my colleague said is correct.

JACKAs if I really give a rat's ass. Whattruth Carlos?

CHIANGYou have an opportunity that most menrarely see in their entire lifetimes.


M'LENGAAs you probably have figured outalready, there's a lot more toMarsPort than meets the eye.

CHIANGIndeed, quite a bit more in fact...

He sips his Scotch.

CHIANG (cont'd)...And the right men in key positionscan make a great deal of money ifthey're smart.

JACKnodding very slowly( )

And here comes Bradford, screwing upyour well-laid plans.


Page 95: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

M'LENGAscowling( )

The Bastard...he had to meddle...hecouldn't accept reality.

JACKThat must have been annoying.

CHIANGIndeed. To put it mildly.

JACKHow'd he figure it out?

M'LENGAThat Prospector...Traske...hecontacted him initially.

CHIANGAnd we thought Traske was our man.

M'LENGAHe was...'til he got greedy.

JACKAin't that always the way...you justcan't get good help anymore.

CHIANGIf you only knew.

JACKThat's the one main thing I'm notsure about your operation.

M'LENGAHow so, Jack?

JACKIf you two really want me to becomeinvolved I'll need a lot moreinformation.

CHIANGSuch as?

JACKFor example...how does the so-calledmind wiping technique work...how doesthe new personality uploading workand who makes the decisions and howmuch money is exchanged?


Page 96: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

M'LENGAI assure you, Jack you'll learn allthis in due time.

JACKnodding slowly( )

Of course.

CHIANGIt's very complicated.

JACKI'm sure...but I think I have thebasics down...you two have beenkidnapping young kids from all overMarsPort for the past severalyears...

Jack takes a sip of Bourbon. Then another.

JACK (cont'd)...mindwiping them...then usingoutlawed tech to transfer theSynaptic Patterns of Trillionairesfrom all over the Solar System intothose kids so you two can make a fewextra solars for your retirementfunds...is that about it?

CHIANGYes...that's pretty much it.

M'LENGAHighly simplified, though.

JACKI have a question?


JACKWhat about the kids?

M'LENGAWhat about them?

JACKI mean they're for all intents andpurposes they're dead...right?

M'LENGAI suppose you could say that.


Page 97: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKDidn't they have a future...somethingto live for?

CHIANGYou're looking at it from the wrongdirection, Jack...now they can beginnew lives as productive members ofsociety...in positions ofauthority...instead...

M'LENGA...Instead of the waste of space thatthey would have been...taking upvaluable resources...not contributingto the common good.

CHIANGNow they are People of Influence...not the...Liam...what's that old termI'm looking for?

M'LENGATrailer Trash...yes...that's it...trailer trash.

JACKAnd Bradford found out all of this?

M'LENGAWith the help of a traitor...aProspector by the name of VernonTraske...contacted him...and gaveBradford some valuable information.

CHIANGThen Bradford confronted us withaccusations and showed us a copy of aData Disk.

M'LENGAWe offered him money...quite a bit infact...but he was totallyunreasonable.

CHIANGThat's when we decided to eliminateDr. Bradford...and ultimately Traskeas well.


Page 98: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKNow you want me to join you in thisrather unusual business venturethat's responsible for the deaths ofdozens of children and Ron Bradfordtoo?

CHIANGThat sums it up very well, Jack.

JACKwith a BIG smile( )

Sure...why the hell not?

CHIANGSee. I told you he was smart. Muchsmarter than Bradford.

M'LENGAI suppose...I thought he was yourfriend?

JACKHe was back at Wake Forest. Truth totell the son-of-a-bitch still owes memoney. Fifty solars.

M'LENGAWhat about your promise to his mother

JACKYah. There is that, isn't there?


Jack makes a sudden move. He attempts to kick the legs outfrom under M'Lenga. While he does that, Chiang removes asmall pistol from his desk.

He points it at Jack.

CHIANGSo you are a fool after all...

He stands closer to Jack.

CHIANG (cont'd)...I believe Hiroshi's going to beChief of Staff after all.


Page 99: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

JACKBe sure to tell him the job's a realpain in the ass.

He holds the firearm with a tighter grip.

CHIANGMy God man, do you ever quit?

JACKHell no!!!

M'LENGABe sure to tell the Supreme Councilback at United Earth Headquarterswhen you and your We Are Mars! co-conspirators are on trial.

JACKOn trial, for what?


M'LENGAThey used to hang traitors...I wonderif they still do?

JACKWhat if I told you that We Are Mars!has proof. Proof that the two of youare behind all of these criminalactivities?

M'LENGANo sane person would believe suchallegations...especially from aTeever!

CHIANGAnd even if you had proof it couldeasily disappear. Along withyourself.

He stands a bit closer.

CHIANG (cont'd)with a crooked smile( )

In fact I hear Teevers turn up deadquiet often. It's in the News all thetime.


Page 100: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

M'LENGAThat's true. Another sad victim ofthis new technological vice wouldbarely be noticed.

JACKYou Bastards! Somebody will find out.

CHIANGbeginning to laugh( )

...Face it, even if they did. No onewill believe your fabrications.

Just then the door slides open. Monika Beiterhoff walks in.

MONIKAI would. And so would my friends atthe United Earth Security Service.

CHIANGThis is a private meeting, Ms.Beiterhoff. Get out.

M'LENGAShall I escort you out?

MONIKATry it. Just see what happens, OldMan...

She briefly turns to Jack.

MONIKA (cont'd)...Leibling, are you alright?

JACKBetter now.

MONIKAOkay, the game is up.

M'LENGAAnd what game would that be?

CHIANGYes, what game indeed?

MONIKAThe one where Jack and I get the hellout of here, and you two...

CHIANG...We two do what, precisely?


Page 101: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.


M'LENGAMy God. You're as foolish as he is.Astounding.

CHIANGShe is, isn't she?

M'LENGAShe's bluffing you know. She doesn'tknow a thing.

CHIANGWhen you're right. You're right...

Moving towards Monika.

CHIANG (cont'd)...Admit it, you have an empty hand.You have absolutely no evidence ofany wrongdoing on either of ourparts.

MONIKAOkay, you're right. I don't have anyevidence. But I believe I knowsomeone who does...

She takes her Visiphone out of her pocket. She dials astring of numbers. Then she speaks to someone not present.

MONIKA (cont'd)...You can come in now.

Once again the door slides open. In walks a familiar man.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEHi everybody. It's good to see you.

CHIANGWhat are you doing here?

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEChecking on a friend. You okay?

JACKBetter and better, you?

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEMy lumbago is acting up. But asidefrom that I'm fine.


Page 102: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

M'LENGAYou're nothing but a criminal.

He takes a deep theatrical bow.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEwith a twinkle in(his eye)

Takes one to know one.

Jack applauds. He's smiling the whole time. Monika standsnext to Jack. She looks at Barrington-Smythe with pride.

JACKYou tell 'em, Harry!

CHIANGThis doesn't concern you. You have nobusiness interfering in our affairs.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEI beg to differ. In fact, I believe Ihave some rather interestinginformation that neither of you wouldlike to be made public.

CHIANGconcerned( )

What could someone like you possiblyknow about our business?

He looks at the Chiang and M'Lenga. He has a big smile onhis face.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEYou'd be surprised, Carlos.

CHIANGI don't believe you.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEYou really should...

He winks at Jack.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)...You see. I've had both of youroffices wired for sight and soundsince last Founder's Day.


Page 103: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

M'LENGAincredulous( )

That's impossible. I have bothoffices inspected twice daily for anyelectronic listening devices.

He looks at M'Lenga with a mixture of both distrust anddisgust. He shakes his head as he walks towards the men.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEYou should have been paying yourstaff higher wages...It's amazing howlittle it takes to sway the loyaltiesof key people...

He moves close to Chiang. He slaps him, then snatches thepistol out of his hand. Then he places it in a jacketpocket. All within a few moments.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)...A few hundred solars in a man'spocket every month really makes adifference.

M'LENGAWhat man?

BARRINGTON-SMYTHELike I'd ever tell you...

He moves closer to Jack.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)with a BIG smile( )

...By the way, I've always consideredmyself a sophisticate. In fact, I'venever been in the position to judgeanother man's sexual proclivities...

He takes a breath. He still looks at M'Lenga.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)with an arched(eyebrow)

...But even I find some of yourpreferences somewhat..shall we say...rather...unusual.

CHIANGsurly( )

You're bluffing. I know your type.You couldn't tell the truth if you'relife depended on it.


Page 104: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEAre you really willing to take thatchance?

M'LENGAI guarantee he's lying. There's noway anyone one my staff would betrayme.

CHIANGvery smug( )

I know.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEIt's really funny that you both arethinking this way. I thought youmight...

He looks at his watch once again.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)...So I made a few hundred copies ofthe evidence. Then I had it allconverted into transmissible format.If I don't make a certain phone callin...

He takes out his Visiphone.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)...The next thirteen minutes, everybit of it will be broadcast to everyreliable news agency in the entireSolar System, from Lunagrad to TitanBase.

CHIANGI still think you're lying. A clownlike you couldn't arrange all ofthat.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHEHow much are you willing to bet...?

He looks at his watch one more time.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)...Tick-tick-tick.

Chiang sounds much older than his actual years. He has alook of complete and utter failure on his face.


Page 105: MARS GENERAL - SimplyScripts · JACK I've heard about We Are Mars! I thought it was an urban legend. WINSLOW It's real enough. Trust me, Doc. JACK You seem to know a lot about them.

CHIANGWhat do you you want?


As for me, a handful of those Cubancigars would be nice...

He walks towards the ornate desk.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)...I understand they're hand-rolledon the inner thigh of a robot inNewark, New Jersey...As for him...

He nods towards Greyson.

BARRINGTON-SMYTHE (cont'd)...Jack?

JACKwith a HUGE smile( )

I've got a few suggestions.


Copyright©2020 William Gunn WGA(W)Registration No. 2073566

