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Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj...

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Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj Contents Preface The excellent merit of Hajj Prior to Departure The Meeqat The Umrah The First Day of Hajj The Second Day of Hajj The Third and fourth Day of Hajj The Fifth Day of Hajj The Thirteenth Day of Dul-Hijjah Tawaaf-ul-Widaa Appendix One - Key Points of Fiqh regarding Hajj Appendix Two – Types of Hajj Ziyarat of Madina Bibliography 1

Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj


Preface The excellent merit of HajjPrior to DepartureThe Meeqat The Umrah The First Day of HajjThe Second Day of HajjThe Third and fourth Day of HajjThe Fifth Day of HajjThe Thirteenth Day of Dul-Hijjah Tawaaf-ul-Widaa Appendix One - Key Points of Fiqh regarding HajjAppendix Two – Types of HajjZiyarat of MadinaBibliography


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj


All praise is for Allah and Salutations upon His Messenger, our Master Muhammed (may Allah Bless him and give him Peace). Presented before you is a concise manual of hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam. In the first section, we have aimed to give the reader an outline of the practicalities of the sacred pilgrimage, detailing the sequence of events in chronological order. The second section focuses more on the finer points of Hanafi Jurisprudence. Material from this latter section has been mainly derived from the Urdu Hanafi manual, namely, Bahare Shariat.

Effort has been expended to translate the Ahadeeth, however as with all translations they only reflect the meaning.

May Allah accept this effort and make this book a blessed guide for the pilgrim, a saviour for myself from the afflictions of this world, the darkness of the grave, and the punishments of the hereafter.


M. J.YShawwal 1425 (2004)


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

The Excellent Merit of Hajj

Allah States, ‘Verily, the first house (of worship) appointed for mankind was that of Makkah, full of blessing, and guidance for mankind and jinn. In it are manifest signs, the place of Ibrahim, whosoever enters it attains security. And Hajj to the house is a duty on mankind, those who can afford the expenses and whosoever disbelieves then Allah is not in need of any of the mankind and jinn’

(Surah 3, Verses 96-97) and Allah States, ‘perform the hajj and Umrah for Allah’

Tradition 1Abu Hurayra (May Allah be Pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) recited a sermon in which he stated, “O people, Hajj has been made compulsory upon you, therefore perform Hajj”. Someone questioned, “Is that every year, O prophet of Allah?”. The Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) remained quiet, but the person enquired repeatedly three times. He answered (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace), “If I were to have answered ‘yes’, then it would have been necessary for you, but you would not have been able to carry it out”. He continued, “Do not ask questions of things that I have not yet mentioned. The previous communities were destroyed due to their excessive questioning which lead them to oppose their Prophets. Therefore, when I command you to an act then perform it (as far a possible) and when I prohibit you from an action then leave it.” (Muslim)

Tradition 2Abu Hurayra (May Allah be Pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) was asked, “which is the most excellent action?”, he replied “Belief in Allah and His Messenger”, he was asked “which then?” and he replied “Struggle (Jihad) in the path of Allah”, and again asked “which then?” and he replied “ The Hajj which is accepted (Hajj Mabrur)”. (Bukhari, Muslim)

Tradition 3The Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said, “Whosoever performs Hajj and refrains from Rafath (indecent talk)


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

and Fusooq (sinful activities), he returns purified from sin like the day he was born.” (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nis’ai and Ibn Majah)

Tradition 4It is reported from the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) that sequential Umrahs serve as an expiation of sins committed between them and the reward for Hajj Mabrur is only Jannah. (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nis’ai and Ibn Majah)

Tradition 5Umar Ibn ‘As (May Allah be Pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said, “Hajj removes those sins that were committed prior to it” (Muslim, Ibn Khuzaymah)

Traditions 6 & 7The Mother of the Believers, Umm Salamah (May Allah be Pleased with her) narrates that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said that “Hajj is a jihad for the weak (Ibn Majah). The Mother of the Believers, A’isha (May Allah be Pleased with her) reported that she once asked the Messenger of Allah (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) whether there was a jihad for women. He replied, “ yes, for them is the Jihad in which there is no fighting, hajj and Umrah”. (Ibn Majah). In a similar narration in Bukhari and Muslim, he replied “your jihad is Hajj”.

Tradition 8‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud (May Allah be Pleased with him) reports that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said that “Hajj and Umrah remove poverty and sin like a furnace removes impurities from iron, silver and gold. And the only reward for hajj Mabrur (accepted hajj) is Jannah (Tirmidhi, Ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn Huban)

Tradition 9Ibn ‘Abbas (May Allah be Pleased with them) reports that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said that “performing Umrah in Ramadan is like performing hajj with me”. (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nis’ai, Ibn Majah)


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

Tradition 10Abu Musa (May Allah be Pleased with him) reports that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said that “ the one who has performed hajj will intercede for four hundred individuals from his family, and will be purified from sin like the day he was born”. (Bazaar)

Tradition 11Abu Hurayra (May Allah be Pleased with him) narrates that he heard the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) say that, “whosoever came with the intention of visiting the ka’ba and traveled on camel, then for every step that the camel takes he receives reward, forgiveness of sin, and elevation of ranks to the extent that when he arrives at the ka’ba making tawaf, and Sa’ee of Safa and Marwah followed by cutting or shaving his hair, then he is pure from sin like the day he was born.”(Bayhaqi). There is a similar report by ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar (May Allah be Pleased with them)

Tradition 12It is reported by Ibn ‘Abbas (May Allah be Pleased with them) that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said that “whosoever travels from Makkah, on foot, for hajj, he receives seven hundred rewards, each equivalent to a reward in the haram, for every step until his return” (Ibn Khuzaymah, Hakim). According to this tradition every such step would equate to seventy million rewards – Wallahu Dhul Fadlil Adheem.

Tradition 13It is reported by Jabir (May Allah be Pleased with them) that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said that Hajj and Umrah pilgrims are delegates (wafd) of Allah. Allah invited them and they arrived. They begged Allah and He gave to them. (Bazaar) There is a similar report by Ibn ‘Umar and Abu Hurayra (May Allah be Pleased with them).

Tradition 14Abu Hurayra (May Allah be Pleased with him) narrates that he heard the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) say that “the (hajj) pilgrim is forgiven. Whosoever he asks forgiveness for is also forgiven.” (Bazaar, Tabarani)

Tradition 15It is reported by Ibn ‘Abbas (May Allah be Pleased with them) that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said,


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

“perform the fard Hajj early, as you do not know what may befall you” (Asbahani). In another transmission he said “whosoever has intended for hajj, let him make haste”. (Abu Dawud, Darimi)

Tradition 16Abu Dhar (May Allah be Pleased with him) narrates from the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) that “ Dawud (Upon him be peace) once asked Allah what he would give those servants that come to visit His house. Allah replied that every visitor has a right over the one visited. Their right would be that I will give them safety (Afiyat) in this world and forgiveness when we meet.” (Tabarani)

Tradition 17Ibn ‘Umar (May Allah be Pleased with them) reports that “ I was present with the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) at the Mina Masjid, when an Ansari and a Thaqafi presented themselves to the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) and gave their salutations. They then stated that they wanted to ask a few questions. The Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said that if they wished then he could tell them what they came to ask and if they so wished they themselves could pose the questions. They replied, ‘O Messenger of Allah tell us?’. He, (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) replied ‘You came to ask about: leaving home with the intention of the sacred house (Ka’ba) and the reward of this; and the performance of two rak’ats prayer after Tawaf and the reward of this; and the undertaking of Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah and the reward of this; and the stay at Arafah and the reward of this; and the stoning of the Jamaraat and the reward of this; and the making of sacrifice and the reward of this; and the performance of the Ifadah Tawaf (Tawaf al Ziyarah)’. The person said ‘I swear by the one who has sent you with the truth, that the reason for my presence was to ask these questions’. The Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said ‘When you leave your house with the intention of the sacred house, then for every step of the camel you will receive reward and sins will be removed; and the performance of two rak’ats after the tawaf will give you the reward of setting a slave free from the children of Isma’il (May Allah give him peace); and the Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah gives you reward equivalent to setting seventy slaves free; and the reward of staying at Arafah is such that Allah sends divine blessings and glorifies you before the Angels, saying “my slaves have come from afar, hopeful of my mercy. If sins are as many as sand particles, or drops of rain, or the foam on the oceans, I will forgive them. Return O my slaves, I have forgiven you and


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

those for whom you intercede.”; and in stoning the Jimaar, a major sin will be forgiven for each pelt; and the sacrifice is a treasure for you with your Lord; and for every hair in shaving the head, a reward will be given and a sin forgiven; and your state during the tawaf (Ziyarah) will be such that you will be free from sin and an Angel will descend and place a hand between your shoulders saying ‘do good actions for the future and whatever has been done in the past has been forgiven’ ” (Tabarani kabir, Bazaar)

Tradition 18Abu Ya’la narrates from Abu Hurayra (May Allah be Pleased with them) that the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) said “Whosoever sets off for hajj and dies, he will receive the reward of hajj until the day of Qiyamah; Whosoever sets off for Umrah and dies, he will receive the reward of Umrah until the day of Qiyamah and whosoever sets off for Jihad and dies, he will receive the reward of a warrior until the day of Qiyamah”

Tradition 19The Mother of the Believers, Umm Salamah (May Allah be Pleased with her) reports that she heard the Prophet (May Allah Bless him and give him Peace) say, “whosoever travels in Ihram for Umrah or Hajj, from the farthest mosque (Masjid-e-Aqsa) to the sacred mosque (Masjid-e-Haram), then his sins from before and after will be forgiven” or “paradise will be Wajib for him”(Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah)


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

Prior to Departure

MashwarahIt is highly recommended that a person makes Mashwarah before deciding to undertake the trip. The Qur’an informs us: 'Consult them in your affairs' (Surah 3 Verse: l59). To consult means to seek brotherly advice.

It is mentioned in Durr Mukhtar that if one has dependents, such as elderly parents then it would be Makruh for that individual to embark on the Hajj without first taking their permission. Also it would be necessary for them to leave enough provision up until their return.

Funds For HajjIt is necessary for the individual to acquire halal and pure money with which to perform Hajj. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said: ‘The one who goes for Hajj with lawful earnings, for each step Allah rewards him seventy folds, and seventy of his sins are pardoned, and Allah will elevate him by seventy ranks’.

Repentance Before proceeding for Hajj, sincerely repent for all sins. Have a firm intention of making up any missed prayers, fasts and zakah. It is mentioned in Mishkat that The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, `The person who repents from sins, is like the one who has committed no sin.'

Farewell Before departing one should meet all his/her friends and relatives. It is important that you seek forgiveness from those individuals that you have offended in the past. Also it is Wajib upon them to sincerely forgive your shortcomings. Furthermore, it is of vital importance that you secure ties of kinship before you leave. Maintaining ties of kinship is compulsory in Islam. This is reflected by the Prophetic Tradition quoted by Al Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al Iman, which states, “mercy will not descend upon a people among whom is one who breaks the ties of kinship”

Perform Two or Four Rak’atsBefore leaving your house pray either two or four rak’ats Nafl prayer if it is not the Makruh time (see appendix one). This prayer is intended to serve as a protector for yourself and family until your return.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

Du’as At the departure read those du'as, which have been reported in the hadith specifically for this occasion of Hajj. Our most beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said, `The supplication of three persons are accepted wherein there is no doubt. The supplication of the one who is oppressed, the supplication of a Traveler (musafir), and the supplication of the parent for the child.' (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah). The scholars have recommended the recital of Ayah al Kursi, Surahs Kafiroon/Nasr/Ikhlas/Falaq/Naas with Bismillah as a protector for the journey.

Sadaqah Prior to and after departure, Sadaqah should be given, and repeatedly given during the journey. After leaving ones house, some scholars have recommended that you go to your local Masjid and offer two rak’ats Nafl prayer (providing that it is not the Makruh time)

Point of NoteIt is necessary for a woman to be accompanied by ones husband or mahram (any individual with whom nikah is haram)


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

Concerning the Umrah

Of the three types of Hajj, Hajj-al-Tamattu is the most feasible, although Hajj-al-Qiraan is considered to be the best. (See Appendix Two for the 3 types of hajj). The discourse below relates to Hajj-al-Tamattu.

The Umrah

• The IhraamThe Ihraam is a state of being. Many Hadith expound the virtues of being in the state of ihraam from ones home. This is highly recommended.

• Reaching the prescribed station (AI-Meeqat)For those going to Makkah, then the border beyond which one cannot cross without being in the state of ihram is called the Meeqat. For outsiders there are 5 points of Meeqat:

1. Dhul Hulayfah (for the people of Madina – also known as Bir Ali)

2. Dhat al Irq (for the people of Iraq)3. Al Qurn (Qarn al manazil, for the people of Najd) 4. Yalamlam (for the people of Yemen and Indian

Subcontinent)5. Al Johfa (for the people of Syria)


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

For those going to Madina then they do not need to adorn the ihraam at the Meeqat. It is important to note that Jeddah Airport is within the Meeqat. Therefore, if you travel by air to Jeddah then it would be advisable to enter Ihraam at either Manchester or Heathrow Airport. If you have passed the Meeqat without being in the state of Ihram then you will be liable to pay a penalty (sacrifice of one animal equivalent to one sheep)

• Wearing the ihraamPrior to entering the state of Ihraam it is advisable that you remove any unwanted hair, clip your nails, adorn perfume and remove all sewn clothes. Further, it is important to remove any footwear that covers the forefoot and wear simple sandals. Males should then adopt two unsown pieces of cloth, preferably white, using one as a sarong and the other to cover the chest and back. A woman may wear her usual clothing and cover her body (including her feet) excluding her face.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

After bathing or wudhu perform two Rak’ats Sunnat-al-Ihraam whilst the head is covered. It is Makruh to miss out the two rak’ats Sunnat-ul-Ihraam without a valid excuse.

A menstruating or post-natal woman will not perform the two rak’ats, but will say the Niyyah. (She is allowed to recite the talbiyyah, durood or Du’as, but cannot do tawaf, Salah or recitation of the Qur’an)

• Remove the headgear immediately after completing the two rak’ats

• The Niyyah (for Umrah) followed by the Talbiyyah

Without the Niyyah and talbiyyah the ihraam will not be valid. It is mustahab to recite the talbiyyah three times followed by durood. After this you are in a state of Ihraam and should now constantly recite the talbiyyah. (Women should recite quietly).

• Proceed to MakkahIt is permissible for you to take a period of rest at your hotel and to take a bath prior to embarking on the Umrah. However, ensure that you do not use perfumed soap nor scrub. It is also permissible for male to change the 2 pieces of cloth if they have become dirty. Ensure that you are in the state of wudhu when entering the Masjid-AI-Haram.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

• Enter the Masjid-AI-HaramRecite Bismillah, Durood followed by the du’a for entering the Mosque. Enter Masjid-AI-Haram with your right foot first, with utmost humbleness, dignity, and respect, fully realizing the sanctity of the Holy Ka’ba. It is better that you enter at the gate of Bal al Salaam. It is best to go bare foot, without socks, with great humility and to enter crying, with tears streaming down.

On entering Masjid-AI-Haram make Niyyah for Nafl I'tikaff (as you will gain reward for as long as you are inside the mosque).

• Make Du'a on looking at the Ka’baMake lots of du’a on seeing the House of Allah for the first time and remember occasions like these are seldom witnessed in a lifetime. Therefore make any du’a that you may desire, for this is an occasion where Du’as are most certainly accepted by Allah.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

The TawafAfter completing the Du’as, proceed as close towards the Hajar-ul-Aswad as possible to commence the tawaf. Remember that if fard Salah has yet to be performed then you should perform this before the tawaf.

Id’tibaa (for males performing any tawaf after which there is a Sa’ee)

Before starting the tawaf make Id’tibaa, that is, take the right edge of the top sheet of the ihraam cloth, such that the right end is taken below the right armpit and thrown across the chest onto the left shoulder, leaving the right arm entirely exposed. The Id’tibaa is for the duration of tawaf.

Stand facing the Ka’ba

Ensure that you are opposite to the Hajar-ul-Aswad in such a manner that your right shoulder is in line with Hajar-ul-Aswad. When standing in this position, say the Niyyah for tawaf, which is Wajib. Without the Niyyah your tawaf will not be accepted. Say words like


Shami corner

Iraqi Corner

Yemeni Corner


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

“O Allah; I intend performing tawaf around your house, seven circuits for Allah. Make it easy and accept it from me.” It is an innovation to raise the hands whilst performing the Niyyah.

Now shift very slightly along to your right such that the Hajar-ul-Aswad is directly in line (these days there is a coloured marble line on the floor). Now raise both hands to the earlobes in the same manner as you do in Salah. As you raise your hands say the takbeer, “Bismillah Wal Hamdu Lillah Wal Allahu Akbar” and durood

After lowering your hands make istilaam of the Hajar-ul-Aswad, which means to place both the palms on the Hajar-ul-Aswad and kiss it gently. In the event where istilaam is not possible stand in line with the Hajar-ul-Aswad and stretch both your hands, with palms facing the Hajar-ul-Aswad as if you placing them on it. Thereafter kiss the palms in turn and commence the tawaf.

Please note it is Sunnah to make istilaam in all seven rounds. A person performing the umrah will stop the talbiyyah after his first istilaam


When performing a tawaf, after which there is a Sa’ee it is Sunnah for males to make Ramal during the first three rounds. Ramal means to walk hastily, taking shorter steps, lifting legs forcefully, chest out and moving the shoulders simultaneously. There is no Ramal or Id’tibaa for females.

Perform your tawaf with utmost humbleness, respect, dignity, and sincerity, for tawaf is considered equivalent to Salah. It is recommended that during tawaf your behavior and conduct be similar to that of Salah. Thus it is mustahab to look down and not towards the ka’ba. When going past the Yemeni corner, it is mustahab to touch it (and kiss this hand), but not to make Istilaam. Only turn the chest towards the Ka’ba when performing istilaam

Occupy yourself in du’as, especially the third/fourth Kalima, Durood and Rabbana Aatina. The wall between the Yemeni corner and black stone is blessed and called Mustajaab, (reported that 70,000) angels say Ameen on supplication). After completing seven circuits make an eighth istilaam

(The Niyyah is only to be performed once at the beginning of tawaf and not during each istilaam).


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

Two Rak’ats Wajib Salah of Tawaf

Perform two rak’ats Wajib Salah behind Maqaam-e-Ibrahim if at all possible. Otherwise you may perform it anywhere in the Masjid. It is Wajib to perform two rak’ats after every tawaf, irrespective of whether it is a tawaf of your Umrah, Hajj or Nafl. Ensure that you do not perform two rak’ats with Id’tibaa (with your right arm exposed).

The two rak’ats should not be prayed during the Makruh time. For instance, if you did tawaf at Fajr, then you should wait until 20 minutes after sunrise to pray these two rak’ats.The Multazam

This is part of the Ka’ba, which lies between the door of the Ka’ba and Hajar-ul-Aswad. After completing the two rak’ats Wajib Salah, if possible go to the Multazam without disturbing or pushing anyone. Cling on this wall and make du’a, as this is a place where du’as are accepted.

Drinking of Zamzam

There is no actual access to the well of Zamzam, therefore drink as much as possible from the taps provided whilst standing face the Ka’ba. Allah accepts Du’as made when drinking Zamzam.

Istilaam Before The Sa'ee

After drinking Zamzam it is mustahab return to Hajar-ul-Aswad and perform istilaam, when making istilaam say takbeer. It is Haram to cause harm to fellow muslims in overwhelming attempts to kiss Hajar-ul-Aswad. When it is not possible to perform istilaam, stretch your hands towards Hajar-ul-Aswad, and kiss your palms in turn. It is mustahab to leave for Safa through bab al safa. Exit with the left foot and recite the du’a for leaving the mosque (as safa/marwah lie outside the mosque)

The Sa'ee between Safa and Marwah

On reaching Safa climb it such that you can just see the Ka’ba. Do not climb its peak. Make lots of du’a here, for this is a place where supplications are accepted. It is mustahab to raise your hands towards the sky. Now recite the Intention (Niyyah) of the Sa’ee, as this is Sunnah.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

Commence the Sa'ee by walking towards Marwah at your normal pace. Engage in du’as and dhikr. It is Sunnah for males to walk swiftly between the 2 green pillars (Meelayn Akhdharayn).

On reaching Marwah you have completed one Shawt (circuit). Repeat the du’as on Marwah as you did on Safa and then proceed back to Marwah. You have now completed your second circuit. Proceed in a similar manner until you have completed seven circuits – you should end up on Marwah.

If one feels thirsty during the Sa’ee then it is permissible to drink water. Without a valid reason it is Wajib to walk between Safa and Marwah

Two Rak’ats Nafl Salah

It is mustahab to perform two rak’ats Nafl after the Sa’ee if not in the Makruh time.

Halq or Qasr

For a male to release the Ihraam it becomes Wajib upon him to shave his head (halq) or trim it at least on quarter length of the whole head (qasr). The female will also trim her hair, equivalent to one lock. After shaving or trimming the hair, all the restrictions imposed due to the Ihraam will be lifted.

On releasing the Ihram of Umrah, one is free to perform any worship one desires. For instance you may perform Nafl tawaf for yourself, family or the intention of deceased relatives. Or you may perform a Nafl umrah – for this you can enter Ihraam from Tan’eem (which is 5 km from Makkah), where Masjid ’A’isha is situated. It is also possible to enter ihraam for a Nafl Umrah from Ji’ranah (29 km from Makkah). The ’Ulema also recommend completion of the Qur’an.

When making du’as in Makkah it is important to note the following places where du’as are accepted:

Below the Meezab RahmatIn the HateemWhilst performing Tawaf in the MataafBehind the Maqam IbrahimAt the Multazam


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

In front of the door of the Ka’baNear the Hajar-ul-AswadAt the Mustajaab (Between Hajar-ul-Aswad and Yemeni corner

of Ka’ba)On the mounts of Safa and MarwahDuring Sa’ee and between the 2 green pillars (Meelayn


The Five Days Of Hajj

The First Day of Hajj - 8th Dhul-Hijjah

The eighth of Dhul-Hijjah is the first day of Hajj. On the eve or Fajr of the eighth of Dhul-Hijjah, those persons who are not already in the state of Ihraam will present in Makkah:

• After bathing, enter the Ihraam cloth• Perform the two rak’ats Sunnat-ul-Ihraam• Say the Niyyah of Hajj and Talbiyyah (Mustahab to recite

thrice) which will cause the individual to enter the state of Ihram

It would be easier if one could now proceed to perform a Nafl tawaf (with Id’tibaa and Ramal) followed by a Sa’ee. This Sa’ee will count towards the Sa’ee of Tawaf al Ziyarah. However, it is of greater merit that one performs this Sa’ee at the time of Tawaf al Ziyarah.

• On the eighth of Dhul-Hijjah proceed to Mina after sunrise. Bear in mind that the fajr Salah has to be performed in Makkah, and the Dhuhr Salah at Mina.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

• Five prayers have to be performed at Mina namely Dhuhr, Asar, Magrib, Isha and Fajr of the ninth of Dhul-Hijjah.

Spending the entire night at Mina is a Sunnah of the Prophet, which should not be missed. This is the night of Arafah. Let us expend every moment of these sacred days in sincere worship of Allah. In Mina, keep yourself occupied with Dhikr, Talbiyyah, Tilaawah of the Qur’an, Durood Sharif, Du’a and Taubah.

The Second Day of Hajj - 9th Dhul-Hijjah

The ninth of Dhul-Hijjah that is known as Yaum-al-Arafah. • Perform Fajr Salah at Mina.• Proceed to Arafah after sunrise. Conduct yourself in a humble

and respectful manner, repeating the Talbiyyah as much as possible, for this is the best dhikr when in the state of Ihraam.

• On reaching Arafah, one may settle wherever he desires, except at Batn-e-urnah. This is a valley, which lies to the west of Masjid-un-Namrah. This valley is not considered as a portion of Arafah, but as a part of the Haram.

• It is Sunnah to undertake ghusl before the time of Zawaal, otherwise wudhu will suffice.

• It is Fard to stay in Arafah even for one moment between Zawaal and Dawn (beginning time of Fajr) of the following


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

day. This is known as the Fard Wuqoof. If one misses this fundamental pillar of hajj, then the pilgrimage is void.

• One could proceed to Masjid-un-Namrah before Zawaal, where the Imam will deliver a Khutbah, followed by the iqamaah and Dhuhr Salah. Immediately after the four fard of Dhuhr, another iqamaah will be said, and the Imam will lead the Asar Salah. No Sunnah or Nafl prayers are to be performed between the Dhuhr and Asar Salah.

• In the event where one does not perform these two prayers with the appointed Imam, then one should perform his Dhuhr and Asar Salah in his tent. If this is the case then the individual (or congregation) will pray Dhuhr at the time of Dhuhr and Asar at the time of Asar. In other words there will be no combination of prayers.

It is preferable to stand at Arafah after Zawaal for as long as possible, with raised hands, facing the Qiblah, making du’a until sunset. If at all possible, go near the Mount of Mercy (Jabal al Rahmah), where the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave the last sermon to his companions (May Allah be pleased with them).

Pilgrims should occupy themselves with Talbiyyah, Tilaawah, Tahleel, Durood Sharif and especially the 4th Kalima. Do not waste this priceless time sleeping. Remember this will be the plain where at one time all of humanity will gather before Allah. Let the tears flow and seek forgiveness, as Allah is All Forgiving. Trust that Allah, the Most High will certainly accept all that you have asked. Pray for all your brothers, sisters, family, friends and muslims in general across the globe.

It is Makruh for pilgrims to fast on this day as this may hinder them in worship. It is said that after this day, the individual is purified from sin as if like a newborn baby.

The Second Day of Hajj - 9th Dhul-Hijjah continued

• It is Wajib to remain on the plain of Arafah till sunset.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

• Immediately after sunset, leave for Muzdalifah, which is 3 miles east of Arafah. Settle at Muzdalifah wherever suitable. (Close to the Qazah mountain)

• At Muzdalifah the Magrib and Isha Salah will be performed at the time of Isha, with one adhaan and one iqaamah (Durr Mukhtar). This will be the case even if one prays individually or in a smaller congregation.

• The fard of Magrib should be prayed first, then the fard of Isha, followed by the Sunnah of Magrib and Sunnah of Isha and then the Witr.

• After the Isha prayer stay the night at Muzdalifah.• It is Mustahab to perform the Fajr Salah of this day

immediately after Fajr beginning time.• It is Sunnah Muakkadah for the pilgrim to make a stay

(Wuqoof) in Muzdalifah. The time for this is between the beginning time of fajr and sunrise of the 10th Dhul Hijjah.

• The person who leaves Muzdalifah before the time of Fajr will have to pay a penalty. However if this is done due to infirmity or illness and there is genuine fear of further harm then there would be no penalty in leaving before fajr. (Alamghiri).

• It is Mustahab to stay awake during the night at Muzdalifah, for this night is the night of Eid. According to some scholars the night of Muzdalifah is superior to the night of Laylatul-Qadr (Bahare Shariat)

• During the night it is advisable to gather seventy pebbles and wash them three times, as you will need them to pelt Shaytaan.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

The Third Day of Hajj - 10th Dhul-Hijjah

The tenth of Dhul-Hijjah is known as Yaum-al-nahr (the day of sacrifice).

• Fajr Salah will be performed at Muzdalifah.• When brightness appears before sunrise proceed to Mina,

which is 5 miles from Muzdalifah. On your way to Mina repeat the Talbiyyah and other Adhkaar as much as possible.

• When you arrive at Mina:1. Carry out Rami Of Jamratul-Aqabah (stoning of the Big

Shaytaan). Throw seven pebbles one after the other, saying `Bismillah Allahu Akbar Ragman Lishaytaan Ridan Lirahman' each time. After completing the Rami Of Jamratul-Aqabah, do not stand and make du’a, but proceed directly to your tent. The talbiyyah should be discontinued after the throwing of the first pebble.

2. If you are performing Tamattu or Qiraan, you are required to slaughter your sacrificial animal. (Thanksgiving Sacrifice)

3. Shave (halq) or trim (qasr) your hair. After this, one is freed from the restrictions of Ihraam except marital relations which are prohibited at this stage. (Durr Mukhtar, Radd al Muhtar)


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The Third Day of Hajj - 10th Dhul-Hijjah – Key Points

Note that the above order is Wajib. Therefore, be sure when your sacrifice takes place.

The time for the above Rami is from fajr till the fajr of the 11th. It is Makruh to perform it from fajr till sunrise. However, it is Sunnah to perform it between sunrise and Zawaal, mubah from Zawaal till Magrib.

It is Makruh between Magrib till fajr, unless there is a valid reason such as sickness or infirmity. If one undertakes the Rami at night, but has done the sacrifice during the day as well as the Halq, then he will be liable to pay two penalties, as the order has been disrupted on two counts.

If one is so weak that he cannot travel to the Jamaraat, then he can appoint another person to undertake Rami for him – this person should perform his own Rami first. If one deliberately leaves the Rami then he will be liable to pay a Wajib penalty.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

The Thanksgiving Sacrifice is separate from the sacrifice of Eid al Adha, and is only done in Mina and within the Haram Sharif. The sacrifice of Eid al Adha can be arranged anywhere (e.g. at ones home). If one is not a traveler, then both sacrifices are Wajib upon him if he is Sahib Nisab)

Clipping of the nails or cutting of other hair should not be done before the Halq or Qasr, otherwise a penalty is liable. The ultimatum for the Halq/Qasr is 12th Dhul Hijjah; if one goes beyond this time without doing so is liable to pay a penalty.

After this, it is better go to Makkah and perform Tawaaf-al-Ziyaarah (Tawaf-al-Ifadah)

The Tawaaf-al-Ziyaarah is a fundamental part of hajj. The time to undertake it begins from the sunrise of 10th Dhul Hijjah and there is no time limit to its end.

It is Wajib to perform it before the sunset of the 12th Dhul Hijjah otherwise a penalty will be due. However, if females are in a state of menstruation/post-natal bleeding then, there is no penalty for them if they delay (in such as state they should not perform Salah, Qur’an or tawaf, but it is permissible for them to go to mina, Arafah, Muzdalifah and do Rami of the Jamaraat).

It is important that you do Sa'ee after Tawaaf-al-Ziyaarah unless it was done on the 8th. If it was not done before and males are in the Ihram cloth, then they should do Id’tibaa and Ramal. If they are in sewn clothes then there is only Ramal. There is no need to do Ramal in Tawaaf-al-Ziyaarah if it was done during the Nafl tawaf on the 8th.

After performing Tawaaf-al-Ziyaarah, return to Mina on the same day, that is 10th Dhul Hijjah

The Fourth Day of Hajj - 11th Dhul-Hijjah

• On the fourth day of Hajj all three Shaytaans (Jamaraat) will be pelted and the night will be spent at Mina.

• The time for pelting on this day begins immediately after Zawaal, and terminates at sunset. If done after sunset due to


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

increased congestion then it is permissible. However, it should not be performed before Zawaal. In fact, some scholars have stressed that to do this would cause a Wajib penalty to be liable.

• First do Rami Of Jamratul-Ula, with seven pebbles and then Jamratul-Wustaa with seven pebbles proclaiming “Allahu Akbar” with each stoning. Thereafter move to the side, away from the crowds. Face Qiblah, raise your hands, and make du’a.

• Jamratul-Aqabah is to be stoned last with seven pebbles. Move away immediately after pelting this Shaytaan and do not stand to make du’a.

It must be noted that the pebbles should fall on the Jamaraat or at least 3 feet from them, otherwise that stoning would not count.

The Fifth Day of Hajj - l2th of Dhul-Hijjah

On the fifth day, pelt the three Shaytaans, in the same manners as you did on the 11th Dul-Hijjah.

On this day, after performing the Rami, one has a choice, he could either return to Makkah or remain in mina. However, it is more desirable to stay for the night if the sun has set. Once dawn (Fajr onset) has arrived then it is Wajib to stay, otherwise a penalty will be liable.

The Thirteenth Day of Dhul-HijjahOn the l3th of Dul-Hijjah, pelt the three Shaytaans, in the same manner as you did on the fourth and fifth day, with the exception that the Rami on this day is permitted before Zawaal, but it is Sunnah to do it after Zawaal.

If one does not undertake the Rami at the appointed time (e.g. the Rami of the 10th missed and now it is the 11th), then he should do Qada as well as pay a penalty. The time for doing Qada of missed Rami is until the sunset of the 13th Dhul Hijjah. After this time there is no Qada, but the penalty would still remain.

All the key rites of Hajj have been completed. The last ritual, the Tawaaf-ul-Widaa will be performed on the day of your departure from Makkah.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

Tawaaf-ul-Widaa (Farewell Tawaf)

This tawaf is Wajib upon every pilgrim who lives outside the Meeqat. This tawaf must be performed on the day of your departure from Makkah.

After the tawaf perform two rak’ats Wajib-al-tawaf. This tawaf and Salah should be regarded as your last major ibadah in Makkah. Thereafter, drink ZamZam and make du'a. Now proceed to the Multazam. Ask for your Hajj to be accepted and weep as much as possible.

When leaving, it is better to walk whilst facing the Ka’ba with back steps until one exits the Masjid al Haraam. (Durr Mukhtar, Sharh Wiqayah, Alamghiri). Menstruating woman or females with post-natal bleeding will not do the Tawaf al Widaa, but will make Du’a at the door of Masjid al Haraam.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

Appendix One

Relevant aspects of Islamic Law (According to the Hanafi School)

• Fard, Wajib or Nafl prayers should not be carried out in the Makruh Awqaat:

1. Whilst the sun is rising (approx 20 minutes after sunrise)2. Whilst the sun is setting (approx 20 minutes before sunset)3. At exactly midday

There are a total of 12 times when any Nafl Salah is prohibited (please refer to p107 Qanun-e-Shariat, Part one, English translation for details of these)

• When one makes a journey of more than 57.5 miles then it is necessary to make Qasr (shortening) of the Fard prayers of Dhuhr, Asar and Isha to 2 rak’ats. Doing this is Wajib. (Durr Mukhtar, Bahr Raqa’iq). The Sunnah, Nafl and Witr prayers remain unchanged.

• Once arriving at the destination (e.g. Makkah), the individual intends to stay less than 15 days then he or she will make Qasr in Makkah. If the individual intends to spend more than 15 days in Makkah then he or she will pray the full prayer.

• If one arrives in Makkah more than 15 days before the 8th of Dhul Hijjah, then he will pray the full prayers in Makkah as well as in Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah. However, if he arrives within 15 days of the 8th of Dhul Hijjah, then will make Qasr in Makkah, Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah. (Alamghiri, Radd al Muhtar)

• Haram activities in the state of Ihraam include:

Marital relationsIndecent talkArgumentation in worldly affairsHuntingTo shave another’s headTo clip ones own or others’ nailsTo remove any hair


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

To cover the head (for males)To wear sewn clothes (for males)To wear sandals which cover the forefootTo adorn perfume or perfumed oil (even olive oil)To kill lice

• Makruh activities in the state of Ihraam include:

To comb the hairTo wash the hair or body with non-perfumed soapTo scratch the body with such intensity that there is a risk of hair being separated or lice being killedTo use toothpaste which has a fragranceTo eat foods which have a fragrance To deliberately sniff perfume or scented objectsTo enter the covering of the ka’ba in such a manner that it touches the face or headTo lie on ones front with the pillow on the face

• Permissible activities in the state of Ihraam include:

Using miswakSitting under the shade of any object or using an umbrellaWearing a ringApplying non-perfumed Kohl (surma) Removing a broken nailTo kill snakes, mosquitoes, scorpions and other dangerous animals To place a pillow beneath the head or cheekTo place the hand on ones headTo look in the mirror

• The Obligatory (Fard) aspects of hajj are as follows:1. To be in the state of Ihram2. To make Wuqoof (stay) at Arafat 3. To make tawaf of the ka’ba (first 4 circuits of Tawaf Ziyarah)4. To perform actions in the correct order


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

• The Necessary (Wajib) aspects of Hajj are:1. The Sa’ee of Safa and Marwah2. The stay at Muzdalifah (between the time of fajr and sunrise

of the 10th Dhul Hijjah).3. The stoning of the Jimaar 4. To make tawaf at the time of leaving Makkah

If one breaks wudhu in tawaf, then they should re-do it and complete it where they left it.

Appendix Two

Three Types of Hajj


Tamattu is a type of Hajj in which one wears an ihraam for umrah and then one for hajj. European muslims commonly perform this type of hajj.The steps are:

• Wear the Ihraam at the Meeqat for Umrah • Perform two rak’ats Sunnatul Ihraam• Say the Niyyah and Talbiyyah• Proceed to Makkah• After completing the Umrah, release the ihraam by either

trimming (qasr) or shaving (halq) the hair of the head.On the eve or dawn of the eight of Dul-Hijjah, those who have made intentions of Hajj-al-Tamattu are required to:

• Take a bath• Wear the ihraam of Hajj. (The ihraam can be put on anywhere

in Makkah. There is no need to go to the meeqat.• Perform two rak’ats Sunnatul Ihraam • Say the Niyyah and Talbiyyah


Qiraan is a type of Hajj in which one wears one ihraam for umrah and hajj. That is, one enters the state of ihraam for both the umrah and Hajj at the same time, not releasing the ihraam until the day of


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

sacrifice (10th Dhul-Hijjah). As a result the one performing Hajj-al-Qiraan will remain in Makkah in the state of ihraam, from the moment he enters the meeqat boundary, till the day he releases his ihraam. The steps are to:

• Enter into the state of Ihraam at the Meeqat • Perform two rak’ats Sunnatul Ihraam • Say the Niyyah and Talbiyyah.• Proceed to Makkah.• Perform tawaf of umrah followed by two rak’ats of tawaf.• Performing the Sa’ee of umrah. (Do not shave or trim the hair

of the head after this)• After completing this perform another tawaf.• This second tawaf will be the tawaf of your Hajj, which is

commonly known as Tawaaf-al-Qudoom. After this tawaf perform a Sa’ee. This second Sa’ee of Safa and Marwah could count as the Sa’ee of your Hajj.

Remember a Qaarin must remain in ihraam from the moment he enters the Meeqat, until the tenth of Dul-Hijjah. Hajj-al-Qiraan carries the greatest reward of all the hajj types. HAJJ-AL-IFRAAD

Ifraad is a type of Hajj where one enters ihram solely for Hajj. The key points are:

• Wear the Ihraam at the meeqat. • Perform two rak’ats Sunnatul Ihraam.• Say the Niyyah and Talbiyyah.• Proceed to Makkah.• Perform one tawaf only, which is known as Tawaaf-al-

Qudoom.• Perform two rak’ats of Wajib-ul-Tawaaf.

After this remain in Makkah till the eight of Dul-Hijjah. A person undertaking Hajj-al-Ifraad should not wear a new ihraam, but will remain in the state of ihraam from the time he enters the Meeqat, till the tenth of Dul-Hijjah.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

Ziyaarat of Madina

Hazrat Ibn Umar (R.A) relates that Prophet (S.A.W) has said, `Whoever visits me after my death is like who had visited me during my life'. (Tabraani)

Hazrat Ibn Umar (R.A) relates that Prophet (S.A.W) has said, `Whoever visits my grave, my intercession becomes obligatory for him'. (Dar Qutni)

Hazrat Abu Hurayra (R.A) reports that the Prophet (S.A.W) has said, `When a person stands at my grave reciting blessings on me, I hear it; and whoever calls for blessings on me in any other place, his every need in this world and in the hereafter becomes fulfilled and on the day of Qiyaamat I shall be his witness and intercessor'. (Bayhaqi)

Hazrat Imam Ghazali writes, `When you set your eyes on Madina let this come in to mind that this is the city which Allah had chosen for his messenger and to which he was to flee for safety.This is the city where Allah revealed to him the obligatory duties of a Muslim. This is the place from where he had to fight the enemies.


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

This is the place where his deen became victorious. Here he strove until death overtook him. Here he lies buried and also his two successors. Here at every step one finds the spots where his feet once trod.Proceeding forward step lightly in a dignified manner thinking that you are now treading on the soil where surely lies the footprints of the Prophet (S.A.W). Keep in mind his greatness and his elevated position. He whose name Allah has connected to his own. Fear for yourself that in the holy surroundings you do not commit any such acts, which are evil whereby good deeds are all, wiped out.Then think about the time when the Sahaba use to be with the

Prophet (S.A.W) looking at him and listening to him and benefiting from him.

At the time of entering Madina have the hope that just as Allah has brought you here from as far as England and Europe to the door of the prophet surely it is not too much to hope that Allah in his mercy will not deprive us from meeting him in the hereafter.Having completing the visit to the grave and the holy places of Madina, the visitor should first perform two farewell rak’ats. Then offer the farewell salaam to the prophet (S.A.W).

Now before leaving Madina, pray for your needs and for acceptance by Allah. Pray for the acceptance of your Hajj and Umrah.

Let the tears flow at the time of parting. If sincere, those tears can be a sign of acceptance. When tears do not flow at least imitate those who cry.

On departing give charity and depart in the Sunnah manner. (Ihya-ul-Uloom)


Allamah Shurumbulali. Noor ul Idha. Maktaba Qadiriyyah. Lahore

Al Ghazali. - Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship. 1983. The Islamic


Amjad Ali Adhami. Bahare Shariat. Volume 2, Part 6. Farouqia Book

Depot. Delhi


Masjid-e-Noor ul Islam Reference Guide to Hajj

Imam Malik. Muwatta

M.I.H. Pirzada. Islamic Way of Worship. 1998. Al-Karam Publications

Mufti Jalaluddin Ahmed Amjadi. Hajj and Ziyarat

Mufti Muhammed Sharif al Haqq Amjadi. Laws of Hajj and Ziyarat.


