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Mason First Presbyterian Church · 2019. 7. 31. · Mason First Presbyterian Church Spiritual...

Date post: 29-Jan-2021
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Mason First Presbyterian Church You are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone. Ephesians 2:19-20 August 2019 Walk Tall, Christian Walk tall, Christian, Walk tall and have no fear; The Christ of God, whose child you are, He holds you in his care. Walk true, Christian, Keep faith come weal or woe; To upright, pure, forgiving souls, His bounties overflow. Walk free, Christian, Lay hold on deep, deep joy That age, nor loss, nor rude rebuff, Nor failure, can destroy. Walk proud, Christian, As Christ’s ambassador; His gospel and his church are judged By what his people are. by Miriam Drury from The Worshipbook (Westminster Press, 1970)
  • Mason First Presbyterian Church

    You are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the

    apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone. Ephesians 2:19-20

    August 2019

    Walk Tall, Christian

    Walk tall, Christian, Walk tall and have no fear;

    The Christ of God, whose child you are, He holds you in his care.

    Walk true, Christian, Keep faith come weal or woe;

    To upright, pure, forgiving souls, His bounties overflow.

    Walk free, Christian, Lay hold on deep, deep joy

    That age, nor loss, nor rude rebuff, Nor failure, can destroy.

    Walk proud, Christian, As Christ’s ambassador;

    His gospel and his church are judged By what his people are.

    by Miriam Drury from The Worshipbook (Westminster Press, 1970)

  • Mason First Presbyterian Church


    Financial Report through June 2019

    General Fund Balance (1/1/19)

    $ 0

    Income through June 147,216.49

    Expenses through June 139,565.92

    Ending Balance (6/30/19) $ 7,650.57

    General Fund Balance 6/30/19

    $ 7,650.57

    Revolving Accounts Balance 172,243.10

    Investments (end of 2nd quarter 2019) 463,352.47

    Net Financial Posi/on (6/30/19) $ 643,246.14

    An/cipated Pledged Giving

    through June


    Pledged Giving Received

    through June



    from July 1st

    TOTAL MORTGAGE $ 900,000.00


    REMAINING PRINCIPAL $ 315,919.72




    PLEDGED TO DATE (2018-2020) $ 562,941.00

    RECEIVED TO DATE $ 313,333.00

    Deacons’ Corner

    Please begin thinking about our Back to School project this month. We are in need of school supplies (pencils, pens, markers,

    crayons, notebooks, loose leaf paper, glue s/cks) or monetary dona/ons. In addi/on to supplies, we will provide students

    with a giC card to Shoe Carnival. Any help is appreciated!

    The food bank is in need of protein items. Examples include tuna, peanut buEer or canned meals. Please don't forget your

    two dona/on items on 2 Cents a Meal Sundays. Thank you for your support!

    BE The Gospel in Ac/on!

  • Mason First Presbyterian Church

    Spiritual Growth

    Summer Update!

    We had five youth from our church (and Lori) aEend Triennium 2019 at Purdue University, July 15th through July 20th.

    Our Presbytery of Lake Michigan group included 42 youth from 11 churches. There were close to 5,000 youth,

    leaders, volunteers, and staff at this wonderful event. Please visit the Presbytery of Lake Michigan FaceBook page to

    see video clips of our worship services, and LOTS of photos.

    Our church had twenty-two children and youth aEend Camp Greenwood this summer!!! Our most hear�elt thanks to

    the very generous donor who paid for all of our youth to addend the camp of their choice throughout the summer

    (and take a friend too). Camp Greenwood enriches the lives of our youth! Take the /me to ask any child you see in

    church how their camp experience was . . . They would love to tell you.

    There is s/ll Kid’s Church during the worship service this summer.

    We look forward to Adult and Children’s Sunday School star/ng September 15th. More informa/on will be in the

    September newsleEer!

    Come Summer With Me

    Come summer with me, Lord; summer deep down in my soul;

    restore my faith in summer’s time, in rest, in joy, in play, in you…

    Summer in my heart, Lord, and dwell there

    as if time would never end, as if all time were children's time, eternal time

    when school is always out and joy is ever in…

    And let others summer in my shade, Lord, and share whatever summer’s peace is mine to give,

    whatever summer’s light is mine to shed, whatever summer's warmth is mine to share…

    Good God of every season and every day this week, come summer with me, Lord, and let the child in my heart

    spend this summer in your love... Amen.

    A prayer by Fr. Austin Fleming

    who blogs at “A Concord Pastor Comments.” (Used with permission.)

  • Mason First Presbyterian Church

    Please remember the following in your prayers

    Parish Life

    Bev Dufort Banks

    Chris Carlson

    Chloë ChaLield

    David Dunham

    Ray Elton

    Erin Fallucca

    Diane Lavis Glauch

    Lynn Grove

    Trina Hancock

    Brian Hunt

    Keith Kline

    Zach Krisiak

    Allene Kussin

    Marie Lyon

    Michael Okones

    Rebecca Purcell

    Carol Quinn

    Carolyn Sexton

    Kelsie Walters

    Bob Ware

    Allison Weaver

    Birthdays in


    Jacob Barber 8/02

    Kathy Oesterle 8/02

    Barry Chapman 8/03

    Michael Hauser 8/04

    Sarah Subject 8/09

    Ralph Taggart 8/13

    Jasmine Leffew 8/13

    Julie Dart 8/17

    Sharon Ambrose 8/18

    Suzanne Riley 8/22

    John Castle 8/23

    Eva Schlenner 8/23

    Anne Fett 8/25

    Ginnie Foy 8/25

    Lucy Simons 8/27

    Donna Hujsak 8/28

    Ginny Foy 8/28

    William Hosler 8/29

    Steve Van Dyke 8/31

    Cards of Thanks

    Dear Church Family,

    Your cards, kind words, loving support, meals delivered, and prayers were so much appreciated during Bill's fight against brain cancer, and after his passing. Words cannot express how touched and grateful we are to be part of this community of faith. The prayer shawl crocheted by the Knitters gave such comfort and was with Bill to the end. Kathy delivered two lovely gift baskets from the Deacons, Sheren was so helpful, and Bill delived a wonderful message at Bill's service. We feel blessed and we thank you all.

    The Bill Hujsak Family

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you to everyone for your cards and well wishes, and especially for delivering delicious meals, for our family after we welcomed our new baby! We appreciated all of your thought and kindness in supporting our family.

    With Love, Emelia, Tim, Calvin, and Josephine Hammond ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Friends,

    We have good news about Charlie’s eye surgery. The surgeon

    was able to repair some damage done to the eye when a heavy

    object fell on him, plus he replaced the lens that went missing

    during the accident. When the eye totally heals and when

    Charlie gets new glasses, his vision in that eye will be quite


    We are grateful to God for this miraculous result, and give

    thanks for the prayers from this beloved congregation. Charlie

    said, as he was on his way into surgery, that he felt

    “surrounded by love.”

    With heartfelt thanks,

    Charlie and Shirley

    Church Family Potluck

    Wednesday, August 7, 6PM

    BBQ chicken breasts and beverages will be provided.

    Bring a dish to pass if you’re able!

  • First Presbyterian Church

    131 E. Maple Street

    Mason, Michigan 48854-1655


    Bulle(n Submissions are due by noon every Wednesday. Submissions for The Cornerstone are due: Noon on the 15th day of every month.

    Please be prompt. Late submissions may not be honored.

    Mason First Presbyterian Church MINISTERS - All Members

    PASTOR - Rev. Bill Pinches

    PARISH ASSOCIATE - Rev. Dr. Fred Graham

    PASTOR EMERITUS - Rev. Charlie Herrick

    OFFICE MANAGER - Sheren Wright




    Michelle Mackey



    DIRECTOR - Darlene Ross

    CHOIR ACCOMPANIST - Hrant Bagrazyan


    2019 - Travis Archer, Jenny Bond,

    Lucinda Davenport.

    2020 - Jason Blonshine, Debbie Markiewicz,

    Mary Ozee, Steve Sowles.

    2021 - Doreen Chapman, Ginnie Gibson, Rod Guy,

    Tonya Seely.

    Clerk: Bruce Archer


    2019 - Bill Friend, Linda Myall, Linda Peterson,

    Marla St. George.

    2020 - Diane DeVoe, Sandy Diehl,

    Kathy Oesterle, Debbie Shellenbarger

    2021 - Ann Butler, Laurie McGonigal,

    Colin Pinches, Chuck Shaub, Peg Shaub



    Sunday morning: Worship begins at 10:00 followed by a fellowship hour. Sunday School for all ages - September through May.

    Noon every Wednesday: A 20-minute medita ve prayer service.

    Mason First Presbyterian Church

    Find the latest, up-to-date church calendar at masonpresbyterian.org

    Celebrating 160 Years

    of Ministry and Service in Mason

    1859 - 2019



    Join your church family this September 6th, 7th and 8th for fun and fellowship. Camp Greenwood

    con/nues to be a valued church tradi/on and it’s a way for our congrega/on and friends of all ages to

    share the best in life together.

    Thanks to our church’s commitment and sponsorships, some of the cost of aEending this camp is paid by

    the church. The cost is $20 per person with children under 5 free

    Sign up outside the office door beginning August 4th

    or for more informa/on,
