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Master Card XII English

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  • 7/29/2019 Master Card XII English



    Lets think about the important points of the poem

    Poetess traveling to cochin airport with her old mother in a car .

    Looks at the wan , pale face of her dozing mother.

    Old fear of loosing her mother returns.

    Sprinting trees and merry children provide the contrast and relief.

    After the security check the old familiar ache returns. Tries to hide her face by smiling .

    Ends with a positive note .

    Simile like that of a corpse as a late winter moon

    Alliteration smile and smile and smile

    There are contrast used.


    1. Where was the poet and the mother going?2. What is the childhood fear experienced by poet ?3. What has the poet being compared to and why?4. Mention the phases used in poem which signify youth and

    energy?5. Why does the poet smile at end? What kind of smile it is?

  • 7/29/2019 Master Card XII English



    Poem 2 : An Elementary School Classroom in a slum-Stephan


    Think Is thee anything you would like to change in your classroom?

    What is the picture of an ideal classroom?

    A classroom in a slum is devoid of ventilation, light, furniture, often even teacher.

    May have children of various ages, disabled, sick and unruly.

    Lets think about the important points of the poem

    Stanza 1

    A Grim Picture of the despair and helplessness of the poorchildren in slum schools

    They lack the basic necessities of both the slum school inparticular and life in general

    Their faces are a mirror of their miserable life full of anduncertainty.

    They look stooped as they lack the confidence They are all weak and undernourished.

    They have been compared to rats-who live a life of fear and eatonly what others leave on their plates.

    Their inheritance is only poverty and deprivation-handed downthrough the generations.

    However, in all this gloomy environment, the poet still finds someglimmer of hope-a student who still dreams and enjoys thesimplicity of life around him/her .e.g. a squirrels game.

    Stanza 2

    The poet describes the slum classroom in Tyrol-A suburb inAustria

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    There is no hope in the lives of the children and their outlook tomlife will continue to be dull and dreary unless they are removedfrom there.

    There is a foul smell in the classroom which has some decorations

    which had been donated to the slum school having beingdiscarded.

    The pictures provide a peep into a different world which is farfrom reality. People like Shakespeare have no significance forthem.

    To these children the window which opens to them only shows agrey sky and a foggy future which never changes.

    These children need to be rescued from such a dreary life anddoomed fate. They should be given an opportunity to cross the

    rivers and oceans and be able to experience a better educationand life.

    Stanza 3

    The poet feels that Shakespeares picture and other maps are notgood as they show a picture which the slum children can neithercomprehend nor achieve.

    The slum children live in dingy, unhygienic holes which they callhomes.

    They have to put patches in the wall and roof to save them selvesfrom the sun cold and rain.

    They wear torn clothes and their miserable bones often protrudeform them.

    Even their glasses are repaired ones, as they cannot afford newsones- the lenses are like broken pieces of bottles.

    Life for these children is very difficult and the poet feels theyneed immediate help and attention.

    Stanza 4

    The need of the hour is for everyone- governor, teacher,inspector and visitors to all join hands in order to educate anduplift these children.

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    A strategy to rehabilitate these children who live in home whichare like the underground catacombs or tombs without anyventilation or light.

    If there children get the opportunity like other children get,

    their world can also they get a good education they can spreadthe light and awareness to all. Thus iradicating poverty anddarkness.


    1. What kind of freedom does Stephen Spender suggest for thechildren of elementary school in the poem and why?

    2. What does Spender say about the future of the students

    there in the elementary school?3. What does the poet mean in Shakespeare is wicket, & themap a bad example.

    4. How do the pictures on the walls in the classroom presentthe picture of social disparity, injustice and classinequalities?

    5. To whom does the poet request to help & raise the lot ofslum children?


    Poem 3

    Lets think about the important points of the poem

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    The poem talks about the necessity of quiet introspection. It will help people to understand themselves & will create the

    feeling of mutual love &relationship. By quiet introspection, the poet doesn't mean total

    inactivity,instead he wants full involvement with life. The reason for the discard & war is the imbalance between

    man & nature. Quiet introspection will establish a spiritual & physical union

    that is most desirable for the survival of the earth & of human



    Write the Central theme or the massage that the poemconveys?

    What will counting up to twelve & keeping still help us toachieve?

    What does the poet actually mean when he says that keepingquiet should not be confused with total inactivity?

    How according to the poet, the earth can teach us an essentialmeaning of life?

    What is the sadness that the poet refers to in the poem?


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    Poem 4

    Lets think about the important points of the poem

    A Thing of Beauty John Keats

    Main Points of the poem :-1. The beautiful things of nature are permanent source of joy and

    make our lives sweet.

    2. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

    3. It does not pass into nothingness but its beauty keeps onincreasing.

    4. It gives us sound sleep and good health;

    5. This world is full of frustrations, disappointments and dearth ofnoble people.

    6. These make our life gloomy and sad.

    7. But things of beauty remove the pall and sadness from our spirits.

    8. Nature is a constant source of happiness for human beings.

    9. The beautiful things are sheep, daffodils, clear streams, muskroses and forest thickets.

    10. These things soothe and make us happy.

    11. Stories of heroes who have died in peace of war are alsothings of beauty and have a stimulating effect.

    12. But the beauties of nature are lovelier than all the lovelytales and are like the immortal drink from heaven.

    Questions :-

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    1. In what way is a thing of beauty a joy forever?

    2. Even though life is filled with sufferings what gives us the urge

    to go on and on and how?3. What are different sufferings drawn out by the poet?

    4. Name the objects of beauty.

    5. How does literature inspire man?

    6. What is picturised as an immortal drink?


    Poem 5 A ROADSIDE STAND Robert Frost

    Lets think about the important points of the poem

    Think before you read

    Have you seen a Roadside Dhaba on the highway or a lonely


    Have you seen little children selling cherries and strawberries in

    little baskets, on the hill roads in the North, or selling peanuts,guavas and bits of coconut on buses or on the roadside?

    Lets think about the important points of the poem

    The Roadside Stand in the poem has a similar background.

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    People in the poem have a self respect .Even though they are

    poor, they do not want to beg. instead they sell fruits from the

    neighbouring area to earn a respectable living

    The words roadside stand in a place on the roadside e.g. Bus


    The poem shows us two side of society namely 1)the rich who

    have every thing 2)the poor who have


    It also tell us that the rich should have compassion for the poor

    not only should they address their emotional requirement .

    The poor must be given the respect that is due for every livingbeing, be it an animal , plant or human being.

    The Dignity of labour shows by the people in The Roadside Stand

    must be given due respect and these people The Roadside

    Stand should not be treated as some thing that spoil landscape .

    The passing by need not buy anything but at the same time they

    need not curse and scold them.


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    1. Line 3- A roadside stand that too pathetically pled

    -The people at the roadside stand pleaded with the passe

    and tried to force them to buy their fruits.

    2. Line 4- It wouldnt be fair to say for a clote of bread.

    -It would not be fair for the people at the roadside stand because thwere not begging for a piece of bread but they wanted a respectliving by selling their fruits for money which the passersby had spend in the city.

    3. Line 6- The flower of cities from sinking and with erring faint.

    -This line is a metaphor : The flower of the city are the rich peoliving and spending their money in the cities and support even tho

    who are engaged in illegal work.

    4. Line 7- The polished traffic passed with a mind ahead.

    -There is a personification in this line : The polished traffic refers

    the rich and sophisticated people in the case who pass by he roads

    stand . They are already preoccupied in their minds with thoughts

    their problems, ambition or targets which they have to find a solutifor on reaching their destination.

    5. Line 8-10 - If ever the passers by looked at them, then the roads

    stand only stood out as something that

    disfigured/ spoiled the landscape and the fruit seller as people w

    disturbed the smooth flow of


    6. Line 14-16 - You have the money . Be my complaint

    - The poet wishes to say that if the passes by did not wish to b

    anything, they had no right to

    hurt the feeling of the fruit sellers by saying rude and hurt

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    7) - Line 17-20 so much as.keeping for us!

    -The poet has used these lines to echo the feeling of the people

    at the roadside stands who justifies there selling fruit on theroadside as trying to make an honest living and using the money

    they earned to expand \ improve their status

    8) - line 21-22 and give us..keeping from us!

    -these line show the hidden dreams of the fruit sellers, looking at

    these rich passersby, make them secretly dream of becoming

    comfortable and be ambitious. it also shows the empty promises

    that the politicians make. the easy life promised by them is neverrealized.

    9) Line 23-31- It is in the news. the ancient way

    - these lines several the misery of the poor at the roadside

    stands who are rehabilitated to better places in the city with

    promises of an increase in earnings and a better life. The money

    given to those people are exploited and they end up living a life

    much worse than they lived at roadside stands.

    Eg: the land taken in Bengal for the Nano Project and at various

    other places in Andhra etc.

    10) Line 32-35-Sometime..open prayer

    - These lines tell us about the disappointment that the people at

    roadside stands when passersby stop there, not to buy their

    fruit but for various other reasons in lines 36-43.

    whenever a passerby stopped it increased the expectation of

    these people who suddenly hoped that they would earn come

    money but in vain.

    11. Live 45 The requisite lift of spirit.

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    - The reason why the people put up these stands is because theywanted to make an honest living by selling fruits by which theyhoped to make their life more comfortable and secure . Butinstead their hope never turned into reality.

    12. Line 47_ 51_ I cant help owning .. of my pain

    _ In these lines the poet shows that he can feel the pain and

    disappointment of the people at roadside stands: He is pained by

    the an feeling attitude of the rich city folk who passed by who

    instead of encouraging these people to lead a respectable honest

    life, they despised and looked down on them as things that spoilthe beauty of the landscape.

    The poet wishes that at the end of the poem, he should lose his

    life, rather than see these people losing their faith in an honest

    and respectable livelihood

    Important Questions


    Short Answer Questions:

    1. Describe, the attitude of the city folk who passed by the roadside


    2. What did the city folk complain about these stands?

    3. Why did people put up roadside stands?

    4. Why did most people stop at these stands?

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    5. How did the people feel when they knew why the passers by had


    6. Do you think these people felt they had been exploited? Say how

    and why?7. What role did the Government play in their lives?

    8. Why does the poet call their longing as Childish and why?

    9. What did the people at Roadside stands sell?

    10. How does the poet describe the city people?

    Long Answer Question:

    1. What is the message conveyed in the poem /central idea of the


    2. Describe the feelings expressed by the poet about the city folk

    and their effect on the people at the Roadside Stands.

    3. Does the poet ridicule the city folk? Give examples from the


    4. Do you believe that the situation described in the poem actuallyexist?


    Poem 6

    Lets think about the important points of the poem

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    In this poem, the poet addresses the constraints of married life,experienced by a woman.

    Aunt Jennifer weaves tigers in to the panel. These tigers arebrave, bold & have no fear of men.

    Aunt Jennifer's fingers move jerkily due to the massive weightof Uncle's Wedding bond ( her married life )

    The design of the tigers, opposite to the nature of Auntsymbolises her desire against marriage constrictions.


    What do the tigers given in the opening of the poemrepresents?

    Why do you think Aunt Jennifer's hands are ' fluttering her wool

    ' & why is she finding the needle so hard to pull? What is the significance of Uncle's ' Wedding bond '? Why does

    Aunt Jennifer find it heavy?

    Why does Aunt Jennifer choose to embroider tigers, opposite to

    her nature?


  • 7/29/2019 Master Card XII English


    Chapter 1 : The Last Lesson -Alphonse Daudet

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    Frank afraid to go to school as he has not learnt participles.

    Wants to enjoy beauty of nature .The bright sunshine, the birdschirruping in the woods, Prussian soldiers drilling but resisted.

    Bulletin board: all bad news, lost battles, the drafts and orders ofthe commanding officers: wondered what it could be now.

    The three changes he noticed in the school.1. Instead of noisy classrooms everything was as quiet as

    Sunday morning everyone settled.2. The teacher not scolding and telling him very kindly to go tohis seat- the teacher well dressed.

    3. Villagers occupying the last benches.

    M. Hamel making the announcement that, that would be the lastFrench lesson: realizes that, that was what put up on the bulletinboard.

    Sense of loss, closing his mother tongue.

    Regretted why he had not taken his lesson seriously.

    The reason why teacher was well dressed and villagers sitting atthe back.

    M. Hamel realizes that all three, he himself, the children and theparents are to be blamed for losing respect and regards for themother tongue.

    Always keep close the mother tongue to your heart as it is a keyto the prison of slavery.

    Atmosphere in class: teacher teaching sincerely and patiently,students and others studying with utmost sincerity.

    Franz wonders if Prussians could force pigeons to coo in German impossible.

    M. Hamel overcome with emotions could not speak and wrote onthe black board Long Live France

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    1. Why did not Franz want to go to school?2. Why didnt M. Hamel punish Franz even though he was late?3. Mention the three changes that Franz noticed in the school?4. What announcement did M. Hamel make and what was its

    impact?5. What do you think was written on the bulletin board?6. Why did M. Hamel say the knowing ones language is a key

    to prison?7. Whom did Mr. Hamel blame for not learning the French?8. What changes have taken place in the school in the last forty

    years?9. What did he mean by Vina La France?

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    Chapter 2 : The Lost Spring - Anees Jung

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    The story deals with the deprived lot of the children and its

    because of the three factors- poverty, traditions and bureaucrats.

    Saheb- a refugee from Bangladesh (Dhaka) is a ragpicker fieldsand land swept away in storms.

    Wants to go to school, but cant very poor.

    Irony of his name Saheb e-Alam- Lord of the universe, poorragpicker .

    Seemapuri a locality on the periphery of Delhi without any basicamenities devoid of the sewage, drainage and running water.

    Food is more important for them than identity.

    Children partners in survivals rag picking.

    Ragpicking is different for children and adult.

    Adults a mean of survival

    Children wrapped in wonders

    Sahib getting a job in tea stall, earning Rs 800/- and all his mealbut still unhappy loss of his freedom and carefree look.

    Mukesh in Firozabad famous for bangles making and glassblowing industry.

    His desire to become motor mechanic.

    Condition in the glass blowing industry high temperature, dingycells without air and light. Results most of them become blind at avery young age.

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    Homes: - one room shed with humans and animals co-existing, lotof smoke due to kitchen inside.

    Mukeshs family works in bangle industry. Father able to teachonly the art of bangle making.

    Three factors responsible for their fate customs, traditions andgrinding poverty, policeman, bureaucrats.

    So poor that they cant even dream.

    Cannot form themselves into a co-operative because ofmiddleman, police and poverty.

    Savita- a young girl making bangles in a mechanical way doesnot know the sanctity of bangles and so poor that hasnt had fullmealall her life.


    1. Why did the people migrate from villages to city?2. Promises made to poor children are never kept . Explain

    with examples from the lesson.3. Mention the factor responsible for the poverty of bangle

    makers .4. Do you think Mukesh will realize his dream of becoming a car

    mechanic ?5. Explain the gain and loss of Sahebs working in a tea stall .6. What does garbage symbolise for the adults and children?7. Describe Seemapuri.8. From where has Saheb come and why?9. Describe the living conditions of bangle makers ?10. Mention the hazards of working in the garbage industry.

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    Chapter 3 : Deep Water William Douglas

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    In this essay William O. Douglas talks about his fear of waterand how he finally overcame it by his courage determination,hardwork, strong will power and desire to learn. If we adopt

    these virtues we can achieve our goals.Main points :-

    1. William O. Douglas had a desire to learn swimming sincechildhood.

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    2. At the age of three or four, he was knocked down and buriedby a wave at a beach in California.

    3. He developed a great aversion to water.

    4. At the age of ten or eleven he decided to learn to swim withwater wings at the Y.M.C.A. pool since it was safe at theshallow end.

    5. A misadventure :- while sitting alone and waiting for othersto come at the Y.M.C.A. pool a big boy came and threwDouglas into deep end.

    6. Douglas swallowed water and went straight down to thebottom of the pool.

    7. While going down he planned to make a big jump upwardsbut came up slowly.

    8. Stark terror seized him.

    9. Tried to shout but could not ..

    10. As he went down the pool the second time he tried tojump upwards but it was a waste of energy.

    11. Terror held him deeper and deeper.

    12. During the third trial he sucked in water instead of air.

    13. So he ceased all efforts and he became unconscious.

    14. When revived he found himself vomiting beside thepool.

    15. He was in the grip of fear of water and it deprived him

    of the joys of canoeing, boating swimming and fishing.

    16. The instructor and learn to swim.

    17. The instructor taught him swimming piece by piece.

    18. He went to different lakes to swim and found tinyvestiges of fear still gripped him.

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    19. Swimming up and down the warm lake he finallyovercame his fear of water.

    20. He realized that in death there is peace and there isterror only in fear of death.

    21. Will to live is stronger than fear of death.

    Questions :-

    1. Why was the YMCA pool considered safer when compared toth Yakima river.

    2. When did his aversion to water begin?

    3. What was the misadventure that happened one day?

    4. What strategy did he remember as he went down the water?

    5. What effect did the drowning in the YMCA pool have onDouglas ?

    6. Why did he decide to have an instructor to teach himswimming?

    7. What method did he adopt to overcome terror?

    8. What lesson do you get from the lesson Deep Water?

  • 7/29/2019 Master Card XII English



    Chapter 4 : The Rattrap Selma Lagerlof

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    Theme:-The essential goodness in a human being can be awakened through

    understanding and love.Characters in the story :-

    1. A tramp with rattraps.

    2. A crofter

    3. Master Smith in the Ramsjo Iron mill in Sweden

    4. Helpers in the mill blacksmiths

    5. Iron mill owner

    6. Edla Willmansson daughter of the Iron mill owner.

    Main points of the story :-

    1. The Rattrap is a story that underlies a belief that essentialgoodness in human beings can be aroused through sympathy,understanding and love.

    2. Once a man went around selling small rattraps but he took tobegging and thievery to keep his body and soul together.

    3. One day he was struck with the idea the whole world is a bigrattrap and it offers riches as bait.

    4. People let themselves be tempted to touch the bait then it closes

    in on them bringing an end to everything.

    5. One dark evening the rattrap peddler sought shelter in an oldcrofters roadside cottage.

    6. The old man gave him food, tobacco they enjoued the card gametoo.

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    7. Next morning the peddler stole away his thirty kronors.

    8. The rattrap peddler escaped into a big confusing forest and gotlost.

    9. While sesting on the ground he recollected his idea that the worldis a rattrap and thought his end was near.

    10. Hearing a thumping sound he reached Ramsjo ironworks fora night shelter.

    11. The owner came on his nightly rounds and noticed theragged wretch near the furnace.

    12. He took him as an old acquaintance Nils olof .

    13. He invited him to stay with them for Chirstmas but thestranger declined the offer.

    14. His daughter Edla Willmansson persuaded to go home withhim.

    15. She requested him to stay for Chirstmas eve only.

    16. On his way to the Manor House the peddler thought that hehad thrown himself into the lions den.

    17. The next day in broad day light the iron master realized thestranger was not captain and threatened to call the sheriff.

    18. Edla pleaded for him and asked him to stay back.

    19. Christmas eve at Ramsjo was as usuals and the strangerslept and slept.

    20. She made him understand that if he wanted rest and peacehe would be welcome next Christmas also. This had a miraculouseffect on him.

    21. Next morning they went for early church service leavingbehing the guest who was asleep.

    22. They learnt at church that a rattrap peddler had robbed anold crofter.

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    5. What made the peddler respond to the name Nils Olof?6. What made the ironmaster send his daughter to persuade the

    peddler?7. What shows that Edla was very observant, quick and sharp by

    nature.8. Why does Edla stop the peddler from going away though sheknew that he was not the captain?9. What trait of the daughter is brought out when her father talksabout her being worse than the parson?

    10. Safety and security is a distant dream even in ones ownhome. What makes the peddler safe and secure in the house ofthe ironmaster?11. What was Edlas Christmas gift to the peddler?12. What was the peddlers gift to Edla?13. Why does he sign as Captain?


    Chapter 05: INDIGO - Louis Fischer

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    Raj Kumar Shukla- A poor sharecrooper from Champaran wishing

    to meet Gandhiji.

    Raj Kumar Shukla- an illiterate but resolute hence followed

    Gandhiji Lucknow, Cawnpore, Ahemdabad, Calcutta, Patna,

    Muzzafarpur & then Champaran.

    Servents at Rajendra Prasads residence thought Gandhiji to

    be an untouchable.

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    Gandhiji considered as an untouchable because of simple

    living style and wearing, due to the company of Raj Kumar


    Decided to go to Muzzafarpur first to get detailedinformation about Champaran sharecropper.

    Sent telegram to J B Kriplani &stayed in Prof Malkani home- a

    government servant.

    Indians afraid to show sympathy to the supporters of home


    The news of Gandhijis arrival spread- sharecroppers

    gathered in large number to meet their champion.

    Gandhiji chided the Muzzafarpur lawyer for taking high fee.

    Champaran district was divided into estate owned by English

    people, Indians only tenant farmers.

    Landlords compelled tanents to plant 15% of their land with

    indigo and surrender their entire harvest as rent.

    In the meantime Germany had developed synthetic indigo

    British landlords freed the Indian farmers from the 15%

    arrangement but asked them to pay compensation.

    Many signed, some resisted engaged lawyers, landlords

    hired thugs.

    Gandhiji reached Champaran- visited the secretry of the

    British landlord association to get the facts but denied as hewas an outsider.

    Gandhiji went to the British Official Commissioner who asked

    him to leave Trihut, Gandhiji disobeyed, went to Motihari the

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    capital of Champaran where a vast multitude greeted him,

    continued his investigations.

    Visited maltreated villagers, stopped by the police

    superintendent but disobeyed the order.

    Motihari black with peasants spontaneous demonstrations,

    Gandhiji realeased without bail Civil Disobedience triumphed.

    Gandhiji agreed to 25% refund by the landowners, it

    symbolized the surrender of the prestige.

    Gandhiji worked hard towards social economic reforms,

    elevated their distress aided by his wife, Mahadev Desai,

    Narhari Parikh.

    Gandhiji taught a lesson of self reliance by not seeking help

    of an English man Mr. Andrews.


    1. Who is Raj Kumar Shukla? Describe him.

    2. Describe the efforts made by Shukla for bringing Gandhiji toChamparan.

    3. What strategy Gandhiji followed in removing the problems of


    4. Why did Gandhi feel that it was useless for the peasants to go to

    law courts?

    5. Why did the British landlords free the sharecropper from growing

    indigo? What did they want instead?

    6. How did the Civil Disobedience triumph for the first time in British


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    7. Why did Gandhiji agree for the 25% refund by the British


    8. Describe the social economic reforms introduced by Gandhiji in

    Champaran villages?9. What was the important lesson taught by Gandhiji to his



    Chapter 06: Poets and Pancakes Asokamitran

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    The Gemini studio owned by S.S.Vasan was one of the most influentialfilms Producing Organizations of India in early years of Indian film makingIndustry.

    The make-up department of studios looked like a hair cutting salon.

    The strict hierarchy was maintained in the make-up dept.

    The make-up department, consisting of people from different parts of tcountry, was a unique example of National Integration.

    Kothamangalam subbu, no.2 at Gemini studios, was always cheerful,

    tailor made for films, endowed with great creativity. He could offer variousalternatives for how a scene could be invented. Subbu, in fact, gavedirection to Gemini studios during its golden years.

    The story Department of the studios comprising a lawyer, officially knowas legal adviser but was treated the opposite. Once he brought a sad end the career of a brilliant and promising young actress.

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    A warm welcome was accorded to moral Re Armament Army (MRA) bythe Gemini studios. They presented two plays Jothan ValleyAnd TheForgotten Factor which had a great influence on Tamil drama.

    MRA was a strong countermovement against communism.

    The Gemini studios again got an opportunity to welcome an English poeor an Editor. But the people of Gemini Studio could not comprehend thepurpose as well as the language of the poet or editor, so his visit was amystery.

    Later on, he came to know that the visitor was the editor of TheEncounter and his name was Stephen Spender.

    The God That Failed was the collection of six essays by six men ofletters including Spender. These essays described separately their journeyinto communism and their disillusioned return.


    1) Describe the make-up room of the Gemini studios, as given inthe poets and pancakes?

    2) How was the make-up room a fine example of nationalintegration?

    3) Subbu is described as a many sided genius. List four of his

    special abilities?

    4) How did the legal adviser bring a sad end to the brief andbrilliant acting career of a countryside girl in the studios?

    5) What was the suspense about the English man visit at Geministudios?

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    6) What does The God That Failed refer to?


    Chapter 07: The Interview -Christopher

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    In the lesson the author highlights some of the positive andnegative points of interview.


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    In its highest form, an interview is a source of truth andin practice, it is an art.

    It is common place of journalism.

    It is a supremely serviceable medium of



    An interview is an unwarranted intrusion into ones personlife.

    Some people feel that it somehow diminishes them.

    Umberto Eco who is a versatile genius, a prolific writer, in one of hisinterviews, shares the secret of his success. He says that to get success,

    one must use interstices-empty spaces.

    The Name of the Rose is a serious and detective novel by Eco. Itdeals with the theme of Metaphysics, Theology& Medieval history.

    Eco thinks that the success of the book was a mystery but he feels ththe time of the publication may be the reason for its success.


    1) What are some positive and negative aspects of Interview?

    2) Why do most celebrities despise being interviewed?

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    3) What was distinctive about Ecos academic writing style?

    4) How does Eco find time to write so much?

    5) What is the reason for the huge success of the novel The Nameof the rose?


    Chapter 08: Going Places A.R. Barton

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

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    The lesson explores the theme of adolescent fantasies andhero worship.

    Sophie, a young girl always dreams of big and beautiful


    Her ambitions have no relation with the harsh realities oflife.

    Jansie, Sophies friend is a realistic and practical girl.

    Both Sophie and Jansie belong to the lower middle classfamilies.

    Sophie adores an Irish Footballer Danny Casey and makesimaginary flights to meet him.


    1)What does Sophie dream of doing after she passesout of school? Why do you call it a dream, and not a


    2)Compare and contrast the characters of Sophie andJansie.

    3) Sophie is a typical adolescent hero-worshipper whocarries her fantasizing too for. Comment.

    4) Sophies dreams and disappointments are all in hermind. Justify this statement.


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    Chapter 01: The Third level Jack Finney

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    - The Third Level A medium of escape, a temporary refugefrom reality. It does not really exist.

    - Charley- 31 year old, an American wearing a ten gabardinesuit, a straw hat.

    - Comparing Grand Central to a tree as everyday new stairs &entrances are found.

    - He discovers a Third Level- brass spittoons, flickering gasLights, everyone dressed, like 1890s engine with funnelshaped stack, newspaper - The World, few ticket windows etc.

    - Galesburg- Illinois- Wonderful town, big houses, hugeLawns, plenty of trees, people with lots of leisure time.

    - Charley went to get the ticket- surprised when the clerksaid that it was not currency & he would be put behind the


    - Charley desperate to go to Galesburg & so exchanged newfor old currency. But could never find the third level.

    - First Day Cover- An envelop issued by the post office withthe stamp released on that day. They are never opened &they have a blank paper inside.

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    1. Was the Third level a medium of escape for Charley?

    2. What are the different ways of escape?

    3. Why is Grand Central compared to a tree?

    4. How did Charlie realize that he had reached the third level?

    5. Why did he wish to escape to Galesburg?

    6. What is First Day Cover?

    7. Where had Sam gone? How did Charley come to know it?

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    Chapter 02: The Tiger King Kalki

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    - When the Prince at Pratibandh Puram was born Astrologers

    Predicted that he would be killed by 100th tiger, to prove theastrol-oger wrong he killed the first tiger and challenged the prediction.

    - The astrologer said that the 100th tiger would kill him. TheMaharaja

    Put all his Estate duties aside and set upon killing 100 Tigers.- When all the Tigers in his Estate were killed he married a princess

    whose father had many Tigers his forests.- He even spent Rs 3 lakhs to please a British officers when latter

    wanted to hunt tigers in his estate.- Finally the hunted tiger was killed the Maharaja was very happy

    & then decided to spend time with his son.- Bought a wooden toy tiger on his sons third Birthday toy was


    up by an unskilled carpenter one of slivers pierced his righthand, deve-loped an infection, operated & died.

    - Irony killed 99 tigers but wooden tiger took its revenge.

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    1. Are the Maharajas minions truly sincere towards him?

    2. Who is Tiger king? Why does he get that name?

    3. Describe the ring episode?

    4. In what way the tiger king was brought up?

    5. What unforeseen hurdle brought his mission to a standstill?

    6. How the 100th tiger was finally found & killed?

    7. What is ironical about the kings death?

    8. What are the humorous episodes in the story?

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    Chapter 03: Journey To The End Of The Earth Tishani Doshi

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    Antarctica, a wonderful place to learn about earths past , presentand future .

    Antarctica prestine , no human population holes in its ice cores

    half million years old carbon records . Author had gone on a students on ice program on shokaskiy

    started by a Canadian Geoff Green.

    Antarctica simple ecosystem , the phytoplankton , a simplecelled plant over there if it is wiped out the whole food chain willbe destroyed .

    On their return journey they walked on ice, saw some sealsbathing in the sun just like the stray dogs would do under theshade.


    1. Why is the Antarctica the place to go in order to understand theearths past , present and future?

    2. What is the human impact on global temperature?

    3. Explain the phytoplankton role in marine food chain and what

    moral do we learn from it?

    4. Explain students on ice programme.

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    Chapter 04: The Enemy Pearl S.Buck

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    Dr. Sadao, a Japanese surgeon finds a wounded American soldieron the beach near his house.

    He is unable to throw him back though he was his enemy as hewas a doctor and his first duty was to save a life.

    Hana his wife though initially reluctant joins her husband inoperating and nursing the enemy soldier back to health.

    It is dangerous to keep the enemy in the house so all the servants


    Hana does the housework alone.

    The General did not send Sadao with the troops as he is an expertsurgeon and the General might need him any time for anemergency operation.

    Even General comes to know that Sadao is harbouring hisenemy , he does not take any action and suggest that he wouldsend his private assassins to kill the enemy and remove his body.

    Dr. Sadao performs an emergency operation and succeeds.

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    The General promises a reward and saves the life of doctor Sadaowho in return helps the American soldier escape in his boat.


    1. Dr. Sadao had to make a hard choice discuss?2. Why the General did overlooked the matter of enemy

    soldier?3. Was the doctors final solution best in the circumstances?4. Who was Dr. Sadao?

    Why did Dr. Sadao not tell Hana about the Generals plan?5. Why was Dr. Sadao not sent with troops?

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    Chapter 05: Should Wizard Hit Mommy John Updike

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    Main Points:-

    1. Jo was Jacks 4 years old daughter. Every evening for Saturdaysnaps, Jack told his daughter a self composed story.

    2. The story always has a character Roger with other animal name &each new story is a slight variation of basic tale

    3. In one story Roger Skunk was having bad smell. No animals playedwith him. He changed his smell with the help of wizard.

    4. The wizard was hit by Skunks mother as he had changed is smell.Jo didnt like the end as she want wizard should hit mommy.


    1. What is the moral of the story?

    2. How does Jo want the story should be finished?

    3. Why was Jack not read to change the end of the story.

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    4. Adults perception of life is different from childrendiscuss.



    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

    1. It is story of two disabled person with different outlook.

    2. Derry a 14 years old boy, had a burnt face. He was an escapist. Hewanted to

    be away from people.

    3. Mr. Lamb an old man. He had a tiny leg but he took his disabled aschallenge

    and enjoyed life with nature and everyone who came in his contact.

    4. Mr. lamb transformed Derry by his positive outlook and way ofliving.


    1. How did Mr. Lamb transform Derry?

    2. What is the message of the lesson?

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    3. Compare & Contrast Derry & Mr. Lamb.

    4. Why was Derry afraid of everyone.

    BOOK: VISTASChapter 07:

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

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    Colin Dexter


    James Roderick Evans was a jail bird . The Prison officerscalled him "Evans the Break" as he had escaped from prisonthree times .

    An examination centre was created in the prison for Evans & allsafety measures were taken to avoid his escape.

    A parson Mr Meclerry was arranged to invigilate theexamination room.

    Evans Pull Wool over everyone's eye & succeded in escapingfrom prison.

    But his happiness was short lived. The governor had beensmarter & Evans had to surrender without any protest.

    But in reality Evans had escaped in a car right from under thenose of the governor.


    How did the 'correction slip ' kill two little birds with a singlestone, as even told the Governor?

    What security arrangement ws made when Meclerry enteredthe prison for his invigilation duty?

    Attempt a brief character sketch of James Roderick Evans?

    How did Evans manage to escape from Prison?

    Who do you think has the last laugh the Governor or theprisoner?

    BOOK: VISTASChapter 08:

    Lets think about the important points of the lesson

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    Zitkala-sa was a victim of social & cultural oppression by thevictors who had overpowered them by their sheer strength.They were prejudiced towards Native American Culture &women.

    Zitkala-sa was forced to cut her long hair compulsorily.

    The cuting of the long hair of Zitkala-sa was a symbol of theiroppression.


    Why do you think was Zitkala-sa so opposed to the cutting ofher hair?

    What did Zitkala-sa feel when her long hair was cut?

    What did Zitkala-sa do to escape getting her hair shingled?

    BOOK: VISTASChapter 08:

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    Lets think about the important points of the lesson





    Bama was a victim of caste system, she had seen felt &experienced the evils of untouchability.

    She struggled hard against this social descrimination.

    She studied hard & topped in her class & many studentsbecame her friends.


    How long would it take Bama to walk home from school & w

    How does Bama react on learning about untouchability?

    What advice did Annan offer Bama? What was the result?

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