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Master executive international business (1)

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This book is about international business. one who can interest in international business they can refer this book.
Business School Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive Foreign Trade Master International Business The Master Executive in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization (13th edition, distance e-learning) is a master that takes 16 months to complete, offering the student a global vision and practical approach of all themes related to international business. International trade: Incoterms, transportation, customs, documents, payments, documentary credits, international finance, contracts ... Global marketing: International Pricing, Product, Promotion, Brand, Segmentation, Distribution ... Internationalization of companies and Foreign direct investment (FDI). Doing Business in China. The Master includes an adaptation module with contents adapted to each country of Asia, America, Africa, Europe and Middle East. Request Information Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive. Modules of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive 1- Globalization and Institutions The student begins the Master in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization, studying the global scene of international business: Globalization. International organizations: United Nations, UNCTAD, World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), ICC, OECD, INTRACEN ... 2- International Trade The master then continues with the techniques of foreign trade: Exporting, import and export documents, Incoterms 2010, customs, import and export processes, transportation and international logistics, payment methods and documentary credits, international financing, foreign exchange markets,
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Business School

Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and

Internationalization) MIB Executive Foreign Trade

Master International Business

The Master Executive in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization (13th edition, distance e-learning) is a master that takes 16 months to complete, offering the student a global vision and practical approach of all themes related to international business.

● International trade: Incoterms, transportation, customs, documents, payments, documentary credits, international finance, contracts ...

● Global marketing: International Pricing, Product, Promotion, Brand, Segmentation, Distribution ...

● Internationalization of companies and Foreign direct investment (FDI).

● Doing Business in China.● The Master includes an adaptation module with contents adapted

to each country of Asia, America, Africa, Europe and Middle East.

Request Information Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive.

Modules of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive

1- Globalization and Institutions The student begins the Master in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization, studying the global scene of international business: Globalization. International organizations: United Nations, UNCTAD, World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), ICC, OECD, INTRACEN ... 2- International Trade The master then continues with the techniques of foreign trade: Exporting, import and export documents, Incoterms 2010, customs, import and export processes, transportation and international logistics, payment methods and documentary credits, international financing, foreign exchange markets,

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Video Master Executive in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization Audrey M. Bleich Coach and EENI's Professor

国际贸易、全球营销及国际化硕士(远程教育) - 孙晓娇 Introduction to module: Doing Business in China, Xiaojiao Sun - EENI's Professor

Special version of the Master for Chinese students:

The master facilitates access to anyone with previous basic knowledge or experience in international business to reach a complex level.

If you wish to specialize in the international business, we recommended this Executive Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization).

Duration: 16 months. Methodology: e-learning / Distance learning. Case method.

Language of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization): Also available in: Master Comercio Exterior Master en Commerce International Master Comércio Exterior

international contracts and export Department. 3- Global Marketing Following the above, the master will then cover the analysis of global marketing strategies: International Marketing, Market Research, Product Policy, Export Prices, International Promotion, International Distribution, Segmentation, Brand and Positioning ... 4- Adaptation of the Master to the country of the student The objective of this module is to adapt the master to the student's country (Regional Institutions, Free Trade Agreements FTA, Trade Relations...) 5- Internationalization of companies A company that wishes to place itself in the foreign market will find in this module all of the necessary information for a secure investment in another market: beginning with how to negotiate- taking into consideration the cultural differences in order to avoid cross-cultural conflicts, to how to place the company in the foreign market. Internationalization of companies, e-business, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)... 6- Doing Business in China China is the most important market in the world with more than 1 billion 300 million potential consumers, making it a very interesting market to study the way in which to do business in this country. Chinese economy, Ports, Customs, Foreign direct investment FDI in China. Doing business in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou - Shenzhen, Hong Kong. The Greater Pearl River Delta (GPRD). Free Trade Agreements (FTA). International Relations. Suggestions: Students from next countries can change the module "Business in China" by ... - Bangladesh and Sri Lanka : "Business in India". - CIS Countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan): "Business in Russia" - 针对中国大陆学员的硕士课程内容: 在美国、巴西和印度的商机 7- Thesis of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive

More information about the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization)

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The materials are available in 4 languages: English, Spanish, French or Portuguese and are accessible to all students wishing to review them in whatever language and use one of the 4 languages as a vehicular language of the campus and to complete the exercises.

Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive - Professors and Coach

. Communication with professors (student's questions, exercises ...) in:

Registration functions on a continuous basis, allowing the student to begin the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive at any time.

EENI (The Global Business School) has more than 4,000 students from over 100 countries.

● Examples of the Master in International Business Executive● PDF brochure of the Master● Why study the Master in International Business with EENI?

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The student is placed in a global atmosphere where the professors as well as the fellow students are spread around the world.

Module 1: "Globalization and Institutions" of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB


The student begins the Master in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization, studying the global scene of international business: the phenomenon of globalization, the trend towards regionalization, the main international organizations involved in global business (World Trade Organization, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank ...), the state of the world, the emerging markets and the effects of the global financial crisis.

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- Globalization and international business. Positive and negative effects. Historical background. - Globalization: International trade and financial markets. Cultural, political, and environmental dimensions of globalization. - Globalization and international institutions: United Nations, WTO, WB, IMF, European Union. - Liberalization. The role of the World Trade Organisation. - Regionalism. World economic agreements. - Emerging markets. BRICM countries. India and China. - World financial and economic crisis. Regional analysis: Africa, Asia, Europe, Arab countries. Global food crisis. - Antiglobalization.

International institutions

United Nations

- United Nations: introduction. - Structure and organization. Main bodies. Agencies, programmes and subsidiary bodies. Secretariat. - ECOSOC- Economic and Social Council. - United Nations System. - Human Development. - Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


- Introduction to the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development UNCTAD. - International trade and Commodities. UNCTAD Conferences. Relationship with other agencies. - Investment, technology and enterprise. - Globalization and development.

World Bank

- World Bank: introduction. Organization. Members. - WB and Millennium Development Goals. - WB operations: Fund generation, loans, trust funds and grants. - World Bank projects. Profiles. Databases. Projects lifecycle (Identification, preparation, appraisal, approval, implementation, completion, evaluation). - Doing business with the World Bank. - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. - International Development Association (IDA). - World development indicators.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

- Introduction to the World Trade Organization (WTO). - From General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) to World Trade Organization. - Principles of the trading system. - WTO agreements. Tariffs. Agriculture. Standards and safety. Textiles. Services. Intellectual property. Anti-dumping, subsidies. Non-tariff barriers. - The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). - Regional trade agreements. Regionalism. - The Doha agenda. - World trade report.

International Monetary Fund

- Introduction to the International Monetary Fund. Membership. - Main IMF activities. IMF Goals. Surveillance, assistance and lending. - Collaboration with other institutions (WB, WTO, UN, ...) - Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). - International Monetary Fund: Globalization and crisis. - World economic outlook.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD

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- Africa, Least developed countries, Land-locked developing countries, Small Island Developing States. - UNCTAD Statistics. - Trade and development report.


- Introduction to the International Trade Centre INTRACEN. - Country information. - Market analysis tools. - Market development services.

- Introduction to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). History. - OECD analyses and studies. OECD economic outlook. - Structure of the organization.

Other institutions

- International Chamber of Commerce. - The Commonwealth. - G-77

The objective of the Module 2: "International Trade" of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive is to provide all the knowledge, tools and techniques necessary to manage all technical aspects related to foreign trade of an exporting company: Incoterms, transportation, customs, documents, payments, documentary credits, international finance, contracts ...

Introduction to exporting

- Introduction to exporting. - Advantages of exporting. - Resources needed. - Starting the export activity. - The export process. - Problems deriving from non-internationalisation. - Introduction to Foreign direct investment (FDI).

Import Export Documents

- Import export documents. Documentation in international trade.

Multimodal transport

International air transport - Unit load device. - IATA (International Air Transport Association) - Air freight insurance. International air freight tariffs. - AWB (Air Waybill). - Main airports of the world.

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- Documents of origin (Certificate of Origin) - Commercial documents (Proforma, Invoice, Packing List...). - Transport documents. - Administrative documents. - Other documents. - Case study: Exporting fish to Angola.

Incoterms 2010

- What are Incoterms 2010?. - Analysis. Comparative tables. - New Incoterms: DAT and DAP. Replaced Incoterms: DAF, DES, DEQ and DDU. - Incoterms for sea and inland waterway transport: FAS - FOB - CFR - CIF. - Incoterms for any mode of transport: EXW - FCA - CPT - CIP - DAT - DAP - DDP. - How are they used?.

Customs Procedures

- Customs Procedures. Functions of customs. - Customs clearance. Examination of Goods. Customs Treatment or Use of Goods. Summary declaration. - Release for Free Circulation. Dispatch for Consumption. Import Procedures. VAT Payable on Imported Goods. - Single Administrative Document (SAD). - Origin of goods (EU customs legislation). - Customs valuation in the European Union. - Classification of goods. TARIC (Integrated Tariff of the Community). - Customs agents. - Case study: Market Access Database.

World Customs Organization (WCO)

International road transport - Conventions governing road transport: CMR and TIR. Road freight market. - Road freight documentation (CMR). Forwarder certificate of receipt (FCR). - Flows in international road freight transport. Rail transport. - Rail freight market. Documentation: CIM Rail Consignment Note. Governing conventions (CIM and TIF). Insurance. - The Shinkansen high speed rail network. Multimodal transport - Multimodal and intermodal transportation. - UNCTAD/ICC Rules for multimodal transport documents. Multimodal Bill of Lading. - Intermodal transport chain.

Methods of payment. Letters of credit

- International Methods of payment. Countries and payment terms. - Bills of exchange. Bank draft. Bank transfer. Clean collection. - Documentary collections. - Letters of credit (L/C). Types and modalities, terminology, opening, availability, contents, documents ... - UCP 600. Electronic L/C. - Import Letters of credit.

Finance of international trade

- International finance. - Foreign trade finance. Finance of export and import transactions. - Pre and Pre-shipment finance. - International risk: payment, foreign exchange, counterparty, delivery, ... - Country risk. Sovereign risk. - Credit ratings. Country risk evaluation and classification. - Corruption perceptions index. - Case study. Thailand and South Africa.

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- Introduction to the World Customs Organization (WCO). - Harmonized System (HS). - Customs Valuation. - Rules of Origin. WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin. - Customs Enforcement and Compliance. WCO SAFE Package. - Customs Procedures and Facilitation. - Conventions: Revised Kyoto Convention, ATA System and Customs Convention on Containers. - Case study: Market Access Map.

Customs and the World Trade Organization (WTO)

- The World Trade Organization (WTO). Multilateral trading system. - WTO agreements. Tariffs. Agriculture. Standards and safety. Textiles. - Anti-dumping, subsidies, safeguards. - Non-tariff barriers. - Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures. - Agreement on customs valuation. Rules for the valuation of goods at customs. Methods: Transaction value, identical or similar goods, Deductive or computed method and Fall-back. - Preshipment Inspection Agreement. - Rules of Origin Agreement - Customs and Regional trade agreements. - Customs procedures and the Doha agenda.

International transport

International Transport and logistics. - Introduction to international Transport and logistics. - Selecting a mode of transport. - Transport documents and insurance. - Case study: FEDEX and UPS.

FOREX Foreign Exchange Market

- Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX). - The Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Tobin tax. - Currency trading. The players (Central banks, companies, brokers, hedge funds, investors and speculators...) - European Central Bank. The Euro. - Currency exchange rates. - Options.

International bonds and guarantees

- International bonds and guarantees. - Tender and performance bonds. Advance / progress payment bond. Retentions and On Demand Bonds. Other types of guarantees. - Managing bonds and guarantees. Bank obligations. Customer liability records. - ICC Rules for the issuance of bonds and guarantees. - Factoring and forfaiting. - Invoice discounting. Endorsements. Bills of exchange. - Documentary collections. Clean collection. Managing collections.

International contracts

- International contracts and foreign trade. - UNCITRAL- United Nations Commission on International trade Law. - United Nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods (1980) [CISG]. - The Vienna Convention. - The Hague conventions. - Clauses of an international contract. - Arbitration. - Examples of contracts: distributor, importer, agent, ...

Export department

- The export department. Set up and run.

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Export packaging - The importance of appropriate packaging. - Types of containers. - Types of packaging materials. - Electronic tagging. - Marks on packaging.

Marine transport

- Introduction to marine transport. - Documentation. Bill of Lading (B/L). - Cost of marine transport. Freight. - Insurance. - Legislation. The Hague Visby Rules. Hamburg Rules. - Main ports of the world. - Case study: Port of Rotterdam, Tokyo and Singapore. Cosco. Evergreen. Maersk Group. - Outlook of marine transport market. The world fleet.

- Functions, goals and organization of the export department. - Director of international business, export manager, country area manager. - Case study: Analysis of the difference between the departments of export in Spain and Latin America. - Case study: the assignment of sales areas in the international department.

The objectives of the module 2 "International Trade" of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive are to understand ...

● Globalization and international business: Positive and negative effects. Cultural, political, and environmental dimensions of globalization. Liberalization and the role of the World Trade Organisation. Regionalism. Emerging markets. BRICM countries. India and China. World financial and economic crisis.

● The nature of exporting and the difficulties that may arise. Learn about Import export transactions, the difficulties with them and how to overcome these difficulties.

● The different types of documents used in international trade (import and export), which documents are usually required by customs, the requirements for various documents and how to fill in these documents correctly.

● The importance of correct logistics and transport management for international trade. - To analyze the modes of transport (marine, air, road, train, multimodal) and their characteristics as well as the transport documents required for each mode of transport and how to complete them. - To understand the functioning of marine transport, documents required for sea freight and how to complete them. - Familiarizing the student with different types of packaging, packaging materials, the use of pallets and containers, packing marks, modes of transport and packaging, and the criteria to be used when selecting an appropriate packaging for particular shipments.

● The various methods of payments used in international trade and outlining their differences, advantages and disadvantages both for the importer and the exporter. What Documentary collections are and how they work. Export and Import Collections will be analyzed. The

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● The responsibilities of the exporter and Importer under Incoterms 2010 and how Incoterms are used in international trade transactions.

● The role and functioning of customs and the role of a customs agent. To become familiar with import procedures.

● The different customs procedures, methods of goods classification and learn to complete the customs documents. To understand the role of the World Customs Organization (WCO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO)

importance of Documentary credits in international trade. How a Documentary credit works and the obligations of the parties involved

● The various methods of finance both for exports and imports. The fundamentals of foreign exchange markets. The different types of bonds and guarantees and how they operate. The different methods of managing exchange and country risk. Forward exchange contracts and currency options will be examined in greater detail. Forfaiting, Factoring and Invoice Discounting will be analyzed.

● With international contracts as they are used in international trade transactions.

● How to set up and run an Export department.

The objective of the Module 3: "Global Marketing" of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive is to provide all the knowledge, tools and techniques necessary to manage all technical aspects related to global marketing of an exporting company: International Pricing, Product, Promotion, Brand, Segmentation, Distribution ...

International Marketing

- The export process and the international marketing. - Key concepts in international marketing. Global marketing mix. - Global Marketing process and international trade. - Export marketing plan. Business plan. - From local to global company. - e-Marketing. - Case study: TESCO. Fiat Iveco. General Electric (GE)

Market Research

- Global market research. - Quantitative analysis.

International Pricing Policy

- International pricing policy. Product life cycle. - Pricing strategy when entering new export markets. - Export prices. International prices and Incoterms. - Competitor's prices. Pricing options available to the exporter. - e-Business and pricing policy.

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- Qualitative methods. - Market profitability. Sales potential in foreign markets. - PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors) - Market research study. - Case study: Mitsui Co. Cargill.

International Product Policy

- Global product policy. - Strategies. Local and global products. Standardization, adaptation, diversification. - Business portfolio. BCG Growth-Share Matrix. McKinsey matrix. Experience Curve. - Quality and international marketing. - Certification. CE Mark. - e-Product. Digital value. Pervasive computing. - Case study: Silicon Graphics. Comfort (Unilever). AESSEAL (MCK). Johnson and Johnson. General Motors Corp. Tantrix. Linux. Nintendo.

International Promotion Policy

International Promotion - International Promotion policy. - Promotion: Global, regional or local strategies. - Promotion strategy when entering new export markets. - Direct and indirect international promotion. - Promotion campaign. Brochures and catalogs. - Advertising and publicity. The Advertising Agency. - Public relations. Sponsoring and Fund Raising. - Case study: Benetton. Red Bull. AXE (Lynx) Campaign. OMO (Surf). Omnicom. Ten Best Advertising Slogans. Country Brand - The concept of country brand.

- Case study: Pricing Policy and Inflation. - Case study: Economic Price of Traded Goods and Services in Asia.

International Distribution

International distribution - Introduction to international distribution policy. - Indirect exports. - Consultancy. - Associated exports. Consortia. - Trading companies. Sogo Shoshas and Chaebols. - Case study: Toshiba. The Third Italy. Mitsubishi Corporation. Sanofi-aventis Direct exports. - Importers. - Representatives. - Company personnel. - Foreign subsidiaries: sales / production. - Internationalization: licenses and franchises. - Other distribution channels. - Case study: Set it up in Costa Rica. Sumitomo. Itochu. Rolls-Royce. Renault-Nissan Alliance. 7-Eleven. Mango. International distribution networks in centralised economies. Sales network management. - Representation contracts. - Recruitment Methods. - Control representatives Work. - International sales: purchasing departments, delegated agents. - Distribution and e-business. Going international with e-business - Case study. Exclusive agent in two markets. "Grey" Networks. Electrolux India. Itochu.

International Segmentation, Brand and Positioning

- International market segmentation. - Worldwide Segmentation Strategy. Targeting strategies: concentrated, differentiated, product specialization, market specialization and full market coverage.

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- The influence of country brand in global marketing. - The country brand as a competitive advantage. - International Rankings. Rating Agencies. - Case study: Country Brand Index. Cafe de Colombia. Proudly South African Brand. Indian Software brand. A business trip - International business travel. - Organisation of the trip. - The international sale. - Post-trip activities. International fairs - A key aspect of international marketing. - Objectives of participation. - Preparation and organization of international fairs. - Main trade fairs in the world. - Case study: Pininfarina in Auto Shanghai e-Promotion. - Key concepts of e-Promotion. - Promoting online effectively. - Search engine positioning.

- Case study: Segmentation strategy of Volkswagen Group. Matsushita Electric (Panasonic). United Airlines. BECEL / FLORA (Unilever). VALS reports. - Global brand strategy. - Brand value. Building an international brand. - Case study: Top global brands. Unilever. Wrigley Company, ACER. Gucci GrouP. Nutrexpa. Mitsubishi. - Positioning in the international markets. Stages of Positioning. - Strategies of positioning. Global Brand Positioning. - Case study: United Biscuits. Ford Motor Company. Erste Bank. Positioning new product in the Australian Market.

The objectives of the module 3 "Global Marketing" of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive are ...

● To learn about the key concepts in international marketing. We will analyze the purpose of international marketing, explore the concepts of price and value to the customer, examine the marketing mix in the context of Export marketing and discuss the key elements of an export marketing plan.

● To understand the key tools and concepts of International market research and how best to apply them. A PEST analysis is an analysis of the external macro-environment that affects all firms.

● To understand the influence of a country's international brand on its export performance. To understand the fundamentals of trade fair preparation and attendance and it's related follow-up activity. To understand how to plan and prepare a business trip to a prospective Export market and the follow-up which will then be required.

● To learn the importance planning an appropriate International Distribution Strategy when entering new export markets, examine the distribution options available to the exporter, outline the criteria to be used when selecting a distribution option and analyze strategies which can be implemented for consumer and/or industrial products.

● To know the channel options that may be used when entering new export markets. We are going to examine the direct and indirect export

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● To learn the key areas of international product policy, the importance of adapting your product to local requirements when entering new export markets and to analyze the product characteristics that typically need to be modified for different markets.

● To understand the importance of an appropriate International Pricing Strategy when entering new export markets. To examine the pricing options available to the exporter and outline the criteria to be used when establishing a pricing strategy. The criteria defined in pricing under Incoterms.

● To learn the importance of an appropriate International Promotion Strategy when entering new export markets, examine the promotion options available to the exporter, outline the key points to note when designing a company brochure and analyse the tools available when implementing a promotion campaign

channels open to the exporter, analyze the functions of importers and representatives, discuss the use of company personnel and sales or production subsidiaries as well as explore franchising, licensing and other channels.

● The process of evaluating, recruiting and managing international sales representatives and the mechanism involved in selling into department stores and hypermarkets.

● To understand the importance of international segmentationin our strategies of marketing and internationalization. To know the Targeting strategies: Concentrated, Differentiated, Product specialization, Market specialization, Full market coverage …

● To know the main brand strategies: global, regional or local. To understand the process of creating brand value in the global markets.

● To know the strategies of positioning a brand in international markets.

Module 4: "Adaptation of the Master to the country of the student" of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive

Strategy G-R-L (Global, Regional and Local). The objective of this module is to adapt the master to the student's country (Regional Organizations, Free Trade Agreements FTA...). The contents of the master are adapted to more than 120 countries of Asia, Africa, America, Europe and Middle East.

Asia Pacific - Master in International Business Executive

Adaptation to each country is based on the inclusion in the master of specific learning units:

● Regional Organizations of the student’s country. For example, a student from Indonesia will have units about "ASEAN" (Economic Community, FDI, BIMP-EAGA, IMT - GT …); a student from India will have units about SAARC, BIMSTEC, IORARC or ACU. In addition, all the students will have the block "Asian institutions": Asian Development Bank, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) …

● Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) of the student’s country. For example, a student from Singapore will have the FTAs of Singapore with Australia, China, Jordan, India, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, EFTA, United States, Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP) …

● Trade relations between the countries of the FTA.

Special version of the Master for Chinese students:

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Australia Bangladesh Brunei Bhutan Cambodia Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran Japan

Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Lao Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Burma Nepal New Zealand North Korea Pakistan

Papua New Guinea Philippines Singapore South Korea (ROK) Sri Lanka Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Vietnam

Europe - European Union - Master in International Business Executive

Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Bosnia and

Herzegovina Croatia

Georgia Iceland

Kosovo Liechtenstein Macedonia Moldova Montenegro

Norway Russia Serbia Switzerland Turkey Ukraine

Africa - Master in International Business Executive

Middle East - Master in International Business Executive

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Botswana Cameroon Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Ghana Kenya Lesotho

Liberia Libya Malawi Namibia Mauritius Nigeria Rwanda Seychelles Sierra Leone

Somalia South Africa Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe

America - Master in International Business Executive

Canada United States Puerto Rico

Latin American students: See Spanish web site: Master Comercio Exterior

Belize Guyana Suriname

Antigua and

Barbuda The Bahamas Barbados Dominica

Grenada Jamaica Saint Lucia St. Vincent and the

Grenadines St Kitts and Nevis Trinidad and Tobago

Bahrain (•••••••) Kuwait (••••••) Oman (••••) Qatar (•••) Saudi Arabia (••••••• ••••••••) United Arab Emirates (••••••••

••••••• •••••••) Yemen (••••)

Jordan (••••••) Lebanon (•••••) Palestine (••••••) Syria (•••••) Iraq (••••••)

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Module 5: "Internationalization" of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive

Any person wishing to do international business must be primarily a strategist, able to design comprehensive strategies adapted to each market. In this unit we will analyze the main concepts of internationalization strategies (Five forces model, SWOT Analysis, Value Chain Analysis ...) and success stories of different companies.

e-business is a new way of doing business that can become a competitive advantage for a company in the global marketplace if can design an e-business strategy in line with the strategy of internationalization. In many cases this lack of strategy can convert this advantage into a threat or a weakness for the company.

Intercultural Negotiation is one of the most important and difficult aspects in international trade. the exporter negotiates with individuals from countries with very different cultures and habits. If the exporter does not adopt an open and respectful attitude towards these cultures he will hardly achieve success in his business. He should try to learn the idiosyncrasies of each market. The main objective is to gain an understanding of the nature of different cultures and how to adapt our marketing strategies to different countries.

International expansion can end up with the creation of one or various sales delegations wherefrom, by area, the commissioned representatives are controlled. The next step for successful commercial delegations is not necessarily to finish manufacturing the product on the spot. Various legal ways exist for their establishment, all of which are destined to assure a solid presence with a rigorous tax control and protection of the parent company, The company should to develop a rigorous analysis of the risk factors that influence those companies with multinational operations in order to protect them against possible compulsory purchase or by government take over.

Foreign direct investment reflects the objective of obtaining a lasting interest by a resident entity in one economy ("direct investor") in an entity resident in an economy other than that of the investor ("direct investment enterprise"). The lasting interest implies the existence of a long-term relationship between the direct investor and the enterprise and a significant degree of influence on the management of the enterprise. Direct investment involves both the initial transaction between the two entities and all subsequent capital transactions between them and among affiliated enterprises, both incorporated and unincorporated.

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- Internationalization. Competitive strategy and international competitiveness. - Global strategy. Strategic audit. - Five forces model. SWOT Analysis. - PEST and value chain analysis. - Cases of internationalization.


- Digitalisation and e-business. - The New Economy. - Business Models on the Web: B2B, B2C, B2A, B2E ... - e-Business Implementation. - e-Processes (CRM, SCM, e-Procurement, ...). - e-Security (Digital Signature, SSL Protocol, Secure Electronic Transactions). - Case study: Teleworking and e-business. Amazon. Alibaba Group.

Intercultural management

- The culture and the global society. Religion and international business. - High and low context culture (Edward Hall). - Cultural dimension (Hofstede): Power distance, Individual, Long-Term orientation, ... - The seven dimensions of culture (Trompenaars). - Cross-cultural communication and the international marketing plan. - Intercultural management and international business. - Cultural patterns and markets. Countries classification. Key strategies to dealing with new cultures. - Case study: Ceramic tiles perception in different markets. Hofstede's dimensions and World's Religions. - How to negotiate successfully in ...

Foreign direct investment

Introduction to FDI

- Introduction to the foreign direct investment (FDI). - FDI outlook. - World Trade Organization and FDI. Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs). - OECD and the foreign direct investment. - European Union policy on FDI. - The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency's (MIGA). - Appendices: Index of economic freedom (Heritage). FDI atlas. FDI and developing countries.


- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and Foreign direct investment. - FDI index. Inward and outward index. Methodology. - World investment report. - Global Investment Prospects Assessment (GIPA). - Investment compass tool.

Investments abroad

- Establishing companies abroad: sales delegations, affiliated companies, branches, joint ventures. - Optimizing expropriation risks. - Corporate governance. - Developing countries. - Case: Reconstruction of industry in ex-Soviet Republics.

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Module 5: "Internationalization" of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive

The primary objective of the “Module Doing business in China" is to offer a global vision of China and the business opportunities in the Chinese market.

● To learn to do business in China (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou - Shenzhen, The Greater Pearl River Delta) and Hong Kong

● To know the business opportunities in China● To understand how to negotiate in China.● To analyze foreign direct investment (FDI) flows● To know the Free Trade Agreements of China.

China is the world's largest market with more than 1,300 million potential consumers (25% live in cities). In terms of GDP is the second largest economy (ahead of countries like Japan, Canada and Brazil). According to World Bank, is expected that by the year 2020, China will be the first economic power of the world, representing nearly 40% of world production.

China produces more than half the world's cameras, 30% of air conditioners and

Therefore, we will analyze the case of Chinese firms (Haier, Galanz, Huawei, Cosco, Lenovo, SAIC, Founder, Chinalco, Sinochem …), allowing us to better understand the organizational Culture of Chinese enterprises and the influence of Confucian values in the management of these corporations.

We will study the major economic regions of China:

● Beijing, as China's political, cultural and international exchange center, is a dynamic city with a wide range of industries. High tech and modern manufacturing industries have become the leading forces of Beijing's industrial growth.

● Since 1992, Shanghai has maintained a double-digit GDP growth rate. The city has seen fast growth in its modern service industries. The pillar industries in Shanghai refer to manufacturing of electronic and information-technology products, auto making, petrochemical and fine chemical processing, fine steel products manufacturing, production of complete equipment, and biomedicine. Shanghai is largest port city on the Chinese mainland and one of the world’s largest entrepots.

● Guangzhou has become one of the wealthiest Chinese cities. Its proximity from Hong Kong has permitted its development, and the one of the whole Guangdong region. Guangzhou has such three pillar industries as automobile, petrochemical and electronic information manufacturing. Shenzhen is a link between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong and a transport hub in coastal southern China.

● The region of the Greater Pearl River Delta comprise Hong Kong, nine municipalities of the Guangdong Province in the mainland of China and Macao. Many multi-national companies already enjoy the benefits of this multi-jurisdiction, cost effective business model and have established there. Companies can source or manufacture competitively in China and use Hong Kong's logistical, financial, legal, design and marketing services to export their products to the world.

● Hong Kong has a prime location at the geographical and

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televisions, 25% of washing machines, 20% of refrigerators and 70% of toys. "Galanz" produces 40% of microwave ovens sold in Europe. The Brand "Haeir" is recognized worldwide.

In China, there are cultural and sociological issues extremely different : the influence of Confucianism, customs and habits, ancient culture or language difficulty. Personal relationships (“Guanxi” in Chinese), will be crucial, since under the Confucian ethic Chinese negotiator will want to ensure that we are honorable, and therefore we will keep our commitments. If we fail to develop "Guanxi" it’s difficult to do business in China. This means that negotiations can be made very slow and therefore expensive.

economic center of Asia. Business executives in Hong Kong have fast and easy access to all the major markets in the Asia Pacific region. This central position is one of the key reasons for the city's popularity as a location for regional operations.

Finally, we will analyze the China’s Free Trade Agreements (FTA). Currently, China has 15 FTAs partners comprising of 28 economies, among which 10 Agreements have been signed already.

Introduction to China

- History of China. - About China: geography, population, languages, religion, ...

Chinese economy

- Chinese economy. - Financial system. - Industry and services. - Agriculture. - Foreign trade. Imports and exports.

China: Marine transport and ports

- Introduction to marine transport in China. - Main Ports of China: Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Qingdao, Dalian, Tianjin, Ningbo Port. - Main logistic companies: COSCO. China Shipping Container Lines Company Limited (CSCL). SINOTRANS CSC.

Customs of China

China’s Free Trade Agreements (FTA)


- The ASEAN China Free Trade Area (ACFTA). - Trade between ASEAN countries and China. - Origin of a good. - ASEAN-China Center. Functional Cooperation.

China - Pakistan FTA

- Free Trade Agreement between China and Pakistan. - The Agreement on Trade in Service. - China-Pakistan FTA Certificate of Origin.

China - New Zealand FTA

- China New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (FTA) - FTA's Key Outcomes. Trade and Services. - Certificate of Origin.

China - Singapore FTA

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- The Customs of China. - Import export customs procedures. - Shanghai customs. - Guangzhou customs.

Foreign direct investment FDI in China

- Foreign direct investment (FDI). - Investment environment in China. - Sectors for investing. - Tips for investing. - Project set-up. - Investment costs and procedures.

Doing business in Beijing

- Beijing: the political and cultural capital of China. - The economy of Beijing. The Chinese "Silicon Valley". - Main economic districts and Counties of Beijing. - Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Beijing. - Case study: Lenovo. Founder Group. Aluminum Corporation of China (CHINALCO). Sinochem Group.

Doing business in Shanghai

- The City of Shanghai: financial, economic, trade and shipping center of China. - The economy of Shanghai. Service and industrial sector. Foreign Trade. - The District of Pudong. - Foreign Direct Investment in Shanghai. Application Procedures. - Case study: Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC). Siemens in Shanghai. Wal-Mart in China.

The Greater Pearl River Delta (GPRD)

- The China Singapore Free Trade Agreement (CSFTA). - Benefits to Exporters. - CSFTA Certificate of Origin. Rules of Origin.

European Union - China Trade Relations

- European Union - China trade relations. - EU-China Trade and Cooperation Agreement. - EU relations with Hong Kong and Macau.

China - Chile FTA

- China Chile Free Trade Agreement. - China-Chile FTA on Service Trade.

Andean Community - China

- Trade Relations China - Andean Community. - Foreign trade between China and Andean Countries. - Agreement to establish a political consultation and cooperation mechanism between the Andean Community and the People’s Republic of China. - Free Trade Agreement China - Peru. - 中华人民共和国政府与秘鲁共和国政府 自由贸易协定.

China - Peru FTA

- China Peru Free Trade Agreement. - Certificate of origin. - Advantages for exporters.

China - Costa Rica FTA

- China Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

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- The region of the Greater Pearl River Delta (GPRD). - Economy and Foreign Trade. Foreign Direct Investment in the GPRD region. - Advantages: High end processes in Hong Kong, production base in the Mainland (GPRD). - Economy profile of the main cities: Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Qingyuan. - Case study: TCL Corporation. Midea Group. Hisense Kelon Electrical. - The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA China Honk Kong). - CEPA’s Impact on the Hong Kong economy (Trade in Services).

Doing business in Guangzhou - Shenzhen

- Guangzhou (Canton). Economy and Foreign Trade. The Canton Fair. - Shenzhen: A gateway for China to the outside world. - Automotive sector in Guangzhou. - Case study: Guangzhou Automobile Group. - Electronic Information Manufacturing Industry. - Case study: ZTE Corporation. Huawei. - Logistic sector. - Bio-pharmaceutical sector. - Case study: Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings. Galanz Group.

Doing business in Hong Kong

- Hong Kong: gateway to China. - HK economy. Foreign trade (import export). - The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA). - New Zealand Hong Kong China Closer Economic Partnership. - Setting up in Hong Kong.

- Advantages for exporters. Certificate of Origin.

Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA)

- Introduction to the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA). - Trade profile of APTA members. - Tariffs concessions. Rules of Origin. - Performance Indicators for members of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA).

China - International Economic Relations


Forum Africa China

- Introduction to the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation. - China's African policy. - FOCAC Summit Beijing and Sharm el-Sheikh. - Sino-African foreign trade relations.

Job descriptions and Career opportunities - Master Executive in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization

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Student Profile - Master Executive in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization

- Export Managers (Directors of Export, Directors of International Division, Directors of Internationalization, Regional and Area export managers ... ...) of export companies (or potential for import export) or import companies or companies in internationalization process. - Commercial Directors, Sales and Marketing Directors ... (domestic market) wishing to begin international business activities and/or do business in China. - Managing Directors of SME wishing to internationalize their activities,

Video Career opportunities related with the Master in International Business Audrey M. Bleich Coach and EENI's Professor

Career opportunities related with the Master Executive in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization

Upon completion of the Master Executive in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization, the students will be able to efficiently carry out their responsibilities in:

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particularly in China. - Post-graduates (business administration, economics, engineers, lawyers, translators ...) seeking specialization in foreign trade, international marketing, internationalization of companies or Business in China. - Sector Professionals wishing to update their knowledge of international markets (customs brokers, freight forwarders, trading companies, logistics companies, banks, institutions, multilateral organizations, teachers, International Trade Consultants ...) - Professionals from other sectors who wish to specialize in global business and China.

Given the wide variety of EENI student profiles and countries where we operate, it is difficult to define a standard profile of our students. For example, our largest global institutional customer is the United Nations and related agencies (mainly expatriate managers). At company level, we have students in both large multinationals as SMEs.

Job descriptions related with the Master Executive in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization

Directive positions / Management: - Export Manager. Directors of Export. Regional and Area export managers - Director in China. - Director of International Department. Directors of International Division - Director of Internationalization. - Director of International Relations - Director of International Projects. - Director of Sales Administration and Expansion - International Commercial Director. International sales and marketing director. International Sales Manager

Executive positions / middle managers: - Import Export manager

- Export or import companies (or with the potential for internationalization) related with international business: foreign trade departments, international marketing or internationalization.

- Service companies and organizations related to International Trade: International departments (Banks), Logistic (transport), Customs (Forwarders / Customs Brokers), Consulting (Marketing, advertising companies, import export)... - Public and private institutions related to internationalization: Development Agencies, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Unions, Business Associations, Exporters Associations, Multilateral Organizations, NGO’s ... - Personal projects (entrepreneurs) offering consulting services related to

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- China Export Manager - Product manager - Coordinator of International Investment - Executives of Foreign Trade - International Banking Department - Foreign Trade Consultant - Sales Representative - Sales Representative in China - Technical Sales area import / export - International collections manager - Sales to foreign customers - Export Assistant - Assistant of International Marketing & Sales - Manager of International Markets - Administrative import / export

foreign trade, China Business Consultant, Business Agent, import/export agents, brokers or creating one’s own company specializing in global business (import / export).

Evaluations, Thesis and Diploma of the Master Executive in International Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization

Continuous assessment: Evaluations and Thesis of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB


The assessment of the student is continuous and is based on:

1- Successful completion of exercises

Each learning unit of each module of the Master Executive in International Trade, Global

2- Thesis of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive.

For the successful completion of the Master, students must submit a Thesis. The topic must be international business related (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing, Internationalization, Business in China ...).

The Coach will be providing students with guidelines and requirements on writing the paper. If the student works in a company, he can develop the thesis related to his work.

Thesis normally report on a research project or an extended analysis of a topic. Some examples of thesis: "International Marketing Plan" (for a company), " Creating international distribution networks”, "Strategies for international promotion", "Project Investment (FDI) in China "," SWOT

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Marketing and Internationalization (Incoterms, International Logistics, International Distribution, Export Prices, Business in China - Hong Kong, Foreign Direct Investment FDI, Intercultural Management ...) has exercises that are evaluated which the student must work out and pass in order to obtain their respective diploma.

The purpose of these exercises is for the student to work on practical cases and try to solve them efficiently. Normally Professors need one week to evaluate the exercise. When the Professor has evaluated the exercise, the student will receive a message with the score and commentaries. If the teacher believes the student has not reached the minimum level, he will guide in order to improve the quality of their exercises.

The important thing is to learn!!!

analysis of company X in the global markets " ...

Delivery of the exercises and the thesis is done digitally, through our e-campus.

EENI encourages the creation of works group with students from different countries.

Diploma of the Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive

Diploma. Students who successfully complete all exercises and thesis will obtain the masters degree diploma or course certificate for other courses issued by EENI.

- Students with a bachelor's degree will receive a "Diploma of Master in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization) MIB Executive" (Advanced Degree Program). In this case it will be necessary to send us a certified copy of your university diploma. - Students without a bachelor's degree will receive an "Advanced Diploma in International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing and Internationalization." Note. The diploma not specify the methodology of study.

(c) EENI- The Global Business School (http://en.reingex.com/)
