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Master in Political Sciences : International Relations

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences MA-PINT | 2021-2022 Master in Political Sciences : International Relations The 2021-2022 programme is subject to change. It is provided for information purposes only. Programme mnemonic MA-PINT Focus Security, peace, conflicts : M-PINTP Focus World : M-PINTM Focus Globalisation and public policies : M-PINTG Studies level Master 120 credits Learning language Focus Security, peace, conflicts : english and french Focus World : english Focus Globalisation and public policies : english and french Schedule office hours Studies category / subcategory Human and social sciences / Political and social sciences Jury Presidents Christophe WASINSKI (Security, peace, conflicts), Isaline BERGAMASCHI (Security, peace, conflicts), Christophe WASINSKI (World), Isaline BERGAMASCHI (World), Isaline BERGAMASCHI (Globalisation and public policies) and Christophe WASINSKI (Globalisation and public policies) Jury Secretary Nathalie BRACK Page 1/13

Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

MA-PINT | 2021-2022

Master in Political Sciences : International Relations

The 2021-2022 programme is subject to change. It is provided for information purposes only.

Programme mnemonicMA-PINT Focus Security, peace, conflicts : M-PINTP Focus World : M-PINTM Focus Globalisation and public policies : M-PINTG

Studies levelMaster 120 credits

Learning language Focus Security, peace, conflicts : english and french Focus World : english Focus Globalisation and public policies : english and french

Scheduleoffice hours

Studies category / subcategoryHuman and social sciences / Political and social sciences

Jury PresidentsChristophe WASINSKI (Security, peace, conflicts), IsalineBERGAMASCHI (Security, peace, conflicts), Christophe WASINSKI(World), Isaline BERGAMASCHI (World), Isaline BERGAMASCHI(Globalisation and public policies) and Christophe WASINSKI(Globalisation and public policies)

Jury SecretaryNathalie BRACK

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

MA-PINT | M-PINTP | 2021-2022

Master in Political Sciences : International RelationsFocus Security, peace, conflicts

Bloc 1 | M-PINTP | MA-PINT

Tronc communCours obligatoires

POLI-D408 Relations internationales | Julien JEANDESBOZ (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

POLI-D434 Globalization Studies | Isaline BERGAMASCHI (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term English

POLI-D446 International actors | Christian OLSSON (Coordinator), Isaline BERGAMASCHI and Zuzana Hudakova 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

One course chosen from the following

DROI-C4001 Droit international public | Olivier CORTEN (Coordinator) and François DUBUISSON 10 credits [lecture: 48h] first term French

DROI-C4020 Public international law | Anne LAGERWALL (Coordinator) and Vaios KOUTROULIS 10 credits [lecture: 48h, tutorial classes: 12h, practical work: 12h] first term English

Module méthodesL’inscription aux cours ci-dessous ne sera effective qu’après avoir assisté à la séance d’information commune en début de second quadrimestreetselon la liste à compléter sur placeauprès des titulaires » (l’inscription ne pourra pas se faire en ligne par les étudiants). La séance d’informationest donc obligatoire.

A total of five credits chosen from the following

POLI-D438 Méthodes d'enquête de terrain en relations internationales | Isaline BERGAMASCHI (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D460 Méthodes qualitatives en science politique | Corinne TORREKENS (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D463 Analyse des discours politiques et médiatiques | Arthur BORRIELLO (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

SOCA-D403 Analyse quantitative II | Dirk JACOBS (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

SOCA-D460 Social Network Analysis | Matteo GAGLIOLO (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h, tutorial classes: 12h] second term English

STAT-D203 Analyse quantitative I | Catherine VERMANDELE (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h, tutorial classes: 12h] second term French

STAT-D307 Méthodes d'enquête et de sondage | Catherine VERMANDELE (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Préparation au mémoirePOLI-D404 Etudes approfondies de science politique /Master Thesis Seminar | Frédéric LOUAULT (Coordinator), Julien JEANDESBOZ,

Corinne TORREKENS and Aurélie Tibbaut 10 credits [tutorial classes: 48h] first term French

Cours spécifiquesDROI-O605 Droit de la paix et de la sécurité internationale | Olivier CORTEN (Coordinator) and Nabile Hajjami

5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D410 Théories de la sécurité | Elisa LOPEZ LUCIA (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D520 Security Practices and Political Violence | Christian OLSSON (Coordinator), Janis Grzybowski and Giulia Prelz Oltramonti 10 credits [lecture: 36h, practical work: 12h] second term English

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

MA-PINT | M-PINTP | 2021-2022

Master in Political Sciences : International RelationsFocus Security, peace, conflicts

Bloc 2 | M-PINTP | MA-PINT

Tronc communMémoire

MEMO-D528 Mémoire 30 credits academic year French


A total of 15 credits chosen from the following

POLI-D462 Stage en Relations Internationales | Elisa LOPEZ LUCIA (Coordinator) 15 credits [work placement: 180h] first and second terms French

POLI-D546 Mobilité internationale 15 credits first term French

Module optionnel spécifique

A total of 15 credits chosen from the following

DROI-C5149 Droit des conflits armés / Law of armed conflicts | Vaios KOUTROULIS (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term English/French

DROI-C5155 Droit des organisations internationales et sécurité collective | Pierre KLEIN (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

DROI-C670 Droit international et crise climatique | Nicolas ANGELET (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

DROI-C685 Terrorism and international law | Pierre KLEIN (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term English

ETHI-B510 Séminaire d'éthique et philosophie des relations internationales (Chre Bernheim Paix et Citoyenneté) | Thomas BERNS(Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

POLI-D401 EU's Eastern Neighborhood | Aude MERLIN (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term English

POLI-D424 Etats et conflits au Caucase | Aude MERLIN (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D504 Problèmes actuels de politique internationale | Nicolas LEDENT (Coordinator) and Axel KENES 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D505 Digital Politics | Pietro Castelli Gattinara (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

POLI-D509 Politique de l'Amérique latine | Frédéric LOUAULT (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D538 Armement et désarmement en politique internationale | Christophe WASINSKI (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D539 La Chine et le monde : la politique étrangère chinoise depuis 1949 | Thierry KELLNER (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-Y500 Belgisch en vergelijkend buitenlands beleid 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term Dutch

POLI-Y501 Internationale veiligheid 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term Dutch

RELA-D400 L'islam en Europe contemporaine | Corinne TORREKENS (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

MA-PINT | M-PINTM | 2021-2022

Master in Political Sciences : International RelationsFocus World

Bloc 1 | M-PINTM | MA-PINT

Tronc communCours obligatoires

POLI-D408 Relations internationales | Julien JEANDESBOZ (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

POLI-D434 Globalization Studies | Isaline BERGAMASCHI (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term English

POLI-D446 International actors | Christian OLSSON (Coordinator), Isaline BERGAMASCHI and Zuzana Hudakova 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

One course chosen from the following

DROI-C4001 Droit international public | Olivier CORTEN (Coordinator) and François DUBUISSON 10 credits [lecture: 48h] first term French

DROI-C4020 Public international law | Anne LAGERWALL (Coordinator) and Vaios KOUTROULIS 10 credits [lecture: 48h, tutorial classes: 12h, practical work: 12h] first term English

Module MéthodesL’inscription aux cours ci-dessous ne sera effective qu’après avoir assisté à la séance d’information commune en début de second quadrimestreetselon la liste à compléter sur placeauprès des titulaires » (l’inscription ne pourra pas se faire en ligne par les étudiants). La séance d’informationest donc obligatoire.

A total of five credits chosen from the following

POLI-D438 Méthodes d'enquête de terrain en relations internationales | Isaline BERGAMASCHI (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D460 Méthodes qualitatives en science politique | Corinne TORREKENS (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D463 Analyse des discours politiques et médiatiques | Arthur BORRIELLO (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

SOCA-D403 Analyse quantitative II | Dirk JACOBS (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

SOCA-D460 Social Network Analysis | Matteo GAGLIOLO (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h, tutorial classes: 12h] second term English

STAT-D203 Analyse quantitative I | Catherine VERMANDELE (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h, tutorial classes: 12h] second term French

STAT-D307 Méthodes d'enquête et de sondage | Catherine VERMANDELE (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Préparation au mémoirePOLI-D404 Etudes approfondies de science politique /Master Thesis Seminar | Frédéric LOUAULT (Coordinator), Julien JEANDESBOZ,

Corinne TORREKENS and Aurélie Tibbaut 10 credits [tutorial classes: 48h] first term French

Module optionnel

A total of 20 credits chosen from the following

DROI-C5155 Droit des organisations internationales et sécurité collective | Pierre KLEIN (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

DROI-C670 Droit international et crise climatique | Nicolas ANGELET (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

ORIE-B450 Culture et société du monde chinois | Vanessa FRANGVILLE (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

POLI-D401 EU's Eastern Neighborhood | Aude MERLIN (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term English

POLI-D414 Politiques de développement internationales | Véronique DIMIER (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D504 Problèmes actuels de politique internationale | Nicolas LEDENT (Coordinator) and Axel KENES 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D547 Le Brésil : puissance émergente | Frédéric LOUAULT (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D553 Comparative Regionalism | Pascaline WINAND (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

RELA-D400 L'islam en Europe contemporaine | Corinne TORREKENS (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

SOCA-D499 La religion dans le monde contemporain | Joël Noret (Coordinator) and Anneke NEWMAN 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

Ce cours ne sera pas donné en 2020-21.

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

MA-PINT | M-PINTM | 2021-2022

Master in Political Sciences : International RelationsFocus World

Bloc 2 | M-PINTM | MA-PINT

MémoireMEMO-D528 Mémoire

30 credits academic year French

An alternative chosen from the two following

Cours extérieursHULB-0000 Cours externe à l'Université

30 credits academic year


Crédits spécifiquesCours obligatoires

POLI-D543 Final dissertation seminar | Emilie VAN HAUTE (Coordinator) 10 credits [lecture: 24h] first term English

Module Langue (Cours de français - Accès après examen)

A total of five credits chosen from the following

LANG-B906 Français langue étrangère - Niveau moyen 1 | Nathalie DELCHAMBRE (Coordinator), Sabina GOLA and Marie-Jo Roland 5 credits [lecture: 60h] first and second terms French

LANG-B907 Français langue étrangère - Niveau moyen 2 | Dan VAN RAEMDONCK (Coordinator) and MURIELLE UYTERELST 5 credits [lecture: 60h] first and second terms French

LANG-B908 Français langue étrangère Niveau avancé 1 | Nathalie DELCHAMBRE (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 60h] first and second terms French

LANG-B909 Français langue étrangère Niveau avancé 2 | Dan VAN RAEMDONCK (Coordinator) and MURIELLE UYTERELST 5 credits [lecture: 60h] first and second terms French

LANG-B910 Français langue étrangère Niveau perfectionnement | Marie-Jo Roland (Coordinator) and Sabina GOLA 5 credits [lecture: 60h] first and second terms French

LANG-D303 Anglais III | Christel VAN RANST (Coordinator) 5 credits [tutorial classes: 48h] first and second terms English

Module optionnel

A total of 15 credits chosen from the following

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

POLI-D1001 Introduction aux institutions de l'Union européenne | Seda GÜRKAN (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

POLI-D402 Russian Politics | Aude MERLIN (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

POLI-D406 Géographie politique | Gilles VAN HAMME (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D423 Approche socio-politique de l'Asie musulmane non-arabe | Firouzeh NAHAVANDY (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

POLI-D429 Sport et politique | Jean-Michel DE WAELE (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D509 Politique de l'Amérique latine | Frédéric LOUAULT (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

SOCA-D435 Migrant Integration Policies in Europe | Dirk JACOBS (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 36h] first term English

SOCA-D461 Development and globalization: theories and practices | Jacinto Cuvi (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

SOCA-D471 Agricultures, Ruralities and Globalization | Laurence ROUDART (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term English

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

MA-PINT | M-PINTG | 2021-2022

Master in Political Sciences : International RelationsFocus Globalisation and public policies

Bloc 1 | M-PINTG | MA-PINT

Tronc communCours obligatoires

POLI-D408 Relations internationales | Julien JEANDESBOZ (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

POLI-D434 Globalization Studies | Isaline BERGAMASCHI (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term English

POLI-D446 International actors | Christian OLSSON (Coordinator), Isaline BERGAMASCHI and Zuzana Hudakova 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

One course chosen from the following

DROI-C4001 Droit international public | Olivier CORTEN (Coordinator) and François DUBUISSON 10 credits [lecture: 48h] first term French

DROI-C4020 Public international law | Anne LAGERWALL (Coordinator) and Vaios KOUTROULIS 10 credits [lecture: 48h, tutorial classes: 12h, practical work: 12h] first term English

Module MéthodesL’inscription aux cours ci-dessous ne sera effective qu’après avoir assisté à la séance d’information commune en début de second quadrimestreetselon la liste à compléter sur placeauprès des titulaires » (l’inscription ne pourra pas se faire en ligne par les étudiants). La séance d’informationest donc obligatoire.

A total of five credits chosen from the following

POLI-D438 Méthodes d'enquête de terrain en relations internationales | Isaline BERGAMASCHI (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D460 Méthodes qualitatives en science politique | Corinne TORREKENS (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D463 Analyse des discours politiques et médiatiques | Arthur BORRIELLO (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

SOCA-D403 Analyse quantitative II | Dirk JACOBS (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

SOCA-D460 Social Network Analysis | Matteo GAGLIOLO (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h, tutorial classes: 12h] second term English

STAT-D203 Analyse quantitative I | Catherine VERMANDELE (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h, tutorial classes: 12h] second term French

STAT-D307 Méthodes d'enquête et de sondage | Catherine VERMANDELE (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Préparation au mémoirePOLI-D404 Etudes approfondies de science politique /Master Thesis Seminar | Frédéric LOUAULT (Coordinator), Julien JEANDESBOZ,

Corinne TORREKENS and Aurélie Tibbaut 10 credits [tutorial classes: 48h] first term French

Cours spécifiquePOLI-D414 Politiques de développement internationales | Véronique DIMIER (Coordinator)

5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D445 International Political Economy | Isaline BERGAMASCHI (Coordinator) 10 credits [lecture: 36h, practical work: 12h] second term English

POLI-D521 Politiques publiques internationales | Véronique DIMIER (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

MA-PINT | M-PINTG | 2021-2022

Master in Political Sciences : International RelationsFocus Globalisation and public policies

Bloc 2 | M-PINTG | MA-PINT

Tronc communMémoire

MEMO-D528 Mémoire 30 credits academic year French


A total of 15 credits chosen from the following

POLI-D462 Stage en Relations Internationales | Elisa LOPEZ LUCIA (Coordinator) 15 credits [work placement: 180h] first and second terms French

POLI-D546 Mobilité internationale 15 credits first term French

Module optionnel 2

A total of 15 credits chosen from the following

DROI-C5150 International and European Environemental Law 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

Ce cours ne sera pas donné en 2021-2022 et 2022-2023.

DROI-C615 Droit international économique | Nicolas ANGELET (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D423 Approche socio-politique de l'Asie musulmane non-arabe | Firouzeh NAHAVANDY (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

POLI-D500 Evaluation of European Public Policies | Eric PHILIPPART (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 12h] second term English

POLI-D508 Global Health Governance | Véronique DIMIER (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term English

POLI-D509 Politique de l'Amérique latine | Frédéric LOUAULT (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D547 Le Brésil : puissance émergente | Frédéric LOUAULT (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term French

POLI-D552 Questions politiques d'actualité en Chine | Thierry KELLNER (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] first term French

POLI-D553 Comparative Regionalism | Pascaline WINAND (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

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Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

POLI-O417 Energy and Environment Policies of the EU | Amandine BLED (Coordinator) and Marco ORSINI 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

POLI-Y500 Belgisch en vergelijkend buitenlands beleid 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term Dutch

POLI-Y501 Internationale veiligheid 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term Dutch

SOCA-D461 Development and globalization: theories and practices | Jacinto Cuvi (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h] second term English

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