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Mastro arte DX SX - la Repubblica

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the best 79 TROVAROMA best in Rome the best in Rome the Dylan-Knopfler live concert T hese two rock legends take the stage together on November 12th as part of a European tour marking Bob Dylan’s 70th birthday. Born Robert Allen Zimmerman, the American singer-songwriter, poet and painter has been one of the most influential figures in popular music and culture for the past five decades. Originally influenced by folk and country artists such as Woody Gu- thrie and Hank Williams, Dylan became the voice of the civil rights, anti-war move- ment of the 1960’s and ‘70’s, incorporating political, social, philosophical and literary themes into his lyrics. Scottish guitarist, vo- calist and songwriter Mark Knopfler co- founded the British rock band Dire Straits in 1977 but has also had a successful solo career releasing six albums and writing filmscores such as ‘Local Hero’, ‘Cal’ and ‘The Princess Bride’. Don’t miss this chance to see them performing together, tickets from euro 50 to euro 100 plus charges, call 06-54220870 or see www.the-base.it November 13th at Parco della Musica Pat Metheny and his trio A merican jazz guitarist and composer Pat Metheny returns to Rome with his trio for their first European tour in ele- ven years. The eighteen times Grammy Award winner from Missouri will be releasing a new album next June entitled ‘What’s it all about’ featuring tracks by Paul Simon, Lennon and McCartney, Burt Bacharach and other composers who’ve influen- ced Metheny throughout his pro- lific career. He came to fame in the mid 1970’s with vibraphonist Gary Burton’s band, releasing his debut album ‘Bright Size Life’ in 1975. He started the Pat Metheny group shortly after and the band has gone on to tour the globe picking up nine Grammys of its own. Metheny also plays and records in duos, trios and other formations ranging from progressive, Latin and crossover jazz to post-bop and world fusion. See him with Bill Stewart on drums and Larry Grenadier on bass in the Sala Santa Cecilia, tickets euro 35 to euro 55 on 06- 80241281, www.auditorium.com Pat Metheny Rome in Caravaggio’s time T his exhibition explores the life and art of the Eternal City during a particularly critical time following the political and social upheavals of the Protestant Reformation and the efforts of the popes to restore the power and prestige of the Catholic Church. By bringing together some 140 paintings from museums and galle- ries around the world, the show tra- ces the influence of the two great artists at the turn of the XVII centu- ry, the classical painter Annibale Carracci from Bologna and the revolutionary Caravaggio from Milan. Following the deaths of the two artists in 1609 and 1610, their very different styles were taken up by Italian painters including Domenichino, Lanfranco, Guido Reni or Gentileschi, Saraceni or Manfredi, as well as French, Flemish and Spanish artists active in Rome, such as Valentin, Rubens and Ribera. From November 11th to February 5th, open 10am to 7pm, closed on Mondays, details and bookings on 06-32810. ART JAZZ ROCK From Friday 11th at Palazzo Venezia Saturday 12th at Palalottomatica ‘Susanna and the Elders’, oil on canvas by Artemisia Gentileschi Bob Dylan THE BEST_79-80_1087_MASTRO The Best in Rome_DX-SX 07/11/11 17.13 Pagina 79
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Dylan-Knopfler live concertThese two rock legends take the stage

together on November 12th as part of aEuropean tour marking Bob Dylan’s 70thbirthday. Born Robert Allen Zimmerman,the American singer-songwriter, poet andpainter has been one of the most influentialfigures in popular music and culture for thepast five decades. Originally influenced byfolk and country artists such as Woody Gu-thrie and Hank Williams, Dylan becamethe voice of the civil rights, anti-war move-ment of the 1960’s and ‘70’s, incorporatingpolitical, social, philosophical and literarythemes into his lyrics. Scottish guitarist, vo-calist and songwriter Mark Knopfler co-founded the British rock band Dire Straits

in 1977 but has also had a successful solo career releasing six albums andwriting filmscores such as ‘Local Hero’, ‘Cal’ and ‘The Princess Bride’.Don’t miss this chance to see them performing together, tickets from euro50 to euro 100 plus charges, call 06-54220870 or see www.the-base.it

November 13th at Parco della Musica

Pat Metheny and his trioAmerican jazz guitarist and

composer Pat Methenyreturns to Rome with his trio fortheir first European tour in ele-ven years. The eighteen timesGrammy Award winner fromMissouri will be releasing a newalbum next June entitled ‘What’sit all about’ featuring tracks byPaul Simon, Lennon andMcCartney, Burt Bacharach and

other composers who’ve influen-ced Metheny throughout his pro-lific career. He came to fame inthe mid 1970’s with vibraphonistGary Burton’s band, releasinghis debut album ‘Bright SizeLife’ in 1975. He started the PatMetheny group shortly after andthe band has gone on to tour theglobe picking up nine Grammysof its own. Metheny also playsand records in duos, trios andother formations ranging fromprogressive, Latin and crossoverjazz to post-bop and worldfusion. See him with Bill Stewarton drums and Larry Grenadieron bass in the Sala Santa Cecilia,tickets euro 35 to euro 55 on 06-80241281, www.auditorium.com

Pat Metheny

Rome in Caravaggio’s timeThis exhibition explores the life and art of the Eternal City

during a particularly critical time following the political andsocial upheavals of the Protestant Reformation and the efforts ofthe popes to restore the power and prestige of the Catholic Church.By bringing together some 140 paintings from museums and galle-ries around the world, the show tra-ces the influence of the two greatartists at the turn of the XVII centu-ry, the classical painter AnnibaleCarracci from Bologna and therevolutionary Caravaggio fromMilan. Following the deaths of thetwo artists in 1609 and 1610, theirvery different styles were taken upby Italian painters includingDomenichino, Lanfranco, GuidoReni or Gentileschi, Saraceni orManfredi, as well as French,Flemish and Spanish artists activein Rome, such as Valentin, Rubensand Ribera. From November 11thto February 5th, open 10am to7pm, closed on Mondays, detailsand bookings on 06-32810.



From Friday 11th at Palazzo Venezia

Saturday 12th at Palalottomatica

‘Susanna and the Elders’,oil on canvas by ArtemisiaGentileschi

Bob Dylan

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EXHIBITIONSMICHELANGELO ANDLEONARDO This exhibition at the Capitoli-ne Museums of fers, for thefirst time, a chance to compa-re and contrast drawings andsketches by the two great ma-sters of the Italian Renaissan-ce, Leonardo and Michelange-lo, through some sixty of theirworks on display until 19th2012. Opening hours from9am to 8pm, closed on Mon-days, tickets euro 6 or euro12 for joint entrance to theexhibition and museums, de-tails on 06-0608.

THE RENAISSANCEIN ROMEEntitled “The Renaissance inRome” this exhibition explo-res artistic, architectural andurban planning in 16th centu-ry Rome. Seven sections be-ar witness to an extraordinari-ly fer tile and sophisticatedperiod in the histor y of ar twhich started off still imbuedin classical culture, and deve-loped within the influence ofa new and enthralling reli-gious spirituality. It includesmasterpieces by Raphael, Mi-chelangelo and others. Until12th Februar y at PalazzoSciarra, Via M. Minghetti 22,tel. 0639967888. 9am-6pm.Saturday 9am-2pm. Sundayclosed.PIET MONDRIANThis is a major retrospectivethat aims to cover the over

30 years of Piet Mondrian’sactivity. More than seventyoil paintings and drawings bythe Dutch ar tist who is con-sidered to be one of thefounders of abstractionism,as well as an impor tant re-presentative of neo-plasti-cism, highlight the overallcoherence of an ar tist who-se capacity for renewal andar t ist ic growth remainedconstant throughout his ca-reer. Unti l 29th Januar y2012 at Complesso del Vit-toriano, Via San Pietro inCarcere. For information tel.066780664. Open Mondayto Thursday 9.30am -7.30pm; Friday and Saturday9.30am - 11.30pm; Sunday9.30am - 8.30pm.

con la collaborazione di Linda Bordoni


‘Homo Sapiens: the great story of human diversity’ is the title ofthis interactive exhibition which runs from November 11th to

February 12th at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Via Nazionale 194. Divi-ded into six sections, it has been put together by a team of geneti-cists, linguistic specialists, anthropologists and paleo-anthropologiststo examine the origins of the human race, some two million yearsago, followed by the development of homo sapiens who migrated,colonised and settled on the different continents. Open 10am to 8pmor 10.30pm on Friday and Saturday, closed Mondays, details and boo-kings on 06-39967500.


The multimedia Homo SapiensFrom 11th at Palazzo delle Esposizioni

Ramin Bahrami


The young Iranian-born pianist Ramin Bahramiperforms Bach and Scarlatti at Rome’s La

Sapienza University on Saturday 12th as part ofthe IUC season of classical concerts. After fleeingTeheran with his fami-ly – his father died injail there – Bahramistudied in Milan andStockholm and hasgone on to play inconcert halls acrossEurope and beyond.In Piazzale Aldo Moro5 at 5.30pm, ticketsfrom euro 15 to euro25, euro 4 for under14s and euro 8 forunder euro 30s,www.concertiiuc.it or06-3610051/2.

Valery GergievRussian conductor Valery Gergiev and the

Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra from St Peter-sburg continue their season of Mahler sympho-nies in the Sala Santa Cecilia. On Thursday 10th

at 9pm they performhis 3rd symphony in Dminor, followed onFriday 11th at 7.30pmby his 4th and theadagio from the workhe started as his 10thsymphony shortlybefore his death in1911. On 12th, 14thand 15th Gergiev con-ducts the Santa Ceciliaorchestra with his 7thsymphony, details onwww.santacecilia or06-8082058.Pianist Ramin Bahrami

Pre-colombian idol from theAntilles made in cotton

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