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Maximizing the ROI of Managed IT Services Industry Events on a Budget.

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Maximizing the ROI of Managed IT Services Industry Events on a Budget. Money- and time-saving tips every MSP should be using.
Page 1: Maximizing the ROI of Managed IT Services Industry Events on a Budget.

Maximizing the ROI ofManaged IT Services Industry

Events on a Budget.

Money- and time-saving tips every MSP should be using.

Page 2: Maximizing the ROI of Managed IT Services Industry Events on a Budget.


IntroductionWhether you’re adding MSP, cloud, hosting or other IT industry

trade shows and events to your marketing tool kit for the first time

or you’re a seasoned pro, these insider tips will help you save

money, save time and take advantage of free resources you

shouldn’t overlook.

Depending on the type of show you’ve chosen to attend and the package, sponsorships and

booth size you choose to purchase, you may be given the list of pre-registered attendees

by the show organizers. Use it.

Market to these people both before and after

the show. Before the show, create an email

campaign or direct mail piece with a very

specific call to action―inviting the attendees

to stop by your booth with an offer code to

get something special in your booth. You’ll

attract additional attendees to your booth

and better understand the success of your

campaign by the number of people who

stopped by.

This pre-registered show list should also be

made available to your sales team to follow

up with phone calls before and after the


Pre-Show Tip

Free ResourceIf You’re Given A Pre-Registered List,

Use It.

Page 3: Maximizing the ROI of Managed IT Services Industry Events on a Budget.


If you have a small table top or 10x10 booth that fits into 1 or 2 plastic cases, why pay for

expensive shipping through a trucking company or FedEx, UPS, DHL or some other carrier?

To save money, you can bring these items with you to the airport and check the cases as

luggage. There will be a cost to do this but certainly nowhere near what it would cost you

to have a shipping company send your cases. If you're willing to schlep the cases around

yourself, it can save you significant money.

Pre-Show Tip

Save MoneyA Shipping Alternative.

Pre-Show Tip

Free Opportunity

Every show usually includes some members of the press whether reporters, bloggers,

analysts or other industry influencers who come to check out what’s new and different in

the areas in which they write.

Help a Reporter Out.

Some shows provide exhibitors with a pre-

registered attendee list which includes names

of the press. Others set up a networking

website where all attendees and exhibitors

can network online to schedule meetings at

the show. Take advantage of this huge

opportunity and reach out to reporters who

you feel would be interested in learning more

about what your company is doing, new

announcements, a sneak peak at new

technologies, etc.

Invite them to your booth, to a networking event, reception or even just a cup of coffee. It

doesn't have to be a formal sit down interview with an article posted the next day,

although that would be great. At least introduce them to your company, your team, your

services and how you stand out from your competitors. Offer to be their go to contact

when they have general questions about the industry or are looking for an alternative

opinion when writing about a topic you’re expert in. Meeting in person at the show may

possibly garner immediate press but, more importantly, can lay the groundwork for long

term relationships and many future press opportunities.

Page 4: Maximizing the ROI of Managed IT Services Industry Events on a Budget.


Participating in speaking sessions where subject matter experts discuss relevant topics or

provide educational instruction can be a great benefit to a company looking to break into a

new market or position itself and the speaker as an industry leader. Other than the travel

expense for an out of town event, the opportunity to speak is often free (although not

always). There are generally 3 primary ways in which you can speak:

1. Free and open to anyone:

Some shows open this opportunity to anyone who wants to speak on one of the topic

categories chosen by the show management. When reviewing a trade show’s website, find

out if they’re accepting speaker abstracts or there is a “call for papers” and when your

submission is due. The abstract, which is usually a 1 or 2 paragraph overview of what you

will speak about and what the attendees should expect to learn, will need to be submitted

with the application. Approximately 4-6 weeks later you’ll be notified if you’ve been


Be careful if you’re accepted: some shows will allow you to substitute the speaker you

originally submitted for someone else in your company if the original speaker is unable to

attend. Some shows will not allow this and could eliminate your session, replacing it with

another company/topic if you attempt to switch speakers.

2. Pay to play:

Some shows offer a speaking opportunity only to those companies who have purchased a

large booth space or a sponsorship package. This is usually listed as part of the sponsorship

description. If the show is very important to your business and you would consider

purchasing a large booth or sponsorship anyway, then this is a good opportunity for you. If

you would only pay the extra cost to be able to get a speaking spot then you need to

decide if the added expense is worth it.

3. Invitation only:

For other shows, the ability to speak is by invitation only. This is frequently the case for

partner or reseller shows run by companies like Microsoft and VMware, for example, where

the event may be specifically targeted at vendors, channel partners or customers.

Pre-Show Tip

Free Opportunity

Give a Presentation.

If you have a relationship with the company managing the show, and have

not already been approached about speaking, discuss your participation at

the event with your account manager or other contact. They may not be

able to give you your own session but may be able to add you to a panel

discussion which includes other vendors, customers or partners.

Page 5: Maximizing the ROI of Managed IT Services Industry Events on a Budget.


Are you speaking at an upcoming show? Will you be

launching a new product or service? Are you a conference

sponsor? Let people know.

Write and distribute a press release 3-4 weeks before the

show takes place. This will generate additional pre-show

interest, enable attendees to add your activities to their

calendar of things to do at the show before it fills up and

will assist in online marketing efforts (SEO) by having your

information appear in search engines when online searches

are done for a particular show.

But don't stop there. Write and distribute a media alert 1

week before the show begins highlighting a specific activity

you will be participating in or something you will be

Are you on the fence about whether

to exhibit at a specific show?

“It seems like the right audience.

There’ll be thousands of attendees

and we’re trying to grow our

business in this market. But is it

really the right show for us?”

Why not send 1 or 2 people to the

show as attendees to gain an

insiders perspective as to whether

it’s really appropriate for your

business? If it is, you’ve hopefully

made some initial contacts and will

be better prepared to exhibit next

year. If not, you’ll have saved a lot

of money by learning that this show

isn’t really the one for your


For Immediate Release.

Exhibit or Bust.

Maybe Not.

Pre-Show Tip

Save Money

Pre-Show Tip

Free Opportunity

The show daily, a small publication or online magazine which includes a wrap-up of what happened

at the show on the prior day and previews what will be happening at the show on that day, may

also include your information in their publication, resulting in additional attendee traffic to your

booth or speaker session.

featuring in your booth. Be sure to quickly get across the who, what, where and when. Many

reporters, bloggers and others watch for these announcements and may reach out to you for a

larger story―or to at least stop by to learn more.

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Are you a VAR or MSP for Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Citrix, VMware or other technology

companies? Do they offer co-op marketing funds or MDF (market development funds) to

assist you in selling their products/services? If you’re unsure, reach out to them and ask. If

they do, talk to them about your interest in participating in a specific show. Depending

on the location, attendee demographics, key messages and other criteria, they may

encourage you to participate by agreeing to pay for a portion of your booth, the booth

space, tchotchkes, signage and other items needed for the show. They may also provide

additional products for you to raffle off as prizes during the show or even send their own

employees to help you sell in your booth.

The more of their products you sell, the better for them as well, so it's a win-win situation

for both of you.

Pre-Show Tip

Found MoneyNeed Money to Exhibit?

Additional Magazine Circulation.

Pre-Show Tip

Save Money

Trade magazines often partner with or participate in many of the shows you may be

interested in attending and distribute their magazine free to all show attendees. This can

often add another 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 or more readers to the normal circulation.

You’ll find the names of the participating magazines on the show’s website. Once you

know who they are, go to their individual sites and review the magazines’ editorial

calendar. You’ll learn what topics they will focus on during the month in which the show

is taking place. You may be able to submit an article, reach out to a reporter to provide

expertise on a certain subject or be interviewed for inclusion in the article. This is an

opportunity to get free press coverage and your message will reach additional readers

who may never have picked up the magazine before.

This is also the case if you choose to advertise in the publication. You'll get more bang

for your buck by advertising in the magazines with additional circulation at the show.

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To ensure that posters and other graphics will get to your

booth in one piece without bent corners or other damage,

you may want to consider designing your show graphics as

you normally do and then uploading your files to the FedEx

Office Print Center, FASTSIGNS, Staples or other printing

company that has an office near the convention center

where the show is taking place. You can place the order

online and you or a member of your team can pick up the

graphics when you arrive in that city to set up your booth

before the show.

There are benefits and drawbacks to doing this:

1. Benefit: This will save on shipping costs and ensure

the graphics are not damaged along the way.

2. Drawback: Graphics that are too big for you to

handle yourself may require you to hire people to bring

it from the printer to the hall. This additional cost may

wipe out the savings that you got from not shipping the


Just know that the ability to design your graphics locally

and have them printed in the show city, possibly thousands

of miles away, is available to you. You’ll have to weigh the

pros and cons for yourself. It’s also an excellent option if

you need to have something created last minute and won’t

have time to ship it.

Creating Signage.

Pre-Show Tip

Save MoneyDepending on the type of show and

the size of the booth you select,

you may be given one or more “full

conference passes” in addition to

the passes you will receive for

those people manning your booth.

This frequently includes free

access to all meetings, educational

sessions, keynote speeches, exhibit

hall and possibly all meals as well.

Check to see if the purchase of

your booth space includes this. If

it does, you’ll save money by not

having to buy a full conference

pass for one of your employees.

Here’s A Free


Pre-Show Tip

Save Money

Page 8: Maximizing the ROI of Managed IT Services Industry Events on a Budget.


Planning on having a product demo or playing video games in your booth to attract people

as they walk by? Why not kill two birds with one stone and save money as well. Don't rent

a TV or monitor from the show decorator. Consider buying it from an electronics store

near the convention center. Use it during the show and then raffle it off at the end. This

"prize" will be another reason for people to stop into your booth and you’ll have saved

money by not having to rent a TV and buy a separate prize to raffle off.

On-Site Show Tip

Save MoneyAs Seen on TV.

On-Site Show Tip

Save Money

While you’re at your show, the show management may schedule a meeting for you to come

to the sales office and select your booth space for next year's show. This enables the show

to lock in commitments a year in advance, allows you to get an early pick at a good booth

space for next year and gives you a discount for reserving your space early.

As an exhibitor, you want the time to be able to get back to your office, speak with your

team, follow up with the prospects you met, close some deals and better understand the

true ROI of this event to determine whether it will be worthwhile for your company to

exhibit again next year. The show, on the other hand, wants you to sign up now and get

your money so you're locked in.

Reserve Next Year’s Show Now?

Cancellation policies vary from show to

show. Some give you a 30 day cancellation

clause which enables you to cancel up to 30

days after the current show is over without

any financial penalty. Other shows require

an up front percentage of payment and if

you cancel you will receive X% back (never

the full amount).

If you’re certain you want to exhibit the following year then sign up during your sales

appointment at the current show. You’ll get a discount and your ability to pick a better

booth location for next year is greater because booth spaces for next year become

available first to current exhibitors. If you’re uncertain about next year's participation but

are able to cancel without financial penalty up to 30 days after the current show, then sign

up and make sure that you evaluate the return on your show investment within that time.

Page 9: Maximizing the ROI of Managed IT Services Industry Events on a Budget.


Most trade shows will have a room set aside for the press―usually called a press room,

media room or press kit room. It's a place for exhibiting companies to put their press kits

for reporters to pick up, for journalists and companies to meet for interviews and a place

for reporters, bloggers and others to write their stories.

This is another opportunity for you to get your company/product announcements and other

press information into the hands of people who will write about you. Make your press kit

stand out and that the reporter understands at a glance what your company does.

Some shows create online press rooms where you can post press releases, information on

your company and products/services, photos, etc. Whether available at the show or

online, take advantage of this free PR distribution opportunity.

On-Site Show Tip

Free Resource

Which Way to the Press Room?

Page 10: Maximizing the ROI of Managed IT Services Industry Events on a Budget.

There are different reasons why

companies go to trade shows.

• To establish a presence in a new


• To solidify a leadership position

among a number of competitors.

• To generate more qualified leads.

• To signup new customers.

• …and many more.

Whatever the reason, it’s important that

you sit back and objectively evaluate

whether the show was a financial

success. At the end of the day, that’s

what really matters. Remember, when

calculating the return, include T&E

expenses, drayage and additional costs

that you won’t know until after the show

is over to ensure that you have an

accurate and complete view of the

success of your show. This will help you

determine if you should exhibit again

next year.

What’s Our ROI?


Written by: Lisa MasielloFounder/President, TECHmarc Labs, Inc.



[email protected]
