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Mayor of Jakarta teknologi

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2014 2045

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Yudha Prabowo 12/330289/TK/39466

Mohammad Akbar Tanjung (12/330219/TK/39402)

Widya Astuti (09/285093/TK/35633)

Ayutyastuti 09/285273/tk/35711

Septian Aditama (09/285533/tk/35830)

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“Improvement of the city can be improved by dividing in the sense of maximizing the system's hometown village into something that not only is no activities to late-pillars are done, but also the village has a charm that is more than that. The project is working named Superkampung.”

Diana Suryawinata

Jakarta is the purpose of the Villager turns the urban population growth rate as a result of urbanization is far better than the rest of the world eg SAR Shanghai (SAR: Special Administrative Region). Here Comparative mapping urban attacks Villager between Shanghai and New York:

Figure a. Shanghai City

Figure b. Jakarta City

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Image on the left is a condition of the area prior to the attack, while urban Villager on the Right side after the urban assault Villager marked with a red dot. It appears that urban villager in Jakarta lower than in Shanghai. Thus Jakarta has not collapsed and still hope to get better.

Superkampung project was created with the aim of creating a model urban village in the world. This project prosperity thinking about how a village can be special and encouraged to perform certain activities of interest. That is in addition to running the village as it should be, a village will be formed into certain specific business area where all the good production to marketing activities undertaken by the village. For example, a village holds the fisheries sector, the other sectors of agriculture and others - others. With the realization of this project, will be the identity of superkampung Jakarta.

Jakarta is the economic center of the city with a very dense flow of vehicles. This causes the density of the level of pollution in Jakarta, plus factories also emit exhaust gases in the production process. This leads to the condition of Jakarta becomes increasingly uncomfortable. Jakarta became extremely hot and the air is clean dwindling causing habitation become less and less comfort.

Jakarta Vision 2045

Jakarta the myriad busy making there is huge energy consumption, from electricity to fossil energy. Without the supply of energy - the energy of various activities in the of Jakarta will be disrupted even worse could die. Meanwhile, as we all know that energy - the energy is not a renewable energy group. Moreover, in the current era of mass supply of energy is in crisis.

For that we need another energy supplier is renewable energy. Technological developments in the exploration of renewable energy very rapidly growing. And it's not impossible energy going forward into a major energy supplier in Jakarta.

As we know the traffic of Jakarta has a very dense with high weather temperatures and high levels of solar radiation. The number of access roads and land transportation in Jakarta high sun-exposed areas there can be used as an answer to the energy crisis that occurred in Jakarta in particular and in other cities in general. With solar roadway, two factors can be used as a renewable energy supply in Jakarta.

We probably familiar with the term Solar Cell that is one alternative electric power generation. By using a solar cell, electric energy can be obtained from solar radiation. The working of the solar roadway is not much different from the solar sell, because this technology is the development of solar cells.

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Solar roadway is a concept where the solar cell technology is applied on the highway. With this concept, the highway can now produce electricity. This is a unique eco-friendly concept, where the highway of asphalt each day exposed to the sun's heat is replaced by using solar cell panels.

Not only as a producer of electricity alone, a solar roadway is also a progress in the field of driving safety on the highway. In the Solar Roadways mounted LED lights are used to substitute the line road markings, bookmark the alternative pathway, and signs reminder wildlife areas.

In addition to the use of Solar Roadways, the environmentally friendly cars with electrical energy can freely recharge along the road and in the parking lot. So, there is no need to worry when using electric cars for long trips.

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Our transportation choices shape our city and ourselves. The ease with which we can move around determines how we spend our time each day, where we can go, who we can see, and what we can do. When travelling is easy, we can do and see more, or simply spend more time with the people and activities important to us. A livable city must therefore have a transportation system that meets its residents’ needs.

Jakarta is one of multi-modal city besides SUrabaya. We choose the travel methods that meet our needs for a particular trip— sometimes riding transit or driving, sometimes walking or cycling, and often using more than one mode within a single trip. Having transportation options that are easy, accessible, and flexible allows people to save time and money while increasing their health and well-being.

Transportation is not only about moving people. Jakarta’s economy relies on the local and regional movement of goods and services, requiring efficient truck routes and loading areas, and connections to ship, rail, and air infrastructure. The movement of emergency response vehicles is an important service relied upon by everyone. These aspects of the transportation system must be integrated with people movement to create a complete and well-running system.

Whether moving people, goods, or services, our transportation system is becoming increasingly environmentally sustainable. We’re greening the system by reducing our collective reliance on vehicles that use non-renewable fuels and pollute the air. Instead, we’re focusing on supporting travel modes that use renewable fuels and that move more people with less pollution—like electric cars, transit, and active transportation modes such as walking and cycling. This includes supporting low-impact local goods movement and delivery services.

Transportation 2045 is a long-term strategic plan for the city that will help guide transportation and land use decisions and public investments for the years ahead. It provides a blueprint for us to move forward, build upon our past successes, and rise to meet new and emerging challenges.

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The City’s role in transportation includes:

Building and maintaining City-owned public rights-of-way and infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, and public spaces

Guiding development on private property through land use and urban design policies and guidelines

Managing how our streets are used through rules, regulations, and pricing Advocating and partnering with outside agencies on things beyond our jurisdiction Educating and empowering citizens to make sustainable transportation choices Providing leadership, both locally and around the world


Our world is constantly changing. Jakarta faces a number of challenges-some old, some new, some global in nature, and others unique to our region. With commitment and creativity we can face our transportation future head-on by supporting our economy, protecting the environment, and improving quality of life for everyone.

A GROWING CITY WITH LIMITED ROAD SPACEThe city is growing. Over the next 30 years, we’re expecting about 450 million residents in Indonesia and close to 90,000 new jobs which is Jakarta with the biggest number, bringing more trips and more life to the city. The street network is largely built out, leaving few opportunities for building new roads, but by using our existing streets more efficiently we can move more people in the limited space we have.

DEMAND FOR TRANSITJakarta has one of the busiest transit systems in Indonesia. Unlike in most cities, transit demand far exceeds capacity, but ongoing funding challenges have limited service improvements. If stable, long-term funding can be found, strategic investments will increase transit capacity, helping us meet existing and future demand, and enabling us to reach City, regional, and provincial transportation targets.

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HIGH COST OF HOUSINGJakarta is an expensive city and the high cost of living is a concern for many residents. Although housing costs are usually viewed as the main problem, transportation is a big part of the solution. We can help residents save thousands of dollars each year by reducing the need to drive or own a car. Complete communities—where homes, workplaces, and schools are near to each other—and inexpensive transportation options help to reduce household costs.

RISING FUEL PRICESFossil fuel prices have increased significantly in the past decade, and will continue to rise as global oil production peaks. By prioritizing sustainable transportation options, we can reduce oil dependency and help our residents, businesses, and local industry survive and even thrive in a post-carbon world.


Looking back 1985 Terminal 1 opens boosting capacity by nine million passenger per year

1992 Terminal 2 opens boosting capacity by 18 million passenger per year

2008 Terminal 3 first phase opens, hold the capacity of 31 million passenger per year

2012 Revitalization of terminal 1. It expands the capacity for terminal up to 31 million passenger per year

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Terminal 2 start to revitalized, increasing the terminal 2 capacity from 18 million to 41 million passenger per year

2013 Soetta terminal 3 start build to the full. It expands the capacity to 62 million passenger per year

Work begins on cargo terminal for the capacity of 1,5 tons per year.

The integrated building is under construction.

2014 The third runway opens

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MRT (Mass Rapid Transit)

Penggunaan kendaraan transportasi untuk membantu manusia berpindah tempat telah menjadi bumerang. Ledakan kendaraan pribadi yang terjadi di Jakarta tidak terelakan lagi, harga kendaraan dengan persyaratan pembelian mudah serta murahnya biaya pajak atas kepemilikannya adalah faktor yang tidak bisa dilewatkan konsumen. Lepas dari budaya konsumtif di Indonesia, harus ada tindakan pengalihan kebiasaan pengguna jalan.

Presentase kendaraan pribadi di jalan Jakarta adalah 92%. Alasan masyarakat adalah transportasi yang tidak nyaman karena berdesakan, tidak tepat waktu, transportasi umum yang relatif nyaman tidak menjangkau semua daerah, tidak terhubung dengan banyak fasilitas.

Proyek Jakarta MRT yang saat ini (Oktober 2014) sedang dikerjakan, adalah langkah awal membuat transportasi masal yang memberikan solusi nyata bagi Jakarta.

1. Transportasi yang Nyaman

Bus umum di Jakarta memiliki 50 lebih tempat duduk namun diisi 80 orang, angkutan umum mini bus bisa menampung 4-6 diisi 5-8. Apakah kendaraan umum di Jakarta kurang sehingga orang harus berdesakan dalam kendaraan umum? Seberapa banyak lagi kendaraan di Jakarta? Kenyamanan dalam kendaraan sangat terkait dengan ruang bebas bagi manusia, ada udara untuk bernafas, ruang untuk menggerakkan tangan saat lelah. Menambah armada tidak menyelesaikan masalah ruang bagi manusia saat berada dalam kendaraan, justru membuat kemacetan di luar kendaraan itu, jalan penuh. Membuat jeda antar kendaraan namun dengan laju pergantian yang tinggi adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk mengatasi jumlah pengguna jasa transportasi. Pengguna MRT tidak berdesakan karena jumlah saat sekali jalan tidak penuh namun laju kendaraan yang lebih cepat tidak mengurangi “debit” manusia yang berpindah.

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2. Transportasi yang Dapat Diandalkan

Jepang adalah pelopor “bullet train” yang telah menjaga kejayaannya selama 50 tahun. Rata-rata keterlambatan selama itu adalah 10 detik. Jakarta bergerak terus-menerus, bahkan bagi beberapa elit eksekutif waktu adalah harta yang paling tinggi nilainya. Masyarakat akan sangat memperhitungkan waktu keterlambatan di Jakarta sehingga harus ada waktu khusus jeda untuk transportasi bagi penduduknya. Kualitas hidup akan meningkat dengan ketepatan waktu transportasi, lebih banyak waktu untuk keluarga, penghematan uang makanan ringan saat menunggu. Apa yang dapat terjadi bila Jakarta memiliki MRT sekelas “bullet train” yang ada di Jepang? Bila memilikinya maka kesempatan untuk maju lebih pesat terbuka bagi Jakarta.

3. Menjangkau Semua

Perencanaan jalur strategis harus dipersiapkan untuk membangun jalur yang dapat menjangkau empat penjuru Jakarta. Jakarta pusat adalah tipikal tempat pemasangan fasilitas baru, setiap transportasi baru akan melewati daerah ini dan berujung disekitarnya. Bagaimana dengan warga yang tinggal di Grogol, Jakarta Barat dan bekerja di Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur? Penjangkauan dengan pembangunan jalur yang strategis harus dipersiapkan.

4. Terhubung

MRT akan lebih efektif bila terhubung dengan fasilitas lain, bisa terhubung dengan transportasi lain seperti TransJakarta, CommuterLine, terminal bus, bandara. MRT juga akan semakin diminati jika ada fasilitas yang mendukung gerakan bersahabat dengan alam yaitu adanya penitipan sepeda, dan tentunya aksesibilitas bagi penyandang kekurangan dan difabel.


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Kendaraan PribadiKendaraan Umum




2014Kendaraan PribadiKendaraan Umum (Non-MRT)MRT



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Provision of clean water to the community has a very important role in improving the quality of life. Undeniably, that clean water is a basic human need, the health sector, water can reduce the number of people with the disease, especially relating to water (caused by E-Coli). In the economic sector, water is a key element for the production activities in the manufacturing industry, agriculture, livestock and others. Seeing the importance of clean water for people's lives, it is necessary to water resource management and technology that can maintain the availability and quality of water, as well as the impact of climate change could disrupt the availability of fresh water throughout the year, the growth of population and business communities in need of water as agriculture, livestock, industrial houses, hotels and other businesses make increasing demand for clean water.

In the report the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals Indonesia in 2010, the level of water quality compliance for new residents reached 47.71% (in 2009). For Jakarta, the water resistance was only 2.2 percent, was minimal when compared with Singapore which has successfully reached 68%. this is because the potential of raw water in 13 major rivers and 70 small rivers in the capital only reached 15 thousand cubic per capita per year, and the piped water service in Jakarta could not reach 100 percent, while about 10 million people meet, it takes at least 31 thousand cubic meters per second. Another factor that causes the quantity of fresh water is the capital city of deteriorating soil water availability crisis. Clean water needs can be met only 51 percent of PAM Jaya, the rest filled with ground water and surface water. Of all the potential rainfall in Jakarta, 64 percent flows to the surface of the ground, and the rest seep into aquifers (underground layers) are free. Reduced water that seeped into the ground causing a potential reserve of fresh water can not be fully utilized. In addition, the problem of flooding, and lack of wastewater treatment, causing contamination of well water also affects the availability of water in the Capital. The success of Singapore to build good water resistance, not in spite of the hard work and the application of appropriate technology. Singapore successfully treat almost all urban waste water into clean potable water, desalination, managing the river, and build Deep Tunnel Severage System.

It takes hard work and the right technology to achieve a livable urban life. To reach the capital requirements of clean water a decent future, there are some solutions that can be used to take advantage of available land. Within the city, the water reservoir can be built, green infrastructure, increase the infiltration wells and biopori.


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Deep Tunnel Reservoir System (DTRS)

The technology has been applied in several cities in the world is used to control floods, store water waste which can then be used as raw water, as well as to control excessive groundwater pumping. This technology also corresponds with the state of the modern city, because the construction is not necessary to land acquisition.

DTRS is composed of two components that serve as distribution (also motorway) and rainwater storage facilities and or liquid waste to be processed before being used as raw water.

Figure 2-1. Potongan melintang deep tunnel reservoir Jakarta

Figure 2-2. Rancangan deep tunnel reservoir Jakarta

Though still needed about feasibility study in various aspects especially in the aspect of economic but by urging him the problem of flooding and availability of water raw occurred in jakarta this technology becomes one of the solutions available to be applied in jakarta.From the utilization of dtrs, dependence jakarta to fluctuations raw water supply from outside the capital could be diminimalkan, conservation ground water and sanitation an environment that better also could be reached by effective and simultaneous.

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Seawater Desalination Plant

One source that has the potential to be used as clean water is sea water, fresh water can be produced from sea water desalination technology. Currently desalination technology has evolved so that the costs and energy required in the process of desalination on the wane. There are two types of technology in the desalination process, namely the process of reverse osmosis, and thermal (evaporation) which is called distillation. Currently desalination by utilizing the reverse osmosis process, ie by pumping sea water with high pressure across the membrane, is more widely used as energy consumption more efficient, and more cost feasible.

Jakarta has its advantages if distillation technology capable of being expanded, especially to meet the need for clean water in the district of giant sea wall potential as dealing directly with the Java sea. To meet the need for clean water in Jakarta, destilation plant built area of giant sea wall, then will be distributed through an underground pipeline that will be integrated with the deep tunnel reservoir. For power requirements in its operational processes, this technology will utilize renewable energy. Seawater desalination process itself can cause harm to the marine environment, which will increase the concentration of salt in sea water. But by using the right technology, and because it is used on the high seas, the effects caused by the application of this technology can be minimized. Regardless of the construction costs are relatively expensive, but look at the benefits and risks due to lack of, this technology can be a solution to provide clean water for Jakarta, especially in coastal areas.

Figure 2-3.

Water Supply System Solar Powered

The concept of free provision of clean water that can be drunk directly and distributed via existing tap public places has long been applied in some countries such as Singapore. This

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technology is very likely to be implemented in Jakarta when the raw water supply and processing has been going well.

Figure 2-4. Water Pumping System

Distribution of drinking water in the city can be run with environment-friendly technology and has been proven to successfully distribute water and water needs in some remote areas in Indonesia, the use of photovoltaics.

In addition to distributed public housing, clean water ready to drink also provided in some public spaces. In addition to serving the needs of public drinking water, the system is also expected to reduce the use of plastic bottles of mineral water are commonly consumed by the public.

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Figure 2-5. drinking water provision in public spaces

In addition to the stated technology, there are several alternative technologies to maintain the availability of water in Jakarta, including building international waterpark, in addition to work as a watercatcher in the city, sara can also provide economic benefits for the Capital. Then add watercather small scale in some locations, such as city park which also once used as public open space or city park.

Figure 2-6. Draft of International Waterpark

Recycle, reduce pollution, and improve efficiency in the use of water for the needs of individuals, groups, agriculture, and industry can also help increase the availability of water from the city. Therefore, in addition to the role of government in implementing appropriate systems and technologies, the role of the community to protect the environment is also very influential in maintaining water security, especially in Jakarta.

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Reviewing the development of power projection conditions superpowers are beginning to shift to the Asia-Pacific, that 60 percent of US military forces will move into the region from 2012 to 2020, Indonesia must be prepared to deal with it. Not only that reacted Indonesia, China also disturbed by this US plan and assess this as an effort to counterbalance the power and influence of China in the Asia-Pacific region. China has also accused Australia and the United States strengthen its allies in the South China Sea dispute. Because, lately China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan competing for territory in the South China Sea, which is believed to contain oil and gas reserves are abundant.

Special to the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, as the government control center should be given primary attention to addressing the warming of the countries of interest in the future. Preparation of mature defense development should be done to anticipate things that are not desirable. It is inevitable defense development should also be in synergy with the other aspects of the overall dynamics of the city in order to keep it running harmoniously.

In conducting the defense of the city development planning we need to know the current situation in advance about any possible potential, offers, and capabilities that can be taken to immediately incorporated into the masterplan strategy of defense. In addition, interaction with outside forces, the potentials in the form of positive cooperation and conflict should be defined and predictable to then take a decision for the best strategy. However it looks quite complicated, but overall it can be concluded that the conflicts and wars in the future will be dominated by air power. Therefore the air defense of a capital city is a must to take precedence.

In terms of the balance to the defense procurement process turned out that there is not yet an ideal condition. Indonesia find its position in a dilemma. Short-range air defense systems of Indonesia today, especially in Jakarta based on the NATO system. Battalion Arhanudse 10/1 / F Military District, using artificial Starstreak England. The Air Force was brought 6 Oerlikon batteries from Rheinmetall Air Defence Skyshield Switzerland, for short-range defense for a number of Airbase. Similarly, the Indonesian radar system. Most use the products of France and England. While the doctrine of military weapons procurement is currently adheres to the principles of balance, which bring defense equipment from Western countries as well as Russia, to avoid dependence or embargo. And now Indonesia is a land fight for influence of

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western countries and Russia, in matters of defense equipment supply. Now Indonesia is at a crossroads. Is Indonesia Russia accepted the offer to build a system that is more sophisticated air defense, or switch to the west, because the radar and short-range air defense Indonesia-based NATO?

Diversification of the main tools of defense systems (ALUTSISTA) would have to be made considering the past experience in which Indonesian Military embargoed by the West, while the East Timor dispute at the time, so we are overwhelmed for supplying spare parts we are the dominant weapons system derived from western products . Diversification of defense equipment will also support Indonesia's foreign policy vision that is free of active and impartial. However, to unite two or more types of defense equipment products in order to combine into a single unit that is integrated defense system is not easy. Knowledge about the ins and outs of the workings and principles must be mastered. Therefore any purchase or manufacture of defense equipment cooperation with external parties must be accompanied by policies Transfer of Technology (TOT). This TOT will play an important role in determining the fate of the sustainability of Indonesia's defense, especially in the capital.

Potentials of cooperation that can be done is actually quite a lot of TOT. The parties concerned as with Russia, China, and India, it is also possible even with the United States as long as we can be astute in negotiations on the future by playing their interests in Indonesia.

The strengthening of the Indonesian military ties with Russia, due to the policy of the United States including an international arms embargo of spare parts to Indonesia 1999-2005, on the grounds of human rights violations in East Timor. From 2003 to 2013, Russia had sent 16 fighter jets. Russia also has sold Attack Helicopter Mi-35, Mi-17 Helicopter Transports, IFV BMP-3F, BTR-80A APC and AK-102 assault rifles. The situation was finally read by the United States. They find it starts to lose grip of military equipment sales in Indonesia. United States moves quickly. In 2011 they improve military ties with the grant / refurbish 24 fighter aircraft F-16 C / D Block 25. In 2012, Indonesia and the US also discussed the procurement of multirole helicopters Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk and Boeing Attack Helicopter AH-64E . Until now, the two countries have agreed to bring in 8 AH-64E helicopter.

Shortly after his breakthrough US with sales of the Apache AH-64E, Russia immediately offered grants 10 Kilo class submarines, which are included in the ranks of the modern submarine, with models such as the procurement of 24 F-16 grants the US. Russia would help to strengthen its position. Even the recent Russian air defense missile also offers world-class lineup, the S300, where for future air defense of the capital is located, which is something not to be missed. Viewing offers from Russian defense equipment involving high-powered deterrent relationship reminiscent of past glory, while Soekarno-Soviet friendship is strong and also terkeait alutsist provision at that time to support the liberation of western New Guinea, where Indonesia has grown into the most powerful military force in the southern hemisphere. It will be very promising for the future cooperation of defense equipment and

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TOT. Outside the Russian military cooperation was also offered cooperation for the development of space missions of Indonesia, in particular the launch of a satellite into orbit.

For stronger ties with China since the signing of understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Defence with the Agency for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) of China, March 22, 2011 in Jakarta. Cooperation continues to be enhanced by convening meetings of Defence Industry Cooperation (DICM) in Jakarta, 24 to 25 July 2012 and followed by a meeting in Beijing on August 19 to 20 2013. The meeting in Beijing this has opened the way for increased defense cooperation between Indonesia and China, including the signing of a Letter of Intent for the manufacture of anti-ship missiles along the C-705, between the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia and SASTIND.

As stated earlier that the future of the defense will be very dependent on the superiority of the air force. It also contains a reliable air shield to ward off any threat in the future. Therefore, predictions about the technologies applied and the threat it should be possible in the future. In the year 2045 predicted technology and powered hypersonic cruise missile intercontinental is a major threat, especially the design of missiles aimed at strategic positions as high accuracy, such as the center of the capital. Missiles are used also has stealth technology, which is rather unusual will not be able to detect its position, as well as a very high speed. As an antidote to the needed radars with wavelengths large applications, the L-band, X-band, which is currently Russia is a pioneer in that field. Radars will be installed at the edge of town to track the arrival of missiles from the horizon, and a radar in the center of town to track ballistic missiles. These radars will be mutually coordinated with each other and also with radars outside other areas creates a unified system, which for the moment is approaching technology is owned by US AEGIS system.

To fend off the hypersonic missile radar would have been not only needed, but as the barrier needed highly capable SAM batteries. At that time S500 missile will enter a period of operation, in which the highest intercept capability in its class. For the final layer of defense missiles to the high reactivity of the medium to be used in combination with the Phalanx CIWS as well Oerlikon.

In addition to dispel the threat of long-range missiles, satellites as well as a tracking device requires a dedicated and missile tracking radars such as those installed in the NATO Air Force Base Kucerik Turkey. In order optimization system integrated with a good defense then we must unite and build your own system (stand alone). Results are expected to be already prepared in the year, especially the collaboration between the Space agency and other strategic entities.

In addition to anti-missile defense, the strength of the Air Force also has an important role. National Air Defense Command abbreviated Kohanudnas is a major command of the most important in our power to function as the eyes and ears which oversees aircraft movement across Indonesia. As a security guard over Indonesia, in carrying out its duties Kohanudnas supported by the Air Force Radar Unit were placed in various areas. For the future of the

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capital city itself will be provided as an emergency area or bunker operations. Even in an emergency, but the management communication is reliable. Kohanudnas also has to integrate data from civilian radars throughout Indonesia. If this is to be integrated with the system for example Russia, then it costs and the level of difficulty will be great. Therefore the designs of possible future are as follows:

1. Layer 1: Kohanudnas maintained as it serves as the eyes and ears which oversees aircraft movement across the Indonesian region (of course that is still a hole filled area) and as an air defense communications center.

2. Layer 2: Central government and communications such as Jakarta and its surroundings, such as the main air base Iswahyudi and Makassar, Surabaya as well as a fleet base is protected by a layered air defense system that integrates remote (IADS). Proposed Almaz S-400 Triumf or SA-21 which is the latest development of a family of S-300P SAM. High mobility due to be installed on the vehicle.

3. Layer 3: Central government etc protected by radar systems and short-range SAM missiles and medium range? 50 km to the target shed escaped from Layer 2, including smart bombs (smart bomb). Mobility is also high due to be installed on the vehicle. Proposed Pantsir or Tor-M1 / SA-15 Gauntlet of Russia.

4. Layer 4 is the last defense point defense could be Air Force, Navy or Army MANPADS system and a form of the cannon as QW-3 and Contraves 35 mm. Integration IFF, can be replaced with SOP procedures.

Furthermore, as a defense emergency situation, it will be provided civilian bunkers. Bunker will be built along the underground tunnels, and the network has access to places such as life support food sources, energy emergency, and so on. Bunker will also be directed to the secondary transport access like rivers through the city center. These sources will continue to be supplied so that if at any time it takes always ready. For character types bunker itself as follows.

1. Bunker residents used to escape when the alarm siren is turned on

2. Bunkers at each main building, large, who are required to have a bunker in the contents of supplies for several days.

3. Bunkers purpose built for defense against attacks with a long duration (energy and food should always be continuous)

For military bunkers, will be built in the town center, under the monument (Monas) and its surroundings as planned discourse in 2013-2014. Bunker will accommodate the power and military supplies. Type the characters bunker as follows:

1. Bunker for the command center, research facility, and anti-cyber attack

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2. Bunker silos for missiles / missile

3. Bunker for an access point to another base

4. Bunker for aircraft fighter

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Since declared as country's capital, Jakarta's population surged very rapidly. Within 5 years the population doubled more than twice. Urban centers continue to grow, both independently constructed by the developer and built by the state (National Housing Authority). Currently, Jakarta is a city with a growth rate of luxury property prices the highest in the world, reaching 38.1% (kontan.co.id, Luxury Residential Growth of Jakarta). In addition to luxury residences, property growth Jakarta is also supported by the business of selling and leasing office space. In the period 2009-2012, the construction of high-rise buildings (above 150 meters) in Jakarta reached 87.5%. This has put the city of Jakarta as one of the fastest growing in the world's skyscrapers. Developments in the area of this property which would make property investors flock to make buildings in Jakarta, so the building becomes very important aspect to consider in the development of Jakarta, smart city in 2045.

Jakarta master plan towards 2045 smart city cannot be removed or greatly influenced by the condition of the existing buildings in Jakarta. The building became one of the spearheads in energy saving measures, the reduction of CO2 emissions, and to mirror the advancement of technology to support the successful development and economic wheel. Perhaps the concept of green buildings will not have much effect for the whole of Jakarta. However, if 80% of developers consciously to make the building environmentally friendly and energy efficient, then this contribution will be very beneficial not only to Jakarta, but also an example of all cities in Indonesia.

The concept of smart and green building itself is made to meet several objectives, namely to make residents feel comfortable, with minimal cost energy saving measures, and green concept as a concern for the environment. Occupancy comfort is the main thing that must be met by the building. In the commercial building types, such as offices, hospitals, shopping malls, convenience direct effect on worker productivity and increased sales (at stores). In Figure 1, the chart presents the aspects to consider in a building, namely CO2 emissions, noise levels, lighting, temperature. These aspects will be set using Buliding Automation System (BAS). Sensors and actuators to be connected to the server and displayed on the dashboard. The use of BAS is intended to control all aspects of the building with a more effective and efficient.

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Figure 4-1. BAS Diagram

Reducing CO2 emissions is strongly associated with vegetation that is used in building environments. Application of vegetation by considering the amount of land is to create a vertical garden and green roof as a solution to the limitations of urban land. The presence of vegetation can also be a natural absorber to minimize the noise level. In addition, vegetation can reduce the temperature of the surrounding environment and as a shade.

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Figure 4-2. Building with vertical garden (left); layers for the manufacture of green roof (right). (Source: www.northampton.edu)

In the room, applied various sensors to control energy consumption and occupant comfort. The variables that determine the performance of automation is occupancy. The occupancy rate of the building determines the level of energy consumption of the building. Occupancy sensors installed in each room to control the lighting and cooling loads, so there is no waste of energy during low occupancy rate. To reduce the cooling load, the building using the building envelope. Lighting building at noon on sunlight, so as to reduce the lighting load by 30%. In addition, the application of the double skin facade can reduce the cooling load in the corridor by using croos circulation. Based on survey data of energy consumption in several buildings, indoor-air quality aspect uses 60% of the total electricity consumption in buildings.

Figure 4-3. Multimedia Nusantara University Building in Serpong with double skin facade (left); Master plan UMN Serpong (right)

The utilization of renewable energy sources is also applied to buildings in Jakarta in 2045, namely the use of energy from the sun (solar panels). The decision to fill the empty spaces of the building (roof, building blanket) with vegetation or solar panels depends on the policy of building managers. For commercial buildings such as office buildings will usually choose to fill the empty space with solar panels to reduce energy costs, while for the house or settlement will choose to fill the empty spaces with vegetation for added comfort family members. As an alternative, a commercial building located at the edge of the road could add shade in the parking lot or sidewalk.

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Figure 4-4. Sidewalks with shade in one corner of the city of Yogyakarta

In addition to considering various aspects related to green concept, the buildings in Jakarta should pay attention to access for the disabled, especially for commercial buildings. In addition, building managers must provide a parking area for bicycles.

Building for energy producers, a large amount of glass in skyscrapers and office buildings is a great potential for a new technology that converts windows into solar panels. It is conceivable by 2045 will be much later in Jakarta skyscrapers. With this new technology will greatly assist the energy needs of buildings in Jakarta. Harnessing the sun's energy is applied to the window is one of an innovation-producing electrical energy source of the future, regardless of how much energy is produced. Researchers have recently discovered a technological innovation of the solar cell (solar panels) using renewable energy ie solar energy has the potential to be a trend in the market in the next few years. The technology is Solar Window is a solar panel in the form of a glass window. Solar Window was developed by New Energy Technologies, recently demonstrated Solar Window at the University of South Florida.

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The glass window is also used for air circulation and the entry of light in a room, can also be used as a place of electricity. Transparent glass window can be applied in every need ranging from home to office buildings. Despite only having a thickness of about 10.5 mm, each m2 of glass can produce about 70 watts of power. The technology is 10 times more efficient than thin-film technology solar panels. One of the two electricity use can be used in a building such as lighting lamps and water heaters. So it can save electricity usage and electricity costs incurred to be cheaper compared to before using Solar Window.

The principle works like the solar panels in general. The resulting stream is derived from the atomic motions regardless of the bond as a result of the incoming sunlight. Window Solar Cells on these depend on the electrolyte between two panes of glass. The surface of the glass is coated with titanium dioxide film and the outer surface is coated with a chemical photosensitiser. Photosensitiser capture sunlight and then forwarded to the titanium dioxide film that will transfer electrons to and detached from the external circuit. So that electricity can be generated. Solar Window design can varies depending on the location of buildings and regional climate. In Indonesia is a tropical country so this technology has the potential when applied in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta because Jakarta many skyscrapers illuminated sunlight throughout the year.

With solar panels combined with glass windows course will provide easy installation and exceptional installation cheaper than regular solar panels to be installed on the roof. Unfortunately, the electrical energy generated is certainly not for the usual solar panels and take longer to produce / store electrical energy up to 100% condition. Estimates of the cost will be very small for Solar Window and provide a huge potential in developing countries with a sunny climate. In addition to generating electricity, the glass can also be useful for reducing the sunlight that comes into the room to 90% so it will not make the room heat up and also reduce the use of air conditioners (air conditoner) course. In the future, this product will be a new step towards the building with zero-emission which has been proposed by many supporters of clean energy.

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