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Mechanical properties of cells and...

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Mechanical properties of cells and tissues J.F. Joanny Physico-Chimie Curie Institut Curie Boulder Summer school, July 2015 Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 1 / 45
  • Mechanical properties of cells and tissues

    J.F. Joanny

    Physico-Chimie CurieInstitut Curie

    Boulder Summer school, July 2015

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 1 / 45

  • Outline

    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 2 / 45

  • Outline

    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 2 / 45

  • Outline

    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 2 / 45

  • Cell Mechanics


    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 3 / 45

  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton


    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 4 / 45

  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton

    Organelles and Cytoskeleton

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  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton

    Actin polymerization

    Actin monomers

    molecular weight 45kDasize δ = 5.5nmATP binding pocketpolar monomer

    Actin polymers

    2 protofilamentsright-handed helix, 72nmpitch, 24 monomers per turn

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  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton

    Actin in vivo

    Actin interacting proteins

    Revenu et al.

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  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton

    Molecular motors

    Motor proteinsMuscle contraction (myosin II)Cilia and axonemes (Dynein)MitosisIntracellular transportInner ear hair cells (Myosin 1c)Rotating motors

    General propertiesMotors consume ATPProcessive andnon-processive motors

    Motor structure

    ValeJoanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 8 / 45

  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton

    Cytoskeleton mechanics

    Actomyosin gel


    Polar filament with + and − end

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  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton

    Violation of the fluctuation dissipation theorem

    Fluctuations of acto-myosinnetworks

    Mizuno et al.

    Microrheology experiment:active and passiveSimilar experiment with cells

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  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton

    Red blood cells

    Fluctuations of red blood cells

    Betz et al.

    Spectrin network needsto be prestressedNon-equilibriumreaction: binding andunbinding of spectrinsto the membrane

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  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton

    Active Systems

    TissuesBacterial colonies Kessler, GoldsteinVibrated granular materials Menon et al.Active colloids, Active nematics Ramaswamy et al.Bird flocks, Fish shoals Vicsek, Toner, Chaté, Carere

    Marchetti et al, Rev.Mod.Phys. 2013

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  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton

    Cell Cortex

    Optical Imaging

    CharrasActomyosin layerPolymerization from thesurface (formins)Treadmilling time ∼ 30sCortex tension

    Electron microscopy

    MedaliaDense actin layerThickness ∼ 1µmFilaments parallel to the cellsurface

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  • Cell Mechanics Acto-myosin cytoskeleton

    Cell instabilities associated to cortical layer

    Blebs Paluch

    Detachments of themembrane form the corticallayerBleb lifetime 30s

    Cell oscillations Pullarkat

    Oscillations depend on actincontractilityOscillations depend oncalcium (threshold density)

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  • Cell Mechanics Dynamics of cytokinesis


    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 15 / 45

  • Cell Mechanics Dynamics of cytokinesis

    Final stages of cell division von Dassow

    Final stage of cell division

    Separation between daughtercellsSee urchin

    Myosin contractility

    Ring closure due to actincontractilityLocal enhancement of myosinactivity due to astralmicrotubules

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  • Cell Mechanics Dynamics of cytokinesis

    Active gel theory of Cytokinesis

    Cytokinesis driven by myosin contractility in the actin cortical layerExcess of contractility at the equator of the cell.Actin cortical layer described by active gel theory

    Constant density in cortical layerIgnore polarization effectsViscoelastic actin layerActive stress ζ∆µ non homogeneous, increases at the equator

    Cortical flow due to active stress gradientNumerical solution of active gel equations, using LagrangiancoordinatesImpose cylindrical symmetry of the cell

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  • Cell Mechanics Dynamics of cytokinesis

    Dynamics of Cytokinesis

    Cytokinesis completionCritical value of activity forcytokinesis completionLow activity of the ring:cytokinesis failureLarge activity of the ring:cytokinesis success

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  • Cell Mechanics Dynamics of cytokinesis

    Kinetics of ring closure

    Quasi-linear furrow constrictionRate of constriction increases with amplitude and width of inputsignalIf w ∼ R0 dRdt ∼ R0, Closure time Tc ∼ η/ζ∆µ independent of R0Good agreement with experiments

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  • Cell Mechanics Dynamics of cytokinesis

    Qualitative interpretation

    Cell tension T = eζ∆µ2Line tensionλ =

    ∫ds(T (s)− Tp) ∼ wδT

    Dimensionless numberκ ∼ λ/(2TpR0)

    Discontinuous closure transition

    Linear constriction if dissipation dominated by cortical flow

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  • Mechanics and growth of tissues


    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 21 / 45

  • Mechanics and growth of tissues Macroscopic theory of tissues


    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 22 / 45

  • Mechanics and growth of tissues Macroscopic theory of tissues

    Multicellular spheroids

    Intestinal epithelia

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  • Mechanics and growth of tissues Macroscopic theory of tissues

    Epithelial tissues

    Epithelial structureDividing cellsDifferentiated cellsApoptotic cells

    Tissue mechanicsSolid-like behaviorLiquid-like behaviorViscoelastic liquid, relaxation time TPlastic behavior

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  • Mechanics and growth of tissues Macroscopic theory of tissues

    Homeostatic pressure

    Membrane permeable to interstitial fluidSteady State (kd = ka) defines homeostatic densityHomeostatic pressure

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  • Mechanics and growth of tissues Macroscopic theory of tissues

    Cell proliferation and stress Cheng et al.

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  • Mechanics and growth of tissues Macroscopic theory of tissues

    Competition between two tissues

    Tissue with larger homeostatic pressure invades the other oneFinal state: homeostatic densityNumerical simulation of tissue invasion

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  • Mechanics and growth of tissues Fluidization by cell division and apoptosis


    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 28 / 45

  • Mechanics and growth of tissues Fluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    Stress relaxation in a tissue Ranft, Julicher

    Force dipoles induced by division and apoptosisDividing or apoptotic cells exert a force dipole fαdβForce dipole density Qαβ =

    ∑d iαβδ(r− ri)

    Force balance ∂βσelαβ +∑

    f iαδ(r− ri) = 0Total stress σαβ = σelαβ −Qαβ so that ∂βσαβ = 0

    Internal stress in a tissue σinαβ = −QαβChange in internal stress due to division and apoptosisCell division coupled to stress Fink, Cuvelier

    ddtσint = −ρpdkd − ρpaka

    ddtσ̃intαβ = −ρp̃dkd < nαnβ −

    13δαβ >= −


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  • Multicellular spheroids


    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 30 / 45

  • Multicellular spheroids

    Multicellular spheroids

    Tissue spheroids in micropipettes Guevorkian,Brochard

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  • Multicellular spheroids Tissue surface tension


    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 32 / 45

  • Multicellular spheroids Tissue surface tension

    Surface tension of Tissues

    Relaxation measurementsSteinberg et al., F. Montel

    Relaxation measurementsSteinberg et al.Neural Retina relaxation


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  • Multicellular spheroids Tissue surface tension

    Interfacial tension

    Interfacial tension between tissuesSteinberg

    Adhesion between cellsInterfacial tension depends onadhesion molecules Steinbergdepends on actomyosincytoskeleton and contractilityLaplace law Pch − P

    hh =


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  • Multicellular spheroids Tissue surface tension

    Metastatic Inefficiency

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30








    0 5 10 15 20

    Critical Cell Number



    ty Prob



    Time [d]









    10 50 90 130 170 210 250 290 330 370 More

    Size Interval


    ber o

    f Tum



    t10 d





    t14 d

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 35 / 45

  • Multicellular spheroids Spheroid growth


    1 Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    2 Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    3 Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 36 / 45

  • Multicellular spheroids Spheroid growth

    Spheroid growth F.Montel, M.Delarue

    Growth experiments

    Indirect experimentsDialysis bagPressure exerted by dextran

    Direct experimentsSpheroid in contact withdextran solutionsNo penetration of dextran inspheroid

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  • Multicellular spheroids Spheroid growth

    Surface growth

    Pressure dependence

    ∂tV = (kd − ka)V + 4π(3

    4π)2/3δksλV 2/3

    Nutrient effectCrowding effectNegative homeostatic pressure Elgeti

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  • Multicellular spheroids Spheroid growth

    Cell flow

    Injection of fluorescent nano-particles

    IncompressiblefluidVelocity field∇ · v = k(r)

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  • Multicellular spheroids Spheroid growth

    Particle distribution

    Transport by cell flow ∂tρ+∇ vρ = 0Negligible diffusion

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  • Multicellular spheroids Spheroid growth

    Volume change after a pressure step

    Growing spheroid with no applied pressurePressure step 5000 Pa after 4 daysVolume and anisotropy from correlations between nuclei position

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  • Multicellular spheroids Spheroid growth

    Hydrodynamic calculation

    Isotropic liquid SpheroidConstant pressure both in outer dividing layer and in inner layerPressure jump, larger pressure in the outer layerUpon pressure jump, cell contraction in the outer layer

    Cell orientationViscoelastic spheroid. Elastic short time responseActive stress because of cell orientation σaαβ = ζ∆µpαpβActive stress depends on pressure

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  • Multicellular spheroids Spheroid growth

    Active hydrodynamics of tissues

    Radially polarized cell cellsActive gel hydrodynamics with active stress depending onpressure

    Power law decay of density δnn =∆P(3+βe)




    )βeβe = −0.6

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  • Multicellular spheroids Spheroid growth

    Volume decrease and cell division

    Decrease in cell division rate,no change in apoptosis

    Decrease in cell diameter atcenter after 5 min.P27 Overexpression after 1dayDecrease in cell divisionafter 4 daysCell proliferation arrest in G1phase

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  • Multicellular spheroids Spheroid growth

    Curie Theory Group

    Thomas Risler Philippe Marcq Morgan Delarue

    Pierre Recho Jonas Ranft C. Erlenkamper

    Edouard Hannezo Hervé Turlier Alexandre Mamane

    Joanny (Institut Curie) Mechanics Boulder 45 / 45

    Cell MechanicsActo-myosin cytoskeletonDynamics of cytokinesis

    Mechanics and growth of tissuesMacroscopic theory of tissuesFluidization by cell division and apoptosis

    Multicellular spheroidsTissue surface tensionSpheroid growth
