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MediaScopes Mediai Friday News Update - Nov 20, 2015

Date post: 22-Jan-2018
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Media News: Weekly Round Up Stay up to date with all the week’s news & views by joining over 2,300 who subscribe to MediaScope’s Friday morning newsleAer… Each Friday MediaScope produces a weekly news roundup for the Media i network which is broadcast in over 50 media agencies & major publishers…

Media  News:  Weekly  Round  Up  

Stay  up  to  date  with  all  the  week’s  news  &  views  by  joining  over    2,300  who  subscribe  to  MediaScope’s  Friday  morning  newsleAer…  

Each  Friday  MediaScope  produces  a  weekly  news  round-­‐up  for  the  

Media  i  network  which  is  broadcast  in  over  50  media  

agencies  &  major  publishers…  

Media  News:  Weekly  Round  Up  

Stay  up  to  date  with  all  the  week’s  news  &  views  by  joining  over    2,300  who  subscribe  to  MediaScope’s  Friday  morning  newsleAer…  




 Market  moves  this  week…    

-­‐  Match  Media  picks  up  NRMA  Motoring  &    Services  business    

-­‐  Market  speculaEon  of  a  potenEal  merger  between  Nine  Entertainment  &  Southern  Cross  Austereo    

-­‐  UM’s  Sam  Geer  wins  the  2015  APG  Planning  Idol  compeEEon  in  support  of  charity  –  Reachout.com    

Media  News:  Weekly  Round  Up  

Stay  up  to  date  with  all  the  week’s  news  &  views  by  joining  over    2,300  who  subscribe  to  MediaScope’s  Friday  morning  newsleAer…  




 Market  moves  this  week…    

-­‐  US  parenEng  site  ‘MomtasEc’  launches  as    ‘MumtasEc’  in  the  Australian  market  

-­‐  The  ABC  will  join  Seven  &  Nine  by  live  streaming  its  main  channel  from  December  1    

-­‐  NewsLifeMedia  acquires  beauty  website  –  Primped.com.au    

Media  News:  Weekly  Round  Up  

Stay  up  to  date  with  all  the  week’s  news  &  views  by  joining  over    2,300  who  subscribe  to  MediaScope’s  Friday  morning  newsleAer…  








SMI  release  ad  spend  revenue  for  October…    

-­‐  Overall  adverEsing  spend  increased  YOY  3.7%  to  $750.2m    -­‐  TV  +  4.2%  to  $374.9m  -­‐  Digital  +  11.7%  to  $151.7m  -­‐  Outdoor  +  19.9%  to  $81m  -­‐  Radio  -­‐.01%  to  $53m  -­‐  Newspapers  -­‐  20.2%  to  $59m  -­‐  Magazines  -­‐  14.3%  to  $23m  -­‐  Cinema  +  24.4%  to  $4.2m  

Media  News:  Weekly  Round  Up  

Stay  up  to  date  with  all  the  week’s  news  &  views  by  joining  over    2,300  who  subscribe  to  MediaScope’s  Friday  morning  newsleAer…  






People  moves  this  week…    

-­‐  Ewilina  Jones  joins  Carat  Sydney  as  group    business  director  

-­‐  Google  appoints  Kevin  Ackhurst  as    director  of  agency    

-­‐  Lion’s  Mad  Tapper  is  elected  Chairman  of    industry  associaEon  AANA            


Media  News:  Weekly  Round  Up  

Stay  up  to  date  with  all  the  week’s  news  &  views  by  joining  over    2,300  who  subscribe  to  MediaScope’s  Friday  morning  newsleAer…  






People  moves  this  week…    

-­‐ Michael  Miller  &  Peter  Tonagh  take  up  top  jobs  with  News  Corp  

-­‐ Prue  Cox  has  been  promoted  to  Chief  Commercial  Officer  with  NewsLifeMedia  

-­‐ The  Australian  newspaper’s  editor  Chris  Mitchell  steps  down  ager  24  years  


