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Medical Benefits of Coffee Addiction

Date post: 21-Aug-2015
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the medical benefits of coffee addiction The science backed facts to justify your love for java presents

the medical benefits

of coffee addictionThe science backed facts to justify your love for java


It seems that recently the scientists are giving us more and more reasons to actually drink coffee. Moderate consumption of coffee boosts immune system, helps prevent stroke and even lowers the risk of prostate cancer. The medical benefits of coffee are many. Discovering them may help you make more conscious choices regarding your diet. And remember that the title is actually a bit ironic, as no addiction has medical benefits. All the research below refers to consuming moderate amounts of coffee. As we all know too much of a good thing can never be good actually. 

the medical benefits of coffee addiction

It seems that recently the scientists are giving us more and more reasons to actually drink coffee. Moderate consumption of coffee boosts

immune system, helps prevent stroke and even lowers the risk of prostate cancer. The medical benefits of coffee are many. Discovering them may help you make more conscious choices regarding your diet. And remember that the title is actually a bit ironic, as no addiction has

medical benefits. All the research below refers to consuming moderate amounts of coffee. As we all know too much of a good thing can never be

good actually.

by your espresso guy Peter Ch. Bucki https://twitter.com/PBucki

Caffeine helps prevent Type 2 diabetes

In 2002, a Dutch cohort study of 17,111 adults identified 306 new cases of type 2 diabetes and showed that those subjects drinking at least 7 cups of coffee per day were half as likely to develop type 2 diabetes. That is also

true for the decaffeinated coffee drinkers.

Caffeine may boost your fitness performance greatly

Good news for those fitness conscious coffee addicts. Caffeine mixed with carbs replenishes muscle glycogen concentrations faster after exercise. According to Journal of Applied Physiology,

athletes that consumed caffeine and carbs after strenuous exercise had 66% more glycogen in their muscles than athletes who just ingested carbs alone post workout.

Caffeine makes your heart stronger

It turned out in on study (130, 00 people who reported drinking moderate amounts of 1-3 cups per day) that those drinking coffee were 20% less likely to suffer from abnormal heart rhythms than


Coffee helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer

6 or more cups of java a day helps reduce the risk of developing any prostate cancer by 20% and cuts down the risk of getting the lethal one by as much as 60%.

Caffeine helps prevent Alzheimers and dementia

Studies show that coffee and caffeine can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease – click to tweet this, even in seniors who already have some form of mild dementia. Research shows that caffeine

blocks inflammation in the brain, specifically adenosine receptors, which can start a chain reaction that begins the mind’s cognitive decline.

Caffeine helps prevent the risk of strokeIn recent years, four major studies have looked at coffee consumption and the risk of stroke. The

authors of those concluded that coffee consumption may modestly reduce the risk of stroke in women – click to tweet this.

It seems that recently the scientists are giving us more and more reasons to actually drink coffee. Moderate consumption of coffee boosts immune system, helps prevent stroke and even lowers the risk of prostate cancer. The medical benefits of coffee are many. Discovering them may help you make more conscious choices regarding your diet. And remember that the title is actually a bit ironic, as no addiction has medical benefits. All the research below refers to consuming moderate amounts of coffee. As we all know too much of a good thing can never be good actually. 

the medical benefits of coffee addiction

Those were the medical benefits of coffee addiction. Obviously you do read the irony – no addiction is good for us. As for the medical benefits, the presentation is based on scientific research but you should always

remember that the information here presented is general knowledge and you should make wise choices when it comes to your health. Always

consult your doctor and make sure not to harm yourself trying to implement the tips I have suggested. Stay fit, stay healthy and stay happy!

your espresso guy Peter Ch. Bucki https://twitter.com/PBucki

For a more in-depth look at 8 science based ways to improve your well-being and start being happy now visit our blog

Good Life. Good Coffee. By

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It seems that recently the scientists are giving us more and more reasons to actually drink coffee. Moderate consumption of coffee boosts immune system, helps prevent stroke and even lowers the risk of prostate cancer. The medical benefits of coffee are many. Discovering them may help you make more conscious choices regarding your diet. And remember that the title is actually a bit ironic, as no addiction has medical benefits. All the research below refers to consuming moderate amounts of coffee. As we all know too much of a good thing can never be good actually. 

photo credits

Photo Credit: DrJohnBullas via Compfight cc Photo Credit: CelebMuscle via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Nanagyei via Compfight cc Photo Credit: h.koppdelaney via Compfight cc Photo Credit: atomicshark via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: kohlmann.sascha via Compfight cc Photo Credit: @ifatma. via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: khrawlings via Compfight cc Photo Credit: Marco Crupi Visual Artist via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³ via Compfight cc Photo Credit: www.eduardoeduardo.com via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Neil. Moralee via Compfight cc

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