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Meet the Tater Family - · PDF fileCHURCH OF CHRIST-.-,~ Meet the Tater Family ~ Some people...

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CHURCH OF CHRIST --~ ., Meet the Tater Family ~ Some people never seem motivated to participate, but are just content to watch while others do the work. ""They are called "Speck Taters," ~ Some people never do anything to help, but are gift- ed at finding fault with the way others work. They are called "Commen Taters," ~ Some people are very bossy and like to tell others what to do, but don't want to soil their own hands. They are called "Dick Taters," ~ Some people are always looking to cause problems by asking others to agree with them. They are called "Agie Taters," ~ There are those who say they will help, but somehow just never get around to actually doing anything. They are called "Hezzie Taters," ~ Some people can put up a front and pretend to be someone they are not They are called "Emma Taters," ~ Then there are those who love others and do what they say they will. They are always prepared to stop whatever they are doing and lend a helping hand. They bring real sunshine into the lives of others. They are called "Sweet Taters," "8y love serve one another." -Galatians 5:13 Glad Tidings of Good Things
Page 1: Meet the Tater Family - · PDF fileCHURCH OF CHRIST-.-,~ Meet the Tater Family ~ Some people never seem motivated to participate, but arejust content to watch while others do the work


Meet the Tater Family~ Some people never seemmotivated to participate, butare just content to watchwhile others do the work.

""They are called "SpeckTaters,"

~ Some people never doanything to help, but are gift-ed at finding fault with theway others work. They arecalled "Commen Taters,"

~ Some people are very bossy and like to tell others what to do, but don'twant to soil their own hands. They are called "Dick Taters,"

~ Some people are always looking to cause problems by asking others toagree with them. They are called "Agie Taters,"

~ There are those who say they will help, but somehow just never getaround to actually doing anything. They are called "Hezzie Taters,"

~ Some people can put up a front and pretend to be someone they are notThey are called "Emma Taters,"~ Then there are those who love others and do what they say they will.They are always prepared to stop whatever they are doing and lend a helpinghand. They bring real sunshine into the lives of others. They are called"Sweet Taters,"

"8y love serve one another." -Galatians 5:13

Glad Tidings of Good Things

Page 2: Meet the Tater Family - · PDF fileCHURCH OF CHRIST-.-,~ Meet the Tater Family ~ Some people never seem motivated to participate, but arejust content to watch while others do the work

Pew Packers - 5:40 pm - each SundayLadies Bible Study - 1:00 pm - each Tuesday

Ladies Bible Class - 9:30 am - each Wednesday (No class March 17)Friday School- 8:45-11 :45am - each Friday (No school March 19)

March 15-19 - Spring Break for Clovis Schools (Delores will be out of the officeWednesday, Thursday & Friday and the McKinneys will be gone all week.)

March 18 - 9:00 am - Lap RobesMarch 21 - 3:30 pm - Devo at St. Anthony's Health Care & Rehab (1400 W. 21st)

'I· March 21 - 7: 15 pm - Business Meeting - All men of the congregation welcome.i March 26 - 10:30 full- Devo at Retirement Ranch (2221 Dillon)j

THANK YOU- We want to thank you so much for all the beautiful anniversary cards we received.They made our anniversary even more special. In Christian love, Bob & Jo Ann Brown~ Dear Church Family, Thank you for all the cards, visits and prayers. It meant a greatdeal to us knowing we had so many friends and family praying for us. We continue to getbetter day by day. We also want to thank everyone for the cards visits and prayers forLloyd's mom. She is at home now and her knee replacement surgery will be the 23rd ofthis month. Once again thanks for everything. Love, Lloyd & Samantha Rector~ To our 16th & Pile Church Family,Thank you so much for your expressions of God's love by your cards, prayers, calls andmemorials when we lost my mom. It meant so much to us. To those of you who came tomom's service in Plainview, it was so healing to our hearts to know that you cared! Weare so thankful for our brothers and sisters in Christ here at 16th. Joe & Darla Rhodes

YOUTH RAllYThere will be a youth rally for grades 6-12 at the 4th & Bedford church of Christ inDimmitt on Sunday, April 25, 2010 starting at 3:30 pm (CST). Snacks and supper willalso be provided. We will take the church van and leave from the parking lot at 1:20 pmand return after the end of services Sunday evening. Please R.S.V.P. no later than April21 by signing the list in the foyer and/or contacting Allen or Kathy McKinney. Agesbelow 6tli grade are welcome with their parent's attendance.

16th & Pile PANTRYI NEEDs - corn, green beans, canned beans ~

Children's Home of lubbock is asking us to collect bath linens, which they will pick up inApril. If you can help, please bring items purchased and place in barrel by the office.

Page 3: Meet the Tater Family - · PDF fileCHURCH OF CHRIST-.-,~ Meet the Tater Family ~ Some people never seem motivated to participate, but arejust content to watch while others do the work

[=- R E !vi E tv'1B E R !t~ P RAY E R I--lI

II Anita Anthony - 1817 E. 21st - fell and injured kneeI Kathryn Beardain - 1608 Jonquil - chemo treatments

Essie Judah - 2320 Gidding - eye problemsDebbie Old - 1917 JanewayThosewith continuing health problems:Mozelle Floyd, Cora Henson, Marleah Kirkpatrick, Violet Qualls, John & Kay Prater,Fern Stewart, Debbie Ulibarri, Jack Weaver, Jerry Wicker, Ruby WrightFamily& Friends:Pam Brumfield (daughter of Melburn & Caruth Johnston) - chemoRyleigh Grace Cox (great granddaughter of Melburn & Caruth Johnston)Pam Jones (sister-in-law of Kenneth Jones) - CfuicerFaye McKinney (mother of Allen McKinney) - cancerElla Miller (3 year old great niece of Darra, Kathy & Marleah Kirkpatrick) - leukemiaVelma Norris (sister-in-law of Bob & Barbara Norris) - cancer

I Dr. Charles Siburt (friend of Doug Young) - multiple myelomaI Tina Vassar (secretary at Clovis High School)I Doug Wheeler - mission trip to NigeriaI Charles Williams (friend of Jack Weaver) - radiation treatments II Those in CareCenters: II Foy Bailey, Cathryn Bogard, Donna Forsee, Stacie Glover, Bobbie Gulley, Leona Helm, ,I Wayne Johnson, Eva Lee Raulston, Lula Sims II The men we support in Nigeria: II Edem Akpauko, Daniel O. Onokpite, Shedrach Ese Ali, Simeon A. Isirimah II

The men we support in Mexico:Dr. Ismael Santillan, Dr. Juan Lopez, Jose Alonso, Raphael SaucedaMen we support through KeyTo The Kingdom: IBret McC~sland in ~~rillo ar:!dseveral preacher~ in India ._____ JSYMPATHY - We express our sympathy to Curtis & Anita Anthony on the loss of herbrother, Tim McEndree, who passed away Sunday in Lubbock. This was also the brotherto former member Willie McEndree. Services were Wednesday in Lubbock.

~ We also express our sympathy to Allen McKinney & family on the loss of his father,George MeKinney, who passed away March 12 in Florida. Services were Tuesday. TheMcKinney's have driven to Florida. Please pray for this family and their safety.

Tipton Home will be here April 19 to pick up groceries for the children who live there.They need the following items: cereal, spaghetti sauce, squeeze mustard, tea bags,bread and butter pickles, Cascade dishwasher soap, Lime Away, 40 gal. trash bags,Tylenol and men's deodorant. There will be a barrel, marked Tipton Home, by theoffice door for these items.

Page 4: Meet the Tater Family - · PDF fileCHURCH OF CHRIST-.-,~ Meet the Tater Family ~ Some people never seem motivated to participate, but arejust content to watch while others do the work

r---' -"'-"<1I ~~'<'" ~~Vi < -c ~ « 6 Church of Christ Bulletin (USPS 068-630) is published POSTMASTER: Please send any known

,.~ ~ ~ ~ :>. ~ C?, weekly,except the ~ccks OfJU:IC 20th .~l11d December 25th, addres~ changes to: .Church of Christ.i2: 0\ 0 1.0 ftj o- r-: I by the 16th & 1'lIcChurch of Christ, (JOV!S, NM 88101. Bulletin, 16th & PIle Church of Chnst,

! W >.. ~ . Periodicals Postage Paid by the 16th & Pile Church of PO Box 1237, Clovis, NM 88102-1237:c .{g ~ ~: Christ, 1521Pile, (PO Box 1237) Clovis, NM 88102-1237.10 It: "'C .--,~ ::JJ ir: .W U If]-- 'l.n (!) :::> a) (!):Jl \.I'l ~ 1--1 r..1')-0 if) ..0 a:W ~ .~ ~_, .- P, 0.. ct:l~ ..-. U·_·.... Uu ,...q ...c1 rfJ~ (!) ifJ ifJ (!) (!)

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