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Mental disorders & life crisis & its treatment

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Frequent Mental Disorders & Its Treatment
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What is Mental Disorder?

>as defined by experts , a mental disorder is a “clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or psychological pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present or disability or with a significantly increased with present or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death , pain ,disability or an important loss of freedom.”

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The Causes Of Mental Disorders:



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The Types Of Mental Disorders:


-are intense irrational fears of certain objects or situations.ex. as a child Larry hiked into the woods all alone . He climbed a tall tree and then found he could not get back down . It was several hours before he was rescued.

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-are senseless or unpleasant thoughts , images , or ideas that persist against the will.

compulsions -are repeated actions that must be

performed in a very set way . Not stepping on cracks on a sidewalk is an example of a compulsion.

Marcy usually arose at 5:00 A.M . She had to get up

early because it took her three hours to get ready for school . She brushed her teeth for exactly one minute. She gave her hair twenty-five brush strokes . She chewed each mouthful of breakfast exactly twelve times . She counted every step on the way to school . She ate lunch Alone so conversation wouldn’t interfere with her chewing count . The step counting continued on her lonely way home.

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>GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER-this feeling is not related to a specific object or situation that the person can readily identify . This feeling may be constant , or it may come as a sudden attack , lasting from several hours to several days. This state persists for over a month.

Amy entered college with mixed feelings . Her father was a highly respected judge who had graduated with honors from the same college . Partly to please her father , Amy enrolled in a pre-law course . At mid semester in college she was getting average grades. But then she couldn’t concentrate on her studies . Each time she took an examination , she became tense . As a result , she started to fail . As time went on , her condition became more serious . She would wake suddenly in the middle of the night feeling frightened and she started having nightmares . She lost weight and started chain-smoking . The more she tried in school , the more frustrated she became . By the end of the semester , she was unable to continue. She decided to go home and admit her failure.

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2. SOMATOFORM DISORDERS-the term somatoform comes from the

Greek word soma meaning body . This group of mental disorders is marked by symptoms in the body that mimic real physical illnesses .

>HYPOCHONDRIA Scott was always sick . At least he always thought

he was. Every time he caught a cold he worried about pneumonia . Each little ache worried him . He lived in constant fear of heart disease , cancer , or some other serious medical problem . He read every article he could find on diseases . Then he imagined he had the symptoms described in all of them . When one doctor told him nothing was wrong , he went to another . His medicine cabinet resembled a drugstore counter . He lived in a world of panic , pills , and prescriptions.

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>CONVERSION DISORDER-a conversion disorder may occur

suddenly . In other cases the disorder may be a slow reaction to dissatisfaction with life in general . Conversion disorder can produce symptoms not only in the muscles but in the senses.

Following a minor car accident , Margaret was unable to move both legs . After a careful examination , the doctors concluded that there was no physical cause for her paralysis , yet Margaret could not walk . Before the accident , Margaret was caught in a severe conflict . She loved a young man her parents strongly disliked. Margaret wanted to marry George , but her parents threatened to disown her if she did . Margaret loved her parents and was afraid of losing their affection . But she loved George , too and deeply resented her parents’ intrusion into her life.

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3. SCHIZOPHENIA-the word schizophrenia itself

means “split mind” . The split refers to a breakdown in logical thought processes.

This Breakdown Produces Other Behavior Patterns:

1. Abnormal emotional responses 2. Withdrawal 3. Hallucinations 4. Severe personal distress

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>PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA-this form of schizophrenia

is marked by delusions either of persecution or of grandeur.

Paul ,a business man, age 40, glances around the room uneasily. Since he has been in the hospital, he has been constantly on guard .He believes that his business was stolen by his partner .He is convinced that his partner has hired an assassin to kill him.

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4.MOOD DISORDER>Depression

- is one of the biggest mental health problems today . It is different from normal sadness or grief. In some cases it may be linked to unpleasant events . It may also occur for no apparent reason.

Peter had been watching the mail anxiously for weeks . When the letters he had been waiting for arrived , he was bitterly disappointed . Neither college of his choice had accepted him . For days afterward Peter moped around the house . With each week he became more withdrawn from people . He lost the desire to accomplish anything , and every movement required effort . In school he was unable to concentrate . He lost appetite , and his sleeping habits changed.

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>BIPOLAR DISORDER-Manic phase of the disorder is characterized

by over activity and restlessness . The manic phase may also center around anger . Physical activity increases to the point of violence . In the manic phase state people may become dangerous to themselves as well as to others.

-Depressive phase people show very little initiative ,self-confidence ,and physical activity . There is constant danger of suicide . They must be watched at all times , until treatment changes their attitudes and behavior.

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>AMNESIA -a person retreats from an

unpleasant situation . Memory areas of the brain are blocked, and both memory and identity are lost.

>MULTIPLE PERSONALITY -in this disorder, emotional

conflict triggers a personality split . Adults with this disorder have usually suffered extreme child abuse.

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Its Treatment and Prevention

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PSYCHOTHERAPY – combines the words psyche, meaning mind, and therapy, meaning treatment.

- It is a relation between two people in which one helps the other become more mature emotionally and better adjusted to environmental problems.

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- The treatment of neuroses and psychoses is much the same. The patient with neurosis can often be treated in the psychiatrist's office or clinic.

- Usually, the patient with psychosis is admitted to a mental hospital and treatment is conducted there. Treatments vary with the kind of neurosis or psychosis.

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PSYCHOANALYSIS – is a special form of psychotherapy developed by Sigmund Freud, a famous pioneer in the study of medical psychology.

- It is an intensive study of person's background from birth to the present and of the way in which these experiences relate to his present behavior.

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HYPNOSIS – its uses and limitations.

- is a trancelike state of suspended consciousness produced by suggestion.

- Hypnotic trance has been used as an anesthetic in dentistry, surgery and childbirth. It may be used also in the diagnosis of certain mental illness, especially neuroses.

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GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY – a method of therapy based on the idea that patients with similar difficulties can help one another is being used more and more widely today.

- In a group psychotherapy, a trained therapist guides each group of patients.

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a currently popular variation of group psychotherapy, group sensitivity training, involves prolonged meetings of people over several day.

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DRUG THERAPY – In recent years, much progress has been made in the use of drugs which have a strong influence on psychological processes. Various classes of chemical substances used in drug therapy, or pharmacotherapy and in the prevention and investigation of mental illnesses include: Tranquilizers, used to quiet highly disturbed patients.

Antidepressants, used in stimulating depressed patients.

Drugs used as research tools, in producing the symptoms of mental illnesses under laboratory conditions.

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SHOCK THERAPY – This therapy is still useful for treatment of depressions that do not respond to antidepressant drugs.

- Shock therapy is most effective in treating depressed patients, as in manic-depressive and involutional psychosis as well as severe neurotic depressions.

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brings out buried friendliness and cheerfulness. It breaks the monotony of hospital routine. Social contact often restores pride in personal appearance. It encourages a patient to be a person again.

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OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY – this gives the mind a vacation from its abnormal thought processes. Work also gives the patient a fealing of importance and usefulness again.

- Occupational Therapy usually centers around handwork. In many hospitals, the program is directed by specialists in the field called occupational therapists.

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MILIEU THERAPY – this is a French word for environment. The treatment concerns everyone connected with the patient and involves conferences with not only the patient himself but also with the doctors, nurses, therapists, and the key members of the patient's family.

- Milieu therapy, of course, is not useful in all types of mental illness. However, in many cases, it has proved to be very successful.

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Learn to deal effectively and constructively with your emotions.

Take disappointments in your stride. Take the bitter with the sweet, and concentrate on the sweet.Accept your shortcomings. Don't worry about things you can't do. Make the most of the things you can do.Develop self-respect, but don't confuse it with conceit.

Take time to appreciate simple things. Don't take them for granted and worry about the things you don't have.

Develop self-confidence. Feel that you are able to deal with most problems.

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Meet your problems head on. Conquer them before they conquer you.Learn to laugh at yourself. Don't ever pity yourself.

Like other people and trust them. Assume that they like and trust you.Make yourself part of a group.

Assume responsibility for the welfare and happiness of others.Don't try to push others around, and don't let them push you around either.Plan for the future, setting goals that are worthwhile.

Always do your best. Be pleased when you accomplish things.Shape your environment when you can. Adjust to it when you can't.

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Share your thoughts and problems. Consult, confess, and confide.Learn to relax. It isn't a waste of time to relax when you're wound up.Pursue your hobby. It's as important as earning a living.

Learn to play. Balance mental exertion with physical exercise.

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