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Messias Machine

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Page 1: Messias Machine

TIIE MESSIAS MACHINE(the machine with

the gentle technique)by Ahmad Khammas

D 1000 Berlin-West 30, Luetzowsti. 81, West Germany

The inventor, Al-Masih Daruish Al-Khooss(or Abou Mohainmad), was bom in 1926. He isa "road-poiner" to a new type of energydevice. He has worked as a farmer, tile layer andshoemaker. He lives in Zabadani valley in thevillage of Al-Zabadani, about 40 miles frcmDamascus, Syria, He cannot read or writ€ morelhan a few \a,ods, He believes his device wouldeliminate the tped for oil ener$/ and destoy itssystems, and tllat we could thus produce electricpow€r without fights and monopolies. "It is apeace project for God", he says. He believes"the idea is always tlrcre, but it deperds onwhether a p€rson has an open mind in which theidea can enter and materialize. "

This new machine is being develop€d inSyria, using wate! as a medium. It will:1) eliminate the explosive power technqiue2) transform energies3) eliminate, in the technical method ofdelivery to the pump, the continuouslydisruptive, stunering destruction of the waterbond, 0rc cohesion.

The principle of the energy transformer isingeniously simple and does not rcqute acomplicated technical specification. Themotiotrprinciple is lhe upward trrns?ort of fluidsthrough rotrtiotr,

DESCRIPTION OF nIE DE!'ICE@uprightstarding hollow cylinder mounted on top of aheavy flywheel which runs on a thrust bearing.This whole E)paratus rctates vertically. The

ENERGY UNLIMITED #8, Energy Ur imited, Rt. 4,

water eniers through a large op€ning into the ro-tating body ard is trarsported spinlly upwardsand exists over tlle rim or thrcugh holes at theupp€r side of lhe cylinder into a catching basin,which is mounted outside, ftom which it thengoes downward by gavitation through thetulbines to its original starting level. Thereforean intenuDted circulation comes into existencein which the water moves spirally upwads andthen falls down straight again (via gravity). Themachine is oriented according to thegravitational axis (the vertical axis) and theoce,rn or water intake level (the horizontal axis) .

Messias MscbiDe inventor. AI-Mssih DaruishAl-Kho6s of Syria, with his prototype.

Box 288, Los Lunas NM 87031 U.S.A. Page 9

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The ltototype Messias Machlne, showing the action of thewat€r rising upward and sphning out of the bucket.

gavitational forces andthe centriirgal forces. Bychoosiry the Bost suit-sble materisb for thecosting of the inside ofthe container. th€ €ffi-cieng/ of this effect canbe increased.

VORTEX PRINCIPLENow a waterswirl

(voftex) is built up similarto the one you have inyour bathtub drain, butwhich is an upward swidin this case, For compari-son, tako the tomados,weather cyclones, etc,Since there exists a steadythrough-flow of the watercorning from drc inlet be-low, the rotating body$ores a cedain amount ofwaier on this rctating, up-ward spinlling wall. Theamount of water dependson the folm and size(capacity) of the wall.The water on the wall

is constantly exchanged, but tlle volum ofwater on the wall remains the same after ftedevice has reached its capacity.

After having reached its capacity limir, the

When the machine is staned, the wator in thehorizontal intake pipe is sucked up into therotating cylinder-it does not require additionalenergy ro pump lt up.

Insofar as the segments of this sysremwhich are below the water level of the wholesystem lvhich is locaM on land. we can obtain aconst nt inflow into the rotating body which, inaddition, gives a useful starting accelemtion tothe wate!. As long as ole syslem is not operat-ing, the water in the inside will come to rest onthe z€ro-level of the intake water. If we start therotation, the waier climbs spimlly on the smoomsurface of the inside wall of tlle rotating body,whereby, at the same time, the vacuum crcatedby the climbing water is compensated or balaqc-ed through new water coming in. Here we havethe expression of adhesion and cohesion, the

water will overspillrotating cylinder

thd top edge of thea catching basin.


Remember: So far we have only investedenergr. The bssic function of lhe madrine isnow cle{r-to let the water run upwards.

It might be mentioned that the cylindricalrotating body could haye the optim.l form ofa cone or be topological to suit the flow(Professor Trostel, Tu-Berlin).

EITICIENT IJPWARD MOIIONTho rotational prirciple displayed by this

simple model is morc efficient and could bedeveloped better than other principles in

Page l0 ENERGY UNLIMITED #8, Eneryy Unlimited, Rr. 4, Box 288, Los Lunas NM 87031 U.S.A.

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hydrodynamics. Eachvortex acts as a lung ca-piuary. It is all a breah-ing procesb, the same aswift tsees and plant life ingoneral. So far theworld's machinery isbased on the principle ofexhalation, accompaniedby tons of suffocating Poi-sons of all solts. In com'parison, here we have thebreathing of the "angelsof Paradise" , like coolingbalsam, a breathing whichharmonizes with thebreathing of the magneticfield and the gavitationalfreld. This brcathing iscircular and, at the sametime, equally distributedin-and-out bleadling, lt iseven superior to the idealof the Atman conscious-ness breathing of the Indi-an Yogis in its enduranceand steadiness.

Thrcugh our enelgysupply, we cause the body

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View showing the inside detail of the prototype of theMessias Machine.

to rctale, to s€t it in motion. Tlrcugh this mo-tion, the body gains its center of gravity andtherefore "relatively" loses weight, Throughlosing weight, the body can again move easierand since the body can now be moved easier, itneeds less emrg/ input to maintain it inmotion, whereby the circle of lightness isclosed.

This positive action of the intemediatestonge of mechanical energy can be increasedif we construct a very heavy flywheel (which ismounted on top of a tlhtst bearing carrying therotating My). This large weigbt is acting inconjunction with tho total capacity in favor of alarger stoBge capacity, which, of course,requires a higher starting energy iDput.

The air pressure acts as a stablizer on thestanding, tilrning and exchanging water wall.

There also exists a corc vacuum through this,rotating ak in dle core, which enhances suctionand accelerates the slii increase, The l0tons/meterz existiflg air plessu€ we ne€d notovercome because the upward winding water"kind of slips tluough".

WIND AND EARTH ROTATION ISLPEach wind movement helps to overcome

friction, Each wind puff, it doesn't mattlr fromwhich direction it comes, additionallyaccelemtes the rotation. The energy which wefurther have to invest in the system will, for thisand other reasons, be bmke eneryy.

The earth rotation, the spin, reinforces therctation. The rctational direction of the machinedepends on whether the machine is in thenorthem or southem hemisphere. Gravitation

ENERGY uNuMi'IED #8, Energy Unlimited, Rt. 4, Box 288, Los Lunas NM 87031 U S.A. Page 11

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The author. Ahmsd trhammas' rdth snother protot ?emodel of tf,e Messias Machitre. Please notie thst thisrnodel seems to have built with a heaYier flywheel than theinventor's model'

the opposition of dissipa-tion. In other wods, thecentripedal action nowhas taken over. .

The Manfted-von-Ardenne Instiote in Drcs-den has a different opin-ion, of course, but tlrcyfeel the tuth will surfac€once a pilot model is inoperation.

Since the systom isfed through fte surfacawater, a temlpnture ex-change would rpsult in fa-vor of mechanic€l rotationthrorgh a dir€ct usage ofthe sun energr, since thisenergy is in drc form ofwarmth Cernperatue).According to the Archi-median water compEs-sion pdnciple, wat€rwhich exists on the sur-face of an ocean or a lakeor any watff body iswarmer than thal in dledepths. This will also helpto get the device illmouon.

pulls the watq downwards as soon as n comesout of the rotatlB cylinder into the gravitationalfield, so gravitation gives the downwarddircction which helps to stabilize any rotationalmovement and it does oot prevent an upwardtransport of the water. Through the angularmomentum of the planet's magnetic field, wehave the possibility of gaining additionalacceleration itr the flywhe€ls.

TEMPERATT]RE HU-PS TOOThe upward flos'iog water has a certain

temperature at the inlet. Through the spimlmotion, ihe water cools off whereby fte heateDergy Eleased is changed i o kfuetic energy,an anti-eDtrwhic action, which possesses

DUTICULT'IES IN TESTING MODELSIt has rct b€€D possible, so far, to make

prccis€ measuements with our niodels whichhave been handcrafted in a domestic (primitive)way since the quality of these has not beensufticient and accurate instmments have notb€€n available to us.

Ed. Notq This adicle was excerpbd andtranslated by Walter P, BauDgartnet ftm anarticle publish€d in German by Mr. Kbantmasentided Der Mcrsrias zrit .ler Sanlten T.chnik irrthe SPHINX.lWqsazinc, No. 7 (end of 199) inBasel, Switr€rland.

Mr. Khmmas sees his function as aharbinger of 0is new syslem ftom which he be-lieves the whole world can Dtofit. ###

Page 12 ENERGY UNLIMITm #8, Energy Unlimited, Rt. 4, Box 2E8, hs Lunas NM 87031 U.S.A.

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