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Methodist Church History

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  • 8/19/2019 Methodist Church History


    Methodist Church History 

    A Brief History of the Methodist Denomination


    By Mary Fairchild

    Christianity Expert

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    Hulton Archive / Stringer/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

    he Methodist !ranch o" #rotestant religion traces its roots !ac$ to %&'( )here it developed in

    England as a result o" the teachings o" *ohn +esley, +hile studying at -x"ord. +esley. his

     !rother Charles. and several other students "ormed a group devoted to study. prayer and helping

    the underprivileged,,

    he !eginning o" Methodism as a popular movement !egan in %&'. )hen !oth o" the +esley

     !rothers. in"luenced !y contact )ith the Moravians. undertoo$ evangelistic preaching )ith an

    emphasis on conversion and holiness, hough !oth +esley !rothers )ere ordained ministers o"

    the Church o" England. they )ere !arred "rom spea$ing in most o" its pulpits !ecause o" their

    evangelistic methods, hey preached in homes. "arm houses. !arns. open "ields. and )herever

    they "ound an audience,

    +esley did not set out to create a ne) church. !ut instead !egan several small "aith0restoration

    groups )ithin the Anglican church called the 12nited Societies,1 Soon ho)ever. Methodism


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    spread and eventually !ecame its o)n separate religion )hen the "irst con"erence )as held in


    George +hite"ield 4%&%30%&&56 )as a minister in the Church o" England and also one o" the

    leaders o" the Methodist movement,

    his &,& million mem!er church prospered on its o)n "or the next t)enty0nine years. as did thene)ly reunited Evangelical 2nited Brethren Church, In %(7. !ishops o" the t)o churches too$

    the necessary steps to com!ine their churches into )hat has !ecome the second largest #rotestant

    denomination in America. he 2nited Methodist Church,

    4Sources8 9eligiousolerance,org. 9eligionFacts,com. All9e"er,com. and the 9eligious

    Movements +e! site o" the 2niversity o" :irginia,6

    Methodism represents a branch of Protestant Christianity that traces its heritage back to

    John Wesley and his attempts to bring revival within the Church of England in the early

    18th century CE Methodism holds many of the basic Protestant Christian beliefs! including

    the inspiration and authority of scripture for faith and practice! the doctrines of the "rinity

    and the divinity of Jesus! and the necessity of grace to save humans from the conse#uences

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    of sin "he two sacraments of baptism and the $ord%s &upper are also practiced Wesley

    taught that Christians should strive to obtain holiness of life 'called (perfect love() with the

    assistance of the *oly &pirit *e established a system of small group meetings that were

    designed to encourage and support fellow Christians in lives of faith Methodism spread

    rapidly throughout the +nited &tates in the late 18 th and early 1,thcenturies through itinerant

    preachers &ince then! Methodist missionaries! focusing on both evangelism and service!have taken Methodism throughout the world

    Our History and Heritage

    The Beginnings

    It is generally accepted that the founders of the Methodist movement were John and Charles

    Wesley. John Wesley (1703!1" and his #rother $harles (1707%%" were part of a large family&

    and were #orn in 'pworth& incolnshire& where their father was a vicar. )heir parents& *amuel

    and *usanna Wesley& #oth came of +uritan stoc,& #ut had moved to -igh $hurch #eliefs

    influences from #oth traditions may #e found in their sons.

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    /oth John and $harles went to ford 2niversity. John #ecame ellow of incoln $ollege in 1745&

    and was ordained a priest in the $hurch of 'ngland (6nglican $hurch" in 174%. $harles& still a

    student #egan to meet with a group of friends for reading and religious study. John #ecame

    involved as the groups senior mem#er& and its activities epanded to include charita#le wor,

    among the poor and the imprisoned. )heir concern for disciplined spirituality earned them the

    nic,name 8)he -oly $lu#8 or 8Methodists8 for their methodical approach.

    John Wesleys 9uest for holiness and peace with :od too, him to the new colony of :eorgia& in

    173;& to wor, among the settlers and the

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    6fter 17!1 the leadership of Methodism was placed in the $onference and a scheme for a

    Methodist episcopate (#ishops" was re>ected in favour of an annually elected +resident. )ensions

    over theology& church government& mission strategy and personalities led to a whole series of

    splits in the movement over the net sity years. 6 #ewildering num#er of Methodist groups

    came into #eing& emphasi?ing different parts of the Wesleyan heritage. rom the late nineteenth

    century onwards most of the groups reunited& with the three largest #locs coming together on

    1!34. Bifferences in emphases& represented #y various uniting strands& still appear in


    rom its history& Methodism inherited a $onneional structure rather than a congregational one.

    $ongregations are not autonomous and cannot act without regard to the rest of the $onneion.


    Methodism in the Caribbean

    It is generally accepted that Methodism came to the $ari##ean in 1750 when a planter from

    6ntigua& named

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    made at autonomy. )his second attempt resulted in the emergence of the Methodist $hurch in

    the $ari##ean and the 6mericas (M$$6" in May 1!57.


    The MCCA

    )he M$$6 has eight Bistricts and has its head9uarters in 6ntigua. )he eight Bistricts are/ahamasC)ur,s and $aicos Islands& /eli?eC-onduras& :uyana& -aiti& Jamaica& eeward Islands&

    +anamaC$osta =ica and *outh $ari##ean.

    2p to 1!!5 the $onference of the M$$6 met annually in May. In 1!!7 the M$$6 made some

    changes to its structure. )he $onference was renamed the $onneional $onference and now

    meets every three years. In #etween the meetings of the $onneional $onference its eecutive

    #ody& the $onneional $ouncil acts on its #ehalf.

    6lso in 1!!7 Bistricts were given greater responsi#ility to ma,e decisions affecting their wor,.

    $onse9uently the Bistrict *ynod was renamed the Bistrict $onference& and the title $hairman of

    the Bistrict is now called Bistrict +resident.


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    The Methodist revival began with a group of men, including John Wesley (170!17"1# and his

    younger brother $harles (1707!17%%#, as a movement within the $hurch of &ngland in the 1%th

    century'7)%)") The Wesley brothers founded the *oly $lub while they were at +ford, where John was

    a fellow and later a lecturer at -incoln $ollege'10) The *oly $lub met wee.ly and they systematically

    set about living a holy life' They were accustomed to receiving communion every wee., fastingregularly, abstaining from most forms of amusement and luury and fre/uently visited the sic. and

    the poor, as well as prisoners' The fellowship were branded as Methodist by their fellow students

    because of the way they used rule and method to go about their religious affairs'11) Wesley too.

    the attempted moc.ery and turned it into a title of honour '

    nitially the Methodists merely sought reform, by way of a return to the gospel, within the $hurch of

    &ngland, but the movement spread with revival and soon a significant number of 2nglicanclergy

    became affiliated with the movement in the mid31%th century'14) The early movement acted against

    perceived apathy in the $hurch of &ngland, preaching in the open air and establishing Methodist

    societies wherever they went' These societies were divided into groups called classes 5 intimate

    meetings where individuals were encouraged to confess their sins to one another and to build each

    other up' They also too. part in love feasts which allowed for the sharing of  testimony, a .ey feature

    of early Methodists' Three teachings they saw as the foundation of $hristian faith were6

    1' eople are all, by nature, dead in sin, and, conse/uently, children of wrath'

    4' They are 8ustified by faith alone'

    ' 9aith produces inward and outward holiness'

    Methodist preachers were notorious for their  enthusiastic sermons and often accused of fanaticism'

    n those days, many members of &ngland:s established church feared that new doctrines

    promulgated by the Methodists, such as the necessity of a new birth for salvation, of  8ustification by

    faith, and of the constant and sustained action of the *oly ;pirit upon the believer:s soul, would

    produce ill effects upon wea. minds' Theophilus &vans, an early critic of the movement, even wrote

    that it was the natural Tendency of their esture and horrid &pressions, to

    ma.e eople mad' n one of his prints, William *ogarthli.ewise attac.ed Methodists as

    enthusiasts full of Credulity, Superstition and Fanaticism' od

    had pre3ordained an elect number  of people to eternal bliss while others perished eternally'

    b) $onversely, >eorge Whitefield, *owell *arris,1) and ;elina *astings, $ountess of

    *untingdon were notable for being $alvinistic Methodists' Whitefield, who had been one of the

    Wesley brothers: fellow students at +ford, became well .nown for his unorthodo ministry of


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    itinerant open3air preaching and inspired Wesley to li.ewise preach to those ecluded from the

     2nglican $hurch' ?ifferences in theology put serious strains on the relationship between Whitefield

    and Wesley, with Wesley becoming /uite hostile toward Whitefield in what had been previously very

    close relations' Whitefield consistently begged Wesley not to let these differences sever their

    friendship and, in time their friendship was restored, though this was seen by many of Whitefield:sfollowers to be a doctrinal compromise' 1C)  2s a final testimony of their friendship, John Wesley:s

    sermon on Whitefield:s death is full of praise and affection'1@)

    Separation from the Anglican Churchedit)

    Further information: History of Methodism in the United States and John Wesley § Persecutions and

    lay preaching 

     2s his societies multiplied, and elements of an ecclesiastical system were, one after another,

    adopted, the breach between Wesley and the $hurch of &ngland ( 2nglicanism# gradually widened'

    n 17%C, Wesley responded to the shortage of priests in the 2merican colonies due to the  2merican

    Devolutionary War  by ordaining preachers for 2merica with power to administer the sacraments'

    This was a ma8or reason for Methodism:s final split from the $hurch of &ngland after Wesley:s death'

    This split created a separate, eventually worldwide, series of church denominations' The influence of 

    Whitefield and -ady *untingdon on the $hurch of &ngland was a factor in the founding of the 9ree

    $hurch of &ngland in 1%CC'

    Through vigorous missionary activity Methodism spread throughout the reat 2wa.ening, in colonial

     2merica' 2fter Whitefield:s death in 1770, however, 2merican Methodism entered a more

    lasting Wesleyan and 2rminian phase of development'

    "heology edit)

    Further information: Wesleyanism

    art of a series on



  • 8/19/2019 Methodist Church History


    Jacobus 2rminius


    • rotestantism

    • Deformation

    • 9ive 2rticles of Demonstrance

    • $alvinist!2rminian debate

    •  2rminianism in the 2nglican $hurch


    • Jacobus 2rminius

    • ;imon &piscopius

    • *ugo >rotius

    • The Demonstrants

    • ;ynod of ?ort participants

    • John Wesley


    • Total depravity

    • $onditional election

    • Enlimited atonement

    • revenient grace


  • 8/19/2019 Methodist Church History


    • $onditional preservation

    Arminianism portal

    • = 

    • T 

    • & 

    Most Methodists identify with the 2rminian conception of  free will, through >od:sprevenient grace, as

    opposed to the theological determinism of absolutepredestination' This distinguishes Methodism

    from the $alvinist tradition prevalent in Deformed churches' n strongly Deformed areas such as

    Wales, however, $alvinistic Methodists remain, also called the resbyterian $hurch of Wales' The

    $alvinist $ountess of *untingdon:s $onneion was also strongly associated with the Methodist


    John Wesley is studied by Methodist ministerial students and trainee local preachers for his

    interpretation of $hurch practice and doctrine' 2t its heart, the theology of John Wesley stressed the

    life of $hristian holiness6 to love >od with all one:s heart, mind, soul and strength and to love one:s

    neighbour as oneself ' +ne popular epression of Methodist doctrine is in the hymns of $harles

    Wesley' ;ince enthusiastic congregational singing was a part of the early evangelicalmovement,

    Wesleyan theology too. root and spread through this channel' 1A)17)

    Methodism affirms the traditional $hristian belief in the triune >odhead6 9ather, ;on, and *oly ;pirit,

    as well as the orthodo understanding of the consubstantialhumanity and divinity of Jesus'

    Methodists also affirm the  2postles: $reed and the Ficene $reed'


     n devotional terms, theseconfessions are said to embrace the biblical witness to >od:s activity in creation, encompass >od:s

    gracious self3involvement in the dramas of history, and anticipate the consummation of >od:s reign'

    ;acramental theology within Methodism tends to follow the historical interpretations and liturgies of

     2nglicanism' This stems from the origin of much Methodist theology and practice within the

    teachings of John and $harles Wesley, both of whom were priests of the $hurch of &ngland' 2s

    affirmed by the 2rticles of Deligion, Methodists recogniBe two ;acraments as being ordained of

    $hrist6 race which often function in a sacramental manner, but most Methodists do

    not recogniBe them as being ?ominical sacraments'

    Methodists, stemming from John Wesley:s own practices of theological reflection, ma.e use of

    tradition, drawing primarily from the teachings of the $hurch fathers, as a source of authority'

    Though not infallible li.e holy ;cripture, tradition may serve as a lens through which ;cripture is


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    interpreted (see also Prima scriptura and the Wesleyan Guadrilateral#' Theological discourse for

    Methodists almost always ma.es use of ;cripture read inside the great theological tradition of


    t is a historical position of the church that any disciplined theological wor. calls for the careful use

    of reason'

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     2 second distinctive liturgical feature of Methodism is the use of $ovenant services' 2lthough

    practice varies between different national churches, most Methodist churches annually follow the call

    of John Wesley for a renewal of their covenant with >od' t is common, at least in arden

    Today, millions belong to Methodist churches, which are present on all populated continents'

    4C) 2lthough Methodism is declining in >reat

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    I look on all the world as my parish; thus far mean, that, in whatever part of it am, 8udge it

    meet, right, and my bounden duty, to declare unto all that are willing to hear, the glad tidings of


    5John Wesley, Journal )** June *+-.


    Great Britainedit)

    Further information: Methodist Church of /reat #ritain

    Methodist $entral *all Westminster , erected to mar. the centenary of John Wesley:s death'

    The original body founded as a result of Wesley:s wor. was later .nown as theWesleyan Methodist

    $hurch' ;chisms within the original $hurch, and independentrevivals, led to the formation of a

    number of separate denominations calling themselves Methodist' The largest of these were

    the rimitive Methodist church, deriving from a revival at Mow $op in ;taffordshire, the reat

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    day, alcohol remains banned in Methodist premises,4") however, the choice to consume alcohol is

    now a personal decision for any member '4")

    Traditionally, Methodism was particularly prominent in $ornwall and, in its $alvinistic form, in Wales,

    citation needed ) both regions noted for their non3conformism and distrust of the $hurch of &ngland' citation needed ) t

    was also very strong in the old mill townsof or.shire and -ancashire, where the Methodists

    stressed that the wor.ing classes were e/ual to the upper classes in the eyes of >od' citation needed )

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    ?onegall ;/uare &ast Methodist $hurch,allagher  was the resident of the $hurch in the 1"70s, becoming a well3.nown figure in rish

    politics'1) *e was one of the group of rotestant churchmen who met with rovisional D2 officers

    in 9ea.le, $ounty $lare to try to bro.er peace' The meeting was unsuccessful due to a >arda raid

    on the hotel'


    n 9rance, the Methodist movement was founded in the 1%40s by $harles $oo.

    near FLmes and Montpellier , for eample in the village of  $ongnies in-anguedoc with the most

    important chapel of department built in 1%A", where there had been a Gua.er  community since the

    1%th century'citation needed ) ;everal sections of the Methodist $hurch 8oined the Deformed $hurch of

    9rance in 1"%' The Methodist $hurch eists today in 9rance under various names' The best3.nown

    is the E&&M )l1Union de l12glise2%ang3li4ueM3thodiste de France., the Enion of &vangelical

    Methodist $hurches of 9rance' t is the fruit of a fusion in 400@ between the Methodist Church of

    France and the Union of Methodist Churches (in 9rance#' The E&&M is a part of the world

    organiBation, the Enited Methodist $hurch' The Deverend &mmanuel

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    various .inds, and four old people:s homes' The 9ellowship was granted official church status by the

    state in 1"%1'

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    congregations, each with a native pastor' There are currently C% students enrolled in residential and

    etension degree programs at the Enited Methodist ;eminary in Moscow'C@)

    #atin Americaedit)


    The Methodist $hurch came to Meico in 1%74, with the arrival of two Methodist commissioners from

    the Enited ;tates to observe the possibilities of evangelistic wor. in Mico' n ?ecember 1%74,

    ilbert *aven arrived to Meico $ity, and he was ordered by M'? William ilbert, while convalescing, read a treatise of John

    Wesley, 'n 'ppeal to Men of 6eason and 6eligion  sent to him by his brother 9rancis' 2s a result of 

    having read this boo. >ilbert, two years later, 8ourneyed to &ngland with three of his slaves and

    there in at drawing room meeting arranged in Wandsworth on 1@ January 17@", met the preacher

    John Wesley' *e returned to the West ndies that same year and on his subse/uent return began to

    preach to his slaves in 2ntigua'@4)

    When Fathaniel >ilbert died in 177C his wor. in 2ntigua was continued by his brother 9rancis >ilbertto approimately 400 Methodists' *owever, within a year 9rancis too. ill and had to return to

    &ngland and the wor. was carried on by ;ophia $ampbell (a &egress # and Mary 2lley (a

    Mulatto #, two devoted women who .ept the floc. together with $lass and rayer meetings as best

    as they could'


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    +n 4 2pril 177%, John

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