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MHU5221 Seminar Paper in International Relations

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An evaluation of the grand international relations theory in the enhancement of international relations… A Seminar paper presentation by: ERIC WAGOBERA JUNIOR (Reg.No: MIRD/43004/2016)
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An evaluation of the grand international relations theory in the enhancement of international relations… A Seminar paper presentation by:


(Reg.No: MIRD/43004/2016)

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Understanding international relations theories…

Three grand theories; realism, Marxism, and liberalism have been extensively used by scholars to explain and predict interstate behaviors in the international system. International relations theories are described as sets of ideas that explain the nature of the international system while predicting the outcomes from actions by major players in international relations.

Like all scientific studies, international relations are best understood by the aid of theories. The theorization of international relations emerged during the interwar period with liberalists calling for collective security system to replace the balance of power policy which was being fronted by the realists. Theories have provided a conceptual basis upon which to analyze the complicated and intricate mechanisms of international system.

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The evolution of international relations theories…

Liberalism emphasizes human freedom for global cooperation, peace, and progress. It emerged after World war I to explain how peace and order can be fostered and blamed wars on the greedy power politics. Early proponents included US president Woodrow Wilson who believed that the world needed to relieve itself of the traditional trappings of power politics like the balance of power and the pursuit of national interests.

Realism is the most influential theory and is based on the writings of early hardcore realists like Niccolò Machiavelli – from his book The Prince and Hans Morgenthau in his book The Struggle for Power and Peace. They are considered to be the father of modern realism and unlike liberalists, they believe that national interests – not universal interests are the main determinants of state behavior in world politics. Main features of realism include power politics, international anarchy, conflict, national interest and war.

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The evolution of international relations theories…

Marxism arose to offer explanations about state behavior from an economic perspective. It is based on the writings of Karl Marx in his book The German Ideology. Marxists portray the economy and class hierarchy as the major focus of study and they stress social order and justice as in shared interests, rules and institutions. They are critical of the capitalist globalization which they blame for the volatilities in the international system and that class domination and exploitation are the main sources of endless conflicts.

What is notable are the conflicts between these theories as each opposes the other’s views while trying to prove how they give the most accurate interpretation of events on the international scene. There have been numerous debates that have raged on for many decades now but it’s unclear which theory emerges as the best.

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The international system is characterized by power politics where military strength determines a state’s supremacy in the international system. States build-up power to secure their national interests and to ensure survival.

States are naturally aggressive and will always seek to achieve more at the expense of others. They’re portrayed as war mongers willing to apply all means to pursue their goals regardless of the legal or moral consequences.

They believe in balance of power policy where all states have equal military strength which makes an attack on the other unlikely. The rise in the military strength of one state will alert others to team up and form military coalitions.

Morality and laws do not apply in interstate relations and that state policies shouldn’t be measured by motives but by their outcomes. Giving morality a consideration will only weaken a state’s national interests.

Key assumptions…

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Anarchy in the international system – the absence of a world authority - meaning that states bear no accountability to anyone for their actions which leads to a chaotic situation where states have no limits as per their actions and interests.

States are the major actors and hence the main unit of study in global politics. They alone possess the resources to implement effective foreign policies but they also acknowledge the rising influence of non-state actors on the international scene.

National interest defines state behaviors in international relations. States are willing wage wars to safeguard their national interests which may include economic, security, sovereignty, territorial integrity, or cultural goals which are crucial to a state’s survival. Any threat to national interests can justify a war against the aggressor.

Key assumptions…

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It offers the most accurate interpretation of what’s actually taking place in the global politics arena. It portrays a precise view of world politics just as they happen and not a mere wishing of how they should be.

It gives precise predictions of the international system. Helps us to know the likely reactions by one state against another given a particular situation, i.e. if Iran accumulates nuclear weapons, USA will confront or likely attack it.

It explains why some actions are necessary. Not everything can be solved amicably through dialogue and diplomacy because this might prolong the prevailing badness and urgent action must be taken to prevent worse consequences.

It is straightforward in portraying the reality of events as they happen on the international scene. The international system is characterized by realist concepts of power politics and security dilemmas which is a true character of modern states.

Relevance of realism in international relations…

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It rejects the power politics because states have alternate ways of cooperating and addressing their concerns harmoniously rather than engaging in endless power struggles.

They emphasize international cooperation as being vital to the existence of peace and unity in the international system. The increased interdependence among nations is a positive sign that states look to each other while pursuing common interests.

Non-state actors, i.e. international organizations, individuals and multinational corporations play a big role due to their ability to influence policy decisions in the international system, foster global unity and socio-economic development.

Diplomacy - as opposed to the use of force - is the most effective foreign policy tool in resolving state conflicts since it fosters permanent international teamwork that creates the right environment for peace and development to flourish.

Key assumptions…

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They refute the national interest as being vital in a state’s dealings at the international scene and instead they assume that collective or universal interests are replacing national interest due to the rising force of globalism.

They assume that the nation state is not a unitary actor since it is made up of individual bureaucracies, and interest groups all of which rival amongst themselves in order to influence the decision-making process.

By observing the international law, states’ behavior can be regulated or constrained thereby preventing war through power politics. The international agenda is dominated by the economic and social issues such as natural resources, global warming, immigration.

Key assumptions…

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o Nation states are embracing regionalism due to the vast benefits involved in joining international forces to achieve common goals. Regional integration efforts indicated by the EAC, EU, ASEAN, OAS, ECOWAS, GCC, SADC, etc.

o International organizations play the intermediary role between states by serving as a medium where conflictual issues are resolved. They also participate in maintaining security by sending peacekeeping forces to conflict areas, e.g. AMISOM.

o Global institutions are also leading the economic growth efforts around the world by funding development projects and advocating for the elimination of trade barriers, i.e. IFAD, IMF, World Bank, OPEC, etc.

o Institutions are promoting transparency in state dealings, free and fair elections, humanitarian aid and health, social order and justice, human rights for all, environmental conservation, access to public services, which have enabled them to outperform states.

Relevance of liberalism in international relations…

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o Diplomacy is the most effective tool for implementing foreign policies of nation states more than power politics. States have avoided conflicts by engaging in dialogues which has brought about relative peace and unity among nation-states.

o The globalism concept in terms of universal interests has overtaken national interests as a priority in the international system. States are favoring collective policies under regional groupings in pursuit of common goals.

o Today, globalization is proved by economic liberalization and opening up of state borders to allow the free movement of people and their goods. This has increased migration, intercultural exchanges as the world is becoming more of a global village.

o Multinational corporations are rendering services that were traditionally preserved to the state, i.e. providing free education, employment, resource and technology transfer. This has improved livelihoods and also spurred economic growth.

Relevance of liberalism in international relations…

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o Individual non-state actors have also had a significant influence on the international scene, some acting as power brokers, others as peace negotiators and still, others as human rights activists, i.e. Mahatma Gandhi, the Popes, etc.

o Increased political shift from the communist governments to democratically elected governments. More countries are exercising some form of democracy by holding periodical elections and are being run by regimes directly elected by the citizens.

o Interdependence has brought together the weak and strong nations to seek mutual cooperation without using force. Weaker developing nations are obtaining financial assistance from developed nations, all because of international teamwork.

o Increased moralism. Charities are carrying out humanitarian work, developed countries are offering financial aid, medical aid, technology and military aid. So, the human nature is not selfish as portrayed by realists.

Relevance of liberalism in international relations…

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The economy is the major determinant of societal behavior since it takes priority in every decision-making process and that it alone determines both the social, political and economic aspects of a state.

Classism as a unit of analysis: Economic exploitation by the bourgeoisie who own the means of production brings about class imbalances in the society where those with economic powers exploit the proletariat at the production end.

States use economic superiority to exploit others. The wealthy misuse their economic powers to enrich themselves at the expense of the working class. Such imbalances allow for the elevation of class as the focus of the study.

International organizations like the IMF and the World Bank are criticized for their neoliberal economic policies which they believe don’t accommodate the working-class interests, i.e. protection of laborers’ human rights and their working conditions.

Key assumptions…

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Capitalism encourages exploitation by multinational corporations who produce items in economies with poor human rights and cheap labour. These products are produced cheaply and sold at a higher price thus leading to a higher profits margin.

They argue that class interests are dominant and hence make up the state interests. The clashes within the international system are due to the conflicting class interests and not power politics as advanced by realists.

According to Miliband (1986), an “economic interest might arise between the existing dominant class” who are in control of the state and as a result, the interest of the class is the interest of the state. Therefore, in a Marxist analysis, state behavior reflects the interests of the bourgeoisie.

Key assumptions…

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• Despite having less influence on the global scene, Marxism describes the international system from an economic perspective which gives us an alternate point of view that is different from the old-fashioned liberal and realist perspectives.

• The Marxist assumptions can be true especially in an increasingly free market capitalist society where the absence of government regulation is characterized by the forces of supply and demand which determines the prices of the products.

• It helps us to understand that the current free market economy has brought about an era where some necessity items have become luxurious and hence only affordable by the rich and this is a true interpretation of Marxism.

• Through labor movements and workers’ unions, workers have continuously demand their equal share of the economy by staging demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, and sit-ins, all inspired by Marx’s ideologies on working class industrial revolutions.

Relevance of Marxism in international relations…

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• Socialism as advanced by Marxism/Leninism ideologies is still prevalent and many states practice it, i.e. Tanzania, China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, Angola, North Korea, China, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, etc.

• In these states, the means of production are partly owned by the society. Some capitalist economies like the USA still control general socialist programs such as the welfare, social security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

• It has exposed the flaws of the free market economy and how it promotes economic exploitation which only seeks to “impoverish the working class and thereby create the social conditions for a revolution.” (Boundless, 2016).

• It has led to the mergence of other neo-Marxist theoretical approaches that explain international relations in a revised format, i.e. the dependency theory and the world systems theory.

Relevance of Marxism in international relations…

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Each theory maintains a considerable relevance to a certain extent and without these theories, international relations studies would be invalid.

Each theory maintains its own interpretation and prediction of the international scene. These equip scholars with insights to better understand the mechanisms of the international system and the whole interstate decision-making process.

Scholars can interpret actors’ actions based on what these theories assume. This not only gives us an approach from which to interpret actions and reactions, but also the reasons behind the decisions made by actors.

Many global events have been explained based on assumptions forwarded by these theories, i.e. the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the USA, the North Korea nuclear weaponry, etc. Each individual theory contributes something significant in the study and practice of international relations.

Main points…

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Liberalism a practical perspective on how things should be if changes are initiated and also offers an analysis of how things should be rather than how they are. This shows that liberalists are advocates for changes in the world system, the absence of restriction on human life and the absence of conflicts.

Realism offers a ‘realistic’ understanding of global events. They maintain a hard stance on the way they view global politics and this is in line with what states are doing now. Powerful states seek to expand their influence around the world through exploiting weaker states.

Marxism provides a better alternative to the two traditional theories by emphasizing the economy as being influential among state concerns. It also offers a genuine image of an unequal society where the rich are getting wealthier while the poor are getting poorer due to the unfair economic policies or imbalances in the production process.

Main points…

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