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Microelectronics Lab ELCT605 Spring 2018 Digital Lab

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Microelectronics Lab ELCT605 Spring 2018 Digital Lab Session #6 VHDL Driving BASYS 3 on-board 7 segment Display Dr M. Abd El Ghany Eng. Heba Elhosary 1

Microelectronics Lab


Spring 2018

Digital Lab

Session #6


Driving BASYS 3 on-board 7 segment Display

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


On-board Seven Segment Display

• Basys3 board has four digit common anode 7 segment displays that

can be driven grouped or individually.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


On-board Seven Segment Display

• The anodes of one 7-segment display are tied together making one

common anode pin.

• The cathodes are, however, separate. By driving any cathode low, its

designated segment illuminates.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


On-board Seven Segment Display

• 4 common anodes are available to drive the 4 seven segment


• Anodes should be driven low (not high!) to enable the 7 segment

display. This is because the anodes are connected to the collector of

pnp transistors. When the base is driven low, high voltage is received

at the anodes.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


On-board Seven Segment Display

• The cathodes are common to all displays. For example, all cathodes

of segment A from the 4 displays are tied together creating a CA

(common A cathode) to all the 4 displays.

• Depending on which display is enabled (its anode is driven low), the

specified segments of the enabled display illuminate.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


On-board Seven Segment Display

• To appear continuously illuminating, the anode of each display

should be driven low once every 1 to 16 ms.

• For example, is AN0 is driven low, also CB and CC are driven low.

“1” will be displayed

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Enabling on-board Seven Segment Display

• The main clock of the BASYS 3 board is 100MHz. ( 100M cycles

per one second (1000 ms))


• The goal is to generate 4 alternating enable signals for each anode

from the main 100 MHz clock. Each signal stays low for digit period

ms, and turns high till the end of the refresh period. Then, the process

should be repeated all over again.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Time = 1000 ms

cycles = 100 M

Enabling on-board Seven Segment Display

• If 100 M cycles take 1000 ms. Then how many cycles are completed

in digit period ms ?

100M cycles 1000 ms

#ofCycles digit period ms

#ofCycles =𝑑𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 ∗100𝑀


Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Enabling on-board Seven Segment Display

• Steps

1. Define the refresh period. Let it be 9 ms

2. Divide over 4 to get the digit period. 9/4 = 2.25 ms

3. Get #ofCycles after which you need to trigger the signal.

#ofCycles =2.25 ∗100𝑀

1000= 225000


0 225 000 450 000 675 000 900 000

VHDL code for displaying 2 4 6 8.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary



case LED_activating_counter iswhen "00" =>

Anodes <= “0111“ ; segments<= "0010010“ ;

when "01" =>Anodes <= "1011“ ; segments<= “1001100“;

when "10" => Anodes <= "1101“ ; segments<= "0100000“ ;

when "11" => Anodes <= "1110“ ; segments<= "0000000“ ;

end case;end process;end behavioral;

entity seven_segment_driver isPort ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;

reset : in STD_LOGIC;Anodes : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);segments : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0)); --”abcdefg”

end seven_segment_driver;

architecture Behavioral of seven_segment_driver issignal refresh_counter : integer range 0 to 900000;signal LED_activating_counter: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);begin


if(reset='1') thenrefresh_counter <= 0;

elsif( rising edge (clk) ) thenif ( refresh_counter <= 225000 ) then

LED_activating_counter <= "11“ ; refresh_counter <= refresh_counter +1;

elsif ( refresh_counter >= 225000 and refresh_counter < 450000 ) then LED_activating_counter <= "00“ ;

refresh_counter <= refresh_counter +1; elsif ( refresh_counter >= 450000 and refresh_counter < 675000 ) then

LED_activating_counter <= "01“ ; refresh_counter <= refresh_counter +1;

elsif ( refresh_counter >= 675000 and refresh_counter < 900000 ) thenLED_activating_counter <= "10“;

refresh_counter <= refresh_counter +1;elsif ( refresh_counter = 900000 ) then

refresh_counter <= 0; end if;end if;end process;

Task 1

• Edit the code in the previous slide so that you can display your name

on the 4 displays. (if your name is too long to be displayed on 4

displays, display part of it, or any other name ). ☺


Edit UCF

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Clock Dividers.

• How can you get 1 Hz clock from 100 MHz clock ?

…. ….

Toggle rate = 100 𝑀

𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞/ 2

@ 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞 = 1 Hz : toggle rate = 50M (Toggle every 50M cycles)

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


50 MHz / 500 ms 50 MHz / 500 ms

1 Hz / 1000 ms

1 Hz clock generator code.

• Identify the signals g_counter, tmp, and g_clk in your code.

• The below code generate 1Hz clock from the main 100MHz of the

BASYS 3 board

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


process (clk, reset) begin

if ( reset = '1' ) then g_counter <= 0;

elsif ( rising_edge (clk)) then if ( g_counter = 50000000) then

g_counter <= 0;tmp <= not(tmp);

elseg_counter <= g_counter+1;

end if;g_clk <= tmp;end if;end process;

Lab Task 2

• Connect the 4 bit FSM counter to the right most seven segment

display on the BASYS 3 board. The counter FSM frequency should

be 1 Hz.

• Hint : your code should have 6 processes.

• Recall : processes are concurrent (6 processes are operating in

parallel )

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Four bit Counter.

1. Generating 1Hz clock for the counter FSM.

2. Process for the state transition of the FSM

3. Process for the output of each state of the FSM

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary





Four bit Counter

4. Process for decoding the 4 binary bits to 7 segment display inputs.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary



Four bit Counter.

5. Process for generating the refresh period of the

Display anode.

6. Process for connecting the refresh period with

The anodes.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


5 6

Edit UCF

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints!

• The implemented task is supposed to be operating on 100MHz clock,

how ensure the implemented design can operate on such a high

frequency ?.

• Edit the timing constraints by entering the desired frequency. After

running the implementation, the timing report tells whether the user

specified timing constraints are met or not.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints - Step1

• From the flow navigator, Click on “Edit Timing Constraints”.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints – Step2

• Double click on the highlighted area to create clock constraint

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints – Step2

• Write your clock name. ( should be the same name used in the VHDL

code, in this task “clk” )

• 100MHz means 10 ns period.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints – Step3

• Write your clock name. ( should be the same name used in the VHDL

code, in this task “clk” )

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints – Step3

• Click on “set”

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints – Step4

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints – Step5

• Click in the highlighted check box to add the created clock to your

design, click on “apply”, then ctrl+s to save the created constraints.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints – Step5

• Saving the created timing constraints.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints – step5

• Timing constraints are now saved and added to the design.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints

• Run implementation, then check the timing report to know if your

design meets the specified timing constraints or not.

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Check timing constraints

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Generate bit stream

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary


Connect BASYS3 Board and download your code!

Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary



Dr M. Abd El Ghany

Eng. Heba Elhosary

