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Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

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Books distributed by the University of Exeter Press in Middle Eastern Archaeology.
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2015 Middle Eastern Archaeology University of Exeter Press www.exeterpress.co.uk Books distributed by
Page 1: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015


Middle Eastern Archaeology

University of Exeter Press


Books distributed by

Page 2: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Welcome 1

Publish with UEP 2

Forthcoming for 2015 3

New in 2014 8

American Research Center in Egypt 14

American Schools of Oriental Research 15

Greece and Cyprus Research Center 20

Kelsey Museum Publications 21

Lockwood Press 22

Yale Egyptological Institute 23

Middle East Documentation Center 24

Truman State University Press 25

University of Pennsylvania Museum Press 25

Michigan Classical Press 26

General and American Archaeology 27

Eliot Werner Publications 31

Ordering our books back cover

2015 Distributed Presses Catalogue

Page 3: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

University of Exeter Press Page 1


Welcome to the University of Exeter Press 2015 Distributed Presses

Catalogue. Here we present all titles from the presses we represent in

Europe and the Middle East. The focus of this catalogue is

archaeology relating to the Middle East and the Mediterranean.

Books on archaeological research in North America which have

been published by these presses have also been included, at the back

of the catalogue.

This catalogue highlights the forthcoming 2015 titles, including a

survey of the coastal town Pyla-Koutsopetria, a full archaeological and

pictorial presentation of the Temple of Ramesses II at Abydos and a

catalogue of Islamic artworks arranged thematically. Other recent

publications from 2014 are also highlighted; these include the

second massive volume on rock inscriptions in the Theban Desert

and the archaeological reports of several important sites in Egypt

and the Levant.

Page 4: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 2

As one of only a handful of university presses in the UK, University

of Exeter Press has fifty years of publishing experience and an

established reputation. UEP has strong sales, marketing and

distribution networks at home and internationally. In North

America, books are distributed and marketed by the University of

Chicago Press. Our partnership with Intellect Books provides new

opportunities for both us and our authors. UEP also offers authors

a close working relationship with our commissioning editor.

UEP has an outstanding reputation in publishing in the fields of film

history and theatre and performance studies. We also have a strong

list of South-West studies titles and a substantial backlist in other


We now intend to expand into other subject areas, including the

history of medicine, the history of witchcraft and cults, modern

European history, and Arab and Islamic Studies.

If you wish to submit a proposal, please contact Simon Baker at

[email protected]. Further information for authors can be found

on our website under the ‘For Authors’ tab at ww.exeterpress.co.uk,

or by contacting us at [email protected].

2015 Distributed Presses Catalogue

Publish with UEP

Page 5: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

University of Exeter Press Page 3

Forthcoming for 2015

Pearls of Wisdom The Arts of Islam at the University of Michigan

By Christiane Gruber and Ashley Dimmig

ISBN: 978 0 9906623 0 3

128pp | £16.00


Published by Kelsey Museum


This catalogue of a Kelsey Museum of Archaeology exhibition

showcases a selection of Islamic art works held in the University

of Michigan's collections. Rather than arranged chronologically,

geographically or by media, the objects are organized

thematically and conceptually. Themes include the intersections

between function and decoration, the aesthetic power of

everyday objects, visual play, wit and magic, connections and

interrelationships across art forms, and light symbolism and

illumination. The volume not only highlights the strengths of the

university's collections of Islamic art but also explores various

issues integral to the conception and production of art in the

Islamic world from the medieval period until the present day.

Page 6: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Land Tenure, Fiscal Policy and Imperial

Power in Medieval Syro-Egypt

By Daisuke Igarashi

ISBN: 978 0 97081 999 4

264pp | £48.00


Published by Middle East

Documentation Center

Chicago Studies on the Middle East

This book aims to examine the structural changes in the state

and society in Mamluk Egypt and Syria after the middle of

the eighth/fourteenth century. Between 648/1250 and

922/1517, the Mamluk sultanate ruled Egypt, Syria and the

central Middle East. During this period, the sultanate

expanded its authority over the medieval Islamic world by

defending Muslim society against the Crusades, protecting

the holy cities of Mecca and Medina and reinstalling the

Abbasid caliphate in Cairo.

Page 4

Forthcoming for 2015

Pyla-Koutsopetria I

Archaeological Survey of an Ancient Coastal Town

By William Caraher, R. Scott Moore and David K. Pettegrew, et al.

ISBN: 978 0 89757 069 5

348pp | £52.00


Published by ASOR

ASOR Archaeological Reports

Pyla-Koutsopetria I presents the results of an intensive pedestrian

survey documenting the diachronic history of a 100 ha

microregion along the southern coast of Cyprus. Located around

10 km from the ancient city of Kition, the ancient coastal

settlements of the Koutsopetria mircoregion featured an Iron Age

sanctuary, a Classical settlement, a Hellenistic fortification, a

Late Roman town and a Venetian-Ottoman coastal battery

situated adjacent to a now infilled, natural harbour on Larnaka

Bay. This publication integrates a comprehensive treatment of

methods with a discussion of artefact distribution, a thorough

catalogue of finds, and a diachronic history to shed light on one

of the few undeveloped stretches of the Cypriot coast.

2015 Distributed Presses Catalogue

Page 7: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 5

Forthcoming for 2015

The Temple of Ramesses II in Abydos

By Sameh Iskander and Ogden Goelet

Volume 1: Wall Scenes

ISBN: 978 1 937040 36 9

520pp | £180.00


Volume 2: Pillars, Miscellany, and


ISBN: 978 1 937040 37 6

320pp | £65.00


Two volume set: Volume 1

and Volume 2

ISBN 978 1 937040 38 3

840pp | £225.00


Of all the enormous monuments throughout Egypt and Nubia that Ramesses II (the Great; ca.

1279-1212 BCE) left behind, his temple at Abydos, built early in his reign, stands as one of his

most elegant monuments, with its simple architectural layout and dramatic and graceful painted

relief scenes. Though best known for its dramatic reliefs depicting the battle of Kadesh, the

temple also offers a wealth of information about religious and social life in ancient Egypt. It

reflects, for example, the strenuous efforts of the early Ramessides to re-establish the Osiris cult in

Egypt–and particularly at Abydos–in the aftermath of the Amarna period.

Over a seven-year period, the authors of The Temple of Ramesses II in Abydos conducted a field

project with the aim of producing an up-to-date and comprehensive architectural, photographic

and epigraphic record of the temple.

Volume 1: Wall Scenes, contains more than two hundred detailed line drawings-accurately rendered

according to modern epigraphical standards-of the temple's carved relief scenes, placed alongside

their corresponding full-color photographs.

Volume 2: Pillars, Miscellany, and Inscriptions, contains additional elements of the temple, as well as

translations of the inscriptions found in the temple. The result is a masterpiece of modern

epigraphic research and publication.

Published by Lockwood Press

University of Exeter Press

Page 8: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015


A Journal of Ancient History Volume 9

Edited by Piotr Berdowski, Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spanò, Krystyna Stebnicka, Marek Wecowski and Aleksander Wolicki

ISBN: 978 1 937040 31 4

55pp | £38.00


Published by Lockwood Press


Palamedes: A Journal of Ancient History is published on behalf of

the University of Warsaw. It seeks to provide a forum where,

within the frames of cultural history broadly defined, ancient

historians, classical philologists, archaeologists, jurists and

epigraphists--in a word all those who study Greek and

Roman antiquity in its material, linguistic or intellectual

manifestations–can meet with their Orientalist and

Egyptological counterparts.

Page 6

Forthcoming for 2015


A Journal of Ancient History Volume 8

Edited by Piotr Berdowski, Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spanò, Krystyna Stebnicka, Marek Wecowski and Aleksander Wolicki

ISBN: 978 1 937040 30 7

198pp | £38.00


Published by Lockwood Press


Palamedes: A Journal of Ancient History is published on behalf of

the University of Warsaw. It seeks to provide a forum where,

within the frames of cultural history broadly defined, ancient

historians, classical philologists, archaeologists, jurists and

epigraphists--in a word all those who study Greek and Roman

antiquity in its material, linguistic or intellectual manifestations–

can meet with their Orientalist and Egyptological counterparts.

2015 Distributed Presses Catalogue

Page 9: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

The Economy of the Roman World

By Jean Andreau, Corina Kesler, Ellen Bauerle and David


ISBN: 978 0 9799713 5 8

175pp | £35.00


Published by Michigan Classical


The ancient economy has long been a hotly debated topic.

Did citizens of the ancient world understand markets? Did

they have economic policies? Did cities produce or consume?

What effect did the ager publicus have on production and

prices? Jean Andreau's latest volume on economic behaviour

in the Roman world investigates these questions and more.

Translated from the French, The Economy of the Roman World is

written for those new to ancient economic issues and also for

those curious about the broader context of artefacts, like

amphorae, glassware or the famous garum–fermented fish

sauce. All Greek and Latin terms are translated. Each chapter

is accompanied by translations of selected original

documents from across the Roman Empire.

Page 7

Forthcoming for 2015

Journal of the American Research

Center in Egypt Volume 50 (2014)

Edited by Eugene Cruz-Uribe

ISBN: 978 1 937040 34 5

200pp | £41.00


Published by Lockwood Press


The Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (JARCE) was

established in 1962 to foster research into the history, languages,

social systems and archaeology of the Egyptian people. The

journal welcomes article submissions on all periods and aspects

of Egyptian civilization. JARCE publishes articles in English,

French or German.

University of Exeter Press

Page 10: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 8

New in 2014

Cyprus and the Balance of Empires Art and Archaeology from Justinian I to the Coeur de Lion Edited by Charles Anthony Stewart, Thomas W. Davis and Annemarie Weyl Carr

ISBN: 978 0 89757 073 2

288pp | £48.00


Published by ASOR

ASOR Archaeological Reports

Between 491 and 1191 AD, Cyprus was influenced by

various political and cultural centres that vied for

dominance in the Eastern Mediterranean. This collection

of essays primarily focuses on the island's archaeology

when it was governed by the Byzantine capital of

Constantinople. Greek and Orthodox Christian identity

was cultivated during this period, which provided a sense

of unity among the various provinces; and yet, the

surviving historical and archaeological data concerning

Cyprus is unique in that it expresses both local and regional


2015 Distributed Presses Catalogue

Page 11: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 9

New in 2014

The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et-

Tannur, Jordan Volume 1: Architecture and Religion. Final Report on

Nelson Glueck’s 1937 Excavation

By Judith S. McKenzie et al.

ISBN: 978 0 89757 035 0

368pp | £65.00


Published by ASOR

Annual of ASOR 67

Volume 1 is devoted to the architecture of the temple, the

dating of its successive phases, its sculptural decoration and

iconography, and to a discussion of Nabataean religion,

including the evidence for its connections with the religion of

Iron Age Edom and its continuation at the temple of Khirbet

et-Tannur well into the Christian era.

The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et-

Tannur, Jordan Volume 2: Cultic Offerings, Vessels, and other

Specialist Reports. Final Report on Nelson Glueck’s

1937 Excavation

By Judith S. McKenzie et al.

ISBN: 978 0 89757 036 7

329pp | £65.00


Published by ASOR

Annual of ASOR 68

Volume 2 offers a systematic reorganization of Glueck’s

original excavation records and presents detailed specialist

analyses of the Khirbet et-Tannur faunal and botanical

remains, metal, glass, lamps and pottery collected by Glueck

in 1937, which are now preserved in Semitic Museum’s ASOR

Nelson Glueck Archive, along with fresh examinations of the

Nabataean inscriptions and altars from the site.

University of Exeter Press

Page 12: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 10

New in 2014

Humayma Excavation Project, 2 Nabataean Campground and Necropolis, Byzantine

Churches, and Early Islamic Domestic Structures

By John Peter Oleson and Robert Schick

ISBN: 978 0 89757 037 4

622pp | £65.00


Published by ASOR

ASOR Archaeological Reports

This volume reports on a Nabataean campground, which

provides unique testimony to the flexible character of

Nabataean settlement design and gives detailed information

on the Nabataean necropolis, which shows parallels with

those at both Petra and Hegra. The volume also includes the

excavation records and analysis of five Byzantine churches.

The Roman Aqaba Project: Final

Report Volume 1: The Regional Environment and the

Regional Survey

By S.T. Parker and Andrew M. Smith II

ISBN: 978 0 89757 042 8

400pp | £65.00


Published by ASOR

ASOR Archaeological Reports

The Roman Aqaba Project aimed to reconstruct Aila’s

economy diachronically. The project research design included

a regional archaeological and environmental survey,

excavation of the ancient city and analysis of material remains

relevant to Aila's economy. This first volume of the final

report focuses on the regional environment and the regional

survey. Analysis of the environment employs a wide range of

evidence to evaluate the physiography, soils, climate and

natural resources.

2015 Distributed Presses Catalogue

Page 13: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 11

New in 2014

Karanis Revealed Discovering the Past and Present of a Michigan

Excavation in Egypt

Edited by T.G. Wilfong and Andrew W.S. Ferrara

ISBN: 978 0 9741873 9 6

200pp | £18.00


Published by Kelsey Museum


The 1924-1935 University of Michigan excavations at the

Graeco-Roman period Egyptian village of Karanis yielded

thousands of artefacts and extensive archival records of their

context. The Karanis material in the Kelsey Museum of

Archaeology and the University of Michigan Library

Papyrology Collection forms a unique body of information

for understanding life in an agricultural village in Ptolemaic

and Roman Egypt.

Current Research at Kültepe/Kanesh An Interdisciplinary Approach to Trade Networks,

Internationalism, and Identity

Edited by Levent Atici, Fikri Kulakoglu, Gojko Barjamovic

and Andrew Fairbairn

ISBN: 978 1 937040 19 2

232pp | £65.00


Published by Lockwood Press

JCS Supplemental Series

This book contains papers presented at a session during the

2012 meeting of ASOR, dedicated to the site of Kültepe, the

urban centre of the second millennium BCE state of Kanesh

in Anatolia. The material remains and the 23,500 cuneiform

tablets unearthed shed light on social, political and economic

aspects of the Middle Bronze age in central Anatolia, and also

in Upper Mesopotamia.

University of Exeter Press

Page 14: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 12

New in 2014

Landscape Archaeology of the Western

Nile Delta

By Joshua R. Trampier

ISBN: 978 1 937040 17 8

277pp | £52.00


Published by Lockwood Press

Wilbour Studies in Egypt and Ancient

Western Asia

The author integrates historical maps, remote sensing data,

and ancient texts to understand the dynamic landscape of the

western Nile Delta. Weaving together new archaeological

surveys, Corona satellite images, and a targeted program of

drill coring, this volume offers a palimpsest of settlement and

paleoenvironment from the New Kingdom to Late Roman

era. In the face of forces undermining many sites' integrity,

this study adapts techniques in landscape archaeology to an

Egyptian context, anticipating triage and salvage in the

decades to come.

Theban Desert Road Survey II The Rock Shrine of Pahu, Gebel Akhenaton, and

other Rock Inscriptions from the Western Hinterland

of Qamûla

By John Coleman Darnell

ISBN: 978 0 97400 256 9

462pp | £115.00


Published by Yale Egyptological


The second monograph devoted to the work of the Theban

Desert Road Survey presents the major rock inscriptions of the

north-western Theban Desert and the western hinterlands of

Qamûla. The material includes six larger sites, several smaller

collections and individual inscriptions and images. These sites

have been discovered by the Theban Desert Road Survey over

the course of approximately twelve field seasons.

2015 Distributed Presses Catalogue

Page 15: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 13

New in 2014

Journal of the Canadian Society for

Coptic Studies Volume 6

Edited by Ramez Boutros, Jitse Dijkstra and Helene Moussa

ISBN: 978 1 937040 21 5

128pp | £28.00


Published by Lockwood Press

The Canadian Society for Coptic Studies is a Toronto-based

nonprofit organization whose purpose is to bring together

individuals interested in Coptic studies and to promote the

dissemination of scholarly information on Coptic Studies

through the organization of meetings, conferences and

through the preparation of scholarly works for publication.

Journal of the American Research

Center in Egypt Volume 49 (2013)

Edited by Eugene Cruz-Uribe

ISBN: 978 1 937040 29 1

229pp | £41.00


Published by Lockwood Press

The Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (JARCE) was

established in 1962 to foster research into the history,

languages, social systems and archaeology of the Egyptian

people. The journal welcomes article submissions on all

periods and aspects of Egyptian civilization. JARCE publishes

articles in English, French or German.

University of Exeter Press

Page 16: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 14


Investigations at

el-Hebeh 1980

Preliminary Report By Robert J Wenke

9780890031544 | PB 1984 | 165pp | £18

American Research Center in Egypt

Cities of the Delta,

Part II

Mendes: Preliminary

Report on the 1979

and 1980 Seasons

By Karen L. Wilson

9780890030820 | PB

1982 | 43pp | £13

Deir el-Ballas

Preliminary Report on

the Deir el-Ballas

Expedition, 1980-1986

By Peter Lacovara

9780936770246 | HB

1990 | 77pp | £22

Fustat Expedition

Final Report,

Volume 1

Catalogue of Filters

By George T. Scanlon

9780936770130 | PB

1986 | 162pp | £18

Fustat Expedition

Final Report,

Volume 2

Fustat-C By Wladyslaw Kubiak and George T. Scanlon

9780936770215 |HB 1989 | 111pp | £24

Greek Painted

Pottery from

Naukratis in

Egyptian Museums

By Marjorie Susan Venit

9780936770192 | HB

1988 | 309pp | £35

An Historical

Bibliography of

Egyptian Prehistory

Compiled by Kent R.


9780936770116 | PB

1985 | 160pp | £16


Astronomy in

Medieval Yemen

A Bibliographical


By David A. King

9780890030981 | PB

1983 | 112pp | £13

Mendes I

by Robert K. Holz, et al.

9780936770024 | HB

1980 | 104pp | £33

Quseir Al-Qadim


By Donald S. Whitcomb

and Janet H. Johnson

9780890031124 | PB

1982 | 418pp | £18

A Survey of the


Manuscripts in the

Egyptian National


By David A. King

9780936770147 | HB

1986 | 332pp | £43

The Tomb Chamber

of HSW the Elder

The Inscribed Material

at Kom El-Hisn, Part

1: Illustrations

By David P. Silverman

9780936770178 | HB

1988 | 146pp | £22

2015 Distributed Presses Catalogue

Page 17: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 15

The Archaeology of


Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the Other in Antiquity Edited by Douglas R. Edwards and C. Thomas McCollough

9780897570701 | HB 2005 | 480pp | £80

American Schools of Oriental Research

The Ayl to Ras



Survey, Southern

Jordan 2005-2007

By Burton MacDonald

et al.

9780897570855| HB

2012 | 552pp | £95

The Babylonian

Entitlement Narus

A Study in Form and


By Kathryn Slanski

9780897570602 | PB

2003 | 256pp |£22.95

Caesarea Maritima

The Coins and the

Hellenistic, Roman

and Byzantine

Economy of Palestine

By Jane DeRose Evans

9780897570749| HB

2006 | 264pp | £55

Crossroads and


The Archaeology of Past and Present in the Malloura Valley Edited by Michael K. Toumazou et al.

9780897570862 |HB 2012 | 400pp | £65

Desire, Discord and


Approaches to the

Ancient Near Eastern


By Neal Walls

9780897570565 | HB

9780897570558 | PB

2001 | 220pp

£49.95 HB | £22.95 PB



Women and Society in

Ancient Cyprus

Edited by Diane Bolger

and Nancy Serwint

9780897570596 | HB

2002 | 350pp | £70


Excavation Project, 1

Resources, History and

the Water-Supply


By John Peter Oleson

9780897570831 | HB

2010 | 560pp | £65

The Iron Age Cultic

Structures from the

Excavations at Tell

Taannek 1963–1968

By Frank S. Frick

9780897570503| PB

2000 | 360pp | £27.50

Khirbat Iskandar

Final Report on the

Early Bronze IV Area

C Gateway and


Edited by Suzanne

Richard et al.

9780897570824 | HB

2009 | 470pp | £65

The Middle Bronze

Age II Cemetery at


Final Report

Edited by Yosef

Garfinkel and Susan


9780897570756 | HB

2008 | 168pp | £50

Caesarea Maritima

Field O: Synagogue


By Marylinda Govaars,

Marie Spiro and L.

Michael White

9780897570770 | HB

2008 | 305pp | £60

University of Exeter Press

Page 18: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 16

The Near East in

the South West

Essays in Honor of William G. Dever Edited by Beth Alpert Nakhai

9780897570657| HB 2003 | 256pp | £65

American Schools of Oriental Research

On the Third

Dynasty of Ur

Studies in Honor of

Marcel Sigrist

Edited by Piotr


9780897570800| HB

2008 | 313pp | £48

Results of the 2001

Kerak Plateau Early

Bronze Age Survey;

Two Early Alphabetic

Inscriptions from the

Wadi El-Hol

By Meredith S. Chesson and

John Coleman Darnell

9780897570718 | HB

2005 | 144pp |£50

The Photographs of

the American


Exploration Society

By Rachel Hallote,

Felicity Cobbing and

Jeffrey A. Spurr

9780897570985| HB

2012 | 368pp | £65

Reflections of Empire

Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on the Pottery of the Ottoman Levant and Beyond Edited by Bethany Walker

9780897570817 |HB 2009 | 224pp | £60

The Roman Marble

Sculptures from the

Sanctuary of Pan at

Caesarea Philippi/

Panias (Israel)

By Elise A. Friedland

9780897570879| HB

2013 | 200pp | £65

Shechem III

The Stratigraphy and

Architecture of

Shechem/Tell Balatah:

Two Volume Set

By Edward F. Campbell

9780897570626 | HB

2002 | 607pp | £125

Shechem IV

The Persian-Hellenistic

Pottery of Shechem/

Tell Balat'ah

By Nancy Lapp

9780897570794 | HB

2008 | 160pp | £55

Sotira Kaminoudhia

An Early Bronze Age

Site in Cyprus

Edited by Stuart Swiny,

George Rapp and Ellen


9780897570640| HB

2002 | 300pp | £75

The Tafila-Busayra


Survey 1999–2001,

West-Central Jordan

By Burton MacDonald

9780897570664 | HB

2004 | 300pp | £65

Tel Tanninim

Excavations at

Krokodeilon Polis,


By Robert R. Stieglitz

9780897570725 | HB

2006 | 270pp | £60

Preliminary Excavation

Reports and Other



Tell Qarqur, Iron I Sites

in the North Central

Highlands of Palestine

Edited by Nancy Lapp

9780897570268 | HB

2003 | 218pp | £60

2015 Distributed Presses Catalogue

Page 19: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 17

Tell Taannek

1963–1968 III/2

The Loom Weights By Glenda Friend

9780788504778 | PB 1998 | 102pp | £27.50

American Schools of Oriental Research

Texts From the

Late Old

Babylonian Period

By Seth F.C.


9780897570848| HB

2011 | 232pp | £48

The Textual

Criticism of

Sumerian Literature

By Paul Delnero

9780897570886 | HB

2012 | 230pp |£65

Views from

Phlamoudhi, Cyprus

Edited by Joanna S.


9780897570763| HB

2008 | 159pp | £48

University of Exeter Press

Page 20: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 18

Greece and Cyprus Research Center

2015 Distributed Presses Catalogue

English Texts

British Period to 1900 Edited by David W. Martin, Andreas G. Orphanides and Paul W. Wallace

9780965170468 | PB 1999 | 345pp | £10

English Texts

Frankish and Turkish Periods

Edited by David W. Martin, Andreas G.

Orphanides and Paul W. Wallace

9780965170451| PB

1998 | 314pp | £10

Enosis and the British

British Official

Documents 1878–1950

Edited by Reed Coughlan, Andreas G.

Orphanides and Paul W. Wallace

9781931226110 | PB

2004 | 252pp |£13.50

The Final Days of British Rule in


Dispatches and Diaries of Consul

General Taylor Belcher and Edith


Edited by David W. Martin, et al.

9780965170499| PB

2000 | 364pp | £13.50

German Texts

Turkish Period (after 1800)

Edited by Andreas G. Orphanides, Hans

A. Pohlsander and Paul W. Wallace

9781931226127| PB

2006 | 268pp | £13.50

Greek and Latin Texts to the

Third Century A.D.

Edited by Andreas G. Orphanides and

Paul W. Wallace

9789963756216 |PB 1990 | 287pp | £16.50

Greek Texts of the Fourth to

Thirteenth Centuries

Edited by Andreas G. Orphanides, Hans

A. Pohlsander and Paul W. Wallace

9780965170475| PB

1999 | 195pp | £13.50

Lusignan’s Chorography and

Brief General History of the

Island of Cyprus (A.D. 1573)

By Stephen de Lusignan

9781931226103 | PB

2001 | 249pp | £16.50

A Narrative of the Chronicle of

Cyprus 1456–1489

By George Boustronios

9789963080922 | PB

2005 | 252pp | £16.50

Near Eastern and Aegean Texts

from the Third to the First

Millennia BC

Edited by Andreas G. Orphanides and

Paul W. Wallace

9780965170420| PB

1996 | 92pp | £13.50

Pero Tafur and Cyprus

By Pero Tafur, translated by Colbert I.


9780965170444 | PB

1997 | 68pp | £10

A Pilgrim’s Account of Cyprus

Bars’kyj’s Travels in Cyprus

By Vasyl Hryhorovyc-Bars’kyj

9780965170437 | PB

1996 | 144pp | £13.50

Prosopography of Cypriot

Syllabic Inscriptions

By Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paleologou

9781931226158 | PB

2008 | 130pp | £23.50

Swedish Texts

Edited by Elisabeth Plitz

9781931226141 | PB

2007 | 121pp | £20

Page 21: Middle Eastern Archaeology 2015

Page 19

Archaeology and

the Cities of Late

Antiquity in Asia


Edited by Ortwin Dally and Christopher Ratté

9780974187358 | HB 2012 | 302pp | £32

Building a New


The Roman Colony

of Pisidian Antioch

(25 BC–300 AD)

Edited by Unal

Demirer, et al.

9780974187341 | PB

2011 | 220pp | £25

Hours of Infinity

Recording the

Imperfect Eternal

By John Kannenberg,

Marc Weidenbaum and

T.G. Wilfong

9780974187365 | PB

2012 | 64pp |£8.50

In the Field

The Archaeological

Expeditions of the

Kelsey Museum

By S.E. Alcock and

L.E. Talalay

9780974187334 | PB

2006 | 103pp | £14

Life, Death and

Afterlife in Ancient


The Coffin of

Djehutymose in the

Kelsey Museum of


By T.G. Wilfong

9780974187389 |PB 2013 | 112pp | £14.50

Prehistorians Round

the Pond

Reflections on Aegean

Prehistory as a Discipline

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Margomenou and L.E.


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2005 | 179pp | £14

Tel Anafa II, ii

Glass Vessels, Lamps,

Objects of Metal, and

Groundstone and Other

Stone Tools and Vessels

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the Early Arts of Iran

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Town in Roman


Discoveries of the

University of Michigan

Expedition to Egypt


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Lockwood Press

Beyond Hatti

A Tribute to Gary


Edited by Billie Jean

Collins and Piotr


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2013 | 392pp | £52

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An Introduction to

the Typology of

Islamic Legal Theory

By Aron Zysow

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2013 | 360pp | £24

Journal of the

Canadian Society for

Coptic Studies

Volume 2

Edited by Ramez Boutros,

Jitse Dijkstra and Helene


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Journal of the

Canadian Society for

Coptic Studies

Volume 3-4

Edited by Ramez Boutros,

Jitse Dijkstra and Helene


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Journal of the

Canadian Society for

Coptic Studies

Volume 5

Edited by Ramez Boutros,

Jitse Dijkstra and Helene


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A Journal of Ancient

History Volume 5

Edited by Piotr Berdowski,

Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spanò,

Krystyna Stebnicka, Marek

Wecowski and Aleksander


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A Journal of Ancient

History Volume 6

Edited by Piotr Berdowski,

Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spanò,

Krystyna Stebnicka, Marek

Wecowski and Aleksander


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2012 | 196pp | £38


A Journal of Ancient

History Volume 7

Edited by Piotr Berdowski,

Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spanò,

Kystyna Stebnicka, Marek

Wecowski and Aleksander


9781937040161 | PB

2012 | 200pp | £38

A Reader of

Classical Arabic


By S.A. Bonebakker

and M. Fishbein

9781937040031 | PB

2012 | 248pp | £17

The Edwin Smith


Updated Translation of

the Trauma Treatise

and Modern Medical


By Gonzalo M. Sanchez

and Edmund S. Meltzer

9781937040017 | HB

2012 | 376pp | £170

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Adoration of the Ram

Five Hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis Temple By David Klotz

9780974002521 | PB 2006 | 300pp | £20

Archaism and Innovation

Studies in the Culture of Middle

Kingdom Egypt

Edited by David Silverman, William Kelly

Simpson and Josef Wegner

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2009 | 512pp | £120

The Classic Christian Townsite at

Arminna West

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1967 | 103pp |£10

Echoes of Egypt

Conjuring the Land of the Pharaohs

By Colleen Manassa

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2013 | 100pp | £15

Yale Egyptological Institute

Future at Issue

Tense, Mood and Aspect in Middle


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1990 | 288pp | £15

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Commemorating the


Collective Memory, Public

Commemoration, and

National Identity in

Twentieth-Century Egypt

By Israel Gershoni and James


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Middle East Documentation Center

The Criminal

Underworld in a

Medieval Islamic


Narratives from Cairo

and Damascus under

the Mamluks

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2012 | 373pp | £48

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Maritime Trade

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the Later Middle Ages

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2010 | 319pp | £40

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2010 | 236pp | £40

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Patronage in

Medieval Syria

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Urban Works of

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Ibn al-Farid’s al-

Khamriyah and al-

Qaysari’s Quest for


Edited by Th. Emil


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2005 | 128pp | £40

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Middle Ages

Transformation of

the Mamluk Frontier

By Bethany Walker

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2011 | 348pp | £48

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Bethsaida: A City by the

North Shore of the Sea

of Galilee, Volume 1

Edited by Rami Arav and

Richard Freund

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Bethsaida: A City by

the North Shore of the

Sea of Galilee,

Volume 2

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Bethsaida: A City by the

North Shore of the Sea

of Galilee, Volume 3

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Bethsaida: A City by

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the Sea of Galilee,

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Composition in

Greek and Roman


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Michigan Classical Press

The Roman Empire

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Hughes and Lucia


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Eleanor Dickey, Richard

Hamilton and Jeffrey S.


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2011 | 242pp | £20

The Well-Read


Present and Past in

Callimachus and the

Hellenistic Poets

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Regional Settlement Demography in


By Robert D. Drennan, C. Adam Berrey and Christian E.


ISBN: 978 0 9898249 4 1

200pp | £32.50

2015 | Paperback

Published by Eliot Werner


Archaeological analysis at the regional scale investigates the

past by studying how people distributed themselves and their

activities across a landscape of hundreds or thousands of

square kilometres. Archaeological field survey methods

combine with powerful new quantitative tools for spatial

analysis to unleash new potential for identifying and studying

ancient local communities and regional polities. Varied

approaches to estimating regional population sizes in both

relative and absolute terms are synthesized and their attributes

assessed. Field survey methods developed around the world

are compiled and best practices for collecting archaeological

data to sustain demographic analysis are delineated.

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Carl W. Blegen

Personal and Archaeological Narratives

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ISBN: 978 1 937040 22 2

252pp | £25.00

2015 | Paperback

Published by Lockwood Press

Carl Blegen is the most famous American archaeologist ever to

work in Greece, and no American has ever had a greater impact

on Greek archaeology. Yet Blegen, unlike several others of his

generation, has found no biographer. In part, the explanation for

this must lie in the fact that his life was so multifaceted: not only

was he instrumental in creating the field of Aegean prehistory,

but Blegen, his wife and their best friends, the Hills ('the family'),

were also significant forces in the social and intellectual

community of Athens. Authors who have contributed to this

book have each researched one aspect of Blegen's life. The result

is a biography that sets Blegen in the social and academic milieu

that gave rise to the discipline of classical archaeology in Greece.

General and American Archaeology

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General and American Archaeology

The Agate Basin Site

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430pp | £29.00

2015 | Paperback

Published by Eliot Werner


EWP Foundations of Archaeology

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monograph is not only a classic of Plains Paleoindian

archaeology, but also of multidisciplinary research,

geoarchaeology, zooarchaeology and experimental

archaeology. Lucid presentation of meticulously excavated

and analysed sediments, bones and artefacts convey an

unmatched sense of the sights, sounds and smells of

Paleoindian life on the High Plains–from brutal winters and

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making lethal weaponry.

Historical Archaeology of the


Edited by Barbara J. Little and Paul A. Shackel

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320pp | £30.00

2014 | Paperback

Published by Eliot Werner


The field of historical archaeology has changed dramatically

over the years and archaeologists working in the Chesapeake

have often been at the forefront of such changes. This book

reflects the variety and complexity of historical archaeology

in the Chesapeake, while a new prologue by the editors

highlights some of the recent advances.

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General and American Archaeology

The Casper Site A Hell Gap Bison Kill on the High Plains

(revised edition)

By George C. Frison

ISBN: 978 0 9752738 4 5

296pp | £25.00

2014 | Paperback

Published by Eliot Werner


EWP Foundations of Archaeology

With his background in ranching and hunting, Frison knows

more about large animals than any other archaeologist. In The

Casper Site, Frison began to share that knowledge as well as

the techniques of bone bed excavation; that, and the book’s

interdisciplinary approach, makes it a landmark in

Paleoindian archaeology and faunal analysis.

A Primer on Modern-World


By Charles E. Orser

ISBN: 978 0 98982 492 7

181pp | £20.00

2014 | Paperback

Published by Eliot Werner


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Columbian world (colonialism, Eurocentrism, racialization

and capitalism), A Primer on Modern-World Archaeology is

designed to introduce historical archaeology to

undergraduates, graduate students and everyone interested in

the material expressions of how the present world came to

be. Major perspectives are presented in accessible language,

and study questions are provided at the end of each chapter.

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General and American Archaeology

The Archaeology of Mesoamerican


Edited by Christopher M. Götz and Kitty F. Emery

ISBN: 978 1 937040 05 5

826pp | £62.00

2014 | Paperback

Published by Lockwood Press

Archaeobiology 1

This volume presents current research from across the many

cultures and regions of Mesoamerica, dealing specifically with

the most current issues in zooarchaeological literature. The

time frame of the volume extends from the earliest human

occupation, the Preclassic, Classic, Postclassic and Colonial

manifestations, to recent times. The book's chapters provide

important general background on the domestic and ritual use

of animals in early and classic Mesoamerica and Central


ISBN: 9781937040123

826pp | £62.00

2014 | Paperback

Published by Lockwood Press

Archaeobiology 1

La Arqueología de los Animales de


Edited by Christopher M. Götz and Kitty F. Emery

En respuesta a un creciente interes en el campo de la

zooarqueologia, este libro presenta investigaciones que

representan a las multiples culturas y regiones de

Mesoamerica, tratando especificamente los aspectos mas

recurrentes en la literatura zooarqueologica.

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An Archaeology of


Africans and Euro-

peans on the Gold

Coast, 1400–1900

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Rivers of Change

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1992 | 318pp | £22

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