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Middle Eastern PP

Date post: 09-May-2015
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Peter Beckwith, Sam Cychosz, Kenny Li, Christina Souphannavong, Nick Taylor, Jordan Koplitz & Josh Keck
Page 1: Middle Eastern PP

Peter Beckwith, Sam Cychosz,

Kenny Li, Christina Souphannavong,

Nick Taylor, Jordan Koplitz & Josh Keck

Page 2: Middle Eastern PP

Modern Israel established 1948 recording to UN partition Plan

Confliction claims to the land makes repeating violence

Israel and Arab neighbors had three wars 1956, 1967, 1973

US try to bring peace

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1967 - occupied Territories and seized Golan Heights from Syria, east Jerusalem, and West Bank from Jordan, Gaza strip & Sinai Peninsula in Egypt

1973 - the nations attacked back on

Yom Kippur the holiest days in

Jewish years. They failed and Israel

built more homes for Jewish settlers Palestinian attacks bring Israeli

response in 1960 the Palestine

Liberation Organization (PLO)

was fighting Palestine leaded by

Yasser Arafat killing Olympic athletes and hijacking planes.

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1993 – Yasir Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin signed the Oslo Accord

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US and UN wanted peace so they organized negotiations with Golda Meir the first female prime minister but Israel was attacked during the negotiations. Israel and Egypt sign a peace accord in 1979 and Egypt got Sinai Peninsula back. Talks between Israel and Control of Golan Heights

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According to the Bible and the Quran, both groups were given ownership (Jews and Muslims) to Israel.

2000 - Palestinian groups (like Hamas) upgraded terrorist attacks. Israeli PM demanded removal of Palestinian authority.

• Land Claims are wanted by many Palestinians to settle anywhere in Israel under “Right of Return”.

• A large number of Palestinians in Israel. The future of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories. And Jerusalem is the third.

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2004 - Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon launched a plan to withdraw Israeli settlements from Gaza, death of Yasir Arafat.

Israeli prime minister, Sharon launched a plan to withdraw Israeli settlements from Gaza, death of Yasir Arafat in 2004.

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King Hussien, ruler of Jordan, finally made peace with Israel

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Lebanon; Beirut - ruling capital Home to diverse ethnic and religious

groups Mid-1990s – Arab and Israeli conflict was

bringing problems to Lebanon Christians held most power because they

were the largest group

Govt. depend on the balance of Arab Christians, Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims, and Druze, who are people with a religion related to Islam

Muslim Palestinians fled into Lebanon in areas in 1948, Muslims outnumbered Christians

Upset Lebanon religious balance

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1975 – religious tensions put them in a civil war

Christian and Muslim militias, which are armed groups of citizen soldiers, battled each other

1982 – Invaded southern Lebanon

Syria occupied Eastern Lebanon to secure its


1990 – Civil war ended Beirut was slowly rebuilt

and became the center of commerce after being demolished
