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~MINUTE PAST TWELVE iFirst Tot of...

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) t * * BEHIND PAGE 1 This Week's Review LOSES PURSE A leather purse contlanlng a neatly wrapped Chnstmas pres- ent and $100 Chnstmas money, was lost thIS week on Mack ave- nue The owner lost the purse in the snow Saturday evernng wtuJe re- tUring home from work. Gross. Point.'s Fint N.wsp.per ChrIStmas was not a very happy event thIS year for Raymond W. Kelly, 46, of 1298 Hawthorne. Kelly was tnrrumng the Side ot hIS house when he fell from a ladder. He was taken to Manne Hos- pital Wlth face lacerations and an Injured leg. Trimmer Falls Into Bad Luck Martha FIScher, a reSident ~ the Grosse Pomte area ,has been named to the comlTUttee for the 1951 University of DetrOit SprlIlg Carnival, It was announced this week. The student. who lives at 4M Fisher road, Will act as corres- ponding . secretary for the all. student sponsored affalr. MISs FIScher is a senior in the College of Arts and SCiences. Name Carnival Committee at U. of D. GROSSE POINTE 30, MICHIGAN - VA. 2.1162 Skatlng the five Grosse POinte parks was reported excellent thiS week. Youngsters, on vacation bl'- tween holldays, are et\Joymg the best Ice In several years, offiCials reported. Night skating "'Ill continue in \ Gcosse POinte Farms, Grosse Pomte Park and Grosse POinte Woods Skaters Get Good Ice Helmka was a pao;senger m a car driven by Stanley Brys, of 2241 E Eight Mue road. Police said the car struck a tree on Maumee. between 'RIvard and University. Both parties were taken to Bon Secours Hospital. Brys was treated for face lacera- hons and released. Norman Helmka, 19 years old, of 1363 Brys, 15 In Marine Hos- pital In crlbcal condlhon after an automobue aCCident Saturday at 405 am. Car Strikes Tree, Two Are Injured Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Boehm, of 1377 Sunnmgdale, returned to thell' home Saturday evening to fInd the place ransacked and all the presents under the Chflstmas tree missing. Also lTUssmg were jewelry and several hundred dollars in cash. Woods pollce said the thieves entered the house through a rear door near the kitchen. The burg- lars sampled quantlties of rum and whISkey before they de- departed. Cash stolen was estimated at $257. MtSSlDg amcles are an In- d1aIl blanket, gold watch, cameo IUlJ, rm-estone pm, pearls, B'l~ 'clothmg and a table radio. Two bibles were also taken. Thieves Take Loot Under Tree The first baby born in Grosse Pointe in 1951 Will fall heir to a bevy of gifts and gadgets wluch are befitting a long ~r queen of storkland. The New Year's arrival will be the winner of the Ninth Annual Baby Contest sponsored by the Grosse Pomte Review In coo~ration with Grosse Pointe merchants. Last year the champIOn of the Diaper Derby was Danny Halvorsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Halvorsen of Wayburn avenue, A pair of twins m the family, now three years old, just missed Wlnning the 1948 Baby Contest ~ PremIums for the winner of tlus year's contest Wlll also be awarded to the parents of the young heir. The Derby 15 open to par- ents who are residents of Grosse Pointe. In order to qualify for the honor, a letter from the attendmc phYSICian giVing the exact tune of blrth must be filed at the Re. view ofl'lce, 15121 Kercheval, Grosse POInte 30, Michigan. There are no other rules or glIIul11cks. The decISion of the Judges will be final. The "first baby of 1951" may be known m time for next week's, January 4, edition, but to pre. clude any late report of a b1rtb, he offiCial winner will not be an. nouneed before Thursday, Janu- ary 11. A letter of credit for the gifts Wlll be g,jven to the parents of the "first baby." A complete hst of all the gifta offered in the contest are given the story on page " and. agaiJl ~ on page 6 of this ed1tiOD of tM Gr0S58 Pomte Review. Among the gifts are: a baby bassmette, a five-dollar bank ae. eount, prmted birth announce- ments and a shirt. iFirst Tot of 1951 I to .Greet the World with Bevy of Gifts The traveler picked up his heavy bag apd walked on. Presently he met a shiver- ing man who allked for the price of a cup of coffee. As the traveler reached in hIS pocket he ..emembered what the old man had said. So he asked the shivering man to go With him to an all-night restaurant and he bought hIm a roast beef dinner. And when he left he felt better. Around the corner the traveler met an old woman sellmg flowers on the street. "Buy my flowers," she called, but few bought. The traveler bought all her flowers and gently p10ned them in a big bunch to the old woman's coat. And his bag felt so light that he almost skIpped as he crossed the street to an orphanage and put a ten dollar bl1l m the mall slot. All night long the traveler walked the streets of the strange town. He found a pollceman for a little boy who was lost. He helped a cab dnver change a tire. He helped a scrubwoman wash the floor at the bus station. He bought coffee for some firemen who were putt10g out a fire. And after a long tlme he went to hIS hotel, feellng very happy and very young. Just before he got into bed he walked to the wmdow to look over the town that was no longer strange. And as the traveler saw the court house tower in the square, he suddenly reallzed what the old man had meant. For the hands of the clock in the court house stIll poInted to exactly one mmute past twelve. ~ ONE MINUTE PAST TWELVE Late at night in late December a long tlme ago, a man stepped off a train in a strange town. It was New Year's Eve and he was sad for he was far from home. He thought of his friends gathered to. gether so many ml1es away and he was sadder still. There were no cabs, so pick 4 ing up hlS heavy bag, he began to walk the few blocks to his hotel. As he reached the court house ~quare he heard the bell in the tower still Vibrating from the last stroke of midnight. It was one minute past twelve. "Happy New Year," said all old man who was lockmg up a shop. "Happy New Year to you," the traveler rephed: 'But' you are not happy," said the old man. "No," answered the traveler. "I am not happy. It is one mmute past twelve and I am a year nearer the grave. Time moves faster and faster and a man can never catch it. I must even travel on business on : the New Year." And the traveler shed a tear in self- pity. "Time does not move," said the old man. "We move through time. But we generally move in the wrong directIOn." The old man put the key 10 his pocket. "What do you do to move 10 the right duectlOn"" he asked. "Why," said the traveler. "I support rflv famIly" "So does a robIn, and SIngs besides." the old man saId. "The way to move In the TIght directiOn IS to act always as If thIS ' .... ere to be vour last day on earth." And the old man' was gone. Grosse Pointe's Newspaper for More Than 23 Years GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1950 Lutherans Plan Snow Spearheading the activIties are Elders Robert W. Conder, as chaIrman, and J. J. Newberry, as assIStant chaIrman. Teen-agers will also eelebrate -.t"1U'lvato.~-".in ~~-~. Banks Will close Friday. until Tuesday, January 2. MunICipal offiCes wIll close Sat- urday noon for a three day respite. As the holiday season draws to a close, cluldreTl are making plans to return to schOO!on Tues- day, January 2. CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY Squirrel. Creates Bedlam The campaign to raise $121,120 for the Bon SecoUlS Ho,;pltal pushed nearer Its goal thIS week Over $50,000 has been subscribed to date. In front of the hospital an enormous thermometer has been erected t6 record the progre,s of the dTl\e Fund, raIsed Wll! be used to purchase equipment for the new \\lng of the ho,pltal which IS nearing completion The dnve, which IS under the chairmanship of Lou Maxon, Will contmue untIl February Maxon stated the pledges have been rollmg In and he IS con- fident that the dnve WIll be a success. Alihougit but five years old, Bon Secours has acquired Wide- spread reputation for Its service to the commuruty The hospital addition IS ex- pected to be ready for occupancy about Apnl 1. Hospital Drive Pushes Pushes Near . Grosse Pomte WIll jam the nabon m traditional fes- tiVIties to welcom~ 1951. SpeCial church services WIll be held on New Year's Eve and on New Year's Day. Many homes and pnvate clubs Will be the scenes of gay celebratlOns. A New Year's Eve dance and party Will be held at the War MemOrial Center for those m the 20-30 age group. One of the biggest "get-togethers" Will be staged by I. seven Pomte churches for all the school children from the ~th to the 12th grades. The party WIll be held in the gymnaSIum of the Grosse Pomte Memonal Church from 9 p.m. to 1:30 am. The program WIll consIst of group smgmg, mOVIes, games, devotlOnal servIces, square dancmg and ball room danc- mg. SandWIches, soft drmks and cookies WIll be served after mid- night. The churches sponsormg the affair are ChrIst Church, Grace Evangelical and Reformed, Uni- tanan, Grosse POinte Methodist, Grosse POinte Congregational, Grosse POinte Woods Presby- tenan and the Grosse POinte Memonal Church. ~27 New Year's Greetings From the Review •• 0 * More than 300 persons galh- f ed at the Brodhead Naval Armory last Thur~day to con- g, atulate Mr and Mrs Leon J Jacobi on their 25th \\ ed- rl ng anm"ersarv The Jacobls rp<lde at 721 Fisher road Patronise Your Local Merchants After a perilous plane tnp from St LouIS last week, Mr. and Mrs Ralph C Wilson, 'umped aboard their skyblrd Friday to spend the holidays In Puerto RICO The Satur- dllY before theIr twm-engme plane crashed on a so~bean field ~ hen one of the engmes \\ ent haYWire •• Det Jim Flanagan arrived at TOt V lle the Lowne reSidence at 719 Wash- I fl.p 0 a y mgton Tuesday afternoon to fmd I A 1 Luth n bedlam In the hou~e I The Fifth nnua era Rev. and Mrs. Chnton W Low- Cara\an to Siher valle Y 4 wul be ne arrIved home after a short held Sunday, February holiday to flOd the lUrtalns torn. I Busses" lJi leave St Peter's the ,hades TIpped down and Lutheran Church In East DetrOIt lamps smashed on the floor. ~hortly after 5 a m. on that day. As Flanagan entered the house, I A Silver Valley Lutheran there ",as a sudden racket In an Queen for 1951 Will be .elected upstairs room by the Board of Commerce from Suddenly a lone , qUI r reI Ta" as and Ea<t Tawas The plunged do" n the ~talrs and fled I Queen \\Ill be given a trophy at through an open door. the Siher Valley Banquet on I February 18, at St. Peter's Edw. Bat"thel FOnd A t D . T d l U 0 les ues a V N bb Guilt Edv. ard Bartnel d eo sUddpnl~ I a er y 10 hl~ ho ne at 159 Gros-e Pomte I In Judge Ira W Jayne s tourt, Boulevard on Tuesdav night Thomas Fergu<on, 27, of DetrOIt, A natlve of Dem e!. he lJad "as found gUilty of unlawfully lI"ed In DetrOit for 4;> \ ears drl\ 109 awa~ an automobIle. Mr Barthel v. as a Na\'y \ et. The car '" a~ 0\\ ned by John An- eran of World War I a member d f 27 Beverl) of Sll!ma Chi fratermt\ ami a erson, 0 merr ber of the Real E.<tate Bo"rd I The ca<e '" as referred to the. Hc IS SUI\ 1\ cd b\ hl< \\ lfe I VIla'ne County ProbatIOn De. I I Eleanor a brother Hdrold and apartment. sl<ter \lr' Frederlck Fisk - - da~c:~ICt~~\~:Il~~~t~I~~:lft~~I0..:.._B_IT_U_A_R_I_ES_ Police Arrest T'wo Pointers Are Lester Finds Gi""G:l~ 'H:::~'COlltte de Rostang Dies Shoplifters Wounded In Korea H t P S I d I A it r Heart A trock Two Grosse Pomte GI's "ere The soldIer. 22. was a member ones ')" a'V For Do i aye / lOt. recently reported mJured In of the lith Regiment of the 7th One day < x-year-old LR<'cr "I d R t ;!. ~on. He won Ihe CroIx df' Guerre WIth n pera Ion Korea HC/3c Stanley M Wea- DIVISIon \\hICh. until recently. wnn hr~\;!!ht h'ome a book of I S~. Do'1on S Ho"e .p('nl :hE' Comle pu'rre e ()<; an. tv. 0 p;;lm< ver. Jr. USMC, ~ent word to hi!; had not been heard from for ,t'E'f) tlckets he found on tht. (hn-t"~' '10 00" \\ lth h.< par. In-l;;''' of E 0 Stair former In DetroIt he wa< \ Ice prc<ldent Two shoplifters were arrested I faml1y that he wa< recuperatm g , "'eeks , H'e' I ('nl \lr ;;nd \\, < \\ ,11'0'" \\ puhh<hE'r of the Free PrE''' dIed of the Willette and Hughe< msur- I In Jacobson's Thur~day afternoon I from a leg inJury and \\ould I-j ~ aunl M,., )Iaune 'JILel I H.'''(' of \7l7 A\lolrl ,lond;;\ ;;1 hi' hom~ at 752 Tr(\m. lIn("e firm bv City of Grosse POinte Pollee. I leave T<lkyo soon and return I Fenders Bunlped . A Re\lew of PiCtures and ~ lWi W"vburn <(''11:hE' <Iuh< ';21 1''1'-1' ,< ~.;;: ,~n~rl ~~\~ hln Gr,,«e pOInte He <\lfferE'd SurVI\ m,e: ill I' hl< "Ife and a I h<lme ' I r-iews Events Ourmg 1950-Pai. , rl a ("heck to ('o\('r the co.t of I t~(' \. V,I ("(' ot I <,<t!'~ ('omte,<e Ja("qu('hnE' de la The 21-year-old gIrls from The :-'lan~ 1<;the <on of :\olr I T.... o ('ars pa'smg on Pnwen- 4 ~o 'Ickel< to T.ocll\ 154 l' \W_ mn ,'f! \1<l< HE' h,,< "~n n a h(';; 1 lI11;;('K V1l1E'<hnrnnE'of NI('!' Fr<lnce Ha7el Park were <;potted after ;;nd :'>Ir< Stanley M Wea"er of I' clal ".cre damaged Tue<:dav I Ched.. prove<; Grosse Pomte () \\ here the dra\\ Inl! \\:i< 0 .('_\ r(' I n :inrl <lh~ f 'f'ri-- <lnd C"01I(' dE' R",t;;n" '\7 \\ n- the ThE' fun 11 v. iI<;hpld Wednes. thE'Y left one of the fJttm,e: rooms 3M McK.nley r~ad "hen one allto <k,doed mto th~ IGraduat~ Do Well JD College '~~e "lace l' ;; 1:"(1.,,'(' of Gr0'.1' P"mte "\l<bllrd "f !I..,nc' Sl<l\r \\ horn d t SI h h h Weaver 1< II l';;\'y "etE'r<ln of I I Lb 5 tl ht R I , Th E' I' mar ;;\;;. :..m ro<(' r IIrc PolIce sa,d thE' "lrl~ ",ere' I fender of the other I rar) po tg - egu ar T~E'n one clay II J(cnt'E".,,~n'I Hl;:h ~(""Q( he n('1 In F;;rI< !'\ \\ , .. World \\ ar 11 and returned 'n Feature ,,'»"0 on the doo. _ _ - lien JI.n(' III 11124 Th(' c"lIple ACTIDEST fnllhtf'ned whE'n they <aw police ;;rt,\p duty \\lth the MannE'< 10 I Erne,t W Slough. of 14Z0i I S f F h 5t d ,nil h;;\e ) J<t ",.,n II IllrkE" I Tlrl(fT ORl\tR., ll\E'rl m Fl"ncp unl,1 Iq14 lh~n ",<lr or."pn h\ Con<tllncp 10 Ihe <;tore and nepo<lted thplr ScplE'01ber. HI' br"th('r \tan\n.: FlandE'r< ::lIte"'!pted to .10\\ do"" Sln~a 0 A rpnl' u ent- r r;;Hk 'h!' <lnnounCl'n I l,;' rI "n to\ \!~:h ~ p, c;;m"'" Dolroll IU- "n 1470 Iroqu o ,< <Irllck ::I < m Ihf' US Air FOl("e I, ~ , 'l~" n,J1m "rr! lh 01'< ," t 1"."-' ,,,',, nn r~"'r\OlX on .... are~ In thp room< \1<0 nn lh a "oun"~" 1,' .,10 ,el John \\ Nacy of 214fl" Pomtcr< JOIn Enthu<;I,um of lhf' 1(\"0 11('\\- E'I" )('(' (' ... ,,~r T \ 1!.,,01l;;'" of 1,11' "n,\CI \ _"""~ , ~ ~ "e" ,. ' ( Il:h the hou<(' I' \\", 1,;; rl Rpll' '>8; D rV 1''' ('d K IE'- nf p", < lnn-t(" 0(' Rn<\Ang <cT\('d (hl,.'lY\;;< 11", Thr Orirl-.E'oVE'- Thf' <hopllfter< lold pollre Ihf'\ f'\1 .lohn \\emnch \\h" 1< 10 F"le<1 pa-< I :\ola<k and Will 5ho",-Story. lell V\ h" ".,;;e h"pp (', ltoe rl" at R<lr In;:lnn iln~ or~., ''l rll<I,nct,on ll< 11 Fren("h h dE' \\ 0< " .... "I'd h\ Vrllnk Ru<..<-h;;o hM-n opentlnll In A men's:1n <\rmy ho<pltal In O<:olf'a S" 11th < e::l- ",d IOtO Ih(' left [mpenal StE'l'S I11to LeAd SJI ';~;:'.;:h.'",~,,;~:k" .'N:~~~"'~E~~~t~"'~.~dl mpi~t'~res .t.~f' the Y~ar _ S~~'.rl.'p;g; '4.'~"" One of the big events oi the part\ \\hlch Tom Boyd gave for the youngsters last Satur- :lay afternon was the arrival of Santa Claus. Great cheers \\ent up when the bE:arded fig- ure m... "ie hlS appearance. (one IIttJe flaxen-haued lass grab- bed her mother's hand and broke mw a great volley of tears as she watched her frIends greet 8t Nick "Is he gomg to come to our house \\ hen he gets thtough here," she sobbed through a veal of tears The newly elected Superm- ndent of Grosse Pornte Pub- C Schools, James W. Dushong, 111 take up hIS post as suc- essor to John Barnes begrn- 109 next week Back in Ore- on, hiS Wife Vicky and three hlldren, Joyce, Jams and Pat- ey are busy packing their uds for the big cross-country O~e After George Wilshans dec- aled the tree in front of s house, at 1292 Amta. last eek, he settled back to en- y the Yule season. The next al' hiS hopes fell From the ecorated tree, someone had moved a strmg of colored ghts and fled With the merch- dlse. L 27-NO. 24 Police chiefs are ISsuing speCial warmngs to motorists to \\ atch out for pedestn ans and espeCially children who are on their holiday vacatIOns. \cclderts In all the pOlntes ha\ e doubled and tripled the aCCident rate as ICy streets contmue to be a number one hazzard. Skaters of all ages, SIzes and hapes are turnmg out by the undreds at all the Grosse omte parks The Ice condl- IIIOns are reported ex~lenl Ight skating 15 featured at he parks In Grosse Pomte arms. Grosse Pomte Woods and Grosse Pomte Park:. 00. ~~NA16ERAPHS Herald Arrival byT~ePointer'-l of the New Year At a short ceremony Sun- y morning, Chief Dansbury ~.th R t. 't 111transfer hiS badge to the I es I VI Y w File Chief m Grosse mle Farms, Wllhams New- rt, '" ho has been WIth the partment for 31 years. o 0 E<lchyear around Chnstmas e a group of eight young- ers who llve on Oxford road Gros,e pOinte Woods go rollng In the neighborhood. e money they raise from elr mU,lcal efforts IS spent r grolenes for needy fam- es ThiS year they sacceed- In rcllslng $33 on thell' char- ble venture
Page 1: ~MINUTE PAST TWELVE iFirst Tot of 1951digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-1… · Year to you," the traveler rephed: 'But' you are not happy," said




This Week'sReview

LOSES PURSEA leather purse contlanlng a

neatly wrapped Chnstmas pres-ent and $100 Chnstmas money,was lost thIS week on Mack ave-nue

The owner lost the purse in thesnow Saturday evernng wtuJe re-tUring home from work.

Gross. Point.'sFint


ChrIStmas was not a very happyevent thIS year for Raymond W.Kelly, 46, of 1298 Hawthorne.

Kelly was tnrrumng the Side othIS house when he fell from aladder.

He was taken to Manne Hos-pital Wlth face lacerations and anInjured leg.

Trimmer FallsInto Bad Luck

Martha FIScher, a reSident ~the Grosse Pomte area ,has beennamed to the comlTUttee for the1951 University of DetrOit SprlIlgCarnival, It was announced thisweek.

The student. who lives at 4MFisher road, Will act as corres-ponding . secretary for the all.student sponsored affalr.

MISs FIScher is a senior in theCollege of Arts and SCiences.

Name CarnivalCommitteeat U. of D.


Skatlng the five Grosse POinteparks was reported excellentthiS week.

Youngsters, on vacation bl'-tween holldays, are et\Joymg thebest Ice In several years, offiCialsreported.

Night skating "'Ill continue in


Gcosse POinte Farms, GrossePomte Park and Grosse POinteWoods

Skaters GetGood Ice

Helmka was a pao;senger m acar driven by Stanley Brys, of2241 E Eight Mue road.

Police said the car struck a treeon Maumee. between 'RIvard andUniversity. Both parties weretaken to Bon Secours Hospital.Brys was treated for face lacera-hons and released.

Norman Helmka, 19 years old,of 1363 Brys, 15 In Marine Hos-pital In crlbcal condlhon after anautomobue aCCident Saturday at405 am.

Car StrikesTree, TwoAre Injured

Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Boehm,of 1377 Sunnmgdale, returned tothell' home Saturday evening tofInd the place ransacked and allthe presents under the Chflstmastree missing.

Also lTUssmg were jewelry andseveral hundred dollars in cash.

Woods pollce said the thievesentered the house through a reardoor near the kitchen. The burg-lars sampled quantlties of rumand whISkey before they de-departed.

Cash stolen was estimated at$257. MtSSlDg amcles are an In-d1aIl blanket, gold watch, cameoIUlJ, rm-estone pm, pearls, B'l~

'clothmg and a table radio.Two bibles were also taken.

ThievesTake LootUnder Tree

The first baby born in Grosse Pointe in 1951 Will fall heirto a bevy of gifts and gadgets wluch are befitting a long ~rqueen of storkland.

The New Year's arrival will be the winner of the NinthAnnual Baby Contest sponsored by the Grosse Pomte ReviewIn coo~ration with Grosse Pointe merchants.

Last year the champIOn of the Diaper Derby was DannyHalvorsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Halvorsen of Wayburnavenue, A pair of twins m the family, now three years old,just missed Wlnning the 1948 Baby Contest

~ PremIums for the winnerof tlus year's contest Wlll alsobe awarded to the parents ofthe young heir.

The Derby 15 open to par-ents who are residents ofGrosse Pointe.

In order to qualify for thehonor, a letter from the attendmcphYSICian giVing the exact tuneof blrth must be filed at the Re.view ofl'lce, 15121 Kercheval,Grosse POInte 30, Michigan.

There are no other rules orglIIul11cks. The decISion of theJudges will be final.

The "first baby of 1951" may beknown m time for next week's,January 4, edition, but to pre.clude any late report of a b1rtb,he offiCial winner will not be an.

nouneed before Thursday, Janu-ary 11.

A letter of credit for the giftsWlll be g,jven to the parents ofthe "first baby."

A complete hst of all the giftaoffered in the contest are given

the story on page " and. agaiJl ~on page 6 of this ed1tiOD of tMGr0S58 Pomte Review.

Among the gifts are: a babybassmette, a five-dollar bank ae.eount, prmted birth announce-ments and a shirt.

iFirst Tot of 1951Ito .Greet the Worldwith Bevy of Gifts

The traveler picked up his heavy bagapd walked on. Presently he met a shiver-ing man who allked for the price of a cupof coffee. As the traveler reached in hISpocket he ..emembered what the old manhad said. So he asked the shivering man togo With him to an all-night restaurant andhe bought hIm a roast beef dinner. Andwhen he left he felt better. Around thecorner the traveler met an old womansellmg flowers on the street. "Buy myflowers," she called, but few bought. Thetraveler bought all her flowers and gentlyp10ned them in a big bunch to the oldwoman's coat. And his bag felt so lightthat he almost skIpped as he crossed thestreet to an orphanage and put a tendollar bl1l m the mall slot.

All night long the traveler walked thestreets of the strange town. He found apollceman for a little boy who was lost.He helped a cab dnver change a tire. Hehelped a scrubwoman wash the floor atthe bus station. He bought coffee for somefiremen who were putt10g out a fire. Andafter a long tlme he went to hIS hotel,feellng very happy and very young.

Just before he got into bed he walkedto the wmdow to look over the town thatwas no longer strange. And as the travelersaw the court house tower in the square,he suddenly reallzed what the old manhad meant.

For the hands of the clock in the courthouse stIll poInted to exactly one mmutepast twelve.



Late at night in late December a longtlme ago, a man stepped off a train in astrange town. It was New Year's Eve andhe was sad for he was far from home.He thought of his friends gathered to.gether so many ml1es away and he wassadder still. There were no cabs, so pick4

ing up hlS heavy bag, he began to walkthe few blocks to his hotel. As he reachedthe court house ~quare he heard the bellin the tower still Vibrating from the laststroke of midnight. It was one minutepast twelve.

"Happy New Year," said all old manwho was lockmg up a shop. "Happy NewYear to you," the traveler rephed: 'But'you are not happy," said the old man."No," answered the traveler. "I am nothappy. It is one mmute past twelve and Iam a year nearer the grave. Time movesfaster and faster and a man can nevercatch it. I must even travel on business on :the New Year."

And the traveler shed a tear in self-pity.

"Time does not move," said the oldman. "We move through time. But wegenerally move in the wrong directIOn."The old man put the key 10 his pocket."What do you do to move 10 the rightduectlOn"" he asked. "Why," said thetraveler. "I support rflv famIly"

"So does a robIn, and SIngs besides."the old man saId. "The way to move In theTIght directiOn IS to act always as If thIS' ....ere to be vour last day on earth." Andthe old man' was gone.

Grosse Pointe's Newspaper for More Than 23 YearsGROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1950

LutheransPlan Snow

Spearheading the activIties areElders Robert W. Conder, aschaIrman, and J. J. Newberry, asassIStant chaIrman.

Teen-agers will also eelebrate-.t"1U'lvato.~-".in ~~-~.

Banks Will close Friday. untilTuesday, January 2.

MunICipal offiCes wIll close Sat-urday noon for a three dayrespite.

As the holiday season draws toa close, cluldreTl are makingplans to return to schOO!on Tues-day, January 2.



The campaign to raise $121,120for the Bon SecoUlS Ho,;pltalpushed nearer Its goal thIS weekOver $50,000 has been subscribedto date.

In front of the hospital anenormous thermometer has beenerected t6 record the progre,s ofthe dTl\e Fund, raIsed Wll! beused to purchase equipment forthe new \\lng of the ho,pltalwhich IS nearing completion

The dnve, which IS under thechairmanship of Lou Maxon,Will contmue untIl February

Maxon stated the pledges havebeen rollmg In and he IS con-fident that the dnve WIll be asuccess.

Alihougit but five years old,Bon Secours has acquired Wide-spread reputation for Its serviceto the commuruty

The hospital addition IS ex-pected to be ready for occupancyabout Apnl 1.

HospitalDrive PushesPushes Near

. Grosse Pomte WIll jam the nabon m traditional fes-tiVIties to welcom~ 1951.

SpeCial church services WIll be held on New Year's Eveand on New Year's Day.

Many homes and pnvate clubs Will be the scenes of gaycelebratlOns.

A New Year's Eve dance and party Will be held at theWar MemOrial Center for those m the 20-30 age group.

One of the biggest "get-togethers" Will be staged byI.seven Pomte churches for all the school children from the

~th to the 12th grades.The party WIll be held in

the gymnaSIum of the GrossePomte Memonal Church from9 p.m. to 1:30 am.

The program WIll consIst ofgroup smgmg, mOVIes, games,devotlOnal servIces, squaredancmg and ball room danc-mg.

SandWIches, soft drmks andcookies WIll be served after mid-night.

The churches sponsormg theaffair are ChrIst Church, GraceEvangelical and Reformed, Uni-tanan, Grosse POinte Methodist,Grosse POinte Congregational,Grosse POinte Woods Presby-tenan and the Grosse POinteMemonal Church.


New Year's Greetings From the Review

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • 0


More than 300 persons galh-f ed at the Brodhead NavalArmory last Thur~day to con-g, atulate Mr and Mrs LeonJ Jacobi on their 25th \\ ed-rl ng anm"ersarv The Jacoblsrp<lde at 721 Fisher road



Local Merchants

After a perilous plane tnpfrom St LouIS last week, Mr.and Mrs Ralph C Wilson,'umped aboard their skyblrdFriday to spend the holidaysIn Puerto RICO The Satur-dllY before theIr twm-engmeplane crashed on a so~beanfield ~ hen one of the engmes\\ ent haYWire• • •

Det Jim Flanagan arrived at TOt V llethe Lowne reSidence at 719 Wash- I fl.p 0 a ymgton Tuesday afternoon to fmd I A 1 Luth nbedlam In the hou~e I The Fifth nnua era

Rev. and Mrs. Chnton W Low- Cara\an to Siher valleY4 wul be

ne arrIved home after a short held Sunday, Februaryholiday to flOd the lUrtalns torn. I Busses" lJi leave St Peter'sthe ,hades TIpped down and Lutheran Church In East DetrOItlamps smashed on the floor. ~hortly after 5 a m. on that day.

As Flanagan entered the house, I A Silver Valley Lutheranthere ",as a sudden racket In an Queen for 1951 Will be .electedupstairs room by the Board of Commerce from

Suddenly a lone , qUI r reI Ta" as and Ea<t Tawas Theplunged do" n the ~talrs and fled I Queen \\Ill be given a trophy atthrough an open door. the Siher Valley Banquet on

I February 18, at St. Peter's

Edw. Bat"thel FOnd A tD. T d l U 0

les ues aV N bb GuiltEdv. ard Bartnel d eo sUddpnl~ I a er y

10 hl~ ho ne at 159 Gros-e Pomte I In Judge Ira W Jayne s tourt,Boulevard on Tuesdav night Thomas Fergu<on, 27, of DetrOIt,

A natlve of Dem e!. he lJad "as found gUilty of unlawfullylI"ed In DetrOit for 4;> \ ears drl\ 109 awa~ an automobIle.

Mr Barthel v. as a Na\'y \ et. The car '" a~ 0\\ ned by John An-eran of World War I a member d f 27 Beverl)of Sll!ma Chi fratermt\ ami a erson, 0merr ber of the Real E.<tate Bo"rd I The ca<e '" as referred to the.

Hc IS SUI\ 1\ cd b\ hl< \\ lfe I VIla'ne County ProbatIOn De. I

IEleanor a brother Hdrold and apartment.sl<ter \lr' Frederlck Fisk - -da~c:~ICt~~\~:Il~~~t~I~~:lft~~I0..:.._B_IT_U_A_R_I_ES_ Police Arrest T'wo Pointers Are

Lester Finds Gi""G:l~'H:::~'COllttede Rostang Dies Shoplifters Wounded In KoreaH t P S I d IA it r Heart A trock Two Grosse Pomte GI's "ere The soldIer. 22. was a member

ones ')" a'V For Do i aye / lOt. recently reported mJured In of the lith Regiment of the 7thOne day < x-year-old LR<'cr "I d R t ;!. ~on. He won Ihe CroIx df' Guerre WIth n pera Ion Korea HC/3c Stanley M Wea- DIVISIon \\hICh. until recently.

wnn hr~\;!!ht h'ome a book of I S~. Do'1o n S Ho"e .p('nl :hE' Comle pu'rre e ()<; an. tv. 0 p;;lm< ver. Jr. USMC, ~ent word to hi!; had not been heard from for,t'E'f) tlckets he found on tht. (hn-t"~' '10 00" \\ lth h.< par. In-l;;''' of E 0 Stair former In DetroIt he wa< \ Ice prc<ldent Two shoplifters were arrested I faml1y that he wa< recuperatm

g, "'eeks

, H'e' I ('nl \lr ;;nd \\, < \\ ,11'0'" \\ puhh<hE'r of the Free PrE''' dIed of the Willette and Hughe< msur- I In Jacobson's Thur~day afternoon I from a leg inJury and \\ouldI-j ~ aunl M,., )Iaune 'JILel IH.'''(' of \7l7 A\lolrl ,lond;;\ ;;1 hi' hom~ at 752 Tr(\m. lIn("e firm bv City of Grosse POinte Pollee. I leave T<lkyo soon and return I Fenders Bunlped .A Re\lew of PiCtures and

~ lWi W"vburn <(''11 :hE' <Iuh< ';21 1''1'-1' ,< ~.;;: ,~n~rl ~~\~ hln Gr,,«e pOInte He <\lfferE'd SurVI\ m,e: ill I' hl< "Ife and a I h<lme ' I r-iews Events Ourmg 1950-Pai., rl a ("heck to ('o\('r the co.t of I t~(' \. V,I ("(' ot I <,<t!'~ ('omte,<e Ja("qu('hnE' de la The 21-year-old gIrls from The :-'lan~ 1<;the <on of :\olr I T....o ('ars pa'smg on Pnwen- 4~o 'Ickel< to T.ocll\ 154 l' \W_ mn ,'f! \1<l< HE' h,,< "~n n a h(';; 1 lI11;;('K V1l1E'<hnrnnE'of NI('!' Fr<lnce Ha7el Park were <;potted after ;;nd :'>Ir< Stanley M Wea"er of I' clal ".cre damaged Tue<:dav I Ched.. prove<; Grosse Pomte

() \\ here the dra\\ Inl! \\:i< 0 .('_\ r(' I n :inrl <lh~ f 'f'ri-- <lnd C"01I(' dE' R",t;;n" '\7 \\ n- the ThE' fun 11 v. iI<;hpld Wednes. thE'Y left one of the fJttm,e: rooms 3M McK.nley r~ad "hen one allto <k,doed mto th~ IGraduat~ Do Well JD College'~~e "lace l' ;; 1:"(1.,,'(' of Gr0'.1' P"mte "\l<bllrd "f !I..,nc' Sl<l\r \\ horn d t SI • h h h Weaver 1< II l';;\'y "etE'r<ln of I I L b 5 tl ht R I, Th E' I' mar ;;\;;. :..m ro<(' r IIrc PolIce sa,d thE' "lrl~ ",ere' I fender of the other I rar) po tg - egu ar

T~E'n one clay II J(cnt'E".,,~n 'I Hl;:h ~(""Q( he n('1 In F;;rI< !'\ \\ , • • .. • World \\ ar 11 and returned 'n Feature,,'»"0 on the doo. _ _ - lien JI.n(' III 11124 Th(' c"lIple ACTIDEST fnllhtf'ned whE'n they <aw police ;;rt,\p duty \\lth the MannE'< 10 I Erne,t W Slough. of 14Z0i I S f F h 5t d,nil h;;\e ) J<t ",.,n II IllrkE" I Tlrl(fT ORl\tR., ll\E'rl m Fl"ncp unl,1 Iq14 lh~n ",<lr or."pn h\ Con<tllncp 10 Ihe <;tore and nepo<lted thplr ScplE'01ber. HI' br"th('r \tan\n.: FlandE'r< ::lIte"'!pted to .10\\ do"" Sln~a 0 A rpnl' u ent-

r r;;Hk 'h!' <lnnounCl'n I l,;' rI "n to\ \!~:h ~ p, c;;m"'" Dolroll IU- "n 1470 Iroquo,< <Irllck ::I < m Ihf' US Air FOl("e I, • ~, 'l~" n,J1m "rr! lh 01'< ," t 1"."-' ,,,',, nn r~"'r\OlX on ....are~ In thp room< \1<0 nn lha "oun"~" 1,' .,10 ,el John \\ Nacy of 214fl" Pomtcr< JOIn Enthu<;I,um oflhf' 1(\"0 11('\\- E'I" )('(' (' ... ,,~r T \ 1!.,,01l;;'" of 1,11' "n,\CI \ _"""~ , ~ ~ "e" ,. '( Il:h the hou<(' I' \\", 1,;; rl Rpll' '>8; D rV 1''' ('d K IE'- nf p", < lnn-t(" 0(' Rn<\Ang <cT\('d (hl,.'lY\;;< 11", Thr Orirl-.E'oVE'- Thf' <hopllfter< lold pollre Ihf'\ f'\1 .lohn \\emnch \\h" 1< 10 F"le<1 pa-< I :\ola<kand Will 5ho",-Story.

lell V\ h" ".,;;e h"pp (', ltoe rl" at R<lr In;:lnn iln~ or~., ''l rll<I,nct,on ll< 11 Fren("h h dE' \\ 0< " ...."I'd h\ Vrllnk Ru<..<-h;;o hM-n opentlnll In A men's:1n <\rmy ho<pltal In O<:olf'a S" 11th < e::l- ",d IOtO Ih(' left [mpenal StE'l'S I11to LeAd SJI

';~;:'.;:h.'",~,,;~:k".'N:~~~"'~E~~~t~"'~.~dlmpi~t'~res.t.~f'the Y~ar _ S~~'.rl.'p;g;'4.'~""

One of the big events oi thepart\ \\hlch Tom Boyd gavefor the youngsters last Satur-:lay afternon was the arrivalof Santa Claus. Great cheers\\ent up when the bE:arded fig-ure m..."ie hlS appearance. (oneIIttJe flaxen-haued lass grab-bed her mother's hand andbroke mw a great volley oftears as she watched herfrIends greet 8t Nick "Is hegomg to come to our house\\ hen he gets thtough here,"she sobbed through a veal oftears

The newly elected Superm-ndent of Grosse Pornte Pub-

C Schools, James W. Dushong,111 take up hIS post as suc-essor to John Barnes begrn-109 next week Back in Ore-on, hiS Wife Vicky and threehlldren, Joyce, Jams and Pat-ey are busy packing theiruds for the big cross-countryO~e

After George Wilshans dec-aled the tree in front ofs house, at 1292 Amta. lasteek, he settled back to en-y the Yule season. The nextal' hiS hopes fell From theecorated tree, someone hadmoved a strmg of colored

ghts and fled With the merch-dlse.

L 27-NO. 24

Police chiefs are ISsuingspeCial warmngs to motoriststo \\ atch out for pedestnansand espeCially children whoare on their holiday vacatIOns.\cclderts In all the pOlntesha\ e doubled and tripled theaCCident rate as ICy streetscontmue to be a number onehazzard.

Skaters of all ages, SIzes andhapes are turnmg out by theundreds at all the Grosseomte parks The Ice condl-IIIOns are reported ex~lenlIght skating 15 featured at

he parks In Grosse Pomtearms. Grosse Pomte Woods

and Grosse Pomte Park:.00.

~~NA16ERAPHS Herald ArrivalbyT~ePointer'-l of the New Year

At a short ceremony Sun-y morning, Chief Dansbury ~.th R t. 't111transfer hiS badge to the I es I VI Yw File Chief m Grossemle Farms, Wllhams New-rt, '" ho has been WIth thepartment for 31 years.

o • 0

E<lchyear around Chnstmase a group of eight young-

ers who llve on Oxford roadGros,e pOinte Woods go

rollng In the neighborhood.e money they raise fromelr mU,lcal efforts IS spentr grolenes for needy fam-es ThiS year they sacceed-In rcllslng $33 on thell' char-ble venture• • •

Page 2: ~MINUTE PAST TWELVE iFirst Tot of 1951digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-1… · Year to you," the traveler rephed: 'But' you are not happy," said

• • •

TUxedo 1.8841


and customers

Eves.e, Sun.

FOR REFlRlNClS, ALL BANKSACfuol Job PhotOlrcpr,

20139 MACK, at Oxford Road

TUxedo 1.8840

11500 EAST 8 MIU


Hallett Sport Shop13333 KERCHEVAL VA. 1-8200


Are you cashing inon the prizes for




--~--Watch Your Paper BundleFor Further Information

to all our friends\

OllowersS1'YLIZED B

For AllOY DONALDPl' Cca810ns

it1l tel'S - TablWe Plant A e SettIngS

ny Kind tFIGURINES. Ge 0 DIsh Galdens

• rman, lta1.JCARDS an, FrenCh


16724 E INN • afJen

ear BIShop


IStudents Help RogerE1lioy Happy Holida

By NANCY CROWE and kept hllll

In YA French boy named Roger yedl '\4 hO<lI for,

bsete was made happy thIS After the \ ~Christmas because of the gener- F \ <Iflhe hi8hoSlty of the French c1as~es of rench Sludents CQntUl~Grosse POinte HIgh School The ~end pat'kJg", Qn hOhdaU!d ~classes sent hIm fIVe pdckages recently thelf gift- Is lrIjof food and one Lontalnlng a con('('ntl al('<! dt ell havt ~new s\\eatel "Slnce thc ram/),trn.as ~

Durmg the wal high school peclally In !llcd ) IS nO!t\.classes adopted Roger, then 13 Rogel pa('k.lg~, 107~we ~yealS old, and one of fourteen he has {IILnd" wh~ hunkilo;chlldl ('n In hiS famIly They sent of him," d~d.n cd Mrllill thilIpackages to him once a month I Gillespie, 10'1 cnth to hS Loflllt

'de er----...,.--------~


It. courteous estilltate liven from Top Quolity Buildersby M.n with 25 y.ors of KNOW HOW

LA. 7.4120

• • •

• • •


By lEAN TAYLOR01 the Grcn'J POtntcPublic LiMC1~ Stat!

Can Remodel your Basement or Atticto look like this • _ •

What has happened dUlmg195Q..at your libl ary? We arebeing adJured constantly thesedays "to look fonval d and notback" but we'll allow ourselvesone brief glance over the shoul-der at the year Just passmg

Statistics m the malO are dullbut It may Interest you to knowthat over 196,000 books CllCU-lated during this perIod ThISmakes between tour and fIVebooks borrowed, tor each reSidentof Grosse POinte.

Your lIbrary has over 11,000regIstered borrowers, showmg anIncrease of about 600 over a yearago and representing appro1p-mately 25% ot Grosse Pomte'spopulation

The record, tool and film col-lectlollS are becomlnr increas-Inrly popular Over 5,500 reocords were circulated durinr1950 and both tools and filmswere borrowed more than 200times in the past t w e I v emonths.There are those who feel that

the advent of teleVISion meansthe death knell of readmg. Itgoes without saying that sincethere are only twenty-four hoursIn the day, television Will cutdown readmg time but that itwill ever take the place ofreading causes us little concernThere are too many people wholike to read.

A recent trend, the country 1over, seems to be toward more Iserious read 109 and less fiction IHowever reading remains well at Ithe top ot the lISt.. as a medIum Iof relaxation.

Said a llbrary borrower. a dayor two before Christmas, "I've Imailed all my cards, wrapped allmy gifts, done all mv baking,spent all my money and NOW II can read a book'"


iTHE FRIENDS of the Grosse

Pomte Library have been active Iand enthUSiastic during the past iyear. It is gratifying to know that Ithe people at the community are'interested in their library and inthe improvement of its facilitiel\We are happy to say the newbrhlch in the Woods is well un-der way and we hope it will beopen for bUSiness next fall

If you beloDC' to the distaff!ride of the household and werefortunate enough to find acheck In your Christmas stock-ml", don't Jet it b~ a holethere. AQ. your library for therecent book HOW TO LAY ANEST EGG; the financial tactsof life for .the averare girl, Iby Edward Scott.Emily KImbrough in her am-

usmg introduction, tells howfrom an uneasv dIStrust of the Ifinancial world. she has been I

coaxed and cajoled by Mr Scottinto a keen interest in this busi-ness of mvestment

''Furthermore,'' says she, "Ihave laughted With a relIsh dur-ing the process. I would havecounted a ghoul anyone whocould even smile whlle readingabout fmancial transactions, butthat is because heretofore Mr.Scott has not written aboutthem" ,

MJss Kimbrough expresses our Iown sentiments, when she says,"I represent the nadIr of know-ledge of banks, bonds and stocksIt I can understand what Mr.Scott has wrlUen-anyone can'"• • •

AGAIN WE mention that alllibranes in Grosse Pointe WIllbe closed Saturday, December30

TO YOU all, A HAPPY NEWYEAR from the library staft

BabIes come mto the worldWIthout Ideu of right or wrong.,'AccordIng to Chlldcra4 booksbooka, they reqIDre thel1' sociai Ibehavior patterns from their homeand .tchool enVIronments. I1I P..M to l~ A.M.

Dance MUS1C by


, Gold Cup LoungeOpen' 2 P. M. to Z A. M.

'* '*

jf ,~~,,'?'

War Memorial CenterI

Calendar of Activities


Z-Th. GroNe Pointe Re,iew-ThurMe,. December %8. "SO




CHICKENS S~iYGrosse Pointe, Park' Poultry .

15017EAST JEFFERsON VA. 2.3993Between l\laryland and Waybum

U2fI E. WARREN, AT B~BA." ••• PHONE TV. 2-3113


DANCING. S"'OW. FUNMAKERS$3.00 Per Person ••• Make ReservatiollS Now



VA. 2-9000

...................."..................... i......................... :............. COUPO~ :r"._..' 1'1.1\S (It eenls) \: rt. Ad1fti-'OO :: (i) p:lld ('!) PtTSOftS 1950 i: ,nd one ils 'f1I'o n..ce1l\bef,.: . ,\41ft onth of V'- D£:: ouTIng the M ,. 1H£AT" ~\ At An:; ;;me£ COllON £ \; TO •H the ptTlodD

of uO"'TH \: ~ "'T£ ~ ~ :: QUA'.... 5 Office :\ GET AC "[lleatre BoX :: f\ to the 11 It51 \; "'ust Bnni CO~:1\ oeee1ftbe' EscIU1o\"e\, to ~; 'lou". is GoOC1 " is Open. ,~...:; It 1'hlC ofter "O.,-'e e''''"'' ;• 1l\embPT r.. .... r ,••, :\ Plu

etjte 0' \be ",Owv '{'\;.%_~1 \

\l~ ~ l~M~ \

\ ~ J_ ~~~..._._..---JJ.. .••••• j; .,......... I

For Period 'l'bursday. December 28 thru Thursday. January 4-OpeD Sundays lZ to 5 p.m.

Sat., Dec. 30Ballet Classes, Olga Fncker, Instructor .... 10 00 a m.. to 1 00 pm.

SlID.. Dee. 31 •New Year's Eve B:ill for Young Adults (College age thru 20's)Semi-formal ReservatIOns only Don Barber's orchestra $5.00 percouple, includes rmdnlght supper, favors aJ!d tax .• '... 9 30 to 2 a.m.

Wed., Jan. 3Ballet Classes, Olga FrIcker, Instructor .•.••••••••••• " to 6 pm.


roo I'


Dottie Youna. Advertising

VEBNIEB SCHOOLOn Thursday and Friday, De- I

cember 1<4 and 15, the fifth and Isixtllo. grades at Vernier Scl1oo1presl'nted a Christmas operetta Icalled "Red Candles" for the Ischool and theIr parents.

Because there was not suffICient Iroom to accommodate all parentsat one tIme, the play was gIVentWIce WIth two c1JfIerent sets ofcharacters. I

Thursday the SIxth grade casthad theIr presentation and Fri- iday the fifth graders took theIr Iturn.

As the number of pupIls did not 1

allow for separate characters'jchorus and varIous dance groups,every chIld carled through two I

or even three assIgnments. iA caroler might make a qwck I

change to become a dancer or a I

gnome and later be m the chorus. IEveryone was extremely busyIlSten10g for hIS cl~es.

Smce Verrner has no gym-nasIUm or auclJtonum the oper-etta was given m the first graderoom and unlike the Lunt's fa-mous performance had a mml-mum of stage setting, but a singleentrance and exIt and no curtain.

However, the 70 guesb eachnIght were very pleased andmost enthusIastic. MISS EleanorHunt and MISS Florence Cum-mgs clJrected the operetta.

MAIRESCBOOLMaire School was aglow last

week WIth Christmas actIVItIes.The show cases Illustrated theSPlnt of the Yule-tIde .season.

Mr. Welch's upper grade artstudents have made an attractIvewmter scene WIth spatter pamtExamples of Greeting Cards andtree trlmmmgs were Included InthiS dIsplay. • • •

Meats at Wholesale PricesA Fall LlDe 01 holeD Foods


18410 MORANGNear Kelly VE. 9-0111

GRIFFIN~SFrozen Food Locker

MISS MARY LOU HESS hasinspired both pupIls and facultyby her portrayal of the NatIVItyScene In the show case for the Ielementary (fades

Her purpose has been to teachboys and glJ'ls that there II abeauty In Chr15tmas that does notalways eXIst In the hearts of men• The scene was VIewed throughcolored wmdows of Chnstmastrees, bells, pomsettlas, candles

I and stars. In the background thepnnted song. "Away In a M«n.

Iger," lave a serene .uuesbon ofthe love and peace for '" hlcbhumanIty ~tnves

than you ordinarily do.Do not drive long, tmng dl::.tances

When you are weary or sleepy, stop andrest or sleep

Keep your mmd on your drlvmg Readand heed each traffIC sIgn

Allow more dIstance between your car,:lnd the car ahead Begm to stop well madvance of mter.!>ectlOns. Allow for thedctJons of careless drlvers and pedestnans.

If you are going out drmkmg, leaveyour car at home. Take a taxI Eventhough you do not drmk, be especiallywatchful and cautious for drmkmg driv-ers and pedestnans.

Make yours a careful hohday season,and a glad new year.

defense expendItures of governmentshould be handled WIth true frugahty.

At a bme when alarmed POlitIC1~S aredemandmg all sorts of controls, wisdomshould recogmze that, except in mattersaffectmg'"defense, men should be left "freeto regulate theIr own pursuits of industryand improvement."

WIsdom also should recognize that taxlaws should be so wntten that from noman shall be taken the frUIts of lus laborexcept to ralse essenttal funds for defenseand the ordinary processes of government.

Pomte', FIrst New$J)Gper \


~ lAs&oc5T@.:

VA. 2.1103


L B. OLDHAM. PUBLISHERToni ebn.r. Editor

Already containIng such songsas "Two Gwtars," "Romance,""Red Roses" and the haunting"At the BalalaIka."




Truck and Car Service

•• Youn,. CIrculation Mgr.


Good Service Is Our Business!

Give '>ome thought now to your hob-day traffIC safety, the Mlclugan Depart-ment of Health warned today. Use somecare to keep your new year happy

Holiday traffiC IS fraught With dangerYou can save yourself from Injury and

from the mIsery that the lOJury of othersmight cause you by glVmg extra attentionto the condItion of your car and to yourown safe dlivmg during the hohday sea-son, the Department said

Make sure that your brakes. wmd-shield wipers and all hghts are 10 goodworkmg order. Use chams If they areneeded. -

Allow yourself ample time to getwhere you are gomg. Dnve more slowly

In lus first maugural address, PreS1dentThomas Jefferson pleaded for "a ' . ~~ andfrugal government, which sha ~'alnmen ftom mJuring one anoL. . shallleave them otherwlse free to regulatetheu own purswts of industry and Im-pro\oement. and shall not take from themouth of labor the bread it has earned,"

Those words are partIcularly apt forthis tune, when nearly $18,000,000,000 hasbeen asked for rearmament. At such atune, wisdom, recogrnzing that defense 15paramount, should realIze that non-



PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY rHE GROSSE POINTE REVIE"SUbscrIPtion Rate 5 Cent. per copy. By Ma1.I $a 00 pel year

TU. 1.2008

Grosse Pte. Woods Market 1Z0385 ...... -Betw... La....... " eo•• ..,. CI.b Drivel

81M" Sandays• Fresb Produee • ChOlet Meats _ QuaDn Groeeries

And Every Day t to 9

Colorful 'Balalaika' OpensAt Masonic for Week's Run

B&B CHEVROLET, Inc.8811 E. Jefferson at Crane


"Balalaika," the second ofCivic Light Opera's 10-weekmusical series, Will be seen atMasonIC Temple startIng Monday,Jan. 1 and contmuing throughSunday rnght, Jan. 7. T E rt t B

In the starrmg roles are Vera ax xpe 0 eBryner, Jack KIlty, Ian KeIth, k::;;;~:r ~~~1ll:erFr:~1League Spea erbefore CiVIc aucIJences as Lydia The next general meeting of

- .....-Marakov, the League of Women Voters ofWhIle she has appeared in Grosse Pomte Park wIll be held

some of opera's most ditfieult 10 MemOrIal Center at 1:30 p.m.roles. she II perhaps best known January 5 Mrs James D"unnein the United States for her per- State Tax~tion Comnuttee chair:formanees in the title role of man, WIll be guest speaker..iCarmen II

Ollie Franks, Jack Goode and Her sublect WIll be the Mlchi-Ian KeIth are old favorites here gan Tax StructureBoth Ollie and Goode were seeo Mrs Dunne 15 the editor of ain several shows last year Keith, popular pamphlet, "Lde andmuch m demand as a TV actor Taxes," portraymg the experi-WIll be remembered tor his man; ences of a MJcmgan famIly IncharacterIzations of other CIVIC paymg vanous types of state lev-seasons le~ and analyzmg the advantages

A sbrnng romance set to of certain torms of taxation IDmlalc, "Balalatka's" lIay and -the_state.colorful scenes are t.a1mllar to Mrs. Dunne was one of Gover-this tno, as they played these nor Williams' appomtees to thesame roles In CiVic's 1947 pres- annual conference of the Nationalentation of the sbow Tax Association



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Page 3: ~MINUTE PAST TWELVE iFirst Tot of 1951digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-1… · Year to you," the traveler rephed: 'But' you are not happy," said



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.... 'llanou~. hl~h.p(\,,{'r"d m, 'I('sl rf'\ ('w •••

a s3tlre on the 1950 cen'us pre"cnted o~ an~l1.male undergraduate cast at ~ctor~. danccTs and

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lighters N~..:. Woods City Council MeelslSymphoity Santa Visits Tom Boyd's Party ICi::ck"';;;:7G~~a;.l950-11812 Slate t', 'Group Plnns 'IIcheoJJ ll1eet\ · I~~i~~!.I:!!, ~,:, ' 'L!oo.,,"!~l!..!,!:ghC~~JA:~~m,oo,"",upol

JllIlly BOUl ne Jov IS I opln her home dt 17620 East S<'hool grdduates enter Ea,tern of Gro",(' Pointe Hlgh Slhoo1,

ao for the 12 o'clock Jllrlt un "Vlllue b"tLlld<lYnfter- colleges? As many now as 10 rccenllY made a check ot reportso "hl(h Will precede the noon, Janudry 6, at 2 o'clOCKfor years ago? How well do they do? from 20 Eastern colleges of high

eo of Gen. Alexander Ma- a tea dnd meeting of the Concert I rank, covenng a period at 18Chapler, U. S D<lutlhters S~les ~ommlttee ot lhe Detroit N years, to determme the answe'!'t

12 un WednesdclY, January ....omen s Symphonv Orchestra. ews to these questIonsNel' benY House, on Ea~t M<lny Gro ••o POinters lire ac. Four per cent ot Grosse Pointeo avenue live on the lomllHttee and many • S. ht High School's graduates have

her Will be Mrs 81d- more are pahons for the orches. In Ig entered thCi;e 20 Eastern collegelIStll~rObert, ot Kensmgton tla. pall' of 11151conlerl>, to be since 1934. More have entered in

KIF F Kurth and given m V1uslc Hall on January By DR. MAJESTER the IdSt eight yean;, despite theMr- 111\HOls'kl' 16 dnd on Aplil 27. hPdt" J Y • A"I,tmg <\s hosle,o;e. Will be Eye muscle, like other muscles, war, than In the elg t yean

\lllburn E Rice, Plesl- MI. Regmald T MLllphy and get tired. Readmg, for example, pre\ lOUS More entered In 1949\\111 ,,,nduct a board meet- MI' J. Millon Set.ter, IS work for the eyes It may ro- than any ot the prevIous 15t II {I dock, and the bUbl- MI." Ja(quelme Murphy, the lex you to read, but it keeps the yean;SCS>IOll followmg luncheon. ." odl1ghter of the Regllluid T. ~UI- eyes workmg. So that's the answer to thesl ~peclh.er will be Frank "phy., \',III .lng \ Thmk of readmg as you would I first questIOn. Grosse PomaOld lilhor of the recently- Ml" Ed\\'drd A Baumann, any other pleasant proJect. But High School graduates are gem,hed olugrdphy of LeWIS The Wood~ Clt\ Counul met last week for the fUl>t I Conlelt Sdles lhlllrlllcln, Will n' -Photo by Dee do It III good hght; don't do It on to Eastern colleges in mereasm.who \\111 talk on "LeWu. t:me Since the December 11 (Jectlon AIOls A Chel>q e I llUIt on the ""Ie ot seclson tllket.. Each year, for four consecutive years, the youngsters a streetcar or m an al.~c;noblle; numbers.

and the 1812 Penod In De- right center, wal> on hand to congratulate Mavor u~e~~ 1 Othels who Will attend are: 10 the Pomte have looked forward to Tom Boyd's big Sit up comfortably 'Whw you Ar. for the i>econd quelition:He \\111 be mtroduced by Ratchffe. PlctUled left to II 'ht are A lei" D ~lr, Alnold W, Lunger.hau,en, ChrIstmas party. This year Santa made a bnef appear- read. '0" Grosse Pomte High School grad-

Wol I, program chall"man. George Gardner, ReA Ii John:ltm R t I ffrnoCh

lel>lOg, I Mr, J",eph N. Jennmgs, Mrs. ance to thrill the crowd. Hundreds of youngsters spent the R e 1a x your uates have always done well 1ftH d W Iff G ' a c I e esqulere, I MOllloe D. ~troecker. Mr' Wal- afternoon eatIng candy canes, lee cream and pop, listen. eyes before you Eastern colleges, and they are

_----- owar 0, _ ~r3e _H,:ekendorn and Herbert Savdge. I tel Allen Crow, MIl> Phltllp D. lng to the clown band and watching entertainers. go to s 1e e p - Improvmg. A survey of their

nders Spend--- --- - Dexter, Mrs John C. Cook, Mrlo, --.-- otherWise th~y '[honor pomt averages m theIr

G I P dRus"ell Axsom Mrs Harry Sar- .- -' • may rem a I n first-semester coil e g e courses

II'day ,'n East a a arties Prece e ~;:.~'A~:~t ~~~~~~~; ~~B~~:~,DevilsSq'ueeze Win ~~ll~g~~~a*~:: ,ul:o::~~~a~ft~~4~t~~1~~~

Jo"ephlOe Carolm I relax them ap- " 41. In the last eight years (1942-

M k d hA bnef talk wlll note the 0 t- f T h S -.- ;) ply a clean wash 49 inclUSive) thelI honor point

as an W.lg S OW progre>s ot th_e all-woman or- U 0 oug qmu.t cloth dIpped 10 average has chmbed to 1.27.lhe>trd, now 7:> members stronll, warm water. I t h . tEye s m 0 v e n compu 109 • onor polO

"lnce Its orgamzatlon four years By RALPH CROSS happening m the whole meet was durm!t sleep Just about as often average, a three-pomt average uAt the DetroIt Alhlt'tK ClulJ I Ul'elldl!led 0; thE Ro Jert Wood- ago VIctor Kolar IS conductor. One of the closellt meets in a that Albrecht, an up and colJllDg as your body does. They get an A, a two-pomt a B, and a

the evenmg of Delember 29, be- I LIef Lorena Cole (Mrs Walton E'llong tIme' i breast Itrolter on the Blue Devll cramped and change thell" pasl_ one-pom~ a C Therefore, a 127fore attendmg the I\la,k ,md >\t d 'lpalate talJle Robert Cole), who plays Viola, IS among Gomg mto the wt race, a weeki squad, IlOIled out T. Leach, also t ...... they roll and shut. When average IS a very strong C plw;.WIg Show, "Count Me In" to \\'uoctl,lff, JI , <l U of P student, many who have been WIth the ago Wednesday, Gro&lle Pomte Iof Groue Pomte, in the 100-yard -... N nd d g d te otbe given at the MU,lc Hdll by I", III be ho,t fur hi' college group since ItS Or"anl7at un I b t ._1._ He you wake m the mommg your a recomme e ra ua'0 .. 1 was tr<ilhng Wyandotte by SIXI reu 1100"""""'. swam a 1;1%.8. eyes should be clear feel rested the High School has llunked outthe undergraduates of the Un,- Ifiends The guest' Include Pru- Georges Mlquelle renowned A' the 160 d #..~ I -_.. t . 'f first t II kJ 'pomts wm m -yar U~~, U g....... une In the Wyan- and sharp. 0 -semes er co ege wor -vreslty of PennsylvaOla, nUn1f'J- denee Saunders Wilham Sdund- cethst, \',III be guest solOIst at style relay by either side would ldotte pool." said Mr. Frank Ban. Any headache you might ha~ at ~east not since 1934 (as farOUI • reSidents Will gather fur €l S George Miller, Sally Seloner the first concert, January 16 He be the decidmg factor. nach, Blue Devil coaclI. "WIth two had at nght before sleepm' g and bac .. as the check wa~ mad!,:)partIes. dnd Joanne Ohon Will play several selections CQffi- • • 'L 4posed by the conductor, Kolar, The Grosse Pomte boys, Likert, yeaI'll ahead of hun, Albrecht will If DUE to the eyes may have F81lurCi; between 193 -41 were

Mr. and Mrs John J O'Br.ca 1------ .1 and dedlcated to Mlquelle. RIchardson, Hinchman and. NJ.el-1prol.babJy ~velop mto a top notch dlsappeared. If not check up on 46 per cent as compared to 17WIll entertam as theu gue.\, :'.1' N . hb h TIckets for the pair of concerts son came through With a time of, 15W mmer youth teeth, sin~es, dJet and per cent between 1942-49. Inand Mrs. EdWin Ander-on, \1, e19 or ood are shll available by callmg Mrs. 1.242 to wm the race and take, Clark, also a freshman.swlm- exerC1Se. If the condJtJon persists, other words, the 72 Gros~eand Mrs. William Tost, Dl dnd Baumann, TU. 2-3832, or other the meet 1 mer, was only able to place third see • good ey-e doctor. P~lDte HIgh School students 10

Mrs. John Buell, ~'lr and \'1r' C Iub News comnuttee members. Perhaps the most surprISing belund Potaehi and Todd of Wy- As you read, blmk often. We thIS 1942-49 group .have had lessLewlll Kean and Dr. and Mr, J ------------.., andotte. recommend' lookmg up from than 2 per cent faJlmg marks InCleme!ll Kolb. I BASKETBALL I T lk , THns scored the only double whatever you are readmg every their fin;t semester cours'7' TheMAJOR LEAG T f d f usual per cent of faIlures m eol-

Mr, O'Brien's grandson, Rlch- UE STANDINWGLS1 een a VIctOry of the meet for Wyandotte ew mmutes an OCllSlng on a leges for that period of work isard Bingham, Will entertain se\ _ by winning the 40 and the 100-1more dlstanct obJect for a feweral of his friends at a separate Verdonckt s Bakery, .... 3 0 I DIANA NYLUND yard free style. I seconds. That is another way to 5 '!;;e ce~;l1~~:a~eCked were:table. Amencan-Itahan .••.••.. 3 0 I 1 . tl the Grosse Sanger of Wyandotte beat gIve your eyes a break. Am her s t, AnnapolIS, Brown,

Grosse Pomte Valet 2 1 Royal Oak fought a osmg game recen y as -------Mr. and Mrs Sidney Hall are T B d F d ••••••• 1 2 Pomte Blue DevJls gamt'd another \ Ictory. Many of the klds from IWmkler m the dIVIng event With I ST PAUL'S BOWUNG Bryn Mawr, Colgate, Cornell,plannmg a party for Mrs. EmIly MO,,~o0;1 {_ 0[1 b ...•. 1 2 I Grosse POinte HIllh School were there to support the team, 1.JIcludlng Crowley of Grosse Pomte placmg I TEAM STANDING Connechcut. Dartmouth, Harvard,Young Le Gro, Mr. J C Goren- M~ndiy ~ie~ne u • .•.. I 2 I Manlyn Brown, JUdy RIce, Dawn Hafer, MIke Wallace, Janet third Name Pts • Massachusetts Institute oC 1'Ell:P-;.80, Mr. and Mrs WIIl.a n 0 15t Cia I' Sh IS ••..••..•• I 2 Ratchffe Jun Remhart Dale Petro,ky, and Terry SnowOaY . SUMMARY 1 E Lauer 38 InoloiY, Mount Holyoke, Pnnce-Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Jame< ~ar-I Br'oder:ck :..r~s •••• '.' ••.• 0 3' others wh, wer~ there to root for the GrOllle PolDie team 40 yard Free Style: .1, TIII1S,W . J' JablonskI 38 ten, Randolph-Macon, Rutgers.t.m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buter-, . •.•••.•...• were Maurie Chue, Nancy Weatherbee, Jlm Lafef, Nancy 2, Pear, G P; 3, Nlelso". G P P Allard 35' 'Irmity. Vassar, Wellesley, Wil-baugh, H. Ferguson Mohr, grad- Another achon.packed week of I Hoesch, Joannie JoImaon, Dick McKenzie, Ann GlAIIOW, and Tune: 0'197. L Reno 35 ham and Mary, and Yale.uate manager of the Mask and basketball has passed 10 the I J Joachim lOO-yard Breast Stroke: I AI- ;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~--;;;:-WIg, and Roberta Mackey. chalr- NeIghborhood Club's fast movm,g I ~~en Berard, Sue Sibbert, C urtney Leckllder, D81\ Webb, Joe I brech~,. G P.; 2, T. Leach, G P ~ ~a:~~~~cker ~;man of the hostes~ commIttee MaJor League Monday mght s I Buhl Mac McNair, Diane Retzl( d, Nancy Crowe, and Ann Carter 3, Smzik, W. Time: 1:128. N' McEachm 32for the Penn Club. adctlOkn,saBwkleagufie-Ieadmg I velr-I were' also there watching the gume from the stands. 200-yard Free Style' I, Glenn. T' Corbett 31

r one t s aery ve comp ete y • • • W; 2, DavIS, G p. 3 Johnson .Mr. and Mrs DaVId \\. Lee, outplay and outscore BroderIck I • G PT' 2'21 " A. GouIn 30

Mr and Mrs G:orge RH:hardson A. C 75 to 27 m the evenmg's ONE OF THE PARTIE~ whJch held the spotlight after the game '100-~~ Baek Stroke' I Novak H. Furton 28and Mrs. Alber, TheiS Will be 1 opener. was given at Glona Anton a home G P 2 P 11 W' 3 ~ Ids' T. Trombly 28.. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;.I . Seen slppmg coke.> and munthmg potato clups were GlOria and ' , • 0:we, " yno. M. Smith 250

I The victory was the third 10 her date, Sam Armstrong, Louanne Bardon and George Cope, Sally IW. Tune. 1.10.3. . 'L. Korte 25

~ Ias many starts for the wmners. I Lemen and Jack Trombley Ann Watson and Fred Slocum Jim loo-yard Free Style 1, Tuns. I L D 25

fl~' Jack Dillon's 17 pomt total, cap-I Barker and Barb Men3mg' Joyce Judson and Tom Nelson: and W; 2, Hmchrnan, G.P; 3, Dalley" p' R ono~n 21..n~ tured sconng honors for the Graechen Becker and~ogei MU.!t1!er. . W. TIme: 1;103.. • I D: ~~~~ley 21

game. Also sittinJ IWlUlld iIl• .aro.lUUl tallliIaC ove. rthe pme were 120-y:ard IndJv1dual Medley. 1.1 200 SCORES

IIn the second game of the eve- Susan Armstronr and Bay Kaetzel, Carol Ford and Cbuck Sweet, Potachi. W.; 2, Toad, W.; 3, 'I E Beagrane!. 243-202. A. Rogge 18'700 Mack Near Kerby

CHILDREN'S i mng, Tom Boyd Ford edged Carol Lundgren and Dick Warner, Pegu Morelaad and George C~k, G:Pi ~me: I'~,\W'nk: 217: R. Loeffler, 213; W. Gurche: WE DELIVER TV. 1.1851MeLropolltan Club III an overtIme McBride, Maral Molyneau and Winnie LIkert, DOIlD&Geor,p I 1~1.C anger. G' , I - 203; J. Cox, 200. ~-- I

I SHOES I penod 46 to 40 In a contest that and Don COUry, and Mary Edsall and Butch Bevier. er., rowley, .P. . 1-------------------------I HELP KEEP GOODFEEl 'was closely fought thloughout the Al Mann was the very surprised guest at another party after the I lBO-yard Medley Relay 1, Wy- ii\==============:;:::=;::::=========ffi

;;;,~ II en~I~: fs~~~eP~~:dSknotted 19 all \1 ~:~ec:r~~~teW~'sg~Y:~d:y ~~r:o;::d ~e:~~:~e:~~.J;~:: '1~:0~~~~~:;7~~~~r~£1 s~n:-I HARRY HAASat half-time, but Metroplltan BambI Wigton and Jun Lezcynski, Joanme Merrill and Nell Smith, Groue P t' e ay , :

• Club gamed a one pomt 28 to 27 Bill Rupp and Donna Steenrod. Herb Abrash and Barb Fltzgerald'IRlchardso°m~I~C~~ a:n~~eri~1 GENERAL TAX AND BUSINESS SERVICE, Inc.GROSSEPOU.TE I lead at the three-quarter mark I Joannle Hollister al'd Jim DaVisson ,and Margaret Ann Joop and SOlL Tune~ 1.24.2. Ie I~COM E______ -1 Then In the final perIOd, both TIm Leach. I Fmal IIcore' Grosse Pomte 43.1 I~____________ M' .._-t! team~ put on a scormg spree and • • • W andotte 41 ' ,

, matched basket-far-basket until OTHER ON HAND for the party were Annie Purdy and Bob y " T 1& V SERVICEFLOWERS AND GIFTS i the final buzzel sounded \\-Ith the Law, Barb Westcott and Bud McCullough, Kay upscomb iJ\li.Lu Carelessness and mdltference- AAi ,core tIed at 40 pomts In the I Neeb, Jack Westphal and Jill Read,"Barb Dnnkaus and Jim Schoeck, rather than fuels--are the chief

FOR ALL OCCASIONS'thrE>e mmute overtime penod. Pete DaVIdson and Jane Rippe, Peggy Ffsher and Tom Marick. andf DI<:k Ryber".. and Bob Hafer Sally Horn and Gordon M81tland contnbutors to smoke, accordmgnla to Harry C. Bellman, smoke

Iteamed up to scm e the wmnmg i Saw y evening was one of gay festivities at Groue Pointe abatement engineer for the C1....POints \\ hlle Metropohtan Club High School. A l'artsian midway beckoned to many, while of Columbus, Oluo. .~\\ as held scoreless. I others preferred to dance in the other um amid decoratiODll '::..::.:::.::~=:...::~~-----~~~~:-

Ryberg topped the wmners whtch had the "touch of Paris" about them.I \\ Ith 14 POints whIle Ron Rozman I Some of the)ods who were seen pltchmg pennies at one of the Isank half of hIS team's total of 40 booths were Bill Wmkler, Elame K1hen. MargIe Foote. Shy Meeker

• • • and Sally Brnwne. BIll Detbnger, Dale Ewertt. Sue Senff, GaryI~ TUESDAY'S OPENER, St Schroeder, and Craft Strohmeyer.

Clair Shores regIstered It<; fir,t Others who were tnere trymg theIr luck at throwmg darts andi VIctOry of the current sea,on by shooting baskets were MIke Doody, Dick Stuart, BIll Medley Carol,

TU. 1-2062 I' do\mmg Mondry Cleaners by the Kretschmar, Lee Erkr1dge, Bud Allen, Bruce Allen and 'Tinsey:SCOIe of 501to 012 8t ClaIr took Nettmg and Clark Bas~ett. I

I'the lead from the openmg whIstle MOle who were U>ere munchmg popcorn and wandermg aroundi and steadllv pulled away dunng the midway were DIck Stuart, BIll Turrell, Tom Wilson, John FUdew,the first three periods of the Karen Van Rels, Tom Lamb, Skip Obold, Joannle Scherer and MIke Igame. Shayne, and John I-J.(l:1rd I

I Mondrv rallied In the fourth We also want to be sure to congratulate the HI-Y and the y.Iperiod but could not overcome Teens for the swell job they did on the decorations!the bIg lead that St ClaIr had ----------------------------bu'lt up Dale Enkson paced the -r f 5 d L

1\\I~ners' for the third straIght, a t tu ents eave Campus\\ eek b\ nngmg up 14 pomts I\\ hlle Jllll Law poured m 20 for didth~~~~eto; thnller of the three I to Spen Ho i ay at Home'" eck old season came m Tuesday IOl"ht <; second game w hIe h 'm;tched 1\\ 0 undefeated teams, I The fall term of the Taft School don, son of Mr and Mrs HenryGrnsse Pomte Valet, undefeated ended December 15 as 329 boys II Sheldon, 16628 East Jeffersoneh1mplOn, of la~t year s sea' on left to spend the annual Chrlst- Ave; Samuel Sherer, son of Mr.

. h hIp play and mas vacation at theIr homes. and Mrs Joseph Sherer Jr 190;1/1'1 camp ons . , ,Ii., ll,r.can-;t~ 'l::.n Clu'> ~ nE>\"- Taft bo\ s from the Grosse I Ridge Road; and Stephen W.('omer to the league thl' season Pomte area are: Leonard Shel-I :::'mlth, so~ of Mr. and Mrs. Yates I

SmIth, 854 Edgemont Park_ 'I

I EYES EXAMINED Home \\-Ith theIr families also


Complete Optical Sen Ice arE' Henry Caulkms. son of Mr.1


m-' /~:~. DR. A. M. MAJESTER : and Mn; George P Caulk loS,_ DR. L D. MAIESTER 1552 RI\ard Bhd, John WatlmgOptometnsts I son of Mr~ Charle~ B Warren,'

ror \ppolDtm.nl 3181 LAKE\\OOD 25<1 Lake Shore Road CullenPhone VA. 1-2266 .. Matk

'<;w(,f'nv, son of Mr and Mrs.==="------:--= I John 8. S""een~. Jr, 112 Moran

RO.:ld Allen Led"ard. son of Mrand Mr~ Henry IRdyard 104:o.toran Road, and Michael H~y, I~[)n of Mr and ),1., Wilham

: Hoe\ 214 Mernweather Road IPutllnj;t thc1r books a",av for I

thi' h()hday~ are H('nrv Candlcr I~()n nf VII' and Mr~ B<W('TCanel-l< , .')'7 Lakcl"nd A".€, DamelDri\ h < >n of vt and VIr, CH D,l\ l' 266 IR~ 1nn R,'ad andP"h'r Ftnk. ,on of \~r and vtr~ IC.,'M/olP R FinK ,;q Clover',.RO.:ld

and :'.'Irs Alfred W. Bend-. 715 Wa,hmgton road, areng the holIdays 111 the East

their new grandson. PaulICk:Bender, who was bornber 13.

y are the guests of Mr. andA'fred W. Bender, Jr .. ofa, New York.

Page 4: ~MINUTE PAST TWELVE iFirst Tot of 1951digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-1… · Year to you," the traveler rephed: 'But' you are not happy," said



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,~ ar l.!!oI'tI,

r I k ~or k~

"1' en Gross(' Po nl ehurches comb ned I I ~Ila '\1' vicars E\l' pari for Ihe ehlldrl'n I n IGrus l Ponte

Vuters 10 the Woods and ~ Park app 0 ~d tol clt'l'hons on December 11

L on~ stall('d Ih(' r :!.2nd Annual Goodtello\\ D.L all D Rakhtte became the "'ood~ t s 'I • ~ It •

C F tseh \\os voted Into the Mayor s posl n the Po K -Jame.; W Eushong be('afTIe the succe J R ua...!I

a~ Superntendent of Groose Ponle .chool

Winner of DiaperDerby to ReceiveHost of Presents

NovC:'mbm'p In~~dlrlU~ T~\~o:~~I~el:t~PI:o~~~ I~en~~~u .. :t f • r -(,111II Splllli \ n~ III d I I n ~I ':I

'tod rlI ] J:II~ VIII' In9talled on J('tter n all 1 k .. G~~e~~Ll~~~s~~~~~:rhC;;:rl! tuldng ad\anl"i.e of _ R.d ~

14 h LD~ltstl~baut wal p cked p, Ihe nI"l'. C Ill- !tran ~"llJ

News was re<:e!V('d ot th(' arnval ot Lt Roi! rl D Da14~r.h

60~~dS~~n:orhD:nf~ret~ c:: sol:lr;k:~o~~te s n 01 D I Ju

fur t~~O;I~U~~o~:~n ~~~~ ~~a~~~ ~u;~17Pot Illl u a n I PJlThe Gro~se Po nle TraUlc and Satel) l u

ero\\,d('d buse~ a sofelv haZlird

Oetohel'L Il(rul~ r(' loltrn I tf' nllllil in till (. I

l!'I\I1IIs 1('1011 r('lIls 0/1 11 flllJld In{"(co~e( .. (' P lnll! Joins hllll\l8 wllh III to I~I l-

T I II F I I Pltllllllld tlully Fire Pr \ III \\Iy OID\I II unl'; Ilullll I al dlparlc"oh

{Hll< • \ (' I ~td I Vlr sprrud or JHn II I II 1'011\1N~ nre culll'd I II

!:.t I nul, \ ~ Ir !t('n r r till! nl'W scllo 10111t \ I ~ I r IIlllun tocuBed on Duranl II Il u\ l

Septembl'I'Tho votlllif pUllU]uro In Orl ~~(' I"oh I

rrlonl IIU Ilbl!flI 10 approve an $G:lOUO Inni\lp

.,~t AllIlLd r<,Urr I tr n tl (' Fnrmg 1 IYf.'.H~u( slt\llt'! Thl! Cruat. I tc r rrrl I

(. ]a~ IlInle~ I tounlry O ..y l. t I l,Pror;lt 15 \f.'rL tur\ll!d uver to thf.' polio funl

...It nIl' p ..1 e nployees of GraSSL Po nip \\h ke B"rnes lIl'1llounccd he would r('11 L fILnd nt uf C;chuols In GrOE~1 Pomtf.'

Norbl.'rl Nl.'rt tUt/('d profl'ssor 10 tr" 1v Irr.; lillIe Clnl('r

lill.' Arl y look lb flnt draft alnc~ II IT\\eIH bO\1 rl III thL Pointe \lcre call d 1

Wo ds rrshiUII! hold theJ t rat l .. uCharl(,r

Guardn tlum all tilt! Polntr. 11"11 1I "I Jnlel'urmnl"li;r

Ill!aldlnl!l In U (! CIt) t (]ro~n IIl<'fa of lie lounl'H roolll t !oUr! III I

(hlldrlll v rl I q Irlllil f r IIMl mtr III nth~ drlw I, n rlu~r nlll flIDIll/loml vucatlonlliothllr hUllr.ln tl 1

_Pholo by De<!A new ambulance scout car went IOta sen Ice In

Grosse Pomte Park The car IS equipped \\llh t \0::otretchers a fire-fightmg umt tWo-\\l1\ radiO and otheremergenn eqUlpment Plctured are La\l I ence Cools III dJane ImeM:h Bon Secollrs nurse


Mrs Kenneth W Smith • Loveliest Mother In MlchIgan was honored by the Gro<;se Pomte Rolan Clubat the MemorIal Center WIth President Wilham B Hurley (right) makmg a presentatIon of II corsage

OUTSTANDING NEWS EVENTS OF 1950 D' I~"",,"M ""~~~~~~~'Ilh.tlllGl Actl\'1Ut~ hi Orono Polntt'

...A- ....A.. ..A.. J.. ..J.- "...A. Two 10 Ylar uILI lIul!Otll were I ull Il4: y.{ X ",<, N X N whl'1I thrlr lJ lut I I nltul in a Itorm 1.

I' 'I WI rfltl,lly clUlllat 11(' I'll k


Beautiful bronze PlaqU~rll~:~ Ihe name! of 34J6 GrossePoInte men and \omen ho ccnct:! In World War I1 \\ere placedIn:nie Grassl' Po nil' War \!('mor al Earl HolzbllUgl1 was eleeted"lfl'(!:!lldelll oftlcRotar) Cub for thecommgleltSon.

A 13 n~re str p of Mack Park ('xt('nd I'Ig Into Grlltlot TownshipWI:! sl}ld b) the Gro 5e POInte Woods Cr-unc\J, for $1560G

Margaret Webstc IIppelired a tthl! War \{cmorlal Center for.n infonnal talk As Spring trIed to peek Its \leafy head intoview POUitenl musler"d all th(' r garden Implemen15 pam! brushesand brooms tllgether fo a communlt\ I'. de Clean Up Week.

A nel'. edllor clime to the Re\ I'W and Charles Manos look overa reportmg job nt Ihe De ro t Free Prec~ l' eree P TA Wlll In themldsl or plotling II g ganl I.' old fash oned Country FaIr

A ellb dr er lost h s I Ie n J. t\\O-flir coli I on at Barr ngtonand Korle

4'-";; 01:.." '01... h.l.w-'I'1I ..... 1XlD..... b" al, "'01m: '1'.:All IN REVIEW

New Post Office IsTop '50 News StOl'Y

GhU0 Ilolntt'1 Ill- nll\\, Ilftll'. lor UII! ~l!llr lO~O\\'-'II!1_AII 'l \ 1\1of II. 111.'\\I 011 nUl~t' lor lit ~,t')lolntll! lIy rl!dtrnl

.ull\orlllr~:l-Ort up Pnhllt' "otd. And GroB't' Pollitt Park CIUlrtl!ta IN!

IIrpl \',~{ ~(' l'nlllll' \\ d. (' UI 1.'11n 1 Illt'd U1\ OIdlllnnu Illo!llull

I Il \ltl!<~'r ~ fn 1\ bllrn tLllll 11\\ It'. ,1Irr 10 ~DII III4_Dl'l'nnl "I. IIf rt'nlnt~ In Uu Uh or Guml! Polntl'

!'t~r l\~lrUl:ll II of thl' 1It'\\ S.~Ol)(IOO I'lolt'Hlnnt ChI! hl!l\ III Ill! II look 111~I

tlf 1l8~~~:;t"l'\~;\I~(l!nt~t~:~~~:r,~I~I~~l!B~ntY~~lntOi lhl!fluorll,lIllIl

'l'_nt'tlrt'lll'lIl or Jl hn Dttrnu liB Sllpl'rlnlrlllll!lll 01 ("1\ ~~I!I\)lntl! Sl!lIlO\-

R_Thl' C \lilt) 11Ilt\\Ih Oepnrlltll!l\t lIIo\l!d Into thl' 1'011\11'Inrl'plllt'\' tl r Tin_hip Henlth lJl!pl\lh\\tllt

U-'l"ht" llutldml% pe1k in Gl"o..... Pint... ,\ llod~ tl!ndu! I thl!,aQOOO{lO lllll.rk nil II II \ ~ hlah

10-1\ pn llinelll hlll It rllll ,\n~ set IIp lit Iho Groue rolllicWar Ml!nltlrtlll CCllll!t

JmllmryGrO$SI! Polntl" bl!~nll the Ill\\ \lllr \~llh pI Il! tOt. $100000

(ltphnnnJ!1" In G1'\"1! p ....ln(' Woo I. TII" huilllnn • till Ill! V Prol~!lIlnl Chlldrronl Ilolllro \\hlch Ktrroteh. O\l't III ocre. on Cook,..,

GtO~!I' Polntl! WoodK Council O"SUllll!lI n no lIenl ntlltudl!en Ih~ ptopo.al or Grilliot To\\ nahll' propcrh 0 \ neu \\ h mighthlu bet'OlIle n tlntl ot Ghl'~1' P lllll!" Is

An tmerllClln .chl;l(l buHllll" prollllll 10 reU!!V!! lrl vtlcdt'ondiliolll\n Ih~ Gr ....~.r P lnl .. 1Irt'1l\\11." III I ~ I 11(0 \It II olll lJ~!Ihlll.led tit $31ntlOOO ('{lr" I \\l'1I I 1Il1 11 , ll~ {'mildIICYtor post lUl P rlt J1l't'~lll!nl oppo~lllil II \ll!t C F lI~lhPolh.1 rlldlo bullgl!l Illu'd $0000


FC:'b.'IUU'Y'nil.' tund belnll rnl~ I rill n\ldrtl n I M I' ul B ,d 1 I

t4l\cltl!d Iht! ":'1):00 II II Alu!lR toolt 11!'lr Ilul tUnll ot IIdGlIll' Itllhdr hm I' ul thl GIO/lIII' P 111(' "nr M('lIotlnl A mildmellliel I!ph.lemh,' \\IIS R \\1" II II e I IntL 1\~ huodrl' IInlthlrh $Is. rollS('!\\('ro rllporlel

A. DOllrd Dr EdUintlon L llpl1\ \ I~ Ic~rllr' f \I tn l!lt\lIt ral t.rQS!l! Polntl! IIIgh sd 0 I nrtn I nEl tlnppt 1 lor n (' tl onan hour

Lake Shorl! Conch Un('~ n( In III S surd II \\('lldln I r Icnlat tht sellOol boartl lhat Ihl!re \\ere no additIOnal buses 10 r('U(O\et'1lnjt'.sIl!d trllnsportnlion 0 SChOlll c1l1ldrcn

T11'1: Gres e Po ntt Bard of EducallOn TcLI!\ed Ihe goohcndIllln trorn the \oter~ tor a thr(Oe milliOn dollur bond I.!;,suefor Ihl!proposed bUIlding proll:rnm The nnllonn! ('oal strlkt'! threnll!ncdlocally B.! IIdult cln .. eg \\ert'! h.!Ited and Echools fOCI'd closure

POinters wten to a talk on the H Bomb b \!nJor GeneralSlnnll!)" E Rronhart USA (r('1 ('d In a hl.lur) Wilking mov('The \\il lie CoUnty HlJ.lh D('purtmlnt n~~umed chn gc of Gro 5ePolntl!! health sen cc B('5IdI'IlIS Oil Hillcrest wre protl!slmll tI erollStructlon ot a group ot 10\ ('051 dl'.elhngs mane ghborhood"'I ere homes are vnlut'd al up\nrd of $200011

C"ro ~e P Illl H Ilh C;c1('101BJ.oi re r d p ..I Ilg n I eSoutbl!llstern \hel Isan Bond nnd OrCheslra r(,sl \J.I

Engtne('rs of three Gros~e Pomtl' munk pal I es l:'Onfcrred \\ Ilhthe V,l1lt:r Rt'souree ClImmlSS on III Lansmg 011Delro ts $8 GOOGOllFox Creek proposal

Grosse Poinl!! Woods lIppro\ed three ne v !'\lbdl\1SlllnS tor the.:o'1Struellon of about 30G n!'\\ homc The local om nppro\cd bythe couneil \\cre I' Shur('ham near Oxtord ~l HollYl'.ood bl'twe('nE 'lnd W ltreet.~ nod J) An ...r('a Irom 'ern ('r roat:! to Loc:hmoorClub Fred Alger Jr bec,lm(' Ihe fourlh Po nt('r to to,s hIShat m the gubernlilor al r ng One of the mo;t mleresl ng~ttuSl!! bemg gl\en !'\enmlls lit the High School ""as th!' OwnerDog Obedlenc Clan

1 I


Page 5: ~MINUTE PAST TWELVE iFirst Tot of 1951digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-1… · Year to you," the traveler rephed: 'But' you are not happy," said




AugustDr. Leonard M Gaydos was appointed r!laarna

Defense AchvltJes in Grosse Pointe, n or MTwo 16.year old sailors werl pui!ed out u! I

when their boat capsIzed in a atorm , , . In I lll) -ake St C4tpool was offIcIally opened at the Park a newkl~

PolIO cases mounted m Grosse POInte a.. Pillereported Vlrums peliOn,,!tl

Woods reSidents hold theIr first neallng ('J! theCh.lI ter proposedCt,

GUdrds flOm all the Pomtes held a SWlIllnung nPointe Farms PI~r. leet at Gr~

ReSidents in the City of Grosse POinte pa, hl'U tllbers of the Councli room to attend a heallnl!( {In Ilnel>Il\allf~

, IOotro!s.ChIldren were pleparmg for thell letuIII t) I ~

summer months drew to a close and fanuhe .. IPturn~dO~1iItages and vacatIOns to theIr homes In the POIIHe rOlll

SeptemberThe votmg populace In Grosse Pointe W"od" tur

record numbers to approve an $85,000 bond h'Ue fo ned Out ,mams' r ne~ 1Il'ol!

Sgt Allaid relired from the Farms pollcP Jt'lldt (TnentYedrs of servIce " The Crusade for Freedom rol!,d Into t aftecll.. Clas"mates at Country Day got togethel to put ooneP0tllllProcee<ls were turned over to the pallo fund i Fl.!.o MUniCipal empioyees of Grosse POinte Wou(h I e'e1l edhike Barnes announced he would retne from hl~ post as i taotendent of Schools In Grosse Pomte. sUP!!lIo

Norbert Neff turned professor to teach a da" for bevotere; at the Center ~

The Army took Its first draft Since the threat of war tTwelve boys from the Pomte were called ailo Bel Vlce, re tIl1I(

OctoberControls are taken off 'ntdls in the City of Gro.se POinte

tenants report rents on a rapId Increase. IIIGrosse Pointe jOins hands WIth the Umted FoundallonI

Torch Fund Parade and Rally '. FIre Prevention Week IS her~by Open Houses at all the local departmt'nts

Citizens were rOlJsed over spread of Japanese beetlesFifteen more Pomters are calied to the draft • , , GroUlillII

St. Paul's was broken for the new schOol additIOn,. Eyes of nation focused on Durant-Rabaut contest.

NovemberFederal authorltiee; approved a new post office for the G~

POinte area. The cornerstone for the new addltlon to Bon Sffi1lllHospital was laid,

Modern lights were installed on Jefferson and Mack In G!l8IPomte Park. POinter/> were taking advantage of the Red Cro;Chest X-Ray selVlce here.

Louis Rabaut was pIcked as the new Congressman fromIi»14th Distnct.

News was received of the arrival of Lt Robert D. Danforth.Tokyo, Danforth, 11 medIcal officer, is the son of Doctors JamsC. and SadIe L. Danforth of 529 Lakepointe, •

Grosse Pomte Farms put their stamp of approval on a piafor the floufldatlon of their water supply.

The Grosse Pomte Traffic and Safety Councl! calls •~V!I'crowded buses" a safety hazard.



Seven Grosse Pomte churches combmed their forces to stag!a New Year's Eve party for the children of hIgh school ageJGrosse Pomte.

Voters m the Woods and the Park approved their City Chirlmat elections on December 11.

Lions staged their 2.2nd Annual Goodfellows' Dav SaleLeon D. Ratcliffe became the Woods' fIrst Mayor and Ho:re

C. Fntsch was voted mto the Mayor's post In the Park.James W. Bushong became the successor to John R Bmll

as Supermtendent of Grosse Pomte schools.

Winner of DiaperDerby to ReceiveHost of Presents

T ,-


The wmner of the Diaper Derby for 1951 WIllbe sho\\erNwith gIfts and gadgets befittmg a king or queen of storkland.

The first New Year's arrival'in Grosse Pointe wIll receman array of premIUms from the merchants of the GrOSl!Pointe area.

The contest is open to all parents in the Grosse Pomles.In order to qualJiy for the honor, a letter from the attendrntnhvSIclan must be submitted to the Review offIce, tellmg!heexact day and time of the birth.

The tot WIll be proclaimed champion of the GrOS!!-------------<f'Pomte Review's Ninth Annual

Volleyball ICOn;:st.Winner WIll be a:rI nounced m the edition ol

T A. Thursday, Jal1uary 11. sinceearn walls an earlIer report might ex,clude a late entry.

PI d H A letter of credit for theay ay ere gifts hsted below WIllbe ~\en• to the parents of the !lr<:

By NANCY CROWE baby."Baby's Glrl~

The femmme athletes of Grosse A five-dollar bank accou':-Pomte HIgh School have been Gros.e POInte Ban).. b-busy plaYing hostess on "Play- A baby bassmette-frorr J,ttday" In S\\ Immmg, badmmton, son's Women's Appal'1and volleyball. Beautiful bouquet 0f 11,)1,/1

~ H' J T '-'-a~For the volle) ball plavday on I .r~T~tr~;,('o:;-on .~u~o fl~'r:

January 5, the guests WIll Jour- AppIJance CompanvA J F()""-~.ney from across the flver. when A baby ring.

the local girls v. III meet two Jeweler f'I't!!DaiSY Can Opener f10~team~ from R I V e r S I <le High

S N' Heat '0_,chool In Wlnd~or A book of bab\ pl1r,ra" I l

Gros..<e Pomte High School WIll Paul Gach StudIO. G-o.,-tbe repre<ented by the v.mnmg Spnng foam pill("team of the <choo!'s Intramural Pomte Home Appllanrr"ll

reee v;:otoumam€'nt captamed by Jane The babv'~ fath('r " "fo- rR1P~ 12B and the .econd place ra porcelamlzed poh,h,team of Carol Lundln"en'. lIB Icar from TurnE'r B I' 've,

The father wJ11 " ," f' \offTh€' top thrE'€' team,; of the Dobb5 Hat from Pr l' ••

gh Intramural badmmton tourna-j Wear .'1ment '" ere hoot. tf) three team' Prmted hlrth ~'\n "lrrerre •from Ferndale MIC'hl/o:an on If h Robert 01rl"a- P-I"! •reo TUE'.dav of l<l.t \, eek rom t e

'rE' Company. "~,;•1m Th(' G o"r Pomtr pia' ('r, A ran of formuli\ n , p_rh \\ E'rp R<lrhal,; Vv{"lcotl and thE' ph, <Irian Nnf' r p;r r

Flam Klhl'n 12R. \\ho \\on'marvf,r'! p,a('1' In :'11' hlgn 'choor~ I ReH'r{' Saur('p;;l' ',I: loum".,,, nf \fa Irn(' Cllmlf' ..nd POInte Hard" arf' _~e'c



r, F:laI '11' Tu-r (I II R, "hn "E're Fl\ e <l0I1ar~"nrl ,1 O' 'a"fla "(,Clnd m Inr mIl an Illal rp<;ult< m~ for the mClthr- "r

,;T'd "nnr Hll'h, "nil .JanE' Rlpne, Gro«e Pomt(' Valet~~ 12R, \, hr; pl.,e"1i lnlrc! In mIra. Ivorv mmlatlllf' (

lHl-al h;vimlnICl'1 photo"rapherI" ( t'lt (F E'rnd<llf' \\ a, j : l pt- F-('(' 011 {h1ngE' r r

(n 'nt nf G- )"( POI n I f' Hlllh .J )'"ph < Fnf'ndh ",'\ ~ "k '.<'hon] < '10'plt."lh \\ hE'n ;) F<llh('r'< Whltr ,11\)5, "\Immlng merl \\a. h('ld lx'- OMaha' Men. '1\ ('or .f 1'11l t '" een thr t\\ n .chool" on Tues- C()('OIlDoor Mat Rnl"-I' .

day, 1)(orember 12 rison Compeny.

Page 6: ~MINUTE PAST TWELVE iFirst Tot of 1951digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-1… · Year to you," the traveler rephed: 'But' you are not happy," said





2 "to ,

LA. 1..7878


BeneW. _ MaytagLaunderall • Laundromat

Hotpolllt - Fngtdalre, GE. ete.TU 5-6872

Hutto •ElectricalAppliance Co.14934 IL'CK at W.ybtmt









New beautiful faoe brick rancn

~~.;nebe~r~r~llUIg~~ .!J':;~J!'t~rlibrary or den, extra lal'ie ~tcben.natura! fireplace ree room, gas

~~~~eDa~~=~a;-).1~r:~r"". a~it frontafe Open Sunday 2 to (;

I CIVIC REA TV - LA. 1-18'18

I Real EstoN Wanted

Real i,hlte For SaleTo Sell or Buy Reol Estatl


Martha S. BachersVA 1.7710

, We have buyera waltLnI. W. Mve astall' of capable. eftlclent &alupeople.

We are eonvetlJently locaW-1000 MARYLAND it JUFERSONOpen 9 to 9 Dally - 1 to Ii Sundar,

Repaired. Re,laeecl ...C1Nn..&-

~etal Decks-PClfthw"at &ootiDI


Late Models

Pioneer Roofing and Sheet Metal4708 EASTLAWN VAlley 2-8541


Men's and Ladles' SUits Tailored to OrderAlterat.1ons. Rehnmg. Cleanmg and Pressmg

14931 It JEFFERSON, AT CITY LIMITSFreel M. SeblllDaD Est. 1925 Open Eves Till 7 00 V A. %-SMI

TU 5-:mtSee ••• Robert C: Moore




as well asSecunty m Buymg



The helIt ofeverythinrdurinr 1951-to youand toYOUflI!

Crosse Pointe Moving6' Storage CO.

I. W SUTTO'l 1344)8MACIt '" E"Established J 895"TU.1-5540

N'ihts and HolldaYI "A. %.114S



VACANTNew beautuul f~ brUllE ranch borne, S ~, Ilft,I lloor Dlan 3rd be4-room m gum. Bllltable for 1Jbrary or den, extra wae ~tatltt\, natural fIrePlacerecreatJon room. gas heat, attached a car I ...... aIJd ~'" ~,.. MJmiextras, acl4t ft. frontal ••

HANSONChevrolet Co.

14259 MACK AVE.VA 2-9800

Open Sundoy


FOR A BET1'ER "<Ide of wed turnl-ture. see ~haac Neatway FurnItureat 13ll3O KerchevaL We always havethe thulgs you're toolong for. VA2-2113 I

Household Goods for Sail

MADE TO ORDER-These sets can bemade up In all colors tncludlng vel-

law. blue. red, ~eell. ta!I CIJaJn areupbolatered In DllI'lUl p1aJttc IIIlItenaLwtuJe tables can be made to any stze,shape and material You ~ ae1eet 1from 26 dllferent ""lei VIGt our tac-tory dlSplay and lee theae beautifulsets. Bu, direct from lDanufaCWrer,save 3a'lo Odd cltrocu cba1II. 0II1r .Ut \'MET Al MASTERS MFG CO24802 Gratiot Ave. E DetrOit

Near 10 Mtlo RoaO~ aail1 'tU 9 P M.eut DtUott. lGoIltCaDPRescott 5-5200

Open Sundays. 12 to 6 P M.

Cars WantedlI


Situotiona Wanted, Fe""I.----------- - ---LAUNDRESS would 11ke day work Wonted to BuyWUI baby lit evenings VA '.17" _-----------

A-I LAUNDRESS w.nu work In h.r W:O~i~~~.~;n~~~r~~n~t1'~~:u~.?I~aWUJ p1ek up and delIver WA TUxedo 1-5747--------"'XP-R1. WANTE~13 or 12-horae motor, also~ ~ ".N~ED eolored a;rl wUlhea table saw TU 2.8427.w~'B"roo~Uy~eferen~ .. TR %.,,ge I FURNITURE Wanted U you bav.

anything In l'1e hne of household~~~I~~m~~e.rWaocaJl!e~:~Jle~~2.2115

Hou\es to RentGROSSE POINTE WOODS-Bawtl\.orlle

ReI, a-room colonIal. attached I.r-age, furnLShed. 5125 mo AIrallabl.~ +'b i~~1Mr WltbeNl1, TU 1-

IThe Grosse Pointe Review-Thursday, December 28, 1950--5Miscellaneous Services IMiscellaneous for Sale •CU:>TOM-MAD£ aIlp co veri, ana tray WEDDING pany or reun10D caD41da

erse draperjes Guaranteed work. or home portralts~t~~ VWx~~l.l~~mteriaJ1'1'.. PhOIo~~P~~~ DEE


can CtmIlaU- ~VA % ..4551


$3." • Year Ity Mail

MI LLER DRUGSKeI'<'lle\ aJ et Wavllurn

NOTRE DAME PHARMACYKer<:heval .t l"otre Dame

TRAIL BARCLAYl~l Kercb ....a1

CUNNINGHAM DRUGKerc~aJ at Notre Dame


Mac): ftr Llmeaster

Jewelers, 21031 Mack at Roslyn

, I PARK PHARMACYJe«....- d IIl1tt111~.m

I KINSEL'S DRUGSM.ck at Iloro<s

- -Piano TuningPIANOS runecl and servtceC RealOt1-

tble~~A '¥b Wt~raranleed L

PlANOS TUNED repaned, elNfted ana~proofcd Professtonal sel'Vlee

ord L EC1wardli TO 1-3173

PlasteringPLASTERING - Any Il:tnd of reJla1r

work. Reasonable rflt.es I'rM WU-=.tea. Call TU 5-11343 LeOP VertIle\l.

~rigerQtor Service -REFlUGERATOR - AfJ(I motor servo

Ice Ueensecl and bonc1ed Kelv1Da-tor, ~ Lecmatd. Co~Umversa and others W,llIal1lSV Alley z.J1Il

Rew.O¥ingREWEAVING - Moth holes. burns.

tears Pricea rOUOl1able Call TV1-0686. Monday thrOUgh Friday

Wall W•• hlncw~ ~ p.per cleamng,

GEOR6'E 8 0 Y VA 4-8004

VINCENT'a Wall WaalUnC and :?g:holstery c:Ie8ZIID~ metIJExperIenced wor InIUrecl ~-~ and. resIlIlIl~ Free -can VEnloe

Window Shades

OBRIEN BROS.Wmdow Cl~anin9

CompanyStorm SUIJ ana 5ereeD ServIce

waU WasIJ1rqI6'1,., 8IId caletm1De CJeaDed

Ext<ertw 110_ WutWt, ExperleDofd.. for flNr7 lob.

E$Wllattt ~, 0..-AlWin ,. 0CI0Cl ...

VA, 2.8180"~b

Watch G"d Cleek • .,oirEXPERT fast w.tch repalrs.-~

GEORGE S. DALLYPOinting & Decorating, Interior

Exterior, Paperhanging

VA. 4-8004Neat, Cleon Decorating Employment Alencies

and Paperhanging FIELD'S EMPLOYMENT ColoredFirst CIa88 Worlt OVUUteed couples, cooks malclll chaufler. por-EXPQT WALJ.. cL.EAHUtG ~~rswJa:'~~~1~r3-m3ta1ler .. On

(:I.U. DICK --------------

IMILLER - Employment a8.Dey LO

VA 1-8164 7-2656 Domestir help .women fOt__ laundry and cleaning Part-tllne«CLEANIJ'IG and decorating, very rea- "-eekly GOOC laundresa lUId deaneMl

'i. sonable TU 5 2113 PR 7 9382 'Autos Wanted

Painting and DecoratingI

A C BOUK. ~aung. palQUIIa, In.tenor lAd uwnor, waUPIpeI re~:OUl'f.41 .2~~leanln. 1239

---------- -RELIABLE Pamter needs work neat

g~~~~r g~afefer:~:n~ A ~~fP:





LOCAL ana r.xPaa8SERVIa!

PI.no enO AP'llIl&nee IIovtn.We Bu" Fumlture

14621 Kercneval VAU., 2-2171

Mo.inl. Storap. Cartal.---------- ---ESTAI5USHEI> ~ RAft!



WA 5-8189


Sell Them for CashI


I VOU ''0 LONGO mTD C"LL ro.'DA\

Phone VA 1-4iS8. StoP In • .-Mall Your ".111

IndlVJdual Styllng Bridal, ~anln,Apparel. Alterations,

MODOlITalJml1llg and BeadlJJ,





DRESSMAKING and alteratIons Ex-pert work on SUits and coats. CopIes01 any sketch Prevtous Wee...Ith ~m-tlliall shlllLJ IU ,) o .... ~. It CIMIr'" 'fU Ml~ I

CUSTOM dressmaklpg. ladies' andchlldren's c1Jlthetl. BIMClallzml 10 IVogue Deslgn~ ~A1tep8Uons expertlydone. TU )-3$3


EXPERT dressmaker ind ~;ltarauons,your home or mmi. bi;lt 01 reltl-ences ED 1-4641

DreW.ulll' _It' AIte~


SPENCER CORSETB-Ind,vidually de-Signed dress and surgical garments;~';,'ifne~~ #rars~e~:"T"o ¥.~f.:308 McKmley

Carpets Cleaned---~ ------DeLUXE CARPET CLEANERS IRugs Expertlv Cleaned 10 Your Home I;

No Fuss - No Muss

loe FasceED 1-1967


Carplnter Work



TheGro<,:,e Pornte ReVIew

, 5121 Kercheval~l'1 '",Itf'f)Omll' anri \1aryland

Say 'Charge [t'"


Upon ReQuest

VA. 2-1162

CHARGE RATEAs a con\emence ads '" III bfacc~pt('(j n\er th!' telephonE'ThO' '111mmum I'harlZE' r"Ip 1<~~ fOf 1~ \\ oro< four cent< foreJCh arlclltlOoal \\ ord I-'a,mE'nl can N> mad!' 0\1 (,35hchc('\.. or money order

, .

".,,1\11 Ll-TII~K'\'I,""liIJlb.ol~l (iJrntr 01 KpnhevaJ .and

loikt-I.HHJd A\tllueb\ " '\ I (jobor ond M L MarUn,

o 1';1 d. IJ, 'lJ~~GI~fI al-Se""" al 13323 E. Jefferson Ave, ;J "P~' "lI

d,h,t J~n~m;'n~,,\dl~o ~ 1 ED 1.5618

t rAt' d 11 ..dl Illft-to ~t.rVI((~ ~(.W - _

'" lJ" '>UV1Cl"l 1(1 00 d In Mon. I B k d C W k'J J."",,ry I Sun<Jd} ~d\<}ol :>... ,on UC an em,nt or1 l tl),) t,) 10 1;:> fJ (IUlk u.llon to -- -- - -1)/ loUin! b' m •• ", of " movlnB plc- A TTENTI ONt ..o1 I t:nut (d A ~J\ !(,r I!, Born"\, lora dnd r f" pupil. are welcome All Brick and c.ment Work

I N1:.... aD\! ~pan1'0rches. &tepa "JetS Wa!U. Etc

Alsr Water ProOflngReasonable - Work Myselt "


"'I;j) J 'j,') ...m \4o~\I (I ... '>1 ~ lor aU B kk d~t: .~" i WUI.' 'I' II 10 Dj" 00 eepin. an Account;nl

I) (J~ )II fJ eaUllr M YCjuln GI0U,p'. It! 101) ~I lJII Y(IUI p; peopll y,.dcome BOOKKEEPING SERVICEI

,I 'JJ" " 1, <yol l>t:, .Ic. - Wtdn"., '. ,n J 'J / J ol 7 3Q pm BY THE MONTH

T." and Report serYI~eFtderdl, Stale and CanadIan

:-....tary Pub1Jc with SealHAHR.. HAAS, Tax Consultant14841 KERCHEVAL AVE.

Corner Alter Road VA 2-18U

, "


~r "\\"11\




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11 1" t 1 ,,1 q~" c\R[lFRFf>! " " \1\ ' {' .i~r ,hall b~lO:C \ f' i 1'\ 1"'1 ~ ....... ~ , ( '('1\ l1t'fc(I ( (, • I I \. ~ ,... f' '1\ t" l\''' l'

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Gro,~ Pomte Woodlt" d Leffert, Pallor

",unddY. Dec 31-Sund.y School It~ JO d m Mp,In serVice Wlth Jnstalla-twn 01 new o!l,ceu at 11 • m

Monda" Jan I-Speclal New Yearssenlce .t 11 am

II 19!1 hnd. you v,lthout a churchFAITH E\A.!ooGELKAL LLTHERA'Io home make It a resol.ltlOn to cl1anle

tHtKlH all thlS aod know the -tIIesstngs onlyEa>l IdftrJlOD and PhllJp A.enue. tne Grace of Gool call bflnll' TO" 'this

Rt\ C H l..anEf' Pastor ena \O\e U1\ite )OU to conte and hearRn I E ~bo"aller As.bUllI Pastor lhe ....o"ds and teachmgs of Christ and

IPnd.a\ - a 00 p on JUnior Lutn~rI Y orshrp \\lth us

Li:aeu€, Hol den Part... at S11 '''31'"1- ---lJorouK 1 Ll TilER '\'1, CHURCH OF THE

SUJ"1dd"-~.::o ~ ~ r~jt.n 1 c::.r-rr)o' Rt.FOR'IATION\'l.lth clasc:~ lOr ad dgE:-.... 11 00 am \ erDor HJgh"a) E. at Lakevle~Worshlp S<..r\ltl \, lll' e-"mon H Ii tah LD F. StlcktH, l> D. Pastor~ame lEi Jtr..u,- !l 30 am - Church School Cla.::.ses

TU~idiH 7 00 P P" -Bu\ SeOUl" for 2JJ dgl:S SpeCial classes for youngVlednesda'\ 730 pM _ Ad:\ ..,0""\ people an daduJts Brmg ,"our chlld"

Board . ~el~S8and attend tue pastor s Bible

Jrrn:R6o, -\\E'I,lE 'ILTHOOI~T II 00 am -\lormng WOMllllP Thede-Henan -\\enu r '\1 Ib HE:'\ .A"dre\\ ElliS who IS pursuinge a. ar Oroll&h .tudles at Yale In prcparatlon for hIS

~udOIPh H Bo,.. 'I UlllitA!r ... ark U Corsetiere~~ncha~~~~ t~h:~Fln~e";~~~~~e~o~; preacha~h: ~~~~;ary In J.pan. w I

Saturda,-a pm Tee ~Jgm. ZO'. r1"i~e pm-Young People's LutherCl I" h Id ,Tubda\ Jan !nd - The Churchth:~o~r~h 0 liS C,ns'ml> parI) at CDuncl1 ....111meet at 700 p.m

Sund .. -10 a m Morning Wor.hlp Wadnesda\ Jan 3rd....Jhe AJternoon\~nh sermon b\ the mmlster, 10 am Dn l"lon of the v,rome~ Churto 12 noon, Church se!lool for chlld- "JII meel WIth a PDt ~ren nUr&efj Ihrough the SIxtb grade 12 30 pm 'drs H Bu rt.. w.u nU 15 a m to 12 noo~ C'1u"ch ~('"\ooI Fat;e/':: IIiOfel~d't~~SCJeV:~~~..Mrs G..

I cla.sses fr) .. d11 abo ...e t"he Sixth Irade .:;l

Includmg adults i pm Youth Fel. PEACI IV LliTiiiAN CHURCH___________ I t\~~~hipm~~7!e 11 pm, Watch NIght East Warren and Balfour

_ Wedpesd .. - 7 45 II m, "eetmg of Detr~~, 2~~~llanI lhe Otflclal Board 1 Rev Enno G. CIaUI, Pastor

'Ir Le<>nard E. Elzel VicarEAST'III"'STER PRESB\"TERI-\ '" On December 31 regular servIces

CHl-RC!I I ....111 be held at 830 and 11 00 • m'31 ~lanJstlllue The Hev Enno G ClllUi WIU ((,Unr

Re\ Theodore \" Walde-nke, Th D., I the c;:ermon He has chosen for h~DR E 'IItnlster th,,,,. • Counting Your Blessmgs"

Sunda, D~cember 31 I"5ll-Church dav. Decemher 31 at 4 30 P 111--STATE OF '. nCIDGA ....-- "ew Year's E\c ser\lce \\111 1)e

':'1' .. 'I The former VIcar, Enno T Claus,IN THE CIRCUIT COl.TRT FOR c. o~ellYer the serwon for thIS OC-

INe'" Year's Dav Will be celebrated

THE COUNTY OF WAYNE "'lth one sen'ce at 11 00 a.ro. Mr.NB 262,00'J ~~,;::rt'~es~ze~1 "-

Order of PubUcatlon ne~~dav School and lJlbIe c1~sesIN THE ~ATTER OF TilE are at 845 • m


T' '-TY F R Sunday Deeembltr .. - 9 30 a rtI ,a O\CQUIRE PROPLn 0 Church School 10 AU Deparfmenlf

A SEWAGE PUMPING AND 930 am, Sundav Mornmg For~', Chnstmas Carols by the Church ChOirTREo\T~ENT PLANT SITE IN urder the directIOn of Mr MalcolmTHE VILLAGE OF GROSSE M Johns 11 00 am. Church Hourr :r Groups Nurser), Kindergarten Pn-POINTE V; DaDS :'HCHIGAN mar), 11 00 am, Chnstmas Wor~hlp

I Serv,ce Sermon by Dr FlIt • WhatCbn51 Ha. Done fat Our World" Johll No Job Too Sma"

A t a ses,lOn of saId Court, held U 23.32 1040 pm ChrIStmas Eve LA.In the Court Hou-e, m the Cltv. Worship Service Chnstmas Carols by l<evlfW 6.4864the Church ChOlr. SelectIon> b) the I --- - ---------of DetrOIt ~ald county and slale Semor ChOlr, S~y Mr Ketchum. EUClYCltincon thIS 11th da) of December, CHJUliTlAN iiClP/CE CRllRCHEIl1--..".--------------

I A D 1950 Chnsuan SCIence" V,111be the suit- WE RENT]ect of Pie Lesson-Sermon In aU

I Present The HonOlable V-rn-I Cl1n.tlan SCIence churches througl1-CENT M BRENNAN, CirCUit gft tbe world on Sunday, DecemberJudge T'le Golden Text (John 16 13\ is

• \\ nen he the Spmt of truth IS comeUpon readmg ard filing the ~e" III gulcle you mto all truth. for

afflda\ It of JulHl> L Bern,. At- ~Yat:;;~;e~o~:~~~1 ~a~Il1;~f' s~:.1'tornev for the petltlOner. VIllage r~:!:~~~.nd he WIll shew) ou tnmBsof G:,o-,e pOinte Wood •• In the o\.mopg the BIble CllallDns IS thIS\\lthm caU5e and It appeanng to ra55are IJohn It 12). 'Venl. venl" It': 1!~1' C h t sa\ unto \QU, He that belteveth Oil ns ruc .. ons Itne ,atlsfaclIon of thIS o\..rt t a m~ the ,,"orks that I do 'hall !'Ie do "'ROSSE POINTEthe respondenb RegInald R also and Ireater "Orks than theoe TUTORI NG SERVICE ' V'hiler and Peari!li Miller, hIS ~~~!:erh. edo, because 1 go unto my REVIEW

f ot be found VI Ithm the Corr.lahve passages to be read from MRS. ROBT N. McCOLLOM

\\ 1 e. c;ann the Crnst"n S c Ie n Ce textbook \COolnty of Wayne and ha\ e not SCience and Health ""th Kev to too DIRECTOR I On &ale At\'oluntanh appeared :n thIS ~:~Il~~rf~~' fo~row~~~P. ~:~)er ••J,~:;re 406 FIsher Rd, ~r. Pte Farms I Locations Listed BelowCourt and t'1at In order to ob- SCIence den",s Its sanctum from Ute I All acaliemlc subjects ft:Qm ~ IB hi d th d S For Your ComeDlencetam sen.ICE.' uoon the saId re- \< d;mao';,.trafe/~h~~:;.~gJt'i,:fhO~Ier::;e grade through college. Foreign '!'be Grosse Pomte ReVlew,pondent< Regmald R Mtller fluenee of Truth In h~ahng SICrneS; lan&Uages. adut education mclud-,' ~ 4val!abl.e h~ ~yand Pearl '1 :\llller ht~ \\ lfe It ~'Td ~~~L l'V LLTRERA' CHLRCR ed. Degree teachers. ~tIO~ ooctIS necessar\ thaI an order be I Ch&lfODte &ltd Lothrop Teachers may regISter by calling: I Ind,vulua!~'-'-' Are 1'1.... Centa

_ f Gros .. Potnt~ F•• ms. ,\Ilcb,gan I ......-('nterpd for the publlcat\On 0 a R.\ Cbarles W Sandr",,", Pastor TUXEDO 1-6440 WOODS MEDICALnnt\("e tn <Rid re~tlond~nl$ to ap- r MI.. ROII.n. R.rtj. Parts'll Worker -----"-,---------pm In I~I< I'au<~ and the Court re~~u~~r~I~~r~:.a~~~' ~~~~; ILandsco,lng • CENTER PHARMACYbemg full- ad\ H'd ID the prem- ::-und.. Derember 31-900 Sunday -------------- 19641 WlIcll: Ave

Sc"ool 10 30 Worship. 11 00 pm I\-1". Ne .....Years Eve Servlc~ • TREE REMOVING BOB'S DRUGS

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED th,t <:};~idB'oarJanuan 2-8 15 Sunda, I llaek at RosIyBthp ,aid n"pM'dent< Regmald R \\edncsda\ JanU.T) ~ 00 Chapell~Iil'rr and Pea1\ 'I 'l.ller h' C'Th;,r>dav. Jenuarv ~_I 00, Women', Trimming Guymg HARKNESS PHARMACY\\ .IE' be and Ihl" ilre ".'feb\ re- GllIld 400. J"fIIor ChOlr Mack d t.oek!IIOOf Blvd.

qlllrd to appea~ and <"(\\\ cau'P I TREE SPRAYING CAVALER'S DRUGS\\ h\ l~e pra\fT of the pt'llhO"1 Grosse Pointe I1IadI at 8Wnlamoutb" ,n therl'ln h,' lhi' pet IlOnpr I~.<;~~'r~~a~r~~~~::;t~~,'::o:~~ REV IEW i Greater Detroit I TE~~~~~ARMACYn,'! h" 1l11lnted on Ihp I '>th <la\ nf URSU CONFECTIONERYJ,nu,n 4, 0 "\;\1 Wa nt-Ad s LANDSCAPE CO, Maek nr ADlta

IT Ie, n RTHf R OHm REO BLUE CROSS DRUG, ,. a Cl ," , 'p' "f t" ", ie" COMPLETE 17,11 Mack .t Net!<: " 1", rc ",n "\ "n I'd \,Dtl"1 CASH RATE LANDSCAPE SERVICEr.lI'1 " , 1 l 'i' ~<. nt' R.'C"'. The minImum ('harge for classl FRIS ESTDIA1'D., ,ld R 'Ill 1'" and Pellrl \1 fled adq u f1~ for I;; \\ord< VA 2-2250'II ,'r ' , \\ .(' " cn \ r" , "mri 101,1 CE.'nts fOT each additIOnal1r rH'a('t,("~b t' at t , .. , ....1' (~) v...nrd

'1\ .... t' ' 1 f ,11


."l' ~ 1 ~ , .1," r l~""( 1. n ("



Section 1 That an ordi-nance entitled "An- Ordi-nance Providing for Com-pliance WIth VIctOry Tax"adopted January 18, 1943berepealed


Adopted Monday. Decem-ber 18, 1950; Posted, Sat-urday, December 23, 1950;Published, Thursday, De-cember 28, 1950.




utludll tlnlt "WH..IJ\. fOI t 1111<.1I.n II Ij I

Iloui>'" of aU d"h~"I Ht 11111 1he Jut'SUUdB

b' of \ht' ) l II rnucll wlil t)f

aonl "" 41'lo ul H. VLl wlnl llj&rth",paot "'»onM Inel Iloriel I

SUNDAY, 830, 1030 aalild" , , I""~rV"lCI ot wonnlp tor YOIU ( 011v,.,ence ~n dlnlplr.lIon L'holl 0 alnM 'I!both .. rvj~ll. lha Junior I hOIl I"flJshN'81ySenor Choir In th, ""md

I. a pm Beth_ny 11\.11..

) au to .pend th. lad h"ul' 0' 1~1lIJ"tl her b,auUful hOUIe of WI' llhljJ ill

l 1,.o1fec111 New y, •• 'b £v~ ...U v ((DAY, 1030 • m Reth IllY "I ,

Invlt" you and your 'dmll, <Jtfllendl to th~ Iddll'ondl j",lIdoy ~,",.v~. on N.w Y.ar, • on ot II '~lI,aln ,""turln. bf.u\l(ul mu", lJour choln




HAPPY NEW YEAR!May. the New Year be brIght WIth hc:vlnlyblessmgs fOI you and for dll tho~l Yo hOlIll ~ uuhold deal "He that dwelleth In th<, ~e(let pJdleof the Most HIgh, shdll abide under the ,hddowof The Almighty "- Ps 91 I





Pay your taxes before January 10,1951, and avoid the collection fee.

Beginning January 10, 1951, a 4%colIe!:tion fee will be added as providedby law,

Payment without penalty canmade up to and including January1951. _

The 1950 County and School Tax isnow payable at the City Office, 90 KerbyRoad, Grosse Pointe Farms 30, Michigan.


~Ia\or WIIl,am F Connol1~ Jr ple~tdl'o

T'lC Council appro\ ed lhE' pa\ ment nf S"fl (10 am'(S I endercd m hurnml': hi ,mrhe< at lhl' ("11\ , lubbl"

P.l, proPQ,E.'d plan for l'a,m!! nal klnll n,p'rf finl" \\ I' r

I'd 10 the Clerk for <Iueh ann fpport

T'le CouncIl acknn\\ if-ell/l'eI Chrl,lma, 2\1'1'1'11>:' ,,11'!

" CIl\ emplo\l'e< and In turn P'Ctf'nrlf'rl orA."n 0 efl'''l• )1' employ",<

TI)( mE'etmJ: aclJ0urn"d at 1110 P 'I

\\Il 1.1,1\\1 F. CONNOLL1" Jft HARR\' A t'l RTCl~Mavor C1rfk

~t. Paul Ev. Lutheran Chul,(,hChalfonte and Lotbrop

Grosse Pointe Varma, MichiganREV. CHARLES W. SANDROCK, Putor;mss ROGENE HARTJE, Parish Workt'r


( • eel to order at BOO P Mp! r '. nl rm ron I'all Mavor Wilham F Conno,,\ .T" (' U1' I

me~ John M !; Hutc-hm<on WIlhAm CKirby RIC);lefd L M;n:on and '\1'11 ....:-'lcEachm

( ounclimen Hem \ M Hubba\ d and (~por~c- L :-, h ."

CIty Treasurer,CIty of Grosse Pomte

Publl<hed Grosse Pointe'Revlew Dee 28,1950

vices00 am.

day ,',chool

rch St'nlce.30 a.m.




SectIOn1 That an ordi-nee amending Section 49Part II of the TraffIC Or-ance as such Section wasend e d September 16,

46 be repealedNORBERT P. NEFF,CIty Clerk.

dopted Monday, Decem-r 18, 1950; Publishedursday, December 28,50;Posted Saturday, De-rober 23, 1950.

1l rHOA.N CHURCHJl""'~r url •• a~ thl~worlh

QU l'a.IOU _ K LlllduyIll'" - une 1U 1.71%11.I.P:Jl) sundlY SChool astI~~.: - -- ----- -TH CHURCH of CHRISTIENTIST - DETROIT

14130 Kpn heval Avenue

SUI\DAv S~HVICES10 J(J a III and 8 pm

sund., School-IO JO 1m

n<,da\ ~\tnlng Teslmonlaltetjl1l-8 pillow. Hoo 11 open week da)1

0(10 a rn 10 U 00 pm-Sunday3<J 10 ,00 pJn

Page 7: ~MINUTE PAST TWELVE iFirst Tot of 1951digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-1… · Year to you," the traveler rephed: 'But' you are not happy," said

'-Th. Croll. Pointe l.wiew-Thu ...... ,. Dee....... 28, 1950

We are pleasedto give the

FatherA Free 0,1 Change

for his Car

Congratulations \-.rf~)J. ,~t;~~~t\'~" ~~~"'"lWe are pleased \. "-. _" :.'" ~

to give an \1'<" ) ,'!Ivora Miniature t,'1r•v ~~.\

f h B b ~ , t "rt'f,~ i'o tea y '" E \..'N' I"$;;. ~ - ;'



200139 Mack Ave. TV 1.6200

VA. 2-1162

We are pleasedto give the

Baby'its first pair of

shoes '

We are pleasedto give the pr!nted

Birth Announcements

Notre Dame Phannacy17000 Kercheval at Notre Dame TV. 5.2154


Congratu lations

Grosse Pointe Review

Robert Oldham Printing Co.VA. 2-1162

We are pleasedto give the baby

The First Can of FormulaPrescribed by the


15121 Kercheval

TV. 1-0500

We are pleaseato give a

Preview Sketch Bookof Baby Portraits

We are pleasedto give the

MotherA Daisy Can Ope~-

We are pleasedto give the

parentsA Spring Foam Pillow

Contest Rules* * *1. Parents must reside in the Crosse Pointe area covered by the

circulation of The Crosse Pointe Review.2. Letter from the attending physician. stating exact time of

birth, must be filed at The Review office. 15121 Kercheval. ,3. Judges decision will be final. Results will be announced aft~r

due time is allowed for reports.

* * *


Congratu lations


FREEZE N' HEAT17328 Mack at 81. Clair TU. 1-6130

345 Fisher Road

Grosse Pointe Home Appliance Co.15222 E. Jefferson VA. 2.9445


We are pleasedto give the

parents of thenew infant

A Baby Bassinette

THE MOTHERA Beautiful Bouquet


17749 E. Jefferson


,f -;,. .. )~ We are pleased to give,. • THE BABY A•

~~. Five Dollar Bank Accounl

Grosse Pointe BankTU. 5-1514

HAR~OW J. LINGEJ\IAN17009 Kercheval TU. 2-6020

.. '~"

Jacohson's Women's Apparel17030 Kercheval TU. %-7000

\\'hat Tucky boy or girl will be thefi rst baby to be born Hi GrossePointe in the Second Half of theTwentieth Century' The answeris big news awaited by everyone -for that happy little one will re-ceive gifts in merchandise and serv-ice offered by merchants listedbelow.The Grosse Pointe business houseslisted on the page are jOining inwelcoming 1951's First Baby. Thewinner's time of arrival wdl be thatwhich is so recorded on the countyrecords as certified by the at~ "ld-ing. physician.


We are pleasedto GIve

THE FATHERA WhIte Jayson Shirt


O.:\lalia Men~s'"ear195Ri Mal"k An. (in the Woods) rt" ,.fil03--

Congratu lationsWe are pleased

to Give

THE MOTHERA Revere Saucepan

forMaking the Formula

Grosse Pointe Hardware16915 E, Jefferson TU. 5.4420

We are pleasedto give

the fatherA Porcelainized

Polish Job for his Car


TURNER BUICKGrosse POlnte's ONLY BUick Dealer

15103 Kercheval at Mal') land VA. 1..';400

We are pleased

to Give

THE MOTHERAn Electric r ran

COilg ratu latiolls

NUTTOElectric Appliance Co.

14934 Mack Ave.




~"..../ Congratulations


~ ~( v.t({:'~J We are ~IeasedE:::->i-:=A'0 to giveL~,:');..•..?\;;" r the baby

lY' \ " ~\ -?r(~r9.~ A Beautiful~,\2.>;...\ Baby Ring


14400Charlevoix at Chalmers • VA. 2.537'


Cong ratu latiolls

We are pleasedto give the father

A New Dobb's Hat

PROI'ER"S ~IE~.S'"EAR17cn, Kercheval TV. 2.i2.'10

CongratulationsWe are pleased

to Give the


Dry Cleaning

Grosse Pointf' ValetCLEANERS and DYERS

17854 Mack Ave. TU.5-5930

COllgratu latiOlts

We are pleased

to GIve aCocoa Mat Door Mat

Ro~rt E. Harri~on (:0.169f13E ,'("fff'ro;on An. Tl

Betw!"('n CS!c!leux and Notre D_""'t

Page 8: ~MINUTE PAST TWELVE iFirst Tot of 1951digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-1… · Year to you," the traveler rephed: 'But' you are not happy," said
