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Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-32, July 20 1963 · It The Fl.tlh Circuit Co.m ot Appcola nroved...

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Mississippi "The Truth Shall Make You Free'' Vol. 2, No. 32 .... 3. J.x:k50n, Mississr ppi - Ju ly 20, 1963 JOe p ,., Copy Collins Is Candidate For Justice Of The Peace In Laurel, Mjss . CUnron C. Coi!W, the only Negro runnint f or publlc oUice in Mlului ppl, Ia a f or Justice ol the Peace, Beat l In Laurel, Mlul ulppl. He hu been <tr>doraed by the J o n e 1 County Democratic Po rty. Collins came in 5th in a I man race when a apecial election WOk pla co for thiJ post In 11162 . He was not allowed to uu the name ot the Jonu C ou n I 1 Democ ratic Party lbon. egroes Get · Vote, Or Clerk Gets Jail Secede p,_ SeceuMn CoUJnt uld that Jone• Coun- U.S. Court Says Lynd Must Act JD Says Jackson Must Open Boob ty hu a Liberal tradlllo n. It The Fl.tlh Circ uit Co.m ot Appcola nroved Tho Jus li<o DcpOI' tmcnt ho• coked n ll'(le rol never ' had s lavea and did not .Monday to insure tbut Ne aroes will not be de· dl•t l'lct cout'l to Ioree the r eopening o( the lak.e part In U\e clvU war. A n icd rcgi.tution bocauae ol roclol prejudice. Hindi Coun1y voter ro1111trolion booka. Tl>c dc · whit. plantation oWDor there In 1 deeillion handed down In New Orl .. na par• tnrent tiled ault Snturdoy agoin•t Circuit formed the r r ee State of Jone1 the court ga ve Theron C. Lynd. voter registrar Cl er k tl . T. A>ltlord nnd the Stole or Mlssis· n<l tried to oececlc rrom the ot Forrest County. 10 day• to register 43 Ne· aippl. Con!ederacy. groes it oaid were quall.fied or lace The deportment oold thot the Rcgi• tror'• Collin• platform It baaed on CLIMTO!f C. COLLINS • • • puni&hment. '' duty und er Ml••l .. lppl law Ia to keep the rea· "eltiJ.enship, values a nd reapon· A •• ""l<lale In lhe August I Lynd w01 eottvicted ol con· lttrotl on books open to rcgi•ter si bility." He aaid, 11 1 am. or DemeereUc tempt ol e:ourt for continuinc to the of his count y :.t 3ny the opinion this ia an Arnerlun,+- -------'---- block Negro regist.Talion on ,... Dollar Bill Tactics timeheritage whlch ca n not be de- Mlululppl politic• tor the paal clal grounds. The auit ej;oinot Although A>hlord cl•,m• he nled or abrklced by an indlvl 14 yean. Collin• It pre.seotly him woa the first whkh cited a Take Effect; Star closed the boolu 10 prcporc lor ual or state .• .. Values are the 1 U 1 1 WI 1 regi strar ,.ith a breoch ol the comrng elrctlons, the Justice need or desire of hu.rnan be i ngt. on acent or n ve rn e n- Jaw und<or the eivt.l rights aet Removed From Ust Ocponmmt •• id hi• P'•rpo•e R laht T• F... surante Compony. He '- m ar· ol 11157 for refusing to ,.. 81 " 1 o fru•tratc th" Negro '' Ev-ry individual h., • ri&hl rl ed ond the father of three qualified appLeanu. Shoppera who co 10 Star Su· rtlll•tralron w·ivc therch)' per . to .. !uty bulc needl - food, children A• a r<>Jult, Lynd' s convrc· pe r M uktu ••• no petualinA the mrbalonco be- sheller and dothinc ••• Re· -o--- tl on sets an important legal Th th<! -rcento.g,. ol N-ro ' th obij t' t ·' ero..tinl boycott hneo. e ... n Y ts e ga ron o prec.,.,ent and- opena way on<! per.ons rn answer for the acta done ond to Require Equal Hiring for similar auits in other tou11or .. hav• be(,n oil the ••1<<· lht cit) .. repair any inju riea it moy have tlea throughout the stole. t.-e buyinc liat •In<< lo.t •rJ. eaUJed." II Grain Warehouses To avoid • fine, joil acnJenee, NcJirO<'• make up 4 0', nl the A native of Jone s Col· both h ... 'd r .. cl cloy. ll rn<l• Count) p<>pulnlion, lrut v-· E hoi h p d ,. or . • t e C'UU-1\. SDJ o.qO Wh h I St h d •••• tlrlllr IIY; or thA rrgi:>tered tina edurotcd in the Laurel na 1 e resr en • OJ- mu•t give Negrocs and whiles en •• "" "' <I ter • r 1 publir' schools. He eamed a ecutive order bannin& cllsc.ri m- equal votlnr t e.s t .s , open hb ttl\ ec:Of'cmic preuure. tu. tvcr· 3re degree ln etonomlra 01 Wilber· lnation In federol <onolrutlion, book$ to federal agents at any Using rnunogcr T. W L.edl>t'ller l nlorma l Ellort. F nlled Ioree Collet• In Ohla and a 1he Departmcnt ol Agriculture rea!'>na.ble time. slop rrjeclinr lnid. '' I con toll you lhiM; l'nr Attorn ey Gene r:d Robert degree in law at Wncoln Law hu wrllton non..U.criminNecro a p pi;< an 1 • on fal•e clad io be ollthe lilt.'' Kennedy ••l d the cou rt ocllon School in St. Louil, .Ml uoutl. lion clau.ae into it& gr ain olo<· gt'ounds, and reclsler the 43 op- rrom!.e u,.rad lnc WUJ token only oll er Informal La1U'el Scheol Prbrclpal ace program. pUcenla. The compony hu pronrl•ed ettarts ol Lh< deportment toiled Collins returDed to Mlulnlppl Will fnsp etl Re<o rdSets 10 Day Lin• it a acnorol upgrodlnc ol Neg ro to a volwrcnry reopen· to gel a certificate In Second· The Department aaid t h 1 t It Lynd does not carry oul all omployeol and In kocplng "' 1 1h lng or tho bookll. ary educ1tlon f rom .1 a c k 1 on warehouse owne rs operating un· thou requiremrnts within the Uri$ hi r ed o Negro cosh lor ot A• hlur-d claimed th otthc .!luStale Colleee and teach in the der tho \Jnltorm Grain Storage 10 day Umlt, the cot.Lrl said he tho Valley Street • to•·e nl>out a down " will not hurt onycmc." J one• County School Syllem. Ar roernMt mu at 1M prep ared to would be arrested and jailed month 0£0. lie reporh lhot rcglottu- He was prinoipal ot Mt. Olive 1\rrnllh lcdcral inspee\oro with until he romplied wi th lU or. A Negro woi al•o put on tlon uttempta had topped 700 Blgh School record• of hlrln&, pr·omotlon, ders. mcn1 morket monujlcr· ot Vol· si nce cor·ly June . "We lwven't He has been concerned wi th tra lnlni a nd pa y-rates. Rerlolratlon J oy Stree l. the Mny• ond For · hod 700 Ncgroc• In thu olli•·b The 1,overnment's ease tah atore• ulready hncJ fur t he p! ut si x months .•·• he against the r egistrar grew out Necro market sold. Continue Hearing On Injunction To Release ltta Bena Citizens ol a JW<lice Department 1Uil __:.:: .... :_....:. _____ .:.;_ ___ .c... __________ _ whleh ala ted that Lynd refwed to reglatcr at lea st 19 Negroes, C,.,lru•l• loeludlng live scbool t eachers H earing• betan laot on trlcl Judte Claude Clayton. At holding coUece the Jwtlce Departrocnt' d• on• point Clayton turned down Lynd w., among the I I r tl mo.nd lor the release ol 45 Ne- requul lrom federal otlor· Miubslppi registrars to be· g ro es arruted In Jlla &no neya that Letlore County voter come involved with the federal J une 18. The Depa nroent •a:r• realltratlon be entered IJOvernment over voter re gj•- Indict 2 Whites For Bombing; Court Upholds Henry Conviction tlre. Jrou. p w . u a rrerted for par· 01 evld-c• ,_ thca•e. Out ol \ration. At the time the ault T .. -o Clarksdale men ehar&ed ti tin VOl J 1 t1 ... wu rued two years aJo . Lynd with toulng I bomb into the m er rea a ra 011 o 1 verth 13,000 200 votin&·•& 1 1 N•_1_.roe• said be d id not want to go 1.o homo ol Aaron Henry April 12 In dd.ition 1 kine their eu an ere !el u... . jail but also did not plan to let pleaded Innocent before • Coa- 1 ° '" The Gre env ille eo u rt· the 1 ovemmentbtuUhim. Lynd homaCountyCrondJury. How- Depa r\rocnt howe woa p acked f or Tburo- hos no1 said whether he will ever, the juey decided thore asked lor on inJunction acamst day' a hearln1 and on odd ilional choose jaU ralher than meet the was enoueh evldmce acainll Ldlore County ottl ctll• to pre· 1 00 people rtood out&lde. Voter court's demands. the pa ir to send Urelr ease to vent from lnterferlnc with recJatratlon worhrt have uked vO(ar p eo ph from throughout the ,.. Au b re y Cauthen and Tb- Tbe II'O'OIP waa orruted near Slate to attend second bearing DA Asks Metmll CIIKk..Up dore Carr were arrut ed about me borne ol H. E . Weber, a set for July 19. Tlwy have aaked live hour• alter a homemade deputy sheritf, after they had people to arrive at the fer Accwt41 ("" Killer kero s ene bomb .. ptoded In th e marched [rom I voter r eJiatra- Court Bulldlnl II Mom and District Atlomcy Bill Wal· front room of ll enry•• homo . II meetlnJ to uk him for po- Poplor Strtell II 7 a.m. ler nld Monday he would Police uld they • d rn I I I e d u:' protection. The meetlnl Twenly·two ol tho10 arrested uk 0 court to or der 0 men· throwinc the bomb alte r qu••· had been broken up by 1 tear remain 11 the Letlore County tal uamlna t!on of B)'l'on do tlonlng. 1 ., bomb and ludera !eared penal farm , while 23 were stnl La &tkwith, au us ed killer t'ollowlna their arre•t thoy 1\rrthtr lntlroldallon. to tht • u te penltcntary at of Medcu Ever•. were •ent to the llale mental Ahhouah on J'BI otlielal teat!· Parchman tite r they rduaed to ll the requeol ia granted , ho•phal at Whitfield lor uarnl· lied Thursday thot he round no do hard labor. Beckwith will be sent lo the not•on. Doctora nld they wtre evidence ol tear 111 at 1he tilt workers el1lm that ona prrsoner st ate mcntal hospital 11 W hll· rapoble or stondlnc trial of th e meellnl, Mu . Cora Cam· bltlen bY make and another lield lor at least 0 month. ll en ry Con•i te<l b.U •.Ud her daushtor been aulferina from aovero t ear cu B"t kwitb hat been treated Two doya after the pa ir wu knocked out by the eu. lrrilallon In hla ey eo have not aeve ral lime• by 1 lndJeted, the Stole SuPreme The Juallce Dopa nmen\ pre· be en clven medlt;l ca rt by p•ychlatrlst. Court upheld Henry's tonvle· •ented lis cue to Federal Dlt · prl fOn au1horlllu ll<>n on a morol• eharae. Th e rullnc r even ed a pr ev ious court deeilion tho\ Henry hid bet'll convicted on evidence obtalned llltiiHY. Hcnry' o otto r n e y. J atk Young, c:on••need the Supreme Court lD the liut hearing that Henry's ear had ...,.,., unlaw· lully ••arched without hls per· ml•slon. The Court oaid th<' c••e was b.a5ed on hi• ldcnbty u • clvrl dRhl• lc odtr. However. th r court ArOnled a aecond hear i nJ wben lbe s tat,. tried o claim of error. ln the 1oeo n.d declalon the court rllled thAt although the search of the eu wu unlawful, tl rnry '• ot · torneya did not object to It a. eviclenco 01 the lime It we. tntered . YOUn R uld GO-doy, $250 SWr· tenro would prubobly be •P· pooled to the U. S. Supreme Court.
Page 1: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-32, July 20 1963 · It The Fl.tlh Circuit Co.m ot Appcola nroved Tho Jusli


"The Truth Shall Make You Free'' Vol. 2, No. 32 .... 3. J.x:k50n, Mississrppi - July 20, 1963 JOe p,., Copy

Collins Is Candidate For Justice Of The Peace In Laurel, Mjss.

CUnron C. Coi!W, the only Negro runnint for publlc oUice in Mluluippl, Ia a candl~ate for Justice ol the Peace, Beat l In Laurel, Mlululppl. He hu been <tr>doraed by the J o n e 1 County Democratic Porty.

Collins came in 5th in a I man race when a apecial election WOk pla co for thiJ post In 11162. He was not allowed to uu the name ot the Jonu C ou n I 1 Democratic Party lbon.

egroes Get· Vote, Or Clerk Gets Jail

Secede p,_ SeceuMn CoUJnt uld that Jone• Coun-

U.S. Court Says Lynd Must Act

JD Says Jackson Must Open Boob

ty hu a Liberal tradlllon. It The Fl.tlh Circuit Co.m ot Appcola nroved Tho Jusli<o DcpOI'tmcnt ho• coked n ll'(lerol never 'had slavea and did not .Monday to insure tbut Nearoes will not be de· d l•t l'lct cout'l to Ioree the reopening o( the lak.e part In U\e clvU war. A nicd rcgi.tution bocauae ol roclol pr•ejudice. Hindi Coun1y voter ro1111trolion booka. Tl>c dc · whit. plantation oWDor there In 1 deeillion handed down In New Orl .. na par•tnrent tiled ault Snturdoy agoin•t Circuit formed the r ree State of Jone1 the court gave Theron C. Lynd. voter registrar Clerk tl. T. A>ltlord nnd the Stole or Mlssis· • n<l tried to oececlc rrom the ot Forrest County. 10 day• to register 43 Ne· aippl. Con!ederacy. groes it oaid were quall.fied voter~ or lace The deportment oold thot the Rcgi•tror'•

Collin• platform It baaed on CLIMTO!f C. COLLINS • • • puni&hment. ''duty und er Ml••l .. lppl law Ia to keep the rea· "eltiJ.enship, values and reapon· A ••""l<lale In lhe August I Lynd w01 eottvicted ol con· lttrotlon books open to rcgi•ter sibility." He aaid, 111 am. or DemeereUc Prin~e r,.. tempt ol e:ourt for continuinc to the t!lt'cWr~t of his county :.t 3ny the opinion this ia an Arnerlun,+--------'---- block Negro regist.Talion on ,... Dollar Bill Tactics time:· heritage whlch can not be de- Mlululppl politic• tor the paal clal grounds. The auit ej;oinot Although A>hlord cl•,m• he nled or abrklced by an indlvld· 14 yean. Collin• It pre.seotly him woa the first whkh cited a Take Effect; Star closed the boolu 10 prcporc lor ual or state .• .. Values are the 1 U 1 1 WI 1 registrar ,.ith a breoch ol the comrng elrctlons, the Justice need or desire of hu.rnan beingt. on acent or n vern e n- Jaw und<or the eivt.l rights aet Removed From Ust Ocponmmt ••id hi• P'•rpo•e

Rlaht T• F... surante Compony. He '- mar· ol 11157 for refusing to r~aroler ,..81 " 1o fru•tratc th" Negro ' 'Ev-ry individual h., • r i&hl rled ond the father of three qualified appLeanu. Shoppera who co 10 Star Su· rtlll•tralron w·ivc therch)' per.

to .. !uty bulc needl - food, children A• a r<>Jult, Lynd's convrc· per Mukt u ••• no long~r petualinA the mrbalonco be-sheller and dothinc • ••• Re· -o--- tlon sets an important legal Th ~. t10·~n th<! -rcento.g,. ol N-ro

~ili'l ' th obij t ' t ·' ~L ero..tinl boycott hneo. e ... ~r n ~- ·~ ~" Y ts e ga ron o prec.,.,ent and- opena ~e- way on<! ~<hllc per.ons re~:l•tered rn answer for the acta done ond to Require Equal Hiring for similar auits in other toun· 11or .. hav• be(,n oil the ••1<<· lht cit) .. repair any injuriea it moy have tlea throughout the stole. t.-e buyinc liat •In<< lo.t ••rJ. eaUJed. " II Grain Warehouses To avoid • fine, joil acnJenee, NcJirO<'• make up 40', nl the

A native of Jones C~•ftty, Col· both h ... ~ 'd r .. cl cloy. llrn<l• Count) p<>pulnlion, lrut v-· E hoi h p d ,. or . • t e C'UU-1\. SDJ o.qO Wh k-~ h I St h d •••• tlrlllr IIY; or thA rrgi:>tered tina wa~ edurotcd in the Laurel • na 1 e resr en • OJ- mu• t give Negrocs and whiles en •• "" "' <I ter • r 1 • • publir' schools. He eamed a ecutive order bannin& cllsc.rim- equal votlnr t e.s t .s, open hb ttl\ ec:Of'cmic preuure. tu.tvcr· vot~rtl 3re N~a:c-oett. degree ln etonomlra 01 Wilber· lnation In federol <onolrutlion, book$ to federal agents at any Using rnunogcr T . W L.edl>t'ller lnlormal Ellort. F nlled Ioree Collet• In Ohla and a 1he Departmcnt ol Agriculture rea!'>na.ble time. slop rrjeclinr lnid. ''I con toll you lhiM; l'nr Attorney Gene r:d Robert degree in law at Wncoln Law hu wrllton • non..U.crimino· Necro a p pi;< an 1 • on fal•e clad io be ollthe lilt.'' Kennedy ••ld the court ocllon School in St. Louil, .Mluoutl. lion clau.ae into it& g rain olo<· gt'ounds, and reclsler the 43 op- rrom!.e u,.radlnc WUJ token only oller Informal

La1U'el Scheol Prbrclpal ace program. pUcenla. The compony hu pronrl•ed ettarts ol Lh< deportment toiled Collins returDed to Mlulnlppl Will fnspetl Re<ord• Sets 10 Day Lin• it a acnorol upgrodlnc ol Negro to orrun~e a volwrcnry reopen·

to gel a certificate In Second· The Department aaid t h 1 t It Lynd does not carry oul all omployeol and In kocplng "'11h lng or tho bookll. ary educ1tlon from .1 a c k 1 on warehouse owne rs operating un· thou requiremrnts within the Uri$ hired o Negro cosh lor ot A•hlur-d claimed thotthc . !lui· Stale Colleee and teach in the der tho \Jnltorm Grain Storage 10 day Umlt, the cot.Lrl said he tho Valley Street • to•·e nl>out a down " wil l not hurt onycmc." J one• County School Syllem. ArroernMt muat 1M prepared to would be arrested and jailed month 0£0. lie dcnl~-.1 reporh lhot rcglottu-He was prinoipal ot Mt. Olive 1\rrnllh lcdcral inspee\oro with until he romplied with lU or. A Negro woi al•o put on ~· tlon uttempta had topped 700 B lgh School record• of hlrln&, pr·omotlon, ders. mcn1 morket monujlcr· ot Vol· since cor·ly June. " We lwven't

He has been concerned with tralnlni and pay-rates. Blo~ks Rerlolratlon Joy Streel. the Mny• ond For· hod 700 Ncgroc• In thu olli•·b The 1,overnment's ease tah Slt~ee\ atore• ulready hncJ fur the p!ut six months .• ·• he

against the registrar grew out Necro market muna11cr~. sold. Continue Hearing On Injunction To Release ltta Bena Citizens

ol a JW<lice Department 1Uil __:.::....:_....:. _____ .:.;_ ___ .c... __________ _

whleh ala ted that Lynd refwed to reglatcr at least 19 Negroes, C,.,lru•l• loeludlng live scbool teachers

Hearing• betan laot w~tk on trlcl Judte Claude Clayton. At holding coUece de.<~rees. the Jwtlce Departrocnt' d• on• point Clayton turned down Lynd w., among the I I r tl mo.nd lor the release ol 45 Ne- • requul lrom federal otlor· Miubslppi registrars to be· g ro e s arruted In Jlla &no neya that Letlore County voter come involved with the federal J une 18. The Depanroent •a:r• realltratlon r«o~a be entered IJOvernment over voter regj•­

Indict 2 Whites For Bombing; Court Upholds Henry Conviction

tlre. Jrou. p w. u arrerted for par· 01

evld-c• ,_ th• ca•e. Out ol \ration. At the time the ault T .. -o Clarksdale men ehar&ed ti tin VOl J 1 t1 ... • ~ • • wu rued two years aJo. Lynd with toulng I bomb into the a:~e:. m er rea a ra

011 o1



1N•_1_.roe• said be did not want to go 1.o homo ol Aaron Henry April 12

In dd.ition 1 kine their eu an ere !el • u.... jail but also did not plan to let pleaded Innocent before • Coa-1 ° '" The Gre e n v ille eo u rt· the 1ovemmentbtuUhim. Lynd homaCountyCrondJury. How-

relea•~. th~ Depar\rocnt ~~~ howe woa packed for Tburo- hos no1 said whether he will ever, the juey decided thore asked lor on inJunction acamst day' a hearln1 and on oddilional choose jaU ralher than meet the was enoueh evldmce acainll Ldlore County ottlctll• to pre· 100 people rtood out&lde. Voter court's demands. the pair to send Urelr ease to vent th~ from lnterferlnc with recJatratlon worhrt have uked -===========~~trial. vO(ar regra;:!~~::llviUes. p eo p h from throughout the ,.. Au b re y Cauthen and Tb-

Tbe II'O'OIP waa orruted near Slate to attend • second bearing DA Asks Metmll CIIKk..Up dore Carr were arruted about me borne ol H. E . Weber, a set for July 19. Tlwy have aaked live hour• alter a homemade deputy sheritf, after they had people to arrive at the ~ederal fer Accwt41 ("" Killer kerosene bomb .. ptoded In the marched [rom I voter reJiatra- Court Bulldlnl II Mom and District Atlomcy Bill Wal· front room of llenry•• homo. II meetlnJ to uk him for po- Poplor Strtell II 7 a .m. ler nld Monday he would Police uld they • d rn I I I e d u:' protection. The meetlnl Twenly·two ol tho10 arrested uk 0 court to order 0 men· throwinc the bomb alter qu••· had been broken up by 1 tear remain 11 the Letlore County tal uamlnat!on of B)'l'on do tlonlng. 1., bomb and ludera !eared penal farm, while 23 were stnl La &tkwith, au us ed killer t'ollowlna their arre• t thoy 1\rrthtr lntlroldallon. to tht • u te penltcntary at of Medcu Ever• . were •ent to the llale mental

Ahhouah on J'BI otlielal teat!· Parchman titer they rduaed to ll the requeol ia granted, ho•phal at Whitfield lor uarnl· lied Thursday thot he round no do hard labor. Jhclst~ation Beckwith will be sent lo the not•on. Doctora nld they wtre evidence ol tear 111 at 1he tilt workers el1lm that ona prrsoner state mcntal hospital 11 Whll· rapoble or stondlnc trial of the meellnl, Mu . Cora Cam· bltlen bY • make and another lield lor at least 0 month. llenry Con•i• te<l b.U •.Ud her daushtor h~d been aulferina from aovero tear cu B"tkwitb hat been treated Two doya after the pa ir wu knocked out by the eu. lrrilallon In hla eyeo have not aeveral lime• by 1 privat~ lndJeted, the Stole SuPreme

The Juallce Dopa nmen\ pre· been clven medlt;l car t by p•ychlatrlst. Court upheld Henry's tonvle· •ented lis cue to Federal Dlt· prl fOn au1horlllu ll<>n on a morol• eharae. The

rullnc reven ed a previous court deeilion tho\ Henry hid bet'll convicted on evidence obtalned llltiiHY.

Hcnry'o otto r n e y. J atk Young, c:on••need the Supreme Court lD the liut hearing that Henry's ear had ...,.,., unlaw· lully ••arched without hls per· ml•slon. The Court oaid th<' c••e a~e.m•t H~nry was b.a5ed on hi• ldcnbty u • clvrl dRhl• lcodtr. •

However. thr court ArOnled a aecond hearinJ wben lbe stat,. tried o claim of error. ln the 1oeon.d declalon the court rllled thAt although the search of the eu wu unlawful, tlrnry'• ot· torneya did not object to It a. eviclenco 01 the lime It we. tntered.

YOUnR uld GO-doy, $250 SWr· tenro would prubobly be •P· pooled to the U. S. Supreme Court.

Page 2: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-32, July 20 1963 · It The Fl.tlh Circuit Co.m ot Appcola nroved Tho Jusli

, .,. 2

Missisaippi Free Press Published evory S.tordav by tho Hlco Publla.l>ln8 Company, Inc, 598~ North f101lsh St., J>ekson 2, Mist. P"- Fl 5-73~5. Entered •• -!«Ond<lass mallt r at 'he Potoi O(ftc:~ • • JK~$0n, Mlss.

$,;.,,.-,l,,,. •• rl4'tlll 11.00 pt.r y•u l u M:t..Uttppiaat. H .OO ouuicl• •f .N.Witaippl. Tu Ceat1 pu <OP1•

llobc-rc LT. 5mlcill. J r., Clhllr••• •I l Ac ••rJ

o~. A. a. anu .... T.-, .... .,.."


SOCIAl. JUS'fl06 • • • IN MISSI.SS I£1PI

EDITORIA L PAGE Why They Use Spies

The story of the eomptuty spy (see Pn&'e 3) 6ou·nde al­m&~~t like 11 T.V. dr»ma, but it i11 true. It shows the lengths to wl'tieh comrmnies will go to prevent their workers (rom hav­ing the benefihl or unions.

Now Storkline in Jnckl!<m is nppenling the victory of the Car11enter• Union l·here. One of tlte Stot·kline workers came to I he ~'RP.Iil PRESS office und lold us he h11d been through three ur~ion elections t here, but this year tbe company tried lumler than ever to defellt the union.

lie 8<11d I hat th• rompo.ny eulled m@O>tingll with the Ne­JCro worker~ and told them thnt the uni(ln would only help the wh il tl!. Th~. ht: 88id, the wmpany mel with lh.e while men a nd told I hem lhnl the union wasn't int.ereslt'<l in t hem - It would only work for the NeiO'o workers.

Compnnie• will u~~e sr•ie•, rnce hnle, inUmlilntion nnd nny Mh er menn• l.o try l.o gel workers lo vote ngaiMt labor un illnll. Why are they so llfr11ir! or union87

The :on.wcr i~ Ulllt trade union~ have brought high~r wnge!l nnrl teller working conditions to working p eo pIe throul(hout tht' nt~tion, nnd I he eon>1>nnie8 in Missi8~!ppi would rnth•.r ltnve thut cxlnt me>ncy go into their own llOCkCIN,

I f you hnvt' t he chanrc to \'Ol e for a union, do not let ansone fool you. A tl'll.d~ union enn mt'nn h igher wa.gefl, job ><<H-urlty nncl u heUrr life for you nnd your fnmily.

Dignity Ahead ('!Inion C. (';ollins. !'\r .. I~ running for Jus lier of l.h~

l'ence in l.nurt"l. It s.hould nt>f l)e unwntnl lhn.t ft mnn is a tnndltlntt• for puhll( oHi<r, hul II i~ in this' enAt' because lht nu1n i~ N~I(J'O.

liOWl'\'Cr, II doc• not hnve lo hr Ullli8U8l fOr Jon~. There i~ nn I'Cii!"Ort why 'NeJ.!ro~s ~nu nol run fnr nffie~-and win-­:oll over the ~fah• of Mi!l-•is.siJllli-1 hnt 1•. if lhou~nnds more NPJ:.'T<t<'" r~gl~t~r lo volt>.

N•~rcll'!' hnl•t Iuken l ht hnck l!t'nl in running thrlr gov­"'"'mtnl for ltH! lon~r. II I" tint< lo wnk• up and unde..,.t:tnd l·h•t Nt'Jirottt will nenr be f rtt' until the,v hnve a hand In tle•·iding 1mb lie policy in this s.lntr .

In mnny <'lltrnti~•. pnrticu l:ol'iy in I he U1' ltn. Ncgr<tes nre a m~jnt·lly ttnd cmrlilacfually ~l••rl tlw cnl.it•e Cllunly govcrn­m~nl-lhttf i•. If' they wer•• rrgisterccl.

S•}nlt· PC.•I•Ie •t•Y N~al l ht•y art• 11frairl to vote nnd nrrnirl to 1.~ in ptllilie~<. llut \hn trulh i•. nllhnu~.th the ~egrejmlion­ists tlo nol want Negmc• to \ 'Oil•. lh~y do rtOt n ·enl the Uncle 'rom~ mud• better l bnu lht\.<~ th:ol are l r~lng to ehnnge tht' f'yfll tem.

Negr~ thut nrc re~:ist er~d nnd tho~e I hal 1\re nnf. hcllh are kelll living in l'(l<lf hou"""· 'fh~y get I he wor~t lob~: th•lr ehildro•n nr• sent lo llt'COnd-rnl• sthools und t he)• gel belltl'n when lhe locnl whilts feel orntry.

The difference be\wecu the n';.:is lcrcd Negi'O 11nd th~ onr who i~ not 1-~l(i•lercd is wot•king tn do ~o nwlhing nboullhc ~itunt.ion .

Whnl !lave Nrgro.s ;,, Mis.•h·~IIIPi lo !<M;e1 Only s ufrer­inl( nnd humiliation. 'l'h,.os n life n( hultpint't!l! a nd dignity nh•ud 111 \\' in.

Skilled Workers Wanted For yNU'S Negr"<'$ hn\·c ,.n,•n nut \111lhe1~d \o learn ~kill•

for lrndes nnd Uus ines• be<!IIUile IIIli)' 'knew tltt\1 di8~riminn­tiollll. would kc~ll them r,·om getting good jobs. Why leurn how to bt> 1111 elcclridau if you know you cnn not Jll't the job ? Why s tudy typlng :utrl •horth:lnd if yt•u know lh:tl bu~i­IK!H!!ell will not bh't' you 1

- Now things are b~ginnlng lo clulltj!e. Job cli~criminnlion itt bt>ing Alb\ckcd [rom nU $ides ; the fcde.r:tl government and civil rights ndlon grouP~~ hnve tnken steps to open job~ lo e1-eryone on nn equnl bnBis. There ia mu~h more to be done about discrlminnlion on the job, bnl when. the r11ce bnrri~r. are taken down there is ~till &omelhlng which often ~lands beh\·~n Negi"'('s and better Job": thnt id trnlning.

Autoruntlon-thc use o! mnchinc>J to do the work nf

MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS ~turday, J uly 20, 1963

Free Job Training Increases Skills; Offers Better Jobs, Higher Wages

Jllltl< tl<io arli<l•, lA• FRIIS PRSSS btqina o <UW u·ri~• 011

irter«tl'i-..g rowr dto-"c,. for 1•t· H11.g a gO<Hl fob. 'I'Ai< ortl<t. dHII will> ti>e job pYobl .. t. •nd lA• ahd~ Board of VtK"4ti61tol E<l.uxt­lilHt. I.Art~r I:!OriO,I ' Will d~ll otJur wltun• 1-,J qttting job Cr'«ilt­;,.p_

In the United St.ates today, It lo becoming harder and herder t • • the unskiUed worker to .find • Job.

New machlnu ID factories a,.d on the (arm are doin& the •orlc that humus handt 10end hone.s·t sweac once did , aacl they are tieing It beti.Or .

Jll eed Sldlls In ordOl' to get a good job

today, you have to keep up with the titqe•; you have to de· vclop a skill that employers need a.nd are wUJing to pay for.

A mt~n t8ll no Jonge.r rely on his muscleS alone. to make sure he gets a job.

The Mlululppl State Em­pleyme.e.t Service, fo r exampl• , repor b th•t t be.re Is • need In Mlaslulppl • lcht now for ote­nocrothe.rs, ser.reta_rles, walt· re-u es, boo.kkeepe:rs, draftsmen, m ecbanlcal euclaeer•, an• ma· ehin isfll.

Most ot these jobs cannot be hnd without soM e aori o.f traln· ing- and exper iene.e.

Oetting lrolnlng la.kes Ume

In Case Of Arrest-

md patienre, but whMt you have Jt, It Is bound to be worth your whlle.

Federal and State govern· menls, ln an attempt to train as many wol'ke·rs aa possible, have set up varlou• agencies to help workers lell!'n new •kill• tor tree.

Sell Up ClassM One ot these i8 the State

8o.ard for VoeoLional Edue.a· lion. Through this agency, traln­inl! elauu are s et up to live new lZainins to young people jwot sta•·ting out in the world o.l work. and lo give help!ul infor· mati()Jl. to worker• who have some Lrainln« a.nd are already working at a •kllled job.

It illso oftera cour$ea which will train worker$ who a re try. lng to lind a new job in a new lloe o.f -wod<.

S<bools c .. perate All the couuu which the

a.genc)• s .. tppvrta are carried out through tne Public SchoOl sya­tem.s In communilles where these desirlns the lraining live.

At Lallier Hllfh Sehool in J ac:kaon, fer examtle, a vro· I"""' fer Hlc h School ttudeato It U. precre,n, where the • tu· dents are J..lll'Dinc akUia In the bulldialf trades and • utom c>lollr ,mec"aiu.

The Lanier progt am is a co·

operative program ;.. t.he 1tu· deou spend hall . their Ume In school taking r e 1 u Ia r high school courses as well as Job t,ra.ining courses, and hell lheir time on the job, learning their tr~de first-hand.

Ad11lt job tralllln1 ~ouroet are avalla.ble in both acri<ullural and Industrial tradeo.

These, toe, are aet up throu•ll public school •yatems, and tboy usually meet •t Di«hl·

II May St .. t Class U a school system Ia no! of·

Cering a course in a partieuhar a'rea, o group o·f ten people who want training in the same field may eet together and a&k that a cour.a:e be set up tor them through U\eir public .school sys. tem and the Board of Vocation· al Education.

A typical course for adult·$ in automobile mechanjes incl~du 20 hours of lnslruotioo In 2 hour clanes once a week tor 10 wee'ks.

Du.finc the dasses, the. stu· dents bu• lectures - bow to Ox e.art, aM the7 ape.ad time wori<Wr •lth auto tarts •nd equipment prevld... b7 tho schO<>I,

U you are Interested In en· ·ro.Wng ia a vocational ·tauta· tion course, C<>ntact 1oor su.Qt:r· jnlendent ul ••hool$.

Know Your Legal Rights tn eaae of nrre.f!:t ev•ry C"ttiz-en

should know what his righls a-re. Tbl$ is the- best prctection against a violation of t h c s C'

rights. The law protoots you ngalnsl

unr e n son a ble .nr-rc.!t, and n(tn.b:1.tl u.nre:aso-noblo inva8ion.s of your pdvucy which nre mode to find cvi(ltenc~ again$t you.

In ~tencrnl. n lnwrut a.rrcS1 edn be mode only:

t ) by an ofliccr with • ••r· r Ant for your arrcoat,

%) by an oUicer or a prlvate Jlt' rtton ln who-e presence you hcwe cc.muu_iUed or: .uempled 1~ c:qmm.it any crime, or

3) by an ~filter or p•lvat.o person -wbo knoa•s or re&$Oft• nbfy believes thnt you ha ve t+ommitte-d a felony.

tn general, n law!u.l search (or and sebure of evidence and inllt.rnmC:nts oJ the crime which nre either on your per~on or i_n your home (or pi••• or bu•l· ness) cnn be m~de only:

l) by -nn officer with a &Cll rch warrnnt . o r

2) ccmncctcd with n tuwfuJ nr· res t {in this ca.tte lhe seorch b: HmltM to the plut'c ol nrrest, ond no one can force entry into your home if you were not nr~ l' t"!$t«< thcr~).

II yo« oro subjected to nn

rucgnl a.r.:rcst, you --mny a-uert your rights, but do _not r esist ot· disobey the officer. Even 11-you arc Innocent, the Officer may have made a r~asooabte mis· toke. The orresi would then be lnwful, and resistance A crime. 'If the ar:r-e:sl turns out to lla,·e beel'l Ulegol, :,-ou hove the right to sue the oflicer tor damages.

It aubjccted to Illegal search and seizure, protest so thnt you won't be found to ha·ve agreed lo the megal net.. and lose your chaoce to compla<n of them loter.

Agoln. do not resist the ol· n cer : net only m ay you 111e

him lor damall'e8 later, but the i lle1ally seiz.ed evld.ence ~:an.no·t be u~.d in trial to c.onvi~t you­(this nde of t.Yidenc.e d"s no·f apply to Ulecal selwun• by prl· vAle persons) .

Once :tTrealed you hnve <!.~r-1 ntn rights whlch it is very im. purli!nt to kllow and to --a~~erl.

Right To B• Silent

I) You have the rlgJ.l lo re· mnin silcml-to refuse to gi\'e nny inCot:mution which might inc.r:imin.ale you. Remember Lhal any conrestion mnde vol. untnrlly cno be wed Jn your

men-Is lnklng uway m.illioM of job~. Un~killed worker$, black und white, nre firrcl inl( ll harder n.nd harder to get jobs.

This menrr• lhat unless Negroea gel the trnjning needed Cor better job~. I he~· will bt' ke1>t (IUt tvcn when rncc bnnier$ fulL

flow ig It p01!8iblc to gtt this lrninlng? •'Irs!. for lht',/!e in ~chool, ~tuy there until you graduate. II is a fact tha i Ne­gr llt':< who ltl'llduate from high I!Chool l'tlrn oyer $1.000 more tll~h y•:or I han thot!t who drop out . Th<JM who go to ~ollege t nrn nea rly $2.500 more t'nch y•nr. Falling to f inildl schr>ol mnkes the thanres of l:t'lllng Any job much !dimmer.

trin1 to ronvlct you. U, how. ever, you are !orced to confess by proml$e$, threats or phyt~i· cal viot~cc, the tonleuion can• not even bj> admitted as evJ. d.enee In triaL

t) You have the right to no­tl{y ln•medlate ly, by telephone, your family, friend-S, and. if posslble, lawye_r . A r ec:ent U. S. Supreme Co ur t .leci.siqn ..... quires thttt th~ eourt appoint a lawyer ro~ Y<'U If you ......... , It and If yo• crumot afford yooa own • . Mississippi courts used to appoint law)'ers !.or e a p It at crimes (murder, rape, a r Joa) only - now they mu•t aptoint th-em for le•• serlbu• e.rlmes •• well, If you deman4 it. llow. \Wer, sou would be be.tt.,r off with a lawyer ot your own, or one provided foJ' you by one of tho civil r ights orranlutio••·

3) You ba.ve. the right to a pr~llminnry heat'lns oi \he_ ta.~\.s ot y·our ca se befo·re n magis· lr•te. This eight can be waived and o ft·"" Js but it is U!UaJly

best to huve such o hearing and •o you <hould hssert your riglll to iL

Speedy ll'rlal You have the. right to be given

this h~aring ojwilhout mmeces­sory dalay.~' In some cases the police mny be barred !rom US·

lng • ny confe.slons obtained d uring a period of unne~es.snry d~l•y ngall)fl you. You a.lso hn,·c the right \o be bt·ough1 to trial within a rensonoble length of tI me. (For rnlnor offenses therb Js no preliminary henrlng, but )'OU should be tried imme­dlatttly.)

•I) You hove lbo rirhl to get out o! jail on loall Ia any non· rapital t rimt durinr the per iocl

lllrn nml women who are no lonl(er in ~thool r nn g~l job in whi<h you are owoith>c h1•1. trni11ing ill eevernl Wily~. On lhis pnge th • FREE PRESS To obtain your rtloase, you begiM n •~ri~s on how to get l'lte ~ 1nd of trniuins; lhnt will. nm$t oUtr •• •h or property •• help YQII get :.t better job. Re11d the series, nnd t hen llt\(~ se<urity - II 1our ftl~nds or ~tCJ):I to n111.ke ~ure n betler j ob will be in your future. A.l$o. relntivM uJUIOt prevlde thh, nutke su•~ I hnt nH>t ~hilri tnk~~ every opporlunilr lo m3ke n bondin,; eomptu>y •Ill, II paid himself eligiblt' to holrl the best job he iB capable of holding. • foe amounllnr to •boot 10%

of l.he total l>ond <le.manMcl. U ~·our rifht to roleaso Ofl ball b ' 'iOIAtt d , you nlA)' aue for (alae ln lprbo-nm•nt. •

ll you nffll h~lp. IU!k for it. No on~ will know thai ~·ou nn nol l!nlil<fied-llke ole Ross snys-unlt'llll you lry and do 80methlnl! u.bout )Our own sit unlion.

Page 3: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-32, July 20 1963 · It The Fl.tlh Circuit Co.m ot Appcola nroved Tho Jusli

Saturd•y, July 20, 1963 MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS ..... J



Addr•u'--------- -------------------------------S.nd To:


~ BOOT'S s 0 Flowers For All


W Occaaion& I 817 N . ....... ,.H ST. ,. R JACKSON . FL.. S-412JS2


538 lil N. Farish St.

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State Mutual Federal Savings And Loan Association A

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after the close of business June 30, 1963 Liabilities Assets

Firat Mortgage Lo.ns Loans on Savincs


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Prepaid Insurance 3,427.37

4,074.32 60.00

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816.80 Premium--FSLIC

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TOTAL ASSETS $798,559.14


All Types of Conventional Mortgage Loans


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Where You Can't Beat The Food



Proper car • 1nsurance coverage pays oH!

Lucky enough to walk away from an accident . .. but can he "walk away" from the dam­age costs? Make sure that you are adequately protected .. . let's talk it over!

Jackson Central Insurance Agency, Inc. 1002-1 lJIICh Street


Page 4: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-32, July 20 1963 · It The Fl.tlh Circuit Co.m ot Appcola nroved Tho Jusli

Pap • MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Saturday, Jvty '-0, 1963

Suit Seeks Release Of 6 Vote Workers

9 by Earl Patrldi<. county c rt R I Cl k usc tO' ·, se Federal Judge Bars ~hcrJrl, while they stood .... ace- OU U es er , , OUr ISM 5 S ~~~~.~r~~~~u~~· :::"'..1"~u:·~ Acts Without Bias Suit Seeking Arrest Jackson, Leake Cty.

The Ju~tice Depa rtment has take them to Greenwbod . Five Panola County' s Of Lawless Lawmen Desegration Suits riled • sult to re.Jea ae alx bod entered the reataurant Court Clecrk, Leonard Duke, voter reliilstrallon worken ar. shortly belor~ but leH when 10 the aaUs1acUon of A U. S. dl.st.det judge In Feder al J¢ie Sidney MJ-z~ rested outside the Winona bus Thomas .Herrod, police ehie!, ., Washlngton 0 C has dis· placed a legal block before at• stallon. ordered them out. Ju~ge C}aude Clayton missed 0 ~ult 'fUed by eight tempts of J acbon and Leake

A1lo1·ncy General Robart Ken· The J ustice Depurtment mod hAd noi mtlmldaled or Millslssippia:ns seeking the ar· County citizens to desegregate ncdy chQt·ged !hut the arrest ol ~uit agolnat the City at Wino"•· agaJnst Negroes rest ot local poUeo and o!fic.ials their schools when he threw the ~ix hod no legal buls and Ita ""•ror, police cllle!, ¥nd the allcmpt!Ag to register lo vote. who vlolote Negro'• civil r)ghts. two lnleg~ation • u its out ot was merely a means o! dil· county shcriJt u klng that they Judge Clayton struck ~own a The rult a.sked that the JU$• court. cournj!lng Negro~ !rom using be prevented from Interfering ~Y the Ju,\Jce De- lice Deportment and the F.BI Judge Mlze said ·tho! clliun• lhc terminal !acllhlc~ lrculy. with the right of Negroes to usc • h , . .whaeh. ch.nrged Duke itill \.heir agents to enforce the should seek legal remedies in

The six wore urrcsted June the terminal lacilltlcs. w~ :,.~.,m~att~. . Cl k federal law against anyone who state law belo<e bringing a can ;i."·:;_;;:;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,; u e . as een trcu.'t er ls people from exercls· the federal court. C• . :r.. , t 4"W , ,._ a J¥ , C'la , ~ ror 31 years. ~. thul um~ one their constitutional rights. Said No Bequests Made

J~fegro ..... rcg>sterl!d by hts of. Let I . D. Decide Judge Mlze claimed that the Subscribe To Tho

MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Sl8 1>\ N . F••l>h Sr., J•cl\s<ln

Please lind enclosed $_ · __ ( ) $ 1 in Mississippi ( ) $4 our of .rate

ftce. wh.lle 20 appllecl. Judge Luther YoW>,Chahl said parents bad n e v ~ r uk.ed to _Only :1% J_tegt.te~ed thnl !be courts musL let lbe have their cltildren attend any

'.fhas realstrahon bnngs the Justice 0 ePa r t m en L decide parUcula r •cllools and bad n ev· total number af Negroes regis· whether to ad in civil rights er hild such a request denied. terc<l In Pano.la County to 10, or casM by prosecution, lnjunc. The parents stated they had .1% of the total number ot Ne· tlon, persuas!o.n OT other action. neve.r looked to M!uiulppi law groes or votlng age. The au.lt was fUed In .January lor leg"! support of school in·

Name - .. ··-------·----- Altho u gh Judge <:lay~on :SOb Mosc.!l, Charles Cobb, tecration, becau$e tltey knew Address _____ -·----- _ dro p ped the disc.rimmation Watkins Lafayerte Sur· any sucll at temp-I would b•

-~ eltarge1 be lo'!"cl that several Charles 'McLaurin, Sam futile. Ci ry Zone_ ...$rare __ ,_____ uboqualill~ whldtebpe.r

0•ons, have Jesse Harris, all Delta While the n ames of three chil·

~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .een regJstere Y uke ~ O~· worken, and dren were rem.oved from the tice. Duke elo.lmc<l he cltdn I Jac:bon suit the case of the know about thes• Instance.. remalnlng se~en wu carried to

Penguin Drive-In I. V'N C' R A'Nil D :U .TON


' "- .... ..... "' lurlal lnouraace

S.'"-- .. s.~oow-.. .. CoiUn- FL 3-2377



D & l SHOE REPAIR 1•r All T•wr SH1 Hurl•

l OU Lyack k, - Fl. t~Hf

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FL 2 ·6 0 24


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Are you and :vou:r fan~lly

Protected with lhe be8t?

Collins Funeral Home /"~"-•••'• Olldlt­s,,.,., •• Sl•('t ,,,

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offer you lmsurnnce l'roledion $L50 to $1301


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JOHNSON'S LOCI AND the 5tb Chcult Court ofcAppeaa New Orleli.M TueJda:r:

KEY S&Yia f U N• rt .. f•~ Stteet

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2 1o4t WHITI'II!l.D hlll.l.ltD.

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of Burial Insurance

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