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MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP

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  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI Overview Focusing onMITHI –Higher Education inRelation to the CHED-SUCs-ISS

    Dr.Maria Teresita M. Semana, CESOIV

    Director III, OPRKM / Chief Technology O cer!CTO" Commission on #igher E$%cation


    Orientation-!or"sho# onthe

    ISS and OS$ %or F&'()*

    '* Fe+ruar, '() . /0((


    Co33ission on HigherEducation4 52C2

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    Topic Outline

    •Background•MITHI Objectives•Envisioned ICT Solutions ro#osed

    6etwor" 7a,out•MITHI Project Scope•MITHI Budget Cost•Status of SUCs


    •Status o% SUCs w8 we+site andInternet connectivit,•Things to Consider %or the CHED-SUCs ISS

    •MITHI H! "ctivities•#eferences

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    Background$ MITHI %egal Basis


    &overn'ent (ideMediu' Ter'Information and Communications

    T c!no"o#$%armoni&ationInitiati'for )* +,-. +,-/

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    Background $ MITHI #ationale

    (O)ERNMENT IN*ORMATION +,+TEM+LAN (I+ /•Issued t0roug0 !O +/1 on 2ul34 +,,,•)ra'e5ork and guide for co'puteri6ation ofke3 frontline and co''on services andoperations of t0e govern'ent

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    E-(O)ERNMENT MA+TER LAN E(M /•Singular aut0oritative strategic blue print forP0ilippine ! &overnance7•Currentl3 being for'ulated b3 8OST ICTO9intended to update t0e &ISP7

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MIT%I-%E common %EIsInformation +$st ms

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    "ccounting4 H#4)inance4 "sset Mngt4

    8ocu'ent Mngt74 etc


    #esearc0 %abs4e %ibrar34

    e classroo's4%earning MngtS3ste's4 etc

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    !;tension services4#esearc0

    'anage'ent4 etc7

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H! Background and #ationale

    MIT%I-%Eproject supports and co'ple'ents t0ei'ple'entation of t0e approved CH!8 Infor'ationS3ste' Strategic Plan +,-?

    I++ 1 3ear ICT plan of t0e Co''ission focusingon t0e re@uire'ents of providing connectivit3 of 0ig0ereducation institutions

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H! Objectives

    T0e MITHI H! is envisioned to i'ple'ent t0e CH!8 etand H!MIS t0at connects all t0e stake0olders of 0ig0ereducation in providing citi6en centered services and s0alladopt t0e infor'ation and co''unications tec0nolog3t0roug0 t0e follo5ing strategic concerns$

    •I'proving public service•Office auto'ation•Collection4 processing and disse'ination of 0ig0ereducation data and infor'ation• no5ledge accu'ulation4 s0aring and application

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    ! DISIO !8 l

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    ! DISIO !8 ICT SolutionsProposed et5ork %a3out

    T0is diagra' s0o5s t0e !nvisioned ICT Solutions Proposed et5ork %a3out7

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H!Project Scope

    T0is diagra' s0o5s t0e inter relations0ip of t0e different infor'ation s3ste's of CH!8 et7 Bo;es in broken lines are priorit3 ISs to be developed7

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H!P j S

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H!Project Scope

    T0ese priorit3 infor'ations3ste's 5ill be used b3 CH!8

    Central and #egional Officesincluding CH!8 "#MM4 all H!Isand concerned govern'entagencies4 e7g7 P#C4 8)"48O%!4 etc7

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H!P j t S

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H!Project Scope


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    +7 !nrol'ent S3ste'>7 %earning Co''ons.7 e%ibrar3

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H! IS C '

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H! IS Co'ponents

    IS co'ponents based on t0e approved CH!8 ISSP +,-> +,-?

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H!Budget Cost

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H!Budget Cost


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    The a&&ro'e$ (%$getfor C#ED)et, *earning

    Commons an$EnrollmentSystem isEighty Three MillionEight #%n$re$ T+el'e

    Tho%san$ Pesos9 h :;4:)'4(((2((

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    Status of SUCs ISSP

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    +,,- +,,F

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    Source: NCC SUCs ISSP Status Report at www. cc.!o".p# as o$ %& '


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    Status of SUCs 5it0

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    (ebsite and Internet Connectivit3

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    Source: C*ED SUCS Data +$ro OPR M- MD Data ase

    (it0out 5ebsiteCavite State Universit3 MainBicol State College of "pplied Sciences andTec0nolog3Basilan State College8avao del orte State College

    "pa3ao State College MainMountain Province State Pol3tec0nicCollege Main

    Ta5i Ta5i #egional "gricultural College "diong Me'orial Pol3tec0nic State College

    o 7edu7p0 do'ainUniversit3 of #i6al S3ste' Tana3Sorsogon State College Main

    ort05est Sa'ar State Universit3Marikina Pol3tec0nic CollegeP0ilippine State College of "eronauticsMain

    o Internet Connectivit3ort0 %u6on Pol3tec0nic

    Batanes State CollegeGuirino State College

    "pa3ao State CollegeMt7 Province State Pol3tec0nic College#o'blon State CollegeSi@uijor State College

    a'boanga State Pol3tec0nic State College

    Basilan State CollegeCa'iguin Pol3tec0nic State College "diong Me'orial Pol3tec0nic State CollegeTa5i ta5i #egional "gricultural CollegeSulu State College

    alinga "pa3ao State CollegeIloilo State College of )is0eries

    T0ings to Consider for t0e

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    CH!8 SUCs ISSP

    -7CH!8 to continue 5it0 t0e co''on P#IO#IT*Infor'ation S3ste's+7SUCs to focus on t0eir 8ISTI CT ICT #!GUI#!M! TS>7%inkage and utili6ation of t0e i&ovP0il Services7

    .7"s 'uc0 as possible4 no duplication of t0e follo5ing

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    .7- Co''on Priorit3 Infor'ation S3ste's

    .7+ Task force *olanda Initiatives.7> i&ovP0il Services

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    T0ings to Consider for t0e

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    CH!8 SUCs ISSP

    17 T0e learning co''ons of )* +,-. onl3 coversdevelop'ent of Infor'ation S3ste's7 Contents 'a3 be0andled b3 t0e respective institutions for possible s0aringand integration7

    /7e%ibrar3 proposals s0ould be linked 5it0 t0e e%ibrar3S3ste' of t0e ational %ibrar3 of t0e P0ilippines?7Use open platfor'7 Proprietar3 s3ste' 'a3 be allo5edprovided "PI is full3 supported

    E7Use CH!8 8ata !le'ent Manual for t0e data structure asstandard7

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    MITHI H!"ctivities

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    E, ACTI)ITIE+. Creation of Cl%ster Steering

    CommitteePreparation of CH!8 Special Order (appro"a/ o$ Ma Co 0CEB a 1 2AS re"3ew)

    +7 8etailed conceptuali6ation plan and Ter's of #eference for t0eapproved project

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP




  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    •MITHI H! Steering Co''ittee Meeting4 presented at t0eJPresentation of t0e 8raft MITHI H! Ter's of #eference4)ebruar3 ?4 +,-.K

    •CH!8 Special Order o7 ?. series of +,->4 4Creat3o o$ t#eMIT*I *3!#er E1ucat3o Steer3 ! Co 3ttee (M*ESC) $ort#e 3 p/e e tat3o o$ t#e MIT*I-*3!#er E1ucat3o Pro5ects6

    •CH!8 SUCS 8ata A $ro OPR M- MD Data ase

    • CC SUCs ISSP Status #eport at 5557ncc7gov7p0 as of)* +,--


  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    Dr. Maria Teresita M. Semana,CESO IV

    Director III, OPRKM / Chief Technology O cer!CTO" Commission on #igher E$%cation

  • 8/17/2019 MITHI Overview Focusing on MITHI – Higher Education in Relation to the CHED SUCs ISSP


    www2 ched 2gov2#hfac 3oo4.com5 !C%ED.#o'

    t6itt r.com5 !C%ED

