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Model Assessment and Selection

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Model Assessment and Selection. Chapter 7 Neil Weisenfeld, et al. Introduction. Generalization performance of a learning method: Measure of prediction capability on independent test data Guide model selection Give quantitative assessment of chosen model - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Model Assessment and Selection Chapter 7 Neil Weisenfeld, et al.
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Model Assessment and Selection

Chapter 7

Neil Weisenfeld, et al.

Page 2: Model Assessment and Selection


Generalization performance of a learning method:– Measure of prediction capability on

independent test data– Guide model selection– Give quantitative assessment of chosen

modelChapter shows key methods and how to

apply them to model selection

Page 3: Model Assessment and Selection

Bias, Variance, and Model Complexity

•Bias-Variance trade-off again•Generalization: test sample vs. training sample performance

– Training data usually monotonically increasing performance with model complexity

Page 4: Model Assessment and Selection

Measuring Performancetarget variable Vector of inputs Prediction model

Typical Choices of Loss function



Y f X squared errorL Y f X

Y f X absolute error


f X

Page 5: Model Assessment and Selection

Test error aka. Generalization error

Note: This expectation averages anything that is random, including the randomness in the training sample that it produced

Training error

– average loss over training sample– not a good estimate of test error (next slide)

ˆ,Err E L Y f X


1 ˆ,n

i ii

err L y f xN

Generalization Error

Page 6: Model Assessment and Selection

Training Error

Training error - Overfitting– not a good estimate of

test error– consistently decreases

with model complexity– drops to zero with high

enough complexity

Page 7: Model Assessment and Selection

Categorical Datasame for categorical


Typical Choices of Loss functions:

|kp X pr G k X

ˆ ˆarg maxk kG X p X

ˆ ˆ, 0 1 L G G X I G G X loss


ˆ ˆ ˆ, 2 log 2log logK

k Gk

L G p X I G k p X p X likelihood

Log-likelihood = cross-entropy loss = deviance




ig xp



Training Error again:

Test Error again:))](ˆ,([ xpGLEErr

Page 8: Model Assessment and Selection

with predictor Pr X Y Ydensity of X

Loss Function for General Densities

For densities parameterized by theta: Log-likelihood function can be used as a


, 2 log Pr XL Y X Y

Page 9: Model Assessment and Selection

Two separate goalsModel selection:

– Estimating the performance of different models in order to choose the (approximate) best one

Model assessment:– Having chosen a final model, estimating its prediction error

(generalization error) on new data

Ideal situation: split data into the 3 parts for training, validation (est. prediction error+select model), and testing (assess model)

Typical split: 50% / 25% / 25%

Remainder of the chapter: Data-poor situation=> Approximation of validation step either analytically (AIC, BIC, MDL,

SRM) or by efficient sample reuse (cross-validation, bootstrap)

Page 10: Model Assessment and Selection

Bias-Variance Decomposition

Then for an input point , using unit-square loss and regression fit:

,Y f X 0,E 2Var

0X x


0 0 0ˆ |Err x E Y f x X x

2 22

0 0 0 0ˆ ˆ ˆEf x f x E f x Ef x


20 0

ˆ ˆBias f x Var f x Irreducible

ErrorBias^2 Variance

variance of the target around the true mean

Amount by which average estimate differs from the true mean

Expected deviation of f^ around its mean

Page 11: Model Assessment and Selection

Bias-Variance Decomposition


0 0 0ˆ ˆErr x Bias f x Var f x

kNN: 2

2 20


1 /k

o ll

Err x f x f x kk

Linear Model Fit: ˆ ˆTpf x x

2 22 2

0 0 0ˆ

o pErr x f x Ef x h x


0where h x T TX X X y

Page 12: Model Assessment and Selection

Bias-Variance DecompositionLinear Model Fit: ˆ ˆT

pf x x

2 22 2

0 0 0ˆ

o pErr x f x Ef x h x


0where h x ... N-dim weight vectorT TX X X y

iaverage over sample values x :


2 2

1 1

1 1 ˆ ... in-sample errorN N

i i ii i

pErr x f x Ef xN N N

Model complexity is directly related to the number of parameters p

Page 13: Model Assessment and Selection

Bias-Variance Decomposition


0 0 0ˆ ˆErr x Bias f x Var f x

For ridge regression and other linear models, variance same as before, butwith diff’t weights.


* arg min TE f X X

Parameters of the best fitting linear approximation

Further decompose the bias:



200 ][])([)](ˆ)([

000xExExxfExfExfE TT


xx 22 ]Bias Estimation[]Bias Model[ AveAve

Least squares fits best linear model -> no estimation biasRestricted fits -> positive estimation bias in favor of reduced variance

Page 14: Model Assessment and Selection

Bias-Variance Decomposition

Page 15: Model Assessment and Selection

Bias-Variance Decomposition - Example

50 observations. 20 predictors. Uniform in

Left panels:

Right panels


1 11 1 is 0 if X and 1 if X , and we apply kNN2 2




is 1 if X 5 and 0 otherwise, and we use the

best subset linear regression of size p


Closeup next slide

Page 16: Model Assessment and Selection

Example, continued

Regression with squared error loss

Classification with 0-1 loss

Prediction error

Squared bias

Variance-- + -- = -- -- + -- = --

-- + -- <> -- -- + -- <> --Bias-Variance different for 0-1 loss than for squared error lossEstimation errors

on the right side of the boundary don’t hurt!

Page 17: Model Assessment and Selection

Optimism of the Training Error Rate

Typically: training error rate < true error(same data is being used to fit the method

and assess its error)

ˆ,Err E L Y f X 1

1 ˆ,n

i ii

err L y f xN


overly optimistic

Page 18: Model Assessment and Selection

Optimism of the Training Error RateErr … kind of extra-sample error: test features don’t need to coincide with training feature vectors

Focus on in-sample error: 1

1 ˆ,new


in Y i iYi

Err E E L Y f xN

newY … observe N new response values at each of training points , i=1, 2, ...,Nix

optimism: in yop Err E err

for squared error 0-1 and other loss functions: 1

2 ˆ ,N

i ii

op Cov y yN

iThe amount by which err underestimates the true error depends on how strongly y affects its own prediction.

Page 19: Model Assessment and Selection

Optimism of the Training Error RateSummary:


2 ˆ ,N

in y i ii

Err E err Cov y yN

The harder we fit the data, the greater will be, thereby increasing the optimism.

ˆ ,i iCov y y

For linear fit with d indep inputs/basis funcs:

– optimism linearly with # d of basis functions– Optimism as training sample size

22in yErr E err d


Page 20: Model Assessment and Selection

Optimism of the Training Error Rate

Ways to estimate prediction error:– Estimate optimism and then add it to training error

rate • AIC, BIC, and others work this way, for a special class of

estimates that are linear in their parameters

– Direct estimates of the sample error • Cross-validation, bootstrap• Can be used with any loss function, and with nonlinear,

adaptive fitting techniques



Page 21: Model Assessment and Selection

Estimates of In-Sample Prediction Error

General form of the in-sample estimate:

For linear fit and with : 22in yErr E err d


22 ˆ , so called statisticp pdC err C


2ˆ ... estimate of noise variance, from mean-squared error of low-bias model

... # of basis functionsd... training sample sizeN

poerrin ˆrrE with estimate of optimism

Page 22: Model Assessment and Selection

Estimates of In-Sample Prediction Error

Similarly: Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)– More applicable estimate of , when log-

likelihood function is usedinErr

ˆ2For : 2 log Pr log lik 2 dN E Y EN N


Pr ... family density for Y (containing the true density)ˆ... ML estimate of

loglik= log PrN




Maximized log-likelihood due to ML

estimate of theta

Page 23: Model Assessment and Selection


ˆ2For : 2 log Pr log lik 2 dN E Y EN N

For example, for logistic regression model, using binomial log-likelihood:

To use AIC for model selection: choose the model giving smallest AIC over the set of models considered.


AIC errN

ˆ ... set of models, ... tuning parameter

err ... training error, ... # parameters

f x



NAIC 2loglik2

Page 24: Model Assessment and Selection


• Function AIC() estimates test error curve• If basis functions are chosen adaptively

with d<p inputs:

no longer holds => optimism exceeds

effective number of parameters fit > d



),ˆ( dyyCov i



2)/2( Nd

Page 25: Model Assessment and Selection

Using AIC to select the # of basis functions

Input vector: log-periodogram of vowel; Quantized to 256 uniformly spaced f

Linear logistic regression model Coefficient function:

– Expansion of M spline basis functions– For any M, a basis of natural cubic splines is used for

the knots chosen uniformly over the range of frequencies, i.e.

AIC approximately minimizes Err(M) for both entropy and 0-1 loss



m mm

f h f

mh d d M M



2 2ˆ , ... simple formula for linear caseN

i ii

dCov y yN N

Page 26: Model Assessment and Selection

Using AIC to select the # of basis functions



2 2ˆ ,N

i ii

dCov y yN N

Approximation does not hold, in general, for 0-1 case, but it does o.k. (Exact only for linear models w/ additive errors and sq err loss)

Page 27: Model Assessment and Selection

Effective Number of Parameters1







Vector of Outcomes, similarly for predicitons

y Sy Linear fit (e.g. linear regression, quadratic shrinkage – ridge, splines)

i i... N N matrix, depends on input vector x but not on yS

effective number of parameters: d S trace S

22 ˆpdC err


c.f. ),ˆ( yyCov

d(s) is the correct d for Cp

Page 28: Model Assessment and Selection

Bayesian Approach and BICLike AIC used in when fitting by max log-likelihood

BIC proportional to AIC except for log(N) rather than factor of 2. For N>e2 (approx 7.4), BIC penalizes complex models more heavily.

Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC):



known, :modelGaussian Assuming





errNxfyi ii

dNCBI )(logloglik2

Page 29: Model Assessment and Selection

BIC MotivationGiven a set of candidate models Posterior probability of a given model: Where To compare two models, form the posterior odds:

If odds > 1, then choose model m. Prior over models (left half) considered constant. Right half, contribution of data (Z) to posterior odds, is called the Bayes factor BF(Z).

Need to approximate Pr(Z|Mm). Various chicanery and approximations (pp. 207) gets us BIC.

Can est. posterior from BIC and compare relative merits of models.

m parameters model and 1, Mmm Μ)|Pr()Pr()|Pr( mmm MZMZM

Nii yx 1},{ data training therepresents Z













Page 30: Model Assessment and Selection

BIC: How much better is a model?

But we may want to know how various models stack up (not just ranking) relative to one another:

Once we have the BIC:

Denominator normalizes the result and now we can assess the relative merits of each model











)|Pr( of estimate ZM

Page 31: Model Assessment and Selection

Minimum Description Length (MDL)

• Huffman Coding (e.g. for compression)– Variable length code: use shortest symbol length (in bits) for most frequently occurring targets. So, maybe a code

for English words would look like (instantaneous prefix code):• E = 1• N = 01• R = 001, etc.

– First bit codes “is this an E or not,” second bit codes “is this an N or not,” etc.Entropy lower bound on message length (information content – no of bits required to transmit):

So bit length for

))(Pr(log)Pr()( 2 ii zzlengthE

)Pr(log be should 2 ii zl

Page 32: Model Assessment and Selection

MDLNow, for our data:

2nd term: avg code len for transmitting model parameters, 1st term: avg code len for transmitting difference between model and actual target values (so choose a model that minimizes this)

Minimizing descriptive length = maximizing posterior probability

The book adds, almost as a non-sequitur:

)|Pr(log,,|Pr(log data , parameters , model









)1,0(~ and ,),(~ suppose

y constantlength

