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MODELING GRAIN BOUNDARY SCATTERING AND … · 3/13/2011 · because n-type dopants tend to...

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Proceedings of the ASME/JSME 2011 8 th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference AJTEC2011 March 13-17, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA AJTEC2011-44657 MODELING GRAIN BOUNDARY SCATTERING AND THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF POLYSILICON USING AN EFFECTIVE MEDIUM APPROACH Timothy S. English * Dept. of Mech. and Aero. Engr. University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Email: [email protected] Justin L. Smoyer Dept. of Mech. and Aero. Engr. University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Email: [email protected] John C. Duda Dept. of Mech. and Aero. Engr. University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Email: [email protected] Pamela M. Norris Dept. of Mech. and Aero. Engr. University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Email: [email protected] Thomas E. Beechem Engineering Sciences Center Sandia National Labs Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 Email: [email protected] Patrick E. Hopkins Engineering Sciences Center Sandia National Labs Albuquerque, New Mexico 87122 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT This work develops a new model for calculating the thermal conductivity of polycrystalline silicon using an effective medium approach which discretizes the contribution to thermal conduc- tivity into that of the grain and grain boundary regions. While the Boltzmann transport equation under the relaxation time approx- imation is used to model the grain thermal conductivity, a lower limit thermal conductivity model for disordered layers is applied in order to more accurately treat phonon scattering in the grain boundary regions, which simultaneously removes the need for fitting parameters frequently used in the traditional formation of grain boundary scattering times. The contributions of the grain and grain boundary regions are then combined using an effec- tive medium approach to compute the total thermal conductivity. The model is compared to experimental data from literature for both undoped and doped polycrystalline silicon films. In both cases, the new model captures the correct temperature depen- dent trend and demonstrates good agreement with experimental thermal conductivity data from 20 to 300K. * Address all correspondence to this author. 1 INTRODUCTION Polycrystalline silicon, often referred to as polysilicon, is ubiquitous in today’s nanoelectronics, integrated circuits, and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) [1, 2]. Because of its use in a wide variety of micro- and nanoscale devices, polysili- con has been the subject of several studies aimed at experimen- tally measuring and/or modeling its thermal conductivity, many of which employ the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) un- der the relaxation time approximation (RTA) [2–8]. Using this approach, the contribution of phonon scattering mechanisms, in- cluding phonon-phonon scattering (both normal and Umklapp), boundary scattering, impurity scattering, and in the focus of this study, grain boundary scattering, are considered independently as to their influence on phonon thermal conductivity, where the scattering times are combined using the Matthessian’s rule. These studies are built on the seminal works of Klemens [9], Her- ring [10], Callaway [11], Holland [12], and Slack [13]. Together, this body of literature has provided powerful tools for modeling thermal conductivity in both bulk and thin film polysilicon under the contribution of various scattering mechanisms. The use of the BTE under the RTA, however, also frequently requires that fitting parameters be used in the scattering time for- 1 Copyright c 2011 by ASME
Page 1: MODELING GRAIN BOUNDARY SCATTERING AND … · 3/13/2011 · because n-type dopants tend to segregate and migrate to the grain ... use of an effective medium approach which discretizes

Proceedings of the ASME/JSME 2011 8th Thermal Engineering Joint ConferenceAJTEC2011

March 13-17, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA



Timothy S. English∗Dept. of Mech. and Aero. Engr.

University of VirginiaCharlottesville, Virginia 22903

Email: [email protected]

Justin L. SmoyerDept. of Mech. and Aero. Engr.

University of VirginiaCharlottesville, Virginia 22903

Email: [email protected]

John C. DudaDept. of Mech. and Aero. Engr.

University of VirginiaCharlottesville, Virginia 22903

Email: [email protected]

Pamela M. NorrisDept. of Mech. and Aero. Engr.

University of VirginiaCharlottesville, Virginia 22903Email: [email protected]

Thomas E. BeechemEngineering Sciences Center

Sandia National LabsAlbuquerque, New Mexico 87185

Email: [email protected]

Patrick E. HopkinsEngineering Sciences Center

Sandia National LabsAlbuquerque, New Mexico 87122

Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACTThis work develops a new model for calculating the thermal

conductivity of polycrystalline silicon using an effective mediumapproach which discretizes the contribution to thermal conduc-tivity into that of the grain and grain boundary regions. While theBoltzmann transport equation under the relaxation time approx-imation is used to model the grain thermal conductivity, a lowerlimit thermal conductivity model for disordered layers is appliedin order to more accurately treat phonon scattering in the grainboundary regions, which simultaneously removes the need forfitting parameters frequently used in the traditional formation ofgrain boundary scattering times. The contributions of the grainand grain boundary regions are then combined using an effec-tive medium approach to compute the total thermal conductivity.The model is compared to experimental data from literature forboth undoped and doped polycrystalline silicon films. In bothcases, the new model captures the correct temperature depen-dent trend and demonstrates good agreement with experimentalthermal conductivity data from 20 to 300K.

∗Address all correspondence to this author.


Polycrystalline silicon, often referred to as polysilicon, isubiquitous in today’s nanoelectronics, integrated circuits, andmicroelectromechanical systems (MEMS) [1, 2]. Because of itsuse in a wide variety of micro- and nanoscale devices, polysili-con has been the subject of several studies aimed at experimen-tally measuring and/or modeling its thermal conductivity, manyof which employ the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) un-der the relaxation time approximation (RTA) [2–8]. Using thisapproach, the contribution of phonon scattering mechanisms, in-cluding phonon-phonon scattering (both normal and Umklapp),boundary scattering, impurity scattering, and in the focus of thisstudy, grain boundary scattering, are considered independentlyas to their influence on phonon thermal conductivity, wherethe scattering times are combined using the Matthessian’s rule.These studies are built on the seminal works of Klemens [9], Her-ring [10], Callaway [11], Holland [12], and Slack [13]. Together,this body of literature has provided powerful tools for modelingthermal conductivity in both bulk and thin film polysilicon underthe contribution of various scattering mechanisms.

The use of the BTE under the RTA, however, also frequentlyrequires that fitting parameters be used in the scattering time for-

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mulation in order to gain the best agreement with experimentaldata, where multiple fitting parameters may be used in a singlethermal conductivity calculation, and accurate characterizationor estimation of geometrical features (i.e., grain size, film thick-ness, grain boundary roughness) are required. In the case ofgrain boundaries, the scattering time is often modeled using anapproximate formation of the boundary scattering term derivedby Ziman [14] (see Section 4, Eq. 12), which requires knowl-edge of grain boundary roughness and the probability of phonontransmission through the grain boundary region. Both factorsare difficult to quantify and are often left to the best judgementof the modeler or left as fitting parameters. While grain bound-aries are often modeled using a boundary scattering term, grainboundaries are not infinitesimally thin boundaries, but have a va-riety of microstructural features, extending over a finite thick-ness, which may act as sites for more than one type of scatteringmechanism [15]. For example, phonon scattering in undopedpolysilicon grain boundaries depends on several factors includ-ing: the orientation of adjacent crystals at the boundary, the prob-ability of phonon transmission through the grain boundary, thegeometric extent of the boundary region, the concentration ofdefects near the boundary, and geometric parameters such as thegrain diameter and root-mean-squared roughness [1, 15]. Addi-tionally, the presence of dopants can complicate the descriptionbecause n-type dopants tend to segregate and migrate to the grainboundary regions thereby contributing to local disorder and, inturn, phonon scattering [16]. Accurate characterization of thegrain geometry, including the length over which scattering mech-anisms associated with the grain boundary persist, is thereforecritical for more accurate descriptions of grain boundary scatter-ing and its contribution to polysilicon thermal conductivity.

In this study, a new approach to modeling grain boundaryscattering in polysilicon is presented and subsequently applied tothe calculation of thermal conductivity. The methodology makesuse of an effective medium approach which discretizes the to-tal thermal conductivity into the contributions of the intra-grainregion and the inter-grain (boundary) regions. This framework,outlined in Fig. 1, utilizes the existing BTE approach for model-ing thermal conductivity under the RTA, but also allows alterna-tive methods for calculating the scattering contributions at grainboundaries to be used. Several benefits are afforded when us-ing such an approach. These are best demonstrated by examin-ing the relevant length scales associated with grain boundaries inpolysilicon along with the information available through currentmicrostructural characterization techniques.

Traditionally, an interface is conceptualized as an infinites-imally thin geometric plane. However, there is an obvious dis-crepancy between physical grain boundaries and this strict geo-metric definition, as it has been shown that grain boundary re-gions have both a finite length and varying roughness [15]. Onthe nanometer and sub-nanometer length scales, grain bound-ary regions can be individually characterized using high reso-

Effective Medium


Section II

BTE under the RTA

Section III


inter-grain Lower Limit Thermal Conductivity

Section IV

Experimental Validation

Section V

thermal conductivity


lution techniques such as transmission electron, scanning elec-tron, atomic force, and scanning probe microscopy [3,17]. Whilethese tools provide information about an individual grain andboundary regions at a lower length limit, these regions can bestrikingly unique and non-homogenous between even neighbour-ing grains. In describing broader properties, such as thermal con-ductivity, this local information is of limited use unless a largeensemble is examined which is representative of the sample.

More useful information for calculating thermal conductiv-ity often comes from sampling a large number of grains on thelength scale of microns, providing a statistical sample of grainsize which is often averaged and used in the calculation of ther-mophysical properties. However, if the thickness of the grainboundaries is much smaller than the average grain diameter, verylittle information about the geometric features of grain boundaryregions or any average grain boundary microstructure can be cap-tured.

In this study, we propose using characterization tools be-tween the limits previously described in order to provide a statis-tically significant sample of the average length over which grainboundary regions persists. As a result, this approach is capableof utilizing additional information from characterization of grainboundaries between the limits where grain boundaries are exam-ined individually (high magnification) and where they appear toosmall for their geometry and thus thickness to be resolved (lowmagnification). For example, the contrast of grain boundaries inscanning electron microscope images is directly associated withthe microstructure being imaged. Therefore, as seen in the ex-ample in Fig. 2, the inter-grain distance can be approximatedfrom characterization images which serves as a proxy for the ex-tent over which disorder exists (i.e, the distance over which scat-tering mechanisms located near and at the grain boundary im-pact phonon transport). In practice, the average inter-grain dis-tance can be approximated using a variation of the line-interceptmethod [18] for which a schematic is shown in Fig. 3. This ex-ample shows the distinction between segments along the dashed

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Inter-grain Region


line extending over grains and the inter-grain region. Given alarge sample of grains (i.e., >50), such as in Fig. 2, a series ofrandomly oriented lines may be superimposed over the image,allowing a distribution of inter-grain region lengths to be formedand a mean value assessed. By combining this added character-ization information about the geometric extent of grain bound-aries with the broader effective medium approach, the benefitsand flexibility of the former BTE models can still be used, whilethe added information available through characterization tech-

niques can also be included. This method provides additionalphysical insight and a more accurate geometric framework formodeling the effects of grain boundary scattering.

Subsequent sections will discuss each model component andthe model will be compared to the experimental data presentedby Uma et al. [6] and McConnell et al. [5], which was chosenfor comparison due to the level of detail these groups provide inpresenting their sample fabrication, characterization, and model-ing techniques. This allows the new model to be compared toboth the modeling technique used in each prior study as well asa subset of their experimental data.

2 EFFECTIVE MEDIUM APPROACHAn effective medium approach has been used successfully

to describe a number of polycrystalline materials [19, 20]. Theeffective medium approach provides a formalism to break downthe contributions of thermal conductivity into that of the intra-and inter-grain regions. As a result, each constituent scatteringmechanism can be treated within its own framework, allowingalternative methods to the BTE to be easily integrated into theanalysis, including the geometric extent over which certain scat-tering mechanisms exist. Furthermore, this approach is devel-oped assuming averaged and isotropic properties.

Initially, our effective medium approach begins with the def-inition for Fourier’s law in one dimension,

q =−kdTdx

, (1)

where dT/dx is the spacial gradient of T with respect to x. ThedT/dx term can subsequently be divided into a summation ofterms

q =−k∑i


dxi, (2)

where for a polycrystalline material such as polysilicon, we de-fine a two-part summation

∆T = ∆T0 +∆Tgb, (3)

where ∆T0 is the temperature drop across a grain and ∆Tgb is thetemperature drop across a grain boundary region. Each tempera-ture term can be geometrically defined as follows

∆T0 =−qdk0

, (4)

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∆Tgb =−qdgb

kgb, (5)

where d is the grain diameter, k0 is the intra-grain thermal con-ductivity, dgb is the average inter-grain region length, and kgb isthe inter-grain thermal conductivity. We can therefore rewrite (1)as

k =−q(d +dgb)(∆T0 +∆Tgb)

. (6)

With this formalism defined, we arrive at the following def-inition for thermal conductivity,

k =d +dgb


+ dgbkgb

=k0(1+ dgb

d )

1+ k0 ∗ dgbd ∗ kgb

. (7)

This formulation differs from that of Yang et al. [19] in that itconsiders the grain boundary region to have a finite thickness,whereas their method attributes the grain boundary scattering to athermal boundary conductance (i.e, the grain boundary is treatedas an interface with zero thickness). This is an important distinc-tion if the inter-grain thickness is of the same order of magnitudeor larger than the grain diameter, in which case the two mod-els will diverge. The thermal conductivity model presented heremaintains a dependence on the inter-grain thickness, which couldbe important, for example, with nano composites and embeddedparticle systems. In the case that d >> dgb, the presented modelreduces to the same form as that of Yang et al.. We now turnto the calculations of the intra-grain and inter-grain thermal con-ductivities, which are discussed in Sections 3 and 4 respectively.

3 INTRA-GRAIN THERMAL CONDUCTIVITYThe intra-grain thermal conductivity is calculated using the

RTA solution to the BTE. The model developed for thermal con-ductivity by Callaway [11] and extended by Holland [12] is de-veloped per polarization as

kT =23

∫ΘT /T


CT T 3x4ex(ex−1)−2dxτ−1T

. (8)


kL =13



CLT 3x4ex(ex−1)−2dxτ−1L

. (9)

where the polarization index i = T (transverse),L(longitudinal);Ci = (k/2π2vi)(k/h̄)3; x = h̄ω/kBT . The transverse branchis subsequently divided into a low and high frequency regimeto better account for dispersion, and additional details can befound in the original manuscript [12]. Each constituent scatter-ing mechanism is assumed to be independent and is combinedusing the Matthessian’s rule [21],

= ∑j

1τ j

. (10)

This particular formulation of the BTE is chosen because it is theapproach used to model the experimental data to which our newmodel is compared, except that our formation here will not in-clude any grain boundary scattering terms as the grain boundaryscattering contribution will be included through the inter-grainthermal conductivity in the effective medium approach. Follow-ing the work of Uma et al., the phonon-phonon scattering termsare taken directly from Holland [12]. Additionally, scatteringfrom defects is treated as Rayleigh scattering [5], taking the form

τ−1de f ect = Aω

4, (11)

where ω is the phonon frequency, and A is a fitting parameterquantifying the number of defects. Finally, a film boundary scat-tering term is included and takes the form

τ−1f ilm boundary =



(1− p(ω)1+ p(ω)

), (12)

where p(ω) is a value between 0 and 1 representing the probabil-ity of specular reflection from the layer boundary, vs is an averagecarrier velocity, and d is the characteristic sample dimension. Aclosed form expression for p(ω) is taken from Ziman [14],

p(ω) = exp[−π



)], (13)

where η is the root-mean-squared (rms) surface roughness and vsis taken as 2400 m/s for polysilicon [5]. Relevant parameters aredocumented in Table I for the samples which will be modeled.It should be noted that A, dlayer, and ηlayer are fitting parameterstaken from the models in the original manuscripts from whichthese samples came. Additional details may also be found thereconcerning the physical significance of these parameters in thecontext of expected microstructure and growth conditions.

4 INTER-GRAIN THERMAL CONDUCTIVITYWhile there are numerous types of grain boundaries with

various twist angles, dislocation schemes, and corresponding en-

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TABLE 1. Model Fitting Parameters

Sample A dlayer ηlayer Structure

[Ref.] [s3] [µm] [nm]

A [6] 1.33 ×10−43 1 0.5 Columnar

B [6] 6.932 ×10−44 1 0.5 Random

1 [5] 1.9 ×10−44 1.1 0.5 Columnar

2 [5] 1.0 ×10−44 1.1 0.5 Columnar

ergy levels, we treat the inter-grain region as a disordered solidthroughout this presentation. A summary of the characterizationof grain boundaries in polysilicon is presented by Seager [22],who concludes that silicon grain boundaries are primarily com-posed of regular line defects, including simple dislocations, par-tial dislocations, and stacking faults. However, while Seagernotes that there is no distinct amorphous region at the precisegrain boundary intersection, defects tend to migrate to the re-gion immediately surrounding the grain boundary, adding to theclaim that the region may be treated in a disordered limit. Asimilar treatment is used by Keblinski et al. [23] where the inter-grain region is described as an amorphous grain-boundary film.Finally, we assume that properties in the inter-grain region areisotropic and homogenous.

The grain boundary contribution is included in Eq. 5 bycombining a thermal conductivity for disordered solids with theaverage inter-grain length. In order to calculate the thermal con-ductivity of this region, kgb, we use a model presented by Hop-kins and Piekos [24] and derived by Hopkins and Beechem [25]for the lower limit of phonon thermal conductivity in disorderedsolids. Building on the Cahill-Watson-Pohl (CWP) model [26],this new formulation develops a minimum thermal conductivityassuming that the minimum scattering time is one-half the periodof phonon vibration, where kgb can be calculated as:

kgb =16

n13 ∑


∫ωcint, j



kB T 2



kB T




kB T

)−1]2 dω, (14)

where n is the atomic density, j is the polarization index, ωcint, j =ν j(6π2n)

13 , and ν j is an effective minimum carrier velocity. Fig-

ure 4 plots the conductance of silicon grain boundaries, definedas kgb/dgb, for varying lengths of the inter-grain region using thedescribed lower limit thermal conductivity model.

0 200 400 600 800 10000






3x 109

Temperature (K)







2 K)

1 nm2nm5nm10nm


5 EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATIONThe developed model is compared to doped and undoped ex-

perimental polysilicon data from the literature, where the inter-grain length is used as a fitting parameter for some sampleswhere characterization details of the inter-grain region length arenot available. The purpose of this validation is to show not onlythat the model captures the correct temperature dependent trendin the thermal conductivity, but also to show that when charac-terization details are available, the contribution of grain bound-ary scattering may be included explicitly without the use of thefitting parameters normally used, as described in Section 3.

5.1 Undoped Polysilicon FilmsThe presented model is validated against undoped polysil-

icon data from 20 to 300 K presented by Uma et al. [6]. Thisallows for the same formulation of the BTE to be used as in theirstudy, only with the grain boundary scattering term removed,and our analysis for grain boundary scattering included throughthe effective medium approach. Uma et al. present two sam-ples, including one sample of as-grown polycrystalline silicon(sample A), and one sample of amorphous silicon, which under-went an annealing process resulting in recrystallization (sampleB). The details of the sample growth process are documented intheir manuscript and relevant modeling parameters are shown inTable I. It is important to note, however, that their growth pro-cesses result in two distinct microstructures. Sample A is non-homogenous, resulting in columnar grains whose diameter in-creases as the grain grows perpendicular to the substrate. SampleB, however, contains random oriented grains due to recrystalliza-

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Temperature (K)








A ExperimentalA GrainA Grain+BoundaryB ExperimentalB GrainB Grain+Boundary

25 5003



tion. An atomic force microscope image of sample A is used tocalculate the length of the inter-grain disordered region, usingthe method described in Section 1, which is taken to be 7 nm.The inter-grain region of sample B is taken to be 5 nm, which inthis case, must be a fitting parameter since no characterization ofsample B is available in the original manuscript. In light of thegrowth conditions, we would expect sample B to have smallerand smoother grains with a smaller inter-grain length [1]. Usingthese values, our presented model is compared to the experimen-tal values in Fig. 4

The model agrees well with experimental data, especially atlow temperatures, where Uma et al. note that their model mayunderestimate the impact of grain-boundary scattering [6]. Ad-ditionally, the slight underprediction in sample A at higher tem-peratures is a common feature in polysilicon modeling [2,5], andis attributed to using the same defect parameter, A, which wastaken directly from [6].

5.2 Doped Polysilicon FilmsTo demonstrate the flexibility of this technique, we also

compare the model to p-doped polysilicon film data from 20to 300 K presented by McConnell et al. [5]. Samples 1 and 2from their manuscript are modeled here using the same scatter-ing times, only with the grain boundary scattering term removed,and our analysis for grain boundary scattering included throughthe effective medium approach. The inter-grain region of sam-ples 1 and 2 are taken to be 2 nm and 5 nm respectively, which




Temperature (K)












in this case, must be a fitting parameter since no characteriza-tion is provided. Again, the model shows good agreement withexperimental data, which is compared in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.

6 CONCLUSIONThe presented model demonstrates good agreement with

polysilicon data for both random and non-homogenous grainstructures as well as undoped and doped samples. This under-scores the ability of the model to combine scattering mechanismsthrough an effective medium approach, where the flexibility ofthe BTE to include various scattering mechanisms and the addedinformation from sample characterization can be coalesced into asingle model with increased accuracy in predicting thermal con-ductivity. In conclusion, we will discuss several benefits thatcome with this approach along with its limitations.

(1) Where as grain boundaries are often considered as geo-metrically infinitesimally thin, this approach draws on character-ization tools to include added information about the true spatialextent of the grain boundary region. Because characterizationtools such as the scanning electron microscope produce indirectimages from direct interaction with the sample, the resulting im-age contrast associated with grain boundaries can be used as aproxy for the extent of disorder. While this allows for additionalinformation in the modeling process, this also makes the modelsensitive to the accuracy of the information provided by vari-ous characterization techniques. Bisero [27] found that graingeometries may be over- or under-estimated depending on the

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Temperature (K)












sample preparation process, especially when polycrystalline sili-con is subjected to a chemical etchant pretreatment. They founddiscrepancies between 20 and 50 % when comparing chemicaletching to gold sputter coating. It is therefore important to con-sider the impact of sample preparation on the final grain structureto be imaged.

(2) The new method for including the contribution of grainboundaries through a lower limit thermal conductivity removesseveral assumptions and fitting parameters in the traditionalboundary scattering time formation. An important term in theformer scattering time is the probability of phonon reflection ata grain boundary, which is often modeled using a specular re-flection expression (Eq. 13) assumed to depend most stronglyon the root-mean-squared surface roughness (a fitting parameter)as well as the local density of defects near the grain boundary(assumptions about the defect and dopant density and accumu-lation at the boundary are required). Because this informationis encompassed in the inter-grain thermal conductivity througha direct connection to the physically measurable average inter-grain length, the mentioned fitting parameters are removed fromthe analysis in exchange for a more physically driven treatmentof grain boundary scattering.

(3) While the presentation in this manuscript assumesisotropic and average properties, a similar approach foranistrotropic systems and varying grain geometries is also pos-sible with simple extensions of this effective medium approach[28]. However, neither extension is necessary for the analysis of

the polysilicon samples discussed in this manuscript.(4) The inclusion of the BTE allows for wide application

of this model to include any scattering mechanism for whichan appropriate scattering time can be defined under the assump-tions of the RTA. Therefore, while this study examines undopedand doped polysilicon data, additional scattering times may beincluded. This extends the applicability of the model to otherpolycrystalline materials as well, where the effective medium ap-proach provides a means to coalesce different modeling methodswith a more physical treatment of grain boundary scattering.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors would like to acknowledge the other members

of the U.Va. Nanoscale Energy Transport Laboratory for theirinsightful discussions. Additionally, T.S.E. and J.C.D. are grate-ful for financial support from the National Science Foundationthrough the Graduate Research Fellowship Program. P.E.H. isappreciative for funding from the LDRD program office throughthe Sandia National Laboratories Harry S. Truman Fellowship.Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory man-aged and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned sub-sidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Depart-ment of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration un-der contract DE-AC04-94AL85000

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